Two Houdini Seances Circa 1932

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  • 8/11/2019 Two Houdini Seances Circa 1932


    Two Houdini Seances circa 1932

    By Tom Razzeto

    These two transcripts are claimed by others to be of seances held by Dr.

    Wickland circa 19!. "ir #rthur $onan Doyle% the famous author of the"herlock &olmes no'els and a prominent "piritualist may ha'e been present

    at one or both sessions. Doyle was a personal friend of &arry &oudini% the

    world famous escape artist and magician for a few years before they had a

    falling out o'er the sub(ect of spirit communication and the effecti'eness ofDoyle)s wife as a medium. &oudini died in 19!*.

    The transcripts of the first seance were published in a magazine unknown to

    this webmaster.

    +o claims are made by this webmaster as to the accuracy or thegenuineness of these transcripts.

    &oudini , -t seems cruel that a man in my position should ha'e thrown dust in the eyes ofpeople as - did.

    "ince my passing - ha'e gone to many% many mediums but the door is closed to me.

    When - was on earth - closed the door with double locks by ridiculing psychic

    phenomena and mediums. - ha'e been able to open the door once or twice% but only for alittle while. When - try to tell people of the real truth they say - am not the one - claim to

    be% because when - was on earth - did not talk that way.

    - ask you here to gi'e me good thoughts% strength and power to undo my mistakes. -

    cannot progress until - ha'e acknowledged the truth. - must% - must do it

    - found an a'enue through that most wonderful medium% #rthur /ord% and ga'e my wife

    the code we had agreed upon.

    - ha'e done great harm to many mediums. &ow - wish - could go to e'ery one and tell

    them that - did a wrong thing% that when they worked for the good of the cause - tried toe0pose them to the world as humbugs. od help me for ha'ing done that.

    - see my mistakes but - cannot get out of my present condition until - do good to the ones

    - ridiculed. - try my best to correct my mistakes but it is 'ery hard.

    Dr. Wickland - Do you recall the talk you had with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle shortly after

    you passed out? You spoke then through this same instrument.

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    &oudini , - tried my best to get through the opening but at that time - was so bewildered -

    did not know where - was. -n my own soul - am so con'inced of the wrongs - committed.

    2any do not know what awaits them on the other side of life% what the sleep of death is.When one has an understanding of death% there is no waiting% no hindrance.

    #t first - was so confused that e'erything which belonged to memory was forgotten for3uite a long time. 4This is commonly reported by spirits.5 6ater% things came clearly to

    me% the things - had promised to do% and - tried 'ery hard to get a message through. -wanted to tell the truth and undo my former error.

    - found a wonderful instrument in 2r. /ord. - talked through him and my wife was in a

    recepti'e spirit to accept me. - was 'ery happy but suddenly the door was shut.

    &ow - also wish - could say a few words to another 'ery wonderful medium% 2argery.42rs. $randon% of Boston.5 - did much harm to that poor woman. &ow she has suffered

    because of my antagonistic thoughts.

    - tried to upset her and once - nearly killed her% but - did not think much of it at the time. -

    wish - could undo the wrong - did her. "he is a 'ery wonderful medium.

    - lectured and charged money , for what7 To blind the eyes of the people. They would

    pay to hear me lecture and run down poor% honest mediums. 4$o'ering face with hands.5

    8h% it is awful

    Dr. Wickland - Do not carry on that way, mend. You are controlling a medium and muste more careful. Do not o!er-e"cite yourself.

    &oudini , - see things so differently now. 'erything - did stands out before me.

    Dr. Wickland - Change your attitude and look for the intelligent spirits around you. Do

    not think of your troules all the time. Work you way out of them.

    &oudini , But it is as if - am in a prison and cannot see anything.

    Dr. Wickland - You will see in time. Ask the intelligent forces to gi!e you strength andpower to o!ercome so you can carry on.

    &oudini , 4/eatures brightening.5 Thank you - can see more clearly now. "tanding here

    is a 'ery beautiful little lady 4spirit5 and she says she will help me. 4To spirit.5 :ou sayyou will take me to your home7

    Dr. Wickland - Does she say who she is?

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    &oudini , 4#ddressing an in'isible.5 What is your name% pretty little lady7 "he says her

    name is 2iss Dresser. 4/ormer member of our circle.5 #nd you say you will take me and

    help me7 - knew better in my heart than to lecture as - did. - did it% howe'er% for money%money - was so selfish.

    Dr. Wickland - You can o!ercome that.

    &oudini , Beautiful lady% will you really help me7 &ow peaceful your soul must be. :ou

    are like a transparent angel

    Dr. Wickland - #er mind was occupied with higher ideals while in the physical ody.

    &oudini , "he seems to float% not walk% and here - am% as hea'y as lead.

    Dr. Wickland - You must not think of that all the time. You made mistakes, ut from now

    on determine to see the etter side. Do not e so discouraged.

    &oudini , :ou will gi'e me your help% little lady7

    Dr. Wickland - $f course she will. %hat is why she came here tonight. &ntil recently, shemet with us in this little circle.

    &oudini , Will you all send thoughts to me for strength7 - know - did wrong% and - knew -

    was wrong at the time. -f - had done what my conscience urged me to do% - would not be

    where - am now. - was a psychic% and - knew it. - was helped in my work by the &oudiniforces% but more by the materially minded forces% those who could work magic. But - shut

    the door to the higher intelligences. 6ittle lady% you who are so beautiful and bright% will

    you help me7 #nother one comes to me now.

    6isten 6isten to that beautiful music This little lady has brought two others who arenow singing. "uch music #t last my soul is at peace and - can go on. - ha'e much work

    to do to right the wrongs of my past.

    But listen% such beautiful music &ea'en is opening - cannot describe this music because

    - ne'er heard anything like it before. #nd see those most beautiful flowers +e'er% ne'er%ha'e - seen such beauty. &ea'en is surely opening for me

    Dr. Wickland - You will find many wonderful things in your new life ut you will ha!e to

    work your way out of your present condition. 'eali(e your mistakes and profit y them.)ife is a school.

    &oudini , $an you hear that wonderful orchestra playing7 They tell me it is an orchestra

    that plays to open the eyes of those in darkness so they can see the beauty of the spirit

    world. 8h% how - do wish - could tell my wife that - can see -t would make her so happyto know that - ha'e found peace.

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    Dr. Wickland - We will all send you helpful thoughts.

    &oudini , 8ne thing - must ask all of you% and that is% do not be doubting Thomases as to

    my identity. - ha'e enough to combat now. - am &oudini. What place is this7

    Dr. Wickland - %his is %he *ational +sychological nstitute in )os Angeles, estalishedfor research in normal and anormal psychology to ascertain the condition of spirits

    after transition.

    "perience has shown that intelligent spirits play an important role for good in human

    affairs on the other hand, many spirits, owing to ignorance, often unwittingly act ascontriuting factors in many mental aerrations. %his is also a clearing-house where

    intelligent spirits, in cooperation with mortals, can enlighten the perple"ed spirits who

    are often unaware of their transition.

    &oudini , +ow they tell me - must lea'e. But before going - want to thank you for the

    help - ha'e recei'ed. od bless you all ood,bye.

    Ten days later the spirit of &oudini again came through 2rs. Wickland.

    &oudini , - ha'e come to thank you for the help you ha'e gi'en me.

    Dr. Wickland - Did we help you?

    &oudini , :es% and - am much happier now. - had denied facts which - knew in my heartwere true. - wanted to be original and ha'e e'erybody think - was scientific so - denied

    facts and criticized others.

    When you ha'e the truth% acknowledge it. +ow - ha'e acknowledged my mistakes and -

    want to ask forgi'eness of the ones - tried to harm.

    - thank you for publishing that article and letting the public know that - came back. - am

    glad it was gi'en out to the world that - confessed - wanted to ruin that little medium%

    2argery% 42rs. $randon5 who li'es only for the truth and sacrifices her life to

    demonstrate her work.

    - tried trickery with her but Wa-ter 42rs. $randon)s spirit guide5 found me out before


    od bless the $randons and od bless you - am so glad that article was gi'en out to

    show that poor 2rs. $randon was persecuted. That is now known.

    Dr. Wickland - /any elie!ed that you were a wonderful medium yourself and that spiritshelped you in your work. Was that correct?

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    &oudini , :es% but - would not acknowledge it. Whene'er - was going to do something

    spectacular% if - did not hear a 'oice telling me to go ahead - did not dare go on. 2any

    times - did not perform my tricks because - did not hear the 'oice. When - heard it - knewthat e'erything was all right. - cannot tell you e0actly how - did my tricks because - do

    not know myself - was in a semi,trance when all that took place.

    Dr. Wickland - should like to know how you got out of the tank of water and came up on

    the stage from the front. claim that could not ha!e een done without spirit agencies.

    &oudini , - do not e'en know myself how it was done. When - was in the tank of water -

    could hear the 'oices talking but - could not hear what was said. ;p to a certain point -

    was myself% but not after that. /rom the time - was tied and locked up until - was free -did not know what took place. But - could not ha'e told that.

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    &oudini , Thank you and goodnight.

    Read the full essay= The &oudini #fterlife 0periment , Did -t Work7
