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TUTORIAL MEMASANG KABEL LAN /UTPPosted by geekubuntu on November 12, 2009

Tutorial singkat ini cocok banget buat yang sedang mo bikin jaringan komputer MURAH khususnya yang terdiri lebih dari 2 client, yang pake hub (jauh lebih murah ketimbang router). To the point! Apa sih kabel UTP itu? Kabel UTP itu adalah kabel khusus buat transmisi data. UTP, singkatan dari Unshielded Twisted Pair. Disebut unshielded karena kurang tahan terhadap interferensi elektromagnetik. Dan disebut twisted pair soalnya di dalamnya terdapat pasangan kabel yang disusun spiral alias saling berlilitan. Ada 5 kategori kabel UTP. Dari kategori 1 sampai kategori 5. Untuk jaringan komputer yang terkenal adalah kategori 3 dan kategori 5.Kategori 3 bisa untuk transmisi data sampai 10 mbps, sedang kategori 5 sampai 100 mbps. Nah klo cuman buat misal bikin jaringan komputer di kantor ato kampus ato warnet, paling ngirit ya pake yang kategori 3. Udah lebih dari cukup. Setau gue ada banyak merek yang beredar di pasaran, cuman yang terkenal bandel dan relatif murah adalah merek Belden made in USA. Per meternya berkisar dari Rp. 1500 2000,- Kalau mau jatuh murah dan pakenya banyak beli aja yang satu kotak, panjangnya sekitar 150meteran. Jangan lupa beli konektornya. Konektornya tuh bentuknya kayak colokan telepon cuman lebih besar. Bilang aja mo beli konektor RJ-45. Harganya klo ngecer sekitar Rp.2500,- an.Foto RJ45 Konektor untuk kabel UTP:

Foto RJ 45 yang masih baru, belum di gencet pake tang:

Crimp Tool Satu lagi yang sangat penting, kamu kudu punya tang khusus buat masang konektor ke kabel UTP, istilah kerennya crimp tool. Ini alat gunanya buat ngematiin ato nanem ato apalah istilahnya itu konektor ke kabel UTP. Jadi sekali udah di tang udah ga bisa dicopot lagi itu konektor. Harganya memang agak mahal dibanding tang biasa. Antara Rp.75rb 150rb.Ini foto crimp toolnya:

Dan klo mo lebih ok, biar ga nanggung tambah duit lagi sekitar 125rban buat beli lan tester. belinya yang merek dari taiwan aja. lebih murah. bentuknya tuh kayak kotak, dan ada lampu lednya 8 pasang, bisa kedap kedip.Ini foto LAN testernya:

OK sekarang peralatan udah siap, gue mulai aja. Secara umum pemasangan kabel UTP ada 2 tipe, tipe straight dan tipe cross. Disebut tipe straight soalnya masing masing kabel yang jumlahnya 8 itu berkorespondensi 1-1, langsung. Sedangkan disebut cross soalnya ada persilangan pada susunan kabelnya.Bingung?

OK! Untuk tipe straight itu digunakan buat nyambungin dari client ke hub. Sedangkan untuk tipe cross untuk client langsung ke client (cpu to cpu) ato dari hub ke hub.

Kita bahas dulu yang tipe straightUrutan pin tipe straightTipe ini paling gampang dibuat. Kenapa? Soalnya langsung korespondensinya 1-1. Standar urutannya sih begini (dilihat dari bolongannya konektor, dari kiri ke kanan lihat fotodidibawah) :

2 orange 1 ijo 2 biru 1 ijo 2 coklat . 2 orange disini maksudnya pasangan orange muda sama orange tua, dst. Tapi ga usah ikut standar pewarnaan itu juga sebenarnya tidak masalah.Yang penting urutan kabelnya. Misal ujung sini urutan pin pertamanya orange muda, maka ujung yang lain urutan ping pertamanya juga harus orange muda. jadi antar ujung saling nyambung.Sebenarnya tidak semua pin tersebut digunakan. Yang penting adalah pin nomor 1,2,3 dan 6. Jadi misal yang disambung cuman pin 1,2,3 dan 6 sedangkan pin yang lain tidak dipasang, tidak jadi soal.Buat jelasnya coba lihat foto dibawah:

Straight Tru dan cross pinYang kiri urutan korespondensi buat tipe straigh, yang kanan yang cross

Nah waktu mo pasang kamu potong ujung kabelnya, trus susun kabelnya trus ratain pake piso potong yang ada di crimp tool. Kamu ga perlu repot repot harus ngelepasin isolasi pada bagian ujung kabel,soalnya waktu kamu masukin itu kabel ke konektor trus di gencet pake crimp tool, sebenarnya saat itu pin yang ada di konektor nembus mpe dalem kabel. Perhatikan, agar gencetnya yang keras. soalnya klo ga keras kadang itu pin ga tembus ke dalam isolasi kabelnya. Kalo udah trus kamu tes pake lan tester. Masukin ujung ujung kabel ke alatnya, trus nyalain, klo lampu led yang di lan tester nyala semua, dari nomor 1 mpe 8 berarti kamu sukses. Klo ada salah satu yang ga nyala berarti kemungkinan pada pin nomor tersebut ada masalah. Cara paling mudah yaitu kamu gencet lagi pake tang. Kemungkinan pinnya belum tembus. Kalo udah kamu gencet kok masih ga nyambung, coba periksa korespondensinya antar pin udah 1-1 blon. Klo ternyata udah bener dan masih gagal, berarti memang kamu hari ini sedang tidak beruntung.. kesian deh.. hehe.. ulang lagi aja.. okay!

LAN TESTERLAN TESTER alat buat ngecek kabelnya nyambungnya bener ato ga.

Untuk tipe straightklo bener ntar dari led 1 mpe 8 berkedip.

Untuk Tipe CrossUntuk tipe cross itu dipake buat nyabungin langsung antar 2 pc, ato yang umumnya buat nyambungin antar hub. (misal karena colokan di hubnya kurang). Cara pasangnya juga sebenarnya gampang. samaseperti tipe straight, pin yang dipake juga sebenarnya cuman 4 pin aja, pin 1-2-3 dan 6. Nah yang beda pas pasangnya. Klo di tipe cross, pin 1 nyambung ke pin 3 ujung yang lain. pin 2 ke 6, pin 3 ke 1 dan pin 6 ke 2. Jelasnya coba deh liat Gambar 5. Praktisnya gini, di ujung pertama kamu susun pinnya sesuai standar buat yang tipe straight nah di ujung yang laen kamu susun pinnya sesuaistandar buat tipe cross masih bingung ? gini deh gampangnya:

ujung pertama:1: orange muda2: orange tua3: ijo muda4: biru muda5: biru tua6: ijo tua7: coklat muda8: coklat tuamaka diujung yang lain harus begini:1: ijo muda2: ijo tua3: orange muda4: biru muda5: biru tua6: orange tua7: coklat muda8: coklat tuaagak ngerti kan? jadi disini posisi nomor 1,2,3 ma 6 yang dituker.. Nah ntar klo pas di tes pake LANtester ntar led 1,2,3, ma 6 saling bertukar. Klo tipe straight kan nyalanya urutan, nah klo tipe cross ada yang lompat lompat. Tapi yang pasti kudu nyala semua tiap led dari nomor 1 mpe 8.Ok deh selamat bikin jaringan. Semoga kamu bisa berhasil waktu pasang konektor di kabelnya..hehe.. Moga ilmu ini berguna buat kamu, soalnya waktu dulu gue pertama bikin jaringan lucu bangetdeh, buat ngupas kabelnya gue masih pake cutter, padahal kan udah ada tuh di crimp toolnya. Udah gitu ujung ujungnya tiap kabel aku kelupas lagi pake cutter. padahal yang betul ga usah di kupas atu biarin aja rata, soalnya ntar pas di crimp tool kan itu pin masing masing tembus ke dalem kabelnya.. bego deh dulu.. moga kamu ga melakukan hal sama kayak gue dulu.UTPUnshielded itu kalau ga salah kan berarti tidak di lapisi.jadi sebenarnya tuh ada 2 type:1. Unshielded Twisted Pair.2. Shielded Twisted Pair.Memang sih kalau Unshielded itu lebih ga tahan dengan interferensi dibandingkan shielded.Harga Shielded itu bisa 2x dari harga Unshielded, tapi memang lebih bagus, biasa kita pakai untuk nyambung access point di tower ke switch. Trus satu kotak itu bukannya isinya 1000ft = 333 meter?bukan cuma 150 meter doang (wah di korupsi tuh sama yang jual)Memang ga usah ikutin urutan standard warna kabel tidak akan menyebabkan masalah, tapi ingat bilamana 1 tahun lagi harus tracing kerusakan kabel, maka akan bingung, apalagi orang lain yangngeliat, karena tidak standard, jadi saran saya adalah, buat kabel ikutin standard yang sudah berlaku,

Mulailah mengikuti aturan dari hal-hal yang kecil.

Salam Open Source

Posted inTutorials| Tagged:lan,lancard,rj 45|1 Comment How to Backup EvolutionMailPosted by geekubuntu on November 12, 2009

From an old mailing list, I got the right method to back up your Evolution (mail + calendar + contacts) data the right way:

Step 1:Shutdown evolution and gconftool-2:

$gconftool-2 shutdown$evolution force-shutdown

Step 2:Create an archive with the data and configuration files:Note: To completely save the Evolution data and configuration, you need to save the following directories/files:

1. ~/.evolution/2. ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/3. ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution

The following command will take care of these$cd$tar -cvzf evolution-backup.tar.gz .evolution .gconf/apps/evolution .gnome2_private/Evolution

Now the file evolution-backup.tar.gz is the backup you want. You can move the data over to another Ubuntu computer if you like, and just un-tar the archive while in your /home/username/ directory to restore it.

To restore, use:

$gconftool-2 shutdown$evolution force-shutdown$tar xzf evolution-backup.tar.gz$gconftool-2 unload evolution_setting.xml$gconftool-2 load evolution_setting.xml

There are two evolution backup scripts that promise to make things easier for you:Script 1 in French and EnglishScript 2: In German

I really dont see the need for a script, the scripts pretty much do the same thing as the commands above. If you run the commands one by one you will know if something fails immediately. However, I understand someone might want a script to make things easier. A script for backing up is kind of funny since if it fails, you will have no backups, so tread carefullyPosted inProblem Solved,Tutorials| Tagged:backup email|1 Comment REMOTEDESKTOPPosted by geekubuntu on November 12, 2009

MS Windows merupakan OS yang paling banyak digunakan para pengguna komputer di dunia ini. Lisensi dari OS ini adalah 1 lisensi untuk 1 komputer, nah sekarang bagaimana menggunakan 1 lisensi untuk banyak komputer terutama untuk warnet, perkantoran, perusahaan maupun pendidikan.

Salah satu caranya adalah dengan OS Ubuntu Linux, yaitu dengan menggunakan aplikasi Terminal Server Client yang bisa me-remote desktop MS Windows.

Intinya adalah merubah MS Windows Xp-SP2 menjadi sebuah Terminal Server sehingga bisa diakses rame-rame

Syarat utama untuk akses rame-rame adalah :1. Komputer yang terpasang MS Windows XP-SP2 (original lisens) + LAN card dan sudah siap konek network + patch untuk akses rame-rame.2. Komputer dengan OS Ubuntu 9.10 atau dibawahnya( jumlahnya bebas he..he..)3. Sitem jaringan

A. Setting Windows

IP MS Windows misalnya disetting :

Download 2 patch berikut agar kunci Windows Xp yg hanya membolehkan akses 1 user pada waktu bersamaan bisa dibuka :

Patch 1 :http://blogpmenier.dynalias.net/docext/xp/Termiserv_XPSP2_i386_1.0.exeatau

http://sala.pri.ee/terminal-server-patch/atauhttp://www.geocities.com/pinuxer/Termiserv_XPSP2_i386_1.0.zipPatch 2 :http://www.geocities.com/pinuxer/Unlimited_users_XP_SP2_thin_client.zip(link ini dah nggak bisa lagi)

tapi jangan khawatir lu bisa donlot di:http://www.kuntosa.890m.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&gid=16&Itemid=37- Installkan Patch 1 ke Windows dalam Safe Mode setelah itu restart

- Instalkan Patch 2 juga dalam Safe Mode

- Klik Start Run, ketik: gpedit.msc lalu enter

Buka: Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Terminal Services

Klik: Limit number of connections, Pilih: Enable dan isikan nilai 999999 untuk unlimited. Lalu restart.

Buat User sebanyak yang diinginkan dengan type limited user ( misal user01 dan user01) dengan cara

Klik Start > Control Panel > User Account

Ubah cara Login menjadi Fast User Switching: Control Panel > User Account > Change the way users log on or off pilih: Fast User Switching.

Klik Kanan Pada My Computer, pilih Properties, masuk ke Tab Remote, beri tanda centang ( contreng ) pada Allow user to connect remotely to this computer. Lalu tambahkan user dengan klik pada Select Remote Users

Siap.. Windows XP nya sekarang bisa diakses oleh orang se RT ..)

B. Setting Komputer Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid atau di Ubuntu 9.10 Jaunty Jackalope ( guampang banget )

Klik Applications Internet Terminal Server Client. Isi setingannya seperti pada gambar :Kalau sudah klik Connectdan hoplaaa..Mr. Bill Gates jadi berteman deh dengan Mr. Linus Torvald

Gbr. 1. Akses Terminal Server Client

Gbr.2. Log On to Windows

Gbr.3. Tampilan Windows di Ubuntu

Untuk memutuskan ( keluar dari Windows Terminal ) klik Start Log Off

Posted inTutorials,Ubuntu| Tagged:remote desktop|2 Comments How To Disable Pop Up Update ManagerUbuntuPosted by geekubuntu on July 15, 2009

One of the change in the Ubuntu 9.04 is update manager. It pops up every time if updates are available. Though it is good, some time it is annoying when you do some important work. This update manager pop up window can be disabled easily. Type sudogconf-editorin the terminal and hit enter. In the new window navigate to apps >> update-notifier. Now on the right hand side disable the auto_launch option by clicking on the tick mark. Remember that it will only disable pop up window not the update manager so if you want to update your system then go to System >> Administration >> update Manager and install updates.

Posted inTutorials,Ubuntu|1 Comment Fax server (Hylafax) lengkap dengan Avantfax diUbuntuPosted by geekubuntu on April 14, 2009

Technorati Tags:faxcimile,efax,fax via internetPanduan Setup

Fax server (Hylafax) lengkap dengan Avantfax di Ubuntu

Sebenarnya mengapa sih repot-repot membuat faxserver?

Selama ini kita mengenal mesin fax untuk mengirim dan menerima fax. Tergantung merek dan tipenya, harga mesin fax dapat mencapai jutaan rupiah.

Ada beberapa kendala bila menggunakan mesin fax konvensional:

1. Mesin harus rutin di maintenance agar dapat dioperasikan dengan lancar (kertas tidak macet, hasil fax tetap jelas, dll).

2. Dokumen harus di print dahulu bila ingin di fax, dan seringkali kiriman fax tersebut kurang bagus.

3. Hasil fax harus difoto-kopi dahulu bila ingin disimpan lama, sebab hasil fax akan pudar bila terlalu lama disimpan.

4. Perlu usaha khusus untuk mengarsip fax-fax yang dikirim dan masuk.

5. Perlu personel khusus untuk mendistribusikan fax-fax yang masuk.

Oleh karenanya, kini banyak perusahan yang telah menerapkan solusi FaxServer, karena memberikan keunggulan-keunggulan berikut ini:

1. Tidak perlu maintenance khusus, karena menggunakan sebuah PC sebagai servernya.

2. Dokumen dapat langsung di fax ke tujuan tanpa harus di print dahulu. Hemat kertas, tinta, dan fax terkirim dengan kualitas seperti pada di layar komputer.

3. Fax yang masuk disimpan dalam bentuk file PDF di komputer, sehingga terjamin.

4. Fax terkirim/diterima langsung tersimpan dalam folder-folder khusus dalam bentuk file PDF.

5. Fax yang masuk dapat secara otomatis dikirim melalui email.

Feature-feature Faxserver ini:

1. Murni menggunakan software OpenSource.

2. Cukup menggunakan PC dan fax modem external biasa.

3. Multi user.

4. Dapat mengunakan web based fax client ataupun windows client.

5. Konfirmasi send/receive fax lewat email.

Hal-hal yang diperlukan:

1. PC/Notebook yang telah terinstall Ubuntu 7.10

2. Modem External

3. Mesin Fax untuk testing

4. Koneksi internet / DVD Repo Ubuntu

5. Semangat tinggi untuk belajar dan mencobaSecara garis besar, langkah-langkahnya adalah:

1. Install Ubuntu

2. Pasang Modem

3. Install dan setup Hylafax

4. Install paket-paket Ubuntu yang dibutuhkan

5. Install dan setup Avantfax

6. Testing kirim/terima fax

Baiklah kita mulai, install Ubuntu seperti biasa. Pasang modem ke PC, sambungkan ke line telpon dan hidupkan.

Selanjutnya kita mulai install-install. Bisa menggunakan synaptic ataupun apt-get dari console, terserah sesuai kebiasaan kita. Di dalam panduan ini dicantumkan menggunakan apt-get.

A. Install dan Setup Hylafax

A1. Kita install Postfix dulu. Mengapa? Sebab kalau tidak hylafax akan menginstall pula

Exim mailserver, kalau kita familiar sih tidak apa-apa.

# apt-get install postfix

Setup saja postfix seperti biasa/default. Secara default postfix sudah dapat mengirim


A2. Install hylafax:

# apt-get install hylafax-server

A3. Setup hylafax. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagian besar dapat menggunakan nilai

default saja (tekan enter saja), kecuali yang berkaitan dengan nomor telpon dan device

modem. Modem kita biasanya akan terdeteksi sebagai /dev/ttyS0 (serial pertama)

# faxsetup

Setup program for HylaFAX 4.4.0.

Created for i686-pc-linux-gnu on Thu Aug 16 15:51:25 GMT 2007.

Reading cached parameters from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.

Found base64 encoder: /usr/bin/mimencode

Found Quoted-Printable encoder: /usr/bin/mimencode -q

Found mimencode for compatibilty: /usr/bin/mimencode

Checking system for proper server configuration.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/getty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The

HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that

it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the

program resides in a different location and you do not want to

install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/getty-link that points to your program

then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The

HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that

it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the

program resides in a different location and you do not want to

install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link that points to your program

then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/egetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program. The

HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that

it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error. If the

program resides in a different location and you do not want to

install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/egetty-link that points to your program

then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax.gs.

Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax.gs.

Update /var/spool/hylafax/status/any.info.

HylaFAX configuration parameters are:

[1] Init script starts faxq: yes

[2] Init script starts hfaxd yes

[3] Start old protocol: no

[4] Start paging protocol: no

Are these ok [yes]?

Modem support functions written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.

Configuration parameters written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.

Restarting HylaFAX server processes.

Should I restart the HylaFAX server processes [yes]?

/etc/init.d/hylafax start

Not starting HylaFAX daemons since they are already running.

You do not appear to have any modems configured for use. Modems are

configured for use with HylaFAX with the faxaddmodem(8) command.

Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]?

Serial port that modem is connected to [ttyS0]?

Hmm, there does not appear to be an fuser command on your machine.

This means that I am unable to ensure that all processes using the

modem have been killed. I will keep going, but beware that you may

have competition for the modem.

Ok, time to setup a configuration file for the modem. The manual

page config(5) may be useful during this process. Also be aware

that at any time you can safely interrupt this procedure.

Reading scheduler config file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.

No existing configuration, lets do this from scratch.

Country code [1]?

Area code [415]? 021

Phone number of fax modem [+1.999.555.1212]? 5551234

Local identification string (for TSI/CIG) ["NothingSetup"]? UbuntuFax

Long distance dialing prefix [1]?

International dialing prefix [011]?

Dial string rules file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/dialrules]?

Tracing during normal server operation [1]?

Tracing during send and receive sessions [11]?

Protection mode for received facsimile [0600]?

Protection mode for session logs [0600]?

Protection mode for ttyx0 [0600]?

Rings to wait before answering [1]?

Modem speaker volume [off]?

Command line arguments to getty program ["-h %l dx_%s"]?

Pathname of TSI access control list file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [""]?

Pathname of Caller-ID access control list file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [""]?

Tag line font file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/lutRS18.pcf]?

Tag line format string ["From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"]?

Time before purging a stale UUCP lock file (secs) [30]?

Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound data calls [Yes]?

Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound voice calls [Yes]?

Percent good lines to accept during copy quality checking [95]?

Max consecutive bad lines to accept during copy quality checking [5]?

Max number of pages to accept in a received facsimile [25]?

Syslog facility name for ServerTracing messages [daemon]?

Set UID to 0 to manipulate CLOCAL [""]?

Use available priority job scheduling mechanism [""]?

Your facsimile phone number (5551234) does not agree with your

country code (1) or area code (021). The number

should be a fully qualified international dialing number of the form:

+1 021

Spaces, hyphens, and periods can be included for legibility. For example,


is a possible phone number (using your country and area codes).

The non-default server configuration parameters are:

CountryCode: 1

AreaCode: 021

FAXNumber: 5551234

LongDistancePrefix: 1

InternationalPrefix: 011

DialStringRules: etc/dialrules

SessionTracing: 11

RingsBeforeAnswer: 1

SpeakerVolume: off

GettyArgs: -h %l dx_%s

LocalIdentifier: UbuntuFax

TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf

TagLineFormat: From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T

MaxRecvPages: 25

Are these ok [yes]?

Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type of modem that is attached. This takes a few seconds, so be patient.

Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem or turn it on, or whatever).

Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.

About fax classes:

The difference between fax classes has to do with how HylaFAX interacts with the modem and the fax protocol features that are used when sending or receiving faxes. One class isnt inherently better than another;

however, one probably will suit a users needs better than others.

Class 1 relies on HylaFAX to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.

Class 2 relies on the modem to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.

Class 2.0 is similar to Class 2 but may include more features.

Class 1.0 is similar to Class 1 but may add V.34-fax capability.

Class 2.1 is similar to Class 2.0 but adds V.34-fax capability.

HylaFAX generally will have more features when using Class 1/1.0 than when using most modems Class 2 or Class 2.0 implementations. Generally any problems encountered in Class 1/1.0 can be resolved by modifications to HylaFAX, but usually any problems encountered in Class 2/2.0/2.1 will

require the modem manufacturer to resolve it.

Use Class 1 unless you have a good reason not to.

Hmm, this looks like a Class 1 modem.

Product code (ATI0) is T38FAX.

Other information (ATI3) is Vyacheslav Frolov.

DTE-DCE flow control scheme [default]?

Modem manufacturer is Vyacheslav Frolov.

Modem model is t38modem.

Using prototype configuration file t38modem

The modem configuration parameters are:

ModemFlowControl: rtscts

ModemRevQueryCmd: AT+FREV?

Are these ok [yes]?

Creating new configuration file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0

Creating fifo /var/spool/hylafax/FIFO.ttyS0 for faxgetty done.

Done setting up the modem configuration.

Checking /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config for consistency

some parameters are different.

The non-default scheduler parameters are:

CountryCode: 1

AreaCode: 021

LongDistancePrefix: 1

InternationalPrefix: 011

DialStringRules: etc/dialrules

Are these ok [yes]?

Creating new configuration file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config

saving current file as /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.sav.

Dont forget to restart hylafax in order to run faxgetty on this new modem line.

Updating /etc/hylafax/config from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.

Creating /etc/hylafax/config.sav from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.sav.

Creating /etc/hylafax/config.ttyS0 from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyS0.

Updating /etc/hylafax/setup.cache from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.

Updating /etc/hylafax/setup.modem from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.


A4. Cek modem sudah terdetect oleh hylafax:

# /etc/init.d/hylafax restart

* Stopping HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]

* Starting HylaFAX faxq [ OK ]

# faxstat -a -s

HylaFAX scheduler on voyager2: Running

Modem ttyS0 (5551234): Running and idle

Modem ttyS1 (5554321): Running and idle

A5. Create Admin dan User. Hal ini diperlukan bila nanti kita akan menggunakan

program fax dari network yang memerlukan login.

# faxadduser -a 123456 -p 123456 -u 100 admin (123456 adalah passwordnya)

# faxadduser -u 101 userfax

B. Install dan Setup Paket-paket yang dibutuhkan

Cukup banyak paket-paket yang dibutuhkan dan ada beberapa paket yang memerlukan setup lebih lanjut.


# apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-

common libapache2-mod-php5 libmagic-dev php5-gd php5-cli php5-mysql php5-

common php-pear php5 php5-dev php-soap mysql-server imagemagick libtiff4

libtiff4-dev netpbm libungif4g a2ps

Ketika ditanya, berikan password untuk user root mysql.


# pear install MDB2 mail mail_mime


# pear install pear/MDB2#MySQL


# pecl install fileinfo

B5. Restart Apache:

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

C. Install dan Setup Avantfax

C1. Download paket Avantfax terbaru darihttp://www.avantfax.comC2. Extract filenya dan setup:

# tar zxf avantfax-3.0.2.tgz

# cd avantfax-3.0.3

# mv avantfax /var/www/

C3. Edit file setup.sh dan sesuaikan dengan kondisi Ubuntu kita:

- Ubah baris chown apache.apache menjadi chown www-data.www-data

C4. Jalankan file setup.sh tersebut:

# ./setup.sh

Creating AvantFAX database

Enter MySQL root password: (if none, press ENTER)

Enter password:













Pastikan tidak ada error. Bila ada, betulkan dan jalankan kembali.

C5. Masukkan cronjob ini ke crontab root:

# crontab -e

# runs once an hour to update the phone book

0 * * * * /var/www/avantfax/includes/phb.php

# runs once a day to remove old files

0 0 * * * /var/www/avantfax/includes/remold.php

C6. Setup Avantfax lewat Web interface. Hidupkan web browser dan bukahttp://localhost/avantfax/adminKita akan melihat layar login (username standard: admin, passwordnya: password):

Pada pertama kali login ini kita akan diminta untuk segera mengganti password admin:

Setelah login, lihat admin pertama kita tidak memiliki info apapun, oleh karena itu segeralah kita membuat user baru dengan mengklik menu New User. Berikan ia hak-hak administrasi. Tuliskan

pula email accountnya ke user linux.

Selanjutnya yang juga penting dan wajib adalah mensetup modem di Avantfax. Klik menu Configure Modems.

Bila modem kita adalah /dev/ttyS0, maka cukup dituliskan ttyS0. Alias modem pilih identifikasi terserah kita saja, misalnya: modem1. Contact dikosongkan saja dulu.

Bila sudah tersetel user dan modem, maka kita sudah bisa login dari layar depan Avantfax, yaitu:http://localhost/avantfaxSelanjutnya silahkan dicoba kirim/terima fax. Bila sudah ada fax masuk, maka di Inbox Avantfax kita akan terlihat adanya fax masuk.

D. Troubleshooting

Kita dapat memonitor proses kirim/terima fax dari /var/log/syslog. Dengan demikian kita bisa mengetahui apa kesalahan apa, misalnya busy tone, dll.

Seperti di bawah ini bila kita mengirim fax, akan terlihat:


# tail -f /var/log/syslog

Jan 16 11:14:53 voyager2 FaxSend[4467]: MODEM VYACHESLAV FROLOV T38FAX/0.8.0

Jan 16 11:14:54 voyager2 FaxSend[4467]: SEND FAX: JOB 10 DEST 0123 COMMID 000000032 DEVICE /dev/ttyx0

FROM root USER admin

Jan 16 11:15:03 voyager2 FaxGetty[15482]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION DEVICE /dev/ttyx1

Jan 16 11:15:17 voyager2 FaxGetty[4532]: RECV FAX (000000033): from UbuntuFax, page 1 in 0:14, INF,

3.85 line/mm, 2-D MMR, 14400 bit/s

Jan 16 11:15:18 voyager2 FaxSend[4467]: SEND FAX: JOB 10 SENT in 0:12

Jan 16 11:15:32 voyager2 FaxGetty[4562]: RECV FAX (000000033): from UbuntuFax, page 2 in 0:13, INF,

3.85 line/mm, 2-D MMR, 14400 bit/s

Jan 16 11:15:32 voyager2 FaxGetty[4563]: RECV FAX (000000033): recvq/fax000000008.tif from UbuntuFax,

route to , 2 pages in 0:29

Jan 16 11:15:32 voyager2 FaxSend[4467]: SEND FAX: JOB 10 SENT in 0:13

Jan 16 11:15:34 voyager2 FaxGetty[15482]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd.php recvq/fax000000008.tif ttyx1


Setiap hari Avantfax juga akan mengirimkan summary penggunaan fax server kita ke email seperti ini:

[email protected] Mar 29 18:38:12 2007

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 18:38:11 +0700

From: root

To:[email protected]: HylaFAX Usage Report

Facsimile transmitted since :

Sender Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData

[email protected] (fajar) 1 0:29 2.1 0 9600 2-D MR

Total 1 0:29 2.1 0

Facsimile transmitted since last week:

Sender Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData

[email protected] (fajar) 1 0:29 2.1 0 9600 2-D MR

Total 1 0:29 2.1 0

Facsimile received since :

Sender CIDName CIDNumber Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData

0218309747 6 4:39 1.3 0 9600 2-D MR

Total 6 4:39 1.3 0

Facsimile received since last week:

Sender CIDName CIDNumber Pages Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData

0218309747 6 4:39 1.3 0 9600 2-D MR

Total 6 4:39 1.3 0

Report failed calls and associated session logs:

Nothing to purge in info directory.

Truncate merged session logs older than 730 days:

Nothing to purge in receive queue.

Nothing to purge in the tmp directory.

D2. Kemana lagi bila masih mengalami kesulitan? Yang paling tepat adalah dengan mengikuti mailing list hylafax dihttp://www.hylafax.orgdi sunting dari :


Fajar Priyanto | Regd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorialhttp://linux2.arinet.org14:52:43 up 7:10, 2.6.22-14-generic GNU/Linux

Lets use OpenOffice.http://www.openoffice.org

Posted inTutorials|3 Comments Ubuntu Absolutely Art of TheFontsPosted by geekubuntu on February 5, 2009

Ubuntu offers a lot of fonts, in addition to the defaults installed, and the MicroSoftmsttcorefonts package,in its repositories. All these fonts mentioned here are provided aspackages, which can easily installed using command line tools likeapt-get or using Synaptic. These fonts will come in handy for designingflyers, or for designing headers and graphics for the web using theGimp. Also, some of these fonts are pretty commonly used to renderpages, like Lucida.

It can be installed using:

$sudo apt-get install ttf-gentium ttf-dustin ttf-georgewilliamsttf-sjfonts sun-java6-fonts ttf-larabie-deco ttf-larabie-straightttf-larabie-uncommonThese fonts should together provide enough gunpowder for the novicegraphic designer in Ubuntu. If you are wondering how I took the samplescreenshots, the answer is gnome-specimen, which provides an easy wayto preview the fonts installed on your system. It can be installedusing:

$sudo apt-get install gnome-specimen

To see more free fonts that are available for Linux systems, visit theFree Font Resources for Open Source OSesPosted inTutorials| Tagged:cool fonts,fonts ubuntu,get fonts,microsoft fonts,ubuntu fonts|Leave a Comment How to delete directory command inTerminalPosted by geekubuntu on February 4, 2009

How to delete a directory in terminal?You need to use thermdirutility / command. The rmdir utility removes the directory entryspecified by each directory argument, provided it is empty. Argumentsare processed in the order given. In order to remove both a parentdirectory and a subdirectory of that parent, the subdirectory must bespecified first so the parent directory is empty when rmdir tries toremove it.

Remove / Delete directory called /tmp/foo

Open the terminal. Type the following command:

$ rmdir /tmp/fooRecursive removal

Remove all files and directories (recursive removal):$ rm -rf /path/to/directory$ rm -rf /tmp/fooPlease note that you can also pass -p option to rmdir command. Eachdirectory argument is treated as a pathname of which all componentswill be removed, if they are empty, starting with the last mostcomponent:

$ rmdir -p /tmp/x/y/zPosted inTutorials| Tagged:command,delete directory,terminal|1 Comment How to Switch Between Gnome And KDE Desktops on Ubuntu8.04Posted by geekubuntu on February 4, 2009

Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots!

KDE 4.1 is finally out today, as you probably already know, and it comes with a lot of innovations for the Linux desktop. KDE 4 is the next generation of the popular K Desktop Environment, which seeks to fulfill the need for a powerful yet easy-to-use desktop, for both personal and enterprise computing. The new version provides increased stability over the first KDE 4 version and more eye candy!

So, if you dont want to download an openSUSE-based KDE 4.1 Live CD or to wait until a stable distribution is released with KDE 4.1.0 as the default desktop, we will teach you how to install it on your existing Ubuntu 8.04 or 8.04.1 LTS desktop.

Step 1 Add KDE 4.1.0 RepositoriesGo toSystem -> Administration -> Software Sources

enter your password and the Software Sources window will appear. Click the second tab Third-Party Software, then click the Add button and paste the following code in the new window that will appear:

CODEdebhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntuhardy main

Now, click the Add Source button and, immediately after, the Close button of the main window. It will ask you if you want to reload the information about available software. Click the Reload button and wait for the Software Sources window to close.

Step 2 Install KDE 4.1.0All you need to do now is to

Click here to Install KDE 4.1Then click the Yes button to install the packages (enter your password when asked)

Wait for the KDE 4.1 packages to be downloaded.

When the download is over (it will take a while if you have a slow bandwidth) you will be asked to choose a display manager (GDM or KDM-KDE4). Just click Forward

The installation will start and, when it is over, just log out. Then select the KDE 4 option in the Select Session entry of the GNOME login manager and voila KDE 4 fun on your desktop!

Enjoy the brand new KDE 4.1.0 on your Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)!

Optional Step 1 Restoring the Original Ubuntu BootsplashThe KDE 4.1 installation will overwrite your current Ubuntu bootsplash theme. If you dont like the blue Kubuntu one, and you want to restore it, follow the instructions below.

Click here to Install StartUp-ManagerWhen the installation is over, go toSystem -> Administration -> StartUp-Manager

enter your password, and wait for the main window to appear. Then, go to the second tab (Appearance) and select theusplash-theme-ubuntufrom the Usplash themes section

Wait for the application to apply the new settings and youre done!

If the above method does not work you can use this way.Open your terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktopWhen prompted, enter your password, and then answer yes (Y) when asked if you want to install. The install may take some time to complete, so be patient.To install Gnome in Kubuntu, open a Terminal window and type:sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktopWhen prompted, enter your password and continue with the install until it has been completed.Now reboot either Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Then at the logon screen you can either press F10 or click on theOptionslogo at the bottom (left side) of the login screen. Then click onSelect Session

Here you can select Gnome (2) or KDE (3) by selecting the radio button.

During the next logon, you will see a prompt asking if you want to use the same desktop managerJust For This SessionorMake Default(so you dont have to be bother with the prompt again).

To change back to either KDE or Gnome, press F10 and select the desktop manager of your choice.If you changed from the previous desktop manager, you can make it the default at the next logon.Posted inTutorials| Tagged:desktop,kde,kde on ubuntu,switch gnome to kde|Leave a Comment Getting Projectors to Work inUbuntuPosted by geekubuntu on February 4, 2009

Its very simple1. Connect the projector to your laptop.2. Do this in command line.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg3. Just press Enter through every screen.

4. Restart X for the changes to take effect by pressingCTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE.5. Log in again as you always do.6.And finally, the projector will automatically display your Ubuntudesktop and you can show off your desktop effects to your co-workers.

Posted inTutorials| Tagged:how to,projector,Ubuntu|Leave a Comment Install a LAMPP server and Joomla inlocalhostPosted by geekubuntu on December 16, 2008

Firstly, type the following command at the console:sudo apt-get update

This will retrieve new lists of packages.1.Install MySQL5 in Ubuntusudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1

2.Install PHP MyAdminsudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

3.Install Apache2 in Ubuntusudo apt-get install apache2

This will complete the installation.After installation Type the servers IP address (or alias if you added the server to your /etc/hosts file) in your browsers address bar or, if you are browsing on the server itself, type or localhost. If an error occurs, then you will have to edit the apache2.conf file to ensure that Apache can fully resolve the servers name.If you have any problem then you have to edit the apache2 configuration file using the following commandsudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Add the following type, at the lowers lineServerName localhostorServerName yourserveripInclude /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.confSave and exit,now you need to restart Apache server using the following command.sudo apache2ctl restart

4.Change default document root in Apache2The main configuration file located at /etc/apache2/apche2.conf.If you want to change the default document root you need to edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file and look for this line DocumentRoot /var/www/ here you can change where ever you want to change.For example if you want to change /home/www the above line looks like this DocumentRoot /home/www/.Save and exit the fileNow you need to restart Apache server using the following command.sudo apache2ctl restart

5.Enable PHP support for apache2 webserverIf you want to enable php5 support to your apache webserver use the following commands to install require packagessudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5

You also make sure the php5 modules are enabled using the following commandssudo a2enmod php5

After installing php support you need to restart apache webserver using the following commandsudo apache2ctl restart

6.Test your PHP Support foe apache webserverTo check the status of your PHP installationsudo nano /var/www/testphp.php

and insert the following line

Save and exit the fileNow open web browser athttp://yourserveripaddress/testphp.phpand check.7.Enable CGI and perl support for apache2 serverYou need to install the following packagesudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2

8.Configure a cgi-bin directoryYou need to create a cgi-bin directory using the following commandsudo mkdir /home/www/cgi-bin

Configuring Apache to allow CGI program execution is pretty easy. Create a directory to be used for CGI programs and add the following to the site configuration file (again between the tags).ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/www/cgi-bin/

Options ExecCGIAddHandler cgi-script cgi pl

The first line creates an alias that points to the directory in which CGI scripts are stored. The final line tells Apache that only files that end with the *.cgi and *.pl extensions should be considered CGI programs and executed.9.Test your Perl Programcd /home/www/cgi-bin

sudo nano perltest.pl

Copy and paste the following section save and exit the file.###Start####!/usr/bin/perl -wprint Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n;print Hello there!
\nJust testing .
\n;for ($i=0; $i SET PASSWORD FOR root@'localhost = PASSWORD(yourpassword);mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@'yourhostname = PASSWORD(yourpassword);

Where you should change yourhostname in last line. Each successful mysql command will show:Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Quit the mysql prompt:mysql> \q

You should now have a functional LAMP stack and a password for the mysql root user.Visit Apache PHP MySQL for more information on LAMP.Get the most recent version of Joomla!Download it from [http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/111/264/Joomla_1.0.12-Stable-Full_Package.tar.bz2] here.Put on the DesktopYou need to create a joomla directory using the following command:onroot@ubuntu:/var/www#mkdir joomla

Unpack itonroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/Desktop#tar -xzvfJoomla_1.0.12-Stable-Full_Package.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/joomla

And then:onroot@ubuntu:/var/www#chmod 777 -R joomla

Handle ownership (choose one option):# 1. Allow writting in whole joomla subtreesudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/joomla

# 2. Allow writting only in places Joomla! needs to write to (more secure)sudo chown -R root:root /var/www/joomla

Then type:cd /var/www/joomlaPLACES=administrator/backupsadministrator/componentsadministrator/modulesadministrator/templatescachecomponentsimagesimages/bannersimages/storieslanguagemambotsmambots/contentmambots/editorsmambots/editors-xtdmambots/searchmediamodulestemplatesfor i in $PLACES; dosudo chown -R www-data:www-data $idone

Handle file and directory permissions:cd /var/www/joomlasudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Joomla needs a database, user and passwordYou need to create a database. You can do this with PhpMyAdmin or via the command line:mysqladmin -u root -p create joomla

Where joomla is the name you picked for the mysql database that joomla will use. You can call it anything you want.mysql -u root -pmysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES ON joomla.* TO yourusername@'localhost IDENTIFIED BY yourpassword;

You do not want to have Joomla use the mysql root user to access the database. The above command creates a mysql user (other than the mysql root user) with some priviledges to use the joomla database. You will need to chose the yourusername and yourpassword. If the command was successful, activate the new permissions:mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Quit the mysql prompt:mysql> \q

Reload Apache2You may need to force-reload apache2 so that it knows to use the php module if you havent done so since you installed the LAMP stack.