Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 29(3) (2013) 389-402 Aletheia University Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions * Bhaskar Srivastava Department of Mathematics and Astronomy Lucknow University Lucknow, India Received June 15, 2013, Accepted July 26, 2013 Dedicated to Professor H.M. Srivastava Abstract We define two variable generalization of new mock theta functions recently developed by Andrews and also of two new mock theta functions developed by Bringmann et al and give functional equations satisfied by these generalized functions. We show that these generalized functions are mock theta functions. We prove the main theorem that they are bounded near the neighbourhood of the unit circle. Keywords and Phrases: Mock theta functions, q- Hypergeometric series, Functional equations. * 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33D15. Email: [email protected]

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Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 29(3) (2013) 389-402

Aletheia University

Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock

Theta Functions*

Bhaskar Srivastava†

Department of Mathematics and Astronomy

Lucknow University Lucknow, India

Received June 15, 2013, Accepted July 26, 2013

Dedicated to Professor H.M. Srivastava


We define two variable generalization of new mock theta functions

recently developed by Andrews and also of two new mock theta functions

developed by Bringmann et al and give functional equations satisfied by

these generalized functions. We show that these generalized functions are

mock theta functions. We prove the main theorem that they are bounded

near the neighbourhood of the unit circle.

Keywords and Phrases: Mock theta functions, q- Hypergeometric series, Functional


* 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33D15.

† Email: [email protected]

390 Bhaskar Srivastava

1. Introduction

Ramanujan’s mathematics continues to generate a vast amount of research in a

variety of areas. Ramanujan made profound contributions but did not give rigorous

proofs. Undoubtedly the most famous are mock theta functions. In 1919, Ramanujan

returned to India, after about five years in England. In his last letter to Hardy, dated

January 12, 1920, he wrote: “I discovered very interesting functions recently which I

can call “Mock” theta-functions. Unlike the “False” theta-functions (studied partially

by Prof. Rogers in his interesting paper) they enter into mathematics as beautifully as

ordinary theta functions. I am sending you with this letter some examples”.

In the letter, Ramanujan defined four third order mock theta functions, ten fifth

order mock theta functions and three seventh order mock theta functions. Watson [20]

found three more mock theta functions of order three. Ramanujan gave more mock

theta functions in his lost notebook [16]. Gordon and McIntosh [9] also found mock

theta functions of order eight. Ramanujan also explained in the letter what he meant

by a mock theta function. The definition [5, p. 43] :

It is a function defined by a q-series which converges for and which

satisfies the following two conditions:

(0) For every root of unity there is a -function such that the difference

is bounded as radially.

(1) There is no single -function which works for all i.e., for every -function

there is some root of unity for which difference is unbounded as


Unfortunately no one has ever proved that mock theta functions exist.

Recently Andrews, in his path breaking paper [3], considered the role of the q-

orthogonal polynomials and showed how they reveal new mock theta functions. He

found the following mock theta functions interesting:

Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 391

Bringmann, Hikami and Lovejoy [14], working on unified Witten-Reshetikhin-

Turaev invariants of certain Scifert manifolds, also found the following two new

mock theta functions:

The main aim is to prove that these functions are bounded near certain roots of

unity. We also generalize these functions and gave the functional equations satisfied

by these generalized functions and then show that they satisfy Ramanujan’s

description of mock theta functions.

The paper is organized like this. In section 2 we give a two variable

generalization of the above functions and give functional equations satisfied by these

functions. In section 3 we prove by direct application of mathematical induction that

they satisfy Ramanujan’s description of mock theta functions. Lastly section 4

contains the main theorems that ,

, and

are bounded near

certain roots of unity.

In this paper we will use the standard notations for the q-shifted factorial:

For ,

392 Bhaskar Srivastava

When k =1, it is customary to write instead of .

2. Two Variable Generalization (a) We first define the generalizations of mock theta functions of Andrews by

Replacing z by q in the above we see they become mock theta functions of


Functional Equations We now show by simple calculation that the function

satisfies the functional equation


Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 393


The functional equations for other functions are


The proofs for these functional equations are similar, so omitted.


, ,

are mock theta functions,

positive integer.

394 Bhaskar Srivastava

By using the functional equations for these generalized functions we show that

for any positive integer m these functions are satisfying Ramanujan’s description of

mock theta functions. We give the proof for only, the proof for the other

functions are similar, so omitted.

Proof. Let in the functional equation (2.5) and assume that it is true for m i.e.

Now we have to prove that the functional equation holds for also.

Putting the value of from in we get

Now we have to prove (2.11). The left side

Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 395

Thus (2.11) is true. Since for

is a mock theta function,

hence by mathematical induction are mock theta functions.

(b) We now define the generalizations of the mock theta functions of Bringmann

et al by

When , the two functions above are mock theta functions of Bringmann et

al. By simple calculation the functions and

satisfy the functional


396 Bhaskar Srivastava


By using the functional equation and employing mathematical induction, we

show that for any positive integer m, and

satisfy Ramanujan’s

description of mock theta functions. The proofs being similar, so omitted.

3. The behaviour of the mock theta functions in the

neighbourhood of the unit circle

We show that the functions


are bounded near

certain roots of unity.

Theorem 1. Let be a rational number, expressed in their lowest form where M

is even and N is odd and for , then and



Theorem 2. Let N be a positive integer, a primitive root of unity, and

for , then if N is even, and are bounded for

We shall require the following Lemmas [5, Lemma 5.1 and Lemma 5.3, p. 93] in

the proof of

the Theorems

Lemma 1. Suppose that, for each , is a bounded function for Suppose further that there exist integers , and and a positive real number

such that

for all and . Then

converges and is bounded for .

Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 397

Lemma 2. Let and Then

Lemma 3. If , and , then

Proof of Theorem 1. Let with M even and N odd, and put



We apply Lemma 2 with

to get

398 Bhaskar Srivastava


runs twice through the roots of

We thus have



Now each term of the finite sum on the right side is bounded since r lies in the

closed interval and so is bounded.



Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 399

Since and N being odd, the multiplicative order of is odd,

there exists such that


and so is also bounded.

Proof of Theorem 2. By definition



since .

Let us assume that . We apply Lemma 2 with and

400 Bhaskar Srivastava

As p ranges from 1 to 2N, runs through the roots of the


The product of these roots is multiplied by the coefficient of in (3.3) i.e.



Applying Lemma 3 in (3.4), we have

provided , and Obviously (3.5) is true for . Hence, by

Lemma 1, is bounded for It follows that

is bounded.


Two-Variable Generalization of New Mock Theta Functions 401

The first series on the right side is , which is bounded (just proved) and the

terms of the series defining do not exceed in absolute value the corresponding

terms of the second series on the right. Hence is also bounded.


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402 Bhaskar Srivastava

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