twi : V O I, 6. MO. S51. lEiiEE m m :;- flEDUGTONOF _ $101, OIDDfl „^ays anS, Jleans Committee MaKK First Major Decision ^ on Revenue Rates; Bourbons Indifferent to Compromise , 'WASHINQTON, Jan. 26 W) — Tax reductions amounting to $103,000,0^0-annnallf and af - fecting more^^aii 20 indn^ttl^ -were agreed apon toda 7 by 'the lionso ways and means 'com- mitteo in its first ‘major decis- ions on the rovenno rates. Jkito ciiJiiiftCR, ruiK'iilliig nom-j o f llie nilscelhiiiODiis or jiiiiHiiriL-o fiixi's inffi- tutcd (luring tlio wnr, were cffecteU I-y DOii-jmriiiuiii votcx ill I'unin^lCtcc Und ineludocl sinno of lolli . tlic Mellon unti iJfniouruUt: ^>lnni'. Tuxeii on tlicater ii.lni's.ii'Jiis of conts or under and on b'!V<;r:ip;o.' uiTr repenJt'ii and tliv Iuvich oil Jewelry :iinl produt'c exi'liaiiRo iiiiIi'h ncrj -'lit. in lialf. I^ovinuH ii({rcciiientH to ii-iieal th o tiLXW on teli-Krii!iiH, teh'jilirtiic nii'S- aaKCB, Ioa.ied wiren and eatnly wore ^oiiiirDivd. 'W ith ceinTnitt^v ronBideration nf ili>> inconiu ratcn tlitiH l>n>u(;I>t nr.'in'r, I’riK- adi'Mt CooV kIpc afr{)<«Jc<l fO(?ay fo r imiiV’ purtiniin niipjiort 6f tlio Mellon bill.'il*- 3et is lie knorni th n t Iio ■itmsiiliTi'il the pniHixTl for n mifrpssfiil nKri'rircnt cnJCtC-pr^sion* _n« ,bri|;litrr and that I ]io holiovi'd Credit taf t'ho liill.'if --ii- actod, xhoiiM };o' to whoever voti-a fr>r it, rcgarilleBH of ]nirty affilialion;i, Tho dcmocratB, however, rontinui'd tbeir' ntUtndo of Indlffcrenro to tlic ropuldicMi proposal for u roniproniiiie iiRreoinent'in oominUteu on the jnronie ralca. Party Poace Sought Itcpiililican leaders today to men differciicea withiny^ie juirty on tho (Question of whether iiiajorily ineiii liorA should write u seiiiirati.' hill or aeek n euuiproniiNO in. ooinixittet' wltl. _ tin* dqmQfxatst. (question will U»^ . t:ikon up l>y tiic sT^rlnfj committeo lo ' morrow. Jtcprcsi'iit.itive Lon;fkvortli. Tcpalilir.an flocrr leailcr, held hia (;rouad for n uumproinlae aK>*euiiiont today do- .'pile the .detnorratic attitude. 'Secretary Mellon rencw'ed lii.i cor- ToKjiondcnce'wilh KeiiaUir Consent’, nv f.ubUQaii, Mlcli'iKnii, in defense, of his rRcomincndations for roduetionH in tlio' •iiurtiix ratea to a niiiiiniiiin of :!.’i pi-i vont. Tho neeretary iiRain nclced -Mr, t.}(iiiseti8 if tliu present nurtaxeH had not imi>elled him lo invest largely in tiix exempt Kueiiritieti hut did lint an- jwer the Miehican Meiiator’s -demand . fthat bo disctoiio hoAi> niuch tho Moltoji I tnx ydafl would rcduco the uocrctary’^ taxes. In itn revijtion of the iniiiropt tax rate / .i!ehodulo»r tho committee left a buluae.j •of* a b o u t $17,0l)0.CKKI w hich may yot J)o wit off In these levies. I Anto Tax Dof^tcd. MotiiiiiB '.^Iffore the committee lo rc- J htjI th e tax«>s ou riUtoinobile triu-kn and* sjiaro parts and rcUi»<'*< those on nutyniobile pjutseiiKi'r cara rt-ro dc- fcalcd. Oiiiirman Green o f‘ the eommitfc-1 jpo'iated oul, howevtr, Ihu*. with 'a JiiarRin *li11 remaiaiuj' for possilde fur ^COontinned ou rnge 4, Col. 0^ liDlSllIlL ILLBEIED Fort Hall Indians Elect Dele- gates Today to Take Part in Conference at W a^ington l-OOATELU;. .Tan. '2r, C/P)—!n.liaii« •of tho Fort 'Hdll >rMer^-ation are iiold- ini' nil election today to rielcct repre- -*■" MtiiHntivcs to ftfcoiiipatiy Superinten- dent William Donner tb Wn#liingtoa, . D. 0., whoro confcronreii will bo -hel.i in nn iittempt to netllo tho eontroveray which has afisen rejiardlttj; the np- ]>rainnl of Indian .'landx in connection with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic •wgardioff a tavorablo Bottlement of th,« provltllnB TCttlatBatloa offleliii, arc willing to compromiflo. An npprni- u l of ,|I8- an naro vmis .mado on lodlau ^ »;r;trinj' land aiid while it i.<« said that the Indians huve sot no dcfiiiilu prico . they iccl that-thoy .iro ontitled to nn inercoiw over the nppmisal rato. OHHiBAN OABHn^T QtTtra J ^ > 'T t A Q O . CTille, J a n . 115 (yP)— The «-alimrt recently formed by Pedro Aguirre Cerda, formerly attached to the Chyoaa embnuy at Waihlagtoa, w- flif^ncd last night. ' Tho action wos.lnkcn-to dlo>irprMii 5l<(wt Akuafidri a.'ftee lm d -la «b«oe- ling a noiir ^nistry. THE ONLY AS& N FA op ................. ASaOCIATED TRESS CRIMINAL I ( OIL SCAl -------------- :— ---- ------------------------- Three Mummies J Discoveried in Rames^s Tomb\ ee, ’■ -- - English Egyptologist t7ncovers| . Bodies Buried in 718, B. 0.; US Artiples of Clothing WoU Preserved i ^ LUXOR, Egj'pt, Jnn. 25 W>)-^Threo, mummies, two oxcelloutly preserved,. havo boon discovered by I)r. Hobert, Mond, the EnBlisli KtD-ptorogist, who, jjg duriug tho past wcok, has been clear- ing tha Hpncc behind tho rauiishum, or mortuary temple, of Ratneifes II. in thc | region known as Sheikh Abd-lil-Ourna, to remoTo tho rubble for his extended ^ oxcavnticui of thu. tomb o’f HamoiTe, a minister-to-thc herutie king, Alsheiia- ;ed ton. cc Tho third mummy found, ppAsibly the , 1], body of a soldier killed in one of llie^ wiitt of unduut Egypt, is iu bad stole. Tho wolt- preserved mummies ' i.ro • r,. thoso of a goldsmith and his wife, a' ,„l pricstoNB of Amonie, of tho twenty in fourth dynasty, 718 H.* C. Under fhe i-al outor_ • wrhppings of tho priestcrts i-s. mummy, her-clothing of fintj lineii. •rc now browned by aK**' w’nn found Inil, neatly folded upon the ’tody., 'riiere h.> WHS a long robe,.piped with ” ii.-en,' wit h • (». n V-shaped opening in frnit nt.d holCH | inV" Yor tVio arms, /ringed aroun-i 'fie hem;.- Ill- thoa nn outer gnrmont-with a hotf for' I'd the head and sover.iI. frini;cd voils. At ■nt various pinia's thc ;;arnieii».K luid tj.-cii at darned. •n- As each gurmeut was unfolded and ’or held up to tho bright sunshine, the n:'- tivo diggers broke out Into loud excla- ed mations, declaring them- idpi-tic.il in he form nnd arrangement to those woin, ise by tho Felahin women of today, ne Milo. Baud, attached to tho exeav.i- t'lon mission at-Thobes of the Frencii institution nrchneoli^uo of Cairo,''dou- tg nod tho robes, nnd the contention cf tlie mi diggers wns found to bo corrcct. m Around Ui’o goldsmith’s neelc woro „r four amulets of steatite and on ^ his tl. breast, on u leaden symbol of hawk’s wings outspread wns ji fiiienco scarab, lo.' with hlCT0glyphlc8‘p n ln t 0(l bn it; ' }li^ A particularly fine scarab of black 11,1 bnnalt, painted w ith IlieroglyphicH of I,., yellow, was fpund on the breast of the jjolilsmith’a wifo. Two papyri, one in or. Jiirfect condition jind the other dnni- rtv nged,'wero discovered with tho bodice, liis Tho excnvntors in Uie tqnib>of Tut- lio' nnkhnmen spent tjiis inorjiing parlting (Continued on Page J, Col. 3) a<| - ■_ TAKING A m on FARM WAGC •’u -------------------------------------------------r r - — .tc on A - .......... m im W :: th.« ^ iSk • ni ieo an to w- >lli ' oe- ' —; ' — SSOCtATED PRESS NE 0 -L S ■^TWIK TAIIS, niAHO, ^TDEDA k C T IO N I^ " ^toAL LOOMS Coolidge^ Promisejytvery Pre- caution to PrjMct Public In- terests; Find Another Loan b' of $25,000 by Sinclair to Fall ra! WASmNOTOK, Jan. SB W J..;'—Simultaneously with the dis- oil closure today in tho senate oil I inquiry of another unpaid loan to former Interior Secretary •“«iFall, tho White House made > !‘i.;knbwn that'President Coolidge 1-T i is preparing td tako cveiy ac- >> 0 | tion to protect tHe public in- »r- tcrcst and to j)unish thoae or guilty of any wrong-doing. he I Hc'fore thti sa’iu'o committeu which K. jjj, L. Dohaiy, CaUfornia oil mnKnivte, told yi'»t*ilay he had loaned Mr. R-ill jlOO,- JJ 0 0 0 on his personal note, while he'was .secretary of the interior, J. W. Zevely, . personal counsel to-Hurry F. Siuelnir, lm testified tuihu” that ^fr. Sinclair b'ad ,,p loaned Mr. Fall i*!2.1.000 in Liberty ^^,'^bonds on u personul notn tlireu mouths .J.J, after he retired from the cabinet. As, tho testimony now-Htaiidu, the Doheny loan was mndo more than a year before 'the ^loheny interests ob- tained tho lease of Elk Hills, Cnlif., naval reserve, whilo tho Siaelair loan jj' was mndo niorc^tlian a year after tho RlHrliiir inlercsU roccivcd thc Ivaso ot i’ll the Xenimt Dome, Wyo.,'reserve. Ich I ' Oablnot BouBOd. n;: Devolopmenls in tho senate Inquiry or woro discussed today by tho cnbinot., iVt Afterwards tiio president tvas repre- cn sented officially as regarding somo of tho testimony to point to crlu»lnu^_nc- nd tion. Tho executive is reluctant to be- i:'- Hove thal nnyono hns bcOn guilty of la- any criminal intent, but he feels that in tho evidonco already adduced requires in. fo;indation'-:uiil investigation. , In tho president’s view two questions a- already nro Indicated. One, and thc cil more important, hi to bring to justice III- anyone wlio has dealt with thc situa- lie tion in anj- wuy that is in violation of Ui'o criminal laws; tho other is to see •ro whother tho government has suffered lis any injuxics by tcasoif of tfio oil re- :’s servo loatcs. . ' lb. If the .lenses do not soom proiioc, ac- tftn'looklng-to tmjlt'-nnnulliifoijt Will ck bo taken. of PoUow Oaxoful Course, he With rcspoct to possible criminol in phnses-of thc matter, it was mndo clear m- that thcro was no.^isposition to jump ct. to conclusions; thut'investigations must lit- be niad.c by tho proper authorities to hi; see wliero niiy criminal nction wfll lie. (Qontiiiued o'n Pngo 4, Col. 5) ' WHEEL CPF THE'RAILROADS 1 ,GON WON’T H E L P IVIUCH IN THI ^ ,.l ___ ewspapeh i ' n - twin i DAll >AY MORNING. JANUAEV 26, 1M4. H s r IDERFRE It s| IIIIIjlEllB NE /p) Nevada's Ex-Governor Says Field Commissioner Tried to JlJi “Consign Newlands Project to ryi Limbo of Abandoned Things” Jg ______ ,gi SALT LAKE, .Tan. 2.' OP)-Mil«*^ g ,Caiin<in, field ciimmissioner for the Ini- jj I I'c.'iu of rc'damation, came under th.- j^'giins i,f tcirnier'tJovornur Eniuiett IJ. ! Hnyli" o f N e v a d a ,' In tin* governor'^ J,, IfeKtiniony cdiic.Tning tlin .Newhiiuis l'^ I (.N'lvaila) projei't given before the fa.-t finding cciiniiiission here this afteriuioii. |(}overmir Iloyle ehnrted tluit I'annou |wti(i last summer madman iiiveotiffiition ^’iof till- J.roject h a d '^ liis rejiort “ to ’jail intents and fl)iiri>o»es glil'|ly nl- * teni]i(c'd to ennsiph fhe Newlands pro-. ^ ject (o the limbo of abuniinned thin^H '•''iin oue fllj>\>aut Heuteuce.” In luuilUer Iplai'c the governor characterized Mr. '‘“ iCannnn’s report as being .•‘garbling; and a inisrejireBentntion of facts whieli pniiils till' ginomiest picture yet ]ire- ^•1 senled iif llio ]>roje'’t . ” In speaking aboul fhe amount of money which thc goverindiiiint has yet !>* ehar/;i-d against llio project, Mr. Boylt- <aid “ if the non-productive expeniW-- tiires, the list of wh^ch I have, aro .y (Jedacted /rom fJio present net expendi- tiirei of Ihe project, the apparent, ulti- jj. mate deficit appears to lie more near- ly $'<IK1.(H)0 (hull thoHc (;iven l.y Coiii MiHMioner Cannon ($ 1,00(1,(IW). ... ntt hesitate'fo h:Iv that aay judgment whieh Se'-ietary Work m a/ make nfler full ami coinple^- iiivesfl- gatioii in eonforniitv with Ihe jiolicv . exprewc.l, is likcdy ' (o be acrcpted Er.-icefiilly Jiy the Nevada penjde. I do sulimit, howev'er, fhat Caiiaon rka>< not interpreted the Xewlauds ^icojcet honestly nr competoiilly to Secretary Work, nor on the other hand has ho inteqirefed the depr'rtment of fho in- tcrior and the bureau of re^hiinatifin lo tjjo j)cople 'of Nevada, .which is un- forlijimte both from the st'andpoint-> of , tho department of the interior aiid our people.V ......................................... \ Prnctically of Mr, Roylo’s testimony ^'iis cotitaiaed in a letter read at tho meetint: by Mr. lloy’e. The letter was “i a copy of ono sent lo .ScrretarjvHubert Work by Mr. Iloyle aliout two months "go- --V Tn prnte.slinir; n«/>'dless and uawiKf lo expenditures Mr. Hoyle stated; ie. “ This project has' failed utterly in ^Continued on Pngo -I, Col. -I.) ^ to' mend the HE LONG RUN__________ s 1PM, by tbe New York Tribime/iner — _ I . ' PALLS COUNTY ... L Y 1 7 Ml^MMKIl AUDIT BUIUS ,oy cincULATiON.s fOTALTOF REPORT! g ^ IN MIN Six Seriously Injured a ys Burns when Explosic to in Illinois; Many Ar to Is Conducted forJBoc ■JOHNSTON CITY, H i,, Jan., dead; six seriously injured and suffered burns about the head occurring hero’today. After hours of faithful work M e OM 0IT £ GIVES 1 I G «■* - • ______ i" Two American Destroyers Join ';>i Richmdnd as Mexican Vessel " . Reappears at Tampico or TAMPICO. Jan. OT wl-rTho Ct rebel gunboat ZomgOBa reappeared j •k- 'off this iDOmi^. anchor- ing oneSilfio off tho mouth of tho I ro . Pbhuco river. It l5 Bald that the ! ]i- 7cssel’ii conuu&nder advised tho (i. mAltary authorities here to be pre- ir- pared for eventualities, iiii Tho ' piiytaasler of Ihe TranH-(Mnt 1-| ncn.tal--.Oil company,' an 'Aiiiericnn* ro u -, iiy lycern, was attiicked ’ and wounded by [ >/ bandits near here Ihis afternoon. He; 'I- wns robbed of :il)O0 pesos. Federal; ny tn.ops sent to capUire the bandlt.i were | ed unsuccessful. ; I X(«. long after Hie Zaragosa's np- a>< pearance two American destroyers ar- et vived '\« , the yrii'iM’r Uicliuuvml. ry ‘Tiixpai'i" was .iaketi'yvsttrVlay b y ’tho ho federals, according to reiKvrts • ro- in- ccived here. BiBfreoyT lEflllCONmi [llF. ------r- Idaho Towns Seek Republican State Meet to Select Dele- 1" gates to Cleveland Sessions nOlflE, Jan. 25 (/P)—Bids for the ^ republican state convention to Boloot delrgr\tes to Ihc nntionnl pnrty con* vention are being put forth by sev- eral Tdnho towifs, it wns learned todny ^ from jiarty orgnnlratlo.n officers. Both Lowiston und CnldwoH aro making a strong fight tn hnvp tho'stnto ecntral committee select thesu tow ns'for tho convention when it meets In Boiso Februarj' 12. The call for the tucetlng has gono out from I. II. Nnsli, .cltalrman. Ilo I writPH Hint the meeting is considered IH the most important of the commit- toe Ihls ycnr. In nddition to solectr ing ft fllnto convention city tho com- mittee win nlso detormino bow maiiy delegates caelt county will Bcnd. Party lenders flfe filncing considora- ble importanco to tho first of tho two conventions to bc bold this yoar, some time In Juno prior to tbo na* tionnl convetjtion in Cleveland. The- stato nominating convontion will be held in August .......... ................. f,„ 1___ Science Opens Boy’s Eyea; Sees Mother \ Firat Time in.Life Remarkable Operation Brings Happiness in Home of Lad Blinded Since Babyhood . 'SPOKANI-:, Jan.-2.1 For the firMt time in hin litir since sho beiilf over his cradle, Hownrd Straub, I.', looked on till' face of bis niotli- (T here today. Ever since Ihj suf- ' feroil au att:ick of infantilo pnni- ly ::; at tlic njjc of 11 iiiont’i-. tho '• boy had been totally blind.' Totbiy, follpwing nn operation 'urranj'ed for li\* the local Hotnry club. I.aiidagvs were removed nn<L Howard Kaieil at his mother. *,J_Oh,' mother, you’to so pretty,” ' hb crieil and threw himself into her arms. . . - Tho boy, son of Mr. nnd Mr.-I. C. A. filr:|iib' nf Crcston, Wash., said his life-long nmbition hnd been to look iifjo his mother’s face. t>iT a m p p Q ta boabi >. WASTirNaTOX, Jnn. 25 l5. Hill, banker nnd farmer of Mitchcll, H. p ., has beeU' scle-.'toil by 'PreiiltTont Coolidge as tho representntivo cf thn iiitcrior stntes on t'jo shipping benrd. rpAEO WBATBSB Saturday:. Cloudy; probftbly rain- ov snow’- . ■* - •'> i E ^ ' UI^U 'iaiOB nvE OEHTS ^37 MEN :: — m u DEAD m MISHAP I and Eight Others Suffer sion Occurs in Coal Shaft !^re Rescued while Search iodies of Those Entombed —Thirty-seyon Inen are nd badly burned, while eight-others sad and body in thfi>mine disaster >rk on the part of volnnteer'Tescue,..^ — ♦teams to aid the organized ' Iteams of Williamson county, ithe last of the injured in tbe j explosion at the East Side mine I I of thc Orerar Coal company * mine here had been brought to 1;the surface and are being ^ given medical aid in hospitals . here and in Herrin Oin Huntlreds of men volunteered to go Mnl down into thu mine whon four John* son City physicianH stepped forward innd annouuced their intention of brav*. ling tho poiiououH gases of tho Inner 0 jrecessos of Ihe ininn wlioro thc nien a (Were trap|ied since :i o'clock.this iiftor- :• inoon. e I . Firtcen Escape, e Fifteen men who wero trupjieil with 0 thit doad nnd injured in tho mino were K cnrriod out by revuers with barely n stitch of clothing nnd with slight ,,i. jburns about tlicir bodies, but except (,ii. |iHg..for Uieir terrible cxperieaco, not -,y'otherwise .liiirt. When tbo explosion ^occurred thoro wero 375 men in 'th o ,r„i:mlno. ! Tho men near the cntrnncbs escaped ! easily but entries minibcr nino, ten, „j,. eleven and twelve, locntcd in thc ‘ ,,j.. dcptlis of tho colliery, where tho actual explosion took place, woro farthest from a means of escapo and thc mon thero auffored the - fiijl-torror--of- th« ti'rrible blast. Smoke Uampera Work. T Waiting in thu ccfld outside tho piine- . shafl relatives and workcra .were com-, pletely envelni>cd by tho .dci\*o blnck smoke wUlcU turnod tholr fjvcos Wa**k' |« [:'n s hicht. .Altlbnllll^c^s‘f^onl'Herrin^nnlir Inl •^'’ha*‘t''n City were lined up ns onch lu f'i.’iire borne on a stretcher, wus III brought out of the smoky shaft by jnieatis nf nn elevator. Tho waiting --j-'iTowdH purtwd- forward fearful thnt relntive iuighi bo borne out to jlg.'them . . ' I The silence of tho night wns broken ns 'by tho wild shrieks of wives nnd moth- ,urs of tho dend men. Orgnnizntion? the rushod hundreds of inndwiches nnd gni- sleet Ions of hot coffeo to tho mine nnd dis- ' con- tribulod i f frocly nniong tbo women BOV- and children workon..who havo stooil )dny vlgU since the oiplosion occurrccj. 3otb I ------ --- Ift a ' ^VEBT FRANKFOKT, IUb., Jan, 25 itral -A terrific oxploalon occurred in. tho |-tho McClintock mine opcrnted by ths" Iciao.Crerar Clinch Coal company nt Joh^-, jston'Cjty, Ilia., iu which 450 miners ;ono.wotc empioyevl) al 2;40 tl>U aftcrnooii.- IIojThrcc hundred and ninety of tho miu- ercd frs operuting ou the 250'/p<jt l^yfl were m it-;not nffjctcd by th'o oxplosibn. At tho lcctr|time of tfie explosion, GO men were on- i'qm- tombed.- Five of theso*w’orc brought to ally -------------------------------------------------- i ---------- (Continued on Pugo 0, Col. 1) iilT llT f i SEN TiNQUlBy J Great Britain’s Recognition of fe Russia Will l\lot Affect U. S. Policy, Coolidge Says WASnixnTOX, Jnn. 25 (>P}— Bo- sumption by Qrcnt Britain of full .lip- lomatic relntinns wllh HuBBin in tho ^ opinion -of President Coolidge will huve lc*< bearinj; upon tho attitude of tho United Btntqs toward kussla '' thn'n will tho invostigation of ..oviet rocoRHiiiotv now .being condutttd by , a sub-committeo of tho senate for* ° ■ oign relations comroUtee headed by Senator Borah. Mr. Coolidgo bollovcs the seuito ia« •T qulry is in competent hands and It wa* ‘ . Indicated today tbat ho will not close his eyea to anything which may be ^ doveoped by t}jo committee. Vothlog hns occurred te cBaoge tho attitude Of tho American goveromeat ab stated 'I' in tho president’s message to. cod- ' gross in'December and it is not.ex- poctod that any change will bo. made pondlng.^coDclusioa of tte senate in* - vostlgatloo.- ' In a statement tonight '^aator|, icll, 'said-hp pro«med **for ftlT pTtc* tieable 'purposes, "we may ognilion of Btlsiia by tho EsgUsbBOTr ; ernment as ^ fact." **It ia a jtatesm aalike jiaSv.«o«n8>.. eous thing .tordb/>' he ' *flt' .. murks aUUi^t U ttw .(Gostlnued oa 4>

^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

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Page 1: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

t w i :V O I , 6. MO. S51. ‘

lEiiEE m m : ; - flEDUGTONOF

_ $101, OIDDfl„ ^ a y s anS , J l e a n s Com m ittee

M aK K F irs t M ajor Decision ^ o n Revenue R a tes ; Bourbons

In d iffe ren t to Com promise, 'WASHINQTON, Jan . 26 W)

— T ax reductions am ounting to $103,000,0^0-annnallf and af­fecting m ore^^aii 20 in d n ^ ttl^ -were agreed apon toda7 by 'the lionso ways and m eans 'com- m itteo in its first ‘m ajor decis­ions on the rovenno rates.

Jk ito ciiJiiiftCR, ruiK'iilliig nom-j o f llie nilscelhiiiODiis o r jiiiiHiiriL-o fiixi's inffi- tu tc d (luring tlio wnr, w ere cffecteU I-y DOii-jmriiiuiii votcx ill I'unin^lCtcc Und ineludocl sinno of lo lli

. tlic M ellon unti iJfniouruUt: ^>lnni'.Tuxeii on tlicater ii.lni's.ii'Jiis o f

con ts or under an d on b'!V<;r:ip;o.' u iT r repenJt'ii and tliv Iuvich oil Jewelry :iinl produt'c exi'liaiiRo iiiiIi'h n c r j -'lit. in lia lf. I^ovinuH ii({rcciiientH to ii-iieal th o tiLXW on teli-Krii!iiH, teh'jilirtiic nii'S- aaKCB, Ioa.ied wiren and eatnly wore ^oiiiirDivd.

'W ith ceinTnitt^v ronBideration nf ili>> inconiu ra tcn tlitiH l>n>u(;I>t nr.'in 'r, I ’riK- adi'Mt CooVkIpc afr{)<«Jc<l fO(?ay for imiiV’ purtiniin niipjiort 6f tlio Mellon bill.'il*- 3et is lie knorni th n t Iio ■itmsiiliTi'il th e pniHixTl fo r n mifrpssfiil nKri'rircnt c n JC tC -p r^ s io n * _n« ,b ri|;l itrr and that

I ]io holiovi'd Credit ta f t'ho l i i l l . 'i f --ii- a c to d , xhoiiM };o' to w hoever voti-a fr>r i t , rcgarilleBH o f ]nirty affilialion;i,

T h o dcmocratB, however, rontinui'd t b e i r ' n tU tndo of In d lffc ren ro to tlic ropuldicMi proposal for u roniproniiiie iiR reoinent'in oominUteu on the jnronie ra lca .

P arty Poace Sought I tcpiililican leaders today to

m en differciicea w ith in y ^ ie juirty on tho (Question o f w hether iiia jo rily ineiii liorA should w rite u seiiiirati.' hill or aeek n euuiproniiNO in . ooinixittet' wltl.

_ tin* dqmQfxatst. (question will U». t:ikon up l>y tiic sT ^rlnfj com m itteo lo '

morrow. Jtcprcsi'iit.itive Lon;fkvortli. Tcpalilir.an flocrr leailcr, held hia (;rouad for n uumproinlae aK>*euiiiont today do-

. 'p ile the .detnorratic a ttitu d e .'S e c re ta ry Mellon rencw'ed lii.i cor-

ToKjiondcnce'w ilh KeiiaUir Consent’, nv f.ubUQaii, Mlcli'iKnii, in defense, of his rRcomincndations for roduetionH in tlio' •iiurtiix ra tea to a niiiiiniiiin o f :!.’i pi-i vont. Tho neeretary iiRain nclced -Mr, t.}(iiiseti8 i f tliu present nurtaxeH had n o t imi>elled him lo invest largely in tiix exem pt Kueiiritieti hut did lint an- jw e r th e M iehican Meiiator’s -demand

. fthat bo disctoiio hoAi> niuch tho Moltoji I tn x ydafl would rcduco th e uocrctary ’

taxes.In itn revijtion of the iniiiropt tax rate

/ .i!ehodulo»r tho committee le ft a buluae.j •of* abou t $17,0l)0.CKKI which m ay yot J)o w it o ff In these levies.

I A n to Tax D o f^ tc d .MotiiiiiB '.^Iffore the com m ittee lo rc-

JhtjI th e tax«>s ou riUtoinobile triu-kn and* sjiaro pa rts and rcUi»<'*< those on nutyniobile pjutseiiKi'r cara rt-ro dc- fca lcd .

O iiiirm an Green o f ‘ th e eommitfc-1 jpo'iated ou l, howevtr, Ihu*. w ith 'a JiiarRin *li11 rem aiaiu j' fo r possilde fur

^COontinned ou r n g e 4, Col. 0^

l i D l S l l I l LIL L B E IE D

F o r t Hall Indians E lect Dele­g a te s T oday to T ake P a r t in C onference a t W a ^ in g to nl-O OATELU;. .Tan. '2r, C/P)—!n.liaii«

•of th o F o r t 'Hdll >rMer^-ation a re iiold- in i' nil election today to rielcct repre-

-*■" MtiiHntivcs to ftfcoiiipatiy Superin ten­dent W illiam Donner tb W n#liingtoa,

. D . 0 ., whoro confcronreii w ill bo -hel.i in nn iittem pt to netllo tho eontroveray w hich has afisen rejiardlttj; the np- ]>rainnl o f Ind ian .'landx in connection w ith the Americnn I ’alld p ro jec t

K iiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic •w gardioff a tavorab lo Bottlement of th,«

provltllnB TCttlatBatloa o ffle liii, a rc w illing to compromiflo. An npprni- u l o f ,|I8- an naro vmis .mado on lod lau

^ »;r;trinj' land aiid while i t i.<« said th a t the In d ian s huve sot no dcfiiiilu prico

. th e y ic c l th a t-th o y .iro on titled to nn inercoiw over the nppm isal rato.

O HHiBAN OABHn^T Q tT tr a J^> 'T tA Q O . CTille, J a n . 115 (yP)—The

«-alimrt recently formed by Pedro A gu irre Cerda, form erly a ttach ed to th e C hyoaa em bnuy a t W aih lag to a , w - flif^ncd la s t night. '

Tho action w os.lnkcn -to dlo>irprM ii 5l<(wt A k u a f id r i a .'f te e l m d - l a «b«oe-

l in g a noiir ^ n i s t r y .


N FAo p ■ .................



■-------------- — :— ---- ------------------------- •

Three Mummies J D iscoveried in

Rames^s Tomb\e e , ■ ’ ■ -- -

English Egyptologist t7ncovers| . Bodies Buried in 718, B. 0 .;

US Artiples of Clothing WoU Preserved i

^ LUXOR, E g j'p t, Jnn . 25 W>)-^Threo, mummies, two oxcelloutly p reserved ,. havo boon discovered by I)r. H o b e rt, Mond, th e EnBlisli KtD-ptorogist, who,

j jg duriug tho p ast wcok, has been clear- ing tha Hpncc behind tho rauiishum, or m ortuary temple, o f Ratneifes I I . in thc | region known as Sheikh Abd-lil-Ourna, to remoTo tho rubble for his extended

^ oxcavnticui o f th u . tomb o’f HamoiTe, a m in is te r - to - th c herutie k ing, Alsheiia-

;ed ton.cc Tho th ird mum m y found, ppAsibly the ,1], body o f a so ld ier killed in one of llie^

w iitt o f u n d u u t E gyp t, is iu bad stole. Tho wolt- preserved mummies ' i.ro

• r,. thoso of a goldsm ith and his wife, a ' ,„l pricstoNB o f Amonie, o f tho tw enty in fourth dynasty , 718 H.* C. Under fhe

i-al outor_ • w rhppings of tho priestcrts i-s. mummy, h e r -c lo th in g o f fintj lineii.• rc now browned by aK**' w’nn found Inil,

neatly folded upon th e ’tody., 'riiere h.> WHS a long robe,.piped w ith ” ii.-en,' wit h • (». n V-shaped opening in f r n i t nt.d holCH | inV" Yor tVio arms, /r in g ed aroun-i 'fie hem;.- Ill- thoa nn ou te r gnrm ont-w ith a hotf fo r ' I'd the head and sover.iI. frini;cd voils. At ■nt various pinia's th c ;;arnieii».K luid tj.-cii at darned.•n- As each gu rm eu t was unfolded and ’or held up to tho b r ig h t sunshine, the n:'-

tivo diggers broke out Into loud excla- ed mations, d ec la ring them- idpi-tic.il in he form nnd a rrangem en t to those woin, ise by tho F e lah in women o f today, ne Milo. Baud, a tta ch ed to tho exeav.i-

t'lon m ission a t-T h o b es o f the Frencii in stitu tion nrchneoli^uo of Cairo,''dou-

tg nod tho robes, nnd th e contention c f tlie mi diggers wns found to bo corrcct. m Around Ui’o g o ldsm ith ’s neelc woro „r four am ulets o f s te a tite and on his tl. breast, on u leaden symbol of h aw k ’s

wings outspread w ns ji fiiienco scarab, lo .' w ith hlCT0glyphlc8‘p n ln t0(l bn i t ; '}li A particu la rly fin e scarab o f black 11,1 bnnalt, pain ted w ith IlieroglyphicH of I,., yellow, was fpund on th e breast o f the

jjo lilsm ith’a w ifo. Two papyri, one in or. Jiirfec t condition j in d the o ther dnni- rtv nged,'w ero discovered w ith tho bodice, liis Tho excnvntors in Uie tqnib>of Tut- lio' nnkhnmen spen t tjiis inorjiing parlting

(Continued on P age J, Col. 3)a<| - ■ _

■ TAKING A m on FARM WAGC •’u -------------------------------------------------r r - —

.tc “ “

on A

- ..........

m i m W

:: ■th.« ^ iSk •



tow - •

>lli 'oe- ' — ; ' —


0 - L S■^TWIK T A I I S , n iA H O , ^ T D E D A

k C T I O N I ^ "

^toAL LOOMSCoolidge^ P ro m is e jy tv e ry P re ­

caution to PrjMct Public In­te re s ts ; F ind A nother Loan

b' of $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 by S inclair to Fallra! WASmNOTOK, Jan . SB W J..;'—Sim ultaneously w ith the dis- oil closure today in tho senate oil

I inquiry of another unpaid loan to form er In terior Secretary

•“«iFall, tho W hite House made >!‘i.;knbwn th a t'P re s id en t Coolidge1-Ti is preparing td tako cveiy ac- >>0| tion to p ro tec t tHe public in- »r- tc rcst and to j)unish thoae or guilty of any wrong-doing.he I Hc'fore thti sa’iu'o committeu which K. jjj, L . D ohaiy, C aU fornia oil mnKnivte, told

y i'» t* ilay he had loaned M r. R-ill jlOO,- JJ 000 on his personal note, while h e 'w a s

.secretary of th e in terior, J . W. Zevely,. personal counsel to -H u rry F. Siuelnir,

lm testified tuihu” th a t ^fr. S inclair b'ad ,,p loaned Mr. Fall i*!2.1.000 in L iberty ^^,'^bonds on u personul notn tlireu m ouths .J.J, a f te r he re tired from the cabinet.

As, tho testim ony now-Htaiidu, the Doheny loan w as mndo more than a year before 'th e ^loheny in te rests ob- ta ined tho lease o f E lk H ills, Cnlif., naval reserve, w hilo tho S iae la ir loan

j j ' was mndo n iorc^tlian a y e a r a f te r tho RlHrliiir in le rcsU roccivcd th c Ivaso o t

i’ll the Xenimt Dome, W yo.,'reserve.Ich I ■' O ablnot BouBOd.n ; : Devolopmenls in tho senate Inquiry or woro discussed to d ay by tho cnbinot., iVt A fterw ards tiio president tvas repre- cn sented o ff ic ia lly a s regard ing somo of

tho testim ony to p o in t to crlu»lnu^_nc- nd tion. Tho execu tive is re lu c tan t to be- i:'- Hove th a l nnyono hns bcOn g u ilty of la- any crim inal in te n t, b u t he feels th a t in tho evidonco a lread y adduced requires in. fo ;indation '-:uiil investigation . ,

In tho p re s id en t’s view tw o questions a- a lready nro Ind icated . One, and thc cil more im portant, hi to b r in g to ju stice III- anyone wlio has d ea lt w ith thc situa- lie tion in anj- w uy th a t is in violation of

Ui'o crim inal law s; tho o th e r is to see •ro w hother tho governm ent has suffered lis any injuxics b y tcasoif o f tfio oil re- : ’s servo loatcs. . 'lb. I f th e .lenses do not soom proiioc, ac-

t f tn 'lo o k ln g - to tm jlt'-nnnulliifoijt Will ck bo taken.of PoUow Oaxoful Course,he W ith rcspoct to possible criminol in phnses-of th c m a tte r , i t w as mndo clear m- th a t thcro w as n o .^ isposition to jum p ct. to conclusions; th u t'in v es tig a tio n s must lit- be niad.c by tho proper au tho rities to hi; see wliero niiy crim inal nction wfll lie.

(Qontiiiued o'n Pngo 4, Col. 5 ) '


^ , . l ___

e w s p a p e h i 'n - t w i n i



s| IIIIIjlEllB NE/p) N evada's E x-G overnor Says

Field Com m issioner T ried to JlJi “ Consign N ew lands P ro jec t to ryi Limbo of A bandoned T hings”Jg ______, g i SALT LA K E, .Tan. 2.' OP)-Mil«*^ g ,Caiin<in, field ciimmissioner for the Ini- jj I I'c.'iu of rc 'dam ation, came under th.- j^ 'g iin s i,f tcirnier'tJovornur E niu iett IJ.

! Hnyli" o f N ev ad a ,' In tin* governor'^J,, IfeKtiniony cdiic.Tning tlin .Newhiiuis l'^ I (.N'lvaila) pro jei't g iven before th e fa.-t

finding cciiniiiission here th is afteriuioii. |(}overmir Iloyle ehn rted tlu it I'annou |wti(i last summer m adm an iiiveotiffiition

^ ’ io f till- J.roject h a d ' ^ liis rejio rt “ to ’ ja il in ten ts and fl)iiri>o»es glil'|ly nl-

* teni]i(c'd to ennsiph fhe Newlands pro-. ^ je c t (o the limbo o f abuniinned thin^H '• ''iin oue fllj>\>aut Heuteuce.” In luuilUer

Iplai'c the governor characterized Mr. '‘“ iC annnn’s report as being .•‘garbling;

and a inisrejireBentntion o f facts whieli pniiils till' ginomiest p icture ye t ]ire-

•1 senled iif llio ]>roje'’t . ”In speaking aboul fhe am ount of

money which thc goverindiiiint has ye t !>* ehar/;i-d aga in st llio p ro ject, M r. Boylt-

<aid “ i f the non-productive expeniW-- tiires, the list o f wh^ch I have, aro

.y (Jedacted /rom fJio present net expendi- tiirei o f Ihe project, th e ap p a ren t, ulti-

jj. m ate defic it appears to lie more near- ly $'<IK1.(H)0 (hull thoHc (;iven l.y Coiii MiHMioner Cannon ( $ 1,00(1,(IW). ...

n t t h e s ita te 'fo h:Iv th a t aay judgment whieh Se '-ie tary W ork m a / make n fle r full am i coinple^- iiivesfl- gatioii in eonforniitv w ith Ihe jiolicv

. exprewc.l, is likcdy ' (o be acrcp ted Er.-icefiilly J iy the N evada penjde. I do sulimit, howev'er, fh a t Caiiaon rka>< not in terpreted the X ew lauds ^icojcet honestly nr com petoiilly to Secretary Work, nor on the other hand has ho

“ in teqirefed the depr'rtm ent of fho in- tcrior and the bureau of re^hiinatifin lo tjjo j)cople 'o f N evada, .which is un- forlijim te both from the st'andpoint-> o f

, tho departm ent o f th e in te rio r a iid ourp e o p le .V ......................................... \

P rnctically o f M r, R oylo’s testim ony ^ 'iis cotitaiaed in a le tte r read a t tho meetint: by Mr. lloy ’e. The le tte r was

“i a copy o f ono sent lo .S crretarjvH ubert Work by Mr. Iloyle aliout two m onths "go- • --V

Tn prnte.slinir; n«/>'dless and uawiKf lo expenditures M r. Hoyle sta ted ; ie. “ This p ro ject has ' failed u tte rly in

^Continued on Pngo -I, Col. -I.) ^

to' m e n d t h eHE LONG RUN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■


1PM, by tb e N ew Y ork T r ib im e /ine r —

■ _ I .



,o y cincULATiON.s


g IN MINSix Seriously Injured a

y s ■ Burns when Explosic to in Illinois; Many Ar to Is Conducted forJBoc

■JOHNSTON CITY, H i, , Jan., dead; six seriously injured and suffered burns about the head occurring hero’today.

A fter hours of faithful work

M eOM 0IT £ GIVES 1 I G«■* - • ______

i " Tw o A m erican D estroyers Join ';>i Richmdnd a s Mexican Vessel " . R eappears a t Tampicoo r TAM PICO. Ja n . OT w l- rT h o Ct reb e l gunboat ZomgOBa reappeared j •k- 'o ff th is iD O m i^. anchor-

in g o neS ilfio o f f tho m outh o f tho I ro . Pbhuco river. I t l5 Bald th a t th e ! ]i- 7csse l’ii conuu&nder advised tho (i. m A ltary au tho rities here to be pre- ir- pared for eventualities, iiii ■ Tho ' piiytaasler o f Ihe TranH-(Mnt 1-|

ncn.tal--.Oil company,' an 'Aiiiericnn* ro u - , iiy lycern, was attiicked ’ and wounded by [ >/ b an d its near here Ihis afternoon. H e; 'I - w ns robbed o f :il)O0 pesos. F ederal; ny tn .o p s sent to capUire the bandlt.i w ere | ed unsuccessful. ;

I X(«. long a f te r Hie Z aragosa 's np- a>< pearance two American destroyers ar- e t vived '\ « , the yrii'iM’r Uicliuuvml. ry ‘Tiixpai'i" was .iaketi'yvsttrV lay b y ’tho ho federals, according to reiKvrts • ro- in- ccived here.

B iB freo y Tl E f l l l C O N m i[llF. ------r - ■

Idaho Tow ns Seek Republican S ta te M eet to S elec t Dele-

1" g a te s to Cleveland SessionsnO lflE , J a n . 25 (/P)—B ids for the

^ republican s ta te convention to Boloot delrgr\tes to Ihc nntionnl pn rty con* vention a re being put fo rth by sev­e ra l Tdnho towifs, i t wns learned todny

^ from jiarty orgnnlratlo.n officers. Both Low iston und CnldwoH aro m aking a stro n g fig h t tn hnvp th o 's tn to ecn tral com m ittee select thesu to w n s 'fo r tho convention when it meets In Boiso F eb ru arj' 12.

The call fo r the tucetlng has gono out from I. II. Nnsli, .cltalrman. Ilo

I writPH Hint the meeting is considered IH the most im portant of th e commit- toe Ih ls ycnr. In nddition to solectr ing ft fllnto convention c ity tho com- m ittee w in nlso detormino bow maiiy delegates caelt county w ill Bcnd.

P a r ty lenders flfe filncing considora- ble im portanco to tho f ir s t o f tho tw o conventions to bc bold th is yoar, some tim e In Juno prior to tbo na* tionn l convetjtion in Cleveland. The- s ta to nom inating convontion w ill be held in A u g u s t

.......... ................. f , „ 1___

Science Opens Boy’s Eyea; Sees Mother \

Firat Time in.LifeRem arkable Operation Brings

Happiness in Home of Lad Blinded Since Babyhood

. 'SPOKANI-:, Jan.-2.1 For the firMt time in hin litir since sho beiilf over his cradle, Hownrd S traub,I.', looked on till' face of b is niotli- (T here today. E ver since Ihj suf- ' feroil au att:ick of in fantilo pnni- l y ::; a t tlic njjc o f 11 iiiont’i-. tho '• boy had been to tally b lin d .'

Totbiy, follpwing nn operation 'u rran j'ed for li\* the local Hotnry club. I.aiidagvs were removed nn<L Howard Kaieil a t his mother. *,J_Oh,' m other, y o u ’to so p re t ty ,” ' hb crieil and threw him self in to her arm s. . .

- Tho boy, son o f Mr. nnd Mr.-I. C.A. filr:|iib ' n f Crcston, W ash., said h is life-long nmbition hnd been to look iifjo his m other’s face.

t>iT a m p p Q t a b o a b i >.W A STirN aTO X , Jnn. 25 l5.

H ill, banker nnd farm er o f M itchcll, H. p . , has beeU' scle-.'toil b y 'PreiiltTont Coolidge as tho representntivo c f thn iiitc rio r stn tes on t'jo sh ipping benrd.

rp A E O W BA TB SBS a tu rd ay :. Cloudy; probftbly rain- ov

— snow’- ’ .

■ * • - ■ •'>

i E ^ 'U I ^ U ■ ' i a iO B n v E OEHTS

^37 MEN :: — m u DEAD m MISHAPI and Eight Others Suffer sion Occurs in Coal Shaft !^re Rescued while Search iodies of Those Entombed

— Thirty-seyon Inen are nd badly burned, while eight-others sad and body in thfi>mine d isaster

>rk on the part of volnnteer'Tescue,..^ — ♦team s to aid the organized • ' I team s of W illiamson county,

ithe la st of the injured in tbe j explosion at the E a st Side mine

II of thc Orerar Coal company * mine here had been brought to 1 ;the surface and a re being ^ given medical aid in hospitals

. here and in HerrinO in Huntlreds of men volunteered to go Mnl down into thu mine whon four John*

son C ity physicianH stepped fo rw ard • innd annouuced th e ir in ten tio n of brav* . lin g tho poiiououH gases o f tho Inner

0 jrecessos of Ihe ininn w lioro thc nien a (Were trap |ied since :i o 'c lo c k .th is iifto r- :• inoon.e I . F irtc en E scape, e F ifteen men who wero trupjieil w ith 0 thit doad nnd injured in tho mino w ere K cnrriod out by re v u e rs w ith b are ly

n stitch o f clo th ing nnd w ith s lig h t , ,i. jbu rns about tlic ir bodies, b u t except (,ii. |iH g ..fo r Uieir te rrib le cxperieaco, n o t - ,y 'o th e rw ise .liiirt. W hen tbo explosion

^occurred thoro wero 375 men i n ' t h o ,r„ i:m lno .

! Tho men near the cn trnncbs escaped ! easily b u t entries m inibcr nino, ten ,

„ j,. eleven and twelve, locn tcd in th c ‘ ,,j.. dcptlis o f tho colliery, w here tho ac tu a l

explosion took place, woro fa r th e s t from a means o f escapo and thc mon thero auffored the - fiijl- to rro r--o f- th« ti 'rrib le blast.

Smoke U am pera W ork.

T W aiting in thu ccfld o u ts id e tho piine- . sh a f l re la tives and w orkcra .were com-, p letely envelni>cd by tho .dci\*o b lnck smoke wUlcU turnod th o lr fjvcos Wa**k'

|« [ : 'n s h ich t. .Altlbnllll^c^s‘f^onl'Herrin^nnlir I n l •^'’ha*‘t ''n City were lined up ns onch l u f'i.’iire borne on a s tre tcher, wus

II I brought out o f the sm oky sh a f t by jnieatis n f nn elevator. Tho w aiting

--j- 'iT o w d H purtwd- forw ard fearfu l th n t relntive iuighi bo borne o u t to

j lg . 't h e m . . 'I The silence o f tho n ig h t wns broken

n s 'b y tho wild shrieks o f w iv es nnd m oth- ,u rs o f tho dend men. Orgnnizntion?

th e rushod hundreds of inndw iches nnd gni- sleet Ions o f h o t coffeo to tho m ine nnd dis- ' con- tribu lod i f frocly nniong tbo women BOV- and children w o rkon ..w ho havo stooil )dny vlgU since the o ip losion occurrccj.3otb I ------ ---Ift a ' ^VEBT FRAN K FO K T, IUb., J a n , 25 i tra l -A te rrific oxploalon occurred in .

tho |-tho McClintock mine opcrn ted by ths" Iciao .C rerar Clinch Coal com pany n t J o h ^ - ,

js to n 'C j ty , Ilia., iu w hich 450 m in ers ;o n o .w o tc empioyevl) a l 2;40 tl>U aftcrnooii.-

I Io jT h rc c hundred and n in e ty o f tho miu- ercd f r s operuting ou th e 250'/p<jt l^yfl w ere m it- ;n o t n ffjc tcd by th'o oxplosibn. A t tho lc c tr |tim e of tfie explosion, GO men w ere on- i'qm- tombed.- Five o f theso*w’orc brought to ally -------------------------------------------------- i----------

(Continued on Pugo 0, Col. 1)

i i l T l l T f i SEN TiNQUlBy

J G reat B rita in ’s R ecognition o f fe R ussia Will l\lot A ffect U. S .

Policy, Coolidge S ay sW A S n ix n T O X , Jn n . 25 (>P}—Bo-

sum ption by Qrcnt B rita in o f full .lip- lom atic relntinns w llh HuBBin in tho

^ opinion -of P residen t Coolidge will huve lc*< bearinj; upon tho a tt i tu d e o f tho U nited Btntqs tow ard k u ss la

' ' thn'n w ill tho invostigation of ..oviet rocoRHiiiotv now .being co n d u tttd by

, a sub-committeo of tho senate for*° ■ oign re lations comroUtee headed b y

S en a to r Borah.” ■ M r. Coolidgo bollovcs th e seu ito ia«•T qulry is in com petent han d s and I t wa*‘ . Ind icated today tb a t ho w ill not close ’ h is eyea to any th in g w hich m ay be ^ doveoped b y t}jo com m ittee . V o th lo g

hns occurred te cBaoge tho a tt i tu d e Of tho American g o v e ro m e a t ab s ta te d

'I ' in tho p residen t’s m essage t o . c o d - ' gross in 'D ecem ber and i t is n o t .e x -

poctod th a t any change w ill bo. m ade pondlng.^coDclusioa o f t t e senate in* - v o s t l g a t l o o . - '

I n a sta tem en t to n ig h t '^ a a to r |, icll, 'sa id -h p p ro « m ed **for ftlT pTtc*

tieab le 'purposes, "we m ay ognilion o f Btlsiia b y th o EsgUsbBOTr ; ernm ent as ^ f a c t . "

**It ia a jta te sm a a lik e jiaSv.«o«n8>.. eous th in g . t o r d b /> ' he ' * f l t '

.. „ m urks aU U i^t U t t w.(Gostlnued oa 4>

Page 2: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic


SfaliSfician’s Sum m ary of In -' , vestigation Indicates Lighter!- Railroad T raffic But, B e tte r ;-

\ Not R esults in 1924■\V1:LM:RI.KV n i u . g , Jnn.

sr) (Rjiroiiil tl) Tlio N'cwn).—A aiiprotno rou rt (locinlon, a rapiil iiirrcnno in I<11o rnrN niiil rnpld pricc n<Ivnnccs In ROmu rnilrond bondM <hirinK tlio Inst two wet'kH liiivn tended to rrnate much cou* ^lKion r<‘Riir<linK tho rnili'nnd nitnntion nnd tln! prolniMu forlunti of tlio indi- viduiil roada diiriti;;

fiinp.o Wo nre nil n’f/cctod .by Bomt phnup of thu raitron<l’H activ ity—rntcsi piirchnMiiii; policy, ilividciidfl nr profits —lloirer W. Hni)non'n nniilysia of tlic niluntioii ij^ o f mori> tlinn pnssliiB in- tcrpst. In (I siiminnry nf liin invoHti- Kution, i«Hiit’(i todny, tho ntfitiiiticiiin HCCN lifjlitor trijiWip, Tower rnlos b u t be tto r in't ri'iiiilts for innpy of tlie rnilrofidi. in ll»2^. j.

Bonds N o t Indopeodent “ Tlio ropimt riilltiK liy tho supremo

fo iir t.o ji tho r irnp tiiro cliiuso nf tho tr:in»|iortatlon a r t clinnRoi tlio inter- »tiil« comtucreo couimlMlon from a court o f nppcnld to n bonrd of direc-

. tor«,” nc(rordinK to J lr . Bniiflon. "T Iio iindividii:il ronds nro no lotifjor indo- " pi'ndciit uiiitM b u t jjnrtH of ono Rront transportation «yiil(;ni. 'Tho rates net by thu rommisaion nro Niipposcd to nt- low tho ronds to mako fi H-i per cont, f wUioU ro turu ia, Uowcvor, uot 'guarnn- c tcoil. I f llio figure of fi per cont Is '

\ejcct’ciled, ono-linlf tho bnlnaco rocs t o j , the cdiiiminaioii to lio iisod na n to-I

' volvinjj fund for niilinR wealior ronds; nl (1 piT cctit in toreat. A t th e .a a m o ’ timo rnnanliilntions hnvo bcL'n 1o|;nl' ■

^ir.od which clinngc the wholo napoct of tliu ruitroail situi^ion.

Norm al Buaincsa In 1024 “ I t is clonr thn t them is littlo in-

ccntivo fo r thn ntrong; romds to -mnke moro tim n fi'3-4 por c o n t..L e t hb sco (

-w hnt iH likoly to linppen.^ G e n e r a l business nctiv ity in ,102-t

to rontinuo about m iiinn l-- tho Bnhflonchnrt Bhovrn nctiv ity At C per cont nbo^’o normni—ao there will i)H no gront incrcnno in fre igh t ton- b nriRO. K occnt rnpld Increnscs in id lo ' ij enr figures would Bii((f(cxt thn t now hnve p len ty of equipment and tl rollin); fltock to handin prcsont volume, p Tliero ia certnlnly no need fo r fu rth e r 8 incrcnao nlong thcso lines. ^

V a a llw a d rftt«8, tjo th 'f r o ig t t “ and po u en g er, Bboiild so no higher and a f«w revlslana dovnw ard

m ay bo oxpect«d to tho bcoBflt o f “ thoso affec ted . Theso dorelop- m ents w ill reduco gross Income fo r tho raUreada b u t the ' loss w ill be o ffse t- to a consldnrablo ox- le n t b y th e Incroaaed 'efficlw iey. • . Tho Im proved condition resu lting ,. from expenditures in 1023 will a id th is . F o r th e p ast 28 months th e < ra ilroads have been spending a t th e ra te of a billion dollars a y ea r | ' fo r repa irs and eaulpm ent. L o st i

• m otion has been done aw ay w ith ’ j to a largo ex ten t and the ir ra tioof ,operating cost to groes In- come should be b e tte r th is year a s |^| a resu lt. j,,

“ lln v in g mndc thu bulk of these x< iiLToaaary im provem ents tho roadii w i l l , " bo relieved of n pa rt o fy ^ ia expense J in tho fu ture. I t is protUlSe th a t n o t a less thnu h a lf a billion, nor mure than 1< throo (jiinrlers o f . il bnUon will be *1 «j)oiit on Kurh work this ycnr. Prncti- oally nil tliia cxpendituro 'w ill >jo into P' repnira in rig h t of-wny, d oub lo ’trnck- ing, vxtonsiona nnd- pormanunt provenient!) rn ther than rolling slock.

Two A lternatives e“ KondB n inking-m oro thnn tho re-je:

tu rn nllowi'd w i l l j )0 induccd to <3o ono of two tilings. They will e ither ; t '

- plow the surplus back into peniinncnt ,el iifiprovoments, nuch ns be tte r tcrminul fatilU lcs, o r r\ihot\v v.-C!vW<!t Tomts, iwherever auch m erger will bc of fu-.^ i

• \u re ndvnntage. E ith e r wny tho b o n d s!_ of tho stronger roa.ls nro atrength-!*' ened. In ono c.iso actual property i s ! '’ iini>roved and 'tnngib lo security in- P cri-jised. In the other, com petitive ad-;* ' viintago nnd incrcnaed futuro earning!*' ))tiwvr ia cnined. 8\icl» developm ents'•* togother w ith tho now theory of th e j^ ' Trnn»portation A c t'n rg u o well fo r fh o [ '’ jun ior bouda o f tho sounder ronds. B ut j “ I do n o t 800 wliero c ith e r thc now rul- “ ing or i ts nntfclpntod offects w ill help rail bonds already _in' tbo highly spec- u lativo group. Tho b ankn ip t road is

b n n ^ m p t unilcT tbo new iwling. U I t 'i a thc so lvent rond in need of funds i( to finnneo eu ircn t operations and per* “ m nnent Improvemonts th a t will bo helped m ost.”

Bonds la Demand M r. Rabflon fin d s th a t recont s trength

in ra ilroad bonda is reflecting hcnvy buying by European Investors who w an t to p u t th o ir money la something

Amcrlcott fo r ^ e n lc r anfety nnd who look upon our railroadjt na an Ideal in ­vestm ent.

“ P robablo dovclopmonts during 1024,” concluded the s ta tistic ian , '.‘ in- d ieate slig h tly lower ra te s aod betto r ■orviee to th* pubflc; possibly in?aller b u t b e tte r . jk t r ib s te d profits for the -toads; and a i tro o g e r po^^ioa fo r the v u t n i j o r i t y o f i&vaftors holding i

, bonds. M________th e ru ra l te rrito ry

Page Two __________ TWI]


U. S. CITIZENSHIP -*I ' . ■■■


g. (!ouii<ohh OeunthiT vnn U eriisto rff,,Q duuglittr-iii-law of Iho form er (ieriiian

ambaTISiidiir lo tho Unitod Stnton, has ’ Hoparatetl from hor CJcrnmii buHlnnd

and has returned to Now York in nn , e ffo r t to regain her Americmi citizoii-

aliip, wllicll hIio gave U]i when she mar- >ti ricil na alien. lU-foro her niiirriiigo the n- couuteHs waa Miaa i lu rg iiro t Durtoii Is Tlioinaaaoii o f lln rling ton , N. .1.

iLENIHEFUn : BEIIGIinRKEDcuoo Countrym en of L a te L ead e r

Oppose B urial; T housands - C ontinue to P ay R espectsfiill MOSCOW, .Ian. l2,". W —Work wns " •|b eg u n witli fho n id n f dyniiniitc in lo break tho froron ground for a tem po- ■0 rn ry mnuaoloum in Bed Squnro in w hich <l|tho body o f NiknInI I>.-uine will b- e. plncod a f te r tho funeral cereiannic!* on 'r ^ n d n y . Tlio mnaaoleum will bo deep-

G la re d , onpocinlly b u ilt to presofMi u uniform tom peraturo, w ill be ligh ted by elec tric ity aad by' melins o f mir- jorA d: coiling tho eiiHkot will be viAil>!i* a t nil timex.

A gain todny tliero wns n oonliuuouH m nrrh o f poepio through Iho hoiiso of unions to view tlio body of the soviet pren'iief. I 'p to loniKlit tho num ber of tlioHi' who pnnaed through thc rliaui- ber wna placed n t almost h;ilf n m il­lion. I'ensnnts nnd workcrH m iitin ii '' to nrrivQ in tho capitnl frnm d is tnu r jw in ts to swell the long lines aw a itin g

lOntraiire to Ihc house of ituinns.Two <livorging viowpoinls liiivo np-

Ij'p-ireil c '’ii<-i'niiii(; Ihn uH ii'iale ilispo- Sitiou o f thc body of I.eiiine. T ''o

; workmen In aoveral fnctprleg havo sent a petition to the governm ent linking

jth n t tho"bod^’ shall nevei' bt' pla<-u<:,beneath the ground nnd sugg('>>tiiif;

10 a^ine nrrangem ont w hereby it wouJd iii- 11, w ays be viHible. • ^icj llenUlt CommiaBionpr Semashko Sh )t advocntiiig tom porary prosorvnl io 'i, n having in view eremntion la te r w ben a y ,0 spccial erem ntory is conslructo.l h i' i. ;jroBCuw, ns n liygienic exam ple to thiv 0 people. C rem ation ’ is trea ted by tlr?( . 'Busaian people gonerulh’ as lierctiiw i , . 'a s ia shown ■Hy^tbo‘ #lfct. th a t n o t .i cremiitioH bns pjnct> iu

, Tho liv ing cburi;h has named a d e l­egation o f pricsin tn ationd tho fiin-

e -jeral. Tho *Mo»t Hov. J)r. Tikjioii a.i- lo nounccrl todiiy th a t l.eniin’, unlike Tols- • fito l, never 'w as •.•sjiolle-l from tliv it,cl||urr!i and thiit, therefore , i t is p e r­i l mi.H.slble to hobVlierviees fo r bim.8,i “ I conaidor liltn n good, rciil C lu is- j . tian soul,” ho Biiid.Ifl! Oul of respect lo tiie widow- and fam

lily o f. 1,/enine, Dr. T ikhon .th inks i t ig lbesl noi to ].;irficipnte. in Ih.i funera l

proroasion. iiia.'miii-ti :i» ' Ihe proitiie;- j.ln i'V er '■’tjT.-sHed Mi.-h u wish. A t tli-r jjjtu iur o f Ihe funeral every t ra in t,illin .tiuho iil Uilr< ia will In- Iv.vlU-a fivr ,g |f iv o miiiuti'-*, The >;ile o f wines iin>| i^Ibcen ceased ovorywhcra in Moscow to- j t jd a y unlil a f te r tho Sundny eere-

monies. ‘ip . --------------------------e- French Lands Restored,is I'rac llra lly all laiuls In I 'ran ee of g. ’.be bolter biwc liocn r ts to rc dla io cuUlvnlloii. ‘r - I ' ' ; i—■. . , ’ I

3 Reasons■h __

, Why' IDAHO JUNK H O U SE -° pays more fo r a ll kinda of Jn n k ,>- H ides tn d F elta

T lia t: -We are th e la rg es t deal- g e r i In th e sU t* .‘‘ Second: W e ship d irec t, avoid-

<"g th e jnlddlsnuuk Third: W e can p a y yon more-

le I

‘ Iilaho Junk HousePhone 640

[ Back o f Idaho D e p t s to r s

ik a m m m m m m m m

yiN f a l l 's DAILY NEWWS,' TWIN FALLS, IP A t

EDEN. ' 7 'EDEN—M r. and Mra. Joo P rice o f f

.Icromc visited M onday / w i t h M ra.. iP r lc f ’a parents, M r . 'a n d M rs. B yron li . A vcritt. " d

I Mra. F fcd %Valkor and children o f Twin Foils w ere week-end guests o f i

' M r. nnd M ra. Seott -Slson.M r. and M ra. W . A . Thompson .and I

children o f Tw in Falls spent Sunday







;• “Lia b (

' h a i

;; . “ Y ^

p H '

c h f

' “ I ! ■ inc


:: ■ ■

, “N:: • . t h e

h o \

aw _ 'ter

'■ ' K IJI'

, - t h :ll

■ “ Y’ . . mb

,i SOIthi ho< arc

1 - ■ ' 1


■ ■ ' ' '

j l

■ H O ’, SATURDAY MORNIwith M rs. H . B. L^ons. fn

M iss 'O lad y a Boog m oto red .to T w in aii Falls S a tu rd ay aftornoon.

Eov. M r. H allowcll condncted sorv- doices a t the P re sb y ^ rla n church 8nn- ro day morning.

E . ,M. l>attersoD w as a busiuoss via- mitor in Twin FalU, 1?uo#day. ^

M rs. Jcsao- Olie'n v isited in T w in ntFnlla T u esd ay . Pi

X ir. and M rs. Qoldon D av is aro h e re ^

■ 1



Q \

s Worth Any Fa

ReadLast week,” said Dad to Ul bortt the cost of all the ne ad to buy for the'chil& en

ifou ought not to groan ab lied Uncle Bill. “A fter a! leapest thing there is.”

[J<no\V that, you old preacl ig-the money. But you se lent on the house and I was t the time.” ■

Well, what did. yo.u^o, get (

^iot a chance. I liappened i lose little' talks about want DW folks are always storing way where they>e no long in.”

riia t hits you off all righ lat.” '

Sfep;. This time I cashed in, ibwer we used to use dowi Dime furniture .and father’s ling-s. Got enough for the 3oks with .^enough left ove: round. Not so bad, eh?”

You may telephone your “Miscellaneoi

Twin Fa]“The Paper with

tiilNG, JANUAIIY 26,1924from Idaho F a lls visltfng M r. D av is ' ai

1 sisters, Giadya and Alice. inTho L ad ie s’ Civic club m et Wednea- P

• d ay ovoning a t the now Divio d o b ■ rooms. Mesdomos S hafer' and M yers

w ere hostustcs. ' T his w as tho la s t• mooting o f th e leg isla tion committee. „

Mra. J . C. K n o tt gave an in teresting I n» paper on mngiutlnca; M rs. 0 . P . Sm ith, bi

P a rliam en tary L aw ; and Mra. Sum- ’ morB,'Queationa o f, I n te re s t to Voters, '

I Money ither to I This ^Unde Bill, “I was groanir new school books I found en.”

about a thing like tha t,” r all, education is about tl

icher, and I wasn’t begrud; see, I had ju st made a pa; . as .rather short of cash rig:

it credit a t the booksetlers'

:d to read in the paper one < mt ads. This one told, aboi ngold^things—storing the nger used and soon forgo

g h t — you’re always 4 oii

in, though. I sold th a t law: wn at the other place ar r’s old banjo and a few oth ;he lot to buy all the scho ver for a pair of shoes s

. ’ Air ads for insertion uiider wus for Sale”

ills Newsth the Want A d^’

- \ ^

i - '' and Thoir Answers. The a r t com­

m ittee h as ebaxge of the programs, fo r I- Pebroary .b — :--------------------> . BEM OVAL MQTIOB.^ The firm o f Stephan & N orth ,lia»’•Irem oved from th e a n th r ie b u lld . i^ to... ffi rooms 12, 18 and 14, BOnk & Trust I, bnilding.->«dv.








lingn d l

’ re- the


rs?” '

le of bout;hem «got-


iwn-andtherhool >; all * •

ler .i.

I .


— — r r - ^ --------------------------------^ •

Page 3: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

■ I ■ , • . —

' / ^ e i u i u o l - N .- / 'S t . p w L ? te re« R € 5 > I

W A S.< iO N ^P ft& M t^^ , Jv re tlS W B T \ ' h WtAJU* t> o - VM

\ SO RfiN \ BV)N I^O M ^O P >»(C T \«H E NI Tue pmce \


r/.'' wlCjVW

l i E i r" w m i r

TO «IS STBB1• New York A nti-Saloon Leaguf

Head Says He Gave UneX' plained Fortune to Publicit; E xpert to SpendXEW YORK, Jan. 25 C<P)—Willinr

H. Anderson, dtato nupcrintendont o tlip Anti-Saloon lcn;jno, totby contin ni.'.l IiiH nnrrntlon o f tho $23,000 hi oljtiiinod from a compftrativo stratiRc in Iflie nnd 1913, nnd ndtlcd to his ro citiil thi’- nnmo of nnotlior compnrfttiv "(ratiKcr to whom lie entrusted tho ex

_ pi-nditnro of thc gift.Kvcry rnmlficntion o f tho rcmnrkn

1-le story wns-fjiven in detnil by Mi Atidcrson, who wna on' .the witncs

f - st;»n<l for the sccond dny. In dofenso o tho forRory chnrRO hoinfr heard njjains him in supremo court. Most o f th Hlory wan drnwn by tho cross-exnmiiir tio|^ of Assistant Diatrict Attorrio I’ocorn.

A person named by P r. Anderson v n^nry Mann, ns mysterious na “ Joh T. K ing," wiio, neeording to tho lenpii hi'nd's tcst^iony yesterday, mado Iiii tbe $2r<,000 gift, was tho nddod men 1'c’r of tho story'a enst. It was hi

^ Andcrjion testified, who spent tli .*21,700 the league' head eaUl Uo .tn vanced to the Icaguo in 1913-H fc “ jmblirity purposes” nnd ho spent i the witness dcclarcd, without Rivin ill return ji receipt or n voucher nn without making nn accounting of nn Itiud tn the loaguo aupcrintondent.

IntL'rest throughout tUp dtvy w: . rixcled o'li tho continued crosa-examii

ation of Mr.''Anderson,’ tho crowdc cinirt room payftig littio attention I the lo.Htimony of two character wi tii's.se.H oallod by tho defense.

Ohtircb Mon Present ^ 'roAay's crowd w .t s the-largest <

ilic hi’iiring, ami tho audience incliidi .1 large siirinicling of men in miiiistori irarli and a dozen dcnconnen.Hes of U

'• MctjindiMt ICpiscopal church, who s; ■ Wl a front bench.'

Tho defense witnesses, both clerg men, had Itrief stays on the witne

The ]U‘v. I)r. Itobort Bagne jirc><idcnt of the league from 11)09.. 11>M, told of Anderson'a cttgttgcmci nnd n<lded th.it ho hail implicit tru and faith in Mr. Anderson’s honesty.

T nder croxH-examinntion ho doni ever ■ h av ing , heard o f " K in g ” “ M ann.” as did tho Rov. Jaoies

® (’)ialmors, a P ro tcslnnt Epiacop.il mi iito r who* alao te s tified fos d ie <] fen^c. ‘ - . ^^r. Pecoril, npp.arent1y d issatisfi

witli till' w itness’ s ta tem en t o f ycati day rosjiecting hia knowledge of ,t niyslerim is “ K ing,” continued qu tioning on this subjcct.

O&vo S2000 in Goah Mr. Amier.ion iieclarcd tho lust tii

he ha<i Hct'u “ K ing” waa in tho W . * dorf-A st'iria hotel siiortly a f to i Uo :

snmcd the* o ff ir f o f Jeaguo super tendcnf. ■ They Iiad d inner togoth

Hiuil, and, “ King^’'T ( ‘89ed'-.QV^r . i^,-.;)nvel()iie which AnderflOiK Inter foil

lo contain $” ,000 In e u r r o ^ . - Th.i name “ M ann” woB\^brou(

ii\lo tUo rccord wnder conditions sli la r to llioHc un<ier which tha t '• K in g ” was made public. Peci 'asked Anderson the nnmo of tho pi

J iu i ty man “ K ing” bad introduced

Otl H it Honor.■ So Jong HB tho jvnrld Inatn there v

nlwaya oo thn t M nrcd m arried m who ewcare o itH u s honof tlin l m ailed tho le tte r he s till hna In pocket.—nichmond Tlmca-DUpatcbl

A Temporary SubitHute.Mr. I’eewee—"Oootl-bj'. dciirle.

w r i te ’ ovcr>- day." Hls \Vlf<f-7 ‘‘ fiun* you llo. And Ood bc w ith you I get back boine. Then PII Joolt-flf

Unhappln««a.. Th« w o n t k lod ,of onhapploess,

weil a f the rrea tn t amount of f eoiJiM from cor conduct to each oti

•- — I ■ — ^

. / I UOTC N O O\ T joN T t n r k R t f iM ia iN i i l / A * ’® '

o n -THE S to c k m hrk5t 1

toWEM-'tOU WERE O' . B R (« E -(----5 ----- 1 OFTERl' --- X)'Wr

li I I c b u r c b S e r v i c e sF‘j J C atholic Church.

R em l a . Kcyzer, I'aslnr. j S t. iiilw u n l’H chiircli, corner 8 ixt nvonuo and yecond s tree t ensl. Wii

I l f ' t e r Hchodule:,J y M a sses o ti.H u n d ity , H ii. n i. a n d 10:111 I ' a. ni. W i'ck dnys S p. ni.I • , Sunday evening servieo 7:.'ll».

J W eekly service n t S d'c lock a. m.

' L u th e ran Church.16X- yinoe the Rev. Mr. (Jiliring will eoi

•1. iluet services in Jerom e nex t Sunday o 11 .n. ni., A rth u r Ucyer from Clow City, will tako liis 'p lace in the loci L utheran eliiireh.

lliam Hcliool, 10 a. ni.. , Murvive, 11 u. w .

A t 7 ::iO p. m. llie Rev. Mr. (iihrin U . w ill preaelr^.tho firnt o f ii series ( ingcr O ffice-of the Keys ■

“ .’’“ ■I K im borly M ethod ist Church. •Charles rie te liu r, P asto r.

° Sunday ^HcUoiil u t 1(1 u. tU'.; ll. !T aylor, su iierintendent.

'*>»*! -Morning worship n t I I n. ni. “ ,R' ception S erv ice .”

tn css • j)evotional inceting, p. ni. so o f . The evenfJig service a t 7 :;i0, .iiibjec a tn st C hristian I.s tlic Mnn With

tbo C reed.” ■’’‘" '‘ •i Till- l iu d ie s ' A*‘l " '‘ll serve. ..I chid »rnoy en ilinner in thu basem ent of ll

chiircli cm W ednesday noon, an lift' tj,,. will nn tliiJo h n ,j;,y ],ri„g picks, uliovels and erinvbai cngiio Ti.oy w ill taek le a hard job . Tl ' slogan will be “ Dig In .”

> ho,! H ansen Com m unity OhtuelC tlio : 10 a. in., Sunday school; .1. Jt. Ilii

2 .tid' noting puperintciident.I fo r . 11 a. m.. M orning w orship.' Hcrnu n t it,'them e',- “ Who Ho You W ant In tl living Church, and Who i)o You Want ■ nnd K eep Out 7”C n n y i 7!30 i>. ni., Kvening M-orship a: it. community song !>ervice led by F;

w as Shecslcy. ScrJHon tUeHie, “ T be Bi a m in * 'fe rity o f J e s u s .” This is tho seco; iwdcd o f a. Series o f eigh t Sunday night s< Jn to inons on thu -c lia rac te r o f .lesus.

w it-1 7:30 p. in. M onday, w ill be the eli Uion of o fficers .o f tire M en’s < i

Jm u n ity club. K very man Ul years . ni'tVRo wUo wsiuts t<» Kv.iko IluHsvn, ca

'hide 1 Jiy***ty " 'o rth while i« inviteil. Hri . . fsiuidwiphcH. Coffee will be served di

!f the " 'i " '•‘’1""from sevenii imi'ort.-mt roiiiniittees.° 7;:i(J )i. ni. Tuesilav. llie Jlaiisen I»:, ine.H .Men’s nnsoci'i'ion will meetlh,.

7;;Ul tl. ni. TRiir.xI.iv, Ihe Comtniin

....................7 :n(i p. III. 1‘ridav, Charles .Calver

.luiiinr Hoosler Hoys meet fo r buoin'* . antl a th le tics.ilonjcd ^ ______ •

. F ir s t B ap tis t Church./ • W. n . Tolliver, Pastor.

• ’ Mrs. r . K. Renson, l ’iant»t. .Siinday school. <t a. m.; .C. K. 1

' wards, superin tendent.M orning worsbij. nl 11 o ’clock. 1

>;catcr* ,,.,^1,,^'^ sernniu tmiic w ill be “ Miir t*'® 7n>: O rders.”

‘1“ ®?' Voiing People.’s hour. Oil.'l.Jun iors, a g e s !) lo IL’, Mrs. I r a Wy

H U jierinteiirleiil. t tim e Intcniiediale.t. ages i:i to I.";, N ) %Vh1- Frnulc Jlougliten, su]ierinfendetil.Uo as* Seuicirs, a ll ubave these nyes,,l>ye jporin- Dean, president, gothor. Evening .p reach in g service, J : ^'or>an Bnptjsinnl service a t closc o f the ev "Roiind '" g sermon.

Tho Sundny sehool cab inet w ill ih >rought ehnrge of tlie W ednesday ' even » slmi- p rnyer Bcrviee. Tliv hour la T;30.

- __________

0 pub-

' Get Your Harney in

d m nnla l ho 'fn n t to o il and repair thenIn h is enrly ao ns to avoid tbo aaua

tchl springs ruah. Wo will oil thentp auit n t—

. $ ! - : •


^ „ FR ED FOSSof it. Op9 M lt« F ire S U tlon

1 oUier.


« « « o o ><0« M W » , B SO K E? \ r -« s m ^J«6KE- V FU>N»E\»T % ' « ^ W H K T W « COMltiCt- IW t- ' JUST • S S5 ^ SEE V1M« \^OTl.E »o\n.l> ' ^ 1 ;r 'w l 'm c u a H - r . v w w t o w N ft yiM.OUT- '<0U tJO-nCE No OUE

I ( /f l ? * ® " ' x m > t o t m . in , (J t T j ; . "W E t im e / '6 A. WAN T o MAKE J A— ^ ' 'W 't r

--'.li &

- F ir s t ChrlBtlnn Church.W. w . IbirkH, 1). 1).. Pastor,

liibh- class assctul.ly, lO a. ni.; W.------ Palrick , snperinteiiVlent.

Conimunion and Vi;»nion, 11 a. m Mibjeet, “ Tho Hig .l'\.iif Kneniies i

iixth the K ingdom ” ; morn'ing anther Win- ‘ 'C liristian , tlie Morn l)re:iks Sweeti

• O ’er T h ee” (Shellc.v), Mrs. (JeoiJf 0 :;i(j H arvey, sobtisl. . •

. \ t ihe evening lioiir Dr. Rurks w; speak by reijiiest on “ Did Jesiis liui:

I . l i is C liurrh on Peter, o r -Did I’eti and the Apostle.s Riiild Ihe ’ Chiiteh the 'Xew 'i’estaiiien t on 3 'be ir l<ord1

eon- evening nnthetn-liymn, ‘ 'C h rist ly n l K in g .”lover Jun io r m eeting, -1 p. ni.local C hrislian Kndeavor meeting. 0 ::

.. I>. TII.On W ednesdny evening th^ Women

' ' Council w ill give n rccepllon nnd par' iriiii: to tho yonng .poeple .of the church.

ys ” , F irs t Proabytorlan Church.A. Cl. IVnrson, M inister.Tiible school.

11, M orning worshij).$• S'- 4. Ju n io r CUrvstiim Endeavor H

.. eiei.v.“ .Re- Sen,ior Christian Knrleavor «

ciety.(1:30, In te rm ed ia te C hristian Kndea

or society.Ih a 7::!0, K vening worship, w ith folio

ing .l‘t«RT»nv. hick- Prelude—“ M arche,” Kngelman.' III'! Hymn.

Invocation, th a t Anthem — “ Now tlic . Evcni

bars. Shm les.” B ird.The .Scrii.tnre,

Solo—“ N a m in g tijid F.vcnini* S p ic k e r-M rs . .T. A. D ygert.

I ’raver.Ilnli, Duet—“ O D ivine Redeem er,” C,i

nod—Mr. and M rs. J . Hall. Anthem — “ Lead K indiv Light

‘ Ruck.>' Hymn,

.Solo-“ Oiit o f thc D eep,” Mark: M rs; .r. .<5. I la ll. '

I''!'.' O fferto rv— N’orlurne. FieM.Solo—“ ('ome Ye Hlessed.” Scott

i’<-oiM M l,, Kinnia .Smith, t Anihem—“ Tbo Lord Is M y Shi

h erd ,” Sm art.' I'oHtludi.— “ Avonly M arch .” Fr<<^iin. _ _

irs of F irs t Church o f C hrist Scientist.. ctti.v lt*)0 N in th Avcnup E ast.Hring -S u n d av service I I a. in.; less 1 dur- aerron, “ T ruth.” ‘[’ports Sunilay scliool. 11 a. m.es. Testimonltil m eeting on WedncsiI Rns- evening a t S o 'clock.•et a t ------------------- ----------

“ LOST HETO 8” —ISETM 'WANT1 n in ity A book filled w itn nam es for 1 it III,' heirs nnd m issing Kin from differ

p a rts o f tlie world. Clinncery Ce . o f EnalsmV Irelnnd nnd Hank of Y.

land 'unebiin ied d iv idend li.it inrbi. isincss bulletin . V lnterm itic

C lnim . Agencv, Depi. Sfi, Pittsbui Pn., C. S. A.—ndv.

Blooming jPhint*—R utte rfly orcli cnihi lillies,W arcisinis. primroses,

j,v] I 'if lo en kinils cu t flowers. Alw soniellii'ig now.' Phoii<. 1279, -Scv( treo t south. C itv Tower Gniepl^on

<. TheVtiire.U- — = ^ ^ ^ = - . . ^ - '1 j; i- - '

::: c o l d sG R I P

'■ even- Fortify tho ay»tem aftalnat Coldo. Grip s n d Influenza

ii dinve b y joltingveiling '10.

■ M B j & r ' t a o m f t v o

iBrontg 1 L \Q u im n e ilaual . <MFhem '

w hich destroy tfem u. ac t «» atoolo l a n t lv e .a n d keep tb e sjr^tem in condition to throw ofl

B aU attack* o f Gold*, Grip andInfluenza.

1110 boK b « a n th b B ltu tn re


/ T H E G U M P S — a


M tN A N D A N Dir

\F ^ r SOU t>\bf

6WT \MW«{iR t^ 'T M A t V.X 't'TLE

lE«t NOU SO ^KMC) B V U t » M'H X>(

No\D. • ' ' /^SlCRH\N6 ' . X S ---- -------------------M 'THE.:

A jfk ‘ I( too !aiticn 'THI

- t l B O B S B l S'^ S l K H O . HEI"IVeBm™ m Fc«=* z=ed- NjFgOM M ^.

O o t* ;t4 C*«e«<.a"T»n

I f p H f rI MiS SECliEC! = IND PLU G !(;tur j ' , -----------

: Ram say IVIc’Donald, -New. Laboi ' I., Head of B ritish , Parliam ent

In tends to Keep Public In: ii;3o form ed a s to Events

LO N7)O N '. J ; i i i . 2.1 (>P)— Hui.rcl a r ty n ia ry w ill b a v e n o pl;i/-e in th e dealing ,

o f G re a t R r ifn in - 's new p rem ie r . Ram s n y M a c D o n a ld , w ith fo re ig n eonii

I t r ie s .I M r. M aeD on.-ild inleiiilH llia l th e piil> [lie s liall b e in fo rm e d o f fo re ig n nego It ia l ions w h e n e v e r Ihe e irc u m sta n ee i

S « - jw a r r a a i . H e ;llso h a s d e c i.trd Ih .i | l l i e IliscuKsion w i th in th e caliin<-t shal

<‘'» - jn o t b e k e p t “ <lruin tig h t .” a s it i tc ln im e d in so m e t[ u a r le r s w as th e eas

‘'“ '■ 'l in th e R a ldw in -C 'n r/.on adn iin i.» tra lion ] b u t t iu l t th e n o w sp :ip e rs sh a ll he g iv e

low . n co m m u n iq u e w f te r ench sessio n , sum m a riz ii ig th e Kiib.teels iliscuKsed o r d« e is io iis 'f iT keii.

In c o n v e r s a t io n w ith n o w spaperm e to d a y , M r. M n e n o n :iId sa id h e a lw ay

' 'ii 'K w o u ld b c g in d t o rc c c iv e thom w lie im b lic in te r e s t* dem iin d o d o r tim e jwi in it ti 'd . T h e p r e n i i e r 's jwiliey o f ni

"H i” • |u a in l in g tb e p u b lic w ith w b a t lli g o v o rn m e n t w n s d o in g w as iiii[iarci

• to d n y a t th e p r e s s b u re a u o f the . fo re ig o f f ic e w h ere il w a s in d ic a te.|_ t h a t ,\l M :n’D ona |ii m ig h t a rn in g e * ^ C r rcceiv

'>>‘ . ” ; t h e n e w sp a p e r m en periodicaU .v. Ih [sam e afl is d o n e b y Ihe prc .iideu t ' »i ! l b e I 'n i t e d S l a t e s . - I n U jis re sp e t M r, M a cD o n a ld w o u ld 'r e y iv o th o w;i

' t im e p rn c t je e o f D a v id I J o y d (b 'o rg i‘.

„ i i _ . W tvtittt N o w a p a p o r S u p p o r t.

T h e p re m ie r is r<'!.re-.entc,i a s Vein jhcp - Ifinxious a t th e e o n im ejiae m e n t o f h is iii

m lu l s ln i t i o u t« h a v e " th e su jip u rl an 'rdfil., goo d w ill o f th e n o w sp a |ie r» a s we

. la s o f th o p u b lic - T h o o ld p ress bure:i tt. - I s t i i f f a t th e f o re ig n o f f ic o w ill b c r

'. la iiie d b o c i n ^ o f tb o e x p e r ien c e j I th e p e rso n n e l n n d i t s kn.iwle<lgi- . I l 'e iid in g goven iM ie iit m a tte r s ; lu it M iM a cD n iiu id prcil>:ili!v w ill nd.^ to i t oi

f sd a y [ ______


IPO\s ■ i th)k

f IDAHO AUTI9 Phono 2 1 6

■ ■ ____________

* '

&\bW''T ME re» \ VitVEft \ / UKE ^ VIC

\ *T00tC MS 'HOM Wtk.\JENE. U K E fc. \ 'XMft'f AvCHE:

\ \M toHCWUN& ) Ml

X>0 0 ^ MOU XJlTtN'T /I t S 6 . ^ b E S r ^

SSM?A,'TWS-I'MHE."HtNt> OP A 6UM / VJtVT WE? wt. s,c,„ '

\ ) « « !■ '« > m

' j

' . Duchess Who Barred Passage of Kaiser’s

. Troops Is SummonedMember of Former EeiRnine

House of Luxemburg Dies T y Put Car in Path of Army

J i M f N IC U , lU v n r ia , J n n . 25 Opi . -P iiriiie r G ra n d D uclicsa M n rio o f L nxein iio u rg d ie d T h u rsd n y in H o p .

i b o r ' ‘iibn rg e a s lle lit L o n g g riea , B a . p » ' v a r ia . .S!n> Was th o re ig n in g

Ib iclicss o f L u x em b u rg a t th o out* I f j - b rea k o f Ihu w n r and- w h en th o

C .erm uns dem iindejl pns.iagc o f th o l r armic.-* Iliro iigh l.u x e m b u rg , on th e w ay lo a t ta c k I-Vancc, th o g r a n d

‘Pl’*' iln ch ess d em u rred nnd in w a y of ;i fo rm al p ro te s t d rew h e r m o to r

e a r a c ro ss ih o s t r e e t th ro u g h w hich Iho (ie rm n n co lu m n s w oro a i io u lV o pnna.

pul)- . ...... . ■ ,lego- .... .............. • 'inees o r tw o m en from Ihc r a n k s o f laho Ih .if ' ’ll, nceoiiiit o f lb i; ir specia l faniiViaril; sh a ll w i th th e j i a r ty 's poiie.v. it IH T o g e t ‘b e t te r a c t)u a in ted w itb t!i c a s ’ f o re ig n re iiri 'sc n tiitiv e s accred it< 'd t

ilio n , ( t i r e a t l l r i t a in , .\lr . .M ncDonald thi ;iv e - i a l 'te r iio o u h e ld an <i:‘fii-ial reri'i> lion ,{i a n m - ' th e fo re ig n o ffic e fo r th e d ip li)iiia ti r ,lo- c o rp s . M ost o f Ihc iiiiibassa< lors“ At

e lu d in g F ra n k H. K’cllngg, th e Airfcr rm cn ••an rep res< -iila live, ne v er h a d m e t th

w h en E om ovo H a rr ie rs . ...I*<’r . O ne o f th e f ir s t a c is o f th c M;n

f nc- D on :iii | g o v c r ..... cn l li;is b e e n th e d'. th e ciH iou to ''r c m o v e th " b a r r ie r s erect< a r c n t to p r o te c t D p w n in * f ;tree t. w h e re II r e ig n o f f i c ia l hom e o f th e p re m i.'r is si(i

a t e d , d u r in g th e u n e m p lo y ed dem ni ■ceive N lra tio n i w h ich occurrtiTl u n d e r t h o c I till" i i l i l id i i gove rn iiK 'n t.U '**f P re m ie r M ncD onald lias <lecid ''d tli:

',L o n l 1’a rn iin ^ . lo rd p.e .sideiit o f tl I w a r c o u n c il sh a ll he Ih e H rilisli d e le g a te i '‘I'"- Ih e eo iincil o f Ihe Iciigne o f n a tio l

in Hue.cessi>,n to V ls c iu u l (?eej1 o f Chc

b e in g ■is ml- -------------------------------------- --

^ E Krill '


UTO & SUPPLY CB.Twin Palls, Idaho •


ottring&Dw f.o.bTToTeaa


- M o o VNIERE 6 R 0 » .u m c ■ j •VlOOHOEfe «rtOHECRUt. . •

I t 'TH E OT' A. H E A R t '

V O n u MOV)«.- H o u r e n e s vuerc ^S^>JET . . . .

HOM «JE«E T U E ........ — ? ■-

B U "III 1 1 .

^ ^■’8

led — —nog ' 'gOjWme

^ J

m d , ^ /

oro __ ■" '• •

labor . yrynrity j ^ ? ] •

I the t.i

.III ,{it H e r^ e comesmatie . ,

*x'i: in'the 3oort the

' now—M ^

e de.

r ” . C u s t o m e r . . f o r 2 p a i r o f w a r m

.o 'eo- w o o l e n h p s ^ — h e ’l l

I that f n d t h e m h e r e —

a t S Q c ' t o 8 5 c p a i r .ations

Certain y o u n g = man for a white

I e 0 11 a r attached shirt-?3.25.

Office man—for a slip on sweater —

' we’ll see more of “ his friends from

the s a m e office tomorrow — ?3,75

^ to?8.7#:

.Travelings m a n who has m a d e

*• more than 30 eit- . ies in 30 days —

, “Yes, these muff- .. ■ lers are the nicest

-“■r“h a v e seen"—. ?2.50.

Every minute — playing a' differ-

__ ent role and roll-ing up new eus- tp'-tner.s:.,because

we have the good|[_

I liilainr Dept. StoreItn’t

bring It bMk**

1924. Page Three'

Page 4: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic



• t

T w i n F a l l s L o s e s T e l e g r a p h i c ]T o u r n a m e n t B e f o r e ) L a r g e s t ■C r o w d o f S e a s o n ; L i n v i l l e \H i g h I V I a n w i t h 6 0 5 T o t a l '

I ’luvinc lirfo rr !l criiwil tliill luirki'il ‘tli(‘ l.l.virh.TS aiiil^filtf.l tin- , ]

(iIli'.v.H ttt 111.' Twiu FiiliF ,bdw liiiK IciiKiio r« '|iri’sc'Mtaliv<'S took n j (

ill till- t.'!ri:r;il> lilc • 'I .la t io R . l ls IV iili.y cv .'n liiK by fivi- ’

. i.ins.- ;T lio firn l tu-o fiiiiM-s w .-»t lo T w ill I

V i.lU nn .l in tin ' lu st co iili-st :i K cncral , «i]itiii]> otl llio iiu rl <if IIk- local lunvlrrn p ivK tlio l.la lio F a lU a rlU ti i a Icii.l j l l i a t noHoii o u t t l . . '■ lo ti il in llio ir favo : , liv f iv o i.iiiH, III.' Io ta ! p in B.-.troH l.ciimj ‘JHWI f . . r : lV i l i F a lls fo r I.liiU.. .PaliK.

H a.l th o K-iiiK' l .- . 'n i i l a y c j tin.l.T t.i- , rill.'-, in fn ri’C in tlio lo.-al I r i p u - t l i - ' i r l T w in FnllH I .o w I.th v o n lil h a v .' won H i . '. to«rii: .n io iit Imt a ].r.‘vlotm nrriiuK*’" " ’" '

■\vji^,.iunilo |)rov iiliii tr th a t. tb<' lol-il pin:- X . fllii.nia 1.0 a<'.M'i.t.'.l 111 .lofl.liiiK llu! I ro v ir to r v . I t<>'

I .iiiv illo o f T w in F a l ls wan tlio l ii i i i ; ;i in:in o f tl io to iin iiim o n t w itli a to lu l t)i o f r.nn j>lns -ill tl.o anc-lior j'onition to J'or flu- T w in Fa!l« Jiin finui«liors. f in fo. V.-I1S oloso ly fo llow p.l by T inipsnii, t l i” fo lilal'io FnllH cm l niiui w liii bol.l ii riDI! w< to ta l iin.il noso.l o u t l . in v i llo liy ono pin w i

. on tlm i'nilivlcliial k .tuich nrtk inK 2.14 to j i.n tlic 233 H.'oro rcRlH tcro.l b y tlic T w in ’ th Piilld nco. Ih y

T lip . pim cH w oro f a r «iii>crior to tin* j ty iiNiiiil (lijijiljiy in Iho Ichkuc niul t4.<i p\, r ro w d w;m ko)>t iu a ^ fc v c r i s l t interi-Kt I j.'i o v e r th o ro tn rn u frn m M aho Fullii, 1 m nilo cvo rj- fiv o f ra m e s l.y to1(‘j;rf»m.

T h o f i r s t R i i i i K N ^ v a s n v i c t o r y f o r T w i n F a l l d I t v m i p > < o r b o w l i i i K . l l ' O l o r n l I m w l r r f l ' t o t l i l l n K W O t o 9 H f n r J l t h o j p n i l n i R n . I n t h c a c c o n t l r o u m l t l i c I d i i l i o F i i I I h h o w l c r n s h o w p i l i m p r o v o - i n p n l , w h l l o I h c T w i n F h I I h m e n f « l l T l : d o w n i n C u b i t ' h l i o w l i n t r , b u t a l i l l m n n - h i | n R o d l o n q i i o c r . o o n l o n f h o r i f j h t * i i 1 p o f t l i ' t h e B o o r o w t h a " i x - p i n l o r n l , t h c n c o r e t h b o i i i t r . T w i n F a l l s M i i l i o F i i ! l « , 0 3 i : . u n I f W U B I n f J l o ' T n i t D i n t - f h c T w i n g o F a l l . H I m w l o r n l o s t . C o n n y p r r n m n n t l g v n ( . l u m p o n t h e i m r t s o f L n r n c n , C u b i t j f n n n . l T o w a ^ j n l l I n b I . w h e n c o m p n r c d w i l h t l i o ' f l a w l c i T S ^ c n m w j j r k o f t h o l i h h o j g | F j i l l s N q n n d . w h o c o j i ] t < ' d t h n l a « t C f t t n J n n d t h o t o u r n f i n i o i i l b y n O W - f l i n n c o n j .

Tho Seoro.,I d a lio F ill!* -- . T otlll.T n lb o tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I f M I I H — .’t H ?l4fi\T.\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I S D 1ft- i n ; ^ r m j ,,Kcii.lall ............ -2n-: 171 I f i f i - . ' i n . ,N o r t o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 1 . 2 : 2 1 1 7 1 — • * ' ' ' ' ' | A tTiiui'N on .................. i : n ISO 23-1— r.‘‘3 I

.1 \ (U t fi32 r iW - C M '! ^ '-, ’T ; r ; . r FallH— T o ta l, i

I,:,rM-n ................... IP l 210 K’.&— 5'i‘J ^H a i l . ' v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l < n l - i S 2 2 1 —

• C u b it ......................^ 2 < v r ’ l . '4 ir.-l— .'iOSjT . i w a n . . . . . 2 0 7 1 S 2 1 « - 5 ' ; 2 l S tLinvil_U'„................... Ifi? COI 233— GO'. I

O I C 0 3 S 0 1 0 — 2 B U ' )I d a l i . i F a l l s ....... . . - . v o r a n o . \H7. ' K)T w i n , E ; i ) l » t e a m ' a v o r a i j i ' . 1 R « 2 - 3 .

I D A H O V A N D A L S ' W I N I N , ,E X T R A P E R I O D C O N T E S T f t ;__ tl

fita te UniTO nlty Q alnU t Takes 21 to 10 Seoro from W aahlngton S ta te Oolloge In F irs t Qf X w ^ o m o S«ile8

i i o s c o w , Jan . C.T l/P)—lilnho Van-dills won • an ox tra-perio il. biiHkctlinU .1)

-Kamo hero .toiiit;bt front \ViiHliiiij;ton tr81.110 collcKO, takinR thu 'first of n two- f(LRnmo aeries by ii 2 t-to-ll> Kcore, a fto r <ii ^ IT-to-17 tio a t th e end of the rcKularja: period hnd iK'CCS5italt.-J e*tra tiiac.

H E Y D L E R C A L L S l l E E T I N G i |

* P re s id w t of K a tlo aa l Baseball Leagao la s n a Saaunons to M id-W int«i Sw - slons to Bo E f l l l Feb rno r? 12 ^

N EW YOKK, Ja n . 2 H OP)—President John A. H eydler todny ii-Bued a cnll ti.'r

. t h e N ntlonjir lengno'fl mW-wintcr Ihect- lng . here-on F eb ruary 12. • *

.......... T latifichtion bf thc 1024 >iehcilnle,dc- ttnil* of -wh^h' a lready hnvo been work- * D<1 o u t in jo in t cohferonco with tlio * Amoricun I c n ^ o , nnd n report on pinna 1

^for tho N a tio n a l’lcaguo 's fiftie th nnnl- vcrso iy jubllo .0 In 1025, nro amonR w at- 1 ic rs to como boforo tho mngantes. '


Gcno S a rau D , A m erican jirofcsaioniil go lf chwnpion, wns t h r victor by thrco

. up In th e f ir s t h a lf o£ hls 72 holo matcB w ith A rth u r f l. Uavcrs, holder of tho B ritish 'o p e n title , p la jed todny on th e L ake M erced G olf nnd Country t ia fa Iln k j. .

U T A H H IG H St^HOOI. OABJES.' Ifc-D. 8 . W o lt b lah 24.B p rlc i^ n ie 17, P rovo 16.QTAAtnna 2C, Toole 22.

P a y w n 25, NepW 8f t' ; ■Wa*rt4H-38„l*hL S i r : . ,

S a l t 1 1 ^ 87, d r r i l t e 84. . -

Tage ~ oar . T w Ii

► r t i n g j j e r s ^ ^Shelby Is Again in

the Race for Bout; $500,000 Is Offer

Little' ' M ontana Boom Town ^ Again Biscs from Obscnrity;

. “They’re Oame’ — Rickard

N H W 'V O U K . .Ian . i;.'. .to w n , w h rr t ' th o D i'iiijixoy-d i!.' on^ lio i iv v \ 'o ii;h l (•li:ni.]iion'‘liii> tiK lit .IM v -I. lo l't a lr : .i l ol' f iiu .m -ia l( lim js tir . ha-i a rit .o j. a jja ju ffom nb- fhH curity lo o f f e r /•.'ini.ir.Ki to r th<’ wl

vcrn io ii <if ;h e I>omp!<.-v-(lib- ,, lioni, f..„ .l. ' •

T rx Ifi .-!u in l. w h o v la n » to f la jfotill ' rotu 'rii l i t i o f;;;l it h o re d u r in jf ‘■lith o f i r s t 'w o . . | t ill .Inn .', .iiii.ouii-’ .'il ro

' lo .la v ho h a .l le e e iv e .l t<ii.-h a n foo f f e r 0.1 b o b a l f ..f tl io .Shelby w

I C h a m b e r u f C o n im e r .e f . t r a l .o n t th. th e re ni':;'t .In ly I. T h .' i .ro m o t.T fli

ba»li-n.-.l to a .lil. h i.w ev .-r, th a t h.) loili.l n n t v i. 'w Horioiisly th e o f fe r , t)i w h ieh in :<<21ll).<l<n) iti I'X.'eKH o f , I I I . 'f ''i a r a n l . 'o m a d o |i .-n ii)se y ' a v e a r wu p . a n d w h ioh th - M o n ta n a m.-n mfa ile .l to m e o t u l 'le r a f in n iie ia l o lH trujrub ' t h a t oelijiHe.l in i i i te n s i ly toth e r in « b n t t l o i t invo lvo .l. tfj,

• 'S h e l b y , ’ ' e o m m eiile d K ie k a rd ,“ is Kn"ii'i an y w ay .” tl

F I L E R T E A M B E A T S B U H LI --------- . T

FIMCH, .Inn. 2ri (Spoeiiil to TlioN’.'w s)—F ilo r 'i bnnkcthnll hopcH ro* nieoive.l II boost when tho boyH’. toam c

] took, tho j}uhl_iif|und To n dcfont w ith j.j; a score of 28.1-1 nml ,th o girls b ea t n

thc< m ueh'tnntod Huhl sex te t in nn In-toresti;ig jjamo Tlio b o y s ' (jnmc wns k|featu red by tho lonR shots of M ullln j,fn r Huhl nnd tho jjenuTul 'all-nrourid wwork 'i)f A dkins n t eontor fo r F ile r, Ew ith HiilendUl nupport b y Lovo and b

I Lapp. T h o ^ n n io wns also niarkod b y p.’ tho frciiucney tlin t fouls wore called ,-iI by Huddloson,- w ho officiated. Twon- wity-.-ich t were callcd during tbc gnmo, iil

p u tting two from Buhl nnd one from ni I F iler from tho floor. A ro turn gameI is Hi'hcduled on tho Biihl floor on Fob* mninry 8. y.

■ ■ ' ni

J U N I O R S P L A Y T I E G A M E- ■ ---------- --------------------------- T

H O L L IS T E H ,/Ja n . 25 (Bpcclal toT hc N ew s)— Coach Anderaon'B ju n io r ij; hii^i school team o f Tw in F alls m otthe H ollister h ig h school qu in tet om j,th e locnl ..^l««r n t 0:30 th is evoning ]]und plnyod tho local hoopstors to a tie bigame which oodod S4 to 24. In an nigvorlltno period H ollister won b y a 8:

j frco throw. - ^ ‘" * • ' ' u

I BR EA KS HIG H JU M P MARKr’Hlf.'AGO, .Tnn. 25 C «— Harold' Os-

borne, nf thu IlliiiolH A thletic elub, tn-[n igh t broke th c w o rld ’s record fo r an -p

indoor high jum p when ho w ent' over j- th c bar n t six fee t, f iv e and 15-lC inclics a t thc Bovcnlh' nnnuul n iino is

I A th letic club inv ita tio n indoor trnck j-jj moct here. Tho old rerord w’«9 six fee t, j,l f l^ _ f i) iJ onc-fourtli Indies. ri

' ! ---------------------------. • " 1,

i ; B A S K E T B A L L R E S U L T S ; ;•I • --------- - . Iij A t Moscow— IdaliO Ul, W ushingty j ' 'ilS tn to 10.' ■ ' ■ 'i; | A t flixit U k o -^ rig b ftJ iT Youhjt *'

vcrRity ;is, U iilvorsily of Ulah ‘:4. ^) A t Senltlo— U niversity o t W iishint;. ^

loti 27, Oregon Aggies L’O. '

0U B 8 TO PZBATB8. "Cin'OAOO, Jn n . 2.'. (/P)—The tw enty-

n in th cxhib itinn^duto was added to th'o 1'r |f ih ie a g o (^ubs' itjncrn ry tonight w ith ' ”

tho scheduling of a gam e w ith thc * 0 I'itU burgh N utional* a t I.os Angeles « .Mnrch 31, ' , '• ----------------- ----------

TROOPS O N MOVE. :I- M ANILA; .Inn. 2.". o«P>-One bun- \I t 'd re .l coiistftbiilary ttooi's left M anila :II today on tho coast guard cu tti'r I ’olillu "* )- fo r Surigao. fo reinfore .' a ron tingcn : , ir o f coiistStiulary troops which has beenir a ltem ptiiig lo ilisperse religions fana t- J

in tha l region. ,

G ' I D A H O p r u n e , g r o v v e r s A D O P T M A R K E T P O U C Y

• Olost O d-oporatloa a n i PooBnfe o f Cropt t i D lstribuU on by ;,M»®di(tlon P av - ored a t Boiso Meetlii<

• t- UOl.SK, Jn n . 25 O P)-^loso coopem:,• tl.m whereby members would pool thc l- lo- erop for diH tribution by tho nssocln- k- tion WHS n.iopled us 'h e |>olicy fo r 102-1 liQ b j' tho ad journed m eeting todny o f t h e I,, Idaho P rune G row ers’ nssoeintioa. : ut. Temporary high priecs,* s.iys tho 'r«-

port, brings no n.lvnntugu to th e grow cr. Tho associntion should n d o p t 'n policy o f doveloping new m arkets, pur- ticu larly in v iow of thc now orchards coming in to .ltca rin g , says tho re|>ort.

„i1 D irectors f o r 'th o enstiing yenr w ere ■(.Q clectcd a s follow s:

A d a ’county— l.«ife Boone, Clinrles Icr Cfiirns. T. A. Johnson, J . H. McBior- ,jy ny, l-'rnnk M nrtin , Oiistnv Krooger, V. try P. Gnvin and A rch A nn lnghnm ., '

■ Canyon county—Thomas T a rr, J . J . Allison, Qoorgo M ycra, J . P. G ray an.l A. A- S teel.

Gem c o u n t j - J - .R . F ield , W. 8. W hit- • fell nnd W. C. Stoni*.

P ay e lto an d WaaHnigton countica— J . A.. S hearer,. A . 'V. f t ra u s s , Miehftcl H arris, D uvid jo nesjirtid 0 . W. Raiidlo-

■ IV “

riM FA LL8 bA lL Y NEW,

H E L rco p s" 17 T 1 1 * -

FfiOl METEORSL o c a l H i g h ' S c h o o l B a s k e t b a l l

S q u a d M e e t s F i r s t D e f e a t ;

G i r l s T a k e P r e l i m i n a r y C o n r

t e s t b y S c o r e o f 3 1 t o 1 0

Tw in I \ i l l ^ l l . ivimherly 17, tells fho sto ry o f the party F riday evening wben Ihe Mefecirs were en'lertalned in lhe Kimb.Tly 7,'vai w ith siibdtiod ligh ts. •n.'verythinn. .Twin Fali:i chang.'d her Hlyb- ..f ' i-lay from .tho inugliHhod method of bask .'tball, w ith football feii.lenei.'i., to a passing game , w ith a l ig h t’ team, nn.l awoke fo find tli.-iii<.elves {ilaying Into’ tho hands of f fho K im berly tossors, who prom ptly- took lbe learl.iii th'.- g:iia.‘ v.-hielrnpf'Hcd. ...........r s ’ firM .lef.-at.

Ah a m :itter o f fact, Ihe blno nn.l w hite team, enmposed largely o f green ^ nintorial, lost to ilio Huperlnr teuiiiwork „ o f tb e ICImberly ^liwlioys. who seemed „ to bo p lay ing iinder thc lucky sign ,

ifhroughoiit the melee. ,As a prelim 'inary fo Ihd mnln show,

th .' blue ati'.l w liifr girls thoroughly whlf(Mvaslied the red ban.lannaod Kim- ' b i'rly fliij'iiers by a si-ore o f .Tl-lO in

■ fuvor of tho Twin Fnlls co-o._l«. T h r Tw in Falls lineup was Komowhat chnng-

’ ed, w itlrM arg a re t Rrilley rhnnging pn-• sifittns w ith Uiith M eCraeken, nn.l F^o ,' Conic hik ing Miss CampbcH’s placi* ':i-‘ I'lde eeiiter, where hhe wns In ter ro,• lioved by tho form er plnycr. ___

The f’ir^ t h a lf was m arked by the J splendid fenmwork between Hazel I JenkiMH and iffflV MeCraekpn, coupleil I w ith thc perfect gttnrding, provided by . E d ith Taylor nnd Norma Ijcnr fo r th e j i blno nnd w hito plnycrs. Tn tho seeond ,■ period th e work o f M nrgarot Scillcy , I cooperation was w orthy of m ention, a.n j• wns tho splendid, .'iltliough ohc-sided, , , n t lo m p f .o r^ r i im a .Hutbrink, cap tain j I nnd s te lla r plnycr fo r K imberly.I The h o y s ' gnmo stnrted w ith n still ,- now qu in te t fac ing K im berly ’s "four- ^

yonr team. The locals p resented Rosa jnnd M nrtin in the forwnrd posilions, .

■ .lenkins a l C.-nter nnd Cole nnd nies>« j ' a t guards. G etting off ou th e wrong foot j

Tw in F a lls m ade t ry n fte r tr y fo. sroio ' in th e f i r s t ha lf w ith ^ nn iincanny ’ dlBnbility to find thc basket, th e ir sin-• glo Bcoro cominf^ whon Btowc foulc.l j .Tonkins nnd “ Sw ede’ ’ looped th e gonl, j ’ However, In fho f irs t h a lf tho Klni-I bcrly team ' were fa r from h c ln ^ nslccp j ' nnd although superior guard ing kep t ‘ Stow e from scoring Sovcrnneo an.l, .

'Y cnver broke through nt. th rco times j fo r fa ta l counts. :

Twin •Fnlls showed b u t littlo o f the ir neeustome.l flashy tyjM- of play and in fhe socniid h n lf the ho.ivyweights' , s ta rted th e ir entrance when Swim slarJ- ed for M artin in the guard position. | The fore pa rt o f the h a lf resulted i’l , K im berly annexing four more poiuU

' whoreupon <i o n s a lta tio n . wns ma.b- , ' by^T w iiP iF a lls an-l Timm replaced

Diass. .Rignals worked on tho ne. *. j > p lay und Jenk ins sro rc l Twin F a lls ’

f ir s t basket. The .-.nvbnys'were not to be nul.lone, hor.ovcr, nnd retnliatod w ith two woTO. And N 'avin rcplnced Rosa and .Tenkins riin«nged to garnol-

four mon' flulnis on free throw* and 11 field gnai. l?\-an* ngnin replacod his

. h irw ar.l position Svi»h■^^nrtin nnd Gar- r i ty for Timm, t h e tw in P a lls team

. f ina lly got in nctioS .during 4ho last fivo m inutes o f the game nnd both Jei.- k in s .a n d M artin looped tho bnll. b u t th,- n item p t wns liiade too la to lo save th '

. gnm e in th e semi-dark g>'m which was „ p a c k e d 'to the lim it, w ith Tw in F u lb I,- mill K im berlv 'supporfcrs. who were en.

tertn ined by .the j>ep baii-1 o f Twin Falls d iin a g Iho intermissions.

B oys ' Oame Tw in F a lls (in— B. F . P. To.M.-irlln, T f„ If .............1 0 0 2Hosn, I f . ......................„ 0 0 0 0

‘ Nnvin, If .............. ..........0 0 0 0J . 'n k ln s , c . ; . r f .....u.v ..n' | ' 1 1 7

. Cole, rg., c. .................0 0 0 'OTimm, rR.........................0 0 0 0

. O arrity , rg. ....--------- 0 0 0 0' TH,.,.. Ik., tb..................p 0 1 0

Swim; Ig. ....................0 2 1 2

4 3 3 11Y K im berly ( 1 7 ) -

. Stowe, r f ............— ;-2 1 1 5W c.ivcr, If. __,—.3 . 0 0 flAdJuns, c. . ...............0 0 0 0Wood. r«. .................... 0 0 1 09t>vor.mAr-, Ig................ 3, 0 2 *‘ 0

------- 8, 4 ITITiYorcc: W ilson, Albion.

a- ___________■ —


R A M E S E S ’ T O M B■«- ^ -

(O ontl'iaed from P ag e One^

,r- in cases In tho antocham bcr o f tho tomb d# tho tw o largo doora o f tho second ahrlnc

w hich wero unhinged T liursJay nud irc tho sldo piecea and cornice^ of th is

shTlno. Tho work in th e tom b has now les progressed sufflc lon tly to m ake poss* or- Iblo th'o oponlng o f ’th e doots oC thc r . th ird a a d fo n rth esskots and again -tho■ Barcopha^ can^e Been. •.,/ ■ • J . ^ ^ ^ — ri—

n.t TJHLS H E L D FO B K U B D E E .K ANSAS CITY, llo :, Jn n . 25 OPy-

ilt. W. 8. M cClintoek, o f K ansas C ity, at- td fnoy fo r ’ 5 r . K enn B. Uhls, declared

a— la to ton ig h t th n t'M s"c lie n t hiid boen IK*! a rrested In conaoetlon w ith tho .m urdei Iln- o f W illiam E . Q lb ^ , w ealthy Iln.tchlrt;

• SOD, K ansas, reehitei' ' “ - ■“ -


y. A t the Idaho.

T o m M o o r e , E d i t h R o b e r t s a n d R i P a i a m o u n t P i c t u r e ' B i 9 , B r Q ; ^ e r

M I L E S . C A N N O N U N D E R C F I R E A T U T A H H E A R I N G

(C ontinued from I ’ngo One)

securing what was orig inally ealriilutv.l 11on UK its g roa t i;ourco o f iucxpensiv.,' ctitorage. I t w as forecd, becuUBO it hn.l mno storago forr-olhor lun.Is lo open Ii>r 1>Nolfloiiioat, ihS* itn bitit lands, but ti IhoHo biosl costly t<i jireparc i(nd uii.Htro frae to ry in o h a ra c to r .'’ • tl

M r. Boyle rta to d th a t -on tho t.Nowlonda p ro jec t a s ■well as on um any o th e r p ro jec ts , thoro tn ovory gl ovidcnco poin ting to Bertons over-catlmivtioa o f .tho ab ility o f tbo t,se tt lo r to c rca to w ea lth "by his own ,] la lw r o t a ra to su ffic ien t to perm it

_ h im to llvo a .i.an Am orlcan c ltiren |BhoiUd Uto during tho pioneering ),period and a t th e samo tim e koop i u p his, ob ligations to the covom- m ent.Thi' f irs t deep sense o f griovaiire „

felt ill Nevada-<'.iJiie with the di.selns- * n re o f tho c<intonts, n f C annon’s firnt mcmorundumf nccording 'to GovernorRoylc. (^itinon’s n^eiiiornndum was uu- x der tho .b ite -o f . ^ i p i s t 11, and con-tn inod : ' - “

“ Tho Ncwlunds project, i t ' wouldseem to nie, contains ,alL.t.I|C problem.', j o f-m o d e rn irrig a tio n an .l then Kome’ heretofore unoiicountorcd. This is a good, placo for a jtrojccL Thc onlyth in g s which ap jicar to bo lacking arV .soil, w ater nnd people. Thc clim ate 5secma to bo all r ig h t.” “

U nproducU ve E xpenditures. f. G ovornor_B oyl« alu istficd w hat he-

term ed “ u n p ro d u c th ^ ^ x p cu d ltu ro s as ^follow s: ^

I 'ltp roduc tivc expenitmNyi in a'.tOmpta to Ncouro storago a t L.jiko Tuhoe, i*'$21-1,000. f

• • Surveys .and investigntions not p tr- t in e n t to thc presen t Newlanda pro- jec t, W31,000.

C*onBtruclion easts o f la te ra ls and, Klriieturos novor used and uow abau.l |<1

oned, SL'>S,ono. . |'l-:C osts a llocated by. tho rcclnmufior. tl

bureau to Ixivclack nnd Pyram id units li(T n iekoc c.nnnl), f39S,000. Z

Ffirdty cnnstn iction o f drains nnd fplpo lines, $19,000. ' h

K xiierinienlal tile d p in construction fhbundoHod, $31,000. ' ' • h

T o ta l, $1,4:11,000. ‘ s j,

‘ W A I T ' R E S U L T O F ^ H i S E N A T E I N Q U I R Y '1 ' *

(C ontinued from P age Onol

( noss, thc h a tred nnd tho Intolcranco . o f w ar tim es.” Ilo pointed to a new . n iom l nn.l sjilritunl regime. Tho w ay

to g e t rid o f bolBhcvism is to reatoro , ,sound economic conditions throughout

, the world, p a rticu la rly Europe— Uie . lr»HTi o f hum an life, tho sufforing since , the w ar, fiovc been alm ost na gront ns

d tiring the w ar, nil bccauso of narrow, b igo ted , v ind ictive '' pollclca in intcr-

j n a tio n a l n ffn irs .”2 . ■ ......................... .............0 T bo News la read by thc pertnnncui 0 rsn i'm g elftsa**.7 ‘ , ''0


5 M atinee,oad Night^ The Greatest Melodrama0 o f ^ e seaaon

■ A cosmopolitanProdoctloB

R 'A dapted from the Pamoua Stage ■Success

“ THB BB A B OAB”-- The p lay th a t entire Los Angeles lb tn n e d out to see"? E igh t r e ils o f mystery and ro-.

mance. Ton never before saw anytlilng like I t


Pronounced b y .America's lead- ho iu g csltlca to b e the. best melo­

drama ever presented by stage or screen^ATw> showing’

“ Comedy, Clyde Cook In

“ I* W e a i yen " ju*o Toplca o f the i )»7 j „ Mul A e io p 'i m i M ..Iri- .

0 Next Week f',u* ' . ' C'

.....~ .................. - ~ ~ ' t

. f'

(1’ ■ ■ ■:. n


J R ay in o n d H a t t o n in R a B each's h e r ' A n A lla n Dwan P r o d u c t io n ^


5 0111 S C A N D A L l o o m s ;

(Continued from ra g o Ono)

1 I t w.'is pointed o u t th a t criiniiiai notion could not bu s tn rted on riimors; tji'at t

1 BubflUU\tiui„<;vi!Jenc« which can la ter (i r be prosenteil to u g rand ju ry uud a t :i

tr ia l woul.l He ronuiretl. • ct H aving ev idcncc.of two loans to Fall, t • tho acuntu com uiitfec~\\-u/ tu rn its a t- t

ten tion nex t fo n fu r th e r e ffo r t to clear t up toslim ony regard ing cancellod !• checks uf the i ly v a corporation—it Bin- ’ .'la ir concern—fo r $158,000 nnd alleged «’ to hnvo been draw n in fa v ir o f TlTtmas iTohnson, forem an o f M r. Fnlls Now V'lexicn ranch. A rehic Rosovolt and G. * l>. Wfihlborg, S in c la ir ’s secretary, w ill ' bo' recalled tom orrow In th ia phase of ' thc lut{iiiry. ’ ^

A ik F a ll to Explain. ‘B ut the eom m itteo w ill bo diverted

■' nnly tem porarily from the $100,0011 nnd •' $2.'),000 loans. Mr. Fnll w ill bo asked

next Mondny to oxpluin Wies<! and oth- ’ er o f his finaneiu l traiisactiona. While

*' M>. Zevoly wns te llin g o f tho $2S.OOO loan in Ju n e , 1D23, tho form er sccro- la ry ,w iis sccludcd la the Zevcly home

' licro under tho caro o f a physician. Ho •“I dcelined to m ako any sta tem en t and

declared ho b ad m ado nono regarding ” tho Dohony testim ony.'' M r. Zevoly te s tif ie d th a t Jho Sln-

cla ir loan to M r. F a ll wna mado juat boforo tho fo rm er secre ta ry wont to Bussia to inqu ire in to conccasions in

p. il'.o •owcr 8nk.h'alln peninsu la which M r. S inclair hnd n eg o tia ted w ith the

C hita govcram cnt.Tlio 'm oney waa to bc used, ho said,

. ^n purehasing fu r th e r additions io the F a ll ranch p roperty b u t bo waa unable

.. to sny w hether i t h ad been so used.). Bonds Shipped.''

Tho lonn w as nego tia ted through Mr.■; iZevely, who aaid Wnhlbcrg* hnd been I |<lirected to ship tho bonds to u bunk iu

|K1 Pnso designated b y Mr. F all where r. they wore en tered to M r. F n ll 'a account :s III accordnncc w ith instructions which

Zevcly hnd son t to tho bunk. A fter the >1 form er secre ta ry re tu rned from Russin

he gave tho w itness his personal note n for th'o am ount, w hich Mr. Zevcly said

ho s till hns. H o agreed to prodncc it Inter.

lioipondiug to cxtciia lw -question ing by cotfimSttoemon, M r. Zevoly said ho w ent to New Qrlcann sometime ago a t

Y jtlio tclcgraphic request o f M r. Full who w anted to discuss w ith him develop­m ents in tho inquiry . I t was tho un-

_ dcrstanding o f th e w itness th a t Mr. CO F all alao had a rran g ed to m oct Mr. Do- ,w fjcny thoro fo r a sim ilar purpose, ly Tho w itness who ro tu rned ji'cro from ra



LightA sth e§n ow F cLight and flaky, crisp snd tu ty . fresJ

7 from-lhc-ovcn—Snow FUkei.of courwAn incomparsbJe product of the ,Wei

- —you'll like them.Duy them from your grocer in red pad

- ^ ^ g c s fi tU m ily X in s .

I Don't'tsk toi

■ - ' ■*.:

Pactfte Gopft Bla

NING, JA N U A RY 26 ,19Z^ho south w ith M r. F a ll la s t n igh t, WAS ,unablo to rocall clearly detaibi o f tho ■ conversations w ith tho form er secre­ta ry , although ho w as pressed fo r tbem . sovorni tlm oa by Scnntor 'Wnlah, dome-* . . e ra t, V o n ta n a . ’ Ho doDied previous tes­tim ony th a t he had aooght to a tten d -

'r th e ronforcuco betw een F u ll an d Do--'- jliony. - ’ • ’

A s J l r . Z e v c ly wuh unfo ld ing h is , M ory to tho_.:om m lttco auo th e r movo

l^o r cancclltttTon o f tho T eapot Bomo . Jo a so sim ilar to th u t in th e sennto w n s t ^ l

mado in tho house. R cp rc8cu tativ& ^ f^Iorohcad, dem ocrat, N ebraska, in tro­duced n resolution to th is end, tho ,mouauro so ttin g fo rth th a t i t uppearoil “ th e leaao w as corruptly ob tu ined .”

A fu r th e r movo for cancollnUon of I tho lease w ill bo made Mondny iu tho

seim te, b u t wli^thiV tho orig inal Cnra- w n y ’ reso lu tion w ill bo pressed or u

,su b stitu te o ffe red by Senutor Wnlsh re- .muiuB to bo determ ined. ^

A G R E E T O R E D U C ET A X E S $ 1 0 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ,

(C ontinued from pngo one)

thor eiits ill tho ml.'fcollaneoiis tux S I ra tes, fho com m ittee m ight yet a lte r

th e tax on m otor trucks and passenger ^ ears lls well us ra ise thu cicinp tiou _ .>11 th e a te r admiHsionh tn 75 cents.•n Thp tax repeals and 'reiliii-tioiis voted it today would become effoctive •mmcdi-- ur utely nn cniietfliont o f fho juoasnro.:i Othi;r t:ixcs repealed ineiudcd thoEi;

on hunting , bowio and d irk knives, liv- 11, orj’ and boots, hun ling g:irmonts, ynchti» t- nnd inotiir btvits, carpuLn and riig'i,;ir trunks an.l valises, piirsoH and pockol- , Jd bQohs, i>ortable ligh liug fixtures, fu rs .H- u n d 'th e a te r seating. Taxes on produce ;,1 ex«?haiige snlcs and ou bowling an-i [JH billlnrds w ere ent in half, nv Thi» com m ittee ai;reed to cu t by ono- G. h a lf th.i fax on all jew elry m ade chiefly JII o f precious stones <ir met:ils nnd watche«k of whoso wbolesale j t r ic e exceeds $(!0.

W atches o f less value nnd other jew ­elry would bo tax free.

■'! Piano tun ing . I’honc Ivogan's, lOS., -“ BdV.

.'d1,.lo '■■ ■ *>

; ° E zn^SG SIg Today Matinee 1:30

JIlULlAWr riMCxn A ■ n ..



Edwirti Horton )IK ThsodoieTloteUlie KcUnJoomEdAf \ o 5 m /n t LcuiseDrtSMT1.0

A side-spUtter about married folks ..

“ T h e L e a f h e r P u s h e r s ”>m I . —

S -

( / o r e t a e x e r i ^

V F L A K E S.

B f a a d tC ^ ' 'W S B l P : -;aS

924. •

Page 5: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

B l i i i p s 'GJ,P.I1[I105

M asses Are F org o tten While B ig In terests F lourish, He

• S ays; Flays Evolution TheoryK A SnV IL L K , Tcnn., Jnn . 2.1 M>>—

Ropubnrnit InterodtS Sn W nshJnjjton aro ton bimy ])rotccllnji inter-Pdtd tn givo thnuRht to n bonus for unliliorii wlio mado pondiblc tho wonlth of mnny o f toilfiy’s tlchcst men, ‘Wil- inm .liMiiiltiKR Brynn clinr'ccil hc ro ^n st niRlit before 8000 persons.

F inatiriiil intoregt/i, ho ilcclnrod, nro /j.ilo lH of tlio ri'imblictin party , and In

BubHorvienco to^ auch in terests, tho mnnHeB nre beinR forRotten. Among rcpiiblicnn lenders gu ilty of auch bins,

p lie nllegrd, nre Prcnident Coolidgo nnd Supretnry Mellon. Tho form er, ho dechircd, was no sym pnthotic w ith -th o w onU hiir c liiM n^itil tho ngriculturnl provioloim of his^mossago to congre*a woro nothing' less tlinn nn in su lt to thc farnuTs. O f My. MeUon ho chargod th a t ‘-tliC;lren8ury accrotnry hnd fram ed

. . hin'ceolxoiiiv tncaaurus w ith tho almost cxe1tii«?e A'inw of m ving tho puraes of men who, liko himself, wero extrcm'oly

=;.........frcnUhy. This suppoacd cconom y.hochnrgcd W.T.1 bi'jng cnrriod on n t tho cxponso of tho Bolilicr who whllo de­nied jiistiflablo rninpensntion for hit scfw co tinting the wnr, wns tho very

• person who had “ m ndo" these weal­th ie r individunls nnd corporntiona.

M r. Hryan doclarcd th a t tho demo- rm tip party hnd inHtitntod every ma­jo r reform in tho h istory o f tho U nited S tntcs nnd th a t It would over eonlinnc to do so.

-SA T T IiE S "M O N K E Y ” SK EIX TO N • -TTfA-VlCFORT, Ky., * Jaa .* 2 5 W O - . Tfie.>‘ m o a k e y ''sk e le to n in K entucky 's

" Icgislntive closet wus rnttlod yestcrdav by 'orhoi-H from a vcrliftl- nttaclc by ■Vraiinm .lonnings B ry n n 'b n tho theory of nrganic evohition.

9 ■ M r. Brynn, in n speech horo WeS' 'n c sd ay nJgfit, dJgrcssctt from « dis-

^ cussion of , the national political cam- pnign to say : “ S o m o -d ay thcro is going "to be a legislature which will pnss a .law tho t no teachcr, p a id by

’■ U xntion , ever ahall rob a s tuden t of his belief ia Christ and tho B iblo . . . and teach the hypothesis o f ovolution; link ing men in blood ....^elationsbip w ith nnim als.”

I t w as_.nflcr M r. B ry a n ' h a d a t­tack ed -th o theory of ovolution ia pJi address before a jo ip t Mssloa « t thfl IDIJS Kentucky goneral assem bly th a t of fo rts to onset a s ta te f«w - prohibit-

^ ing teaching ’ of «voati«* l a p«bUo schools wall made.


B ryoom an a e c e lT c T N o t l c iT h r o a i h Prosl4ent*s S«cretax7 o f B is A p­pointm ent to Federal P o s ltia s

. TDAHO FAL1.S. Jau . 2.' M»)—M. B. . . Ycaninn, former repiii.Ucan alato senn

tnr, him. rc’reived notice Ihrongh Bar.- com Sli'itip. nrcret:iry to l*rcsident

^ C ooliilp ', o f his a;»pnintin«it jiH a ment• ber o f the federal m int commission.

Tho ineiiibcra o f the cnmmisBion aro ' to meet a t the m int in T^iilndelphia

early in FcbriiaTj-. fnr th e puqioso of m aking an inHpvcticiti :tnd chock on th a t inslitu tion fnr the j t-a r 3f>2.1. Tht-ir repo rt will be snbm itted to Tbe-«ecre- ta rv o f thp .tn-awiry.

Mr. Ycnmiin )>;.« been notified by K, .1. (ir.m t th:it th e meniliiTS o f t!i« romniission are cTqicrted tn meot >n I’biladelphia the w<-ond w ^fk in Feb; ruarj-.■ The aj'pointm ent o f. M r. Yt«niati cnmo th,ri)iJ«TiT?nngrciwtr»an A ddison T.

p .8m in i this morning.


(Continued f ro m p a g e o m )

th e surface, th ree of who w ere severe­ly burned. ' . —

A t li::iO ji. m. CO nibn w ere reitorted b ro u g h t,to Uio turfnce sa /e ly w ithout in ju ry , 'Tclcphono communica.tion wa« catiib]i#licd-w ith thu .'10 men le f t eb - tom bed in tho mine, nnd they reported

— th n t thero wns no causo fo r worry. F renzied e ffo rts to freo tho ontombeil JDon were reported by mino officials.,

B ody tJarocogolzablo. i Ono dend m nn 'w as b rought to tho

■nrfaco by thc rescue tenms. I lis fnce and he-id w'cro so badly burned i t wns im[>08sibl0 to iden tify him . Threo ■in­ju re d mon taken from tho mino earlier in tho dny wero tnken to tho Johnaton C ily hospitnl nnd w ill-recover,- i t ia thought. F iro is known to ^ o _ ra g in g in th o ontriea .^rtero t}i« SQ^SIon a re en­tom bed. • i t f ' fre n d c d * men,

" "womon and childron ato gat.ta9ed abdat tfao en trance to tliO'Tnino.^»^ ‘ ‘

^ . ' Iloscue team s 'a fo w orking valiantly > in ah ifta o f s ix 'm an oach in a ttem pts

I ‘to resell tho (;ntombod mijjcrs. Tho men a^o in e o t f iu oig^'t nnd nino which

- op«i»ing o f i th e m ain entry,Tbeso entries have boen b a tten ed of! fro m the m ain aecUons b y th e rcscni w orkers and other p arta o f th e mine

j* eioored o f gases. M ino o ffic ia ls ex p r e u the f e a r th a t m ere m en m ay be ir th e mine. A iwsltiv'e cheek up w ill not b'o possible a n til tomorrow, i f a ^ say.

' i f yoor propeHy l» dw trab l* and 1| ' •d v ertised m (h»-ie!aiti^*d-r7 0 i>'U fiod

jo o r buy«V. •

" TW

: What {hin _ ■ ______ C iS SEEN

U R eceivec o a P h o n o g r a p h A id s in S e le c t in g R ecords

l i l8 P o r dem onstrating phonogmph records. M a tolklDg m achine baa been invented with n e » rcccivcr th a t prevent* eounda reaching

o ry j^ ------------------ ------------ --------------------------^

o ther thnn the listener’s ear. Thua, it doca iiwiiy w ith thc nec<l of individunl booths and aids in snying floor sp-icu in a Kto<!. It. bus the upiiejirancc of an ordi-

' to nary ,in.slri.»iiciil and ciin bcuttachcd to a rgoJ counicr o r liiljle. n»ed nost» of S n o w f a l l o f T o d a y a s H e a v y as i r "®'>’ ' ^ - i n d p i ’s T im e' ,ho . ■ . ' ,

the OiTidru rcconin, acronlins tolhewM llici do. butL'iui. will not mir-port the n.sncrtioin hig llint "we don’t hnvc siirii lieavy j-nn.vfalii

very when I wiw a rhihl." Ac yeaj. roriiinK to Ujo figiircH. the winters now nrt

iuHt as Hcvcrc na tliey were in thu <lnyH o ’ our Knindi>iircn(fl. I t i« a /iic t. Kty tho cX'

' piTl.s, th a t tlic deep tnow rc:iii.'tiib'.'n:d bj tlic m an who was ft i>oy in the-''70s oi

„ .nr I'i-’ "’‘"'U ■ he less vlian k u w deep c(nniina'<l willi hi:

p rr^'iit, H tah ire .'F o r cxiuii!.!.-. On- M.'Uis liMhlirjw th a t in-New York Cit^' and Al

rO N JI. Y.. thu he;ivicflt «i<iwfalla oc curnsi inoi-o than 30 yc.-xi-s u ro . but thcP

•‘y'® lirxvij Ix'cn fow wiiKcrs wntfi more mov rJiiy than f( !l ai, idaces in tlic ficiuion o

by lUirf-lOIG. . n t Springlicld, III oory dntinK hincu IKS l. indiruto tha t thc great

,cs t fnll, -13 iu.;hr-H, was. in J0 l3 -H . Ii iVeS- New H aven, Conn.. thc hca\nc«t ocoim s dis- ta i015-16, allhottgii there seems (o bc <

cam- gradual ksecfiing of tb e to ta l «ach souoD 3 is b ea t figure. isobefl. v u n will ...........................

BETTER HEA•Mp ■ Public:-ffefdth .

iBBued b y tlie PubUc :

. . . r ' ■ BQUnfT OB

th a t T hese TCmarks apply to convcrgcnl h l!‘ Bcjuint w here ono or botl

oycs tu rn inw nrd whbn tho patien t ii looTcingT^t sdm o-point g rea te r than 2(

[ , fc('t d irec tly in fro n t, o f him.IH R S<]iilnt niay bo acquired, although ii

[> is 'u sua lly congenital. Tho bcat nn___ [th o r l t i is hold th a t tho underlying rea

son fo r ttio squ in t Is an absence o A p -j: i desltft to SOR hn object in tho snmi

spnt w ith bo th eyes and to fine tin ( two unlike images thus formed. Thi:

• •fusion of th e .im ages is a fuaction o: thu l)ralii nnd not o f Iho eyes.

Bar^ C iin tn icturo (sliortenlng) or spasm o: one of th c muHcles nutsido of tho eye liafl, o r paralysis o f its opponeat an o r -may hu ‘facto rs. Squint is no t caus -od •by nn in fa n t looking to one tid. a t a 'i i g h t , w indow or o ther interest

" * "iiig_'objeet n ea r tho erndle, as i i com nionly liclieved by mothers.'.f tn sc t, -Oonrso and l>tir»tlon. Thii

-rnrie ty—‘th a t is, convergent sq a ln t- i-ommoijly comes on when the laftnr firs t begins to look in ten tly a t tliog i tu u iv lic ro fo ro is o ften discovered n

to nino month,s o f age. Thii ' p e r io d ' happens also to be the tarn

during w hich the f ir s t teeth ersp t irlticfi fatf* )t.is given risa. to the erro

■ neoiis idea th a t cu ttin g tcelK ia a ' tiincs th c cauao o f cross eyes.

I f tlic sq u in t does not develop cr th is -timo it Is likely to be ddayct

l /^ P until th c child begins to look cloat^ a t books, le tte rs and t>lcturcs. In oithe cnH,. hav in g developed it is lik e ly t.

___; roiitinmj more .or less constantly an ti.cro- Kf‘’" 'tb |0 f thq skull bonca hctwcci

Hiie even iircrenses, abou t 12 to H year: •rted occaaionally tho sqtiiat iiiioul Of "*'0 ' d isnppear., 1was *’* “ “ t .Hate to nscume' th a t this wil

ncoir, iiowoyer, fo r during , th is pcrio< d o te r ip ra t^ fro m non-usi

nnd tho posaiWlTty o'f curc- by glassci or operiition Uo forever lost. ,

I f tb o squ in t begins or contihues a f

i i l M E S S i NOT TO TEST Fl

D istric t A tto rney R ejects Edna P urv iance a s a W itness ir

ntij- S h o o tin a o f Denver Oil Marnpt« . •

LO S A N G ELES, J a n . 25 W»)-Edin “ ‘®*‘ Pur\*ianc6, m otion p icture actresa, wil

no t be recalled to tho witness stanc 0“ whon ,the prelim inary hearing of ,Hor

aco A. G reer on a ohnrgo of attenjptlnj to k ill C ourtland 8. D ines of Donve; is roopeood here n o s t Wed«oi«lay, i

}0 in annoubced la to today by Distric• A tto rney A sa Keyes, a f to r a confer

ence w ith Mias Purvianeo.. , , Tbo screen aotreas to itlfied a find G ree r’s hearing .that she d id oot se

him shoot Dioea, although, she was ii

w— . - y - ■ ^


le V /pvldlE V a y tP O P U LA S. c A lE C a U n C S aA L !

in 1873-74, but two years later tbei« m u only 6 2 inches, while Portland, Me., exp«- >icaccd 12&5 inches, in 1880-8^; last wn>-

dfl. tcr’a total waa only H inch leas.Ith . • • •'

N eb ra sk a Oncc» H o m e’ o f A p e s “ U n e a r th e d T o o t h S h o w s

Scientists unearthing foesila in Nb- bquika Iiavo (ound a tootli, whiefi tbey say belonged to- a prehistoric apo and shows that such an i^ufflal onM lived in tliat region. The skull of a ginnt camcl wns also dug up, together with bonca of pigliUo boiialj ns large ^ a rhinoceroA

.Ilcmai&s of a three-toed horse are among the .collcction, .which according to tbo

, dwcoverero, proves that thia anima] % roamed Amcrica more, than 2,000,000 a -years ago.^ . • • • ;

L l G as M a s k an d R u b b er G lo v e s to I • . P ro tec t P ain ters

iunl To BafoRunnl painters against lead poi­in a Boning, frequently contracted while w ort rdi- ing with mnteriala containing that mia- to a cral, a respirator nnd rubber gloves have

been devised. Without discomfort or in <<)nvi‘iu'r;ncc when worn, theao article pmvcnt thu workmen from getting tht

S in liquid o n 'th c ir handa, which, may rcsul

S " k

I •rcat^ ;________ 1 1 _

im-d in irritating skin diseases, b c a the fumes, said to bo in ju J ^ S W lb ^ ison. hmga. Strapped over the head, tbe IS in d o o s n o to b ^ c tth o o ^ fts m a n ’ssiKht.

lALTH SERVICEh / s Public Wealthylc Eealtb l<ea!gue o f Idaho


?ent, t7> th is /tW o it usuftlly lastg durii l)Othl *'<* lifetim e o f Ui« isdividnal, b«e«t t K*'''‘'ter as ago Incroaaes unle

' remedied by trentment. Ita offoc ‘ ^ are both iipon th<* sight nnd thC|min

- i Of the formciVv-itT'-Bnis b e saifl thi h it 43#^nal det«r*o:^J;^."alwnys occu an-' cxcqiVa^in nltcm ating «qn>rrt (whe:

rea- the patient caui mre eitlwr eye a tw il > o f xinlcBs lhi! eyes aro restored to p» inme alleliBm by fppOT.itimi OT/tflnsaes.

the 1 Tho -effect upon the mind or charn T his;ter m ay bo sltght or profound, 1) \ of.iisiiaTlT goes iTn 'further than cnmii

j tiie hitUvidnnl t o bo «(jlf-canseious ni n o f 'e a s ily em'bnrrnssed, nlso >rritn.ble u eye-; licr the tainrts o f tho nmllclous or u are ;tliin'kiBg.

aus- i Treatmcn’t -mny lie moSical ur sii side I gical «ir btffh, naunlly both mctho' rest-'are i-mployen i t somo •Stage 'orT (! : o m - I . r the l>ent oriilmls. The nwdii-

I tr.'atmrnt d.Bsifits in the uao o f dro Thisjwliii-h prevwft th e non-squinfjBC 'o; nt— I frtiJii foi-itsiiig-for short, periods iJT (in ftnrt (if cdurse can ortly bo wiseh- us' ings I l.y JI p«inipetc«t oculiat. Tho ssrgic I nt tri-ntmoHit is both noiffpporntivo' ai This npi'rat^vi!. '7«on-opcrrtilve trettm e time (•msiijts in (he carefiii f ittin g o>f cr rspt, rn;(iiiR glassofi, while tho neeom'm jrro-1 trr focusing power of •tbe, eyI a t j i s tempornrily nboHsheli by drops ni

od l.y tho .proper nao c f tho so-call 1 irt cotor bn»lago ■perlodiciilly wore ni lycd nt timcK by regulnr exorcise aC t isoIt niuaC'les (A tho -eyeball by prisms ther stOTuoacope.f' to The opccativo trentment may cn intn nist o f the shortening a t a pnraCyz vcen jnuscla or >ot the lengtKftnlng j>t eara shortened or contractured or spast it is aiuaclc. These operations ore not ai , I t n o ro .painful thnn Cental work uscni w ill is and of Qooirso may bo done ued riod general anaesthesia. -UsQaHj' tho ph •uso cnm. bo entirely abotjshed tho -o sses craiiou is ' nothing moro anplenaa

thflo tho aaeotal «traia ineldect to ai I af* sui'gieal work.

tho upartment whore the shootisg toe phiee New Y^ear's night. Slie lo the name atory to the district att^>rn( today, he said, and satisfied-him thi nothing could bo gainett b y qucatiouir

, 1 on t^B stand a ^ in .- J M abel Norm and, tho other motif

■ p ic tu re aetroas- present ia lUae _y)nrtm ent when bo Was shot, w ill co:

J f jg fdr w ith T)fatricV A tto rn cy , ICcycs Moi . : dny morning, n f to r w hlcb ho w ill d i n eldo w hether o r not to eall her to tt

I g n stan d again, ho said.' “ I am not so much interested i tho stories of M iss Purviance and Mii

*fjti Normand,” ho ajldod, “ as I nm 1 tho ^onficUng talcs told by J)iae Ir. ono statement ho relates many d tails o f the shooting and accosi Greej; in his sworn testimony I 'could not remember.’ I want tb fir out i f he does not icmember.”

tn ct •i^or- . Comfertlnf^ Thoughts.

T h e fellow who hut* no moiicy*'ht . a t le a s t one, cdnsolatlon. He- canm

b* crltlc lacd fo r Spending It fonltBhl: • iix —B cotuvllle CUlieu-ThitfS.

EWS, TWDir FALLS, i b i i

Is ^oin^d A G A z n m

u . S tre tch in g W ir e F en c in g

^ A r a p le and eiSdent w iro-feoee stretcher is e h o ^ in tho drawing. Itoo&>.K istsoftwo]engthaof2by& 4n.woodwitb ;

“ Iow I--------- ^ ___ - I j

two or three bolts pasaing through them so that they can bo scctirely damped to

jjj. tlio end of tho fencing aa shown. A heavy ' jcfl u passed around both pieces, around Qjq a feneo-po6t, and t ie d .-A stout stick is

used to twi;<t tho r ^ , thua pulling tbo (enco as tiglit as desired. Tho dovico can,

^ ^ made in a short tiine from material 'Uut can bo found on every farm.

D r a f t S h ie ld f o r C a r b u r e to r | On tnaoy automobilc3> tho carburetor

ia situatod rather low on tho side of tho motor, right in tfao patfa of the air draft, which, during cold weather, cools the carburetor and prevents it from work­ing properly. This troublo can be elim­in a te by providing a Bhect-mctal shield, Inrgo enough to closo tho spaoo between tlio engine and tlie bood, and extending' at least to tho top of tho motor. I t is fastened under a manifold chiinp, and its edges arcr rolled or bcnt over to prevent' cutting thc hands. Galvanized iron or brosR is tbo best material to uso for the shield.

— I • • •

ling C T l'“t New York City and ila suburb*the will havo a population of 29.000,000 ia’ask A. D. 2000 is a prediction of an f>m «ait. cit7 -.plan committee.

T p l f i F- IRiiPOLCy

Problem of Increasing SiihmB' i i c , rine R ee f and Navaf F uel Sup S ' p lies MentiBned by Soyejim ithat ----------cun TOTTTO, Jnn .2,'I (/P)-Tn the housi here of petTs tn<lay (.'omit NnchiiiinBa Soye p?I) Jinia .-hargod -fliat the American’ nn< p J■. llrittHh navnl poHciefl threntened ti

ifrutftriite the WnHhinjftnn cnnferencc irnc- He uskcd '{he govrrnment whethe l)Ut|*t flhoiild arti-“ eiilnrito tho submarin

sing flc»‘t, iinprevo tho merchant mnrin ana and iuore;*..; (he fuel supplies for th un. 'axvy."un-1 Minister'Of tho >fc-.vy Murakami r<

(plied that (he—AVn.ihington affrec 8iir.|tT.en(s afii-.jting 'AB.enc.-i and Grea

linds Britain 'd ti nnt prcjudic'o Japan bu fhe iiienily « rc carrying out (he coo

lii-nilKtryi-tion !i.roKram ftlrcady madr jw l rops iQie.

'>”» FILERTml V lAri. Frl.ln,nent! WilUat

a W , M r.'n n d M nevM J^^'vard Jnlinson .Monday, J a n o a r r aid.* '^ in ia m S la tte r a rIllc,I -“ '® of---* "«*• horn K ridnr, .Tannndtho Monday, Jajioar

s or J^»rry HI H an« rnoyquiat.'

cnn- Tiuqu-'sne is slow ly iuyzed .f”"'’'''"!; -'■'’m her .recent IIImms . s r their home hero.■fltiri ■ '''e tanv i " ' ■ • ' l c :>t work VS’edn«

nll'vK*-'' warthouae.tdt’r f«*'‘>’ned laat w ee- from Mnrjn^vine, Utah, wliero slie wa

caIJcd by th e death o f her motbc;aant

Tiie home economies dopartmeat e ^ (he Tiler Wvman’s club m et in th

rural high hchool building Wednei — day, .Tammry Mrs, George Leon took ehnrge o f tho m’oetingilo lj K, O. Walter ia sponding th is we«l raov ill Nampa, where ho will eonduct sev tl,,,', <ral Hve^tock sales.

■ H A Z E L T O N '. -tlon —ne,. IIAZRLTON—Mf.-’-an .rM rs, nornci coa- Rotithworth arc tho parents of a bab] fon- - itnunry 22.

Mrs. J. K. Lindsay entertaiaed th< jjjj Hndles’ Aid society a t her home “Wed

ncsday aftornoon. j„ Mr. and Mra. N . E. Brown gave r

surprise pnrty nt tholr homo In hoaoi o f Mra. Jamos MendoniiaU’s birth day. Tho oveniog was spent pbiyiaj earda, after which a delightful luncl

Qses served. ']jg Mrs. Jamea. Boden, wbo has beet

fjnj qulh) ill, Is able to be out again.Henry Schwab Is eo^ in cd to U i

homo with mumps. . •Dewoy Murphy, t^ho has been via

hvi homo folks the past week, tviU mot ®.“ve for Jerome Saturday.Illy. .'*Charlos wUl-leavo next week- : - « 1^ « I ft^ < M r lp T p 'L o B Angeles.


^ E dited by M rs. E . B. 'Wimams

1 -, ’Miss Alma Bhcrlock eji(ortained tu r* guests n t -a th ea te r p a r ty Thursday evening in honor o f ' Mi*s H earie lta -

_ Siulth , who is snou fnr Un."*“■ Angeles, where she w ill u iiter tho l.os - Aiigeles traiaitiK scl.o..! fnr in.rs,-^.' A fle r till* .theater l!i.‘ [nirtv molnr.-d

«>■ tiie homo o f Mr. ati.l Mrs. 1-Vat.l; Hii.-li, \vUi-ro (he r.-niaiiid.-r of Ihe evetiiug w as-spent p laying rards. Al n la te hour delicious n'freshmentM wer.- served.

Mist llorothy M eltill w in 1.«h(,-h.-. |..) (he ;i. II. Bridge clali 'nibi^ilnv. even-

ing. .MiiH Hiith Meaih-hiimp won t!.. iieiiors fe r high score. A fte r (lie gaiiie»

're freshm eats were serve<l. Mrs. Hiiieiy B enoit was u guest o f thu eluli.

r I The nine Lakes B oulevard clul. w.-t with Mrs. Spong un l-:riday. afteri.ac.n,

j'J’u'frJj-e ffirfiibc-rs /uit{ oii« gid-xt an 'p resen t. A short bu;,iness m eeting w.ir* t o followed l>y ail en te rta in in g and in v y 's t r iK tiv e program on liio “ IVri,-.- n d IMan,” eondueted bv M rs. J c r e . I.on;:.'

i* During the social ht>u_r delirions re- ■ho fresiiuieats were sertW Hn**-tn-^'^^tiw», ■ an . The .-Inb will meet w ith Mrs.■inl „„ i'i.i,riiary S.

I The Twentio'th C entury ebib will hob!‘•aeu tlem ea ’s N ig h t” ....... lanuary LID.'

J . . bcgiani.rg a l 8 o ’eloek, in the Ma-nn... hiill. All ebil. members and hiiHban.S are invited tn a ttend . There will I.e

jjg a reeci.Jioii, ii ....................in.I cards.rk- ' — —c • .......... ..f (lie B ap tis t church »nil

M. V. r . r . and a num ber o f othor jca friends enterta ined a t a p leasant aur- [ng- p»i«e jiarty Thursday evening in tho , ia B aptist bungalow fo r tho Bcv. and its Mrs. W’. n . Tolliver and fam ily, whn

cnt' lire snon to leavo Twin F alls following o r l>r. T olliver’s resignation nn pastor of

Lho Ihe rl.nr.-h here. Tho Tollivers were lirniight to the bungalow by M r. nnd Mrs. hii^nel Dean, who had ontertnlnod

. a t dinner for them earlier In thc . . evi-ning n t tho llQgerson hotel. The

^ surprise was com ple te ., Tho evening WIIS ip e i.t soeinllv nnd rofrcahmontu were served. Dr. Tolliver will preac.li next Sunday lils la a t sermon in thi church hore, b u t w ill continue hii ministrj* elacwhcre. M rs. Tolliver nnt


BOOKED AT ORPHEUBT he coming a ttrac tio n n t the Oi

im a 1‘1'euiw theater will bn thc o ffo r in g “ K: Klmo.'J’ s ta rrin g .robn r .ilb ertj slip ported by such an excellent east a

ousc B nrbani M nrr, Be«.nie I/)vo, Wai Joye- ner BaxtcrT N iger Do ^ r iilllic r. nn

nnd L ydia K nott. ^1 . to «*8t. E lm o,” which will nm for tw ence. da>*s wns adapted" by Ju les Furlhinn 5ther from A ugusta E v a n s ’ well know ir in e novel o f th n t nnm r. T his Iwok pe ^rine hnps has iiccn read by moro peopi ; th e than nny o ther rnmnnce.- pnhlMhcrt. ■

1>riem.n \\<ith aelinn and impanslone V JoTc, Bnrhnra L a M nrr .ip .l Bessie lx>\ gree- Irelng ideal foll» fo r tho daahiitc; Joli Sreat GUl>ert.

b u t _______coa- H B C A IT T DODOB IT .I***- a -v e ii y<-nr oM M irie y Bimne

IW tg h 1101)1 Imsy m ost e f tlic dii working In “ B ig B ro ther,’’’ un Alin PwTin imvi.Ky to ' be shown ut tl idiiSin th e a te r «n M onday jjejtt, did n.

idnv, i" stitdieH. lUlt moth.'llla i« B en n e tt, «aw to tha

M jrkey arrived early f t tlio stud M rs. up f«»r Ihe part, g

iiig down to Hit; “ ili« B ro ther” «i where his i.inthcr was rn:idv fo r hi

•'ion'inir lesson. Ki«. course , s tudy wns tJie n f/ie la l o i,r supplied I

, 'the Profe»»io.ml <Ihildren-*H school f n a n ,. y ‘''*«‘t’H«ers whose work pr

•v<-nt» Iheir n ttrn d in g th e regul r jm - ’ •' li' ltey iff ren .u riah iv brigl

ran k in g high in Siis ;,nd wi■very Tittle .'lelp from his^ m other :

_ .. -wn read h is ..w n .p a r t in th t 's c r ip t. Tl little fd low broke in to n.otiori pirtu r tw o yenrs aj:*- tlironyh the in terest

w eek 1-^odnetio“ .Chu a . n C lo w ,” Mi.-kny m ade ii

. tb c r l>r«ught hito ti... ntt.-ntiou o f J „ .„ . I . i^.^ky, n>

, M irl.-y « a s fjivvn h5s first pictu th e r

Jnes- I’Hiyers in “ B ig Brot. e r ’ inrliiiU- Tom Moor.-, I{nymor.a Ha

<»n Hditli H o b e rli- I r is a sto rv < week "Ce?ier.ifio« l.y T ^ r Beach. Jo o K ir

M d Evonne H ughes are jnrljidt in th e strong stippprting


Ijaby ----------- ■LO,VDON, Jnn . 25 (4 T -T h e ro w.

tho not tho sligh teat sign ton igh t o f an ecssatioa o f th e s t r ik e of the membei

fa n -Associated Society o f Loeomio»or tivo Engineers and n re m e n . irth - A lthough th ere have beea no b! yia jf .icccasiona to the ran k s of tbo atril [inch ers th c resum ption o f w ork by a ^o^

o f tho onslncmos h u I j t a balance been hy fresh w alkout^ o f 'o th e r s , so tha

while the railw ay m anagers (fradaall U s are e v o lv iiif^ o tte r tssv l^ to d - sketetd

trijln s e r r l t f s t£ ey h a v i - ^ n usaU via* appreciably to increase traveling an tviU fre ig h t h and lb ff fac ilities.

Tho goVCrmneot ftppears to eonalde »eek th a t th e timo has • n o t y a t • atrW^i t. w h en -ir ean uMfuUy in tervene. -



.. . Telephone 20C

I II dnughter, iju th , w ill fbmain h o r e ^ t f l - ^ -lay the .-h.so of the si^hnol. .’

- TUe Blue Bell ,club held tholr monthly m eeting F riday night 'a t

J Toui'h Cafe banquet room .- .C . E.,,,. Wrl«ht gave an jjitnrivKiiig taJJc, awd'

Minn Anna t.'ampbell, who is a mom- " Iw-r c if the telephone fofee__ in Bolao,

i-r,. Iiiiuj-Jieon and danciiig ' com-, ph-ted-tlie eveiillig. •

l.l .M.-nihers o f th o Country W oman's en- c-liili i-ntertaiiied for the ir • liushands t!n ;iiid families a t an«|tfnnunl dinner scrv- iiCR I'll Wciliiosdny a t the home of Mrs. eiy J,anra Ilniiston.. T h e 'h o stess was na-.

sis(e<i by Mrs. Hntj[io <’raw ford, ^^y^a DcsHnisseaux nnd Betsy .lohnson. A patrintir program Brrnngod by . a einninitlee of whii-h M rs. ; nelfccca ’

er-! v.'.’ilkini’inn was chairm an, was nn en- jnyabh--feature of (he affernonn. I t . included nn iiilerestiag paper by Mrs. llehi'rea W alkington relativo to thO adn]'(ion -nf tho tw elfth amendment to ,th e rtn fttllu tion , .Tanuary 2.1,•1804’, . a i-i.iitest won by tho person naming (lie moM . of the presidents whodo pic*_ lu res, wi're exhib ited ; a singing con*

' tcht won liy the women, and a straw I’resiilont in wlileh .Tudgo

"! ■ (■’linn.herlaiu received a m njority. Dec- r '" J '' i.rnti<ins were tho nntionnl colors In

Imagings nnd iinpklns, nnd tiny flags ’’’ .w ere given afl favors. .

1 Till' next Teguhir m eeting of the club, on th e dato set ‘fo r tho w in te r , iiicnlr, will be htdd F fb ruary 14 nt thp, lion;e-of Mrs. lda..M lUer. .

aur- .' • •tho i . . . __ • ------------

and C elebrating her aoventecnth birthday y,l,n anniversary, M lsa.CIiiira Showers en* * ving tertnined Thursdny evening a t her r o f hnaie nn Bluo Lnkca boulevard for a ,vcre number of fronds w itb gnmes atid and dnm-iug, A two-courao luncheon was Inod' served n t m idnight by M rs. Showers

tho and Mrs. llo^o Thletton. The guest The list included M r. and M rs. Silas Egan,

n ine Ml*» o tack . .Miss ITazel W lrth,lOnts Misa .lu n n ltn ‘tJtOvcr, l l i s a Ruth W irth, each Miss M ildred Bcftsch, - Miss Helon

tho Showers, E ly P rie st, V inton Switcher, his Boy M aclU ffoy , M crrln Gardner, Thoo*

and doro Oa^jlnor, Harold Beer.

C O U R T , C d i l M S t i m e T O , 'r

rjf C O N S I D E ^ E T E R IS S U E

Judge B abcock B essrres Decision la Suit B ro u g h t b y ro n n e r M ayor

BUM A gainst Saccosson in Office

' Or. Decision ns to issumiec of a permn- “ K*.. nent re s tra in in g order sought by J . D. H'lp- T nA er, form or mayor, to restrain Twin

nt ns j ’niia <.lty ad in in istra tion from carrying War- out a con trac t for purchnso o f motors to

nnd complete tho w nter d istribu tion sys­tem, wns takon under adviacment I 'ri-

r tw j day by Ju d g e W. Babcock In dis- hinni' t r i c f court here, n f te r argum ent of nown attorneys had beeu henrtl in tho case,

per Tho court indicated th a t decision leopli: wauld bo rendered wUhin a fow days.!(1. 1’ Tlio form er ninynr contends thn t tho ioned rity ndm inistrntion cannot legnlly Ix ivr spend rcvcnuon o t tho wafcj^ ilork^ do* Jolui partm ont fo r purc.finre o f meters, ns it .

purposes to do, nnd In argum ent Krldny llom cr C. M ills, n tto p e y for thc for- tnef mnyor. chiJlengcd the constitution- a llty of tho stn tu to j under whieh tho

dav *^ty .ndm inistratiniw ifixes wnter ra tta AUiui "> ll‘'>u^ subm itting nhcm to tlio sta le t thi^ public u tili t ie s commission, id not Argum ent in behalf o f the city w:ia other rrcsentod by *Citv A ttorney A . 'J . thal! '‘" ‘1 M ayor Shad U llodgin.

.W O EEEE STO S rO E W A 0E3” set. Suit fn r collection of $74.25 wagoa r him for farm work perform ed bctvfeen Ju ly r.He of 18 nnd Peptcm ber 15, last yenr, to ­ed by gclher -with J7.'» penalty under Idaho ul fill I'aw. wan h istitn ted in diiltrict court

pre- here- l-’ridny ugnjnst John Gummerson egular hy John IIollnn> 10, suelng by and jriglit. through his fa ther, Jam es Ifollan. Tho.

willi complaint w as filed by A ttorney J .. <'r he n . Barnes. .t .T h e ____________ __ , 'r tu re i rA B M E R rL A B O M T E S TO MEET.CHt c.f ln-ls’VKIt. .Tan. </P)-\VilliHni I'ig. letioir, g„((. „ f o^ .icn , U(ali, national chair- ‘ le ins nian of (ho far’m orlabor partv, rench- h iiii.cd Denver touJght fo wtte/i.I » In o d n y

i’t nu-i'ponferenee o f (he p a rty which open-i icture hero tom orrow . Members o f the party

jto tho num ber of niiproximntely 400, ■Irotl;. [coming from. ” I mirldle westerii nnd I H a t-.w este rn st.'ites, will be in ntlcndancc, •ry of .M. P iggo tt said.Iv in - ________________________/IJided ------1


■‘£1 iFor Salew eed

^ n t 4 a< 9 re sj w o U . im p ro v e d ,

itet<>n ' 'close in. - IaablQ \ '

» '■ A d a r s s S . B p x i l l ) . ' : , ;

M , , . W ' i r w ; ’ '.'■■■'■tr lM J • . •

1924. ' ■' Pa«e Rv*. .


Page 6: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

^ P a s e ^ S i i " ' t ' W l h

" W IN F A L L S D A IL Y N E W s T

•MiTrd’ cv V r^ m o p iln * V xccpt Sw if&oy,!

• i i j T Falfn N ew * PuWI«»»Jn». Co.. Inc.(E stnb lU hod l» 0O

ii!i B«coni) clnM mAll m u tte r . I vptir~U.-,l?lS* lho poitoH leo o t T w tn ' * •alia. Iiljrini, un^P r th o afit Of M arch S. |

. _____ ___________:__________ «," . . s y d sC 'R IP T IO N RA TES •

yonr” %........................................... W.OO aroonttm ........ ........................................... 3.15 u

iinnth . .!! ! ! ! ! ! . . .«o.............. .— -------- :------- - il

M K M Itnit O P A SSO CIATED m iO S S -j, ,’ho A".'>i>olnt«<l P rcua In c jcln« lvcly i,

<,tltli'.l lo lho u/io fo r repu))tlcA(lon of il ncwH <tlfi>nteheii o rfd l tc d lo It. o r n o t n iti'TwlHi- In Ihin pniior. nndI«r tji r Iiic;»l nown imhllslimt liorcltj.

Ul rl(ch(K of rotiiiM lcntloii of iti)oel.ii> " iBDiitriH'H iHTflln ar«. iilno rcHi-rv«(l.

L :___-n iiicanfi •ABHoeI.ilort P n w .^ , ,

rill* .N< w» In II n ii 'in l 'fr of (ho A udit ii .ur«im of ClmiJnllonM. frnm whom full f. i fo rm u ili'n an lo c lrc tilntloii miiy lm oli- «lni?d iiivDn nppllcn llon . P n ln llf it Infor- m tlnrt miiifilJC'l locally upon rH jiirxt. •

Vo nxiM inxlhlllty In nninimi-d fnr t h r " •r(« of iiriJ-oUrllril jniiiifll"urlptn, iih o tii- '

m iphn (ir o 'h r r conlrlhiiti'cl nmtK 'r. A r- j.icIfH i-iil.ii.llt.-rl fo r iiiil.lln itlon wilt liu ..•«..<t o r i.c.i nl thn <JI»*rr<-lloii o f lh<- c i l - ■nr. nnd in> inaniinorlplH will ho r.‘iiirn<-d Ji

lill<vn/i iicftiiriiinnU.tt try .ncct^-Hary

lOASTi^ns’ nB P n n sR N T A T iV R H '■ .-o rK - It. nr.vti« Co.. Tnp.. 171 M i.dlsou "

Jqiiiiri-. N ..«' Y ork ; A, fl. Konfor, U l l •li.rifiirc: JiiiUdln®, OhlcjiKO. ,

A N E F F IC IE N T INDUBTRY |I 'll.' w inter aiilotiiubito nlio'»v«‘~ ar« '

jir.K'lii;; tho triitti o f Um a««crli«n Jitiloiiioljili' iriaiiiifiicturi'rH toilny aro ' Ki'-iiiu'. Ill'-' Kroali^Nl liiillar.for-ilollur '

„v:iliii' of all tlio leatliiiK indiiHtrii'K.W ith jirii'i'H . ill p iiu i ru l H cvcilty-tw o ’

IKT- (-I'til liiiiluT t l ia n th e y w ere to n ' y o a rs ui;<i, in iilo r c a r jir lposH aro n t

■ liviHi tw i-iily j»i\r n 'l i t low er tliau tlic y ■ •woTo tv ii yviiTx nan . A iul lUo r« i» , gi» ovcry .in .- Iciimvn, a ro b o ttu r . 'JBuj lii iy c r «if a n y innliP o f c a r no'Vtt,^|iiy(i

- oxiM-i-ts m ore niilcH por..R .illon , louR or nfc:, innro c o m fo r t and* convonionco h i < lriviii(; a iiit Icim tro u b lo in c-nriiif; fo r Ii Ih i-nr tl ia n Iiu itiil lio fo ro th o w n r. i

I t i i a ' r n n a r lin li lo lhiii[{ th n t th in TCfor*! fo r u row luB c lioaim ons iiml oco- iHmiy, I 'o iiibh ii'd w ith liig h c r {^ii.iHty, hIiouIiI liavo bL'cn a t ln in o d iii a lim o o f jj ro a l ly iiicronnod contn fo r m a te r-

f ''1 a l.i a m i ta b o r a n d hiKl> tuxcH. I t Is a Iriiirtijih fo r lh o n r i i 'n t l f ic o f flc lc n c y , >vhi<-li luan li'M tlio n r t o f i |u a n t l ty ]iro-! d u i 't io n a n il nialcM chommoji.i poHsibio.' j

T h e a iitn m o b ilo iiu l im try linfi accom*• i)li.iht'.l its rpinnrknlile rcsiiU*, nnd |

plarod itni'lf n t tho hi’tui of Amorican itnUiHtricK. In jitoi'toKii nu<l yfaottctlly. ( by a rar» i-ombinrttioii o f brains and onlt‘r|)’ri;ii' w hirh ouplit to bo 'nu in- aiilratioii for indiiHlry In gnu ru l. . ]

' T E E T H —A ilE K IC A N AND AfllATIO IDr. Ilaidoc W. flu tbrii' of Now Or-,

lean.n nayH a ilontnl clinic* c.in bu made an n ttrao tivo as a picluro hIiow. Sho' Jin^ j.rnved It.- ,

“ (’hil.lrcu Kot uHod lo otir frre d in - ioH.” t.li.‘ -•<:'iy«, “ an»l now they Ru to tiu-tii iiJt tlioy lo a neiKliborliond^ movie. \ \ \ ' raro fo r 5000 ehildr<m!, n year. No oliibl i« pormitteil to ro ! throo miiiiMi4 w itliout nttcntion. And^ ovcry chilli must come nrtncd with nj to o tlib riiilt.’’ j

In .lapaii thoy have a noincwbftti . d iffo reu t mythod. Accordinj' to D r.'

I.ouis O ttofy , dental liyRicno in T okto in on n m ilitnry baniH. I

“ Till* wholo c ity in diviiJod into din-;• tr ii-U U>r th is p in jw m ', r;>ch

in ,charjjc o f a .•uMimittco. I'rop.iRandn• 5.1 mannijcil by mcanrt o f Horip.box ora.

torn, who Hpnak on tlic Mtri'ot rornerji nil ovor the c'lty. L eclurcrs drive in; automobik-H from' iitntion to ntationi w itli-^ipg.iphonos, pn thcp^a crowd of Hntcncrn and deliver nliort spcochcn on

• tho ra re of Ihc nioutli. They show tlio childron w hat tnotli brunhcn tboy fffSduld use anil lion- to umo them ."

Tliey din into all ears tho doctrine th a l “ n <-1«?:ui TootU never d ccn y a /' nnil th a t from tooth doeay come mnul*' fold ilisca»c?(.

T hat KonniI» more ihoroiiRh thnn any-; th ing »if tlio Hort accQmpli.shed yot in

• 'tliU conniry. ( 'an Ania toarli liyRicno to ,\m orieaf ’

------ [

TAXES AND TRAVEL j _ ^ ^ r e Is an .antonishing demand thi.i,

w in ter fo r .iroiind-tho.world trips. The eslnblinbm enl of n rci;iilar norld.Lelt- ing Hno by the Dollar Stcnmsliip Coin-j pany in otily oue phaao o f tho nltua-

, t'lon. F iv e , tian s A tlan tic liners have ' Ticou wiliitlfaw n frooi gervicc bctwoon X eir York and. Enropenn port* .a n d placed a t th e service o f American tour- J.itu fo r worlil %'oyagcs. Every sliip in booked fu ll inim odiately, and tho dc-' m aud coutiuucs. {

"W hy th is ituddcn crazo for em ulat-| ing . MnKclInn? A m ericans liavo long

.been knoVn aa g rea t .travclcM , b u t Ihey never beforo iihowcd sucU .a de- iirc ns th is /o r long, oxpcn»ivo tri^s of a ll kiada.

I t i l c lear th a t all a t once thoro Is flU unuaiuiil comltBAtioa -oC ^oppy trUuro. Tlifjre U p r o b a b l / '^ ^ ^ o r o TDonejf lhfto.^tlic«j h w been ia piovions

b u t ilierSf la n(or« lolaur^- T h a t • « a jr bfl ’eiplttlaQd b j thio roUrement


r! Breakfast Food ;' “ M atrim onially S peajting” ■

By HUOH McKAYin i ' ■ ■ ' ' ' , ' I*•1 My wlfo i s n 'i muc-li of u la u u d r/ . ^ iiRcnt. i

~i ..»1hi IctHjiii! run o u t o f clean collara 50 anjl sh irts nnd nockn nnd about overy.

UliHR I wour.JO l^iiL when I com plain alwut theso hU.— iiaiionti abo haa on ly ono stntom unt to

•JnKiii): ‘ ‘ W hy d id n ’t you put your thin^h in tho laundry bankot youraelff I ’m

ol not a mind render.*’I** How cnu you appea l to a woman ^ like th iitf I

she'» ;iy« hIic'h n frn id to fjo through . J . my closota looking; fo r ciothca to 'ji“ t I It in tlio wash, buciiuso I alwnya ye t,a -) i

furious i f nlic iiiiikcH a iniHlnku and r- takes KomCCIiIiit; u iinoccssarily. i

Hut uiiyoiifl'"JJin see lh a t 'a nothinj; i u irum '. • ' i

The plain fac t i.f llia t 8hc d o esn 't r- (like any more int<-r.-»t in my w unlrobc : | . lhan a choruH girl <ious in a 'p iib lic li- I •'1 brary. U ’« tough, h u t i t 'd Iriie. 1^ Tho f ira t mnn who said, •‘ I 'l ’ll all

comc out in tlio w a sh ” must havo ha.'. i a lo t o f coMfi.loiicu ill lii.H wife. I

11 ______ 1I Tomorrow—" M y 'huaband novoc

9 • docido;i to w ear hla (Honor cont i lu itll tho laat m in u to .” . .

■ , .. “ • u t frnm buBincHH, la te ly ,-ro f'-‘an'. 'unprccc-^| ifQ ileittod num ber ‘o f Amcricnn businesa;-

nr • , j,Their n 'tircm cn t is Kald to be duo'i

mainly to taxa tion . W ith auch heavy oil lax.‘s imposed on business aucecsa oa (it is rcjiresentod in tho federal aurtnx ey nitctt; they aay thoro h no incentive

t(j work fo t iiicinoy iiuy m o re .. So tboy drjiji.-busincsi^cnrcH nnd a ta r t out to

iyfl*liaf.! a . 1j,T T h s t •w -:^no i n aomo wnya b u t it in doewvi'VlJilok vury goo>\ t o r 'l b o i)ual-^

for ne/is fut1tro.4«li^tko country to liavo , HO uiany nblo biiililrcaa m«nv (jUA&lro^v

liid creating w ealth a t homo to acattoring [•o', i t abroad.ty . ■— 'L REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS

FMrrilBhert by th e Fedl* TIU** “ A batrac t Oompaay‘cy, ---------•o.t Fridny, J a n u a ry 25., J T. V. W arner to .S. V. Sherman. $5:

K \ NW , S K KW. NW Hl-i m- Deed, B hcriff to O. K irton. S:i717.!'(l;

lot.i ;t:t, •!.}, -ir,. I.l„ck -I, Hliie 1/ikcs

«■> Quit claim deed. W. F. N'icbolaon to Iv. Ge..r«e Wis.-, N 1-^ NW liM l-17.

F. 1’.. Osborn In I,. Miller, $!K!7.-.;" ' |>art NW SW U8-10-17. in- t^uit claim deed. I. I(. Darrow ,-t al to

1‘o rtland Miirtk'agc .•oinpany, $1; V. 1-2NK n:».io-i:!,

1 Quit claim .le.!ii,-W . J I . Sm ith .-I - i ' ; ■10 tl. I’orllaii.l .M’orlKU«c cnupanv. 4 1;3^. I ." NK :i:i, iD i::.

• The News ia road by tho perm anent iho'•••rninif clunnca.

Z IF d e m o c r ;

rm ............' ------------------------------ -

"■I “ S ) )

, jl e t

h1« C m uLTIPLY b y TH5 «UMBttR.OF'ra . VOTERS im VOUft DiSTRiCT. '

T • r • ' . / -H‘"i I ) ■

iouj ^

- . ^ 3th e —

i . c


I f lI ia ^do-’ ~7r's a n"outracc * Ncr acanoilmj


1ana , . / \ - I 7 /

r« ; <ent .

ys, T W IN FA L L S, ID A H

I D r e a m t o d .:* - T H E S N 0 1

» 7 » ji

i h i s s K is s s s s e i s ix i s fx ^ ^“ ■ (Jock And JouM 'm ak« 800W folk

■ w ith smiling faces and, rod applo liearta. Bobby B ully makoa otbor

t- BDow fo lk w ith acowUng facea.and :• o rott<ar applo boorta.)

M C U A rT E R VL 1

„ T b o Skntlnff P a r ty . j

T i n o n m ilin g anow fo lk s sn l 'l tc d '■ h a rd e r lh a n o v o r n f tc r ll ic ir

It p lu n i 'o . in to tlie la k e h a d tu r n e d th e m , n in to ico fo lk s . . id “ N ow w o can go . i k n t i n g ," la u g h c .l

S m iic r, c u t t in g th o 'i c e on liis f c c t j tf u n t i l h e h a d fo rm ed tw o sh in in g r i i i i 'i

n e ia . , • '’t ‘ ‘ V cs,‘ wi> can ko H k a l in g ,” cchoeil : •c M rs . 8 m ilc r a n d S u s ie n u d y a m n lic ' i- fciinilcr^. a lso .M illing Hie irt> on ilie ir .

fo o t in lo sk a te runners.II Kmiler sl:a l.aL ,ar(iun d , .loin^’ fau.-y I.', ( lira s and (w is ts and e iit t in i' fpieijr

figiircn <m the iee. Mrs. Wmiler and III.' Sniiler .-liililn'n frdlowed.

• ‘ W ould v<ni Uke. to KO ^kuliuj',: l . .( i7 '' Sm il.T aMied .Ia.’k and .lan et.

".• •Yes, (hey w ould, an-H m iler clipp ed a = rouj.le' o f ieiele.H o f f 'li im ic if iind a ,g . 'o i ip le o f f Mrs. .Siniler and m ade lUoni',' ■ !inU.;<katei..''l*heso he froi-,.- lo th c s ii ( .i- r

| « f J iick‘ a ii.1 .lan et. Tli.-n th e children . le o u ld Kkiile as w ell as th e Kmileri* uo'llicniH olvcs. 'i-y' Tiie.v .lrew llic boh- .m l o f th.- water, _ ,'iin d put th.- po<.r Piiwli-r .•hildren i.i.n

lam o .loh niiv an.l H orace, tho hiin.-h. hack , on i(! A w ay Ih.-n w en (, skim- m ing over tlic »ce, .ir a w in g Ihe bont

oy Uchind.to Dn'vn at mie «-nd o f ’llie lak e w as a

■large b on fire , whcro' the sk atcra gut , w arm . Tho Sinilers .li.l n o t d are U" " nonr th is. “ Wo would m elt i f w e go?,

■■^•.wariii," Ihey exp la in ed l.i J ack ai.il .vo .Janet. Itnl .lark a.ul .hm el lik.-d tn opv i-ct wiirni. so U icy sk a ted n.-iir (h e fir.-

e very tim o they fcU v e ry ' cobl.I( jva.i (h e kifid « f .'i .•>kalin{j'

party . .la ck nm l .!aiiet had a f in - ' tim o.

IS, Then th c v heard c r ies for help c'.m- intr from up th e lak e. Th.-y «kal.'d

Bd in ih iil iHro.'Unn lo xec whni. Un- m at­ter wna.

Soon (h e y came upon a <|U.'er ni^lil.. T h o Scow lcra w ere p la y in g n Kanie cn '• (h o ict!-ra gam e o f eraek thc wliij'.

A nd (Jio sn ap o f tlio w hip ins(.-a .l o f b e in g on.! o f th.' S eow lers w as U ol.by Hiilly.

t o “ W c 'w ill tench you to m nko anow fo lk s w ith scow lin g fa ce a n n d rotton a pp le hcnr(H,” grow led the S cowI.th, and w ith tb a l (b e y cracked (h e whip

,J A w av w ent llo b b v U ullv iitunibrini'.H pnuvlinir ..n tli.- I--, l i e eanic dl.wi.

...U -' ilh a jarrinj; 1,i,m p.K “ W aw l W aw! W iiw ’ Wv . lo n ’( lik i ,• (o play m ean .iokes, bu t our m ean n f -

le n apple, liearM m ake us .lo no.” n t j.-creil th e SeowI.-rs. A n a 'll th c v Krab-i

li.'d poor Ih.bhy Ib illy , and n^ain (hey


"WELu Boy; v jh o k m > beELECT J^K T <^AU.?

I '

~ i '

Kjy^E'i AUST OF •JCLtftATfeS, M U Rt&Ht M fi - WHAT P

5 -

p M #

il'iHcoNol if Attho ottjecnwit|i)-t Moito-i I T«t CMAin v (ia w w cfst n>

---- -----^------WVf r.ilBLlWTtJANP j_ ^ I '■• u : f ig im im n e .t^ i

f'' X


O op yrigh t,.

a o , S A T U R D A Y M O R N I I

AdventuresO W M B N . . .

>A3>DY ^ •

i| '

i ‘ ••U clp! I Io lp !” Hbrlokod Bobby, j

r cracke.l the whip, sendin;' him V hirl. ing, c rash ing down on (he liar.I ic-.

“ Help! I l o l p l " shrieked Dohby. r And, indeed, he n.-eded help, for lie h.-id I l.cen “ c rack ed ” so m anv times he-

was black nnd bloc ami soro all o v ,t . “ We must niivc Hubby U iilly ," wiid

. .lack. “ I 'l l ge l Ihe .Scnwl.-rs (o cliase , ;i IIM'. Hi, th e re yeow lers!’ ’ He .lidI not .n .'cd t.» cry (iut'‘ a •H.-con.t time. ' .(‘.■Tlie .Scowlcrs look i i f te r '^ iir t artd ' ;-:Vanrt. and th e tw n hnd (o sltalo fortl ilcar life (o keop from ge llin g caught.I. ' “ Skale for thc f ire ! ’ ’ whispered ;

\1a .'k , tak in g .lan e t by th e hand ami : r, pullinif her along. Tho .Seowler.s da»l|.II c l a f le r (hem, eomiiig so fas( they were I. close behind when Ihc fire was rcach-1- <'.1. Around th e firo whirled .Inck nn.l , s .lanj't. Around n f te r 0>cin whirled the

Scowlcrs. “ Keep vIom’ tbv fitt'.a . lan e t,” • w hispered .lack, for he hai; it an iilea how to fix the mean .Scowlcrs, c, KaM.T- iHid fa s te r skatc.l .lack find if. .lanel, circ ling th e fire nml drawing ll ever closer.n And then 'a a th .‘ Scowlcr.|i Rconicd

nbont to ca(<'h ..lack a n d ' .lnnc(, (he plan o f J a c k began to work. The-lient

{; 'Of (he f i n - to iiw it th t ' Scowlcrs.- And i t m elted thcm .so fust (h a t bv thc

lim e (hey fonnil (l.cy had been le<i in(o n (rap, (hey had b.-eomo mu.Khv

.1 trasses o f snow. They droppe<l lo thr I. Kttnvnil. SVHter rnn oul o f Ibwn. Their

rnll.-n nppic lieartH dropp.-il #n On- ice, t. An.l th a t wns th e Inst o f the scowlinjr I) snow .man and tlio scowling snow chil-

.Iren., f . Aa fo r the Smil<*ri, they were nut o f . V- Hiylit tak in j; th e Fow ler children and

.I<dinnv, Hie lam e l>ov, and Horace, the w linncliiiaek home. S.i .lack a n j .lan.-i H n t.i .lc 'f . 'r Ihc ir-t.w n homes ns fust a* i, nify'^Tidbl g.) and soon were snngKling , safely in bed.

;; N O TICE, rA E M B B STUe auiiuiil incc tiug of tUo BouUicrn

Idaho Ik-an O row cra ' nasocintion will m eet in th c Pnriah hall, ’Twin Falla,

, | 'o n ,Tanunry 2tJ, a t In o ’clock. I t iji j.Icsired th a t every member be present

'• 'a n d ovtiry fnrm er in tcrcatcd iu grow- ■y jinc ' benns is cord ially inv ited .—ndv.


JErm 'Ro \

i , tOOKSnovousAY^

s i n Ih ? ''p r

ti.lB B S /.b r tbo N ew Y ork Triboiro, lae.. »“

?INQ, J A N U A R Y ‘ 2 6 , 1 9 2 4 ,



A younir m an w « n t from Quincy. OL. w hore ho hnd b e e n w r itin g for new s.


Z '* X * nch loved . lnme*'^lni tho w rlllnK pro-f fcanlon In the -

| . V i • ---- lo tim i Um«..Ii^“ ^ * 9 V 5 N ’0 "' EnBliind. th e 'Wl' »vnl \U»\ f - . \ ‘i J A tlan tic noftboard

,] w crn auppoBoil toV furn ish (ho tmllc

/ L crn m an who trIoUd / bTcaU In hntl... A pCI 1° biitllo hnrdi,ie ^ Turner w nf an nx- ,

U 'e o r 't t f K lt « l> e cep tion . for whll.< d 'I'um cr. ha w an nallnncd>. . n l n r « w llh a' am nll jionltlon on McClnro’a Muk»-

t. lin e . It w n s n o t m any m onthn un til hn ,,| wuB lh o pr in cip a l stiifT w riter of that

publication , liv c n tu u lly ho hocnmo Its >'l cOltar nnd m n ln iiiln c .l ii connection Ii. w ith It for e le v e n yearn. DiirlnK Hint

llm o ho Hdvnnccd to a ponition as ono of tho m o s t pop ular w rltcra In the

h- U nited HCatoM. T o d n r hla worU in fen- , tured by tnnny pu h llc iit lon a 'o f national

‘d circu lation , w h llo hla booka are In Krtai 1C dom and In a ll p arta of th c country.

Mr. Turnor’a ta le n ts taUo nn nnton- IshlnfT ranKe. H o producf# nnvuln,

ii; ahort .ytorlca a n d popm.i und In gnu of the c learent w r lte ra of the day on llnan- clul nnd ’■'conomlciil nubjoctn; nml he

III hna th e a ln cu lu r u b llliy o f bclnt,' able ' to ln ko a bftcktfrouna a t lltinnco nj-

•ri econ om ics nnd cotnblno It w ith fascl- natlnir m m n nce und dram atic (lunlltlrn.

, Hla m ind m oves' In orlK lnal clmnnrl# und thpro Is ulw n yn so;nothln»r ou l of

lie the ordinary In hin atorlca. In the talc,, “Hold In Truat." he m akcn tho Cfntral

nffuro a (rlR untlc trunt fund, in st na ■s, thoutrh » w oro u thin if o f (Ifo. fn fnct,I under hla clover treatm ent. It liccomns i

atm o)t a thInK o f life—a hl.t.l.'n, m ys-i .'<1 trrloun thlnir. oxertlnK pow«rs for Kood

or «vH. and pulllnjf Invlalbte strlmcn '• that (lomlnatu th e Uvea of a number In' of pcopl''.

lic ln i; able to r Ivo an Inanim ate (lilnR auch an n trunt fun d thr finalltlen of llf .‘,

•c, u 'h ceom ci e v id e n t th a l he cnn do , - m uch w llh hu m an actors. Tho ctiarnc- 'f’ tern In thU a to ry un.l th e ir reactions ll- to the IntliienceH o f the Kr.-at. inya-

tcrloiin. m erellen s truat fund form a fanclnuilUK atu ity— the w h o lo a sIrru -

o f ..J«*l7 _t1ir llllnjr n a rra ilv e , |

C H A P T E R I i

„;f Y ou w ou ld n o t Imvo th ou gh t from hiB fa c e — from lilH m eau er fjiec ’ and co ld e^l-s nnd .nllKbtly «b][.)ue an illtv - thnt Jn.siHT IlalK , Kian.llni; nnd tia-n

rn 'bUHuk SnsS\i« -U»c brom l ill wlndovvH w i t l r tliB o ilier celebrlU ea 1*1 In Ills g r ea t ly c o le lira ted clul) on F ifth ' ”■ nvonuo, w n s look liiK for n w oiuiin— n ;

you n g w om n n. S u c h thlnKs bnve been ■ dono b e fore , n o dou bt, from th a t Piitno bigh . poHltlon— b u t not, you would

~ hn'vo Hnid In s lln c t lv c ly , b y th e ow ner o f thnt face . A n d yot th a l w ns th e fnct. Jnap er I ln li; , m ost n.'iliiie o f law*

^ yers, ninnnj;er o f tho tr e n t Horgani T rust F u n d — w n a d o in g (lint. It flcetnea (o h im . forever . ,

[ F n cfii— f iic e a ! F acoa o f youiij; woin*| Wli T h ey w e r e bolori: b lm now dny^'

F a cc so fy o u n g w o tn en I U jT^wy were b efore him flnow and f l ig h t

and n ig h t. A n d n o t a t o il to lila Uk- 'In s . T h is w u s n u iiu cst o f p leasu re . It wna H m a tte r o f grim bUKinusH. And not u m utter— m o re thnn t h a l— thnt ho could dclCKiito. U k o ino.<it o f b la bu si­ness, now , - t o so m o suborrllnate. > In th is v ltn l nnd r o n lly A esiium te aader -1 tak in g o f hlfl. o n ly h im se lf ond ono o th er c ou ld b e e m p lo y e d ,-n n d tlmt other— lie a v e n k n e w — w a s w orso thon u seless . S o e v e r y w h e r e th u t younger w om en— e sp e c lH lly you n g workInK-' wom on. w ho- in lg h t bo w eiirj', a little

' llred-looklnK — e ith e r - conKreRJilcd or •" passed . J a sp er H n lg In th o lo s t fow

w ee k s hnd c o m c an d cotn o a sa ln . s tu d y in g th e m . In th e departm ent stores, factgricB , e v e n ; In tb e grent railroad s ta tio n s , and b e r o aga in a l­w a y s on F if th a r c n a e . th o grea t h igh­way o f woman! But never yet that partlculor womnn, that type ho most haTo Immediately— If th e v ero to bo of .any use I

Tho Inst tide o f the'wom en was now ebbing trom F ifth avcnno. Tbe mom* Ing flood o f brlglit-eyod iboppers. In uotort And OQt, th e slower stream ot tbe promenaders o f tbe afternooa, bad come and gone; and now flowed by

g tba U st u d a o c t U k d y for bU p v

24. '

>i t r w t ■

K i b b e T u t n e r

n i i w t r f f t i o n * i ) i | . i

b r w i n M y e i «

^ poses—th c tide o f glrla frotn the de- g; partm ont Htores; nnd fu rth er dowa w below tlionii h u rry ing home, the grent-

ost o f them nil, tho tide of thc fnctorj'- i\l w<vrkcrH. Tlu“r« l»el»»w, uccordlRB to g" the ir ngrcomeiil,- (ho second m n n ,^ te l^ ishrouck Itu thp rfo rd , the othor p n r t y ^

In in terest in th e fiorKum T rust Fund, lo ' wntcl'ied—If Indeed lit* >vero In coti^ll-

tlon to. J iisp e r H aIg could not be suro i(j o f tills. Dut Iio lUmaelf, alwnya re-

liab le -an d i lo .^ t f d ‘ty J i la Immediotc ^ t l piirpotH'»*'»nt «lTU'lirfi'i*y»*H' fli'ed upon •

F ifth avenue nnd fliUw fniWlnK KirlH. thc rd ;:Irla in blnck. '

In tho cen te r " o f th c Ktreel Ilowcd ..by..t|i*J endli's.'t. n im ost torrlfylni; inolee ,

'•j o f m otors—(lu* llat-topped lltnonalneH a i>f Ibe reliirnlnK bH»in*'8S lien . Ibo

“* tnxU-s nnd tln d r <<Inirp-noKed, shnrp- a t oyod yoiinc |ilra((-s «>f <lrlver.H with tho

drp<ipln); clKnrett.'S .In the ir diaillu- a t Hloned llp.i, t l io .« ro n t Kroon bn.M.sos

(nillng np the-shun? from lho south. a! T he bnuid atrtn-t wna fo r those who '“J ride, th e brond w nlks fo r those who " wnlk—for ph-nsure o r from necessity, ly Suddet\ly U u Ir Ktofid up. c lear usUcs 0 upon his Im inaculntp sh irt-fron t. Thore U" she went Jit Inst—tlio exact ^typo of tie M'oman tup-iniigt^ have! You would .•jr bavo .aa lif 't h o vor>- woiiinn herself I PH. A)most w llldn reach o f bla ftnger-llpHl

T hc pale nnd dellcnto face, like a line lo, flower sown on bnrron, > ;ro n ^ JbOy; '~ ■al sntne deep, lintinto.l cyoa thnt^aftW lui- c " p/OflKant v/slfina.i"*! And IIM he snw her, he curaet! him- o d ' PPlf for n fonl. nn.l atiirtod—his l)nt

fortunately -silll in hls possc-islon—'® nnd holt'od out tho groat d.mr of tho "K JuKlly celeUrsWed cl\iU. openlnj; upon ,lo th e HldiKHtreet. Hut when he wna on- >c- F ifth nvenue nsnin, hurrying, peering ,a! over women'a ahoublors, be pnasod up

a through th e crow d on tho brond w alk —In vain. Q uite nu tu ra lly ! AB well '* go hunting ono oak lon f In a wlnd-

, fltorm In the nu tu inn woods as o n o ^I w oninn.ln th n t crow dl i Ja sp e r ' H aig tu rn e d back flnally,

Itn thinking. A fte r all. It wns a grent nd gnln—to know th n t ahe existed. H e — could lind her som e w ay! Ile a lw ays , en hnd ncconipllahcd. sn fnr, whnt ho hnd ia« piuTinwl. T b e only g rea t nnxleiy now es a itu c In tb n t all-doiolnating qiieatlon :ih ' o f time.-n ; So. oyoa <lown, p lanning whnt forces en he could use in a wide, ijnlck stlll-lnm t me fo r lier ln tho iiiarninir,'.he cnnn* nj,'nln lid Into tin- high chili entrance nnd nl- ler iiioKl Into c<illis[on w ith the Kreat form he .if (he otliiT m an. tin- .ilht-r parly nt w - ' intero-st. llusbroiu-k ltutherfar<l.c>inr«-, iini .'ned. irrown fat-w itted. It .xeeined to

It Jn sp e r Ilalg . ev»-n .lurin;: tbe presen t ,, crlsl-4—tb .' tlespornlc liln.-ss of hia

in-1 'vlfc. H aii: w ai. lied blm with n nnt lay ' iinfinnlllnr fec lln s <if bosilllty nnd con-

j tonipt. w.imlerlny how any mnn could rt ; pn.s^lbly he mucIi n f.iol at such n time,R ' w!i.-ii .-very .Iiin.-.- n f l<riiln-p..wer flinti be .had was .......

-■■Well," nal.l tJie y .n inser man. turn- In^ tow ard liltii 'h ls '- ro a i bull; un.l the fnnillliir o.lor o f lb|U 'ir .m hls breittb,

j ■■Wliat luck? T lio -'sam -r-Hiild ,!ns5>vr Itnii:. tulklntt In

I .^monosyllables, im t a smile, nn oblli)ue j amile nlniosi o f iib 'asiirc—n ra re ] vlsi.m «if p.THonal siitisfaciion—came ■ nn.l pasr«r.d from his tliln Ups. j "Yog h ave iri f.iiind h e r!" .•xclaimoil j tbo other, hla f.ice m ottling with su r­

prise. ^"I've floen hor," Jaappi; I la lg replied

V succinctly. And be brlvHy told how j he had oaiij:ht th c irlrl’a face, nnd lost

7 . : Jt agnln In th e crnwd.[ I “Jua l how n early vvna aho like her?"

astcod Hnabr.iuck nu lh e rfo n l, breath- InK Irtird w ith o ic ltem en t llironch the ^11, moint lips about bla Krent clear.

Jnspor Hnlg deaeribed the clrl \k-ltli th n t exncinosa. If not wnrmtli o f de^

. - tn l l , w ith which th« cleur. «nUla«wd vision.of a Kuccotiaful logni mind would

J SCO a woman, yo iins o r old.S “ Nino m err'iluFtV f ten wonld hnve » toatined In court,” he cnueliided. sum - •

fnlng ‘up, “ Umt sbe waa your—w ns - Ilk- Adelaide herself."ire. "About h e r size?" * |Vnd •■Her slxe. her coloring, hor fnce, ho even—oven th n t pcculini- look of hers ■.

Jsl- —tired nnd nfrald."In '‘Bnt not so sick?" the o ther m an

icr-1 asked rjulckly.jno •‘N n tu rn lly -n o t thu t. Not so hng- Imt gard. and jau n g c r. And cnfrylhg her- >on aelf erect—by a n effort. I should aiiy.” ger “They do." com m ented Ilnabrouck "K- Uutherford. •'especially this hot wenth- ■“ 0 or. TImtV tbo w om an of I t They

s ta y w ltb tb e ir Job till they cnrry •ow them- out—If thoy’ro any good. Jf- Iln. they ’To got any pep Kt a ll," s ta ted • em R utherford , who approached tho Stib- c ”* Ject from a dllTeront. moco Intim nte a'- nnd more em otional nngle thnn Jnspor

Cb- Iltilg. .*hat -T h e blnck droa-x would probnbly

menn one of th c .shops—Fifth nvenue,I Bboulrt any from th e gonorul outline nnd m nterinl," v en tu ritl Jn spo r Ila lc

low “ W hnt tim e w as it? ’* . demanded 'm - .Dasbroiiek R u therfo rd . • He wns on

In IiU own grounil n<\w, w here lu* blniself could talk w ith .•onclso autlytrllv.

j,y (Continued la X ox t leauo.)


Page 7: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic


WHEAT, OATS UNSETTLED■ P i ic « « m m n i B i 'A b o u t i t O pon lii* o J j

Excbonge Session B n t F qiw ord : ^ M o rim e a t 8 «t* in lo r r i i u a H o w .

CHICAfiO, Jn n . 2,'. 0P>—Ik-nvy j.n .fit• tftkinj: (lalcs on fnl'iru (Iclivcry. . 011-

^ t r a c ts here huA lu.-rwiBi-.i ^ run il offoriiiRH in vini.iiM noi'tlunK of

tl.b couutry «nv.- IM' -orn tnt.rkK to- , ,lnv Homrll.iiiK o f u .otl>i,<-k. Tlu- r cH,.it th a t «orn. whoiit aiul ■ cloned un«cttlo(I. c-orn • 3-8 lo :i:l tu 7-Sc Ji«’t lower. Miiv «f> to flf) l-4r. witli Avlicat M to 1-2 .lown, May Jl.Of) an.l .Inly *1.«7 a.R, ami oatn varyinc from

. /<j.8c. (li'olinc to a.lvani'O. ITovis.fiiiif.lH-.l uni-lianno.i to 17 ci-nt:*

• .lown.'I'll,. «t.il)l.oran.-HS«-nhwl.i.-l. tl.e .-orn

nm rkot nbsorlx-.l i 'rc fit tiikini;I,.,I to a ron.-ln«i«ii in somo .niart.TS tlia t a l.roa.U-T U\yh\\i .wii^ . ni.pnront tlian lia.l It.'on Ronpr>lly »np- ; I'ORcil. Oa tlio otlicr JiimJ, fo r tlic | firi.1 time iu nnifc- a wliilti iiriu iary j ror..i,,tH o t^ ro rn wrro la n - .r tl.an w..« i tlio ca!.i' a v<‘ar .nKO. "« 'l I

. „„u'l. intorc'st «li<.'va iu tho fii.-t thaf ! n lr:i<lia« tra .lc r horo who liaH hoca . ta lk in e I'ullinli for wooks wont o v r | fo(lny’'T o '’f!\(r|i( ';ir «iilo. Ho pri'ilicf .'.I ^

• moro than n 'l('..il>orary ro.'.'Miou o f ' viihioH. O ther authorities, howovor. j cxprof.-('.1 III.' (>i-inioii th a t thft reaction t AvaK Iraa - io a t.' au.l wa<i to liavo hoon !

k oxt.orfo,l iu viow of uuuirroiiPi u p tu rn f , V . o f la to . ' 1• n u lls in flio eoru livtrkef polnfetl oul j

thn t althoiii:h fh'-ro ha.l l.een hou' o,,in.ToaHo.of, eoiintrv .offerinuK..anr1 i

- ron lincm it notioes tlie crain was larp-- | Iv i.„iii.' to HOiKliwe.li'm iiiarkolHwIiirl. I wero oi.tTV[.lilini: Cliirinro. If w.-im eo ,^ , toii.io.l iilKo fh a t froui prosent. jiros-|

■ po»t* tho w intor .............lation of corn I' n t (;hienco un -r 'a t olhor vinihlo (nipvly

■' conI.TH woul.l I..' flie.Hii.all.-Kt lu yoarK. Wliont wa« weakono.l, l.y roportK that

. F rance ha.l .•anreHo.r^omo dtiiall pnr-. chnscM.

Sonl.oard elenrancos. thoiich. woro• . Inrqe. uioro Ilian l.ftOft.OOO Wl>eiB.

rl.iony C.aundian prain.RcllinK l.v paokor'. aud eoniniiMion

lioancB easeil proviniouK.

TWIN FA L ils Ma r k e t s

Thcio prleo* « « obtained daily ftt 4 o 'e lre k in the afternoon aad trp in tended ro eorer only the av*

• -erajje- o f •' -pric*#.'■ 'W Lere' certa in rv«fcj.i d«aterB 'for sh o rt periods o ffer more

-ih an th e qnoted price 110 e ffo rt U mjij4 to iaclade laeb quotations. Q aotati‘'« s a re offered merely a s a guide tu prodnoers and sbmild not

^ he •eenptfaJ as refloetiuR extrem es Jt e ith e r high or low priee«./V

BB TA IL MAILKBTS.P a id w Proaucers.

•.be Tnrin FalU tnmrkfiti. ye iterday •ir •$ follows:

• - '. r . ' L lTesuck.iloavv hoRH , 4.^0 to .'i.OOMe.lium Iiokji ...................................... fr..00l.lch t, 17.'* to 122.' lb ......... to fO.r.O, .o lu r s .............. .................................. $5.7.1

»• ........_________ __ »3.00 lo 93.B0■ i - i f e t t ____________________________ «4.00t t f e r i ______________ __ »4.00 to *5.00.’ *1 cn lT fi__ __________ 15.00 to ?7.0U

A yiuttoii ___________ __ *a.00 to *7.00■ -.M ube___________ ___ *7.00 to *8.00

roww.Ilrirvv hcnn .....- ..............- ................. l ‘2<il . i -h t lifiiH ................. - ........................ 8c

p a iry . — ■IJiitlorfat. rrcnniery ................. ......... -ISc

'H w oi't croam. iit.-^inu ......................... 4r,e• lliitto rfa t, Btation .................... - ........ -ili':

. ...ii.try t.iiltor ............ - ....... - ............KkKh (BhipperB) .........- ........................ 25c

MimmI NiorpH) ........................... 30cW h ea t aod M ill rood.

W hont ................................................. $1.25-;irun, cw t.................... .....— .......... .. $1.15Qran, 500 lb. l o t s ------------------------$1.10Bto.ek food ........................ .................$1-30fltock* food COO lb. l o t s --------------$1.25

fe Sugar, Wholesale.'Cano ........... .......... - .......................ft... S10.5SDcet ..............................................- ..... S10.JS

Bwuis. '■ Orent N orthern .........- ......... No m arket

Pototoea.I’otntooH, whito ................................... (15cPotatoes, ItusHOts ............... ............. 85d

B B T A IL J'BIOES. Vegotaoiee.

“ I’otnfoo!., 10 lbs. for .......................... 25«owcol ]>otatoefl, l b . ___________ __ 07;!•Tesd lo t tu c o _____________ iOe to ISsOuiorni, S pound# f<>r ................. ....... -5i‘Nuw oabbano, pound ......................... O'lc

_ flJery, b u n c h ------------------------—_ lOefc “ Caiiliflnwer, pound' 20c• F n U t

I ranberrlca, pound .......................... 20cC o eo an u ts_________________ 15 to 20c

•Ornpofrult, cach - .................. lOo to 15c'•>rHp(?ii, to k a y --------------------------------20clem ons, .lo?.cu,.......................................JOfOraugoH, dozen ...................... -3c to .jOe

•4uunaa, p o u n d _________ — ---------15e• Csfflish w alnu ts --------------- 30c to « c

Dairy.Creamery b u tte r ----------------------— MeBnhl ___________________________— 3»cW isconsin ch e e se ---------------------------40f


» •Wl.ent— H ard whit« B. 8 . Rnnrt., J a u ' uary $1.03, February $1.03; Bofl whito

■ Jununry $1.02, Pobrunry *1.02; wciitcrr re.l, • Jn n u ary $1.03, Fcbrimry $1.02: liard w inter, Jnnuary 07c, Februnrj 07c; northern sprinR, Jnnunry OSc, Fob ru a ry 98c; weateni red, Jnnunry 07c Fobrunrj- 07c. , ' '

m Corn—No. 2 E. Y. shipment, January$33.25, Februnrj- $33. j

TOTATOEB AND raO D U O B. / C IlIO A aO , Ja n . 25 C 4^ro ta t(w (» -

Btondy; rocclpt* 48 carff- to tal V. E■ Bhlpmcnts 008; Wiiconl.ln sacked ioun.

^ w hites $1.36 to 1.00; bulk * l iO t

, . TWI^ 1.00 ; M in n e s o ta sa ck e d ro u n d w h ite s ^ $1.25 to 1 .35.^ B u t to r — I l i j j h e r ; c ro n u ii 'ry extriiK

81 l - 2 c ; s tn n d a r d s 51 l-2 c ; e x tra ’ firiilH CO to 5 1 c ; f i r s t s 4 8 1-2 to 40 i :2 c ; scc-

'.n e n d s 4 0 to 47c.I E ffgs— n i g h e r ; rc c o lp ts .'ifl’ r. rnsc!*: 'f i r s t s 4.1 1-2 to ^ 2 l-S e ; o rd in a ry f i r s t s a ? to 3 0 c ; r e f r i j j e ra to r e x tra s 2.’> I-C

* * to 2 0 c ; r e f r lR o r a to r f irstH 24 J - 2 t i . i £5 c o n ts .

P o u l t r j '— A liv e , u n d u in R c l.

ai- A P P I X S A N D P O T A T O E S .

l' '‘ B A N F lU N O I S C O , J u n . ." 5 W>>wo f Applo.H— A rriva lH , W aBhJiiRton t l .o a f ;to- snpplioH n io d c ra tu ; d e a ia u d nm l uiovo-rc- m o n t n u i.lo ra to ; n m rk o t about-, n to a .lv ;a .I OroKoii . 'x l r i i fan .-y Ksc.piis l i i r i e " i/o .tl* $1.85 to 2 .2 0 ; f a n c y «l.r.O to 1 .90; olli-til o r pri-i-H a i i 'i ooii.litioii!) un.'liaiiK o.l.n.l I’O T A T O K rt— 301) HurkH C a lif i .m ia l.y)Ui Ix ia t ; C a lif i .r ii ia .2, OroKon J , WaHh-is- iu « t« n 1: ro i-o ij.ts ,o ( |u ivalou l lo 18 oar- it!* Ida.lH M ich iK au l.v b o a t ; pricoH au .l eon- ’

.ntiouH u u H ia u u o .l. ^ I

i.'t POTATO MAKKET sn?IMABY. | ■” ll> A IIO F A L L S . J a n . 24.— (U n ilo .l ' • « ' 6 tn tc s l ic p a r J i i io a l o f A K rl.-uUiiro ^Mar ip -jkoX Nowh K .-rv ico .)— C a rb .t Nhipii......h.! 'f e r th o U u ito i l -S ta fo s W c.lnoH.lav, to ta i rv ,j7 !it’.: I d a h o C,X,m h1 « h i |ip i i i |; p o ia t l i .fo rm a t lo u Wo.lIl.■^•

i ' j . i a h o K a lh - M a x im i im W o...... .." ‘ ': : tO .k-Kr....H M iuiii.iiiii W e.laon .lav iii t;h l ' 'C U ;ir , H bovo. DoiMand U rnito.l. '.M ark . L'

1 w e a k e r , ( .'a rlo a ils .-aHli tra .-k , H u ra l 'i . ' o . r f o w sa lo ^ T.'.cT U u sso ls rc |.a .-ko .l fo r,; n f C a lifo rn ia , ^1.2.-, to W aK oaloa.lsI

le a s ! . N. K row ors, hauliiiKK h e av y , HiiraL'<j .„ ;m o H l ly 7llo; KUH.'ii'ta .ao.sltv $1. -V.. ..., i .M innM lpolis-Si; P a u l - • .M i.ilm i.m '1 '

i .h 't j r . '. ' l.o low . M ax im m u X'., a T io v .v a ^ -^ ' ” f ; n m n d l i« h l . .M arke t w eak m a ron lu l .

white.H an.l 8li;;hJlv f.troaniT .'.u C)hit>H. 1 >ul jrarlD a.is ilolivi-ro.i rniin.l whitcH $ |.lt.'I Ilio,,to $1.1.'.; niostly $J .l.'. If,.,! Hiverw H'jrv t<. Sl.0,5. • . .

I ■ % V -u.i.aoa ;'\V i...- .M ia iiiiu .ii -5 < k - re o . l ahovo . .M axiniuni ao ,loKreos. \ - n : v u l ■ sliipnu 'n lH proviouH .saloH. T ra .lia i-

^ % ;iiiiN l,-ra t( .. .M arket « lij;h tly w ea k er .j CarloaclK .k-livcrx.,| ro u n d w iiitos, iiaek-

j rn oil 4 ;l.l() t . . # I .2u. HIIhh T r iu m p h hooJ ;'lv u a e e r l i f io d $ l to $1.15.TV. w ro f le y , Coh*. (C n o f f i .- ia l) — » -a rin . „ „ DeuiaucI n io ,lo ra tc . '.M a r k e t a b o u t 1

H toa.ly. C a r lo a .ls n s i.a l te ra if.. W hit.- • varietioM lu o - tly i l .

T h u rm lio - n io r n in « ’« i .n i» .r ta i. t .n a r kciH r o p o r le .l ,bv w iru : ^

C liicaK o— C loudy . 2H ’ ,lej;reo«. : i ; Id a h o , 7 M innoH ot:i, 20 W lm-ounin a r

ion riv o d . 18J) on tr a e k . JS iipp lieH 'lii.era l, iiioHtly o r t l l i ia r v N toek. D em and v e ry Mlow. M a rk o l .lu ll . C a r lc is oa lw oiK ti; WiHconHln roum l w hile.s s a e k c l to <;1 ..'0 . DuHiv Hnralw ^ h a .le liiKher. F ro jio ii ,h to c k $l.l.'> to ? 1.2.->.

— i ' 'o r t W o rli l— C londv . .j-l .loj-ree.s. U ty C o loru ilo , 7 l.Iahc. a r r iv e d . HI liiv e r to d id 2 u iiI.ia .lo .L ll u n b ro k e n an li 'aek . Do- ?• luau .l m o d u ra to . .M ark e t a tea .lv . U n .lt- In orH c a r lo t sik-N, C u lo radu wIiiloH $I.SU re to 4^1.s.*. li ia lio UuialH m oatly a ro u n d Is * 1.1K»; f e w - $ 1.11-1. “M. KauNuH C i ty -H a ii i iu K . :il) dot'reiM . !1a C o lu ra .lo , Ti Id a h o , 2 .M ianckuta, 1 Ne- Irt b rn n k n , 1 N o rth D a k o ta a rr iv e d . 14 d« e i VLTlfd f ro m to a m tr a c k . 21) on tr a c k .

.SiipplioM m o tlo ra le . U onian,) IIkUI. M a rk e t .lu ll . C a r lo t na les to o u tr id e

”” poiulH , W o s te rn w h iU s , iiic lud in f; Id a lio IhiralH $I..'iO; I{u««ot» J I .7 5 . C a r lo ts .iii tw o iK h t .M inncHdta H o,l U iv e rs $1.40;

I.<js AiiKele.H. T lu irsd a y -2 (» C a lifo r . Ilia , ;U) I d a h o a rr iv e d . -I H iv e rle d . >i\

i.OO u a l.ro k e ii, 2 :i b ro k e n e a r s ,m .t r a c k . ; 0 0 D .'m aii.! slow . U Ju r lm u k n ste rn ly . Jluh-

setM w e a k . C a r lo ts ou tw e iK h t IJui jV n fhiuliH $2 .50 to $2.7.-.; h ra u d e d $2..S() to K60 iw o ro r low an $ 2.2.'> p e r Hack. I.lah .) LOO I tu f se ts $ I.^U to $1.,S5; .p o o re r $1 .7.'.

J-J3 O A S H Q U O T A T IO N S . ^

^ 0 0 C IM C A G t), J a n . 2.' (/?)— W h e a t— N u. *-00 2 red $1.11 5.H ; N o. 2 h a rd $1,011 1-4 lo

-v.d low s o to N'l r i c .

. ,3^ ‘ O afn— N o. 2 w h ite 4H 1-2 to 4 9 .1 - lc ; •I5c N .l. ;i w h ile 4> :i-4 to 4fi l-2e.•J2.: ICvt'— N o. 3, 72 l-2e.

l la r lo v — <};! to S.Tv.“ 5= T im o th y H O e.l-$() to H.

C l..v o r s e o , i - $ l » to 2X 7.'.1 2 5 L:i>-.I— f l l . r . ' . '1J 5 • K ills— <>l> p oua .l a v era t;e .i $11,02.1.10 - r — ^1.30 ' P O R T L A N D 1 .I V E 8 T 0 0 K .

V I 'O I tT I .A N K , O ro ,. .Ian . 2.1 O P)-- 0 .5 . C a t t le — .N om inally h te a .ly ; re c e ip ts .'(I; O.Jit b e e f hteerK K railo $7.23 to S.-W;

iiiediut^i $.'..7.'i to com m on s te e r srkct. $ .|.2 .' to .'■..75; h e e f .cows a n d h e lfo r s

«oo.l K ra .le $.'>.25 lo n.7.’>; com m on $2 lo ;i; c a n n e r» a n d c u tto rn $2 lo !(; h u lls if3.2r> to $l..'-,0 ; ho st l is l i t v e a le rs $11 to 10. 10 ; o th e r e a lv e s $4 to 4.7l>.

II.iK^— Nouiiually Hteady; receipts 78; b n lk prices: Desirrihle w ei-hl

3 7 “ b u te h e r s $.S.1U lo H.2.*,; w olK hty butcher;^ i s l j i?S.Ul d o w n ; h e a v y p a c k e rs an ,I th ro w . 25e •‘o w s Ui I ) s lnuK btvr p»K>*04c lo 7 .S5; f e e d e r p i^ s q u o ta b le a t 10c Io 7 ; v o rv fe w Bold.20c S h e e p — N o m in a lly r to a .ly ; «ood fa i

w oolcd l a m b / m o s t l y a ro u n .l ,*1 2 ; c li.. “J ' ped $ 1 0 ,5 0 - to 11.

' b a n f b a n o i s c o i ^ s t o o k .40e H A N r ilA N C IM C O . - J a n . 25 O P )- .TOe n o g s — S t o a 'iy ; clioieo IiKht w eifjhi 15e b u te h e r s $8.25 to 9 ; m ed ium l(iO to 20'

pouu il b u tc h o rs do w n to $8 ; Bl.iuglitc) piRB a n d IiR ht liK lifs fro m $7.2*. to 9

^ .lepond inK on w e ig h t; lioaVy ho(,T» s lo v J J * no d e m a n d .

C u t l le — S te e r s bIow ,-rreak ; few lo a d • m ed iu m n n .l Kood'lOOO po u n d C n llfo r

. n in s to o r s $S.7S; m ed ium k in d s $7 t. 8.2.'Ij com jn o u g r a d e dow n to $ 5 ; cow

Ju n - H tcudV rW itb Rood R rado cow s b r in g in . $5..''.o’ to 0 ; o f f c a r s n n d m ed ium 'firnd s tu f f* n io s t ly $4 to 5 .25 ; c n n n ers .nu .

1-0 2 ; r u t t o r s d o w n to $ 2 ; lu i lT rn tN u ly ; boo end $-1 to 4 .50, n n d bo lo g n n s $3 t o 4 c a lv e s n tcudV ; sO H o" com m on h c a v

O 'c . A r i ro n n s $0 to 7 ; l ig h t ven lors- Ifl' ^ .ounds d o w n $8.25 • to fi.75; lieav,

un ry p a iv i.j t o 7 .25 d c p e ijd in g on couj d itio n .

/ S h e e p — L n m b s sto n d y , w K h 75 poun ■ I . ;.vo r« |!™ in o .ll j- w o n n .l h r a voAi— Inn ib s o r 85 p o u n d a n d h c n v ie r dow / . B. to $1 2 .5 0 ; com m on a n d 't h ln Ia m b s (fei ^ound o r a l ly $11 to 12; ew es B teady ; w e tl 0 ' t o e rs s te a d y .


5’ r-TlC C » S « & Itr W IMPOSSIBLE.U t bonk T tU C I I HAVt A

«; WC. YOU HAVE i N U nM CO f.W t« . OVCBDCOWN VOOPltHCCK 1 IW tI ACCO i)N Y <^ m U S tD ^ ■

l.e '■■■ ■ ■,h. L q s A N G E L E S L IV E S T O C K .ir- U )8 A N CiK IJ-.S , .lan . 2.* ( / P l - l a l l L - .U . '— llo e o ip ts 20(1; _ m a rk e t K onorall.\

I s te a d v .j HoKH—1<e,.ei|ifs 100; h n ld o v o r 310; lu n e a r ly 'w a J e s ; l.id d i ii; : $7,7o" to 8 on

e,l 'l iu te h o rH ; 17(1.t.i 22i) pmiii.I a v .‘ra> ;os 'i.r i r '.s te a d v liack iii(; so^-fl ?fl.2 r. I,j It.- .VIh.,'!.— K..;;y.ipt.s a.-iio; ' H12 hoa.'l •'■I I a m b i avera7e_^l(C , |Miun,ls. .<‘1.7.',.

'''■ O M A ILA L IV E S T O C K .25 (yP)-.l|„;.,s — He-

.'i;, Ice ip lH 17,.'.IMI: M,i,rl...| f a ir lv a c l iv o ;L 's te a .Iy to I(V h iu h o r , imosMv' . ' c h i i 'h e r ;

ih i. ' Rood a n d choice 2H i lo :i(iil p .m iid bo le).- '“ r . ,e r s $<i.KO tS r.iK t; l.ip ' ^(l.'l(^; elioi-i- ‘[•<]w ei};lily b u tc h e r s h.-ld h i i s ie r : to‘‘•'^1210 p.>iind w e ij;h ls * O t l>. Ii.75; pack -• j liuV-MO-U-,.. la ry e lv fon- i.p to StUl.J; ^ vcuvocH :.) -i.iHl y .-s to r .lay $,l..;n ; w e ig h t ;„1,241 p o u n .ls .t>H. I C a l t l .— n .v e ip ls 2:(i(»: m a rk e t mod

,.rat..h* a c liv o ,*1 .Sh...- |.— If.-i-eii.H .'( inn; ,n i,rk .-t a e t iv o ;

M r o n u 't o lO e -h iK h .'r : e a r lv f a t lam bs ,"7 $ 12,110 (o m .-diiim .p ia l i lv liR lit

' ow os $|!.(m ; fe .-d in i; laailiK .*|;i,

• k- CmOAOO L T V E ^O C K .■od ( !H K ^ \G O , J a n . 2 .' (/FO— C a l t l ,— Ho-

e e iii ls .-.UOO; f a i r ly a c t iv e ; I..... .. mIocm

">■ fill sh>. s lo c k s t i 'a . ly lo s tro i.K ; '•I 'o t’* lO .to r . i - 'h ic l i .T ; k illin g .|U ality ‘'p l a i n . r.t.-ers n in la r^ .- ly $7.,',l) ti l |l k iu . l ; ta p $10; n iim i.rous lo a .ls w arm e d i;p au .l s h o r t f e d m c n ly s l. 'e r s avera;:iTiL; IKK'

: i | l o lor.O poun .ls $7 lo 8 .50 to k llle ra ; a r iBomo 1119 pouud nveraK c $U.S5; b .-er '" '• [ l ^ f c r H iu b r o a d e r du iannd , n iin ierous

....il.'H #.*.5(1 to i;.7.- Iiia .r. lo o k iu j ; ” :»■ hiK bor; h u lls fu lly s te a . l v ; b e s t bo l,o«nns $r, o r s r ijjl itly a b o v e ; . b i i l \ v e a lo r s to p a c k e rs $11..50 lo 12; oul-

^ s iilo rs u p w a rd f<> -$i;i an .l a b o v o ; st.iek- ed e rs a n d fee .le rs sl.iw n t w ee k S. .le Uo- c lin c .ok- H-OffS— H eeo i])ts .111,000 ; npeuod fa irlv

a c t iv e , m o s tly sten< ly w ith y ,.s tc r .la y > ih e s t t im o ; e lo se .l hIow; h ig paeki.rf.

,, ib id d iu K HIc lo w e r ; hulk . le « ira b le n.e- d iin iis :n i,l h e a v y wcikIU h u te h o rs $7.2.'

, | r to ■.;">: t^>P $7.;iO: b u lk K50 tn 22-- ek. nound itv e ray e $7 to 7 .25; b n lk 140 U rlit, jionru l ayer;»Ke #H,il5 lo (i.l)l); j.aclc *'•« jn y so w s lar(>ely -iii.ln f . . ' (1.70: k illin .

p ic s !< tr r .n (r lo 2 .1e liiKlior; l,n lk Hesir 5*,;” a id e s tro n g ' w e iy h tn $,',7.- lo (;.2 5 ;‘ o.Hti ‘ ’ jiim to d h ,.h lo v e r M.dOO. - ,ro r. I S h e e t.— R e c e ip ts II.OOO; f a t la i .....

j j . l i s l r o i i , ; to 'a r o u n . l l.V luK her; ^l.oei e k . j.- ln .n ) :: f e e .lia t ' lam hs s t , .a d v ; hiilli ;us- a n d ,-lioico fa t w oo l.- l lam b.

i$l:i..*.(l to i;!.im ; t o p $14; h u lk f a t iiwe. *"■$7 fo •7.7.5: one lo t a ronnd 1,' pr>r v e iil

‘" " 'y o a r l i n K s in c lu d ed $S,.'.0; ,-hoi,-o haiid,v w o iR h t n e ed w o tlio r^ $!i;50; j jo o d 'a m e h o iee foed in jr la n ib r $.l".il(l to 13.15

SPECIALTIES IN DEMANC. 2 P r o f i t - T a k in g S a lo a on E u tu r b DoUt

erle? and B oported Increaao In Of 11-,' Xorlngs Cjven a s Cause

T o ta l s to c k a.-ilcfl 1,231,500 sh a re s .T w e n ty im lu s tr in l* nv e rn R cd J0 0 .5 4

n e t j;n in 1.50; liifih 1023, 105 .38 ; lo t 85.7(1

T w e n ty r a i l ro a d s nve raR od f84 .3 i n o t n a in .80 ; h ig h 1023, 0 0 .5 / - loi 79.54.

N E W ' Y O RIC, J a n . 25 W>)— S pccu lf to r s f o r th e a .lv a .ie o m n ii itn iu o .l con tro l o f to d a y 's s to c k m a rk e t d c sp it

.'ers “ ' ‘ ' ‘" 'I ’t o f b e a r o p c ra tf frs to ur to r s *'*'***•' b y h e a v y o f fe r in g s o

a n u m b e r o f t h o m o to r a n d choirfics .,. Hhares a n d auch sp o c ia l tic s na F am ou

le rs a n d U n i te d S ta te s C a s t IroI) P ij)e . P r ic e s w e ro cliu rnod n b o u t coi ip t s " id o n il.Iy in t h o e a r ly d e a lin g s , b u t [..lit b ro a d fo rjv n rd m o v e m en t a o t in non

Iho c lo so u n d e r t h o l(iadcrBhlp o f U n i „ ,v . e.l .S ta te s .Steel com m on , w h ic h touclie 7 ..-|« 1.*14 1 -8 , th e h lR h c s t p t k c * inco \ai 0 .00 nprinK a n d n e a r ly tliroo .p o in ts abo^

y c s te r i la v 'a eloso. f a r . J liR b - iir ic c d spoci.-ilticfl-T lRain deve

ope .l m ;irk c d b u o y a n c y . G o n o ra l. E lo t r ie fo iic h e .l 221 7-8, th o h ig h e s t pri<

, iu m ove U ian 20 y e a rs , c lo s in g sliR htl b o lo w th a t f lR u rc fo r a n e t R a in (

P)— 8 p o in ta . C orn P r o d u c ts e s ta b l is h e d ig b t rei o rd h tp h f o r ' a l l .tim e a t 183, v "0'> 'I 1 -4 . a s a g a in s t th o y e a r ’s lo w i

l it e r 15 2 " ;t-8 . A m e ric a n C a r n n d .P o u n d i 0 9 , a d v a n c e d a lm o s t o lg h t p o in ta to 174 7- l e v , U n i te d F r u i t ju in p c d m oro th a n si

p o in ts , to 195; A m 'c rlcan C a n c s ta □ ads lis b o d n r e c o rd h ig h n t 111 3-4, clc I fo r- in j j n t a n o t g a in o f n e a r ly I t 7 to p o in ts . • .:ow s O p e r a to r s o n th o lo n g s ld o o f tl K ing m n r k c t fo u o d l i t t l o d i f f ic u l t y in o r a d e t a ln ln g fu n d s to f la a n c e t h e i r ope i .n u d tlo n s . OaU m o n o y a g a in r u le d a t h o o f | .e r c e n t / b n t “ o u ts ld o ” lo a n s w ero i 0 4 ; p o r te d to ^ v o b e e n m o d e n s low c av y 3 1 -2 . C o m m issio n houses r o p o r t o d . :

IflO l a e r o n s o - I n p u b l i j s , p if r t lc ip a t lo n , b c av y th u s f a r th o b u y b g f ro m t h i s so u i eon- h a s b e e n o f a r a th e r , e im tlo u ^ c h a n

to r .oum l C a l l m 'oney h o ld s te a d y a t , ^4 f eav.T c e n t . B r o k e rs co n tiirao - t o -b id 4 : lo w n p o r c o n t f o r a l l m a ta r i t ic s I n th e tb g e n - m o n e y 'm a r k e t w i th som e 80 to 00 d

r e th - Jo a n s m a d e a t t h a t f ig u r e . B a a k . a rQ 'o s k in g 4 3 4 f o r th e lo n g e r d a t


l l A S Hl _ _ ____________________________________

O N E C E N T P E R WO!A dvertisem ents un der th is head

5 Q^far devised o f bringing th e .rH E L P W AOTED

f i l i u . Wlrit.’ i i l . r r 'i i r . i iT r in ’i T m u i ^ n . ............. 1211 fo r a i.p o liit i i io i it .

U 'A N T I- ;ll^ M o n o r . .. ......en to “tiiloo rilo rs fo r K oiiniiie (n ia ra u te o .l liowlory

_ fo r m on. w om en a n .l c h i l . l r e n ; e lim in- “ la i.-s da rn ing '. S a la ry *7j a w eek fo il

i t im o ; Jl.,*(l iill h o u r s p a re tim e . C o tto n s,I,. lhoalli..r.<. s ilk s . ’ In to r n a t lo u : i l K tnrk- K lii 'i : Mill.«. . \- ..r r is5o w n . P a .

I S , \ l . | - > . \ i i ; . \ r e a d th i s ; a r a re . i | - n . p .i r t i i n i ty : m en a n ti w om en m a k o onor-

motiK iiro f ils , A rti/T o e o s is .V. se ll- •lu irU ly fo r $ 1.01.1; m a k o fro m $ 1’. 1.0 .?;!ii d a ilv . P i ir t ie u la r s f r e e ; w ri te ooi.'K . H . I .. V a g e r, M ;;r., 15,'1 CaJ.

■ 'IJS t.. h e a v e r , (M io. , .M |.;,\ A .M ) W U.MKN m a lu :. lar>-,

I p to f i t s s e llii .y U a w le iu h 's ( i.ii.d H ealH i IV .id ii.'t. an .l H o u seh o ld N .v e s s i l ie s in

e- !'-nhl a n .l a lso ii7 o tii ,.r Id a h o e ilie ..... N o .•xpiT i...i..e u e e o .s a ry . L a rg e s t eom.- . j.a u y t,-a.-he« vou th o • m ost .s iii 'c e ss fn l , m oilio .ls a n d i;iv e» . m .is t h .d i. nn .l <-i>•' o p e ra li .i i i . G iv,- a |:o , o c c u p a lii .a , ro?.

ereni-e-c W. T . iru w lo ig h Co,, C t. 2H5.-,, lT.-».|i<’. r t . 111.

.’I" 1 ^ 7 ^ '■ “ i : 'io A Y r o i r » WAJJTBD

h t W O U K V''r*^b>y^

id ~ r x u v w a n ts w .irk h v .la v ,o r . him.-, I 'h o .ie 9:U \V . • • ■ I

lIK ii-l .s i ' l iO O l , UDV w an tii- pla.-o Iis l , . ‘«v.irl; lo r rnnm h .ia r.l . I 'lio iie 5>>, li t W A .N TK D — O l'l’iee w ork l.y a Kooii

m a n . R e le re iio e s f iirn is lie d . . -M.. on ro N ow s.________________ ' _____

I'UU t t br i x— •to- ----------------------------------- ------- -------------

M O D E R N o f f i c e , room s fo r r e n t . Ki.T u ire (H p iiouni th e a te r .________________ ll(J l,: !5 l-: F U lt R K N T — 5-ro..m m odern houne. I. h e.i]>'~ t r rT ig l i t p a r ty . I ’hoiio»nn. •

(I(. . U1» i U M N ianB l)

'" 'F o i r ' i l K .V r — [-^irnisiie.^S .-cond nv .-nuo u o r th . P h o n e :i; |l.

I'.'" F U U K K N T — F i r s t c lasa room , on t t''*' t i d e on 'trifiice , 450, S ix th nven u o e a s t

“T’TTU u IJN T — F u riiish e d m r n iiJ- jo in iu R b a th , f u ru n c o h e a t ; e lo se in .I 'hono 47 3 J._____________

FO H U K N T — .N ie o r r f u r n is h e d fr..i it liedrooni an .l b a lh . :i5:t ^ o v o u th avenu .- e !is l. l-h o n e .Wd.M.

■•'r “ f o r K K N T — T wo fur< iishe.l r.i,.iu s i.i i-'s m o .lo rn house .. 2 H N in th a v en u . ,.rs n o r th . P h o n o 12.5J.

. FO U J tl 'iN T — F u rn is h e .l m o d e rn «-.i' .25 b n r b a n h o u se on 2 1-2 a c re s , w ell iiu. ■J.-, p ro v o d . I 'h o n o 4 4 4 W . l io x 209. to F O R R K N T — a-ro o in fu rn ish o d a p a r t

-It. m e n t.- Rc.lK O nable. H iuiR alow . A jijily..... . F i f t h s t r e e t n n .l B ccond a v e . e as t.lir i > \ ) R » I : N T - 2 room a i .a r tm e ii t fn r

iiisho .l e o m p le tc f o r l ig h t ho u se k ee p iiit;. .• le e trlc r a n g e , lio a ti lig h t a n .l w a te rsuj^ply. . \o ^ i l d r e n _ l ^ n u ;il7 J^ ___

•ep B A U i— lU.^vL BU'i'ATli

’~ \V l-r iT .\V I .rn ''1 '2('Miero b e a n o r '^ h o e p f a r m , 4 m ile s f ro m T w in F a lls . M iiki

'•es a u ,l w ill l„ . so l.l . M ako ' u s un o ffe r, 'l i t ' E xcliaiiR o R e a l ty . P h o n e :t.1. dy F IF T V -J jK V B N A C R K S llag i^ rm au im! ra n c h f o r s a le . O uo m ile f ro m M a lr.I 1.*. tio w cr p la n t . F ro e .w a te r, ;i0 x.lu roek

ho u se , .fu ll b a s e m e n t , . is so r tm o n t of i n f r u i t s , in c lu d in g iJe lie lo u s n p p le s , $r.'i «L» j,c r a c r c . $150(V .w ill h a n d le th is , lui-

<luiro a t p o w o r | . l a n t , o r w ri to F . O llT . F ro sK H h ss , I d a h o .O f - ----------- : ------------^

L O S T — B la c k lio a to n b u ll, w h ite , b r id le , a b o u t I v e a r o ld ; a n s w e rs -,i 5 4 . u a B U )_ o f _ n u k ^ $ 5 r e w a rd . M o d e l cafe , low O H .S T R A Y E D — O n blaci:

f r ' ld in g . 1700, a n d d a r k g r a y m ar.' 3 i - M 90. N o b r a n d a . lu .iu i re g t N ew s.


F O R H A L E — W h lto o r y e llo w c o n P u b lie M a rk e t . IMu.ne 1573. '________

•ThjM;ommerclnl paper m arke t w nsqule' M i^h ra to i unchanged. .-

F o r e ig n e x c h a n g e r a te s h o ld s te a d ; iu iiu ie t t r a d i n g . D e m a n d s te r lin f n g a in w na q u o te d a ro u n d $4 .22 an t F ro n c h f r a n c s m o v e d a ro u n d 4 .4 8 c c n te J a p a n e s e y e n d ro p p o d a 'b o u t 15 p o in t to 44.75 c e n ts b u t o th e r c u rr e n c y show

ic a r c h n n g es .

n»t- OOVEBNM ENT BONDS.N F W Y O R K , J n n . 25 ( ^ - L i b e r t .

l.o .K ls c lo sed :>ovo ;i ................................................. ......$ lui.li

F irw t ’.I a -4 : lO .rvel- S eco n .l 4 1- J9.1:ioc- T h ird 4 1-1. 5. . F o u r th I ' 1 :'!'.l J y i : . S . G < .vernm eiit -1 l-4 s ...........100.2

' SUOAB.^ ® N E W Y O R K , .In n . 25 UP)— C o u lin u e

f i r m n e s s ] i ro v a ile d iu t h o lo c a l ra . M ig:ir m a r k e t to d a y . P r ic e s w ere nt e h a n g e .V .« t U.0.5 f o r C ubaa, d u ty paic w ith s : J t a - 'r e p o r te d , o f a b o u t 00,00 b a g s f o r p r o m p t n n d F e b r u n ry sh ij

* m e n t lo n locn l r e f tn e r .R a w f lu g u r 'f u tu re s o p e n e d n t d e c lin .

o f 1 to 3 p o in ts o n s c a t t e r e d liq u id : t io n , b n t so o n f i r m e d u p o n renow c buyii»K b y C u b a n in te r e s t s , oic tivo ji. hit’io n s a t o n o t im o s h o w in g n o t g a li .^f s ix to e ig h t p o iu ta . M a rc h so ld I

“ * 4 .S8 a n d M n y to 4 .97 , b u t m o t in c ro a “ c d o ffe rln ftB n t th c s o le v e ls u n d in tl ' “ In to t r a d i n g p a s o i l - ^ f p a r f lc a l ly , f lu

w I’r tc c s sh o w in g n e t g n in s o f 1 to p o in ts . M a rc h 4 .80 . M a y 1.93, Ju l 4 .09, S e p te m b e r 5 .04 . .

»rac* r e f in e d d e m ;in d e o n tin u e d o f fa j i r o f j l k io n s a n d p r ic e s w o ro u n c h an g -

, P „ a t « .2 |t to 8 .0 0 f o r f in o g r a n u la te d .R e f in e d f u tu r e s n o m in a l,

tim e ____ ____________W b a t l« u se le s s t o vou mw y 'oe v a l

x k m a U e to ' o th e r» — a d T c r t is * i t I n t l lAtes. c la s s if ie d e o lu m n s .



ead a re a lw ays a live and . active, le. need o l a d v e r tise rs to th e a tten i


M-. S lllK T ^lAi?I7jG/Pholle~lK??^^^^^_ .-M U R R A V , T ill': ''LUM HKR. 1‘liou.-F 818.V iiiiiating alTd knlsominiu):"I; riui.ie 1)01 . _____________________

l)RI^«!^r.\K rN <: niiTTiTternlions. ;m :iFifth avenue norlh.__________________

M.VI’KRNITY NURSl.NU. 7 y e a rs ’— oxporlenco. Mrs. K. .1. Smizer. Phono

.'■i4iiR4.!i|.i WK lUIV ami sell anytlilng".“ c«sh e M’. cnmiiiissiou. l.taho Auction Ci- i,.. i-hoiio HIO. ,:aj. IF VOIIli g:irnio.it..i are tii.lod ul

- fa»hi..ualile J l / me uvo them or mai.e rr. th.-m OV.T. Prieej. ' verv r.iasoiialil.-r Itl, -Mrs, .1. F. .Ie-.'.-.-tt( Rood’ A i'artm onts. j„ 1’lione ln.'.7-\V.

.111 F o b a a le -M X a C E liA N B O U *

'* 'F (M rs\\L K —n.Tr b T i T ^ . vwi.-h, mashed po ln ti.es an.l lirown grav.v-; U:i'iite I,iin.-b, Tliinl and Sl.'o- shouo.

FOU SALI-:—G reat N orthern whit.' beaus for seed, f lires lie .l ■ before tb.-

i;^. rain. J . F. Cordes, R. 2, Twiu FalN, Phone 512J2.

^ ~i.'OR S A L l-^H iuks, lavatory anvils. •' large slzo lariis, ru b b e r bcUhig. Phone

— <140. ldaho-:Iiink IIouho, |ia.-k of Idntio Departm ont Store. ________________

— ICF M AKiNG M aHilnerv. Ono 10 1-2 inch by . 20 iurh U arris Ammonia Com pressor, eilmpleto w ilh pulleys an.l

_ eounlcrshafl, Oofrd f o r 25 tons re frig eratlou. ^-.’’lO.OO f. 0 . b. lloiso. nois.. Cold Btorngo Compnny, Ilolso, Maho.


.110 "p b irR A L IO —H abv. O v o ria u ^ "M n h $1.50. Phone 798.1, <roRHwell T ire and

= Service.'•VANTF.l»^--!i^(,Vo F o rd owners to one

.li;j the b a rg u ln ^ w e arc o ffe ring in. tires.Lind AtUomobilo Co._______________ ^

Tiif ClllOAl* O tr Slorattu for unused a[trs~; a*i uo freezing. $1 p e r m onth.' Phonv

54.5R1. .__________ ____________ 'ill. ~WANTKI>— lOOtTcar owners to tn -

our gasoline, 'irhore la a difforenco, - ~ 7 and 'you will any so. Lind Automobile ......jCo.

I'OUU RADIATORS th a t stan d frccz-— lng, $13.85. Auto liepa lr Shop, 321 ..... Shoshono street south.

FOU SALI')—T ry our gasoline nn.l —- iiee If your ear d o n ’t s ta r t and run d it i . t fereut. Liud Aiilotnobilo Co.

a )il_ » A b B _ O iL T ilA D l-> -audaon n-.i - ; r pc'7r5Tx'“ln~ x~ l!o rir;m oc .K iin lca l cond! , ? Hon. Term s if d(Mlred. In ^ ilro

Q-Hc* Aiit.i Co.^ STO R A G t; $4.00 jic r nioiith. ! di

overhauling and rejiiiirlng, Fords nnc , ■ all makes of car*. Scvou years n t thi

automobile work. C entral Garage. 31' :___ West Shoshone s tre e t. Phoiin 918W.

FO B BAi.B—I/T v ju r ro c n i

| j ' r ‘ W ILL BUY y our fn t cnttle. C. '■ Brown. K im berly. ________________


r..ek - •\VANTK1>—O nions. Call 10.58.

Fn- ~~. O WK WANT ull <if your fa t hog.

Phone A. .1. F ix n t ;15." " W A N T E l> -U ve pou ltry o f all kind. — Public M arkol. Pbono 157.1.-

---- ■» ‘ rO B B E N T — FABM 8

II. C. G ETTERT, 114 M ain norll .„,V‘, Phone 223. Im prove.! farm fnr rent.

FOR R K S 'I—F in e 10(1 acre raiicl 10 miles enst o f Je rom e on gravelo

I*Bi lii^hw ay; land in fin e shape for bean! beets o r potatoes. D iamond Ildw . Co. J—

lu le t ' D U N ’S BEPO B T

, N K W ' YORK, J a n . 25 C4>)-Dun ^ lom orrow '.w lll 'say :

nnd *>C u gain in busine, is seen ‘■in some branches, though

olnta 5“ " lo " '»PP‘ =how. I” ‘'KuIarily bUU m a rk s fhe s ltua ti.

iu m any lines, b u t thu not change h lioei;. m oderately fo r the betto r. Lc tem perature in m an y plaecs, w ith belated cold wave, in parts o f tho ca

■ onrly th is wcok, Tcdoted stocks iW.lD heavy w eight c lo th in g , nnd rtypjSi 10.14 from tlie re ta il f ie i.l havo Improv.- JU.ll Yet tlio more. Im p o rtau t news h as-n

q u M tc r ,-b u t from t yy., steel indiiatry; w hich n r now on an

per cen t basis o f operation . Buyi BO fu r th is y e a r haa bcca lar;

inued '>» "ome ca ses a t sligh tly higf,,.,, er priecfl to givo p rac tica l assuran

J th a t mills will bo ko p t buay for s( eral months, and in q u iry fo r pig ir has broadened no ticeab ly in somo d tric ts . Tho renew ed ac tiv ity In s t is o f largo sign ificance, b u t the- sai

clin.-. favorablo cbaracteri)itlcs do oot g. lu ija- crally prevail.lewe.l W eekly bnnk cleiiringa $7,000,4G3,0(

g:iln3 W A B B A N T "o A iL . ‘,ld lo W arran ts of A m erican F alls Itcsi

voir Dlslrie.t N um bers 132 to 141, bc . Inclusive, wlil bo p a id If preaonted

V i tl’O o f« co of tho D is tric t on Februa final igf.to 0, In te re s t on theso w arran ts cent Ju ly on Feb ruary 1st, 1{)24.

W. rr. SP E N C E , Treasurer, f fa ir "A m e ric a n F alls R cse rro lr D is tr ic t

* N icknam ing th e G r« a tB obert BDma w n s known ns “Rax

‘ In ’, ttoTln* R obin” ; Shnkespcnro 1 yalo "Gentle W |lllo"; D octor Johnson i

I th - "Sulky Siun." an d th o "Q reat Chum ' L iterature ."


ISEMENTSI N A N D WORTH ITe , and constitu te th e b e s t m eas lention ol res id en ts of S ou th Idpi.

rOR SAI.E-rOUI.TBt ."■ ' " t o u KALI.;_W lill.. W v a .i .io tir^ M T '— erels. Geo. F. I’elerson. I'hon.' .5-tOR.T

hX)UKALK—l.Vom ‘ •Taii.;re.| r t lr ; .in "7—, Whito Leghorns, liatoliing teggs, 5c each.

Rally ehieks, Man-h liiileh, J5o. A. K JTTi ll^U'^cn, Idaho.

— , y /A N T E D -lT O E E N T

one \VANTi;i> TO RENT—.Sw i'iiirfarm ^ wants lo ron i 8(1 a trea furnish.‘d. oD

— F. H., caro News.r . . \Y A .NT k \>—To re n t a la rm . JCO.-JOiI , acrc* w ith e.iiiiiu)u>ul ou, o r will lu,»\

Iho efniipi.ienl on crop. (Jot ull my owe ’ „ |... help. ^ 0 F ifth nv.'Uiie north.lll.-r --------- - . i = = _ a ---, , ■„ -: =n ts. MONEY TO LO A » ,

— '0 1:2, P ia i t ’ cE N T rn 'onoy t(x txisa loana. Can get you the uiftnoy In tea

n p p llca tlo .£ _ _ C » -^ -_ .-


■ * w 7 ^ I? rK I^ ’l*o l .o a r 'ln .m '“o « - n « ~ t , 1, . good raneh for sale.' SUifo oash price

full particu lars. D. F. Uush,. M inne '■' apolis, .Minn,


1-2 — ---------------__________ .Ol.I SHAD L. HODGIN— Itooms 12 and 1» an.l F irs t N ational bank Eldg. Phono f-

n . W l8o—L a w y e r O ffices, Uooiui ' oiH" e nnd 7 ovor Twiii Falls Bank * * o. Trust Co.. Twin FnUs. Jnaho.----- O. O. H A U s Ovor Cloa Hook. H tore. '

JO H Ji W . a B A U A M ^ L aw y cr, B ank *“ , 1, Truat BuUdlng. Phone V3S-R. ■ • and ASHEB B . W ILSON -IL nw yur.

iiOM EB O. M IL L & -t> ver C ity B W tE L B Y ft BW BBL£Y - A tlon jfy i.

ires. at-law. P ra^llce in oil courts.. Falls, Idaho .

§ i r : BUSINESS DIRECTORY, n £ . b i a c k s m t S ! '

BLAOKSM ITH — M A O BIK B SHOP-1____ Blacksm iths, w slder). bo iler m a k m-cez- m aehlnlats, m annfucturors; suppliH

325 of all k inds; agonU AltmsD-Taylei M ach lnerj Co. Krcngol M nchlne Oft .

in rn P*>ono 1202 . 210-250 second avf. h 'U i t . —

_____________________ QLASS. •

‘ •'■J W INDOW OLAB8 — Wind shields. - n e tw o rk . M oon's Hkop. Phone 0

__ _ . TB A N 8 T EB[ d o -------------------- -- ---------and McNlOHOLS TBA K SFER * B TO B A O i'

. tho --OnrbnRo hauled daily. Pbon ^»ii J J '* OBOZIBK TBANflFEB 0 0 . l^ o n o u4S

‘‘rn tlng, Htorngo nnd Libwrfv eoMi ^ f l B a r a B A U MOTOB TBU O K OOM. J ? » n r - ^ c d 'I I . MfeCracken, M ji.

~ Office phone 3 3 ; Res. phono 503R11.- N othing too big, nothing. to”o sm all

____ OlvS~ tn n c a lL ' .

*■ ' SH O E B E P A IM N Q .

-------i T W m F A I M 8 H 0 E E B P A IB IN a132 W . ShoBhono S t. Phono 3I>Hi

___ I Midi o rders post paid ono way.j— EOYAL SHOB B E P A IB SH O P — e-.

Moyers, Prop. 130 2nd S t. E ., Tw la____ Falls. W e nlBO carry now shoes.inds -------------- ^------ VULOAiOiSINCl.

OBM STA TE V D L O A N lZ IN a“ b c r ^ T Im. Beeond a re . wust.' Goodyear *p«

' ifiller tire s . .Vnleanwlng. rntr»<>*Hns


cann, 3)A H 0 D BTEOTIVE AO EN O T— AS dwo, bran?h08 o f worlc M licltcd. Box ftSi.

Boise, Idaho .

. TODAY’S OVERWORKED »(llRDS.)un a . ________

Many of Then A re V\^om 8 b T h r s a d - Biness bar^ T ha t a D ictionary 8 eema

Needless.ppcar. ••••------jn tion Ti,e sforling qunlltlcs o f thc lictlTW

Indlvldujil nowndays nuist slilno . Low ,hr,High lilK eoiivorsatlon. Ills piirpf.sc, »th a iiiH thoijglii. and ih<mf be borrow(?d' 0 cast iiiuHt Ih. rlvft.-d in Uil. lioiirer’s mind

by w onla w bkh cunnbt be forgotten. U iiforniiiiitcly mnny of tliose tfngHKcd’?

rov.-.l, 1:, purp..si.\s have latnenlublyis -n o t fulk'd to au g u i.n l llii.lr voi-abiilnrlcs m thc by reforone*. to ii l.i.ok <.f synonyms, an 80 •nma wu aro suffering from tb e over- luy iag work o f a few words, say s th e Spo-

Inrg.- kano Sr.okesjimui-Uevicw. bigh- Th.‘ lik-a now I.h to ••sell som ething

jrancc —,ui Idon, u slulL*, a cllitiaie. T bero r sev- musi In.. u “soiling iippenl," u •’salea ; iron plan." nnd ihou It Is 8Uru lo “go over." '0 dls- It “u l^ iilu ie ly” cannot full. You m ust1 stool iigree •■nli.Hdlutely” th o t-th o w eather Is ' samo good, bu<l o r Indifferent o r tb e "efll- t gon- clcncy" hound will p u t "k ick" and

"I>ep" Into his nrKunieuts un til yoo J3,ooo ’‘slioot.” llHien and become cotrvlnccd.

Cut , having b e e n - “so ld” -te not enough fo r thc bu lk ier o f (h e "at-

Rcser- m ospheri" In which you w ere trapped;, both Ue w?Ul wnnt to kmrtv—must- know , In ted a t foci—!y o u r '“ n;act»ons.’* A t . tho reac- ,.ruary x h e re la n word both su b tle a n d ’ceasoi You can h av e reactiona

to a , book, a pleco of c h e w . > jnlser* abid b low out d r a bonQre. IThat U

r ic t . where^ i b o '“ pcpful cn iciency".peT »oa ' m ust check th c (loir b la “aa lea talk* long enough to .listen.

'Rant* ’ So y oa ask blm t6 -p!«a&e p i n tb* ro ns b u tte r s n d .v o a d e r why m a s tim e and otoncy p r lnU os^ 'dM tona ila i;um of • .


1924. . • P“g®

Page 8: ^TWIK T A IIS, niAHO, ^TD ED A JANUAEV lEiiEE m m ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · with the Americnn I’alld project Kiiperinteifdvit Donner is optiinistic

■ SlllPPLIGIlllTS N i i l FOR

fosTiSTEesmpVisit of Examining Board Brings

L ist of Aspirants lo L ight;' .'Congressm an for Ex-Seryice

' . Man ■ ■ ' /' S ix ar.- in tlio n tliiiiu ir for

ri» n l Tw»iFiiII.h to rill ll vil.'ati,-y <..-.-a«iopfil 1*V

• cx]>iratii>n Ki'lir.iuirj' ' •• o fo f tin’ iiicuHilicut,: M. A. 8 tronk , who

- liiJs-a.TV.-il r..r i‘i(,'hl yiMM in U'I" e;*- pn/'il.v.; ^

Mr. S tronk an app I c o n f fo r ro- op.-)6 lntincnt, and othom lu Uio •. n u u ^ S Jwo Oapialii P. W . McEob- crtn. O. J . PnulJion, E. M . OiiOBt, Owy StiiTROon ttnd M ark M . IfliJr- IflUBlu . ■ \Til.' jii'mciiiin'l o f liic iipi)liciint* lie-

CHiw' ji'iWu-. Uiuiv.-U-ili;v fuUowiim Ui«- vinit ii.-n- tlil.s w c ( \ o f tl..! HOcri't»r.vo f III.- c iv il (i.-rviic .'UMrill''rp('i.<ti:il poH foffii'c cx aiiiin o r, w h o liavc

• in t.T v io w c .l l . f lw c 'i i .'ill im .l liO Tw in FjiHj*. c itrzcn« iiH In tlio (iiirilificn tlon tf

_ o f ‘•ill.-’ ' 5i-p m b 3rtii>Uc->u>t» for- -M*o i>o- " ” jiUim i. T h e invuo riR a tb ti m iu lo liy

t ] i .- . . '’.>ffi''ia](i ■.iYMitflhHt-i.-H-ina.iop iior- iin n . i f lln ’ i’x:itiiinl»tt«»i-tf> w liic li tlic

' njipViciiiilM iiTi) miV>ji'clcVCom ult Oommnnlty.

'riiiH I’liann o f tho oiniiiintition Imd to 0<i clii(-ny wltli upplicanla’

. enli'iiiH-fnr <lisclinrKint;.Uio.-bii9incaii of till' .iffic* ami llic ir nWl>plAl)inty to thy gcuvVnl.

I’r.'vioiiHly oa.'li nppliruiit lind qcC__ fo rth in ii*writton.j»lati'iiu-nt UiH buas*

- jiohh" rccorrl. cilnciitioniil uttaiumcut® nml i.thor fii.'^tor.t lltl^Mn|; u boarlnjj tipmi llin (]nnllfifati(inH' fnr tlio plncc.

Tin- (-xamiiiprs ina.lo no Htalomotit n« tf t tl)(- o f tJu'irtvliich will lli' roinnnuiicntoii to licailro f ..........ivil Hi-rvico nnd i>o«tiJfficc d.t-]iar*ini-n'K. ,

Apiwiintnic’n t f>f tlio miPcpsHfiil ap- Ih trt lip iiinilo frnm n ll« t to liP

fcrtlflc-d to Ihp iiiiHnual pxpi'wtivo Ity tlic civil-wprvice coiiiniiiMion.

Plodgod to McBflbotts. Mml>px» o f »»

coiigres* probnlily witl In- pon.->iiHcd in rcMiiPct t'l till- i/fipuintiai->it. In tint* ov.tiJ . UcprcH.-ututivo A.ldiBOn T. fliiiitli'w ill rpcoiiinien.l tlio niipnintmcnt o f Onjitnin McHoliprtd. Tliin in in keep- iiitf^ 'villi hi.s. lii'ti-rniinalioii fi> rei'.itii- iiii'iiil 4 lii- apjKilntmcnt of n foriiuT Mc-t’ v ic e . iiiim 'to flip phi.'i-, t?) which In? ina.Ip t!iP fdlld'.vlii^ r<‘f‘‘ri'iK'u in a liit- tp r la ti'ly rccplvpd licrc;

' ‘ A fter thr> i)i)yn ri’tiirntici from Tr;;ii-'.- r<l.;tcTm’im-iI to rccnaimcn.i (h.‘ ftp jvuutncttt o f wip <.f tW ir iioiiilii'r lU j'ostmoHtr'r a t T'vin riilln i f I-w er.' in ooiitfrpv ;;t th-' tini" 'lli.- vacniipy oc- rnrroil. r.-ipfaiii Mrlfohcrt-i not oul;. «i'r\-i‘(i III thp yp;iaiHli-Ani.-ric-an war, I'lit alfiri ill 111-- wtirhl war.

“ H p liaH till- ninniinoiKr'support ot' tlic- rrTiii1.1i.-nii c'in’ily ors'iTii/.itioii and tfl.- ri'piilili"aii utilil- conitiiUicc. Ho is till- iumniii''iiiH pltt'iin- of'llM.> Aniorlciiii I m' kioh, aii.V in iicl.Vilion, I hnvp 'r c CPiv.'ii s-orcH o f ri'o'>mnimi(lntiiiii5, pi-r- «onaI jukI w rilt.-n. fron» iiroml|tHtt .nti.'ii

\ i_2^ T w tn r;«lU wrglng Ujh upptvinl-

" I re«-jr.|, (’iipt;(ia Mdtoliortj* {is rt Miont ciip’ilili- and iiio.-<t w orlliy rcu- tlpm an, and ono of onr iiioHf pM.-pmi-d cilly.-ii.., I -ilinll. o f co>ir:ip, rci-i>ni- jiK'ii.l !ii< appoiiitiiipnt. ”

I W IT B G IV EN DIVOEOB DEOTIEE.Ill-,TP.- ».f_ divorce wan KmiitPi? Pri-

diiy U-,; W. a . l ‘.a\n'oi-k in di>-trl.'l^ '-o ;;rt hi-r-- lo -V cra Vinla Hini- loy from IM^’ar Itoy IIin-il«-y oti th<’ RroiiiidH of uon-!-«p}Mrt. Mril. lUnri.’.- ■wn« awurdod Iho cnntody o f flioir fwo m inor .•liildr.-a, Slio was roprPNontcd Jn tlip artiiin l-y AKoriiry Hoinpr C. M'ill.-f., ..Itiunl.'’- .wa5"inot p rc w n t --r rPi'rosi-ii{,--.V a f 'th .- l.piiriii'.'.

AT THE HOTELi?I 'K U niN E — n . Ia nush,. Pocfttcllo;

M r«. A. B. W ood, Mra. V. A . Dwlcht, M ra; A. E. An.Tcraon. Pilor; Mina Anita P ak o r, vr. lloyncld*. CliiraRO; L. L. Skngipi, P ocatello ; Hcnrv L evy, Rtsvt.

.tlo ; O. M. Ericlcfion. fialt Lnkc Cit<'; t). P . Auddcll, Kinj; H ill; D . A. 8 ny. dor. Itogeraon; U. L. Rnoilprnss, Won- de ll; D. J . Beck, Marcun, To.j "W. II. Jones nnd wifo, Mnckay. Id a .; 0 . D. Johnaon nnd wlfo, Ponvcy; Chnrlra Hnwkiiisoii. Jarb id jjo ; E. K. SprnuRc, H n ic lto rj; Vora Cook. Hnnacn; M W E. F itzB iblon, Miaa C. Walton, A lbjon.

R o a n n s o x — r . wii'noi".f51n-llpy:' fl. K..JanNl.urK. II.- H.

, J . P. S t. Chllr and nif.-. l/ri'aroU. G'-'irco IJ. l{pri;i-r, HiiIhp; lUHs U. KunTt* cr.;. Snn Fr.nici-crn; Di-ntiin KpIIv. Don- v p r; J . n . niirridfon, K. C. R rrry , Hiiwko^i. Unhcrt Howmaii. (.•hnrlo* J.

. Ifp rccr, J'. E. Y.-anianH, S.ilt Fwikp: Muc H oover. Toledo. Ohio; Mr«. Q. T. Qoorffp. K im berly; Mr. nnd ^ tr t . E . I,. O 'Connor,. KnuH: T)ico C lrshoro, Bont- tlP :'N ’. Dnfy. Oregon Short I j n f ; L. T. Gupkc-r, It. M. Onrbolt. (Jcoru'o W. Pew. rocat^Uo^- U. K. U<'v>’..J , C. Price, Spoknnc; Alift* A . Ottloy, K im U -rly; Al B erry, Nampa.

P O UiBlit 'f vyi


I t ; ■


I A zrcfeigjlj^doy.c.'g^l^C n p tn iii A rc tr ib a ld 'ItooHL-VL-It, non o f t

I’O fo'ru a H i'iialo rin l iiivciiliK ntlnK c o n im ittc llw ploy o f H a r r y V . S uvtliv lr, muSU-mlUioH i r y wai) HUHpieious o f tlio iiinniiLT S i w l n i r 1 111"' th o ^ U n itc d f j ta te a {{ovc-rnmciit th ro u g h jy p u tto r io r . •

iHLESiM'T : MESGHOILSiU>- ----- -' Board of E ducation B ases De- *•’ cision on W v io e -G iv e n ' by

P hysicians f i i ConferenceT w in i-i'lim i'i. f u r I ln ’

' n t it-iiHt, w ill n o t lio -i-l(i»o(l in c .in ic .|u e n co o f an ojii.lo iiiic . i f iiii'n»lcs a f-

, ■ ifpv’Ui'K l a r i 'i ' *tf UioI.. ........... . »■«

n .v m i-inb .-ri o f th p h o a rd o f c d n cu tio n U-’V iday a f f o r c .iiH o lta tim i w ilh H r. <' *D. W i-iivpr, I '.ii in ty p liy s ic ia ii , a a .l o tho r IpliyMi.^iaim o f lli(- c i ty , -i’ti.- ndvio.- o t

. Ihp n icd ioal in.-n wa:i n n if ..rn ily a '-a in ^ t ^ cl.Miiik' th o H clio o lflW it w oiii.l lio in c f

fp ctiv o nn a i.iT'an-. j | f lia ltinK Iho opi I rtpiiiic- a n d 111.- pupiM , i f rclca.sod from I j» 1 Hi-lioid.^ K i-noraHy w ^ n ld com p in con :1 i n j i a c t in oM icr w ayn , jw as llio c .ncoii-ni- tliir* ' (if i lip ir o p in io n . ;)

T . ■ T h c m » h u ly iu n u M iuKl;uicc-s is tv Iicnt ' im rtc d lo lio Ilf i r i l j l fn im . a a d th e nc n p l l - a v . - hi..... n .. f;|iSaliti.'-4 rc■^nllinJ.■ rnn -ifnm , it . ';j" '• f’ j H i t s A ttendrvn '^o R rc o n l .

‘ . \ h a r.-r.iilt. 1 irtj.'l'^ j i t liolipvoilo f lho ,m ou ..l ,.u ........... u(i* nth .r H'-hmdH h . 'f - d u r in g »lho p a a t H

'” ” ; ' la y « hns d r r l in r . i in.'t{,.'i-J.yIy in llu 'l o w e r K radps, a c id n li i i i ; to rc .ird i* mil' |.i i i l fo d to m .’ni/ii'rH o f th o h o a rd l>.'

’’ .'■.■iipcrinl.'nd.'iil .M. r . M iti-hi'll.TIu-so ro co rd ■ -ilii.w (h a t aliHoni'. ;

I'.iii-inc Uli,-. [ i.'i io d il. till- H irko l an . l.iiii'o ln ..oliiiol-i rnn a s l.i^ h a s fron

*1(1 I.) t.i p .T c e n t iif the- l o ta l e n ro ll ” jw o ii t ; ii\ tUv W uslu iiK ton urbooJ \ 0 p r

i c a i l . a li'l la :in- hi-;Ii Hohcmi iiiilv I'o I'-' ^ ' r o n t .■K"" '^T hi’' r.V nr.l,. siiow t iro v a ’cnco o f Uh

T ijalady alia.'M l. p i i l i r c ly a m .in y Ur y o n n i 'c r iMiplN. a s l t n a t io n w hich wa

.nti.'ii_ rovun ie .l ;r fo w wp.'Ich airo w hen ai ep i.lom ic o f niumpH w en t U iroiijjh tli aclioola.

RCu- ■ ‘ O a iin tlo t..-ini-d " ’ 't* ' T\\*in P a lln jf.'hoolM .'r ip p lc .l li; inmi- **"’ "i*‘n '‘l<‘" p (.'dp in i.-, ropo rf .'on ics fro n

l 'ilo r_ th a t srhool?. tli.-rc a rp riii.n in} Uio K an .itlc t o f nu-a-dc-.. i tc h , p in k i’y*

IEE. < 'li'ckcn i '..x r.i.d miii!i|>H. a n d lio r l.i rs a r P ri- n.ivi.Kini; ptipi!-. a f f o - t i 'd liy a a y - n iVi,. th .’sp i t u lo rp iiia iu n w a v fro m Kclio.r

n n t i l Ui.-y h a v e rero v o ro d . tho HiiliI ^choot.•l fioom H ln i;n larly f r “ '

iri,,.. f ro m a n y cauJH-K o f R "fwo "■n'* n ia .ie P rI -i-iy to J o h n R . AiiU

nted '•n iin ty jiro lia lio n n f f i r e r , t h n t o n ly om r C. I’" p i l n " t o f Ih e e n t i r e p iiro lh n e n t o ; ..]• sphoo ls llic ro imd. lipi-n n h .'o n t fhiji w o d

] — a n .l fh.- p r rd ia tio n o f f i c r wa.n rc lo iipn tp .l tn lnvo,H lii;ufe th e alii«onco o

» ^ D iii piipU.

a g e d ' v e t e r a n su iv im o n ecJfiht, , -------.n ita ( y r i i s W . H if'-hoO '-k. v e to rn n o f th i. L . C iv il v : i r , in h is pit>h{y-nliil^h y e a r , dio. ?«!V t-|FTi.lay n^orniii;.* a t th p ifnitio o f liT ^‘t.<': •rjyti-litor, M r«. A. L . fJo n d rich . HOiith 8 ny- „f, 7 ,v{„ F n n e rn l jVrn-icoi' *n'" in lo riiu -iit. It w ik im n o au i-cd , w il I* d " p<-Hiotj^y T u ofirlea,URc. n it,-h .-o rk i-. Ih o f a th e r 6 f . l u n*S E. n i t r h o b - k . C i n r in n a l i ; M r* .' S te w n r L M nnn . I 'ro v id c n o - . U liode M a n d ; M rs ,: .V ; T . O am bl.- a n il M rs . A. L. G ood Ikoi'. T w in F n l lf .ijtl'Tj* •>rK -w n* f o r m n n y yeari! n ro sid cn ifoU. " /..i in n D ioco , f ’n lifo r iilr i. w h e re h e wr>' ;u*TP- ! i ' jupi'oW t o f I lip F i r s t M e th o d i" ' Don. o ln ir rh . M.,* w as ,a iv . a moitibp^ o f fli:

C. MaKonie Im lt’o.-» J. * ________________ _Miic' T h o N ew a Is r e n d p e rm a n e n

T. <*nrninir elnnM-a. •"• 5'- -? e n t . ____ ______


, . B t etOtKiat t m

I R A G S, 'Y oq’U d 9 -w

' OftU u o . W« w i l l come ao4 fet tttm.

IDAHO JUNK HOUSEB ack o f I d U o D « t . a t l i n ^


! S S E N S A T I O N I N d m E A S E . : , .............

>f the Into preaidt-nt, eaiiHed n HonHiitio'n be- ittco by itce.lnrini' hu rcaiKncd ff'*ni tho em- 15o«uIt»> York oU i»n);nuti'. ^^-unNo heir ienaod th'o Teapot'D om e o ii .n ^ ^ V o froni tjh A lbert H. I-'nil, fo rm er Heerc-tnry o f ’the


S f’nnipaicn for eollcetion o f motoi vohiolo liri-niio fee.s In Jdaho w ill b< I coiitiniiod'~»'ith tlio co-oporation oi

v-,ft«ivty in\d jiolicc aulhorilicn througli ont the Htafe, .accordiiit; to 0 . W . Jo r

K .lan, depiily a ta to i-omnii.s.siiiner o ^ 3 hiw onforremcnt; who apcnt Tiiunida;

iioro cnnD’rriin; w ith Iho eonn ty ni 1 ncs!.c>r nnd the Blierlff am l*pollcc dc

lent pnTlwL'nt Tc\ntivp to Uicir icspoclW DSC pariH in thc undertnkin;*. a f. tin d er fho plan deviaod by tlio bu

,'iU, Tciiu of liiw ciiforcomeut, ownotB o ill'.I Hu.-li ear!) on w hich thc lD:2't icons lion jia« nut been paid and owners o f mo

<■ lor veliiok-H on 'w hich, accord ing t Ihor 111.! Kliitiv poniniidsioner’d ru ling , foo• of have been itnproperly ns.iCRscJ, n re llu im t 111,, to rccvivo yellow ta sa . d iroctin nef-:ihon i to a'ppenr beforo tho couixty ai ppi- so^Hor for nn ndjtiatm cnt of ailogod 'di rom |ini|uency. ArrcBta mny follow i f thi i't>«- m.ithod proves inoffoctive. *iifn i, lU-cipienlB of th e yellow tag s aro t

includo owni-rH of liKht delivery trucki a» cuTrt vqMipi'«d 'witU box on tbo tea:

I'l*'''’ or w ith truck body, which liavo bco Unj: ,.|„HHified na' tou ring cars b u t wliicl

.u n Jo r the coiiimia-iioner’s ru ling , muJ : l.L- cluasificd na trucks requ iring pftj

I nicnt o f higher licenau fee.


Motion for new tria l in liip ,-<w o .Clcnn F rai^p . c .a v i .’to.i .l.iri.i« lh. l;i.st torw of difttTv-t vnurt l>-rc » f is«> inj; ficHliom. check . v a s denied li

. .Indj;e \V. A. Hul-.-odi Fri'l^iy. i'Vaa-- ' v.-;is fionteiicod to imiirisoani.-at in lli

1“' ’ s ta te priKiyi. If.- i-< h .b l a i.ri.'oruin the ......... .. horo, tM-n.iinc lhinitconie nf appeal l«._ the ><iiprcnic'«-oui ill li ;l.eas cor]ms pr.;. .-o,lin^^ in whir

■ ninnm ent wa.H hear.l ...... nlly.Ji-dKO Ifcibrock F riday iinposi-d hi-i

' U'nco of '.Ift dava' ja ii torui and .^>0 finii;.on Ira Tnrnor, ............... who l.a

'ph*;idtd guilty to illc(;al ) os i'.s-.i'>n t: rr\'.o lioltle* of i.eer.

I li> [ , \ t l h » r .Irdiason, eh:.!;;.-; - ith illo;i •rom',. ,1c. nf liiinnr cn I •••o I'i.iiatB, was p.- lin ;; mittpil I.i cliaiu^- lii< pic:: in Iho r ’>-- I’y. . ci.-io ..-lad enter.',I a i le.i of ^rtillly ; a r - t!.;it count. Th.- cniirWiIid nol ih 'licai

• « ’i.-, jodL'mcnl -.voiii-l 1,0 I 'm n o n n rc ho.rl Ju an Cabrora. enl7?.-d a pica .>f ri-

■t-,:il:y t.> a r; iii<-..rai,-iti..'i fib '.l :■ fr<‘- t!i.. proMpciiti':i: n tlo rn o v S .irfic* o li^ . Ho- ;i,K liim with arHaull with- a .lo: ?T:

U iU .'«ca)ion upon Manii.-l Moreno, and Iri: ono ill thi- cane w.as npI f.ir .fannrir^- :»).

HOW FORDSONS,ARE WliiD;\ Films nhowiiig every proeosa fro (tho bci’itinint' to tho end in the inani

p K f.artiire of Fori>ion trnetora Frida t ^ . a f f r n e t e d gQod-Hir.Pil ;vudvcn<-pn to tV

1 Idaho ttieatro durin j: the afternoon.T h ^ p V l 'in - s a ro in te n d ed to »>o cdi

'‘ 'C J ’ c a tio n a l . nnd . th e y u m W b te . l Iy n r T h e p o rf.'c tio n o f d e ta i l in o_vc'ry ope a lio n broiiKlit in to p la ^ thorough tl

" " fM F o rd o rg a n iz a t io n ' e o n s ti tu te a n n 'i i I torcN ting n tudy. E v e r y o p e ra tio n j ao t f o r th nnd th o jp e e d w i t l r w liir I th o m ach in e s a re n*aom bled n n d tlio a

te n tio ii ffiven to . . tb o T nannfA cturc a r , fini-ih o f ovon th e am n lle s t p n r ta h o li , t h e 'n t t e n t l o n o f th c a u d ie n e o th ro u g !

‘ ’ i o u t tlio p ic tu re .

SPEO IAI. S E E V I0E 8 AT B E E O E Illia t Kppotal pervtccs tft V'j l i , ■ eondueted by tho Bov. E. \ \ \ llnUowc

' | n t Horgcr will be opened Sundny ov . :-ing with n m eeting bog%ning a t 7:T if*’'-loek. SpeeinI music has been a

“" "■ n .n c o d .___ j _____________________

A n oth er CarKEMMEREn





County’s E d u ca to rs In Session H ere D iscuss Serious S itua -

. lion iRvolved by New T ax Law?: Decision U p-to V oters

X'nli-^s Votera o f trte nldo 'indcpoad- en t Hi'hool diMtricta nnd 24 ’out o f tho

- IS ......... Hohool d lafricts o f thocounty, n t apecinl electionB (h is w in­der, nt)tliorir.o tax leviea o f more thnu fi inilla fo r operation "of their achools, iJioH.i .lii»}rtof« will bo conCriinlcd w ith utccsslty of adopting one ar tw o o t throo poaaiblo methoda of donlini; w ith 11 aifnation Iiidncod largely by dop!otcd revenuea.

j Ktati'W ciit to tliia cffo:-t w.is mndo )e- by arhoolm en-partle ipating in a round m-1 table .liaeuaHion o f ono o f tho moat im-

po rtan t queationa presented fo r con*I r'idoration o f U.'iO tenchera of Twin

"^jFalln eimnty uKaeinbled here F riday a t nn niinuM teachers* m eeting undor su*

“ p.Tviaion of Mias Chnrlotto Pond, county aupcrintondent.

-A ^ Tho throo mothoOa o f mooting j tho BltuAtloa th a t would resu lt In I thoso d is tric ts I f tho Ingeaaod

to r , lovy wor® d«nlofi, a s 'so o n b y the \ bo ' schoolmon, nro: F ir s t: Oloao high Qf I schools; socond: c iu ta ll tho long th

I o f lho achool y e a r ; th ird ;, i ^ a c e i oxportaoa oiTSappol oporatloa, in

m any Instaaccs. by fu lly GO por of cont. Tho schoolmen agro«d th a t

la y , tlio la tte r suggestion would n o t na-y- bo a t all feasible, d o -; 'i'he’ (jiioation conHiderod -by tbf^ ■Wo Mchoolmen in -.tliiK diacuaijion- arisea

I fr.nn nilopllcui by tho la st stssioa of bu- tho atnte legialntnre of n law ' which

o t }'ri>vj,k'.» lli;jt th e d iatric t-adm iniatrn- nso lion mny not, w ithout O btaining• au- tno- (hoHzation oC....tlu}._.di»tri.ct'8 voters,

to lovy a tux o f more tlinn *8 niiJis for 'coa cip,-ration of aohoola. Tho law iloea not |itt‘ ,a t ’foct levies, fo r aink ing fund or bond ‘" 8 indelife.lneaa.

i S tatfrW ldo Problem^0* X ot only nr« tho nino independent I’h!* .iistri.’tH nu<l 2 'I common d iatricts o f

th is county a ffec ted by tho law, it ' W wan rpporfe.i by L. 15. Bear, no llia tcr,

' ‘""il''’ o t thia di.icuasIon;'but a to ta l ; cif ."iW Hchool diatrictR tlirmighout tho ata te nre In tho aamo situation. An

ich. fQapvrinl elections aimuUnneoualy

’*?■ ihm ucliout thc s ta te la to next month. Piseua.nion of other qucstioua and

topics of In tereat iind im poitnnw to cdiicalora was oondnetcd In connection with the lenchera m eeting in Uirco

I il.-partinenta—high arhool, upper ele- I m t'tifary^Tnd ru ra l, nnd lower clcmoo-

" 'l a r y ami rural soctiona, iinder tho ‘ j rci'tinij roapectively of J . P . Johnston,

j ICiniborly; Mra. iloae M urray Morth, .'■' iTvvin Falla, and 11. L. Peck, Filer,

• T eachers H Baf Addressesl{(>nii>i fablo diseu.-'aions were pro-

iur> nsfcinbly hour .luringlii-li tencliers were nddreased by

S. K. Lcwia, of the Idaho Tcehnical iiiHtifule, Pocatollo, appearing in thc

I ='l>!"<‘nne of M iss EUrAbcth RuBBum l.a . i j^ ’n te auporintendent; Preaidcnt C. E.

Hocni'k of the Albion normnl, on “ The , I'v .flntion of P^prescnlativo Geogra'

.. j i l 'r ’iyi” ‘‘"'J Oacnr K irkliam , SaU Lako, . ’. .^ !« n “ Hoy Scout \Vork ns nn Kduca'

j i^iinal A gency .”A ronort on the Tdnho S ta te Teach'

I or.-i' a.HHociali.ui waa given during thf ...i I .iftorniion asspmblv hour bv A rthur N.

Knglund, Klnnvood. ':m . , ..le opening of i

•iiNvinn waa offe red by tho Hcv.. C. ^;r|«>.^\Vi))nSiig. Thc muairnl progrnm '1 rin! ji'^id.-.l numbera by tho high achoo'l t ). j choHtra, harp solo by. Mra. D. K. 1’

! voi-nl fiolo by Mtb. O. P. I>uva Q g violin ^olo by . C lif fo h r Bauer.

MISSING CAR IS SOUGHinu- —day As.HiMtanre o f county authoriti

fliriiiiijhout southern Id.^ho had be.- .-nU'ipd F riday evening In a scar

«.]u. hcin;; mnde 1)V tho aheriff 'a for a re . police horo for a enr owned by • ppy. Vhnmas. reported atolen >*riday n tho t'Tnoon. Firat know ledge th n t tho e .jj,. w as . miaaing c.mie to tho ownor wh<

i , he waH ndvined by the jiroprifltor of ilrti '■nl'‘nni?:lng p lan t th n t tlireo Itoya wi' a j . a car believed to be thn t o f Mr. Thomi

bml nUeinpleiJ : to aell .a , spare tiiolda

TIio ml.iaing mnchino la deaeribed r a fatir-door l \ . r d sodna w ith atccl di wheels; lirneo betwceU fro n t fonder

SB *'aglp rad iator enp; Sc lf 'a shock nl he ■''■'•fl'""-' ' • ________________ ->

The Twin Falla C’hnpfer. 11. A. I will hnve n cooked food aalo .Satiirda Jnm inrv Alvord & M oll grorer'

ar- for the benefit o f tho 8 <.ldior Memc'■ ial Oind.—adv.

__ • a.

r df the F am ou sR INO. 5 COALARRIVED

LA ^C O A L CO.SPHOlra 311


I BREVITIES.Ob Xsrac»Beft B u ince»—J . T . B o v l

erta w ent to R upert Fc^day .on Imut- unco business.

S Oa'X<egal Boslneas—A ttornoy Tnrnor Iv, Ilnckm nn spent F riday in iZupori on legal busrncss. j

O n Bnslnorta Vfcat—Ben H. Buaapinn-!atto rn o y n t Inw o f Biilil, spent P ridny •

a - in Twin Fall# on legal .bualnoas. ; ■ j

3X Goes to B tm ey—A. Adams, m anager.,-o o l j th o Southern Idnho ^7ho1f■8alo Qro-!

ci*fyjeoniM 35'. w ent to Burley F rijJay;i ) i i ’ii^uainOTS trip . 1

id- ------iho Loavo fo r Phoaalx—Mr. and M rs. K.•ho jj. Shuo and fam ily lo ft F rldny forin- Phoenix* Arir.., whcro thoy will, makemu tlie ir fu luro homo.)18, ----- —=— .i th R etu rns from V isit—Hoy M. Sparguro t hna returned from acvoral wooka vlait

ith to hia form er home In Missouri and ated tri^i to Cnapor, Wyo. •

ido BHalstor Botum e—Tho Bov. Johnind G iliring; piiator o f , tho Luthoraiilm- ehurch, returned Thuraday from aon* l>ri<:f trl|i to Portland,vin ” «►— —

a t O ff to Oftllfomla-M rH. 15oy V.’hcel-8U* w rig h l expocta to leave-Saturday morn.nd, ” 'P for^L ong Ueach, Cal., where sue

’ w ill pay a v ia it to relatives.

^ On Businoas Trip—Jam es Scilley, as- “ Misfant t l ia tr ic t m anager of tho Amal-

ganinte.l .Sugar conipnny, wont to Bu- ® ' pe rt oii~l''rttJny on businoaa.h . Tll • Leave fo f CWcago—Mra. Joseph• ■\Y»lnnn nnd daughtor lo ft F rid ay morn-0 ing for Clileago, where thoy w ill makn• nn extended v isit w ith re la tive^ it .........) t H ea lth Im proving—A. N. Giiiljert,

who fo r tho past aeveral montha li.i-i thfl.,boon confined to hia homo by aerious isea iilJncsa, ia .p o fa r recovered na to be1 of nblo to got downtown, iiich ' - •itra- . Form or E d ito r H ere— ilarry \ \ '. Har- -au- Ty, ono tim e c l i to r o f the Biihl Henibi. :ers, and . now on the tead iing s la f f o f th.- fo r B uhl high wna in T%vin Fal5nnot F r id a y on u b ii^^-aa trip,

load —XU— .W oman O fficial V isits—M ias, AHc(

■ B'nle, deputy county recorder ol icn t Borinovillo county, will leavo todn^ : o f re tu rn in g to her homo in Idaho Full.

it n f to r a w eek ’s v is it hero n t'the_he iiii ite r, o f Mr- nnd M rs. TI. 0 . Dietricho tal ------ -th'o Opens N ow S toro—\V. 8 . llnrriw, jirlm

to ton yonra 'ngo n resident o f Unli’, ro -lh o a opened a drug atoro in the Kn'.<

(isly Ibuildltig. M r. lln rria cume bc te ftom ,ijth. jB a ttlo M ountnin, Sev., almnt JO dayf a n d !“ BO- n o is ono of th e piofleor’ .lrug

; g is ts of. tho Tivin F«Hh ennnfry.

Eoports M issing W lieol—G. L. tlim ele- *'>■' Fourth avenuo nortii^ reporte.

noi»- l '‘*l'cc; lieadqtiartera Friday: evenliij tlie^ln.Ks n f lila Ilarloy-D ividson biey

iton "'hIch ho anid hnd jua t been takei »rth' f r o m - .in . .. .^ o u l . o f • the- -M cthodis ilyr* ‘■hnrch.

T ry-O ut Scheduled—Try.OMts fo r tin Bluo Triangle plays lo ho given tin- w u ite r will be held in tho high aclioo M onday nftornoon. Parta uro to li.

' assigned fo r “ Jo in t Owners In S jia in ,’ nnd “ H er F ira t Asaigam ent,” botl plavH havint: previoiialv been rend fo Ih

sum, g ir j , \,y Hehrenfoldt nnd Mry• E- O ’Leary. Tho plavs will Im jjivpn it Tho , 1,0 i„ the intercHt o f th.

'Ria- B lue T riangle cluV. ' ‘<ako,iuca- zz

" t t Q l d J a i f i e dr .V. '

r o o iiA T E FOB O IA S S inO A T IO N

. ' . FO lf'nK .V T —Firrnivhed”~rooni7 e'losi '•-J in. I ’hone n«J.

i , ----— — -•mutmmmammmmmBamammma


: S a t u r d a jb e . *!flr 'ror I

J ' .

i Quality Jw i' ‘ omi

t i l . There i s a difference bet-wt J and the cheap quality\u olaewhere. Oar Mel e r I

' Pot E o a 3 ts ................... OB

, P late BoUs......................05Shoulder S t e a k s .......... 12

Bound S te a k s ................16“ H a m b u r g e r ..............y .

. ’ Whale or Half ,F ' 5c ti

I n d e p e n d e iFj-ee Delivery


[” Weather Favorable >«.► tar Teacher^ Meet.a v l W nathcr cQ\idltlo>t8, co n tin u in g , g j. I - fa ir ari<t"%]iHonnbly warm, wero

. moat fnvorable for tho ga thering hero Fridny of tho coujity 'a odn- entors fo r an nnnual mobtiog. ,

. Teniper.ituro’a range was p rac tica l­ly tho same na th n t o f two day#

1 preceding, according to rocords I o f tho govefnment w eathor obsorv- : c r ’s stntion hero ahowing h igh a t ' 38 nViove and'Tow a t 13 above.

■ I ■-----------------V . ' ■ ‘s c ! ■ ■ FUNERALSiro-! __ — -j„ y ThoaM Momn.

I Punoral "rfervle'c" for ThomOJl"^r6niii,,.^!,.., pioneer o f tbo Twin Fi\1)s rl'giirti^whono

K. death occtirrod n t his liomri here Thurs- day, will be hold ut >8 o ’clock th is

nke m orning in St. E d w ard ’s Catholic church, nnd ivill be conducted by tho Bov. Rom'i 8 . Kcyzer. Burial wilf in lho Twin i'a lls cemetery.

■lait —d a L jo iin f-atl Becher.

I Fnnoral aorvicea of John Carl 'Boch- ohn montha old aon of Mr. and Mrs.iraii A lbert Becher, whoso death OPcurreJ

^ Thuraday, will be heid a t L’tao o ’clock th is nffernqtyi in tho L utheran chureh hero ,'and will bo eondueted by tb o Rqv.

ci.j. J.^ Glhring. The body will be laid lo jn i- bcaide th n t t>{ a tw in b ro ther,^ne -Toaeph, f ir whom funeral aervipoa wer.-

hold laid Sundny.1 —--------------------

nB-l WARRANT CALL. -mai-' W nrrnnts o f the Amcricnn F a lls Bes- Bu- crvoir D iatrict7 Numbers 72 to l.'il,sin - •

elusive, will bo paid i f prcaented nt thu - offico o f the distric t on J a n u a ry 20ti>.

jcnhIn te re s t on thoae w arran ts ccURfis ou

“V Jan u a rv i:Oth, H12-I.W, IL SPENCE. Treaaurc'r.

1 A m erican FiiiHs Beanrvoir D istrict.

H-rt, n fC O M E TAX ATTORNEY H E B E .Ii'i-i Leslie J . Aker, inebnio tnx expert,

ious will be a t tho Perryio hotel today and , i,e S a tu rday to meet elienta nnd fhose

doairing nd\ico nnd naaiatnnce.— ndv.

[liiocw J S 3 ID uringJ A N U A R Y

Everything in FurnitureA . H . V i n c e n t i l o m p a n y207-209 Shoshone S t S . Phon«405.

ftmii ' '• ~— ■daya ‘

Saturdayi S P E a A L


Aaaorted 'Taffies

■ ■ 1.5c ■ ■n il' th . P e r p o u n d

n THEPOPPYION 133 siioshone N o rth '

c'lose -

l y S p e c i a l so f

Meats Onlytw een the quality we aro offering lity:offered for special ^ales M eats will convince you.

08c Whole Shoulder Young •. Pork- .......................... 10c05c

Shoulder Fork S te a k . . 12cLoin Pork ...................... IBoSpare Hibs ....................08o

2Hc AH. P ork Sanaago. . 12’-4o .

; F r o n t Q u a r t e r B e e f ,

! to 6c lb. ' :■' ■ . ■ ■ ■ .

Bnt Meat Co.\ Phone 162