TURKEY The Lycian Way & Ephesus A Guided Walking Adventure

Turkey the Lycian Way & Ephesus Itinerary 2014

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The Lycian Way & Ephesus A Guided Walking Adventure

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800.464.9255 / CWadventure.com 2 © 2014 Country Walkers

Table of Contents

Daily Itinerary ........................................................................... 4

Tour Facts at a Glance ........................................................... 17

Traveling To and From Your Tour .......................................... 19

CW Information & Policies ..................................................... 21

Select Experiences ................................................................ 23

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Travel Style

As a Guided Adventure, this trip is one

of our signature travel experiences and

has been designed to let you leave all

your cares behind—from 24/7 guides

and accommodations to meals,

transportation, and local wine or beer

with dinner, you are assured an

exceptional active-travel group adventure.


The treasures of Turkey, so ample and various, are sought after by art historians,

archaeologists, cooks, and travelers alike. Whether you consider Turkey’s great

monuments of the ancient world, compelling myths, colorful bazaars, spice-

laden cuisine, or brilliant landscape to be its special treasure, the choice exists.

Indeed, if the weight of Turkey’s entire riches could be measured, this

countryside—which shifts from limestone white to stained ferrous red and

spotted soft green—would sink fast into its turquoise sea.

On this journey, you explore three fascinating regions: the Antalyan Peninsula—

ancient Lycia, Turkey’s stunning Mediterranean coastline replete with Greek,

Roman, and Byzantine remains—and to the northwest, the Ionian region, with

the centerpiece of Ephesus, the Greco-Roman archaeological marvel, and finally

the dazzling city of Istanbul. Each walk penetrates deep into the countryside, on

less-traveled trails over hills and valleys, leading to hidden treasures and views of

the dramatic coastline, all well worth the effort. You take in riches galore,

walking in a land conveying timelessness, and eating delicacies worthy of a

sultan’s table, from roasted lamb to pastries stuffed with nuts and honey.

Accommodations are chosen to match the scenery, an intimate retreat tucked

into a remote village, a golden-hued mansion nestled into the rocky shore, a

boutique hotel overlooking the marina, and in Istanbul, a spa hotel, located in

the historical heart of the city.

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Daily Itinerary


Meet in Antalya. Termessos; 2.5 miles (3 hours), moderate, 850-ft. elevation gain

and loss. Farmers' market exploration. Transfer to Çirali (2 hours)

Upon meeting in the lovely port city of Antalya, dramatically situated at the base

of the 9,000-foot Taurus Mountains, you drive 45 minutes to Termessos, a wild

mountaintop settlement of the ancient Pisidians at an elevation of 3,455 feet

with spectacular views of the mountains and the Antalyan coast. Protected by

geography from the attacks of Alexander the Great, it later became an ally of

Rome, eventually declining due to an earthquake that destroyed the city’s

aqueduct and water supply. The path climbs steadily to the natural platform on

which the ancient city was built, and leads to the site’s highlight, the well-

preserved theater, perched on the mountain’s cliffs as if hanging in mid-air.

You descend following the same trail part of the way, and past several cliff

tombs. The van takes you to a charming restaurant where lunch is served in the

shade of full-grown pine trees, with pools and water channels gurgling in the

background. You indulge in your first assortment of local specialties that may

include hibesh, an appetizer flavored with tahini, yogurt, cumin, and paprika; or

perhaps lamb stewed with onions, tomatoes, peppers, and herbs; followed by a

baked pumpkin dessert.

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This afternoon, you stroll through a farmers’ street market before traveling

approximately two hours along a beautiful stretch of Mediterranean coastline,

contouring the base of Mt. Olympos, to the village of Çirali, your home for the

next two nights. Time permitting, you may stroll or ride one of the hotel’s

bicycles on the sandy road to a two-mile-long secluded beach, part of which is

protected by the World Wildlife Fund as a nesting area for loggerhead sea turtles.

You gather with your group for a welcome drink at the outdoor bar before a

dinner alfresco by the swimming pool. Local specialties may include a variety of

meze (appetizers) and freshly caught grilled fish.

Nerissa Hotel, Çirali

A new hotel featuring 35 guest rooms with simple décor but all modern

amenities. Facilities include a swimming pool, an outdoor bar, hammocks,

bicycles (for those wishing to travel the short distance to Çirali beach), and an

organic restaurant serving only fresh local ingredients.


Alacasu Bay to Phaselis; 1.5 miles (2 hours including site visit), easy to moderate.

Ulupinar to Chimaera; 3 miles (3½ hours), moderate, 750-ft. elevation gain and


After a bountiful buffet breakfast of fresh and preserved fruit, cucumbers,

tomatoes, olives, cheeses, yogurt, and baked goods, you transfer 30 minutes to

the morning walk, starting at the secluded bay of Alacasu. Within Olympos

National Park, a beautiful trail takes you over three coves under Aleppo pines,

and to your final destination, the beachfront ruins of ancient Phaselis, founded

in 700 B.C. Because of its location on an isthmus, the city features three harbors

and was once a major trade center. You walk the short and wide main street,

passing Roman baths, agoras, theaters, and numerous sarcophagi, and end at the

impressive Hadrian Waterway Gate.

After lunch at a local restaurant, you begin a walk which initially takes you along

a stream on a well-established dirt trail. After crossing the stream (this may

require taking your boots off, depending on the water level), you walk uphill in

an open forest—in springtime, spotted with bright pink bougainvilleas—before

reaching an open viewpoint. You start descending a somewhat rocky trail within

a much drier landscape of rust-colored soil and rubber plants.

The day culminates at the sacred site of Chimaera, where “eternal flames” have

literally been coming out of the rocks for 3,000 years. According to Book 6 of

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Homer’s Iliad, it is here that

Bellerophon, riding Pegasus, slayed the

Chimaera, the monster with the head of

a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of

a serpent. Those who prefer can opt for

a more relaxed afternoon, transferring

directly to the entrance of the Chimaera

site to follow a smooth trail up and

down (approximately 30 minutes each

way) to the “flaming rocks” before

returning to the hotel and spending the afternoon on the beach or by the pool.

Dinner this evening is once again served on the hotel premises.

Nerissa Hotel, Çirali


Early transfer to Apollonia (approximately 3 hours). Apollonia to ancient Aperlea

and Sicak Bay, 4 miles (3½ hours), moderate, 1,150-ft. elevation loss. Scenic

boat ride and cove hopping. St. Nicholas church and Myra visit

Today’s adventure starts with a very early wake-up call and a cup of coffee

before boarding the van for an approximately three-hour drive, during which

you enjoy a breakfast “on-the-go” of local pastries and fruit. The discreet

trailhead separates from the main road and you follow rocky paths and goat trails

partly shaded with carob trees, gradually descending all the way to sea level.

Before reaching the shore at ancient Aperlea, you walk by ancient sarcophagi and

remnants of Lycian, Roman, and Byzantine-era buildings hidden in the wild

vegetation. Aperlae, with some of its monuments buried under the sea due to a

5th-century earthquake, is an ancient Lycian city dating to the 4th century B.C. It

is most remarkable for its 1,300-year lifespan, declining only as late as the 7th

century A.D., during the Byzantine period. The ancient economy of this town

was the valuable Tyrian dye, derived painstakingly from a type of marine snail;

archaeological excavations have uncovered huge vats where the snails were kept

and processed to produce the deep purple dye, prized by the Romans for use in

ceremonial robes.

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A private boat awaits on the only dock at Sicak Bay, and your morning efforts

are rewarded with the scent of grilled chicken cooked by your first mate aboard

the vessel. A buffet of mixed salads and stewed vegetables completes your lunch,

enjoyed while peacefully cruising the turquoise waters. Your captain takes you to

a tiny cove where ancient ruins stand on the white-sand beach. There is time to

sunbathe on the deck or relax in the shade, or perhaps swim in the crystal-clear


The boat docks at Andriace, where your van is waiting to take you to two nearby

sites of interest. The town of Myra—known for its amazing rock-cut cliff tombs

dating back to 500 B.C., and a well-preserved Roman theater, circa 100 B.C.— is

perhaps best known as the home of St. Nicholas, who performed miracles and

legendarily evolved into Santa Claus. Another quick hop on and off the bus takes

you to the church where he presided as bishop.

Finally, you drive approximately one hour to the town of Kas. A quaint fishing

town once known for its sponge divers, Kas is now a lovely seaside resort. Your

hotel is built on the hillside and features a multitude of waterfront lounging

areas, from the swimming pool, to the bar, to canopies hidden behind climbing

bougainvilleas, to lounge chairs placed along the rocky shoreline.

Villa Hotel Tamara, Kas

A stunning seaside hotel built of golden stones on several levels and into the

hillside, with a swimming pool, lovely terrace and outdoor bar, and many lounge

areas overlooking the sea and neighboring Greek islands. Spacious rooms are

tastefully decorated and feature air conditioning and balconies, but no television

or telephone.


Roman aqueduct to Patara Beach; 4.5 miles (2½ hours), easy to moderate.

Lunch in Bezirgan. Free exploration of Kas

The morning begins with a buffet breakfast on the hotel terrace, overlooking the

neighboring Greek isles. Fully energized, you transfer to a rarely visited Roman

aqueduct, its arches a magnificent apparition in the tranquil countryside. The

environment in which you walk today is varied, at times lined with silvery olive

trees and a natural herb garden of thyme, oregano, sage, and rosemary,

alternating with fragrant pine forests or open meadow, switching from a single-

track trail to a wide dirt road, and then a sandy path among tall grasses.

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Finally, the views open up and the ruins

of Patara appear in the distance, with the

deep blue sea as a backdrop. The city,

said to be founded by one of Apollo’s

sons, Patarus, was once one of the most-

important seaports in Lycia, and was

particularly known for its temple and the

oracle of Apollo. Patara is also the

birthplace of St. Nicholas. As in ancient

times, you enter via the city gate, passing

remains of temples, sarcophagi, a “main street,” and an impressive theater

(access to various areas varies according to the progress of excavation projects).

You board your van for a 45-minute transfer to the mountain village of

Bezirgan, at just over 2,000 feet in elevation, where you are treated to a

traditional lunch with a local family. Tucked in a fertile plateau, villagers tend

their fruit orchards, fields of chickpeas, and herds of sheep. You remove your

shoes as you enter the house, and observe your hostess as she prepares katmer on

a wide metal sheet over an open fire—a savory flatbread filled with greens,

onions, cheese, olive oil, and spices. Another version of katmer has tahini and

sugar, which she may also prepare for you. Various other traditional dishes

follow, such as homemade dolmas stuffed with eggplant, peppers, or zucchini,

homemade yogurt, and tomato salad. If you still have room, dessert might be

delicately flavored rice pudding and fresh fruit. Lunch is served according to

custom on wide floor trays, sitting cross-legged around the trays on the carpeted

wooden floor (with cushions available if floor seating is uncomfortable).

Afterward, hot tea is served on the terrace.

An hour’s drive takes you back to Kas, and the rest of the day (including dinner)

is on your own and at your leisure. This small resort town features attractive

shops and markets ideal for souvenir shopping, or you may choose to sit at an

outdoor restaurant overlooking the harbor, or return to your hotel where you

may lounge by the pool or by the sea.

Villa Hotel Tamara, Kas

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Alinca to Kabak Beach; 5.5 miles (3 hours), moderate, 2,100-ft. elevation loss

Departing Kas, a scenic two-hour drive north to the towns of Kalkan and Esen

turns west into the coastal mountains. You begin today’s walk in Alinca, a tiny

settlement at 2,100 feet. This ancient trail—perhaps one of the most scenic along

the Lycian Way, with its sweeping sea views—takes you along the top of sea

cliffs and under pine trees, creating shade for the majority of your walk. The

path today is mostly downhill, with both smooth and rocky sections. You walk

all the way down to the remote fine-sand beach of Kabak, an eccentric little

community, where there is time to kick off your boots, stretch, and lounge

“Turkish-style,” on oversize pillows and cushions, perhaps with an ice-cold beer.

Lunch is served buffet-style, featuring hearty soups, a variety of stewed

vegetables, and pasta dishes, all made with organic products. Your table is set in

the shade of a canopy, and a gentle breeze blows as you indulge in this casual

homemade meal. There is time to swim in the turquoise waters of this secluded

cove, sunbathe on its white-sand beach, or perhaps even enjoy a brief siesta,

lulled to rest by the sound of the waves.

Kabak Beach has limited access, and instead of climbing the steep surrounding

trails on foot to exit, you are taxied up the hill along a bumpy road

(approximately 20 minutes). After this exciting ride, you hop in the more

conventional van and transfer slightly over an hour to the town of Fethiye, a

lively port town set in a broad bay at the base of the Taurus Mountains. It is a

perfect place to explore on foot, from the seafront promenade and marina with

both fishing boats and yachts, to the pedestrian-only town center with many

cafés, enticing shops, and a communal hammam (Turkish bath). You gather for

dinner at the colorful farmers’ market where your guides select fresh fish from

the stalls and have these prepared for you at an adjacent restaurant, accompanied

by savory meze and vegetables.

Yacht Hotel, Fethiye

A modern boutique hotel, ideally located on the harbor in Fethiye. The décor is of

contemporary design and the hotel is a five-minute walk from the beautiful old

town. A swimming pool, lounge chairs, and outdoor bar are available on the

ground level, while the hotel restaurant and breakfast buffet offer splendid views

from the top floor.

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Oludeniz to Kayakoy; 4 miles (2½ hours),

moderate, 700-ft. elevation gain.

Optional walk to Affouli Monastery; 2

miles (1½ hours), easy to moderate with

a challenging section

This morning, a 45-minute drive brings

you to Oludeniz, a famous lagoon whose

waters glitter in a multitude of shades of

greens and blues. From here you begin an uphill climb on foot, including some

steep and rocky sections. You walk along a trail partially shaded by emerald

green Aleppo pine forests and over headlands, providing magnificent views of

the lace-like seascapes below. Your morning efforts are rewarded with a steady

downhill section at the end, and views of the astonishing Greek ghost town of

Kayakoy. The inhabitants of this 600-home ghost city were subjects of the mass

population exchanges of the 1920s. Today’s unsettled state of the city offers

moving flashbacks of a past human drama. Farther down the hill is the modern

village of Kayakoy, now hosting a few shops and open-air restaurants. You settle

at one of the shaded tables and once again savor a variety of meze—by now both

familiar and enticing, local grilled meat, and colorful fruit platters.

In the afternoon, you may choose to walk a pine-shaded path from a nearby

trailhead to Affouli Monastery. The trail is mostly smooth except for the last

short section, which is a steep downhill with loose rocks and gravel. The

dramatic cliffside monastery offers sweeping views of the blue expanse of the

Mediterranean (not recommended for those with vertigo or fear of heights).

Others may stroll the streets of Kayakoy, perhaps even ride a camel (!), or return

to the hotel to relax by its swimming pool. You regroup for an apéritif on the

top floor of the hotel, and dine with a stunning view of the marina as the sun


Yacht Hotel, Fethiye

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Early transfer to Golyaka (3½ hours). Golyaka to Kerdemlik cave; 3 miles (2½

hours), moderate, 550-ft. elevation gain and loss. Optional walk to Yediler

Manastiri; 2 miles (1½ hours), moderate. Transfer to Kusadasi (1½ hours)

Today you leave behind the Mediterranean and the region of Lycia, and travel

north along the Aegean coastline to Caria and Ionia. Due to the distance covered

today, you again start very early, with a departure from the hotel at 7:00 a.m.

Breakfast is served during your three-and-a-half-hour drive, and there is an

opportunity to use facilities mid-way.

Your first destination is Bafa Lake and the village of Golyaka. You stretch your

legs on a delightful trail into the foothills of Mt. Latmos. The route is shaded by

thousands of olive trees and meanders among smooth weather-sculpted

boulders, some of which you occasionally have to climb over. Wonderful views

overlook Bafa Lake, and you may also catch glimpses of surefooted mountain

goats running along impossibly steep inclines. This area hides dozens of 9,000-

year-old Neolithic caves, complete with well-preserved cave paintings. These

pictographs have never been extensively studied or catalogued, thus a true sense

of discovery awaits. The trail leads gently uphill to a cave locally known as

Kerdemlik, which holds wonderfully preserved cave paintings. A picnic lunch is

served on the trail, and features a variety of fresh cold dishes.

This afternoon you may choose to continue to walk to Yediler Manastiri, the

remains of a Byzantine monastery, where fine frescoes decorate the chapel walls.

Or, you may loop back to the village of Kapikiri, resting on the extensive ruins

of Herakleia, some of which are still visible. You can relax at a taverna over a

glass of steaming hot coffee served the traditional way, or perhaps shop for a

delicately embroidered scarf made by the community’s elder women.

In the late afternoon, the drive continues for another hour and a half, and time

flies as you toast the day’s accomplishments with refreshments and snacks.

Dinner is served at your seaside hotel on the doorstep of Ephesus.

Kismet Hotel, Kusadasi

This historical property is located on a peninsula that protrudes into the Aegean

Sea. Rooms are comfortably furnished and have panoramic views over the

harbor of Kusadasi. The property also features a bar and restaurant in addition to

lovely gardens and an outdoor pool.

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Walking tour of Ephesus; 3 hours.

Weaving cooperative and school. Flight

to Istanbul

You rise for a hearty breakfast to fuel

you for the three-hour walking tour of

Ephesus, the Greco-Roman city and

UNESCO World Heritage site that

contains the largest collection of Roman ruins in the eastern Mediterranean

region. The visible ruins provide a glimpse into the size and wealth of the city,

and it is estimated that only 15 percent of the site has been excavated. The tour

includes landmarks such as the Roman Library of Celsus (125 A.D.), baths, a

brothel, temples, and the main Harbor Street dominated by the Great Theater,

believed to have been the largest outdoor theater in the ancient world. In

addition to Greek and Roman history, the site has strong associations with early

Christianity. Saint Paul lived and was imprisoned here, and the Gospel of John is

believed to have been written here around 100 A.D. Similar to Ancient Priene,

Ephesus was once situated on a harbor, which also became filled with silt over

the centuries. The most prosperous period for the city was around the 1st and

2nd centuries A.D., when it was a major trading center and the largest city in

Roman Asia.

After concluding the tour, you join the locals for lunch in the city center, at a

simple family-owned restaurant known for its excellent liver, flavored with mint

and accompanied by a refreshing cucumber-and-yogurt dish. You are free to

order à la carte, and indulge in freshly baked desserts direct from the pastry shop

across the street.

Your last stop in the region is at a weaving school and production cooperative,

where you are given an educational and entertaining lecture on Turkish tribal art

and weavings, and gain insight into this tradition with hands-on demonstrations.

A one-hour drive late in the afternoon brings you to the Izmir Airport for the

50-minute flight to Istanbul.

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Upon arrival in Istanbul, your waiting

bus transports you to your hotel in the

center of the old town—ideally situated

within walking distance of Sultanahmet

Square, Haghia Sophia, Topkapi Palace,

the Spice Market, and Sirkeci waterfront.

Given your evening arrival in the city,

there are no more group activities

scheduled for the day and you are free to

dine on light fare at the hotel’s

restaurant, or rest up for the Istanbul exploration.

Levni Hotel & Spa, Istanbul

Ideally located in the heart of “Old Istanbul,” the Levni Hotel offers bright,

modern, and well-appointed rooms. Additional hotel amenities include a

restaurant and pub, as well as a spa with Turkish bath, heated indoor pool, and

fitness center.


Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque and Basilica Cistern visit. Optional Grand Bazaar

exploration or free time in Istanbul

After a copious buffet breakfast in the hotel’s garden, you depart for your

overview tour of Istanbul. Please note that your guides have purposefully chosen

sites that are removed from the bustle of the Sultanahmet neighborhood and the

main attractions, to give you a more intimate experience and orient you for your

independent exploration post-tour (highly recommended). Your first stop is the

Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, featuring splendid tile, marble, and stained-glass

work. Away from the crowds, there is time to examine the outstanding

construction from the outside as well as its interior. Walking past the city’s most

famous sites, the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque, your guides lead you to

another unique perspective on the ancient city. You make your way underground

to the awe-inspiring Basilica Cistern, with its 336 marble columns—featured in

the James Bond film, “From Russia with Love.”

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After a light lunch, you may follow your guide to the Grand Covered Bazaar.

Those who prefer a more relaxing and independent option may peruse the many

street vendors and colorful boutiques in the vicinity of the hotel, or simply

return to their room to rest for the remainder of the afternoon.

Following your immersion in this fascinating city, you reunite for a celebratory

dinner in true Istanbul tradition in the bustling pedestrian district of Kumkapi.

Meaning “sand gate” in Turkish, the seaside Kumkapi district is one of Istanbul’s

top seafood destinations; its lively street scene and plethora of restaurants

offering alfresco dining, fresh local seafood, and meze draw visitors and locals


Levni Hotel & Spa, Istanbul

DAY 10

Departure from Istanbul

The tour ends after breakfast, leaving you free to head home or continue your

exploration of Turkey.

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Please bear in mind that this is a typical itinerary, and the actual activities, sites,

and accommodations may vary due to season, special events, weather, or

transportation schedules. We reserve the right to alter the itinerary, since tour

arrangements are made up to a year in advance and unforeseen circumstances

may arise that mandate change. Itinerary changes are made to improve the tour

and your experience.


The hotels on this tour meet CW’s high standards of comfort, service, and

access to walking and cultural visits; however, please note that room size and

style vary and sea-view rooms are not guaranteed. Many hotels in Turkey rely on

solar panels for heating hot water. Your guides will inform you before arriving at

a hotel when it may be necessary to run the tap for a longer time than usual for

the water to become warm enough for showering. Most restrooms on tour are

Western-style; however, there may be a few Eastern-style toilets in the more

rural areas or at stops during the longer drives.


The Lycian Way & Ephesus itinerary has been designed to cover several distinct

regions of Turkey, as well as to offer in-depth experiences in each region: from

the city of Istanbul, to the Antalyan Peninsula of the south, and the Ionian

region around Ephesus. Travel between these regions requires several long

drives on coastal and smaller regional roads. Days with long drives are broken up

as much as possible by walks, cultural visits, and meals, and may require

departures as early as 7:00 a.m. Some non-travel days can also be full, beginning

early in the morning, with shorter transfers between coastal hotels and walking

trails and sites of interest located farther inland within the Taurus Mountain

range. We assure you that the tour has been designed to provide you with a rich

experience in Turkey—balancing opportunities to walk and relax in beautiful

authentic locales with the logistics of covering a fairly large geographic area.

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For more than 35 years, CW has been a leader in active travel, with responsible

tourism an integral part of our core values. Our tours reflect our dedication to

best travel practices—and to the preservation of indigenous cultures and the

environment. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and giving back


Here’s just one example that highlights our sustainable practices:

Turkish Delight: On our trip to Turkey, we delight in supporting Turkmen

Carpet, a local initiative near Ephesus. At this school and production

cooperative, we receive an entertaining and educational lecture on Turkish tribal

art and weavings, watch a hands-on demonstration by local weavers, and are

shown an incredible array of carpets over tea and coffee. Turkmen Carpet is

unique in that it draws on both traditional and contemporary designs and

weaving techniques; teaches young girls from within the district how to obtain

natural dyes to apply to the yarn and weave distinctive pieces; and buys carpets

made by students for resale. Of course, if you find the perfect carpet for your

living room, you’ll know that your investment will go a long way in supporting a

good cause.

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Tour Facts at a Glance


10 days, 9 nights


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The Marmara Antalya Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, 8:30 a.m.


Levni Hotel & Spa, Istanbul, Turkey, after breakfast


$5,498 (Single+$650)

Mandatory internal airfare of $200 will be added to your tour price. Airfare cost

subject to change.


This tour is one of our Guided Walking Adventures, rated moderate, with an

average of 4 to 6 miles (2½ to 3 hours) per day. While the mileage is not

significant, trails are not well-traveled and involve walking on uneven terrain and

loose rocks, so sure-footedness is essential. Except for the shorter walks to and

around archaeological sites and in Istanbul, hikes typically start with a steady

climb followed by a sustained downhill, with some steep and rocky sections.

Walks take place mostly on single-track forest trails, but the terrain also includes

dirt, sand, or grassy parts.

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Due to the tricky footing, walking sticks are highly recommended for this tour.

Options are limited to skipping some of the walks or visits and relaxing at a

village taverna, on the beach, or at the hotel’s swimming pool. This tour

concentrates on ancient history and covers a large geographical area, with hotels

located in coastal towns, while walks and sites of interest lie farther inland,

therefore, most days start early and involve several transfers and hops on and off

the van.


» Two expert, local guides (for groups of 8 or more), with you 24/7

» All meals except two dinners; local beer and wine with dinner

» All accommodations while on tour

» Transportation from the meeting point to the departure point

» Entrance fees and special events as noted in the itinerary

» The unbeatable and cumulative experience of the CW staff


Gratuities for all hotels, meals, and services that are included in your tour price

will be paid by CW. Should you wish to tip your CW guide(s), the standard in the

industry ranges from $10 to $15 per person, per day (or $20 to $30 per couple,

per day), and can be paid in USD or local currency.

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Traveling To and From Your Tour


The Marmara Antalya Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, 8:30 a.m.

Your guide(s) will be wearing a CW shirt. Please be dressed for walking.


Antalya Havalimani Airport (AYT), Antalya, Turkey



There are no direct flights from the U.S. to Antalya. Several major carriers,

including Turkish Airlines (turkishairlines.com), offer flights with only one

connection in a major European city. From Antalya Airport, the Marmara

Antalya Hotel (meeting-point hotel) is about a 25-minute drive toward the city

center, along the coast in the Lara District. The best way to get there from the

airport is by taxi and it will cost around $25 to $30. There is no public

transportation that is easy to use, so we definitely recommend a taxi. Most taxi

drivers speak English, but we suggest that you carry the hotel name and address

with you in writing.


We recommend arriving in Turkey at least one day before the tour starts. This

will give you time to rest after your travels and recover from any effects of jet

lag. You may wish to stay at the Marmara Antalya Hotel, our meeting-point

hotel, where CW has blocked a number of rooms. This modern-design hotel is

the ideal place to relax before the tour begins, with its 50-meter swimming pool

and spa. Please contact CW directly to make your reservations. Rooms will only

be held until 45 days prior to the tour date, therefore after this time reservations

cannot be guaranteed.

The Marmara Antalya Hotel

Sirinyali Mah, Lara Antalya

07160 Turkey

Tel 011 90 424 249 3600

Email [email protected]


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Rates: $219 for a sea-view standard double and $169 for a sea-view standard



If you are delayed while traveling or for any reason miss the scheduled group

meeting, please telephone our local operator in Antalya, Turkey: Turker Travel,

at 242 419 2441 (these numbers must be preceded by 011 90 if calling from

outside Turkey) and leave a message for your guide(s) as to your estimated time

of arrival. Since many of our tours begin on a weekend, and due to the time

change, it is NOT advisable to leave this message at the CW office.


Levni Hotel & Spa, Istanbul, Turkey, after breakfast


Istanbul Ataturk Airport (IST), Istanbul, Turkey



You are free to depart from the hotel in Istanbul at your leisure. Taxis to Ataturk

Airport can be arranged by the hotel concierge and cost approximately $25, or

45 lira. The journey takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the

time of day and traffic. Direct flights from Istanbul to the U.S. are available

through several major carriers.


Should you wish to stay and explore the fascinating city of Istanbul following the

tour (highly recommended), please contact the Levni Hotel & Spa directly to

make your reservation.

For specialized guided walking tours of Istanbul, we recommend contacting

Context Travel, a network of architects, historians, and art historians who

organize exceptional walking seminars. For further information and to request

reservations, please visit contexttravel.com, or contact Context Travel directly,

toll-free, at 888.467.1986, or 215.392.0303, or via email at

[email protected]. Please mention that CW referred you.

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CW Information & Policies


CW guarantees the departure of every tour*—no exceptions and no

disappointments! From the moment you make your deposit, you can start

preparing for your adventure. We take care of all the details to ensure a seamless,

small-group experience (with an average of 6 or 7 guests per guide). For best

availability, reserve your trip today!

*except in cases of force majeure


Reservations for this tour may be made by calling CW at 800.464.9255. We can

confirm your reservation with a deposit of $500 per person. Final tour cost is

due 90 days prior to tour departure date. As arrangements are confirmed at least

a year in advance, the tour price is subject to change.


Each guest has the responsibility to select a trip appropriate to his/her abilities

and interests and to prepare for the trip by carefully reading the confirmation

materials. To join this trip, you must be in good health and capable of

completing activities as described in the day-to-day itinerary. Our in-house

experts welcome the opportunity to discuss the tour in more detail. In order to

help us meet your needs and preferences, please note any health or physical

conditions on your Guest Information Forms and return them to CW by 90 days

prior to the tour start date.


Cancellations received 91 days or more prior to the tour start date will incur a

loss of $100; cancellations received between 90 and 61 days prior to the tour

start date incur a loss of 25 percent of the tour price; there are no refunds within

60 days of the tour start date. You may transfer your reservation, depending on

availability, from one trip to another (in the same calendar year) by notifying us

in writing 91 days prior to the trip for a transfer fee of $50 per person, after

which time our cancellation policy applies.

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We offer guests the opportunity to purchase a Travel Protection Plan. Please

contact us for details.


Air or other travel arrangements to and from your tour are not included in the

price of your trip. We encourage you to contact your local travel agent, or Better

Travel, a Vermont-based agency (800.331.6996 or

[email protected]), for any additional air, hotel, rail, or transfer

arrangements you may need.

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Select Experiences CW Selects are active and cultural explorations handcrafted to immerse you in

and showcase the best of a city, region, or combination of the two. Combine

them with other CW trips or enjoy them as a stand-alone interlude, to complete

or complement your travel experience. Please call for details.


Magical Cappadocia fascinates with its

astounding topography and far-reaching history.

This unique region of Turkey is defined by a

lunar-like landscape of stone columns and spires

carved over the ages by the elements, and houses

and churches built into stone cliffs—including

your beautifully restored, award-winning hotel.

You walk colored canyons to frescoed Byzantine-era cave churches and the

wind-sculpted “fairy” chimneys. Rural traditions run strong and you share the

route with farmers leading their donkeys and carts to apricot orchards and

vineyards, stroll villages with rows of tomatoes and peppers drying on rooftops,

greet folks at their doorsteps wearing the region’s finery, and learn about Sufism

and the order of the Whirling Dervishes at a fascinating evening performance.

4 days, 3 nights / from $2,398 (Single from +$350)


Discover the magnificent sights, sounds, and

tastes of Istanbul, the ancient and diverse

metropolis offering up a wealth of architecture,

captivating markets, intriguing waterfronts, and

seagoing excitement. Two full days of in-depth

guided walking lead you to the city’s

incomparable monuments and iconic streets—

wind through Roman foundations, past Byzantine mosaics, and amongst the

grandeur of Ottoman mosques and palaces. A city-center contemporary hotel is

perfectly located for exploring and for relaxing in plush comfort.

3 days, 2 nights / from $1,148 (Single from +325)