TUO CLIMATE CHANGE STUDY REPORT Lawrence Nodua © June 2010 _____________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement: UNESCO France Office for financial support, Ben Angoa (Research Assistant), John Selwyn Nokali (Paramount chief of TUO Community, leaders, those who interviewed and the entire TUO community Populace who in one way or the other contributed to the success of this research.

TUO CLIMATE CHANGE STUDY REPORT - Climate Frontlinesclimatefrontlines.org/sites/default/files/tuo.pdf · TUO CLIMATE CHANGE STUDY REPORT ... Tuo is the name of the village located

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Lawrence Nodua © June 2010


Acknowledgement: UNESCO France Office for financial support, Ben Angoa (Research Assistant), John Selwyn Nokali

(Paramount chief of TUO Community, leaders, those who interviewed and the entire TUO community Populace who in

one way or the other contributed to the success of this research.


1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Environments

4. Fishing

5. Harvesting & Food Security

6. Weather Pattern

7. Fresh Water

8. Sea level & Coastal Erosion

9. Stories

10. Summary

11. Map of Solomon Islands

12. Map of Temotu Province

13. Recommendation

1. Introduction

Tuo is the name of the village located in the remote Islands of Reef Islands in the Temotu Province of

Solomon Islands. The community has a population of more than 1000 people most of whom a subsistence

farmers and fishermen. Women also play a big role in the community as food gatherers and gardeners. To

date the community is loosing half of the Islands as a result of the climate change that continue to affect

our small islands in the pacific region. The community’s livelihood depends very much on sea resources

whilst the limited mass of land it has supplements other income generating and other entrepreneurship


Tuo is one of the villages located in the Fenualoa ward of Reef Islands in the Temotu Province of Solomon

Islands. Temotu Province is made up of 3 main Islands, namely Santa Cruz (Nendo), Vanikoro and Utupua,

and a number of smaller Islands, which include the Reef Islands, Duff Islands (Taumako), Tinakula (active

volcano), Tikopia, Anuta and Fataka.

The Reef Islands includes the main Islands of Lomlom, Fenualoa and its adjacent Islands and the outlying

atolls of Matema, Nukapu, Nupani, Pileni and Nifiloli. These group of Islands are widely scattered some

350 km east of the main Solomon Islands chain and located approximately between latitudes 9 degrees 45

Celsius – 12 degrees 30 Celsius and longitude 165degress

While there are unique differences between the islands in terms of their topography, most are of volcanic

origin and have steep and rugged topography. The major exception is the Reef Islands with its outer

Islands, which is a group of low coral terraces, sand cays and reefs, and the raised reef terraces of western

Santa Cruz.

The majority of the population of Temotu is concerned in Nende and Pele constituencies. In the Reef

Islands and its outlying atolls, the population is more or less equally distributed in all parts of the Islands

because of their small size. Internal migration and resettlement within the province has increased within

the last two decades. The migration shift is from the smaller Islands of Reef Islands and its outlying atolls,

Duff Islands, Tikopia and to a lesser extent Anuta, to the larger islands of Santa Cruz, Utupua and Vanikoro.

The relatively high population density of the smaller Islands, especially Reef Islands, and the consequent

pressure this has on land and other resources is one major factor for the internal migration and

resettlement within the province. The high population concentrate along the different parts of Santa Cruz

stated above is a direct consequence of this resettlement, especially by Reef Islands and atolls there is very

little vegetation left. On the Reef Islands’ main Island of Lomlom the vegetation has been completely

cleared. The Reef Islands has a land area of 29km2 of which 27 is arable for a population of 5,484 people.

The population density is 189.1 people/ km2. In the Reef Islands land is subject to intensive use due to this

high population growth. The increase in population has seriously shortened the fallow period for cropping.

This high population density on these Islands has implications on the use of land and other resources.

Already, there is a shortage of land and forest resources on these Islands, and compounding this problem

is the climate change issue of sea level rise and related global warming factors.

In Tuo, over the years since the recent decades there was an over turn of sea degradation that quickly

loosing off part of the sea front that our community habitants used to play and kept their dug out canoes.

Because of the mass effects, the community is embarking on some mitigation measures as to minimise the

rapid effects of the high sea rise level with in the community. Because of the rapid and continuous effects

of what is known to the community as high sea rise, the community leaders on a number of occasions seek

authorities as to further assess and respond accordingly to the needs by means of finding alternatives to

supplement their livelihood and even worried about their future.

Fortunately, Tuo community is supported by UNESCO to discover the interaction between livelihoods

strategies and weather pattern in Tuo.

2. Research Methodology

A research has been conducted to find out the sectors that are being threatened as the result of the

climate change issue at Tuo. The process involved in the research includes asking direct questions, general

discussions, focus group discussions, interviews with old people and filed trips. The purpose of the

research was to gather information through participatory approach. Such information includes the

community’s problems associated with climate change issues.

Another objective of the research is to share the findings and problems to responsible authorities to take

note off; that remote communities like Tuo is facing a severe problems associated with climate change

therefore, they should consider putting it down as one of the top priority in their agendas.

Most of the discussions centred on these questions below.

3. Environment

What is the role of the environment in your daily life? With regards to Traditions and culture, living with

nature, Legends/customs/beliefs/religion.

The role of environment in the daily lives with regards to traditions and culture is that; traditionally

resources in the land and sea are managed properly in terms of harvesting, clearing of gardens, cutting

down of big trees, fishing or harvesting of sea resources. Culture is very strong where people respect

leaders and abide to the principles of oneness. Our fore fathers have stories which linked to legends of the

past. For example late Gabriel Paikai catches a very big shark using traditional way of fishing. Religion is

very strong and people‘s way of life in managing their timing as to church activities is very active and



Have you noticed any changes in [the health of] your coral? What are they? How often do these changes

occur? How is it affecting you? How do you deal with it? Have you noticed any significant changes in water

temperature? Have you noticed any changes in currents? Have you noticed change in the types and

prevalence of certain fish?

At present there are changes in terms of the flow of current and the temperature at sea at times there is

abnormality especially when the water is hot. Normally, hot water is experienced during when the tide is

coming back after a low tide. To date it has been changed, the temperature is unpredictable and confusing

to the fishermen. Current too is confusing, they said previously during high tide, current moves into the

lagoon and during low tide, currents move out into the open sea. But now, the current is moving one way –

to the lagoon. Corals started to die out and increasing of sea grasses in the shoreline. Low tide also

contributes to the dying of the corals as the community think it exposes to the sun. Sea cucumbers are no

longer seen in the reefs. Giant Clam shells are not longer seen as well, over harvest of inshore marine

resources and over harvest of off-shore fish stocks by foreign fishing boats.

The changes started to be experience in the early 90s. They said so far they have to spend the whole day

fishing just to realise at the end of the day coming back with one or two fish. Certain types of fish they

normally catch in the 80s are not long seen.


Have you noticed any changes in your harvesting patterns? When did you first notice? What are the crops

that are being affected or changed? How much later or earlier are the harvests? Have any crops stopped

growing completely? What are you doing about it now? What percentage of food do you extract from the

environment rather than buying it from a store? How often do you have the feeling that you don’t have

enough food to feed your family? Has there been enough rainfall lately for your crops? Is the rainy season

coming earlier or later than it ought to?

There is a drastic change in the normal harvesting season by the people in TUO so as the people of Reef

Islands in general. In the early days till 90s the harvesting of bread fruit normally occurred around

November and will last for three months. During the period all bread fruit trees will bear fruits. There are

varieties of species; some will be ready for harvest quickly while others will be the last one to be

harvested. To date the harvesting season has not forth coming. This is not only for the bread fruit but also

for other fruit trees and root crops. For example in the latter half of 2004 there was an unusual prolonged

dry weather, which extended into early 2005. AT that time the Reef Islanders’ staple food of breadfruit

chips (nambo) was running low and the seasonal crops of pana and yams had not matured. Kumara was

out of season and other fruit tress failed their season, because of the prolonged adverse weather

conditions. It was a FAMINE and people feared its most likely impacts of food shortage and hunger.

Harvesting of fruits is not according to the original pattern as expected by old people, root crops yield less,

during 1970’s to now fruit trees are not flowering as expected. The usual growing pattern decline eg. Pana

– harvesting during Easter. Generally the community depend very much on fruits as there is a very limited

land to make gardens. According to the discussion the community calculate the percentage in the three

sectors namely. Land – 55%, sea 35% and store 10%. Patterns too had change drastically to date dry

season takes too long as such plants died quickly as opposed to the recent past. Most of the time families

are worried as to what they will have for lunch and dinner. The families rely much on the fruits and sea

resources for their survival. Sometimes families get food from the shops; however, the prices of those

goods are relatively high taking into consideration the freights of the long distance travel. At present rain

drops is enough, however, sometimes it took more than a month before it rains again. At such community

sometimes luck of water of drink as they depend very much on rain to provide them with water. Although

there are dug up wells they’re only been used for washing and cooking.

6. Weather Pattern

Have you noticed any changes in rainfall patterns? What are they? How has it affected you? How have you

been dealing with these changes? Have you noticed changes in the amount of storms compared with the

past? Intensity, Frequency, Effects, Damage, Coping mechanisms, Have you noticed significant changes in

temperature? Have you seen your perceived changes reflected in nature?

The community have noticed that sometimes the weather has repeated itself several days in a row. For

example, rainy for several days in a row. Another example is a month of repeating hot and dry weather.

The same weather will occur day after day. Then suddenly one day the weather changes and for example

dry weather for 2 weeks becomes rainy weather for a week. The wind direction continues from a

southerly direction has tend to be warmer than normal. The wind direction continues from a northerly

direction has tend to be cooler than normal. The transition from the trough to the ridge with winds from

the south tends to have the best rain changes especially when the southerly flow is also bringing up

moisture. Strength of wind has declined (before stronger than now days. For example OBM are not

allowed to travel on the rough sea. To date if it was rough it will not intensify to that extend where people

will feel frighten. West wind still happens but not strong as before. Brings fish, sea shells increased, trees

destroyed new ones grow. These had changes now days. In the early days whenever there is a natural

disasters like cyclone it will be very strong and can cause a lot of damages. To date whenever, there is

cyclone its strength is not that dominant. People are confused wether these changes resulted in the work

of nature or made technologies that contributed to the changes now seen and experience.

7. Fresh Water

What changes have you seen concerning the availability of drinking water? What are they? How

often/prominent do the changes occur? How are you dealing? Has this happened over time or was it due to

a single event? Do you use water out of your wells to water your gardens? Have the methods of retrieving

water changed from the past? How often do you not have fresh water available?

The availability of water for drinking depends very much on rain, if rains didn’t fall for more than a month

than the community’s access to have fresh water is being denied. Most of the changes occurred as a result

of lack of rain water but also wells where people use to collect water already lost its taste. For example

there was a well that was used by community of Tuo to collect water since the formation of the

community. During 80s the water from the well still tastes ok, not until the 90s the taste was barely

tasteless more like a salt. Gardens are not normally watered unless it’s a vegetables garden. Community

members especially women said there were insufficient fresh water for the family as

such many household depend on one water tank, there is an increased in population, weather

pattern that brings rain, population increase, drinking water became salty especially well. Women

said fresh water is important as it also used for drinking, life stock, washing clothes and utensils.

In bad times when there is no rain the community will have no water for about 3- 4 weeks.

During this time they just used coconut for drinking only while cooking they used the dug up wells.

8. Sea Level & Coastal erosion

Have you noticed any changes to the coastlines? What are they? How have you deal with them?

Have members of your community had to shift dwellings away from the sea? Why? How often?

How far? Have these changes been due to storms or has it happened gradually?

This is the clearest evidence to date, at the shoreline it was eaten up by the movement of the sea and the

waves. Attempts to come up with a mitigation measures is not enough to withstand the strength of the

waves. At times wave are not that strong but it was a surprise when there is a rapid degradation of the

coastal line. For example one of the elderly leaders Chris Low said the erosion of the shoreline started way

back in the 60s. He said in 1965 the community is still looks good, after 15 years and beyond changes to

the soil erosion becomes visible but was not take note of not until in the 90s. To date about 20 meters

have been eroded, the other end. On the other side it has eroded as far as 100 metres. According to the

elders they said king tides eroded the soil, North West tides build up the soil, south west wind destroys the

soil. A classic example is a long time log which stayed on the beach since 1960s which was moved by waves

in 1993. The elders said attempt to construct a sea wall as a mitigation measure is difficult since the

ground is too soft. They said there are two waves – one to destroy and dig, one to build.

9. Live stock

Have you noticed any issues with your livestock? What are they? Why? How have you coped?

The main live stock people in TUO owned are pigs and chickens. Pigs are tied to trees and people just feed

them where they are. Normally pigs are fed on by leftover food from the families while chicken are

roaming around the village and feed on food they can find around the village. These live stocks also

depend on the community habitats to provide them with food. To date pigs and chicken are not producing

the size being seen in the past. These live stocks provide the community with cash as they sale them to

people who needs them especially to individuals to conduct custom purposes for their children. For

example bringing a child to a traditional custom house known as saplau.

10. Stories.

10.1 Environment

John Selwyn Nokali (Paramount chief Tuo village)

The environment that we leave on is changing dramatically not only in the social

structures of the community settings but also the cultural and traditional way of

live especially the changing of behaviours, attitudes and social issues in the

community. I was confused of what is happening, most especially on the changes

that is happening and as a leader of the community I don’t know what to do to

control my people and also to find an alternative to assist my community with the

derailing situation especially with the issue of human made and natural disasters

that are now visible in my community.

10.2 Fishing

John Akeso (Fishermen Tuo village)

In the 70s up until the early 90s whenever I go out fishing for the family it will take

me only an hour with my canoe full up with fish. To date I can spend the whole day

fishing just to realise that I only came home with 2-3 fish. Apart from that am diving

sea cucumber that I sold them to some buyers. Most of my diving time when I came

to a specific area I used to dive before I found myself that most of the corals had

been death. To date am still confusing of whats happening.

10.3 Harvesting Food Security

Mary Nogonyigi (Elderly mother)

In the early 50s I used to prepare well in advance especially collecting firewood,

stones, leaves, etc ahead of bread fruits season that comes on around June and

October. During 80s -90s that practise still remains with me. Until 90s up until now

there was a big change in the harvesting of fruit trees especially bread fruits. So

during those days I don’t prepare as I usually did in the past. To date bread fruit

comes like every month with very less fruits therefore, we cannot produce chips

(nabo) in a big amount. Planting of pana is not longer being practice in a big scale

since it cannot bear good crops.

10.4 Weather Pattern

Palusi Blind Bato (Sailor)

I was saling with my father using a dug out canoe since I was a small boy. During that

time my father taught me how to monitor the weather by reading certain stars and

studying the currents and waves. During the time I employed the skills my father

taught me and I enjoyed it every time I set out for my trip. In the 90s in one of my

trip when my eyes still bright I sailed from Santa Cruz to Reef Islands. During that

time I noticed that some of the signs I looked for or even studying the current is

more confusing as it was opposite to the olden days. I don’t tell people about this,

not until I learnt from some people that it was due to the high sea rise now being

experience by low lying Islands.

10.5 Fresh Water

Jessie Sakinga (Elderly mother)

I was married to Selwyn Nokali in the early 30s. I was from Ngawa village on other

Island still in the Reef Islands. When I first came to Tuo the whole community uses

the dug up well to collect water for drink, cook, wash and do other domestic

household stuff. At the time the taste of the water from the well is just perfect for

us. I spent most of my time year at Tuo since I married to Selwyn. In the mid 90s I

started to notice a difference in the taste of the water. The taste seems to be

different it was a bit sour. I was confused as to what causes the difference. My

though is that may be it was caused by the rapid degradation of the shore line

which is now about 20 meters away from the beach. Until to date am still

wondering as to what is happening. Most of us women thought it was also caused by us since we wash

clothes and eating utensils close to the well.

10.6 Sea level & Coastal Erosion

Chris Low (Community leader)

The erosion of the shoreline started way back in the 60s. In 1965 the community is

still looks good, after 15 years and beyond changes to the soil erosion becomes

visible but was not take note of not until in the 90s. To date about 20 meters have

been eroded, the other end. On the other side it has eroded as far as 100 metres.

According to the elders they said king tides eroded the soil, North West tides build

up the soil, south west wind destroys the soil. A classic example is a long time log

which stayed on the beach since 1960s which was moved by waves in 1993.

Attempt to construct a sea wall as a mitigation measure is difficult since the

ground is too soft. From my observation there are two waves – one comes to

destroy and dig while the other comes to build.


Women’s View

Generally, we thought that everything is just fine, not when we start to experience

differences in our daily lives especially gardening, fishing and other women’s

activities that we realize that we have a problem. Our main problem is facing

difficulty in collecting fresh water for domestic use in the household; spend a lot of time in the sea fishing

with very few catch, have to walk far to collect firewood, gardens are not producing good crops, fruit trees

failed to bear fruits. Our dwelling homes are now being eaten up by the continuing degradation.

10.7 Youth views

Some of us married and have children. We now experiencing the effects of the

changes. To us we’re doubtful as of the future of our children. Infact, we’re

confuse what is happening. The daily activities we do for the survival of our

families is not bright and everyday we struggle for tomorrow’s survival. There is

no better way we could do to be able to enjoy life fully in the community (Tuo)

we called our home.

10.8 Children’s views

We heard from our fathers that Tuo is a beautiful place in the early 60s till

80s. They said the beach was so wide with white sandy beaches where

turtle came to lay eggs. They said that there are lot of fish, sea resources

and fruit trees and crops bear good food. To date, we are facing a lot of

problems there is no food for us to eat before going to school. Our fruit

trees, garden and even food from the sea cannot be find easily. Our fathers

spend much time in the sea or the garden planting crops just only to realise

that during the harvest time, only few crops are there. At times other people steal from our gardens

because they cannot find an alternative for their survival. We’re now confused as what will our future be.

The only option we’re thinking of is education that is to have better education but again our fathers find it

hard to send us to schools because of high cost of living and school fees.

10.9 Temotu Premier; Hon Edward Daiwo view.

Solomons’ Temotus Struggle with Rising Sea.

Loss of land, hunger blamed on climate change

Islands in Temotu Province are being affected by sea level rise and changes in weather pattern. Premier

Edward Daiwo revealed this at the premiers’ conference in Tulagi this year. Mr. Daiwo said the sea level

rise has reduced landmass where edible fruit trees are grown and people live. He said in some of the

Islands up to 100 meters in land have been washed out in the sea or has been submerged underwater.

Such, he said, affected food plants of edible trees because of in flooding of salt water. "Their bearing

capacities or yield has been reduced drastically," the premier said. Daiwo announced that people in Pele

Constituency are facing food shortage as a direct effect of the climate change from altered weather

patterns and sea level rise. He said edible fruit trees have not been bearing fruits in the two normal

bearing seasons for last 18 months. Daiwo added that people of Pele Constituency live on fruit trees like

bread fruit, cut nuts, alite, coconuts, banana, and root crops as staple food. He said schools in the

provinces have to cut their lessons from 8.00am to 10.30am for lack of concentration in classes and

students help their parents look for food because of the continuous food shortage. The premier calls on

the national and provincial governments to consider appropriate measures to take through the relevant

ministries and seek international financial assistance to sustain lives on the small Islands in the province

and in other provinces such the Malaita outer Islands. Daiwo said he wants international attention on the

matter because his people are suffering the effects of a problem created by others. "Any foreign assistance

should be practical to save lives other than just taking pictures of our hungry people, washed away homes

and altered weather patterns resulting in our edible fruit trees to be non bearing in expected seasons," he


11. Summary

Lawrence Nodua (Researcher)

It appears that the community will be facing severe social problems in terms of their

livelihood, soil and beach front degradation, depleting sea resources and most of all the

natural disasters caused by the ongoing climate change. Most of the people spoken to

said they are confused with the current situation faced by the community. Although,

most of the issues caused by nature they believe something can be done by government

and various stakeholders in bring about development in mitigating the deteriorating

situation people of Tuo community is facing up with.

12. Map of Solomon Islands. To travel from Honiara to Santa Cruz by plane takes 2 hours 40 minutes.

On a ship it takes 3 days.

13. Map of Temotu. To travel from Santa Cruz to Tuo in the Reef Islands it takes 3 hours on out board

motor depending on the weight and the weather. On a ship it takes 5 hours.


• Site visit to monitor the continuation of the deteriorating shoreline.

• Site visit to the community to see the progress of the conservation initiative as a result of this


• Revisit the various stakeholders to gain support and seek assistance where needed to

materialise the ideas.

• Conduct a follow up workshop specific to the risen need for example. Food security etc

• Include the near by outer Islands in a future study, the likes of Matema, Lomlom, Nukapu and Pileni.

• Community to come up with their own planning.

• Sharing of information to authorities for planning purposes.

Tuo village