Twelfth Night A Review, or what you will

Twelfth Night

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Twelfth Night. A Review, or what you will. 1. Name the speaker of the following quotation:. “O when mine eyes did see Olivia first, Methought she purged the air of pestilence.” (1.1.19-20) Valentine Duke Orsino Viola/Cesario Curio. 2. Name the speaker of the following quotation:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night

A Review,

or what you will

Page 2: Twelfth Night

1. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“O when mine eyes did see Olivia first,Methought she purged the air of

pestilence.” (1.1.19-20)a. Valentineb. Duke Orsinoc. Viola/Cesariod. Curio

Page 3: Twelfth Night

2. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“But like a cloistress she will veiled walkAnd water once a day her chamber roundWith eye-offending brine—all this to

season a brother’s dead love” (1.1.28-31)

a. Duke Orsino b. Viola/Cesarioc. Valentine d. Curio

Page 4: Twelfth Night

3. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“O, she that hath a heart of that fine frame

To pay this debt of love but to a brother,

How will she love…” (1.1.33-35)

a. Valentine b. Duke Orsino

c. Viola/Cesario d. Captain

Page 5: Twelfth Night

4. Name the poetic device:

“Where, like Arion on a dolphin’s back,

I saw him hold acquaintance with the waves

So long as I could see.” (1.2.15-17)

a. Metaphor b. Personification

c. Dramatic irony d. allusion

Page 6: Twelfth Night

5. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“They say she hath abjured the company

And sight of men.” (1.2.40-41)

a. Duke Orsino

b. Viola

c. Captain

d. Valentine

Page 7: Twelfth Night

6. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“That quaffing and drinking will undo you: I heard my lady talk of it yesterday, and of a foolish knight that you brought in one night here to be her wooer.” (1.3.13-15)

a. Sir Toby Belch b. Maria

c. Sir Andrew d. Feste

Page 8: Twelfth Night

7. What type of humour is used in the following quotation:

“Now, sir, thought is free. I pray you, bring your hand to the buttery-bar and let it drink.” (1.3.65-66)

a. High comedyb. Low comedyc. Dramatic ironyd. sarcasm

Page 9: Twelfth Night

8. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“What is ‘pourquoi’? Do, or not do? I would I had bestowed that time in the tongues that I have in fencing, dancing, and bear-baiting. O, had I but followed the arts.” (1.3.86-89)

a. Sir Toby b. Duke Orsinoc. Sir Andrew d. Fabian

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9. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“Therefore, good youth, address thy gait unto her;

Be not denied access, stand at her doors,And tell them there thy fixed foot shall growTill thou have audience.” (1.4.15-18)

a. Sir Toby Belch b. Duke Orsinoc. Sir Andrew Aguecheek d. Valentine

Page 11: Twelfth Night

10. Name the poetic device:

“Diana’s lip

Is not more smooth and rubious. Thy small pipe

Is as the maiden’s organ, shrill and sound,

And all is semblative a woman’s part.” (1.4.31-34)

a. Dramatic irony b. Allusion

c. Soliloquy d. Both a and b

Page 12: Twelfth Night

11. Name the type of humour used in the following quotation:

“The more fool, madonna, to mourn for your brother’s soul

being in heaven. Take away the fool, gentlemen.” (1.5.67-68)

a. Mistaken identity b. High comedy

c. Low comedy d. Dramatic irony

Page 13: Twelfth Night

12. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal. I saw him put down the other day with an ordinary fool that has no more brain than a stone.” (1.5.79-81)

a. Feste b. Sir Tobyc. Sir Andrew d. Malvolio

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13. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“Make me a willow cabin at your gate

And call upon my soul within the house.

Write loyal cantons of contemned love” (1.5.258-60)

a. Olivia b. Cesario

c. Duke Orsino d. Sir Andrew

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14. What is the “plague” in the following quotation?

“Not so fast! Soft, soft!

Unless the master were the man. How now? Even so quickly may one catch the plague?” (1.5.283-85)

a. contagious disease b. servanthood

c. opportunity d. love

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15. Who is the “peevish messenger” in the following quote?

“Run after that same peevish messenger,

The county’s man. He left this ring behind him,

Would I or not. Tell him I’ll none of it.” (1.5.290-92)

a. Malvolio b. Duke Orsino

c. Cesario d. Olivia

Page 17: Twelfth Night

16. Who is “she” in the following quotation?

“She is

Drowned already, sir, with salt water, though I seem

To drown her remembrance again with more.” (2.1.26-28)

a. Olivia b. Viola

c. Maria d. Diana

Page 18: Twelfth Night

17. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“I have many enemies in Orsino’s court,

Else would I very shortly see thee there.”


a. Captain b. Sebastian

c. Antonio d. Sir Andrew

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18. What poetic device is used in the following quote?

“O Time, thou must untangle this, not I!It is too hard a knot for me to untie!” (2.2.39-


a. Personificationb. Punc. Rhyming coupletd. All of the above

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19. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“My masters, are you mad? Or what are you? Have you no wit, manners, nor honestly, but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do you make an ale-house of my lady’s house” (2.3.32-85)

a. Feste b. Malvolioc. Sir Andrew d. Sir Toby

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20. To whom does “she” refer in the following quotation?

“She’s a beagle, true-bred, and one that adores me.” (2.3.169-70)

a. Olivia b. Cesario

c. Viola d. Maria

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21. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“Come hither, boy. If ever thou shalt love,

In the sweet pangs of it remember me;For such as I am all true lovers are” (2.4.15-17)a. Duke Orsino b. Sir Tobyc. Sir Andrew d. Sebastian

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22. Name the poetic device:

“She never told her love,

But let concealment, like a worm i’ the bud,

Feed on her damask cheek.” (2.4.111-13)

a. soliloquy b. Simile

c. rhyming couplet d. pun

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23. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“If you will then see the fruits of the sport, mark his first approach before my lady. He will come to her in yellow stockings, and ‘tis a colour she abhors; and cross-gartered, a fashion she detests” (2.5.187-190)

a. Sir Toby b. Mariac. Fabian d. Feste

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24. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“This fellow is wise enough to play the fool’

And to do that well craves a kind of wit.

He must observe their mood on whom he jests” (3.1.61-63)

a. Viola b. Duke Orsino

c. Olivia d. Maria

Page 26: Twelfth Night

25. What device is being used when Viola says to Olivia,

“Then think you right; I am not what I am” (3.1.141)?

a. aside b. pun

c. dramatic irony d. allusion

Page 27: Twelfth Night

26. With what argument does Fabian convince Sir Andrew that Olivia still is

interested in him?

a. She is spending time with the count’s serving-man to make him jealous

b. She is spending time with the count’s serving-man to pass away the time until the right man comes along

c. She’s eager to break her vow of mourning

d. She admires his lack of wit

Page 28: Twelfth Night

27. Name the poetic device:

“Well, Jove, not I, is the doer of this, and he is to be thanked.” (3.4.80-81)

a. Pun

b. Allusion

c. Personification

d. None of the above

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28. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“Therefore this letter,

Being so excellently ignorant, will breed no terror in the youth. He will find it comes from a clodpole.” (3.4.179-81)

a. Maria b. Sir Toby

c. Feste d. Sir Andrew

Page 30: Twelfth Night

29. Which is not an example of dramatic irony?

a. “Why this is very midsummer madness.”

b. “He is indeed, sir, the most skilful, bloody, and fatal opposite”

c. “A little thing would make me tell them how much I lack of a man.”

d. “Of your complexion… About your years, my lord”

Page 31: Twelfth Night

30. What literary device is used in the underlined part of the following

quotation?“That face of his I do remember well;

Yet, when I saw it last it was besmear’d

As black as Vulcan in the smoke of war” (5.1.47-9)

a. Metaphor b. Dramatic irony

c. Simile d. pun

Page 32: Twelfth Night

31. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“What relish is in this? How runs the stream?

Or I am mad or else this is a dream.”


a. Malvolio b. Olivia

c. Orsino d. Sebastian

Page 33: Twelfth Night

32. Which of the following quotations is not spoken by Sebastian?

a. This is the air; that is the glorious sun; This pearl she gave me, I do feel’t and see’t.

b. I prithee, vent thy folly somewhere else. Thou know’st not me.

c. Then lead the way, good father; and heavens so shine, That they may fairly note this act of mine.

d. O that record is lively in my soul! He finished indeed his mortal act that day that made my sister thirteen years.

Page 34: Twelfth Night

33. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“Good fool, help me to some light and some paper. I tell thee, I am as well in my wits as any man in Illyria.” (4.2.105-7)

a. Malvolio b. Sir Topas

c. Sir Andrew d. Sebastian

Page 35: Twelfth Night

34. What events of Act 5 suggest Twelfth Night is a comedy?

a. Three couples come together

b. Two couples marry

c. One couple marries and one couple anticipates marriage

d. A prank is played most successfully on an uptight steward

Page 36: Twelfth Night

35. Which characters do not reach their goals in the end of the play?

a. Antonio, Feste, Sir Andrew

b. Malvolio, Sir Andrew, Antonio

c. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Malvolio

d. Malvolio, Sir Andrew, Fabian

Page 37: Twelfth Night

36. Name the speaker of the following quotation:

“After him I love

more than I love these eyes, more than my life,

more, by all mores, than e’er I shall love wife.” (5.1.130-132)

a. Olivia b. Cesario

c. Maria d. Antonio

Page 38: Twelfth Night

37. Who is the “dissembling cub” in the following quotation?

“O thou dissembling cub! What wilt thou be

When time hath sow’d a grizzle on thy case?”


a. Sebastian b. Viola

c. Sir Toby d. Malvolio

Page 39: Twelfth Night

38. Which of the following characters are lower class?

a. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria

b. Maria, Malvolio, Fabian

c. Viola, Maria, Malvolio

d. Feste, Sebastian, Curio

e. None of the above

Page 40: Twelfth Night

39. What device is being used in the following quotation?

“And thus the whirligig of Time brings in his revenges.”


a. Dramatic irony b. Pun

c. Personification d. Aside

Page 41: Twelfth Night

40. Who speaks the following quotation?

“But that’s all one, our play is done,

And we’ll strive to please you every day.”

a. Malvolio

b. Feste

c. Duke Orsino

d. Viola