TWELVE - Fearless · PDF filePRAYER to INVOKE the DIVINE FEMININE · 19 . PRAYER for STRENGTH and COURAGE · 21 . ... I have treated you like a genie who would comply with my caprices

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with Visualizations and Affirmations




Published by Fearless Books

PO Box 4199, Napa CA 94558


January 2016

© Copyright 2016 by Lyna Jones.

All rights reserved. No part of this e-book

may be reproduced or posted online, with the

exception of brief excerpts for the purpose

of review, without the express permission

of the publisher.

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Introduction · 1

Invocation · 2













Biography · 27

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 1


"Prayer is the medium of miracles," reveals the spiritual

teaching known as A Course in Miracles.

When I first prayed on my own as a little girl, in the musty corner of

my bedroom in Normandy, France, I asked God for a real father and a real

mother. My mother had been absent for over three months and my great-

grandparents, my childhood caretakers, did not know her whereabouts.

I prayed through tears that God would change my mother into a

normal, doting mother. But her chronic alcoholism and absence only grew.

And I never seemed to get my prayers answered during the first part of

my life. I would always ask for my life to change, but most times it just went

from bad to worse. After my great-grandparents passed, I remember praying

for a different foster family after a few years of disparagement and emotional

abuse. Yet my second foster family only sharpened my sense of being a

wretched creation, condemned to walk in the shoes of my mother.

Later I prayed for my American boyfriend to love me, and instead he

divorced me one month after I gave birth to my first daughter.

God did not transform my mother because she didn’t need to be fixed –

she only needed to be loved.

What God did do for me was to offer a perfect path of

trenches, hurdles, and open space that would eventually mold

my heart into a chamber of forgiveness and compassion.

Prayer does not exist so that we may get our way, and God is not

Santa Claus.

Prayer exists so that we may align our mind and our heart with the

divine order of happiness that exists deep within us, but is so often forgotten.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 2

Prayer is the sacred, energetic path to our inner life, the lifeline of our

holiness. It is a noble stairway to a greater consciousness, so that we can learn

to undo our resistance to life and love.

When I pray, I do it in order to step out of the way of the divine. I may

still want things to change, but now I understand that I'm not in charge of

change. I'm not asking for favors from God. Instead of seeking correction of

whatever may seem to be going wrong, I pray to be molded into the highest

realization of my Self.

Prayer enables us to disengage from fear-driven thinking; it

is a silken cloth that wipes away our heart's anxieties.

I offer the following prayers, along with related visualizations and

affirmations, to help you release your own fears, align with your own divine

energy, and realize your ultimate happiness. Please use, repeat, and adapt

them as you wish. They are the results of what I have learned about prayer so

far, but now they are yours to practice and evolve. — Lyna Tevenaz Jones

"Prayer is the medium of miracles.

It is a means of communication of the

created with the Creator. Through prayer

love is received, and through miracles

love is expressed."


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 3


Dear God,

I do not feel love flowing

through my depleted being now.

Although I can remember what love is,

I have lost track of it within myself.

Please help me unwrap the illusory ribbons

of my black beliefs that hide the lovability

of my soul, my body, and my heart.

I am aware that my demeaning thoughts

do not honor the Truth of who I am.

Refresh my inner sight with original purity

so that I may witness it as myself.

I do not need to love anything

but the authentic spirit that I am.

Reveal unto me the crystalline beauty

through which you behold me.

Help me feel the satin cloak of my lovely Self.

I am ready to honor myself in all Your grandeur.

I can feel the murmur of my heart

increasing in love now.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 4


I see a river flow of gold pouring from the sky onto the crown of my head. As

I watch the bright elixir envelop my entire body, I begin to see everything

with warmth and care. Everything shimmers within, softening and clearing

all the debris of negative thoughts.


My lovability is all I see and feel now.

I embrace all of the parts of myself that are hurt.

I am my own wisdom.

God gave me the entire world to bless, so that I may never feel loveless again.

I am the flow of love that encompasses all.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 5


Dear God,

My soul stands nakedly vulnerable at the crossroads

of my blurry destiny and my mind’s scalding fear.

My life is being dismantled and my hopes

are dangling out of my heart right now.

I can feel the purging light of your love healing

the bruised patches of my fearful self,

but I cannot see a clear path ahead.

I used to think that you owed me happiness.

I used to think that you would grant me my wishes.

I have treated you like a genie

who would comply with my caprices.

Please help me renounce, dear Heaven,

all the wishes that do not serve my highest good

so that miracles may arrive with your perfect timing.

I do not know where to set foot tomorrow,

but I yearn to set my heart on your will and nothing else.

You owe me nothing, dear God,

because your plan for my happiness

is already in place.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 6


I see a shimmering white altar in the center of my mind. I bring all the

desires and preferred outcomes I have been holding within to the bright light

glowing at the very center of the altar. The light grows upward, like a vortex

until it engulfs the entire room, and my desires dissolve into it. Now that

same vortex is shining in my mind, a beautiful empty vessel ready to receive

all that the Divine has already elected for my self-realization. I can now step

onto the path before me, leading toward true bliss.


Everything coming to me is an experience sent by the Divine to reveal

pure happiness.

I trust in the Divine unfolding of all situations in the present moment.

I drop into the open emptiness of my mind so that spirit may lead me.

What is meant to support my purest good comes easily.

Every event is curated to lead me back to my happiness within.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 7


Dear God,

I come to you on this day to learn liberation

from the mercurial grievances that cloak my heart.

I have finally arrived at the limits of my guilt and anger.

My resentment is tied to this individual


to whom I feel attached by cords of pain and love.

I recognize that my heart will not be free

until the love is purified.

I welcome into my mind the image of this person,

who is my beloved forgiveness teacher.

The bright image grows in luminescence at my center,

opening the angelic wings folded on each side of my heart.

The incandescence of love shines away

the brittle shadows of the past.

Dear ______________,

I bless you with the light of forgiveness

to experience happiness, inner strength, and

a chorus of miracles acclaiming

our liberation together.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 8


I bring into the center of my awareness the person I resent. We both utter

words of surrender and regret for the pain of the past. As we gaze at each

other, a bright ball of light descends, embracing us in a sphere of healing and

transformation. We behold the holy light entering our bodies until there isn’t

a cell left that is not brilliant and transparent. No bitter thoughts remain

untamed by love. We become one in love and all past shadows are released.


I extend forgiveness to myself for all I have chosen to think.

I bless and drop my loveless judgments now.

My heart beats in the flow of forgiveness.

My cells vibrate with the joy of release.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 9


My sweet Father who art in Heaven,

I feel constricted by my lack of abundance

as every curve of life seems to draw me

into deeper holes of drought.

My mind is scarred by the scarcity of my past

and it cannot be consoled by my fearful jests.

I love you, Father, and I trust in your guidance.

Help me return to the inner wealth that dwelt within

before my impossible belief in lack arose.

Remind me of my majestic possibilities

as the creator of all that I feel and imagine.

Lift the heavy curtain from my eyes so that I may

be grateful for the abundance flourishing

above me, beneath me, and all around me.

I rejoice in recognizing that my fear of lack

is just my shadow cast from standing

in the way of the Lights of Heaven.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 10


I see myself sitting outside, on plush, green grass in the middle of a vast field.

The grass goes on infinitely and I feel the warmth of the sun as I rest my

palms on my lap. A few deep breaths release all tension in my body. On my

right, a narrow stream of clear water flows by, its quiet rushing easing all

fear and tightness within my body. Now I begin to see currency floating on

top of the gentle water; just a few pieces of paper at first, then increasing

until I can hardly see the water anymore. As I welcome the wealth flowing

toward me, I thank my dear mother Earth for this abundance. I am grateful

and I welcome it.

Now opening my chest even more and sitting straighter on the plush,

fresh grass, I begin to feel the river of wealth flowing through me. There is a

circle of currency flowing in and out, as I give and receive in equal measure

with the Source of all well-being. I remain in this energy of abundance until I

feel totally relaxed and refreshed.


Abundance flows through me to support my good work in the world.

My breath reconnects me to the flow of abundance within me.

Everything miraculous is restored to me now.

The brilliant light within dispels all sense of lack.

I choose to behold a world of joy and infinite giving.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 11


My Beloved Father,

I recognize that I feel little esteem

for the self of my past, the self that was denied love.

I have placed more faith in the world’s perception

of myself than in your holy creation.

Today, I see the past no more.

I commit to seeing myself as the holy extension

of You, and I will not let the world defile

your flawless and purified vision of me.

I will honor what You created

while infusing love into my self-inflicted flaws.

Help me reconnect with my worth as your child.

Help me rekindle the brilliant flame of

my original Self so that I may better serve the world.

I come empty-handed unto You,

willing to embody a bold new vision of myself.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 12


I see a golden thread of light streaming from the deep sky into my heart.

That flow of light taps into the source of all energy at the far end of the

Universe. The brilliance intensifies within my heart, cleansing all sensations

of worthlessness and littleness. My heart overflows with bliss as I remember

its impeccable source of divinity. Its beating is refreshed with a new

compassion, rippling through my mind and the rest of my being. I let myself

bask in the pillar of magnificent light that flows to me from the farthest

reach of Heaven.


I am love incarnate.

My impeccable worth precedes my deeds.

I have nothing to prove to the world.

I am entitled to miracles as an expression of the Divine.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 13


Dear God,

I come unto you empty-handed,

with a lost heart.

I feel useless and my life seems

without an honorable purpose.

I wish to be used by your higher mind

for the betterment of my world.

I bow my head in humble surrender,

as I implore you to shine a light

on the special function you bestowed upon

my valiant spirit at the onset of my breath.

I will strive to make myself spacious within

so that I may lovingly host your plan for me.

I am willing to be a spokesperson of your Truth.

May the manifestation of my sacred pledge

to bring forth love into the world

reflect your Will, always.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 14


I see myself seated before a small round table in the middle of a white room.

On this tiny golden table, I see a scroll of parchment rolled up and tied with a

white ribbon. This scroll holds the information that I need to fulfill my

special function on this Earth. On this day, I am given what I need to know

to begin moving the wheels of my holy destiny. With a loving hand, I untie

and slowly unroll the ancient beige parchment, revealing my name at the

top. As I read the rest of the page, I begin to feel the brilliance and generosity

of the unique gifts that I have been given, so that I may extend love into the

world. This destiny was written just for me. I will keep these words in my

heart and carry them with me everywhere.


I give my life to God to use.

I attract opportunities to work miracles all the time.

The moment I begin sharing my truth, those who need my work begin to

look for me.

I trust that my truth will elevate the world.

The Holy Spirit knows exactly how to use my abilities.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 15


Dear God,

I feel unattractive

and I cannot love my body for what it is.

I desire to be a loving and positive vessel of Truth

and I recognize that I cannot serve

when I despise myself.

Transform my contrite vision of my body

into a sanctified rainbow of thoughts and energies.

Help me shed all the strands of judgment

that keep me enrobed in self-hatred and neglect.

I drop all my self-critical thoughts

into your open, loving palms now.

May I use my body and my vitality for purposes

that celebrate the beauty and sacredness

of all living things.

Let my mind’s eye maintain

a bright and clear vision of my body

as a transcendent pillar of light that manifests

the wonders of Truth you have instilled in me.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 16


Walking on a path of golden stones, I approach a beautiful ancient temple

surrounded by large marble columns. I enter the temple through a gate

overlooked by stone carvings of ancient Goddesses. Entering the sanctuary, I

feel the steam coming from a large swimming pool underneath a large glass

mosaic, reflecting the light emanating from the pool with an iridescent effect.

I drop my white shawl and enter the gleaming water to cleanse myself of all

my past and current limiting beliefs. As I float, I feel all dark energies drift

away from my body, lightening and relaxing me. Gold flecks attach to my

hair and skin, as the Goddess within me rises to awareness. She courses

through the chambers of my heart and charges my entire body with a

powerful current of bright energy, purifying and empowering me with

her majesty. I see my reflection in an antique, full-body mirror as I ascend

the steps out of the magical bath. I am made anew; I am as radiant as a

golden sun.


I don my sacred garment of body confidence now.

I revel in my unique beauty and I am grateful to be myself.

I love and honor the majestic passing of time in my appearance, for it only

mirrors the ethereal wisdom of my inner light.

I reign as a queen in my inner kingdom, incomparable to anyone.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 17



Dear God,

I have made someone special,

and feel that I need this person to love me

and stay with me in order to be happy

and feel good enough about myself.

I want to be loved in a way that eases

my fears and reassures me about myself.

I am willing to reconnect in union

with thee, dear God, so that I may not turn to

a special person for completion and happiness.

Help me be free of the thoughts that attach

my well-being to another’s behavior.

Gently guide my heart to its throne of mastery

over ancient fears. Heal my projections

of abandonment so that my heart

may open itself fully to another’s reality.

I place my attachment into your all-knowing hands

so that my surrender may bless us both

with an increase in awareness of love.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 18


I see my beloved standing with me upon a sand dune, watching the infinite

ocean. There is nothing but us and the soothing waves. As we hug, our

inward lights increase, gradually growing and joining beyond us so that we

are surrounded by a brilliant cocoon. Our respective beauty and strengths

become magnified through our union in light. We are joined yet liberated,

whole and powerful within ourselves and thus able to intensify the love we

feel for each other.


I release all expectations about romance, giving this relationship to a higher

power for transformation.

I choose to focus on the love in my heart.

I revel in my own divinity.

The beauty and strength of my beloved reflect the holiness already dwelling

within me.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 19



Dear God,

I have hardened the gates of my heart

to protect myself, and disconnected from

my vulnerability. I am so afraid to appear weak

if I let myself be fully seen.

I desire to regain the colorful compassion,

cosmic softness, and sensual radiance

of divine femininity. Teach me to reign gently

over the treasures of my heart, so that

sacred chamber may yield a myriad of miracles.

Invoke the Goddess within me so that I can extend

her magnificent compassion into the world.

Breathe into my chest the powers of Heaven and Earth

so that I may become the valiant and

selfless rose that I was born to be.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 20


I feel a warm sensation as I see a red glow in the center of my womb

growing brighter, and ascending toward the sacred space of my heart. As

the red river makes its transcendent journey upward, it heals all my limiting

beliefs, hard knots of self-condemnation, and open wounds of fear. The

crimson energy swirls through every chamber of my heart, activating the

brilliance of the Divine Feminine to charge every cell within me with

purifying love and nurturance.


I am the queen of my own heart.

I rule myself with compassion and courage.

I am confident in my soft energy.

I allow myself to be a womb of vulnerable compassion.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 21



Dear God,

I hear the echoes of my painful past

and the mean whispers of my old self

challenging my strength. I try to ignore

their desperate pleas for self-debasement

but it seems that my faith is ebbing.

Infuse your precious elixir of courage

into the whirlpool of my soul, so that

I feel the lifeblood of your infinite will.

Help me feel your steely strength in

my very bones, and the power of your love

kissing every cell. Bless my mind with clarity

so that my thoughts are catapulted past

the broken spectres of fear.

What exists truly and eternally

is sourced from you only, dear God,

and so is my power to bear witness

to all that is loving and true.

In you I abide forever with the

light of all worlds.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 22


I see myself sitting cross-legged on the side of a dormant volcano. A swirl of

red energy arising beneath me creates a perfect glow of warm, intense

energy all around. I feel the indomitable strength of the Earth rise through

me, straightening my back, energizing my spine. I allow the electricity of

courage to flow up through me as I raise my eyes to the heavens, thanking

the Universe for the armor of courage and strength holding me up now.


I accept myself for having created ripples of fear, knowing I can always change

my perceptions.

I am not afraid because I was birthed to bring forth my authentic truth.

I have an unlimited flow of courage in the center of my soul.

I practice sacred strength a little bit more every day.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 23


Dear God,

I feel a rocky mass of fear

sitting atop my stomach, and I cannot see

beyond the worst-case scenarios I’ve invented.

I have identified myself as an entity

who is powerless over her own thoughts.

Please help me reverse my thinking

and remember my ancient power of happiness.

Please immerse my mind in your loving presence

until it becomes one with Light, one with Love.

Restore my heart to the frank awareness

of limitless compassion, sweeping

all fearful distortions from every corner

of my mind. And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 24


I see myself sitting on a hot, golden dune of sand with a faint mist of gray

surrounding me. This is the aura of my fears. I call forth a bright light from

the deepest part of my heart, which is also at the center of the universe. As

the light expands from within, the gray cloud of fear rapidly dissolves. My

heart rises fearlessly, opening itself towards the blue sky. My fears vanish

and only the Truth of Love remains in me.


The story of my fears ends now.

The bright rays of my heart dissolve the gloom of my anxiety.

I call upon the unlimited power of Divinity to choose loving thoughts.

When I choose a loving thought, I create beauty and miracles.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 25


Dear God,

The world shakes with violence, sadness,

and incomprehension. Some shattered hearts

are blind to your omnipresent love.

Please help me remember that I cannot

fix the world, but I can deepen my own

awareness of love so that my soul becomes

a bright house of peace for my brothers and sisters.

Please hold my mind in the perennial peace

of your Kingdom, so that I may witness

the melodrama of this mortal world with a

radical and loving consciousness that

sweeps away all the wars of separation.

Lead us out of the descending spiral

of defense and attack so that we may share

the splendor of each other’s innocence.

May peace and renewed hope prevail over

the recurrence of our weary sadness.

And so it is,


TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 26


Aware of the habitual darkness of the world, we breathe deeply from our

center until we see sparks of light breaking through the clouds of doubt and

despair. The light intensifies until the earth is enveloped by a miraculous,

dense coat of bright, healing peace. We begin to feel the weightless presence

of that peace first upon our shoulders, dropping down through us until all

tension and fear depart from our bodies, leaving behind only a profound,

imposing stillness. Feeling weightless and infinitely spacious within, we have

become the profound peace that the world needs.


I am the presence of peace itself.

My radical love stands radiant in the midst of fear.

Peace extends from me as a new kind of power.

I am appointed as a messenger of peace.

TWELVE PRAYERS by Lyna Jones · 27

Lyna Tevenaz Jones is a writer, motivational speaker, and spiritual mentor.

She lives with her two daughters in Westchester, NY. Originally from

Normandy, France, Lyna moved to the U.S in 2001 to begin a new life and

pursue her dreams. When not writing or giving inspirational lectures, Lyna

works as a business manager for CHANEL. She earned an Associate Degree in

Liberal Arts from Brigham Young University in Idaho, and earned her Life

Coach certification through the World Coaching Institute. Lyna is a regular

contributor to the inspirational blog Live Through the Heart and the lifestyle

e-magazine Greenwich Girl. Her articles have been featured on

Womenforone.com and Elephant Journal.

Lyna is currently writing A YEAR OF FEARLESS LIVING: 52 Prayers,

Visualizations, and Affirmations, based on this title, and scheduled for

release by Hampton Roads Publishing in 2017. To receive updates on the

continuing work of Lyna Jones, subscribe to the Fearless News mailing list
