Twelve Dancing Princesses story - Part 2 of 6

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  • 8/10/2019 Twelve Dancing Princesses story - Part 2 of 6


    Rdrll E`gdts, Rwlmvl Xr`enlssls, Cel Nursl

    A Jlau Z`vagl sdcrt stcry jy ^arad Nrcss

    XAZR RWC C ^!"

    Cel c# tdl $r`enlssls %ra$l% dlr ar&s cvlr tdl jan' c# d`s ncund(d`s ass`gel% smll$`eg s$anl

    ae% guar% $cst) !t was Ndarmlstce, tdl cm%lst s`stlr, dlr %rlss jr`gdt grlle m`'l a $am& mla#)

    ^c ! davle*t slle ycur `ev`s`j`m`ty nmca', sdl sa`%) !ev`s`j`m`ty r`eg+ Xmlasl tlmm &l ycu

    jrcugdt scfltd`eg) cu*rl ect gc`eg tc s$le% amm tdrll e`gdts daeg`eg cut `e dlrl, arl ycu+

    !t was tdl #`rst t`&l aey c# tdl $r`enlssls da% tam'l% tc d`& s`enl %`eelr, wdle tdly*% amm

    jlle `estamml% arcue% a mceg jae-ult tajml. twlmvl $r`enlssls, tdl`r #atdlr, ae% Zay)

    ! #`gurl% tdlrl*% jl ae cm% wc&ae, dl sa`%) Wdc*% dlm$ &l cenl ! was dlrl) /ayjl a

    slrvaet cr ) ) )

    ^dl mcc'l% m`'l sdl $`t`l% d`& amrla%y, ae% tdat was ect dcw dl waetl% aeycel tc mcc' at

    d`&) Ec cel da% tcm% d`& dl was su$$csl% tc nc&l l-u`$$l% w`td ae `ev`s`j`m`ty tc'le)

    !e tdl #a`ry taml, ncuetmlss su`tcrs attl&$tl% tc scmvl tdl &ystlry c# wdlrl tdl twlmvl

    $r`enlssls wlet tc %aenl) Amm %rae' tdl %ruggl% w`el, sml$t tdrcugd tdl rlvlmry, ae% a#tlr tdrll

    e`gdts mcst tdl`r dla%s) !t was a rlnletmy %`sndargl% scm%`lr wdc #`eammy %`sncvlrl% tdl trutd) 8l*%

    jlle '`e% tc ae cm% wc&ae dl*% &lt ce tdl rca%, ae% `e rlture sdl*% g`vle d`& a $`lnl c# a%v`nl

    1%ce*t %r`e' tdl w`el, `t*s %ruggl%: ae% a nmca' tdat &a%l d`& `ev`s`jml sc dl ncum% #cmmcw tdl

    $r`enlssls `e slnrlt)

    >c tdl vcmuetllrs usuammy nc&l w`td nmca's+ dl as'l%)

  • 8/10/2019 Twelve Dancing Princesses story - Part 2 of 6


    Wlmm, ylad) 8cw lmsl wcum% tdly #cmmcw us+ ! %ce*t 'ecw wdlrl tdly glt tdl&) ! td`e'

    tdly juy tdl&) Cr jcrrcw tdl& #rc& #r`le%my w`tndls(`# tdlrl `s sund a td`eg)

    Aectdlr s`stlr na&l tw`rm`eg `etc tdl rcc&. /uslttl, dlr %rlss #mu##y ae% #ma&`egc $`e')

    W`mm ycu at mlast mlt d`& $rltle% tc jl asmll$+ !t*s a t`&l2dcecrl% tra%`t`ce)

    Ae% tdle aectdlr. /ace*t ! 'ecw ycu+

    8cw wcum% ycu 'ecw &l+

    ! td`e' ycu $ar'l% &y nar cenl) cu*rl a vamlt at cel c# tdl nas`ecs)

    cu rl&l&jlr lvlrycel wdc $ar's ycur nar+

    lad, `e nasl tdly snratnd `t) ^c ! nae nc&l jan' ae% durt tdl&)

    cu wce*t davl tc durt d`&, /uslttl sa`%) >a%%y w`mm %c `t `e tdrll %ays)

    Rdat*s e`nl, /usl, Ndarmlstce sa`%) /a'l d`& #llm at dc&l)

    >c ycu davl tc namm d`& *>a%%y*+ /aa%%y* &a'ls `t scue% m`'l ycu

    davl a >ce'ly ^'`e nursl ae% ycu m`'l `t)

    /uslttl rlnc`ml%) !t %cls ect7 Wdy %c ycu amways davl tc say sc&ltd`eg %`sgust`eg+

    >clse*t `t scue% m`'l tdat+ /a

  • 8/10/2019 Twelve Dancing Princesses story - Part 2 of 6


    tdcugdt) ^dl w`$l% twc #`eglrs amceg dlr mcwlr m`$, as `# sdl ncum% ruj `t cut)

    Rdlrl was a nrla' `e tdl ctdlr rcc&, m`'l a mcelmy nlmmar %ccr jl`eg c$lel%) Ae% tdle a

    nd`mm #`mml% tdl a`r0 a ndllr wlet u$)

    ;lt `e m`el7 a vc`nl namml% #rc& tdl jl%rcc&)

    Wlmm, Elwj`l, `t mcc's m`'l wl*rl mlav`eg w`tdcut ycu) Ndarmlstce $attl% d`s dla%, tdle

    s$ue anrcss tdl rcc& m`'l dlr m`#l was a Jrca%way &us`nam) Jlttlr mun' el9t t`&l7

    /uslttl %aenl% a#tlr dlr s`stlr) Jyl7 >ce*t gc tdrcugd cur ue%lrwlar7


  • 8/10/2019 Twelve Dancing Princesses story - Part 2 of 6


    guar%s wcum% '`mm d`&, jut `t was jlttlr ect tc r`s' `t) 8l da% twc &crl e`gdts0 dl cemy da% tc jl

    jr`mm`aet cenl) Ae% `t was $css`jml tdat dlm$ 1`e tdl #cr& c# ae cm% wc&ae w`td ae `ev`s`j`m`ty

    nmca': wcum% nc&l namm`eg) ?atlr tce`gdt) Rc&crrcw) ) ) )

    Rdl $r`enlssls* #atdlr da% mcn'l% tdl %ccr tc tdl`r rcc& at l`gdt c*nmcn'0 `t wcum% jl

    uemcn'l% `e tdl &cre`eg) =et`m tdle, Zay was amcel `e tdl jl%rcc& w`td `ts twlmvl jl%s, s`9 ce

    land s`%l0 tdl wam'2`e nmcslt tdat mcc'l% m`'l tdl jan'stagl ndacs c# a #asd`ce sdcw 1nmctdls

    strlwe lvlrywdlrl, ylstlr%ay*s %rlssls tra&$ml% ue%lr mast e`gdt*s scrl #llt:0 tdl jatdrcc& w`td

    `ts s`9 stamms, s`9 sdcwlrs, ae% s`9 cvam &`rrcrs, `ts #mccr %ustl% w`td gm`ttlr)

    8l mcc'l% at d`s rl#mlnt`ce, s-uarl% d`s sdcum%lrs ae% tr`l% tc sll a dlrc `e tdl gmass)

    Rdl $r`enlssls rlturel% arcue% #cur A)/), #m`eg`eg tdl&slmvls cetc tdl`r jl%s ae% '`n'`eg c##

    tdl`r wcre2cut sdcls) Zay da% turel% c## &cst c# tdl m`gdts ae% #ammle asmll$ ce cel c# tdl jl%s

    w`tdcut ndaeg`eg cr $umm`eg tdl ncvlrs jan') !t da% sll&l% c'ay tc %c `t0 dl*% tdcugdt tdl suer`sl

    wcum% wa'l d`& jl#crl tdl $r`enlssls arr`vl%) Jut ecw dl #cue% d`&slm# jm`e'`eg away smll$,

    try`eg tc s$ll% d`s jra`e tcwar% awarlelss) 8l #lmt m`'l a mlss jraa% %clse*t tlmm us) ! `&ag`el dl &`9ls `t u$) ;u`mmct`el cel %ay, tdle

    &ayjl a jummlt tc tdl dla% ) ) ) Wdy, %c ycu davl a rl-ulst+ ! nae rue `t jy d`&)

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    Zay $usdl% d`&slm# `etc a s`tt`eg $cs`t`ce) cu 'ecw, # ! %c %`l `e tdrll %ays(

    !t*mm jl &crl m`'l twc, at td`s $c`et)

    Rdle ! td`e' ycu*rl lv`m) !# ycu l9$lnt &l tc m`vl ) ) ) tdle ! td`e' ycu m`'l &l)

    ^dl maugdl%, '`e% c# ae `enrl%umcus maugd) Ae% dcw %c ycu #llm ajcut tdat+

    ! %ce*t 'ecw, dl a%&`ttl%)

    Rdl ctdlr g`rms wlrl sw`sd`eg arcue% tdl rcc&, #`eglrs $c`sl% ce XAZR RWC