Tutorial on Data Mining Workshop of the Indian Database Research Community Sunita Sarawagi School of IT, IIT Bombay

Tutorial on Data Mining

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Tutorial on Data Mining. Workshop of the Indian Database Research Community Sunita Sarawagi School of IT, IIT Bombay. Data mining. Process of semi-automatically analyzing large databases to find interesting and useful patterns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Tutorial on Data Mining

Tutorial on Data Mining

Workshop of the Indian Database Research Community

Sunita Sarawagi

School of IT, IIT Bombay

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Data mining

• Process of semi-automatically analyzing large databases to find interesting and useful patterns

• Overlaps with machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence and databases but– more scalable in number of features and instances

– more automated to handle heterogeneous data

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Outline• Applications• Usage scenarios• Overview of operations• Mining research groups• Relevance in India• Ten research problems

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• Customer relationship management:– identify those who are likely to leave for a competitor.

• Targeted marketing: identify likely responders to promotions

• Fraud detection: telecommunications, financial transactions

• Manufacturing and production:

• Medicine: disease outcome, effectiveness of treatments

• Molecular/Pharmaceutical: identify new drugs

• Scientific data analysis:

• Web site/store design and promotion

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Usage scenarios• Data warehouse mining:

– assimilate data from operational sources

– mine static data

• Mining log data• Continuous mining: example in process control• Stages in mining:

– data selection pre-processing: cleaning transformation mining result evaluation visualization

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Some basic operations

• Predictive:– Regression

– Classification

• Descriptive:– Clustering / similarity matching

– Association rules and variants

– Deviation detection

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• Given old data about customers and payments, predict new applicant’s loan eligibility.

AgeSalaryProfessionLocationCustomer type

Previous customers Classifier Decision rules

Salary > 5 L

Prof. = Exec

New applicant’s data


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Classification methods

Goal: Predict class Ci = f(x1, x2, .. Xn)• Regression: (linear or any other polynomial)

– a*x1 + b*x2 + c = Ci.

• Nearest neighour• Decision tree classifier: divide decision space into

piecewise constant regions.• Probabilistic/generative models• Neural networks: partition by non-linear


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• Define proximity between instances, find neighbors of new instance and assign majority class

• Case based reasoning: when attributes are more complicated than real-valued.

Nearest neighbor

• Cons– Slow during application.– No feature selection.– Notion of proximity vague

• Pros+ Fast training

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• Tree where internal nodes are simple decision rules on one or more attributes and leaf nodes are predicted class labels.

Decision trees

Salary < 1 M

Prof = teacher


Age < 30

BadBad Good

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Algorithm for tree building• Greedy top-down construction.

Gen_Tree (Node, data)

make node a leaf? Yes Stop

Find best attribute and best split on attribute

Partition data on split condition

For each child j of node Gen_Tree (node_j, data_j)


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Split criteria• K classes, set of S instances partitioned into r

subsets. Instance Sj has fraction pij instances of class j.

• Information entropy:

• Gini index:





j ppS


1 1


)(1 1






j pS

S0 1




r =1, k=2

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Scalable algorithm• Input: table of records• Vertically partition data and sort on

<attribute value, class>• Finding best split:

– Scan and maintain class counts in memory and find gini incrementally.

• Performing split:– Use split attribute to build

rid to L/R hash in memory.

– Divide other attributes using above hash table.

rid A1 A2 A3 C

A1 C rid A2 C rid A3 C rid

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Issues• Preventing overfitting

– Occam’s razor: • prefer the simplest hypothesis that fits the data

– Tree pruning methods:• Cross validation with separate test data• Minimum description length (MDL) criteria

• Multi attribute tests on nodes to handle correlated attributes– Linear multivariate– Non-linear multivariate e.g. a neural net at each node.

• Methods of handling missing values

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Pros and Cons of decision trees

• Cons– Cannot handle complicated relationship between features– simple decision boundaries– problems with lots of missing data

• Pros+ Reasonable training time+ Fast application+ Easy to interpret+ Easy to implement+ Can handle large number of features

More information: http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~limt/treeprogs.html

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Neural networks• Useful for learning complex data like handwriting,

speech and image recognition

Neural networkClassification tree

Decision boundaries:

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Neural network• Set of nodes connected by directed weighted


Hidden nodes

Output nodes


















Basic NN unit A more typical NN

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Pros and Cons of Neural Network

• Cons– Slow training time– Hard to interpret – Hard to implement: trial and error for choosing number of nodes

• Pros+ Can learn more complicated class boundaries+ Fast application+ Can handle large number of features

Conclusion: Use neural nets only if decision trees/NN fail.

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Bayesian learning• Assume a probability model on generation of data.

• Apply bayes theorem to find most likely class as:

• Naïve bayes: Assume attributes conditionally independent given class value

• Easy to learn probabilities by counting, • Useful in some domains e.g. text


)()|(max)|(max :class predicted


cpcdpdcpc jj


c jj







j 1



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Bayesian belief network• Find joint probability over set of variables making

use of conditional independence whenever known

• Learning parameters hard when hidden units: use gradient descent / EM algorithms

• Learning structure of network harder

b bb

a d


ad ad ad ad

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5Variable e independent

of d given b

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• Unsupervised learning when old data with class labels not available e.g. when introducing a new product to a customer base

• Group/cluster existing customers based on time series of payment history such that similar customers in same cluster.

• Identify micro-markets and develop policies for each • Key requirement: Need a good measure of similarity

between instances

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Distance functions• Numeric data: euclidean, manhattan distances • Categorical data: 0/1 to indicate presence/absence

followed by– Hamming distance (# dissimilarity)

– Jaccard coefficients: #similarity in 1s/(# of 1s)

– data dependent measures: similarity of A and B depends on co-occurance with C.

• Combined numeric and categorical data:– weighted normalized distance:

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Distance functions on high dimensional data

• Example: Time series, Text, Images

• Euclidian measures make all points equally far

• Reduce number of dimensions:– choose subset of original features using random projections,

feature selection techniques

– transform original features using statistical methods like Principal Component Analysis

• Define domain specific similarity measures: e.g. for images define features like number of objects, color histogram; for time series define shape based measures.

• Define non-distance based (model-based) clustering methods:

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Clustering methods• Hierarchical clustering

– agglomerative Vs divisive

– single link Vs complete link

• Partitional clustering

– distance-based: K-means

– model-based: EM– density-based:

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Partitional methods: K-means• Criteria: minimize sum of square of distance

• Between each point and centroid of the cluster.

• Between each pair of points in the cluster

• Algorithm:– Select initial partition with K clusters: random, first K, K

separated points

– Repeat until stabilization:• Assign each point to closest cluster center

• Generate new cluster centers

• Adjust clusters by merging/splitting

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Properties• May not reach global optima• Converges fast in practice: guaranteed for certain

forms of optimization function • Complexity: O(KndI):

– I number of iterations, n number of points, d number of dimensions, K number of clusters.

• Database research on scalable algorithms:– Birch: one/two pass of data by keeping R-tree like

index in memory [Sigmod 96]

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Model based clustering

• Assume data generated from K probability distributions. Need to find distribution parameters.

EM algorithm: K Gaussian mixtures

• Iterate between two steps

– Expectation step: assign points to clusters

– Maximation step: estimate model parameters

)),,(Pr() ( 2ikki dNcdP



k cdP


) (

) (

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Association rules• Given set T of groups of items

• Example: set of baskets of items purchased

• Goal: find all rules on itemsets of the form a-->b such that– support of a and b > user threshold s

– conditional probability (confidence) of b given a > user threshold c

• Example: Milk --> bread

• Lot of work done on scalable algorithms

Milk, cerealTea, milk

Tea, rice, bread



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Variants• High confidence may not imply high correlation• Use correlations. Find expected support and large

departures from that interesting.– Brin et al. Limited attempt.

– More complete work in statistical literature on contingency tables.

• Still too many rules, need to prune... • Does not imply causality as in Bayesian networks

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Prevalent Interesting• Analysts already know

about prevalent rules

• Interesting rules are those that deviate from prior expectation

• Mining’s payoff is in finding surprising phenomena



Milk andcereal selltogether!

Zzzz... Milk andcereal selltogether!

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What makes a rule surprising?• Does not match prior

expectation– Correlation between milk

and cereal remains roughly constant over time

• Cannot be trivially derived from simpler rules– Milk 10%, cereal 10%

– Milk and cereal 10% … surprising

– Eggs 10%

– Milk, cereal and eggs 0.1% … surprising!

– Expected 1%

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Applications of fast itemset countingFind correlated events: • Applications in medicine: find redundant tests• Cross selling in retail, banking• Improve predictive capability of classifiers that

assume attribute independence• New similarity measures of categorical attributes

[Mannila et al, KDD 98]

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Mining market• Around 20 to 30 mining tool vendors: 1/5th the size of

OLAP market.

• Major players:– Clementine,

– IBM’s Intelligent Miner,

– SGI’s MineSet,

– SAS’s Enterprise Miner.

• All pretty much the same set of tools• Many embedded products: fraud detection, electronic commerce


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Integrating mining with DBMS• Need to

– intermix operations

– iterate through results

– flexibly query and filter results and data

• Existing file-based, batched approach not satisfactory. • Research challenge: Identify a collection of primitive,

composable operators like in relational DBMS and build a “mining engine”

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OLAP Mining integration• OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing)

– Multidimensional view of data: factors are dimensions, quantity to be analyszed: measures/cells.

– Facilitates fast interactive exploration of multidimensional aggregates.

• OLAP products provide a minimal set of tools for analysis:

• Heavy reliance on manual operations for analysis: – tedious and error-prone on large multidimensional data

• Ideal platform for vertical integration of mining but needs to be interactive instead of batch.

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State of art in mining OLAP integration

• Decision trees [Information discovery, Cognos]– find factors influencing high profits

• Clustering [Pilot software]– segment customers to define hierarchy on that dimension

• Time series analysis: [Seagate’s Holos]– Query for various shapes along time: spikes, outliers etc

• Multi-level Associations [Han et al.]– find association between members of dimensions

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New approach Identify complex operations with specific OLAP needs in mind

(what does an analyst need?) rather than looking at mining operations and choosing what fits

Two examples:• Exceptions in data to guide exploration:

– One reason for manual exploration is to make sure that there are no surprises.

– Pre-mines abnormalities in data and points them out to analysts using highlights at aggregate levels

• Reasons for specific why questions at aggregate level– most compactly represent the answer that user can quickly assimilate

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Vertical integration: Mining on the web• Web log analysis for site design:

– what are popular pages,

– what links are hard to find.

• Electronic stores sales enhancements:

– recommendations, advertisement: – Collaborative filtering: Net perception, Wisewire

– Inventory control: what was a shopper looking for and could not find..

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Research problems• Automatic model selection: different ways of

solving same problem, which one to use?• Automatic classification of complex data types

especially time series data.• Refreshing mined results: explaining and

modeling changes along time• Quality of mined results: guarding against wrong

conclusions, chance discovering• Incorporating domain knowledge to filter results

and improve result quality

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Research problems• Close integration with data sources to be mined• Distributed mining across multiple relations at a

single site or spread across multiple sites.• Integration with other data analysis tools: example

statistical tools, OLAP and SQL querying• Interactive data mining: toolkit of micro operators• Mixed media mining: link textual reports with

images and numeric fields

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Relevance in India

• Emerging application areas especially in the banking, retail industry and manufacturing processes

• Mining large scientific databases: export laws might require indigeneous technology

• Rich research area with interesting algorithm components -- just need to implement.

• Too expensive to purchase US/Europe products

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Need to build usable prototypes not simply tweak algorithms for publications.

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Summary• What is data mining and an overview of the various

operations:– Classification: regression, nearest neighbour, neural

network, bayesian

– Clustering: distance based (k-means), distribution based(EM)

– Itemset counting

• Several operations: challenge is choosing the right operation for the problem

• New directions and identification of research problems