Two Forms of Government • Philosophers believed in two main forms of government – Monarchy – Democracy Monarchy Democracy

Two Forms of Government Philosophers believed in two main forms of government –Monarchy –Democracy Monarchy Democracy

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Page 1: Two Forms of Government Philosophers believed in two main forms of government –Monarchy –Democracy Monarchy Democracy

Two Forms of Government

• Philosophers believed in two main forms of government– Monarchy

– Democracy



Page 2: Two Forms of Government Philosophers believed in two main forms of government –Monarchy –Democracy Monarchy Democracy

Components of MonarchyComponents of Monarchy• Monarchy consists of:

– A strong central central governmentgovernment (Power lies with one person)

– Weak local government

– The people are subjectsubject to the willwill of the Monarch.

– The Monarch is chosen by divine rightdivine right (God or family lines)


Approved Government Officials

The Governed (people)


Page 3: Two Forms of Government Philosophers believed in two main forms of government –Monarchy –Democracy Monarchy Democracy

Components of Democracy• Democracies consist of:

– Strong or weak central government.

– Strong or weak local government

– Government by the by the people people (The government is subject to the will of the people)

– Leaders are chosen by the people

Central Government

Local Government

The Governed (people)

The People

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Democratic Philosophies• Government exists to execute the execute the

willwill of the people (do what the people want)

• Government exists to protect the individual freedoms and liberties.

• Government should be a proportionateproportionate representation of the population.

• Government is created to protect people from their own selfishness

• Government should not be of divine right.divine right.

Government power should be divided so local governments have the most power.

Government should be divided so local and central government have equal power.

Government should be strongest in the center

Strong central government should be separated into two or three branches.

Page 5: Two Forms of Government Philosophers believed in two main forms of government –Monarchy –Democracy Monarchy Democracy

The Articles of ConfederationConfederation

• “Don’t Tread on Me”--Gadsden Flag• Drafted by a committee appointed at the Second

Continental Congress.• Tried to make it everything a Monarchy is not.• Strong local government.• Recognized the individuality of each State.

– States had their own written ConstitutionsConstitutions.

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Imperfections of the ArticlesImperfections of the Articles• Lack of strength in the central governmentLack of strength in the central government• Central government’s legislative power was limitedCentral government’s legislative power was limited• Central government’s revenue raising powers were Central government’s revenue raising powers were

limitedlimited• Central government could not raise an army to Central government could not raise an army to

protect against foreign aggressorsprotect against foreign aggressors• Central government could not settle State disputesCentral government could not settle State disputes• Nearly impossible to make amendmentsNearly impossible to make amendments• Citizens of the “United States” did not have the Citizens of the “United States” did not have the

same rights in each Statesame rights in each State

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Situation 1:The central government has no single leader to appeal to.

The lack of leadership has caused a splintering in the solidarity that helped the revolutionaries succeed in

overthrowing the old government and creating a new one. What is the best solution to this problem?

Living History: You are in a class full of college bound eighth graders. No teacher has been assigned to the course. Your success is based solely on the ability of the students to create a solution to the problem and learn the necessary subject materials.

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Situation 2:• The young United States has recently finished fighting an extremely

expensive war for independence. The war benefitted all but is being paid for by the central government. The central government has asked for fair contributions from each State, but not all States think the share is divided fairly and will not pay. How can this problem be solved?

• Living History: You have gone to a restaurant with twelve friends after a major event. At the restaurant, everyone ordered different food and drinks. It was agreed that the bill would be split evenly. When the bill came it was passed around the table and everyone put in money. After going to all thirteen people, there is still not enough money. What is the best way to make sure the restaurant gets paid?

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Situation 3• The young United States,

out of fear of tyranny, refused to allow the federal government to conscript an army. However, Spain and France, as well as England, had their eyes on the vast potential of North America. How could the US defend its borders?

• Living history: To prevent power hungry nations from conquering Iraq, a coalition of countries protect its sovereignty. Who would you trust with guns and weapons in Iraq today?

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Situation 4• With no federal court

system, disputes among states, crimes in more than one state, and rights for all citizens were difficult to regulate. The founding fathers were afraid of giving the federal government too much power. What is your solution to the problem?

• In 1994 the State of California passed a law stating that non-white, non-male citizens and immigrants in California did not have the same opportunity under the law as white males did. Should the federal government have the right to protect the citizens and provide the same rights as citizens in other States have?

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Situation 5• The framers of the Articles

of Confederation feared a strong federal government so they designed a government that required unanimous votes to change. What would happen if someone had a great idea but could not get a consensus? How would you change this aspect of the Articles?

• Thomas Jefferson envisioned a democracy where everyone is treated equally yet it was not until 1863 and 1920 that non-white men and women were allowed to vote. How would you feel if the government did not work for you? How would you change it?

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Reasons for the Constitutional Convention

• British troops in Ohio River Valley– Land ordinances; 640x640

• Spanish troops in New Orleans

• Money problems:– Devalued currency; different dollars in every

State– Shay’s rebellion; farm depression

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The Constitutional ConventionMay 25, 1787

• Who was there? Who was not there? What did they do?– Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson, Washington,

Franklin, Pierce…– Rhode Island did not send any delegates– Two major plans: Virginia and New Jersey– The “Great Compromise”– The Three-Fifths Compromise