E bulletin ezTulrf o-B i»- “jTSm •« •“ 13. N'°- ,.r --------- ^ r- - .--r. --, w— .!•■ . prfPlann 'eAA-Iiteli lelds in Ri ington, May 11 (flV-Tho dvll ra today 1*'* P ’“ “ * ■" i nhoiild ba ‘ “‘It "r improved, "irank'’ alrporla—al Idaho S r b preP”*"! ! calls for jncrcadng tho class ol ^ Is airports from their present d (j)o airport would continue aa a cIj ^requires a class S ttiiTort to hav, to 4,700 feet , M .1 • ' class Deaths with at icaj - paved for tr 26rMore O, 1 Abo Hated !o eas Struck . W t l l '*'* ’*'*** tftn _The._Burlc ijMlh toll rtsH ta X uttcd irom clua The Ooodlng , t;timtd •nd-«oom-ot liriAd-frotn-Uu B, forced from Uielr would be no ch« (Xthern OU&homt. rating of’Coour i a of the de»d reached ton. ifuKm Nrtrojka and ‘Hib program d } In Manitoba, Cuiada. mean that an al tro creeU hit Waurlka, or Improved at e KO reiWenta left their ingg, part of a WieS'Tvo creeks fpUIed the nation, lire , nlle;. ut Oklahoma tnce with » re^ d-^,000-populaUon.jnu .erALjirport.ACt. M Into bulneu houie* quirei annnal Ui lU hlsltvBTs. OAA'a estimate hea^i jitliu In »ervlee in tho ne . ................_Netd U. Bt on In Nebraska (or Location* choi a cine persons rvport«d will be selected, ri p.tsimed dead. Tlilr- a bails of grei iito been recovered. tho amount of n £»;5J00 penora flooded appropriate for i er hnnes tn souUiem Cost of the It (tn croni'dlns Into Win- estimated at f cc;h nood waters vere amount the U m ttltr Winnipeg area, ■would supply . I Ua National railways sponsors S3,U{A «0 cvacuees Irom Under tfie pla Rie ralley was stalled be spent Ior nei t whout eight mues SH.OOO f e r t a p r P 'Lii^nf Ini^^alrportfl. - Ni a einj'lng the refugees made of costs i tlons. a ef Winnipeg. • dty The program pr^utatlon. irsji under In claMlflcaUo» Bjwter from the Red foot, Jerome ar lOjT Streams poured other Idaho pol ftffi SOO »quar« mllos were propo«ed i g UiDitoba. ~ Huehes Meadon ors Decide F Ian‘G in l^ ^ f ihrcc dtiys of trial a district court j m six hours Wednesday night bcfc iwinst Clydo J. Slattcr, routo 2, File, ccny in the theft of $500 worth of < nsinff- to-Howard •Niekirk,-Spoknr r. ' ' .. r}' found Slntter guilty and Jud^o Ka Tuesday ns the time for scntcncing imnvndcd leniency. A 10 to 2 deadioc Ij free on ?1,000 bond. Tho jury -— p.m. following : T ovi\ffa ottorneys. Afl I IjdyUllS, per thoy rctu; 1 *17 M . to roach a una llJle fjUtCr until several h , Blatter was foi m Dispute ^T^-Ku^^ufg tu^^unplay ^“ 5 W ^e: I KnoTvillc, Tenn, la lhe p»ii, in Bteallni W railroad »trlke today ««, And BlwaKLi l*roffs hit lhe crippled January nnd wtr ------------------------------- •Btate-pcnllsntiarj |S!jlvii,la railroad an- cd tesUfy for U iaytni off 8S.000 the trial. II ol whom will bo Idle by xhe case of Mmtaf and closing most Henry V. Komei ^ and departmmu In jitard Thursday y°'^"ce«tral aald IJ^OO SaySm !’’'tte " i! s,5s“.rs; . otf another 25,000 lm- imed (100 and M *It the poMlblUtj of The line -was j I ‘till another 10,000 ia clerk prior to » n d , , and will be forsi rJ 'L “ lutlB*- Horner wt r^one but department March 33. He pli thfir oMlaiarts In th# the charge when, i ta Fe announced It was -Another Is'Arrt i-lfllatsa.rtrltini-nremtn- e fir.r, 8o“ u>em K esidt •' ‘ircd upon from am« . wUct pirrced the (ileeve For the.oecond Myrtmployr-ncT.mB 'air 'HBlroto'motorUI J^-a yard enclne, and -leged law vlolato «ii enslneer ot a nina . l»en rrrn? n H . B. WUlIomi, “ *'U)e the ‘PP«“ ; !’r^-tdenl!ar^‘l , ^ Wednesday aflert M the Wh»i W by tflenhnn. .^1 ,^ guUly. Howeter. Ffancu o-Nfili o f ^ « postponed ui '“'Ion b<artl ot-Chita- *” *«>"• 1 iliai no further ^ ' bftn rchttluled * • WUllams, loUoi yr --------— L--------------car.—claims—Johi ^ictsiie- «ly. Mny n (,j^_0ne *Jon « 8:45 pm. cnminji trials In Harold Leonan ‘oday with reiled Chorlca C. u ■•""1- on April 99. Ukin •J\'L H f* '■'"‘victfd of l«'s o«lce where - rioi, nHtri-iiie piatpt agalnstJili r C,,.,T " IHO (tullty In jUaUcI chltfi.-,in llnwl W a n d »: charged wlUi i«- A Regional Newspaj ^^kUI^ClV •sd ludes feiroir^g i'll acronauticB ad- tho at which it be- E S h H ■ed. The program 10 Falls, Focatcllo 1 and Albion. The of the Idaho Falla t class S to class A. class 6 airport. E 9 K |C T | lavc runwaya 3,700 2ct in lengthr and ' M K Q S n ;500-to-6,soo-fect- - H B H l one runway the m in im u m -Ftedct' Fields for Idaho are four rporU, at Burley. e, Ooodlng and Levis- urley-iLlrport_ym_l>t. lasa 3 to cUm «. Jig airport would be Auto Iln ott dots 3 to-4.-Therc JeaT/DC « ptr» change In the class 4 parenU and dn ■ur d’Aleno and Lewis- ai much ai ttr m does not necessarily f f . Hospiti ’ a tA ^ of 8,003 for /-kl are made in accord- ti^ulrement of the fed- •> j«-0l_»«.Ji'h:ch re_- ____ g^«. ( [ UiUngs, based.otTtne ttJ of detnaods for air I next three years. National hwp: U_p_elOTjlne iiQifn far' actiiil work tinaeT" the-:ead( JTS.. " a 'S.’S )f money eongrtaiB wW ^ , iSSd people lh. 0 Idaho program was (. -toiow your ^ * federal govemment p{ M O n ,000 and the “ ?S, its plans MJMO. most Importont, plan, IWl/XIO-would .......— Miolrtei new airport* and M,- Area mliUslen nprorenientA at-exut- stressing the clo -No-breakdown-wa* *icaJ nnd-eplrltu t4 at Individual loca- phatis on friend patitntJi. .m calls for Increases Ths Twin Fall Ions at Arco, Black- to provide flowe snd ChaUls. amoag offices .and blot points. New olrpod* <d for oalena C redaJ||K iS|M lows and West P D w fllB R l^ B P |R W Filer ■ sHrbSs L XAV/X ,ponslble for the •t jury deliberated ktfi at io;i6 f .dore “ di” S iS S S ■iler, chargcd with T^m Faiu cev it clothing from a prepared Ujc fol kanv-SVash., la.f J irS 'S Syslem Kales E. Lowe aet The Twin Fail ins Howovcr the S S , a™™ [lock was reported. u>o county and f ry retired at 2:35 (c.mi««^ ing arguments by i-. -i- After eating sup- £>£1361)0 :lurncd but tailed b Th. inanimouB decision nation; 11hours later. Brooklyn at c found guilty of par- ed; rain. ±e thcfl'of tnjn's and DOf'ton ----------- 1 ling from the Nieklrk Chicago ______< ded Dewey Edwards, - fialn-and-Orai inen C. Wilson, Twin hlel and A. Wal Jng the clothing. WU- Phlladclphlo i uds pleaded guilty In York a t SL Lou: wtre sentenced to the lary-but*were_rttum- AMEIUCv for the state during WsTgiime: at. Lauls ..... .....' of the tUU against New V ork ........ ( mer, acheduled to be Wldmar, Pine, lay wos dismissed on lar: Reynolds ar }mtr's-allomay,>S.-L. BU-LouU--------- 6 ease was an appeal New York ...... . lurt where Horier was stair and \ drunken driving and Bemv. J M eojU. Detroit ______ 0 IS paid to the counly B aston ______ O i a motion for dlsmlual Hutchinson ai jTwarted to the police ton, Mueller, Oil •w u arrested by poUcs xebbelts, Rosar. 1pleaded not gullly lo u e tro it _______ ea_ arraigned March 34. jjoston .............. . I Gray and Roi etDriser_, ^ , t Tlxnadelplila^CH ■rested, as dent ‘Acts’ WashfnKlon — : * Fierce, Haefnt jnd time ^tw o weeks and Musl; Ha latot Wednesday e«- ' mi, IM Monroe street, .^ V T rtW - plaint in police court J . " W TT I A. Johnson, chaijlng Jess drlTlng. fwiwf’* "»mi i peered la police court tTia terooon and Informed u,, ^1 ,, wUlied lo pleod not M.n»rtT wiiii«m i rer, hU formal plea i"[^,V‘S;.il,'’w?,‘ir',i 1 unlll Thuraday aft- of ib. i.ad*«. miin was released on »M -g; ,Having the Johnson >,* Johnson-was-drlvJag it? j at*l?? A number, cf 1 c. Orlffln, 20, Buhl. cu„ent budget h ikIng him to Uie sher» i„ a city budget lereR em ilfa'I' com. cntrlfi~b\ll~nilVI .Jiim. OrUfla p l^ e d BoneraLcategorie lUcfc eaun nint vni t, nu w»y of k 1 U eosl.i. He wn* money lins been rc^eaa driving. . Items In prevlou _____________________ l_ __________I paper Strrlng L -i ^BBweEHoEFI ^ jr- oterlumed In muddy ditch near Donbai KrsoQs dead ormlular. Two young ouu| I drowned as llic lorprise flood bore down MTrn aod one-haU inebe* In masy arm ital Day NeW 7“ _Chu »dership of-the Twin fo rm er dircctc ’ llDs^tal guild, It was a g u in a t th e pi ^ l« t“ed*in K ^vWch th’e def ihroughout lhe nation th e m w as ‘ Ut lur own h ^ iu r ^ e Bufflcient for :ed to consider the hu- Lhe hospital, varied ser- _ In the new j xns for expansion and tim e fo r clectl . Sunday i. 1 Urs have cooperated by CIMC tiB between phy- 1 ritual-healing wlth em- ^jr* - endly calls and cords la Palls Garden club plans C hO S d lower arrangements for - blossoint for e a ^ g - May for speakers who of state purchasi led Irom Uis Twin FalU succeeds Harold rd. C. D. nialt U rt- fftclns grand lan the clubs In Tvln PaUs. Wrlghf* appt Ivrny, hoipltal superln- nounced yeslcrd be heant oTcrJhr radio n o b i ^ _ _____ 111 Bpenk oTir KLIX i f ~ T !ie governor ) :VMV al 8:is pjn. and the office Tuesd: 15 pjD arrested and chi ;tlon wiUi Uie hospital tliree pairs of fl nco, niemlars of the free on W.OOO Ix County Hospital gutld llmUmry hearlnj followlnc 6ummnr>- of Boyi es and personnelaltlio Boyd-I* at lib ounty hospital bond pending a tem OuUIard Intc In court Mn^ Falls county hosplUl Is Wright was U . Bovemlng board ot 35 agent during U wn Irom every part of t^aUon of Oov. Id frora a variety of In- During Uio latt — r»t« »• •' . traUon Wrighu^ - •■■■ fT» I liquor,di»i )allToday ooo oai 000-3 6«D chasing agent, V ._OOO MOOO(>^0 - 4 % of th© office IOT 3rBndall:-Vol3elle,-Du- was aummarlly-i IValiiBr. On agreemcn' a nt PItUburgh. New and Ada Count’ J 3Ul3, night gamM. Blaine, who sIg __________________against Boyd, a JCAN LEAGUE In the office lo ......001 000 000-1 5 0 The governor .....000 HO OOx-S 8 0 mer resident of inc. Schaehl and Loi- active In busine: » and Berra. opemUng n fan ■■ Wright S ...,0!3 001 SMy-lS l i 0 P rtK fiflc _000 000 « 0- 4 7 3 X OUuCi I and Robinson; Dob- BOISE, May 1 QUIesple, Johnion and poUUca In U SOT. . sute purchasing ___________— ....00-0 bert O. Wright s -----------------------the office todny, Robinson: Kinder snd -My policy Is ta tha law." Wi _000 lOL010.1-4 13.1 flce-.wiu be run -iwoirooo o^s 14-0 tution for tne h jres and Began: Kell- who pay the bll ------ ---------------- .\yrlght,who.j 003 opo 210—5 ' O' 0' capacity in the __J02 100 20x-« 13 0 tion of Oov. C. ^fn^^,"Connclly. Dniner he felt hl.i “prev HaJTies. Harris and Riven me ihe^nt Budget of II Thti It u>. ttuai In • In reviewing englneerln«.._dei onnU.i..n. «or-iir, Cit, manager noted ,ffl ft. K»llh roirplI«l in- b u d g e t frOm » » . r.h'." A* ooo for m o^ c.iim.r. •Ir«u ind w.i«.i for the Increase --------- draftsman to wc 5 basis for comparison k, jate I yeara for many items „nd gj.jtjn 1850-51 city budget be- th a t jrcscn l.ma rySlcm of (liMunUnir behind developm e d J n ^ ^ l n F a c t o r - . Tn- -nrlrtllorr -■ draftsman. Uien ;l havo never appeared 9‘ P " M eu.-^ ‘lui‘fin "nlX Thegj S S S u lJ ther;- JIW O O J^ ye;^ if knowlngTittx-intinr — in « —«ngliiefr ren rxpended on llioie Mipported fi-oni ,’lous O'cati. nnd contributes i '' I li/7/y U~T T ^ N FALLS 1— >? F A T .T .^ m A H O J H U R S D A Y,j l TUcifE^fyTgr obar, Nebr, afler a flsih flood swept sonlhe ceupants of .Uie ear. were.swept from (b )im on them. Tlie flood followed a ninfa rtas. (NEA telephoto) ^ Phase Start urch Directoi rbmi^In'lhe'lognl bftttlffto-oufitnOc Christian church began Thursday actors filed an amended compIaint.il ! present board. " , ales E. Lowe fiustained a dcmurrf defendanta ciaimcd the original con "uncertain" in its terms and did i ’or a case against the new church b 5w complaint tho plaintiffs carefullj ?cting directors is set by ‘‘custom an in December selected by the board --------------------------- deaconfl,-An-el{ TFT 1 . Dec. 11, 1049, —W - r 3 1 £ l l t ...... tiffs-wcre-cho ^ according to tl len State -nie p u S j nSk*OT« the duUes U“ e,nollcswa*n basing aftn t tactay. He the balloting was : Sd 1 & Who is ballot. T ^ e y ^ larceny charges. "ow ippolntment was aa- m Ui^ board,' terday by Oor. C. A. Accompanying t photosUUc copy I iorrenUTKTBaya-irom by-thr-Hev.-MMl lesday before Boyd was prior to Ui# Jai charged wlUi theft of church, if field glasses. Boj-d Is BeslmaU 0 bond pending a pre- The Rev. Mr. ring May 10. formed members t loyd FreW 4 and demanded liberty under a ®® , g tt prtllmlnaiy hear- board upheld ^ May 10 aecordlng to the s the state purcliaslng Cronenberger { Uio second admlnls- “ 'j 30V. C. A. Bottolfsen. ^e'^en lalter’s first admlnli- ° ht«was manngcr or Uie di»pen.narj'. _______ -i ] Handle Job ShfU ’r t bfled he is Uiorough- U J ta handle Uils Job." i t 1 A i'cR e hUnen, assuunt por- . ^ f « t, was placed in ehorge U H Jj] temperarlly when Boyd .......- .................- lly-removed.----------------- CatUe prlees I nent cf Uie governor Wedne.ida? at thi unly Prosecutor James stock Commivio signed Uie conplalnt rising tl ta IU i, a guard was placed board over last v lo safeguard the rec- ^ ‘"P °\ _______* ____________ for good steers wh lor said Wright, a for- «ijs-|tBS0.-6ix-h of Idaho Falls, is not toawbutlmten .. ______ .»oU,ct lo, UBJ w . , Good flUcrs Cro : Says‘No SSS.S » » • heifers, »20 ICS in Office .y n C-TV-There wiU be brought «1 to t: 1 Uie operaUon of Uio eannera * ling agent's office. Oil- ijg ht said as he took over jjuHj for I / Is' to adhere slrieUy ^ y e S ”*-e''« offeri Wright said. 'The of- run.as buslnesa imU- _ .. j.jr OOES 1 e bwefit Of Uie people, - pjiAOUE. CLec tio.s'^cbrd.la.lhe.asme Uie sKond admlnTstraT . C. A. Bottolfsen, said previaus experience has eial ho^a to eoj e__necessat7 baek^und the^ ^ ri« union City Includ( ng the budget ■*for Uia of Its acUvlUes. dcpartmtnt. lhe city proves p la a cstl ;ed lui increase In UW streets and sldew JH.14B last year lo»18,- for rlghu-of-waj •SI. The major reason files and makes d ase Is employment of a seacr lines. I work half-time bring- Top items budf lie mapi of Uio sewer ance and suppUt; jtcm. fimlUi pointed out include *355 for mai«_are fever^yean \i) replace the 4 iipmcnti'and expansion, ment used at pn rr -to-the -half-Ume are MW for TflOO hwo aro four eintiToyeJ 'cato~boundarles‘ tment. A total of J18,- for blueprlnl sen cent of the department « to for station. Ilocaled for wages and abstract service I p.iy Item aecounlcd for liUfs. ■car. ------ —^mte-Uia-enelw iHrMe=a«KTimPnr^ ttc^tTnrt-drpm •oni the Rcncnil lund fto:n thr sciitral tes no revenues liecauie the eprlnkling, fl J Nine Irrigai m V 11,1959.. ' ____ ■^iPfe \ ' __________ GRAND CC determination against Its uhi "We have ei for all the peo y ie m l] OnTr BOISE. May 1 - Tniman has eom ibt MIM «t their lingered o n , ___ ]faU which totAled Sqpportm of : all Democrat*—w ^ Btrong poslUon ti ts in ' llcan Chairman 1^ assailed Mr. Trur r K ow m. ?• "■■■ J dlrsM ors^oltha - ^ - - 17,-” ’“ ay ivhcn tho 23 .in.district.cpurt j3icn.H_3»yior.: saying he wa# ' rrcr April 24 in SiS omplamt against Summc 1 not state facts a DemocraUe c board four-year senat aiy point oat tho S .™ "'"” ' and tradition” ns j nhn a. Carve rd of elders and ney and presld eleeUon-waa-licld 3, and the plain- ^ ‘TFMflen rtoBcn'for’officc,- ~*Tie"siate'f 'Ti the complaint Jons Lilted rnotSvinftwi Jd CTA’d'.5ialtdyli IS not done by secret Pct« Legulnecl ik the.present dlrec* who wa«-Democ 1 from membership ; (CnU^Jj^ Court S ;‘T.=..t,on £ . P j.q 1o j aUon Asked r. Cronenberger In- TVT •a Uio ciders met Jan. |J I d Uie pastor's resig- )0 days. Tlie official The game “foJ his iltclslon'Jon. 10, tlnue for at leoj le notice. Tlio Rev.' followlng dlslricl ter pointed out ho lif nesday. A moU ne congregation’* and Attorney Grsydi • present Jan. 15 to restraining ordei lemand (or his reslg- he calls & *'gu taken tmder con ____________ - Kale* E. Lou-e. T> .... . .... Homer Budge. K rin^lS resenting Uio del JJUUS19 Brunswick, Inc., I «. J ''o would fUe * Leported • /* , • filed by Smith. ilV PQtnPK ^ 0 Low _ fame ahould be « 1 took-a-bit-Jump Mtlon <^tho-« Uie Twin Falls Uve- nesday by BralU sioQ-«ompany sale. Closed jn, Eden, sold on# t23.25; medium. tl9 Sltidlcd I and cullers, 115 ta polico Chief 1 . .. sold earlier be h r »30 to $23, and Uie before it o fas »293J. No stock j,ad been decla 'ered. frtl^ against It ----------------- ------------ Bt Pocalello. S TO MOSCOW 1* xchdaldVakla, M07 It _when • player etary-Oeneral Trj-gve_«?blngo" and the e^Ior-MoMOBt-loday_« puncbboud i ilane. The D, N. offl-_prUe he wins, ac ease tension between_plaint. The dVn< Ion and' Ihs western_gambling becaus __ _______ i determined.__ ies Savings J. The engineer ap- fund raise* 137, STSSfeS ; 7 ;p±SS„"S; Sop'Sid-r.'S I dcpUi soundings wr idgetfd for malnten- ^ ^ e d ^ U o ^*1 Ues for Uie engineer ^ departmo jr a suTi-ej-or's level 45-year-old instru- ^L31; prwent. OUier Items WC.488, as comp »0 lloe-slakas-to l£>- y.C'^^------------- rr of projects.- MJJ —Opcr«Uoi»-or- erdees and supplies, ment Include* a 3n. f-’Bgon, M50 for as gorbas# colie ! in traciag property lng and sprlnkll improve streets. Interingldepartmeat.'. .In ihe.project irtment* Is 'siiiipoi ted the*iitreet depar aiTniTtniniamnoirToarnve mties- Ilu-'hlng and oiling summer and oi ated Idaho CoosUes UtsW ft( *«U BtrMS tl Ctn ______Aiwtt*lWJ‘rtii.*i^UaH«l J jsiSe^ ‘Low-Cl :OULEE DAM, Wash., May 11 ■ n to develop low-cost public powi :fle “for private profit." embarked, all over the country, o !ople," he said. "And we shall ha ii * * --------------------- Mixed ruman’s H H ||| ; for CVA 11 QifD — President i.'.W Fv'*..'-...’ me ano gone but the •’ •. istlnted endorsement f- l l K M db- )ia Tolley auUiorlty • ri"CVA^ljTldih^' t‘~W ^-Twa ~ •were elated o w th # '. . taken by the Presl< . hand, 6Ute Repub- 1 Exra B. Hlnshaw umaa Ior advocating Ued a 'eodallsUo ior_noit>_ he Prtsldent'* ipeclkl d out of Idaho, Sen. : luued.ftjtatement ••pleased with the sch. and particularly EKNEB' raement of CVA." . . . MUonaDy ncrfleld, Twla Fall*, themnnio fann conUslant for Uie drm Uii ceai tte term, sold he meeting of the 1 resident's stand was ber of Comtnere In th e PiCrk bot< ver. Jr, Boise altor- Uae Uie cbemlc Ident ot Uia Idalio Uaffle Valley A. sold: (BUn eniravltM nfai'flpMch* ...... *■■■■•• 'S i£ S « Valley] rated hi* #tand for- . ^ - is aa lsiue/9BBi H HjHHRH !che, Dolse ottanny. ® xraUo candidate for fl'-taown ehenni . .-’Mama u ouUlne Uis ches for derelopmeBl Action _____ T ”*’X!3r " chajjiwrsrcom |H £S L1II6 In Uie Park O Koch, who wa* few Game SSS^Sln^c^ Woshinffton. D. f asclnstlon- will eon- Kononilc vilues ast » few more days ^nd by-products let court ocUon Wed- jQ^jd bo used If 1 .uoa by ProswuUng don W. SmlUi for a * O ro i ler to dose Uie game A chemical cn ■ambling house" was duces aromatic h KulderaUon by Judge farm near Klmb . . eral acres plaste B. Dolse attorney rtp - ducca dlsUUed dll efendants,Twin PalU tjo aUo-ha* a a bntf on the de- ft.velota sage-oU in te s Uian 10 days. be %mnna i7 one I. PbUowlng study o f . >we will declds If Uie , K o ^ J ^ » closed pending court *,®r Ws woric m ce orapIUi.Hllrf-W ri- -- . _ , . The speaker wi A Balarday collfi in issued lu t Satur- he attended Uie 1 ed the game was lift- fomla. He was grt er it wu found Smith j^a] engineer. '.SSi'^STS; Uio corporatloa Ll in the comnlalot Sr-Se.puaiUopcr. ice-and lottery- and ChamBer of t^r o take a chane* at memben to atter IM. TasdnaUea" 1* «l9n- ral nulsaiKo" by the —— wniey. , |\ d by QUl«tl« ■L' Howard W. Olllette snake river » had checked into Uie «ru dry Thurtc! opened and found It cording ta 'work lared legal foHowlng power cmcpoay it in Uie dlsblet court power plant. , Increased In is limllar to-blngo. jre# combined < r fills a line he calls jprtaj run-off aen has.ft.chnace..Bt jn,t a,-trirtU-of la^detirtwni'imir ijijfi jald 1 according U) UlB com- „aUier slowed n e n maintain It isn’t the headwaters use numbets are pre- for Public ! r 000 from^ a * mni four miles cf atn s of Uie sUeet de- topped. , TW.fuads-Budsetcd p ----------- . . Lateral ^ sUeet to Wl IH employes will t^ o ^orth, City Mo: ipared to fC8i« lut I n jiddlUon.t^ f-the-stre«t^d»P«i-- -hand, ih« city- conUnulns work such feet of 54-lnch llecUon. street sveep- ect, he said, ding, and proJtcU to I ' ~ *■ In addlUon..’ ct phase of operaUon. projects art plan irimtnl tmwcts M on of new.Blrteu ti s-of-clty streeU-lhls mUes ol palcliln apply a leal coat to tc<aiitii>4 aa FINA CITl EDITK Renews 'ost Pov I (/P)-r President Truman’declai wer on all tho country’s great ri^ on the task of fully developing lave to continue to overcomo the ------------------------- those who do i oolfO»»''-r the greatness ( who fear the their selfish in nVe WlU meet oi private powtr groti —ther* are honon w-' coune—do not wi ----- oor-rlTen put to sold to tho people ' BepeO] r;T=^r7T^^B “ThTTi^aeal-i W V^tnst the oppc oompanle* i > r ^ '* y eaUoa and other. clei coastrucUiig- Iv/v... ^or the deUvery 1 r' purchased at dam **“ Uielr opp«^L II*'. .' i - •••* The Prtsldent li llo power develops pnpartd addreta I monies at Uie ilt< dom, where the S '. ' been cut In. m Bet* olond approTol ol M - lumbU Talley ada over the operatloi and* Other power !Bxioca ny known Kimberly *dmlnlstr*Uea is ner. who win ad« gt«p jq Ujg teoiit "loniMat ot thl 9Twin FalU Cham- northwest,* Mr. sree, al noon Friday beUleve Ura peopli ottL Koch wlU out. *0, t<». Ucal ponibUIUes of -jCSl when Uie] • farm prodncti. heard, Tom rare t lag) ---------: admlnlstraUon wi f-n - n ■- -WetiMD« Expert BiHBt*fYV Umtqih- pt ^^■ T g V jjA rtg y mittlo ' fonxr, vlU «i> vi lemurgle posalbUitle* ereicoakaitwopi .1 b Mula VUIw of the Twin FaUs p a ^ iofWaihla mmtrce-at-nqon-Trl.r Bad-fn-ottjerwMl •k bolcL u a featured speaker ^ 1 i SchooL . 0, ha* pointed out ^ , 3 ot. many .product* KtnnflTfi ta of the area which . J O rU lH S Xresearch is made. _ *rL- mnt>m Jborh WrSSVbSj**on*^ -mMBERLY, J nbetly. He has *«t- to aP5*»r Ited la dm *nd pro- JusUce of Uie ) dlU seasoning. several high a.project--rhere ha ims of eagrtjrush and )U seosonlnf Instead Potter sakl cn .auaon » » p.wd„ . , : necUon wlUi.sac 4 In Idaha library. was raised In Idaho J llfomla In 1933 where we» re;»nea » e University of Call- Bullty of smokli graduated as a chem- until 4 pra. J Uiemselve* In. 8 to Maglo Valley In tend Uuj Priday ses- fUthoriUc (snoke la the ro butU on- Uie floo students uaUl I f^fv - who had been so I-'*-J In the group 0: • at Shoahone falls were reported < rsday morning, ae- seniors sad hooe irkm at the Idaho Details of the nv's Shoshooe falls leading to Uie « divulged but Pott IrrigaUon In the Uiere, had been ; IwlUiahalllnfhe. alleged.."gang, fl rr iiai-Btapped',an dents happened- ^(.waier__________ learned,. • _______ lut “wcets“ cold- .•'Earlltr-'QSU. H td the nm-off at students staged 1 n of enake rlvtr. In protest onto _____________ octloas. Buperlal realgnalloa shor ■taxpiia:^— W orks Brit^ treet* already black- Up* tO LONDON, Ua; . .._ . ,—___ ' I” "! his western pow IIProject : $10,000 h a s b e en plao to pool mu cover tho E2ghU» ood steej resour ral from Monroo U. 8. Seotls Washington street Achesoa already Janager Smith not- pathy and app -V behind • French i.to pipe already on. Robert Schumai y V iin "U’l -•r'hii T<Hu»>i w J) pipe for the proj- with utanishn ft-ould say ooUil __________________ J escepl Uut tt u.’.n Blrcel-openlng anned wlUi four mllea to be TJticntd..aiirrc ilni: la cjumnicd and iB ru * s. c«ta«B i> Important. AL I Y 1 ION I ==J 1 ICTtCENTS _____ li r op ^ wer' I ;lared today hU |j| rivers and light 3 ig our resources 1 he opposlUon of " 0 not understand 1 s of our goal, or iL e impairment of 1 interests. t opposlUon fnm the J Totips. Many of them . <1 lorabt* owepUon*,-«f^ r—i want iha eceny ot . to uu as powac-and-------1 Die at east.’' | OppoilUoa •• 'I il spoke duTiliaf^ il ppoalUon of privata II le* to rural electrlfl'- ;l er Joca] publlo a n n * I; ig irtmmlaslcn line*------ 1 y and sale ct power ? lam sllei at cost. He Z i^Uoa “U wrong." J it laid down his pub-. 9 opment program tn tr 1 tafordedlcaUonccr«- I site of Orand Coulee f he lost turbine haa \ CVA O l v ___________« CuItJmato_«iiigr<*?_'J3 1of the proposed Oo* 1 tdmtnUtratlcn to take 'I Uon of Orand Cotile* rl m -and -teelamatloa— ^ I volley. ‘ 1 the Oclumbla TaQey 4 is t necessar/ next ulbl^ democratie de* >1 the raotircee of the Ir. *1 J )pl« ot Uils area thlBk I hey moke their Tolcet H reUieCohmiblaTaner fl wm be eetabUabaO.’* iDeayPeepW- nt tail tbe prtrot* . Am '•would deny-tbt tflUof lov>««tp4*> , - ve wOl MQttnM ta^ ^ ‘i D ^ i ^ Q t a n d 11:. the . people aUtady . 1 Nebnaka. ia laxfa hlagton and Orecen. *jyonMC-ihacDiinti7i___ , fM« I. 0»t»M I) lAction ^ 58 Battle j Kimberly | , Uay 11—fldtedtiled Us afternoon befor* e Peace Boy Potter gh school yerath* f o f . It* iltn l»ued“la*t------ ed battery. cti Ul* basis ot what le'had thla morning, jddeflt-started w hea':: '- youUis Uiought tbey jealed upon" In oon- Bnoklaj In Uie school......- I school authorftiei to bare Blven tbosa I 9king in th* Ubrary yesterday to tam . ^ a a Wright mment thi* morning ' _Hcrnf*rd Hubbard i oiilo3^ Of Ql8~IllCI- I ts, however, oold about — ' ra In whvn iUu Boelled tobacco room, saw dgorelta loor and expelled the 1 Utey would a d n i t smoking.' 3 ot expelled atudehla I several graduating met students, lhe resnltlng actions. B warrants, were not 'Otter *ald he belierad 31 no sqneallng. n ta fight" between. stu< ------ ed at-night, tt waa ------ .. fiumier-tf >d a brief “walk-oof alnst dlsdpUnarr ao- rlntendent W r ig b t l jortly afterward w u ‘Warming ,, 0 Pool Plan I4ay 11 W KT** lbr«i, . lowers Jxcan oold.vta’ ____ Aday amid ilCDS tb a t ramlng UP .to France’*. much of Europe^ coal Durcea. tiary o( Stata Scan idy h u gtven his ipptaral' ta .the. idea ich Ftirdgs Minuter- - ihment and reaerre. lUilng aboot it a t Xlnt tt would be- atadied.- . Aeh«Mn^ impUad ap- ver, a British foralgn maa-cald-Britain-W ----- non’i prcpoMd J^

TUcifE^fyTgr ^iP fe jsiS e^ Renews 'eAA-Iiteliludes lelds ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF154/PDF/1950_05_11.pdf · tro creeU hit Waurlka, or Improved at

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E b u l l e t i n

ezTulrf o-B i»-“ j T S m • « •“

13. N'°-,.r ---------^ r- - .--r.--■ , w—.!•■ . ■ —

p r f P l a n n

'eAA-Iiteli lelds in Riin g to n , May 11 (flV -T ho d v ll ra today 1*'* P’“ “ * ■" i nhoiild ba ‘ “ ‘It " r improved,

"irank '’ alrporla—a l Idaho

S r b preP” * " ! !calls for jncrcadng tho class ol

^ I s airports from th e ir p re se n t d (j)o airport would continue aa a cIj ^requires a class S ttiiTort to hav,

■ to 4,700 feet , M.1 • ' classDeaths w ith a t icaj

- paved fo r tr26rMore

O , 1 Abo Hated !oeas S truck. W t l l '*'* ’*'*** tftn _The._Burlc

ijMlh toll rtsH ta X u ttcd irom clua The Ooodlng

, t;timtd •nd-«oom -ot liriA d-fro tn-U uB, forced from Uielr would be no ch«(Xthern OU&homt. rating o f ’Coour ia of the de»d reached ton.ifuKm Nrtrojka and ‘Hib program d} In Manitoba, Cuiada. mean th a t an altro creeU hit Waurlka, or Improved a t eKO reiWenta left their ingg, p a rt of a

WieS'Tvo creeks fpUIed the nation, lire, nlle;. u t Oklahoma tnce w ith » r e ^d- ,000-populaUon.jnu .erALjirport.ACt.M Into b u lneu houie* quirei annnal UilU hlsltvBTs. OAA'a e stim a te

hea^i jitliu In »ervlee in tho ne. ................_ N e td U .

Bt on In Nebraska (or Location* choia cine persons rvport«d will be selected,ri p.tsimed dead. Tlilr- a bails o f greiiito been recovered. tho am ount of n

£»;5J00 penora flooded appropriate for ier hnnes tn souUiem Cost of the It(tn croni'dlns Into Win- estimated a t fcc;h nood waters vere amount the Um tt l t r Winnipeg area, ■would supply . IUa National railways sponsors S3,U{A

«0 cvacuees Irom U nder tfie plaRie ralley was stalled be spent Ior neit w hou t eight mues SH.OOO fe r ta p rP'Lii nf Ini^^alrportfl. - Nia einj'lng the refugees made of costs i

tlons.a ef Winnipeg. • d ty The programpr^utatlon. irsji under In claMlflcaUo»Bjwter from the Red foot, Jerom e arlOjT Streams poured other Idaho polftffi SOO »quar« mllos were propo«ed i

g UiDitoba. ~ Huehes M eadon

ors D ecide F Ian‘G in l^ ^ fihrcc dtiys of tria l a d is tric t co u rt j m six hours W ednesday n ig h t bcfc iwinst Clydo J . S lattcr, rou to 2, File, ccny in the th e f t o f $500 w o rth of < nsinff- to-H ow ard •N iekirk ,-Spoknr r. ' ' • • .. r}' found Slntter guilty and Ju d ^o Ka Tuesday ns the tim e fo r scntcncing imnvndcd leniency. A 10 to 2 deadioc

Ij free on ?1,000 bond. Tho ju ry -— p.m. following

: T o v i \ f f a o tto rneys. Afl I I j d y U l l S , per th o y rctu;

1 *17 M. ’ to roach a una llJle fjUtCr until several h , Blatter was foi

m Dispute T-Ku ufg” tu ^ ^ u n p la y “ 5 W ^ e :

I KnoTvillc, Tenn, la lhe p»ii, in Bteallni W railroad »trlke today ««, And BlwaKLi l*roffs hit lhe crippled January nnd wtr------------------------------- •Btate-pcnllsntiarj|S!jlvii,la railroad an- cd tesUfy for

U iaytni off 8S.000 the trial.II ol whom will bo Idle by xhe case of Mmtaf and closing most Henry V. Komei ^ and departmmu In jitard Thursday

y°'^"ce«tral aald IJ OO S ay S m !’’'t t e " i !

s,5s“.rs;. otf another 25,000 lm- im ed (100 and M * It the poMlblUtj of The line -was j

I ‘till another 10,000 ia clerk prior to » nd , , and will be fo rsir J 'L “ lutlB*- H orner wt r^one but department March 33. He pli thfir oMlaiarts In th# the charge when, i

ta Fe announced It was

-AnotherIs'A rrt

i-lfllatsa.rtrltini-nremtn-e f i r .r , 8o“ u>em K e s i d t• ' ‘ircd upon from am«

.wUct pirrced the (ileeve For the.oecond

Myrtmployr-ncT.mB 'air 'HBlroto'motorUI J ^ -a yard enclne, and -leged law vlolato

«ii enslneer ot a nina . • l»en rrrn? n H . B. WUlIomi,

“ *'U)e the ‘ PP «“; !’r^ - td e n l!a r^ ‘l , ^ Wednesday aflert

M the W h»iW by tflenhnn. .^1,^ guUly. Howeter. Ffancu o-Nfili o f ^ « postponed ui

'“'Ion b<artl ot-Chita- *” *«>"•1 iliai no further ^ '

bftn rchttluled * • WUllams, loUoi y r --------— L--------------car.—claims—Johiictsiie-« ly . Mny n ( ,j^_ 0 n e *Jon « 8:45 pm.

cnminji trials In Harold Leonan‘oday with reiled Chorlca C.

u ■•""1- on April 99. Ukin•J\'L H f* '■'"‘victfd of l« 's o«lce where

- rioi, nHtri-iiie piatpt agalnstJilir C,,.,T " IHO (tullty In jUaUcI

chltfi.-,in llnwl W a n d »: charged wlUi i«-

A Regional Newspaj

^^kUI^ClV •sd

ludesf e i r o i r ^ gi'll acronauticB ad-tho a t which it be- E S h H■ed. The program10 Falls, Focatcllo

1 and Albion. The of th e Idaho Falla

t class S to class A. class 6 airport. E 9 K | C T |

lavc runwaya 3,700 2ct in lengthr and ' M K Q S n ;500-to-6 ,soo-fect- - H B H l

one runway the m i n i m u m

-F tedct' Fieldsfor Idaho are four

rporU, a t B u r le y . e, Ooodlng and Levis- urley-iLlrport_ym_l>t. lasa 3 to cUm «.Jig airport would be Auto I ln ott dots 3 to -4 .-T h e rc JeaT/DC « ptr» change In the class 4 parenU and dn

■ur d’Aleno and Lewis- a i much a i tt r

m does not necessarily f f .H osp iti

’ a tA ^ of 8,003 for / - k l are made in accord- ti^ulrement of the fed- •>j « - 0l_ » « .J i 'h :c h re_- ____ g ^ « . ([ UiUngs, based.otTtne ttJ of detnaods for air I next three years. N ational hwp: U_p_elOTjlne

iiQifn far' actiiil work tinaeT" the-:ead( J T S . . " a

“ 'S.’S)f money eongrtaiB wW ^ ,iSSd people lh.0 Idaho program was ( . -toiow your *federal govemment p{

M O n ,000 and the “ ?S , its plans MJMO. most Importont,plan, IWl/XIO-would .......— Miolrteinew airport* and M,- Area mliUslen nprorenientA a t-e x u t- stressing the clo -No-breakdown-wa* *icaJ nnd-eplrltu

t4 a t Individual loca- phatis on friend patitntJi.

.m calls for Increases T hs Twin Fall Ions a t Arco, Black- to provide flowe

snd ChaUls. amoag offices .and blot points. New olrpod*

<d for oalena C r e d a J | |K i S |M lows and West P D w f llB R l^ B P |R W

F iler ■ sHrbSsL X A V / X ,ponslble for the

•t ju ry deliberated k t f i at io;i6 f.d o re “ d i ” S i S S S■iler, chargcd w ith T^m Faiu cev i t clothing from a prepared Ujc fol kanv-SVash., l a . f J i r S ' S

SyslemKales E. Lowe aet The Twin Fail ins Howovcr the S S , a™™ [lock w as reported. u>o county and f ry re tired a t 2:35 ( c .m i « « ^ ing a rgum ents by i - . - i - A fte r eating sup- £ > £ 1 3 6 1 ) 0 :lurncd b u t tailed b Th. inanimouB decision n a t io n ;11 hours la ter. Brooklyn at c found guilty of par- ed; rain.

± e thcfl'o f tn jn 's and DOf'ton ----------- 1ling from the Nieklrk C h icago ______<ded Dewey Edwards, - fialn-and-O rai inen C. Wilson, Twin hlel and A. Wal Jng the clothing. WU- Phlladclphlo i uds pleaded guilty In York a t SL Lou: wtre sentenced to the lary-but*were_rttum- AMEIUCvfor the state during W sT giim e:

a t. Lauls ..... .....'of the tU U against New V o rk ........ (mer, acheduled to be W ldmar, Pine, lay wos dismissed on lar: Reynolds ar}mtr's-allomay,>S.-L. BU-LouU---------6 ease was an appeal New York .......lurt where H orier was s ta i r and \ drunken driving and Bemv.J M eojU. Detroit ______ 0IS paid to the counly B a s to n ______ Oia motion for dlsmlual Hutchinson ai jTwarted to the police ton, Mueller, Oil •w u arrested by poUcs xebbelts, Rosar.1 pleaded not gullly lo u e t r o i t_______ea_ arraigned March 34. jjo s to n .............. .

I Gray and Roi

etDriser_, ^, t Tlxnadelplila^CH

■rested, as dent ‘Acts’ WashfnKlon — :

* Fierce, H aefnt jnd time ^ tw o weeks and Musl; Ha

latot Wednesday e « - '

mi, IM Monroe street, . V T r t W - plaint in police court J . " W TT I A. Johnson, chaijlng Jess drlTlng. fwiwf’* "»mi i peered la police court tT ia terooon and Informed u,, ^1,,wUlied lo pleod not M.n»rtT wiiii«m i

rer, hU formal plea i"[^,V‘S;.il,'’w?,‘ir',i1 unlll Thuraday aft- of ib. i.ad*«. miinwas released on »M -g;

,Having the Johnson >,*Johnson-was-drlvJag

it? j at*l??

A number, cf 1 c. Orlffln, 20, Buhl. c u „e n t budget h ikIng him to Uie sher» i„ a city budget le re R e m ilfa 'I ' com. cntrlfi~b\ll~n ilVI .Jiim. OrUfla p l ^ e d BoneraLcategorie lUcfc eaun nint v n i t , nu w»y of k 1 U eosl.i. He wn* money lins been rc^ ea a driving. . Items In prevlou

_____________________ l___________I

p a p er S t r r ln g L - i

^BBweEHoEFI j r -

oterlumed In muddy d itch near Donbai KrsoQs dead o rm lu la r. Two young ouu| I drowned as llic lorprise flood bore down MTrn aod one-haU inebe* In masy a rm

ital Day N e W

7 “ _Chu»dership of-the Twin f o r m e r d ircc tc ’ llDs^tal guild, It was a g u in a t t h e pi

^ l« t“ed*in K ^vW ch th ’e d e f ihroughout lhe nation th e m w a s ‘ Ut

lur own h ^ i u r ^ e B u f f lc ie n t fo r :ed to consider the hu- Lhe hospital, varied ser- _ I n t h e new j xns for expansion and t im e f o r clec tl

. S unday i . 1Urs have cooperated by CIMC tiB between phy- 1

ritual-healing wlth em- ^ j r * - endly calls and cords la

Palls Garden club plans C h O S d lower arrangements for -blossoint for e a ^ g -

May for speakers who of s ta te purchasiled Irom Uis Twin FalU succeeds Haroldrd. C. D. nialt U r t- fftclns grand lanthe clubs In Tvln PaUs. W rlghf* apptIvrny, hoipltal superln- nounced yeslcrdbe heant oTcrJhr radio n o b i ^ _ _____111 Bpenk oTir KLIX i f ~ T ! ie governor ) :VMV a l 8:is pjn. and th e office Tuesd: 15 pjD arrested and chi;tlon wiUi Uie hospital tliree pairs of fl nco, niemlars of the free on W.OOO Ix County Hospital gutld llmUmry hearlnj

followlnc 6ummnr>- of Boyies and personnelaltlio Boyd-I* a t lib ounty hospital bond pending atem OuUIard Intc In court MnFalls county hosplUl Is W right was U . Bovemlng board ot 35 agen t during U wn Irom every part of t^aUon of Oov. Id frora a variety of In- During Uio latt— r»t« »• • ' . traUon Wrighu^- •■■■ fT» I ■ liquor,di»i)allToday

■ ooo oai 000-3 6 «D chasing agent, V._OOO MOOO(>^0 - 4 % of th© office IOT3rBndall:-Vol3elle,-Du- was aummarlly-i IValiiBr. On agreemcn'a n t PItUburgh. New and Ada Count’J 3Ul3, night gamM. Blaine, who sIg

__________________against Boyd, aJCAN LEAGUE In the office lo

......001 000 000-1 5 0 The governor

.....000 HO OOx-S 8 0 mer resident ofinc. Schaehl and Loi- active In busine:» and Berra. opemUng n fan

■■ Wright S...,0!3 001 SMy-lS l i 0 P r t K f i f l c_000 000 « 0- 4 7 3 X O U u C iI and Robinson; Dob- BOISE, May 1 QUIesple, Johnion and poUUca In U

SOT. . s u te purchasing___________— ....00-0 bert O. W right s-----------------------the office todny,Robinson: Kinder snd -M y policy Is

ta tha law." Wi _000 lOL010.1-4 13.1 flce-.wiu be run - iw o iro o o o ^s 1 4 -0 tu tio n for tne h jres and Began: Kell- who pay the bll

------ ---------------- .\y rlg h t,w h o .j003 opo 210—5 ' O' 0' capacity in the

__J02 100 20x-« 13 0 tion of Oov. C. ^fn^ ,"Connclly. Dniner he felt hl.i “prev HaJTies. Harris and Riven me ihe^nt

B udget o fII Thti It u>. ttuai In • I n reviewing

englneerln«.._dei onnU.i..n. «or-iir, Cit, m anager noted ,ffl ft. K»llh roirplI«l in- budget frOm »».r.h'." A * ooo for m o ^c.iim.r. •Ir«u ind w.i«.i for th e Increase

--------- d raftsm an to wc5 basis for comparison k, ja teI yeara for many items „nd gj.jtjn 1850-51 city budget be- th a t jrc s c n l.m a rySlcm of (liMunUnir behind developm

e d J n ^ ^ l n F a c t o r - . Tn- -nrlrtllorr -■ draftsm an. Uien

;l havo never appeared 9‘ P "

M eu.-^ ‘ l u i ‘f i n " n l X T h e g j S S S u l J ther;- J IW O O J ^ ye;^ if knowlngTittx-intinr — in « —«ngliiefr ren rxpended on llioie Mipported fi-oni ,’lous O'cati. nnd contributes i

'' I li/7/y

U ~ T T ^ N F A L L S 1 —

>? FA T .T .^m A H O JH U R S D AY, j l


obar, Nebr, afler a flsih flood swept sonlhe ceupants of .Uie ear. were.swept from (b )im on them. Tlie flood followed a n infa rtas. (NEA telephoto)

Phase Start urch D irectoirbmi^In'lhe'lognl bftttlffto-oufitnOc C hristian church began Thursday

actors filed an amended compIaint.il ! present board. " ,ales E . Lowe fiustained a dcmurrf defendanta ciaimcd the original con "uncertain" in its term s and did i ’or a case against the new church b 5w complaint tho plaintiffs carefullj ?cting directors is s e t by ‘‘custom an in December selected by th e board--------------------------- deaconfl,-An-el{

TFT • 1 . Dec. 11, 1049,—W - r 3 1 £ l l t ......tiffs-w cre-cho

^ according to t l

len State -nie p u S j

n S k * O T « the duUes U“ e,nollcsw a*nbasing a f tn t tactay. He the balloting was :S d 1 & Who is ballot. T ^ e y ^larceny charges. "ow

ippolntment was aa- m Ui^ board,'terday by Oor. C. A. Accompanying t

photosUUc copy IiorrenUTKTBaya-irom by-thr-Hev.-MMllesday before Boyd was prior to Ui# Jaicharged wlUi theft of church,

if field glasses. Boj-d Is BeslmaU0 bond pending a pre- The Rev. Mr. ring May 10. formed members t loyd FreW 4 and demandedliberty under a ®®,

g tt prtllm lnaiy hear- board upheld ^May 10 aecordlng to thes the state purcliaslng Cronenberger{ Uio second admlnls- “ 'j30V. C. A. Bottolfsen. ^ e '^ e nlalter’s first admlnli- °ht«was manngcr or Uie ‘di»pen.narj'. _______ -i] Handle Job S h f U ’r tbfled he is Uiorough- U J

ta handle Uils Job." i t 1A i ' c R e

hUnen, a ssu u n t por- . ^ f «t, was placed in ehorge U H J j ]temperarlly when Boyd .......- .................-lly-removed.----------------- CatUe prlees Inent cf Uie governor Wedne.ida? a t thiunly Prosecutor James stock Commiviosigned Uie conplalnt rising t l ta IU

i, a guard was placed board over last vlo safeguard the rec- ^ ‘"P ° \_______*____________ for good steers wh

lor said Wright, a for- «ijs-|tBS0.-6ix-h of Idaho Falls, is not

t o a w b u t l m t e n.. ______ .»oU,ct lo , UBJ

w . , Good flUcrs Cro

: Says‘No S S S .S» » • heifers, »20ICS in Office.y n C-TV-There wiU be brought «1 to t:1 Uie operaUon of Uio eannera * ling agent's office. Oil- ijg ’h t said as he took over jjuHj for I

/ Is' to adhere slrieUy ^ y eS ”*-e''« offeriWright said. 'T he of- —ru n .as buslnesa imU- _ . . j.jr OOES 1e bw efit Of Uie people, - pjiAOUE. CLec

tio.s'^cbrd.la.lhe.asmeUie sKond admlnTstraT. C. A. Bottolfsen, saidpreviaus experience has eial ho^a to eoje__necessat7 ba ek ^ u n d the^ ^ r i « union

C ity Includ(ng the budget ■*for Uia of Its acUvlUes.dcpartmtnt. lhe city proves p la a cstl

;ed lui increase In UW streets and sldewJH.14B last year lo»18,- for rlghu-of-waj•SI. The major reason files and makes dase Is employment of a seacr lines.I work half-time bring- Top items budflie mapi of Uio sewer ance and suppUt;jtcm. fimlUi pointed out include *355 formai«_are feve r^yean \i) replace the 4iipmcnti'and expansion, ment used a t pnrr - t o - th e -h a lf -Ume are MW for TflOOhwo aro four eintiToyeJ 'cato~boundarles‘ tment. A total of J 18,- for blueprlnl sen cent of the department « to for station.

Ilocaled for wages and abstract service I p.iy Item aecounlcd for liUfs.

■car. ------— mte-Uia-enelwiH rM e=a«K T im Pnr^ ttc ^ tT n rt-d rp m •oni the Rcncnil lund fto:n th r sciitral tes no revenues liecauie the eprlnkling, fl

— J N ine Irrigai

m V 1 1 ,1 9 5 9 . . ' ____

■ ^ i P f e\ '__________

■ GRAND CC d e te rm ina tion a g a in s t Its uhi

"W e have ei f o r a ll th e peo

y i e m l ]


BOISE. May 1 - T nim an has eom

ibt MIM «t their lingered o n , ___]faU which totAled S qp p o rtm of :

a ll Democrat*—w Btrong poslUon ti

ts in 'llcan Chairman 1 ^ assailed Mr. Trur

r K ow m. ?• "■■■J d lr s M o r s ^ o l th a - ^ - - 17,-” ’ “ a y ivhcn th o 23 .in .d is t r i c t .c p u r t j3 ic n .H _ 3 » y io r .:

saying he wa# ' r r c r A p ri l 24 in S i So m p la m t a g a in s t Summc1 n o t s t a t e f a c t s a DemocraUe c

b o a rd four-year senata iy p o in t o a t t h o S . ™ " ' " ” ” ' a n d t r a d i t io n ” n s j nhn a. Carve r d o f e ld e rs a n d ney and presld e leeU on-w aa-lic ld 3, a n d th e p la in - ^ ‘TFMflen rto B c n 'fo r’ o fficc ,- ~ * T ie " s ia t e 'f 'Ti th e c o m p la in t

Jons Lilted

r n o tS v i n f tw i J d CTA’d'.5ialtdyliIS not done by secret Pct« Legulnecl ik the.present dlrec* who wa«-Democ 1 from membership ; ( C n U ^ J j ^

C o u r tS ; ‘T . = . . t , o n £ . P j . q 1 o j

aUon Askedr. Cronenberger In- TVT•a Uio ciders met Jan. | J I d Uie pastor's resig- )0 days. Tlie official The game “foJ his iltclslon'Jon. 10, tlnue for a t leoj le notice. Tlio Rev.' followlng dlslricl ter pointed out ho lif nesday. A moU ne congregation’* and Attorney Grsydi• present Jan. 15 to restraining ordei lemand (or his reslg- h e calls & *'gu

taken tmder con____________ - Kale* E . Lou-e.

T > .... . . . . . H omer Budge. K r i n ^ l S resenting Uio del J J U U S 1 9 Brunswick, Inc.,

I «. J ''o would fUe *L ep o rted• / * , • filed by Smith.

i l V P Q t n P K ^ 0 Low_ fam e ahould be « 1 to o k -a -b it-Ju m p M tlon < ^ th o - « Uie Twin Falls Uve- nesday by BralU sioQ-«ompany sale. Closed

jn, Eden, sold on#

t23.25; medium. tl9 SltidlcdI and cullers, 115 ta polico Chief 1

. .. sold earlier be h r »30 to $23, and Uie before i t ofas »293J. No stock j,ad been decla'ered. f r tl^ against I t----------------- ------------ Bt Pocalello.S TO MOSCOW 1* xchdaldVakla, M07 It_w h en • player etary-Oeneral Trj-gve_«?blngo" and the e^Ior-MoMOBt-loday_« puncbboud i ilane. The D, N. offl-_prUe h e wins, ac ease tension between_pla in t. The dVn< Ion and' Ihs western_gambling becaus __ _______ i d etermined.__

ies S a v in g sJ. The engineer ap- fund raise* 137,

S T S SfeS ;7;p±SS„"S; Sop'Sid-r.'SI dcpUi soundings wr

idgetfd for malnten- ^ ^ e d ^ U o ^* 1 Ues for Uie engineer departm o jr a suTi-ej-or's level

45-year-old instru- ^L 31;prwent. OUier Items WC.488, as comp»0 lloe-slakas-to l£>- y.C' -------------r r of projects.- MJJ —Opcr«Uoi»-or- erdees and supplies, m ent Include* a 3n. f-’Bgon, M50 for as gorbas# colie ! in traciag property lng and sprlnkll

improve streets. Interingldepartm eat.'. .In ihe .projec t irtment* Is 'siiiipoi ted the*iitreet depar a iT n iT tn in ia m n o irT o a rn v e mties- Ilu-'hlng and oiling sum m er and o i

a te d Idaho CoosUes

UtsW ft( *«U BtrMS tl Ctn ______Aiwtt*lWJ‘rtii.*i^UaH«l J

j s i S e ^

‘L ow -C l:OULEE DAM, W ash., May 11 ■ n to develop low-cost public powi :fle “for private profit." embarked, all over the country, o !ople," he said. "And w e shall ha ii * * ---------------------

M ixedruman’s H H | | | ; for CVA11 QifD — President i.'.W F v '* ..'- ...’

me ano gone but the • ’ •.istlnted endorsement f- l l K M d b -)ia Tolley auUiorlty •

ri" C V A ^ ljT ld ih ^ ' t ‘~ W ^ - T w a ~•were elated o w th # '. . taken by the Presl< .

hand, 6 U te Repub- 1 Exra B. Hlnshaw um aa Ior advocating Ued a 'eodallsUo

io r_noit>_ he Prtsldent'* ipeclkl d out of Idaho, Sen.: luued .ftjta tem ent

••pleased with the sch. and particularly EKNEB'raement of CVA." . . . MUonaDyncrfleld, Twla Fall*, themnnio fannconUslant for Uie d r m Uii ceai

t te term, sold he meeting of th e 1resident's stand was ber of Comtnere

In the PiCrk bot<ver. J r , Boise altor- Uae Uie cbemlcIdent ot Uia Idalio Uaffle ValleyA. sold: (BUn eniravltM n fai'flpM ch* ...... *■■■■••

'S i£ S « Valley]rated hi* #tand for- . ^ -

is a a l s i u e / 9 B B i H H j H H R H!che, Dolse ottanny. ®xraU o candidate for fl'-taown ehenni. ■.-’ Mama u ouUlne Uis ches— • for derelopmeBl

Action_____ T ”*’X!3r " chajjiwrsrcom| H £ S L 1I I 6 In Uie Park

O Koch, who wa*

few Game SSS Sln cWoshinffton. D. f

asclnstlon- will eon- Kononilc viluesa s t » few more days ^nd by-productslet court ocUon Wed- jQ^jd bo used If 1.uoa by ProswuUng “don W. SmlUi for a * O roiler to dose Uie game A chemical cn■ambling house" was duces aromatic hKulderaUon by Judge farm near Klmb

. . eral acres plasteB. Dolse attorney r tp - ducca dlsUUed dll efendants,Twin PalU tjo aUo-ha* a

a bn tf on the de- ft.velota sage-oU in te s Uian 10 days. be % mnna i7 one

I. PbUowlng study o f . „>we will declds If Uie , K o ^ J ^» closed pending court *,®r Ws woric m ce orapIUi.Hllrf-Wri- --. _ , . The speaker wiA Balarday collfi

in issued l u t Satur- he attended Uie 1ed the game was lift- fomla. He was grte r it w u found Smith j^a] engineer.

'.SSi'^STS;Uio corporatloa

Ll in the comnlalot Sr-Se.puaiU opcr.ice-and lottery- and ChamBer of t^ ro take a chane* a t memben to atterIM. TasdnaU ea" 1* «l9n-r a l nulsaiKo" by the — —wniey. , | \d by QUl«tl« ■L'Howard W. Olllette snake river »

had checked into Uie «ru dry Thurtc!opened and found It cording ta 'work

lared legal foHowlng power cmcpoayit in Uie dlsblet court power plant.

, Increased Inis limllar to-blngo. jre# combined <r fills a line he calls jp r ta j run-offaen has.ft.chnace..Bt jn , t a,-trirtU-of

la ^ d e t ir tw n i 'im ir iji jf i jald 1according U) UlB com- „ a U ie r slowedn e n maintain It isn’t the headwatersuse numbets are pre- •

fo r Public !r 000 from^ a * mni four miles cf atn s of Uie sUeet de- topped., TW.fuads-Budsetcd p ----------- . .


^ sUeet to WlIH employes will t ^ o ^orth, City Mo: ipared to fC8i « l u t

I n jiddlUon.t^ f-the-stre« t^d»P«i-- -han d, ih« c ity-conUnulns work such feet of 54-lnchllecUon. street sveep- ect, he said,ding, and proJtcU to I ' ~*■ In addlUon..’c t phase of operaUon. projects art planirim tn l tmwcts M on of new.Blrteu tis-o f-c lty streeU-lhls mUes ol palclilnapply a leal coat to tc<aiitii>4 aa



R e n e w s

'o s t P o vI ( /P )-r P residen t T ru m an ’declai wer on all tho country’s great ri^

on the task o f fully developing lave to continue to overcomo the------------------------- those who do io o lfO »» ''-r the greatness (

who fea r the th e ir selfish in

nVe WlU meet oi private powtr groti —ther* are honon

w -' coune—do not wi----- oor-rlTen put to

sold to tho people ' BepeO]

r ; T = ^ r 7 T ^ ^ B “ ThTTi^aeal-i W V ^tnst the oppc

oompanle*i > r ^ ' * y eaUoa and other.

clei coastrucUiig- I v / v . . . ^or the deUvery 1

■ r ' purchased a t dam**“ Uielr opp«^L

II*'. .' i - •••* • The Prtsldent lillo power develops pn p a rtd addreta I monies a t Uie ilt< dom, where the

S ' . ' been cut In.m Bet*

olond approTol ol M - lumbU Talley ada

over the operatloi and* Other power

!B x io c any known Kimberly *dmlnlstr*Uea is n e r . who win ad« gt«p jq Ujg teoiit

" lo n iM a t ot thl 9 Twin FalU Cham - northwest,* Mr. sree, a l noon Friday beUleve Ura peopli ottL Koch wlU o u t. *0, t<».Ucal ponibUIUes of -jCSl when Uie]• f a r m prodncti. heard, Tom rare t lag) ---------: admlnlstraUon wif - n - n ■ - -WetiMD«

ExpertB i H B t * f Y V Umtqih- pt^ ^ ■ T g V j j A r t g y

mittlo ' f o n x r , vlU «i> vi lemurgle posalbUitle* ereicoakaitw opi .1 b M u la VUIw

of the Twin FaUs p a ^ iofW aihla mmtrce-at-nqon-Trl.r Bad-fn-ottjerwMl •k bolcLu a featured speaker ^ 1 i

SchooL. 0 , ha* pointed out ^ ,3 ot. m any .product* K t n n f l T f i ta of th e area which . J O r U l H S X research is m ade. _ *rL-mnt>m JborhW rS S V b S j* * o n * ^ -mMBERLY, J nbetly. H e has *«t- to aP5*»r Ited la dm * n d pro- JusUce of Uie ) dlU seasoning. several higha .project--rhere ha

ims of eagrtjrush and )U seosonlnf Instead Potter sakl cn .auaon » » p .w d „

. , : necUon wlUi.sac4 In Idaha library.was raised In Idaho Jllfomla In 1933 where w e» re;»nea »e University of Call- Bullty of smokligraduated as a chem - until 4 pra. J“ ■ Uiemselve* In. 8 to Maglo Valley In

tend Uuj Priday ses- fUthoriUc(snoke la the ro butU on- Uie floo students uaUl I

f ^ f v - who had been soI-'*-J In the group 0:• at Shoahone falls were reported < rsday morning, ae- seniors sad hooe irkm a t the Idaho Details of the nv's Shoshooe falls leading to Uie «

divulged but Pott IrrigaUon In th e Uiere, had been ; I w lU ia h a l l ln f h e . alleged.."gang, f l r r iiai-B tapped ',an dents happened-^(.w aier__________ learned,. •_______

l u t “ w c e ts“ cold- .• 'Earlltr-'QSU. H td the nm -off a t students staged 1 n of enake r lv tr . In protest o n to_____________ octloas. Buperlal

realgnalloa shor ■taxpiia:^—

W orks B rit^treet* already black- U p * t O

’ LONDON, Ua; . . ._ . , — ___ ' I” "! h is western pow

II Project: $10,000 has been plao to pool mu cover tho E2ghU» ood steej resour

ral from Monroo U. 8 . S eo tls Washington s tre e t Achesoa already Janager Sm ith no t- pathy and app

-V behind • Frenchi.to pipe already on. Robert Schumai y Viin "U’l -•r'hii T<Hu»>i wJ) pipe for the p roj- w ith utanishn

ft-ould say ooUil__________________ J escepl U ut ttu.’. n Blrcel-openlng anned wlUi four mllea

to be TJticntd..aiirrcilni: la c jum nicd andiB ru * s. c«ta«B i> Important.



= = J 1IC T tC E N T S _____ l i

r “

o p ^w e r ' I;lared today h U |j| rivers and l i g h t 3

ig our resources 1he opposlUon o f "0 not understand 1 s of our goal, o r iL e im pairm ent o f 1 interests.

t opposlUon fn m th e JTotips. Many of them . <1 lorabt* owepUon*,-«f r —iwant iha e ceny o t .

to u u as powac-and-------1Die at east.’' |OppoilUoa •• 'I

il spoke d u T i l i a f ^ i lppoalUon of privata IIle* to rural electrlfl'- ;ler Joca] publlo a n n * I;ig irtmmlaslcn line*------1y and sale c t power ?lam sllei a t cost. He Zi^Uoa “U wrong." Jit laid down his p u b - . 9opment program tn t r 1tafordedlcaUonccr«- Isite of Orand Coulee fhe lost turbine haa \

CVA O l v ___________■ «C uItJm ato_«iiig r< *?_ 'J31 of the proposed Oo* 1 tdmtnUtratlcn to take ' I Uon of Orand Cotile* rl m -and -teelamatloa— ^ I volley. ‘ 1 the Oclumbla TaQey 4is t necessar/ nex t ,«

ulbl^ democratie de* >1 the raotircee of the Ir. *1 J)pl« ot Uils area thlBk I

hey moke their Tolcet H reUieCohmiblaTaner fl wm be eetabUabaO.’*

iD eayP eepW - n t ta i l tb e p rtro t* . Am '•would deny- tb t tflU of lov>««tp4*> ,


ve wOl MQttnM ta^

^ ‘i D ^ i ^ Q t a n d 11:.the . people aU tady .

1 Nebnaka. ia laxfa hlagton and Orecen. *jyonMC-ihacDiinti7i___ , fM« I. 0»t»M I)

lAction ^58 B a ttle j Kimberly |, Uay 11—fldtedtiled Us afternoon befor* • e Peace Boy P otter gh school yerath* f o f .It* i l t n l»ued“ la* t------ed battery.cti Ul* basis o t w hat le'had thla morning, jddeflt-started w h e a ': : '- youUis Uiought tbey jealed upon" In oon- Bnoklaj In Uie school......-

I school authorftiei to bare Blven tbosa I

9king in th* Ubrary yesterday to ta m

. ^ a a W right mment thi* morning ' _Hcrnf*rd Hubbard i oiilo3^ Of Ql8~IllCI- I

ts, however, oold about — ' ra In whvniUu Boelled tobacco

room, saw dgorelta loor and expelled the 1 Utey would a d n it smoking.'

3 ot expelled atudehla I several graduating m et students, lhe resnltlng actions.B warrants, were n o t 'Otter *ald he belierad 31 no sqneallng. n t a

fight" between. s tu < ------ed a t-n ig h t, t t w aa ------

.. f iu m ie r- tf>d a brief “w alk -oo f alnst dlsdpU narr ao- rlntendent W r i g b t l jortly afterward w u

‘Warming , ,0 Pool PlanI4ay 11 W K T ** lbr«i, .lowers Jx c a n oo ld .v ta’____Aday amid ilCDS tb a t ramlng UP .to France’*.much of Europe^ coal Durcea.tia ry o( S tata S c a n idy h u gtven his ipptaral' ta .the . idea ich Ftirdgs M inuter- -

ihment and reaerre. lUilng aboot i t a t Xlnt tt would be- atadied.- .

Aeh«Mn^ impUad ap- ver, a British foralgnm a a -c a ld -B rita in -W -----non’i prcpoMd a» J ^

li l t!! - QB-two

iin Budget of Cil i Tallies Pub] u!!!; Works Savi' ] i : ( f r . . P*f. 0 . 1|

,L ' repa ln vUl b« tMORipIuht‘ I ' paved a a d unpaved alie7>«nd I

sidewalks adjacent to ihe cttyi n ----- *I«lerUU~ror-te)i>rdVtmealI I ccti vlll cost KO.Oii, accordiH th s budget.H ji - .-- - A - tQ tA ta tJ tg J I t t td fc R r t tg[II purchase new rqulpmeni. Las' 3 . . . ft totiUorjaiOOQ.wiiapuWror I:2j ment renlnl. Smllh .mid a i2« oJ *10,000 will reauR next yenM • cause th e clly wlll hare the~ equipment, Including a hrav7:»*•_________patrol gruder. MpliaK dUtrl

. dump {juck. loadcr^uZir Tl

AiAii ' KarivRe. He said llic elly plaf * - ' ; avoid llie rental e»pen:e rntln

' the n ta r future.TPifiity-flve vehicles In th<

partment Brt for KM anm " »000 li cftrmnrkcd Inr htallnin t , clly gnrwre. *200 tor power nHill S*rnee. t 2.8}0 for spraying treH I I , carklng slrlp.i and veedr, 116H I I Spraylnif the city diimp, »3CMI I I Atreet signs and $3,200 lor i ■ I ’ plpei> !or InlmecUons and g. '■ • f where lh« water condition re<; U | | . I drainage.

, An increwe h planned In n•}11!l j Itnance ffvcDltlfs nt the city Rt

to permit work done nnw in va'911 I 8»rnBe>i.

^ ■ ’ 1 T um lns to the water departi, i 2 l ' Uio city manager noted that

H I ' aell-supporting, although it ope--------w llh-onJy-ft-parrtw-inarjlD-ol: nerve. Tlie budget anticipate* t

I j j --------siOJram-WBtfrJCM aj« eompar.l j ' I13B.MI la st year. A total of t r U anticipated from water and t I ! tapa a i comparfd-to W.519 la * l: I I Thera U an 111,Ml balance

, j j 1 Ia«t year. Total budget Ij $1S: •• ;• M jpbudse ttr? |H ,7 t

■ fin era l reserve. »M.600 for 23 • •'*!; ployes. Including five nt the J

I S i i l ^ 'sm ith aold IJ new water 1 l l l l four and alx Inches In dlam ' *■ are planned thl» summer by )K: water department. Cost lim a .. . I3S.4Q3 for pipe. H.015 for fltU

t lS i i for fire plugs. t».SOO for « m eters and Installation, tl.lOO

_____ IflSfT connection material, n# n_____ m #t_IJ2Q jiew L.m it«r. meUr*_

.» >' b* purchased a t an Indlvtdual o f about R 3 ,« .

j « | | O ther Items In the departn------- ^udgetlncJndB-liaoO as.«ssment

Twin Falls Canal corapany mal: : U ; ' nance on th o buds of 3,100 *h

of stock. 13,400 for trenching , li* U ylag pipe. *14300 fpr chcml

. xtsed a t th e filler plant. IIJOO ' ; light and power a t the filler pI and 1790 to heat the filler pi S ■ Sm ith not«d th a t four new w; Bl filter beds placed In operation < 111 recently a t th e filter p lant Increi 9 I — :— the power e o r t . ----- ---------------

Equipment to be purchased for v a te r departm ent Indude* 'a ] cutter co ftln r $2U, flexible, pov

■■■.' driven lewer rod coitlag u ls . tt II. ‘ « t to carry sewer rod costing t In i ' and etectrio oontrol panel for « s- ' filter plant, tlOO.

More th a n 300 penons'allenc ft family nlg tit and potluck dim

III a t the Christian church WedneatI I night. The R er. Mark 0. Cront

I I betrer welcomed new mmibcfs. W 1 Kenneth H arder directed the p:! l | _____ fram_and O rrllle Bland was wasi j of oercn ion l^I WJhna J e a n Wrlglit playedI piano solo. Two selecUons wiII sung by th# Junior choir, wl

O arth Drown. Stanley Blair, Cft- - Klbbee and P a tty Oalley as solols

Tlireo edectlons were sung by ,tIII men's quartet. BlU Klbbee, Cliar ■31' Allen, lU chard 8m lth and J a r

Reynolds, a family number ts ;i • prtsented by th e Dill Klbbee faml

Zdlth Peck (ipoka on the chur i l raa«adne a n d O. A. Kelker ahow Jl hls color. fUm, .'U ib . River of 1I Return." V arliu s accompUihmer

of those present were aeknowledB<

Postponedt HAILET. May 11-DUtrlct co;;

l|i hearings scheduled'thls momlng i 3 ::____c iR tm 5..6rou£n:.uiunif.uifi-/ii»dII Mining company were postpon'

Infleflnlltly by Judge Doran : Sulphen. To have been heard we

I II the claims of L. O, Lnnnlni and others for J11,87S.87, and UI Slerens for »3.641.

------------------T h e - H o s n i t a l —

Y^m nS-JlouM .a^^ihe.T^ln r a l s,' couniy hospital are from 2 to 4 ar

7 to 8 pfli',I A D M m T D

Jame* Lane. John A.ihwofth, 1 R. Olbbs. Mrs. Oene Shirley. Kelt H llott. Mt*. Mickey Quigley. Mr Karl Brown and Mrs. Harn- Bolloi

I nil To-ln Pnll.i; baby Lance, llorc I ton. and baby Pclcrsoii. Murtaucl I DISMISSED

Kenneth Abbott. Mrs. Eslel! , Sherlock, i t r s . Albert Wagner. Mr

. . _M *rtln_nte< i._bab j-_g i:l._D row iDanny Womisaker. Mr*. Toni-

. Knochn and Mr.i. KritJi r c b m ani- - • -so n rs S T N lin V lfs f

I n ie r , and Mrs. Be.Mle Wikon, Buhl

JWeatheE=^,•, By Unllctl r n ^

Marie Valley—Fair and warmei jl (onlghl and Friday wllh »e*il,rfi: , - clonds en C a ^ prairie fonljht and I' I ^ y elendy with ahoar„ oi , , thundenlorm s In- th . r ^ r V v id .y ,

I«w tanlght aboot 35 In Magic Val. I ley .-B w at-aw O a»«s prairie.

I ■ Br -5 lbu fl" .r,n ._________ *':V'

jj”r > r ' z z i i : z z i z ; " II Jfjpiciio _____________ J | JJ

— •— jf l 'w n - o f k * ! ! * , : '; , ' ' ‘ll f‘--------Ortra__________ • ___is__ l! l

ju»k\srrl^n — is- : i

: 1= 5J J! '. 'I-In r i i ;« __________c: II

1\..l.lntion ............ ........t( f


'* Ik'5 5 S 'iihed for 11 ,nd broken I jclly p a r k . _____ 1 __________ ^ —eal-p fe j- 1 ^ iordlng 10 | ^

a te e l ; ! * : —Last year N

a \ ” wi“g ' -ffou) e ig h t dai/3 le u n c year be- Jra / /lc d e a th in o u r M the new- 'y a iie u ,

■avy type slrlbutor,

plaas lo

On Truman C“t°" Talk for Cr a t theIIEQ for sccond dlitrlet congressman Ir

fnr “ I'l 'I'S CVA lighter* In Idalu ,r drain lr“f“ fUslon" t

Truman'* lalk. niniliaw said: -adaho Rc

requires delivered » /mashlnit def the Columbia valley nuthorl

n main- T;;e CVA b the same i y RRMge i,ug «t,cnie today that I t was I various Hob- u,ai Mr. Trum an’has tr

revive this old Issue, Repub artment, and olhrr opponents of to tall l i t I t f* super-sgenclei wlll Ama*h It a operate* "Mr.TYuman was In his uaui i-o{_x«. of-adFocaUnj-BOTemnisnr-pltt ts »133.- and interference, the spcndli pared to untold more blUloiu of doll* >f »7JOO Uie cute for Ihe country's ace Id sewer Uted Ills under the recUeai u l year, -deal-rejlme.—Idahoons-fcntTW ;e from the OVA which the m aster $151,341. ners would force on us means ] 17i3 tor and stralghtjackets tn£ is em- ormatviduAriBti'siatM ’ ru n ti le filter ---------------------------

, u..., Firemen Answei T'Si 2 False Alar

riremea answered two f Wednesday evenJnj

100 for Thursday mcoilng.B noted A concrete mixing truck ran -r*” w!H "wlre*'behlnd-9M-Locii»t-etre. ial“ w 8t t l.l9 “*OTrTliunday:-‘n ie -» o c

pulled a meter box loose fre irtment house occupied by Mrs. H atel T lent-for T he reniltlng short circuit «i naln te- spark*, resulting In a fire a lon shares A disconnected stove pipe p<

ng and anoke Into Uie attic of a houj emlcaU 120 Blue Lakea boulevard a t 300 for p jn . Wedne-'xlay. No fire was r p lant covered. Bome smoke damage

plant. auitj<j jo the alUc. The hou: in w fy occupied by Earl Amon.

^ Jaycees-Gonelav^ j.'S Begins Tomorni. trail- . DOBE. May It (,T>-Vlci p g tl85, dent of the NaUonal Junior C t 'or the ber of Oc(Dswt!M ,;jE&ko«alColumbusTStkfulfQUk

g p g j y l j w ^ s Q y o ^

P, 'r a t* wflrenUon tomorrow. convention ends Sunday,

tended Brownlleld and Wllwn Q ia n Idaho Pall*. Idalio Junior Char Pre.ildent. were guests a t a lu n d given today by the Bolt* sroup.

s pro-5!?“ __IJslegatcsJUave

- Delegates who are leaving T h M » day for McCall to attend th e s were j^ y x t t and Jay-C-Eit« convent wlUj Include Mr. and Mr*. Jack Th

Carol keld. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Warl; ilolsts. Mr,- and Mrs, Robert Wlll*. M r. ly .thfl Mrs. Dotuild Zuck. i l r . a a d -J harlea Oeorge Bever, Mr, and Mrs. VI James Oniybcal. Mr. and Mrs. Lc • wTis Kelnzle. Frank Uw rtnce. Roy Jo unll}-. m d Addison Parker. Threlkcld hurch M*’*' Zuck are the preildeots of lowed '*^*1 orgsnltatJon*.If No j.

Magic Valley Funerals

court W ENDn,I^PuneT*l service* n- on Cerll B. SUinger wlll be held a parha pni-_finlurdfty_.aLvthe- L D 3-< poned Dufl'y- Burial willf. JT made In Burley cem eterf prfe: were W cavi^m ortu i

nd IB Frl'l«y.*nd frora 10:30 B‘r until the lime of the service S a t

^ dny a t the Bernel Wrigley hoi 1641 Occidental street.. Durley.

j » F lL m -Q m tm L K glsc iJo iL Ji: .MaRdalena Wflgemnn will be h « t 3 p. m. fYldor a t Reynolds : r ju w neral-liorae ehapel-w lth-O der-

I ana B, Ofllkln.v pastor of the Severn day AdveniLM church, otflclatl: Burlai Ulll he made In Sun,

"■ Mcfnorlsl park, te lth _____

,Uon' '• Mrs. Deule Johnson wlll bo co iM ii. 2 P'"- tJerome Naiorene chureh by t itfiift Intefmcnt will

made In tlie Twin Falls cemetery.own.

r S E R V I C E ^

ELECTRIC— -- -------SEBVIGfi-CO.-----------ai - - i •

I 3C1 2nd Ate. Eail . Phone J*M

Traman Voi’ Filling

Drive to Gi Public Po

trtM* p»»» o » iwhere they havs decided to u te power through publlt

------ . ,«o d ^ cc«oper«tlvB«-‘ ~-. j ^ ~The President chaJlenj

claims of those who sttackei Coulee as ^"a coloatal waste

. -ffTlsdtatcTnenti* ■ , _ lavettm rn t Repaid

'.hout a' “ The Inre.rtmmt In th e p< M n n ir cllltles of Grand Coulee I

repaid right now. and wit: eat," Mr. Truman contende

. — J In a broader sente, the en__ . . ____ j-caU ntntJui_ftlrtady_l)etDa H _____»e v ^ l time* over In the It

n a tlD iiJ - c i J t l r t f t u i s 't j r u « The President slopped :

virtually the half-way poin IX* o cross-country cru.sade to r tl

7- . deal.t: He ha* been mokln \ A he calls a “report to the pe.

J T whistle stops all over the w middle west.

r.j'ssby Mr ‘ program of naUon*.

■' opment aimed a t boosting

Koa then *" money* and the itried to «o«t* and service

DUbllcsns to »350/»0,000,000 by IMO.lalltJirlan platform speedt aSaln Continued to InaUt he U "mlauftl role wrU>lng." th a t th n lim riln i "noa-I*UUcal'-;_ trip, bu t= tlidin ir of >">»ht come back latCT to dmZ . .

Boise-Man Hur In Road Mis

_WZ2VDELL. i f a y - . I i— D* Evans, BoUe. waa released fr

- Valentine's hoaplUl today and p | « to Boise for further treaincnt

Juries received when the car 1 >t«TY ia *tnick by a sldX i l t l a from a tral!er-truckat7:3fl p.i

f a l s e terday three and one-half mill n ; and on highway 2S.

Evans, employed by a BoUe t ran Into Ing concern, sustained a badlj t r e e t- a t tu red l4ftiortana.JiU ph*'slcU accident to ^ y '-bu t-no .chest-ln ju rlu -t ^ o m a i l n t feared.

:1 r iy n n . Evans was aecompmled I ««u*«d -wlfe.«ho.escsped u-lthouLlnJu

larm . «•“ treated by a physlcli : poured-•Jerome and later- taken t louse a t Valentine's hospital. Wendell, a t 7-04 reported In •‘good’’ ■vas dis- ‘*on.age rc- Jerome county Deputy E lou.sc Is Oordon Newbry invesUgated I

cldent and said Evans was d a 1047 sedan north on h lghi when a Consolidated Prelgt

I V 6 - truck passed-golnS'South.-An by flve-foot sideboard fell fro;

T f t W truck, ho said, smashing the or t h* *edan, Damage to th

I p resl- WM estimated a t befteen C ham - ijoo.

Held at Conchh iS n tar SUN VALLEY, May II (U.F3 Jicheon committee and commf l^ e o n

Ing the third se.vlon of the annual conference of Uie As:

r p ■ Uon of Junior Leagues of Am —TTie-loo-tieleiiies-Trom-172-

iB S U tf niunltles In Hawaii. Canada. M en tlon i *’*‘1 the United BtaU*. attendei T h rrU Hiojor panel discussions yesU

’arben r panel dIscusslOQ waI r . M d im m u n ity trend, in the- w, d -M rs .V letor T he other panel dUcussIoti LcRoy cemed communlly treads In th«

. Je sser ‘u « ltld and ------------------------- —

Officers Electei------- r JEStOME. May I l-N e w oil

of th e Lions club are Emory 8 enbarger. president; Curt Pi f irst vlce.prealdent: Harold S

- *econd vleo president; Elmer L& ' ' third vice president: Lee M(

es for treasurer; Hj-rum Mecham. ti 1 a t 3 tary; U niy Grubb. Uon U u ilrs fc Irvfn-M abe.—tall-tw ia ter:—Gt vlll be DavU, a.uLstant tall twister, and Vlends W right and Don i io w , director ■tuary, ------------ ---------------

Batu?.' M n o r C o l l i s i o nhome, BUHL. May 11- A parkins

lUlon was lnve.iUgated a t 0:30 a hy Police Chief Clyde Prj-or near

r M ri rom r r nf Mnln « trfft nnrt w! held avenue. I t Involved a car b Is fu - backed from the curb by Mni.-Oli le r-E . Me.viley-antl-tt-car-belnrttrlvm -enth- Mabel Sandffren. The door and r Jitlng. nlng board of the Sandcren car i iunset _____________________

« for V ^

:1E | S h o p p e if ■ VALUI

|] |I i S WAY- 1

I fA 50—100— 150—nnd 1 **♦ KcRular Priced n t 55c

t 2 F R ro lY ,I ♦*. ONLY ...............

*t* • — Lim it S t

j * -W hile P rea



I X ' Opposite Posto

T I M E S ^ i U W ;

Ir Twin---------

U ri. C. A. Bickford has r 0 ^ 0 1 * from BolM where she visited

i’ todistrlb- B stkfrom J-U U .i b i r c ^ i c s . M»-

lenged the ‘J n o r th " " Idaleked Grand Washington.

'jMd the Moose w1U meet a t 9:3e power I s - ‘n the Moo»*-JiaII, Al ,e 1* being to attend.with Inter- ^ ^ , . --------nded. -And W e Sthednled I tnlire In- ^ cooked food and fane;

Mie Will be held by the Ch! e increased O o T M lu Io ti^ 'w e ie ty - im tjruujnt.” ' • ' im fwellers iia ri:d here a t _ , . --------« tn t In hi* nonse PUnned ir the "fair WlUlam J. Wilson filed a t lklng what permit appllcatloa Wednesda]

people" a t to buUd a one-famUy d e west and 1® * ^ 1 " “ avenue. The 30

foot home would be of fram ragt struction and have a SB bya , Ore., last basement. Estimated cost Is onol devel-ng the In- Attending Meetlof lg famUles ^ Woyd departed by ' years. Wednesday evening for P< if those In »here he Is attending a f be doubled meeting of trustees of the le nation’s Coast Conference of Indep vices lifted Theater Owners. Lloyd U rep: 10. Ing trtah and Idaho Indepeeches, he theater owners."not run- --------

, this Is a Ft<>d Trip Belr=ttlot_-bfl —Lloyd a Yoimg, manoser.0 do some Twin Falb social security fli

flee, will mako a field trip t- — . sis. and Minidoka counUes llt* f Young will be a t thoUL 1/----- i ta tr employmeut-servlce'ofl

Durley fran 1 to J:46 p jn . Ti . l a i l d P and the district eourtroon tn D svld-R . t n f ^ j :30 a ^ .to Bccn^w,1 from St.and taken _ _ --------------------

“ h! ™ Horse Group to I p.m.yes- Stage July Mmiles west a meellng of the Intermoi

Arabian Itorse atuoclatlon has tse plumb- set for July 37 a t the Turf cl adly frac- T w ta^ lU , Tlio group pli»ns,M llcltn said .Arattan hones at cotTiIng

_*__ _At the last meeting of the

d by his T»'ln Falls, by-laws of th Injury Jio . read and aprslclan itl ■anSpIiiiiaMre-nu'ae td 'Jo in o 1 to a t terestlonal Arabian Horse ell whpr«* elation,a " ‘condl- Ruleln. Oletins 1

conduclcd the zneeUnir In thi , BU ***«“ 0^ Art Holland. Bolae, ; ’ fhertff Hoiiani ft.ns injured In i

Hi f * ' sccldent and has been cor IS drlvlnff to a Dolse hosplUl. gnway .3 Attending the meeUng wer< eigtitways ,nd Mrs. Art U adetm an, Clem

• ‘««t- viilei-Mr.-sad-Mra.-Earl-Bell, from Uie pert; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ti the front Jerome, and Helen E. Caudle ' t h e car QUdy* h . Caudle, boUi Twin . IMO and __________________

■ RUPERT. May H ^ S tU n ro P ; 1 Soillo, S3, died a t 3 «jn . todt

C13V6 UiB Rupert general hospital, (U.FJ—In- heart attack, mmunlty Bam Dec. 9, 1608, a t Ccntrol

S SS ^He selUed on a farm In the J ac America, ares four miles east of here. l7J-com- hns-nalded-tlirru-slncr.-ln-m I. Mexico married Jewel Wlkon In Ru Ided two The late Mr. DalsbsUo was a n esUrday. ber of the CaUiolIc church.• I** survived by lila wldon-,

daughter. Delores, and on9_*l Mrs. Iltillna Cesari, all R upert

' Funeral ammKcmenl* are pIng at the Ooodman mortuar>-.

1 1 RECOVERS FROM ILLNEB: t e a UNITY. May l l - A , T. Oee U i -orfifi-M from a three-week llliy Shen* L M V a r d " " " ^

1 j--------------------- ----------------------

Levy Vote Seta special 10-mlll school le

- S ; -flfciion w|)LbcJiclil_ErJday_J mri T frt Owners and parenUicto'j ' of children under

years of age Jn Tjrin Falls cls A school district No. 411.

) n Polls wlll be open from 1 tonc ivit P’' ” ' *t Lincoln and Blckel grai 1ft . m «hooU In Ta-ln mils. Supt. .

W. MorKan announced.I Mintii tlie special levy U f• b»iniT "n tn n n llls -fD n h r^ tn e rB J 'fu t -OUdw- ‘ "5 *"”! PlayffrourIvrn-Kir -aad-gi’mnoslum.fund________nd n i ^ A *ltnple majority U needed i arwere “ " y the election, Morgan note



kMPS i1 1 0 0 -2 0 0 -3 0 0 W ntt Sizes.55c ^

i :::25/3S to a CuBtomer— , ;

resent Stocks L ast ^

^ F A L L S — j

& A U T O jJ to f f ic e — P h o n e 77‘1 - *]

VS. T W i n FALLSr

ills News in BriefScribbler* te Meet

I relum ed Tbe Scrlbblen elub wlll i ed friend* 8 p.m . Friday a t U« bom#

Max CroUien, 403 Bracket

Birthreturned | a daughter •was bom T

t r m - u . — *k-ui6TVfnT41ir”«jimty- daho and to Mr. aad Mrr.^tddle Llor

Falls. A-

i:M p. zn. tlie couaty clerk Thursday tl All m em - W r1ght-ind“ BettT“ Jeniln

Twin Fall*.

I buUdinsSpeedy. Richfield, r

l to police Wednesday eventagpocket w,

r iB .? c S t Wednesd*y. -me1 .1 5 f2Si case h „ hU name engravedis $5,000. back, speedy said. He belle

lost It a t Uie Twin FalU Ll jy p lan e c o m ^ y yards.^ ® r t^ " '| Receive* Award

» Virginia FrancU. daughUr»T,r^Sin? A- E. Francis. Ogdtn

^ the Phi Kapjnward which U given to Uie:

ependent jo p«. cent of grwSuates i basis of scholarship, she ;

tural college In June w lt^ a n .w f They a rt formefield o f- PalU residents.

I to C a s - _________________

Jerome Man He Ii'i?" ~Kn Forgery CoWMnfr?- preliminary hearing and-wts-

' over to dlitrlet court whe

O ralgned in Justice court Wedi on a forgery charge. His bon set a t 11,000 wlUch he wa *ble to fumlsti.

T A C C b Ordar waa arrested Wedi lountnln on a complaint signed by C. laa been shepherd, Jerome. He Is accu

club In forging a check for ITO on th ,W show ome branch of the Plrst 6e L-hMfiO. -bank-ot-Idahe,------------------

le ffToup T» j'Reports Due

tn e T n - "Oo'tnty'AsstM or-CIltford-n s asso- *on reminded Tn'In FalU mere

Wednesday that a t least I fl Ferry, them have failed to tum In th e a b - chandbe reports, "nie reports j !, p resl- hava been received by April :1 a r id - said.confined As a result of the delaye. . . . X.- *** • «ero M r. up, Thompson said. He w etnenta- merchanU Ui»v. fi»UurB-lo tu

tJie-reporU on time la a n 5 e ^ d mesnor under Idaho law.

: . r T r ^ f f i ^ eI r . f L , EiSht persons paid $1 cach '

o e a d u o rstim a ticrkinc.atiEPi.P .r& Ji- Beth,'xloy in Detweller atul Jewell Ahlln.1, of a --------------------------

READ TIMES-NEWS WANT . ol City, •n 1000.ruckson O Js,”:—bietsiRupert,

rw, one.* ls t« , ____:rt, .......................pend-


: s 8

Illness. -Unity ®

r n , . '

Ie7f_Ior_ __________________________

or r 31class .

to 7 / -Srade / .-VS

I ;1 for - Ir n n s " ---------------------------- -Jt - Jlund

d to

T ■ ! ' 1I I

I ■ i?>I The STET. 1 You'll like Uie cool comfort V and j-ou’rs sure to like lh A crUp lines a rt set off wllh

puggree band............ »

' . F ea tured in all

FIVE STOHESf -------------------------- ----

! v '

0 _________________________________

I I Cassia Drii----- Continues 1‘”'3s Canning !" ' ■ BtTRLEY. May 11-Th« I

sh ip campaign to raise U,00( JJiUrsdAI. nf » hiilldlncr nw pila l Jia canning' kiUJien will i oyd. Twin throughout this week, Johi

ney. chairman of the boan rectors, reported Wednesday

■ lo Bpotv p jc ie th tlr canvoMes.aa , both possible and turn In their

to the central school offlcc courthouse lh order th a t to dale can be determined,

and Mr*, farm ing communlUes are i In gf>od Ing In fine manner, sbe ret

ng a t BL ~ __Where he directors h

checking coastnicUoa deU estim ated costs. Hackney ss

, reported avoUable sites are also being lg he lost e«l- The corporaUon plaa* watch In the building constructed as be watch for use by the Utter part i ■d o T ^ or early July, he said, if th* Ileves he available.Livestock T he tio memberships wUl lj. funded to tbe purchisera ^

th e savings of one-cent per each can processed a t the

tr of Mr. up to UOO cans. Hackney ex tn. Utah The membership holder* w ippa Phi J5»ve a v-ole In Uie opera e highest the kitchen through the noi I on the ontanluU on which h u beet

wlll be ed.Agricul- M rs. Ei’a Ireland. Unity. 2 a degree noimced addlUonsl helpers ner Twin * « “ • including Mr*.-RobiH

Mrs. MorrU Baker, Mrs. P a t : Mrs. William Blschoff, Mrs,

1 J Frcymlller,*nd,_Mrs.. Eldon C l Q Com atiailT_aulipim' n i i n f P e rw w »h 0 have net bee U U l I t tacfed for membership ma' :. waived tac t the ir community cht i*-bound Miss—Darrington-eald-—Ooeni hen ar- chairm en Include Mrs. < xlnesday Oummerson. Declo; prcsle)- ond was SprlnKdale; Mr*. Roy Loft'der, roa un- Mrs. E\’ft Ireland, Unity; Mrs.

• W alker. Pella; WlllUm : ■dne^dav StAirhs Fem ’; Mrs, Joe Se

H eybum .Uaugha

5S1 t,? PTA ; Mrs. Ernest BUuer om Herm on KIpg. first ward; : AJIller. fifth ward; Mrs. Jai

----------- ieu rin~W ard r~W ni~an rn tsecoad w ard ;' Mrs.'Sidney 1

n th ird ward; Mrs, Bert Noble, CC view; Mrs. Dill Bradshaw, arThtjmp' ner. and-Mrs.-Reger-Tolnutn.trchonls tauRh.

IM of H ackney U urging the comiIn mer- of th e memberahlp drive a t o5 should the flcanclfll stati1 10 he learned. The communlly‘ *’* Uie loss ef the canning k

r . equipment. If n suitable buildn r provided for during Uiew im rf season, he explained.

“ $500 Bond Pdste By Drunk Dri

p a Jo seph Glbney w u released the couniy Jail Thursday mc

1 Wed* ‘‘^ ter posUng a IJOO bond • u , ( y chtLT^) of drunken driving. G

SS-SS?»2 *553?H e ' was w rested"afT o:W '

W ednesday by Kimberly pollci r ADS. brought to the county JaU.

lon- STM

e right n lTSON Seoview3rt of th is Pannllle the way the clean, h a bright, tropical - ^ ^ n f l

**If I t ’s from Ropci

1 S een T o *for •nny fir pushing tinier s:

go-eart stopping fo r im: C v t A acrlat business-picking dar 31ie J . T Blan soak

I sunshine . . . More and mor

SL'erilSf’rrriv'la' fiW

. ms about naUonal guard tanl

rs to eom- r ,n o « commenUng *now^ I soen U t , i „ t u getUng powerful sm Ir receipts m dtke c*rr>-lng annlice a t the . . judge p ie s Lowia t result* i - - genial and cociforUible id. Several ij, hi, office . . •I respond- waving greellns as she T porttd. J. JIUI burled

. . . -Mrg rHeTachel-Cti h „ h,^n tickled about telegram Irwi

. . X band in Wyoming . . . Oent to "get” trout fUes on Gus B nouy shirt backfiring as g f nicked accdlentaUy wlUi acUsiBill IreUnd and company i ; .w S r«ia.teMwra««m proi

got * chance” afur counUng 1 n k“ hrn holes and InspecUng pri explained. ' \ ,

ir*Uon**o Demonstration X . Set for Farm

V „ GOODINO, May 11 — 0 ?^r County Agent R. I . Higgins i

Tr iv a demonslmUnn of bail mix• poSoh rwk'-cIiuclirwIirM-

^ i ^ l i ; ^ Id sy . Ben Evans of Uie fU wllOWe *trvlce will give Uie d

in Beity. tr,uons to all fannet* b IUj i ctj to fight.'Farmera musl b rlr

a riSunt-of-grrca-alfilfl-tlpi lay con- wnnt poisoned, ihttlrman. The schedule U: Hagerman enmunlty Lodge!,-10-a.-m .:-K igenaan

Charles Bell ranch), 11 a. m.; Rock ty Pace. IThousand Sprlnp). 1 p. m.; er View- Wendell (Andrew Dj-kstra's n rs. Vance 3 P- «n.; Wendell (Ford Ga

B e c k . 3 p. m.; Gooding (Ford Oa Schodde, 4 p. m.

ThU Is the only rock chuck han, clly on demonstration to be giver ind Mrs. spring, Higgins said. Ke urgi ; Robert farmers wllh chucks to fight U lan Rue. advantsge of this opportur t ■WebljT--------- -

, f c T . T . H i p S » 4 Talent-to Appt

.............. CEDAR DRAW. Ms? 11 -1from Uie Twin FalU high t

in u m n present the program al tv regular meellng of the Cedar

Orange Friday evening.Mrtin^ u The StudenU wlll be brought i ; r L by Mr. and Mrs. I. T Creed.,.c com- ntfreshraents will be In cl

ofMr.andMTs.H, j.V anZ anii Mr.-and-Mrs.-Lonnle Moore.—

Ijvpr Last Rites Heli■ * , Funeral sen-lces for Johied from Thompson were conducted a t 3morning -Thursday at the White monnPi? “ chapel hy Uic Rev. Albert B. Pauiuney jjjm j oslrom was soloist.

f V f f - Pallbewers were Henry SI5 * 0 ^ , Bill Swisher. Earl Carroll.

W’T r' Toi'^'* '’Ice and Durla) wns made In Sunset

' morlal park.


le 'for sumThe STETS

For real summer comfort . , StelMn Newton. I t’s a be r

I ,, , Pannllle with a-solt, cr«am-c<

e r ' a D e p e n d a b l e * ' - ■


lay Ir sister tfl - ^ ^ P O r t f tImporUntdandelions5aldn« up - l^ 'lO H e v

ng—and— o f th e ? i

■mload ,0f I atuowe lo o k -I^^ .P ii^ ln g le behind tJit nnt t iewel Von "wOtd c»Hi S le'CiTOsos qualify for it , ^d i H S 0 t w m .Ctw vallet — Tm. i. ..R 5 i T p ^ ^ n i r - h ^ i 7 ' J ^ e n u Joke show a p p r o u ^ J ^I K elkers to q u a l i f y ^ ^ W ; gent is CTttni. W ith w .5 *

wipiS?t o e . eveoone iTtt!!

1 Is M m , r t .

mers-aoodlng be consirucW ^IS reports ^“"y Qualify f«nixlnjf to accruing in Juh,M -ftlv in ' — -fish a n d ^s demon- . D’u'PrtnU tx , „h chuck* *tudled lij fi^

■k House chatnber tf »m.; eas t mittee, headed , ranch ), Prwented Its f « a j . O arage) chamber at ifct ;-«■»» G arace), *nd It was apptcnls

members. It ick polii- “cUon and i r * ven th is ^or the hwplu] irges a ilt to U ke PtotUb i U tunity. ItprovldtsforlKai :-------------f i ii i- iin a -iru sa in t

5ol“ 5 S t ! i '? * pear- “- “ “i 's-T a le n tI seh «lrt«Uaa .4k'

a t the “ commltte#co=)*((i r Draw *11. Chairman; E ns»" Paskett, Robert CtIh t here »<1 CUUrtt.

me d LOYAIl >•------------ O R D E R -o f- '™

- r; 3 p. m . Meeting lortuaryParrelL FridlJ.Hijll

Slivers, MOOSE H A aoiill• 0 '«n H arrlane lB U tk« lPhe>P» Governor lie

le fM e- VlSITOUima


■ | k ^ . -

w dSON Newton. , . b y the new ^>eautlfuUy woven f S E i-colot]*d puggre* / • #

O th e r FineSTRAW SAT8 - ___ from

t’s AnW h i te G

• '

Goods DcpL!trtet Floor C S. Please

iaii— —


colorful Jncqunrd desifms. Dolipl ties, camping, bal! gnm cs nnd ho mi H«is.

D ry Goods

D ry Goods

........ ....... ................


■ Visit Our ^•nplete Children’s I^epartment Today ~

S _ to e l F I „ a r „ .P ie „ s g - ^ . - . - -

iders(T o o d s


- V l


■ M T S o f t , f l u f f V < » ^ o f m a n y

c o lo r s y o u t e r n s . ■

: : : L o v e l y :

-€ a iiiio i


r w j r ___ _ 20" X M '

^ F i r s t q u n litye ls . . . th c

l ip h t fu l f o r y o u love so m n n y sum * c o lo rs o f p ink ,

a n d {rreen.

Ib Dept . . , S tree t Floor . .


^ 1.77-------- ---- J J . ^ j(5j.


Hou*BwIv<a . . . Ulis Is I you can 't eJford U pt

..... Take Adva

Is D e p t. . . S ircct Floor

Washable^M ayah

for th e l


■ ertsp■ ■ ■ ------------------InTft

■ m lsSO - ■

■ £ m 'siI t / ' l TriW i - V I’l*

— ~ M ------M• ' ; 0»

. t ' Sui

---------------------------TiM ES-J

ion’s Ji)utstanding yd

‘‘S pecm .Lovely Chenille

IDSPREAIfor only

z M ii f f y C h e n i l l e s p r e a d s in a selc y lo v e ly p a s t e l - s h a d e s . T h e r i 'o u ’ll lo v e to o , w i t h s o f t f lo r a l

) i i -

E L S ^ P«:.48c „ J f m ity Cannon to\v- hc th ir.ity ono.s no well. Solitl nk, ntjun, yellow

. . . Please

ding Sped;rs-------"PiU5>7(

39c- - —'A rrIdcnl“ Mot}i

/EAnwo • Gift fo r you Sr

U .v n lu . '» S ' ", p*M byl Sunday.

vantage o f th is Opportunity!

ir . . . Please

f e " ■ ' ........ " " ,

'des------ =! Young Miss!

GAY COTTON DRES,*y UtUe flo rd prln ta ' trlmm'td wllh_ rlap white coUm ■nd two U rte pockets. r t ( i 'f £ n ~ 8 T tr - 'o r e w a ’’«)ioT*:-BtiM-7-

FADED DENIMSSo popular! So praetic

Shorts . ' ............ ^T ru e-C u t *hort« B»Uy trlmmtd wll p u ia ,; s itM 3 to e. -

t f i i R i f f T o p ^ H0»y pWd m idriff t« match Ui# trim i Suclj an easy-to-carc*for outfit for *umi

M f f i W S . - T ^ - F A L t S r - r i )

alues for^foui' Sii

r /^ ~ ~ g p

DS -F o r w o r

-------- ---- --------- ^ I t - w a s h ig r e y , g r

le le c t io nl e re a r e . a r a l p a t -

____________ _

EUsUc top I . Slzei 10>i to

r r r i l v 7Sc»

r R (Model A

-------- 79.!


) c M E R C U I

o th u r-ff -D ii j----------------- P L - Y M O USmnll Ones DODGE, I

“ “ c h r y s l :

'y! ■’ Also


o f f -C o t to n s - R a y o n s - W o o len s

D ra p e r y - F ln n n e l

ESSES'llh . ■ S S ^ 2 C

s ’ ^ 1i ic a U . M H I

$ 1 .9 8 5with bright

-S 1 V 7 -9 - ,-----------

f„s‘™i ■' Rem


i & y j

tiimmer iNeeds! .

“Cross Coi

* O R T S

1 All Purpose S h i r t . . .

ork or for play, here’s a shirt ihoa-cflflilyT-irona-quiddy..-aiii g;reen, bluo and tan. S-M-L.



. ^ “ ■ 3 - 1.00 Use Anderson’

SPEC!e - B u i l tA Motor— ' ,1!


Wc carry th e m ost compU

:O L E T ,liiry cafs~ ...'Z r:::...‘37 to '48 .............................JR Y ,’39 t o ’48..... ......HJTH, a ll y e a rs .............■- ..r.rr1, all y e a rs ................................LER,’all years ....................%o available, Oldsmobile, Bu

I T h e g a s a n d o i l y o u

_ p a y m e n t s . O n j y 1 0 ?


A u to Acci i ___



5 H IR T S

2-37L o n g Sleeves

r t t h a t a n s w e r s y o u r n e e d s ln d iB .E Q _ sm a rtly , s t y I e d l J n _

---------------C alifornia-Tan^


Regulflr 7.05!________ 6 . J

• Sires— • Wove6 to 111 Vamj

Z iT H i i lv F r o n C Z Z I Z Z W Z C o o r Corel Comf

____________'i .

’s Convenient

IAL -M o to r s

1939-36 F o r d 'V - ^

1 0 9 . 9 5 e x c h a n g e

lete stock in to w n ! ,

............................... . 1 3 5 ; 0 0 l ^ i K a n g

........................ 148.00 exchang___________ 157.00 exchang.................. .~ :.152;00 exchang.......................156.00 exchang....................... .157.00 exchang^uick, International, etcy

u s a v e w i l l m a k e y o u r m o n th l

) % d o w n ; . ; 1 2 m o n t h s t o p a ]


cess. Dept. . . . B a sem en t. . .


F le e tw iW ith Lifetime


Boys’ standar'c headlight, tnisi kick-stand, ch; bike fo r an exc

. ' ...... Be

Can Sliop ’til

________ ^ ^ _______________ E i

C is/s

■1 „ ____________________ ____________



,9 7^ennpl


Credit Terms!

« g e 11

F R E Ei g 8 — S e W f S P A E E P I

>(te,g e ’ ' “ I ' « ' “ 7


hly. Sold This We

! ' OnW ■'

. ..P le a se ' ........ •

i n g B ikie Guaranteed Fram et

r d 26" b i c y c l e e q u i p p e d

S 3 b t i r s , N e w D e p a r t u r e ' l

h a i n - g u a r d . A n e x c e p

K e p t i o n a l l y l o w . p r i c e ! ■

Jm em cnt.-.; Pfenm

I 9:00 on Frid

P A f lK T H R E a - - . - . i

S ? • = =

iT ---- ^



eTIPECTGS" ^ 5==



[ e s ----------------

E = i>d \ritK ' ..



I A eauol|jatk>i< cf r<)<. li. IIO. <■(

IMUblUhad lo IMi im] ih< Twin KilU

I'lblUM dallr >nil Sundir il IK I r>ll<. Kiko.’b; It.. Tlm~-Xr>i fMbl: I ' Zntnal M •Metiil <lu> in<ll milK

. J l . »»«t »»l«« l« T.U. r*U«,l.Ula. BB U.1 ■ 'mtnsciiiPTinN R.: . n r cisaicn-i'ATABLe i

....T—i r a r ; " ' t

nr MAIWPATAIILE IN ' • Wllkl. UiK« tfU Dka C*>nr;. N«*i<

nr --------------------------• OllUI«( tllili (I llikgL

a , j U ------«------------------

or t.j oiJi

_ Ills, •> •.tlni l.Sri« n W Cb«ltfl**. isiNATio.SAt. nrrnHcR"

C l Uiiktl'siiMi! .Im rit:

' D O N ’T U N D E R EST IM A[j I P a u l H onm nn . fo re ig n aliIf t h e R ii.« lan c om m un ist em jI " q u ite suddenly" w ith in .o u rI I H e sees two fac to rs a s dec

' ' * o f P re m ie r S ta lin , w h ic h hoI o f f n wild scram ble fo r'p o w cr

■!l ■ in g nw ny of m ost R u ss ian ailil l ,• . f ro m M ojcow, _I ' ' H o ffm a n believes th e se «i

II I j . v e lo p ln g dnriRcrous r ig id ity li ' l l s t ru c tu re s . All a p p e a rs amoi I ' ' fac e , h e says, bccausc po lltlca

r - — J t- tb a t - w a y .- B u t - u n d e m e a f [ • ; m o u n tin g .III T h e a n tic ip ate d tu rb u le n c

ft“ c h a n g c in th e R u ss ian cI I p ro b ab ly allow th o se tcnslor

I t h e o p en , says H offm an .f ------------- W h a t- h e - f o re o a s ts -U - c e r tn i --------- i>05S lb llltyrY et-lt-ft-0U ldn*tr]1 , f r e e w orld to co u n t o n a n y th

A R u ss ian em pire co llap se uII I t h a p p en s .

T h o w est has be en try in g ]o n g tim e Ju s t w h a t w lll occ d ie s . T h e lis t of lik e ly succcss< u n d e rg o in g revision. S om e cj c u t - t h r o a t struggle , o th e rs t

----------frlo tlon less-ffw ltch -w U l-be-m■' ■ ■■■ I f th e re d m p rove to -b e i

to r S ta l in ’s Job, th e s a te l lite s| J ______t h e c h an ce e ith er to ^ e a lc Ii

to £oke a m o re 'f i rm ly n a tlo t h o T ito 'm odel.

11 W o c a n ’t be so hopefu l,‘ ' w h a t m ig h t develop w ith in B

m a t t e r how b itte r th e com pet j I t a lm o s t c e r ta in ly w ou ld n ! . o u s te r , o f .th e .o p p re s s iv e to ta

n o w e n tre n ch e d .; M o d e m d lc ta tc r sh ip s h av e' m a n d f a r m ore p o w erfu l w ea

th a n d id th e ty ia n t« o f old. i • p e d -w ith grea t-flroT JO w er, b i

lic e , c o n c e n tra tio n c am p s , th e i T o lt a d if f icu lt m a t te r t o bi

s ti l l , R u ss ia has c ru sh e d a n y Iz a tlo n o r se g m en t o f soclet p o ss ib ly serve a s & ra lly in g i J lous c itizens. T h e c om m ur r iv a ls -a n y w h e re w ith in th o a

T h ^ R u s s la n ty r a n n y m u s t B u t p ro b a b Jy 'I ts f a l l w ill ct lo n g , slow d is in te g ra t io n fro h e a v y , r e le n tle ss p re ssu re s fre

• T h o se p ressu res n e e d n o t neci w a r . A .n o n -c o m m u n is t.w o rld - fo r I ts defense,” f lrm ' l n i t s fal In I ta m a rc h tow ard h u m a n I c o n s tr ic t R ussia 's 'o r b i t a n d h n is m 's dem ise,

T H E -S T A T E IN V E S T HI------------- N c iw - th a ra o v c r n o r “ Roblns-' I d a h o ’s p u rch a s in g a g e n t , S1

C a ll, c h a irm a n o f t h e com m l v e s tlg a tc d several s t a t e d e p a t th e f in a l w eek o t th o sp e c ia l le g is la tu re , th in k s w e s h o u ld he golHB g r a n d ju ry In v es t ig a tio n

" T h e evidence u n e a r th e d by d u r in g th e b rie f w eek i t m e t ir f le d g e d Inv estig a tio n w as nee l e r s o n c o u n ty s e n a to r p o in te d

•’T h e gav ern o r is to b e comm t in u in g th e In v cs llg a tio n to a c o m p la in t h a s been filed , b u t

■ Is t h e m o s t effcc live m e an s t h e in v e s tig a tio n ."

T h e s ta te p u rch a s in g a g e r o n e o f th e d e p a r tm e n ts com: d u r in g th e 's p e c i a l s e s s io n .;!

. p ] ^ rc h a sm g jig e n tj ilm sc lf_ h n 5 f ro m h i s du tie s fo llow ing chn la rc e n y .

• • B u t - f r o m -f i l l iiid ic iitlons,' I In v es t ig a tio n up to t h e p re se n t o n ly th e su rfa ce of Irreg u lo r w h ic h no doub t p ro m p te d '• s ta te m e n t t h a t a g ra n d Ju ry 1:

------n e e d e d fo ra n -c f fe c tlv c 'c le a n ^T h e governor h a s prom ised

th e re w ill be a com plete .and v e s tlg tt tlo n of several s ta le dej: th e r e s u l ts of any su c h Invc; been slow In coining,

........ ... ........ _ A u io _ u :^ iO N :s - “ Y jc i. .T Jic -c o ac lu d ln g p a ra g ra p h ,vc• • • t a l t i s l h e 'm o n U o a y to o '.

‘ tsz-:.-. A n /Vcsoclated P rc M -d lsp a tc

ChYj'sTcr’ ^ tr lk e lfh d flT u lly 'con w o u n d u p as follows;

‘'E s t im a te s show t h a t th e . ; a g ed w age lo.'i.'sc.'! o f 51,000 cac th e w a lk o u t. -With new lo -cc n t I t w ou ld ta k e them five yc .irs tc

• lo s t p a y ." ■. . . -I n 's p i t e o f a ll m err~clchancc,

n e s s , a n d .a l l th e n a m e callliiR. g a ln - t h e CIO U nited A uto Worl fiucli a ■•victory"?

••As re g a rd s pension a n d ol t h a t th e Ind iv idua l em ploye kc n e w c o n tra c t ," tfald H erm an

____C h ry s le r 's g en era l m a n a g e r , ‘’h

ta b l^ w ith o u t losing & s in g le d ••A s t r ik e is Tiot a n r lc to r y lo r

S t a t l s t lc s .s a y th a t c h ic k e n s -r- T iny 1,000- CRgs every sc co n d . T lit

c o m p a re d to r ad io c o m e d la n i , '



W I• IU aublbM la 1104.I« Wmi. T«In W AfiinNO'PMbiuwM cenMjr, BOTemment «


m s mJ^ e » u u a t-T ru

ieStativm • not IntJiuJe fCO., i.sc. aid o r for fix

c iif . , the nubile del|W,BOO.OOO IOO,

MATE R U S SIAa id chief, p red ic ts , w e a k e n e e

im plre w ill collapse 3Ur life tim e . .insisted on bylecls lve: T h o d e a th se n ato r T a t t > he expects to to u c h ^ ^v c r: and th e b reak - » s a te l lite c o u n trie s „ . too,oto.ooo u

proA{>ecUv« del ! s a te l lite s a re d e - B u t tiio voci y In th e ir econom ic ernl borrowlni m ooth on th e s u r - causes of high

eath ,-= tenslons^ T «^ =f5rtH drm nT «even the pretl

jnce a ccom pany ing ------------------------1 d ic ta to rsh ip w ill c o m p l e x - Jlons to b u rs t In to prlntlon bill la

which explain

tr ta ln ly _ * _ m a rk « L ‘trb B -w lso “f o r ’ t h e ' ’eonsutuents’ ge y th in g so Joyful a s a j each p a r s un less a n d u n til house, a n

am ount for Uiln g to gu e ss for a oc cu r w h en S ta lin a reault,'( f ssors is c o n s ta n t ly m ittcc amount, I e x p erts p red ic t a ellmba aboard s th in k a sm oo th . The Renilemi . m ad# ,------------- -------- llca n . . y iU -adg

j . r u l h t o l i m t - S t i o ' r S Jltes m ay w ell seize member's pe t : k loose o r n t le a s t improvements^. t lo n 'a l ls t i r i f i^ -b n 're iu lt- ' ■ ■

But, Inasmua.1, how ever._abou t 1 R uss ia Itse lf. No to le am who st p e titio n fo r power,

n o t le a d to th e m e t i i o d b —' o to li ta r ia n -re g lm o mothociA.or kll

of nn approprlive a t th e i r com-

1 A n a rm y equ ip - ror p : b ru ta l s e c re t p o - bs donked wiuth e se a ll m a k e r e - -The fimt is

b r in g o ff. •WorseJiy so r t o f o rg an - with h o i e sen :le ty w h ic h cou ld u require* oig p o in t f o r rc lK l- obtain a vote lu n ls ts b rook n o •d o p ^ d by a i B s o v ie t u n io n . ' u t end som e day.

com e o n ly a f te r C A T C H -In ifro m w ith in , a n d urw » re rareljf ro m th e ou tside, procedure becai

.Id -w p ll-p rgnn lzed r •aBalnit^Uielr-o? fa i th , p rog ressive to a b in they l

n b e tte rm e n t w ill The o the r n 1 h . , t , n com m u-

View Its worlt, <------------ I t Is « ha rsh rT IG A T IO N one fo r m ea wh

[ta-has- d Ism toT dS ta te S e n . B c r t i* u ia t the stui

m ittee w h ich In - comlt, and. wheip a rtm e n ts d u r in g measure Itaelf. l a l session of th o1 ha v e a th o ro u g h - pn™ir?aph %tjt«Ion. nnal a n d unchiby th e com m U tee . t in d ic a ted a fu ll- t r o b l e m - tneeded," th e J e f- w hether to base te d o u t - . - .n m e n d e d f o r c o n - has been defeat ) a po in t w here a in o ther worb u t a g ran d Jury everi-,member. In s or com pleting

g e n t's o fflcc w as Unfortunately,am lng u n d e r fire o t th I. m o w th e s ta teitis-bctu i-rcm ovcd- .chargcs o f g rand V I JE W J!,• th e = governor'.^ i ; " e n t has .scratched .o„Ved s u t ^ ' p la rltle s In BoLie, miere.it were dcc d S e n a to r Call’s oppo.vit* directioi y investiga tion Isvn^im........... ...................H c»er-0 .-S!aui

■ , p rcaldenfs homeed nil a lo n g th a t for lobbyinc wiu ,nd Irhpartlal. In - He denied the cli d e p a r tm e n ts , bu t ivc.«iB .tion h .v t

in the house of r................................ - -rnrast orjrvniiulltiICTO RY ” __ __ _ primnr>-. SlauuMi

' one. in two presii a tc h - o u t o f De>- vot^ UuiiiAh-ha-«

:om c to n i. Jnd , ;.'torfd \va, bloaii

C. s t r lk c u aver- pcarcJ, However, cac li because of beaten b;™ t hourly> to m ake up tlic Jliry r tfm ed lo I:

t lo n .'b u t >obtl]i'er ICC, th e ir b ltlcc - ^ r o t r t n s ' mnny iiR. w i m d o e . l t ,rn S '-w ^ “ frcm p t!Workers to •'win" f a iw to make sn j

stands vlndleatedo th e r b rn e f lts Po^tlcal per;ecutl

UMCr 11,0111 L. W ecklcr, \erdicL promiit, O;,"hn could have to hl< Income, wmtl^c couforence oor-Hmrrj'.t::— :—

’ d a v 'i oav ' ' ' f ' y r y I't J w J t occaiiDii l o r anybody. d^piic nu uie mo --------- • 1.15. ’^hlch has nevIS In tho U. .s.

k . • • I FYec P:c£i.

KER’s n a t io n a :

H I R L I G I GSOTOW—"nie most eb^uent'adTocatt* )t economr In tho house $ n b estln i t 1 leadership, especlalljr Minority Leai ■tlnrnoftoTorea'a’show down on thla Us tlon rear. His food nature and his desire DP house next Nortmber may Incline h ^ -..^ ta -u n sa o -H u ir-p a tb e U c .p Iea d ln % . ■' ThB U « will come iaU todsj ■- A - when the lower chamber rotes

final dlsposiuoa of the one-psc age appropriation bill, which pi

L_^_.QjKraUons fo r.the 1031 .fiscal ye. J t l . ' The outfome win be unusus 0^ : Important becauso this new meth ^ f H ^ o f handling money bills In a slni ^ ^ B m e a su rs was supposed to ellmlni

kB ^H hlt-or-m lss, pork-barrel spcndlot, Although the SM.OM,000.000 rt

----------TMsnt—» l i 00.fl».0(XHrTtdtictloir-m a a a a 's -« l8lnai-bu(l*et-<letntnd»r1t-do a funds for foreign ccoaomle or mlUta fixed charges like the annual Interejt ( debt. These will raise the total to abo

300, a recard peacetime appropriation. .

s'ED—"nie projpecUve savlnsi englnetn ise appropriations committee and durli « amount to far less than the reducUoi by such sincere, economy-minded men :

ift of Ohio on the Republican side of U >y Senator Byrd of Virginia on the Demi

liave d e m a n d e d cuL ranRlntr (ro: X) to $5,000,000,000. for 1051, on top of l»5fldeficit Of r,ooo,ooo,ooo.

vocal foes of extravsgnnce 'and hufie fee vlngs, whlcli aro tlic basic but hldde ilgh prlees, pctic taxes and the heavy bui Jonal and individual' indebtedness, wea) Uie time camo_to_vot^on costly ppjcci

m 'd litiidsrT n m anr lnstahces-ther-vp^ residential proposals.

X—Floor consideration of a builcy apprc I is a highly technical and complex proces :alns why memtiers can Imltato Cslvl I tha poUUcal.platform but really thro' m d-llt B i.c u iin 7H nanb r~ w ltho iin iie l

gelling'wiso to ihe'decepiion. paragraph and project is brought up' i: a member can demand th a t the specUl tills Item be reduced or increased. I t 1

I a t the commlltee figure or boosted Ii leal votes, which are rarely recorded.It,'the final blU carries the original eom unt, or an even larger total. Sverybod; ,rd the gravy train, eman from Ohio, aay. may be a Rtpub idm lntstratlon-and-fa lrly -alncerc-lnh l ivtng moD«y.-But-hls incUnatlons In th i sually operate only when some oUie e t project Is affected. W hen money fo t s j n . h l s dliUlel. I s . propo*ed,-h*-v«l«

nuch'os these votes aro no t kept for tin record. con.ilitIng only of Inartlculst Iflable -yeas'^ and "nays," I t b Imposslbli ) stands for what.

5—Under house procedure there are twi klilUiR-or forcing a downward revlslor

iprlntlon bill loaded with pork, pap ant nder.profelems now before Speaker Martin ai

^dividual llepubllcans' demands tha t theli r preaching but not practicing econom] wilh'parllamentary Invisibility, is a motion to recommit liiie measuri

ropriatlons commlltee. with Instruction ia total amount to th a t it will confont sentiment.J one-fifth of those actually present tc )te ca such a motion, and It mu.<l bi a majorlly. U Is not difficult to rounC mber, if the men belitnd Uie economj0 sincere.

Cn actual pracUce. however, major meat* rely recommitted. Member.i dbllko that wause It Ll tantamount lo a rebuke and on friends on the particular commlltee

jreover, the name wenpon may be U!td vown-ccmmitiefs some day •#llh respect ey have framed.■ means of annihilating or revising a

piece of legislation Is to vote against jn . T hat requires the committee to re- k, and tr>- lo write a bill th a t wUt p u v h remedy, but It is the only practicable who actually want cconomy. lower taxes,

here is the eatch—what usually happens stump speakers for economy vote to re- •hen that falls, vote In favor of the overall If. Then the point to their tecommltal idence of how ihelr heart bleeds for tlio Ithout mentioning their poragraph-by- 3tes on their approval of the bill in its ichanged form,

—The* problem confronling Martin is ase his economy fight-on a mere motion or to insist on a roll call vot^ on tlie

ler. as expected, Uic rccumniltal motion teated. .words, vlll the OOP leadership force T. IncliidlnK lUi own partisans, to go on agalnit Uie greatest pcoceUme budget in In-one of the’courilo’'s me.ii pro.iperous-

ely. a mrijorlly lof the money-.'avers on the able art asking him lo-slde.itcp a

/S OP O T H E R SAUr.MTKR AND MARAGON -in] cases In which Uie pre.ildent <it Uie » presumably has'm ore ihnn a c.'oual declcled by the courts In recenl days. In ;tlons, each probably agntiL'ii the presl-

laughter.-fonncr-amgrcjsm nn-from 'tlic' me district at Kansas City, wa.% indicted wlthoul having registered a.s n lobbyist.! charge on the ground tha t hlj activity1 la*->’cr, not a lobbyist.called that Slaughter, a Democrat, had m im an lll-MIl by voting InriepemlenUy 3f repre.ieni.H|vrj..7,hcrcupan-ilic-reud- ullria purged him In the im s Democratic Khier c a rried .n ju t.c tJU w ard ^ - In-hls he other four. contruUed by the organ- tr rd f’farlyjt?!)-*'’--eclnct* he wasn’t credited w ith a iln f if i« -was -lh# • ineurtflxuiv -conBTCumaii'BndLiide - tho?t* wiirrt.', ---------:-----■ '^erf liliit-i' o7"';cii'ndai' )n‘ th e ' v'dti a fate in which the baliot-s had been own up. Of course the ballots dljap- ■er. the man ulio beat SlauRhter was 1 by a nepubllcan in Uie fall, so the 1. U te r came Uie arrest on the lobbyist his was fuimy too. A federal grand0 Indict..Miorily before. lhc ,4 iJ8 elec- Ijer one did Indict shortly afterwaid. tn y delays the ciiic finally came to • did nol have to offer any tejtimony iptly aeiiultted after the go\'mimrnt any caje. Bo Slaughter, thouffh purged, led of what appears to have been a :ution.i.'.r h thnt of John Maragon, former ntliinte. H> trial w.is brief and the | OuCiy .V charged, nf perjury relnllni

w huh has come from rather unnrtho^

f*o ca,'.e.r hnve a morai. l l Li that ilonally juiUce. does win a round monkey-builiicss of pollUcaJ tamper- never been eo bad as in T en n t years.

prfMlje <if the prcjlrtcntlal ofllcc r il ihc IiK-unilcnl wrre nnt invnheil1 Slausliier i and;il4r.-iguiii— .Nauipa' 1

AL 7 :::“

GrM S h q t s ^ B! Issue sire to,e him t— ^------'■ . t:l ,uJInxs., . oN E -B O rB OPINIO.V- .1 May— u t t l e Bteve OllUam caused *0;

wide grins In the crowd turning ( to aeo President Truman a t SI

‘ Pf®* ahone. lie 's lust a t that ase when

ederal vocabularj-. One of his m a £3 “dot."

If he ,lacks Uie proper word 1 something or docsn^l know It.

‘ "s ® uses his favorite, “dog." So wh ninaie prfjident Tnim an sUrted to U

Uttle Steve looked up, pointed a.r t

«»e<l "him nfter that, but we he Mrs, Sturgeon McCoy was standi,

hntit right next lo him. You might ree. „ ‘ thal she's president cf Uie T«

FaUs County Republican Womei club.

leered • • •luring PU rS FOR KIDS DEPT, ctlons The telephone number for tod en as is 0381-Jll. A i-month.old Auslrt If tho Ian shepherd needi a home. T )emo- male pooch is nice with chUdren ni

good on a ranch, we're informed, from • •i«50'« !fUO FOR MOTHER

Dear Pot BhoU: j,(j. In ca.te some of your readers ha

I.M,,, taken the Job of pup raising. 11; bur. ^veak- plenty awi

5jp .u frcfn h is moUier.fl^-^e-Biappcti fl-firklng.clock.ai

put It In the box wllh the pup . _ . nlRhU This-really helps. Maybe-tl

pup thinks lh a t clock Is his mothei PPrt>- heart beat.Kess. The Benden■»'vln (Twin Falls)hrow • ' > •

___i r S A.\.A.VCLE_______W hat wllh the way Uie feder

ip' in Rovemment U»ses money right ati tcific lelt to anyone who happens to ha' I t Is the ability to snag It. wb think pet ■d In pie building new homes and plant

ing new lawTis are missing a bet. Bom. You^ve alt heard of Uie soli cor

aervation service and you all kno thnt pajm enls are made for accoir

. pushing recommended programs c coiuervlng-tlie -soil.. Why -w6uldn

‘ the liome-ouTier be eligible for sue payments If he planU a new lawi thus keeping Uie top soil from blow

’ fo'' ing away?vewt —u n f Uial son'coneervaUon?

• Uie FA.M0U3 LAST .LINEulste . . Yon don't have lo be crai slble to writ« some cf this stuff, bu( «

find th a t il helps."GENTLE.'MAN IN THE

• FOURTH ROWIslonand _________

n a* 1 •Ihelr,omy



I be a


/ — Hand \ Hs VW r m

\ T T \

»• B'aat. ^ ^ I ' f j Fable


■rail t o ’iltal WU'o >( ts*-by- y \ ^Its

l ' ^ ^

Jon -]j[- Mthe N1 .irce A

-/ J \ous- —

.. .. "


! - jB >lit. .7 ■ ■ ■ V I I

f V----- I ; v~

tic f ,----- -

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■a ....... . \I ■

• * ■ 7 1ie i t ■.■■■'. / i t t si lo -l ■ "

- y U imi I-: ori

'j I,'t

' 1 ■ ■cI _________

— - . TjM E S-NEgfe=a


i M A R Q UK xt la • strafi(« eotomentaJT p tbe times tha t on ona aids of I . a lag t .In the present drun» oI_; P elgn poller-war or peace Ij the si

. , cast o f charaeten Uiat played eame role In Uie years immedlapracadine worU -w u nr-T iuy ml

aome be called U)b h a t e ^ ^ ^ , . ^ _ chorus.

Sho- T h e y a i aMl he wrird hlenrt nf n . '• M M

nost> of chi-chl Indl-rldoala w h o - e l l n f f ^ B B K R

1 for to Uie " sodar U- t. he bei and very Im- when porlant n e p u b l l '^ ^ K T S ^ B Ulk. cans. In 1938 and and beyond they were

:------- in - - A in m c i- T T rj r« * i» a « ;r ! J

Idlng ThU Ume Uiey consider lha P ri •ecaU dent beneath their contempt. TT Twin hale « id their malice are coaci nen^a Iralod on Secretary of State rx

Acheson.At ft charming lltlle dinner p a

given by a sololil In Uio hate cho oday recently Achewn's resignation Iral- gleefully predicted even down The the number cf days preceding (

. nnd date on which he would be lore d. out or office.

• The prophet In Uils Instance one of the oddest characters in 1 group who has since been remo\

have from the payroll of the central . this telllgcnce agency; the last being eek- eventuality that may have be xway hastened by the fact hb name v

on one of Senator.McCarthy’# 11;. a n d ________ * * - *----- •' —p a t How much this prophecy derlv - th e from -w ishfur thinking, compound tier's with psychopathology of a comp

cated nature, probably only a ko •n psyclilalrlst could determine. D ut l5> actual f a d the event this crew lin____ so wnrked for and longed Ior coj__ i->nn»r rn hnpprn1ng'1}liin~r7iry-rnt.leral have known.and Not long before he left for t: Have series of European conferences nt feo- Jn progress Achcson called on tl in t- P resident.'T he prolonged and n a

glng quarrel In congress wllh nil I ^n* savagery had deeply depressed hi) now Jie had a heartsick feeling Uiat pe o'n- haps his ujefullncss was a t an en * of Whllo it hfts_been_for.thc.mQ

p a rt outside the scope of the new Acheson has m recent months be( under a great persona! strain in a< dltion to everything else. One of h two daughten.-Mri. WUiiam’P.Tlui dy. haa been undergoing a serle.i < m ajor operations in connectlc with a grave illness.

. w* _TliL'< may'havB been one o f t t

IE rca-ioiis why, as he lold the Pre.i den t he felt ho oould not and shoul

^ ^ T a l k V .7

p mJ

^ L A I I ? ; w

f f *

U T aoW -'w e

B o r O N p R o o r r L1

| f a l k ’s . : .w n n



n s CHILDJT on no t conUnue u secretary of st t th e The-Prw l-lenfi response wasr fn r . mfdlale and unequivocal. He rtpaam e th a t whatever Acheson's perse1 tn e wishes mlglit b«, he eould notlaU ly sign.Slight - The Presldentwtni.cn lo say t— — he -undeiatood Acheson'i feell

very well. To sene In high of.

there was no choice but to go I ^ H Ifw a s 'a 'd u ty nol m ertly topec

here a l home bu l.to free pec ■ ■ everywhere.V S .You've got to sUy here. Dean 1 W m {ight both the communliu and

nepubilcana, Ui« PTTJldentJa- ported lo have said in concluslor

iJi--------- m rP r f J ia e n rw W T n n n ig h lmood and hs conveyed lo his sec

•real- ta ry of sUle someUilng of this sarh e if fiery determination. Acheson 1 icen- Xor Paris feeUng belter about 1 Dean struggle to maintain some tmlly

policy at home and the strtiggle 5a rty rnalnUln somo unity of purp. lorua pmong the western allies In Euro

’ There was. of course, not a lit ,, “ ‘5 poUUcs behind Uie Presldenfs j

wlk. He well knows that Acheso re.ilgnaUon. no matter whal the r

, T u . moUve.s, would b t taken by the \ ' e arth y -W h e rry -T a ft wing of t I in Republican party is a victory a « nn cverj-thlng would be- done to ma

It appear as a confes.ilon of gulit. Between Uie President and 1

11,,,■ secretary of tU te 11 seemed to- ■ selUed-Umt . Uiero , would be.. 7—7 -ch a n g « e n a in ly -n o t-b e fo re - t

elecUon of Nov, 7. This means, change or expansion Is likely

*P“ T policy. And it is Just here tha t 0 comes lo the crux of Uie tragedy,

policy.belng pursued today ® no t big enough or bold enough . rrlntinn to the threal of total wj

» - t h r n . l - » T ™ - » T r e w - i S . real and more imminent with eai

day Uiat passes. Both in theory ai In practice Uie policy of conlalnli communism Uirough strength b li adequate. The policy ot strcng'

‘ ' ahould be related to a far-reachli n .? ' peace offensive carried to all peopl

everywhere..n a . perhaps no course whatsoever c«

a re r t destruction;-But if th^ro•w^;nn all-out effort to avert It. then 1 le ia t there would be the sallsfacllt on the day it happens Uiat everj th ing humanly--posslble.Jiad_bcc done on our tide to prevent'It.


FAIRVIEW. May 11-Members ( th e lho"WIIiIng'Workers ^-H'club'wl C.M- m eel Saturday a t the home of Mai lUld lene Kniep.

. Famous for Fai


, S A V ]


J N D R GI f E I G H . f o .


5 »ONPf^ A C OnfyW .

r " t i »j^W ow ance— w o rk o C '

■ drying. I I Dryer dr

------------- ------------------------d^fW B fc

Lit us demonst h

N eye£KuojviiiHl.' O ,

BY? ^ H O ^

stale, jjome from.• ‘®* Yes sir Uie dertiy was rw

m ^ r a b l l 1 met Jack Benny 1 ha had a slxange betting . *y*l<f a s k r f h lm w h y ^ e bel ty ^ e .horse in Uie race and hcsald, VV

offlca wonderful Everywhere >-ou go, U 9 per- offer you a m in t.

;o on. tliafs been In the \ f ljeople eyclotrontoolooB^-Bf >eople Dcrwns is really .K

beauUful and It's V K r" v - | n an d a Uirllllng sight d Uie to see all th a t » s_r?- blue grass. . . .■on-__ in d J V lL th i T o e e M M a t ^ ^ e htm g eaUng ll. f tlecre- One horse cameMfcj^ay i W same Jn laat and com- - ^

left plained blttcrli’. . • “ „ ** , I Uie . . "to Uilnk I left Roy Rogers 1 ty or Uila,-tie lo Now I know why Uiey call ho: rpose racing "Uie sport of kings, irope. They're Uie only ones who e

, afford IL

LH Open House Held If- By Bank at Bul

and b u h l . May Il-N um erous co make fratulalory messages and flaw* It- wero received from all over the n 1 his tb n yesterday by Uie Farmers N0 be iioni^ bank, marking open house I..no lls newly remodeled auarteni and t -U ie 33na -tnn tversary-cf-iu -presldn J no J c Hamilton. M »n officer of ll y Ul ban t-i,®"® During the attemoon roaea a]

camatlons were given lo more Ihi f ' l 500 guesU by Mrs. Hamilton. Mi " Frank Olese and Mri. George Layr

wlvw-of-oXflcais af th e cnnrna . Prominent out-of-town guests ii

•and eludfd ^tr. and Mrs. a . J. Wandvi ninp associated with the Continental Ni , In" tional bank. Salt Lake City, ar „ ,,h Harold J . Steele and Roscoe Drove

a-isoclated with iho First Hecurll jplu Bank of Utah. Salt Lake City.

Magic Valley bankers who atlent can ed the open house were W, E. Our

»-#r« delllnger.— HazclQhr_SUile...ban: n a t Haselum; £arl. S. LaUue,. File rtlon Fidelity NaUonal bank; Harry Eatoi ery- -I. O. Bradley and Ivan B. Sklnne 3CCQ T«'in Falls Bank-and ItU st coir

pany. and Quy Shearer and Rc Painter, Fidelity National bank.

VISITS BnOTIIEB1 Of EMERSON. May II—Mrs. Elalr ^Klll Gniw«n, who Is'vblU ngm ero froi Iar> Oregon, called a t the Mecham hom

to see ber brother, Kay Moon.

amous Names



5 W -W estin |

)M A T I

* S A V E DC


S - • V i f do th n 01Door, BT> the load to « » r e ;



lB *iO (ll

^ tM n f ih o v M G ives Y o« !DBfT

• A t T i f i T t ^ K o r t i r f W A M

e LaaDdrom at tako- o re r tbo { rinsing and dam p- .. la t fhe Weatinghouao Clothca I dry your’dothoa; citbor bono- j etcrtKearjt rigbtforironinff:

k T H E U I W I M K M I A T

ly Be U u d erso ld i

n®««nGto,T- sponsor! SS3 As 4-H Im u ,y u u a “ V

every O ro w iV .^ » * «'W hy inc.. It

year-the j u u l ?S 'I W - club a S ?

County J J Uie UoInTiitT ' J V course. ^ «

I ^ H be accfptte J** ■ D * « in n e U jS ? :

f bean club S ' i * rs for acre oi2

beans-Ortsi Kt5 horse or

requirement*. ^I ean «q iilrticii.

asJlsted by S Z ' Wrislon ecosjS?-?

T r a c t o r i s i| | 1 | | FILER, ill ,J H I Grease

‘nietor mstiioKB 5w m « tbe Filer

I Na- , tnwnn R1138 in Jr., county

SSSVr'SttSKf Uio ’• _


f k e s h - gou

F S ^ - h e a r o b

(C'A.swand J

over, iJw*! ’1uf«y B

end ®3un- ^ •

»ton, ' *mer, OlteH:oin- _ _ ^ PartattHRoy BATIEKDiit. .NaUonaDy iAjn

MAICO HEAE lalne SERVICE CEfrom RISER-^CAHUt ome. 150 Mala An. n


^EY !

i g h o t t s i

WITH THE Exausn^




EKiH^«ionfl»Wd*b.to:a»?*nndyo«*«atag li*«

ro lKWe*tor.-

t l YOU

iVEL»-. -»«*'. *i"ire o f ijB iliiw"

f n C A l "T W *** I

iH O A lC ' j H

f t ................. ... J

Strategy ■ ■ e problem H Hn-rMACXC<nE_ _

Mlol>‘cr B ^ la

* ^ e irL o D d o Q ^ s -Jl lOd

ai lbe dcmoc*

, miliurrthe tconomic me. dKle «hlcti b »6acl«t itnleST-

„ .n r clue obsener} r « iie m RBtiMu hftve ' mUss (iniulvertenCly, f le a conUlbuUns) to | | | | B | ^ ^ H ,f oiij KuuUn Achema /a sa iil»U on . While H B M H

iiiU u e prucntlns an ,!iri (roni, t>ie w »t«m

to find dl!(icuIU<i

Times (Ilbcrftl vlUi .•uilnu) declaru Uiat ,'^^ce tne war have


, u u a UaHUJ, ftr more h u been H l i m i l B ,»» 'Jl the douhla and P , -

« 5 » c n l ( S h

s.-T11« P«P«r-tblnk4 . he* fqu* rt«* « la AiI»Ti»verouna-the---------------* —uiniw er. and believes ,

N atio nmd Duicflal rewurcea r i

. r o r a

^-<r“ -!‘r ^ ' 2 S S f = M m r f l iu i= J ! d l n n l n W M t M v .lley win . t teft ___ *ummer camp ol— Buord which w

its Formed June 6, aecordlrI Nell C. W ler; acj e a O r a n g e officer, headqua^ S m f i i - v i o i S 'c h .cettUn-njejdaynlBht a l ^ r e s t a e n t (1.l(d-by tbe-Ionnallfln ,T he_flr# t weifl qusflcU under the m ent will be iUie Ifclurer. MB. C. E. Home In ffunntrtciict exhlblUona of technical tm tnliilei in d .ro 'JP ®“y*oiconicjtj, ................ Owyhee c o u n tr( (be t«'D QuartcU are durlns the mcoi^ and C. O. Chalfleld, Among th e pi elder »nd jounger Sot Blnglas wllh the

« c l ta ! M Btu - j p ^ ■

iLJonCrr and C. O. Paulson, rcjnun number wm (iOtnfPrlor.- -------- .' . ___Un. lU juiond^Balrd ,----------------IU oMiMllon of mem- - Uultr H a ^ Prior.crabcn and «U euuU ^;(T Wood River Orange,M . RcfrMhment hos- V IUn, W«>-ne McCord. W 9irtl, and Mn. Olarenee

111 *U1 be obcerred « t ^Uir 31. Oranse men'. ' \ ' f / ‘S ^

Lieof UiepTORmm anfl K j l V l / t L C. R. Dlucmer will r i l lh Oranjo women ]JyJ Qcw cent ench U th ty

itSteg tho men during ' i | ^ ~ r p

imist Club)ses Leaders cV tj n -M rs . Ltnaperl W * u elfclfd prt.nldeiit ot Soffiptlmln club M the P Kl Wrrtntsday. with E!- i beiholtier belnj named --------------

Mrj ar* Mn. M ajne . pondtn* McreUry; Mrs.Irailth, recording tecrc- % F o r I frrntl \Vetlc3Atrcn.iurer: ■ v . ^ln6 Brn»n, nudilor. and • F o r mUnhall, tB'o'*}'tar dlrec- # F o r 6 t

toW U lo h«lp Amart* ^ ^ wiillary «nd a girl tom n j »(rB made-for a S h o p a n d

» tnd for InJlallntion of • rin, t „ i j• «P«1>1 lunchwn May • *®''“itsbm of'other Tdahtv ^ \ - t o n s , m jI Invited u Buciu, ■ p r ln ta ,- BOIUttfe»entataTln«.bond ^«dlni Kir) Jn th i IBM • % ' ,

Mn, R e iu Payne T a lu e , s ty lIht p ro jn tf ltlo iw T h a .____ :__________

her sriih her college ^ . g — .

m.iiiK(mfnUiforthe . ■ toichfoti will be M n. vr ^Huth Marshall, Mra. _____N y lo n s

^ •? .ltC T e tfe rf fea u r --------- B n tlf l twnnd tnil

I GIFTSj r u i t i - f i 'R n y o n -

< / | 1 c h o iceinj! J B ty lea .

S h e ^ r :


- 33 ------ P W e c r 1


" " " ' Wa r p e t • . m / iP I-E U M • /T t t E • --------

9.® Floors “__


lany Commanders

tbe ilx eompaoy commaaden of tbe tb light), Idaho national ruard, dUcnu pUn On Home alrbaie btglnninr June 5. U ft n company, Durley; Capt. U « E. Van 0----* -----'l!----* '----- ------- * . '«

n a l G uardsm en P j Sum m er Camp Ne:- 8 t0 ^ e a - lc o ia -l ii« l« u U ca s- fn m .. ■attend the two-wect: tho following c

p of the Idaho natloaa] liOlh regiment:u-lU be held a t the pany. Burley;

lome Hlrbase Atartlng ballallon heiiilrdlnic lo Second Lieut. Twin Falb; I' acting public relation! ouaull gunner:juartenj company, third tank company,the I16lh armored cav* headquarten eci (light). and icrvlce corrweek of the encamp. The Idaho na« ‘ '8peht Bl'M oxinlaln poija^of ths~:nne.T Instruction and several serviceInlng, Tlie guard will battalion head,lylor Creek range In a t Pocatello wi tr - to - f lro Unfc-fun» -uUonHa-quartcecond week. ______> participating organi- READ TIME3-:

Forget. . . 'Th

H u ^ k s s

m ner CharmO N E - nnd T W O -PIE C E

l h e w id e s t nc lec tlon m o s t w n n lc d fabric?) s m a r t e s t c o lo rs a n d p a t te rn s p e rf e c t ly m a d e fa sh io n s

id C o m p are O a r V a ln es a t & 9 9 . :h d ‘ B Y TAR . in c lu d in g c o t- r a y o n s b e m b o rffi . . ."Blieerfl, Bolid co lors’ a n d com bihatlona

a t w ill a p p e a l to y o u r se n se o f ity le a n d q u a lity .

■ BLOUSES . . .2.99[18 - Rayon C rcp e i - S he e r s - Ites - B ro a 'd c l^ h . . . I iT d ressy jii lo rc d s ty le s .rs.-..„..;.....;;.....;...;,5!.99 to f 3.9i)— -

■SUPS_____ _ 3.99:-fiIftment - .Nylon - Acetate n - Rnyon Crepe Slips in wide G of drossy, lace trim m ed '5. Otherp............ $1.99 lo $6.09^ '

. — -

;r 15 Denier, 51 Gauge . . .:C Tlrat^quallty.' '

’ s

. . T I M E

s o f N ational Guaj


! third batUUoa. U8lh armored cavatry plant (or the inimser camp to be held al eft to right are Capt. N om aad D. Smith, n O itran, G company, Bubl; Capt. Mtck


Prepai-e Honorr MOSCOW, i

ex t M onth vmiiy-of-idnhthe board of rei

u . M agta-V atliy ari ' g companies from the , J j% enl: headquarten com- p - j Q j Mm y;, O company. Duhl; i f .lendqu&rtera company,

I company, Ooodlng; nery company, Hallty; ny. Rupert; regimental \ company. Twin PalU, | |company. Jerome. national guard U com*

i s - i i 8ih-reEiment--flna ------- P l t f l lIce unlLi, The tecond' ' eadquarters l.v located - -We wire floi ) wlllle the flr.M bat- T w i n P j i irtw ed-afO aW w ell,'-' -■O V U L .Jia


r M O r a i r sTH IS S U m A Y . . . M A Y

- M l k "M ' 1 ' M lwH if-fl

9 .

>, U SE

9...............t BtiKV? ■

■will- 1C

out c

N T O M S ^ I£9 , p u f BXtJuitT* P ^ v a l aharfefc.- J

3 E I ^ 3 H I ; J B O X O F j

<7 AMI'■ GEE

^ 7 ^ ! ^ BRA

ST T U B ~60j^In ' lUyon .BA*nN Stlt f trm up lift with lH*lnch band. A cuj 32 to 3 9 -D cup, 3J to 40. Wlillt black, p i n k ----------------------------------

^ 188 M ain Arenu* W e st - T

m S - N E W S r - T W ? N - l P A L i ; S . j

la rd P rep are f o r C

atry Maspta, hcadquartert eompaay, tha a t Coodlnr, asd Lieut. Orln ShlrU. aiilth, tank company, Rupert, eould not allack [Staff photo-enraring)__________

r B e s ^ w e d f-’A r * - ' ”. m y n M - M - BuchMian of the Unl- dnho announced today ; regentA haa aulhortud

DNE"645!‘^ “]flowen onywhcrt .1E a l l s - F l o r a l ' - - _____________

r D A Y ,

Y i m.............^ - _________________ ;

k -

: i

______ • • '.. G IFTS _. In boxes o r fold­'s without, charset .....................

[SE O U R L A Y - B P 8A W A Y P L A N ■

elect the apparel

naU depMlVand It

}u. Pay balance j n V HJt of your budgetl K i m S

■ : «?>pra.'».30

' New shaihounilctoo'

tERICA’S 'et-compUn

lEATEST “ “ “ ■VALUE!.,. 5 3 _4 j

Btllched’Tindemip.-— --------------—

S $1.50


. .T w in F a l ls . ; . ” .

c m T T o ' ' —

Eamp at M ountaii

third batU llon, Twini FalU; Capt. Carl auauU p in eorajMiBy. llalley. CapU C

; attend the m e e tia t held Wednesday at

for five re.narch fel- Idalio eooporatl unit Included (

le fellowships In th e Hgtklnt, Wend<

T O R m

r F I N E S T ^ in C

/ x 'Q . '

lli' We’ll t

1 ' B ^ lection■ K offered

V M raV ' ' models

i 9 h B | * —\

S I------------------- ,5 ,

" '____ !___ !_______ : B in d iw

aleeves. 1___.unuiual I

- A grand 1



SLACKS .^ . lades of gahardlnes oolh check-i - nnd ahark-1th-extended wnl.«bimd* R O L Fletpockela. Newest Jack- lUmentlns colors. Slrea A R F I in regular*, ahort-n and •


15 ^ - 5 1 9 . 9 5

r E H

nH om e T e n ta ti U j ^M G iven

DCNVZR. May a ir force has pro^'al plans In m a u ralnm

Kfiulhfantf'W i3^~^r~3D h i

The governor force planes In


Johnson by V . S. Sen. 1 the o lr force Ing p a rt In Uio ;


Johnson week.1 ago askin Ing a ir force coo drouU) condlUoi caAtera noi

the gove tb a t local comr to U ke tlie



irl Gray, I company, iTwr" CHo'i? Grover It. Newman, TT>orou>» a unoi

a t the guard artnory. S ^ ' ‘S i “»iU tul Oinivani

— ■ L . v.-j__•__= aD^..t4Ua*.eirrstive wlldlltB rew arch * _

one' to Leonard W. idell.______________ ______________ ^

S ^ R A DYoull Find t

O I A L r iT - L A T


a t R O WH a r t , S c h c

a n d C l o i



----------- The-hard pliant ahj:____ worsteds,-the-ckarjpi

looking for. These are grefitest clothing" catij


talce-pride in sho\ving you n of Clothing. Time-tested Hi 2d you for m any years. Many with two trousers if so de£ Is to complement your style

5P0RT iHIRTS—ari. An'Ow.imd'Pi^

^ c y pattem i or J r1 Shades In pastels,- i array ot colon, P 'H ^ tO v

) 5 . $ 8 . 9 5 : ^ ^







V ' ' ' ' ■

ive OK NorthweE i P l a n t o f c

* 1 n * Iflo northwest aade R a mAy n QJB-The U. a . Itl mopup atagei.

given tenUUve ap - office eaid today, s for It] parUclpatlon Washington lea imaklng expertmenlj j(n,134. Olher toi

- 0 ««on._USS.&jhn.ro Mia, ------ M6htan»r5W.e7tr,ir wld the uj* cf a ir 33s.In the cloud'ieedlng -----------------------

isn . . . .. *

aU for artificial pre- re<juejti■niptg.____ _______ _______ .A w ed «d he had been advlied “5'*'*!..*^*^, Ed C, Johnaon lha t “ V* 'would "consider" lak- c f 'ld i l Plf»

T liogoitm orai ed for Help « « enterprise w

“ K “s : ' ; « ! r £5» .a » ™ .ecu™ . S n h “ M S i.^

Initiative In obtaining r ^ ^ — ~ —



■ 1 9 S 0 -I- •.■Iitbi. (or k.«. For a Demo:

—Ujiion.■ ml B*t.K.r D ru ^ M o ln it

i t J A T tO tthe''

f E S f i h S m E S


fLES-MA(a f f n e r & . M

» t h c r d f t S u i i



sharkskins,-the-Bmooth-sprln parkling tickweaves j.ou!y.e.b€ •e the wol-steds that give you 1 tisfaction.

0 u, $85.00

2 our'fine-se-' lines we hava ly suits avail- esired. Many B of dress. <

OV ^ D S i — J a n ts e n .- A m r

k i v V b A la rgos u i t h ls Ind iv i


S . . .


i E R C H I E F S - - - . : , ; . ; . - j X C J l

INKS Luxurious caaKOK BELTS corduroy, wo

_______ __ g a b a r d in e valOW TIES ja c k e ts . Sir

w i th p a tc h pc

ISliRE S O X \. $ 1 2 ^ 5 .

- - 11. ^

est Census I IS Revealed aUy n (ff)-7our Pac- i f l: slates u d Alaska I Vnpulatlon of 4M6.H3 I V1050 census goet Into ■ >

es. The district eeniua T v*7- mleads the llit wtth 3,> i 'I totals are: i j -

18.0W tidaho MO,On: ^ JTtr.-Bid-AlasJt*.- m , i -------^

4 by 1 Town _ ■lal only one eooimua- ■.0., had submltUd an ■for aid In producing ■r u on IhU appeal be nifatr lQ Olf:fna > t« i...... —ir aald, however. If pri-I were able lo conduct. j,';g prtjjeels, the govern- , idesire to Interfere. fi?Kl tha t Senalor John- Ma d e ^ lo cooperate v l U l t ^ had rtquesUd

matlon to be relayed Vw.uthorlUu. <1

500 Down Ia n 3 ■A M O N TH j l

5 A N E W W

I F O R D Ia onstnllon, SEE Ik1 Ireland’s InJAotoa____ |a t T h ird N . . . : S J

3 ............................1

)' " jCK

l a r x

i t s

r i n g y Z _ Z Z _ Z Ib e e n _______ __ ____ _u t h o

SHIRTST orrrand Canip^“ ~JO aelection to Iv idual ta s te .

. $3.50 “

SUREilCET^'--rSa a h m e rc , f a n c y ' wool o r r a y o n v a c a tio n - t im e S m a r tly s ty le d p o c k e te . ■

u $29,95XJ ■

l : ■ ■■

: .---------- ~

---- FAOWiga ffl

I --------P A O E S I T --------- -----------

I P a n e l ‘WiUin! isij j. T o H e a r Ato ifli L e a d e r ’s Vi<I ; ■ OAKLAND. Call/.. May 11 C

' T h e CalirorrUa Knaie un-Ai7iei j ' ' A cUvlUn commltl«e « u more ' _w llllnir today ta let atom aelenli i t - r -'" '— Ito to m ' O ppcntigtotf^'dfny^ti I o a th U u t lie aticndcd Commi

-I--------p » ^ . a « c t l M i .

I yeaterdny, the eommlttte repe:lj .. - _ .J tt .lnTJtntlOn_tCi_Opi>fnhrlmeiI ■ UMtiSy. B u l first, a Difmbcr »coI h im lo r denying lo the preM m • knowledge • of n IMl mrellnc

f*-coxnmunl*t wltnciifs sivld lie

, ' “Proiwr War" Clird. . " I th in k Dr. Opptnliclmcr uh‘ ik • b* fu lly aware Uiat the proper' ► ■ to rep ly to commlllee le.nimon:

' n o t by a roiindaboul'dtnlal in public prcM." « ld Sen. NelAon 1

Sill w orth. Hemet. Calif.M eanwhile. In Oakdale, Ca

, , R ^ . R ichard M. N l«n. R , CiII I save Oppcnhelmer a clem bill ' h e a lth . NUon la ranking mcmbei I I the houae un-American actlvl I 1 com m ittee wfilch levrml times

■I i| ' qursU oncd Opptnhelmcr.T w o eX'Communlil wlineaus. :

5ll, I and Mr/I. Paul Crouch liavB tfcUli■V ; before tho California commltiee t

I’lfi I O ppenhelm er altended a meetJ t - i - o r top-draw er. communbU. heldlib I hl-1 Berkeley, Calif., home la Jillg I m i .Ill I Beperltd at Parly

" A no the r ex-communlul wltn______ AUred.Bftrbosa^eatUltd htMW.C

■N • pcnhelm er n t n party on Hew Yw ■If 1 eve of 1042. He aald the party 'I I I fflven by K enneth May. a Univen

of CalU om la Jnitmctor and a co I BsunUt a t the time.

I I I I n a n o th e r ncllon. the commit In ' voted to c ite WllUam Bchneldcrm ',5 , CtOlfomla chalnnan of the Comn

il, I to f tiuw er Ita que.itloni. He li I . . ' - M cond w ltn e u to face luch chars Ijl I

Place Names in U tah Are Okaye

• • WASHTNOTON. May 11 m - 1U. S. bo a rd on geographic nanea apTCored thCM place namea In 6

• JQ aa ootmty, •cuthem Utah;A atM ereek—U’ mllB long.'Tlo

h I no rth w ard through Forbidden ca yon to Jo in the Colorado 03 ml balow th o mouth of lh« San Ju

i. r l n r .II { B r td n c re e k -« lx mile* Jong, hea <1 ‘ oB th e northw ett alopea of N an

m ouD taln a a d flowa generally nort w u tw a rd through Rainbow Brld canyon to Aztec creek about t' mUes ao u th of lU Junction with t

MOoleradd river.

ro rb ld d an oaoyon — bttween 3 aod eoo fe« t ^ H p .u d . abouufl mllM long ; drained by Azlec crei I t opens In to the canyon of tho C<

] I o n d o r iv e r about 6.3 inlln belt th e m o u th of th# Ban Juan rlvi

j I N ot A rtec canyon. Axteo crtek Forbidden canyon.

Sa lnbow Bridge.canyon—betwei SOO a n d 1.000 fe tt deep and about:

. mUea Ions. extcndUifi northweilwa , I trom th e lower slopes of Nava

m oun ta in to merge with Forblddi canyon ab o u t two rellei aouth of 1 Junction w ith the Colorado river; drained by Bridge creek. Not Drldi canyon.

“ — r B o y Drowned in- Irrigation Dltcl

\ BO ISE. May II (/D -Jerry Dial' 3 -year-old «on of Mr. nnd Mr

Ralph B la lr . waa dronTied jcsterdii l a an Irrlffatlon rilteh near his pai cnU ' hom e on. Uio Dolso bench.

I n r e m e a vorked for aome Ume I' a MtUo a ttem p t to reUve the chlli

G raduation S e t-FIL E R . M ay 11-The ner. OU

P a rre tt . paa to r of the Duhl Meth odlrt churxJi, will dcllyer the coir m eneem ent addreu for 73 pupl belnc srad u a tc d from the eight r ra d e I n school district 413. Tli exerclaea w ill be held a t B p. .n Tueaday a t - t h e high achDol. Th jun ior b ond will furnish miulc.

R e a l E s t a t e T r a n s f e r sJ _________ InfowajUKm-rBmUhftf-bj-----J ____ _______ T w in Fall* Tllle and

■ ■ T rn a t Company

IIO, J t N w u s r . '; « 11 :c.' MirUn A. Climi'lu to n.1b«ri i

CUmpUl. I I . I/oU I, 1 •i«l I HU IT. ril»f •1 ^ 1 .< . . . .

I>r« : i’>rlc> Prr«lo;m>M Co. U Trt.?ssrfe““’ '■ '•

n .^ : A. EI-mJ ni>l.l.r U Orwi Boblir ll.oao. L»t 4 nik » Jcnw A JIllan.


g + PLUS__________ ______ ,T li£ j? f lg -S to iy _ In ig

I “R E T U R N OF R IN T ] -------- L -- ■ - ': iL _ :_ o « cE .a ‘njy .A T ifl


“ S’:om p — lew A. N1 (UJO- ' ‘ - ' 2 merlcan ' J Zmilvroire than /



CaiifZbUl ^ I .

" t i f i r f

icld .n t ..


14 tho largea.

^ - LIcDt.'Oen. KBxma D ereryai i r p n la rlo la tln r AHIM oecapatlon

ahn.“ inelodlni auch ba«« aa I I—Tha A rthur. C entral MacArthor r t ea haa mention tbe fact tha t tbe US{ t) San btiUdlsc with fcrerlth ha*t«.

available to Riiaila. tlowil ■ ' --------- -----

^ H e m y S till Ml H is T ale o f

« n h - By HITNRT MeIJtMORE Jridge -jvjjgjj readen believe th a l a u .w tim nlst haa told a Ue. Uiey ^ w on't le t up.

T hey do ereiythlng b u t com 31 300 hU houa« and waah ou t hla in<

-with' lo ap 'a W aend him to

rColA't leaat t h a t ' a l H ^ ^ ^

tween towarda a yearu t 3.7 ainco I waa, in . aIward South Africa andavajo v i s i t e d 'K r u g e rIddM park, th a t fabu- W K j S P01 IW lou* national wild

“ game preserre. '*■■■Iridge O n e of t h e

columna I wrote----- w h ile .at Krugcc-va* about.m ai

I ----- anakee.-and-how -they-are-the-r» feared of a ll thlnga by South A

X l t ' I told how the- mamba la enough to n m down a (talloi

y r s ’ horse and h it tiie man aatrlde h .MKT how th e mamba I.n completely li • p „ . le u and will attAck m an with 11 -h or no prm-ocntlon; and how t h . In 15'® follftge of t:

and atrlke straight do^rn on liead.n of vIcUms pns.iing unc ncath.

_ Since tha t time I have had h f,,, dre<ls of letters, and a acore of ph

r*»h C"'*''- «“■“"« " e a liar o r t * , * lng me th a t aomeone had pulled

IcR a t Kruger.“P L’ "Where Is your proof of aucl

anake?" auch haa been Uie te ^"0 of all the mamba tforrtsporidence

^ * nmmbft. d ltSOI- I did. and am mo.^t ftrnt^ thn t I didn't. I run fro.m chamclec

—— I I didn 't bring back a mnmba j.g proof. The way I pack, after I h

“ L_ __________O n ly 4 * V a M o n th

M a k e s th e P a y m e n ts L AW ----------- ^ O N -A -N & W ------------

: ; 1 9 5 0 F O R D- - - - S E E --

B ill I r e la n a ’s

L Union Motors■ ’ M n in n l T h ird N .>ki«.

m i f ^ M j


L o o k W ho ’s T a


U S S R ,

i ; .• ^ ^ ►“ '•ee'ii.

> ' /* jO A'- - /-I-Z.-; ^ ’C K K m S5SSS

r t -

1 411J »1 n »« M ■; J t p< >1* fr

: : : : : :

O thr a i r ^ . U UMlea- s s is s s s s s s s s i »cesp!*d nerthira Ksr*o.rotma»ett>irllakiat1i*K*i :SSSSSSSSSSSoir ckain «f betn

___ l-aU

m ^ C “’"

Sk alt mTTeV ba BTflll

TBsko. top Soviet general In the allied i on policy by reballdlnc JapaneK naval as SaMbo, Kttfe and Y ekoiuka.^e dem r rejected the p ro to t a j "provocaUve lm USSR haa Japan eomplettly. bem aed I: «. H a p ahowi a t n t e ^ envelopttstni of

fleets D oubters oi f W ise, B old SnaltE been away for two or thren w ; a col- I <loubt U aay atlf-respectlng s ey Just ^ would atay In my aultcaae.

And I certainly didn't ge t b ;ome to by one. Juat to gaUier proof m outh .thay were aa deadly a* my co io bed^ aald they were. U y paupoH : t i l f f i * not S S h lb lt.i C ™ Onl>- today a man called rae

Chicago and musl have talke<: .. w orth on whether o r not I wa

Ing aboul the mambaa. ife Juat • n V m on and on.

I explained to him that I h heard about the mamba ju s t i

# * ■ I was In Kniger park, but I t p i p people all over Soulh Africa

cold me tales of the Tlclou.ineaa ■ cunning of this speclea of soa

5 - i- Kow mnyba Uie Union of B •t* Africa gel together beforo I

there »n^»chemKl to_effgjni .jibout.iho.mambi,-but_l-<louli

tl A frl- the mamba. If he Li“ h a lf aa bad as painted is no j I, f , , , adverUjemenl for the country.

r le a r - Why m y doubling reader* dl h little ' ®nd don't write to a rccogalted;V they P«tolofibt, o r sim ply tu m -to - f treea dlcUoiinry. Is beyond me. Webs )n Uie IhtemaUonal gives the lowdow under- the mambn. Naturally, the diet

ary can't relate all Uie atorles 1 h u n - '“'” 0 related to me. but It leave: phone doubt but that tlie mamba I

or te ll- ^ewiomo crlttcr. Indeed, lhe led m y makes the mamba i

Jonser Uian I did. Fourteen fee mch t »•

teno r of the thlnga tha t nenee " ’I readera have doubted about d ld n t mamba 1* th a l the iiatJvei. »,-

rnUful wallttM -under-trees In mai Cleons. » u n u y f wear large rocks on tl Iba as


3 - E E E g_ J S ^ p M I E E% f « J ^ B A \ 'P R O D U C T I O N

W ilB -

_ m B j w B K

-I Frid ay

1 I H i B odhJj • t W . A ^ f xm i vV’-X iy

!----- epmTUUi^Mim BIAWO——1 mTmahuaJ | -------- --------PLUS— = --------H ■■■ ROClh'LANEln . __ _**Pondcr Riv<‘r n im i lf rg ”

- ‘^ 1'' jl

f l l k j n g !

p.; i



in*t«K>ji'alf boMiBwNon.] pv? E SSSSSSSSSSm tr tn r 6 n r j e * 5 = s r u U 'e i ,7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = Biallabt* t» Kunlan bamb«rt. MILES

ed coancil for Japan, charged th a t th e ivai and a ir baan, “/rom Hokkaido to 1 lemasded an czpUnaUon from G eneral 1 »lmpertlnenee.“ The R uulan genersl dl< d In by aoort* of sew baaea ahe haa t of J a p u by tbcM baa«a and o t l ^ ^ qa

Dn 2 Attain Honon „ i . „ In Grade Schi t l V C PAUL. May li - R o b c r t

-a e v , claaa advUer for the elRhth winoonees patty Drake u ihi

* edlctorlan and Ruth lyoub Li t l . . . . . . uutorlan. A claaa of 37 will beIt bitten uBtea in exercbes a t 8 p.m. K xif U » t in Uie Rupert clrtc audlt<

column o th e r members of the a j*. ” “ *• Joyce Straubhaar. L uelta N:

^ Leola rirklns. Sandra Looall, me from RledUnger, V erLeeBell.Bcmlc Iked »10 terson.RledSllmpson. Scott D* wai ly- Donna Cook. Pred Nlelaon. C uat kep t Melaon. Charlea Ludwiff, Dalo

*on. Patty Drake. Arvllla r hadn 't Clyde Sandllan, Borden Short s t when Draper. Raymond Spreler. ^ u t th a t Pflelfer. Oene Dockatader. D< lea had Olark. DeWa}-ne Anderson and lesa and Beach. «.snake. D avb alao announce.-' the claj t South participate In the track meet.I I got and apcKh fesUval Mny 34 a t j n e on « r t They wili have a picnic lu r ,oubt-ltr j ioon-J lanalorelbclag m ndc-to: Ll only the Paul fraduatcs. tenctiern

10 great paren ta.a t*^ banquet n l 7:30 ry . and 1® h i the school (O'mna-nlum.J flock. -------------------------------------------

head* to prevent the m akes I didn't striking from above, ed h e r. well. I aaw the Zulai anc ;to-thB Stt-ail* wearing rodca. Muybo ebster a weren't wearing them for protc. OUT) o a but If not why were ihey wc dIcUon- ’em? No one has yet made a les th a t lonable rock hai, and they're ave.i no for.ahade. too. a u a Now. If you really w ant mc t le die- you a atory. I'll tell you abou a R'cn time I saw a mambn do Uie sn feet to (Dblrlbut^ br McNtiicht «ynilki>u.

s m atheir STARTS l:iO FJVL

Pl^ TOMORROW!------^ J J , ----

» • ! In the Dense Wilderness ^ ------- Of~Ausailn----

I'-'! ”

I m

S i ^H H 1

IBf _ *._CO*”JT •t v C ‘o ' ' X jA M n O R ^ 'O P ........E l B - ‘- “ ■ M u s ic ' . 'r . 'r u N '- :— f PR O U Cl

y| I

t Iw l iS S IS S I^

H e a r t D ine ^ T ak es Life

W endell BWENDELL. May i i - C

e tanger. M. dlad a t hi* ho: 2 5 5 S 5 * t J:i8 pm . w edne^ay foil s s a s : Jlngarlne heart Ulirtu. A_

o r aouthem Idaho 'to r'm aa r g a a s |w i w e d to Wendell io Scj

r W ? yni*. U tah . Nov.' I, IMI. Bl- i" World.WiT l. Ia.lW8.ha

Moffett a t Pocatello. From 1W8 to 1043 ha 1

American ra&* and la ie rJ .- Burley-w jd O vdlng before- io -W endea-----------------------

He ia aurrtved by hi* wldi daugbUr*, l« la fltangar as Slanger; a aon. Jay Btaa

------ - Wendell: three aliter*. Mna s = g ? Kill. Wendell. Ur*. Berth* R

MD and Mr*. Eva- Wrlgle; Bufliy; Uirw broUitn,

sissss. S tu re r , Ban Jow, Calif.: Btanger, Richmond, Calif, a;

,n s = s : Stangar, Burlty.Funeral jervlca* will ba :

s s s a s 3 pm . Saturday a( tb s LI ■■“■—■■■ ward ehurch In Hurley with s s s s : Laiand Woodbury ofOclaUng isrsss will be made In Buriey e<

under th e dlrecUon of tba mortuaiy.

Friends may call a t tha ■ mortuary, Wtndell. Priday. a:

JO:J0 a jn . to the Ume ef the Saturdajr a t the Bemell WrU idence, 1641 OccldenUl atree

s s s p _ ley- ________________

g Kimberly Guest ^ Travel Repoi= = KIMDEnLY. May l l - M s s : ; : : Mr*. Jo h n Troxel and

Nampa, were gueita ol Mr. a:===== - LeallirMcInturf. ..............

Mrs. Helen Oosielln hoa re S E from a two-week vlalt wH 100 P brother in Milwaukee, Ore.

Mr. and Mrs. T. V. NaU hi Mimed from a three-week t

e U . 8, California, s Kyu- Mra. Bessie Rlchtarlk expi .1 Mae- *all for Europe on May IS. did not ’ Mrs. J. N. Shewmaker an a been Percy, apent aeveral daya In QQickly with her daughter, &(r*. Ral;

brie!, and-family.------------ Mrs. M ary Voalka ha* r

Wilbur, Nebr., to vl*lt relaUv

rs ■hool A c c e p t s P o s i t i o

n .„ ! , KIMBE3VLV. May l i — 1 m d t HcJck, who haa been high th e VBl- “" “ '0 Instruetcr here, ha* i th e sa t. «1 “ position to teach vocal

be KTad- only In the Boise Junior M ay 34 achool. I n Kimberly ha hi

ItorJum. slructwl tho concert and ma a re : - bandf, oroheatra and ehorai i

Nielson. ........................III, Ann I

iz z t -A -F O R D -colleen ' '

' “S Moving & Deliv< " i i S S e r v i c eDouglas Local and Long Dlitane nd n . J . Moving and HauUng

,.„.m PHONE 2 2 7

:F _ O R D J S•Tn nnd li . . . - :30 May

Irom N E S I V B E ]

"J 'S — MOTHER'S S d a y

3Ut UlBsam ba. . . . . ^ ^ ^ 7 .

s S l i^ = T E A ^

LS _ _Dainty_G.o.ttonJPriiitl « ! Colors. Ideal for tha k G if t ..................... ...............

I N Y L CU First QuoUty - 45 Gauge .■ 1 New Summer Shades. BIre Em BOX O F . AJfj *- “3"PAiRs.....:;:......X

1; -, J S p e c ia l P inBAYOW BATIn '


Ire-v Lace Trimmed . . . White

Tearose. Slree S3 to 44__

C H O C... - . B e a c h ' s D elicious j

C r e a m s f re n h f ro m th e In M o th c r ’fi D ay B oxcs- WHILE THEY LAST,

0 — - ............... ................■ . ■

ess TwftiFall" K L K

(U40 K ILOCrCLM ) Ci v i a n -ABC

oUowtae a no •c»aautm • '

• 5 : y w n . 5X1^117 lu S i>ICptamtHT, lit 'b b t . Heiwrainr Jl

a m a n ie d u r w -------ux0. «:«4 M HaUr"»a4 Iti;

re m m lnr tiU Ksm* Towsfn ax ' .aiM .U f-* W ip ah JilIdow. two til» Ua'lVlWI. ll'lad I ttn e S'?* Jl!laeer, aU ?rtj :B ."kk«/T .iiitin »n

‘S i c h l S UH

‘i;' a n ^ I « i ' l

' *“>‘1 ili i U3fl a r* t a ; « j „ l i : , a b i S . . . . 1:h Blahop lit Eteor D»li I

cemetery 7,1 9 gh«iti t ia Weaver us •m rrr wbm«T

iiand from -----------------------—----------—

S : Albion Folks L ______ Journeys,_Gui f a ALDibN, May 11—Mr. a:> t9 ) Bill Ftlm'an, Boise, vlalted

J in Albion ihU week. The P j r i c U fonncr Albion rc*ldenu. Mr. and over on the ir way home aftej

family. Ins the past three month* li and Mrs. nl*. ArU.-----------------M r*r-M»ym»-R«dman-anreturned' ■ O ii iy 'in d 'J im rii lah o 'F ill vlth her guest* of Mr. and M n.

Buckle* and Mr*. JeannelU have re- Ihi-

tour of ^ tr. and Mrt. Everett BoUe, were gueats of Mr. ai

w c t f l j o Wallnca.AverllLMr. and Mr*. Robert Or

u id son ^ tr. and Mrs. Victor Redmai In Boise aeveral day* la S alt U k e Clilph O a- —....... .......... — —

READ TIM E5-N rW 8 WAN" fona to “7-------------------------------------

.™.,o tonight, THURS

'^DIIRV» v U m

ITAWR/ery ★stauino ... M*AICHIT 0*r

KTFI - 9:30 P»

5 c l . M U w a„ k „ - . , H n „ l , B

I R R Y 'SS.................. : ...............,

vMiA P R p N S =

3 N H O S E. 20 Denier.

t j i / W

w l l » “ l

: O L A T E SA ssorted ^

le k itchen W ^

, pound..- ' m J w *

Is R adio Schedul<K V M V K T F I - A M

<1110 m O C T C IM ) w * M W .**.’

J’.S: t i t . M iMftt * '* J “l i t ! *■« o*.u:

i s g'Sx’' :ii.asgai

iz ________trtO I«rlr Kwflor WmiS-ssfiZfe- iiHasS'aiji'r :;i!K “K

iiiii iSffis iS liTiirci'srlit'tLtilm fair li««a*41« »"■isisrui'iss™ ' iilsS i '^ C ” ffliKi'W,’:! i« r l l i i Miiw Duni S f f i . ' T u ' s - r t eI.'U K.V.Sii’'" '™ ' 1;!!I to •d1k< OntMtn n il ! ;» y . t r I-M o»r

| ^ g | . lizAD TtttES-NBWS WANT

I f i ? . - J E R O M:d friend* ' - ' m ii -

A u t o T h e a t i

X ' pS - • I J J t Showing Tonit

and~M U r &i»,~vere'' a- H. J.:ll« Bre*-


i i i i i i iH T ADfl. 1 *

I . m

I ' U ltte Orphan AlrdalaI ■ COLOR CARTOON

N..„ :CO^aNQ P in . i BA-T.




:S f l o r ~

■■■ mM- T l r

SEATS f [ f

^ Im,RE6EIl>'EDI

V toMM.-------------------

8 Show s I" MAT.

I 2, 7,9 :3 0 I « r i

- i B

/■ / CYD OiARim-- ^^ - NANCY OAVU


_______ ;_____ L .S l * r U n * .

T T O M O K R <

iT i 1 | | | J J ' | ■a l L i i l i i L

. £ " 5DAT ment cf

igiid froeer, f j z junm May

i & “ .Si

W t!o. hour b e f o t i ^ -^i^snBifnt-ij47=-

I .nd U t n slon of-time. ^L aof«m .Jammed with

:ktr Jooreil the hall of th,ffca b u l ld l a g ^ ^

reii terested apectaifnUarkrt. Mrs.

J C b a k . ' " o n t h s . . ^ * ^T rt.B w eeedlngj. ^

Vofi4 W. Kji,Iltrabgra .PTOsecuUng l»T. }'ouUuhaTec»,lS

s - “ s n g - f g


f E

7T || l a s t d JAD SHOW EN GAGOKlI

O P U L A R r a r c ^ ^ i

>rson Wellei

m w tn

■T. 7 4 * - E^TS. 1 .00 I ‘ tO D ENT PRICE 6 0 ^ i

' -----------------------SlOW!

s i

) Service Stay O ut H f :

r Mar 11 <UJ2-nep«- a ^ M ^ , .^ “ unllcd.1 Teltgraphtw union n s ^ m

m y .;<sBEimr ■ r r g j i h p q i

f tue P*ypiepta to Z j (or. rcmov^ Irom ^ tig h i meutlvM orj[ ao ijfpivrtmcnt. __,^^.^ P»flfr ^cnc r announced he»m n>-rtprucnU U vuf h ^ e I «U) offer t ^ o < n (or Uiclr con-

tne i;nltcd Preu p e n 10 no* iroun(Lth6

i j s R r J ™; M the punchers U . . . wbo

^ c r ^ « l . ,n .^ r v l .o r y

[rttH Jrtiflifd ------- ; • - - * — *,r t nirtilns 1’® n p / ^ •'‘■SL lde'cT ^o *i5SlSn T w O G l

the tontiaet by going y T To the #8r«menl « u I n J l«s:Mtr-T:-*B“ oniy- .......................■ unacontraetbetwctti CASTLEFORD [0 » and tlic CTu, aaw nhieids dmjghti

T i J u ’S ” '!™ >!” ■ B h W t o ^ K ^

i B k S a t i

® “ is-S T IB H j f fine quali

l i n e P a n a m a

i w H a t C

, : 3 . 9 8i.'upt-holdlng PU«rlm »traw_hjit for extrft unr sutnmer-oecaslon! AltfftoUvc rayon irtt bsnd. Otflulno rwded roftn leoUier- 1*1 looking (hades of na tura l ond me-

st Q u a l i t y

L ig h tw e ig h t

f i m S t r a w shoniltrovcn genuine «l«iw bodr . . . Ptneh tront shopo tel. Tlili h»t Is woven trom Z~ ■ piUn tlmw Imported from •

h lishl, pliable, comfortable,

vfnlllaltd mtsh wcavB w ith . pinch brim. Trimmed v i th _

emttl puEKsree &ash bond. , CUi(Uc Icnttier suealbund w ltb ■ • mUtsnt silk threaded reed* ■

T - /' / '

nical Summer : T ' ♦ r a w s . . . . . ’ I

aUMwijtM eonj hae-r:7TipM cI8H t hMi' " 'i ' '* • • • tn n l pinch Bh.j


hrald Imported fro 0, 5 . • • pinch ahope trtmiped with bsna band. Oenulne roan leaU

’ p a a t a ^ - n f X

i a a t " j U t i


stleford Honor Sti

^B EIH 3m i BUIEtDB DOLOIti>Te be«n onneuneed u Itie Taleillclorbn i o r cUai of Curtleford hich tchooL Ikith t A pbolo»-«tst( encro rlnp )

* . ft *

Jii’ls Attain Top GHigh School at C;iRDp May' II—LLibcth Bmltli. Lj’ilie'ial ;h te r of M n. L. B. MLift6 lileld3 I >een named valcdlctor- her (schoolliiK at ;u tleford hlRh scliool editor of the whe ;lau. Dolores Sm llh . annual ttolf. £ Mr. and Mrs. L lojH prcgrnm chainn;

t u r d a y , M a i

P R A W 4 I A T

ility for less in Pilgri

' # r


' T ....

S -7 ^1.98 ^ ^hand*..............Bhapa i ^ h ^ a g g g ^ S k

s . - .............'lth ft ' V‘' “th - \ ; ■' L B l

i n l 4 0 3 M A I N A*V

MO - p h o n e

Itudents s s s r s ;alv> Is aenlor coia ItlEVf.

fficmb«r during htKh Khoo club pianist theVIUclovs. ML-j Shield play* and had : "Arsenic and Old

_ Mha Shields Li il A ' odbl Youth Fcl

TI ' ’ worship chivlmian— fl»tad_

arni'.n fnn' ford Khool In lh• • ' was ttudenl body

7~~ junior 'eecrclary'' V / } } . brarlan. She ter

L , •• 5 '• " ' J paper and waa o?•— .-^i •- •■ ■ two yetirB. '

- •;* clul), Glee club I> • 7 Smllh plnjetl a

• 3 "Artcalc ona Ole

: ^ l i : Jontu SMITH

th (trli plan to atlend W ^ B M t

Grades, % Castleford [ «^'jalutfttorlanl " jL v Kds h u received all of WIt at Castleford. Bhe U / Wwhool paper and oo the c w fI. £ li. -iM Mrved -»1 — -------innan thU year for the - kc jPi -------------------- ------ CHOC’

> y l 3 t h ' 3

T = D A ¥ = 4 = f S ^A CHOC

. I J c u ti r i m ( / ip o u n

. W 2 pour

^ A ^^ / V G in c g s ^ / n wHii

/ “ SAR

. ^____ W i/s r ..n '

----------- — V A ^

ICE <| S | ® ^ 7 r r m e r

pock, pint

|S ^y V y Peps

- j f t t e . T O IPA

' k 5y Frt

— Laaaf e v — -B a tt

I h 2X

- g r m a i

■ i p p ' l y G

r C O L

s Rfl■ ■■ I ’ -SH

______________________ ; ^ w i i r p T r

A T E . W E S T UE 2 8 6 0

' Tl'ilEE

S.rurJ.'S^S; Degree A hGood

of the triple trio all OOODINO. Ma; hool, ahe has beni slec Ttmplar desrro w; ie past two years. She three candidates Scnl of the icplwmqr* Mijonlc hall r«ce leldj ha.1 been In five Palis Commanden id a IcadlnK role In team assisted b Old Loee" last monlh. About « member ll active In the Meth- tended. Dinner pi Fellowship and. was ing.

nan tho past year. Sho Orand Comma ad_Coloroda_Womm’a A»lil«y_and Depj a s U L m m . . : ' '• "- nil'ijn fJ 'W nieT w lIe- “ ?**;“ ??I the s u th Kfartc. She ° i i jJdy trcasurcrm u year. “ 21 '^ ry ond wphomore II- *.er^’cd on the Mhool j on the annual .to ff Bwon Wlllla

Olenns Feny.

lb and Y-Teen-v .\Um to attend Llnficld 1 a leading part In vllle. Ore., this fa! Old Lace." She plans education.

XMom Know* A'

M r s . J . G . I

H ^ ^ ^ - D e L u x e (

% ;ir i* o O N D .W E E T S ^ENOW N---------------- - t la rg e r S / «)C’LATES -----------------ly ComaUon

Bo* H urry /M ifi o/M «>ju n d -..1 .6 S ................. -I MliundB..3.30 ^ |1

;1ATEAT3------- =AOC’LATES Ptl31ft Wrap)und....i>50Bunds..XOO ,>T--i_run-* ii« ■ nr

| B ^ ^ B “ ‘ p i n k T g o l d ■CHOCLATESWith C an u ltaa ------

1 poand...'.1.65 ^ pounds..3.30

TOpceofiltXi GLADES

*2 il *4'

fn 'i-W c n J* f /u /- — J l -------- - A J B

\NltLA— - i f— —W CREAM / V,:'

m 1 7 ^ ( V ^

p s o d e n t x M . '* ' i


i S/X fiwnW^/i/IS O M \ M.OBTIrstAk

S vClliU IJJ /n r« 'U M (> /tC Q l I I

2 5 ” B ir l .™ G o u H

w ^ ire o ‘Z-CRaHS- At Half-Price!

lAPiD I m m m iHAVE-

w i ifO ff.W ff'O R B O A T I: Ftirmin "Nortfi S ta t"

C O M P A S Sn i l - Univeml mounting,

^ J 5 I H . —30 easy to innaliT i ^ B W Engcr-iip adjuster. \

f e Cho k e o f 3 M o d tit

^ . : & d O g c ,J B • S u p rtm t


Awarfled Final Hor )ding Rites OakleyI a y .J l -T h « Knight OAKLEY, Maywaj conferred upqp Uea for Gray Po:

ES a t th# Ooodlni ducted Monday at;cenUy by the W n ubemacio by Di:ery officers and drlU qj the Marloi by g ra i« ottlcers. poulion played

wrs and visitors a t- pojtiude ond muspreceded the meel- prfjented by a n

m .u™“

don Kimberly, wero WUford Soseta,' ««nU benedlWOT eonterred-upon —B uria lir*a-m u' >dlng, and Robert P . cemetery, wlUi R Ham J.- Toylsr. both eating tho grove.

on word neUef »- » - ----- ------el-tho-Howera.-on

tld college, McMIjUP’ TTiltCT Truyen. C fall and to major lo and Jim Poulton.

Walter WeaUierlo

3 3 i a P g,5’DAY-*MrS' d B

. M c D o n a l d s

C h o c o l a t e s \ I ^ M

.1 5 0 I). O n lr- |V F r

1 ,7 ^ U l . . ? 3 = : v 6^ _____ , -y r t wltl

\,Y h Not Fit A w tfi y L I _

yiother’s Day Jgi C A R P S U I V

’Alovclyselcnion.— ^ p - » *

T as ty , Split I H ------ C ashew -o ttes„

a K 5 9 « ! i n

Bjfiiel HuV Colden i

A t amaztn

fE N IN O IN PA R ISiumm»r Sym phony' I

.by BOURJOIS o o u u J51 EttU d* C ologni B y C h i 3LUS 6 3 c Talctim ^ a i l Lace 51.65 G /fr/ $ 1 L ipstick- ind fcotfc, « n // . . . ^ Both.-jOnl,


Begolar SIxe « ,

I^ ^ . T O t h ATOSnZEEJ____ i t * '

j JIBBSEISl/ .. ' ■ *


I T . S ( t i /


y By AMITY p „ cH Z l,p ir 0 5 0 Popal.r1 c p e n to j . .* 7 -C U P .

' Mf ■ • .

J S L U S T R E -^ S r CREME i


I d a ho

norPaidi Pined forResident Jenten nppcarcd !

y U -PuneroJ aert. Tuesday to ahswer orklnson w»ro eon* unlawful tlshlng 1 a t the OaUey LDS The complaint waa Jlshop Mark Cran- T . Blattner. and . loa word. Mrs. lAfe I35 by Judge I!ent

tho prelude ond Max Parwell, He usital-numbers were *-lth tlshlni In el mixed chorus, and Sublett lake on

rk . who song o aolo. f2i by Judge Tucl n gave tho ln»ec*- algned-that compi OT BUhejmranneyT ___

frL ..-o ..„ H j f w iRobert Bmlth dedU !^.^Mcmtera of

Y esh s traw berry I C o l d H a t S h o r t c a k e ^Itb loU e t <9 i ( c i Rim*, aerred on Up'ed creoa A i f V p m , ^ u ,

M Em m iACI AL Tl


M m____________nailS»r<lM>ltulMTa«a.:

■ b tin lH jir I ChancfOGNE 1 ^ - \ \a m w .N c i r W

,D .u ,M f S a0 P e o n y 1 ^

t M a n y to CAooie Fmm— ' B a

c k - M o m - a - P r e t t y — I p

C A f f E I R P I N irkling beauties, each an.cxact . W Tplica o f s ctntly oripn i t — W k

},~BlnJs, ^ Q O f r " " *: ( 5 , M o r e / E s . I I 9 ?,i P

I& EARRING SET . . : 99e 5£f


//u m h u m Ptnway 3Xolor ‘ Lutte c tr ic ; ; . : _ ELc o la to r— L ette r S e t j o. r n g a 7 2 * A r e b tN M s.slu’ . . « n « lep « . I

p B 0X 0F 't 2 B| ? _ M O D E S S _ g

i r F i s i h n gi n — Tfftiiw a : ■boyrnnanuTOBr 1 In probata eourt of the Hagerman U :er lo Uie chorse o t Saturday to dedlci [ in cloied waters. , i ro t t Lemhi ntj raa alsned by O rrln Lemhi figured grei 1 Jensen was fined hbtory.•nry W. T ucker.. -------Hegler. also chorged .closed w aters near NO TIC

.SS. EEGISTIiplalnl. ■ p«T> A pj.,

^ T N D R R f

mrnimrs4 FM . a t tha I eomer Harrison the tall term.


mSsmun P la te Salad Dimlea or V lrflaU Baked H au. R A I «*d«-ToUU*- 8aUd,-T«BM« —

- . r s , ; r _ s 0 c

. O I L ^


n s s u E S ................... — .............. - ..... -

«EJRilr:tt.Trft.mM. U ffW oad tflBaU i-’"

& . -- M » S^ 'i povt

PEflFEeTioii i 9 COLD CREAM fii. ^

7fi N iw Wh!t» Jtr p |<f

$ 1 .5 0 VALUCI |L l lH o D se h o I il a . < > ^ O e o i l o i l z e r - - i f H j w

/trtomat/e AQ| lililiUn ; 2 K ) U f i c t r .9 Q

Ujf .-.P oi

B W S M Sr2S‘ :K fR il iM e-and !

' m m k 2■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I h . (U a

A vily^JaM t* j j r . ^

M I X I N G f ^ u nBOWLS p f

H’ OF {% 09 y i M IL I

° £ 1 ^

titrou* C hrom t - 1 / - - Wp D q I

S I i - MSsLlkf^ W l J g t f , . . TrlpU-Ci

! 25< N f t I l j f c t i m R

I* - .W ith tf>!s------- « g H

coupon. | / - 5 - a g ^(Lim it 1).

H i i m m ^

: f .FA C E T K V iW IrL&NHID I IILD6 ehureh wlUro -h dlcaUon oeremonlea <■: near Salmon. Fbrt ^ peatly ta early d«7 I

— - ■ .'IC E OF

CRATION iPro-SchooI _

s., M ay I S 4 IB “ren 1:30 JlI L aad • D .V i. buDdlfl*. m and Bhoup for

R a Aim JBOZO.aittt-T O g ift---------------ODREN

Iced F ro it ILNANA_.... _” 3 5 0 i

M -m

7 8 ‘afDOL-1 IWDER I


t f > o t • - t I —


12* IJmH 3) ^ f KI

• S P I c l j I SPAN JI V iU tn it.J ). J . ..

u r e e d " - - ^ — -

:IC L E _I ^t rOTDdtt C ne« l a SoUd ‘ C .J«n»----------A ------

52rfllJLIPS’l^ L K O F >


B u b l e ^

i ^ e r i n e S

Xfor B '

w i i '

'C u t K |

{i [■ Expert Notes Pyi Losses Fron Pp ] Liver Fluk*ir ^ r ’ -OOODINa, M»7 n - “U T tr« i

' e « t UI money.” **>•* OoodJnj Co’ " ! r ty A jen t R. E. KlgKlna-'C ' i A Qoodlng UtmtT

L, . counly •g«nl to report condemI . Uvtr*. In tbe U it two b ttl i I ] ~ a i a ag.n*d7 trntchmrf;-u»t-j

I • hewl of youns < *» ' k ' Both or U iue louM were csi; I by ]jver-nukea.-i*ld I • re .o th e r.J jir ts , nol IdenUtled I I • . not rppbrt’:^. ctiuefl by this ps

- I . :__ _________________• . . ■ U re r flukM are tfemaUxlej. T i

, ind soau. Bometlmes iior.iM<*.n‘I IV ; u r t Cycle UcKrlbfd

' The hc*t eUmlaite* tJse fli• • ejf» wltii ths dropplnji, the e

] develop In wet n-impy putui Cold weither holdi biclc develi ment, warni weather ipeeds It

j { The egg; hitches Inlo ■ I*r%-« wh

k. I

iMkl r

S r

I ^t l l l l

m H R b

‘ l-'ii----------- '

;;; SALAD B(H i 1

, J_A L N U T• ■ TUNA

CRACKEBc a t s u p !SOUP PORK ’N ]


I CORNs p a g iie t


z i ROASTS ■'i'~ ~ "SAUSAGl

“ ' CHICKEIN 'Im ' N O JA X j

CAKE'Mi:--------------- CLXCII ^

Golden W hite . Fu

I ____ P nckngc,... 38 _

- : v O v m 7Mi • .FOR FJN'K THING’ !■' ■ / a n d d i s h e s

| .... — 2-7-c—li_ -


:------ -FREEvWASHCLOTf54c

HI I ~ ^ Q B -e ig h tm uit rind « n u U bo il wllb

:g few hour* er U die*. ______________ «n«il-'U Ull iniemie

hoJl. In the m il l the Xluke : i m multiplies and grovi a hur

rotd. 11 I* then dU durted I the »n»ll t t t e r which It tE l C S about for a while and then

veJope llM U.Into a eyiL rJluke* fj.jt n p ju in the waU; Coun- on g r ,u . calUe, *heej>

SoaU reeding In Ihl* wet p«i ^ e a i the cyil* which develop* Jetnned ^.gnders around In the body ei :{ #nl* for ^ while. I t then enter* the

- tc - iu r t th* cYcl* o\er- >b*1o.i oin ^ p . ^ ap te 'm e X litM ------

n u lc ti uiuilly kill iheep bul _lnr«_jw*ill«^ They are bloodi

r j , e r * ; and Uie anemia" Ihui prod l A . eau*«i dfoopy-uke appearance,

' e r Jaw iwelllnf, dlgeiUv* dlit

“ Is the bait care. 6 ct*lU m iy be I trolle<J ty ' adding copper luJ (blue vltnol) lo the water,

fluke p a rt vitriol to 50WO.OOO part* wi e eggi will do the Job. Thl* U otten itu re i. best way to break the cycle. R ivelop* Uon or paitures and careful'w It up. control will alio help, which The county agent suggciU

W m


r M E A T S ^ H g » ^ » -


i p c N .B .C .CRISP . . . W HOLE.......


M PB E L L ’S MUSHROOM ' Y IT F O R LU N CH ES!............ ......




SA V E ON EVfeRY POUND -FR ESH -R O A STED .-^.^r.............

T O U Q U I U T v/ t E H BE

i E nJ -G h o ic e -B EEP ROAST§“ C n _ Chuck Blndc........pound Q j

‘] V C B ERTIE’S '■ t o ' <11 J PAN-READY ......I j O


1 x 1 MAGAROT------- . . . . P O R T E R ’S —


jc , 19c



Tair - -1 MEAT—3


^ j E i s I u O a t ^

Better Th£f * m S u n i v e r s i t y o p IDAHO, tien en- cow. May l l - A lU h c aa llva :

oul or watCT than m ia y plant " ean llv* out or the aoU.

-M iture Woodbury,' horUcunC and U nlvenlty o f Idaho

V only one admonition ror hl» III L h v e r »hen ,lhey rorget and leave

rooU eipo**d too Ion*. W hat hP-. ------- - ■la-igrjCTtp^j.Bg-nffgnft^ffft-

tha t *oundi I* though a needl bul only *iuck on a talking m achlnt lodiuck- the Itudent get* the Me*. Ii irodui;fd wori't work.-Kol

l*ke thli," say* the 'ho i < u * ^ - turt»t, "a I lib doem 'l do well i entuaJiy -w aM f-ro r 'long .'I can’t bo l

head under w*t«r fo r lo n i. An TOUon- -agilCTt* iuut lialr»-ot-»-tMd»a- be con- are no more creaturc* of a i *uir*U hablU t than the rtiii or 1. T

:r. One a place for everything, and the a waUr. *oIl I* th t place fo r th* roc ten the oof'pUnU. t. Rota*I'w ater

ting a veterinarian to treal lU gel- dividual animal*.

M i i m

)ESSING YOU W IL L B E A CRVE!..........................QUART

HALVES AND P IE C E S 4 1 ;.17.8;0UNCE C EL L 0 B A 'G ~ 4 t

3ALADS1 " ________ f \ f-----------NO. i/a-SIZB CA N A t

------------ -------------- 2 p o u n d s i l

..........H-OUNCE BOTTLE

— ....... ............................ C A N 1 (

U IP ’S n A4RGE SIZE NO. 2 ! i CAN

................................. Q U A RTS__3„S

FY . . . FRESH . . . S O F T C .............................PACKAGE

............................. 2 cftii.i f o r 2 5

W - 1 4......... ................................C A N 14D OF CHEF’S BRAND f i n

............. ;.POUND P I


r s / 5I9c 13 919c

^ KRAFT’5)NI A CI— A T ER R IFIC - -:AGE VALUE! ...............- .............


{ . - 3^5 POI

UP F— S T >INCE ^ ^

^ PEASP J TENDER . . S U T e r , >

TomatoesJ p ■ ' SOLID PACK. NO. 3 '


i^Water-€an-&ast ian Root Out of SiIO, U oi- Woodbury **y* *1! too V* longer ^oUu leave their plant* »i-herea n t Toou **** **lhe tran*pl*ntlng operalloa

*pr1ng. Hot lunihlne csn rxUi Jculturlit root* or *et the pUnU back aho, ht* In ju it a short time. Drying ' ; atudenu will do the same.It h ifu v i Preventing thU type of dami

ifn!* hfi*! ^of a time, see that there li i cloth or several thickneae* o:

• p sp tr 'around them. Don't- -. , them expwed to the lun and hortlcul- while,you work with o'ther p eu M t of or go to the house fo r.a drli bold my - . i „And the

n Billed IHe root-1 If you‘can 'lo that . There'* the least possible amour lhe moist dbturbance. root* ef u ;y loll another enem.

young planu. Be lurp thei_______ plenty or mol*ture In the groui

the time of traniplantlng. If ' reat In- u any doubt about this moi

content, pour .waUr around

- - a t ^

11 Q ; !2 3 < = - food

^3® 347 MainL5cL6c OATS>4c TOILET}9±^ PlIMPKI9 CHEESE

* e a c h e s Y >i T - S y r u p , _ 2 ' / j c a n J — l i

2 j c ^


....... 2 LB. BBICK 80cJBUTIER....:BAil i lY CHUNK S

’O U N D . . . . i

A N D - B V F C• - .P IC K E D FOH FLAVOR 1,

1 9 ^ j u i c ir. No. 5’* ^ ' 4C.0E. TIN

JUICIa TIM_ 4 j.C ^ Tlf^ <

______ ’ TIM ES-NET^

2 -1 I r r i g a t i o n A do o o o m a . May n - “Cro

m any plenty-of water wben t Te they break*,” cay* County A<

during E -H In ta* ,-A ltbougb tb e n oa* In Uttle jro w ti raade now tbe uln lh a “ M d when th e temp k badly will be ree wind* water."

ConUnulng Irrigation ne save a ru*h U ter on, he i

mage U }>asture* and b*y wll] have ai xUt J a ; iiLaii».iia>y^>m.,sM -#^-w.f.

I a wet ,o f wet root* of the plant* a fte r j

t- ;leavo ihenj into Uie grounfl.id wind T lie waler will tend to let

plant* *oll down around the root* iWnk of Ihey ar* mor* firmly *«i la t:

Summary: Keep rooU mron tly Ume and don’t expose U

w a p ^ T ^ ^ r a T ' d r j t oPour waler around tbe t( there 1* any doubt about th*

•my of tur* e x te n t of lhe soil. Pa lere U to ll lightly about th e rooU }URd a t traiuplant. Use good, *trong 1 there Hop* for good luck.lo iitu re ----------------------------Id the READ TlMEa-NEWS WAITI

> y j S A V

^ o u r - F

P. S K'

Ive. E.






M b M -------------------N d r 2

r i a

w|A - -A -T E R R IF IC -.......... 1

VALUE!...... ..................1 '

B 3 L P 0 0 DSTR A IN ED •


D O D S ^

E 31y^ TOMATp;.____^ J - r



H a s ^ - ^ a i f l n e i u N a i i

larroHUM. u*y i i-M r* . McPhtUn, new pre*ld«at ■

rope wll! g jnhum Parent-Teacher • tlon. b u announced ber a)

« U v«T mcnl* of commlti*# ebalrni| e ground They Include Mr*. Dee , i p S a tw p r ^ l Mr*. H. MUler. be ready to jty; Mn. Charle* Rlter,

group; Mr*. K- D- McBride, low wUl MinM: Mr*. Lyman Ha

advise*. msnbCTthlp; M n. D. O ua an e*pe- mother*; D. Ounflenoo

_______ Ity; Mrs. Bessie BffilUi, pre......... »ndby-Uw i:M r*.RoyM arlli

you set i i j t . Smery Lm e.-C «nnlnj <iUe the Mr*. W srt Chsney. p u b llo t I so th*t

ROiit all THE NIfTIKBT OITTiheia to Town •

I plauu -------F0R ~M 0TH B R —SOW! CHINA

1 . . “ ...“ • C U P S - S A U C E R S?ack th l HAND PAINTED* of the c h i n a • CUT GLA g plant*. UNIQUE

n i Main E. Fbon# 1TT ADe. a ^ —



226 Shoshone Strec

BREAKFAST CEREAL!.........................LARGE PACKAGE

RN Q..................................... O rolls fc

IES QN 0.-2ii-S IZE C A N S -0 -c fln » -fo

........ -.... ...... 2 Ib. brll

^ It ■

1 0 L i). P A P Iik B A G 9 7 c

• BUTTER FIN r.El! CHIPS.» - b a b 3=r u t h . n u (:k e t s -» COCONUT NIBLETS

3 9 . S . I « ^ C ( K A ( jE

^ 6 R ’T i


med•*. Wwln ' i

b e e t (appoint*

'Nelien. Sti IbovlU I-

tt , W )flammon. ’ »*mderson. _ _os. room Q C E T



^ - M O U N Tf f l p i

PH O N E 368


a V ^

....... I

■ I U I

s p^ _ • '- I _


8 9

=E 3 3 c .

fo r 2 5 c 2 F R E

r o r - 2 5 c ____________ L O I S

^ 9 c L ^


SPINACH ™ Beets-Turnips SPUDS S e...,


""“ ICE C, • . S W I S S

4 i ' S i K r : r 6 9 c

19 P.M .


growektill Have a Few /INPOWER

Available For IIATE DELIVERyi


tw bi

s M S e t . l

N py BARS Iour Popular Brand ■

c 24 6 I 19c 23c I


CRISP . . SOLID 0( HEADS ..ponnd

L O W 'B E B M U D A "

3LL0 BAG ■ J J l

JS 2 bunchei 15*; .......... 1 0 p o , , i . 3 9 »

G O L D E N -E IP E j ' ....................pound *

C R E A M ":"iS G I K L •

BveryF r id a y P

CCSP ^ R i S


a t ’ h a t 11, H W ___________

^ a z eW idow

Surprised^ l i t u

. g i

, 44.yttf-oW roo tb tr O em iW

^ ot Dirkae* • »

f .ih g r died. 1» _

. d»T Mrs. r m n * b«- ^ '.• H f brilliant flMhM /• E u r # k l

»[-j whRi ahe went w ^ - ^ t - a i thli la ’ 'h a t »l»«

I uki t lo t of Btrinw f e , ' ? " '1 ouUlde. Aa I foeiued ^ < <.-

rrtUzcd b n n c h e i \S ic r a n y « . I eould *eel

BTjId m iie o u t hou»*» ,, to close <lweUln«i. I , S*" f S oJ utehfn UbJe. I wm Ff»na»«?-., iw p »nd w u c e r.-H iit _ p . i . , ™Ml of all- I M B a ror dishes and ofUn

iw ftixbrened . . . _ . .I drtam I m#d8 my{XT and eereomed. I Setkln^t «a«l

lUned. Then tho iielsh- aiked tbe IsUttfM liouBht.lhere had -iheC ntonPw lddeoL" the dUtonal ilf 1 ca tanct “m ust have (roo Pacblo, iuia ln i Mrs. m n i te DA nCW n(ea

i^h t or th e woman’s DSBaW^Mlii'U Tutored. that U U n m i------------------- reqnnl would0 CSD/M D RAW ---------- unttti:DRAW.’ May ■ I t—Mr. lbe ICC bw &lUlu U m b Mid chll- — — —

uila, were vlsltora offc C. L. Cobb. _____________


Pinc-Cool T ropicals Are Crisp ■Resistant. The miracle of Clip;

_ tropical s u its . . . lots cool a ir in, tailored— Clipper C raft knowa in d ‘how to m ake trousers l i t w Regulars an d Longs.

— -------EXTRA. TROU

. . . . . E x d i a i v e ^


— .............- • " H a n d r S h o p E

------- ------------------------- • “ L a y rA i


4 U 3 t h l — —

I S . . .

COOLSUM M El^amou3. S te tso n Straw H ats. Ge G eta straw h a t! There’s no qqe ' ' w ring a .straw h s t makes you Joii lose in w nrm th, you ja ln In ar

F A L K ’S a r e O P E ?

^ ^ ■ S e e M

R ail R a te '* : ? ------------

« r£ ^ n c o u v « r < ^ H i^ v y i I ' 7 in fT r i i r rn l

f e lS f• l i ? | im A jM pK^M oseow■Vi I

L z:* F a il«

I w.n*/|>cA U F . I SAIT LAKE (

^ ; > J , I u T M c o m o N M iPOINTTERRITORYri

rrjnjtnto H& \N E V A D A i So.VUnd , V r , , . I

l/rrfortPoeJ/ZfRoI/roBrf L>j DennrandRIoCrande — VV'ejfernRof/roaoF—

eaaler aoeeaa t« a rich BorthweiUm to iB tm tatc commeree comtoUaloD to rra r PmUIa (eheokcred artM ) ,a ad tbe -pertloi U shadinf. The U&KGW seeks rales en lo, Colo, to Taeoma, Wash. At present Uea with one chariefo r shipments th a t fi laUon. T heaeeom biB edrateaarebliberll Tpiet th a t ioch paritjr ef rates would I nrldlDC fn llf saiuractory serriee in the uid Infllet loues ef np t0-$4O,OOO,(^ani rlii f M d w iB ttfaw aW M T »f»H an b«: is no t r e t m < 4 «8 tb* •ppUcatUa------


. . Fam ous fo r Fa

___ See


ClippefS U i


sp - Cool - C om fortable - W rln l llipper C ra f t 's rayon fab ric in th in, keepa h o t a ir o u ti H andsom

vs ju s t how to m ake & coat d n t w ith custom -ease. S ljes 86 to

| 2 * 5 0

0U SE R Sr:;;;;n r.e .9S------------- ^


)pper T—• A w & y — ------------- ------------------------

I Charge Account - —

___- ......• ____ ;_____ _ ’ ' .............- -

|T D A Y l■R STRAW SG et In B tep !';’ ." . ^

qqestion about it!-ou cooler. W hat 1 appearancc i'


ilk’s O th e r A d in'!

t i m i

3 B attlegroundI C A N A D A n

l»e* y r /^ y C r f t F.!l» T i •;■• V

- \ l ^ ^ y t ] l o w i l o n t^ ' y m M n o i i . P c k WYO.

*' ”2*'

E II j ^ ^ m P r o ^ o C O L O . V . J f l

r U T A H / .

l^ V ^ P z i .- -A R IZ . -4 i‘« r c o t o S ^ G t ^ n d ^ v n r ^tm lto rr . the Denrrr and nio Grande V

rranl It'throutli (reliht rates between te rr rtlons-ef IdahorHMlaisarW uUattoBkiid en a par with those flren b j II.P. en shit

ent the so-talled "latewajr” at Otden Is >t far and another te ( c t snch shlpmrnU rr (h tn the tbroo{h rales VJ*. eharf rs^tw c Id Imprors service to shippers aod public the disputed territory nev and tha t irant .»nnuillj-Bn-Ui« U.P, andm ralt InbadT ff bare been held »i Salt U i t CHr. BoUe


^amous N a m e s^ S

5e the D ifference .

eel the D ifference

ocket the D ifferen

r Craft lits '

’inkle- these

omely drape to 42.



. GENUINE P! - Woven 'For C(

Oosifort lo v sa r l

,tT ......•

L Y N IG P ^ T rL t9 l^

1 T h is Issue x = = i

i n ! g - N B W 3 . T W I N T 'A L L S .


Foril(1 - EDEN, Ua:• ■ »«TlM for-Edei

a tM w U lb e b e ? *od eommenee

/ *1 be bald a t 8 pjtf N .D . V aebool tudltoriu

r«eetslonalj wi:Bum i r c k j ^” ■— _____J Xb# in roatlo— TTD. %------ilveiniy BlUlfll“ J tur# WlU be reS'- - * n ; . , ,S * Qutbrtfl. Edllbv>trr«‘n . J■'• aolo.


J ■! • V W M Ul^ a C o lo ra a o Sprmpi V '

^ j u E i i L o Y a n .Sfcg ats«nbuffl l-yl rinWad — - ^ -

jg^ocofeST” -INTTEH irTO RY \ . . . . . W V

e W estern railroad baa _ l e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ s T ^ l l b ______ p p

shipments, for example.Is • breakinr point on

JU thronih to ths nltl- p vl*!'.'' itween snch points. The • r/i iiblle. The UP. answer* rantlnf ot the-DAnCW RfcPftl'rV*'' -cffeeu on'ibtpptrs and ‘ ~ B g a M l K >Ue aod Cberetue and

; e . . . I i l ^


Spanish .

Red Skin

^ ' C o c k t

■] Fancy/ FRE!


F p ■ s o n

■ 1 I b . b o )

■ A e»i tfJelHi. M • ______ .•_t r a d i tio n ^ #i

A a to m cenlerr », . I t e r # . . . etinni

, . • delljhta ^or he

1 0 ^

w j ^

: p a n a m a


la rln j and • ® 9 9 Y_ j R u j i


g. roAHO

's C l o s i n g

s S c h e d u l e d -

E d e n C l a s s e s S S S T ’’ '” ^ay n -B ioealaut««U p n u lp a l Ba.den blsb Kbooi m d a * troduce tbe <held a t B p jn . Boaday dlploctas win tuem ent ezetcltea wUl tin Matbeaey, <?j». M«y IS in tbe b l(b acbjsl board. :dum. Prveaslooali and tloE a solo.WlU be played by tbe Member* of)fnd. ars Kenneth <Uon and benedleUco a t liams. M lu Kimft»'-i«r»LnaiLJlll. tw .U nittn, Alte

xad by tbe Her.'Wayne U e. Emil Kll ,1b Corloil if in .a ln t .a Betty I^u Baj iO Lee will play a plano' Donald lUehn

diploma will ot -Le«-0«rBaPi‘?*1U-stTe-Ia-snrYlnfJn-tt


w e € ! . t s - 3 F o

■ rornO.Ur Beau tifu l, i

:lous Cashews .89^ Ib >IUTSJ ________________ ______f lO < lb .

.._ .........................................4 0 ^ lb .

In ................ .......... ...............5 0 ^ lb .

;tail Mixture . . . (

ly Mixture . . . . 1 ESH ROASTED DAI

In our autom atic nut cooking machinc

ous W hitm an 's ,

Tipler ^, x , 2 . o o ^H lh tb tr I . . «m e» In thea^treSUye jl f t bc*_^._^______

er* . , , ^u l'and 'ffu tl csn*■mela . | b11 eorU o( tast«

y Kellogg CHOCOI T an d NUT BOXES

rcment iorocaU oa.and l i ^ n o l U SpeechM will be flTea r l l l a l J t i Tiiedictortaas, Marts f « «

■win raU a Preslryterlia PAUU May for Ben A llen '

U ri W ililami will ia- FJret Penteeos claaa membera and by the H er. ' be p T w n tad by Au»- alUmoon. chairm an of th l b l |b Musle Inclui

. Nancy WUllams wUl Boanle Larson Junior CS»Ter

f the fraduaU n* c lau accampaoled t CTemente. MUi WUf Meyers and N

Klutb, CbarUs Wblt* a duet a t the th t f .■. J jg r f l oorapanled.l^

a im . Parley McBride, have moved 1 aroiUU. Oeorte Davli. Charles PatUi n and r a r l MoUton.'A Meryl- KeUey. t» •■at Ivan Barr who iMcht and Ooj

IR S0METH1N0 ROM S i m *L /

) ; T b e _ S ^

Modern Candy Cot

I T i i9 8

6 6 M b ’l ^


I g s s o r t i

^ 3 - r \ 2 l b . b o x . .

A tM te th rlU ll y ,- tn ft and 1

of dellelouA rti nnmlnal-prlce,

t ia X thftterts Day ah<

J'.s? p ^ l L 9 : (

I FR tiPILATES- V t l l :

. . . I l b . b o x .-

4 0 3 M A I N J _ _ p 5 P n :

lonor Paid buiu ’C auLResidejit S , ; *ly ll - r u n e ta l eerrlcea DotUnn were eonductftl a t the ---------Mlal church tn Rupert REAS TQOS*. Carl Adams Monday --------------------

USE T-4.L 1 Juded a solo by Mrt. A T H T P T F 'fl on a.nd a duet by Mrs. “ren and Owen Hyder, BECAUSEJ— I by Vera Jtruia. Verna Noren. McKende .san* VkJ SHle Rupert cemetery. ae> u uu o« cum By Arlene W afner. »?» 0"« *

t here Iroai Nebraika, — -------terson, Charles M anln,y,-E lrtn BoUch. Alfred " - ------------‘lorden Bolltnd. neiwen ^for, by thelr wli-ei.



9 l f f i ^ ^ l D 9 a ! 9

Pn Piei for-Or

The trei a p r ic e :

___________________ a lfo r f .

f i t fo r 1 suite!

• ■ 1- « f t1 In AtMrted ChoeoUlei ILbnr4-ccatcr»u»iL«r“riavor* and a t an eco-ce, too . . . For candyIway# f r« h and “oh so vne to Sean , your MoUi^thopplsg hesdquMUra. - M M B y |W

. H O P ^

;0 0 p . n > ._ jUBt L(

I A V - S I -m w • shown < , - r — = j) sale! S


....... * . E ,

. . . 1.50“ TOR



iNTALZBCINO ^Usy H -P oU oa 'O liM H

iam* is reoom ln f ft«m W

es-NTWB •wAsn~APe. ■ >

L, FOR i S3’8 FOOT ;>;t

iii4tlT« iiidluUta OEITLT. I U

- 2nd I I ' I V E ^ R T ^

[ 7 9 . 5 0

rend o f to d ay a t 4 you ean « a« ilr 1 A « o n i p U t «w-b«droom-oafc»----------r the prICo o f »

■ the E arly ^ ?ring Bride! "o m p l e t e ! A n d ' LOOK—you g o t picces exactly

n during th i s b ig ’See i t tom orrow



e Out & Save!


[ II P a r ty L ead e rs III A re N eu tra l in fil j D em o P i im a rI -f” - B O ia n M n y ll (JP>-M»ho D ow

. craUc ciindldiUs Uxl#y were & cured a neutral (land of Lhe s ta Dem ocntlc omnlutlcrn, - Ed

I Brennan ot rocatello, ch ai jl d a s , ftald.I . . Brennan Ulked to a meeUng i I__ DemocraUe fandldaUj and couni

Jieortl Prejldtnt Tniman addreaaj _ _tralnslda'croinl, __ _______ J

...........T an Jp A UI______ ThB Mate DtmocTttUa chalrma

aald all eandldatts Inlhe Democral Ic primary irtll be given aceew t

^ . . . | a ll Usta or local party worken an proclnct cooimlttfemen.

*;| luirrnray wlUiln Uie party aurln ! Uw primary taapaljn and adde

th a t the *Ul« central comnvltt« would work >urd for whlcheve caodldat4 b nominated.

,1 een. Olen IL Taylor, who 1I ' feeklnf renomlnatlon In tha Auj : 8 primary, w u amon* the candJI date* alteodln* Uio conrer«De«. III..........W orth Clark of Pocatello and CUud • 1 J. Burt«nihaw of Rexburs. both o ............whom have announced. for th

n il Democritlfl nomlnaUon for tho alx '• j year aenale term, were not here.

!{j| No I&dlcaUonTaylor.haa not IndlcAltd whethe

IlIU h# wm »eek the »lx or four-ywi ‘! i i t ^icnate 'ttm jriiurm ort-p»T trl«aer llIL' believe he wlU afpira to Uio all

' year term.NaUonaJ commlttwman Dan J

!;;■ " CTTOnagh of T ira m iu ; eonsJdm t11------ in-an tlvT ayloilte.-dM -not-alteac

IM: today’! meeting.Mra. I a Ver* Bwope. DemocraUi

[I {. vice chalnnan. u U Ortnnan aloe I ' nrBod county chairmen to lUl up th l j party'a ticket for county offlcea thli

— jw .~ E T f i# " J f l« ’ el«Uon“ roanj oounty oilicea vtnt to.nepublfciuu

■•‘t - w ithout opposition.--------------------

nii Awards Received ■I, By Filer Scouts

nLER. May il-M erlt badgea and f ir jt and »cond clau awaxdJi were given a t a Boy Scout court of honor Monday evening a t the B ap- ti r t church. Ed Andrews presented

. . . ----------Becelvlnr“ met1t— awaid*—wera• lit phlllp Brown. Virgil Andrewa. R lch- ' ' ard Andrewa, Ronnie Johnson, K en----------neth -'B arrlicn .-B lll . Bonnlchaco,

' Harvey. Hodklu, Jerrr Hawklna.I, Jim and BWy Carter. Kenneth H ar-

t l u n and Paul PaU erua Joe nu rd wai glren a aecond c la u

badse *nd Jim Johnaon a n n t claaa badge.

I r ~ ^

II f o i

H O U S E ' S E

She W:

!l * ^ b y • D a n i

: 4 ^ • O'onr

|i. . ..

J _____________



I l l PAGE TEM_______ _


rs _ EverS in


sta t«P .

h a ir-

ig ofluntjr


IS to

>tt«e = — Iever

, u — E P g f i M B


»> " ' 1d e n - Li(W*ml>-fw W :


. J .'r e d ' 11 « ad .

aUo ' ' ' ^alao K B i^ M * B i E a a e ia ia .x v . . : - it h f U yon joined tbe crowd a t Uhoilth is den t Tnugao. yoo alas aaw aerrrany ' 'm en”who kepi their baeki tim e

Travel at Cedar , Draw Is Listett s CEDAR DRAW, May I l-M n igea P au l Beach apent the p u t week li xda BolM vlalUng her parents, Mr. am ; ol Mra. R. D. Nci-man. ap> Mr. and Mrs. Enunett Dauer ar te d apendlng aeveral daya In Mlnnesot----- -whgTWthey were cailed-by-Uie rigatl■era of her'biD ther.'B radlry^nrtlng.-" c h - Mr. and Mn. W. J. Rlcka af' e n - apendlng Mveral days a t their cabliWB, a t-Jatb ldgo .- '- - - — -------------Ina, Mr. and M n. Uo)'d Miller an( a r - daugb(er,'Bandra, Oolte, were guest

o f Mr. and Mrs. W. I t Askew, aaa Bob Luntey, Yellowstone Park I n t a p e i ] ^ couple of days with his par'

1 e n tsT to , and Mrs. John Luntey.

r S I R s |

L IP P E R S= ~^ \Will Be.Proud to Have

n ie l G reen

m p h ie

^ G ive,M other a new. pair, ^ .slippers on M other’s Day.

love the easy comfort, I 'tylinfi: nnd fine quality o;

t g h U j nous slippers by Daniel G O’omphlc.' Jrany d iffen terns nnd coIor.s n re avnila which to mnkc your aclec

^ h c y como Jn nnrrow nnd _______w idths in sizes up to 10.

ijM Give Her Sheer

/ . HOSIERSf A bcnutiful box o f sheer sh( I ^.lery wiil make M other har ' ' ' ' - ^ ’5Woth«-’B T )n^next''Sundn)I leTy-lralw aya a welcom'e'j

easiest fo buy. "All th e ner Jn famous Gotham Gold S tr Phoenix Nylone. A vailnblo:

- lc*-w eig7;ror-r« i!-flh«r.-^gladly jrift wrap your select

■ L35 „ 1.91■ ' . y ., . ___

^ Rox o f Three Pai Makes an Ideal Gif.


• See Secret Servic■ ^ S M ^ H B ^ T T n F 'T v ’T T '^ 'i n H

^ f . '

hoihone Wedneadar momln* (o >e« Prtal ?Tfr»U tcrct.K tilc&.mpn. Thfy-»«r«.U> imed toward Ihe Prealdent and w atcht

J Inflation6Q NEW YORK. May 11 WV-The w _ nickel takea another nosedlva

under a statewide rate revision J r i granted yesterday to ttfb New

York Telephone company., s u n in g n e i t Jan . l , the publlo

service commlaslon nUeo. New ^ ,h - -Vork:BtfltfnL.willJc«l.(lim«.Jn{o _ . .phone


— - ‘ MOVE TO aOODINQand BUSS. May 11—The WUson Burk

lestj hards have moved to Ooodlng afti he waa foreed to a«U hla ranch hei

>ark, because ot poor health.par- — ' ------ ./. READ TDJES-NEW 8 WANT ADI

| » W

^ iv e Ml

\ SHOIDressFamoi

................................. ' W i l l b

ly. She \\lll Jho favors a:beautiful NatunUur, H

r of our fa - o"e of our oUi1 Green »nd ..ercnt p a t- be happy to helilablc from ‘fiot

nd medium

N = 4 > 9 8 =

sheer hos- happy

daVrTTos-'' .......e - f t l f r a n d .................new colorsStripe andtlo in (ter'v-. W i-W l! - -lectionH. m i

J 4

: ' — -F oou

______________T I M E S - N E W S , T l

ice Men? Here Are


real- the crowd. Whlla tbe train w u i .Um — Jamped «f t and ra» towanl-tht m : «hM the rea r pUUonn. (SUff photo*

~ ] School Event Set tt; In Blaine CountyJo” CARET. May. ll-P lfteen pupUj 4ew win be sraduated from the Csiej

eighth grade May IP, Ills announced by Cecil O I«n, principal of th«

in^ elementary grades. The group *-111 .L^- -rtcclTB-dlpJomai-ln-spectal-exer- *“ *’ cuts May 10-a t Haiiey in whleh all

eighth g n d es In the county will p&r*

' “Two fflrls -trlos-Jrom -Carty-will 5urk- take p a rt In tho program, after M emben of the graduaUng clas: here Include Leo Coates, Ca»l Cook

Delores Durfee, Shirley Pamsu-orlh. John Oreen. Priscilla EUmball, Ray

AD6. Kirkland. Phyllis Ucyd, Max Parke,

7 '“ Shop Friday'■

I Free Parking oi

T r e e G i f t T

M other a P j^ t i c a l

•ES for ■_5S and C asu a l Wear lous B rands You be Proud to ■Give

Burprblng Mother with a ^favorite shoes? Whether ' '

Selby Arch Preserver., Hollywood Bkootcr or other famous brands in

I or shoes fer casuRj-or lhe houio" wear, wo will ) help you sclect the style • — ease her. A pmctlcnl Rift . she knoK's. Shoes priced

i = ^ 1 5 i 9 5 ^ ^

Y A H A N D B i

hfthdbsg for Mother mal - she will appreciate—AU tyi

J In Icnthers,. aufdes. and p styles and budget priced, K

Plus re

Iik I m h

twewrfdr the Ent


e Several.


as sUU movlnr, th e aecret acnrlM bce w of the-tra tnto-torni r eoraetriwtuU to-eDitavlm)_________________"

'N a n cy Peterson, 'A lan Pelersoi Ha Payne, Audrey Smith, Btonle

j.y Webb and Donald Wllde.

'■‘ 1 « > i A - 8 0cM Only 4 v a Month

M akes th e Paym ents iriu ON A NEW

« “ 1 9 S 0 FO R D "“ ________ S E E ............

* B ill Irc lan d '8

SI Union MotorsMnin a t T h ird N . , uy ^


T il 9:00 P.M.

o n L o t i n R e a r

W r a p p in iT

I € i f t - - -----------

! A G ^ . .

for M other ' _nakes a pmctlcal gift and o n e '' types and colors are available

plasUcs. Dres.'iy er taUored , to o -

......red. Ta*

Ure Family'^

Practical Wurse ^ School Training. I Urged at Confal■ SAN nuH CISC O , May 11 ^ I A nurslna official demanded a t tt I M-nni3 nursing convenUon hei■ loday U iat'pncUcal nurses-w ori

I ' “I c . PhUUps. c ^ u v e director of tt

V I ^ W o r ^ ’the P n l t^ States olOc■ «f educatJoaH M lu Phillips rtccsnmended prac H tlcal nurses be given one-thU

•yrnm m fi__Irutni'-Mnn _ and tWC■ thirds clinical experience and'tendiH Inz In schooU operated imder ui I aufnlces of cither hospitals, coUegi

ivyT»m ifflLT~alicflC3co.I She said there were alwut 1C■ approved schools, bu t only one c I tlKse was located In the Paclfl H states. They have a tota l capoclt E cf about S,000 graduates a year, sb■ added.■ Among those attending the coo

I I t’s ALE

s i i «

Jfen and young: men n)il «>“• dor’s fo r they Know the '*'3' pendablllty of th e n a ti

item s we fea tu re and I =T price range to s u it every

. 100% WOOL

SUITSPor the jnen nnd for the

'th e qunlily sultiTUiey'p: ■ breasted m odeb’tiUorcd

chevloU, twUts, gabardl: . mer’s favorite shad ts ._ ,



- I n a thrllllris parade of colors, fabrics and patterns. Low priced

■'* 11.95 18.5(


i r S t r a w ^lSo come In, mtn. and sclect a headed atrnw from Alexander's tlon. You'll find ynur favorite t bright and plain bands and I j^U’D Uka th l values jouH fine

W jM I ^

^ Fairview Visitors— r And Trios Listed

Kennelh Slmmooj and ^ ‘ ^ v .M returned tc Corona. Calif.,

S tc t lU llM » ““ S , ’S « S ! ? W h . v .

» i S i t ^ 'i u i n m r . M n ..w .l lg B .,

d S S a of the Idaho BUlo^ u S ik -------------------------------------

— I DO-gOP LIKE A—100 Baked Potato

with your eveningS TRY SCOTT’S“• f ' r s s s ' s ? . ™an- L—

3 3 L A N D E R

A '

I I S = 7 ^)ike prefer Alexan-he aunllty, the de-.................•tionally advertised

bccause there’s a y budget.

he youHB grRduates we have■prefer in alnglB'and double------- - -cd of fine all wool worsteds, dines and tweeds. In w m -

OTUEB ALLWOOL flurrs FItOM «3.M- TO 65.M


■SFOR's B y g M T h e s e dM B b O fancy a:

' s o f t fla ' ' spun»—(

so ft con

LEISURE COS a - These- comfortable

coats nu d e of flue gi In plain oolors art tai perfection and lurj

JQ good-looUa*.

.Y, MAY 13 is

t t e t i D a p :. a light, coot- •% r \w •■a huge collec- I t>pe of (itraw, A e V V t O

be«t ot a l l - , n A Alnd h e n , D a U U

SPORTS‘tM s:uwTilty-enlltK tinn - n t : ^

' ahlrls la wortli seeing to aay . . th l least;^ Not. only are th «7 attw racU ^ but very^dressy-^

1 and as for colon ._ ^ ry jre »U \ ■■ Jitre'ahilsome y'oulja've neyer'^ ''*

seen befort. Nylon'AcetaU I Rayons — O a b a r d l n e s —

Plains — Cheeks — Plaids la I plain colors and fancy color-9 la p .

2 . 9 5 t o ■ ^

6 4 5

idmd- two


w a ContnelU..

TRIOl!l Appearing li= M o n d a y -n ^



L-’S fortlii

dressy coats ooi a ll wool tweedH

flannels—novelty, k —a n d 8 variety ofii orduroys. . •

16-95 J

;OATS, v : £ 9-95iUUored to 4nirprlslngly

^ ^ 5 iV (= jiab (r


:•n r« t

.61 GaoiV ,, V i o r i O i ^

- - Sum iM tSiK

r - 89c^

1 1 ,

18 C o u n t I ggftg

iVewsmaps AjH^ n m n u p s hlghUcbV .'

m muken. tn d by ru-

^ r- re t lo n * » -« w * « i '--------------Boul.tlonfliure4.5how - S

»UIU5 « of JU'J'- «im tho probaW*

“ i i ’i i o T a i o « . « ™ + « * '

w 'nS 'U nexpected lo me «n t«r or popuU - tpio

rrfV « t »nd MUlh, POJ.^ point in M Utheni ^

* *_______ • ¥

M i c a I I M CiFIC

I m u H E^ ^ u S B i ' ' j B l e i t i

— INC*.- - — g ^ a § p

' LdicMpolit* V ' A

y»-iM— V'..\i s i ^ “

' EidmokJroDU

_ ky. ffoboiu r«p«i(

J 6 @ I' ' ' ■


l! Event_Set _ Womani . i w i i - T h . F . 1, .»lil dose nex t W ednw - HArdlBg U coollt

be tRDUti! bftftKet d inne r the rtiult o^ Inju:ae. A ehalr clipped tnn tre prepftritis fo r th# v tr pilnfully t4 Blih the oldstors. hurt.

J“I’d do anythi: .......... from Af r '

tfnp /ro m I t j t to right-. L M. HandBon ?gcr, C. C. A n d e rso n a . Dlek MUne, A

dams<>ted Panam a

A f i n e S e le c t io n o f STRAW HATS pr

• '■ 1 .-9 8 1 ,^ 5

Mcn’a Furntihlnff 2)fpi. . ,

t f l n i B E f f M

■plO+9% I ( DttrKW ^

PopnUUon « h u ( n b j tUte« tlacc 1» * » » ________________ <f |

10.171 _

T J^ T ' - V i WEST

l , i ' _ ‘ORTim ' - J 1C E N JR >

------- * - . ^ M ,2 7 l 9,.jW O U N T A IN l , I l k n B M I

Flguretln | l 4 « 5 «T1.oi>t<)n<)f %ofU.S.

■o^dafion r 0 .000 6.(A ]

>putoiion v i v n n i D E S W MI960 ■ ■■ ■ " ■

—noir-ibOT«fl(m*l-br«*M ownot-pept

m In ju red- E JD I M to h t r b id u ,njurles received when u u church.I from under h e r. Sho — —■ "r b u t no t seriously ’ NftUbnid


ling to get unde Anderson’s!”-J

:■• ■ ■'. r - '; : '1. I—.

aom e, u m p i r e ; L o u V l to u jJ e f t fl I, f ih o r ts to p C ow boys

.. 5.00 ^.........

priced frtm .:.:r~r-

5.00 “. , . s tre e t f lo o r

.. ^ . ____________

i n s Io J I> -In -F n il9

..........- .................. ................ - T - m E E


U%-' M

: Im o Ihow ■ decided wectwsrd tnoTrne * * * * V

wpuUtlaa tooU4>aw onfl nnj.lnfilt tn ItK

CHOIR TO 8INQU . n —D ie p r e - s c h o o l___JiplUt d jb ^ w i i l *ln(j P ^ ) T l »y morrUnf i t r tc ts o t NOW

------------------- c r r r•H club ase llmlla for B»ck of Pw are belyten 10 ond 31. L .

le r a S tr a w H a i

. . sa\)» Lon Vitou$ .

. 5. . ; ■ • -

t f ie ld . Cowboys. H aro ld C o o k , Me Photo by 0

5 m i 7 c U N D E R 1' f r o m A N D E R E


________.IHIvi% N H-

i M

■ —

MD. i l * le r a S G t i a t a e ;

y -------- -----------------------

J s ______________ ______

n w m m i m. . . iHy

■ j a N E w I "» 8 ENGLAND ■ H f l t t f iT M M — ^ . — - H b S ^ S

H ^ T U N T i q

_ ] EAST I ; l ^ H i i SOUTH i

ICE N T R A C !. ISL '

. ®lzo.oo*rUJTAS ... iiiiij

W REAOVI: r FLOBAL ■Parisian Loundry ‘7


It ipM

. .■ . W 'n W ^ f

K l^ K | | \ f oH |R A


O p e n T o iM en’s D ep t., - £«yioFiII,aus Kelker .

N«U< 4««nM>* ti,,Mro)g«TjMip'

— ._ .,__________-,- I


W- / fcsiF l o w e r S e e• Over 100 Popu

3 p a c ^ t j f o r ___T1.M .tc

__________ ^

I A S tra wRSON’S „ _ ~ ^

_________ i » f e '

<■> fi rn ^ m

g g - - - - - • ' 1^




K ^ A4titai4»^ 0 h l SM tm .

r ^

K f ——

m M „ 7 m m

1 I/ f t p , I II Im

m ^

. . _ t a . h r !»■ f tm i l Blaloi

A Ce-bl»il«>> «f ^ S p M A b«M»l>U.»iWM T H r a l ▼ *?- •k*» b««f f l - B W — 3 .- —BsltjLbrKW--___S Ih taXpta-l-gd-lu'

M o t h e r S UE c o n o m i c o ' W **''

w m

Sir:;:o p S p r a y e r H a n d S plU, WoiW Cleon . CfO» Cow fry Fo

. . . . 9.45 Soon low Pfico.., ,pnf. kW y »i»» ♦« » h ^ »>»• ''>►

B I &i p h ' S

5 s “ -rsx_______ 25c Cnwi Coonhy, 5 lh. , 1. r m .1M .1 pmoMi

r ' i a . r ^ ' r

S •----------------* _ -

j a I t ) , (0 )

— W ( „

• J

M H rn fty fO ^ A b i :TUm tW m

J^ B b

l l l l

Mow yew A* Ulchoft «flongro>6*~WBftifla~0«Ht~W«t-qi»tionod for imiK»r*ffle»w<y oivi livorioui onlti provido "moA ctnfon

______ ood o.bor for kfonnal.£nIao..TfMw lob lo hoJoht*. YouU tt* l!w mo «hh Nlf'Conlolnod pulk Rw>i

Q C O t m t W A U RA«I3 handy thtV IpOCM for Wck-I 30lR.h{o>v13i<v<lMp.

Q W A U C A I I H I t2doon ,18rn .W *,i2 lrt.M a

---------■ U301(vti»loMWi(hJdo«<.

Q W ALL C A IIM IT2 doon. 21 lo. wld*. 42 Irt. Wj In30In.h«lghl wtihl de«r.

Q C O tM IR -W A L L C A I2doofi,24lA .w Id»,42kN 830 In. high, 1 door.

Q W A U C A I IN I TA doon. 24 tft. widi, 42 lo. Mg InSOliv hi!gKi»iih2 doon.-

Q W ALL C A IIH IT4 doon. 30 In wld», 42 In. Mg In 30 In. hilghtwith2doon.

3 a y ' \ / Largt

■ ■cpStf■ I

i S T ......^p r a y e r > V \For long W oor . . ' . \

.... 45cItt-pleUd elonlitr. ex tub« ler Initd* i«opo<Jry.

I* economic

; i flowerini M u eG rassment Seed >A mapUiln

C O C Bum oteed, ^ I W a b O flower u d

____ , .^ i . Name. Plur'V ’ ................ r « e of PU:

^ .them i t 80.

_______________________ ________ ^

» )


n h o i i

* vV vlViU^hi

I t t f « r « » t t « « * t y | i t t i i l f l

af yeur drtom i-^ol low ptVM M d t

I in akoi>o fit y ^ 'M l l 'tpoiofc Coimbine m ' for food plonnlna, food »toreo% food h i wilti < n M ifa b tt In rIm-liKh mvlKfih n o d m cW sn, A* conHnwui M ( w ^ d Nh ponol (loen. Expoo«I h o n M n It «hr

«IC Q C * l > H T I t I N » 1U w h . fo rbf*otf«ibor.3A ol

Q M O t lK N CIM K IUqV ZdoorteooetoU .v*!*

36l<i.wkr«,U H kHol

' n ~ i A i B t A i n i i t 'Idoof.trfr0wor.lulk4n<teiitw ld.,3SH hiW ah

■ IN « T . n B A I I C A tlN R Th l^ 4 hond|'i>oroo*'frowo(

nrid*, 35K l<t Kok

Q « A t l C A I l i t I T Mgit, Whh bvt1<4n utoolt rod, --------- wW r.35«KM cK -

Q l A f l C A l l N i r h!g(ii 2 doofi, I iiwM. SUo

35H InchH tflsfv

'1® «3 On/y . A

jladioli Bical . ^ns "Beauty' ■ " ' i

leenl “o u * t" In your tum niir ranSoa d . . to be "Kow ertn* S l ie " , . each eo: id wm bloom thU summer. Q u u w l tump firm iJ id weljhly te r we have ilan; disease aod specially titated .to. 3om i_______ _______________________

f i n e PHOU K ) 4 0 3 M A I


» ~ r^ ' "


I f l l l i l U t

M t b r S m __________

[ f t ^ o f t h * --------------- 1odpfopofoKoA ItU t.yM Ujioi: ..... ... (> d r m r f ^ iichreM»-ptat«L. B

» t N i i *So»tpocM,n»>.

C ffR O N T


rwfft.}k*nk> ) ,

r■od. H tt n w

r■U*'3tk»{do,'. .


__11=___ _________ :_

m ' ' ' ■


3 -ffiSea plctur* . . Bnib* contains an emtoyonlo aoteed to be True to . ' ve only healthy buQit.' to. j w e n t _W>rtj».__Be* _

i O i i B ’ 2 8 6 0 ilN AVE. W. 1- ■

........... M -{


i l J 1|4—•R n d -S e s s io m |;j- v ‘ , S eason H eld aEliit 1 Brow nie"TFol | n | | | I OL2HNS m m r . M tr n

.lii I pe«0tu attended the Md*y party Tufsdfty afternoon

j i , v r w hoU uhcii Qlcnru tJiree Uroi-nle 6 cout troopt

' I tAincd the ir no thers a t th(•5 ' ' Joint «eislon of the year. I

I o f the three troopa wer* In < Openlns the proervn. Joyc(

oiii-eci by iv jw m by Nancj^and

lUon'« JourUi srade troop p r t------a - « 0th f r^ -d 8y-aumbe:~«nd

Allison and i^ e r l Tayor |• poem.

; • Members ot Mrs. LucIHe Dii Uilrd Brade troop Uien slasedi , . , .- . , a t tJio Circus" with Karep

' M Bozo and Patricia Cabui •■"I*;! ' the rlninnaater. Animal parta

■:------tafceirby j u j u Clnit.. Juyce Di“ *■' ' Eileen Tttlnlng, Jackie Cal

Carol Paiey. Ann FlrfbauKh, CartwrlKht and Vlckl Grow.

Durlne the clown aecne, acrol , , wer* performed by MUi Muck.I I Clark. M lu D»nlela. MW Ca: J: I and MIm rirebauRh. ClosingI proBram. Dro^nilo plni wereII I ta Uilrd grade troop mcmberi!. «I1 I Tlic Boclnl hour waa In char

Uie foiirlh Rrotle Irtwp, wllh lu iiii I trs a.uLitIns. *niey are Mra. Al • ' -I ■ Mm. Ltona Jones. Mr*. K aren Hllll : and Mr*. Durfee.

' TJic party marked th# elo! ill, I dli 1 Drownle neUvltles for the yew. IH] llj I tJie exception-of Individual i i f t i l i l l parties to be held In the neai |WI»l| ‘ ture. Second and third grade I

leaden plan to hold Informal olals for the Rlrl* once a n

n r , : ! '" ‘ QunnK tho'miiiiiicr. l l i l ] I * ♦ *

I j,.,;__Breakfast_Giyer ji iH------- B y-Jeroroe-C fi

, JEIIOME. May 11— ’Rie anMay breakfast of lha Je rone E

TTiimt-r------ness— and -Prefesitcnal • Won:i" -" ‘ club wa.1 held nl 0 a. m. Sunda

the Owl cafe. SprlnR flowers ' mlnature May poles decorated . tabic*. Wlth-a laiser May polo ' flffurlnet making a colorful cen

piece. aecentlnB the club color* The proBram Included a voca]

by Linda GUI. accompanied by ] ,, . ty OUI: a patriotic U p dnnee

,1;-, Maxine Thomason, accompanied.,,•11 Marie Tan Orman; vocal aolo

C ilihi------Robm-Adamsrand-Trtsno-gelecU‘■’*'‘1' by Victor Ifftlnc*. /JL , Followlnc brcnkfft.it officer* »

____ Inatajjed by.Mary MjuahjOl. VItrI; K lreher w u ln*uiled ak pruid«

I I ji] , MoAlely G rant, first vice presldi I. and Maurlne Overflew, tecond '

, I, nre-ildent. Other offleer* will c I u tlnu# for another year to comp! I fl two-year tenna.

I 1 1| Committees tn charse. unlllll, L«ul»e Stone a* seneral chalrni

1 11 were M u y Grace Cox and WUlab "* 'l| Daley, p rojram ; Moalely G rant I

!- mta-Ea*Urbronk. deeomtlona: M Moeller and B\'a NeUon, arran

"■ 'i’ _ fflfnts. _________ ________—.. .. . . . -gUfsU ue’re Mr*, ithliljl I aurkJialtcr, Mrs. W. A. Peter*. Ji

. O. L. Thoreson, Mr*. Mabel Bev Idjo and Clara Klein. Thel Thompson, president th is y iar i tll her transfer to S alt Lake Cl

, , wna (11.V5 a guest.’ Tlie next reifultir meeting of 1

club Wll! be held May 33.« • «

I GO TO a o o o m aUambers of the SauiUa chib .a

their hMbands went to Qoodl to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Blal Bird a t a housewamlng. A bufi

■ luncheon was sen'ed and plnocl I [ played.________

I M a ria n M artin , ' - P a tte rn


il||l i r

p i | i i

I .................. 9 0 8 5 , . !g£s i : - i » I

: ! I

....... Go around .la .the besfeJrcle-lhefl . fuU-clrcle sklrtl Oet the worW.i IM *plashlcst prlnl, cut two half-circles, I, «U t£h-how ea-o-l Sm srt «leevplf.<j i' blouse IncludedI I P attern 8035. sJm* IJ., H . 18, is I » . 8Ua Id skirt lake* yards I J5*lach fabric; blouse, IH yards.• ..........^Jjl*-«M ?-fcM J»--'j*U em T>flrea

pCTfeot f it. Complete, llluslraied I sew chart ahows 3-ou every step.! Send twcnty.flve cenLn In coins

f a r this pa ttern to M arian Martin," care of ’hmes-News. pa ttern depart­m ent, P. O. Box B7«, Chicago 80, III. P rin t plainly your nnhjc, address,

...... *one» nite, style jium bcr.___I f s newl Our_Marlnn MnrUn J)at-

'le m 'lb o k for summ erl Send tw en ^ ccnta m art to s e t th e complete fasli- lon picture for warm w eather la

. . lM (J.:'rr« f7 Uilaff_lor •v o y age, In- elud lnc.acur# sports wardrobe. Plus ; • fr te p a tte rn or » b e » c a b r» printed :M tb a b o o k . I

l u r ----------j by roopsr l l - e e r - e Mother^oon a t the . t* Ferry's 3p* enter- the {|nU

r. Leader*In chatxe. oyce Dan-nrrsenlrd

tnd Linda

pruented ind-Carol

gave a

• Durfee'*"Bou

t p Muck ibuttl a* I I ■

■ Thf n nfflMCT-o t-O lftf-U CalhDon' am u ijoT lie mather-:h S ‘he Twin Fall* W thsehB o ln A le rry prealdent; Betty C■croballe* * * * *

.S fS M others, Senioi " Gi r l s A re Felharge of ‘Tlirough the Yenrs" woi lh lead- Uicme of the mother-daughter , Allison, quet held Tuesday nlghl In the *1 Steen F#1U high school gymnasium.

banquet wa* sponsored by the close of league.

^ review of Uie past yean iL .r fti highlight'Of thc prcgram « were Mrs.

Connerly, Mary Connerly, monrn S»>«rer, PaW 8 kl

■ nflaemaryWll.wi, n r l in n m n f Grout, Dverla Alger and 1 Heaton.

e n • Marilyn Lincoln was mlaire ^ eeremonles-md-jroup'-slnglng

'lu bj'S S 'ndTy”a t »** planned by•rs arid 0 « r t « n and cooked byted Uie Scholes, Mr*. Rose Miole and Oregory. Juniorcenter- r*tU served, lor*. Th* banquet committee Incl cal aolo Harriet Wind. Phyllis McFar 3y Bet- Su*l* Slade, Norma Pcterson. : nee by len» Gambrel. Barbara GHallt lied by Wanda Hotmer and Donna Ya lolo by » » »

M inidoka C ount riTB’i^ a Clubs H o ld -T esldent! nOPERT, May I l-H o m e den uident, stratlon week was oteerved by i Id tie* ou* ortanltallon and-horae den 11 eon- alratlon clubs In Minidoka cou mplete according to Mrs, Sarah fipenc<

The Worth While club. Tluj under held a tea a t 2 p.m . Tuesday a l

■Imian. Christian church annex. Mr*, r Qabeth mond Dowd, prealdent. was gen Bt and chairman. The objective was to ; Mary quaint -youn» homemaker* i range- home demonslmUon work. ■fTSJilr' -•'^• P«>e«n'-wnsdlrecled-brJ ! Dnins and Mrs. Otto HoiHi.vi.r B»ve an lllustn

lecture on children's clothing ^ e ta a Jou , a p ^ o e

> Cllv *olo. accompanied by Marilyn Ha of till. Lawrence C arter Rave a re

Ins. and Mra, Thco Sehorzman s • sole, accompanied by Mr*. Bn

Mri. R. L, Gulley was chain 1, of th t refreshment commillee. xxllns On Thursday, an Informal so Blaine In Hie LDS church,bybuffet BHDW DemonslmUon club tiiid lochle Dettcr Homr.i club, both Hcybt

I and the Better Homes elub, Em

- Mra, Herbert flmlth. Mr*. J ' Lott, and Mrs, T . L, Styner, pn

_____ dents.of the three clubs, werecbarse of ftrranBemcnt.'!, '

“Hlfl program directed by X . Myrtli Lott Ineluded a piano i

by A netU Morrlsca and Jea Graf aad Ruth Helner, accompan

' I by Miss Morrison, each eang a « ^ Alene Hansen Rave a.readlng.( Mm, S p e n c e r showed a fl

1 ST. ''0 “ ™' the Dress TlI fr Fits. Hie film pointed eu t the m , S J eommoo fitting problems-ln-her

eewlng and ready-made Farmenti K I • Refresments wero served bv (

J Emerson club, wlUi Mrs. H.( Beaver and Mrs., Clifford Stockli N ■to-chalTTOn.Club-favorgwcrt-ih. .1 by Uv# B irnw club, --

> s j • • *

.1 Girls H e a r-T a lk^ Oamma girls of Uie YVll\ met niB p.m . Tuesday a l the YW(; \ ; room*. Mrs. Virginia Clawson *po v \ on grooming and clothe* atyli , lA F ^ c t* Fuller, president, co

■A ducted the business meeting. T» I 1 new gifij, Irma Job and Norma L< 1 were wtlcomed. nefreshmenLi we

k s s . '" - " '" -™ '™ '’-” "''

/ Care of Y(\ ' B yA N G :

‘^ 1, School children should have ■ \ | least aurfnte knowledee of the grea /, men nnd women of our liLitorj

slnrllnR with Columbus and Rolni , down lo Ui» present-day. Keeplni ; a calendar of the birthday* o t ou

— j famous men and women 1* a usefu _ J nnd pmctlcnl way of teaWnfrhCv

lory whal It should be, a ston ' o: I the people conctriied In our n.itlon-

...................8 lfirUa£l_RlUi. George Waslilng.

Id’s ‘'Irthday we tell tha atory 'ol I his hfttcliet, of his code of eUilei . ' snd mnnntr.i. hl.i r.er -lce to our

counlo', H l.U iftthrllllnK »torylhat . . ouKhl 10 mnke lhe h e n r i of our

rds ‘ '"■1! " '’ ‘>cfil fMter nnd ilirjr loveof Ihelr oountrj- grow d e e f» r.___

TM of coura*.led . " 5 of atorlfs ready

for the tfllinc thni mnke him come I ftllve tn tilt chlldrhi of todny. The '. . to^y of 111,'. wfilkiiiB nil Uio:e mllcj■ ■ to return the mmiey Blvcn him bj- an 111" f!’ ' ‘’'■'‘" '’K 'f ie chnnce, lili *“ • rnil-splUtlii.:, hi.'!bxH c hum.-mlLj- ss. durhiR n lifetime of devotion to wh.it

he beUnr.1 m be rlsh t. hU srcat sa-crUlee.lo-l,i« countryVcoort;------------

ty . Benjaniiii ^>.•mklllt hnlils a blp >- place In our hlMory nnd there ate la dellahtful .•.luricj about -lum, (oo. 1- Then there are the Invcnto'ra, alnrl- U tag with Franklin and remembering d Edison. Fdrd, Mnrconl, nobert Ful-

J tco, the Wright brother*. Then our

ie r -d a i) iH i« ^ q o H glveo Toeaday nlj 1 grniDaslara. Left to righ t »re Mary Coa

Creneaberytr, leam e aecretary; La

P[ , C alendar• e te d ---------— ______was the The M aroa club will have a ■ ■Iter ban- food aale a t th e Filer hai Uie Twin store Saturday, im. The ♦ ♦ *Jie G lrb' IhB Rebekah degree »Uf

prseUca a t 7:30 p.m. Frida ears was members are requetled to be ram, in - ent,rs. O. T * * ¥I'. Betty Hie annua] mother-daughtei Skinner, quel of the Women's eouncll .

1 Laura a t 7 p. m. Friday.« « «

ilreis of HAGERMAN—The Legion E l1ng was Dance club'w iTI'm eet'M ay37, ■mpimlel ^ l o n wid AuxIIIbit are parU.10 senior lug « Uie WendeU Legloa "i n , spoke d W Saturday.............. ..........____________________by M n "niB Y-Wlves of Uie YW O by Mr*, hold Uielr May business meeU MarUn, ® P- today In th e Y-rootns.

lorela*s Korence Bchults will talk or tr ip to Germany and show m

Included * ¥ *Farlane moUicr-daughtcr "fivtm Har- “‘ f" luncheon wlU be held li fa'uoran the C hurch of the BYounif' rena tlrS O p jn . Saliirday.M ra.- - ' der. NamM,_dlstrlct.,women'* i

deni, will speak. .DevoUaaa wl by Mrs, A nna Irwln.

J w * M ¥" p n c bridge and eanM ta toi

menl will bc continued by men demon- of tha.Blue Lakes Country dui jy rari- night. Dinner will be served a t demon- pjn. Hosts are M r. and Mrs. I county, ard Mau»s and M r. and Mr*. 1 wcer. ard Blake. TJiere wlil be a sq «uPfrt. dance from 0 to 0 p.m. Prlday ’ * t the Al Westergren a.n caller. An Infi *. Ray- ,] dlnner-dance will be held Sj gmerai j^ y night w llh dantang U> *Ui

;“j s -hr-M r^ ...The_flnM.rnecllnjt.of th c jca : y the American Assoclfttlon of

Women will be a pol i P- “ • Sfthirday a t

' • Legion auxlllar? rooms. Mr*. nniJSi®: head Uie lundophone wmmltlee and Ftances Ande; liawK. Dorij Ham and Mrs. W. A. i

I read- be her a*.il3lan ls . Tlie prog in «wg ft.iu feature reports by Mra. "run*, piulkner, newly elected presld airman and Mr?. Ru.i.irll Miller on Uiei e. AAUW convention,

social ¥ ¥ ¥

:.;5u!? Shower Is G iven For T .F . Wome

. “ OASTLETOnD,-?,my1t=MTl.T• Newbeny Cole. Twin Falla, was h

° " d wllh n ml.icellnncous ahowe:cro in {Hj g( Mrs.'Doyle Webb, <

, , Ueford,Gift* were displayed on a 1

2 « « r td - tab le w hleh w«* c«nt« wlUa a bouquet o f pansletu

naslsted In op a *010, Jng her gifts by M rs. Joe Wbecn f- and Mrs, Bill Murphy.

-n-vl * 'th pr;m a t going to Atr*. Oeorge BUck. A

e LuUier Rouse, Mra. FeIlx_Cel* home Mrs.-'Tlra Blue, Mr*. Edna H

“ •j- and Mrs, Cole,'7 ths The hQatc.ises. M rs. Webb. \

i , ' Chsrl” Webb. Mrs. Elmer HeW Mra, Prank Kinney, Mrs. Frt

■ ^ 0 peurer and Mra. O scar Blue, ser....... lefm ntnents;--------------------- ' -

« « «

Ik— Sowing S tu d iedTVCA HnTJORN, May 11—Mnklni? n 'WCA ’“ ting proper work <loUilng ; *poke women waa studied n l the meeU itylei, of the Heybum Home DemonsU

con- tlon club a t the home of Mra, r Two Lott.

I Lee, Lepha Chrhletisen, BonnevI were county home demon-ilraUon nsei

lldrcd -*«-#-|rue3t7-Snnih-SpencerrJnr doka _coimty... homf--dcti)OlUlraUi

11 D* agent, conducted th e lesson. Rfreshmenls were served.

our Children^GELO PATRI ‘

B a t writers. Thero Is a long list ef the :reat but we cnn select thoso who wro tor>-. In Hie ser^’lcc o f 'U ie lr country- olng Wnjhlngton, Lincoln. Julia W « ping Howe, Harriet Beecher Btowf. The

Longfellow. WhItUer an i£hil \Vhltm»n, The.ploocem who-toU*

for the Ifberatlbn of women: Ann >■ of Howard,.,Busaa B. Anthony, MnrS s ;

or prtat Americans whose name* on b g - deeds should bo.«»-ram lilarto-m i ^'of children as Uielr-own. Children e hie* all aBes love stories, especially tru our atorle* of actual people. Wtf m lu i ,hal great optwrtunliy when we nils our making them fam iliar with Uios< iovo who built their country's tradlilona— en.itoms! and habits a sd who en- r u . lUM^nfKl. lU . ooul w ith ' splritua ady bfsuty. . ,)me Not to thrill to such names n rhe Wft.'^hlngton. Lincoln, Franklin. Wll. lies .'on. Edljon nnd Su.ian B...Is to ml.u an the meanlnu and the .w o u r of this, h li our countr>'. Look up ihelr blrth- ilLj- days ns (hey come and tell their ■nt .'.torles and so pa.'j th e lr slrcnRth'. sa- Ihelr courage and th e ir Immortal* ■ jpint- down alonu Uie y e ars .............big ‘ .

rt.' •■''■•bl'm. •.«(! fnr

T j M E S - N E W i

^ M o th e r-D o u g h te r E

night tn Heaton, senior nnlt sccrctv Cooaerly, and Donna Yotar, aenlor Lm erlel log) _________

I ~] Syringo Rebekc ------- Lodge H as Ma a cooked JEROME. May 11- M rs , hardware Neavea, noble grand, condui

meeting of lhe Syrlnga R< lodge Monday night a l the

Itaff will hail. A letter from Mrs. a a rrle -Iday. All HoRerman, special deput

be nres formed the lodge She wouid pi “ official vljlt May a,-

Mrs, Ma* Owens, chairman . work committee, reported 11<

*t Uiebanquet. She Uianked all Uioa

iH>*-h«M Bssutfo:------------------------------I t was announced cookies .fi

official opening of the lumbei m Square Salurday ahould be delivered ''37. Tlie th a t moniliig. I t also-was nhno »?tioipji}- .th a U h fl- jc g .jaK e fl.u rn -haa J "Show- received.

The. annual Mother's day------------ tffts riiscuced.and. wfU-bo-hiVGA will 2 p.m . Friday a t Uie haU. Allj eeting a t ber* were ursed lo bring a : itns. Mrs. Mrs- Prod Clubb. Mrs. W. B.: on her "•or’- Wr*. CharleJ Tonkeraley i ''movies, charge of refreshments; Mrs.

Mann and M n. £111* Reddick, ■flve-fln- ond Uib regular prograra 1 In ^ e m lttee chairman. Mrs. Lonvn C eB reU i- d o . 'H I ftrrw ee the program, i™ Low A report on Uie convenUon

■ ,1 a t Idaho Clly in commemoraUi *m h i th e isoth-K in iw ury-ofO ddfe

‘ “ ship was given by Mrs. Sun - Mr*. Henry Claar and Mrs. Ne “S ' Refrt.nhmenls were sen'ed by

tourna- LouU Nelwn, Mrs, Charles Beei nember* Mrs. Nenvea, club to- ¥ ¥ ¥

Y early Breakifas Given by Worn

inform- R ^ ^ ^ T . May 1 1 -R u p e rt 1 , f i . . , ‘ ne.-ji and Profc.vilonal Women s u r t a t brrnkfa*t

a jn ., Sunday a t tho Jlupc rt ca The tables wero centered

low bowls of orchid and pink syear for .p«ft«,_*piren, ond-fern.---------L n u l v WMO Mrs, Esther J

Cher, Mra. Jane Kiebe, and A nna Abroma. Mrs. Wandalee

community singing. M « ' Ruby Ollmore gave a

r Pray reading, occompanled by

Mrs, 'llolln Zoerb, preildent, i esident, ‘ducted the business se.',sIon, Rcti he sta te reported by ;

Blanch O'Neill.- - Because of weather condUl the ateak fry generally held in

T ."iprlnB WM postponed until Uie : . meeting In Uie fall. DelcBatcj

n o n ^ '0 " ^ te convention to be lieU „ J une In Pocatello were niimed

ti .- ? ^ e u ,e p rcaIdehim fey 'are‘ MrsTT.1 IS hon- Cher, Mrs. Klebe and Mrs. M 5WW a t Mltehcil. AUemnUa nre Rena 2 b, Cas- Anna Grace, and Mrs. Ber

, Renfro.An Invllntlon from Uio Rev. B

BntCTed RuauiU, pastor of tho Spl*« church, to aUend morning aerr

®P*“ " woa Bcceptfd and members alte w n v er ^ ^^i^xly.-

n r i» . Bishop Frank Rliea, of the Ej• Jtok church of Idaho, was a *p^E t t a . , , ■,...............

C o th o lic W omen '£ « H ave Breakfa;wrved ._B U H L ..M aj_n-T T hS .O ,a 'th0 l

Womon*' leagu* and women o t ' parish of the Church of tho I

, J maculate conception held Uielr i• U nual May brtnkfast a t the II a Ig and It cafe Sunday morning.g for M” . John Wngncr, president eeting the IcaRue. made the address of w nstra- oome and Introduced ^ r s . "D a, BUI Ts'epdy, toastmlstre.ts.

T he church choir, under din Hville ‘-'0"of songs. Mrs. Tierdy Introduc

ElUaboUi-MrlMrrWho-flhowtd-flli and-opoko-on-licr-trlp to Centi

n i sna-SonarAmenen-;------------------Mrs. John Wagner received

handkerchief for haring the largi-------( family. 10 chlldrtn. and Mrs. Conr

W agner received a handkerchief f ^ the youngest child.1 ¥ ¥ ¥ ■

C o rd Club M eets— I The Hl-Lo Pinochle club met th-m the home of Mrs, Howard Carh'

WlUl prltf.5 won by Mr. nnd Mi ilry— Wllllftm Emrlck. Mr. and Mr.i, Lyr Ward Goodman,. Mr, nnd. Mrs.-Thorni

Elness and Mr. and Mr*. Ge«n

!o!Sd M ^ ‘»Hd' Mrs. Boelo* wer* oul-o ;r“™ club-sirfsta. Mrsr EnincK-recclve U a birthday glfu Pie and •coff(• S were aerred ..—

'te ro u p H a s P artytm a ' FILER, May l l —The Cradle Ro lu a> and mothers of Uie United Mlulon nils* ••ry church wero guMts- nl a part hose at~4 ha parsonage with Mr.t. EaUie Ion* Stuizzpan and .Mrs, A. 13, Neufel en- In cham o of arranitrmenta. DtM

:hiaj Uonals.-w*3» .J lr» n followfd by , social hour and refreshments. Qie]

1 * . child received a favor.A ll- ¥ ¥ ¥

S Y -T ee n s 'M ee trlh- Mr*. Clyde Benton (^rnionsirated heir figurine paJnUng lo members o: Sth'. the sevenUi nnd elKlitli Brade Y- rtnl Teen* « t a meetinc .Mondav In (hf

YWCA' foom.i.“ Tlip meetiriB .wnj closed by group singing of a Y-Teen

u - a o n g . ---------------------------- ----------JMi ■ Jf. Jf ^ ----------------■'tJ , FARTV GIVE.V- 4 OARTY. .May l l - U lh a Parke

was honored a t a party on her • I elghUj blrUjday anniversary.

y s , T W I N F A L L S . m A H C

B anquet

Ury; M a r i l j ? * ^ ^ . .enior T BDlt vice prealdent.. (BUff pbot«-e

;ah Enga g e d ^ e e tlucted a Rebekah le lOOF rlelRu*-

in ot theper-

Lhe FFA lose who

I for the ber yard

early nounccdin.i K*fn

y psrtyhe ld-a tU.mem- H j W |y ~ a guest.

Sum-y sre in:rs. Ray


on held * * * *

SSiisr P a r rA m d u n c e :ummer, , •

&'m“; P lan s to Moeck and .. May -ll-^-Tli

•' RBBement of LaVela Stubbi CIttrcncc-WllllBm Mngoffln. i

, Mr, and Mrs. L. L, Magoffli J S t been announced by her father

ter Stubba, A Inte June vu 1* scheduled a l Uie Stubbs' «

t Bust- A sophomore at the RIchfielt ■n held school this yesr, MIm Slubb t « C been acUve In miulcal circles

Roffln ivas BTTtduated iro m - 1 wim Falls high school in 1B47 and t c sweet one year In the navy.

t-'LUB ENTERTAINED’ n U T l . May H - M r s .” Parks entertained her pinochle' _ Priday evening. Sprtng blo!„ * decorated tho rooms. HighJ nnd traveling prlws wcrc woI rnn Dowcn ond lowit.im » “ Mrs. John Blasj ' Mr*.

In the le first tes to

I In a- ..lertha


c p iv S U I

□st -

r an-; and ...... ..

tit of ' ' - m ■'w el- j B I S S ilTom

llrec- ,troup • ”lUfM . ■fllm .r--------------ntral ~

•d %rgtsl .................nradf for ...............

Ss t 1® ^

rh'i* tMrs. ! I<ynn«>»*--- - i......orgo

>of- -. . . ,Ived ------- V V •• ->ffee , «

Ion-, / ^»fty \Iher ✓ ,I tu S

• i i i i ted I .Biilli**"''*’”

\ S«rv» wi •ke Cler y / s . y \ / N ^


T rain ipq -S e ss | | H | P lans A nnour

U n . I t A. Armstrong, Mrs. Kelly and U n . Edward B pitnning a training session Camp Flro sponson a t 9;: Friday at the Idaho Powe tsrium-.

The meeUng has been pla help- sponsors understand duUes and reaponsIbUlUe*.

B H j H A demonstraUon onp«inHne win be .tltea-Ja-Mfi Benton for all Blue Bird lead Camp Fire guardian* or as ^ 3 g ^ . ^ V , P f e s d a y j m

^ ^ H l l . IHe Csmp Fire Guardian ciatlon snd Uie Biue Bird ! assoclaUon met laat week Camp Fire office. Each

^ ^ ■ 1 'groups planned a picnic lo I in Uie Buhl city park.

'The Blue Birds will have a

*ad_*ttarf*_sm _b6-glvea-J

’"•rhe 'cw np Flro Girls' plct -eagrav- ^a held May 34. A cornicU

btlng planned and m int *ale------------- nlll be given. The communlt

Ice commlltee. composed of J A. Van Engelen. M n. Earl Pe Mn. James Vandenbark. aro Ing cn the awards and helplr plan* for the events.

Each group Is requested t for transportaUon wlthla

Election Is Hei 9 B -B y-B aptist Cl

New officers have been i by the Amoma class of the BapUst th 'T '’*' Thw TTiffltn held a t the homo of M n. Ki

B B g M Rice, 030 Shoshono .street Officers are Mr*. Leona Han

IdenC -M n.—Goldle-Lenard ■ K v J prtsldenl; M n. Eva Grabert.

tary; Msrlan Turner, iret Mrs. Elsie Farley, leadier,-|Uii

^ ^ ■ 1 Luclllo Dodson, assbU nl U - M n . L«Uia~Maloiie-esne Ult song. Miss Turner gave the UonaU and presented a gilt i outgoing president, M n, Ada scle. M n. Farley gave the c prayer. M n. G abert and Mn. BsUey were co-hostesses,

¥ ¥ ¥

A id 'H o s M eetii-------------'nio-Ladlc* Ald.of-Uio-Cliui3 S ■>''» BreUiren met Tueoday

noon In the church parlors n r r V Holloway In charge oi

' X. niPtllns. _”10 cn- Mra. Verne Melton led Ui» )bs and tionals on "Kingdom BulIdln ■ «<?n..of Earth." After Uic meeting Uie i fin. has worked on qullU. er. Lea- ¥ ¥ ¥

D inner P artysld high FILER. U ay I I — Dr. and lbs hM A- Anderson gave a dinner | es. Ma- Monday ei'enlng for 1(5 gue.n I 'T w In oelebrate their 22nd wedding I sened nlvernary. The occasion also

ored Mr*. Earl Ramsey and Dr,---------- detson-who have-blrthdnyannJ .laries Wednesday. Tulips decoi

the rooms and dinner toblea.

qOCPLZ HONORED i score FILER, May l l - M r . and von by Lyle Abel gave n dinner party 1 ! score orlng Mr. und Mrs. K. D. Abe iss. Uielr 38th wedding anniverwn

m m m m

l e i^ r l^ y -b n s a k f e h i

p i n e a p p f e m u f l ^ n

T O -lo -p lf la s e eaff\

’SIST-— y I


gion— W ed-at^€TO m eedrs. Charles

areon for all

a .m . wer audl-

ilanned to nd their

flfurln* W -jC

a d en o n d a O M I. Massistantsth c J d a ^

ana asso- i Leaders'k a t the f W H Bt of Uie0 be held < j H a

la f ly -u p 3 E B f ] B | P | S ' ^ 1

Icnlc wUl 1 1 1 . 1 ^ 4 H•M fire Is . I H ; ^ } Hle awards .. ^ ■ \ l } \ t |E '£ Mnlty Aen'- MtM rs-W . - ^ B V \ | \ \ l £ k I HPeck and ^ ^ B n \ l \ t K «iro work- ' \ l \ \ v E ' 2 m B l3lng with \ V S \ | | « 1 1

to plan W w f gla each S ■ ■

:iass1 elected l f e j u n , 5 ^ ^ | f a | £ 2 ! 9 ihe First Ins.,w as K atho 'n t norlli. sn .pres- .rd,-”'Tlccrt. secre- | B g l ^ ^ ^ S g * < 6 f i S B reasvrer; ^ ^ ^ K B H B H ^ B B B i“ a ^ FRED OSUMi'the clKS -'(D adfey pliolo—§Uffwifniri le devo- ' * * * *t to the _ . _ ,

"’c iS Pai'- Exchanges "■ Vows a t Chut

Midori Ntshlzakl, daughter of Touniko Nlshliakl, Twin Falls

■ I n o Frcd OsumI, aon of K, OsumI, , , Wash.. cxchanRcd vowa In a

' " ' • ‘-of nioiiyperfcTOied-StmaorttrthB y Mctho<liil- cimrcli by the R*v

f . i bert B, Parrett. Tlie altar 0* tne decorated with baskets ot j

lin e 'M given In marrllij. h e r brother, Tom Nlshliakl. w»* tired In a whlto satin gown,

bouquel was an orcldd surrou by feathered earflatlons snd ste

y Her lister, Emma Nlshliakl, Iid M n. r"“ld of honor. Her gown w. r party blue and she carried a colonial

to quet of pastel cnmatlons. Ant ng an- ‘ b>tcr, Miirgarcl Nhliliakl.AtUrc a hon- ”■ *'■« the bridesr3r. An- Hor bouquet wa* of pastel

c o ro S Nct>..0-'U'nl. MO.-.CS Lnke. W ^ brother of lhe bridegroom, was

man. Frank Nlhara, Rlu- Wash., and Roy Nlshliakl, 1 Fnlls. wcrc ushen,

J Mrs, Follottlng Uie wedding Uie co y hon- went to Mne, Wa.ih, where they be! on mnke thelr home. iry. Mrs, OsumI was graduated t

m m m m mt e t the children try

* _ L J j «urpfislngly flavorful

ea jjr tom akoIS errew. : : : aod you btve a

tlic (lelidously noirol l ® C I IC I JOU full Ttlu* ia full 1

the w orld’! fiae*t cofl Roasting,” «n txcloil

| | 0 A ess, roast* (he blend' continuously—for l!*i

V acuum -pa^ed fo t {>


likes , 1

Hil/s Bros I ^CoHw I


™ t o s d w . ,

■ ■ dent, w ^ ^ , C Q ^ B the meeun*

Ollo7 t O i S S J

I'olloviniP rru iit^ i

P 'l 'w . b

H ? S “S ' S

‘ Ulng yev oach eommltu* & Sarct W h u T L X Harold M clflSrS

Davl*, Mn. n J ^ means; U n . ^ ^

^ ■ 1 W alter O n ie l ,^ td J^ fd S l r m o i ^ ? Wning, M a nS ^ ,

' Pa l Turner S 'Hook. Mh, W e ^

licaUon:'*lia“ i ^ ■ ^ J a Mn. D«*l; J

" g F - -P foced lnrU ntS M B g ness meeUoi nT M

c u rin gWend *!! ^

given by i f a jS ' Final pUai ^

2 S quad^tale tomeSi , ley May ig wd a * :

ml, Mae, The tin t a w i -

t pastel veoled.

™ '£ A ttend Lmstepha- jirniion countUbS

H H K ' “£ £ g i

el cor------- : Uio-Glenns Penrl#!

Wash., was formerly I'U best Ice work In LoiiiAa Lltzvllle, waa graduated ti«M., Twin Wapato.WaiU.sMH

la farming. V I couple Out-of-towD ai>l|l ^ey wUl Malsumura. U a l«

Tcta Iko. ChladLM d from Mrs. Nisako 'hxftO«

try th e ir bands a t iheM fu l muffin* . . . o r Dad p in a jiffy . i ; d u /n e w ith Hill* Bros. Coft*I a festive treat. Tbi* il ilforai coffM that gim ill f liro r. I t 's • blc&j of xffees, a sd "C on troM loilve Hill* Bro*. pro«< tnd s Uttl* a t s tim ^ flavor ibat never rsncK t p t f f e a {reshnes*.

w a

b U 1 1

•iwM i« u . na

CapilOB O ttU A a* ____ *

" M s T o u -' J J S S on UiJ ThB d a«« 1

J S c ta M - B T i i iS? „ ‘ - S f : i . T S « . s ; d a y o l th e toi

f f i , . O T m ef 'W i’ t rW , h l5 h BCbool '

1” S »■“ “ «nf oJ F*Ui Bnilw wlTb« 3 p a . Thuraday

If lhe diilrlet UtliWlh w V ^ \ a ' ■ represtni the t.

id o u i" '* y E j 3 P v '^ Llltle S twt*UM two-hit b»U U

M t Ins.Heyburn it ljulcl IU , lewnmiUi

rtl*“ f f i l ' / f l i / i i t i a Twin Falli opioTVta cuUiH a tlnsie run In t:wro»* two were tw# T n i v .» d . l .p .u tl»

“ S ' E ' t t ™ ' : " w ™ : ™ ,?tSe lime they told us. E'l'lloX m » V e u s \ . p p l e r » alDBle and « a. » hMkctbtll game In *rd* long s^gle

* " scored on Duai fhinee for Jerome of- choice.ltd erads lo put the Final Bruin li

.ID to Moscow tu lhe r- foarlli frame. A. 1 mem 10 Ihclr word, and was knocke doubt the appearance way'* two-baw

niiT of Idaho varsity pu t out a t Ihlr. J j a lot I t th . hln» Inlfl «■ k of Vandal athleUca Connor, who

go.____________________ nln (.(am e Mom r i d j -wtll have to do U control Ior only bo s u te . and we'll bet ardson plt«hed t mir wUl do some fancy high school ear ____________________ allow a Heybum

• • • bawTHe Wilted- y»ii< cowboTi return SuhJ'j Pen B

;ilJty Friday night to ciU l Bursess botIt old rlvaLi. the Billing# m g g»mes in tf uie weather aUys nice, Both pitchers wf good baseball should three hlta. The iting, , „ was the margin,Usm virtually Is all one esmed run.Bi05t fans. In Its early n ,# Indians,

rlehed in between blit- champions, UlUeilji, the leam proved t( after Herman (1 support ot-local base- went to second o

Acorcd on on cnsnnrnvm ram w -schetJ- —B lg-lnn lnrlo rjHfteK'could lw played, crew WMThu sl;his ths team did ta ia down, Albert SclI vetUier was so mUer- a pitched ball.It concenjBd would h4« aeored after a »leff a t home. ' t«ropt to catch 1ing Ihc weather corres- walked and Dtnnthe geotl bawbftll th a t glnRl# by OsterlL No m atter what tl runners.Isi't common sew e for Lons shoshoni,[ fans to tu rn out In healthy homerun{ ctather. flrat man up In 'ifcury tU ya ou t of the He poled one ofIt. turnstiles a t Jaj-cea the 3«-fooi msart cllclclng off a tuns fieU.Ilk? Uu-ilneu Manager Burgess fannei e snd President Maury and walked four I the dismal openlnj assignment Mot _____ 1______________eight amLffilkct

OK’s S e v e n

i n f e r e n c e » ! < « » ■ ;

I b a l l G a m e s S k " i i, .May n (ff’y-Sevcn Sm e J <B basketball gMnea forcf Idaho next winter „ . I , “ * 'o d Wednesday-by-Oal. '_____~ral manager. Four are ‘ — ajcot.s t snme of the season Minso c 4 o ie Dec, ! DKnlnst Idaho AUUnn m i l lt Tlil-i mnrkji the first J '’ 1 J ibelR-een the two since Kiiwh ib »'o ij-school'bccainc o four- ro"(It alio will brine back I S

Iteve Belko. now fresh- p j o Ibere and recently named -----ihsll conch n t. Idolio * 'm i game follows Dec. t - i « 'J i n T T T "

W o m ^the Denver C hem lcta, t j j •t o , u „ i „ m , ll, lh , I ' a n n e d ii

K “ m f im '; maiM=: ila aa f iu u s .a t Wallacs: WllHamWUips Oilers a t Cocur throw women wrt 5 Dec. 21, U tah Cleveland rinRsBoise. O ther games arc , Hart said he v sed, Mix snld. ban the amaio-------------------- matches nrs "JuiifT ■ J 1 , -you can't lell

bouncing arount good," he added,

' w restler Jusni ^ ' ■ V ■ , J u the "Texas Tl5!*m -u:A ct;E -----------------TVhen l get ou

- • « - ici like a lady._Cour — :'~Zn- 5 1:bo \ la m old fashion - — * s .«t7 5 Furthermore, sr .....i ; •{?? :I* wristler and moll—. « :>» 11’ she cams »h,ooo - ---------\ 5 -HI si-3 _ H art gets »4,00C

Piuh.'S' * he aboWBC DUMPS ID.

-------------- POTLMATJriTl■ pm. TJie'Washington‘ •-''’■iiiiM. team won Its fouj

" " f T ”S “

H£ii I I J’> D odge: O p en .

- t;- —PHniADBLPHI...... — * •};* '» The signing ot

----- r r . ;~ in » ij-l Iv I^l^lnion by theiii-in - Ism .J ’ BrooklyiLjtodger

■ “ i i i i '5JJ *,'■'> ■■‘*’'>1 nUnosl bl

V 'i ' . j IJ-rt’ Pi'esiacnfBr............. ... s ill! J “Jackie .Roblnsoi

-jo I -{fJ ; Brooklyn etganlt 1 i illl It: pressed cpposlUor

: ; • — j u .51} tl., ball's top brau.~ * lo ■-11 !lZ "There were cJl

- - rioting and blood!. , ilttyers engaged 1

- •'JO 3M io i_ i ■ i teat movemenu."L,d,. Minii.r *Dd lUckey decided

..... f<o . . for plsyer talent-- ''I'o fitij iV“l j I • —In IMS, two ye:

^ y.d X4..,d .* of World,war n .'“11 MO r.~. 'DesplW subseq'''/■> oni nuZ ! .1 } to the contrar}-, tl>n,i range tocloloGlcal

_____ clal upscU were*nic*N i.cAci'B moUvatlii“ 'j‘*r.-2t.-n i.a u -ir alw ays-'hM .'beti

. «8 51 ? "He did hot exi •>»“«•«" IBd Negroes in hasebs

P«ct-it today. Ke c-*Z{ iJ ‘ they could be grei

-sh.BU I'Ports. why.not u '*• Of tho llml

y, may 11,

n r M t s T ^

)ture Open irney ConiIS A te a m s h a d to o m u c h j jo is c ju[ n a d r h e re n V c d n e sd a y -a r tc f iT o o nfo u r th d is t r ic t b a se b a ll to u rn n m c

jI n inea a n d p itc h - / " t t ? o t i g h t T h e TNvin i j r , l \ ^ lwUl Uke on Buhl a t _

Iday In Jaycee pork for Utle and the right to e area In tho regional _ nament Itc ts jm .T i’cdL. m Richardson hurled • X - V - J l \ ; C t as blanked a light- ^I u ffl- to U . OKOtr. r*L IUs got to Bus Connor 7 7 ^ '''^ ° ',“ ta the stuff Uuiopened the game with Y '' '" '

In the flr.t frame. After “ . f '’ away, Hay Bhumway 'he Idote:ond and came home / „ ,. .

by Merlin Howard. were added In the third,.tarled the Irame with . ,scored on .Merlin Hoo- ngle to center, Howard w ; . , o ''bolh )uane 5erpa's fielder's

n Ully followed In Uie ,i« u n n iT ^ 'J ’hr' I. Allbon singled again

S g l 'T h u m ^ w a f w^; ,|ithird trj’Ing to stretch th /cc fir the thh[> a tfltufc -and five in tiiiho hurled a seven-ln- m ihe seventh londay. displayed g o ^ , 1'nly one day rest. JUch- la.ho k«ii> •!, h ^d the best game of his utihif •• 4 c. t career as he did not i 11 ium man to reach third rrim .i. ir i i •H(rmiBTnan:-------------- -W «.n.rf-c* l.l. 41 e fr .*nrt.© i»hone'tf ^ • 1* f Jbolh hurled oulstand* Kmnaon < 0 <i i

n the second contest. it> 4 1 r ■ were nicked for bul •*’ j ’ ' le support flee received p u n 'tin. Buhl did not score iir iu in gTtn .*1mUh p <001ns.' defending district } I JslUed one In the Uilrd wooj p ««0n Osterkamp walked. _ , ,id on another walk and A-S:'ro.in,i” .,uerror. ' jjiho ................

iorCoach-Ployd-UiIi'a C r-u -i '^ u -------i-slxthrA ftcrone-w as „ / “echaal was struck by ii«km«n’j, nruliit

all. stole second and iirait. Kmitk iti I wild uupw.iii*an a l-:h him stealing. Ewing ^nisVrv^f iirij.•enney singled. Another Tiii—ite rkw p Kored both w r—somi. smiih

hene run came on a d>iiini « in 3*;>: ;run by Wernlckle, tho i" »‘i : * '1 in tbe seventh Innlntr.I of Bee's pitches over twit! .1mark in left-center- 'Vood i. i.™cr-M

11. firMl F»lli ;nned 11 Duhl ba tten our despite a pitching

ggiir."'- C m c y J

i h i S r . r iii “ p u s e i lE u ', i : ; T o H e li I Jl i 0 0 CINCINNATI i 6 «|ii..iio» :t : e 0 oft-beotcn Cine » « I TotiU -J 1 s cleaning house L j L z I ^ M t o« ol-i Uuee deab in .l —— — 009-1-1 -T h e y -U T ia c c LUl 4, HEYDURN • Coopcr to the !■ t hiiinbutn r h Inflelder CannI } J S {I'T ‘'iL J n recontJ basemur I I \ kI"'!” .). . . i 0 1 to the Phlladcl j .i JU Uicoii.e__SOO U hed-ofI .the_i

r s 0 100 lUmsdell from

jj^ U an o f V . _ I 0 11 -The deal for) 4 It Tot.li : i « 5 hnndcd knuckl________ eoo <00 o~< completed only

— iM iM 1—4 and Uie D.. _ . n jierle.v here in

1 Grapplers su.[in EastTO, May 11 (;r>-Coun- 12 wlUi Hollywim J. Hart 1s out to Coast league lawresllcrs-right out of ciols declined UIRS for good. cash Involved Iie wants leslslaUan to good hunk of dclaions because their Tlio deal \vlU»"Just plain vulBArlty." worth was for aUll me that all Umt In cxccm of Uie

mnd docs them any Tlie Coopcr-Fcd, ■ • DraVca was repelanlta Coffman, billed eu t trade.J Tlgreu," snorted: jicei

:Dmcllm^‘Ha"rt''n ld“c i

nothcr of two children,OM a vear scn-ion.f f i ayellr-as council- “ ' I Z

. IDAHO_____________ dcfcnic_for_Tn'-irashri-M ar^t^iP )—■ brawn.------ -- -ton SUle college golf The addlUon fourUi match In a row, much needed he llh a lopsided 33S to experienced ca )v«r ihs University of one of Uie we,

Brave team.

e rs A lm o s t Bl( W h e n R ic k e y

PHIA, M «y-U -.O T ~ Jlvb lnw u and l tot Negro star Jackie ••Ridtey leanctUie NaUonal' Itacuc's jpoWo wlUi a cIgeri srt off a. S iam ’You. tlilak you'

blew' b'ssebijl play th e gamc.ijer;pfjicJ4Kl»yrB.^„,.':. w a s r '.u je y n u uin. assbUnt to Brook- •■•Mr Rickey.’■Branc«-IlIrtey;‘B»ni lerlyT 'Lhcy've Wason cam# Into Uie head for a longmiration over thfi ex- •■luckey'a volcilUon of much of b u e - ^ p ,„ y „ in the i*■ game. Suppose :I official prophecies of second, base. 'Wloodshed. Various ball- 'You dirty blaced la, • .•>

“ed to beat the bwhes .jo S i w w t^’’ ent-cven for a Negro ^j^ald to fight b I years before the end |!t; .

^Ml scheme. The w - got to do this Jol ere entirely secondary,

b w z b c tte f - b aaeball

expect domination by ■ P V V P P M ieball, nor does he ex- He simply felt Uiat 1( n M M M great athletes In ether

r»l meeting between

ning r .i t e s t s . ^ _ . p i |

i.A iid dep th - io r - th n - — I „1011 on th e o p e n in g \ - , • ''.i m e n t n s T w in J a l lH , 1 ' ‘ • -t h o « h o n tF = 4 » } - ;^ ^ - ■ .‘y r - .iti'ii'a

Smothers ] ets 23-1

ALLS, Mont., May 11(,?) Am u Selectrlcs !.ho»ed \

list Icssue leaders ore \eilnc:.day iiluhl M Uicy \irrnsc ot b<L-o blows lo 1Idaho Fulb nuwels 23- , 1 ,

t took 11 easy on the ' • • I •• Uic vlciori., scattering \

;rlp.'.. la ocldlilon to get- . Vhit';. n'rre-prl■^etll<■U IS 9 Ka2Ss%ik t t

llh by nix Idalio Falls l(

no compeUUon nfter the 1Alien ilieCriMll'nll.i Al!- t t tA S S & t 1ilhcrt'd ciHlil counters. '1 Uv.ult to Injury by John Roaan

iitnrc In the second. 13 (rrl, C Inrlirthird, four 111 the fimrth of the L'SC-titi

Ith, Lcoring only a pair, fitantord. nhlcl1.1.H ««,-ll)Ail() t’AI.I.S 1-------------------------

^ y i l s l i i n l C h i c j1.1. 4 11, 1 ? 1 n __________

n o i ’ TllC C hicas' S J 01 B oston B raveIJ ” J. se rie s . I tw a ;

_ , . — T T " in th e ir f i r s tI .-’u* f o r i t i ' l i l ' . ’ '* n e r co llabora............"{? p itc h iiig _ jo b .

^ALSfbM iirjcmrt! I. B ravcfl 6mot) u."> V-i4i* j;-iu.,"i»rrli! cepl the slxtli

Iiiii-n-tfh >, ,st.v.f J. tallied all Uielr - -Warrea.fipa{u

Irlsmll, Iiu. Sll-llri(inl1. IhO Brsvcs And V 105* nsalnst lou

ii,.H ‘l i i u raked, for .nine r J, (tw hiii«i Ttiirfd). errors, In which

wiLi'o iV'i^Hii'r-i ri. "iiwiH li'nil«! MeKiT Jumping Inlo It) .11 ^nith >, Koi'r 1. runs on four s ;-sirK‘iV'‘L^n-i,uho'i-.i?i Inning, the Bl, L Ml 10. li-i'raaiMica u i fd Up .Max Unli :>s. A—2,401. lng for a 8-1 vl ---------------------- York Qliinta. -

d ] le a n s _. ___ . ly n Dodgers,

A •111 T T i .« re 1 1 1 l l y both leagues wl of four official t

elp Team “wU'Smn,:

m e W .dnt,d .y «lUi

S m - S “ - ' ’S c r S,;he Boston Braves for I? “ *.V. , , "nnic nynn. -niey wld £ a.m Michaels s.nan Jtmmy Bloodworlh p.**-’idelphla Phllj and fin- ^le cie_daj"a .marKct.opcrft- b«l «veuylnie-pltcher-W lllard eaUHht-nnd-UKf>m the Brooklyn Dodg Zemlal passed 1

and WAS oul,for Bam.idcll. a rlKhi- Tlircfi. uncamickle ball hurler. was out In the nl.nly rhonly before the Oleveland-snape Dodgers were to open streak with a a-! In n night game. - adelphla. Right-,, t o T S ^ . ' S S ,32 years old and from ^ho Clnclnno won 18 CAmcs and lor.t na ifcubergcr

llywood Of the Pacific ,®U! lasl year. R«ls' ofll- B r" o £ n !u ia tk

i t m” S T . ,f a ™ ! . , - Iio .ta rjicr’. . p . ,. u X P1.1U t o B w . H ; ; ' ” " ' . ;.r . ,«m iCBOiltd M b . “ " “ J” “ Uie $10,000 waiver price, “ ®'™'Sir-Ryan swnp with the _____

C lose Ma'ieeded Help wwr •f deali was made wlUi - W O m B n . S Uiroes of a scvcn.ganie y jn , Amende t

C nnd JJiey hnve von u jit j, jjc)lontcsu Uius far Ihl'i {tfoitem one up

Wcdne.''day dui powcr-hunRO' Boiton women's best tmove-contlnuod-Uielr- iheTwln-Falla m

)f forsaking speed nnd Professional I m e ir of muscle and nje mntch easllj

r . . . r ; -------- - ... ,.re‘ of the lourIon of Cooper brings the winners In 1 help lo the Braves' In- favored for the '

calclilng department,, lonshlp. The wor Wfftkest spots on the i Is being held foi

! season a t the'cc

;lew B a s e b a ll V y S ig n e d R o b irl iu c k w .ilaa n rclBt«UJ"t«1e;n_ bajes ai incd clojo lo Jackie and 1a crcsccndo of. fedlng. ^o» Im p! k'ou'vo .Rot the gnu * " '•le. iio m attct.w hat hap* IlU in iW V . T W - ^ .

aad.you-Jab tlie bt<ipiitoV lng nt ifiy jng Ume,’ i Is yi■olce rose. ‘Suppose I'm off and I pune ie heal of an Important cheek, ise I collide \slth-j-oi».Bt -• • w h a t do yo When I get up, I yell, "lUiblnson whl

ilack— W hat do you I've got two eht

:ey," replied Robinson, _ ■It a ballplayer who's 9 j t £i tb a c k r O nlya ballplayer wiih guts M a k e s Ihi to fight back.’ Rickey most savagely. 'You've UIx ^I Job wlUi base hits and


Up and Over

‘ ' i-r.-/.'-;. -V

■an. V nirm lly of Ssuthem CallfomU. rliri. U tie KUnford'i Dan Campbrll In th •tiUiilDrd (rack aod field me<l tn lhe Los e u m tn ep 'te r- lh e ISth coniecnllfe doel hlch has ool won since 10». (NEA Ulrph

m g o C u b s B e

t o n B r a v e s 6-Dy The AssocUled Press

eatto Cub.s p ro f i te d b y f o u r e r ro rs aves 6-3 W ednesday in t h e o p e n er w ns th o se v en th d e f e a t in 12 s ta r t! r s t w es te rn in v a sio n . D o y le L adeora ted in a n ix -h it -----------------------iob., t h a t_ h f ld _ t l i clo th e red in a ll cx - f 3 Z Z 1 0 .till Inning whea they

3 = T . t U » , . . U , . . r U l U u i g lmd suffered h b second _ ^ w t *four victories. He was ' / - l l V l PIne hlu..Dut_the_four . • ^Ich he also had a guilty BtLLINOS, Mtoo much to overcome, p^^jjo hadnlo Uie lead with three the Pocatello Cs:r singles In Uie Uilrd night, llmltlns tt. Loub Cardinals back- hits, as he hurleianlrr's seven-hit pitch- tangs to a 7-0 vI victory over tho New Fa tdo hurled I--------- --------- -------- way except In thph put Uie Redblrds In he developed anice Ue wilh Ui* Brook- of wildness and

■ " ■" Cardinals.Jll conUnued to lead B ut he regain. wilh four safeUes out forced the nextlal trips. He walked an- «?“<- ,

r-MiKiio kbTo*n erupted for lire runs B«s'm»n m s o <inning, overcame a 0-2 Jf,""/ „ ? i ilurred to a 7-8 victor? 4 o ocaKO While Sox. I l was ii»Mon ib 4 i it»’ fourUi straight win. nfA'"!" j o i: Sox mUied a chance n»Ki** . . dousre In the sevcnUi after « ‘ ® *Is singled with one out. *’ _1 r.immed a <l0-fooi Tot»ii : o j :41e centcrfleld wall, bul --------leved the ball would be ii -wiUmtiir c ii Ufnred-un'-iBirst-ba.w.- •i.-» '»«i..-nor-ri e d ^ on Uie baseline

•arned runs with two , nlnUi inning helped ,i„ j. u xk ti i. i

lap a four-game losing xuni«k •i>4-L<«*>1 a-4 victory over Phil- _ _ itht-handed Bob Lemon I p r r k T I I A Iill for his UUrd pilch- J

Innntl Reds and Ken Filer Wil:r boUi broke losing - a r 1 a i-0 victory over I n 1 2 - 0 L il.knotked Uia Dodgcn lUonal league lead. R af. JEKOME, .Ma; sparkling Uiree-hlt per- ^'8ht two-hit pit ve him his first victory J and It ended a string mighi defeat, to r the

____________Jerome Jumpei

latch Tops, y . . 1^ 11 three frames. Fll

1 s-Best-BalLde and Jane Purves de- jctom e, while McRoberU and Thelma cause with anotup on Uic :Oth hole jERnME

during play . In the j , „ „ , ,b r .1 ball tournament a l u>uMtn >• * ola municipal goU-coursa. ! - l -il Earl Sehneiter said , « usily eould be the feat- 4j.ekni.11r7 » . 1.oumnment and placed . . . - i

In a position lo b« Jhe tournament champ- smiih t> s women's best ball event Vm r»ii« »• i «! for the first Ume this ;i, J 1o'course.___________, H",uMlr rf I 0

W id e i l M j i in so n = = =I and fieldinp puund ' S c f i U ‘; Nothing el-c.'’ -------------- J C C - w .p la jhn against you In A K I Y R

rle.i.' I'm-a-hot-hefldcd i 'nt-tow ln-that-(tam t,-flo----- v..................a. Spikf-t firs t. J u t joU I

tlic.b idU alo-in i'-rJlJS .-------sire yells, 'OutI’ I flare , s your face-M I haul P L A T ] unch you right In the

J you do?"’ G L A S S

T W I l

“ r ■............• a M on th W I N D O Ih c P a y m e n ts . " , ’< A NEW OBSCUI

0 F O R D a u t o

S E E . - - : - - . ,W ALL Jlrtland'B' “ D E M In M o t o r s B t l ' l I1 a t T h ird N . sto Main s.


S BF i e d L

U (iD h]N | Mi l a s t n ig h t - a s - t

m n d e . : Tw cnty-e ifrl-

F o r 1A b o u t 250

ty . .. ''j ; ' e .xpected to ta* v ? ; ' •.■■ ■'.■ fie ld m e e t F r .

. j in n k P o w c rn , : ! T hur.sduy .^ ..i. V v - ' * - ^ ’ - F i r s t a iu I ut

n e rs a n d th e tcam R w ill b e te r th e kUi I c R u p e r t . M edal

a. clean ihe bar a t cd to th e th l the pole vaolj event p v c n t ft

x)S Angelet collietun,icl meet vreterr «ver- th c -w in n m g - i •Photo) Rupert's stroni1 ___ !-------------------- ner of.the annua

Dig Seven contei - " I X . dbtrict Junior vi

' 6 1 1 U ' r c . ! ' . "__— _________ _______ lough -com pe

* troa P oven'.Tn-l - r i Drulns will be s t' ^ 880-yard run ni

r ira tea ,irs to tro u n c e th e hurdlc.1, mile re

a tw o-gam o p],jg jtrong r t s f o r th e B ravc.i Rupert and t do a n d F a u l 'M in - ; 'P '" d |«r»tly ot

by smaller scho< A close race b

i H u r l s . Burley, defend plon. Is consldere

j s t o - - - - ; “ 5 . £ “ 'o“ ■ ' a t the fiouUicrr

EducaUon. sweet- C t O r V Burley, tho Bol' • J raUs34W to 34.Mont, May 11 VF>— one B«co

id UUle difficulty wilh ©nly one dlCartlnnh Wednesday broken last year; the vbllors lo threo ^ lle relay leanrled the BUlings Mus- „ t by anoUier B;1 victory, Emerson Clark

lined his control and ih?*« (^ varf*d ir t two batter, to pop M t h ! ^ u j e “

T. POCATILU. • a t Ulo broadjuno 1 Illlllnza lb h o > ords also could4 i wii.rn.n Ji. 1 « 1 4 Palls In the a2 0 vctmV Jt 4 1« a Rupert la th e n0 0 i;iMh»ni If 4 » s e Frellmln I’ lT^noui lb 0 0 0 1 Powers said1 I Rinu lb I « loe WlU sU rt a t 12:< < c Mjtrt 1 .. _ 4 .o « I 4ome_llcld cycnt* I F«SS's “ i i a ? P-®' f '" " ^ ‘

— at 2 p jn . Rulonact aa starter.

----------« • IM lo l- i District recordpiMi.rf _MKUty_relay=

8.‘" • wTuma. f lu - l» « . 680-yard n , Is K<ht»rtr<n lo n>nen. 104S, Mile relay- t. Bililn,. ». JD4D, Javelin—aV ffi—Mm'ihI :."u—sJcI feet, 2*i Inches, <»m«, T-J.es. A-M U. hurdles — Lake,----- — --------------------------- liHl. 100-yard dn

Trounces ®1:,uS*l;m-Bur• •1 1 , I0T7. 220-yard llildcats R“p«t. 22-f-

* IOlak,--BurUy.-P n n f P Q f yard daah-Snydl ^ u i l i e s i 1B„. Bhotput—I^ay 11 — Behind the 3H Inches. HM3. pitching of BmlUi, Uie Filer. 12 feet, 1D3 s blanked Uie rilec Rupert, MB feet, here Wednesday aft- Coulter, Ooodli

e collectcd.12 hlU o ft Indies.lers, and Pollnrd. boU ped lo a commanding Inches, 19«. econd wlUi four runs ------------

stake So:ibled-ond tnpied for l i O O D 'O p ^

O p e n & g a S r sother Ulple.. tD S sUk? w ftbs‘f h’rii» * ib r s '«> wediiesdny i D ] I'titrxin r< ] 0 « btrly ward defet 1_0 w.rt..ri « _ I 0 1 H-0 and the Tv.'0 I Unrt. lb 1-0 0 <io»-ned Uio Tw,h; ! ; s " s : ! 1-0.1 jA iu joan I.U « . Lavcar Tbomc0 0 W|]:iim.n <«•: 0 i 10 wordsJ I viri'r'i. t 0 1 Il's

S'artntf rt i 0 0 Thursday's s<Divu lb 0 a 0 Twin Falls four

1 ointiofbiM p 1 0 « fhamp, wlUi th I I ward and theI I wltli the Murtai

“ CHAJ— 1 M Q r

JsAbout-----KIND OF

P E G L A S S "

5 B L O C K S ' p i

I N D O W S . ^

[ R R O R S " ....................- P

O W G L A S S ______

J R E G L A S S ,

'0 G L A S S

,L P A P E R ____________^ j j x

i T O N ' s T r r d ! ;

P h .n , i » .W ^ '® T ,v g


l e r P i t c h e s 1

3o y s T f i y H t- th c j 'T v a tc h e d 'th o ’T w in 'F fl lis Cc !. i t look easy as he curbed Red I ?h t hundred fans watchcd Fiedl

T r a c k m e n - t c

D i s t r i c t H o n) trackm en from throuRhout Mi take p a rt in the nnnual fo u rth di Y iday afternoon a t Lincoln field ■fl. Twin Fnlls conch nnd m eet di;

uecoiid i>lncc win- Q n a l f a 10 winning relay O C C liO e qualified to en- ' I" ': m eet May 20 in nis Avill be award- . - M g u k h rce ito p men in f nnd members of

mg track sijund, win-nal Rupert relnys, Uie f X a Blerence meet and Uie - -varsity meet, will bea the dbtrict crown k

peUUon: - J b S N B O B M?B"ia.FajIs s/juad-.nieslrong In the sprints,nnd 8B0-yard relay, ' I t t1 Are Strong ^peeled to sweep Uie . ^ ^relay. 4<0-yard dash ■>.ig in field eii-enls. •T*'ln Falb chances \ ITon Uie showing made • V Bloola In the district ■ - ts seen between the j W g

id ln s dblrlct cham- " ' ' 'V red out of UlB cham- ’ ' Jire Uils year. Last ^ V W • * Olark. now a student m ' Idnho Collcge of K . V l t e S f t d eplng three flrst-i for obeau shaded T»'ln

cord BhaUered LEON 11d b tric t r e « r t was nnperta r as Uie Twin FaUs be ahMlIaim bMUd a record , , 4 4 0^ ^ hereB ruin team In 1018. during the fourk’ Twin FalU, has a . n j n i „ i . ,)f breaking the 680- „ u,er t-n n d -JR c k cross, *ly aet a new 230.yard {*^1, g i„ehea. '

U : i feel, io n, Rupert, could better He»rard Matth<lash mark and Leon ij,|)>ert, will be shooting ----------------------imp mark. New rec- „ .

’i c . * ™ ; Grade Sc Hold File

, : r r s . ; ' s ™Bla h i l n n t o o n i s t 'I In Uio races starling will compete m-n Budge, Burley, will p. m. Priday a t U

Mack Flennlkenrds Include:........... He said Uie pul—Rupert, 3:315.1IM8. ,^ P u lle r , Duhl, iU .relay-R upert, 1:35^. first elementaryy—Twin Falls, 3:45.B, to be held In IhiOlbb, Twin Falb. 170 fere World war 1■I, 1042. 120-yard high Interest has beena), Twin Falb. HiJ. added..dash-C onlln. Rupert. ------------

STANKY riN E n um t, Hammett, < ;« , t^ u is I

i ' o s j m t

ilng. 31- feel, 10?;High Jumpr-Farmer jU iRupert, S feet, o;j _ ■

oftball dlensPlay - - j mi t l In the Twin M is ball league were play-

nlghl as Uis Kim- eatcd lhe Filer ward r 'win Falls third ward iln Piillj Bccoud ward

noch, league direclor. /I are represented lh

schedule pairs the j j ^ B Bjr th ward, defending ^ m a mlhe Tn-ln FaUs first . .I Buhl second ward AURh wnrd.


Top Num

/ h y d r o -

D R I V E ^, 2^ ^ AalgU Bowbe#

— - N o w '-H c re to»«i prtc* you

See it at ^

ing Post 1 , JP' ,bshono St. S. 'IN FALLS



r h r e e - H i t t e r

oiccdhiR s were l a r i r o m le a l iv c i< "owboya d ru b - th e ir b a ll c lu b "8 - l

b a tte r s to only th r e e h i t s , id ler se t ORdcn b a t te r s do w n fo r -------------------------- in n in g s w ith o u t- \ T l ^ ____m a n t o r e a c h fi

ed and pitcher Frei ' l A ' I ' C Foster each single. I U J . O A t'U iat point U

a l 1-alL The Cowb< Mauic V alley a rc 15 w u in all, put d is tr ic t tr a c k and U In T„-i„ F .I I .d irec lor, rep o rte d prank Lucchesl. Ri -------------------------- Red Jessen leaded

3 R e c o r d -Vltous Kored on

'" ■ " r ’ l T T ‘ tagle.> . v - .l Jessen led Cowt

' ■I a perfect nlghl a t....... lected five for t

,, ‘ triple, a double s' 1 TWIN FALLS

-------------„ t J 5 ‘k I’lalliK Sb S t ll

E ' l J ' iiiL w / ' J d ' ■ *•! «<Kil»rT • 4 1 > ] Bq J V -'=f« * TMI k p S 4 C S

Bj H — —T itiW iSUJI 10|j u n 'K < Twi<.r*iii_______

ptlU r.^^H ^U etb^

Ms'lii’ w J«*iLcarr—U llu L«(t—T 4. 8 0 -n r u iu 4. v nn—Off u iu - t , vt

’.-.W I to - u iu 11 la-U—Xav.—tareaitt' '

Salt Lalin u B ssu T ir In Top

Ung a t a ne* dls- SALT LAKE Cl rre Frldsy afUraeon j t was one of the ourlh dbtrlet track the leason a t Dra t. Habmllb Is abewo day night a i J c he Big Seven bread- Boise PUoti eet tl wflh-a I»ap-«f » . B « e down 3 -1 .-

L The dulnct mark Barta and BIU ti Inebes. IPhste by In a twlrlers' duel ;hew»-«uff enp iv - or Uie lustre Xrom

formancfr-thera — ' committed.

t 1 , Fast-ball arUsti c h o o l s t o

[ e r M e e t Mortmes held']- ll-A ll eleraenlary

Filer school dbtrict ba tter ,' doubled t n -a track m eet.a t 3 th lrd -on-a-lonf-l Uie Filer high school. Bob King’s alngle, n announces.- so iK -a . s.lubllo and parenU are *1.5 Iid lhe event. I t Is th'e ® } “ *7 school track meet v i% un t if s e s Uie dbtrict since be- j } \r II and'Consldenble noiira ib l e e i ■en shown, Klennlkea • J * * |

-------- H i r r i irn ' - Bslw •

M a y -l I - t^ B d d led baseman for the o 'orin . an—Otru.mis, was noUfled by ■itin. bdi- xim ,lue-Presldent-Pordlay m at he had bees u ti-D ^\ result of a dIsputa «. tn --» C w « «, tFrank DascoU la a [• r - ^ i i vigo Tuesday.________ A -u s i .

r | i jl ^ P | v l

l i i D i C H r B o i i

mher in Bouihon's Halltwiy a BSitariiaoa d fup«b 1 Bsa wbo kaow aad a;pr*dal* ' too . Try IL Eejoy'Ilia rloJiM«, m*now«^‘=' « a you’va rre rpa t 70M Up* to—al lhe 'OU'vs iMa ia jM it.

Z r,ti itop ♦ Y D U ia OLD

. ‘ S I H C E 1 B 9 4

IBOH WW?(tf5«'PW)0f-W. ^ HAUaCfllgi

■’ ■■■ - - - - -

'_______________ FAGI

• as I)penW I

Illl' I i i i i i u r i ^ i ' i i ' B |H . H urle r-D ick - B

or th e f ir s t f iv e Wju t p e rm itting & .Wf i r s t '.ff Ogden collect«d 111

fredXIets and Lloyd l bgled. ^. the score waa Ued Mwboys, who coUectad [ K put Uie game awayla tha sevenUi, two ! ■ nd one In the seventh a lng lu byRay Fcalpanka aod ■

ded th e cushlona. A Hiterfleld wall by to u -SPj Uie three of them.on Frank Weaver'* ^

jwtjoy batanen *1tlia t Uie plate. He col. f t ,1: five, including a WB and three singles. H .LS *, OCDRK I


is lL‘H ‘t''*ib ! t ' I T HI ojlUUlon Sb l o s s | H> ,111? SaTol TitaU « S l T t ~ 3_____ 040 oto SSI—S I f l---------00«. Ml o » - l ■UB<b, Lunh-1 t. Fm1> I Pwil. f t

aoi-viiou. 4. r » u r .s. LaecbMl. DP—Pal- V I jHini, Wlnstr—n*U«r.—Twin FilU l], OfOa f.!#''. V«lniUn« S, rl<M<r t . '■ 'VVtlMtlat S, riildtr S. f l

Edges ike 2-1 .Tiltc n r , M a ^ .u w v -

he elaaslesl games ot Srakei field Wodne*- Jerry B arU o f tba ' t the 0alt.. Lake . Olty__

ilU Moroncf engaged uel which stole somi -om the fleldlns per- W a T u n ’t an error w

tlst B arU held .the Its and Tanned eight.’t get a safety In the s. _1 Boba ie eight hlU. d a run In Uie f ln t lm O’Brien the llrs t I to le ft ' S e m ade~~ j - tly -a n d scored o a - - Jle.tALT L U a 1 - .. ..

> S4lt L«kt all b • aI .--TMoSm ------ 1-lA.S----I Tuckfu SV a « S •0 Po»tn rf S l l *1 o'L'tbUa u a e e « 'I 0 Wa'acrrr rf S 1 2 e I 1 ntnUjiios ( 1 1 S 2 M Hereso > a C « I't i l ToUIt M i n n

i z z r i S - ff l -Inlth. Fowtn. 8D— ru. SD—0 ‘Srl<s. Gell>I, OmorT, CoSdfUla. Gsldililn. Ttraro lo

i»ia.-Tiaii«r-t8 -nNC#Tr“ -Dab* 4. Sail Cl9 I, Dirta 1. S O ^ r Uo- I. DD-Off Mon»«. t r -. tJ-U rla r *wl r .u n ,

' " V w l ''

-H ^

i l l ® '

ill of Fame!

P E a p F l ^ i i ; -


I l l P A G K F O U R T E E N

f t T I a f f iI Illll • * ’ ’' f ” S t o c k sJ , ' ' M A R K E T S AT A G LAN C E

• NKW YO tK, M.r II M-\- rrrsiom —ainsjT-srttr-rtiitm-K^*--

CM»». '

■ 5ii-' .‘"“ri;, hVn'rf.'rvt.h .rr. In

i i i S i

il|j|;i f s s r ? A > i ^ ' ? s ^iiiijii “ “ “ -I:::: ::s

i i l I a r i n , ~ i i 5 “ .“ ,? ' ; ! l ’

i l l iEf^? isiii'S :”

liii | | £ jCiH- i

' ii? C»If» i l . r u ;n '. Iln-ul* Slrrl .

i;!____Ijrtd _ .

'It! E iS ’K, !!?&!!'- ■ • CnH oTrnfT'^ H!j’ i'l Oil N 1 . :i l i

ii IP* | | E III

dtn Klf « ’•! llr l« I-.el(l< M *

!1'‘I! s sa t Wni Our l•^ Wil»fr«i • 8»i;

” ... «•'< -

i'i|| !K :f" !;|:w|S? jSInl r*rfr i i ' i WMl. Mol )»'*K.:.vIfrtc* <1% ZfTiIlh tT

•*" , KEn- Tonx cuna

oi.w 'r OiU IM nunVfr Illll U«. TKKi.kc,U.r RT; J

j | — Ciilti flm-----TCS Trin* I,u»----- I S ' 'Xicf II « » :o '. iioh I,I. flut J*.

_JI«U 41lr. IP.i ru b r * L . J I 'i •

jl -<T»nn<.r tl«lBf» niilMr K. W. Mc. »'

Nitl! Ili'S j 111 ----- ____________ I15.W


;i S t o c k A v e r a g e s ?

I c.r>pnRi kr Th« AuwUIfd r w' • '■■ i " « .—n.n.— UUI,' si“ v.

II J-»..loui .1.7-105.; iS.i H I :t,«

• Jo5 , «:j Ji,

iJw ’bSih. • “ ■* “ ■* ■ «

III Butter and Eggs -

;Sj .rniCAfiO, T

, • •!-(,« lli,.s:; .Ucti 7.I.I., (

■I .......................... ' ,

^ " y w in K l l s I----------- l.TTTSTOCT------ - . - --•

r.iirSfn, i ‘n.:in [i,. . , __r«;o


, CuiiCT. ■ .^ . , ." . I 1.*r»(T-o ilttlir* gunt^^ ' ^ »iVl‘

Sor. .hMl. p.r ______rll.-: >r'.'ilfemll**"dil'lj I?

o « '”i(on“ ‘!iliJ^ t’ilowh ” * ‘ “VJUrirr; loa ib i.________________i:.ieo»u. 100 iki_______________________ .SV

(Oa. ilMlif CDsM) K,.O fnl Karlhtm

^ '& f •====,!£!:;! s.!:

. ( r in td tiltn guoi^awooBiSaujkilJ SmiU

— f — =

ets and I « « « *

L i v e s t o c kOCDEN

“ n OCDEH. Umj i l t«-(U SD *l-lIo HR ni.Bimdr to .m ix : f ' - toand cKolf. l»0-a« ft. bulrhrrt JO.OS-J

»4-m* h.M hlfh.r: tn ^ ar.1 <holf# Jl M .IU ^m t U-ta.Ujat.«K.J«. ii^Ur 1

Ufl U itl. Mlibl. IM; «»tUT«il i«li of raih .ir.n •rall.bl. Mrlrl cobedod tc n

ff J JiJ»'’**winodIx' le ^

il~k PORTLAND. th. ^^J'OnTI,AND,^«.r 11 ^fcf>-(USnA)j

. <1, tH>*r fOWi up"1y*1J,O0; coorl W f t(U]].•f . .Kw• I'- L-.nrr.llr l.l.jjlni loorr; f«» to»I >Mliri

- m iu ;"n' I.lcl. in .1 <ndi: bnt ahoii) UmU W«^n~. I*"! .Iir ::.M: cnn.] tnrint l.rnba guotabl. in.- „p 10 JH.Od or .bor.: fooj .boro .<.1

i.I.bl. ______

--------ftA«-rnftWcwro:1aiSiS'n-iuaDAj- l lo o ..t.b l. IM; Ir.J. .«ll..r bulchrr. k U hKli>r; <uw. (W -«•»! fholr.ll iow'.'‘h. :^ ll>r. but t.n .r.llr .Ir.Jr v r l r o f .w <; hlih <i.mmon .nd low m..llum h n .r

i’ f.id hMV‘hfih'mSlum'HilVi’” l.Oo‘*'w#d;I, nrwl.r rrr.lpu :o OO; im.ll lou li.a f'..! ■, ; j l l_b, r . I .n M.SOi lol hlih BHIum Itl s ‘ Hhi'p” j;.I.bl. non.:^W.jr,.^.r r « . l ^

loU tool tn i /lule* 11-Til* il.i.' itM il_ lb.,.i.rlrt I^^U JI.10; . n . ^ ' n « 50

H«. It.JS.' JMtTI'IsrtWlfJfn.-S-I'Ufr'rt*; 9 .» ; commcm T.«0; Irw roll, at i.OO,I 1.0H ANKKI.rS '. 1.03 ANOKI.UH. U.r 11 —i CalUf uUbla.MOi lulii,f«.dj-1 mo.Ur

nrrilum .1m» 31.O0.:t.00; mrJIiim H.lrm: m~l(um *ml Inw too.1 l« fI to n 2t-S0-U.04; mr luin and *m1 a.n.ai>; >N<l.r alMra :2.09-2<.00; r .lrn aalabl., Jjj^.inilr: mcJluB lo chnlr. »«l.ta s:«u

i nr>3(2 lb. Iruckln. :1,7'S*TS; f(XKl and ! cholra aowa M.M-IIJO.

.Sh..p aal.bU notir; r-«l IC» ll<. No. J ; t,.ll oia trop

i- -OENVKn.-M.f Ji U'UlUSUXl-Calll.■ s s ' b ‘."j‘. ± - c : i s , ' ; : i „ T S, f«.J towa IL II-:i^ ; amJ Lull. z:.04.I 'jroo.Tl.«o,, Hoc. aal.bU 7M; barrow, and tUu . U-;5 hithrr^ ln«lanr« ui_. m.ir. ; tc.,1 »nd

OMAHA. Mar"n*m-IUSDA1-IIoIihlth»'; I0<^'«na (hok.Vt'oOOO Ib” U.K.

Calll. <alabl« J.OOO: ralrca TS: frd alr»ri .n.l fr.1 h.lfrre .lionr t.. H hither; n.a. J.rllfy B.. llUtn .n,1 ».«! alr.r. :5.M.;S.J0i Inp :9.M; (..>! mlinl jr.rllnia :i.:2;

— * *pii ■ ...-.1.« r.i.Ty itaiiljr; i tn.~l an'l rb..lf. .mun.l *0.)l 11... nl.l rrop I fni wixilnl i.nilx luIV KhkI an.lJ mi^llr Nil. 1 p»lu H.CO-Ji. "

S bulrhrra*'an.l'.U.Jr*lo’ .jreDr OT*'»owt'iI l>!oo-*l); i.'w. uml.r ilSo'lU. U.TJ-lT.Sl!I Calll. a.Iabli- J,:oC; raSn i.labla 400!

dlum and (»o.l h'ir.ra :i.0O-:9.eo; tood rowa ::.00-;<.00; mrdliim anatr«-I a.uiaf. hull. ::.co.:j.tO; m.dlun ta choiea . .( l .n57.co.j :.m , .....................— 1

Sh«p lal.bu .100; trnti.Hr .Iradr: .• ihiTrn l.ruli. S&.ti: rummun U> chok. ^hurn 1 1 ll.ufhlrr rwpa 10.WI.H.tO, .

i KANSAS Cm^^'li’' ? I^^II'I - K II rii “ ; r«Voo£i-n?svM .i»y^-*

“'’shwp'''LM: .rrlrr lamhi itra.lr; odd 11.JI. r™>d an^^h.-lr. J».J0.;».«<1; J

Potato and Onion- Futures n

{Cou^ « 7 E. W. MeRobtrt* knd 1p' Com panr.'E lki'niilr, rtian« 990)~ ir

___ •-■ - - ------- O

tl.tc hl'i.-li, 'low.'ll.U rl.<r: <9 k|.

*j* l i 'h r /* !* ''*? ''NIONHr.r.'tr.,l,.|.” ' ' " ' ' ' r);

„ , .n . »ll

-■'- g l ' "■" s, i« w -h .. .N o .

HEAD -ro tK -N frW S WANT ADS- -------— ■ - ■■ . 1

5 Markets.,.^"'• ■ ---------- pmfl

-------- •nvB-pouLTur.................. " fiu-",'?n'r'‘.rJi.‘. »:•. ' . ■ J -----------??? /AL.Ir. Whllw. 4 lha. aid a rn .---------u« IhcI --------------------- hra

” —,-,i be

ir ',' - ............... Al

iS !iLi7,zL“' 'i' “■o;i‘'i".V.r* ojilS i------------------ I In'nr^o"oV tn:^ ‘r‘;iM“ °«'.'^'nT;-irr'v7

/•«l'N.!:*7.. H''


Finance « * « *

£ G r a i nCIIICACO, Uar II t/tv-O.ta ru.d ah.

-Uw. ^ Ih r» t ^ 1h» tr^ a B.rkn lodj OO-JO; Mih. UB nor* tbas I r.rvU at"o«Tl?n

Jl^- oi» l.u» lBt^b . l o .^ lrw l. ol p-nr <oi>.

r rawt ’ Whrat mad. uodat talu all.r mirn or «..kn«>. Ui. Mar d.lir.rr rMthlac> na- xw lop. Corn h.ld (Ka^r. XorbM.t wr BtoCMflrl than th. old rm . mnnlh..

: few l.»"S.S; Mti » ..r I 1.1 hlah.r. Mj11.00. )" •« . 'M.r i.«

M.r l"rJ)A)— 100 pmiada hlfh.r. M.r 1M>.

n r i r ^ ;xniCA_no,1 Iba. No. S. I.I7*I>^«; t.tnp]. Ertd« 1.1J, II.M! Oau No. 1 h r» r nillMl «7»..J»t4; No. •dar nil>.d >1; No. 1 h..rr whll. HJil.gou

whll* “ •

ow.; I>crbrana noor.

’ cincAco’' ‘i V ; W i ' ' ‘- ''2'i.d Wheat

S ^ if* M ffi;I'Kw! j’u r :-} li ” 11- f j j l

M.r* i.«;% i.i>% i.tji; i.iM ^no Juir j . . J \ l.H|, _l,47jin~. Vk ]!><•; lijii.labl* (Jala

Ju" ;«oI’ ■ .ill,* ;|o 'i .jn'!

S S -iiii'’»nd ’- I ’. I ‘» >•*»?:AC- M . / ""l.Oltli ' 3,U JOSU 1,061

mall l.ard ^

o T i j . j ^

l’“ ^^KANaAH*ayj M/Yo"*WVh.a^ J* and 'd .tk hard J.JO-:.!!’*!

ipl. t-JO';; N.>. : r»l MlU-M#';!!: No. ,«0; 1. ci_o..: Mir :.:T!;-S i

;o Corn ll’-<ar.;'.rp Kn. ■ '.hll.wta I.Jl^t-Kni-Ji-l.ttH-l.UnT-Htr-S-jTllnw

OaU 1 c .r.; Kfrr'Tall’r unf’hintrd'; Ko. : while «l.srijn: No. 3. HI.JSSo.

,|i7 K a f i r .....................M'.f Il.rl.r l.st.

,bU UINNKAI'0I,IS*S‘l» 'l1 tfl-viour In «u JCg Ib. rullon iiclii l.mllr t>.ltnU un.

rhansr.1, 7,00 ; itan.I.nl ral.nil Bnehancnl, ,lr, 6.71; .hlrm.nU « ,5 :o / ' ' ' ,nd HUndard bran SC hith.r. (OiO; il.nilir<l

mMdnnii roo^hlfbrr. IS.M: red doo

3 Potatoes-Onions-^cmcAoo.. >i?” ^ f '‘(UP)-rflUM ir.

jn* lild al.ifk; .^uprflri m<Hlfra[»; drmand Il>bi: markn about .K.dr.

u n w ^ l v i * ? i MlcV^«n'Ka‘S.h“l"n.’’'\rH f

’*• U '.rr,:n™i‘r";li'l’‘ n-L*h*i'» '-Ti


I^I|,Ctal I'l- ' ili-iwlwi. nn.l .* I*a.hll.'i'’ i;w '!j4 ; J.M-^Mi^Tir.

' (Inli.n .ui.pllc. llbcr.l; drimnd .low;. jruu_VtlU.I. .

■J iS 'aE rtiS sS iiis 'S i^ llaUi.at Junilma 11, b. 1 :.J0-:.7;.

failnra. lod.r on prnflt laklnr tmi lit.r i

i'.‘i’o“.i 'd Crrllflr^lnl w.nl anot tIJ.(S'.

VTcnl Inp. futurr. 1-t In J.O V.oU Ci hl.h.r: M.r isi.n: Juir istjli; <n, j • P"-- 1!>:.:M; ll.rth 1(1.ill, U.r fl

' Russ ‘Slowdown’ ] . -Blocking TrafficHFJILIN. Mny 11. (,?),— Comnni* ^

I nl.^l slowdown tnctiM todny virttinlly ", Ipnmlysetl a tm ifin Inlm onnl bnrge n: ih fflc bclucpn*Dcrlln nntl treatrrnO cn n n jij'- '................ ............... ........

Ofrmnii niillinrltlf.i Mill tlif nw - uliili.n w rrr lioIJlnc up outKoIni! ^

■ nrrllii b.trKi-.t oarrylliff scrap mcLil Io the ttc^t a l Iticlr ains] Ixirilrr rhpckpoliil At WlitfnbcrKC on- iht Elbe. 2S

In som t cx-V. they snia, tlic Rw- sliins'scl.vil .vrnp mcl--i! shlimicnt.' clnlmUiK lliry were "contrab.Miil" being cmiiKKled out o{ Uie Soviet

__________________ 111

Drive to Begin s. PHILADELPHIA. May 11 l-D— 1"

Rince nntl K rrcn r>tar< ulll Join «ov« I IfrniliOia.orriclttbi Momiity in ccrr. 13 .monlesmarklnff tho-»Urt o tth e na* —iionwrnenpso-ursrT.m nffs-bcintnir ~dependence drive. c> '

A rtljur C. Knufmnnn. chnirmnn nf the commltiee preiinrlnu the celf» hratloii. rnld (h r featured event wlll be n poBe.int sinced a t historic In« dependence hall.

Test AreaJACKSON, MKv. May 11 MV-

Aikaiisns and Tcxa.i were f.elcct- I'd toilay as proving Rrounil f o r ' tlie new .■.tafn' r lc h t tn door-to- tloor camp:iiKn nKaln.'t Prealdent T.'um.ifi^ fair deal.

T hr ilcd ' lon WHS reached with­in'Jiotir.s of tlie cndoncmcnt by

nnuiinl-alRla'-rt^ht.t nieelliK of n new nppronch to [he lWi>.yr:,r.olc! flRht.. Leaders pisnned to retire -B«-

iirclay nmi .Sunflay polltlcUn.i- anil rr|il:icc.llicm with paid or- LUiirn.Mii cvc.-y ,Uftt«, '

^ ---------—

t i m e s - n e t o ; t

HI Xiop-Dedme- Hints Change In Faim Aii

W ASinNOTON' May 11 Olfl AlmJ Bovemment mny won'flntl I iod*r. holding fimn prlcea <Jom-n«aonal Up.' This poulbiuty u o te tod»y In V.Q, wake of an oKrlcullural depirtine

H[v«rTiiiir-roo<r"ir<Trpn>dacUi ««rir praipectj «re below m n c e . I'w.n Tl'®- f*Port- b*»«d on Uty

, en ycon la likely to fill belcI M.; n,0ro.tJ00.twi'BU5neu;- Ana“ l t - i i. M.r fruits—especially peaehei— u e Uki ,i i,Vr’ 'y ^ scarce this e.ummer. u ^ IU<j (or Contttmert

Tliere wn-i further bsd ne»j fc cotwumer*. Dun and Brsdstreet u l rmtneAtliPTrnpes^-wiUi mt»i ifu

■‘o'.j; Int! llie way—Imve advanced to tJ 'j,o , hlKlicst level In 18 monthi. HeU

prices usually follow shifts In tJ: bra.r wholc,?nle leveL

, I Unle.vi crop prospects taprov offlclaLi sold. Uie farm support prt Bram—for many major crops—wl Have to shift Into reverse gear afu the 1350 harvest.

Cln.. Conld More Surplusea.j j i . Ia?tcart of Increasing Its Invest I 'l l , ment In farm surpluses to hold u i 'o 'i farm pricc.i, the Kovemmcnt woul ;-j;* have lo Btnrt movlnR wm# of It

■' stockpiled product.1 back on th .•■Ji market to avert sliortagcs and hlgl ■}! ■ prices. The government now ho ;iii? ftlmait »3,000,000,OOC^-abaut three

fourth.1 of Its price support Invest ment tied up In wheat, com am

■,J,* cotton.Tlic winter wheat crop waa fore

CIu:rTCJncr(Hiyiiri5S3i03JOOT)UilIeI: 34 per ccnt bclov last year. Official

:Js ‘ said UiW 13,000.000,000 Investnien ,•»»; could easily be cut In half If con PJ,, and cotton ylelda also arc beloJ on ’ avcrnge this year.

Kar-lleaehlng Effect SUCH ft devplopment cwiUl havi

«s— fflrrcftchlni; effecta on-the nation';Tff~ economic and pdlUcoTlirF;----------” 1. I t would help cut govemmeni

red Ink spcncllng, Bul Kovemmcnl saic.i of farm surpluses would brlni; price .support money back Inlo Uit trea-sury in fUcal lOJl.

:^s. 2. I t would tend to postpone Uie No. day uhch farm surpluses become a

• major political Is.sue. President Tni- hii. mnn hns been pushing Uic eontro- ii"»- -vrrrlnt-7Jninnitn-Tnnn-p:ainCs~5

i!O luilon'lo’ Iarm “ surplus and nn ■ Lwuc In Uic November congrtvslonol

elccllon.s, Bul publle concern over Uio farni-problem nlready appears to have U pered off.

3. I t would eut ccrlouily Into farm Income by reducing the vol- ume o t producU farmers have to

tH, sell, even though prlcM slay up,

•" Officers Probing Area Burglaries

— - MaHlo-Valloy lati- enforcement of*__I fleers arc InvcsllcatlnB burglaries

dlicovcrod -T liuriany •roominj,-'^’— „ At Wendell. Deputy Sheriff K*lUi «i. Andcn^in nnd n a y Dudley, marslwl.

a rc InvestlgnUng the burglary of the Eport shop, A Jl slot machine containing oboul | 10(L was taken

Oi: from the Sport shop b^ween 1 and

Entry wns gained by breaking glass in. In tlie Ironl door, unlalching the

door nnd walking In, Tlio missing1 ' slnt m nrhlnr liml tint ti>fn

by 2 p, m. Pridny. Offlcen opined mere thon ouc .burglar h.lnvolvcd.

,i. Meanwhile from Burley camo re* s: ports of n wr\-lce stntion nnd grocery i t hU)rt.*-belng-burBlfirlsed.-I>ctalLnrcrc-


Chicken Shed Is _ ■; Burned at Carey>J CA nEV .-M ay-lI—n ie . Carey-vol- _ mitccr rirc depnrtm tni wns cnllcrt

Monday nJt4;rm>oii-ia~mingimii-a. w T H -'n irrt—s h 'tii 'n r 'i i ic w iiiiitn m r Briggs rivnch four miles norUieast of towTi. The shed housed between 75 and 100 baby chickens belonging

Ir to Mr. #nd Mrs. Pau l filcwnrt., ten- T anl.1 on tho ranch.' ' • Tho Blicd WM located near the (, six-room ranch house nntl firemen .0 turned the ir hases on Uie frame

structure to save It frora being de- ,• fltroyed. T he ciilcks were reported

. destioyetl and th e ■shed-daraasefl.'• ^teInbcr8 of the Urlgga lamlly were , ’ driving in the neighborhood of Uie ,

ranch and tum ed In the alarm,"

U.S. Is Clearing : P ra g u e “Embassy ■• PRAGUE. May U fUl>)-The ! . United 6 U tes Instructed all but IS ‘

nf the American employes a t Itt , embiway today to leave the countrj- ■

! nfter _ Czechoslovakia ,w ar7ied_lt [ woulJ n o t 'b e rMpoh.slble (or their *

safety-beyond Sundny. - tTho ih.itrucUoru were Luucd by f

Ambassador Ellis O. Drlggj. IAmerican offlclnia ,s.Hd Briggs had :

ift'cldid to bow to a Czechoslovak tlemnnd on April 3a Umi (he United SL-itcA cu t ItA dlplomntlc suffa in Uils country by two-Uilrils.

Hubcaps StolenJEROME. May 11—Tlie rash of

hubcap ihefLi which broke out In 'Pwln Palis the werk gf-Aprll J-lS spread to Jerome In.M night. • Ten hubcaps t\erp stolen from four u r s In n l « s l used cnr Jot.

During Ihe oubreak lu T ain Fall*,13 hubcaps wcre'^TWcn:”

-------— DAl'OHTHrt-nORN-^^^^^^DLlBST 'M a y 'I l - M r . nnd "Mrs:

Hrrl>ert Slroud nro pareiit.s of a daughter bom Montlny nt St, Vnlen- line’s hospital Jn Wendell.



PH O N E COLLKCT’Goodinir-d7-----Rtipcrt-55- -

T w in F alls HM '


t w in " f a l l s , IDAHO -

- I Film Shown Jflr „ ‘ Weekly Meeting . , Of Kiwanis Clui n A forest serrlee film on natta

resource* w ai ahown b j lUni un— Wayne Clowarf as the feature d I t. the weekly luncheon meeting Thu -n o t day of the Twin Palls Klwanla el

M n. Joanse Eadley sasg t 1 the songi. I t v a s announced th a t m rnent Thursday's p rognm wUl feativecUdij a a r« rn jm -p r f 6 e m « n ) y - w n r T

land. Slcrlins Larson v u elected .y 1 ft new member.

■wr>-<low Mark c . C ronenbe^er._ Kennt

'Horilgomery w is program chalrm Uxe* and Lawrence conducted the mci

tag,OuesU vere Chariea Holley. 8

for Bernardino. Call/., father-in-law said ^ e n e Hammtind: Jnhn Ann.

bauer. new manager o l the Tw Uie Palls Olass and Paint store: Sle

eu ll Blackman. New York City, a; the Oordoa Dlrkea, Spokane. Waah.

J'i Methodist Men’s Club Closes Yea

An election, two movies and pr gram featured the final meeiing

u - Uie church year for the Methodl 3ui3 Men's club Tuesday night. W. Ife

bert Kennedy reported Thursday. Edward W aite's nomtnnUng con

j]_[, mittee was continued unUl the o 1,M flec-ot prealdent Is flUed. Robe ree. Miller was elected vlee preslden f j l . Kennedy, Bccrelary*.and C, L. Mo: ,nd rU. treasurer. L. J . Bchroyer la tl

outgoing prealdent.)rc. C. O. Dudley >nhowed two sour lelsT movies—*r<J~E«r!—Dshl3tTotn~sar ll l i three 'aoloa.-accoropanlcd_iiy .Mr icnt Dbhbtram. Pred Latham was chali om tor ttie evening, lov The meeUng followed n polluc

supper w ith IL B, Homer os com mlllee chairman. Tlie eecrctary oui

. . . . lined tho elub’n acUvltles (or Ui p a jJJ 'car. .EvfDlj jTicJudcd a, pl.cn:

- afc-Twlp falls, fnur family n ight prn grams w ith attcndnnco from 100 t uo; Bout Seoul supper nnd prograr nnd a bantjuel In honor o t Dlslio

u ,; Gerald Kcnnrtly. Portlnnd.“ In oUier activity. Leltoy Motheri.,„ shead, Scout committeeman..repor. J ed on Scout events.

^ Mothers Honored At VFW Parlej

■'tr SHOSHONE. May 11—The VF\^ entertained the VFW auxiliary li honor of Mother's day Tuesday nigh: nl UiB Memorial hnll.

Films wero shown by Eugene Pet' “ era on soil coajcn'a tlon nnd bj

Russell Wentworth on Kenca li Lincoln county. Refreslmicnls al Uie close were sen ed by the men:

The VFW committee In chnrgt _ Included Russell Wentworlh, Dnr- S rcll Jones and Eugene Peters.,(* ...Tht-VnV_plnn.'i uj,cooperate with t , the American Legion In aponsarlhg

a~'Mcinorl&l dny ?ik vlci here. Ar- U, rnngemenLs wlll be handled fof Uie Jl v n v by Burrell Livingston, com- nf mander. '„ During Uie VPW auxiliary meet-

Ing. wlUi Mni. Sam Danner, presl- ;rt dent. In chnrge. plans were dis­

cussed for the district mecUng to „ be held here May 28 nl the lOOP " hall.

Plans were also made for the J VPW poppy dny which will be M.iy- ai,-TiU«.-Chftries-YOunK-ara-M rr J Frank McCarty arc on the rnm-

mlllee' nnd a number of Uie nicin- y bers will as-slst Uiem.

Area Men Slated For Commissions

7 -MOSCOW .-Msy-»'<UW-Majrful- / wanl E, Lundak. director of the Uni­

versity of Idnho's (vlr ROTC prt>- gram, aiinounircil today tlm t <1 unl- vertliy sludcnta woujd rccclvo com^

.. ml-.Tlfin In' t l 'r nir fnrr-r nt. rnm.• mencement .'.cn’lce.i June 5.- He nddcd thnl four students will

be commLssloned aa eeconti llcu- tenants in the regular air (orco and will go on active duty. Thcy lncHiflc Winston I?.. Bishop. T^vln Falls,

o thers receiving eommlssloivs In the officer rcsen’o cohjs ot ihe air force Include TJiomas G. Uoyd, Tn'ln Palls; Kenneth R. Briggs. Murtaugh;. XelUi K . Dedrlck and Charles J, Lord. Ooodlng; Je.'.''o L. DcPalmo, Rupert, and Nommn D, Tilley. Hnnsen.

Reunion Planned*I?n» •'Mlnks~-ol-Triahn".«rf_plan^ -]

nlng a.fam lly-rounloa-aiK l-picnIs a t Julla Dnvls pnrk In Boise onSundny. June 4, according to word ;

jtcelved here frcm.Mrs-.Mae Boyer, ,501 Norlli 2Isl .street. Boise. ' r

Mra. Boyer snid Uie event would f Be the nr,'.t' rcuiildh of the .Mink(amUy.. " li'c for the Minks mul nil crelaUves by marrlngp,' she said,' ■]Potluck dinner wlll be .'frvcd. f

BRING ■- U S YOUll - ^



' u u o t ; 'G O O D 's to c k c o w s |H




__Okay of FundBill Hailed as GOP Victormger ^

•e of WASHINGTO.V. May 11 (UJ!)—Plurs- puBlUan-led economy forces claimelub. n smashing victory loday !n hottwo approval of Uie »25,000,000.000 omi

next bus appropriation bill,re a GOP expcrta said Uiey had re;■TreT &3'l}ieirBOBl-or-thopplnr-41.00si as 000,000 from Uic meaaure by t

ndopUon of two nmendmenta by Ii<

neth But Democrats d i s p u t e d Uman clalra rT luy"tu Id -lh« -e rrccn in :leei- GOP amendments would not me

sure up to the estimates of IhiSan aponiors.tr of First of TypeUff. pmml Ihftjiw tnro. tJ[•win flr^l tlngle-package spending bill lleve 'hlr.tory. on n rull call vote of 382 nnd 21 Intc )estcfday. I t would provli

»2S,e94,340,tM for the operaUon nlmosl a i r govemment agencies the fl'cnl year beginning July 1.

Developments elsewhere In coi grc.':': today Included:

n ia AIIotmenl.s—A elxUi Investlgntlc “ »• of tiie army finance center a l £ pro- Louis was ordered nfter a congre g of .slonnl Riibcommlltee reported ove; idLit paymcnLs there of 1157^00.000 1 fcr- nllotmcnis to military dependents,y. - ....... tUatlon* ftecommeniJciIom- llawalluii r c f l. '!T h e house ut of- Aini'rlciin ncilnUcs eommlttee ret

tn t: irinpt 3D wllnm es questioned in for- recrnl Invc-stlgaUon of communl; the activities In Hawaii.

N LRB-The senate'killed Pres und <ient Truman's propo.sal to abolls a n j RoBcrrK-Dmhnm'a.Job na 'gcncn lira, counsel o f.the naUonal labor rela nir- tiiina board,

Ili'd.'i—Sen. Joseph R. McCarth said the stnlc dcpnrkinenl's brusli

>m- off of his chargc thal a lop U. £ 'Ut- <|i|ilamftl helped slip secrets lo Mos tne ciiw wa.T "typical” of the depart


^ FEPC—SouUiem sennton clnlmei Uicy linvo lined up two more vote

>op In Uielr campaign to block Prc.^lden Tnim an’s controversial folr employ

Cf* niciil prnctlcea bill. 'Tlinl would glvi Of* the routhemers almwt certain In

surnncc th a t they coyld defeat ad' mliibitrallon efforta to shut off ifillbujlcr on Uie bill.------ ----------- --

Crime—Senato crime investlgnton were scheduled to map plans foi

! j th rlr $150,000 Investigation of syn dicatod crime. Sea. Charles-W, To-

m bcyi' n .. N. H , a member of tht rht -'P<'clnl five-man panel, aald the

group should hold henrlnga.( t . UMW—Opposing factions of the t,j- house lnbor committee prepared for in a i howdown on whether to hUbpocnn a t John L. Lewis for questioning nn a ;n; chnrge thn l he secretly fought n fed- ge eral ‘ court's bnck-to-wotk order In ir- the rccent coal strike.

Foreign nid—Pre.ildent Tnimnn th ni.ltetl congrcs.s to liurrj;_pn.waRC of lig tlic' foreign' nlil bill lo ^lrcn[;l]ll:n r-- accrv lary-or^ato-P tau-A clic ion 's he hand n t Uic foreign mlnlster.<i' meel- n* Ing In London,

Business I.oani t- Smnll bu.slnea.';—Sen. John J, .1- Sparkmnn. D., Ala., was immcd s- chnirmnn of the scnntc's new small lo bunlne.v: committee. He said dLi- iF cu.s.'.iona will be held soon to de-

Icrmlne how smnll biisinc.wmen can le get a fnlr sh.iie of govcrninenl ly buslne.vi,sr —F\ » d—The-hoiise-Tules-commlttce~ i. npproved nn Investtgntlon of adult; I. ernllon of tlairy. meat, and other

food protluci.1 by chemlcaLs._ \flf>pml*— pt.hUr. commltUe approved- a *103,000.000

bill to nid mlnlng.-EIforU-to ge n *330,000.000 bill before the house

2 hn.s fnllcd,K i ^ m orlcnK cs^ ie admlnlstm-

* lion iiiKuH cxt<;'i<.sIoii o r 'th e farm• mortgage In.'.iiraiice iiriitiram.

I Gooding Festival^ i Concert Is^Given. GOODINO. May 1 1 - A mualc I week fcitlvat concert.wai-prcscnKd : Tuesdny-cvcnlng nt the junlor high

whool auditorium to a large and 1 appreciative autllence. 3[»n.sors were : Mr^. Helen L, Smith, Lalcno Cnr- , gill and Donnld Stroli.. Band selectliins tipre pre.-.entcd by 1 Uie Gooding Senntflrs band, j. vocal , .solo by Lynn Wood, a vlnlln -solo by , John Norbdy, vociil .'ciccllons by

Vlylnn Dnvcnpori niid n piano duo by Mnry Jenn Rol;crL'oii.and Eloise TnU.

Tlie girls choriu gate three num- ■.berS.-MrB^Adclt-Sclmliwt-playwj. Jtwo piano numben nnrt.Mra. Jotm ' Miller g a v e readings' Ihcludlng . original numbers. -Lfllrne Cargill ' sang two numbers nnrt Monte : Strlekllng presented n corgrt sol6, ‘ *1116 mlxetl chonis Irfun.ilie high - Bchool- aang nx humbfrs. »

Accompanlsl,s for the prngram In­cluded M arj-Jcnn-noCciton 'B H ly '- Thomp-son. Margie Daifniiorf. Mr*. Schubert nnd Jon Bnlch. i

EVERY , — -

rilRDAY i

AlivaysTop PriccB g Q I


l O W E R S p i l O N C O . ^; BELL — Owner • Manaftr HBarley Phons 03S3.JJ .


. LEA'"* nOSPITALI OAKLEY. May 11—M n . Ari;

^ S w m the Cottage botplfdU I S Burtey.__________ r ^ --------

ry ClassifiedSPECIAL N O T IC E S

22 tar..;,rea l' Paiii. «' wMitr—g ^ nad .t ll t p j- «» «i» » *'

tllU J . Hill- ........... .................-n i r AVjATiOK.TlCa- XLI'ALVA aatiBf .nd

II In UCAUrY CUt 'nJK^ *ri/lT*^««alU fi

n of Art. Acadwar-__________________s In FEKiiONALcon- fl"r.viEH

Ttt-il l 'm i ' ^ rCTPcn.ll.la tor anr <Jtlii |n

'■f*’* CASH for TWir “I'l OoM Jtwtln I In LOANS en Camiraa. tana, (U.

f« * LO ST A N U F O U N Dn°n LOST; llrowB billfold. 11.ward, no avi

esl- Til’ll I'Dlnl corn.illsh w.ndrt, llrw.iJ, Uni l.i-crnl CHIHOPHACTOKS------eln- fiiijivt: .pfc'l.iui. Ur. Aliaa Paalon. .T

•thy OK. D ll JOltWaON. «* Third AMO

1.8* ■: UEAUTY SHOI’S ^c~ U|-t.L-TE »(Ki.ni b..uir .rrrlca br .

>rt* p.n sp.ralen, U.rblnalau aitd co

>tfa » ,r« . IJ.OO. flrmutr Art. Atad.mr.If, SITUATIONS W A N TED•lve CU.STUM Urnlar. plowlnff, dUcIn*. I'lior

SJlt. Kll.r.______________________fd-

orj CUllTAINS mrfullr .li.nr- I.l buu»« oorlfor cf KVMV. l-hnn. Ollif-ril._________,'n- CUIITAISS «..h«l ao.l .Ir.K l..^ I'bon

. ^ W .- T wln- f al.... Id.Bo.


ruiWlWli, Jurln: '.n.ftri.j.'.'.llnr *111

*** iiuu.sVu:lNi.si;~ ' »'T 'U r . ‘ w «“l I’i -..h-J «r tlfrird. I l.:i b=or. Thon.

Of i"lNTIlili; d;^.'llnr.“ r«“ a.ll^Vt« o ’ ~'5iiii»rii(a't'ii:iBt^u,"ctu-o«4B dih

dSrlniT d.r!''m J,'nM nfTnd“ V,nlnCT

J, “ .V.V’lV‘'h“”r7':''^Uri''» w 'iik. "l-hDni'■‘I V— ;--------------- ^

^ I g s snl - " ' ‘" ‘-'r-j_______ ;_______________

“ CU«TAi;£u..Yd;V^^^ .lr.khj,J wlnl.

INTMUOli .M »'lrrlnVp\'n’u7g. wa»'iind wooJworh wa>)iler. r»i>«thanslnB. I’hon*

t • Uad L.r<llni je • Sata Drsib Cirarlna

1 ' ,, „

FOR . Cic.r.Ua^IIiiia»Rlf. Trmehlaf



HJKLP WANTKn— f rK M A t.R(•IKb.li^^ib^wIlh <hUdr«s. siar-tiltbw.

ixi-KlIIE^CM) I.Hr rook. At-plr in

tXmuKNCKO ArplT in r>r-f ' - T , ' , . - - ^ W . N o.pW _^

H ELP WANTIil)— M ALUW;aNT>:U; I>,n..rr n,M. .ir.,n» r.ll.b l. wllllnr In work. C.H i;;. ______ |

n i-T M.'h" “ J*rxj-|':mK.Sci:0 .al^m .n. rar

nral ai.prarhe jmjne man, Kicrllrnt

mi>l.l far. willing i„'ii«"wdr.| and leva*

.. U E tl^ '^V A N T K I^ . ~ M A I,E -.F .B iy ^ .K

HANt';»-««iptr.-Wn ThlMrrr, Wnman tn for r«fh -r.rk. td.tio SUU

l.mhlormrnt h .r.lc. Twin F.IU. I'hont

II U s iN H S S O l 'l ’O l lT l J N lT i e S'ilKiCfiliV and m-*i m.rkri In Twin K.ll*.

i r . i i * , ' ! ' ' " ! !

lo il S Imrr.ii In h«r an.l l.inrh''■'inirr In ihr l,ltt«i l»om town In Mnn- Una Icrtr :.eoo m.n .mpiorad wllh-

I’t P* hnur). r«al il.allm. li.mll'Vn. M °nnVa. * L

i*"* “

1-Ant.On. Ilork .nd'fU lurr..raririr o{ m .r honM (rom

. . |j,4,04 op. - p.wrr CuarhtT.-I't.ir. IOC. nirr.

« I----- -------- ]* -

' thbbsday h |-


— J ~ K j i i i i s ^



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—T IS- H*-*'!: I i5>3j

i'rnar. '“ AUJJ.lJ;— ri‘‘»l’i'"V'-“ ^ S.’—

'« « • UNKUHNlslil

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.on. EAST FIVB r a j l l


" i l ' W A N T K l) TOKW,i

i d bVh,.V.ii“WA.STKU: lIulXBHtt

Approilm.iilr t la a

Jon —{tbi ei.A,-Tlw8i«—— MONEY TO Itt

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“ I . IDAUO nNAi W)A^1.

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I LOANS and FWiSON A in o v o o n J^

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—■ mc»li/a boi"'. ■a DEUUOOH » °5rr>"‘‘r '

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d V S ’S i S . s ' " ' «'•"’,0 -rw». hom. M P*'*- |"''*^,"hrn7 *• iie,oo«.

I : i t Soflh Ll«cl

f f i o K a r " ' : ' F f f l F s L, ,.r,if. h . r d ^ floon. 5“ , ,„,MO.O- of I.M bffiln.l J«t TTOIX-nODM J “ ,tll lmincdl.1.17 let 1%'S'oa

»li«1i*'itl'liiM.'* I^"r *''wJ^*nV«li IU

F T H E N E W E RO r o n l O M E S - ^ J i f .

D«i»i i.Bj77e9”i d tcrtuh W«I4 Uiiii i_j_,_i III _i tat. cU. la. Irrir.W. »4 i"'rooa) (Indrr ll«1ilAVE SCTERAL IfHtiI.1 Uni 1.:Itnd I brireom ho»« rri«ll».»M. W ll IsmllitU&f.

tROBERTS Si CO. F . C. GR^Pb«. »»0 »r Ill-M S» « ‘l" •**•■■"

TtJRESQ U E--------1 ----- PARM-ify? Iwi'^iuu *h2 l li'nd' * 1* ^ '


81^‘^ R E S I W .<r town, ric.ll.nt bulldtu.

g<i>c tKx>i>.iiiii«. h .r . . ron postnvE—lltiTi Allin Blhlfflt*

ui'.llM po«l«ff1c» rb»

FA LLS m U A tT Y ■’• SUR A N C E C _a ____________ but

fJubRTtJAfir flEtiviCE*, ROT-R- C A N V i" --------------] MAKUrA

CLASS HOM ES....................FOSSJtaina bom.. F.ill tfm.nl _______

(bd .UV«t, Flot - lamKtl.t. pcumlon, -• r “ ^

\^ l . • - • nil


■ E r B M i g E i r : ”'I r*.i rboM lot _____________

m iF U I , H O M E T T i r N E I

■'« . flr.pl«c. All nedara .•Mttm.oi opiuirv A Man, EDROOM HOME»• ^ent. Hr.pl«fc 1> ^ rv r illd w heioj bu, i rso rm N Q M

', 31IAB1NQ THEUVli ' *'w“ ki* TAKE S0>>l'<. ■ ««hlniwa iioUE'W mi r(

MUl.. Ib ioc5^,ll!lS!"*

• J- BACON USED T■ rho., j» ,».w.»ii*.R: t _ . I . 1 13J0.- — • 7*nr.l1^n^l»

!'V M O D E R N - . ■ ‘ " & 'L " S S Z 'S S O O J tH O M E '- -

-S5--1,000 D O W N • ■« » " I . » -

'^ ^ * " 11,*' • I J t . « .iiY l.

tlJ lB E R L Y ' b r o o m H 0 5 IB

J.,’ "'*• f''r ifuon.bl, AS4EHICAN3 A llELriNO THE

HO Wa n t s * DAcnsiiuNt“ “ a c r e s

s p msTMENJ'T c o r p ^ I M P L I. r^ B , „ .s

1 4 « ^ 8 ■;T A T E f o r S A L E . FA R M -INiia.D. KM block. ;: .U 1. CASK i..],r. frtr<

_________ .V.b.l.r, ;

M t» «Ur. SuJUbl. (ur UtB

a t l t V ^ ^ r u r C1m? T ^ -t-fnOT «mty rboB« **T. : i l Addlwn

M M ^ ^ N o n :

,1 [ Coodlni. UaboJTS o r LOTS , ------eonn bulDM. k l ■ ■

i.lI.Bl rold.nll.l I.U ■_

£3 Konlulil.. I *nJ.Bd mndtni h«n>«. niir. FAI

r™ :

US F O R S A L E -

U S E D MKll. und nortn «( uas4r~( AC ii»i.t wc •'rrBm.nl pumplni vrolMt. > Modrl Il'i >[' M. (ood .nil. K.unn.fel.. John D.'ff Ik.U. SU»*r. IU.1 j :i . Or»n». for - i r

■'ill« t.omliurlcr. ld.h». MIC Tll“ b".‘i';o Bol ctilUr.IwI, W«d .ut» Cm. Tj.fior >;,

1) <ln>B n.Tni.nt. Edwin AO Trxl/>r ;>.!■.In K.iii n>oo. e:sw i. c«-op si,irt,u

Im.. 10 lUacliliin.. biK pu> 11/-.X. dnp lOlt. iband.Bc.. . , . ™ a (

Twin V.lli. I.I.

l,BilU.-f«m. Jtiomt oltiTioMJTIiwrMTB.-KliMt-, s ; - ^ = s " .S ' , i r , ; U S E D 5>•• U.ewr. corablBi. lallti. „ ,,i. H««lf all trap. In. 0"*'r •«Ot. K.OM cuh, b.liar. Uiol Ollvir M I

' I -V«.J-1tiiiroti plill Ifflprar.^ « T ul.r Ui.d U..B culllv«i.r^ .•• IhU «afc ll‘» u,„l jjic , |4„,;

M HOME oa Un< 'WMt -Ui'fd r.rmulrr ;>nd but It (ood V07 at


rmr 7trw M.llnn- T-li. F.ll., Idi : If lb. prk. b rlibt I IU ___________

ilR L E Y ..B ro h c r Nfc . r to a . i : u ‘

_______________ _____1 I l-.M INTKIISlr» »~vl. i«»

_______________ _____ I 1 lSTi:nNAT10

» a c r e s - ; j r § | £ r i

i inllM <MB> Dl.UUh. *. * MndUlor.*'*!:!

, win l.v . .oin. trad.. u,a« iKni.

■RAVES & SO N..-R-. n.oa. I l l T R A C T

CMdlnf. Idiba

iM P L E M B N T S — ’n c to rlltl. -OoodcoBdlllcTn. B E E T S

evlllTBlflr. cerTMff.tor. . ..nowlar maehlafc Will ..U “*mlUlnr m.thlnr. mtd' 7

____________ - rnojiniATi

i iL ” Vi^i-’n n - t a h ‘ad.rbaa. II. ni«r.


3DPEIU0R _r.RESIBTANT— — ----- & -W E L :

V A S D A M S L Z ------ ^urACTUaro n t

i S T ^ r c O . — OU R«K»ad A ^ g ?AnMUlS°01


cK fl?ow T •HSLni' j S t N " ’"'’'* •

I - • No. » i n____________________ ______ Ko. J7 III' {

T E IG rtB O R S IOlh.n '

n -Y o u .H c lp _ . ' . CO M B IN E S

a n In N e e d ? • a&m“ *• — • • {] nm. • 4MI1C

n iia BTcrr bo LO •Q • . 5-c*>.a MOLDY. HOW ABOUT • ^HE nLAME'Wrni ME • IJfoollI


: K S f

) T R A C T O R S

CB-It bretki mj b«rt g yi,„ c . i .s. • OHrtr

n l . r - l ’m rtatlT j T y c l” bl

‘H Q JV E R S -

•4t . |T .m u a -» a lM i^ n._S.i.MLu.l'*U! oa n i. Caa’t 1 ilkk • Dcirborntcf IIMT • IH»hw*r

-M r i»* wcFalda'l hiT. * y*,V°'* *' r-:o ar r.Tu1i

R-»«ri Wu 1 b»»i.d • r« i No

, .Im lnf -bMl Isba l>Mr« II—tad lo Um .>irkT^ lool _ . MOLb.br'i •■<« Old r->r4-*wi‘' • ' UTA’C n i

Il’- I .Ml. II I t ITJ. IlmUflr Road


tisiiAK AT _ •. fSI:

E R -T R A C T O R —

C E M E N T CO . '

54, .Twla ralk nVfi

^ ™i’]i*f.?°^hii.h

. ' TIM]

IM P L E M E N T S ; i H A Y . GRAI;r .r .„ .l„ „W. liiio.-vTn VS:,

S ^ k -A nm r.tr ni-i-u7TTJT:

........ . T.,_________7« M

3 R T H S ID E . --------------------L E i l E N T u C - 0 .^ ^it. " n o n . !l» von.-c;

’Mi'l KHr.Ullr.



) M A C H IN E R Y

:'‘- ’ r,?Jl7m ',!,f ’ " " J II ',li'«n i'lint.r. h»rs-,ja PR ICUcr.b. F o r D EA D

'S ; ; ; - j a n :t\'n rulWr MlDNC

US-rilAl.MF.n PrALTTl.


-------- FO I


tl Pltj» for Ollvrr ta — TU VA LES/ ulllv.tor (or 0:i<cr CO er *0d c k . T H E Ur iiiiw V '* '" ^ - - - C A T

IT A IN S T .r r E S rhoB.^Ni. L E M E N T CO.

id.h, rb.n. l i l [ ^ ;Q o ^ t h

llt.NATIOSAli ir.ctnr. lood l-JjYtKS _ Ucll.cKlisA'flOSAI. tiirlor.'.j. I-UTAIU). .ncl I«»fr nil. IICOM, Clow.r. A».MliTIONA!. : l«.lli/ni taniM. ilfrtt. Thnn. H! r u iw " i^ ° V ii r.--frI ri.ow for J^ln Dt»r. I) l|»'Un.. Ikr-nr-. •i;4(K>.- ---------- a-'AT .Lcm.. «Uir.IKlli; 11 tt.ctor, .err fooJ "Id roml'n, :(

|;M,00. i'tun*.n >i ton Pirvur, Tcrr <lr.B [‘.‘ '.“t'’*’'' A'*'I. onlr n:t.oo.

^ i r n n E ^ n " ” - - ---------^^^ANT:3R & L A R S E N ^o»iK;.°j:,oi^! CT.OR SALES^^_ ^

-Z Z e o I l s a IT S - F R O Z E N .

U. lJrM*lns. , ' IUr.i..n‘w J J .ATt >iDr, n n u s i .1 “ S S ; ‘r £ ‘:. igait and row ctopi. TtUANCnC .IPnEADEflS

rATO Tnr.ATiso vats siii.i) i^ .n .rtT ibulli on «lJ.r. ii.luiull. B«r D

E Q U IP M E N T I 3 L D IN G -S H 0 F ------ j ^ S S S S

I ASllTQ.v srawaU R .M O T T O - I J M ^OF sr.nvicE to the i.:»o uac.i m >3 o r MAGIC VALLEY" nSn'.V jT il 1)R S aTiiAWiir.niiY p

.” nd'Vgllpm.ntI,;."' “ • '""••• ' . H la f t o i l . .u . and Kiulpmtnl (fhf«r) . '*5.ad •qulpitifnl f*n I’hon*''!!* LVKIICIIKU.SS. I

______________ Wf ha.j^,. Ur.^lUmbl. wTTl*.' Nor»»‘

*‘ '*S . , V ---------- :---------r | r j o b V D « r ? A cr T | S E E D

^ ! b ^ r a ~ ^ " ' ! ""

............... ! l o n g .p

c -. AnifTON c rnol U u trr Ilirtl. s r IlM »i«1 r.iUt..tm c ii l - , ' . Norih D5 I C.rIo.d SJ'VNCM C»if ' . C I., a:llblUnd. l.lVf KnT 1 WJ tuiland, lOU m»d.l . . Ko«h»n« f«n>

.K E S • I------------------- !

' I " - * " -g “" ^

........ - ..... B U Sam fnr Fo^ ,in^for A.l‘ami.11 IluU r

f” ,” " • BICYCLE S

O L Y N E U X • BjiusHKS^ n W E R Y C O . ■ ■ ■ n i i.LK.t iii.'iEi^ rboo. «I»

- I • CLCv^VKn.S

B Y C H IC K S i ^ o S S f e i E

S S S S i z i S M i sU m ' A N D F S D ‘' ; ? r " S . E '

.— I ^ - r^rftrlr,- •..^Mllhy II* • l-LOVH HAI

M^nu»«# MllJln* Vl.v r lanillfn or

Ulllloi Sarrlel Pbcai Kr».l rtrlll...>;..ni. h...- ♦ KKY .S//OL

blWr.a. *ood ..ddl.. J’boa. a^tjjd. * «* ” 'j



~ AlUt.t/MK-r.nm.if\ tP i-iinvr.n M -kn tth .. tl.i

V mi» ^^UfbsjB. ^ l i t J.?Nr^n^l'l

•Tta wATciimI'boa. m-w Hr., and .Id.I M.la A.t, E________ Sotth.________

OCK — M W ,T R 1 ^. „ . . . . I '. . . .

:r. Jo. Ill,M. ---- O.SB lUNCli r.dii•rirf r»ir«. Blln BOrtb |_ow«r. . ln«l. phn

iTT^ ’jlii Whll. UfVri.

— ' ‘ — ___— ___ 1_ ' I- u i c . N i i i j t a ia . r ' a u." u ’ii*™ rbi« '■A.“ ..tv,n ^ . r . ; . s r 11.1- "• AI.su:

1 i Trar. aid. ^Al il'b .r i^ i, m ;. : n Mh, »; Il00mt_^v»eunm^

VK„.. I .„ . . . . l j ^ .

H IG H E S T I m "I IC E S PA ID - a X i V\D o n d U SE L E SS t„ » .. » i. . , .c. i

N I M A L S ° ; r £ ! : ^INC US COLLECT 17}. Trrm.l'llli^i ------------------ n»wl-W-l •I'liAtrrn.'iMiiiY—

'A I irH ID E :a l l o w . co . I-------------------------------- I-KOOM furnlluii------------------------------- .nd b.br turnln

y ) R - S A L E _

' ' 11!!." wUld'fVm.L'c^rnji” DAVENI-'oHT .n'l

wir. • FhsDt 8E1.L OU TKAIIi:

SSA-NDEH - Mansger-' "h’„Vi’’i«ii«”" ''"

U C LAND & f ^ — — — ■ ™ _ C O r -

Nu. 9 UHrouih Elk. FREE

---------------------------- EVI

'»l . Vh0Ti.‘‘im r ‘' i ; i lad At> So.rllvcr.d . Ijoti. p.a rt.dr- *"y.yrrrt F.rm. Phan. OI OJ! -ind onlunt. i Lm . . mL M.n. oivl.tloa Wtnb.ai.. til W.II b|» H, ip

Il.a l l . r . . l U 3 _____________.■U SE D A

i*!’V?''f«nuI''ll5'’<i7»ri, 43 "^NO' DOVn., order. f« Friday and / nd paAUo tr..!. q » . ll.r»

STED TO BUY RISEhom. For cklldiia. rbor.i A P P I

li.ialrln hcllrr c tin . lliis. 1 ' 1—^n_F.ll.. Idiho.------------- MAOICiALE-ORJHADE— — b e s t-b k !

S A N D PL A N T S ,

O s K i s y i s S - S i ' f S '... from Illo. T.c. Il.lird on w DoLattf l.ad. I'rubir mii* CX<AXn

Kimbcfir,. ____zD H N rru;-. Now li Il'i tlra. In pl.nu Twin»li.U..J«»a>-C~iid.ll-l).hll.

RAU IO "Fl.> rolnt.. I-hon. aiW-Jj. MUST ..-11 sno.1

awB ««.U(l.d .Md poioloM. H.rrl’nn r.ir««t.Ul ?'’ ‘^drh!i‘VhoM'’«TT5Gll' ®joPp''-'^ a” ’'"lal »««rtroto ffrllilid Umn goi-UANI 120 bi ■I pouton. Frchtr tr.drd. H u. la

m .ra 'Honcrlrt, IW Fllrr ^TIAKO TUN

^".nt“l?«IIV. L.b "a. Cbt- I--------— -:-------

'^r.rV?'UpVr of'*.’ll*'am^' NTW?mr1- .* i« 'n i .‘)i 'rS ? .'!" ‘ -------- PIAT70S

' ~ -TJprlimii ' i

:D POTATOES_______ __ . - . _ . CARNESKISUS—ALL r n ic u l i t :nd A ». F- •sEE US rmsT—


----- Ta «bo«. fron

CrnTiriED .od bohwiI- Pl I'Si:,t>4ind BP. AliO I,*

h D.koU Illu. T .t miM.. (Plm^r rtJUST AniiiVKr) r -.; 'iV A '» s ? . NUrt«iB f.nlllirt ,15. Anni.Er t SONS CLAU]„ 'S " S r . ‘f - M U S I C 4

I'bon. *0 Twla

;C ^ O R .S A L E ... . . . S1?KC.1A


D I R E C T OE SA f F.<; a SERVICE • MO.VEY TOrr. th. IM ./tl M.m AT., E. j

■ li.SH CO. S.I.. and Mr^J^ • M O TO nO C

f-n!? ft DVKns « pAf.vrrvc"?/ic/A ir7 ';» .v77\c ^ • r L U .\ fn i \c

uc.Af. is s T A lX X fio s s • n E r n ic K n /

■7r^‘M"rrn’’ilIV-''l’B.^” '-«! • . V K ^ r .T lM

‘M ‘"‘ ' ' • W ATEH so:

T s j ^ \ ; n ^ a s B r g


i ^ E S

F C R S A L E S P E C I A lr. lull IlM Uach BUa o^pbolit^^ ... _ k.l. I. .1 l.~ wldthl y^.nlngi. i l j l KUr'. MArrilE!>SCS rr

>t. fl.ti. KInt.. IlMKii.bl. pric^ l* r.^_^tllw n I m.I iMld.nl.

r^V.noV'?i.?IS:‘ T ^ i P R O M P T

• i.oi,.r, tub. Wltb .tand: SE Il i . ” t S r k” p*

idi.l arm bklliaw. I hor.^ As4 *11 alai >hii. notiir. Itt/SM iB.wl >.| il.iin bed. .Vr>ir

{li. AFIM. lA N C K S II ' S E R V I. llooT.r lO .tl. a.y.o!u. n i

! ^ f 2 v r . i r i u t a u t o ^

im cli.ntr, IU. arw. i :^•»ln >-«»■•____________. " “ u.Tr'i.*”"* " ’'*^' 1348 C!oct'' n.w.^illKlrlc r.n«i. Flr.tllni.^ I ^ r

C.Jn I lll STVDEDAlliffC.ln Apffll.ncw. mllMf. ” —

!. N*r*h. Th..n« ;UyWj_ ll i l rono .ad

n r.yrnrnu llU.r-CalB AP- Uw siIlM.

“.« loJJi«m l‘r " o V n U 'I CHEVROL

.n’'l“c"al'r'»U Illo* »rt.i»'^lurl.‘.'“ rd^u'’n d « " " '‘' "**

^ iir rT m '^ M ^ r ’ lIUOlIEVnOL d.frcl.r .

i T T R B S B - ~ i INNERSPRINalh. f.rtorr .nd aa.a CIUIYOLE:EE OELIVEHY ”V E R T O N , , 4j urncUIlT;E SS F A C T O R Y "so.ib rboa. II.W m i ciiEvnoL

' door. Kadi

, I lll BUICE s’pS A L ET . A . G._______________

A P P L IA N C E S pLYMomLImlUd Tin. Oalr ..pUoBalljroW’N'rATMnNT— ------------------------HAV LIKE ItENT.U B«t Bilectlo. P K


S E R -C A IN ‘” '£ S .V .o “P L IA N C E S “ " “ • -

- — ’ " ‘• s z a(rMttr -.


VALUE! . ,

or Dark W alnut , , iit« CHEViioi

nd b*nfh T l .tui and coll .prlnn

IKi CHEVnOt,r.ld^ *-**'a f c 'i J - s x T a V i i ' s -

aoBdllloaTOE BROW N.--------- -im -cuE vno irURE-COMPANY . ___ C.W»T_

—— ' ' . IKI D O D cn) A N D M U SIC ■“K>1 u..d pi.n=. I l» . 8M »«*

rrWrT ' ll.n., "M.I1. c tln . '

bu. drlui. BCtordloa'for " flsiIlWila U.W. iwltch*. Fboaa CASH—01

JNTNO k REPAiniNO G L E N .,: ; g » ^ ' ; r y V 5 „ ' r i c h e v r o

' Saurdar Aft

W AND USEID ' . , ,o s r r t m - r a 3 .T -------- T R U C K S !

nd,4 finuhr. tn thooi. ' '*}* Ji,'!’ „',Yrldmr rrnUl purrS... pl.iu' , W ;,Monmuih.r E 3 .M U S ic .c c rt - r ------- - - -7F- rhon. tu t QT

-------------------------------- ' U S E I-------------------------- — 1 IMT ijrrtiiNAr r RAVE 11 M

llECO.SniTlONED »»•* —riANQii IHT rr.DniAi

rom. All uocondlll.BtHr aiU _ _I M f 'l l l 'f i i ■“ h.lilJ;'l*n'!;L'!?i:iri?=a , T R U (up“"‘r*rni.Vu'a.'’lol w l i SE !

u d e ’M i o w n --------------Si F U R N IT U R E • ~

rls Fatt.. Idat* ^-------- 1 M cVl

LAL-SEK.V JLES — ................ ...iiinf, rtjltrx Supply. pboB.- _-tlli. Idaho, ___ TrUCK!

3 § I 0 N A L _ : Jy p V w

■ umlldlnt. Ph»a. » U ._ „„l„,

C & DEGOHArj.VG 1141 lKTF.nN<“ ,' Dr.t-w.' I'h.in. im .M. cempl.Uli.'C & ii£A17.VC Tt »nd llir., I'hnn. ««». j , „ dqpce !:/lATiO.V SERVICE . '

\TFAIS----------- ----------- -- . -mmial.li,nd .m l» m n .W .-Bb,r. » "

.v f l/J .v D s ' ’.~ .

WaUr Sarrlth I'boa. i l i .

H f #

iL S E R V IC E S T R U C K S AI'cUninf. r . In l in i .W BAI.CO HPori.-n.BIcl.iB.t*. rboa. JIIW . IW. ».■ horih______ :________ ___ COMI-LETt .totarn«T.i«4. E>moa M.V w»l tr.ll.r. » in t>«B< Amoi. taullta uupeaJ < u 7 ^ —E S i IM OUT u .lltr heS.r^ra ri C l '°C*l|!^*

? lV '’o‘r.d“»'‘’'«i?rpm?Ii; tllAII,Ull HOMeI . . v PI,I.

^ eb.ndli. w x.il.and E X P E R T .1

E RV ICE--------------- — A tJTO S-1

r .r.o ,- ..tok ira ..O »ir;j;V,». w.t.r bi.t.ra , , , , oLOSUOlllI.ilatukal .spllaaci*. N..I tn OM H>

IIU bOOCEt^D ER SO N CO. i» m : a C E D E P T . * ‘’ " ii.« '.“ ' m«hV. moKi m

■ '■ ' ■ -' 1H7 HUDSON ».p— ■ ' oondilloa. A.lu.l

^ r a R SA L E a . . r . a . “ "•■ ■— .llil

C H E V R O L E T Vt° h1.j°j

' T i s T r - b a r ;AKER Carmnindrr .Isb•irdrlTfc cllo.tlini low U S K l

, 'igil'ro.MTlAC' ILET 4-door lad.a. r.dl Stintin _______l l l l l brdrttnall.

]«<! rOXTIAC i«i.B. radio, hi.tar, *»• radio. hMtnnptlon.llr eliia. m .l le ___• f . _ R^DEDAI

" i i r r o i m A c ;.«l.n, radi

)LET Woor iidia. »>rilr*mail«.t l eoT.rt _____ 11:11 !l<l rONTIAC

coup». radI)Til CoB..mbl. tlob^ l l i l CHEVnOI.____________ ______ _____Uultr.Uri>LCT .>1.0. boatc j , „ POjmAC^

d.^.L"?'*’— —■EH Clab coup., l l i l TO ^A O

. , , , MERCUriTRt J.doOT .«llB ----- eu

b a r n .S'pic‘l.1 «-ft*rr ..^ tuIJJI CADILLAC 1

U S E D . . . . c i t i d A

- —....... ............................................. rbiUTU X-door .rita. Ca­ll/ eUiB. llitl.r —liU _ . _

IC K U P S ~_ • , D O N 'T GUUa wllb itscb rxk. full?

| - r . r i ! ! : l l ! ! L i , m DC

H-lOB pickspi «4P**dii^ai atalCT. da. „ . „----------------------U til S e e T

ilck-op __________ 19)1

" S E

OLET 'i.laa slckuo-IHI U SE

niucK s^^^^^^------------------------- —OLE? J-toai Sip..dIi r,bb.r la ..l _ l im ^ j ^ L £3LET.-Cabaf«r, 1 . le*.. _______diIro.).r, .itill.st

• d r|.°r *.l«

------------------------ *"* ■« CTIEVRO)NATIONAL 1 loB «imbU C'ob coup.:riJa-aBd«t«di it.li.^«»»r • “ i

•47 CHEVROl r o. t Cl*4 Cm • |.«00Tat^ti.GUAO riVAKCWO ?o‘w°m*l»a»l

I G. JE N K IN S ■« ' O L E T G A R A G E j S . f i

k f ta re ^ aad Satdtn ■ '^7 NABH

— ip< ‘'lil.°"*' ' ~ A N b T R A IL E R S " ua f o r d v .ER^ATIONAL.^1 ihip.. ' «w*!

lii:---------------------------- *47 NASH— —T- __ AmltrMiilot

J trA E IT Y -------------- - , - . r , r d r l r . . -

DD T R U C K S '*■ r ° P „Luitom V.NATIONAL I log lU U o>rr<Irl«.. J csaeitlea, ItAM-------- ----- «r.uai.-ll.C

AL l i B. UpMd . • « FORD_______________lion Cu.lotn I, 4

t x ° ' ! ! ! ! ± ^ l_ i4 o aJC K S A L E S '^*Al®.” dorE R V IC E CO.I lad A.a a. -U PONTIAC

Sadan rout--- -- ~ I ■. »alu. prki.

i ^ Y ’S , IN C . ’ ■

- .-U w d ----------------- . ...

k . i P i c k . u p . ,RO AVE.’ .w n rr «<> ro- • ___ • ■31 HUDSON’ ICK -'tJPS .................

• / - -ajFO R D ••r . | . --------------IIOJJ.M

'a .w “rubbi'r'!l.'-l'io"».eO CRIHATIOHAi;-»t loa. 4-.P«td P|-]

NATIONAL H l»». l-.fr«d “iiA-STT o tii rn

NATIONAL H lon. n.olnr MAKE.Ir orirh.ut»i .. .i:i;.M. WE-LL C

T R U C K S, ston. »-.p,rH tu n . . ' W IL L S ’ _______ im s .o em: jojNATIONAL li; t=B. u:

III., :S.CH ron-.lictT-.,, . IH M M .,____________ufjft.*^..pcid"'.lrr!'"^ USC'.itbtul.d-------- lUtO.OO THU

J;e v 'S , i n c . ' ■■ ■

r.----------------------------- a o t T O

* N D T R A IL E R S ' .. . LII. ■... T R A N S P '

“ K 'v e ; ;

houii fuUr rqulppH >IUi

«T M t-i .i. ---- 41 FOHl) d^al «o‘■•''•A"’" ''." . IW'- 4T FOnO todor. I

il' U-lhi r"i’rt?-4r»l7 ' -*T-MW>80M.tai»il. U l I'hc'br.odi piouci it CHEVnOLET

k” i DODCt lodor.t.OO »A.d, J,?~tXJR~SAXE ~‘ T nm cSoW Wr

' il ciiEvnoLETII.i; c. K..1 urcln. iO FORD Itidor _Kl>. B.r»'ro.ni. ri!.r. ,» roRO fordor

TihUr. Good bur. noa. „ pLiiOUTll iQ„ . .;un"t,.cd r.inl"loT •» ClIEVnOLET^ •u t'i 'f 'jrri '.’;- OTHERS 150.

c o mVal Fh« r.lala. DUocIm___________ _ . , - 41 CIIEVKOLET

'" " i J 41 IXTERNATIOlitloti" Fo i^.‘ Vr liVifa »’ CllEVnOLETor »ulb «{ Ea.1 r iii 41 FOOD aUki .

J ____________ 11 FOIID l \ i -11


S N A R D ’S ■ ■'“ ■•"■ n

!D C A R S 'c~cKi;<iiri—r 'f . 'S iT ’ ...........•dlo. tiMl.r.

.C ChI.llaIn I I.dooi. C]" H e . '- .* :_____ II.U E X P E CIAKERCon.»tBd«.ri.a. '***/•,^ . r , orrrdrl?.. ,,"* —— ... ........... roor tnr llm

p s - ' '

,C Torp.do ( dilat. .«!.nkilo, h . t t . r -------- IliiS in—TODAYI

^d'iT'h..^«’it« 1* UNCOLN 1a ,« .-------:--------- m il . ------ S X w ",C_ Slr**wllB.r I IHI rO E D J.i.

aa«k aaat apMiu. Mtl ----- «|da llm -nd tindrtro.1------HIM „ j , plymOUTlO Torr>.do I ..diB. rtdb.------.. . lie«l In r .adio. hiitCT, *'

------------------- SPI

fA R D A U T O ; : : «rbona 1«< KJfTIAC So »obo

) C A R LO T.At.. E . a n U tlS U JL -

[•boB. ii:i.w „ „ J:*,t?rYBLE!(Ood. anr

_______ JfDDr.L A la flt


DON’T GAMBLE!]|1 Main At..

-Oar rrtaalMThe Display L _ — ^ _

O FE L E C T ” ■ iE D C A R S ;

A t - R


_______.«l.n.--- ullramttl. ---- ------IM nllM. SU


w mllv.ra.OLET . *1245dtn.- Two tot. ih l..- • - .wllli CllauJ hraUr. .no .lior, Orerdrlr. .

• ' I1SD5- « o studeoa;i]oxr i.diBj rtdlo, wllh Cllma:uW drlr.. rcrr Orwdrlr. .

$1343 IKI rLTMOUl « n V 'ilM r'n ita

v - : r ---------------- ^].. radio. h»tt»r. lIkt-............. ........ • -----

tim *Jn ltT .______ -tiy(‘rOBD-V+

V... w ™ " ". M.,10 air bcttln*l.caa-mll«.------ ---------- (itUDEOA

. $141)3 8*^« —, 4-door .Klas..l.r. clean. „(c BTUDEDA

1585 —Ior 4K}oor ikl.n.d hitler. , t i t rORD V-I <0 1705lup., radio. hMl«T. 1917 CIIEVROLBl. A ila . cat- _. . o a . O.aa

Dooibi h:OLCT . ICSJlKl-nk.11/ n i l CHEVROL

)UTK ........ . $550 ‘liu'nrreiLVAt i i f . t i t i r . rick.«p _

IN tiM n i l roRO.-sria a .-V .n 'M i......... ......................................------- . ----------- - $ 3J5- - im r o n n s a dBl anil' claaa.


j n t snosoKrn s TO CHOOSE from:EUS a n OFFER „41 TORO l\

CO FROM THERE | t*v jjrf


T W I3cd C a r L o t M O T O ]t UCK LANE W. _ wriMt;-.

NASni ■ ON ■

FA G E ~ F iriX E If.. M

9-^'OR 9ALB “ Bitor Hdta. X u i^aan ifk l '


o v e r ' .i ;! .ADiSAV i;.. . . ___[ f t

■r. II,C«4 n lla _I11U.M 1 1


lor __________ l l « «E T.oap.______UII.M ah '

j^r- z z i - l i S I

ET to7o; ------Z llU .n yI50JXI AND DP . . . { 1

[MERCLiLS ' yET H loa llckop IIOTIJO I nONAL M £ ip _ im M ■ ET V, pltkop---- lia.00 V

MAN t YOUNG %Lei JJI.W I t ’



rd *b.**U B

J'^uUalac^a. ‘‘h /M f lI «o parta and Ubor ■ITT ^OatraaW |P

i^ear avlaii.' Varv <1** — it]tollMi. ______1111144 ' |9

Soprt W^Woor (.daa, |4 .

UTT! D.lo>. l-paM. M m 9

r af"!l^L !!2 t_5 iu .<e

IPECIALSUTH l«lo«r tadaiu Kt«Id m l <«>4rt ___ m iMOLET t-door aadaa. Wora

BpKlal 4.d0CT a ^ Hiw Bolor food --------- JUl.Ofllity j . — -----LER «.daor aadaa. Eom'rr batlarr ______tlOOMf r r . - J ln b a a f lM - ^ ,^


INC.r.. et<i rboa. m y rilu Ij Y«r SaUtfaeOas

J M P A R -B -


___ C __________E

____ ] _ J . . . . . ..

^ . t Coitea) i-raiaaa«« wllii Radio, HaaUT and

DAKta Cbanploa d-Dae*Iltaaliur aad ____ i __

OAKER Cfcamalot) t.S«er ImatluT. Radla aad r . ___________ I1IU.04

)UTK ap.elal S.liaa 4- uw unMf.1 — itu a .« ;

lN-ColBB6d«l»'f----------- - -

V+tMorO»WT=^»4*M*- ----

:OAKEa Cb.aiploa-------- ---

lOAEES Caarauadn

V-I Diloii Tudor —MIS.00

lOLET Coop. (Had 0«lj»a«.SdflJa Wa................ .

H) tiU M

lOLsr Sodta____ im.eo

^A T O H lL H Ti*” '- '

Sada.---------------- »« .« _ _ j

lAO Sadaa ------------HO.M , |

M aa IA Om « '


I UV Toa' T«di wlli- I.d --------------------« « .«

D - I - c - k F - i - r - s - t :

*T. tb. Dlffcnac.

I N F A L L S - - o r ' - c o T i T r c r "

t-or-aruLEBAKE*____ _____N TRUCX 'LAire' '

V P A O B s m x E h

L a c k l E I K ^ B F ac to r in

S i , B one B reai' XTNTVERsrry o p id a h o . u

J> |i caw. May I l-T h e <Jre#<Jfd bro IpU bon « which eaiuc sgfd persons '

told »unerliw mny be broken bel th# fall to which the trouble J» li

I M • The falUns bone may be the eaI H -------of .the fall-tnlher.thJD the fall bfH B Ihe MUse or IhTTjrol[fin»tj>rc

H M are o l t o the real came of n I H trouble.• n “flo m acy ef u« <to net rcallM b■ I I Important It U to keep u(I I I good body reaerre of calcliun to bti

and rfbulld our bonn all th ro^

J l , nutrlUonbt for the University “ ‘i j , . Idaho. polnU out.f . S . L*t« DUeoTtryi . j : "BomrtJniea tb dlKorer the t' ! ? ’ . fldeney too late. W» are leaml

tha t It la much easier to keep e * 'M ; calcium rcier»e a t a hish level th L ': It is to build It up aeain once t t y . ' Jow d a n trr level Is rtactird."W l M lu Kaberly u id Auuiy people ■ C , the last few yean have begun I B show eoDcen about the need 1 H I more calcium lo Lhe bodies of j M l ase croups fmm-toddlers to gnw [!•' parents.[ h i She gave the high tchool gtrlj l r l ' the one group most likely to fi i l l I ahort of calcium and then explain ''><1 th a t is 1> probably throURh (ear

J gaining welRht that the girls of tt: I age fall to drink m llk-thc one he

source of this Important mlnen ' C e n tm t for Bey* '

Lg------------Slgb-«choot~boyi. co the oth|K --------h a n d r« ” W“ni» 'I'TgB' (jutntltles:111] milk to carry bn athletics and oth |U < strenuous actlTltlea and sports.| r Pregnant women are the ne:I n I group th a t suffen (rom the lack i l | | ! emldun. 1iU i ' ^ e l r doctor* put these ezpei

tan t m othen on a good milk ratio:' hut An

' m I dum when Uiey bcgln'their“ p rn Dancy.” Miss Ilaberly pointed out.

m l ‘ e n It Is hard for them to a.- . ilmllata enough calcium to meet til

needa of the developing child a t th ‘‘ I ! aame time tha t they keep up th

demands ot their own bodlee."

Gooding 5 Candidates ListetL |l OOODINO. May 11-P rlnc ip i

lU lph Vlllera has released the n/unt '|. of 1D50 candidates for gradunllo

ll' from Ooodlng high school as (ol In low-t:l i ; R lU Jean Astorqula, Gloria Bcrrli■ " ' Helen Blaekmer. Ann Burch, Elaln ^ Christensen. Jane Copeey, MarRarn ........ e t DlrelhUs. Margie Poulkner. UuUn Prance. Delores Golcoethea, RosI| i -------Olocoeche»n^lary LouIsb' HandoriM June Karklne, &(arJorls Henry,H ' ' ■ Elaine Irerson, ^^a^r^ret Johann I I ten. fl*lly Kramer, Autlrey Le»li

____ P«t Lllh. elfin DiinlfU , I^vt -------- IngT-Martyn McLauBhlinr-Mannire■X-. - McLeod. Prances Mlddletworth, Ver .^1 da Mink. Leatlm Prince, Mary Jeai 41 nobenson. Bonnie Itoyie, Edn;

Smith. OenUdlne Stephens, LcOn , Thacker, Donna Van Dom. Rosclli

Warrtngton. Clara Jean White. Egbert Beall, Harvey BIckrtI

. . . • lUchard Blank, Jeriy Dr^'an, Johi ' ' Paulkner, Edward Hanson, Ar

Scnrj-, Harold Jacobs. Chris Krahn Paul Koonee, Rodney Ijeeper, La' Veme McOhee, Ruiiell Robinson Bryon Roy, Oeorgo Sehara, JaeJ Tbomspon, Don Wade.

There are 33 girls and-17-boyi ------ on -the-lljro f-fm d tin tM .--------------

^ Officers Chosen ■■■ EDEN, May 11-New officers ol

the Lions club are Larry Martin, president; Ivan Darr, vico iircsl-

( dent; M. N. Wolter, aecretary: Earl-------Wllllnm* o n ^ r r « l Young, directors:

l l nugh 'C rork, tAirtwlster, and ElUj■ I Shawver, Lion tamer. Appointive k o f(lee rt-w llt-b«-announert-a t-lh«

■ next meeting. ! _

N o w a t \


.-------- ls“Now iV ■


I • S i l v e r p l a t e d o n 'h i g h -^ -----------e s t . q n a l i t y l S V c n ic k e l ,; ; r - - - s i l v c r b a s c , a n d b e a u -i; t i f u l l y - f i n i s h e d . - -1 ■ ■.......................................................I


: T e a s p o o n s ...........

J jD c s f i c v t .o r .< i i3 i ( i £ m s i—S o u p S p o o n s ......................

- R o u n d B o xv l Soup . S p o o

■ K n iv e s — w i th s i lv e r p la tc S t e e l ....... :......................................

i i r c f f l n i ].......... I ■

t - Rodeo-Apfa T w r r ^i k s

ui>s- i S ^ a a f e » - S l W rbroken ini un- before

Is laid.) eauM Ibelns

r such

Mhow' - . ’3 build ^ trough,

lalned ------- i...--------------------- _ear o A oete ef past days will be bnr thi.i this Uam of cl|ht horK* brief t, hejt M n. Rlley lllll. Castleford. Hillneral. team prevlouily. The horiei ar

Other attrsclfoB* are planned,other * * *

""" RbdeTTBoafd Events, Para

BOnL. May l l-P la n s for , tJiree-diJMIon parade Rl£h prJj

76i^l«ffTM.<r-entmitfl-ln-rocli-i Jt vlalon were mapiwd a t a meetL 5 'ft.,, of the Buhl rodeo boanl Tuesd. ( the evening. Tlic event Lf scheduled Ju: t th* IS. 10 and 17.I the H ie first dlvlilon was planned

c on ilit of floats, Cou-boys and co< ______Blrh would be e;itered In the secot

! . .dlvUldn’ and children in IKe juni .division. Prlxes totaling $UI will :

. J awarded.lvM ...ThB.boardftU oK tA purse.of»l clpal 600 (or the three-day rodeo's Jl unes m ain events, bulldogglng. caU ro) lllon lng, two divisions o( bronc rldli

fol- and brahm a bull riding. Entry fc will b« added to Uie purse,

j^n,; Orgflnliatlons tleslrlng locnllons . •Bar-iluth rafR ^ n en ta -fo r space within -11 ^ l e next week. A dlngrani ot tl dorf, ffround* Tlfls been plnccd -In -rodi r, --------- ------------------------------------

S State Regulation^ ?;;; “ G ited-by ScKooJean PlLER, May 11-Schools of cla U na A district <13 will observe rule* c sOra wblUhcd by tlie «tAte board o( edi sella cation regarding scliool entram

age rcqulrctncnta. Supt. C. E. Mi krtt, Ertrmld announced today.

The sta te ruling stlpiiliiles « Chi musL have nttalned Uie age of yenr* Sy'nildnlghl of next OcL : to be eligible to enter school nc;

Jack Tlie dUtrlcf* board also has rule l)oy» xludenls entering, school J i----- the-first-timc-ncxrfnll'ghOUldlia^

n bIrUi cerUflMte with them t , time oi pnrolllnff.

[ The board has made no declslo , on bld.t BiibmlUed (or one OO-pu

aengcr bu.v Cjl. lit other nctloni Uie board has r< Earl Islred nil cu.'itodlaM (or Uie comln ors: “ h_ool year and h is scl May S3 (c aUj ft special elecUon for setting the ia live le\7 (or the coming school year,the . . _________________ ______


SCHUBACIyou can have the


piste Is. ■ la. i.1.......E a . 1 5 c

T a b ic OT. ... L 'a . 1 0 c - Im lr ’S a l 'o o n s...,1 9 c . Forku

i t e d a iu l h ladcs o f ;i


)pearance.S lated_

> , ■■■

r brooiht’to tb o S n b l redee Bexl nonlh af trained by lU cbw d IHU, m b o( Mr. a Hill has tra ined and worked en a IZ-boi I are Mrrells w ith white m a o n aod ta. i. (SU(f «?gr*riB f)_____________» « » •

3[ S e ts ' F i ^ M a i n lade, $ 1 ,5 0 0 Pui-sFor a headquarie ri and the Cary bar) priua eltop.h - d i- — Prvgrujng forH he iwlw will eetlng of tlie brochure type and wllIJ lesday turo rodeo pictures, Uie board lJune clded,

Jack Lewlj.wa.1 named chaira led to rodeo arrangements comncow. ***• Othei" members are Harold E

ecoDd Aldrich. O. 11. Olbeon ijunior "R alph 'S titm er:.|11 i,g Mrs.- C.-D. Borlns will be In cha

of the queen contcst arrangemei Com mittee membera aro Dr. P.

' ' *}•' KalluBky, -Mrs,- Mark -Oramer,- i. » live Cram er. Mra. Wayne Wrlglit j

Mrs. V cm on Patch, riding __________________

Pep Club Closes r:-‘ Year’s Meetinf' ■ T he Pep ilub 'bfTs,-ln Falls h

sdiool held* lls laal meeUng o( year I 'ucaday In iho"HlKirsch auditorium , "nie new pre.ilde

, N athnlle Rob'ert-'on, w aa'la chaj I 11 was decided Uie mcmb— |- would-Klve-the out-golng preside U O I B c\-erlr- Alger,--an-lrtentlflcftt

, , bracelet w lih .her namo and i .. — which ahe served Inicrll

on I tI t wti3 decided alio Uiat all I

, , club members having unlfor would a itend Uio first (ootl

, ,, , gome n e x t fall in ft group. TJie fl o n Ramc will be played before i

.® 'j5 school opens.____________

O N LY »500 Down

n‘“a t S J0.89 A MONTH n U Y S A NEW

19S 0 FORDJ re- f o r a Demonjtfallon, SEEmlng ^ n m I r c lnnti'a ___

otAx U nion Motors: _______ M am _nl ThlrA N .____

' H J e w e lry ^ ^hose

G E S ^lit

U : J

m e i n " . . .

: excellent quality of low priced illver- ; la scarce. Sec it whll# our stock

: o r S e r v in g S p o o n s . .E a \ 2 4 c ^a la d o r P o s i r y•A-s ................. .................... E a . 2 1 c -

f v iir r o r - f in i . 'ih e d S la in k a a ............................ -................... e a ^ 2 7 c .

V I N T w T n F A L L S j

— T IM E S ^ E W S .'

] Declo Trip s a n i Visits Are List

^ ^ 3 DEOLO, Uay 11-Btanley Vail It VlslUng his parenu. U r. a n d :

f l S S C. W. Vftllette, and family. Be ■OTSa spent the past year atlendln |g g ! H radio Khool a t Pt. Monno

N .J .J f a . - j Floyd Oslerhout has re tunei

Cajdwcll after vblUng his mot Osterhout. and his th

' Mrs. Ralph Jlbson and family. Mr*. Joe Isaacson, Malad.


onyi Tisuliig aIt. u ja aits, u Lewis. The women are cotuloi

M u to Mra. LewU. a S ” Mr: a n d " l f r i . - W a l t« Baf I H K Aberdeen, and Mr. and !>lrs. Ne H 0 | Cook. Pocatello, spent a day i

Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Plsher.

from Cailfomia where she Tis relative]. „

| K wr a i

Bih by ‘1 \Ei/ Rl^ ;i w IffliS

barber- r '

wiU-br ........... •-----------llU e a. ? .■rd de- );•' B ' <

airman " ^ - '' ' • '/ f3miiUt- v b mIdDlal,n and ____^charge “ t ’ F /ments. 1 I X ■ i- ^. P. A, [ i /r.-Mrs. ----- \lit and •• !


ngs i;:i Y r ^ f l E >Is high i ,1 fot the ______ V ' -------school • ■ I \ j I-ildent, ! I _____ V - - -• ^:har([e. Hembers : ■ ^aldent,- ------------------- h ------------------^Icatlcn .......... - - t tr-id tho :• , I '«rlbcd :• . I ^ .

ill Pep ■> / ? •ilfonns ' V '^ ' ^

VleflMl V .a UlB 1.' ‘T '. '." ,

— - V]— P re aen t-h e r-T ^ T th -n ;j I o n s — b e c a u s e l i k e a

!;• ] w o m e n s h e a l w a j

I ;• j n e e d s t w o m o r e p a i r

— S e e o u r S u m m e r to n e

— — g r o u p , - a i l - p e r f e c t - a n

' r ' j f u l l f a s h i o n e d , w i t

— r - ; n e w h e e l a n d s e a m i i

ir;,l - t c r e s t . - A l l w e i g h t

T'- f r o m s h e e r to sh e e ]

— . '- > ~ e s h --------------------------------

: j

- +

r ^

J s - i d a l

, TW IN J 'A E E S r m ia O -

L G S 5 ^'a lletto WV-Ono cf the teachen her fl t j j« moTtng to Nevada "to get aj - i i u rrom u ia v u io n .? :- -------Iln- , Supenrlaln* Principal Roy tnouUi.

^ Uon last n ight one of hU teaned to *™ >• because allla lher ^ ‘'■*''1'' b o ^ * ^^ T o rousa them out o f U

i.iiM-M 4 liifll iu tL klnlim »r t ‘ t a f li minutes.’’

ta i o( He aaid ahe picked Nevada, . ..— -causa.itha- alala—U-turTOUBI w e s by BWUnUOna and i n i be a 1Newell u n « before television geta thef w ith ___________________________,

cnnna' - N a lla - ra n ge fran>- l M noh- Tlslted spikes to fine needle-Ilke ptns

, 3/ieUi o( an Inch In length.

ember Iflier'sfits Wrapp

& i

I ' a ^ {

rry^ . m - - %

I a l l f /

a y s — — § /

i r s . I /

n e d . “ f . / a n d -----------------^ 1 — f — ;-------------

.’i t h f Ii n - J —

f i t s -------------------------------------------

^ ^ J Q ]


£ i- /•>


_____ M O R E L OJ : ^ f •IjIou.'^c. 1

--------- ^

' "

T /

t e B e

~ ] | Hailey’s Primarj [ayir C o n f e r e n € e - H <

HAILEY. May. 11-T1«> prU coofertoce of m e Hailey LDS ;

w w was buUl around the tneme Ye Shall Teach Your C hlldrt

eaSi- Pi»y,“ p r e s e n ^1 but Isfge audience Sunday night.vision Each o( the 10 classes In the i«hoot mary gave readings, poem*, drt

tliaUons or musle to detaU Ujflf Lofd-i prayer and In appUcaUo

«myd»y:dHe.Jd tfc^a w ^ amLn jto do_ J?!?.

by a prlmnrj' guide,- David Pa ^ **' son and'BlslioP Alvin J . Schos

Sirs. Ralph A ndenon, prli PTfjldent, w u the director. Hhe ajilJMd t>y her counselor*.

----- ' Jock Allred and Mr*. M ark Pai-b o a t «nn. Mrs. Clarence A lltcd WM C TS only Uier and Mr*. i'nltirSoini."itrtSi



^ D c i j!)ed Free..

W o t U L e

P | - , | |

For Shecrness For Wear

— — For Color--------

. Choose F rom _ . 6 Famous Brands

• M u n s in g \v e a r

^ • • B e l le -S i ia rm e e r

\ • .C in d e re lla

, V n • K a y s e r

\ A • N o-M end

\ • N olde

)IN Our Hosiery Gluby ..l2 .p a ir3 .a n d .r lc e iv e 1 p a i r ___;E E !

W m H

America's Finest

BLOUSEO V E . . . A m e ria i’s f i n c f l t H and iletuilcd , . . fit.'! b c n u - .

-L o re ty ti.ssi!o--£aillt*fl in ~ p ln k o r w hite . M o llier w ill love tiiia l)!ouHC..'a\I.^o,-mnny o t h r r ' b louses by J lo ro lo v o .to c h o o se f ro m . _ -


^ p a r t m- O F T W I N F A T .r .R

I f I i Isn't Riglil, Hrinff I t J l

I .

^ T - p ^ ' d e n t ' r a m T a e i r

t e l d.riaary daughter of Raymond P. Henry 3 ^ o n r o ( nine University ot V , -And girl* In a choral group w h k ^ . n a to peared a t Use Rotaiy d to a dbtrlet nseeUng In Pocatello Tu L day. •• . . . .L. Miss Henry was graduated fl?® 5,. Eden high school In IMS and Is

Uve In severaJ campus grows a t Salt Late City »chool. • Bh* , li

______________________pening . .■ u r u n ygp^ r!

Patur- PAUL Moy Il-A ltcndlng fun« low. servicer for Ben Allen were Mr. i rlmaiT Mr*. Pred MarahaU and B «t; he *as Mrs. Elvln Cook, HasUnn. Nel . Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. Clarente AUen « Patter- Dill Allen, all OalnsworUi, Wear.

S ' -irrtiana '-has^aboiit-if mUWtnjage on Lake Michigan.________

With a ]

. .ready fo- T C L m :

DRESSESJ u s t a r r i v e d '. , . th c sa

_______B m srt dro»*CB-in-prao-..... ....• - ticn l, lonf? - w carinfr

nylon . In w h ite s nnd_ paste l. B h a d c s .o f.p in k ,-------

yellow nnd b lue . Gold b u tto n tr im . Snddle

- b a g p o c k e ts . S izes 9 t o ’IS,

17-95 ,___________ G i f t /

W ra p p e d L

F r e e j ; ^



A P a i r of

FLORSHE. . . A s m a r t , p r a c / ie < j

“ “ ‘ ‘ E M y S I i p p

. A brand new. style . . . 'so lad . . . so lovely ore tlicse custon tailed chors tjy Plonheltn. No der they're the most walked shoes In America. -Don't woi

"ftbo iirthe s lit—w eil’B iad iyex-' dianK# It ftfttr l l o t h e r ' a ^

-Day (or the conrc t alie. A

------------- si£H --------------: / f l5 ’/:> T o 10

A A A A T o B

\ _______________ G i f t W r a i

F rc .< i1rl-pound" 'B bxcT o f D cM e t's T u r t le s . . delicious cn raT iie l 'cov -' e red p ecans d ipped in dliocolflto. . • ' I 'C T r t - I* B ox....... . ^ . . . . ' l . D U S

W r a p p e d \F r e e '

LADIES’'COTIClerer r m stjlcsrin Cotton BalU; In prInU or p.v.teli. ALio Pos CrepcJ. SIre.i 32 to «.•._!______

G i f t W r a p

l e n t S ; - - - ---

T g u n f lD A TH tr


itlonal <■“ llvfiioek

wednesdiy. lS S . '


O- Anderaa «

1 u ia ThU i n u i T S j te . to th ta , i h c f S ;

. Count;_Ai m a j . i

»tMby brttden-f.'^

giftoii Y, MAY 14]or givin


EIM SHOES-cal g i ft for Hollm^

1lady-llkelom, de- ' A

- / - > d about / /

^ H ^ p jr JU

apped F re e ____^

2 . 9 8 - ^ 3 . 5

ipped Free

. t o r e--

K v MAY-»> 1 9 ^

l P * ^ ^ x ^ l i S 3 S i S

MBS. LENA ANNA MAEIA ANDBE bihovn wllh her SW-yf«-oia rlaUn InJhU itT M tire-C eriM nyrS lifU lliB iri/i of i luft cacnrlnx)

Je 'flu*eat” ls M que Rupert Cai’eerDA E. CARLSON In ths MoonhetilUy J l- s t i e h u play- plUO.2i inUisnarBWt-muslo —Alr-.lhe-samft.U

Knuuiy antJ U w haa her mualc under-: {nr Indlanj around a coneert-maslcr c

Itl to the mountalni d jru id opera, anc *■-01 • Honduraa—Lena tytutfl teacher. £ I Andrt*. violinist and opera imd ijrop l

nlgbt and (oured cr third' career, ba Mrs. conducton mch e t a , she la a true help* Btrausi.(!rroul church w rker, Manr^elm wa

6» pMtor of the Evan- ----------------------Rjfcmed church imd ■*” “aB «re» IW rm ____ _ / V l , D e | )

; ‘a K f i s s :

It itre«t peddler* VDuUl D D lA O C rJ Lii.»ladow-to-iUt«a-U — f l < W F Oi iHt of a Rood mualclan,I h« lhat qualification.UK »ho “d o n t under-cEl like" cla-ulcal muslo, -o 'jm t can 't ctand* thebOni never haa (ailedX udJences Bp«Ubound A t 0 " t 6 a ^ ,

ueepanlst, Mrs. Jameji t lh» wife of a mln- XlV .I b st vhea she first ^ with th is -g ifted W B P m H t rould forget (o play £ j | n B ^ n b Jh rm a tch le an n u ite -----

a bfRtin her violin les- u t of S under a gnnd

(ram a grand opera •lit pMycd k t« r. Her B l j U ^ A n

unhUni. Ccnnany, w u BulcUuu constantly.(imUr Itnd been Irslned It chlldtiood. An uncle cf U m Mid s cm>!tln~lr iK uetor of the Munich

*tnt to Vienna to stud/ sfimous conductor who W S » y 1K - . BocM 'cli during a tour d Staltj.I Ister occurred «h st t u neat break of her U‘ec«npellcd“ to rttu rc i>£]atr molher became par- . CiJtr M studied to b* ft nurea T lM a i to 'Ccm

' f " ' Cheddar cheeie flavor goodneM^ftlQ l.._ .aU p ,.< ru „d 7 - ,n » ck tjff lt- -----f th e e .to s a re ta jty -ff tsh becauie ft »Ejcijlly_packaBed. «H>-m)Unjr»-_- . - ‘ wg. T reat y o u r lo lk i lo iH e 'd e d : ‘ ® «se flavor goodneu of a e M o i , / u n d n ^ ^ e i, w acki. favoriie bever- / 1

- Chee.JOj. . . u jty - fidbiu Tvlih / J j i d i t tlice« -ll.> -o r..;now a r y i u r / -;-

.Sea^ Jj|ddar Cheese 1r J |

M r y T i T ,

Eothcr KS^musmlertj there—bi Recer_ In th« ri SDe' ihoTCd thealcr before a UOQ during Wor)

Children Mi musle frem family t u «hlcli had beer Of yean by the cl

l a 1920 aha ». slonar>- and for traveled througl ed and she" aasi

^ ^ ^ I g S g m a m wllh her Tlolln ^Ir.—Andro-foe

E>'an«eUcal 6>t f , Before cclng t<

Mr. Artdm-vas >n Msrshlitld, v played orer thi tmulc. Thrynp< fle!d,-'iituilylng' Mrs. AndrM a nainer"*7fie~Bri

Durliu; h r r ' l terlor of llondui kept btuy as n n

native], Sh every minute o!

«■ ; • ' . ; - With no docl‘J r ^ s » w high mortality r

IHEu12'.^^«QB8 B B " cxtxtmely gmte: ■ b B |H |b | D ^ ^ I B could give ihem.

"inether." Aa s them, th e dbcoi needs,- and,-on furloughs to new co'urecA.

Mrs. Andrea si was godmother

primitive i Icnew no fear i they seemed to tire vas lo help


j H H B H n M H j vale tutors. As had Inherited .aheemphnllcnll:

IBE3 given every orhU p itlare.nW ch WM their Inherent at the B «r. Frederla tumed to paint

walls a ttesl to. tt » It oldrat

F t i i i n T I " H i t 'irom hleh #ehd Lc 1 6 Q D y if a clever eai

• ' ried and Is er

M’ W o m a n

».tlmc..flh9_Contlnued ^ r h M i ler-Blerklgt of Prahc-e7r of the M annheim ‘f,and became hla *ub- ” f “ •. £ b e played In grandiaphoiiy orchestras a t attoa-and-lila-*red wllh wprld famous H'* >Jl as Furtw anglcr and den t n t the Ac

In PliUadelpliljwas a tradlOon In h e r by Olaf ^

^m eH B T Qa n d

J twkeas

ovnc* fo r c


B u y a C aPErBt'-COLA DOTTLIXC Co! OP TWIK T a>r ■pr«lntBnil from r>P»l-C«U Caopiar. >!eiuitcr-Ssy'. TaeMlay and T huadsy eri

‘ ' ' T I M E S

•e L d lu e r ltsdeStr^J. >Vorld war 1. • worker. Bba elalr.M am iheta heard great their earUe« years. No without a muiic box

>een uaed for hundreds ^ ' “i"ne dUferent leneratloos. ^ IJeforaed i .w as a am ed to a mis- for th# first year lhey '

.ugh Austria. I ^ e c u J : “ | L L n , oaslated In the services I ° . 3lln, I n - i m Uie Rer. f«ccU-Bd-a-calU a-th«

6}-nod of Amrrlea. When aikedhl « to Honduras, the Rer.»-as pastor et a chtmh3, Wb.. and Mn. Andrea Y** ‘^P*:the radio and Uught «"*•sp tn l a year a t Marsh- hours

Jignhc-lu iguk ie rand “ ^ ''h c - c a m H v acquired an Indian . ™ » .versaUle

--------- -xlectiTtr-lm-nrB■ r'li years la th e 'la - » h . m ,o,iduras. Mrs. Andres was frU Jt Nor the pvCl nurse and uacher for ^ **'’« Joy toShe declares sJis loved e*Presjlon ■

t of her life there. beauUfulloctcrs avalUhle and a ‘“fly rate, ths naUves were P^«'“ m e«U tn■nteful f6r th# help sh# ' -----------lem. They all called her BIRTH A

^co«%a'?h?ir‘d u ™ i

' . . . 2.-Folkm nn.laa; a studied obstetrics and °*ier to all Uia babies In . e area. She aays ah# vr among Uio nsllvcs— 'V'y/y//////Xmif- , to know her Dnly da- lelp them. ■imy, lha four Andres O i/ -

Asked If h tr children I tcd her musical ability, J k ' ^ / ^ ’ v cnllyrepllcd.'No.“Whlle

opportunity In muilc. i>ent firlbllc tendencies alnUng. Pictures on her

to their sueeeas.Irat son, Helmut, waa

ehool In iwo y « r » 's ^ ^eartonLit, H« Is mar- ^engaged ta_enjlneer- . . \ '

ouis. y ' \bom In MtnUleld. U . In a medical Uboralory irbara. Callf. / w P jren were bom In lion- I • ^ y art-bcgan-hU-sludy-ot - I — ob. N. Y„ and-wlU bo - I W j % y y ^ icxt aonUi. nls Darenta iltena^both hla gradu-1 at. Mfn». _9 youngtit, Is a stu- A A W 3 /J Acadcmy of Fins Arts

plila. recommended to |/,uGS<73rf'^ t Moller. nupert artist

PU K " ■ &


) 4 G S J • 'T o m a to 46-Oz.

®f Wefiart purify . -------------------xvq tridcfoodvn trg jr..................>r euT>«« I ________ ^ai;rU-VT«a>gc^ut. W h o le K en

_ _ 12rD z.^.■ - ____ C an --------

« t 6 B i s I .Whole, No,

s o n i f s / f

C a r t o n T o d a y !< rALLfl , V i, , K.W T..k a 3 ^ < Meiealntt oia KIPC P Q * g V M



m r : \

m i m ---------A " TheiT: M-.-- # J ♦ B U H t- f I M l ✓ E rb B rt

/ # /- A - f f J & J ♦B C B L E T —[ / / Beonom' J Barley

. ✓ P i i 'W

-:^:CASTZJCra/ C A M

♦ DEC10--1____ • ,.-CC50-t .../-.Shai.’/

:e s - n e w s , t w i n f a l l s , :

i m R e p u b T i a

ty where Mn. A n d ra ~ N 6 W ~ B lI yean as a social . _Oalm* there never waa A f- T V hmt working wlUi the " * 'of society. WASHINOTONa ne t. Ur. Andres n - RepubUcans firetU to the Evangelical Wednesday a t P^ church- of Rupert, western tr ip /edlately, Mrs. Andres Senator Cain,rae a l Uie Rupert gen- th a t Mr. Trumu;

tend cerecoonlesxnds her nom lnga In aUUatlon ot angsnd teachcs violin and Washington’s On Burley high scliool In

d how she manages to I t ought to be knid» In condlUon lo play c raU dedlcaUon•old AmaU »lolin.-ber “UlpU-D dam”, f■nply, -Constant p rac- 1“ “ »« >)ne-half lo U w and Mr. T r u e ’s fairs depending on th e communists *wl-oevoielo’ ll.-----------------suunnff-C hM ftiUlD litUa woman, who »K>math.-BfoTiuTKen' M n c l i ; ............... ..............) longer cares to b* a n MOVE TO> pubUt B u t ^ e loves jjLIBS May 'to others. Prom h e r r i Z t ^ v i t u L ^

on when playing aome w i^ dJful muile of Uie old ^*'5® V h e re th alao derives much hap -r from, playing. E ™

1 ANNOONCED J OUTBOARMoy n - a g t . and U ra. ♦ • Tuned 1. Centralla, Wash,, ore T • <f a daughter bom May 2 D ¥ m MI a former Jerome .res- } . . . _«31 of Mrs. Heber ToVl- j OppoalU Bos

= i

k y o u t 4*^ uaiwi. •• oun M Mm t* l»fW —«wl— . .- .w o t l w


fj^McwlSe~ ' O F C A N N E D f

III your sfioppfn ba»fc«tT7.^» mirty v

atsup Krar -------- L a rs« No:—L.I.. 19® 2'ACan..Juice CaiT

~ ' Diced, 803 --------- m - S l r e - G l a f l i ^

Cora Aspar: c r n c r ^ ^ n 8 Bi^ndcd Tips

„ - - 1 9 ® ' -p ic n ic -S iif ti.. .

m Beans Pinea'fo, 2 « 9 A t f * ' Sliccd, No.____ -2> /rC an-T nn±

Large, Ju ic y N avel— ■ ' ’ p<

□0K4N G E S “ Z :

Fancy Crisp H ead s— _ p

L E T T U C E . . . 1Juicy Sunklot— , pi

L E M O N ^ . : . . . !

New Crop— --------------------------- p(


\ere’s A n I. G. A , Si•♦ D IE T R I C n -

Brether* V DletHch Merea:

« F IL E E -/ n ie r Meat Caa

lomy Oroerfj ^.GOODING— ley Drl?e-ln _ y J . 0 . Palnlef A

♦ JE B O M B -t r o s i > - ___ — ____ / city MwkrtM Fo«I Serrlee /W -W a y RUrkel

A — - — , - ^ KICHFIELD---------»’J ila rket^ _ ' / Piper’s Market

, I D A H O _______________

cans F ir i^_ 1 » j OAKLEY. U aD r o a d s i a e s " itouents-wm

^ . - OaUey LDS semi

uman Trip ss bJJnidS ^ON, May II ( « — ' -----Ired another round

J ^ d e a t Truman'i.

n. R , Wash], noted 1 k I *iu> waa going to a t - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Mles marking tha tn - 1 I l i ■inoUicr generator a i k I i l i3rand Coulee dam. told Uia s e o a t e . '^ t

known u the "Dejao- Ion dam." O r the“ for s h o r t ----------- r J l l i9 n Repi^Ueana u ld ■ V l lU far east polley belpa H \ f

■while subbing the ^

----------------— l l - S ^TO KELLOOO Hr I l-M r. and Mrs. h«<,n and U r . ^ d Mrs. B. mlly havi moved to ^H .v ';- .Uie men wUl be em- »


i ! i ' ' m o t o r s o jA ttled-U p i H B• Repaired % W M '

& M A R K I BOS bepet- Pb. BU t

^ P iK i

-■ s I R OUft JW wnri

m * ®C|h« w -

SAROEN S H O W :f O O O V M U IE S ^ "

i r a r l r t i t t T . ' . '. t o m tiit 'io 'td a t t n i

■aut P r im e J------ ------------------Poll- Q u a rt-------. . - . - • 1 0 - ® -B o tt lM

Tots Pickl^ A t * W hole b m

_ _ 1 4 ® 24-Or______ _

iragus^ Pir.klWbolo Sweet33® ...—

apple Pickla M m Sw cctSH ccd—

- m i n ; - 2A ^ t ^ -


ponnd ^

L a i^ e S ite, 2 B

L L E r S P R O G I U E S S r

S to re 'Near You- ♦ BUrERT—

xaaUU J FoodUady Meaebam Food Stere

:ampany ^« s n o s a o N E —

A Co. J Eoonemy Market

.♦ PALLS—. _____ ^k(t / Jainea FoodUaer

/ WahPa Food Center ........- VI T n rt» r» ICA----------------


l a t i o i r S e t ^ • —U y -11—Twenly-twor fr*duaftd f r a n - th a -------------ninary In 'c tremoales M f cp t t . Sunday in tba

I ^ n m ni

:d .K 5 B e _ _ .

» U R ' ' m t o i3 .«»

‘O r a r i g e a i l i

I V itA llty , 4G- e t t Aj O z. C an ____ M i y

K r e m e l

T — " P n d d l n g a o r L*mo: j u i c e P ie F n iln ffi,

O l d S o u r t

l o Q '■ '- Orange Juice.J I C S G a n ____ 4 *

< 9 <9 « Blended Julee, ^ «, . . 3 3 « -0 * ..C a a ,___ 4 3

S a l m o n

--------------- ^ o r th e r i r Q u c ^ iT

. 5 3 c r x T . n - . . . . 3 9

i _ _ B l a c k b e r r i e iKed T«e, 4m mN o :S 0 3 C a ti8 • - #

------T I D i -L a r g e Size G ia n t S ize

2 7 ® 7l «

d r e f tL a r g e S ize ' ' G ia n t Size

~ Z 6 < C I T ( S 9 ® ^

OXYDOL“ ^ t a T g c 'S l r s ------------G ia n t-S ize-27® 7 1 ®

CAMAYR e g u la r , 3 B a r s ----------------22B a th _ S lz e , 2 B a ^ , , , « ^ - . - . ^

3 B n m l | .


) - - .-


.ntiAiM nn'.rf let aslW W iflw • Trt lW»-Si^

M B T f lS R-Wir. e C !

nncM b

* * * ^

~l c ; '^ineopplX e i S , M U fonl, ■



7 c - « -^ ^ . N 0 .2 ? 4 C im

' P i t P t s ___ PU R EX , G allon J a r _ _

■“ ' WIZARD in C K ,T M d o P e r B ottle — .

r W IN PEX . 6 oe. B ottle

I ‘ Energlna ----------- CLEANING FLU ID , 6.

AMHIONIA. Thoro, Pt«,

W ~ -“ A E R bW A X r O tiT—

e --------- T iE irO IIrP O L ia H rO ld -, 24 oz. B o ttle -------------

___ ! POSTS BRAN FLAKEI, 12 oz. P k g . -------------

PO ST TOASTIES, 18 01Z 3 t — ------------------------------

POST RAISIN BRAN, 10 oz.' P kg l —

POSTS G RAPE NUTS,------- --—

X Y O T ^ ^ D J G A S T

• 1 .


" p v ^ c tix — - - - | j


W ‘




S w y j23 ^

P'e Juice ]

- 39® I

AIL_ M ._]

k s . — - 3 » ( S ' . : ._ i -----------------4 7 ^

)dorant, “ ~ !'• .....

l e ________ 13 »

6 o t - S iM _ * 7 ^ .......... —

' t n ._______ 1 5 ^

r : ; r : . - : „ J 4 r ----------

ild-giigHBh r '” " - __________-2B»

X 3 ,-------------- 19#

oz. Pkg. „ ! » < ,


TORESr r r - ~ 7 S ^

~ I ' . , .

‘Gi-een River’ ^ itcrlFUpheld i ! By Tribuiu

______DOI6t.U ay.JX 61V-Consm ulltC -. ftilty of the nsUonolly known "Rn '. ''I ' rtvo. ordinance" rfffxiIatlnK hou Ii.V. to-house jicdijicra was upheld \V< k l3 ’ n tid a ; by Ihe Idnho Aupreme coi H l l "nie; court’# unnnlmoiw ilecW'

WTltt«n-l>y-.i»i,Uc«- C. J - J y l Q T^i

n l in Pocatcilo'IH I Hie appeal nn.i tah rn from k deD l 1 * loao ii)lxlficl-JiuiseJj. E . f i lrnn I I by Rowe Craft StDdlo of ProvldenIH _____n . I., and hla Bgentj In « Jiult ataliH |r -------- uie 'c iiy firw catiuaT, *i' •' The ordinance rc.itrlcta the vl I lo .prlvale rcsltlcncf.i by '‘ollclto; ritdrtlers snd other imn^.lent ve

liorj of mcrcllhnni!! nuL li.-ifliwbe ■ requtiUd to do *o Uy oRTicr*

• -J l oecupnnti.• « ; , JiMtlce Taylor vrrot® the on

nuicfl "doe* not vJoInte either t |k | , stale conslUutlan or th e coaitlt

Uon of the Unlttcl S ta te s and d( not Impose an undue burden

tlki Interstate commercc." n i l AsenU of the studio. Uie dfclslIB i Slid, do deor-to-door cnnvoM■ resldencfs wllcltlnit order* for eW ll Ursremtnu ot photoymnhn.--------^ [ l JusUce Taylor called nttentlon

hh decL-.lon lo the c ou rt cajie I » : ■ voivini: the city o f “ G rccn niv I ■' Wyo.. m which n sim llnr ordlniinI [{ wa* uphHd by the U. 8 . circuit cov i . ' i . ____ o f a p jx a U ._____ . _n . Tho dedjlon In Uils case li IJ l I reason for numrroui hlKhway nicI I I Bt the entrance to WMicru cit:

^— Myins-i'OreenJU ver-ortllcnncc.f

[ J , L E G A L A D V I3R T 1S E M E N 1

XOnCE TO CtltniTOBfl . W THK l-IinilATK COUItT Or Tl| | , COUJITY o r TWIN STA

III »o»« «. ■T ’ HafUt b fl'M ftf7 I n.f« K. runkfc to lh« ef«lllr‘S t, of iiid ill pninnt flilmi «*>ii.ail n>r*tMrr •oudirn, »lll<ln four noniI I 4tUf^lh.^flnl^pt.hl^.tlnnB at lt»nT rm»T. •ItorDrir for »iM •Jmi, tilmtor Idilio n«p«rtn>»nl SUpr» nolHli ■’/ T-U C<mntr cf Twi. K.H.. 5u

! of W a . Ull bt<n( thf vkc* fli>d Ilh< tnuiciiaa «( .tht bu*lBCM e( <■

i----------- ----------------------------------------------

‘ April W. IT. Miy <■ 11. 1»W.I l i ------ • INVmnON JOR BIBSV) Ti4 BmH ot TniitM of C l.u A 5<k'•:! Bktflel Mn. 411 hmbr ln>ltM >mM bl

■Kd Tdoar ^rapr* all to b* Iniull k br tuKKifuI bld,l«r. Iri «h» WuhlBilJ ll «l«>Knltrr ichool miHtrirlum,V |. rirlhir ipKlMMtloiu mmr b« otiUlc. ' ■! U« otdcf nl Ihi •uperlnlfD'Inil

MkMli tl EU ShothoAt DtrcH NocUi. Ta

, th« lUMrlMcndint of icSo-li.T l. ilf-iril et Tr«»if~ «l>i rl|

to tilKl tnr tn i *11 bIJi.0. r- TRAIU

. . . ____ y»MUl.i Artll.»7, M.T 4. 11. 1«0.I. NOTICC TO CRrniTons,. | DfTiii: niuiiATn codut ok coujnIII o r TWIN KAI.UM. HTATT OT 1HAII I ZSTATT' n r ;ED\VAni> %V:~TAYLD I ' uixKAsrn. ' ,

g ^ ° ‘j '’Alt‘ I’r.ui’ to* '"" “’•Ju” '*'

Milriil Ihf itM ilnraieU, In rihlbli Ihi nonllu afur Ihi flnl imlillrallon oF II n»ik-f. t« Iht itl'J AanilnlaUilff t l . l

---- -----offlM <•( 0. r. Dti.sll. A llrrrrr /fr iia<lmli.Uirit-.r. Twin Kail. Hank * Tti

fliid tet lilt Iraniacllon of Cha boilni D*W April Utljj. IMO.

A'lmlnlitnlTaHlihl ApHI « . Mar 4. II. H, »!

KortcR TO cnK tuTons n* Tiir nioiiATK coimit o f couni

____ O m vIN KAl.I.:;, STATB op IHAII.^^^■yj5TATT:‘nv n.onKKCE k .—lun -.iB .

i - ^ - T f f i S t e s a W f e W -, i --- -- t-llltf, rtrrrminl. I« th» «-r«lilojh of I'en.iru haUnir «1almi atiln

afwr Iht flnl piihHralton of thli noiu , ! to li t i>IJ a.lrtilnUiral.ir ml Ui» offl^

■■I J. Ii, niandfonl, T-ln KalU Hank * Tnim it: In TJiln Kan . Cmmty of T«ln f it for*tl» uanmlli-n ’of lh . biulnr..

Daied Aptll U. 1950."WlLF.y C. tLlKr.!l'

h ^ ^ F o f l G l e a m i n g "

. K i t c h e n ............ U s e

j I T T I E A S Y ^

j T O G E T

:: ‘

T iHd Fall* Yard—lSt>-Sr(J ATe. 8. C. A. Bofflnfton, S t jr .

' /

I-’ Requir


\ved-court. I . . -----

^Ijlon, I ■ " • ' • ' ;1T.-UD*. ■

i r r TJlEdMARGARlPli■dene?italnit ___________ ____________ .


Taxless O leo'' “5S Xo U. s. Fcl i l h e BrDOUCLAB'tARBEM ' nlKM WASHINOTOK. <N E A )-U r citlcs gani plans lo spend moro moi

fa r^K _JM U L U rn^ _ ..to_ lden i____' ' eo lo r^ iharBaririe wlien Ihej'aext'TQ It Uian U now beinz spent tor i

forcement of the pure food wvl d. act.

‘ Tur. Food and dn ic admlnUtrsUon STATE fijinia uUmala U will rcQUlre m ; oc- Uiatr double Uielr present IS,000, — J— bm!?et-whrn-UiB-lHlOTl-t*X-CCT

•diiare A n « l or'jiew -lype Iraller liIfh'lsa °montha consUnUy lo make one Inspect Bstiri. a jrear of each of Uie naUon’f 6: aJmiJi! eaUns places. I t will mean at iiHiDf. ln< SM eztr» persons to Lhe fedc ■Slaw payrolL( All provUloiu of t^ s new law i

be difficult to enforce, offlclab s_____H_tL-JMtJmranl_ tloesn't wantu u « ( stnra-m argnrlne .ln _ ’trl'ainie«._'

word *^arstvrlne" must b« sttmiSI__ on Mich lndl\-ldual aervlng, or

tnusi be accompanied by a label t» i cleirly Idehllfyins'lt m bleo;

nitiain Dut the to'uRhesCsecUon of aU iiuiw police, pure food and druR expt MBiion Ij jjjj requirement th a t "a i >uiB«t Uco th a t colored oleamarsarlne

served (musl be) dlaplayed pro “ Inently and conspicuously In li

». a . manner u to render It Ukely to ®* read nnd understood by the or

I ri*i>i hary Individual belns served . . .otherwI»« sel forth on .the uk

,„i ’ 4n type or 'Ictlcrlne no l smal — t t i u i ' thatT Jorm R lly 'iiseirto 'aej

____ nfltO -.U)o_scn'liiL-fif-.othtr_Jilt«ma.

Ufm" sim ilar exaellnff mlea will ap VLon' ^ *al*»-la-Hrocery-«tor««^AU-<

ore<l oleo mu.it ba packoRcd In ci ”ia'*"t pound or less. 1 , criTi. word "olfomnrKnrlne" o r "nian ciiimi rlne" on Uie label m ust b« In t; tl f'Tr ®r lettcrlnc ns large aa any oU =f ‘>’P« U « l on Uie label. And "ei ‘ i«M eontent.1 of Uio packi Ttu.i ----------------------------------------------



J --------- ^Alexander -White -. . Of T he . .

6 Nntionnl Cookinjr School "T ........ In HfB FfiTnoas--------

f "Pinner Kwicks'Wcflnesdny, Mfiy lOlh

Thrao ihMontlny, Mny 15th

at10:30 A. :tl. ana K:00 Noon 2:00 P .M . and 4:00 F. M.

Each D ar Also 8_:00_ r . M. rr id ty —

ircrV\'"I(lcaH“Fo'r"Yoiir''Uaj In Dnily Pr«i!uirc_Co2]iinj

^ ‘ s e eHow To PO P CORN In

.; Y our . Pre.s-sure, _Coolfnt.

1 A Completa'D inner ot 6 Dlfferei Vrmiftblr*. - CiiJl;ird Puridlnc - at

• Ment Cooked In Only Five Mlnut 1 In Your rrc iju ra Cookerl

J I F R E Ep A Favor To Even- AduU AtUnd- { j Ins A Dinnrr_Kw!ek . . . Iwia1 only lO 'ib 15 minutes.

l i S , W E N O W ,M R . On Tlie New—m ------j H rnESSD RE COOKWATIE

2 SEA ftS R O E ^ C f r& C 0 .

^ M iM A la AT«oue~W ect-^tiotie:s(

ired byJLaw

^ ■ 1

U ( . . . . er k r t t t a o n n t trtanxiN

»Will Be Taxing i’ood, Drug Sleutl

'(m u sf be) eontulned In a 'w ra -Uncle which bears Uio word 'oleoma

& K .or en- PrellmlnaiT nirveyi by Uie : d dniK em m ent lead pure food and <

officials to believe tha l the 0!» of- few m onths will produce wldesp: > moro vIolaUons. Studies wer# madi 000,000 rts ltu ra nU and cafes In gl •cw n tr w H eh' have exociing olea»ser

law s^^pproilm ately « per cen r 1* '- thoea studiw were found to a # D ,a rnarRarlne. and of tha t nuir >ecUon ,, . s 6U ,. ft add- tederal

z z f/ai/ftRJN!6em l to . /

— .----------------- / v e ^

Mate hot golden tossly ssmfwicks

■ - m li crmped eilges snd luscious fiSpi!UseSnow-drift’a new nluminut

. . . . tAiulwIcIi loaslcr Imloorior■ outdoors, over nny kind of fir*

— _ «r»bv«..KwatiJ'rfiUlcl::ynjr tv'O ordinary' nlices of bread an

. —yQurfavorlle'SaiiJw’iclifSIIinftl a hot, crimped, to.uted sanihvii that b a tasty licliRhl. Kwlki-P lhe rage foriiicnici snd parties lunch, supper ant! midnlRliUn;

30l Offertd lo acquaint you with— . .«friH, «mtdsorize<lthorleninct

Bives you ll;:hler, richer, molil —witli just 3 minutes mbIns.S

^ Kixis QtrtCK (or tender biscuit;rxfiuicx for flaky paslry -no j for Hshter. tasUer fried foods.

, ptonulbultil >— ^ lOfid-UhtiwIlh « / , W-

------KwlH.Pi.-5oitnp4t-----U a « ........ ih,ldVti>Voi> i;i*


In Ygi)t«tltiltK«li)'PISintfifcKT

SMOWPl„ hir»T»ntJbliiJiiirl«r

nutes ni!l< br thl W iiin Oil

^ u r t y f - S e n d i r t l ^ o i ^ f

Mta ' _ .____ SnewdrifT, P. O. Box 12<A, I

finf ai;t! Ihr 'rnrd ■‘.Snnuilrltl"

:k 3 ' i.2SC0 L - —---------------------------------

......... f -

38 R e g is te r ^ -------^Be A u e tiB K T PILER.May 11—T hlrty-elshtl^ B | of reslsterid m llklns ShorUi I ^ H fnm all pa ru of aouthem and e ■ P Q cm Idaho will b« aucUoned T

day at Uie T»-la Falls county 1 grounds during Uie flfUi an

| M | Mie of the Idalio MUklng Sh * 3 horn Breeders Msoclallon.

lale will begin a l 1 p. m.. accor t« Charles lla A ..^ c r , .T lc e . pi

— ~—The cattle, selected for pro

tlon and tj^ e , wlil repre.'.cnt S T R - herds of the ota ti-nnaT nil-bc i

-I ftblB for herd building and Imp lng. On'sale wlU be J5 i ^ a l ? r

most of thc.Ti served It Ulcgallj S ^ ^ H _ »■ ni» -■T-t Ihc nroblem l&

peeled lo be ju i t aa much a mi of educallng cafe proprietors i

J K will be catdilng them In dellbe WoIaUons. "And our bIgKesI tro

J l r will probably be In Uie thdusj of roadside re.vwurnnts and sa

| 0 ! 9 town cafes,- o pure food and < ■ e i .spokesman says.: Maximum per

for Uio first offerwo 1s $1,000 i year In Jail,

Tlie law, accordln? to pu rer V • anil drug offlclaU. Blves Uicm * I area ot federal authority. Up i

, now Uiey haven’t concerned lh i t n C aeJves with foods or driigs w LLXXO J part of Interstate cwrapper merce. A fterJuly-l.-howerer.-^ .manta- <>'“ “* '. sumed enUrely wlUiln Uie b(

dnry of the sume sU te will be tn

no SOT- Repealing of th e federal taxid drug colored oleo has been a long18 first bllter battle waged by Uie oleoespread duslo' against tho daU7 famlade of ‘n ie strict provisions governing _ j t4 t« i iedeiaU B sJrccjm lajJU ho jiro i•serving were largely Uie resu lt ot pre*cenj of bj_U^B d a l^ Industry. Oleo in0 sen-'# esla are apparenUy iallsfled liylumber, new law. howei,’er.


fefilasterJ r fln tU iB iitlh lilo w p flM !^ ^ ^

end Ih* word i W ? T '1 h H B A « "Snowdrlll'Mren. Li f t t L g f l B H B A ilrlPYOxunwInd^

n a \ * i'A\ W \ ^WW • MiliorAIumlnDn WW cAchisI Site IB Inchei' W W •CtnvoRltntclisphold]■ WW ' -W W * dlnclItAtlflcludedWW • fiirtilnpricid-oiiltr

inuta W [ l « • t in f il for|l(UlWW' .................. —'


i .n J \\W____inglnlo a \% %

WW— D a f f i in iE ^(.snacks.' k caii i

^Ih Snow W \ S I3C that--------_ W Molilercakes Wllig,Snowdrift iinw»«fbirults-ctnsi t u q n a c

' Ach Tesilir inly ullh

>b i f f | Birteninf-loiiptopi*

JA, Brooklyn I.N .Y . ‘.Pl Sandwich Toa.i:crj. fo r mch, 1 PIlcIo. «I ff rlipprtl from mc'.al strip unwinds of Enowdrirt.

JO W ----- »*tf . ------ ----------■r.'5.DffiM;.Tl-|[(<trV,S .................................. -

— - ' — —

__________ TIMES-NEWS,

r e d M ilM n g ^S ] S o n e d T u e s d a yIt head Uireo young bulls. The cows •thorn* include several young recon d east- m en t cows bred and open h« Tues- and an offering of 4 -n heifers,

y fair- aU females are backed by amiual AjficaUon and production ree S h ^ - n i e bulls are out of recon • T hs m erit doais and sired by bulls

record-of-merlt dams. H art at

-rodu^ ring by Dick Lee. Jerome, aa :n l 23 B nerlne, editor of Uif IdaliaJ c POlt-' 'Journal. Dolse. WiUlam E. D

Ji£kUnan_icDrtKQUnE_thft_4z ? O m r can Milking BhorUiom so<_____ SprlngOeld, Mo„ will read lha

Igrecs.illj-. In conJuncUcii wlUi Uie sale b ex- nnnual dinner meeting of brti

matter nnd lniyers“ is'p lannoi for 8 j » as i t Monday a l Ui« Pller Or«njo Iberato A program, annual meeUng trouble elecUon will follow the banfjue usands Officers of the association small- Elmo C. Petersen. Preston, p 1 drvg dent: H art, vice president; Ev jenalty J- Van Slyke, Wilder.


s S f u r swhich ^ stored on ou:

I com- W slorage rauie ta IiUh<

2 CLEA N IN G '. REIW Now a t Low BummCT Ba

^ ^ H T F Ileo in - ^ irmers. ng the ,iTOduct ___:------------ --------------------------reuureInter*

W r W ^ M i T c l ' i T t T i T M

r 7 ^

) B l________ ^ i y 3 3

— \ ......I : - :Ulsil . I P

'-'-rI' i riiflillBBfiiifi

^ BETTER EATING— I — Seftson mnkM no dlffircnce at.

Jthe dinner i.ible. Slraivberrles In Janunry. dtick In June . . 'i i plus lu.\ll Kardrn nnd orchard produce nny time you wnnt u ic m '';w n t- th c tr Timritional — best.

BE TTER LIVINGRecord-1 f<how P i fewer shop* pliu: trlp-1 a week. sAVlnca' in leisure of 4 or 6 himr.i. No 4 standing In Ions lines at Kro- eery, no bad-wmther -shopping Irliu, No cnnnlns drudKcry. More freetlom for family lun.


Cold.^pot frfp;.cr prlctr. are low —Inltlnl liiviv.imcnt .i.ivlnirsl SnvhiR.i of $IiO or more a yenr A on fuod li;ivc been provcdl ’ TnlFncIVaiitncr Dt ftiotl-.‘7ile.v 'looi m eat imecj,-sa»o«iv<iu»i*—w

\- . Illy buying. S,\VINGS. ALL WAYS.

, 9 — E x clu s iv e Nciv Spaci

'T— I

!I ~ — ^ “

. 'S a ia ^ l< ie S iw p < m a i.


ih o r th o m s to ir a t G ro u p ’s-S a

heUer* W ehard V.rs. ward Kambltach. Oenesse. all r daa- reetora.<eords- Consignors a rt Arch Ui 3rd.of. American FalU: Melvin Mlcke s from U go; C. E. U ncasU r, FUer; alated. Rcuike. Twin P^Ila: E too P T jfcm w n. P rtst/M ^ w > H K f ^ - 4 ^

^ w e r . Roberts: Ellis L. All ,j-an n Ir^'l" Alwood_ and H c rb ^ r DUon, all Plngree; lUcIianJ V. S ir r .H . Vamoa: Rufus Moore, Nampa: Kidety A. Sperry son, t;4jaw«nr i T ^ - B. Morrison, Buhl; VIrtaa D*

port, Ooodlng: Charles C. 1 ,le Uie and W arren H art, FUer; lUc reeders .ow w ww w wwmr ^ m : f c n l ^ ^ E Y ’^ - D T T v r r

g and S H O E R E P A nnet. MODERN MEmODSm are Reasonable Price*—Quick SenV nil- BACK O F SCOTTS LOCKE

Everett j u j Second A n a s f Eastrelar?'- ------------

TORAGE)ur premises la the finest, most modenLha

EPAIRING - REMODELING utcs. Call 413 for Bonded Uestenger


^ BetteTl ^ Money S

............ t p l K r. I_________J

| H r

,ce* Saving D esign Gives More :

z n l e e ^ m ^ i ^ m o i t e y f e t

' ' i - -

« " - ' -

van-BJjfce fannJ._wato __ale---- -----3. Pin-50dlng:nd Ed- ^«U dl-



Uft-ood.' "Hahn, V - ' / T K tim . ~

a: Royir T W y -------------------------------------------Daven-

^ ilM I ttnlee 65iJ

^ 11 Hi *mnmSHVDii


— ¥ --------- iA « w .-> u m jjifn ii* « ? j1^ lo u i tv n i i I. i r .

Eating, Bei >avedl with (


p.;V: . jflHi

New 4.1 Cu. Ft.,

“Kltclien-CalJ u s t {5 Dotyn

$7 M onth Aon Bears E u y Tenns H ^

(Uiaai carrying H H ehorge) ■


, CA PA CITY AND STJLL NC„ . . . t v : , - -V .

W ant sizzltnff Btenks, when da g re a te r p ricc s? W ant four or

I W ant to; bani.-ih th e dniilgcry chc5^4TM do 'tW i'W

"looa p a y fo r'theX ok lB po t. C nnd a ta r t liv in g l •

! F opd- ^ r n g e Space In Less F



071*75 OAKLET

______ftpm .Ui«.CoS«^

ware /fS I <®0N—m w t

tter LMa New1$J

I t * . .

, Holds 144 Ibl

liB i’io i


NOT GET coldspot

day-to-day sh o p ^ n ^ or five ex tra

ry o f .canning? A•io V .y o u /.P lW ^jH ^S■ G et-your

Floor Spacc, ForL**’




1 ^ 5 5 — — =I to Haul M H

iL^T^biUa kod Oen*

m tn .-

^ i g y ssisi

x g £ f i B H

. ll under war for In- ^ ^ B i 9 p | ^Uu nr« pliosphorio ^ ^ F l « g a

r n e equipment «’1U . ^ M U B | R JMi( conccntTAlM pnos-rtaerrt.>« the fe n i l^ rL ^ e to thrM th ltuM opudncd.. , ,^ tvAporiklor of (hisS a (ne vm u a e u t e s . ^ ^ B H |f w in the west. WINjnii.tion cost will be ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ K lf^.D O O and Uie<g te >n opemllon In

tipsBilon . or derelopment ftnd ol(cU u e belns drawn g^ -’ Oftttr g tia r-M nmontor-Ueoniflletnl.

on Uie eotutnic-isfflonlum p)ia3ptial«

jjxt K*-!) atnopl'o^ “■'<1 ;;^<onU titlns prod-

e cowtnicllon and ex- llolliiter H »t-ij j i productJon of tJie "Jmaelne” • W pj^ .(fr tllU «r.U -C on^ -F ls r^ w u -n u id c -ilnertiwd rule. Betty ParklnMO.KcicnU nre belns made lumra. At top ior the Idaho Fftrm cU u’ homemade

nUon, Tlie orKnnlai- VtU# KelloK . i lthe plant's entire out- uockett, V Irilal*fteliy oil tlLitrlbutlon n o „ and Iloo*a Bureau membera. p(,o{o , t Iqwer.rl------------ entr»Tlnn)DENT MBITS ^U»y 11 — Ramonn , _____

ITbllistcMr. nnd Mrn. Rosa

• ^‘ P l q t KIVERTISEM ENTS ■“■______________ _— HOLLISTER, Nn'BurATios o r th e everj-one can n

fancy to Jiinny n mTK c(ii/«T o r Tiir H is doubtJul If m

r w m FALLS. STATE the prtpasotloM o rn o r -nir. r.sTATr. o r ln>"i{ln»Uon ««ed.LJACOHY, DCCtASKD. HOUUtW.« crJct et Mid C«url. [^-q niOnUl

i is.i Uv; bulldlns the “Holl17. IMO. •■ :;M uViMk Uiey began their ;< i/rirthr-cm rt jlwm UCxlCO_lhC.-NDrth lill r.iS'^Contiir of ^ in er^’atlons nnd m aLu Iftn'ipp^inltJ *i Ui» plOCCJ.

" 'i ' f°J Tliey -TiroushtBi.iini «r Tf.rl J«eob» amplea of clothing'««<i ”i"f" pITmii* *” land-1.

■mr a 'l (o'ftiAi Ux’tin". Of coune tbclr T, *’our» of

Pr^/if c?;rk “ upUcftUng the «ft H«y «. iirS ttd. other k n d s put< t

| | r — ^ -----T

y 0 4 l C A N M

W i& Y

= H o B i s t e F ^ t i f

BgSasyKW P»'v --' ' i

« t-frad ers mode! Indbm clothes (a pho Hp a m eo r ladUfii. Tbe t w j b rsd Jm td«-by-th« ebUdfttt-4dont-»lth-cUw -l Kin. seated, and VIrciola Montfomrry ip r i |h t . Pilot MelWn Sprlncfleld prep: tde airplane on another fUiht of fancy , Jim m y U n tta f, Betty PsrUaion, Pat nia Monlcomtry. Jerry Brady. Jo;ce Vai 0* Jones. D ijpU ylnr\M txlon cottume r . r i ( b t are Uona J o n d asd Jerry Brad

fc <» ♦ * * ter t'irsF-Graders lie” for Imaginar. M ay n — Almoat travel dreamS’ f*

•recall "flUthU of u ,e 20 flnt«ray ntrjinBO Jandi, bu t culler’s class b■ m any person* made thown above, theIS or had the aldj to tepe«.ed. by flratcrader* a t Another projet

l«loo vhlch waa ;nUis of feverijh v o r t ^ad lo be tomlolILiter ttlr cniller," chlldrtn w ait hoi

m w o lh g K.lorM S S j J o . J l S S flculty oonYlndDi

h t back" Twwy « - « t thouldo't be : ling nnd houses used children from oU

durlnff recess to ' It fllRht WMlnfancy. the airplane.' o f work and study Their teaclier

s objects found In rather Udy hanci A to sham s the lazy s«nser olrpkne 1

J i i ? i# ^ V Ife 5i E B - ' i ^ y - — - -

r - ^ l


E t E e T^ e e iif i f f / io M e -A p p U a n c e ^ io F i

___________________________ T IM


-Jl •

T . ¥ *

sy>>r : ^ y l __

photo abore as they Jm s worn by Kenny ir-lltms'AC-^Mluise.- ry model o lhrr eei- rcparn to "fly^ tha ney, PaxscDiers are Patty IloUon, Norma Vaa Ausdein, Kenny im n aod ’‘hoote" In 'irady^. {Staff photo-

* * *

'^ f moat oUier people. --------------graders of Mrs.. Elile ti,,: built the airplane ^.'i ie Mexican hoaw and .“J 'In and out of the

tato a m ajor over .Ject not shown Is an pmg of thc child aa mnde of coatA and >Qfg ign^

Nearly nil Uie . , conitructcd by lh

ion of the project WM inn an In a inii h( olncide -w ith-B lr-ase * _

p r S f e - ^ l c h - t ibe k ep t^T year. And o thef rw h Into take Y fre e hop In P““yl"B-

c r u y a Uiev have a ArcheoloBlila : incer for tne 23-paj- prove th a t niloei 10 which occupies the vebped great skll

i l i R

K ite perfect-p3ir#ywi esffiwJKXise'DMleis Imlai

Qi- ^ r i N G t m ^

K e e


Vops” to riiiveifea

- r

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ •

<i~ *

the room. However, It R E A DUie rush of passensersthe piano will neeessl- __________jverhnul or the I'crap- ^ . .. illd-wenry c n ^ r be- ^

he pnmplicmftlla waT lhe children, Includ-1 henddrcis,_____________________ ^Is Justly proud of the.'tc«ehcs” tho -younB -...... .............

cmfLunanshlp and hlnss while they are

a In Iraq hope to loed Eddu. Iraq, de- skill In caring for the

f t

------------g S S :

M r m i

M M ' ' W


O ;r.w in . FallS~ '~ ' -------- 1

fi. ID A H O _______________

f l l i s i n f n T ^^F l i g K t ^

' . W i

¥ ¥________ ¥ ¥ ¥

w K f ' i


A C o n

I| M o a

m m% H g S __________________

7 ; . ; : . : _ . - - u t o c ^ r c m i ^ - i ^- ___ — - m ocorist -who jc q u

fin e s t m otor oil wi h ig h w t degree of ach i tv e m e n c in a J

■"■ • ■■ o f today’* h lgheif c

Both produc t tn i l a b le a t th e U f c


I WALLACE. Mnj lace loeal of the li of Mine, Mill and WlU resist siny "r by Uie OIO Unll President WUUam ■ IliB lUielvoiU. nouneed plans to lUMMBW meml

Trtithn________ _Moore said U

largest of th « e In

against any union jajfiliL ouL m tnilj

The CIO execui m a rr expeUed th from the Congr

p r s a m ia t^ s .o n munlst leanlnf*.

.quenUy ordered vorkers tmlon t and members of ■

The Mlne.MlIl MuUan, IdA., last a request Irom t penn lt a represet ft union meeUng.

Moore sold thelu-nrf ■ ly ttfr tn >■

K a r a r" jE R O ^ M a y

--------------------------- Summer Delana._ . _ _ cnta of a-wn-boi D A D 3 Alphonsm hospitx __________ ________ the former Joyce

o l ^ t M

t a


M pw r-O il t n d - t o p ^ ^ - ^ o ; [uifcs and apprecratcs the b « c . 1 tve have ever prodiTced ia o u r 4 f engine protectiofi. U toco Gai in o to r fuel — m ore th an m ceu tl

cotnprcisIoQ •ngme*.

:tj 4 fe t fombioatJoQ for bette


L " B g F i N I N


gfeam aff On Nan


‘The President hs h is lotKlBpeaker sy nam es aa he psi Oregon towns Wee

T he loud-ipeakc e n o u g h . At On crowfl m ort enUiu TO»^~ffWc^ .y iteu nooserelt turned o

u^-iRK to

' where many drlfu first glance.

B u t thoM who hi 't>6aluans-tpplBude loudly.

"Wo're all R«pub -yellt<l tt Tolco at- btop.

out hers I said the Preside

■■ '■■"■■ ■ ■ ■ laughed.

II Union u.l5?"Si„“r is t‘Raids’lel WorkeraIsy n MV-Th# WaJ- Truman aiInUmsllonsl Dnlon M arsa rrt came cut

Jld BmelUr Workers “ rccelvo a bunc■•memberslilp raldi" ^ Orande p«

Illed 8ie«l Workera. den t latroducod hiim Moore lald today, fore—with, ’lie re’ikers'union has an . --------------

J o i n 4 .1____________________ CAnEY, Mm JUie WsUftce local, membeia hare be.la the sres, met last IW of enroUee* tn

iv . >i>firit>. .i.nrt Mark - <-H c lubjion lhat may attempt ^asi monlET CanTitffffiiip."_________b p fu jia m td jtc rucuUve board In Feb- which Is led by Hethe Mlne.Mlll union lhe meeting, memigress of IndujU-lal U»clr projects, w:Dn charBe*, of com- ^restock.________i. t t # boird subse- ■1 the United fllecl. READ TTMZS-NT

to 'Uke In locals ■if Uie IiaiMSW." A

only“ 5<th t sleelrorkers lo am

wnUUTs to speak a t |4 0 .8 9 A 1

he Wallace Jocsl will BUYS AXTiilUn fnmmrnflinf

-- ------------- Ter » Deinsnsm t o b t e d _ _BjIl_Ixe

"Union Ice McMahoa. ' -------------

M i t e

Utoco /"OTon ail ^

V '*»A ^riN o i l

J Y \ r ^


5oIit^c .tre .m ade_fo f_ the_ .Ufoco iPfcmium —

" 4 ry w r r= = “affofd4Tb»' ^ - iasolint — o u r g r e i te t t , thc power requ irem en ts

te r car Ufe — *f»d a r* '

I G . C O M P A I

l E n n i r m M ’

F f r i p sn"~" imes for _ n-Elaces— ;Ore., Msy II ( ff j- . had troubU wttb ' systen and Mine . ^

paused a t eastcrs { Vednesdsy. jikcr wosDt loud '!< Ontario, where a 'Ihuslastlc Uian Uia

n - -----i out to ireet Trti-

« - a t La Orand*,-.........Ifled off after the

I had lh* Qiat-trala Jded-and-bantw ed------ f

publicans out here," ■at-Ui«-4j*-Oraode— ^

8 to conm t you,** ident. TLt crowd

gue slipped on th i He called It K e u correcled. le, too, pronouncing he nearty W aUon I crowd helped .him

and his daughter out on the plsUonn ' jnch of roses from

people, 'n u Prtsl- y . h e r-as he haa b»< I

_________ , |

UHCIubr _ n ~ 5 0 'tn _ n e » _ — J ! been added to the tn the “Aim for Use i;

'J.rwtnielJlLCaniT--------- 1barmen P ^ h h a t H

groupRobert Day. During

lembers rtported on which are -moaUy


500 D ow . tand )K MONTHANEW J

f O R D r = ie nstnU n. SEIIreland’!I M otors't Third N. - ■ "

\ \

- / ■ 1.______

. i'.. . • .■•

■ N V . 1 j '

!p a g e t w e n t y

L o c a lL iia c s - — F a il to N o te

j —

6P0KANE. M»y n WV ' >lo(*n "Spotiane U beti when

dreued" U lil over untTi today aw4 ■ ■ It lookj like the c iij will h iv i:i;f tu e aomtbodr elM't lU u i U> p ^ l t - « t le u t thij weclc.

I B " ' Um Uffle viilton are (lupposei H coma to' be iho«n. cnancM

M ---------“apokin«-th#-lll»e d t r * '—UM tno lh rr ilosin—hasn 't t«en■ ■ I UUei t)iU r tu txcBiue of the * ■ l|l ip rtn t. Feitlvkl Chalm ien • Miller u ld m crchsnti hnve 1[7 “ r iwurlnj-TiHghtxjrtnir-tcnmsHo

lll^M for th tlr n o s u tn I

•,5s I.' Bom* Tlflnli will u?e •rtlf: .J J I llUci, oUicri JuafpU ln purple

whlt«p»ptr; ■ tiA I . A bll Hosfr uliow Ll schedi!“ l|' Pridiy end 1» tuppojcd to Je»' 1 home sfown lilicj. The c lly of LI I I , liton. Idi:. ll •nipplns a truck ) n i l or I ll iu here tor ihnt.K Bul iMk of local Ulacs hoan'l■ _ tt r f t r r r t w lthplam for tho p i r E * Miller innouncpd todny th n l fl ~ l | l peraoiu. Jncluflln* 00 banda.

march, lie e«I3 n-crowd of 300 ' f l III ll expectcd to line the s lrre ts 'fo r i t l , , affnlr.HNI A lllic pageant Is r«hedulrd (

_____urday nlstit a l ihe apolaiiic bia i l • : •


Orville uurdelt«.npd l “’o w m E l 111 turned 'ry«ri»v lo Ulcir-Jiom c

' •Ba e i ^ l d r C alff.T aflcr.

I (j[ Mrs, Heber Folkmim, and o ther '

II . • -----i*Tf------------------------------------------- -----------



| L


l K Cii ^

| . ' . k ^ l ^ v L U S C

I ' f .............



I _

I .........

' J


te Catches PulBy DODOLAB LAMEH

^ P l T r —WAgttPlQTON, • AlrZ?”— Blair Kline, the to u jh n w t ffVThe preildent of the Amertc*n I >en lilac Ourcsu federatloR. b 'th e f l n t ; day bul leader In many yeari to uom have lo real national prcrclnence.' T0 prove motUy txcauM of ihe m ilitant I erthip he hw t*J:cn tn the :

(o natural feel for good public relal aad hla eloqutnc* In inning out

-------------- T O ffrjrsB iD iy T isn c ^B iiHQuite.nice h ll O O .t^ n«tt»n«t I

‘n any loday. For InjtAncc. back to he cold <l(Plhi of the depreulon. th s I „ Qob to take away hla worn t been broke, HU fa

wu.complftelj- dL?plrl^._Bul tn c iu talked the banF oul -of f o re ^ ______ with the am im ent tha t It wi

Jle^and *** “ rflmmln*and lennla court on hla place,

„ H iiw bought wme boxlne glove* and 8 leauiea horses-cn credit. Klinef r . P's'ns «’hy he did theae things:

"What all of u i needed moit a booit In morale. I figured

„ , aome sood recreation waa ths nmde* 'll ■(!()(« -T he-tm orthodot-hunch p»ld-

Tlie Kline farm became a coi I'nonnn huiKOUl and a clearing houi« foV 't^ Ideas on how to lick the hard tli

Whenever the debntei got too h ■d fiat- boxing glovti were uaed.. hntf ff®"" Rabfcsta eame man: • the Ideas whleh hare made his f

today a |40,D00'a-year biulness. People are still wondering t

______1 Kllni* U going to do next._________ Bd Mrs. xay he's a natural for vice pi ms rc> dcnllal candidate. If Oeneral Eli img nl hoyrr ninii, nn thn n r i t nrpiihV lending' tltk il— He's almost sure to i

ier reN Sureau. They iwear he could I senator from Iowa by saying

m E S l SI v J K

ic io u s .

w m 4

______ ^

,«.bltnJifl— ^

' ' g


ublic’s Eye in Fig” i u J * * • *

f¥2Sr 'G ains Limeligh:«t farm om Into

That's n t lead- :• fight

-elatlons ou t nsw.

a lfcene Jthe

ie bank B'om -out ' ! Js familyBut he . mccIm Iq i


ng pool and

some line ex-

w ued that hs best

ald-off. county

use for times.

O heat-ed. But t a k U J I S i l ^ K a l f l Mlany of aI » KllBet Siriinmliig pool ills farm to iiog gtorec----------------------ess. ____________________________

* word. Another story makes i^ re s i- ' ‘. Elsen- Kline la M, but looks younger, i.Kiir,n h a f-^ A -^ u tlo f-d o o c -h a n d .^ fl take wllh lined, weatherbeaten feal

Id b« A coarse, greying, wavy bron-n 1 ng th e . His stocky, fat-free frame and J

WiU-i''' ,^1-

T J lI L 'T iZ I — '

\- •

^ . ..S M O -0 -For Spring ai

--------------- D iftttn l... t»«e-excicinfl.-1---------- *.."rwitlr-T\VO“ujiusu3l'lc.

sliimmcnng dessert with it .. has been homc ta te d and

women who make up the h• vote it extrt-tJclicioui. . . e

Tske tlicic w ord for i t . . . ii W hen you uie this Mi

DfificJ Snow " Ih v K - l't i f following ilif Spcrr)- Succc!

3 d n u n you'll b'A'e M f/ca [>iof youf sick o f brificd S Spetry Diifted Snow is mi! to usurc uniformity o f peri

!,kc I « .o d .-

" ” ' fI j i '.'m '**'” ''""

r S<if. *,ih ( ^

/ _ . ^

A ^ r r r n«l>*an «f Mill* '' iw - •• ■ D-.(r.J -W .,” ■•Hom. r.rf.O'J, •

T I M E S - N E W S ,

'M m iK Q lir h u t f j U l t t n ^ of i

Although his crltica Insist U • 1 . a lot of the u rtc r la Kline, thrj I m n t admit he usually glre# a good O formane*. He ia a s eiUemel

fecUre public ipeaker. Bis f a m er-U>«aMther w ay . of U

j n t ehcea. but he caa b« a* polish___ _ an ambassador before a senate

j | | H mltUe. '' Hll etfeetlveneaa as • farm sp man Is greatly enhuiced by • I background, Ha b u trareled ' 7 y - ir i^ ”r t5 i“ 5 h T » W U l« m ir and has an Intematlonallst's of view. Ue b u le r re d .u t n ot

member of the Chicago feden W B B (erre bu ik board.

The )ob o f representing I j : farm famUles ixn't easy the Kline likes to do 11. There ar u miny Democrate In the on-tzB tJon-a»-ther*-«r«-Il«publbut he h u alwaya tried to h

a fair manner.7or Instance, a fte r eampal.

hard for th e Job of preslden fuddenly vanbhed on the dsy the convention w u to vole, he had won. hla furious b i found him and started to t«U off. He stopped them.

V ~niey knew who I was and '• m I stood for." he u ld . “I had

cven’thing l wuntod to say. j ' s ! ured they oould make up th tlr

• aboul me a fte r th n t wllhout m.InK iround."

B 0 1 KUne w u bom In Water Nebr., attended Momingslde cc

Bol and In Sioux City. In„ and Iowa I----------college. He h a i two grown eons

---------- now runnlnc Uio form, and a :ried diughter. Ills religions Is 1

'** bvterlsn, JIls big regret Is lha•* ^ "T jo G T ^ p s ~ h in ra w o y " r te m T iirger. He and family too much,

lealurcs, •'Bachelor'* aenls—males loo yn o t" o T TST wraiT~TiJ flght=-llTB by~tJ •n hair, selves on a separate Isltnd ol nd huge PrJbllof group In th e AleuUin

' M

)-TH DESSERTand Summer DaysR.-Lemon -Velvet Jl a double deliRhc-- -I'lcmDn-fitlirigj in -O N E -p if .-T h ij------h its distinciive r u g o f t m lemon Uld approved by the 117. VTestem,IC M anhs Mesdc Home’ Stiff. Tiicy . . extra-uno-o-th. . . extra-populir. . . i t 's ^ o o d !M anh i M o d e rtcipc with Sperry ' t ’f tc K d ' Enrlclicd Flour you arc cch j Diking'Sfcthod. Sperry gu^r- T p itt every time, o r douole tlic coit ’ d Snow will be refunded to you. milled under controlled conditions pcrfotmincc in kitchen!

su c c e ss


* *"” ** ^ S n T n in — i l ' v e r o T T i T

^ Wm Keep Sea Until Age of


be'^ oo3y.75 yeara old. not 11 •tecom- f tu ^ e n a o re be thinks nothU ............ walklog five mUei • day tomnkM. 'U jo QuertJoa camB up fa ea

TC-J. JMU«n.-liM*uggesledthj ftffirui congTfMmi a retire, tha t the

.. *hirh ’n * tm noui4naaJ j L y ^ . . w ^ 4fc«H m fl

I rtach l l . e r % « ? : , my good beallh. vigor, eaetfjIJJS W « , t for wort, n i consider r tie way m ent."are Jiut octogenarians In ths hau* OTani. c]ujj9 R«pre»eaUUve . fiabaU

.u i :^ h o - J t is t - t t le b r 8 tr t - h I r ^ t b ^ j ' ,

jalgnlng JOIK OVN CLUBlent, he EDEN, May It-N ew memb( lay Uial the Edeo Oun dub a rt O ou Oi !. After and Harold Ssuer.backers ----------------:ell him „

O w n a n ewid what _ _ _ _

“■iS- 1 9 5 0Ir mind —- — .

FORDlerbury. F o r f t f A A

Only.. ^ 5 W Dow

■■ ■ B ill Irelanii’B

Union Motors--------M a ltm m frd -N —

-Uieaii- ' W l ^ ^ n T O f i?

W H Y ;


1 ':

r ^i ‘i-

l - l 'H r S S T R A ^

-i ' ■

' N

p !

;i A Big

j; Smartly:'■ SU y cool, cooler, cool

New aprintr 1D50 mot L one a leader in its pi

Compnro ................... ..

_ ;• Genui]

» I P ■Panam ns nre a "mus. . C ___Choose youra_Jrom

“ Dobbs" is your ns!i p -~~-lilRhCFt.qualitj!:i-$mfti

r lr^ -W iiiI HAT

J ; ■ A n y o n e m a y j o i

e : w i n d o w - f w d e t a : - = . o b l i g a t i o n , -


l a t To Hold Cont f 81

iiry- bean m ? Ihls ■**“

if , M d .D « iE . warren, su te c lub i llnr of today said the coiitest U to and « o w o r .d by the Bean Oi

W arehouse assocUUon. CooW woneo- cu lr«m inu eonilst of a me 7 elec- .ablp In a-b«*o cldj aad prod

. o f ^ t Uast ca t.ig« .fli .co ian h a t the fjeld beaiis. ■ e woric = ^ = = ^ = ^ = = u fo r a f l - .- - .

) l.loee • f y and reUre*

lue In-

is-M th-

bera of Oordon

= r LAW N A P P E A L

PftCter, Better, Oreener Lswi less money when you teed

G L O B p ’S T A N C Y

ffo ■ L A W N .G R A S S

, GLOBE------- --------S E E D i- F E E D - C O r

m e l t i n '

I C O O L . . . . .

S A T . , M A Y 1 3


\ I N I T I

\ IN GOLD L E A ]} IN T H E IN B A f

ST R A W H A T I.. h e r e i ,

; Assortment of y S t y l e d S t r a w s , ^

o leat in th e se fine l iih t w eight otlols w ith assorted bands . . .«

1.49 2 .

i n e P A N A M A S

B y D O B B S '

1s t " fo r w arm summer days al- t h i a - f i n e -assortm ent,__^Tho- bs-su ran c e o f f f A A o fittlH t Btylft' - U e U U r i o - O *

I a StrawNJFREEtin th is contest___ seeails. N o ® ig ‘to b uy . . .

10 D epaOF TV

2 3 S £ S ^ ^ 7 f - / W M 7 - f l f ,

'ers^ Vieita, Trips-No', f p o f BU M , MM 11-M r. .« a X l lC a L J, ^ U U o . spent •■ht Ida* hirt.“ >• VIrXand Urs. Jsek CoUlni

f a a l l y W l t « t r « P ^ * ” * ‘B l ^ e r . “

‘ 1 Losingm S S o u r S C I E N T I F J

^ ^ W T O R T ^

k :^ e tte r= M a k ^ ^ Healthier Scal|

New selsoUno dlseoTiay canst, trtatoent and prCTen

ertered by pet«dwood astbortty.. to America Un mlllfoo*Bi

■ I women are bUd and Ua others are laying a foundat baldness—WHV7

-If you bavi oceailva ba icalp odor, unslghlly di scales. Itching, dry or oily beed Nature's warning now.

' care saves your hair. Dca tit. Later may be too lat«. ,

wn for1 wllh "Oet and keep an attracU

htalUiy head of hair by use C simple, selenUJIe. Insxpeaali

effecUve meUiod. •

^ e C ' Q o n s u I t a t i

___________ \H e r c T h is W e d

' H o te l R o g c r s o n

f e l t T

• n H

^ f i

/ / •'•» t s •••

> ^ ■ A.W f v J

l A L S ^ 7 / 0 ^

K T ST A M P E D J W f f i J ^ N D O F A N T* I K 3 0 Q PU R C fH A S E D I

t h a tfl .• « ' 'e r y


S t ot “ „ d - - S a m p l e s ^ a n d

;.95 I i*eg:ula il.49.vt

■ Heal Tnoncy sav- ing^ values in

{ new 1950 styles.

; our “P ■ * •-. . no

ir tm e n trW IN F A L L S

' . i g h tr B r U io : I V B a t l i - g f f i S

o t e d g ^

Your HalF I C H O M E T R ^

Ip R H7 of thereaUoa of ■ L * - ® ® ed HeUy.

■S IST E 3a million ^ ■ lE ^ V 9 | |H UUon for

baJr faU. ^ dandruff

illy acalp, w. “HomeI't neglect ' "‘^ ^ 3

cUve a n d --------- jise o f Uiblalve and W.N.JUc^

n ilr ia d to ifg

j t i o n f o r M en andWc*

S a tu r d a y and Snail 3H, H r s . l P . M. to 8 P.I

y = = Y =



s l l A

© -(C lS ll® -


iw H alI Slight Irreguto

,tQ-2.98 .(luaJii*


S to rell 11 i i i i * ^

rM eet— D ecl g Nazis’ :C u c c e s a . i r r r i ^ l

‘S T * .

ffort to • « L^ r iu r t w *'^L “ ■ ■ T I l * 7

■ _ ^ 10 jrewa *«<>• \

------------j t M

^ c iM n t l . loom s

ua tnd »niu by me

fVu^k or coopcr*-

‘to keep ^ l ^ m H . u » neutral. And U \ 1 NA IatloTJ Ihit D d s l i^ . , ,» h o h i» c bei f r i t probably. ng- p „ j ^ hl»b *choo: ^ r r tn c l i »upport. « jn»T liii» )J , the outcome Ior ., WheUier U would "

m S F i n a l E v e irco'jnirlM. prcpara- . . t k • l

- A t D e c l o

■ £ .S » ''S . 'S H o n o r s ]" " “ . X ™ D Ecnxj, M .r 11-’■; I'kflv that the hns been nam ed v

S i! since Joy Rlchln* b S i »i)oul th# In- Dcclo 1050 gnului iTin lorcei niMJlnf cording to Princlpa.i^Tnlremely com- ^ m menc^en^t^ «

before Uie Jlilko the vlcea Mny 31.rd their untasMdor T h e Rev. Jumes 1 ruT nln lstcf-p lcn l- of th e n i ipert_Jiti^1 plildi Intcreatj 1» * been a ^ o u w e

S id '» oecup&Uon. dell Curtl*. preslder TM nol mnde pufclle stake, will be U;e oa Ttiwdar /rom tiis fpcaker. «tndfn:“ V an-ia jn7 —o th e r-a tu d en ta - t S.Ameflcan ftuUior are C ora Saston, B ajlttnl hU ConneeU- » n . Bonnie KlQd, I «fujo ror Queen Bob Dayley. T hen

E eu lnger, Rex Qu i> the Dut«h knew Hurat, Bill Anderst 1 ’border polnli the Upa and Carl Bers ! julke rirsL den t body preildcni Gtnnnn plan re&lly • — -------------

i J M ’aS; D i v o r c e Gr-*hieh-8elually'ff]l- — —........;t-n ran d « rrA m crl- ----- X O M l * S "

SAN DIEQO, Cal ^ c h wpport 1* Anierlcft go t a

Uut ahockM the r n \h e m e a n u m e ) ,

for the allied t=embcr now. <,f th ree , who 'won

naUonal conteat In JRTtD n x . . J , la st September. :i-Mn. Byran Kebo T . Cloyd, 38. au to B Munmisy-m iirh e r - s u e testified hrm i K3htrr,-M rs.- Keith Kiimbllnff.-ini.i dcce id tono-Xrom-Alblon. Jlmcs struck hor,

/ w ! ^ h i s ^



j P w G IV E p ^ = E E E C T R


G-E modcl-NB-8 G h a s m ore ;tlcnl features as fu ll-w id th vcffctal ' atiper freezer, T e l-a -fro st Indicntoi K rtfriRerntor w ith p lSnty of fcntui

o n l y . -



. ^ y i i [ p i

f i i '

A INGIIAM JOY UKr bcA aaBsnac«d u ralrdlelorUn and u l hool by P rtndpa l Don SUllbewi. (81:»)■ * * ------------------------

'ents Set Canadian' lo School; To Kiwi s Reported.‘^ ■ ; S S , r r daaluUlorlan of theiduallDg claaa. ac- Murdoch, who scidpal Don Matthews, vice prealdent of th

exerei«a wlU be Uon. w u nominate.A «>r. ber caucu* commit

JTHujTTJiclSStnilles R. Crowe, pa ito r O” " of ‘>'5 B«dunjijelhodbl. church. *'■ 'ineed ns sp c ak e r 'a r —The-Cnn»dian-l«t...ifrvir.« n r i B;ir- tlfCtlnn by ftcelftmIdent of Burley LDS crowdedbuslnei* sthe cammencement ganUatlon* 35th ;

tlon.a -lo -b e -s rad tsa ted -TheJO.OOOdelerU I, Belly Lou Ander- proval of 11 rciol Idd, Merlene Frlea. by corrtrjlttccs. ■ lenil Woodall. Nell Amonn Uic rc-wh Quanslrom, Archie fftvorlng statthood erson. Calvin P hil- Hawaii, Individual ers who I* the sW- omy InBovcmmcnt, lent, mLMlon reporl. wor __________ . , ttrly assalllnj coir

Granteds.“America own aCalif., l la y I I (IPh- 1 Q Jt a dlvorcB W ean*!- - - - M - V ,

?Jsar"c?n,s FOI ' ’c K , T “ ” " ” F " , ' $ e < ]! curvesomo m other O nly

“ S « S . “ p . ' , I n' . B l l l l r c l

Union f|::-- Mnin .I T

ive Mother a ( M OTH ER’S 1mers, C andy, TehgramB art •e, . . but fo r th^



* -


W Refrigerators» 5 p| P V ~ . M o o a - N M o

ire t i i a n 8 - c a . f t , ' f o o d 's lo r a g c r '! jta b lo drft-w er, m e a t d raw er, a taii i to r nn tl e x t r a t a l l b o ttle B to ra jc . itu rc3 a t a v e r y low pricc .

. ^235NLY $2.33 PER WtE

' I L E R ’I

- - - - - T Farm I^ — - OAotmjL, MiT"

, Idaho’t {ir» tree ■ ' ! caled here Wolne

. ■ ’ po&ed of «bout erlnc in

; and A(!ii7j6 Ute ofllcb li ».

with oiricers nf t l» l ^ b f f

Umber rrcni Uic' area u pari o! ii dedication ctrtcTiu

. . . ductcd ll, Biiiliii's i!SSSma-.a-e-r i~mr

'^ r o B a ^ ■ uo iT c. A. iiouintm eata cr u;,p.-ofa

L the tire !r<A I’lne auociatUiit I

SealUr,Payctic Lumber

l iH H I I i l l lH ^ lO th u T liT ^ oMn ia i lN S addlUon lo the kctiluU lorU n of th# of St.itc J(Sherrod photo*— Comml.v,ioiii

le}-. Slate PurcMn----------------------------and Stale Auclltnr

_ Ineludfd in lhen Namedwanis Post c ironN-iM .. II » - a , „ H. a ” n S , i ' 2 n ‘ hWlnnlplff, Canada. California afler v ;> the presidency ef the DUu dain. itlonal without oppo- —

I served two terms aa m t m » ■f the civic orsanira- S K Ilated by an S7>mem- Iimlttcc. He KUcceeda In 'ufP airA lto, C a lif ; -----W “^ ~ |duntc school of buil- -p T T P T 1?Vrd university. x j U K L / t i Xi-l«undry-«xecullve’B ------------------M m ilsaJo J lssc L R . ___________ i j .i* seulon of the or- ^th naUonal eonven- A r >

eritea thundered ap-- ------------------- —ei>oluUoR3 submitted

Lwlullons were thoselOod ot Alaska and ■ J kual enterprise, econ- \cnt. the Hoover com-world pence, and bll-communL'im.


a new ■ "

> 5 . 0 - - - -

»RD J\lOO Do™[rc land 's

M o t o r sIT m m -N ;------- ------------- C B h

^ a ls o


D ay!ire

;r a l | H ATOR! H Ij j j l j j j H --------------------


rs h |

ta in lc fls C O

“ “ REi

9===- GREJS!EK!

1 - ^ - ^ ---- - -S S rS V "^«ll Alemiio :


■ea Tree ---- KeplanD e d i c a t e d i , S S J 5 ^

,■ * rffi'ant Uielr susar^ 11 tflV-SouUiern ,T J ^ . « “ S I : cenU y.A few p a ^; IM.OOO ao ei cot.Valley. Wo-ihlnKlon 1“ “ ^ ,

1 * rre prc=enl olone >f the Dolje-Payelieiu>i:-*hichrT*nltT^ • ... - — , uhe p rtv aK ly owned otra ignt A•J IU operaUon. Tiie iTnoiura were, con- ■Ui'3 Perry jouUi of

>t)ln» preieiilnl a_crr»___cra l'fo r operation'of 1 l y c v e r O V ia

from Uic Weiiern ’ u n t i l in lo Norton Clap-j, ^ ‘ , ,!ini of lhe Boi). Four (4) Yco'r r company. Prlri- r t i t tX-, E. C. OlJun. Priest 0 1 (1 :

N O We J, D. Price, SUleloner Edward Wooi. j | x M U T U■Mer Roger Ouemscy A I A n t f fitor N. P. Nlthon. _________the dedlcaUon pro- I H W P R U

mchcon for COO per- t v l l i I I U

ilNIANS VISIT n ^ „ * i \ t : .i : - M r . and Mrs. R. t M u

have relumed lor xijltlng ftlcndi a t jm i



o f a i r .jjl i io 'n e y ;n d Q ! CREST 'IC i i ih io n Rln d r iv in g - fa tig u o , p ro v o n f r a H lo Iso a v a i la b le a t W o s fe rn 's lo w p ric

^ O o ~

- f i tg J ie r-p rrc ftd -ii re j,-+ K o "T R A V R u b b e r f r e o d a n d A ll-R a y o n c a r

y o u r '« iie » ---------

FO R ~FA STER ~StA RfiS"«»^.

g A r E c o H O M Y rS i in r s - iu

^ O N b a t t e r i e s g iv e 'd e p e n 'd a b le



1 . i O 7 5 *^ A l .m H e , 3.

oune# pa«on- Mi >«*p iluJgilito - gun_. Vacuum — i »l.tr»> li ip. fpujfT type,' win fif I,lly pt.ptrtd

io xo:k fitfingi. u f ^ . iU r iln, . . . tnglni opltllla


i n t i n g ------------. t - M a n y J a n n m . ----- -- ^rro tTm rioreed to The New Emlant a r beet fleWa be- perch, or roseiuh. 1 wind dam aie re* 11B,0C0 poucdi in 1 :^ ea went not i^- In 1M9.__________

K e n S u i^ B d u r b d h in aW

o f c z > ^ f

■ / T a ^ L ^?ara i •• .• / 'S S U H f Z ^

I '< ‘ T M l i T



[ws J t . . . Y o u ’l l L ike I tl

luKii iim s i viim i. IK SUK iismiiK



6 . 7 0 - 1 5

1 5 7 5 ^m " m ^ F " Fed. Excite

• T ax Extra

ia * L ifa " C o l d R u b b e r f re a 'd ly o n c a r c a s f f o r r o i i i f a n c o to n g a n d h ig h t o m p o r a t u r o s . . . o n d e r f u l ly c o m f o r f a b lo r id in g iv P r e s s u r e in a n e x t r a la r g e vo!

. . . L i te ra l ly a n . a ! r cu sh io n i R ld o " t i r o s s m o o t h o u t b u m p s ,- le s . S c o th o r n t o d a y . W h ite > r ic e s .


4 . 0 0 - U -----------------

V J w Fed. Eielio• — - Tax Extra

'2>Monfh W ritten Doublt Guai

r o n ’t b e f o o l e d b y th e p r i c e . . . lo f in i te ly a F i r s t Q u a l i ty T iro l L

.VELER" f e a t u r e s " P e rm a -L ifo '

a r c a s i . A slc f o r t h a L ow ^ l e P

V / U ^ ^ g D e L m e

No. 1 C Reg. 14 BATTER

i l i k fo r LC

Rh moit modoh ef ChcvroUf, I------- O ld im ob iltrP I^-o iiH ir P e S tliir

Ako'fih mSnyJirty ni6y»frbf l»r<

“PPOXTOA LiGHju p e f^ ? € c T $ Io ”r i '’f f e n ^ ^ p f :

lie year 'round serv ice.



S X - . l l Z f ' " " ' B U )l!aa.-(A4H7D3).

DAHO_________________fl Bt-b«id~ir«ihir . _________________

nd caUh of ocean ffll ih. Increased from 11«I to 3«.000,000 • I I ^


U f —

} a n d > r o a d

; .t l SUPREME a.oluma

• C l e a n s A s I M j

• OnstlieHdt!

I , A 100% pure-parie d t o in c rea se its <

Hl-Pressure Gres

o ra n te a l

. . T h is li ~ 'VARCON' Il # pr*m: Like o u r ------- quality., graati w ith ip t '- G o ld loidal graphite fld3ed'


ITTERlilS t l «4.95 ■ ■IRIES INSTALLED FtLOW fcefaaage p r l e t t ea o fhar il:

I Dodg*, Croiloy, Ford, Fr«»r, Kiljir, r StiTdiKiKr ■ i n i 'irgefM ffc ' ' ''


l 3 ! 3 f e S q “y S , r a s ( ^ » k l (


m atter where you live in 'r ie rid ly^catern Store ti


I R L E Y - R U P E R T - J E R O : n V I N F A L L S -W E N p :

- w ith a M IRRl______ S .P E C I ^ W


’"R cctanglca _

Round —

S q u a r e _____

l l l l l l il'iii

fice us nbout your custom gta fable to p s . . . spedal mirrors tolndowa.

3 1 T S ----------------------------------------

FALLSJJLASS^& PAElin Avenue N o rth Phon


---------- -------- New!C w ___ __SensatiofT A Johnsoi

j # \ ^ C a r-P I

WP u t a bard, d

■ ^ 4 - ------ W orPiniB htr■ Car WitKbiit'P

ie» Terri^ Try tt N<

MOTORLubricates— H


ira fflr-b 'a iB o il ic l« n tillc« n y cc I e f f ic lsn c y . A 4 0 c p » r q iia r t q


^ z sr b , . i j .d sr,

, / to r -----------------quill. , J«)y lyp> •». .- ..-• . - . *fandirdt.-Coi

.liitant. (7.1050

"frw”____________ nitefCwi

f W* carry • eerr^ of "Fram" oH

„ k c r , l ■ Pl. “ " . " * “ * i


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O V E D '

Z M.twW « ^p ,k h r«p«tr Ul.3 patc!i«,dinip'

IC O N b v b i l l . (H77Ir

In Magic Vallcy-^There to Serve You.

N A U TOY C OO M E - B U H L - G O O D I N G D E I A = " F A 1 R F I E L D

'PAGE CT— mr w E N y y ^ N R . •!


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M l P A G B T W E N T T -T W O

I M<mday Rit<I : EndRicBfie |1 Sjchpol Ev(S f ; RICnFIELD. Mny l l -O n u l" I «xercl4*s for BIchntld'a «enlor■i::f t d ManiJBf cvftilne wllh• ^ f:v , . a >y ac«»«nt-^»t-th*-icbooJ-i5 J ; riiim. Dnecalaureate wrvlcesIII held Sunday erenlnz ( t Ihtf a■ rluin wIUi John A. Lirsfn■ Lalco CUy. Blrtns the s n mH " H n Hnr)t<^ni " • ■H Prai’er*' ff?rt~BiT{rM Cy ’n -----------JiAnwllI « mJ BUliop-Muirajt-■ ion, Mufllcal numbffs *-ero■ by the AteUiodlsi choir an H high school Blrls chorua. “On W Darkness Drlnw Out lhe .

'* wai the ela.u motio-____________Invocation a t Uie eommtnC'

' w aaktd-by the-Rcv. Bff

’51^ fialoUlortan' Spcaia*11 tl Larted* .Coates, talutal

' ' apoke on 'Equallly and Frtedi«A II Live." Jean • Roaj read the; i' hlatory and Rusiell Pate gav.. elasa prctltltn fs speech, .


)i i l M IIII


■ ' MJt'


'ye S.A - i J

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n c fit ly n r . . . acisa

11 —

— ........- I ......... .......

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W o rk m a s te r PasIjMlxK With Cold Of Worm Wa

2-fb. Poc<:ooo ! J ■ 4 7rnra wbMt p<»>« MTM flnt.-rwh mi iKlMd with *al.r. ticill Odhfiira tor welIpop»r ot wotlcJc

--------- I

r r [johaion m d th e c liM ^p ji r C S DuU«at Bwaltulon te ta •

torian.■ T J ------TH5'cxie;t-ipe»krr.-J»nies-

i P l n flat* (llrecicr of voeatlona: anc», addrtsatd the capac

, se9)bU<e and KradualM on V < > l l t Our Children Grow Dp." H( T V /a a i- p{ ihc^pre»ent andIr^imtion finiemtar Uialr H a i la I t .raduauon u ,,y ,nior* end- ewWrfn. IIU U lk wa* welllh com* trated with tnie-lo-llfo Incldiii_»ailltaT_______ A «vda-Pnsc& lcdicea » e ft " 6upt.‘ We«Irow AilJ-preaen

audlto* seholanhlp avarda to U las I aen, Salt ton, lhs leidenhip medAl to mnon on Pe.^on. .ludent body p r c ^ _____ th t mualc mtdal w ^ a n B o i

ray-liftJV. Coach.E. J. Drnnta to J«nlc« -ero tuns son. and Perron, and the X^uli Vaugliii, commander

•Only the Richfield American Lesion pc le Start" nouneed U b i Svalnaton v u

a« obtatandlDS atudenta tnccment namti wlU be Inscribed c

Vera R. Thomaa. aenior cli--------- - vUar.-prcKoUd.lbe c lu a lo'■* ChalUeld. school bo*rd chajlatorl&n. vho dlitnbuUd the diplomas tcdom to Mnsleal ScteeUonslhe claai ' U uilu l numbers- were voca gave lhe by .Mrs. Vem R. Thomaa ar , Janice lores Base. P lano accomi

Budge i j l Beaut;

-------- H A R M

g P i g

v l wal

V . . .

SIN (^ ^ ' W a r o l

V ^ J l ' ® \ • s t y - •■ - s l y

^ » T A ' ' — ♦ - Q n ir i K w ^ V - ' V - : - - k \ th a

, \ - • ' • 1 • E w one

J'— ro o m s w i t h -1

p a p er . . r e q u i r e s applyitijr i t y o u r n e lf .—

n n d e x p e r tly w ith o n ly t h c c q u i; :isaorH, ru le r , sponge, o r u o f t d o

O thers . .

d i

M l w<

Ia s t e W a l l p c i p e r C l e a n e iWo'.w Cosy.lo-Uie—RosiJis Crumbllm

i ? C 2'^ .ib .C on;._____ 5 1 c-rroifr Wxt»oiUrdigr<«f-<J»on<«>oIlpop» iCfllint kotioMni, riav Waltr thU td pot:.:llcl»lk. 3^.lb.caA(l<oMlh»*o«trag*roo>T.

0prophecy. I were Mrs- K enneth ' Joha*

la Taledlc- Barbara Base. The hU h clionia aang *TareweU *to

les rowJer. Bcotdietioa-wM-pren«mced inal ffuld* Rue Sorenson Hortlaf. poclly ai* Mr*. Z ither Vansanl pU' on 'W hen procaulortal and recessional

He ursed was m u te r of ceremmilea. m d future Richfield hl«h achool g? I the mo«l are M la Hosi. Mlas Johaso /e to the ir Sralnsloo.MlsaCoat««,OUa. u-eU Illus- Larty Schenk. P ile, Lyi# cldenU. Baden Crawford, Jame# Brta ___PaniaronhrJUroM-HoTtlne,sented tha Borensca Bortlnc, R lchan u Swains* Perron and Antone DeVrlM.

J R e d 8 , B I a m e = W i

T h r e a t o n \

J t o V J J ' MOSCOW, l u r 11 w ^ P,U:_ Tlmei said We*lnesd*y th« 14 Whose *'ould hot be aUndlnc tm< I on th e of « new war If th*_________ suw jjin<L B rlttloJiw L K lelc lau a d - *Plrll of th t United Nation* < lo c ._ F . foreiin poUc7_weeklr

charrm an. Uiii e d l U ^ on' the m o2 nas. rlral here of T ry jr# IJe. UW is lary general, who want* to .’ocal Bolot Viet laaden about <ut« ire it I

and Do- ■om panbta REAP TIMia-WEWB W Alf

et W ise . . ty Wise . .M O N Y H 0 U S r


MGLE C O )LL . . ^ ^S ty le . . N ew dc.slgn.s f o r p ro p e r s ly J ln g .3nalitrmmshable7"Hunra8r~o l h a t a r e e a sy to h a n d le .S o sy t o in sta ll , juH t u n ro ll, c u l . . u i d a p p ly .

i le a s th n n you exp«_t tp 'd e c o ra te j I - H a rm o n y -H ouse P r e -p a s te d ' r e s n o specia l too ls a n d you .snvi - A c t u a l ly - y o i i - c n n - h a n g - th i s - p lu lp m e n t you h av e in y o u r ow-n h : lo th .. i - . . -.-'85c


D G E T P R jC jP

w a l l p a p e rir


O NLY 11< rol


L Y . . . . . 9 « roi:

l e r W a l l p a p e r B r u s h e s3lln3 6.in, Pojio—12-in. Smoothmn

I c - Both f o r _____ .. 7 9 cop«r. WnMoilK brvthii glr* yeu quoUrr'

Each ho> two rowi ot IsrKpIco >orT.«. nb.n Iiopitd l» hordveed handl.i.

4 0 3 J I A I N A V E . W .

---- ---------P H O N E - 2 S 6 0 —


baw n m a j L E G A LIsh school -----------------------------------

pUycd thenal. Perron ■ - .......... "*■ ^ , Hond. * li«klii«---------

graduate* nir.«t L iibuei____________inson. Mlsj uw .r? — ---------— ■ . ■

iTl# Piper, Aifpon — ------ —--------------Brown. Ed IU<lm.»U.. * i i u r a t -----ln«.-LaRue '•u r d LuH, [tend fuBd.1 5«.tr _________iet. UunlilMl OuIUlKi __ Alfpcn runiJi

West tj:S:§iV ,'.r== X 'S E"!:S=!rA;sth* United ^ V n , , n .^T*‘-*r-,v— ------E1S L1ZLU1c* charter. T>m r«ii> u<ftk a T nu t___

o f S i" .“r‘' - ? l 7 m , A f c p ; . r - n 1M the a r- -^ ^ .i ^irpo.i rlr . e«uIiUN leere* ••j.ni Airwn UsbUu .to see Bo- ®“*4tu iues.— U. fl. Tr«iarr BUU_______


W.I»T IWjiirl«nil-*.suU .......W .ln I)rt>.ftm.M-K»w Tim . S.^ W>t<r llrp.nmmt—DcpoilU Itu 1

. . E:srte;.;'iLz=:

llulUla*. liirclrlfai A riBnUcK T

• • P rlini'M lH r c o ii '; j i i ; 'i i 'z iz :T-^Ult.^Co»«UrJUi. ----------

^ C»!ThT»om"u^'(fTr«*nr7mi'i*-II



r WMJ?‘lI. "bndfirt ___________» . 5x:;™ -=I.eU V .iiu r i____________J. —- ........ .

j id f iS .'i i!lrlrWllliim L.,U«Jtkk« — — -

p |? i K f ' S : r = :S i ^ f e E E E

iR 5 ilS S ^E E E E

^ rr'ia‘*v.

John A, V,lr.l.of....« r w all

UUnd L. Cunnlnthia______

nctinti V!c»_____________w e t L .^ r .W t i c ^ S T i r i I Z Z r

Uor i> MnHtll ___ -.1i!»rlon U»rnrtl___________

t e y o u r J- ------------------A W allinvo b y w 5"^ ________i- p » p e r - n h o m e ---------------

5c roll w.m,« r.";v.~— —

willlim C. Arrr.*»A. J, U«har_____________ _

^ ii.r r r r, n u n ._____Z Z Z 3 '^ ____ a o" HiidJr 'iv» ~

ChMWr^^Ufii.ltltr ■■litn ln n**'ltX.~.'y~r '

-----------= ,ArfSIe l lo - .n l___________

ER”N____ .:::

T t lUnchtl Klntnon _________o i l i g W K ; | a r : = r = :

ii«bm 'e . I.ixhitwj________


D l l i | 6 ? = ^ I

---------- AitMiT M hry-L'~ -________', ■ I---------- ------------------------------------------- s—• A." nl^noMninn .

.. ;----- ------j

s: s s r s » r .= .r*. JIuosir J!»»icT '* ' MniI itn! Mirn CiUMy . Z _ 1

C ■ KfiSH?Z=E— . Mr.. N. U-.s-MVr'T It, r . Coob.tlr___ _______CO f . J, llifon ....... .........

WlllUm lUVfr ................... .! . R. ClitUl.m.n ..... , ,— II, n . Turlnrf----- —T T T !---------

SJ. C. nvllHia.................Am»r--I.*Vr«tifr Corp - ^


b A D V E R l i a E m N T Sc r r r o r twin“ talu1 Ul- C A Su .iucctim . s u iu u x M o r r t a: m iB o r m a u A S T . i i i a a i a n d a p i l . iti

CMheo^Uat B«c.I<>4 DUkuMdO*!......... tlU AU .lt IlM Jir.n tlU.1U,T4 t= Jit'i’i f______ ' U.IM.M S(tJI UTI.4I--------------------------------------- '■***■**

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T'~~~~.]'— n n » ------- jTCii------- BOS—= ..iiS S 11:!!______ US.WC.OS Jn l«rat. lie.OM.M W.OM.H ]ln ( ___M.HO.M______M lt.tli.ct ' Illt.tlUO ll|l,IIT.et u

t _____ ______ —~

ItKIfB IICFoRT o r RrCElBTS **nv. MAHOi AKD Arnil, IIMS»«tn, tU. ~~t U»runilJ ________________ _

----- " • •

------- ~ " : J

3<; M l)<n>I"' Ull^rcinle Co._______----S:S-M ll,..,.— ------------ ■

5J1.00 lIolM IllOf I’jlnl Co. _ _ _ _ _3 2 00 Itrowninf AuU Co.S S.'OO Mil* J. 1“*______

S «!:« Ilaolln? Tnt'lsr <5 , Ib«.']!_!!IZ J.OO llunousb Addlrs U.th. 0 a _ . 0.»t Columbi. &j«lffn»t Co______•‘IJJ ^

?(B.»o Ttl. CI» r . 1. -•_._.______UMO Clo. nook Blon__________

_ i ,j : i .io Tht Cook AfMfr.--.-:,------- —-----W.1B a:sKI»I C«Mlrt» Co. _______

SJT,00 CoMlmjUl on Co._________

111.44 Commtnl.I Sr>t. A Forau C&.. MJ.CO Jtobm n. Cai aim flarrln----«M.#0 lM».ll.f Dre.. -------------- ---I«l,e0 «»rrln Dlion____________UI.44 DoUfI.i Untoln-UiTturr - __ItS.OO £4it riT> rolnlt S<nrK« ■ ^I.!J Cottil. Co. tCM Arthur Firrii....... "'

10|!m ri»t rf-Jnt"MoilliM"BUtlon''ZZ ]SS,00 A. C. >'riil>r a Soni Tillon _ill ,«0 n. A. FftilfT ____ ____ _—It .» Th. C.r:.Bd Co, ------------:o ,00 R<ia OriK. 9u»tr. Iik. _____<1 .00 o«a BUl. on Co. ■ ■■t l .00 fi«m titil. I’tetr Co. ____ _

. - . M.6t U.JVC«dtIthCo.___________

-B$3,U Jl4rlU JUdlslor kh&p(3l!t4 lion* risniblu A llrillaf Co_s;i.C« lllzilu AJmlliInt . . .— ^«1 .00 R.r Jl«m[ihr.r Trim Shop-----13 .00 ia*ho U»?l. Em. Co._______ .S» .00 Maho !4uhlntrr Co, ________>0 .TO InlttmousUln FUtl Co._____CM,10 iBtMiBounUlii lijUIp. Co.a l £ . S . . ? c , ; r v ^ r i T r . -M .70 Hr. D. A. J .rku ti_________(I .M Cirri C. Jtnklai Ch.«.______CO .:o Hn John»5ii ...... ................ ...SO .81 KilkfT r<'lo-Bhffp . ....... ... ......t l .71 KftMVIIVlien.3irosk U r. Co.-eo ,T0 Krctt Jtnllor UaspIlM _____sn ,00 Krcnjil'f, Inc. ___ _____ __J?:iS

----* 'm ____________« JilO M^u/m.il'lnfora.lJon'cS’.“

? iw -I UO StiiMl MoftUoB'llt.'Cfc'^-IZ *'1 .SO Motorola, !»«. ____________ ‘

■ -J JO -MUC SIaW T.L A T.1.........—S .40 Morrla rtlnl a ram. itor.___I .to Mnw.ll lire._______ ______« .» Tll. Mwreld Co.___________

--- rr .19 Mtnanerta Hiu.'A Mrr.-«o.-__ -b,‘ Nr5’oSM'tJVinicV'*“!!;:'

cts!<0 Oratii. TramporUlloB Co. l.ZTe:ji40 r»*r»r-TtV«r Co. ------- ' *

I1.S1 IVrnhniV, Co._____________4?:.40 I'clc. ll.rd .inC o.________ltO,OS PntMlonil ]')<iimac7____ _SO.OO PnrliT WaUf Co._________ _J l i u '

41 .M Italnboll'* tWIInrr fi*r^W___. i i :!! m r > f . r c ? = : ; ” ■

t l M J ■ w n u i M --------------- ’■'9 ,JJ T^.' (i«»loolh fV ... "

s !to iihotw.ira t;ufiir^S4i 'ic.'c<ir~ i 10 .JO Hlan4»td Oil C«. of Callt. __ i *si'm au"'*’i'^ riiBiin f c ^ __.„...,Z ^ :

« M fl44 .so ilVI A. R«f»I a R«l> ~

- » JO mimn.r Sind * CtmY.i Co..___ .W t 'a ' ' i : ; : i '‘ . z z = z :

lis 'lo ■■■■'Ms.'oo Thora.ti T.-p a Boir W «rka~ to.co T lm n-N .-.-------------------- J

07.fO Tror I.AUhdrr_______ __7».«0 TnJrk Hal« a 8«rrlf« ___ :10.10 Toln Falli IlanV A Tnal Co. . 41.1Sll.tQ Twin Ktlla IlliJa PrlBt Su . Ca.

e !'eo ’ '"^"ad'’*"’i oiw Twl!! yriuaaM“**^Lut*i.li; ’

>.10 Twin r*lla Anlo P ift .______« I.TO Twin TbIIi ASta Cithtnr. . ..------

* s!ji t ' h Fa*u nm."a riii^i cbij;

- s :i i j .c o uTixCTr'cJTiZZ""-." 1SS40 tiuh oil K.rinlrt Co.______1!1>< W.lk.r Uink"* Treu'cS^.TT1: 1. 0 WaiKwuiki luarf. Cltr ot T .r . U fr

t,t l l . 0 Wanrwotka n^ulrBinil Co. »lO.M \yYtWBrijft .M6«»T,Co. _.

l.'L" ’i! ;i! S a i i - K S . ' l r — ;1.19 Whllmfr. O irns Co. ______ ;J.M cV'^Cl**™* r ° ' C"'h r>i"d"‘ '

io:m " totai. rlvrrau riiNt) tm,i< WATr-nworiKS, I-UND:

s!oO liorMfTr rull«f «iJ.i: A. J. Ilachrf_____________ ;(S.l: iihn llfr*hl«rftr ________ _

" IS.94 uila A. UlanJ(or4------------- II

l l j i t l crA .'j]yj»l_..._ n .~." l .l .- : 4!

r’ l l i a K c n V .! r L .^ . . r ~ l^ ~ '' I '----loo.'o: i.w’’k a'prnti ^ ^

--------- I l e g a l A D V E R T IS E ^

J. JL CaflloB — ----------------AKD BAI^ W. Ii._i<*UJP«TI . ----- -

"aTiv™ E.’-’H 'iSyrSfc

■ I.U».H BBTTTJit- A ^ C*.------^ :tio "^ iro “ r c i =

, •••’*•'* [ j s BUU °>P>r Cc.-----------1 i»e u M**** f®"*' C®-----------------

l i i } *•' “<1 c»* * -------E.UIP.

14«.«M.00 Mta. Bl*l« Ttl a T.L ---------110,*00.00 CoBip.BT ------- 1-------

S : S . ; r c i s r c r = : z :UM Ul ;s r.na, &*II Ulf. Co. -----------

■ I'trrln. PhBnoafr iT T T ^ in r 'Bsfl 'Ttm*'Kou^O^' ...... -; sllf C « .'l----- - '; } ;eh ;" Ifc!l'i^i‘utnnT lm ic T IIZ Z "

su.<*M yriBiiV C o .--------- :

5"j;S*u'‘*„.‘j‘i r i * B s * i = . ^" ’‘ - - i V f X c u i _

I*4 1UM‘ TOTAt, WATERWO8U* :j j.-’ ji ------------------’I WJM SrnlNKU.'TO-TtWJKINO.OILim

* toi :s T.” W. Jordang |y(.>| |Uk*il H. Us^Uoat _______ ■

id:44o:ji -1---------------------

li;i« |.'j| LrmiB ............ .i:-!*;!* Coloalal ^ f . U Co. —

” '*m'o C?ril"n.nl.l 0^ 0” '------------

SLa'nljfrd OII™ci''of Calif.-----UUti Oil n.IlalBf Co.----------

____ tu x . hTnnncLni.-.. ~___ ____________yt|.;am .vc-<?Jtw s_j.j

j i t

V lj *» Aad.n0B n2 lirii»lM '«' 8«rWii

.5 i! iiMlltr-Milnrrinio Co.---- 1—n .14 Tlrtfi* l'.Tatl._LhT Cfl_________

I:!! S £^S i*£E EKtTndari) Oil Co. 'SMlh.m_Idaha^Jilurp.’C«nZ!r

Si'* flirmon’ill^ar C«'a»i“Ca'ZIZr, 1 ;' ” C.m EUI. on Co. ---- ---------l-OSO.tJ A. t . V.'»t«n .

no^oo Th. Harr!. n»dIalor Co. ------4-«» Horn. I.umhrr A Coal Co_____

I*) SI *>‘ onrr ProdMU .JJJ.IJ Idaho W.t.rworka Corp. ------.« 5; Int.rmo«nUlii Fu.l O . _____•*■<3 lBl»nnB«nUln tijnlp. Co. _ _

.:aiKrtll JaBllaf Sappll»---------

. :co.:» .Kr.M .r*-----------------------------__^ ’•?* .naT(l_UU7 - - ■

jra.03 Sholw.ir. Ulllltr S«rTlr.____l*fO SlMloCllr-llootlM*-lm». Co._•••* Mtn. Stilw T.1. A T.l. —" M W.IIk » a Tl.r’fiin'B.I'i Co.'.^

. . m:“ u n iti 'o T co .'^ I .V -i iL ::™ « u s I 'S 'i,," ; r ! i « i 7 i r i . i z i z i ;» e -« Twin F aV l? \"^V art.T IIl.I- '

*•«“ HefJ.T Klrlni K»r»lr. ___ —U.7t Twin Fall. lUtdwtit Co.___Shfll Oil Co, _________ _

*! i ”Wlillrnor. Oiricn Cn.--------


liTO D.lw.ll.r llrua. Inc. _ _ _ _ ]. 19.J1 fJIob. .'M A »-«d Cfl_______ __

'17«.«I Cm SUU I'ap.r Co.______•-U ,« JiJin Sh.rr.l* -------------------llEmi Jack Htdil.n _ _ _ ^ _

^ sSe% & 5==lie.M A A It PlumklKf A HmUm Co... :j!oJ Df'w.'l1»T*Dro«.'‘lft«r*"..—■’.SJ d”l2‘Vlal (i■oTr“ A««^;TbIZ« ,o r I- T. »<Knilt T.T_______ :. -

trs.OO MouaUln Slata Ttl A T.l _',♦0 Verrln# Ph.rma/r ______J.OO FJward L. Iltffllfk_______1.00 fiUBd.rd rrlBllM ________ _ 'Sa U^itrw»rlri^F:iiilt. i r " '

ilO 'Utah 'Vholnal. Criyrrr' .T.Z"""“■":SJ.Od ,14 rid Nit tlank Col Inl. n.r,. _


~ * j j | KIRE D!:rAnTJ!K,S’T FUHDl ~117 *'9 ^ .................. Isaiiol c ~ ' J Co!__

JouftM-ltlncoIn'.Mi'^urr ImZ ■dsa'?» ■tid.r'. Floor S»r»l<» " l ''Z

,sjj H F S s A :rv ’■ S 5 'S ; ’£F-—'

8t i l ^ ”1'* Automotlx. __l i i ’ol •■

” “■41 TOTAt. FIBE nr.iT, MIHD l“ T

ij'to S h “ r , Jlilo i.iniiAnY fon!')i •

u n . l l Twin Fall. Pobiu- Mir.rr I m1.11 IlflND HEDEMI’TIOS 4 l.STUlEbT. « * J " * '' *T .1 , r .ll.

, 3».l TOTAL noND »i;iii;mP-

- 'l i w fe'v-4^i

4 » * J w ^

' f i ( r x M ^ r ..........IM i r j “u ro r> ii5 '‘ijro°'“ ""

»*■” Pi>i.ii.h- M?r**n "rn-o*"*'" ' ’*”*• ’

nit»H w*Nfi!ii~ JEitoMr: iiicntwAY ui.strict Yiis: iSS,,SlSS ““ »'

(.00 Contrtnplallnr moal/ii ct tK« I . I.'XII.S* I'l'Viuf hlj {v'H

«*9;« rno'v""®*.”' "/it* ’ T- 'riliV” ;n7.K0 CounlT. Jrfonir, I.Uhn, l.'f'tl.rr witl

ajo.io Dnid, ThaniUr. Juna luij

41«:w P«l.! i.hi Mar 11. 1:. U. liij,

r T”"

:M E N T S f f i G A L A D V E R T ia ^ H !--------JTT, n o n e * TO OtZDITOMZ m T7rr. PROBATE COUCT OF (r - - I l I - « 0 n r TwrW PALl.e.-flTATC OF _ -looM EU TATt-tsr-nnrnr-xTXTrc

: 4 » «_ SflJI Ai»lBl«lr»tor wit* wui »*»«•«

1-1» Mt«l« of Ir*l» A. ApmU. dtc.i. 4J0 th« rr«Slton •( Bid bII pcrMB._ >.M ifaU.1 U>. wld dKautd. V

" t .n IK«a Wllb tb* e o w i " Toscbm: .=!:!!

»<-t« BiUl.tnlflr n

S7.U ku.litaa of .ild -UU.- “ V pN K a u ,

4(f.2l AdBlBlitritor wllb '• *” ■” n«»»a.| ,

- IXOOj KOnCB■ Si;:J KOU« U hm bT |1T« .thBl I- ”L!i -; JMI BoiM, laaiio. Apni S i»». »a. I.IJOJI lollowui* onler:

1C.1: »MppiM.p«TOiu in^iZ * iJi Sr ^uW I^mAct OUll: 11.00 BiBU or M*J>o; tast , ta u orttr " ! ! : ! ! “ ’ '"■“ S S i T l n m . A r a . : .!:!! » ,

: *«:jj «ir' n .». i«°-! *Oo!cO SUUHONS

TK Tir» DIBTIUCT OOTOT O----------- n x v s f m i jTOioAi. DisTor

.1 ,7 ,i .u i -n“UIO UAJUOBIB L uonjjl. JU.OO EllWi'ito ’’n - f .^ n L * ^• ®Tjre OTAra'Sn^IDAHO .«CH

i oi in p w JuJpn Eern rwKlisuiI . la BbotB namfci <l«{fDO»m.

: | ; ;S bSlrloi coun or ta . Eerenw JKOtO for‘ w n*T * l’« Caaalj br‘ inieo Buncd pUlntlff. ind rou ir« u .ij illrretM t« spp.sr Bod plesd to t

r ^ i i i r

«.(i tan tim» acrcm ip k k m . ti>» p. I,!«.60 *1U ts ie juajmmt Milim ]

1.11 crtT id la MlO cosiplBlnl. TliU 10.>• U brouiai to obUin b dc«rM o(

J» from you W plBlaWf ca ito fro- ■ eitrnno crutUy.

ci» it1.011.71 j_ JJ. DAiiNts. Aiiomfy 'fot risi

,.»«5 n«i<iin» Bl Ts'io F»it..-Jdiho. “ ’•Jl iMbluh: m y 11, » . Jtmo 1.1


* ” TER OF WIU.IAH D. EIILEU. *'•“ IttllT ND. 671». NOTICE OF

Mt-C^^C OF CIIEDITOHS.' !■-! T . ,1.. . . IVIlll.™ D. I

------40M T w in-nnr^«»M .-f*i’k™w“ Nc'i'!! E :;-K ,:'s’“ . s a ; "M J " I ? , ‘.i™','".;",,.■*/;!

. t;; it wllLba^at il» ld*Iu 2IU(./5{h -hl'h ‘ 'ii«'2'nd* Um. lh.“ .aU tl

mar iit.nd.

' - ' 3-1 buiVaoi. B. iTui propirlr co• Cl fort .aid mrttlnr. Datr-I it Unit.,

l i jg oa Mar >1. KSO. ThomtoB D. V^Jliso PuMUh* May 11. IM .'*'5 «0 IN TIIE U. S. DI9TIUCT COUIIT FO


jS M Cf). BANKnilPT SO. SJU..V0T1_ I's; -rtlUiT MEETl.SC-OF. CEEOITO

70.00 b h.rrbr d m thal .ald-Utrir Jl».>0 Flat Co. ha. hMo .loir B.lludstd asl*0 Iisn. tad lhat tht flnt m»lln(

IC-;» .r^lUot. will hj,_Bl 4» ld.h»_lll.l^.^7!m al'whlj^h pl‘« Vnd^u£. >J>*

UMO tnlilMl'iV^fnt b cotamliu. of ui

H.OO ror. .aU wr«11nf. Uaird at Holat.I.M rn M.r 11, 1550. TTiorntOB D. V,

JS.17 H.ferw In Dankrnpttr.s.;s J'lihll.h Mar 11. lOSO._________


---------- OF unuA 'i'ti. A ixrva and paii:i,«lS.«7 nil r-n\.'TTriifiiii! TO .DIVIOION IN TWIN FAIXB. II

1M.04 V'tll'^CitiM Twin PBlla, Idatio. Bccrrt'*!

lo;'oo pro'fcl Ul" P'Bt of Slon* itubrtUlaCR M Tvln PiJK. Idaho, lb waic& pli

15 M • WIIEftEAfl. SocUoii M-IHJ Of17100 Co<Ic. provian for lao aftfpunc21.04 confirir.silon tiy.a city.pl.a acdi11:0 of itrrru, Blloya and pBiii br onll

U ja D.UNfm IIY n iE ClIAIItMAN 40.CO BOAIID 0>' COUMIBHIONERO OT• I.Jl CITY OP TWIN FAIia. IDAJIO: 4.01 Scciloa 1. ThBt dtdleatlon tiy

lO.CO BTONO Bnd BOaiE OTON* 81■ " I.Ofl niuDinfl Bna wife. ana OEOfiOE

OI.D I-AnKIN «nd CAHOUNE ».» PAHKIN. hUBBBna »na wife. <

^ IJO lu tn j , Biirr* Bna girkj in^or mio,4n j-»ll*. Idsno, hflns » PBrt of tho

p m or the Wrtt llBif (W'i) a __11 So lh Qn

JS.OO u«tr^ '''nR n i ^l*"^jwmlilp Tcrl-'O Houth. I liiu . B8vent»en 117) Ei

--------- th» llot*e.Mfriai»n. Twin PilU CcJ 144.75 lurcbr 1

-■ ''lvkolaE n% 7"T m ^bA nD 'or'' WIliaiONniB, MAT 8. IPM.


410.1JI Cltp'ClMk1.1IJ.7: PublHh: UMT n . !»»■ _____ __________________

'j};,” -N oncE o r i ^ u o , heaiu 4ii.ni OP t i i e JiTTcrnoN o r i 10;,; i -CTownt.-or Titi c r r r o r v i l.4o ■ FAlia. IDAJIO, TO l .m f TAJ

ito.M , Pon o e n x ra l rkvcndb rt--------- POSES FOn TUB FISCAL TJj.t1t.:i ENDINQ APnil. » . IHl, IN J

CESS OP 10 UlLU f]H T in D< 1 m IS ^ * t ON ALL PIIOPBVTT w m .p ,g L t« rra o r ba id c r r r , ■;

WIT, JO JIII.LK ON TIIE IXII.U I MO.OO n c m c t IB iiEnrnT orvw .

i i 7;!!> ««p«u to' ' ts i« for |fnfr»l piirpoBe* for Uib trar rndlni April 30. 1931, In «e<

;o - iii4 19 mUI/< OD tbe doliir on tUl pro -1 . , within tbft limit*.oI..ia*.ulil.Clti

m «1t: ?} mllU on Ui« dollu: and tflB 31at d»7 of UBT. l t » . Bl Uii of 7:30 o-eloclt. P. U , *t th» Cltr

. ' In asKI Cltr, h u bi«B fUM and ~7r,,V.- -trTTnlnnl,'sa--th«> -Uo>»^aD4-p!aai

uii-jf mw pflhli<^h«nnr MO ui»t*»ii

- - BHT othn objection UiBV thw <4»r ill.r to iuch propmed u s Irry for t« . Idaho r.r«nu« ptirpoBM.Dbw<1 U tj a i m ra. IhU (SEAL) n. J. GClIWEtDW>

Chalnnia of th* Do< Iirr. Of CoaunUalonm.. IJitw. C0.‘»8TAKCB J. LDBEIt. ‘

a i r Clffk.------- IMblUh; May II. Ubt 16. IMO.VAIlDfl NOTICK'TO CREDIIOMDEWO IJTTjm- I'ltOIIATK. COUKT OF

CflUNTT o r T%VIN PALLS, fll IrT ln E-'1TJ|-nj_^0k''COHA LEE CJtAIIAM.

yjl 11. dKfmi nl. lo lha rr»|llort^of

iji>lnlne frn!''illhllt'l!!on"or*'ti'i:} ni"lT'r bi*thaIc< .t 'l lllandfnrl. Dtnk A .Truat UbU.. ' ' /M-r. 1.11. Counir of Twin Uila. JIUI. ol I<;Si i; IS;IUb>ar DalMl F.bruarr t l . lUO.

In It. • LolIlflB-WEHKICIC, • „BI,hi -------------- y;tt«lrl»-«<-1h. U.I Will

(iraham, ‘ilK»a.d.ra iiih : u«r 4. II. It, : j . ijso.

IBS ■ 3IF c o m n r »OTlrr o r inAiiii -- i i . n ? .ra-wn jT z c c r o u p»u

It*] oX tb. l i , *ctaj > j

k wDl i l . l^l

1 U.. FUh 0f'’u H y i^ - ^ ‘?,

adop,. th . T i f . t ^ j ;

DUKiar. •'fcc Ttt.!? ,.2: ia «

^<5 . TIIEAND POR inch^, , t , p-ij* •• nr. tional Ui^ipoTj^*

™ S h S£j^•Bdi pK t. "*f'’l;"rtaa.i .n w lauer. ih. tra t a eom. ,*rSuaiclil

^ f thJa ^ a t n i f* t irb ffr . « gS£3ssi

ii,a*?raio?a‘ ™'«iroundof S ’

PJ . UJ- rrjrctnl.a 161 All b'-di c * ^ !h u a ^ - “ ti.i^.’'ot‘i S 5 : d'FOBTIIF !<!*"'>. Ir.cluCl^^ca riiE matI ‘® CSiPtlJl

-"1- S fe s s d ->s;f S ' j s l i' D. B.l.r “ '••‘■ I W"IV tJ'o* fu n i« «' rijiL qulrnnfaU of c . ^

E,““4'S?a I • . i : ; s s ? V M

ru.cl .o7h Hart i d1.5; ' uahC■ DATED liUJnjjd(BCALl n:_______ llOARDCTHaJFOR TIIE

Jy ' plao’ Dj d. t a a l QTICEOF Publlih Apll E:lti|| 1T01» — ----------- I

fpTSwka —NOTICE B ZBBI] > jii*hwtr cisa^A ac^Q B ald a bank. rilU Couslj, f a a f l n April 1, cppl biei IxiStBM|.iu;I <rr<r!loii arcrplAl O B d b sJappoint B ot S«} o'cixsr.llalurdllun, of Mar. IWCKtMil

<Mti «ui> iM ia.wnu4 Qiea<comt .I4- plurrou.il t i im fi

lat. Idaho. f lllln (,.lt ie» m jl■ *’”■■■ srsi.s'sia

Intrrrctd---------- thf SupnlaualBKt;___ . A, echool OUW^m r OP Pjiia iina ecM.i> CErnwo rtiin Of raa-sjsa UCATIOJI Hoard Of "■

IDAHO. - O .l O Cr c w ; i \uSfnn*mImi trt Exs*Id cr WBh" .*m i12S l ^ c S ^inco »nd pcmtaLMsna ledicatioa , fa u jw o tT .C mllnanc# ^OTICK IS llW

AND {iCitlir^llIta W« OT THE M ar'in;. . '

10: I.ln»ln .Bi 6T D. T. dlitrlct. at BTOHO. it.i.rvlBidbr>«^

3E KAn* TIM Tr.rm 1™®**'il- ..(i nSiii'A'S

eontifu- i.rr in « « *®“ ,In Twin (01

»s;'“3 s;'!“.s™rg

i r - WiN, MAT

PAXES ■'‘ , *'tS U"- 'f t ™*** u Wla* *His-Ei

[DOtj- far F l . r f ^ *

J:*?;..m » a if •to I»TT e( ,I«ll»*. ,4^1

& TS- “ lltTnrn- - . 5 52 hS;J « t:itr IlBlI aad -b«« ” ' f . r wuS I j S^ a r s ' tS l t - o r u « r^rf;i.c« J» ;.i


t. CBtB.iJ• nibii.h.

im. OE- JQllW J.. unrf... ™.‘r - lh* « iT l . “b i "»!»..I .{ Bn.l d.r. I''* " ? r i £ lh. ..la lOjM V ^ ‘

'tha' . iu or’”'^ ’i"“*’'‘\ ' ^'■ V ia

f^,n^f'^^’'l '^25» cf t.'!!"’ “SS33anr /

Will Bod “ D A irn ,.!^ l^

Poiluiii.ii''«'''* '


t l J A T 11. 18W

raduated Air Fo leininary’s ^ ^

„ 1 Br DOCOe in Buriey, ! / . » II - uca.irith-■-*yBiSlq L P 8 ~«g°*~ J o u - u - t te n u n


% e r lUrt: t h»'i w ortlnf. BiH I T - “ ** Ihe pleturt oi

■ . prw iurt execuUi

S “ S s S - S j a ; s " S ,

Juoa v u «uM by * gW j ^ ^

C1« J . »*vorlt« ip o r t Hjj..y ^ ,^ tiio o _ » c E u u i_ j j j r |UBs, ■too;Mullne Ctrttr . ___________ *liU *U «rt-JijsUiM**» BptiW” rertJres deipit*

u e lln « . ttluU torU n. PrMticiUy m n>06Ic«tl»'* Semliunf. - for uncia B4inj ; , uned h*r e li« m » to n , *},u« of » ithrtuth Ihejr. Job which 1«J

,,ir rtllflon. The truUdlng ai|nm»nl w u hil ^ I d u the t“ k 0* the ^en fi flTe-man

,he m W. Blon, e*UbU»he<i, Urtfd 5?uns pwple to Idea WM to prwJ

/iilUi oi their report on tho «l^ e f f Is llH'e hope for air power ior A. oi Ihe unlver*e It ^ e ^be rew ltln f^of'lo(l»y have no ru th j„ 0 ,^ air

^ M ^1. , . eldered one of tUKMlsllon tn d Nsdlne p, n ,^ II, cruMi plMo the hi^ aummow gave U e ftvlnUoti for nun iddrta. T he glrU c h o w (xpjrta predict. oW. D , t o . l h . t . .r . u apecle] a u IiCljM rrwenled t*rr of etJiU Ii

of the eouH eirsr TnwrniUoaM aUjTTpolte-brleny-to Ihe iMS-he-wes-esi juna A. Owen, asslitant deputy director iQjinictor, preaented the foreign eeonoml rt»ell P- Balcer, president None of tho»e ,n e itake, who sccepled he did tn out^

•• Between 1P « #r

I5f» Knljht. Carol O ard- WaihlnRlon in athe Ijcnedlcllon. Not the lew tuortljon presided * t the stjunp of app;t fitaker *as director and Washlnjlon h ts

roik and Charleno Bak- polntment b Imben of the progrnin wlf*. Oretchen.

famed o rcheitn, r i . i ^ rosch. 6h« h a i

i a lr t^ ,C b a r ia n a B . ^

^ I f l i s t ' sI Helntr. Jo>xe Henderton.Hemin. Stiaron Holyoak. * ,T m . E . c „ S " 'p r J . "M Lovtlea, Cioyd Man- ^, Uarsden. Ardyth M a^« » MarUndale. humowui talk, i1. Dubsra Jean Meldrum. atorlei th a tUeUne, Delora ’ M o r ^ n , ene# went home.

[tlionTMMli NetMii. Wor- and* before E-Miirtlyn- Wye. - DonaM- he~i en ea*u~Mi R9]rPcarK )n,L«TyI>r:^ eentatlve In Lon(jiU. Kay IUche*on, Ruby ----------------------cal* Jo Tanfield. Clara ...................Ri:jtr Woodbury. Evelyn n o r ) iiSio Yoit. Jennie Younf. ^------------------- O P TO lmS-NEWB WANT APa. yinial'Aaalytla d v e r t i s e m e n t s p h o n e 3108___________________ - • TWIKI roR rtJoucA noN v . . .Monr AI'1'I.ICATION o r — . _ro [if-sTririAi. u .sg

to ll «i>«n Uul I t 10 i.nt. __I<i7 or Mir. 19H. >t T-ln

P rimi .1 n r mtn. IJ, T. I# P.. n. H.

I PfTTTii .Sn. :m*» hml»-kr H.lp H~l*m«ll<m-Ki..--------------------

: M 0• •><lib »IJ «•!« hu bMftr tKS h.lttnrr. «<>i _


i f , j f , “ TO th» FlI n 's '! : '; ' B « . t ; io" s*

i» u » »n«r frnm mch

’•n»J u dr>lsi<t tuoinl ' I . , ,TtS»ii Tunnil l«4l»d In r . ,*»«• u . T. 10 8, n . te _ » 'l .•, /»•

f..u "kI’.'iL c jM.r I. U. 11. n to . /

^ ^ J n _ S t o c k V R Hfor

idiate Delivery


per fM t '


ICTR ie — “•e Company PlfilW

.-— - - - 2 2 5

orce’s Niew Boss : mpo8iire©e9]^ltelCOLAB LASBtX y _TON. fNEA)-Th0Blu Bttcr will t tk i a nivyth_W m Inio .h li.new _ . ta rr of the air torre-^ im lo t coffee pot.

eup« ef fn t f . « Aiy nal~*^kmujt[jUgn*^jtiTlii. B ut If that conjun up

of a cerroui. high ■utlTflbtrklog out orden A underltnn. It U nt

tcT Of record (hat (1)• n n w«n him* either

Uldly ruffled and (3) H l K ' I h a i ever heard him

]lce tn excitement or r \V>t a t a tennlj match, hU L He lUlI sUyi a prettrtoo.- at-W .-------------------- jio torlouj -eonptam e - ^ ^ ^ H | | | | H | |ilt« a run or tough i<At.re rr one he h u Uckledim h u had more thanm ajor headachts. Theed to hll present at*I heading up Uie Presl*UUI air policy commis* hed Is July, 1S47. T h i iroduee a common lense le aUtuj and needs cf oeertlary n r America. ooly a i » ten:Ing report, callfd "Sur- a lr ege." Is now eon- ment, too, ho i

If the finest dDCument4 Job. rver written. It will In-' Aside from hi

history cf American and letal pract tnany generaUoru, most and lectured wl let. half of h ll Tav(t awlgnment. he lerved United World T saliU nt to the lecre- »orks on varla e tn » « , advUlng cn functlon i of thi "economic” affilrelTn ■w«“ «isr-i7nroi

-e»eeutlTe-dlrectoT-«nd te ru ti,------------:tor or the offlcc of Born In Philnc jm lc coorfllaatlon. » member of ote tu k s w u euy, bul prominent fami: lUtatnndlnj Job on all jrandfnther wei 1 and IMT, he resumed ‘ fd Iila moUi 'ofltable law practice In baclcto the eai unflU i-m anf^fciM -io —Hszirssretiotr. h an advlwry capacity, acadcmy of Phl ist cjiuie for tiis ready verslty of Per jpproval everj-one In I>urlnK W la s put oi\ hll new ap- t« the rank of cn I rinletter's vlradoui f '''^ ftrtillerj-. len, the daujhter- of -----------

la i a pcnonallty tha t Contract•oclety wUl welcome „

™ p a u u ic i - I e “ de^ — ( J l l - K O Jlih, of medium height d q ib e May

ed them ovw wllh a & “ T J ? '

mewcikwlthJauBhtcr. trailer to .the hork.oa. l i e commlulon ------------------Js present asslffnment, “MHIah-airpIwj'repfe “ EXTCS london. On thli aisign-......... .......................... Roc

K P. SCHOLER yAfnTcni. «n'O M E T R IS TJytli Contact Leniei iiuo^r/tU n8 IH U A IN N hr. (hofl.»fU!i. 1

n c e «5 V o g u e iiUitiff Feature for Friday am

In Honor of

^ E R ’S ^

x g . v e - . . , . . , . . . . . F - R - ’

F irs t 600 Ciutom m i W ho M ake

'OOrP ~s “ss »”sI - \ - V F A ’' 'i O u t a

f i p n i p E jq u is ll t lliw ci I ’ L I I I L In ^p riccd fo r be

ULniLO 1 | A - Shccr'51 gau^c. I I M V -tr«u?e-15 -donic; B I l l l l ioncd nylons, li

■ U l i y 8 8 ^ a n d !


ncess V o g u e S: 2 5 'M A I N - A V E N i n i : ^ A S T ^

_____________ T U fR R

J Keeps IJHardJoh ____

* ♦ •

Cool _ ______


lln lctlcr. n# ibeeU LeQnli

IS did an ouUUndlne

I h ll government work -acUce. he h u written

widely^ zDOitly in be- I favorite'enterprli*, the fl FederaUils. SchoUrly arloui isiues and thel ths V. S. government , / r

i r o r -m r r n n e ip u m - ; ------------y ~ f i

illnddphla in m ] , heU ^ f// ' iof one of thal clty'i I) ^imlllci. His fatlier and were bolh local Judgci VloUier’s anctalry goes \ t e \early colonLiti. ' n

oealeintTt.'w-JSplKepal-* ------------------mPhiladelphia, the Unl- Pennsylvania and In •J World war I he rt»e fciiptnln with the 3J2th V-

ct Granted;oad-Deyices • —lay 11 OTV-The lU U office Wednesday an*award of a.tlJJOS con- ----------------IntermountAln E<iuli>- aa

»ny ot Boke for 10 wcrs. They will go to ' ihway department.

firm also received a itrnct for an afphalt le htithwny deparlmenl. ifacturlnR company of , i ?,'orded a JJ.MtflO con- f imlihlng a four-wheel e hlgliyay d e E a r tm e c l . -------------- ----

ilTEETH” ::--------loclc, Slide or Slip?>n ImrrortH toodrr U b< jpfr Of lowff rlilw, holJi , flmtr io tl.ffc Do ecu MU»i. KAr.Ti;CTlVu* ’ki!:

(dcnlur* btnlM, C>l

S h o p s ■ ^t n d S a tu r d a y

d a F ~

:e ekem P orchase

Princess KA loha I

Baliy_ _ _ |rchifl . "•eds o f bcnuti-' esh delicate or­in a costume

y B e ttin j flown p re ss from Ha- to tho Princess: Shop fo r th is y

Gct y o u r s JQth e y last.

ase of d rm e i w as. MkccMlon, brand new» styles antfpeelal— . . - , . ^ ^ 1

ffcrio especially ^ # 1beautifu l Motii-

— Mfc .lfi'd tin icn 54lic r, fu ll fash- - 'K I

low priccd a t ^ 9 1,d $ 1 .0 9

TOW N ......................................... ...

S h o p sr ----------------------------------- --------

E S - N E W S , - . T m m FAT,T.<1, T

m^ S a l a


' m

G U E S S ?when the i and win a



W L y . . ..hour— - ----- ------ ------------ificd

nam iwritl

Buy a new Stra



T T IA T tn ■

AWIi r d a y

Y 13



y - r

: ice will melt . m ew straw liat!SE RULES AHE SIMPLE lE R E ’S NOTHING TO B l

Splayed !n th e windows of each of )rea listed below wili be s s traw 3zen in a cake of icc. The person : t l y ffuessinfir the e x a c t timo w hen ke of Ice wlll b e com pletely mc reives—a “ ?3;95 - S t r a w - H a ^ FR^ leTe's no ttitn s to buy—ju s t stop i y of these- otoroa a t your convenii d m ake your gtic.s8 . . . to the i u r and m in u te . Winnjgrs wili be r d by-phone or m a il, so be-Buro-j me, address end phone numbei i t te n plainly.

aw Saturday f t




. ' 1' ' ' ;(


XJY *ho tB U

_ iin i - r U B -befor V h a t —n c o r - ' pjck

iciSS .RBE5-!— cool-we

I d ay , desig

-------------------------- " f yo r is “ fe a t

y o u r p el

rom one of the]

^Z!c c a

l a ' ' " ' : ' : ' "


n ^ E N T/ ■ . .

T i n f


' Cool ai Jomfortab


Stralater t h ^ you thInkI

th o we’ve had a cool sp rin g . i Bummer w eather will be upoi ore we know it. Stop tn jo w .i :k out your new straw while :tipnB are complete. Keep tha vell-groomcd-appearance-und rt s traw . . . a strawliandsonK igned to enhance the contours your fa c e ,. . . to feel like a - ather on your h e a d . . . to f it ersonality as well aS"yourpur

following store



STORE; ; ; v ;;;;;;

b z l

l i| t — ----------------- s |

S — J


"uy I

ndblet a _

m r ^ T


hatader_______ ____melyrs




> N

: k

CS ;

- 1

H 'H o s p i t a l B a y ^

| | j O B s e i ^ a n c e s

I j S e t f o r T . Fwill occupallotii. Membei

.’ J l l receive no pay. They appoint ft wed t l .■' lea l bUK »hlch U given the prlvlJes ■ py--- «rT>r«<aiDlff-tt»-pnrfesslona-ln-ih ‘ ill hMpltal. In turn, each doctor u I t f sumea ft r»ponJtblUty tb provide lhI I best o t care tor ever)' patient admit U ted by him.

M talned in Uib hcupllnl under Ch W -tap e rrla Jtm of-ftn-«n|)crlene«l rad M loloRlJt.'an MD. *ho has eompletfI I I tpeclal tralnlrjff In both dlagnwi |H and treatment.■ ___________ O pfrfttfi Ltboralorr I n i r - l a UjiBtiji'y l>Hn-chnnie-of-<II : , pathologist. aUo an MO. «ho jpen ■‘Tl i »everftl y e an recelvin* special train

Ins and ha* paued tba Natlona ■’>21' Board o t PnlholoRy. For each patien *v^ V entcrlMK the hospital, (he laboralor:

, f ta l f proccetls uutomallcally to makilin II ■ coniplcto blood count. »ero!oslea

"!’ ■ Mnmlnnilon of the blood and an uT'1 ■.: . Innlpls. These .procedurta are Ini'IH il porlnnl to Rive coinplete knovledm[IIV o t thp pnllenfs condlUon. LaterHi a t h r laborntory may perforra ctheiHIR tC!iLi when ordered-by tbi.Attcnt]'[r * biR physician. ^” 0 ' Another rejponslblUty of ths "Ub'I*. 1* BdmlnlJtrotlon of the Twin PalL'f i l l ' county blood bank, a communltjiLli. project, The procesilnj? ot bloncI J l l < melude;i both (IrawlnK nnd admlnlS'

. tratlnK. the equipment of theje. ret i l l I trelRernted storase. RII delermlna-a tlon. cross matching and bseterlolo- jU tfl | 1m 1 detennlnatlon.

. . blood in T»'ln Fnlls l» In accorC____ ^ffltMhiLcylJn_nih':U™frJ^,!5iTIv

[ h l j , ^ ’in I'nlU county hM pitarU res-MU I Iitered as a non-prollt hosplUlr . . , T hat meana It can eharj# onljf l i enough to covcr the cost of th«r s many serrlces which Jt renden.liEi___ !----2 £o o f« U )ir /o r_ ,— , .,; * t , Many people Who Vblt the hospital‘J 'l ‘ aro Indued to lAbel any person In

I ft uniform as a nurse. Actually, the ' 1 { person may be one of several iradea

[ I I of employes In Uis nursing depart* “ ” ■ w ent, or she rolBhl b« In onoUjer <!►■ B ll partm ent. altoBrther. auch as a tech. 'IV niclnn bi tho Inboratory or X-ray

___departm cu t-n r-ln thn fllrlary de .. ... . partm en tI 1, , Various catcRorlu of nursing ttr - :• I' ‘Tlco employed Include rtfflsterd V ', . nurse, licen. e<l jiraftlcal ..nurse,

' nurses aid and orderly. The register- i l l ) ed nurse la the top llgura In UieI I 1 scale. She haa completed a t least

. . 'th re o years of edueaUon In an ac*! ' credited training school and haa be-

' ' eome registered by passing an ex« bn I amlnaUon given by tha atate board

i| I of nurse examiners to test her know- leiSgc and fitness.

--------------• u t f i t /IddlUon------- '■The licensed practical nurse ts

tbe newest addlUon to the nursing

( family. She hns undergone nt least one ycor-ot tralnlnff-sljlch ahe has I— taken usually to r the simple reason

I th a t she could not afford to spend • Uirco years training as ft registered

V..: .n u rse . . .Nurses’ ftldei rank a tx i In th»

I icale. They aro women eniployed «i 5'I . ftUxlUary worker* on the aurdnrf.




Ijl- It’s tte X

I -

Its chemically treated dispo! ■II out with the dirt! Beau|;i/ii

styled I So light, easy to carrj I use. Costs no more than i

conventional vacuum cleanei=JLL- TMS_tJ,£iai4l!I

SoOtnn,y«uo(nefi«f, er ll>in to Ih,

I r -11.- . . - • •— c ra o N ie iu o i6K/A»/.,I I dinI ' »od irit

> NO tMeUY. KAKIHOjl tU il f l t l t c k in lo th i|> ro«m . . . •ic /u ilr* ijl ^ Tripl, nUrr lh» ‘


“/ / w c can't, scrvice il

F a m e d O p e r

s C h a n ^ n g

F n u t u M ar l l - A tt« r 18 y*ar» » being restricted to teadlng, typlj

aewlng and oUier ocMvlUes requlrl — -no r re rtJffn .-Jo jce-aa rtnerrP Il

med-L u t Norember Joyce waa tak

|’“ ® to" Jehiir-Hopklni:n.<aW «lP=lJil . J r ! more, where a succes.'itul operatl

w ts performed lo correct the co ‘ dlUon commonly known as "bl

la u u t ^ - ' ‘-ah<.hart'Ua«.fiuirimfln iir.

Jc^c# waa boro Dec. 8. 1033. 1. ^ Hastings, Nebr.. and moved .to n

w ith her parent*, Mr. and M Harvey Oartner. la 1M<;

Along w ith the circulatory co dlllcm-irhleh-preTentcd-»-»nJflcie

®f”^ tli/v ot blood'to 'the lu iifs.'she^l pent w aa.stricken wlUj rheumatic te» n ln- and a bad case of spinal menlnglt onal 8 h« couldn’t walk unUl 3 yei

old and her physical acUon had “ P ' be severely rtalrlcted becawe Ml

nterUon made her faint. Ilou-evi JleM in spite of the condlUon. ahe ma

ftged to complete seven years school.

Through a woman's m sgadna t i w parcnta learned about an opcraUi

which might correct the restrict flow o t blood lo Uie lunge. In 19

, V- ibcy wrote to Johns Hopkins ho ",R plta l for moro Information ai

made Uiclr first trip to Uie. ho pltal to have her examined.

Doctors there warned them U ■"“ * success o t an operaUon of Ui I type eould nol be guaranteed, b

In IMS.tho Oartner* received wc to bring Ihelr daughter fo r tlnpfraUnn,_____________________

^ Joyce's condlUon Is called te lr logy tallot. II U described u Inclu. 4ng a dtfeet-ln-lho-irall between II h e a r t chambers, pulmonary arte

„ i_ defect, valve dcfecta and gener enlargement of the heart.

T he operaUon was performed

iital' sC a ff~ to ''p e rf6nn many Led.ili I In duties nol requiring the skill of the realslcred nume. For the most pai ides n u rs ti ' aides do hot have any,'«pi t iU clftl training but rrcelvc.n on-the-J< d»> InstrucUon concerning Ihelr duUes ^h« Open 24 Iloun■ray Orderlies arc male aides who pc: 4 * ^ fonn-Mm# of Uie hearler chorea fi

th o nursing department. The a m »er- of nursing personnel must b« o; <rd ganlied Into three shifts so nurslr rse, caro . la-provided around. Uio.-cUx ter- w ith no stopping forSundoy .or hol Uio days. Thero must never be any ahu' :sst down In a hospital. tc - Seldom appreciated nre th s falU be- ful maintenance men who stnigg

w ith old and lnade<iuate equlpmei 'Ord to keep the physical p lant opemtlr

24 hours a day-seven days a week Anyone pawing the haipltal i

3 iu n :w o u ia n n d a iri ts llghta bla; Is lng. T here 's never n moment o t U

ling day when It* doon are closed. N rast hospital will ever cnny a noUc has -O u t .to Lunch,..bsck_ a t 1 p m son WheUier t t - l» -M e».-Y ear's ev end Thanksgiving, or even ChrtsUnt red day, hospitals never clo.ie their dooi

o r curtaU their s«r\‘lces. The sta t th» pcraonnel. e<iulpment and faclllUi : a i ar* always available whenever the ln3. are needed.

M this~ ~m i KIND OF LfANERiVITH

I m m m B ^ T O

£ J I / I P T Y !

W a (ihrnti *tiK “<(9 ir'i)

p osoble p ap e r filter is p o u red ' ;;i/ully b u ilt and b e a u tifu lly - r ry .e o s y to - ^n o ld -sty le

H H A L - ^ R U U B E S . J O O ! -

T->. f l A ija t tt to any r«#W M tkm m b f i!te* ot

« = S ^ -p i« .c o w io i J

rf ^ MlBHtJ oMrf thna ttv J3 « < . . . f»«Wni it too

^ lot lh* U wTt .0.» ^ STOin COHVtKIlKTir• A S wI* ' MeM(ra»r4fn*f. raM

8 4 ”! </— jce jcon't sell tt"

;r a t i o n b y - E x p f g L i f ^ f o r ^ F i l i•ars of


takenm in i :raUon ^


a t■ n ie r

Mrs. m ■




» ‘ of

la the-ation JOYCE G.\ttT>fEBrlcUd ----------------------------------------------I corrtct-tJiB-art^ry'derccirwlflch

hM - ;iulu from the narrow ing of and — —

. hos-

1 Uie R epublican H its 3 A t L oyalty Boai• the WABinKOTON. May 11 07>-_____ publican Senator Mnlone -tolil_letra- scnateW ednejiday th a t Preslciclud- ’Tniman'B loyalty botvrtl is '

irtery cleared e t least four persons 1: ■neral found to bo "por accurlty rLiks,'

He said one of the alleged i td to pecta gave the name of a men------ of the President's board a.-j a reciJ . , . - mcndatloa-for-it-fcdcrai-Job.------

Malone Issued hi* b laat as a s ” ‘ ato InvesUgaUng coramlltce. led p ^ Chairman Tj'dlngs. D , M d , be

wading Into a stack of a tn te depi fi'i. ment loyalty tllea on 81 pen

cited In Uie current probe ot « m unbm In the government,

per- Tydlngs and his collenKUcs wor a for rnosronniraayin 'n iu inbinB Umji array uia flies in Uie cabinet room of > o r. W hite House, He said It would t rslng about two weeka to a tudy th e fileclock ----------------------------------------------holl-ihut-

alUi-ugglementatlng ^

^ a t

i j E Htmna


I ^

" -------- ----------------------

---- — . TlMKy^WEWS;'!

perts in lEaist ler “Blue Baliy

pulaonatT artery ou t of tb e he eiDCS Insufflcleat blood gets to hmgs. oxygen cannot be carrleC

i j ^ H enough-quanUttes to. olpajta ot the body. As a result, t i U a DoUeeable sweUlng In part:

jP O B the body and the llpa tu rn blue=3lie:flperttJontyM J5rfO T iEd

m S W Tn. Alfred Blalock who. logei W M f^ with Dr, Helen Taussig, both

Johrj Hopkins, .perfected the U -w4 iw iLJondxtxjf lik ing the g

W f lng It to the pulmonary artery r" ------the lungJ. therebyproTldlnp an

. creased blood supply to the Iw other left arm blood vessels i

I vide a sudlclcnt flow to the a

^ " ' j ^ e was told to continue strlcUon ot her actlvlUea for next i l l monUu. Uien graduaUy crtttse Uiem. The swelUn* In Jlnners has decreased noUces ond the "blue" condition , Is longer n,ipartnt.

Farmers Receive ~ Land-Instnicticof the MOSCOW. May 11 (/PV-Nearly --------- .lOuUtem and.easlcm Idaho fai

t e crJ th b spring received Inatr Uons In use of farm levels lo li Uicm dls IrrlKatlon canals, M l c

m r n levcUng.r o L U prown, extension aipy_H«. cultural engineer for Uie U nlver ilrt (hr of Idajio, ■BUS In charge o t the •esldent schools wHieli were JielcT s "not He ».-Ud Uiat by knowing how i m a i m rthe -farm lever. runnergTrlTr IS later able to Improve the ir own III Iks," when It would be a financial b d sus- den lo call outside help.

nember ---------------------------recom- "me nutria Is a muakrat-llke i --------- Imal-naUve-to-SeuUi-Amerlcar-T-

« ™ n s -M an, Youre Craworked i

Id take r .i ii .i w'.ixVmb^ I 'l i 'V n u S v t.Ulca._____________ AdtwUicart.t____ .

^ S S iTw in FaUs

S - ^

\ t i ‘n ? c r leV i ' ' " . ' ' . ' T h e y \vfts

' V \ •' I r o n in g . (. t r im m e d *

■y o f p in k a n

'i , A ' V. SHE N ^ / \ - A L W A T i- 3 . ' . fli.-.:.:-:'' ^LO,VES,


1 . ^

TWiN kALTx9, TDAHO------- P B x s s i i i rT B x n a m

PORT AU PRIKC*. HalU. Ml { ^ D m sa ra a is Zstlme real

-W»di»sd»j ' M pr—Ident ot 1 y and wa* succeeded by a a l l ' JunU.h e a r t -----------to theled In . . ^o ther . . there

Tts ot f l f l l• - ■N .>N

a l b r . ____ _ 1 . nje t^ irr ------- - -

K ch .aiftln. - - ::


f the ' / 9 • ' -Iiy la - . . / yQ her ^


i o n _____

i f f o r l f c o i i f ^’ co*n- W l' OlftHDAILl JlOIACI^g- VAULIJI

5 - i j i iy iJ y r - f l i i i f ^T j y ^ 7S7^i*cate***^tlelds HOLIANDUIZINO

. u ' ; i K 's 5 v ; u

® >miM JIM

\ V ^ . IHyailGAIt-flia tJTIMAIi

i RmTV


fu l ly s ty led

[ Y L O I ^ "

K n i t ^


z 0 - ^ i: lo v e lin e ss In n y lo n , f tsh , f lic k d ry w ith o u t

C hoose th i s la v ish la cs : s lip in d e lica te sh a d e s a n d w h ite . S izes ZZ-42.


I BTCDKNT T O IT *Hay « O A EZT. Msy a im ed Held, student at - P i y a a - jlalH . .........dUtJUy ber parenu. Pres, and Mr*. Lewi

Crltchfleld. _


S t- Q R A G E -


- I tupiM-i v.«m « n ............ .......

^ I______

D E R ^ o n srWIN FALLS'


Mother’s Day is an "E you make May 14 m or

: S

L e t U s G i f t

special PurchasJu s t Arrlvedl You'll never .lec a price . . . and Mother mil love It choose from . . . both are dalnUI delicate In Uie lovely paste] shade

- ^ t t a

' ' for style this «un

SH E’LL LOVE f n OONE! ................i . y S ,

I t ’a Straw B brs F or Style . BfiRS for Color! There’s .10 ent-sty les to chco.ne from 8hade.s . . . there’s bound 1 Y our Jlom l " “

RememTier . . i . Vp

Jrltcb- 'Young liM MHIBdieM


% n n m n

H — ___ ' ■Thb«,thar,.yottn|*aHsi.H Come 00 In asd c o m i ■

I T O II C o w b o yI Site

I _________ bQy-booliJhc-Dilier.t»y4JIlecon Uiey arc Just about a load of tha t rugBCd ran< underslujig heels wlUi^Ne

— --------------------------- rlch-kld-uppcr*. leaUier .lejlng. Boots come In followi burgundy top. lan with red

____________ mUff coffhitnds Uiey come--------------a-:::: : : . - ........ ........-= ^

- X t il 111® TWI

. fflE M B E R ■

f "yfjr f 9SUNDAY, MAY 14th

E x t r a - S p e c i a i ” D a y a n d

r e e x c i t i n g t h a n e v e r b e

■’‘Bemembcr MAlUA" ■■ w l U

^ - r A . 1 M i l

f iW S\ J

Y our G if t a lw ay s h e a r t i f y o u frive

---------------- -------- I r o n n h r l o v c l y ^________ ___ s h e e r , . s h e e r , h o se .

w ith M illay I

r W r a p ^ Y b u f

t s e ! R A Y O N K N l

a more bcauUful gown for such a low Itl There are two different styles to

Uly trimmed wlUi Uce and they're so de.1I Slzea 33 to 40,

m m o r l ,

L n a -2 .9 8

! . . . I t ’s S t r a w . ^?o m a n y d if fe r - 1 rind .-IO m a n y ‘K o ho o n e f o r

: o u . C a n ^ C H A R G E - r e ,

— — m U E S p A J p j ^

s l _ ___ _____IJ .IM ar.rU > eM ■

►M M IX I r B o o t s 5.95Ih t» Uiru 3 'heels-ln-theee etmilra-Wics;*

n ' glrU mirK tliout tho purUest foot gett anch atylo—flexible leathtrvk l Weollto llfla fur tough leg-llnlng, colorful psttenr'fifl owing color comblnsUaai; TdH red lop. tan wlUi greea to& h S ^ in ^ e colon,

j irR ^ o l,VIN F A L L S ' ■

d we’re all setblSjH jefore! ______■

Ith her favorite Hvlifl

H ay ,1

9S E IE l u a l l i y l i ' O l


y s ffoea s t r a ig h t to Her ■ v e N y lo n H o se ! ChocM ■ '-S p rln rB h n d c H n -tlie w -* s e . ._ Y o u .c a n ’t so

r S e l e c t i o i i j



MeetingirA S S T p u S ^ ■ p .

W ^ ^ g a - R l d d J , .

,b o WlU UUC ^ ■ H » :‘■.I.!l7hir> b e tn y n th t

^ ^ . L U r y ^ T ^»t«rt wlUi- 1

S m in _tHe m omtot^

K Whnlc»l aesilOD1 in’tfit Bttemoon *t Ui«!f ludurium . AU lnt«;> f, iM Invited to «tt«ad

tseeUns. aceonllnff ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , »ud niddle. A bKjquetin lhe evening » i Wr#y‘» *• ^

' " , , . Twin 1iMTiifW public McounU WlU b*’» tf* iM-td from »U parta oJ Ibe I<Uho 8«

PnbUo A(«osathurber. Bolie. i t pre»l- M iaiul e#n»eii

jo rtin ^ U o n . - Sitnrd»y.'(BU

ion on Farm Three R Is Affirmed Given (

JUT U {/Th-TIie *Ul« nurwHOMr i t W edatiday Afflrmtd 8HTOH0NE s wunly dlitrtet court m m becimo ell Biroln* down »n appeal state* a t » na

raUliJLMle-CLaJ37<!XM 4Xoad»iUMio;»Jftrm foulpmgDt._______ H -flut^en-----jUoa and Elnoni Nelson ' „

t . i i ' i - s . i ; . r s r . . “ s

u Ntlion* purehwed th# formtrJy cf HoiUje Hoff*, payln* 15.000 Herbert Bo h ,

rrilT tnr3»ih=U i*-f“ ® r Uon-«rfloM,^Iwjclilmtng 11* a«seU had eoiirt.'M rs. Ob'fprtsented and filed cult the dlitrtet com«(tbelr dovn payolenL oaUi.rt court Jury found for ----------------------uid tho Blnsham county 'iaa wts upheld. A ***

JiiprCrop ilie Increases ,tOTOWriiay i’l W Theut year'i domestic sugar:{tr eane crop was moreDWO over the 10« total, caunly offitu « department .a id to- t ^ t tt> rLm *

crop report llatcd the *"* *o iMtrs. exclualve of aeed. Btud Uke. Se' !,C00. Tlie 104B valuation leie, by gorei aj)oa-Th*^«Umai«-or —. Beeanid ll li bwed on preliminary" ,,6.' JI0.70 per ton fof «“i‘ towlimil

J ind K-00 p e ton for name-ehangln We'd think up

^ . Mud Lake’s rtPresented -»ortofrret

ilir l l-W o n d a W arren. (^unly peoj tahicen and Lola A nder. wehBldaT.owi cut In one of tu'o plays ( u m ite d aom ttre by the dramatic* i . , tlio.iffht <'■ t Blli, school. Appeartng «3cf France" were John .z i Hobday, Mary Ke)KO. ------------------ -za, Mlis Wlckcnhagen ttl.iRa.

EADVou Can MEW 1 9

m O N L Y t *

id Low Mouthly-- yments of Onlj

S t i ^ D o n ’t lV Ujttil yot^L

Don’t B

CALL 2811


UNIO^ A T tH r d n , .

•\. - - -

[Y.-tfAYll . -----------

NEW YOIUC 1 ^ i l u n U B l ^m lnlc l

W M nudav liu ‘ f 'e ed i

* 20>foot th. trapprd there f

Sfe-i^W B r Hatf-bllnded,aSril 'TW':* fa th rr of sixH E ' ^ W g S ^ H W " 'D ttrpm rxnff^ '1^ ‘ W f !■ la it by « h it

* superhuman C 9 .uue^-—^

? E S W B k m M M B 1~ Workmen iDrootlyn alda at-l:tO-p.c

/ deiplie II ported t h ^



old Benon emtfloorheid,

L P. PARRY - "He dlM Jusn FaUi a llom ry wht> I ‘® ''In '" 'wtored »peaker when lo»i

8o(lety of Crrtlfled miUnU hold* ll* aeml. '’"ITcntlon In Twin Fall* ^ '

face a t 2;to p.

Residents1 Citizenship E H lIE. May 11-Three per- a t Rpeclaiori,, cltlun* of the United e w "naturalization hearing plosion badly t

if« D lttrlfl .TudgB D oran man last_nli;

klarla Ird iaustl, Holley. 'UnrtincEp.ln; A a. D l.nc te

, fonnerly o t Connda. , “J i - ™ " - - s " ; . * ' -

„ • p lM lo n .n a h . IM, Spokan* naturallM - dead man'* wr

-P r t^ c ^ -Im p t Claude Ohrss, cleric of hnclc Mid "notl court, administered the been done th»

Atleo wa* bl

^ \ Erom where I sit... /${

Mud Ll Get$"Creai

officer* fo t a noUco from it—for aboutament not Ion* aso, a*k- ally decidedto chans* tha nama ef Pond" In hem. Seema if* a pond, not a • From wheroremraent jitandard*. pond wasn'tI lt 'lic s 'en (ire ly Inside ' (hinE In th* wim iU .w eaikedtodothe did it iret. tiglns ourseiv**. Figured opii * -n and tlup a brand-new name, decided ll. Thi

'« really not Tery muddy be—w hrth tr ipretty, In f*ct. pond, or harltpeople said eo ahead, so a friendly gl*:'.ownMeotlnf. Everyona and when w* ■ Bomothinf. Windy Tay- t “Taylor Pond" wouldeauia hi* place bordeni ,

Cepr>Khi. iSSO, VniieJSis:

I Own a > 5 0 FC5 0 0 D

Tradc-^foui’ Gait/ve seen B ill Ire land’s UNI

Bpy aNew C ^ .:'il you Test D rive the Newrj


B i l l I r e l a

)N M(•‘The J7oum o f Sincere Se

l-D igger D ie s iri I im ite s “ B e fo re “'lu :. May 11 wV-Well. and one les < inlck Atleo died In agony Utiff boulder » Juii flM minutes before Upjed shnrtlj edlilm a\ Uie bottom of Tuesday in the thaft. He had been to provide tlie

re for 38 hour*. for washing catled. lh * 49.year-oId been banni lU children had fought *n«U |e . ^raxhiuiHcirunta-nhe- —p j i; , - i t docion-dualbed as for H nan e f^ rt _o^ will arid ^ .n itl ccnUBC!

.Thrr^anaMwn tunneling under a foru then anc

garage rcKhed Atteo'* trench from a |-p.mrE6T,-and-an-hfur cflnstantlrfKli le a minor cave-ln. re- floor and roof i I ^ writhing, moaning cave in because

J^ ^ ^ fo re r iiueJug.aa-ay.too la l* ,-:d with failgue, Dr. Har- threshing hu uemerged from the g a n g * ------------------vatlon and ahoolt hU

Just five mlnuuj before C O O l C :n," said the doctor, who lowered repeatedly Into ed well lo attend the ntracior. "I thought h* n,,to make IL HU courage nee were beyond belief." _wn4J!;fluthtJoJlia.aur-.._ _*

attractive, ai-year-old OW Witfl:. Marie, who wept and the well throughout the went Into hytlerlc* at

reaming and striking out rs, I John. 2S, who lowered th# dal touched off an e*- .ly burning the entombed ^ L -nlKht,_blU«ly_accu^ w ’ lU L r. cre-frorwilllhgToo long line Uic trench that ultl- r-s..*— ched Atleo, S E / Vd siarled dlfglng rtghthave b*«n out-long ago. ..........Idn'i hav* been an ex- _1 he'd be alive now," th# v P . son cried_out.____

nothing more coJd hav#' thin was done,"* burled-to the amplU

Joe Marsh "

Lakelared Up")out 30 feetl But we fin- ded to c*ll It "Turtl# honor of tt* ra l owntr*. her* I lit, niBilDC thatn't llie .most InporUnt - - ------------leworld-butlhBtfffywo *. Ereryon* etfered hi*, d then th* iB»JorIty T#to Th.f« the w.y inhonld •r It toneern* n*niinir-a •arlnt (he right to tnjoy . . M Hgl*n of bm or de-If 'w* ehoose. ' ' '

Slalci Briicirt FcunJelion

t • • , • _ . m> 1■ w ,

) O W N ^

: 0 8 9

ai‘ r . . -N I O N M O T O H S


a n d s

OTOrS e r v i c e


:ri^Ag o n y J u s t 1

g wa* pinioned, by a frantic, effort t<:r when the walU col- fetid prUon by 111;. , n . r n IJO. EST m n u c m i uhe well he w u digging give him tha Ja;

tlie garage with water R «nan Catholiccan, U « of clly waler e s t th a t he dli

inned during the water out aUre..____________ * But untU h li •ergency a ^a d s labored I to U tn J n h m nrs to help the husky. hU sobbing, auiracsor. dig to j j l f _ o u i . m 'a i gning lo U A * « i r w i - iw w - t F ■ ns-a iin ijea wand *urted digging a htsm* and get *<I a polnl 3D Teet away. ,,K in g -th rrlii-ih a i- ih * J

e re«uen reached him, Tlie C5-year-o O i.anZ X H m inzZ M tt: a o T c y trn ia tT d u .wliii pain, began ahock and exhai U upper body In a l u t the r**cuer*' acl

! comfort... refreshingYou’ll like ffi0 cool comfor

Panalite and you’re sure to like Jfie.wayJhe.clean, crisp-lines are s

vith a brigfit tropical puggree band.


EI S Q N^VS^DE^V f W r n

y #

RSJ P H 0 N E 2 8 1 5 ~

F iv eR E i F H i i i r i r r f r

to climb out of t h i I » |y himself. I ' VBlflded tfl A Priest who I .last aacramest o f the \ SOEII >lle church a t 3 a in . \ did so t expect to (# t

U Tolca’falUd b* eoa-ror-»ncnnn*«n«nfr-W — — r:----- .r-:^aubum-halrad » lf# . .L o b »aiirifb t.lion*y .- . - T n « ^w z n r m r ^ T t r a - t T -----------; some reat.”-sta«M-ot_thB_xe«U8 _____— L | » r

protested: -They'x* “ IC Iloo tight. They're

r-old p r, Beracn aald. ' _________

lauJtlon and n o t from ' , ,acUvltle*. . • L a v )

'.gstyh #fortoftfiis ' -------- ^


I set- ■ r- Nyfoi


W id(

a lux

. •’•— ' runpi

y with

________ ■

— / n

mElasilc Brief F

^ 1- " lA H W ® - -• '• mMh-ti A ; y l / K | ^ ru n p ro o f!

B j * ' ■ f l '.WhHf^r.

H p |f |p^ NyloR


, . - boJy anp#«leeat

4 - . ' ■ - ’• -• ' '

----------- C harnKnitN

Smooth 1 ■ nylon'and

« H h l hmim td.

_______ _____________ ___

S ^ A H O -^----------—-------

l U C K l N D C O l - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f :

K b e a u t y - o o f ^ a c e t a t e - .

: h d e d i n e a $ y - t o - l a u n d

f l i h l y Laci-irlmmfd Knit




de 3 -in ch nylon and coH on la c

jx u ry lo o k to th li im ooth knit prootTTTylofTonS-TayorFformot

h l e s t c a r e . W hite , pink, b lue . S

L bcIw n M

tfrat driM ta a ‘

- p H y - 'e o w - I f i— ~ - J k . -

p m i K fim , m i

■ • td m o lro i . . ^

lag 'cam a

ifXiii j / i j j y > ■

- f Ip

Ic L ag j S ~ tPantlei ^nylon «»li 5 ' ^

~M a M«end lUn, ^ f bitt for ki»fl wMr.ff pink. S -M 'l. / . ^

^ 9 ‘4 p

Trlmm«'d Ijj fiH alfS lIp W«<I wWi actfat* h f .' Sind .bMtrty, a bH |.J5 .it fTimm»d witfl S-ln,, | | : r’i 1

/K |L a ,..K n^ S *M ^L ^- - A f i J

■rao'd* 6;gort 'Nylon Slip

fitting Inlt slip of nd ac*tat«, «• lovafy \ '' }

1. 32 (» « . 1 j

3 9 8 L

- 'Y

» SOMITHtM ntOM UAtt f ^


. strength o f ny

der lingerie Mother wil



ic a g iv e t

lit g o w n , ______

S-M-L U L \ i

__ JJ:------ \t ^ . ___I

n l

i - r } ! : f i 1L i .i I m

-I # M r S N

j I I

' ... - -

& I Charmode Slu

_ YouMiI rfi’ortJw, la aw# j h WMT, w Im iy wtHi 3

- KyloB •nd r#y«i h-wtiJh


I V'*” *

l l l i i l "

M i l

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lylon——. -1/ilHove! - - I


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hoHy G ow ni.

DttllilaiiiMilhl IMilmMn.

j'.U.Uj .

. \ .. L.... ,1 1

l A i N A m w r ■'

H O W '. 2 8 M .E ; 7 -

A A cn o s t ». nim ,2 \. t t t U m i u i o aB i' * centrict J- „I II - 1. OuKl* e*JI 2; |(Vn‘ od« . .3 I— t o r h mr a n!■" E'fPf; "

a!: ‘ .VrJ'wbw »j.___I t arr^'t.na; ^ .

■ I ' P I'* K [ K h I” ~

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5S: f F l I I I I I I '■- . J4 7S

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i ' p l2}------------------------- JT

Dil . ^ ------------- ---- ------------------




K O kU L lX .V ^ OF IPISH PEERS fc ll. JAKE'S A (-^ « A R -R l)M P H t/^ '!■■ ESKIMO

' ' '

[ j M


r " —II

[ ■ ® l i ^ l . — ~ r ~ — .

•‘jo h n n y jrh ra h a ll Is jceltln’ u d rugsto re fo r Bodna . . . rcckon

jl------TH&GUMPS -" — ^ T P

kVMiNOie W H tRRlN a-'\ B

!l i, | "I '


■ i b U E ^■‘ G A r E R i , : J / t® ? ! ; i


im ' [o [S « y * wtT l i j K ^ ^

_______ taluUoa-««-Y«»t»rd«y'<Jjaii»-:.DOWN I. nul<

I. Inirct 4 U rnlh't-■_ _ J. _________ 1. ■_ _ttiVllX-lfl___

■ j . tr I " ! : £ ? ; ? " •■ ,, '' — 7. CuH'llUinal

— J 2 ----------------»: "I'rTh f oV"*______ IB. Nirv* niwerk


■' ■ ;■. Jt! Vfcciabu— j r W W W :«:MVM‘ flnf' ' lnilfum«at^ — —- — — :!. rracrsnt

■ S’. nw"»*t*' ^

] | i S ^ ,"'■■*" «t. KmMt'cr

; ' S LJ T - — “ JJ; Mint.

—-- JJ- ----— ----- 4i.• r I ■ I «. Hold tack"


^OKAV, M M O R I V D BE WAV.OFP 6 A S ^ IM BELFA^OT- r M O ^ f flK B U R K ^fc _AlAVo/**-Birr,BEL ‘ 'OR CORKvT'LU'Vi T >R0Po»4-m A T)

ESKIMO L ik e V A B U Z Z A R D X-


^ p ;

i’ up n poflse to p o to R uriyon’i con I cnn jo in ’e m ? "

— ^ *



9■ ' . "f-"

■---- ' v o u V V IL L A \£E T ' ---- j . f 3A 05A U T IFU L © LO s^EA N a,. f - >'ES, : S E E HEt;, RV_LIN’&


“ l^ i^d in rw A Y —§ 7~T0 TH‘ BSUJSH.BCh

B” . ........... /..TH'..*TWICKeGTB5UJ;

____________ I _WHGwe tM Ey c w j 'u . scruP A K iO f^rr.

■ ’,i.'X ,W l} 'OUWAMTTOOCT K ■/ AW*.y FROM TH’ e r r I - - : i - ' 4 ^ ( ITHOUGHTHEOJI " HAPAVnAkMM® T O C S ^ ^ 'W B u r n N w r ;


■ i

“You’re nhvnys telling me ^___ o f directors—let’s aee you i, . .pdTfioiiuIlty.oii thcae.twol!*“ :


' 1 »r . . . w ytt, T

"1 wasn’t fihopliftinjr! I jua t o f those books (h n t once you downl"




' ■ “ , 1

■ P f


B jTW nJJA M S-Jew s.' \ ' / I COME OUT TO \ RUSH 1 . / R c y G H r r / w r M A . . W T / / BU5MIM- UP BEFORE Jr r iP < V HC-ONfOLP S T K —y -



V . ‘ g a I M

^ '

1C how you can away th e board u uae 6ome of th n t dom inant



la t happened to ge t hold of ono ou p ic k j t up you can’t p u t It




W I N J A L L 3 , I D A H O ;

_, f’ilCW W U M rfT^«TTW € V • « Tue fiUWHOWLVic. no nei , .PRMAUTHEWiSVjmOTOWN

. b—■■ - ^ Cfllr% : £VIN P fllV A T E ^ W i^ ^

- - O l DntCnVM: WH£N7WB££'5A }1 s, CBOWO.AUC.

t m S a m i

NT ■ H n w

- - p - fw M c m i '-T i ra i^ "w n c r m t^ THB PU6K SO V iI TO LeUW IA wtwr c t u m u E tv ^ g j i sp g i

P I ACCUSED THEM l l a l ^ QF>->viug t*za.

A i




Y ■ a i m U E MfOft’O i S y r I '^ • W ^V l M^

A^OUt VOOW « i 1 ?0U« AS i'T H t ■ I AoMvrt^ETcy Q o\ [ p t6 t .9U? A «

g L ___________ \VkTtVjLCTO

= = o = K < ^ —0 F P i ' f c .

. T S

A - z m m m m m mO / She's d ressed f it lo k ^ - I and she a s te d for Cci O I And theyVe «ill cut the

I \ C TUM-UIM-TUM-'),. ....

D “s o ^ A ANO LUCKyY m EN ArI

1 INVESTED THEIR / /A L L BOYi - aiaooo iNA-_-fl-uiataa-Pi


I - M G W e f | | , “ TI^4-t' NEVER AROOl


“S |% T H £ G ^ S iT O N rS N l '


-TC*TINa.r l-a-S/THAHLj 6n<6£NSCCAU.lN-rOW6TM


I- ■iTw iR" " i : <

, r jm ill Q £ AVHUT/.-IMP A . V B(TCM5 BEEN TAVka



j re o W B ^ io J

CBF*ro mi6KTf m*»] f e u f T i * ^ I ABOUT r r .m t.a ? iB ltr^ pm H6b. hc gTAMAKgShiilW»6tuTlM

/ItAViS .'< 00 Mll^T T tw m e) I OT ■aO>4 0P.-J\0 t W V% ftUWT COMW . ?CV=>')V \& ^\X'. . - -

A 0^i^uc ro VOR VSR m Mr B E 9

W KrvM who It fs. Hop I Jessica BcfcWo-ftVt I Wilmcr Bcttote. And !



■ ■ -w -l^r-M w e AN




sp f^ n

1P»CTANT« ) AKD I tV ^N 'T S ^ N ^U** W TH J HIM 5 0 ^ m - ^ ^EUF r ' \ J ' ^ TIM ^^^

5 \ v \ I } 7/U ‘ y ^ I «>STER,. / / m I GONKAI

A ' / l i A a l K \ w”0 '


u!!i~LuruoroL I J W W S 1 ^ 1 TWa

f E A R . & 7 ^ ^ ^ - - a | ^ ^ B

W m mft>4 OMVV CHW.O ,

ftKO HWJ\MG «^C > \6Cv»cr\J<VkN

A.'jSOClATtOKi^ -o v * .,OtKR,’. V\OW T \V \t ViPi&- VV0W » d o M t . . p n - :. I J0V1^TH^^« I I

ope? ¥ Not the ^ fTTjcssiSTti \t6. n way I IcckI I bL te Hope

n [ a n ALLEY CAT BUM LIKE 11 [ *' joy

> » /— <ALWAVS DBBSS !

\ f WHKN'S^

^ ra«PEVn.OOCTKTTeUMfM* S l i . y -|*K M x*»M ffle .'H E PesT ia j«PA '

M « eicp WACHWE w jp rre ^____iPStMj.SSSSSNOBlAmV-AHO ) -THE t»e«r SaTAN PROiWlSKoCX

Lvoua M eeofvi, pBflH.'

COLONBL. /^£-s«e> rm c5Sc& t> W V S ( GLAD Y<?U ITO Z

M A ce A V CHAPS s e e / b c e t DEAL! X r r o u e V p e o x ^ J > ^ 2 \ w w y \ ^ H A ;

4 ' i t .......J

raU R SD A T, K i S

M i ! ' ' i i M * i i r ^ B h J'ER. BUT 'ttxftl <AB6 A -L W t-TIUrMX^5W-*inr O VOO A8E. W RT TAlkIN*/

JUDP5 U?CO-YKHiS55^ )HE. Burmr V v ^ f S ;

CtKJi } ~ = -s-u | l B B a a M

^itv iV O O .M R .^ N ^ *

^•XVVMiMVc ,v\fNM- C T ^

VMMH P o l i l

V iS

fOte^ ^ T ^ en t p inffi _ Vj. SWANK&Cm


i ®

r fg iV L --------- -— \nj.i_-■ _ 0 ®.®

I__l .

m tn

IAS C g M g - V ^ C ^ ,

, M A I» . ‘ ° ° °

B o o s t s | t W 5 T

“D ebate^-------- --[ n f l a t i o n ’. 114, II W>-AnotoCTJS rti here there 5 ^ t h e debftU over ,2 ^ U o n beccmlni -

1 a„ J5iu Ulhttn'*'*- w ' ^ r ^

tine K \ I I ^ ^ e n t to 12 centa t. <//fJ I \

rod up: »f«] acw p / / f / i lX ---------ai price atJTMJMa; M J ^ ' i

_ a flUMtir- "y/Zrt

« « < e d t6 g o u p » b o u t ■^ w ith in » month ,p f )« i ,u p « p e r e e n t i:

baldiw W rly e t t id r Uha: Dsturil lftt«*,

HVbcT (torn which foftm 5 T *n nude, now 35 n ,iln J t3 M M t-e u m . - 41 for hljher prices ^ 3cU—luto ctuhlons, d;tUow2- jrr ie«G » ln rt prlcei up ahnrply W J inclUnj up re-^ for wheat, com, ----- -- .TVtjdsy: eocoft pricM.(Et tn 8l t weeka. atlll li;, ptiitlng n aqUBwa _

—— -- —{CM boldlnjf firm after

new hlsha In y m / m jf.tba.auntryi-eaatCTn _ j 'r ^ ^ iloi announcing th a t Uiey itlU not give any }n m m ,

iti to lure houaeholden v ff/lm /. Llhtl£-tankij6iJli______

Sfay Bfp W /rfm5jeiT-bdnr-told-<m c«------- Y //t/g //.la of Scotch U likely W M J hrt !t Is because of an Jlorld demMid for Um- «------------ <-i-^i: but eome brands of ----------------------« come dtnm In pries T T

a-packed coffeo con- ^ ® , | ,Collect

ntJyo.pr-thre cento. * _lA.clvH-fuU.-to-

w lh# atrcnKth of the u® J , ^ tnnd ffrowi louder. ________

‘c r b * ^n near Uielr poatwaf i— ■ ■■“t t nm pant meUU *re A w n i:i Uielr peaka In «plt« v n n .1 >t<idy recovery. « ^

price Index of the • J l 7 litar itatlstlc.1, more

I leiultlve. I] cllmblns Fran ons per cent be- _ ^ _n ind 10 per cen t be . For;rir hlgh.of mld-1548. O nly

W CAIIFOHKIA B ill I rlij 11-Mr. and Mrs. ' ■ ^n in d daughter. Mrs. U n l O ni£d son. Clalr, Boire, M nin nf '

&£in Diego and oUicr

l u l l s y . o u t o s l o o p »-

I t w a l c i ^ s y o u g o n l l '

r fo in a t iw

<up*Hi U ng tHitom with rich CentoRvii

^ •ppnonctt—«n yow a « k -R od lo tJu it»«

bcd lam poce'h trop

tn im e n lf i ty M Dll fqUnat.


cnesJ^Ausi^Ave. East Peav«y-1

T ^ in

9 u I d ’ T a k e “ 0 n l y a

^ h

- / iO r j O

i : . ./M

1 Filed to :t $500 Loantn >sitl/wt « IfMin ______________

K l-H .-I--St*ndleo b y ___ _ . .nJck-wM flled In pro- 'ednetd*y. TJi# monoy O'McCormick Dec. 8,J to be rtpd ld -Jan : 1. ' --------------S to the complotnt. represented by Hajry

?-WEWB WANT. ADS. ______ \

n a n e w

9 5 0

O R D> 0 0 Dowi,Ire land ’s

1 M o t o r sat Third N.

H y . . .

s p . - - E

WBTTV<? 1 \ •- B aI T - ' J HJ J


. •utam aH i K S f l K 'I •ocbaf f»r --------- —------yown tn lt>«

> ...abvt««ff.lAmeeewe- 1— --.'.-■^j^SjMk tn y e x o t,tt*v«ntvm aroppllanctt

iDlolSpeoW f' '

k iv r tR H * '•l^«I.I.N«.ML | H | |

icCo. Br - 'T a b e r B l d g . | H

■' •' 1

____________ - . ' t im e

a Minute to Call a


?i|/(jfSC[ J\



for limited time ot

Money SC pint of D

------ I t « M b o « J ^ “ S ^ e U d o u .v e c e. sMad laden cool.

1 available. jhemlI »an>iwM*,“ ^ ,„ tD u c h « a a Salad.I o n a v e w p m t ^ o ^ h l lI ibla Sprlns =» '''“ ••

°cwl««rT«n Dr<h**

l i » l« "

sfoj:’s £ ;^ s w j . . . . 'r


a D octor Arrest o) —— I Reveals


of boya city poll. In 33 recenl bt corered early W with Ul# arrest tTcen th# age» ■tttro c*u^^t in

/> A _ open the back d’'■■/Y r / a pa tioknan wajf / / / ^ = r - ■■/. af-.Poll

-------Tald t h e - iailf" t / f olhert whom the::i-----$ ^ T - r f r - - ln - lh « -a e ta .-6U

n i t InvolTtd. noo dC j/ ■'!/\ V Y / eiitertnc two atoH t of tho awn# at7 / , vloua Dlfht. fra

" h Uken frccn a ca.

Ona youth frc


-----1~".— JtSjA ltter-c |


s s J KsiNG

only... tn

iflving offerl-l u ^ ^ S A i

r a

igX "3S si^L K —

« o ltr r - L n r HBaBIhhM K » »1^3

a sg 1 -


[)f YOUthS- U- ln«-bainn, JaU, aad Ui* o


"M V~tn<^X~gaM b l i s s . May 1 ollc# bere UnpUealea Wednesday for < burjlarlaa was «m- ^ tJjh reUUri Wedneaday moroln* —st of four boya b*- • of 10 aod IS wbo

O I L B l^TVrny~^T<* jL' —■ o U M ^ J a b « ^ J lw 4 = - :r8 e r tlc ft i

Jiey said partldpatwl _6U llm or« -boy» -K » ----------- la s Ud aald. . - ____oya cau ih t t<imltt«d < M k D |storw laarnlgfiCTona # m - D I atores on th# pre-

:nxn whleh «lfl w«J ^ 0^ reglater. and 33 m , Kb

from Oroftno, wbcei


tfyWiiskg -ASUn3

(Me!5aS?TOsI^TroirKSU!tn Predacu CoiporaUoa, N. Y. • C


Worth4U to LADDRESSn

beorlno fhU lo b ^- - W O R T H J I L

fo y w - _' cr. in moat a reas— H off tb«

tegu lar prlca l H ere'a aJl yoa do: boy on# p in t o f D n c h tu SaladDr#«(isgatyotir8afewiy StoT«. Tb* cleik a t th* check* oo t atand wm m H I t to yon for n« Im t l ^ tiia xv'gttlor W i

A baivalnl

Y o u ’l l 6 n d t h i s t w o - w !

“ S a M D f e s s i n g . ' t S o k i

— b o r h o o d S a f e w a y S f o i

Woinftilcb'twVVpiro-w^ firco rodpo offer to introduce s Snlpd D ress in g ...th o drcBsi

— cggB, ptuo flO, and.m cUt pertly seasoned with Bcleded i

— BO finer Bolad drcssiiiff on the


made the way fai

' , ; . C * ? ^ w ? t E a y i n e n t

-Js-Ask«pending further In-ood aald. The Independi----------------- filed BUlt Jn dUtr» raiT ynnvT a j n y •pvj',I I - J . H. Bundy left According lo lb

r caUfomla where h# ■ — ■.Ires and friends.


U R h t E R S ___ _________ ^

an<< R » p a lin - J __' ................-'

NEW “ ■ tallallon*........... ....................■” V j

B O TTS p bthtONE tu*Ualxrly Baad _____________

NE__ Cotton^ peaJgned by

^ iiHntTieNi M A tita rI n IINTKir — EVZRTOC



SSX * ™^ -------- ^

^ ^ ^ 7 PROOF ^

Mlucly ~lv’Crain Neni^Spirits


0 1

B you when yNG at the rei

/ em w rono>««« j m P 8

V _ - ^

r a y m o n e y s a v i n g o f f e r o i

f f d f i t i n t h s ’s a l a d d i e s s i i

5 r e . - H i r r y - s u p p l y l i m i t

n o y 's a ^ n F i n d ^ 'O a r o I y o a to D ucbcsa acfroo . . . i t ’e t i e in g 'in a d f t w i th - a p r in g Btdada- irQ W .vinegan.flz-.. JK caQ te.T lttcK ! i epiccal n i e r o ’e " in g r e d i e n t s . . . B iD a rk e t - a n te e d fo w h c

ads with UuoheSS !

im o D S c h e f s m a k e f l

= y o v H l e s s - ^ ^ ^ ^

. iV.


i t f o r - M e a t

ied-in Suit a i» p e r e* at.ts. IMS. and eosi

id c a t M eat company also asked. P^rry is in c t court Wednei. KiQ asd Daly repi Md-CWe-fei-WMfl: '■lh e cocnplalnt. Culls nSAD TQ1X8-N

\ T THE . . . . R O S A

W H ER ’S DAY M AY 14 “ ^



Frocks 0 QQ>y e im p llc lly _____



?S • GOWS______


• D R E SS E S--------—3R A1L OCCA5IONI

! : O S A N A t S H t16S MAIN AVB. W.,


you buy one igular price!

l__Ja ■ d d l tie n Ja .ll« _ |

tCIRS w«»tac<flr— o i X d f t y W f i r a ■

6priBC S a la a R K t paa-tttaebod rifh i

to th is -o o U a i”- ab ae U U ly

r F R E i n


m every pint of Duchess in^^^ectioTTofyouriicigb* i te d -o n e to a customer.

y T ju 3 ie O T ’y o iirw 6 o le & n 3 y 'w i l t h o s a l a d d r e s s in s t h a t d o e t m a in l a - i a n y s a l a d - t a r t o b e t te r ! H ia tfi JiOT.8 ^ : n p t on ly , m a d e f rp m '? q B ^ . . b a t ' i f 8 f r a h - n a U y f irea h -so M t o r m o n e y ba d c l


their idresslttif

•WENXr-BEV™ Inpcsy * n a ’Ilia.-paid' ”

t . tn ta re r t- a ln e ^ A u i .- - Msta of lb« ault ar«. rry, Keenan. Bobert- •epresent UM.pUlnU tt r

t-WEWa WANT ADfl. [

m A ]

, --------------1 ~\


• , j

t - d

y ^ .

iB8sr. - .........

na lireitTi


!-^^^^&q)ert-Notes ! - ' Attendance a

ill Farm-Scho<Ilr I ' r N iv E R s m r o p id a h o , u

eow. May 11-^lm ojt 7M MUlii « » , , *nd eaitem Idaho Jurmera nltem ;■ i •chooU thb eprtne on the U5«j ; ; the fftnn level for nirnilM cri

• " ■ llnej, contour llne«, profile llj ' u td tn lund leveltnir problems

th e ir fartns.1 ~ Owtn K. Brown, ejtUiulon «{

I •^oo la vhlcli finished In mid upr____ thb .ye*r._____________________

ConrlBCfd of V»lae .. . '77o«^hnl_l can iiummarUe 1

y j ftliendonce end ilie commrnU our farm p«opIe who cnme to I achools, I am mort than ever c« Tinted tha l they can .and Wlll i

i on their farm*," Brown declares.I"'' ■ "We had a fine attciid.ince wh

1(. the u ta ther ptrwlItM m to cct cI . ' In the field, and the nleht tehoil | . were often crowded."; Ne«d Was KnownI Farm en In the Irrigated ucllo I k } «f Idaho hare lone exprc.urd J J need for Itiformnllon Ihcy eouI I I use In ninnlng_bttter illtchej I I J make wnfcflng cosier durtnit tl IH I crop Browing teuon. Land levelli

la »uth areas Ij often* Job for whll the farmers must employ high prt

II'I . ed labor.||. , I Knotting hnw lo m e .th e farU ilJ___Jevcl..Bro»njflld..wlll.ninkcJt_po

I slble for many farmers tn impro’ llj the ir fields when ll vould be flnat !| I olaJIy burden.v3me to have the woi nil ' done by outside held.

™— G i r l s - S t a t e t o Be-

----HeW-afXaldwelfU f ! ---------BO B H ,-M aj-H -«l-O W s*-»t»t!|| I ' (he prosram for giving high *ch» •' I ‘ gtrls eiperlenee In govemment, wl

----- tw held In-aiflTcll-Juno 4-10,M l' More than ICO high Bchool Junloi 3 | ' ; , trom all parti of Idflho wlll partlcl ^ I j» t« In the program on the colleg jj l I of Idaho campiu.

‘ They win elect their own eltjU , county and .itale officials and s tud

’ th e duties connected with th s of:......... ^Icrs. ■

The final dey of (he seulon the; irlU more back t« Bolw for a mocl

---TOlTO of-thB leslslslurc,----------ij;: ■■ - 'TJ16 progmm Wil end W th tn In

«ugural ball to be held In conjunc III) I «J£)Q witli the Boys'state to be hel(

ftt Gowen field.; Mrs. Shelby H. AteWey of Boise

dlrce tw of ths program for thi «)onaorlng American l^ginn auxlU.

| | l I *ry, aald this would bo tha firs'


H (It-----------^

Friday an<I;}- ^^BAYON

' T h is RTOup includes a n u m l : sty les nmi trim s. T e rrific

low price. Sizes 32 to 42.

----------------- M ain Floor

!! Indian Desigijl R egular aize Iniiinn de.Hifrn

alLcotlon,...Fine.for_<Icn - b !.; -Outo. robe.- D on’t .m iss-ttilB

jj I A/inex

lli WASHABL' ; Thnl'Vi'ondcrrursummcr nnrdat f

|l ‘ AU white . , , cool cnmforlnble c________. stUTjlj' sole . . . Tlicy're crnnU

shoe.i. . . or c.m even be u-ietl for j 81»s 4 to SO

jjl S h o e D e j^

Sheer Batist. . . only M of these beautiful -ihc

__ blnur.fs . . . and ^ li^ w o m lrr f iil j-Ih ls^ liiy iwlce, llu iry ilo«Ti I Slie.i

_ ........■. Fanhion Flooijj ; . . . ___________________

11 ]Pre-Slu unk CJ j Flrmnlex. non-?.kld. pre.ihnm k e J I C«nliy RED HOT a t thU low price I ' 74 * 38 find I i X 43. Tn white-.-.-l-j

Basement ■ ■ll

Men’s DREJ'1 B etter quality solid color dres-i .'.hi

up" price thnt m nkn you wma to b; Wee Uie fijie shades of urcrn. unu

I N ucm ft collar,. . . Sanforlicd flu I4?4 to IS>3.

Main Floor

P k w


s s —

, Mos- M B I t'uthem tended use .of erode (. lines,

asri* . . Ivrnjity






A steady a traua of ipectaton M . ®“h1 CiTlfl club ABd the Caitlef.

PJ fj, miT»Tlng): the'

iw ch - Total ReportedOEDAH DRAW. May 11—A tc

fnrm of«,OI6JO haa been collected " , the 1C50 cancer'drlve In the B'

Tesldentlal-Bnd'rurarorefl.trMco Ing to Mr*. Adolph Machae«k. 3o

- „ .v chalnnan. Sha aald Uie total la final figure for the drive.

year that the w o groups plsnri ___ an Inaugural ball together.

Her a .u l8 tan t*^re~ R Irj:^ l6h i ' a l l Tmfls of Jerome and Mrs. Von

MUler of Lewiston._____________ _


OF BACKACHES‘“ <1/ A . n l . l r ~ .nd .l« ln . «r. 01* vitrtioo, «irrulra fmDklnf or «xp««ur«

«ld Ot-wn^kjilntT funUtey pi.ii o{ nanlni btcUehr. [«> B*f f .p ii lock tncr^i'.Wlmcfen «nil ilUilntM. Gtllli

' S S S ' . ' E i ; : : . : . "Jnc- '* <JUfomtoru «r» clu. to .Oirheld

— Wmn.-WhU*4J>«M •rmpwmt mi- t j , ofUB Oftur. Il'» «mailRi ho0‘ff- Miiir llm« Do«i>’. .1 .. h.ppr r.!l.fthe h«lp 111* II miln «r kltlnrr «iUf and nilr

XlU.. auih ««t WMM. Clt Uo»a'. rUI» to<U;

O T Sf o r — ---------------

id SaturdaySATIN SLIPSmber of. assorted ^ic vducs at this 'S Q Qo r - ...

p i BLANKETSfrn blnnket.i . . . ^ _- . o . . L r o ^ ^ | ^ , 8 .8 ,

LE ZiNGOSJt foTTcomrnl --------------------e cloth^lrnpsicU lor warden . . /

y O r

Bte BLOUSES-ihrcr coKon batlKte‘'L '? ' i y 3 j t i e iL i i K j l_ ? m _ _ Q .O -lie.1 32 to 38. - • B T O O

OOK ________ i _ _ ......... ......

cS to i^ lIG S ";c cotton nics .rice. Tro site-.- O t A.•;-grcen_or KOld. '

=:SS SHIRTS.'.hlrM (It ft0 b;iy pli'iity. You^l^flB^:riiy, bin.' «i»l mn, ■ J 4fliruiil; . . . 6i:p5 ■ w


tor* was noted a l the (wo day art and < tieford Everywaman’i elab. A wide Tarit ilblted. Pnrpote of (he ereot waa (« n


i total flam Peterson and diughter, Boted In ____________________________I Buhl ccord-

local la the

iE P u r e S i l k '

; SCA]I n love ly , new s ty le s . p a t t e r n s nnd colors.

'p p r a c t ic a l R ift M o th e r c — LA lttaya-U R e.-----------------

___ . . .

•“ w W hite Lace

S “ GLOtodll? C h in e se h n n d croch

B e a u t i fu l dcsiin is th cnn b e w o rh n il num m lo n p w i th so m a n y e se m b lc s .

F lu ffy Chenille

ROIA g i f t you kn o w mo w ill a p p re c if tte l L 'b 'v c o lo rs to choose f P o p u ln r w ra p -a ro u n d s S ize s 12 to AA.

A Wonderful Gift

TEA Al. . . a Brhiid aiJorUncill“ styles . . . f&brlcs nnd colo . . , Plft-itlcs . . . pcrcftlfs . , .embo.wcd cottons . . . Moth

' can nlways use another one iUiese.


PLASTIC- , . # 'wondcrrurRirt’ for’

I . . . 11 will be a gny cover r table, and will save on laun<

Choo.'.e hcr-1 from 10 differe tem* . . . many.brlRhl colo

- -blnatlotiT.-SlM •H lxS t,------


TOWEL• . . Popular Plnwhetl dr\ljtT

— . _■■. .A ioH i.rcjm tH cnU lfi.fo:

B A T H S i z e . . . . '

F A C E S i z e . . . .

W A S H C l o t h


X - e ^ -. t ,

. . . s o m c tli in p ev ery .worn ninke.s G nym odes such a G ay n io d c b r in g s you wi.sp nnd th e n e w e s t, mo.'it ex p r ic e th a t 'f ic e m s flo .sma f ro m b e n u tifu l flhndc.s Hki

• SONATA : » P R K i i . i i ) R



3d craft* «xhlblU tpoBsered b( Bnhl by i artety of painting*, baodlersfl, photogni0 raise fuodi for tbe Bub! library. (Bt

iW and Mrs. WiUlam Stout 'a nd c t—M n. dren, Nampa, visited Mr. and 1

Bope, a . IC. RuUierford.

m V E S


OVES --------jchet.

98/,)B E Sm ^ h e r ___________ ________ ___

T = S ^ . 9 8

Ip r o n si i n r '— ------------- —

i 9 8 ? ^

1 CLOTHSfor“JroUier /rer for Uiexmdry . U X C rerenl pnt- ^ W cobr c o m -_ • - _

:l s e t s^l*n in new' decorator colors t.roj".the home,

I . ~ . ...........1 . 0 9

............................ . 5 5

t h ...........................2 7

om nn n e v e r hn.? enouK h o f . . . wl 1 a w clco m e R ift> o n M o th e r 's I i.sp -shecr lepr f l a t t c o ’ • • . t r i m f i t e x c itin g s h a d e s . . . n t n low,

m all! S i z c s - 8 >/> l o 11. C h o o se I like— ■

■ ' • SERENA DEi£ Z _ # _ s t a r i i a * k ____

— J^e^Ueparfaaenl Fooled by Dumi

: B o isE . May 11 MV-Tbe :■ O n department got a call th ' m aa oo a acalfold r ln ed aloni

IVis 0! a Oovniown hotel had lered • heart attack.

The departmenf* hook andI*m V ^ ° ° *'1 ^ 1 A large crowd gathered and p M W m o fflca t began directing traffic.

Th« Udder was raised to 1 ^ 9 Kaffoldlog. Flremoa Al I ■ m cUmbed Uu ladder to the oca

and then returned to the groui While Klein bellerrd unUI

tii f i lf i l£ 3 f ic 3 c s ^ 8 2 s x d l6 c 5 B B B dreds of oUiera. tha t a man in

<llitrfH, b a x«tam»d-down-tli» der with a dmnmy.

Firemen surmised Uiat poll

le ft the dummy as ai gag. i t made of wood, covered with p< e r'i oreralls and sUiffed wlUi bL ««■ I t had a false nose and gin

H $160,000 Awardee For Loss of Le

, t h , PLACERVILLE, Callf. Mayn o h a WV-A aetUement -of 1100,000Staff iPPrared Wednesday In court

^ 14-year-old Imogene Wlitsche, IfHt two Ifg.i In a hnaUng accli on liike Tahoe,

i chll> The setUemcnt was made by 1 M «. wealthy Oakland motor

dealer, whase boat aevered bolh girl's legs below' Uie knees,

.l I pf l

f l


. . . th a t wonderful, wa.shnbk*, fje.sh and cool! And, )(»k nt mako a wonderful, incxpen.sive M other^W o-havo-flevcrnl-ets and embroidery trim . . .-iomc • . . o thers with three-qunrtcr

L e a u ti u i, 6

P E A R L- . . . Uie type of Icwelry that I

with every ensemble . . . from afternoon clothes . . . to formal e wear. Lu-itrous two three, am

• ilra n d -s ly jg -. . . with lovely

f or sheer

- i - o - nwhich • - .


‘t - [ ' AHbi—U n y o A L v m r m r . T C W i ;

“: ^ I l y “ Ju d g o 'B “* * « asked the 48-year-old m aacused of drunkenness 11 h«

'" " -S u re ” came tHe tnpiy,d j ^ . heard you hada t ^ L district judge and I waa c policecT “" John thought 11 e m .

J U,B - n r e dollar* and cosU,*?Klein ruled.

-SKATING P A B T T n n a j

was in and sixth gradea of tho Dedo ai©-lad- enjoyed-a-*k«U ng^iarty_M c

evening In Burley. Th# pupUa Unters accompanied by their teacher*. t*rday- n m r v. Mm. Catherlaa Bi It was and Mrs. H llma Retd. paint-

_ P h u Twin F a lls Jewelerjr ear M a t 'Lh the 137 M ain Ave. E.

^ ia v id lii^

• I Mother knows b e s t . . . and shi / Nylon Is BestI Yes, moUier wlU

I to appreciate one of these b ^ allps . , . th e lace trimming is ' 4 f u l . . . a ad th a t nylon crtpe is ] word for laundering and long '/ This Is a Rift ahe wlll use for

time. Choose her's In pink, blue c ♦ . . aiies 32-40, /

r r r a p r a c \

HAND]. . . in colors nnd styles to blen every ensemble. Choo.'ie hers fror tr ia ls jlke . . . pliuUc calf . . .

— .-c o rd — T-i>Atcnt-.-.-.-Wc.havcJL-.w ful selecUon of v lilte bags too. A one-of those Klfl-i th a t arc 80- prlato for Mother's Day. Colo Kelly, Cherry red. black, Qoldca'

6 o ^ t a t

ISTE BL(sliccr b a tis te t h a t always look:

a t th a t price. T his item wouli •e g if t th a t w ill be sure to pleaai ty les-r-r— flom e-w jth-fnssy lac( e w ith deep-sct-in yoke.s of lac( ■r length sleeves. Sizes 32 to 38

6 im u lu te d

. S 1 ^

„“ c2 S lI evening ■ % J nd four H y rhine- Hvem-glfb — ----------


i ^ B- Free adJusUnf and eJeanl = - Iii^in . . TTifw1»T by Mf. Dpi

d ' for ^ Blcl»n-

o n l y iC O M E 01

^ ---------- ----------- P H ».....

> school -

- - 1^ . _________a— . R is e r -C a i" ~ t - 150 M ain Ave. N .

M A ' “ j T Y o u U h c o rJ

” 1 ? - Be S u re to s e :

a V - "“ The "SEC R ETEER "


- " ‘ . E H E C E O i C Ej r s _________________ __


t n m m e d

^ SLIPSihB know* —

' O O 'I wonder- ^ Sis the last W f ■ f ■lg ser^-lce.or a long m

B A G S ^end wIUi ___

f l O

- A U O>lors are ^ n Wheat. «

n d dL eer



>» ^ ,

X /

P e m

Rtwln* AM.


Iin A ^ jQ i i

irfJMd a h e a r in g 5EE T H E S E . LJIETEER-u. ^, « jo T ^ *1

J s i - i i l X E B D a a





• J H

J E ^