Two American Kids Doin’ the Best that they Can “This is a ditty, ‘bout Jack and Diane, two American kids doin’ the best that they can… Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of livin’ is gone” -John Mellencamp At precisely 7:25, Jack Jackson’s alarm went off. The soothing nature sounds of his alarm clock were scientifically proven to help him start the day relaxed. He savored the warmth of his bed, wishing he could stay idle today. Reluctantly, he rolled over to kiss his wife, Diane, a good morning, only to remember she was already out walking for exercise. Her doctor had told her she had high cholesterol. “Why does the woman even bother trying?” Jack mused with a yawn. He knew his wife quite well. Ever since high school she had been the same way. Within a week, she would give up on her diet and exercise and instead focus on

Two American Kids Doing the Best That They Can

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Two American Kids Doin the Best that they Can

Two American Kids Doin the Best that they CanThis is a ditty, bout Jack and Diane, two American kids doin the best that they canOh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of livin is gone-John MellencampAt precisely 7:25, Jack Jacksons alarm went off. The soothing nature sounds of his alarm clock were scientifically proven to help him start the day relaxed. He savored the warmth of his bed, wishing he could stay idle today. Reluctantly, he rolled over to kiss his wife, Diane, a good morning, only to remember she was already out walking for exercise. Her doctor had told her she had high cholesterol.

Why does the woman even bother trying? Jack mused with a yawn. He knew his wife quite well. Ever since high school she had been the same way. Within a week, she would give up on her diet and exercise and instead focus on begging her doctor to prescribe her cholesterol pills. Diannes average trial period for anything requiring effort was 8.4 days. Then she would seek an easier way to achieve the same goal. Knitting a sweater for her niece had lasted until noon on the fourth day, then she found something at Baby Gap in 20 minutes. For weight loss, Dianne kept up jogging for an astounding 2 weeks and 5 days before buying the scientifically proven infomercial miracle pill. Jack predicted Dianes online course would soon expire, and she only had the first chapter completed. But who needed to become an art historian in Kenesaw, Nebraska anyway? Thats what The Google was for.After a quick shower, Jack shaved and brushed his teeth. He had to look good for work. Then, when he could avoid it no longer, he surveyed himself in the mirror. The once-ruggedly handsome linebacker was now 30 pounds overweight from the irresistible combination of red meat and beer. His receding hairline aged him 5 years at least. Oh hell, everyone looks like this, he assured himself as he hobbled to his room.Jacks knee felt especially sore today, as he was reminded while donning dress pants. Though he wouldnt admit it to anyone, he dearly wished he had gone to see a doctor all those years ago. Playing injured through the fourth quarter of the state playoff game had cost him a football scholarship. Now, instead, he was working hard at a job he despised, with sufficient college and retirement funds a pipe-dream. Ze la vie or something like that, he muttered, quietly consoling himself.Jack dressed in his best suit, a gray Ralph Lauren that he could barely button around his midsection. After a deep sigh, Jack Jackson picked out his best tie. He had to look good. Today was especially important; layoffs were coming to the regional branch, a fourth of the department was being outsourced to India. But Jack was confident the guys at corporate wouldnt screw him over. He was by no stretch of imagination the sharpest tool in the shed, but he had put in 14 good years for the company. He deserved a job. He even believed he deserved to be regional executive. Just a matter of time, right?On the way out, he couldnt help but admire his beautiful home. The black marble countertops contrasted the stainless steel appliances, creating the illusion of futuristic affluence in the kitchen. The piano (furniture in this case, not an instrument) framed by an imposing bookshelf (inherited from Dianes parents and filled with stacks of Home Improvement and Sports Illustrated issues) at first glance conveyed an intellectual aura in the household. There was even a piece of art above the (electric) fireplace. Some French cubist or something. Hell, Jack never could tell if it was right-side-up or not, but he was supremely satisfied with its effect.Soon, however, Jack was glancing longingly at his piece de resistance: his man cave. It complemented the living room perfectly- what one lacked in use, the other lacked in refinement. Jacks pride and joy, the 72 plasma by some Japanese maker, was the immediate center of attention, almost as if saying Show me yours, well see whose is bigger. I-pods, I-pads, and all manner of I- things cluttered the coffee table. A small refrigerator held an assortment of beer Jack had to be proud of: Bud Light and Miller Light, with one or two Heinekens for whenever they had sophisticated company. Despite a week full of major Congressional decisions and near-revolutions abroad, it was understandable that the most important event in Jack and his buddies minds was the upcoming NFC Championship Game. Who cares about Pakistan when the Packers are playing?Ah yes, Jack thought, completely convinced, this $500,000 home was definitely worth every penny of the mortgage payments. The compliments they received on it were more than enough to make up for the high interest rate. Right? Reluctantly, Jack stepped into the four-car garage. He marveled at how he could open the garage door with one button and start his leased Mercedes with another. Life was so convenient, Jack thought. No need to brave the elements for more than a minute a day.

His thoughts wavered when he saw the 08 SUV. It would soon be his son Tylers. A car could really help a teen mature and become more independent. Also, Jack grinned, it wouldnt hurt Tylers popularity. After all, thats what high school is really about, he recalled, now widely smiling. Tyler is a smart kid too, he proudly thought, remembering the wonderful essay with a large B- hanging on the fridge. He might end up even better than his old man.Jack Jackson thought for a second. He opened up the garage refrigerator and took a straight shot of his Jack Daniels reserve. Running low, he realized, shaking the hollow, empty bottle. Nothing left, its substance all used up. The empty shell was all he had.

Jack Johnson took his keys from his pocket, paused, and turned on the engine to the Mercedes. He then walked to Tylers SUV and also turned the key. Catching himself, Jack Jackson took his phone from his pocket and sent Tyler a text message.

Have a great game tonight bud! he managed, before pressing Send.

Then, Jack Jackson sat down on the cement floor, his back leaning against the closed garage door. He could hear the engines of the two cars running, smell the harsh exhaust. Allowing himself a little smile, Jack closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and inhaled. Unclear whose college funds.

Suggest you change this so the reader learns of the magazines after you tell her/him that it seemed intellectual.

Despite? The phrasing doesnt show that you are referring to the upcoming week.

Around here Im wondering whether the wife is going to reappear.

that would be fully paid off in just 21 years.