Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016 tuv.co m m unication TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam New EMC lab will help multinational firms diversify their sourcing base in Asia www.tuv.com Business trends with byte How IoT is changing the business landscape New Test Beds in Asia Pacific Elevating Energy Efficiency Standards in the region

tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

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In this cover story, you will read more about the EMC laboratory in Hanoi, Vietnam, get the latest market trends on Business Stream Products from our expert Mr Frank Piller, and receive a quick overview of our laboratory capabilities focusing on product testing in Asia Pacific.

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Page 1: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Asia Pac i f i c Issue 1 | 2016


TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam New EMC lab will help multinational firms diversify their sourcing base in Asia


Business trends with byteHow IoT is changing the business landscape

New Test Beds in Asia Pacific Elevating Energy Efficiency Standards in the region

Page 2: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Worldwide Market Access, One-stop Full ServiceWe provide support for developing new markets - with international manufacturing and

product certification. Our experts are well versed in various approval requirements and can

manage the required testing from a single source.


Page 3: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Content 03

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TÜV Rheinland Vietnam Co., Ltd. [email protected] +84 8 3842 0600


10 12



Business Trends with Byte

8TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam

New Test Beds in Asia Pacific

Seminars and Certificate Awards Ceremony

Regulatory Updates Upcoming Events

Enabling Clients to Meet the Mark

News Flash

Page 4: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Dear Readers,

We live in a world filled with products. Be it refrigera-

tors and air conditioners, furniture that brightens up

our homes, power tools and industrial robots that help

us at work, or the soft cuddly toys that children play

with, safety plays an invisible yet important role in our

daily lives.

The multitude of safety regulations for products is

staggering, especially so in the geographically diverse

Asia Pacific. Since 1978, our laboratory services in Asia

Pacific have steadily expanded to cover energy efficien-

cy (EE), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), chemical

analysis and type testing for wheels and tires. We are

pleased to announce three new additions in 2016: the

EE laboratories in Thailand and Malaysia and the EMC

laboratory in Vietnam.

As members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),

Malaysia and Vietnam are likely to benefit from the

agreement. According to Chiou’s estimates1, Vietnam

and Malaysia are likely to benefit from new electronics

supply chains under TPP.

We believe the introduction of the ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC) and the TPP agreement opened up

enormous opportunities for Vietnam and Malaysia,

especially their manufacturing sectors. According to

Credit Suisse2, Vietnam’s GDP could grow by around

10%, while Malaysia could see a 5.5% boost to GDP by

2025. The predicted bright spots for both countries are

apparel, footwear and electronics. We see an increas-

ing need for market access and one-stop certification

solutions in Asia Pacific, and we are here to meet those


In this cover story, you will read more about the EMC

laboratory in Hanoi, Vietnam, get the latest market

trends on Business Stream Products from our expert

Mr Frank Piller, and receive a quick overview of our

laboratory capabilities focusing on product testing in

Asia Pacific.

We wish you an enjoyable and informative read.

04 Message from the Regional EVP

Message from the Regional EVP

1 Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry, IAA (RIETI, 2014)2 Credit Suisse’s October 2015 report

Andreas HoeferExecutive Vice President Asia Pacific, India, Middle East, Africa

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News Flash 05

News FlashCommunity Service with Yokohama RapportTÜV Rheinland Japan exhibited the works of two calligraphy groups

that pursue their skill at Yokohama Rapport (the Sports and Cultural

Center for the disabled). The calligraphies were displayed at TÜV Rhein-

land Japan’s Shin Yokohama Office through the cooperation of Yoko-

hama Rapport. Yokohama Rapport seeks to promote improved health

and social participation for the disabled through involvement in sports,

recreation and cultural activities. The term ‘Rapport’ used in the name

Yokohama Rapport means ‘a friendly relationship’, in French. The exhi-

bition showcased 24 pieces of work from calligraphy groups comprising

handicapped children, disabled individuals and dysphasia patients. TÜV

Rheinland Japan is pleased to support Yokohama Rapport efforts to pro-

mote social participation for the disabled.

Building Bridges through Art TÜV Rheinland Korea held its ‘Precisely.Art’ event for works from Mr Yong

Seok Kim at the Seoul HQ’s Art Gallery on 14 January 2016 to showcase

the works of young and budding Korean artists. Slated to take place every

quarter, the event offers TÜV Rheinland Korea’s customers the opportunity

to meet with employees and featured artists, as well as network with other


First CTL Chairman from TÜV RheinlandTÜV Rheinland Japan has announced that John Ologbosere of the compa-

ny’s Product Division was inaugurated as Committee of Testing Laborato-

ries (CTL) Chairman of the IECEE in January 2016, the first from the TÜV

Rheinland Group and an Asian country.

Mr Ologbosere will be the Chairman for the next three years, working to

improve the quality of Testing Laboratories around the world. Mr Ologbos-

ere’s inauguration as CTL Chairman can be viewed on the Internet.

TÜV Rheinland Indonesia Certifies Medical DevicesThe growing demand for high-quality healthcare has contributed to the

increasing need for standardization of medical devices to ensure product

quality and user safety. TÜV Rheinland Indonesia has been accredited

by KAN (National Accreditation Body of Indonesia) as the Certification

Body for ISO 13485 LSSMMAK Medical Devices certification, covering

active and non-active medical devices. This further strengthens TÜV

Rheinland Indonesia’s ability to provide comprehensive conformity

evaluation services to our customers and support them in meeting strin-

gent requirements.

Page 6: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

06 Business Trends with Byte

Technological Trends

Wireless communications

The increased importance and

application of wireless communi-

cations are readily apparent in the

growing number of new communi-

cations protocols being introduced.

Wireless technologies have been

developed dramatically in these

last 15 years. Now we have various

protocols such as Wi-Fi, ZigBee,

Wi-SUN and others.

What is significant is how these

wireless technologies are permeat-

Frank Piller, MBAVice President ProductsAsia Pacific

Frank Piller started his career in 1990 with TÜV Rheinland in Japan.He holds an MBA and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He is fluent in German, English and Japanese.

Business Trends with Byte

How IoT is changing the business landscape

ing not only the usual IT products,

but across multiple industries.

Internet of Things

Expansion into the automotive,

medical and industrial sectors

was made possible through the

development of the “Internet of

Things” (IoT). IoT is the network of

things — not only information and

communication equipment such

as computers, but also all physical

objects in the world connected to

the Internet. By connecting and

intercommunicating, objects are to

be sensed and controlled remotely.

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Business Trends with Byte 07

Bluetooth Laboratory Global Technology Assessment

Center (GTAC)TÜV Rheinland Japan

The Communication Laboratories are accredited by Bluetooth SIG,

Wi-Fi Alliance, ZigBee Alliance, Wi-SUN Alliance, OpenADR Alliance,

and others.

In the IoT landscape, physical

location is no longer a limiting

factor to participation.

We expect products currently

not connected to the Internet

to become part of the IoT at an

increasing pace. Devices that can

be worn by users are becoming


The German high-tech initiative,

‘Industry 4.0’, which in effect

defines the fourth industrial revo-

lution, provides further impetus. In

such a world, everyone has access

to the entire value chain.

The scope is global. A new Inter-

national Data Corporation (IDC)

Spending Guide predicts worldwide

spending on the IoT will grow at a

17.0% compound annual growth

rate (CAGR), from $698.6 billion in

2015 to nearly $1.3 trillion in 2019.

The Asia Pacific region in 2015

generated more than 40% of the

worldwide spending total1. Korea,

Singapore, Australia and Japan will

be the leaders to adopt IoT in the

Asia Pacific region2.

The world we live in – Importance

of cyber security

Yet, product safety fulfilling

cross-border global standards re-

mains paramount. Greater intercon-

nectivity and interdependence of

complex ICT systems still aim for

reassurances, regardless of where

you connect in this IoT, wireless

communications world. Cyber secu-

rity will become even more critical

in both industrial and private ap-

plications, due to the development

of the IoT. Regulation and technical

standards in the automotive sector

(e.g., R46, R131, and ISO 26262) are

in the process of being updated.

The Food and Drug Administration

is regulating medical software in

the US. As these technologies are

applied to products, our verification

processes will continue to grow in


The Challenges Manufacturers Face

Increased competition

In an IoT world, competition will

increase. Technology will need

to continue to evolve, providing

lower costs and more robust data


We have to think global. Products

will not sell themselves, so market

access will become even more criti-

cal for manufacturers to grow their


New Supply Chain Bases

The ASEAN Economic Community

(AEC) represents more than

622 million people. This huge

market will offer us significant


Global vision, local precision

We must adjust to the expanding

opportunities in this region. TÜV

Rheinland provides testing and

certification services according to

various wireless standards as an

accredited, appointed third party.

We adapt our services to the make-

up and needs of each country so

our clients can stay competitive.

We have offices in 10 countries in

Asia Pacific. Take advantage of our

expertise as an independent testing

organization for your marketing

activities. TÜV Rheinland, with IT

service provider OpenSky - a part of

TÜV Rheinland Group from 2013,

will support you in cyber security,


Business in the Asia Pacific Region

The IoT and wireless communica-

tions are here to stay. Our commit-

ment to Asia Pacific is country spe-

cific and will continue to empower

each client to grow their business in

the region.

1 Source: IDC2 Source: AT Kearney

Page 8: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

08 TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam

In 2001, Vietnam signed the

Bilateral Trade Agreement with

the United States, which started

the country’s transformation into

a manufacturing-based, export-

oriented economy. The ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC) plus

Vietnam’s participation in the Trans-

Pacifi c Partnership (TPP) and the

EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement

(EVFTA) make Vietnam even more

attractive to foreign investors.

TÜV Rheinland has invested

signifi cantly in premises and people

in Vietnam. Today we have lab

locations in Ho Chi Minh City and

the new EMC laboratory in Hanoi.

Located in the heart of ASEAN and close to global supply chains, new EMC lab will help multinational � rms diversify their sourcing base in Asia

The new facility is the only third-

party lab in Vietnam with a semi-

anechoic chamber. We brought

in experts and technologies from

Japan to build it and train our

Vietnamese staff in its use.

Located at Thang Long Industrial

Park II (Hung Yen Province, close to

Hanoi), the lab includes a 10 m

semi-anechoic chamber with a

sielded control room, a 23 m2

shielded testing room and a 38 m2

pulse immunity testing room.

TÜV Rheinland Vietnam serves

customers in the consumer product,

industrial devices and automotive

Our customer base has also

grown to incorporate companies

in various sectors that all have

a strong desire to produce

quality products to international


TÜV Rheinland Vietnam Boosts Service Offerings with EMC Laboratory in HanoiIn response to customer demand,

TÜV Rheinland Vietnam has

opened an electromagnetic

compatibility (EMC) laboratory

which provides measurement and

testing services in accordance

with the latest international


TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam

Page 9: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

TÜV Rheinland Continues to Invest in Vietnam 09

industries with certification marks

such as CE mark, EMC mark, etc.

Plans to extend the facility and

achieve full ISO 17025 accreditation

are underway.

The lab focuses on emission,

immunity and radio testing and

provides full EMC conformity

assessment for many electrical

products under standards of the

IEC 61000 family. Tests can also be

conducted according to customer


‘The launch of the new EMC

Laboratory underpins our

commitment to support the

industrial development of Vietnam’,

said Mr Ralf Scheller, Member of the

Executive Board of Management

of TÜV Rheinland AG, Cologne,


‘The testing facility that TÜV

Rheinland is opening today means

a lot for many companies who

are going to supply their products

produced in Vietnam to the

worldwide market’, said Mr Hitoshi

Fujiwara, Executive Vice President

and Director of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Softlines Laboratory in Ho Chi Minh TÜV Rheinland Vietnam in Ho Chi

Minh currently provides testing

services for Softlines that include

footwear, garment, toys, as well

as testing services for Hardlines

that cover outdoor and indoor

furniture, lighters, packaging,

building products and others. In

addition, it also provides safety

assessments and approvals for

vehicles and components, auditing

and certification of management


TÜV Rheinland can serve the

increased demand for testing

that will result from Vietnam’s

participation in TPP, EVFTA and

other agreements.

When a customer is planning to

expand into a new market but is

not aware of the regulations for

the product to be exported, TÜV

Rheinland’s Market Access Services

provides surveys with detailed

information on the customer’s

target markets.

TÜV Rheinland Group enhances

the value of our customers’

products as well as their profit by

growing together with the customer

– all around the world.

Capabilities of the EMC Lab§ Testing products

IT equipment (printers, fax, copy machines, etc.)Household appliancesLaboratory equipmentIndustrial and medical devicesRadio devices (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.)

§ Testing services

Emission, immunity and radio testingMass production quality controlFull EMC conformity assessmentCE marking, FCC, ISED Canada, VCCICertification (EMC-mark, Notified Body, TCB, FCB)

§ EMC testing standards

CISPR 11, 14-1, 14-2, 22, 24, 32IEC 60601-1-2IEC 61000-4-XIEC 61000-6-XFCC 15B, 15C, ANSI C63.4, C63.10ICES-003, RSS-Gen, RSS-247VCCITCVN 7492-1

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10 New Test Beds in Asia Pacific

Following the 2015 Paris agreement

at COP21, more and more countries

are now acknowledging the need to

lower the world’s carbon footprint

and play their part in tackling climate

change. However, as temperatures

continue to rise around the world,

the use of air-conditioning systems

will inevitably see a jump, especially

in warmer tropical climates.

Enabling Consumers to Make

Informed Choices

Within the sphere of households,

emphasis has been placed on more

efficient air-conditioning systems,

given their significant contribution

to overall household energy use.

Household consumers are increas-

ingly on the lookout for such

systems, which makes sense for the

environment and utility costs.

For comparison purposes, they rely

on appliance labels provided by

credible third party certification

bodies – like TÜV Rheinland – to

make informed purchasing deci-


Enabling Manufacturers to Make

Nimble Decisions

To ensure new air-conditioning

systems are compliant with energy

efficiency standards, manufacturers

New Test Beds in Asia Pacific

Elevating energy efficiency

standards in the region

need to have their product

prototypes tested by the relevant

certification bodies during the

development phase. These test

results enable manufacturers to

have an accurate gauge of actual


One key problem manufacturers

face is the time delays, logistic

hassles and opportunity costs of

sending a prototype to such a

laboratory. It takes around two

days to test the energy efficiency

of single-system air conditioners,

and three to four days for multiple-

system makes.

Taking this issue into account,

TÜV Rheinland has established

laboratories in close vicinity to

manufacturers. One such facility

is the Korean Energy Efficiency

Laboratory located in Changwon,

an industrial city in the southern

part of Korea where many

manufacturers and industrial

complexes reside. Today, TÜV

Rheinland’s customers in the area

enjoy more readily available testing

and inspection services.

Achieving Global Market Access

Air-conditioning systems have to

comply with the respective energy

Page 11: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

New Test Beds in Asia Pacific 11

Supporting new regional breakthroughs in energy efficiency

Country Type of Laboratory Est. Date Lab Insights

Korea Energy Efficiency


2014 § Use of air enthalpy type calorimeter to test cooling and heating


§ Testing for multiple ISO standards and national energy regulations

of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Indonesia, Republic of South Africa,

Chile, Qatar, Australia and others



Air-Conditioning Unit

Performance Testing

2015 § Determines the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of air-conditioners

§ Accredited by the Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB) in

accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 and recognized by the DTI-BPS

Thailand Safety and Energy

Efficiency Testing


in 2016

§ Installation of new walk-in chamber for tests

§ New hub for testing ‘Made in Thailand’ household appliances in

accordance with standards required for export destination countries

Malaysia Air-Conditioner

Performance Testing



in 2016

§ Use of air enthalpy type calorimeter to test cooling and heating


§ Tests for ISO 5151:2010 and SEER/SCOP (EN 14825)

TÜV Rheinland constantly keeps

abreast of such developments to

ensure manufacturers get the latest

up-to-date test results.

A New Frontier in Asia Pacifi c

Since 2014, TÜV Rheinland has

launched two new laboratories in

Korea. The emphasis on the ASEAN

market continued with the opening

of a laboratory in the Philippines

in 2015. Another two are slated

to open this year in Thailand and

Malaysia. This strategic push into

effi ciency standards of export

destination countries. While a

majority of developed nations

have adopted the International

Organization for Standardization

(ISO) standards, others like

Australia, New Zealand, United

Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

have their own set of national

regulations, many of which are

becoming progressively stricter

to protect the environment.

ASEAN is attributed to the region’s

increasing dominance in home

appliance manufacturing.

Just as the three corners of the

TÜV Rheinland triangular logo

symbolize the interaction of man,

technology and the environment,

the role of energy effi ciency

testing will guide both consumers

and manufacturers in this part

of the world on a more tangible

path towards environmental


Page 12: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Semiconductor Equipment Safety Standard Seminar, South Korea

The annual seminar which was headed by the commercial engi-

neers from TÜV Rheinland Korea was held on 3-4 February 2016 at

COEX, Seoul. This seminar was attended by over 80 participants.

Topics covered included CE, NRTL, Korea S-mark, SEMI S2 & S8,

Ergonomics, EN 60204-1:2006, EHSR (Essential Health and Safety

Requirements), understanding of electric components, machinery

directive and case studies.

ISO 9001 & 14001: 2015 Revision Seminar Series, Philippines

A series of revision seminars on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 is current-ly being held for existing clients of TÜV Rheinland Philippines. The revision seminar is aimed at providing updates on the changes and improvements in the management system and the environment management system.

The series aims to tap 100% of the existing clients for System Certification and has been conducted monthly since January 2016.

12 Seminars and Certificate Awards Ceremony

Seminars and Certificate

IECEx Mechanical Standards Seminar,Singapore

This seminar tackled the IECEx

Mechanical Standards (IEC

80079) and was facilitated by

TÜV Rheinland Australia Certifier

Mr Ajay Maira, who delivered the

seminar to participants of the oil

and gas industry in Singapore in

December 2015.

Participants were some of the key players in the industry, whose total output when combined makes Singapore

the major global producer of FPSO (floating production supply and offloading) vessels and jack-up rigs.

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Seminars and Certificate Awards Ceremony 13

Market Access Service Seminar, Malaysia

A seminar on the Gulf Technical Regulation and G Mark for toys and low-voltage electrical equipment, in collaboration with Malaysian Ex-ternal Trade Development Corporation was hosted by TÜV Rheinland Malaysia in November 2015. More than 40 key Malaysian industry repre-sentatives and local media took part in the event which aimed to create more awareness on Gulf Technical Regulation for Malaysian manufactur-ers and exporters.

Civil Service Commission Certificate Awards Ceremony

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III Certificate Awards Ceremony

Date: 11 January 2016Name of Organization: Civil Service Commission Standard: ISO 9001:2008Country: The Philippines

Scope:Cases adjudication, examination, appointments processing, provi-sion for external training service, and accreditation and registra-tion services for employees.

About the Organization:The Civil Service Commission was awarded the status of department by Republic Act No. 2260 as amended and elevated to a constitutional body by the 1973 Constitution. It was reorganized under PD No. 181 dated 24 September 1972, and again reorganized under Executive Order no. 181 dated 21 November 1986.

Date: 12 February 2016Name of Organization: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Standard: Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) Country: Indonesia

Scope:Providing and/or delivering container terminal service, liquid bulk, dry bulk and Ro-Ro; service of cargo unloading & loading, port services to unload & load cargo & containers; storage & open storage service, load-ing & unloading equipment, port facilities; port services to anchor, a filling station service, clean water; etc.

About the Organization:PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) or PT Pelindo III (Persero) is a state-owned company engaged in the transportation sector. The company’s core business is the provision of port services facilities. The company plays a key role in ensuring the sustainability and smoothness of sea freight.

Awards Ceremony

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14 Enabling Clients to Meet the Mark

Enabling Clients to Meet the Mark

PS Mark Certification Scheme in the Philippines

PS Mark Certification in the Philippines ensures that

imported electrical products are in compliance with the

applicable Philippine National Standards Implementing

Guidelines. It covers the audit of organizations in the

manufacturing of household appliances, wiring devices

and lamp-related products. Auditors perform audits on

production-related documents and records, in-plant

testing and random sampling for independent testing.

Independent testing is conducted after ensuring full

conformity with the requirements and can only be

performed at recognized Bureau of Philippine Standards

(BPS) laboratories.

Challenges in the Process

One of the most challenging situations faced by auditors

is working with an organization that is not fully pre-

pared. The more non-conformities that surface, the lon-

ger it takes for the issuance of the certification. In order

to avoid this, auditees are advised to study the PNS and

Implementing Guideline beforehand. Language barrier

is another challenge. While some hire representatives to

speak on their behalf, they may not be fully aware of the


When the Audit Does Not Go as Planned

All TÜV Rheinland auditors are equipped to deal with

unexpected circumstances. In one case, when the

Chinese New Year holidays prevented the witnessing

of an actual production, with careful considerations of

the stringent evaluation process of the PS Mark Audit

requirements, stock samples were used for testing. Prior

to that, auditees are informed that the final evaluation

is up to the Bureau of Philippine Standards.

Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Certification

Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Product Certifica-

tion is the only standard or directive nationally appli-

cable in Indonesia. The objective of this type of audit is

to ensure the quality of imported products and provide

competitiveness of Indonesian products. The standards

used are SNI ISO 9001:2008 for Management System;

SNI IEC 60335-1:2009 for general standard of safety test

for household products; SNI 60335-2-7 for particular

standard for washing machine; SNI 60335-2-24 for par-

ticular standard for refrigerator; among others. All SNI

standards that we use are adopted from international

standards such as ISO and IEC, and we are also following

government regulations such as Ministry of Industry

No. 34/M-IND/PER/7/2013 which stipulates that the SNI

Mark is required for products in the categories of refriger-

ator, air conditioner and washing machine that are being

sold in Indonesia.

Challenges in the Process

Language and travel time are the biggest challenges.

To coordinate with the auditee, it is important for an

auditor to speak the same language. Otherwise, hiring

an interpreter is required. Pertaining to travel time,

journeys can take more than six hours on land, so time

buffers have to be factored in, especially when flight

delays occur.

Ensuring a Smooth Audit Process

Our experienced auditors use a checklist to ensure all an-

gles are covered. They also advise their clients to prepare

the needed documentation in advance, be transparent

during the audit process and provide clear communica-

tion at all times.

Page 15: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016

Regulatory Updates / Upcoming Events 15

Plan your calendar with our upcoming exhibitions and trainings. Visit our exhibitions and get advice on compli-ance with the latest industry standards from our experts.

Regulatory Updates

Upcoming Events

30 MarAustralian consumer law interim ban on hover-boards not meeting specific safety requirementsInterim ban announced 18 Mar.

24 MarPublication of new ISO 13485:2016Pub. 1 Mar. Standards for design, development, production, installation and servicing of medical devices. Also pub.: EN ISO 13485:2016.

21 MarDOE and CEC adopt energy conservation require-ment for microwave ovens in commerceBeg. 17 June. New standards: 10 CFR 430.32(j)(3).

21 MarUpdate for EN 12521:2015 outdoor tables in EU marketPub. 23 Dec 2015. New testing details.

21 MarUpdate for EN 12520:2015 domestic seating in EU marketPub. 23 Dec 2015. New testing details and verdicts.

16 MarUpdate for EN 14749:2016 domestic and kitchen storage units and kitchen-worktops in EU marketPub. 17 Feb. New test requirements, methods; 7 new test clauses, need for installation instruction.

4 MarNew Standards for PV Modules and PV Compo-nents - Essential Changes 2016 IEC 61215 & IEC 61646 are now a single standard, IEC 61215, valid approximately Q3 2016.


TRAININGS (Conferences supported by TÜV Rheinland)

25 – 27 MayWireless Japan 2016Booth 5-3-5, JapanDiscover the latest wireless technologies from Japan and learn how they can meet international regulations and standards for global market access.

31 May – 3 JunCommunicAsia 2016Booth BC4-10, SingaporeSpeak to our experts and find out how we can help you to ensure electrical products safety and quality, and meet today’s cyber security standards at one of the largest telecommunications show in Asia.

11 – 12 JunInternational Tokyo Toy ShowBooth 1-75, JapanChildren’s toys are getting more complex, and so are their safety requirements. Get practical advice from our experts on how you can give your customers peace of mind and capture this fast-growing market.

16 – 18 May4th international Engineering Safety Management (iESM) Conference, Korea“iESM from Start through Operations” Training – Courtyard Seoul Times Square, Seoul Conference – Silla Stay Hotel Guro

6 JuneFirst time event in Australia for Process Hazard ManagementFunctional Safety Training – Process Hazard & Risk Analysis, Melbourne

Page 16: tuv.communication Asia Pacific Issue 1 | 2016


Optimal clarity with TÜV Rheinland’s test mark and Certipedia.A trustworthy system provides even more transparency through test marks with

individual ID numbers and through clearly comprehensible test content.



through individual

ID numbers.

Optimal clarity with TÜV Rheinland’s test mark and Certipedia.A trustworthy system provides even more transparency through test marks with

individual ID numbers and through clearly comprehensible test content.
