Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. raiiEfs mmm ISREiESTED Ramtey MacDonald .Sug- gests Parliament Bc Dis- solved and Declares King • Is W illin g to Grant Re- quest; Much Excitement. ----------- - Donnlfl- to(tny-r«iuP»tocj- KlnB-Ocoiro to'illstolve'paflUtnniit. ilmn h«'cc-ii!il- . . - . tallng _a_.gclio.rni_ qlcctlnn..^ . ' ■Ths prime minister mnJo iinown liU ■ (TecWbn to' ifiV caliliioi wlion. Iio Telurn«(l (o.Downlnr n(ri‘«l nder .» ' 4&-mlnuto conreronco wlili tUo klnt; . In SnckliiRltam palacc. Iliu an- notihccniont wnn exiiected. fnllowliiK ____________ Uip labor'Bovornmunt'« Octent In Uio howifl of common# Inal iilK im n n ______iiiiorn^ »rnMtn|.-i '<"■< .. be appolntoil to InvraUgnlc tbo itrop- lilnR. ot .{jrocv«rtlnR> nirnlniit n com* miinliil cOlior wbn bnil bcvn cIvirRVI "wllb Hoitltloh, Tlto vot'o wnn 304 In lOB, Uio conHorviiUrca aollilly biLCklne . the propoaat. KlMtioa Unr. vrobnbly will _bc net fnr N’ovrtnbqr 8. ns Ibero In Uttlo UkaHliood tUfl ViBK will ' refuse to Rranl « aimiolullon. The lubor cabl- n«l. tbo firm to liold bCtloo in. ICur- Und. U not-ozpectM^io. rvalkn .un* Ul U)0 nntion^ns i(a(«d Itn JiiilKraoni at tha polls ullli tlvin only If the volo ts oinilniit Iho nartr,.___ ______ .. lu ll' AlDKtfl cnrtolii Uinl ttio con* • ;»crVtttiyoii_ .Trni-romnln Uio , nlrons- - p ,^ ._ _ ,c ii- p » rty numorloafly.nnd-ii-la-.Ilko- f ' ly.,iUftt.«x-Promlor Rnldwin wlU bo ,r«liifn6a td the licuil of tbo noxt cabinet. Rodst m ient ta oxpodted to ,b« given ttio Irish bill wbon tt enlern -------- ------- clmffiTtlSo-alnKo' ot ’tlifl hniiBo of lorln tM» attornoon and tonlKbt \rllt flnrt pollUctnn# dniiNnif to iholr conmll'uonelw to opon fllccUoh cam- polRna. Moal of tho mor;ilnj: nowapapcrh •oxprw* Tcp-et ui tbo. iioceailly ot an olectlon. Tbo Dnily Ilorsld. labor orenn, publlabee n vnrtoun ot a tab- orlto with hls Bicuvoa rolled up say< Ins. I*** tlR b f ......... - --j.--n.-Clinw.- pnrtr l««tor-ln-lho houao ot commnnii. In maklnit n Btatemffnt-^onTtoehnlf ot tho ptttralor nald: "Wo »lo nol tonr thn tuluro. Wo ahnll contlnuii to uphold Iho dlcnliy ot tho cabinet. ' ' - woro ni>f~Kitcn "TiHr ptar'»>T - Ihf-hoOa* of oommotu, bul wo-»bnll Bol tt from Ihe.hlnK wben ho RrnnU UlO BUlhorlty for Ulssntutlon and wo can go before llm electors." ' . LONPON. Oct. 9.—I’rlmo Minister MacDonald toilay look hin cano lo tbo country. AppearloR la lbo house of com- nonn .Tollowlnic dctonl of hU I'.ibor eorammeni. Uvo prime minister ah- aoURftrt that a Renefii olcc^Uon wilt be hold.'October S9. Tho' prime mlntalsr looked itrod attor >Mt niRbt'a. trylnf M>sion. but hla flfhtln* Jaw was art' as he arose to apeak. anoounelBc- the dstf^ol tho Roneral olootloiia. . , Tlie fate of' Suropel hc InSlualed, aay lisng In the balance as Ui» pi^ Btam of Ui« labor ROTornmont ts In- -------------------- m uTiPiy Pi>uiia"ip-n\it-ot-nointtoa ot th* '.rsparaUoos and thcr post: war-proMima. Tl»# k t o f : consented to dUso- ' . iyUOn ot-^rUament. the prime mln- Fon^J2ieinier„pf, -w ^' tcid^a. bumUtt -fttm - :rS^cJsfcf:xKfoi#x«ncp. »b< ' U of coma j»ltJi;death b*- ........................IWM '■ - . - ABOmn^ n.TBEntocBEDs •. ' • - S N F.* ORSlW Senator Whe< Campaign in ASIII.ANI). Ol--., Drl. •> Jji'imlo; Hiirti.ii K. \Vbii-l.-i'. liidi't-i'ii.lciit cnU' I - lllilnlo tnr vlrp iirrnlrlr'iit, uiiiinil 11] IllH Hliiiil ciiuipalKii III Orcjscin Ikti D with n Kliurii ilviiiincliitinn ot Uif ml ' mlnlntinilori. ''I'orrniillaii In mil'ilic- irMili ot In •llvidiiiil I'u'iir.i Ilf lUiiUiiiii'iity," he- fi.-ili y<.!it<T<l.ny |i('ffii'<' (Ic'imriiiiK for Cnll foriila. ••Till' lino ic;»t;i fj-nm ihi-'l’hl fiiKi) cnnvtmloii ' 1» •rcniKrt Ig- DniiKli'Tiy wnn nuuK- attmni'y prncr J5. nl for Iho prldiilnry liltpri'ulH. Altior t''nll!i, M'ciiflnry of tho Interior, trloc "B to tiiri'i over to Ua- GunKi-iihrlm nm ulUif^uN uAWtu” I STUMPlG TOIIf I,"f. V i c e Presidential Noininei InK ' Enters Teapot DomC' Re l!lP. „ s io n _ T oil^j_Uatena_t< Ijjj! KN ItOUTI': WITH OKNmiAl HAWlvB Sl’KClAi; TUAIN TO CArt , I'KIJ, \Vy<>„ Oi't. 11—Clinrlm <). I)nw«^ Ine •■''l>iitillcan vio- iirpslikntlnl cnndl ® date, *tHlay oiiivrod lUe Teapot Dom< couniry, rcnilulncciit uf Uio oil Acnu dolfl of Wnolilnuton. jOui r)nw<"< will hnvo nolhlnc to m] on Ibo siitiji-rl of oil, ho In.llcntort. 11' Is not ilevlnltns trom htn on<- Umt 11 “K- Rtinck on-Senator-Iji KoUrttc,- hem un- of.tho-lndepeudoul llckct. enl The npuclsl comlnK iin from the tho plalhn of Iowa nnd Ncbrankn ltu> nlKhi wan bonut by a drlvlnK.talu an< mP’ Tioi»nnK' win'il ihnrnn(no~clhiibliiK ti nc- <t high altlludo illfflcult and the irah ko-. .\rosjonictfifll-itiJiui'd.---------------- I jo Uouelaa wnn the tlrnt ninp nn thi oxl acbtdulo-UMlay.- Dawcn will mny- li (?)u<pcr until C o'clock tbln aticmaoi whon he teavea for Grand Inland, No ‘ . bmnkn. t -_ComluB.up.ibc B.OOO t^ i rl»<Un.iU ,,, Utiido frum Ibo .MliBonrt rlvor vallr; , lanl nlKht, .Dnwon and hin purly lls t.'nrd 10 un old fldillor's munlcal pro cram bronilcnricd by "'Cooper noiiRli uockn" from rndlo iKutlun KFNl'' n .HhcnnnclDnb. lown. bor ;;; M o b b f W h ite s lh. _ K ills _ C o l.o re (i llor JV Ian a t C h ic a g c cmCAGO, Ocl. 9-ScorM of pollcc All'll loduy imlrollcd tbo Mnxwol ' ntrocl dintrlpl (o prcvoat pusalbb fiico>litlnK^fr>11m flnririr'lim in*ria# *“ 1> mtdnlRht-ofn-jiPk'ro—hr trm oV i) ■nl» whtlcB. we Wllllnm Holl, .13. Ihc vlclltti. ac coBtod two whllo KlrlB nud nUcmptci 10 draB ono Into nn alloy, ncfordlni iter lo the. Blory lold police, wbtm ihot 10 BcreahiB ttllracicd.Uie mob. Belt wa punched and klcked and Bmasbed 01 om- tho head with a banoball bnU Ho dlci l,or on tho way to tbo honpltal. ah- I'ollco resorvcs db>t«rtied tho crowd ivnt i»rf«*tk woro'made. MlBB nelly Brcunblait, 2) ,'and MU: ...J nerthan Dcuieh. 20, told pOlUo the: L,,, wore occosled by Dell, who afUr maV g Ink insultlnR remarks, aelted iho for mor l»y lbe arhi. - . , m1»* Or«eul>Ua said lloU alMted b dras her across tbo ntreet when sov led, ot-al men rivn lo her nseuc. jio- Bell tried lo encape, but wa« over ln« taken and onRulfrd by tho mob thn ostr •' ' ' ~ z. Mussolini Re — -*Film1Starr: - (By.JACKlECOOOAN). (Wrtlton tor the United: Prbss.) *. ROME, Oct. » -I ahall never torgt t i e when I v u rocolvod by Vromlcr throufh many Ur*«. Ion* hiais .tintl ^ wo.TeMlie(I.riB«!l;aato-eh*inl>fr. W8v,w e» 'flditdocted by ptino ^ Ofthoi 4dJt« 6<-'Mua«o}liil'« paper t Ttorno.-th^nPSfoirirTtalr. P^SOntt »e rk«elr«] vr<M tiiat Mussollal wa IS rjMdf.. 'maaM&MitnA he wu.-«li Uft: tlon^-hlii ^Vks bb-than.eAmo slrld »rtd Ink ftdvas the JwtfeVroom.Vlth t)ul -to: tba W d4&is;clMiwdJiiu>di.HiL.U«d:>Bi Tbe Mm«<bU« to Blnor 0 rtn6;ta-:ll»liu Ihw ebeeMni4U4b«.wetId..™^:.-^ -. 'r-lliwllnLtb.ra Pg^ n y cheeky iLLS ■TWIN FALLS, IN 6TH eeler Winds Up I Oregon Cities m lor tin- MorKiinti lln- Almdin iliitiiriln.'' onn- • y<-iinti>r W li.olor wnn linllijjimi'd II up yoniorday-nnd wnn iinnliln m ftilloiv lioro ont bln rimiplolo npi'iiklnK I'rocrnin in ml- KiniUu-rri Oroiioii Imt bo miidi'n idinrt niL-orb bon- iiiipuiriiil)' urirli-r iilinin if In- of bill vli:annin i;avii>«li:ii. fi.iid SmnKn' WIic'oliT di<l mil .-(iiiH-.nr nl Cnll- Uoni'liiin: ut nil, and a i-iil,:.'l|1ilto •Chi- opoiikoi', 1[, », .Murllii iif'I'oi.i ka, Knn,, Kmj'o. wnii nildiosnlni:. h it iiinllom'i' ai M|.c1- oner- fnril wlion tlio vloo pro:<ldonllal ran- .lliort dldnto (lr;>vo up In nn nnininobllo (rloif from hin prlvniu cnr nml flnl.'IiL-<l tho . nnd proRrniii. 'jm pfflE s" r^NOUNCEDBY [IR IN M « inee La Follette M akes Attack Re- on Republicans and D|em* —to — ocrata;_Goea..tfl_Michigftn -.^- -.to -Addmss-PuopU. , ' :iiAi. AiiOAUD.t.A ^'Ol,l-lm•^: sn;ciA i, CArt- K.V ■ROllTK.’rO DI-rniOIT. .Mlfb.. Oti. iw«^. !>—Srnnlor. Ia Kollrlto. ln<1pf«ndrn» itndl- cnniUilnto, boAiIi-d wonl to<tn)' [ircjinr- Jomi.' « l to toll llw- Uln tvsn vniiM- ncftu- Iry' thoy hnvo been Impovorlnhuit by lbo "fonl poekcl li)ol« of Wall* strcH" 1nay roprfsPnllnc both tbr old pajilirn. 1. Iln Iji KnilottP knmvn tbo wrni nntl bln :i(i nt bl;; drivo will bo ai:alni>i llin<ii- “iwo hcnd crrnt amrptsitlnnn of financut poir- ur—J. P. Moruan nnd tbo i>taniUi-<].011 tho' compnny.” , . lanil So coi^tldont .wnn Iho fiery Vinron- I and nin nonntor that-hfwtimUciiOllj-li: IK to Ihnt "ollhor iho ropnlilloan nr ^ lio iraln dcinocrnilc parly wlll comio in o'xlnl iQrlUic-Ucxt.fouf.j'cani.',' .................... I tho Ttie proeroiinlvit parly. lui Im dn* r In Bcrlbc<t It. viaa born an *. u rovnli Tioon aKslnnl i)iu "two rynlcal. nioelilOK. ar- , Nc- raaant tnnnlui of tho Iilcallnni nf Abra- ham Llticoln nnd Thotnan JcHomon.’' n.al-. ,-5Cbbi blltcr.ftrrnlsomail-oClbc-lwo alley otd parties wan dollverod l>y llic ncn- ’ Hs- alor at Newark, tho final ntnp of his. pro- cnntorn Invanlorj. iiiKli- AsnorttnK thnt Ihd rontrot o f tlio f nl Kovornni’oni bnd fntlon Into a tow handn, Iji Folloiie chnlli-nK'^t Prrnl- - doot-CootblKi* to rcfiiio tho chsmo Uiat "thoHu now tn ronlrol of ilm tovrmniuni al Wnshlnclon ili> nol represent thi^ pcoplo bul Ui,bie wbo d eiploll lbo people." -- ■-iLa rolloiui waa-slronK la iltnouDc- n-<-v InB war. aXJ . AErlcullnro.waa.dcncrlbcd by La roll6ltn an havlnK boon all but "ilc- , scroyod ihrouRh a conajilracy o f lbo twoli “ K«'cli'H." -------------- _______________________-____ ;.BEliUN.-Ool-!U-Tl«. «r..*n-t»rinf-e ' and ’prl'ncesK nttcuded thu wu<idlnR of Prlnccns Auna of Saxony, dauitli- iptod cx-klnR lit Snjony, lo Arch Duke Joso r . Kranx, at blbfUenort Ujflr yeBterday. •'* OPKIUTKISK IlKSUMEII. .. died MAnT(ID. ^ 0 c t: S ~ OptralluoB BRalnst the Morrncann hnvo bcon re- rowd, auinod. “cuuAlnB terror amauR - tbo onomy.'.*'ludny's'military cinnmunlquo MUs says. they ’ ------------------- i- ' maV. KII.LX KM'EN'HIVK 1)0(i.S t for- NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J., Oct. t>— AnKercd becaiiae they h ^ JdllM fitly ed lo cblckena, Jobn Fox klllod l«Q {irtu sov- Russian wolf bounds, valued sl >10V0 each by their owner, Ijiwrence Rleo, over- and then coltccind 1100 for the fowls that beforo telling Ulco the don were Leceives Tii^: v rJac^e Coogan aald ‘‘Corae''wlth me." 01 coume. wo I.) did' not understaod ^Im, bnl Btcnor oyet Onuio translated cvoryUtfts. - ** Wi» UicntwBikod.baeirto (bo dealt, jm C rn'sdr.m ftftm aJn-tohjat, wyinr " lUtiriK Jisv.«'ww«wii*. t<r *i«. untll I sald'.'ToU' must I m • Uw btisltst r" Ifciin in tbs-wortd.f ; —:.T '■ ..... Imor . Me ttukbed'Uid-.ippk '« cifondorful er lli phbiosup^ot^U^Bt^frMa'i^Awer a.-«lt> ' s|rid- .. & lot to SUoor Mt^ O nn«‘tuiiwitiiia:bbr'«o'Dtn]rpe6< nr^ allsb. tbukM him tpr:Ui« eompUnMoU.r- «t«*a;i6 iBtnulsi.ind. II O.IOO ■DC^'ltiUtan.ibiiijkvu all m' « m - illktA «iiet:»<W c.i^^ .u4«n:ift:sbaok bsadi..Mth..4JuU) k u d and.motbor, tiattlPt.wffjplth* eh»A DAE S,. IDAHO; THURSDAY, P HIS WALLOP WON TODAY’S BATTLE nin . '' ‘^ 'y - ' p* - 1 -I tillo \ : . . f T 7 ftP| __ _____ ' ‘ ifr- _____________ f l ___ Al. I . stanu : y nAimis * by . ------------ ------ Davis Prepares for Invasion of ““ 'Western States on- --------- f s — •<l'n\'~T0lttC07T'^riNirrrnnfldrnt Uiun ever ihnl Iio will Iio vli'tiirloii.i ni Iho polln in' .S'ovombrr, Jnhn U'. iln-' T’nvln roiurned from 'lih' tbrro'.Iny sponklnu Irlp fbroiish Ni^w York to- . day lo propnro for u ntw irivanlon of lh. wcu Itl.” Tho ileinorrallc cundldnto ]>lnniii:d Lwo to-.flponil Uip d aj:jn contercneo Jiero cn- and 'vllt loavo tomorrow for a iiwIiir his. lliiit wlll cnrry him Ihrouch Indlnnn. llllnoln, MlBMmri, Toimimi-e, K'on- lito tiicky arid Ob1», neeorfUnR to tbo pres- frw onl tonlatlvo nchodulc. rnl- DuvIb rimorntmU-d bin ntinrk-' on rue tbo BdminlnlRiilon’S'forulCT polloy In llm bin Kpoveb nt Huffalo liut nlulit, do- liol ncrltdnK ll lui based nh foar of tho rbo Irreconcllnblu croup In Ihu ncnnlu m- llior than nny ntiompl nt construcllvr me- ntaitfiiinanshlp.----------------------- . American tnreian policy, an dlrocl- L jl Lil'by Ilusbon. Du'to aald. han Ucou 'lie- 'mndu tbo "tonlball of luiriinan pol- tbu Ilicn." nnd' bnn boen hanoti on a pol- icy of "pcaot ot any price wlih lbe llttlo Krniip (if rrrecbncllalilo rvpub- 'r^ v-^'tn-ninraillinrii^ cnjiill.latu "ciiarA- hiR «l. lian romilird In "tiptoe diplomacy" Rll- for tho Unlt.-d SUlcn. rch --------- ---------- °" Naval Diri^ble Shenaddbaii on '>■ ; ■ Its Way W:est quo ' ' ■ UNrt-ED STATES IIELllI.M PLANT FORT WOHTII, Texan, bet. U-Atler an' oremlRbt stay bore lbo naval dlr- iBlblo Shenandoah TMunied Ita crou 1117 couniry flight to lho.l>aciric coast'at rt» O-.U.VodW. WO , <fho bis crafl circled tow over lli< leo, helium iifont Rrouniln and gllduO ■1" southward toward Kort Worth, sevoe *fe I mllea away 10 pick up iho trail of lb» 'i:axas i’aclflc-railroau wlilcll 11 wlll — follow 10 Kl Pasp. Tho next landloR wlll bo at Uie San .... J)loBO,.Cat.. moorl&E maal arounil '' mldhlRhl Prlilsy.' Tbo crafl was pro- TlBlon«l--fPf UiftLifllirht durltir - tht ^ ' ‘T.lttlo-'dlffleiilty was antlclpaled or U>o 1700 mllo trip to Uio .coast. Com- Qor mandcr LaasdoiniB said,-slthouch tht sobtbera-ond ofltbb Rocky moantalii ^ .:-A^aUi^l.iso«tbsny wina^mvallM — /so i rtui CHICAOO, Oo*. T. r ..p Nban^, J«d tW(^"of hla (fTeddi'aUc- ed ;a:b<^dupV-;jilSt':tor,i,JpkB.-:-TbJ ^ via tn ^ '-flftinrnjriiigy iM t.Twmart, Jewelry ahd.,rooneyitall«J to- ^ u » i t s; d.ll »nld ron- borrowsd..iv‘>9‘H ^ ^mlutoa.Cdp] My. o{:-iift«:.7otkuw.MM)tLo(:tf,-jn£ JU H LgttnJdpaimoi^.' , .... I ......... .,....... ■:• ..■-'•I.,-. LY I Y, OCTOBEi/l). li)21. 2 TO 1; GIANTS UNABLE' ! -E TO SOLVE ‘TOM’, ......... I ---------- I- TO^^ZAClIAIiy ' Copyrlb-t'l by Ilnrria* r;\«lnir. ^ PLAY BY PLAY ■ rir^l Innlnir. Olniilu- T.lnilntroin 0111, Illnoiu' to Ip .Iiidro Oil u lnmT7~mretrTtoiiH.-«l-i*i#t- ' Judni'. iiiiiklni; iirrnnd wltli n Iouk ullilu-. '\’onn:; bit iii '/.ai'hnry nnd ,1 ' l-VlKob wnn nm down-lM-iw.MH noooml nnd Uilnl, Znrbnry to UlurKO to Mar- f rln. yoiiuK KOlnK lii nccond on tbo play. Kelly iiciircct. YounK with a bit over voconil, Mrjiaol (Ilod to Illoo wbo mndn ft )onpln(f ono-lianded cnicli In front of Ibn bleacbera. ............ 'Iiir ' i ,jii, Ono run. two hlin, no errorn. ;'p„; Scnatorn--MrNooly wnlked on four Htralshi batlH. llurrln forcod Mc.Ni'iily Ul noronil, i.lndniroin lo l-'rlnoli nnd . wnn nlniimt driufilril nt flnil.. ILirrln , ” wnn out nl noonud. Nolit to Kelly to ' . " Krliicb wbrn hr wnji cjiukIiI nniiiilni: . off Ilmt. • Itlei- nhiKlod on a lino lo ra- ‘o « ''l G"'*>'n'n ■ foul In frotii of iho niandn nnd foll down, dropploK Uio bull. Qoslln'was ' Bafe whon Kolly tumtiled hin oniiy tiounilor. II. wan an error for Kolly. Rlcc KluppInK at nccond. Judcc fan- pol-. ihe No runn. one bll. ono error, mb- Work' d hllniivlf nul of u hiile ___ by-iuaiaiu:.Judi;u,.fl>vtiiC-ftLUyo-yItIi: jfjr tmrn'U Hint rt iiu ft b U i ; ............... ......... icy" Scfood Innlnif, Olanln-Wlliion out on nirlkc*. Jnckiiun out. Itnrrln 10 Jndso. on nn cas'y roller. Oowiky slnslod In front of Ooniln. Nolif flii-<l lo McNeely.' Nu rnnn. ono hit. no i-rrom. a . SoDalom—ll^uur," - ,o(it. Krl»»h to Kelly'ott a nicp play by "I'rlnch. Peck- ^ Inpaush roi a baml when hn canifl to S l tiat.' Pock’ won nnfu nt flrnt wbon Mndnlrorn liooicd bln tiounder. il was n slnRlo for Peck. Riiol filed to.Muu- Kcl who stood In hlH'trocks fur tbe ■tier catch. 'Zachary oiti on ntrlki-n. No runs, ono hit. no error*. , Puck Kave Undsirom a very hard ‘ “• cbjince nnd Ihe younxnler mado a vcry 'Rsnio effort Ior tlio out u d ll wta ncored Junity on n alnBlo. !vnn - the Clanu—l.lndBlrom Jlned lo Ulc^ ^ cnich. Frisch hll over JudRO's hcail g (or a doublo, be u a la stretched i slnsle Into two baa«s. . y«UDR out, 3 * Hhrrls to Judse, FrUeh aCopplor at Jlilfd. .Kelly out, BIuoro to Judge. —Ko-nm»ronp-titi, uu ciima. --------- , ' Zachary avoided trouble'.when .nice L” made a circus caich of Ltodstrom’a bid for a (rlple- Uo-worked easily fin tbe olher bailey flpnilnni->MR><«aif,aoni»a,Jo Jack- ,IIM *9a.ln.ahortloft. «arr4a otit, Jactijon ( So runn. aa hlu, no errors. ; s.- , NehC worked! beUerrJa-lbU-rtnin« J,:; rWrln* ih*sldb ln_ftiflorJor’lh»flnit ^ j u d g ' j . Jlok-naW ntJt'iUei/r.top) .,'Wll600 riME^ i F M n ‘ZACHARY’S I AND HARR SINGLE B! j National Loa.ij-iK' Clian Are Unable, to Bunc, ' moved and- Kvan S I Stand'Tln-ee All. _______________________Q rnpr ir\ , Giants . . 1 g ■ Sun&tors C 1 . - BnUerics: Nohf, R; nry and Rucl. GRIFFITH STADIUM. 'WA 5 icfuinff curves of Bip Tom Znch ^ Scnntors sqimrctl thc Aviold’s set 3-uU, horo tliis afternoon, when tl game of the scries by a scorc of ■young Bticky Hiirris, tho fruahin p. good old-fnshionctl pimch off A Pecklnpatigli, tho sUir Wiishingt — • iwp (iaj^iibflcncc frt)m tho lincii; I ond single of Uic day. Rucl s rcachcd third on Zachary's infii — I Senators to two hits in fonr inr passed young Earl McNceloy, Mi drove over .socond Iot a long sin H,e,_wilh_tho-only"tWo' ^nator runs i iniK Tlu- liUniK ncun'il tholr (Imt nnd nnd only run bofon- thi« lolt hnnd- ond - orl-',Knrfinry bad But hU n m ''ln " " lar- KiKiit flrder. I'rlKoh dnnblod ntlrr tbo i.lndnlmm hnd lioon n-tln-iL bit /nrhnry nhu mnilo n ninart piny vbo nnd Bot tin- (loot-foolrd . FrUeh . In hotnotin mxond liniJ tlilnL Vonni^ non! to Kooiind "durliik' lho" run. ' drmn nml kt,rln(<tl homo iin KoU 'uur Ij’’* Hlnalo. Knmi Uion on /nrh- 'Illy "'■y. «n.H nlmiist InOndblo. Tho. nnd (iliint* ntnrlod n mU> In tlio rrin funrtli Innlni; bnl It' ni'iv iilpiiod ’ to by n fnkt donblo pint, /.nrhnry line hnd ihl- (ilnntn nnlnBlnit futlloly , lu nml lUldly- mi nlilo nnooidnir iln'n .m nrn nnA n tnnlnllxlns »l»>Vt foll hnJL , was Arl Nohf WAS, ri'liovctl for n.olncl •nny hlllor lu tho elKhih Inulns. llo holi 1 ‘lly. thn Sonntohi to only four bltn, bu fan- two'nf liii'in came lu a pinch ond blov up hlH ball eoinc.. Thn Glnntn nnulh paw whu won lbo flml kmuo of tb' llllio nwloH did not pilch nn wotl an n fou: vldi; till gnmo woillil_lndlcolo,__ll<.-_jynn_Ji ----- nri|-ll.To'-.in'-nlin'^Tn^T'T-rT»fnCT.-^r IWO olubn romulncd hen,' for iho nrv kc*. *"• di-oldi) tb' I champlonnhlp. Ucaln wrro ptnrnl 01 ront •*'' llckol offleo was almont punbrd ovo bcfnro thc lnnt had'boon mndu by 1 I niob lhal «fwi-pt for first plartn In lh' eck- » " ‘‘- fl to No one wns wlllluK lo venture n 110 ^linn Ii:cilon ou lomorrow'* pltcliorh. Cur was K t ORdnn In tbu only flnit strini ,tun. pitchi-r W'asblnRlon han noi iinwl .li tbe thfl ueilon and MoGraw'n handllni; o pitchers In tlio bull pen. Indlrjileil lii DilRht'ank UtiRb .McQuillan lo slur lard thu game, very .------------------------ *“ Firat Snow: Carpe^ Colorado Landscape X} to Depth of 2 Feel licail 1 4 CRAIG, Colo., Ocl. t^—The flmt no out, frtsn anowntorm of the season struti ' at ihbi rcBloa yesierday. Icavlns two fee on tho level al tiolh portaJn ot ibi ------.MOfftt lunnBl- gnn mitrnpttnB—rote Rice phboe nnd rail eommunteatlon. nm'a Weal bound powienRcr ,Vo. 2 on Un y fin ^toffat railroad woa dolnyed five boun reaching Dearar. U k i 7^Nf> irimiitSt} cfiinmmilaniia..cojiti lijon bo roalnuini»a.jiHh_m!l^>.^r_wf! attrrflcw . • i>r4w>t n lib t-,. • -------- jtemaBo-from starm.ls believed ti nine bare b«eaTslUbt_ .; ' ■, flmt - --------- ;------- V - T M I I MOSCOW. idg'i.'callBS-ot.JilsKlco. Vm,b« ;tin»blt t isos TUU -MoscoW'-^ito^aMOUft • « ! '~W h»W>.'lt« ;»«»*«lt'tho.nolit»b r«p iui IDAHO WEATHEE. ' I . I'iiiilv Oli.iid.v and cool- ' ' 1oiil;:lil ;inil Ffldny. j OLD VOL. X lll. NO- 65 n u E s i PITCHING RIS’TIMELY ]£AT GIANTS iinipiitns' Outiiit Rivals but in^h Safctie.s; Nehf Is Re- Su'bstitutcil: Gam es Now J U M N N i r ^ G . S r ______________________________ R. H. E. lbo 000 000—1 7 1 000 020 000-^2 4' 0 , Ryan and Gowdy; Zach- WASHINOTON, Oot. 9.—Behind tho ncha^_tho__8tout-hetLTtcd _______ series with, tlic Ncw York Qioata.at . tl they won the‘sixtIi‘'anaTjwt plajToT r of 2 to 1 before 49,QOO ravin; ftuis. ihinRloa nuumgcr. won tho game with f Art Nehf in tho fifth innttiff. Bogor ngton shortstop, who roltimod aftor iciip. started Uio inning with his sco- cl sacrifi9cd him to sccond'and ho nficld' oQt. :.Nchf, who hod held tho inningtt; weakened at this point and McNcelcy stole, sccond. ..Harrii then singlo and Peek and McKecly aoortd ns of tho^fiwn^— ___________ : ___ ___________ r|THE»» ' »y '■ ................... I'll M:W YORK. ' Ik^ _ All R UTO A K «• I'.lndnl roni; .Hi I 0 0 1 1, 0 '!• I'-rlHch. 2b .................. 1 0 ; ■a 2 0 !>• VouuK, rf ................... ^ I . 0 1 0 0 !“ • Kolly, ll ...................... S 0 3 n 1 1 ll"' * .>1oiithwnrtli .......0 II l> 0 0 0 . ' '•'1 .MciiBcl. If .............. :.. < I* » 1 0 0 rx ;vilnoa. «'f ,,.r............. t tl i 1 0 0 '1 Ir Jaolinoii, ns ............. 3 D 0 2 2 0 'Ilf (lowily. > I E 1 0 >’1 Ni'lif. V ..... ............... 2 ll 0 0 4 0 ••Snydor ...... .......... 1 ll 0 0 0 .0 ' inch ItyoD, p ............. 0 0 0 0-0_JL.*-------- bul Tololn _______ 32 1 7 24 11, li. blow 'R an tor Kolly In .9th. luih- "IJnitoa fur Nohf In 8tb. tbo . WASHINGTON, four AH U U PO A C < injn MfNci;ly.,_of............. , 2 1 0 1 0 0- "TJivriTonTicrrrr,:-r--(r-j rr-tr irr*'—• n.'V- IMof, rf .......... ........ - 4 0 14,00 tbo IJonlln. If .................. 4 0 0 1 0 0 '' ll on JudKO. I l l .................... 3 0 0 11 0‘0' I tho llluoRP. 3li, m i ..... 3 0. I I 3 0 ovor IVi'U, n n ...................... 2 12 14 0 y n Tnylnr, 2li ....... ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Ihe liiiol, 0 ...................... 2 0 0 4 1 0- •/.uoliary. I; ....... ....... 3 0 p 0 .1 0 Cuf- Totals ____ 2T 2 i Xt \li 0 [rini; Suiiimary-Runn hatlbd in. .lUrrls O.iu -• Kolly I. Two tiasfljill>. Frlscb 3. If of Snvrifko hll, Rue'i: Siotm baaea. Me?. ’ II hi) NMly, UlucKe. Lett on''ba8*t„. New tiuri Vork C. WashlngtoB'7. Poub|e, playa, Ilarrln lo Pock to Jildgt. Bm * balln. oft'.Nchf 4, Rnin 1. Siniat.out. « by Noht «, Ryaa 'l, Xictary *. » i* ^ ' - off Nchf, 4 in. 7 Innlago, off Bru. . _ none lu 1 inning. Losing,, pitcber,’# Ncbf. Time of gaoe, oao bourj M ' • e e l minutes. Uou)lre»i Dlascn, Qtilfiey, i ------- KlcUrdUd CShnoliy.! I AKondanco 55,(W (eattaiated).:;, .L 7.^ Justice De^fci;tipo^^ Facts Ara~iF'rM3iied sr ‘ V'" V wAainNo««^ o^'»tfnaB d*^-.^- ment j -w h o -ftin o Q a M ^ W ^ ^ M e id a r n ott e r a l 'S t o a o i i S S ^ S y . 'i . '• W i . - ’v i i - i ' i ' i ; '-'"1? ■"u:ihui[3cfetiwajjtMj^W^ m -m

Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

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Page 1: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

T w rVOLU.MK .7, N U M tlK B 142.

r a i iE f smmmISREiESTED

R a m t e y M a c D o n a l d . S u g ­g e s t s P a r l i a m e n t B c D i s ­s o l v e d a n d D e c l a r e s K i n g

• I s W i l l i n g t o G r a n t R e ­q u e s t ; M u c h E x c i t e m e n t .

----------- - Donnlfl- to(tny-r«iuP»tocj- KlnB-Ocoiroto 'ills to lve 'paflU tnn iit. ilmn h«'cc-ii!il-

. . - . ta llng _a_.gclio.rni_ qlcctlnn..^ . '■Ths prime m inister mnJo iinown

liU ■ (TecWbn to ' ifiV caliliioi wlion. Iio Telurn«(l (o .D ow nlnr n(ri‘«l nde r .»

' 4&-mlnuto conreronco wlili tUo klnt;. In SnckliiRltam palacc. Iliu an-

notihccniont wnn exiiected. fnllowliiK____________ Uip labor'Bovornmunt'« Octent In Uio

howifl of common# Inal iilK im n n______iiiiorn^ »rnMtn|.-i '<"■< ..

be appolntoil to InvraUgnlc tbo itrop- lilnR. ot .{jrocv«rtlnR> nirnlniit n com* miinliil cOlior wbn bnil bcvn cIvirRVI "wllb Hoitltloh, Tlto vot'o wnn 304 In lOB, Uio conHorviiUrca aollilly biLCklne

. the propoaat.KlM tioa Unr. vrobnbly will _bc net

fnr N’ovrtnbqr 8. ns Ibero In Uttlo UkaHliood tUfl ViBK will ' refuse to Rranl « aimiolullon. The lubor cabl- n«l. tbo firm to liold bCtloo in. ICur- Und. U no t-ozpectM ^io . rvalkn .un* Ul U)0 n n tio n ^ n s i(a(«d Itn JiiilKraoni a t tha polls ullli tlvin only If the

• volo ts oinilniit Iho nartr,.___ ______.. l u l l ' AlDKtfl cnrtolii Uinl ttio con*

• ;»crVtttiyoii_ .Trni-rom nln Uio , nlrons- - p , ^ . _ _ , c i i - p » r t y num orloafly.nnd-ii-la-.Ilko-

f ' ly.,iU ftt.«x-Prom lor Rnldwin wlU bo ,r«liifn6a td the licuil of tbo noxt cabinet.

Rodst m ie n t ta oxpodted to ,b« given ttio Irish bill wbon tt enlern

-------- ------- clmffiTtlSo-alnKo' ot ’tlifl hniiBo oflorln tM » attornoon and tonlKbt \rllt flnrt pollUctnn# dniiNnif to iholr conmll'uonelw to opon fllccUoh cam- polRna.

Moal o f tho mor;ilnj: nowapapcrh •oxprw* Tcp-et ui tbo. iioceailly ot an olectlon. Tbo Dnily Ilorsld . labor orenn, publlabee n vnrtoun o t a tab- orlto w ith hls Bicuvoa rolled up say<Ins. I*** t lR b f

......... - - - j.- -n .-C lin w .- p n r tr l« « to r- ln - lh ohouao o t commnnii. In maklnit n Btatemffnt-^onTtoehnlf o t tho ptttralor nald:

"Wo »lo nol tonr thn tuluro. Wo ahnll contlnuii to uphold Iho dlcnliy o t tho cabinet. ' '

- woro ni>f~Kitcn "TiHr ptar'»>T - Ihf-hoOa* of oommotu, bul wo-»bnll

Bol tt from Ihe.hlnK wben ho RrnnU UlO BUlhorlty for Ulssntutlon and wo can go before llm electors." '

. LONPON. Oct. 9.—I’rlmo Minister MacDonald toilay look hin cano lo tbo country.

AppearloR la lbo house of com- nonn .Tollowlnic dctonl of hU I'.ibor eoram m eni. Uvo prime m inister ah- aoURftrt tha t a Renefii olcc^Uon wilt be hold.'O ctober S9.

T h o ' prim e mlntalsr looked itrod a tto r >Mt niRbt'a. try ln f M>sion. but hla f lfh tln* Jaw w as a rt' as he arose to apeak. anoounelBc- the d s tf^ o l tho Roneral olootloiia. . ,

T lie fate o f ' Suropel hc InSlualed, a a y lisng In the balance as Ui» p i^ Btam of Ui« labor ROTornmont ts In-

-------------------- m uTiP iy Pi>uii a " ip -n \it-o t-n o in tto ao t th* '.rsparaU oos and th c r post:w ar-proM im a.

Tl»# k to f : consented to dUso- ' . iyUOn o t-^ rU am en t. the prime mln-

F o n ^ J 2 i e i n i e r „ p f ,

- w ^ ' tc id ^ a . bum U tt -fttm- : r S ^ c J s f c f : x K f o i # x « n c p . »b<' U of coma j»ltJi;death b*-

’........................IW M '■

- . - A B O m n ^ n .T B E n to c B E D s

• . ' • - S

N F . *ORSlW

Senator Whe< Campaign in

ASIII.ANI). Ol--., Drl. •> Jji'imlo; Hiirti.ii K. \Vbii-l.-i'. liidi't-i'ii.lciit cnU'

I - lllilnlo tn r vlrp iirrnlrlr'iit, uiiiinil 11] IllH Hliiiil ciiuipalKii III Orcjscin Ik ti

D with n Kliurii ilviiiincliitinn ot Uif ml ' mlnlntinilori.

''I'orrniillaii In mil'ilic- irMili ot In •llvidiiiil I'u'iir.i Ilf lUiiUiiiii'iity," he- fi.-ili y<.!it<T<l.ny |i('ffii'<' (Ic'imriiiiK for Cnll foriila. ••Till' lino ic;»t;i fj-nm ih i-'l’hl fiiKi) cnnvtmloii ' 1» •rcniKrt

Ig - DniiKli'Tiy wnn nuuK- attm ni'y prncr J5 . nl for Iho prldiilnry liltpri'ulH. Altior

• t''nll!i, M'ciiflnry of tho Interior, trloc " B to tiiri'i over to Ua- GunKi-iihrlm nm

u lU if^u N u A W tu ”

I STUMPlG TOIIfI,"f. V i c e P r e s i d e n t i a l N o in in e i InK ' E n t e r s T e a p o t D o m C ' R e l!lP. „ s i o n _ T o i l ^ j _ U a t e n a _ t <


, I'KIJ, \Vy<>„ Oi't. 11—Clinrlm <). I)nw«^ Ine •■''l>iitillcan vio- iirpslikntlnl cnndl

® date, *tHlay oiiivrod lUe Teapot Dom< couniry, rcnilulncciit uf Uio oil Acnu dolfl of Wnolilnuton.

jOui r)nw<"< will hnvo nolhlnc to m] on Ibo siitiji-rl of oil, ho In.llcntort. 11' Is not ilevlnltns trom htn on<- Umt 11

“ K- Rtinck o n -S e n a to r- Ij i KoUrttc,- hem un- of.tho-lndepeudoul llckct. enl The npuclsl comlnK iin from the tho plalhn of Iowa nnd Ncbrankn ltu>

nlKhi wan bonut by a drlvlnK .talu an< mP’ Tioi»nnK' win'il ih nrnn(no~clhiibliiK ti nc- <t high altlludo illfflcult and the irahko-. .\ro s jo n ic tf i f l l - i t iJ iu i 'd .----------------Ijo Uouelaa wnn the tlrn t ninp nn thi

oxl acbtdulo-UMlay.- Dawcn will mny- li (?)u<pcr until C o'c lock tbln aticm aoi whon he teavea for Grand Inland, No

‘ . bmnkn. t-_Com luB.up.ibc B.OOO t ^ i rl»<Un.iU

,,, Utiido frum Ibo .MliBonrt rlvor vallr; , lanl nlKht, .Dnwon and hin purly lls

t.'nrd 10 un old fldillor's munlcal pro cram bronilcnricd by "'Cooper noiiRli uockn" from rndlo iKutlun KFNl'' n .HhcnnnclDnb. lown.


; ; ; M o b b f W h i t e s

lh . _ K i l l s _ C o l . o r e ( i

llor J V I a n a t C h i c a g c

y® cmCAGO, Ocl. 9 -S c o rM of pollcc All'll loduy imlrollcd tbo Mnxwol

' n trocl dintrlpl (o prcvoat pusalbbfiico>litlnK^fr>11m fln rir ir 'lim in * ria#

*“ 1> m tdnlR ht-ofn-jiPk 'ro—h r t r m o V i ) ■nl» whtlcB.we Wllllnm Holl, .13. Ihc vlclltti. ac

coBtod two whllo KlrlB nud nUcmptci 10 draB ono Into nn alloy, ncfordlni

ite r lo the. Blory lold police, wbtm ihot 10 BcreahiB ttllracicd.U ie mob. Belt wa

punched and klcked and Bmasbed 01 om- tho head with a banoball bnU Ho dlci l,or on tho way to tbo honpltal. ah- I'ollco resorvcs db>t«rtied tho crowd ivnt i»rf«*tk w oro'made.

MlBB ne lly Brcunblait, 2) , 'and MU: . . . J n e rth a n Dcuieh. 20, told pOlUo the: L,,, wore occosled by Dell, who a fU r maV

g Ink insultlnR rem arks, aelted iho for m or l»y lbe arhi.

- . , m1»* Or«eul>Ua said lloU alM ted b d ra s h e r across tbo ntree t when sov

led, ot-al men rivn lo her n seuc . jio - Bell tried lo encape, but wa« over ln« taken and onRulfrd by tho mob thn

ostr •' ' ' ~

z. Mussolini Re — -*Film1Starr:

- (By.JACKlECOOOAN).(W rtlton to r the United: Prbss.)

*. ROME, Oct. » - I ahall never torgt t i e when I v u rocolvod by Vromlcr

th ro u fh many Ur*«. Ion* h ia is .tintl^ wo.TeM lie(I.riB«!l;aato-eh*inl>fr.

W 8v ,w e » 'flditdocted by p tino ^ O ftho i 4 d J t« 6<-'Mua«o}liil'« paper t

Ttorno.-th^nPSfoir ir T ta l r . P^SOntt » e rk«elr«] vr<M tiia t M ussollal wa

IS rjM df.. 'm a a M & M i tn A h e wu.-«li U ft: t lo n ^ - h l i i ^V ks bb-than.eAmo slrld»rtd Ink f td v as the JwtfeVroom.Vlth t)ul - to :tb a W d 4&is;clMiwdJiiu>di.HiL.U«d:>Bi

T be Mm«<bU« to B ln o r 0 r tn 6 ;ta-:ll»liu

Ih w e b e e M n i4 U 4 b « .w e t I d . .™ ^ : . - ^-. 'r - l l iw lln L tb .ra Pg^ n y c h e e k y


IN 6THeeler Winds UpI Oregon Citiesmlor tin- MorKiinti lln- Almdin iliitiiriln.'' onn- • y<-iinti>r W li.olor wnn linllijjimi'dII up yoniorday-nnd wnn iinnliln m ftilloiv lioro ont bln rimiplolo npi'iiklnK I'rocrnin in ■ ml- KiniUu-rri Oroiioii Imt bo miidi'n idinrt

niL-orb bon- iiiipuiriiil)' urirli-r iilinin if In- of bill vli:annin i;avii>«li:ii. fi.iid SmnKn' WIic'oliT di<l mil .-(iiiH-.nr nl

Cnll- Uoni'liiin: ut nil, and a i-iil,:.'l|1ilto •Chi- opoiikoi', 1[, » , .Murllii iif'I'oi.i ka, Knn,, Kmj'o. wnii nildiosnlni:. h it iiinllom'i' ai M|.c1- oner- fnril wlion tlio vloo pro:<ldonllal ran- .lliort dldnto (lr;>vo up In nn nnininobllo (rloif from hin prlvniu cnr nml flnl.'IiL-<l tho . nnd proRrniii.

' j m p f f l E s "r^NOUNCEDBY [IR I N M «in e e L a F o l l e t t e M a k e s A t t a c k R e - o n R e p u b l i c a n s a n d D |em * — t o — o c r a t a ; _ G o e a . . t f l _ M ic h i g f tn

-. - -.to - A d d m s s - P u o p U . , '

:iiAi. AiiOAUD.t.A ^ 'O l,l-lm •^: s n ;c iA i, CArt- K.V ■ROllTK.’rO DI-rniOIT. .Mlfb.. Oti. iw«^. !>—S rn n lo r. Ia Kollrlto. ln<1pf«ndrn» itndl- cnniUilnto, boAiIi-d wonl to<tn)' [ircjinr- Jomi.' « l to toll llw- Uln tvsn vniiM-ncftu- Iry' thoy hnvo been Impovorlnhuit by

lbo "fonl poekcl li)ol« of Wall* strcH "1 nay roprfsPnllnc both tb r old pajilirn.1. Iln Ij i KnilottP knmvn tbo w rni nntl bln :i(i nt bl;; drivo will bo ai:alni>i llin<ii- “ iwo hcnd c rrn t am rptsitlnnn of financut poir-

ur—J . P. Moruan nnd tbo i>taniUi-<].011 tho' compnny.” , . lanil So coi^tldont .wnn Iho fiery Vinron-

I and nin nonntor th a t-h fw tim U c iiO llj- li: IK to Ihnt "ollhor iho ropnlilloan nr ^ l i o iraln dcinocrnilc parly wlll comio in o'xlnl

iQ rlU ic-U cxt.fouf.j'cani.',' ....................I tho Ttie proeroiinlvit parly. lui Im dn* r In Bcrlbc<t It. viaa born an *. u rovnli Tioon aKslnnl i)iu "tw o rynlcal. nioelilOK. ar- , Nc- raaan t tnnnlui o f tho Iilcallnni nf A bra­

ham Llticoln nnd Thotnan JcHomon.’' n.al-. ,-5Cbbi b lltcr.ftrrn lsom ail-oC lbc-lw o alley otd parties wan dollverod l>y llic ncn- ’ Hs- a lo r a t N ewark, tho final ntnp o f his. pro- cnntorn Invanlorj.

iiiKli- AsnorttnK thn t Ihd rontrot o f tlio f nl Kovornni’oni bnd fntlon Into a tow

handn, I j i Folloiie chnlli-nK'^t Prrnl- - doot-CootblKi* to rcfiiio tho chsm o

Uiat "thoHu now tn ronlrol of ilm tov rm n iun i a l W nshlnclon ili> nol represent thi^ pcoplo bul Ui,bie wbo

d eip lo ll lbo people."- - ■ -iLa ro llo iu i waa-slronK la iltnouDc-

n-<-v InB w ar.a X J . A E rlcullnro.w aa.dcncrlbcd by La

ro ll6 ltn an havlnK boon a ll but "ilc- , scroyod ihrouRh a conajilracy o f lbo

twoli “ K«'cli'H."

-------------- _______________________-____;.B E liU N .-O o l-!U -T l« . «r..*n-t»rinf-e

' and ’prl'ncesK nttcuded thu wu<idlnR of Prlnccns Auna of Saxony, dauitli-

iptod cx-klnR lit Snjony, lo ArchDuke Joso r . Kranx, a t blbfUenort

Ujflr yeBterday. •'*

OPKIUTKISK IlKSUMEII. . . died MAnT(ID. ^ 0 c t : S ~ OptralluoB

BRalnst the Morrncann hnvo bcon re- rowd, auinod. “cuuAlnB terror amauR - tbo

onomy.'.*'ludny's'm ilitary cinnmunlquo MUs says.they ’ ------------------- i- '

maV. KII.LX KM'EN'HIVK 1)0(i.S t for- NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J., Oct. t>—

AnKercd becaiiae they h ^ JdllM fitly ed lo cblckena, Jobn Fox klllod l«Q {irtu

sov- Russian wolf bounds, valued s l >10V0 each by th e ir owner, Ijiwrence Rleo,

over- and then coltccind 1100 for the fowls that beforo te lling Ulco the d o n were

Leceives Tii^: v rJac^e Coogan

aald ‘‘Corae''w lth me." 01 coume. wo I.) d id ' not understaod ^ Im , bnl Btcnor o y e t Onuio tran s la ted cvoryUtfts. -

** Wi» U icn tw B ikod .baeirto (bo dealt, j m C r n 's d r .m f t f tm a J n - t o h j a t , w y in r " lUtiriK Jisv .« 'w w «w ii* . t<r * i« . untll I sa ld '.'T oU ' m ust Im • Uw b tis ltst

r " Ifciin in tb s-w ortd .f ; — : . T '■ .....Im o r . Me ttukbed 'U id-.ippk '« cifondorful er lli p h b io s u p ^ o t^ U ^ B t^ f rM a 'i^ A w e r

a.-«lt> 's|rid- .. & lo t to SU oor

M t^ O n n « ‘tu iiw itiiia :b b r '« o 'D tn ]rp e 6 < n r ^

allsb. tb u k M him tpr:U i« eompUnMoU.r- « t« * a ; i6 iB tn u ls i.in d . II

O.IOO ■ D C ^ 'l t iU ta n .ib i i i jk v u a ll m ' « m - illktA « i i e t : » < W c . i ^ ^

.u 4 « n : i f t : s b a o k b sad i..M th ..4 Ju U ) k u d and.m otbor, tia ttlP t.w ff jp l th * e h » A




nin . • '' ‘ 'y - '

■ p * - 1 - I

tillo \: . . f

T 7f t P |__ _____ ' ‘i f r - _____________ f l ___

Al. I. • s t a n u : y n A i m i s *

by . ------------ — ------

Davis Prepares fo r Invasion of

““ 'Western Stateson- ---------

f s — •< l'n \'~ T 0lttC 07T '^riN irrrnnfld rn tUiun ever ihnl Iio will Iio vli'tiirloii.i ni Iho polln in ' .S'ovombrr, Jnhn U'.

iln-' T’nvln roiurned f r o m 'l ih ' tbrro '.Iny sponklnu Irlp fbroiish Ni^w York to-

. day lo propnro for u n tw irivanlon of lh . w c u

Itl.” T ho ileinorrallc cundldnto ]>lnniii:d Lwo to-.flponil Uip d a j : jn contercneo Jiero cn- and 'v llt loavo tomorrow for a iiwIiir his. lliiit wlll cnrry him Ihrouch Indlnnn.

llllnoln, MlBMmri, Toimimi-e, K'on- lito tiicky arid Ob1», neeorfUnR to tbo pres- frw onl tonlatlvo nchodulc. rnl- DuvIb rimorntmU-d bin ntinrk-' on rue tbo BdminlnlRiilon’S'forulCT polloy In llm bin Kpoveb nt Huffalo liu t nlulit, do- liol ncrltdnK ll lui based nh foar of tho rbo Irreconcllnblu croup In Ihu ncnnlu m-

llior than nny ntiom pl n t construcllvrme- ntaitfiiinanshlp.-----------------------

. A m erican tnreian policy, an dlrocl- Ljl Lil'by Ilusbon. D u 'to aald. han Ucou

'lie- 'm ndu tbo "tonlball of luiriinan pol- tbu Ilicn." nnd' bnn boen hanoti on a pol­

icy of "pcaot o t any price wlih lbe llttlo Krniip (if rrrecbncllalilo rvpub-

' r ^ v -^ 'tn -n in ra ill in ri i^ cnjiill.latu "ciiarA- hiR « l. lian romilird In "tiptoe diplomacy" Rll- for tho Unlt.-d SUlcn. rch --------- ---------- —

°" Naval Diri^ble Shenaddbaii on

'>■; ■ Its Way W:estquo ' ' ■ “ “

UNrt-ED STATES IIELllI.M PLANT FORT WOHTII, Texan, b e t. U -Atler an' orem lR bt s tay bore lbo naval dlr- iBlblo Shenandoah TMunied Ita c rou

1117 couniry flight to lho.l>aciric coast'at rt» O-.U.VodW.WO , <fho b is crafl circled tow over lli< leo, helium iifont Rrouniln and gllduO ■1" southw ard toward Kort Worth, sevoe *fe I mllea away 10 pick up iho trail of lb»

'i:axas i ’aclflc-railroau wlilcll 11 wlll — follow 10 Kl Pasp.

Tho next landloR wlll bo a t Uie San . . . . J)loBO,.Cat.. moorl&E m aal arounil ' ' mldhlRhl Prlilsy.' Tbo c ra fl was pro-

TlBlon« l--fP f UiftLifllirht durlti r - tht

^ ' ‘T.lttlo-'dlffleiilty was antlclpaled or U>o 1700 mllo tr ip to Uio .coast. Com-

Qor m andcr LaasdoiniB said,-slthouch tht sobtbera-ond o fltbb Rocky moantalii

^ .:-A ^aU i^l.iso« tb sny w ina^m va llM

— / s o irtui CHICAOO, Oo*. T. r. . p N b a n ^ , J « d tW(^"of h la (fTeddi'aUc-

ed ;a:b<^dupV-;jilSt':tor,i,JpkB.-:-TbJ^ via t n ^ '- f l f tin rn jr iiigy iM t .Tw m a rt,

Jewelry ahd.,rooneyitall«J to- ^ u » i

t s;

d .ll»nldron- b o r ro w sd ..iv ‘> 9‘H ^ ^mlutoa.Cdp]

My. o { : - ii f t« :.7 o tk u w .M M )tL o (: tf ,- jn £ J U H L g t tnJdpaim oi^ . ' , . . . .

I ..........,....... ■:• ..■-'•I.,-.

LY IY, OCTOBEi/l). li)21.





I- ■ T O ^ ^ Z A C l I A I i y' Copyrlb-t'l by Iln rria* r;\«lnir.


r ir^ l Innlnir.Olniilu- T.lnilntroin 0111, Illnoiu' to

Ip .Iiidro Oil u lnmT7~mretrTtoiiH.-«l-i*i#t- ' Judni'. iiiiiklni; iirrnnd wltli n Iouk

ullilu-. '\’onn:; bit iii '/.ai'hnry nnd ,1 ' l-VlKob wnn nm down-lM-iw.MH noooml

nnd Uilnl, Znrbnry to UlurKO to Mar- f rln. yoiiuK KOlnK lii nccond on tbo

play. Kelly iiciircct. YounK with a bit over voconil, Mrjiaol (Ilod to Illoo wbo mndn ft )onpln(f ono-lianded cnicli In fron t of Ibn bleacbera. ............

'Iiir ' i,jii, Ono run. two hlin, no errorn.;'p„; Scnatorn--MrNooly wnlked on four

H tralshi batlH. llu rrln forcod Mc.Ni'iily Ul noronil, i.lndniroin lo l-'rlnoli nnd

. wnn nlniimt driufilril nt fln il.. ILirrln , ” wnn out nl noonud. Nolit to Kelly to ' . " Krliicb w brn hr wnji cjiukIiI nniiiilni:

. off Ilmt. • Itlei- nhiKlod on a lino lo ra- ‘o « ''l G"'*>'n'n

■ foul In frotii of iho niandn nnd foll down, dropploK Uio bull. Q oslln 'w as

' Bafe whon Kolly tumtiled hin oniiy tiounilor. II. wan an e rror for Kolly. Rlcc KluppInK a t nccond. Judcc fan-

pol-.ihe No runn. one bll. ono error,

mb- Work' d hllniivlf nul of u hiile___ by-iuaiaiu:.Judi;u,.fl>vtiiC-ftLUyo-yItIi:j f j r tm rn 'U Hint rt iiuft b U i; ............... .........icy" Scfood Innlnif,

Olanln-W lliion out on nirlkc*. Jnckiiun out. Itn rrln 10 Jndso. on nn cas'y roller. Oowiky slnslod In front o f Ooniln. Nolif flii-<l lo McNeely.'

Nu rnnn. ono h it. no i-rrom.

a . SoDalom—ll^uur," - ,o(it. Krl»»h to Kelly'o tt a nicp play by "I'rlnch. Peck-

— Inpaush ro i a baml when hn canifl to S l tia t.' Pock’ won nnfu n t flrnt wbon

Mndnlrorn liooicd bln tiounder. il was n slnRlo for Peck. Riiol filed to.Muu- Kcl who stood In hlH 'trocks fur tbe

■tier catch. 'Zachary oiti on ntrlki-n.No runs, ono h it. no error*.

, Puck Kave U ndsirom a very hard ‘ “• cbjince nnd Ihe younxnler mado a vcry

'Rsnio effort Ior tlio out u d ll wta ncored Junity on n alnBlo.

!vnn -the C lanu—l.lndBlrom Jlned lo Ulc^

^ cnich. Frisch h ll over JudRO's hcail g (or a doublo, be u a l a stre tched i

s lnsle Into two baa«s. . y«UDR out, 3 * H hrrls to Judse , FrU eh aCopplor at

Jlilfd. .Kelly out, BIuoro to Judge.—K o-nm » ro n p -titi, uu ciim a .---------

, ' Zachary avoided trouble'.when .nice L ” made a circus caich of L todstrom’a

bid for a (rlple- Uo-worked easily fin tbe o lher b a i le y

— ■ flpnilnni->MR><«aif,aoni»a,Jo Jack-,IIM *9a .ln .ah o rtlo ft. «arr4a otit, Jactijon

( S o runn. a a h lu , no errors.; s.- , NehC worked! beU errJa-lbU -rtn in« J , : ; rW rln* ih*sldb ln_ftiflorJor’lh » f ln it

^ j u d g ' j . J lo k - n a W n tJ t 'iU e i / r . to p ) .,'W ll600


SINGLE B!j National Loa.ij-iK' Clian

Are Unable, to Bunc, ' moved and- Kvan S I Stand'Tln-ee All.

_______________________Q r n p r i r \

, G i a n t s . . 1g ■ ■ ‘ S u n & to r s C1 . - B n U e r i c s : N o h f, R;

n r y a n d R u c l.

G RIFFITH STADIUM. 'WA 5 icfuinff curves of Bip Tom Znch ^ Scnntors sqimrctl thc Aviold’s set “ 3-uU, horo tliis afternoon, when tl

game of the scries by a scorc of ■young Bticky Hiirris, tho fruahin p. good old-fnshionctl pimch off A Pecklnpatigli, tho sUir Wiishingt

— • iwp (iaj^iibflcncc frt)m tho lincii; I ond single of Uic day. Rucl s rcachcd th ird on Zachary 's infii

— I Senators to two hits in fonr inr passed young E arl McNceloy, Mi drove over .socond Io t a long sin

H ,e ,_w ilh_ tho -on ly"tW o '^ n a to r runs i iniK Tlu- liUniK ncun'il tholr (Imt nnd nnd only run bofon- thi« lolt hnnd- ond - orl-',Knrfinry bad But hU n m ''ln "" lar- KiKiit flrder. I'rlKoh dnnblod ntlrr tbo i.lndnlmm hnd lioon n-tln-iL bit /nrhnry nhu mnilo n ninart piny

vbo nnd Bot tin- (loot-foolrd . FrUeh . In hotnotin mxond liniJ tlilnL Vonni^

non! to Kooiind "durliik' lho" run.' drmn nml kt,rln(<tl homo iin KoU

'uur I j ’’* Hlnalo. Knmi Uion on /n rh - 'Illy "'■y. «n.H nlmiist InOndblo. Tho. nnd (iliint* ntnrlod n mU> In tlio rrin funrtli Innlni; bn l It' ni'iv iilpiiod ’ to by n fnkt donblo p in t, /.nrhnry line hnd ihl- (ilnntn nnlnBlnit futlloly , lu nml lUldly- mi nlilo nnooidnir iln'n . m n r n nnA n tnnlnllxlns »l»>Vt foll hnJL ,was Arl Nohf WAS, ri'liovctl for n .olncl •nny hlllor lu tho elKhih Inulns. llo holi 1‘lly. thn Sonntohi to only four bltn, bu fan- tw o'nf liii'in came lu a pinch ond blov

up hlH ball eoinc.. Thn Glnntn nnulh paw whu won lbo flm l kmuo of tb'

llllio nwloH did not pilch nn wotl an n fou:vldi; till gnmo woillil_lndlcolo,__ll<.-_jynn_Ji-----nri|-ll.To'-.in'-nlin'^Tn^T'T-rT»fnCT.-^r

IWO olubn romulncd hen,' for iho nrv kc*. * " • di-oldi) tb'I champlonnhlp. Ucaln w rro p tnrnl 01ront •*''

llckol offleo was almont punbrd ovo bcfnro th c lnnt had'boon mndu by 1

I niob lh a l «fwi-pt fo r first plartn In lh' eck- » " ‘‘-fl to No one wns wlllluK lo venture n 110 ^linn Ii:cilon ou lomorrow'* pltcliorh. Cur was K t ORdnn In tbu only flnit strini ,tun. pitchi-r W'asblnRlon han noi iinwl .li tbe thfl ueilon and MoGraw'n handllni; o

pitchers In tlio bull pen. Indlrjileil lii DilRht'ank UtiRb .McQuillan lo slur

lard thu game,very .------------------------*“ Firat Snow: Carpe^

Colorado Landscape X} to Depth of 2 Feellicail1 4 CRAIG, Colo., Ocl. t —The flmt no out, frtsn anowntorm of the season stru ti

' a t ihbi rcBloa yesierday. Icavlns two fee on tho level a l tiolh portaJn o t ibi

------.MOfftt lunnBl - gnn mitrnpttnB— roteRice phboe nnd rail eommunteatlon. nm'a Weal bound powienRcr ,Vo. 2 on Un y fin ^ toffat railroad woa dolnyed five boun

reaching D earar.U k i 7^Nf> irim iitSt} cfiinmmilaniia..cojiti lijon bo ro a ln u in i» a .jiH h _ m !l^> .^ r_ w f!

attrrflcw. • i>r4w>t n l i b t - , . • --------

jtemaBo-from s ta rm .ls believed ti nine bare b«eaT slU bt_ .; ' ■ ,flmt - --------- ;-------V - T M II MOSCOW.

id g 'i.'callBS-ot.JilsKlco. V m ,b« ;tin»blt t isos TUU -MoscoW'-^ito^aMOUft • « ! '~W

h » W > .'lt« ;» « » * « lt 'th o .n o lit» b r«p

i u i

ID A H O W E A T H E E . ' I. I 'iiiilv Oli.iid.v and cool- ' '

1oiil;:lil ;inil Ffldny. j

O L D V O L . X l l l . N O - 65

n u E si PITCHING RIS’ TIMELY ]£AT GIANTSi i n i p i i t n s ' O u t i i i t R i v a l s b u t

i n ^ h S a f c t i e . s ; N e h f I s R e -

S u ' b s t i t u t c i l : G a m e s N o w

J U M N N ir ^ G .S r ______________________________R . H . E .

l b o 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 1 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - ^ 2 4 ' 0 ,

R y a n a n d G o w d y ; Z a c h -

W A S H IN O T O N , O ot. 9.— B eh ind thoncha^_tho__8tou t-hetLT tcd _______s e rie s w ith , tlic N cw Y o rk Q io a ta .a t .

tl th e y w o n t h e ‘six tIi‘'a n a T j w t p la jT oT ‘ r o f 2 to 1 b e fo re 4 9 ,QOO r a v in ; ftuis.

ih inR loa n u u m g c r. w o n th o gam e w ith f A r t N e h f in th o f i f th innttiff. B o g o r n g to n s h o r ts to p , w ho ro ltim o d a f to r ic iip . s t a r t e d Uio in n in g w ith h is sco- cl s a c r if i9c d h im to s c c o n d 'a n d ho n f ic ld ' oQ t. :.N chf, w h o h o d h e ld th o inn ing tt; w e a k e n e d a t t h i s p o in t a n d M c N c elcy s to le , sc co n d . . .H a rr ii th e n s in g lo a n d P e e k a n d M cK ecly a o o rtd

n s o f th o ^ f i w n ^ — ___________ :___ ___________

r | T H E » » '»y '■ ...................I'll M:W YORK. ' •Ik ^ _ All R U T O A K«• I'.lndnl roni; .Hi I 0 0 1 1, 0'!• I'-rlHch. 2b .................. 1 0 ; ■ a 2 0!>• VouuK, rf ................... I . 0 1 0 0!“• Kolly, l l ...................... S 0 3 n 1 1ll"' *.>1oiithwnrtli .......0 II l> 0 0 0 . ''•'1 .MciiBcl. If .............. :.. < I* » 1 0 0rx ;vilnoa. «'f ,,.r............. t tl i 1 0 0 '1Ir Jaolinoii, ns ............. 3 D 0 2 2 0'Ilf (lowily. > I E 1 0>’1’ Ni'lif. V .................... 2 ll 0 0 4 0 ■

••Snydor ...... .......... 1 ll 0 0 0 .0 'inch ItyoD, p .............— 0 0 0 0 -0 _JL .* --------

bul Tololn _______ 32 1 7 24 11, l i . ■blow 'R a n tor Kolly In .9th. 'luih- " IJn ito a fur Nohf In 8tb. •

tbo . WASHINGTON,four AH U U PO A C <in jn MfNci;ly.,_of............. , 2 1 0 1 0 0 -" T J i v r i T o n T i c r r r r , : - r - - ( r - j r r - t r i r r * '— •n.'V- IMof, rf .......... ........ - 4 0 1 4 , 0 0tbo IJonlln. If .................. 4 0 0 1 0 0 ' '

ll on JudKO. I l l .................... 3 0 0 11 0 ‘ 0 'I tho llluoRP. 3li, m i..... 3 0. I I 3 0ovor IVi'U, n n ...................... 2 1 2 1 4 0y n Tnylnr, 2li ....... ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0I Ihe liiiol, 0 ...................... 2 0 0 4 1 0 -

•/.uoliary. I; ....... ....... 3 0 p 0 .1 0

Cuf- T otals ____ 2T 2 i Xt \ l i 0[rini; Suiiim ary-R unn hatlbd in. .lU rrlsO .iu -• Kolly I. Two tiasfljill>. F rlscb 3.If of Snvrifko hll, Rue'i: S io tm baaea. Me?. ’II hi) NMly, UlucKe. L ett on''ba8*t„. New tiu r i Vork C. W ashlngtoB'7. Poub|e, playa,

Ilarrln lo Pock to Jildgt. Bm * balln. oft'.Nchf 4, Rnin 1. S in ia t .o u t. « by Noht «, R yaa 'l , X ic tary *. » i * ^ ' - off Nchf, 4 in . 7 Innlago, off B r u . .

_ none lu 1 inning. Losing,, pitcber,’#■ Ncbf. Time of g ao e , oao bourj M ' • e e l m inutes. Uou)lre»i Dlascn, Qtilfiey, i •------- KlcUrdUd CShnoliy.! •I AKondanco 55,(W (ea tta ia ted ) .:;, .L

7.^ Justice De fci;tipo^^

Facts Ara~iF'rM3iied sr‘ V'" V w A a in N o « « ^ o ^ '» t f n a B d * ^ - . ^ -

m ent

j- w h o - f t in o Q a M ^ W ^ ^ M e id a r n o t t

e r a l 'S to a o i iS S ^ S y . 'i . '• W i . - ’v i i - i ' i ' i ; '-'"1?■ "u :ih u i[3 c fe tiw a jjtM j^W ^ m -m

Page 2: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

I , ' " rA (3 K TW O

B— ■ ■ ■Cnll .Mrs. n . E. JJru-a, I'Jio

- •■ • llnm inn) cliiii-•M n'. U. I-:, ii- im- i ; .....I i:i.wnn tionU’Hn It, di.' IIiiniiini>' <’'‘l- ..............Wortiii'M.lay ................. t>''i' ........ Tii.-,,.Sixth in.'iiU'v . ni'l, 'n i '- , ir 'iu l luiia- g,

: • licr ut tmm--. <>f ..........................uml Mrn. Clniicllii. «oii .ilw fiiMn fitin i-i ini' tilKli " ton ', V..II .Ml

• AU'nuv J M - O;., .. . \V.'.ln.n.loy »fl<inci<>ll llu- y\r!<ll-.,u A\-| ... . '

IIU'I wllll Mi-«.riftiis f o r 'n li;im'ii.l nml n il'r liiln - . .

'■>llirlr liiinlialiilH MITI-illK.'^^'ii' il H "H ' . ..• jU-ciJcl 1(1 rhildli t.M1i flult (iiimn niM •

ihotu U> ilM-Cmidr.i.-i.

flnil ho..i(i .•iii.rllubli- w m k {nr. rliili lo (ll). Till- iciliuliiclcr'M llir ri.-.ihiii ftfiuniiKHi wnii tii'.'Ht f-ni-lnlly srnl iliv . llORKHli by -MU'" -.MJrJoilr J

' Snillli'BcrH'd dcllclom* rcfrcsliiin-iiii'. 'Tlio n rx l IiJfrlUli: of. 111.- rlu li “ HI I"' wllh >irR. GIvii Smllh. Ociolicr ^

1’n ‘iWrDtlnl CnHiI.l.hiloK 1il>ru>-nl Wr.iu.- — Mrf. llRKlu/'Kin wan IkiMc.'h lo Uu-j i” ' i Women’ll 1‘roercsnlvr rluh \Vi'Iiii-m(1;i)'| n i'i-. »AfH>rnoon. 'I'AtliT lli-- IIHUIi I lnir(ilii-<i <H"lrlrnrH»l«u ft lirw rnm «iin kIv. ii crinnhi- 'I 'l 't ‘

'I iik o t iikcliChi.'fl on llir Iirv n f Hi.' Kavi- iiIhriw prrnl'U'nlliil i"iiiillilulc:i. C ahln tr ir l cCnnlldgQ Iiy Mfg. Jl'lilV. 'V. I' y. 'IJ}ayl*.h/.51rt. Jiin.i:-.!; n'liiVniiK'i-nTr m ir-n f.I jl h'ollrllo l.y Mrn. Kml WnM. .iMi.it h n c u l

___ _.ii.taaty-.luucli.w nJ)ii’.lo m crt wllh Mrx. IIhIIuikI wiih .Mrx. I'oi'b’

‘ . ClbROn 'ftH'lloiK'HB. ' .

Mni< SRiltli Hiih'flnliis Cli'i’.—Mr... und W C. U Hnillh Vnn li(inlu<n lo tl;i' Jiirtii- ii!:io ( lirrn of llic M.-iiiur chih WiiltK-iiilay Ki rvr(

. 'ftdornoon. ItoH rail wnn roi.oii.I.d llnnill T u T '^ f h ■om« o lovrr'iituu ln by ilir ' iM in

incmliorx. A llrr n nliurl hunlfiniH icn- k'lirHli • ' ■■fU.. .I... .rt..,.,../.,. ,..„H ht'..iiiiir>«.|fllr| PI- Ml

; . PATJENT.SAVJNG BEnERC- than spasm odic economy I

, ..........Dy 8. W. 5TRAU0, |Pr*tld«nt Amariean 8ocltl)f f»r [ • *

. T h r ift ----------- - j ......—

GOEffHB 6bii?Vcfl Ih ri t-m h u il. “M:V - u m li-o i U u sruaU il v;itao

•' — ; ;-—irh*0 w ear* not Mrrli-H nw nrhy ll." • •

t ot RftTlnc. t iin o I'llo I ti lu c ii 1 Dilni; . »’lili

kK07 by CCLbuil' ' rv rlllu m ^ .T h im lic L - ut ihl

exatnplo ot t,cnii

ahoKd Dtriilllyll liilliiill v ltnl lb»t vo .Murl.a lw ay a itcp mr_ H u.iitoot o e lbs aolli] tlx -..S.r •' ” S;,

I To b« «tteetl»«,. »a»ioB mo«t ts xun ooounuout. Tbo , prraoo who. i ] ,r i ||

j ptadiaa Kod t«Vci 'oTory pasnIM* '»«0Dr for ft alio rt'llm u «d tli«n ,„oii,

i ( i v t t ap «od Qull# wjll n o tn r.-»eh r<mti * U>* coal of tndopcDdunca or *tic- ^, oeaa. Tti«retore. tt ta woll t l war* | , „ „ i I to biT* ta mlod tba m anor «t mod-___ m U on., 8aT ln t,,,ft , .r»l!>nfili|*.

' j aao o o t resularly I 'a r la-° ' e re u lf if tttUUIutlOD and ilr(«nEih. All

( Wtaan Wa cm airons nndw ttll ws r rk '( , ftr* tp l to pay liltlo or no 11101111011 . • to matlora ot b«altli. Thtii t ( «•

bocoina (ii w« auddenly tn'cono i KTMtly tatar«ited In ' tho caro ot "i'l--- j —6 o r-i* y a t« rb ilD fM d » - i - f « n i i i l~ -n(rn1iI wh«n wa raco icr w o 'w i l l 'n r ie r " 'l ir* ' ' a«ato aUoir ouraelxoa to bonrcis form I B^KiaoUui tn tbeae niBtiuri. « nnnaiI I t U lbo M m a-w ay rejnrdlns ____' HDuelal laattara. In lh a ilRor ot I yoQtb"or lo tlmoa ot Croat ptoaiitrl- ^■ ty. « • ara api to dlar.-iird Ita L J tbJb* of lb/«L W* drift a)Ms from X

day 10 day aod year lo yor wlib- I out na k lo f propitrallona (nr i h s lu- T

turo. Thao auddoDly aoln* Rtltrnr

I tiina happosa and wo nn<l ogrBohci q • eonfroniod by lho aiurn r.-allil<r'i ct - V (iBaaelal topalrment. Pnuii.iy «■ a

I bar* loat our ponliloii Uiron'rh 111 ,I oaaa o r lb * «oiirco of m ir inci.im, l9 (1 1 uaaspocttdly wliwa otiL Tl»ui « • '

tbiDk ot thrltl mul innko <ir nu> aI inlada tbat It wo ovor hi-c"m« |>mi I peroiia acain wi< nlmll nn nt-L-l-.-l C

- . to eal AalJ» a pnriluD o t n r v tiu I tnsa for tha tuliira. II Uirifty doea noi m an I^^l q '

(ar ot aaviDS moDoy or lo iiritii; u[< ' IS I riBbtful ploaaurca. Culilraio tnml j x ' eratloo. Do ool aaro (o ihn rnini I I '

I of ba laj a mlaer. nor to ibi nitin .... lion. Qf.tJuJv&rloua u'plKiiuu

------- ------inoBtr thBfbBT»-a-r1chtfjil p lnct I n - i -------I our ilTaa, . p |; ■ Ob lbo otbor band, wo must tia I * 1 I moderatJoB.lD tbo mn(t«r ct pleu- j

, i nro and ouc of our earn lon niika 1___~i i| w n i tliat_ja:irf(,.nmTlrtini tn r lln .J , ____

f U aa daya tba t aro auro U coma. J

' Lowor CalKomla P tiilo .. i La P a i ia tho Kvni of tiiu r ru i l fl>h*'

* In*. Induairy of U w <»~ta llfom la ., Tbo annual output la valacd n t r-A - I 000 ftnii la promptly mnrKoirt tn-Ku-

( ba* bwii pnrtlUynrd off Inlo four I'fiio '■ rcflo n t iivlilcli a rc tl«hi*\l »u<f.-««lv,' |

' J r i f u n In rWflllnn. Tin*- , ■. / c w tIiaVfw>nlb|.;o( Mny i» Octi'N-i ;

I Tho, p«iri«, ar» of'KOiMl n v ftas r qiml- ^ ily aud ar« ni>luln»d hy Ii.UUu ilhrr>I iirorW nl ■ with la 'id rm nin'.irntu*

------- , l ’ra«Ifnny'ftii-inrt-W iicV i«sriK-in ihiiro'rid •enun* frmn I jiw rr Cunf.whi. |

a iii«jii»h.i .. .. ......,,I-M id i« r. M «mirr OAlo—rumiil. a m'iIH ,

• fho plM of n iilC'Hiir* « a ; ni'i '" ’'i i' 1

T ^ n n x /' ' -nl. 1 ' I ' .1

________ - i ----- ffl Irrl'rll■Jionr 'J‘Xi

....... b.t ill-.-

I n r ....... r i i r 11.'\ I im-,tiuit w inj '.1 ........ . w ith .Mill. CIKt HI111W-1llli.l iii. i.iImi,-( 111.- Ill vr.ilii.ii.l tiM .-:iU v.lll, a I I ,■» ircilf^. 1

.11) I tiil. -Tfi.- Cnliy -Iuh iii.f onn .’filii)- all.tlj.Kiii wi’ll .\li:i. Ilntt- w ilh M u. Mitniiilit iiMiliil Im: h.i-i- , A flioil lun,llll!.,. n.-.-.Ml.ili wnr

l.y « iir..KiHin 111 r.li«i«r dt'.t. iloliiinli. Ihv uubjccl bi'lllU... l.lfl. of (V.iiiirtl.im." A dii..t l,« iild.iiiiil t;in.l}^ Kiiiiloii nr, lli.'I(. uml vl.lllll \va:i r lljn ) r .l Diirtli:;

llllli llin. Ill' l i f ; ,l\vrUi. iiinal,. 1:., d till- i;ii.iitn. Mm. I.T.. Iiuiili>ii nn.l

. S; nml S, ( 'li il.--\Iriv II. Mtul- riil.-rl;Ulinl t lii. .M. S. nlid S. i lill;

llK-ri'Iny nfii riiiHm. .M Irr (li.. buii>Ii.war.ii i \ h : i;idr.il. who

i-. jii’iil<_il 111*. M. and rf. nt (hr r li 't roiivrnlloii and In nllU) j.trril- t of (li(-‘ tiir.-il fi'd. ratrd -i.liil.n: •— - 1- nil liittr.'fltlni; ii-iiorl of ihii ill.i- I c.iiixi'iiilim nVrii'lly h.-|il al Onli-

'l lir iiri>n:«tinj-..imh!lr.l .if nnd-. . J-n f-arillc lm tn r<“HUHl Ki Iho-lii- -----ciiliir liiiniillul whlrh lilnliii lii nu I , ~ a lly 111 iirfil (it. 'fhoH allnivr'i-ii ly ' riir'iiiVml>.ir» aiid'lliVlr'raiiil!r< » J •'*. 1 rilnninnrri nfi(f-nnm r-plnnr mnilc. M H I ; roomn w rrc iticnrnlrd Iti yi-lhi\v PM H i whll.i'lUl'r llllo C.IUI- il. Il.-lll.-'wan » rarrjril m il In lhi- 1 rfi.iilnnrtiti, v rd by (hriionli'nii annli.Ird Iiy Mm. m llton tuul .Mm. Sliin:r(in. Tiv,. niy- _ _ir 'Tuiiinn-t'T' iiini iiu- r<>iir>^iiK i-Hia were' iircBUil. Mru. Tuck.-.

Mm. NVwtniin nnd Mrn, <1iil,lih(ir.

.:. A T t h b t :. ' THBATRES !

i:VKii S.VV d ii; - m - -\ liXOCKOlT io 5 ii ;iiv !

A i:nir l.f I'liiiillliit; rninr.ly hrrr.ird:•> tll.-Oi'|ili.‘<iiti llirittn- iiti.t-luoiiKlil III ll n ll till* liiiKlitrr wlih'li nny dluBec.cci!ll't_l“'Hi'_lbly Klvr tn ,oiin[i.nliiK’n ( lllr rt.ilniiu iii r" Tllf'" rT O j^IhlB lam:li.uturiii.\viui UuuUiui.;Mui:-;

;aii In hla new mjirniiK roim-dy.Mic. j »u.»",VcvtT B ay 'T lir iiriMliirUou i.uriiannrM In rni.-r- Itiiiu'iil aiiythlnir v h lrh i)nui;ln:i' ar!.riin hn» r v rr lUvni i.i ihi* nrri-i-u.' u.lias a-bnlnil-ul iininuroill Uln own. i r i.lclurr In mi adiii>tatli)ii of Wll- >111 Cdllli-rn, fmiioiiK nliiu.- kikV ohh..iilrli rnn fnt* n yrnr on Itroailwny.Ill w rorn \crfiln :j Ih i-v<n imm- rlllliii: am! fiiiiny llinn llm nini-.o: n y .lur lo whlur nrd],., n f lln- othm ulrliiri- cniurra and n lu-rf.-ci lutlnuliy. T ill-ir ii ip ii iikhiiiIh liiio iil rr and fantvr acllon nnlll llir im.l irn l of iillirio iis IniiKliU-r lu Uki fhi-

A11 w.-allii-r Ov^rl-o;l!n JU‘.50, i.oiihi rk'd iiifu. 227 Sliii.ihotii- Si. •

C o m p t i m e n t t ••i<hr imIO ll»*it iny flinriirh r wn* nn i-aliitifTirTnx'rtniTiPK-rrtip: J-fitKI' i;.'w n"“ lnrty—liiT--f(irT— e-^ irlniK'.'' "nlll n ,wnNinn i-Inrni-.l n llh issnll.—I.<'i>'t<’n TIl'UllH.

H .F . S am u e ls |Candidate for gov­ernor on the ])ro- grcssive ticket, will deliver a' political address a t the Lav- ering theatre, Fri­day evening at 8 o’clock. Tho public , _ IS cordially invited to attend.


MSVOOWADABCK ) T U . t . C * C A M t)V -t G N E t

U’iE CAAlOy J ■ ■ v o o f T o p . r OME S

—■ ( Q ) pUOOAU

■ _______ x w iN :“W ild" Iniiiani P iJ i.-rin j . i ' ^

t« of S'liilli AiiuTlrii, ni.ijit.li j

tr ll.r . ..f ll,llinn- w'lili'li Ii-i’m- I.m J I'" ' |t '"

* . ! Tim.-*



K r e n g e l' Blacksmiths, Machinists,

.jBodies, Horeshoeing, Wi ■■■i: '■ Smithing


- h H



\ V lE C ttV ^U C K '^ e - - ‘ IXV-GO CISMT-I

FALLS DAILY TIMES' l i c l e n t l w F tite

Ai'il'liii^ Mill. <lii|iiyi-it rrrf-ntly I..-- tiM.ri:-'. Itir brlili'iir.u.i.i fiilnlril. \V<i ful.rlo hir>.lan'l, • linw.-vrr.' Ihiit ll|i' I'lior | r wi.v<-iiV wiih inrrHh-n>1y rrvlvrd.—From hollrd "fItiinii''r^it, I.oniliin. . . ork-lHpf'

-------- I — iiri.iliuK,i..a Wnnf OM Ilft'rtlln! roi.lcd,-


I M a c h i nts, Boilermakers, Welderi Vagdn Work, Ha r d wo c ng'^-CoaJiv^.^anufacturingr.-

We ] of hi th e i

Con ’ tion

r ' ' S t

Isn’t ,Thit'Nici~of'HiS

‘fe'O i n s l.rTTlE SH»JEBW*S

- a f t e r — —

is ’ ' •P o p u la r M a te r ia l

r.ri:”ll>- ririi.- Ix a lltflil. kliri-r nllk a Imvlnj: 11 'lln.- cr>'l'r nurfacr. I t ’ « J .v<-n In' Ihr i:m" nnd nubx-iim-nUy Im /J .Iff uml dyril nr iirlni.-i|. li.wuo ' I V:ipr--<l'»mJ »»>»...) l .y .J I a i isIUH, lllll hna nlnirv bi-rn. ivldrly j.


V I C E 11i *■=

lARES................- - : --77;$C

ORK C^r.

LE-TREES ‘ 401i _ ii;I KO II'

• . Il

i e , G o . : L ^ers, Springworks, . ood, Hardware, ' ff'— i ---------

! ! I a s h E

^ 1 8

! have just mad< ligh grade oven bargain on to ^


me in and g e t ; 1 of size® and st


t r a u s G I Twinr

f i m ? " * 7

^ f SAV, M issus 4 ,W /-^ W V . u fG o tx e ^ - u o i t j iWAW/Pteces-* ; opcywtv J' I

; J .b L5PT? /

- i f r y '' , MVNIJTK

: 'ZSf-

, i ■ .

Mr, Hom ese}f you hnrc'-any In ten tion 'o f iHiyIn

■roiicriy. In iho' Twin Kali-i Dliitrl.rl you i lan llirrii h rrn .n u rli (ipporluitlllrn an ni IU rciinoii ivhy jim i.criy sliould cntilhiuv

Kollowliiii nru Bomo nf ,lliu liranalnii

a room liuoKnlow lyjio hoiinc. iocaicii Ti 4 ronm iinUfi(> I.artly furnltilicU; imk fl . LcnienL bnnetnunt. rniilpiuid wlih lniii)d

avp! K. (W i-can acll Ihln l>lucc wlUt 1 li.ilanri. lliiu rcui.)

• 5 room-.houau .v.’iU i.,balh . ..lOcnK'd, on ( $S00 raidi, with unnd turnin on ll,‘.< In

C riioiii inmlrrti houno. loralml nn Olli ^oukh. iialauia^JliO por lui.nih.

10 ncrcii .Improved, noiir I-Mcn, nl »C5 p bulunrc i'cii(.-rul lunn.

«0 iicrrn Imprnvnl. ni-iir ila ie llon, }TI> p lialunro t.'cilornl louti. arrcn Improved, near lianti’i'ti. 51-3 per l!oo(i len'uN.

7D nuren ImiiriiVfil. Sui-icfr Ftnti). ?12r. yc;

.so n i-rr»~» lth lrriH '’nilI«* <>f '•’''In Kai'ji, linprov.tiiiriil;<, oWA(!r'n nhnrii ot cror

.ncrc, 1‘r lii'f--!3

Our (Iiuc I« youm. U yon arc Intrn m il i-slnlr, let ns nhow you wlmt ito liiii

Contact Towii— ------ ^17-Sho?hone-St.

e d a l z k

[ ? u i * c h i

de a wonderful irco'ats, and we you at-


t yours while styles is comph JR WINDOW

' l o t h i n i1 F a l l s , I d a h o r ~

'MWV.tOCNT ^ O, i J O s r


■ \ . v.ll

PPU '\ y .»»aaiJf :

r \v , o ( " r o iU ‘:i:

eeker: I "lylnn piilicr .cily in r fanu ou iiliould dll .ai> now. .'Jovor n 111 prcMient, anil liicro I# iiUc n l prciicnl prlcca. 1

Ina »'o iia to ,lii otter:-, «:d Tm Mil Ave. Trlcc. JSf.O.OO.

c floorfl. (urnnce h'Mit, full iii)dr>' iui.i.,.lloj:aioa on’ .Uih lit a cunh linyriw iil'n f I7Q0,

n Clh Ave. K. ,J*rlco U.W).Iinlancc. ' '

111 Avc. rrlco *4000. 11200

5 por nc rc ,,w llh ICOO c.-vnli,

■5 p rr ncrc. wltli- ITCO canU;

per ucrc; tlGUO canh. li.ilnncc - ' ’ '

ver ncrc: rn’od Icrtin. _ i ‘ji, on pnvrd roiid; npimdlil crop iiil» ,ycar o 'o r l-ti> por_it|fmn. _____ _______ _______ ____ ____ ___

ilrrpntriU In tlm piirchftHB ot liM c.lo otfcr. - . ■ •

msile Co.S tr^ u th ---------

ase. ..........^ .

ll purchase i now pass

I . - . : .i the selec7


g C o .

^ — ^ Y 3 t ( ^ E R " --------

r V"-...................................Ec6' '/'■ r. ■ ' '

Page 3: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

.T in m s D A T , o c T o n E n 'n . i f

, N e w s cH arris Gets

P ra ise fo r T d te Johl•DY Flb\NK .OKTTY.

ii WASHINGTON. Ocl. 0—Wnli "Joliniion prolinlily In ilinm sli wKIi I

iMRUO baaoball.'TliP ptuiBlnc of one of ilio Koiii

ftrcatcii pUehtrn aii<l..bi'» i lo\ nporwracit wa* (iia rk fj by ^

• —»nO a KrRitiro by a klil manouLT lierolc Ibal U robbvd i!ii' iruiictly lill nllDic.

Tbe irascdy wn* tlio vory clliimx •JoHniion'i CBTCpr, libw ttio tlri'am Ut yoani camc tnu- -n t lln^ I*'

.KTounda ycDtcrilny'niitl roiin<I til t a Kono, no tlial Riant lilm canx 10 CornorH or tlio fli-lil nnd -tb.- i:r

•pitcbcr.'»nit a ll but Imlti'il fconi'i....... ........... — v b o x .- .- -----------------..........................

T hai liL' w ail'nn i Imiit'd from i; ibo* waJi illio l l 't l io moKniflct'Ut c(ii •■aitfl of Uiicky H arrln, wlio oni-ii w

a broftkor Uoy l» o ronimylvBiilB Cl'Tnlno anil nnow-mBHBKi'B ihn Am

• lean leaKHO chamitlonn, * _______ ■. H arrln. an j

-- - ......................;U i6.aiani_l»HU‘rjL.0oKRt*.,i«>. ‘;‘*l“ ‘nguari'ly with liln otfprinRn. Tin- I

' 'Wta iiQl on Ifie font onu arid (hn ai Idrcad'eurvo* were brrnklnR «lov ftOil wldo of tho mark.

■ Dui Bucky. whlto fHc<'«l, »p«'lns i crucial ball Ramii tha i iilmoxi f rr ti

' jncani th f n rrkn ilrlbJiUnK "Oiir Of ' r rn l i , iltitek out h it jaw and plaj ih<> Ramr.

Not fo r thn nakc of a liall gaipc n

would hc licnil hU friend •■Harnoy" Uiey call W aiter In WaHhiiiiitoii,

- — tha t lonif tram p across thp flH«l. 'th e ahowcw. th a l weary walk thai

.p itcher b u . IO. lake, oloath-too ,of'wllh the hoot* of n UiouRhllcHH ihrcJn bln c a r s .,.

V *“ '1'* Jol’nMn 1“ ‘jl® saiev«n tbrouKh lbe tilnhtmnni o f i

mont pliylDjily.'-wprii hitlinK cvc th in s tho J>lrr pttcUdr had.

Tho W ^hinglon nianaRnr will \ . many a ball game .In ihu fuiurn w

______________ j i l i j tw ^ . - w n m r p r o h a b lo Uo n r----------- _ . ,.w lU -w U w *iilR reau»-.vlciory-»|ih.

/ , heart agoin as won tliat defeat o f y ■ - terdoy. . . ,i

In ihf^ntandi, ip Johnnnn faded ( the old npeed Juni wann'l ihcru i

■ Ihe Clanl«, who had all m u o*pec. to loae lbe-cam e not upon »omu of

r o s lr tl pltchinK they had (acoil i bammeKd out a 0 to 2 victory. 1 crowd pulled tlleh tly for Johnnon. many, each b it off iho bU . Ra: hlondo iw lrler who, never lo«t he

'o r nerve, when ho had nolhlne c v t i a penono l m atter.

W hen iiomo ta n #crpamod'“ tcik6 1 ou t!" Dllly'Uvan*. American Ica, um plro,'won out of hin prandnii

‘ ic a t.a n d upon the follow like a th• (Jorclouil. - • • •

• "Cut Uial oul," bo niioutfd nb tho din. ••Coma outside and H i kn your bead off.’; . . .

. Several 'Of tho fan 's trlcndn r hluatorlngly to btn rvicuo and Dl who haa a chest Ilko a barrel, cl

-------------------------lonBSd-thPTn-nll.— ThoT-were-wH-nhoul down Jobnaoit, hu lualnlud,

. .........................they aubaldcd aoii.dldn’t ...............A fter Ihe name. K»sn«, wiUi a ll

la blB throat, talked about Wa Johnson and .bow tho um pires fell ward btra. ' '

••SInco I sta rted um plrlne tn American I'caeue/' Ulily said, !•! c «d 600 bod haUs on Bamcjr.. N« onco did ho complain. . ; • . ' . ‘'H e was tho grea test follow in bi

ball with a b i t boart and the crea t u l bail, when ho was right.''

T bcro wens UioUMDda like Et uaoDK liiti fan* o f g randatond b loacbcn wbo woald bavo Riven m to SM Jobnnon win. B ut the

. WOA Dlleblns yeaierday he couldn I t w a t a <lar (o r .youth, not

. th a l wofl^paai ItB^prlino. Young L itro'm; Uie 18-yoar old k id who pl< Iblrd base (or tbe Qlanla fllnbe Ht Orob hu rl hi* ankle, waa tbo he

' o f Johnson'* le s t day, Ho w m I

• WMWafJoa.W alter Johnson probably will

' nounco bl< retirem ent-from tho■ .................... - j « t u « Bii(J t»tir*a inwrij«fiir» '

' Ja the Paclfie coa*t league, wheri------------ i .M ibadiU :jlow nT -X U fth* 'SiT H H

. t w ilb fa s t time. 'W hether bo bui o u t U w jw nnantii -InrlnipltctatD C -jm ^ 'balpiog; ^ u o k j'-U i wln lh c 'a iw ^ t tbU Tsyi or wlii

?bla fDoa to r U t ^ f ^ l o ^ 'w b o ai ’ jM a a t ^ J l L i w e a W tlW -B g e lc t l

_________ 1 a r p t i to 'U a t c M H /O e to W itf t in

.. ..........

1 0 2 4 .'

o f t h e S p p5 S h o w e r s o f r R e f u s i n g t o in S o n f r o m B oJ," Coast Leagu:aiii<-'M I.«i< AnKi'li-n Kt I’nrlliiliil. - i-(lovi'd iionul; ruin.■anniy ---------

{LT hOH Al V o rn i in - ■ It, Ii.'ly of Salt l^ikn .................................. H 14

v.-rDiM. . • ................. .... .. r,Hillli'rlni; SiiiKli-i<>i» nnd Cm

“ f tii.li,ClirlH*liin. Hnyi'iix,. nt'oiit uiid' ili

‘^ . “ '1 Al O iiklnnd- H. It •), , Snorunii'iilo ..............................:. 4 S

' .- I ...................... > «nV lln' TliuMUwoil Jilld Sillcnnr- Miircblri und llukvr.

a co'al • Al H t;a tilt - ' • . i.l.H j\iuiir* San hVuiiclnco ....... ........ ........ H ITi

• Henlllu .................... ................... C 13I H kc, Hiili.Tio»: a n rn n . Rtien. Mllcl -wfefti-‘Bti.H-Arj tew, - Yellc;'Jlllliria tinMsvUi..., t ■I,- hill. . .---------------------

oowfy Condemned Youth to Get Reprieve;

Killed His CousOf hlfl • -. • • . i — ::.- - • Blayfd COMIMUUfi. Ohio. Ocl. 2 -A le i:

d»<r-Klicilk.-l9.-iin<l<-r-ticiilvn<m-lo iC and t'leclroculH Orlobor 17 for ihn lit

oy" on .Na«y. will Ih> tirnnO'd a roprUiVo olII, an (o 'J9 ilayfl no nCiarcicyn can ca Hd to tiiblr riRbt In snvn hin Iltu tq thd il tha l a Hiiiircinu r/iurl, it wan nald today.Qflcn Uip, office oL O ovcrnor.y ic Donsl

Ihronc Kucilk'n nilom cyn hopo lo til Ihu courl their c ik n l '•mentally

sninc, and itiai liln'svnleiice nhould b<> 3f thu craatcr than ibnt aivon I.orb and I. V—aU ■tuild-bjr.Judiiu.-l^AVurly-ln-.Cblcasi every- --------- ------

'< i '^ \ l1) with I . • C J 5 o & - ' T t U L '»


■«‘’ S!ld ’S f i i i i a i Speeled Neither Cianf^ n o r S e n a to ^ viof tbu the boat tcnm lu ihelr lencuu, cl

td' and ex|ierts. They won becauso I. Tho wore Kood ti> the ir motherii, wo aon. To pose. 'Rame4 •' . -------- -heart j y Cobb hnn docUled lo keep

e else. j,i„y|,iK will-, tho Tlgorn. Apimf«i' there Is a dltter<ii\ce belwoen ret!

league >dnlaud ; ' _

‘ III »cry hard, lo.Kinack the <' Bl«vu * tjiampJon who *t>tknock .“ ‘"® ?>«»>ru tho (ooillghi

' roap '®‘‘y '^1'"^ y®'* 1’0»; Dllly, green, tho old icraybei

chal; who play It ncnm to get nli’HK |« . . ^*lwvr

jd. and *1-------____ ____ SL<ti:eim>Ln8-jn2Lj22-2»_iltiVB, lump th# Mnx* hut polllidana - find W alter doesn't gu over big wlili ilio fell to- payer*. v

a lh» I 'o in , will ntoro. m oiiutalni bu•1 call- ban no etfi'Ct whutuvur o ir the

N w '' poujiilur wlio leop*. u p \ In . froni. . . you* UH the w lnnlnc touchdown

“ being scored. . irealgnl _ ••

' t r - ; - . 1 ' >* “ > undemiund U<c I I ” ‘len. I t in' nl».o hurd to

« n..irH iloruland the fOotlHiIl hero , w S he lltnp* when he In h it In the notoIdn't. * --------lot age " Brltlon Is goinn to IK U nd- Inspired, no doubt,played «>« «» » • 'th a t NlcV A ltrock mi( HelQle Uire«>bate hit.hert>— ---------

u boro T|jfl beauiy aboul lbe alrow

• - H M leM tb r- count Uvor«-- rlll -on- maa.ho b is — —' s clnb -U A ijo-nu tlnK jver-w carr'm idem hero b* No w m der lta’» *o ea»y to gel u[HWOIB •HirflcHC---:--------------burned ........... •— ~

rinolblft ' To offset UlO drawback* o t wtal -U airl* tb s consoltUoa’tbat' long>«ared g r t t t h e r w olkii^. trom coast 'to c o a a i ';

'o f 't h e V N o p la y e r c « i-* » t iiio'M n>nnl«’'any

j a J i n l BUII 0W '*h iK -0t ‘ Uw a tu ft you. L .:

iiniooD ' V ouok '< T « i^ ‘ 1* foUowIng .In j oi r » «nii nwiwT>i

0 ^ ^ - ‘bop« ^ b b 8 « u a l llU r im ro o th ff jto ,> :^ a .n K jo b . |1 .t^^

' : tho 'lU bW t' tn h th e m b b l f b t j r i

V .m t - i U k r t up ba:; fw . hto ito '.'lm w u p . l o n > «


T W IN t’.

3r t W o r l dToday’s Game

(Continued rrom page 1,) .

^ JtidRo poi>|iud In Juckiiun vvlio niii< a nice runnlnK caid i In ci'illi'r. illuoi mil, Jacbnnn'K i Kt'lly.

# W eoniliuivd lu wi>rk n lc ly niU X . hlilliin u Klo«- cur'

wltlioui wniltliiK ninch I'lriiil,

T ‘ '■ • Kftlh Innlne.Olaniii-G nwdy out. i'.-ck lo Jiulii

H Q Nubf filed lo llii'e who inndr miDiin ' _ niii'ciaculnr riiiinlnK cntrh cm ilii' fi)

lltK', l.lndnlroni onl, Kni'hary "> -Indi

" " C r m " r m '" h lu i . iu> .Trn'i,..Hy a ii/ct' catcU '/.aclmey /.<'( I>y ur

:i, II.I-:, relln 'd llio iildc In order (ur lb.' rh 4 14 i tliuo,;; r, O Srnntoni-^I’i<k n lnnbd. mi n 111

Cmik: drlvp In Ivfl. Hn^r.iitcrUliM'd. N.lir i K.-lly. IV'cU nllilllii; lillx W ond, ZnrI

I' iinn- o n ' O'*'- li''H>' niiaHKliilcd. r<rk koIi 10 Ihlrd, -.'McNi'Ply wnikod on fin

il. It. K. •"'■“ IkI'I halln. Two ttliint iilii'ho: ^ I, :: 1‘inrtoirMarmliiK ap, ' Mi'.Ni'i ly wi .. I- .. ulinoiil nipiiod irt rirxl. .MoNn ly i>lii"siiVa"' "'a*!'' '‘fto it f<

' iliK idahi. Harrln iirotrd pock ui .Mr.Soely v ’ltii U dniibli' lo rliJlil cm

I , , , , , icr. The-offlclul Hror.'r crtll-'a lUrrfIbit a fllii«lv, and, l.m blm ’m. «cugi

, , . throw no lh.; idulo, Ul.-o nni, i® i.irlk.n. ,.Illcholl crrorm '^HMiUi------ rT rnrtojirpm nrorfisnrrT y-rm m iri

und WniKon woro ’wurnilnf .up In 11 hull pen htll Mcdrnw'tnBilf'.Voftrtiili lilintL'ir onl. Jto nof /rfcir on nn (rml.

. curvL. ' . . . ..............

* . . Sixth Iiuiine. l U S i n ' cilanui - Krhicir foulod lo Ihi.'l

front of - th .' Wnnhliirton- dnitm M eian- Vounr uui. Hml lo Jndno nn a ta i^to-bu piny *')- K‘*IH‘ l lurrln ft liMil- Jlld|UV^^^ ______

■ o Of 00 Zachnry rnnilnurd Jo iillch iiict'rt carry aiui lit' wan Ik'Iiih /cIvoii iulJllaiil miId Hale port. The r>ay by Uu.-i nud by Ho>day a l ria wft;u junt fant vnniiKb lo u.-i ronshoy. ninnern by n Mlei^_^

Jihow Sfi'naiom—tioNlIn Tanneil,.lly 111" out; Nehr to Kuliy. N.'hf hll Jinlgi

b<! ho hot nnd tho ball oaiiui bi.ok fnlrnd I.co- him. BlnpRo walkwi. llliioro "tiIcoso.— M cond.^niaklDK^thi:^bac-witb-aJo

nlidi', I^ock wuii^<'d. Uuul oul. N.P to K.'lly on on ojsy chancr.^ .N'n run*, no hll*, iio-crcorti. .

. Si'ii-iilh InDlnic. V— '^ la n in '^ M u u n e l tli fd lo jla r rliiiw

"Y p"™ ran hack” IntoVrlRht qoiiii i- 7 .ir i ' f l ■ catch, almont collldlnR will. Ulco a

.McNeuly. 'WIlnon-slnKlwi. l« rl« n ice dropptnu thu halt try lns to tun

i wora a. sh o u itn as .c&tcli on h _ lo w ll j. claim drive, Jacknor^, file»l to. Conllti w 0 tlwy toadf n long running calch ou i vo BUI- ^o''> »"«• hoWlRif nm l. Oow

popped 10 H arris, — •, .Vo runs, onu hlU no errora,

eer on Zachdry wan nllll workInK eai and foollnR ihn a ian ln with a si' curve. WllBon-o- nlpgle wb* a fl.i

r « .« a - juai.mUaod maklng.lh.- caihy a fraction.

SonatorK—Zachary out. Oowdy Kelly on a fanl play by Oowdy. S

"o ' ' ‘'.y* Neely fouled to K elly 'In tron t of I spends ,(and«. H arrlfl 'ttfi-tl to WiI.on w

■Ighu. near the hieachcm for icateli.

lio»IIng fjo run*, no hlix. no errors.

M »o liy * " ‘* * " * ? : w i f f ’lunlnK .". Olantn—Snydor batilne far Nc

■fli'iyaur-ffloa lu lUco'wTio .m nve.r r i.lv In cs'cli- Llndnlrqin fanr

-m T rnrtd irT tnv rr-F riH C in fU trifir

lie tax- run*, no bJis, no error*., . xUh caic, ter.Trlsfll ,

, Senator»--5iyaa Jiow pltc^laR, . ‘ “ Ibu O lanla. Bice oui. Krlnch to K :he 3U0> ooslln oul on-strikes. Judrfewa ront ot , ,•■ > f . w , . , , . , lown I* i? ; i' i ' II I ’ I

t[C fitot* '

o ,w l» _ ■

. . T l^ it Aie. Winchiluht. by b f e s t ^ g W l pw id e a p u m i > ‘g x m i o n l y

e l und«r • i h e l l ’W i t l

3 1 : , ' d r a m » . , ; : ^ w i l e i

: « B d t c h a i ^ . ' . h o . t

v ittT ob tCTUdea.


J | v - ' J

t ’Al.XS DAlLYj;iM ES '~ * 111 Olt.(our ptt<lio<l ImllK. Hliip*;o on

Kyuii 10 K.'lly.!. .\fi innn. n.> hlin. in* rriorn.

' I Mnlh Inning'. tiln liln -V 'n iiu frtul.d lo IlUK-i

ui.or iIk' rln iid '. Ki'lly nliiRlrd im Mnrtix Id llulil. t<riulli»(irlli niiiiilii

, fo .' Ki'lly. M-iii'rV rni'i oil Sonllii.iirl III ii..'()lid. lo llnlTlr< und w.uliniisi doiihli'd at tlm l. I’.'uk mndo ti]>.'<'iacnlur V..i|> ami ihioiv hu.'k c niiciiuil und U.iii hiK Iru uKalii ur

------- IliKl to hi' cniH ' cl off lbo riolil, .Mouiimiido Polltdfd with .In.lso nl ftrnl bnno ur

Ju il ie hurt.I.lii nnn. I’uck.viaii rn rKM Qfr liio riol.l iu Ihu iiUdni a( tromohdoun.'fivailon. • Taylur w.'nl '

- nn«t th(r<l « n r l i « HhnriHlnii.i-urvu fntun'U, ,

No rlinn' oni' hll.-no crrorii,

I!;!;;!;!! • S P O R T . T A B S O F '.' riml 1 E V E R Y K I N Dlndi;o ) ------------- :------------

SAI.T I.AKi; ClTV- -Italpli II.' Pn ■' ''""I IIU .von Ihf 1.'. tullv (Illl Irark aiil tli ''t] iiiobllo rnru In l.'i;:iii'>;. lliibi- Slinii

I WUII nijcuiid mill l-'ro<l l.ynn Ihlrd,lino, . . ___ -

hr lo (n.Vi'lNS'ATI Liiilktu. ooiii|iii'ri ini'll- of Iv|ilimiil In Itio iiocond Inl.'iiluilih iolni; ni raco. dovol.i|>.'il lixnicnf-nir nn ll tii.i'r <:uvltu;ion ti^i. If nnd may li.' nuib'

I'h on illo onror. Ihn ihtril Infcinnilunal rai Wlinl a t U ln iila S.ltiirdny. '

iiloli.t ■ ' --------{ /w CJIJCvJCO-- .m - -Njllonai ilot<

uud . yp.Hilw'ay annn' ln’lnu liiu. unnninioi c h i^ j ih o iiniluital ‘-in truck obaniiil.iiixLil

irrflii' fp r Ihl' liuwllmrm' irinli hor.' no) .'uuni) Sai.ur.lny.

' ■ ““ r iliC A n O -A tli'r ffvo yoaih nt ll nomi, lU ipll -Wood.. on.- of ’ tl

n Iho ‘'*'loi»'d Bl tiio irnlv.'iHiry gr llllno |iM rlt" '’ i>-'d Id Ouivvor. .roln.. lafll .uishl. 1:

fatJiflr. wii«. teiv«r«jWio<l Uxlny.


lict'ly«»»*- IIAJI.i;y. Iihilio. Oi'l. »--S.'nul Har- Hornh. o t Idaho, ohnlrinaii or ih» no

'I l iio 'n t..r ia l wimmliii'.' a[ii>.iinio.i to invc tl r a t . ' cnnipalBii oxponJltut-.'ii, hun I

Iddge vlto.rYTii'ml)<!riT'ii[“lbi''<!iranm npr- idge'.i iui;ot him In Clilcimrn wlibln lbo nc llr 10 tew duyn ho annonni'Oil hero loilny. ntol.' Sonutnr Doruh hua cuncollrd 1

• J o h t rcat-ct.bla_flPi'alUnR .vnsns'-niinln. Nchf pronocullon ol bln cnnipalKn tnr - i

eiei-ilou and-w ill kIvo a ll thu Ui aii-e/nary lo oji )nvi-*ilj.-atlan of ea palKU cxiiundUnron hy Iho thri-Q pi

. Hull, It wni« annonuri'd. liiwho — liocnii le tt h li ncnatorlal campal ■” rial n n lh T T ia n r '^ c F V ^ .a d i^ C lI0 and w ith au uddr.«».%l,Jdaho.,^»U". ■ rU hl, Tii.-nilny ni^hl IH.which bi; commei luakv .fd ailniJnlniiullon, piillclen,': the oi

Illlo rcftr tnce h e has .innd^ lo Mn, Cn » who |,j(5i. and ,-tlio. Dolleicn of_ Ihc rcpiit1 tho can ikdinlnlHlrailon.J o w d y -----------------------

TMO'MK.N KHX'KH - C A SW y.U Tenn.. OcU.S-Two m

easily w oru. klllod nn d 'fo u r, injured todi slow w1)cn a sluain ohovol struck ' a ,stl

fluke of dynaiDliu hidden, in. a mounil calch uorlh here. ‘Tliosfl ktll<^ ,wem me

bern ot thu Southern ^KiUlway c< ly to n inicllon crow. y ■. Me- 11 — . I . . . I I

i;;.r ( M m MVffinsHiBn

rO R IlKNT—Two -ulcely fnm lsl , , rooms close in. Address A. caro

T3»M------------ ----------------------------

annud ' I'OR 8A U : OU TRA BK -Ffir gt tfm ii+-uW n'm m nroFa)W im irTsira*TiuK

Guernsey bull, eievrn months c Splrndld IndlviduaJ/troia 'A . I t D best of breotllDg. ' O ne ' u i r a ' ; t i

i Uor Guemacy cow, frMih^ l b , D » c ^ 3 Kel- tw o heifers, L. W. Maddca; p n e .^ walk» west^of Knull. ,

. 'l4c

Jiester Hammerless—^ orld. .iSee pur Marlin‘$42

........ ........$34:50

^ — — n o i i c e l :___:-,^pp.,’.you..,want .to <loubleV-your--eg«

i&j,l e r _ w e i k . 7 W e w i l l t i l l

i u 1 . ^


f y 1 SM HOOwI,in.,ii ; • IF T M W

, • ‘ ASK; WHAT IS VOUR „ ' w!h ' PROFLS^itOM .OnUM ttido a . OF B U SIN E SS

1 AM ^Mf\ 1 6£R Fon A

.‘'und b ig NLVJ MDnv^^ r - I v , M ERC ftNTlLt /

ot n I HOOSE.-nl 10 II V— —y 'Ihvn J f

____ ’ '.s i •

. S i i ■ ,____I ' “ i n 0 f t

■ 'V'' ft_L T f’o'-' r~A/aulo....................... .......iini>i> ^

illdn- _

iiotoi- - M j . / S j ® ) f f i ±

"’'b ll' • i r ^ ^ | T | | j ^ j l

' f I""''"' ’ ll. h l l .

*‘No One Authorized to Speak for Me»”

rp r Judge Kenyon Sayt i ” UlJ.S n r i ' . ' i ^

. on.' Ill n 'l ilio il/rd u> MponU for m.', IJ.dcrarJii.lKo William H. Konyon di

invon ’'pnli.-Kni. u lo imin In-i o " - i o ----------------------- ....................................

S ' . P r o p e l™,. Abont tbe

Smaller Detailsiptnnftrmendr ' ^

!oday! ;illa« k nUk rinckodstick hnnf o t imlixually fin.-

lil of nrnTrn. I.imtrou* liimcui- tono and ftnUh,

cun- I'a lcn t leather OxfonUth a t are cnmforlnhl.'

I ■ and ni'U-msiIe, 97J^I.

\ ^ ■

^ t r l p f d i ^ k tcarin. J I S . ' ,.h , •WhtuK In dwlRn. w»l'®5W* r r ln K rd rd R i's .(lO ftd -

• '■ h. •‘>*Wn({ Chsjanls d n nn->,"V irle tw th a t * « i eorofuU

* T ^ fy n o d r tOffU. M air U>, ' (rt»o IftsUag w rr lc rt

'lo o , '* l .


- - «Rolc«. r f lM a . b lllKmt tlfo /ner bro. w - - Mllea pittJni*,-----------k l I - ________________________________ar ,

p p ' •■ ^ • r |fc O O .. 'K e w ' • •

10VSE\-"P> y-N r B Y J c w c s r r . a w R , ' - - \ : f

■ 1 m EMGftGED IN NO \ VQi R(\RTlCUUn BU SIN L^PU R SU IT .'--- 1 ft G LOBE.-m OTTEn,OF S O E lN C L .L ta U R E R . p, ANQ B16 o m t HUNTER { , ^ v _ T u i COMMERCIAL VJORLO

NEVER ^P P £ ^L E ti^ O M E ~ • 'T ftM FROM ft FftWLV OF



X W '-

I ^ H ifI ■'

y T H L G! _________ . ■______________

nry riinrl.'i. liaw.'H, (0[iii)il4i'iin vl** prohldonllal .'unilldali'. Dial b'- «

"a loyalTopiihtu-nii............................lays in a |i-loKi.mi' lo lb.' Dull)' No lion- Koiiyoii. wbo In m Si. I’niil. nul

"i am inktiiv no Puri In ''um ,'.- i.ali:i. mi.l ..........ul or .jmlilKii." n

,n llo- have anylhUr.; lo nay. I wlll uay ' (Ijut mynol/. No njii''in unlliorUrd i.. ^Il'' n fo r ino."

i t F o r m a l

I 1'___ ' ' &

, ■ a

A F u l l D r a ]' ■ W ith Note

The take>it-<a8) in this Tuxedo ^

_ ■ balance required"with mw^imnmfaced with fine

_______ -Tuxfedo made.--

i -

P A Q E T in lE E .

.—By Aherrt■ iw c m m n HLWfta h ^V O nUS-TW ' : m S5E N C ,E .R 0«

Mfcoon t'o NOAH'S ARK • aU5Tf\HOQO L HED PICK T H '

WITH (\ • ■ iroaO FT ^W N G M M O G ftN v i CAiR E O F T H ’

' GE.»J:Tl.E.MaN o f ' ' - -■ clS U R E .

T m In I'alin will Krow In proportion ” '' lo your ro-oprrailon.

Danceland . B .

A p p a r e l

; .- i

i p i Q g

tched Laij^dls 'uy, full-fitting liKM give the-poite ^ . , . . ~

ed ii a f o m ^ suit, n con>fort Lapeb ' ■ . le quality tilkr I. .well. :-«nou8h v^to . - per

Page 4: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

■ tcroi? POTTK.’’


’I h t T im e* boa m ore ren d e m i • publicAt

PnbtU htd B ra rr B ranlos Except Si Conjp«ay. Twla

' I . H . WlHTEnfl _ _ _ _ _ _ _

' Sn tw w l At the Twin Fall* Pailotric D allr Publication,

suascijirac— . . . . -D i f ly . - cne y e a r .............................

Daily, a l l n io a ih a __________ _Daily, one moUUi


Ahoul. tWftily niilliiiti's uf Anic tKo|r-Hc1iovl-vvHr »>f lU24-2-'>, nearly 2(Xi m'lmol .Ihvk .,s Ilo^silll.•, term in^our fn‘st milmols! On' tin'

I not much more tliuii Ifl'i (lnj>. Kor* iiliortcr.' Thc t‘o«l of ia'i'piiiK ih '' «'•

! ! o n f iim l ’tli rc iv i|U«rliTft liillitni3~ofnn'd prohalily com-Rtly tlmt cw rj- i

r y ■ . lo $ IT to ft^ h ili t hpSnuKrluT Avill lu-' yenrn. It i« fair ihi-n' to wir

• nt<«pdiriff'l*iO dnyn rnch th is cnmin tiftn .h y Uic hHiooIh of wmic fifty

------- wcalUi.-ncnrly tliirty .tim cs thi*.i;xp;Not m n n y invcHtmcntH n n - a'i i

m o i» divulcnilH . \S 'p cnuld M tim iili 1c m tn a n ^ y iH i p u p il nm t M ill linvi lio n f o r a l l , th c luoni'y wo n |ic ik1 h

. « l u m ia w c c a n n o l n rfo n i to m in i ' “ ~‘»clio o l-« r;.U y . I c t lm g rliiin k " 'r r c i

iJ jro w ftwny. n ifrKl d n y „ fo r a n y - t r i ’ 1v ili " b e ‘com()ellc(l to i-imipoli' w ith

_______ ofJliat,.day,,jindji£ .na-iuaiiy .jiiiirt;.j— ! ■ - g ootl 'bw lh c M th e n to kocp tin- »' l

k e e p a U 'th c ch ililrcn i n ’i f oVi-ry dii

FARllEiiS’ FINANGIil H 'F - W P W B l

■- t - - - By a H. 0T19. OlreeJorTi^ ' Am'erleln OioVei

■' -F a rm ers , llko o th e r bufljncs! — I ' . TOW m o n c y r 'B usliiesa m en lu rn i

^ inon t. W h y ahould n o t i’hc fur• - f _ —I ' tho depositors '.

' b a n k e r necds-1K M B W , 'bo rrow eV o lint

Kf . i S j ^ S r , . w hich Buch c rt s. T h e s e 's ta te m c

------- . w h e th e r-h is b:

P ^ .J

M a H oi>.^ a ta tem cn t a t I O. M. o tie

Eco m e 6&ay. T ho s ta te m e n t aIiu__________ j u d buiWlna®. tho valuo of’th e c. . .A ;o t the ;w r . •ueb U;irali>.-bB)r. flber

_ ‘ ^ eropa. trait* u d oeceubloB, etc. Tho f~~»Yfl«MebC~«trwiie-->le»-JadiL<le thn* '.anm ber and ta lae o( tbe dlBeresi ■ . c lu a e i o f ilteitock . iBcludlos hones. V M tU t, ibeep, boff, poultrr. boei. clc. ^ I t ,tbOuld &Uo ibow TBiue of * - c rop ’ m aeblntrx, da lrr euulpment. I . ' POtiltry equipment, horneei. pled*ure K i la u e le i , power m eehloerr. etc. Undor

. o the r ei«eU iboeld be locludbd caili ft-, o a tMWd or In bask. Im o i recelvalila. 7'-. aceonali rectlT«bIe, eaib value ot to* m •armnee pollclei, stocke eod boD[1i.■ t/o lU d State* tocarfUai ta d otbor■ B ^ e lU o e o u a aaie ts, not locludvd In■ U t abOTA.f f i Thei dDOhetal tta tem aat tboQld alno W l i t lU ^m ue*. aaob as mortitaE*s.~ both tea l estate eod cbaltel. notes p dae baak, a o te i parable in oiUart.> . aecoaote or bill* due a lbars, pro- § ' B l u m on Ut* laiuraoce. Inioreat oa* ta x « i. 'e tc . I

f Tbe n e t wortb mar be dotermlncd b r U k la i the liabilities' trom tha to-

. 1 tal ossetc. If tbero are a o r coailnRcnt I llablltlle* th e j should also be llslcd.

. . .T beie woold.Include undonemonis on •>' I a o le i o t otbera. le cn rllr or bnncUman

; ___fo t-o tbers .. Iea«ea_iir2ccBtracie.. juilji--» n e o u or (Ult* ^ o d la r « OthaV Information

Jn addition to Ibe Bbo»o. neneral In- - - Torisailoa could be xl>en on the caiU

' ' Teloe of lit* Iniaraace aaseta plodded----- g t s OOIIWIII m luBU.«t.ee fo rrlaJ au

I P bulldlncs. tDBQraaee carried on llv.-- • lock . iBBurance earrlud ou mscJilnirrr

“ , j or.jmpl«D)eDt*. u x o i for ttie yenr.

■ M i.eu tlr.e:FleV l.na» i* A rthur was vli!tln& <n Ihc countrj

* '« u n tn e d Itliusc:! wltn u Hi 'Ip nclcli* bo t ffiH jroona'-'

— \ b e u if j w l t ^ j . I'ln t *».tU an older,* in .-w * ti.rap i'> iW -- 'v ]th .t '.”. ;•« *">•

T ' t l « l 7 at»andiiied 1il» fomier ;-<>,ai«, ,^ r«ne< i*_or nll Her rtln iiiil" l-‘ lure

” • 'Uai back. ' On"T>Mni: rcim .tctnitcfl' * w iitt b r hla aunt for hU m ,clcot of

------------ m n ie . hff t!l»»ti»l<-<llr-r»m«r:.»d: “Oli.- V 'A sn t B m m a.'ril Ita hack Id Mllle nome

I • day, ba t a f*!low *smttl>n'i> «vniii* n • ♦ .jjr tia ii* * -" --— '

'*■ ' T he Time* I* unkOM#l«l-for nrwn “ • B ^ f lo a h a ra T tt l iK W - - -------- , ; "


II in th is c ity than any other cation.

; Sunday by Ui* TlBO* PublUhloi- In F a t ic Idaho.

' ■ ’ ■ ■ >fMco.u Second Cloa* M*tter »* * in, April a , 1918.

n O N R A T E S ■--------------------------------------------- «G.00_,. .____________ • 3 00__________ __________________ GO.

DREn Ta ! ^ ™;T LOSERSiiil'l'iriiii I'iiililn'ii hnvi' .iiistiicli »)im-i.f lU ina xhtiulil i i l t rm l ils Illf. T lm l Ik tlx- Iriiir ih o f scIkk)! hi' avi'n iK i!. ch ifih -r 'ir a rc in scfmoJ l-'or n ii-a l M'hoolH ih c I i tu i is; iniK-h

Kchiiiils o|ii-n w ill Im- ikiI 1ch,h I him o f do lliirs i It ”liim j i i v n c.stiiiiiitoil y liny in .sihoiil is w n rlh fro m $Hi 111'' I l l i l i ' In r a r n ll i a fm ii 'r l i iiiftn* ill i r tlm t tw i'iily.iM illioiiH o f <-hii<iri-n n in jr -y p iir r r p r c s m t- n e t i tn l prudin-- ty liihi(ii|M o f ildllarH o f p o ii'iil iiil iX p c in litiin ' fo r tli r si'liti<il«. _11 k’ofiil i i s 't h a t o r |niy_ kiu-Ii rn o r- iiilc t i i f xchooL tliiy IIH w orfli imh-h nve miiTij—Tlmi'H ns k’" ''! jiij*1iii<'n- 1 on I'd iu iu tiim . I lu l i i r r a l n s ihc diK-i- it liy Id-i'p int; i-h ih ln 'ii ou l o f •r<-Kuiiirly. ^ I'iiiftI uU',;hl no t fo( r lv iu L m ia u ii..__iiu u . I c w ^ 'iu t.-L Ju :.Ih olliiTH who hnv<- uuid<' Ihc tiinsl iC-Bdiubl dn-V.s iiK tlii-y nm ld. ItV Ki'hool ojiPii for n Ioiik term nmi

IAL STATEMENT M E S S S U C C E S 8ir^A orlcullurel Comml»»Ton ik e ri A iioclstlon1CS.S m en , freq u en tly neod<.o bor- rn ish t h e i r bankft-fl %Vith u s tu to - fu rm c r? In* o rd e r to iinfcRuard rs'. m oney w hich ho lonns o u l, th c is fu l l inforincitlnn rcB urdinfr th e in a n c ia l condition . M any farm - it ie d to i )c tte r c r c d i t s tan d in g s c ru d it fitatcm entii w ill ;;ivti them . m ciits w ill a b o te ll th e fa rm e r . .busincsa ua u w ho le is a go inu

uch a d ifn cu lt t a s k to m ak e o u t n t le a s t once ti y cu r . T h c first > th c h a rd e s t. A fte r th a t i t w ill iiou ld inciudc th e v a lu e o f lund e c rupa on h a n d a t tho beg inn ing ir c.-iili n^cbiTud during the year ainf 10 cash puld Olil ilurlns Ibu year, in Tbi'su varlout ItoniB can bo ar

s. tlKiirns InillcnilnK the uniounta In c. vulvud plnn-d oppOBlUi oach Hem. A ]( copy o t Uils crodlt staicm unt should ,t, be prcsc-rvod (or use In maklog oui ro nnxt yosr'a BlnivRirnl. nnd niso toi gr piirponut ot cum parlioa when twe ill yearly atalnm cuis havo.boeo corapllcd a, TliU cnniparhoQ Wtll Rl*e the tarinoi Q. an Ides as to bnw his buiitioia U s. Rolnt . l l Mill bo iu tbo nntiire-o( an jr liii'unlory. and n'ill furnlsb sbpndani In (nntl (ur thoiii;tiL If thii prnctlce It

purslstcil lu tur * snflt-i o( years I' ,0 will Im nf unloU value to ibe (arinrr

In stuilylnK Uiu buHlnesB ....................fg ot bis tarm.

nuilnvna mon find It absolutely nec- ^ oBsary to iak<> Inventory aud prupare ,0 IlDanclul BlDlcnienls. Sucli practlcr

I bna not been so Ronenl wlib Ihe tarmar. Hero lies an open door ol TivtmrlunUy.—TbB flnanclaHit»t<»in«m<-

UJ Is iho'flr»f»tc‘ii toward rollabig (arm . ueconnllus. Once the (armor rcI’

Alnrted In maklni; itatements It will fllintilale him lo krep. moro roi-netU lo midy more cloacly and mlnutcl) lltt ■bil»liS>-iV'»nd‘ to 'aicortnln thf Kourci's nf hla pronia aa well as lh( facturi that'm ake up his exponicii

In- Whim thtise ars known ways will be •ll miKKruu-d an lo how to incrcnBo re cd colptn and rcduee expenioi. There nrr MU -^h.«mll«farHn^vani1nmflt-ln-Tnn»w

li>B up (rom.ycsr to year Iheso crr-dii ry siniciiieiilt aud the fnrm record* lliui lr. irecpurarlly i r e ^ ih th e a ._ '—

“ Slthcuet'es." r j Till* »li:i'"lvIlL* II- nnmn

;li- Iho rlli'ilaliT iiT'flii ^ Ii i J tVi! 'nn flia cxJrcmo croui.mj- In <itcr nuuiicfi wii« cnrlcuturvil ti j nircln«xc%!»• nnil iiiiy i Iii-;mi iin“U- or fi.,.|il<>ii \v;i«l«, onrcsii'tl'-iilly cullM liy Iih niiiiU'. Alnnitire th n t llii'i ' prollli'^ « c rc |.r<>iliii-.-.| hycfl rsM lni; thr-I^hnll^*^• of n (ntt- on-iheof I'njicr by”TtiO'tlgl'' of n cnnrtlr nnd)li. Iniflns-uhcut II ■‘•:iii»v, tln*y weren e cln-nt*'ihi-.v »vir.- .......... n . ii.iiciiic nf

0 tllf iiiliiliit'-f. "nllll-.... Ilf'* ' n lid . thnaymii him, bUu-o Iwoii ri:tal;itiL '___^ _

SStla»rd‘7uBl6miT l«'nii ‘dtnrt=- - lot au adrrrllslii*.w«Kllum............. .

- " ■ , . ' ' TV

' ' ] SCENE DUl

loi tH f f iS jB jBloi <-h llll •

ml •

lu TK » A iK iis o f T x r n i i s r - i !tii-'b lrtn Jnrl>>.iii|, lllniil'i>hnH'ti’It, wbn

h r <lr.l l.iiM.|,nii. T r r n ’H Lui'.- ini'. ln{iir

„!■ .................. ... .

. Began Ennrmaut Industry !lu:___Xln:-UiiiluiLi';ltifj .... I 111 »liM, (■

iM Ilciw Ilu. I'nt|..il .-^Illlrn unx >>. 1:1111''. in Iiilll l>» ... ......... H-'iir.l. .............. .

L l uvLr_ua-.tJn:.Muill'J3Vi:r..-."a.l!.- lUlr.: , >•'mi vnyiiKr.iiricI Ijvi.iikIiI liUh-" f'T iii:ii;lu!; '.— K<‘rl- !'■•

. hin.t l.f lliii.|;lm:li>iiii-.lilrc Im’euii ■niil;. ; j '“7 IllK KiKM.- nr^.ynil. .Mil-., Sili'i' (!nil '

■ lall- Uu- .llll.- Ilf tin- iifu: «nr(<i la (Ii.r iv;ifiu-

Oiolurv <if I.... In mill >.lii>i.iu ■ "

;— Tlmps-'.VimUAdti-ntltr'^ '^ '^ '

j r -

' T he S c rcc n V crpion of W ill h c ' *

. P o u g M lWilHam Conklin

L I V E - L O V Et nr s t'i l lminK __ _____________________ '

r ,

lanl ‘i ’?'

■ ■ ■mrr......

ther ol j i ^ ; g a i i ^ g ? s B » 3 W » a

arm a g r .Rei’ •' « f ’ • ^ . .. ^willf.u . tv::-ltd) « » w f- .th flh ( | . ( H

IH'* \ i f i '> *>' I n {.’L - -

m rr 1

Ihul . M m ' ' y

luml ~I hy r " ■\ ; ; ; ! 7 i i s o s h o w i n g T H » SP;

r : : ’ ........... .........“SO:!>" . T o iilc : o f th e D ay . il& o i-H —L__ ;_______ nsav

trt=-} ■---- r : - r ."j — : . ----- -— «i-

"WIN f a l l s d a il y T li

rRiNG 0PE:m

--lli-ri- Miitnl IIk' !>la> .111 Iliii k lln rrli bi< ibn Jnwrlril l llr hiill hiii ri-«i»«T<.il In Him

lili t iu'i'- tlTM wiaiTprrt-llnrrlN-Tn{iir.'.l, lllll ail.T » iiri..f .j. li.j In- iiiis iihl.-

j S im p ly C ■ y .d .:'t • _ j,

'riianlti;; li* lu-r iij'iiin i" tum . ll ll< I. j.

I "TliN iiiiil:i''.III'' IUi:< liii:<- I 'w liijl I

i''•'•'•"i'lll lunv nill 1. uutliiuiir.” r'-I'li''.! ! JjJi- Hull* "uh n I'i:) MiiiiiUnn!iir>iiinil In lin- froli'f.ill ‘In- Iliiu-T'

' Tinu'ii Wnnl Art-, n m ' uTIfimTrr—

'■ T o d a y ; F r i d a y M i iW n e e a n i

MlHiUJi Collier's Sia o Triumph by V ScTCcn 8iicce.s-s with'a Notable tJa

/ l a c L e a n — H e l e n .in, Lillian Rich, Tom O’l

E - L A U G H

I I h sM:-A R i b - T i c k l i n g

I Doiig was in J ‘ l o s s w c a b — a g

]\,V______ liiirt-^in the \vncle, the Cab ju S.txtyth(5n .ran a moon boat on

kwfc. waiting. ,P P Oh! Boy, W h a T A

A, Laugh'B ur■" ........ " Dams

3?Ai; FAWILY IK THEia -LATESJOUTH OF THE N O R jiiops -FablcB. . Bpcciat Musical Bccti aULAB. BAJlO^P^CES..JOcjini

M E g " '’ ■ '

riNG GAME .. h

• ol

bN flr il Unit- nl '.iiI. ^V||li iiiii. i|u»ii, llnir li> nilHi iliirrl-i nil n <-li<i.i- pliik ul-rnt»itrn-'nm-Ti'rrr< m..' ynf-ir.ri:" hi.- In ri'Minii' i'l» )—n n d -I n l iT 'hll a'

j , fiit "Mean" Had Developed‘ I li..|iii nu.I Uin iilh}- hiiO Ulwuyii I)''-n r-'-^m i-rrlniil* . anil pltiyml-iilivly-iuitw ■ '.llllli riiiirni'il (rnm n ihri’c ’innnih"'• - .l-'ii III liU iil|iil, _«hii ►]»>IU'i| lilM• An..|' |)hi,\liic ullh 'llllli Ui|.'llr'nt Itfl.''I <:riiiiou <>t hin ri'limi nml Iliidliii.' him*I 'iu:irr''l'i"mi-. Uomiliy Piilil; ".M.v--

IX'iiti h'll \<>ur iiu-iin ^ruurtl u lulII uliil.- yi.ii uild Kuiii'."i . ___________

' (Vimm Ilnnlonii, li^okio Archni -:-Ur>«iy.i: ~ ^.ia ^ruiB Jw r~rEiiB » R t v -

y and Saturday nci Evening •i-'WilUara H. Post. A SmasbinS Cast. ■ .

1 . F e r g u s o n)’Brien and OthersIT II THE POPULAR SCREEN


ig'Joy Ridiel 'n t h e . h o r s e l e ^ , d r i v e i - j

; . w a s v e S & m g w i l d , h l l a r i o u s i y . - . f u n n y

j u s t m i s s e a v a , o D s t a e l e a 7 -

1 a m u c l f c i i i t p j j h e ’h o n e y ?

n w h i c h - h i s s w ^ t i e w a s ' .

Advebfure and Thrills! ~u r s t T h a t ’ l l B r e a f c ^ t h e . . ]

m s o f H U a n i y . “ I


T H - l ’ O L E ! ’-- ......- Iccro 'by tho^Orphonm.*OTcho8tra. — and 30c, -

T u r n

Butter Su&3titti(e*In liliK........ InilliT Mil- iuoIm! rill-

........... . ...... . oil tlili’t;>'ii.'il uilh.hydroKi-mil.'il (hnnli-nc.ll i-olliiiii.iv(l i oil' luiiiiTl'-'l froui .'Ainericn.. . ' .

Tlmra W nnt Ads Oet Ttosullii. t

u s m

To make room for th

S t a rnow bciing: -unloaded, some of OIU" USED *C.

''Sliiil.-hak.-r .S[.... . Six .........li'i’ i Ciii'vriilH Tounutr ............1!I2:! S i a r T o iir-n ;; ; .....................

■jifJL K .in l I'o iiif-Vic<J Si-.Iaii, ‘n -n 'ly ('Kfuti'.l.....

■|lii.ij.'i' l)_i-livi.ry ................... I 'u n i .L i^ ’h l T n U 'li ,........ .................

" F c'.r .r 1ion.ls|..|-, .l,.llv,.|-y lii'.iTc Fiu-il iiiji mill wiiiih.liirhl

-Maxwell -Timrtitc— l'’ori1. f.’oailslrr

..lU lEJ ,.S:'jir. iro u r iiit;___________

Till'.-.!- nri- hiiriJiiiii.s a l iIum i ju

. ■---------:--------------

Tlenaain-£1¥i• Horitc of tho StAr i

t w i n ' k a m . j.

•' L .^oe*K S a y s :I ' » • W h en ';« fellow Ktln lo l|io in

B Ihlnt: uiircliil, IJll, whiii!

- 1 l < iT = T a lS l3 L i



^ C om ing AllT H I

' M U S I C ^ L ' C t

O L I ^

B l a c k a t— R e


JOB...I ................ sun. BROOKS • BATHD

•■I .' • • i O - ' n r ‘THE

. M.Z- , .0.0“ pl?tc P:

M lT K -T hlK l« > s t a ndJ -------— : - i>ri)«r«Mr-maklRi


4 n r ”'-~- : -

7 } 7 ‘‘G E T T rtE i

rn.' DASv of'ToniiR o, inui.

t / ' i t w .e t i h t h e P r ic c • -I- II- lli;It ilci'iirt* u ilh . hix 1nH|- /Vll ,->!» fill-viiL-ar iirnliiif ihilli l.f l‘n‘ di'iir- ,d I,. |.iiy,--IIM. Ji>n«in.

Try Tjitkldb bath* fo r rbenmaUito,- eiO Itnla 8i>. r h e a r B u S ^ d r .

C A R St h r e e c a r l o a d a o f ‘ n e w

C a r s2d, .we ,wii! sacrifice . *CARS for quick sale.

$ 4 S 0$375$400$450$350$150$150

------------iriii.;..,.:,..’ ..-.......... ......................:$i5o


...._____ ________ ,.$325- .. .. ....jiriciK n iul w urlii iiinri' iiin iii'y .'

•l i -ol:..w 1.s i i . _ ..................... ..........:

b rig h t A u to G o7i r and Dtirarit Oai^. . " •

n iO N IM fi.^ • . '.A • • -

J polnl u’hure lo Ih loincihlnr.. In pnr- irc Irreniii'o iio iloonn’t looii like' iiny-

________;p v .....idc a ^ 30c K

SeaU lOe E :^ lra.;, • .T

SH O W IN G :-.... .

W M M 'cm MmTue


n > A |l6 ORCHESTRA ‘



n d W h i t e6y u e ~ ~Hmo o n is , . ^ o h tH E ' COMPANY- ' .......•''■ iir t '.'; .


: P ro p fc n Change, V _

e i i i y r S i i yI ndied attracU o B tp .^ th V r^ i^ y plrtarg kInV • - tliW h p ijr: rtoK. — : ~

AT '... L

PKTOEft - r - - ________

: lo X iH o li j Z 1

Page 5: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

T m niS D A T . OCTOREn fl.

V D A m ^ f j \C T t

^ C A l i E F U L L Y S E L E C T


Xfncfy-flV8 ^ c r « n t of thc jticn buy licn^ *lrf«/x-«tc unlll tlio; i c<ir.'Ui«n n u ll got'to.huy^uQo r< for Berrlee. Tlipjr.don’t Viiow H, tlicj- aro fotlowlni: bcutCH imtUs. * ■ucciMfu)> lircotlvr. m-U-cu Uls-

. . Hire wIirn tho srncm l donmnd In I.1 i-it. A l u rpHuU Iiu ccis n licllcr ! ' a t B lower prlw*. anyn J. !’.■ ijIiJii ' chlet o t ttio Uulrr dlvlKlon a t Cli-i

collese. ___ _____Some pcoplo Imve polntoi-i ;o

.............................In 'tlio' »«iii«>nii whrii jmlnlwV nru• . I n price. Sonic pcoplo Imto ron

•tfllc In »etl wlion the Oeinnnd Is B cat. But ilio ordtnnrr man linn i com to nell wlicn prlci-K urc liiw, ll burdenuU ^vlili rcul-cfHaiR'bi'c

■ lie can't bi‘I\ it. Tlio niiiwm In Ihe rtnJltiury mnu foUo'wi tho Ik

' palli. Tlio oihor fellow .nriili (lilt pi-oplr nre <lolnc sciicnilly nnd bv inmdlilni; olxc. lie |miIh In nion

■ tj^loci n ftcr a your wlicn Ilii'j '• . iVftj'ifinply bcciiunc-liu kiiim-H iim

'■ itiiti&Uirni 'won't Oo iliiit. 11.' ‘ r e a l^ i la l e Ju m ' >rlii'D nlinotii c‘

botly,c)»f want* to 'so i rhi of lila: n bor<] ilre iliirlni: iln'

i.— ......;..»hen-demaiidi».JoweBU . • - .T b lrlB prnctlrully nil tlii> illffoi

b i'lw w n’"Juii onllnnry t-xlHilni:" - gMIInf-Bbeud.—-Yuu cun Qn<J ui ; wlilcb'clniw ynubclnnc liy nitUlntf ,

• icif Ihli act of (incmlcinii:- ................ Whca.wUl iM ced a

I.«I UH Auppniic ynu ivlll iiccil n . ; one beforo noxt Mircb.

When V lll I look up a licfiJ »lre- -— ............. ............ .tlf-yottr-nngw er In. you,

---------------------------- when I'm not ioJ._ui.y.':.yi.u lioloith* 'boatRn-patb gang." Yon '■lart out ju s t wbvn li.’i .|>or cent, u lim ilerfi alart, you \rill bn j one u

■"left ov«f" bullf amr you n-HI (is tJic bull l l wurlli.) '; No«r you Imvc yciiir clinlce hot k m a t mnny ruoiI liulli. . All

__________________ !»lllbii.gpnu.brfori' fall tti Hie m e• ftil n per «wit. If you 'loy, "I'n

buiy DOW.” you nre followlne b 'paflU. I f yon »U (lowu tb li i-crj

■ftuU IlDO'up yonr next bwd ntrc. cnn llepw il upon ft. you u'lll li

- heiic^ end than tbo-lueltleit trie of Ibo ''bculen-pntb in>0K" "111'

Caro and Attention Is ;• -........— — f n r J b ' npfW/ / The” foH ^w lnjJw eportfil a i a

' cnra io r caW ci wKli rinic'Turtn:tho, p a rii 4rUh stronc aonp and < to K tQ oreji* much aii'poMlblu c cruila or ■cabfl.aod. when dry, ru

■ »poM Wiq> Kuno ot the-folliTwlnE ment 5 P lo p e ^ o f i i^ b u r , t w oti oil o f■ crtMhti»~two/if«inVrp^^^ la rt . Tiiii olh fbooM b^ 'ipp lJed -fflch niomlw •Toalof. Painting •Uie'iifructeOwltu tln c u iw Of lodloo xn oit«(tay« la .very,.cncdlve. t)ui agent aboald 'no t be apiilled nni a n lual’i 4‘y6a. TIio woodocork a t walla of Uio slici) In 'lylilcb' Ibiso < are boUMd abould be pnlalet) wll llta#t»«ih; to’.wblcK'bM bMn nd cooplo of ooftipw of crotte nrMI< Wlth a lltU tfcaro and atientloi iliould M ^n Btt ^Id of Ihe trouble

Eaaiest-Wajr to Dehom ----------------------- Is^by-Applying^Gai

‘ T h» .«aile* t and m oit reotljr l e u way to debom la to uM c

... — - ,* t« if 'o o . 't i i j r y 5 m $ 6 ~ w v 6 ir • cauatlc. ahotiM-tw applied on tbi

touf wharo Ib# honli como o the Umo ilio wW«i m a weel Tho h a ir aboold b# cut aroun

1 buttona aad tho-aWa arouad Iho^ nibbeU w ith tu e l ia e to p i^ im

cauM le'froro bomlns. Tha all caoiUe la wrapped w lth,paperct Veflt l t.f ro m :« tU n g '< li Bn«w end of Ihe'atfek Ja raott^oed ID. and rabbod on Iha' h i m .until

, b«c<)B)«rwblt».. Tbe cauatle ahoa U w at,m ou«h,M U will rtin do tlio ca ira head or Into lu .eyea. tm t n e n t will kill tho bom t. iti f u r ^ r growUi. *. •

Cl^^.yessels and Wan . - Milk. ofBig Importfoed a calf one of n a i l yon

' not drink of yovraelf or f«iany milk Toti tiot bo i

. . . to d r in k r e td the n llk M wa

............................. -' A fter the heifer-J* -weanM I

l i . w ^ t a sn t.M ide o lL a t t t J p

JM potmda whtaV b « a

- - - -


J, i r o i . '


r~T ______I I R E S fl

Cd' wiio'y liri'ij •.-.r-B rcittiy • • l o n y ' S l r a ; ^

li..bm 18. * The Is- livnlIn iitibi- . 'V c o a n c n d y o u r o f ! ,ic r hull v o t o r o o x o r o lo orajiiitcr. '•> i z o n o h lp .:im Non I ■

,................... t h l o , u " o n .,o v o ry ,tru blub _ “liav o t i .o unw tivoircnl r»- =. D o n o o r o t lo P a r t jiBBn-Bi. V .,HB iHiin. 7 'i»v. nml ■bccounc • •ll) tliut \l>coi«n i ' '

,'S' ' V ■ ■ ' (.'y (l.iu't

i " " i : : 2 . a . s o ,I PVlTJ'. , IIlld: uml ^ . ' . . '

ilforciicu 'SH iH r'T s r 2 = . “..;nu" >.11.1 . --------I uut to . . . . . . r —— ’ ntf ydiiP- ' , -

■rJ:3i«?_ ............ .........................................J .d n u , 't » ' 4

. . VeiiMpir Cnttc;rli«

cloiig to ffentVSinf”bn ■ wll!----------r “ *----------------------------- n t

; ; « t - uu■ (lay ail J« • McrM tfufr. fr*

«*r. Th« W » o»»Uncbct\v«H'n.11 tlicm- ■ ini» aut».Bucccmt.__________ ot esntfldatic, iluJr M

"1^1 KhI ■ J kM.ltili*. *''‘T0': licoicnfcry duy p.08i._cM .in ^Mct. :<trc. you t a m tK t i ir« t»«u ei' • ■--------- - n t . i . n Ifl * « ..mfralKT - ' - • - *r in ’ ever i t i i r r tiu i n t t lU i I

j w o c n h = - _________________________iB xo itU , . ; „ .n j w aub ' • , ' ' V'' ' ' ' ;Id tt'Btur . ^ . ■lu of llie- 1. rub the • •Ing olnt- • - ------^.A^Mi'haig- •I ounces; ,p re e n 'd - — .................—o lh ^ c n i ilujd and - ed pnrt*altcniBte , 'but lllll ;0€Bt1ta a i 'npur the: and the" • •ocalvl'B ■ 7«.V .,V >«ri.rU ) with lint , added a ............. .................»*».f»,«iuo«t-rH-

s r » ; . . —tblO. ***n^ tte ( u t tl>«t lh.

C a u s t ic - ~ ~,lly pain. ' . ' *» » « cau illr, f - __•____ >_______________ J

the but* I , •'> out by . . I •„ /yeek old. I • ' /-D und'the I - i - . 'W - h v . , , , .Ibe h o ru H 'I i . 'iVont Iho I fk "

Bllck of I -[J[ , I 'S w .p i^ r Aitii^rlav to pre* j v ^ ~ ^ i O lm ietf, cue. S ^ - o o e .- 'I ,IB w ater - i- ■■.........................

n tu tliey ....... ’ : j . . . . .

"a“ 'S OP vluKij. WM Moivui ■ea.. n iB . e a i d .M a l a r i a V a i Btppping I t is ceU nated th a t t^ e dratb

ally f ra n toalarla aomber aoi . ' mltUoar, u u j (U f dKura;fllar P

a m i ' be mtiltlpUed by two o r 'th iM ) »* tho ton

3 n a n c e . b«ii o f peoplo in the world aff«

on would Malaria la mslDlr & dlaeoaefeed h e r tropica, and- la caitted by a

« ■wtlllBg paraaleo ia the blood: The pj r a n o a i ' onie' tn tjaria pa tien t may

t$ r i t i a s from bfio” bunaiw I't6 '*er-W lk.- a ^ - n r t U iwa^ ^ - 'i f fT a iB r^ w ea t h e b j t aT9 m(ira p u u i to a tbaa tbero IU pU i.tbft pt»-on 'thft Mrtl»,T«wl fo r a # *

' '' B t r^ m a ld iB o a a dlMOveiM

a lo jti w ^ T t i r t s im i W

/ o i L . " t t »




mill. w. DAVIB . y ,

............................... - I

V.. . ; J . .I o o n n o t t o o h o a r t l l y

e f f o r t t o haTo t a i o l l f l b l o .00 t h o i r p r o r o c t t t l v o o f o i t -

■A oom paL^n t o i n f r o o o ■ry i 'j io r lo t in o i t i t a n ■-'.•ill i v o r ln p o o o p d r B tlo n o f t'r.# i r t y o r th o Unl*.od S tn tO B .

. J o u r n o i n o o r ? l y ,

. iRhxOc -O

S o rv lo o . ‘

'X M U i> ^ U x ( f : ^ tn U

t I . t prfotwt nc’>t. ‘ I** - —tr tr re t lltffr »et» .ipon r fr ljo n

•ttno er . U lls t. no irt.r , io n tiat fullr Votfri iM'jli .enittM J. f.cjiJ.

i t tn« m uei. aM w t« In tn« l l clit T.'iT0iv:» totlr..:. -t'.i« i^ntc-i*ct, l l t t r t r «ra ieop.«le rr»rda^ tor _I t ehltanB. f isc ttio iT .. <»«f» ie»uci i f t t tr.f e a r ltr jl puivstpl* 0/tdl OsMrnud'. btloacoVo'thf p»srl»'................

' ■ ' I

d .n tu * (na ywr r«rr.mUU<r« Uut

Kruiit k ^ . t c B te upen u>«

;-rH»W-lSl«Vr.-th*lP,<»»**ll«fl «» ' ............... *t tk. e<ali| .l.otlem. 1 u ta

.T.17 .« « « *tiUi t » l . te iqbtilM

th . rtik t te n l 't 1» • 4»iy w «<U *>

te th. . i t« t le s ai jrojr r.M irtT .......... ........

S j f f i B S t3 5 V E H B jE F jllS 5 : m b h a iMIMI of tlie G i « J y i y J O P u ^, .B n ^ w • n n i c t ^ s^ V B g e ta im le paraaittii ' ' 'tay bunber • .'i -1 tolttttKI-

ero ar£peo- nHi' l l l h U t i M ^ ^ i i t jS h i .

s r s s l l *



I’roti'Huor Mlli'n nnd wlfi-' In Inkcu rwitH In' ihu Murliuuili hr

. fo r lliu winter;Mr. ftiul Mr«, n'. 'i>, Morrill v

Inivi- noou forjllrhim iiul, liluli. wlillii-y will iunk(f. Ilii'lr 1.....10,

T lio 'fo u r ' mcnlliN oM 'noii (.f T; Duulnp Oloil f^nliiriluy rvonlnir. K' crnl Bcnrlctff ■were cnmlucinl nt W. n. Ifull Iioinc wllh Ijurlnl ill Tv KulU cviliciary.

Mr. and Mrn, J. \V. IU>h.'ri>i i I. .M, Boyd Ulid (IliUKlilor. AilcliH inoKircil-lo Twill VhIIk Siilnnliiy;

Till' SllmiCil Alli;u .Vorrln und 11 thoa Dockor niu'nt Siilunliiy lu T' I'aiilu MhopplnK. ,

Mr. nnd Mrn. K irl W orr.'ll- tViinlilnm u (irp vlKldni; in t!u< in: (if Ibo iBllor'* |);irwil«. Mr. nuil 1'. WorrulL.

J . AuU- ot.T tt'ln KalU-wuu a -bi niiM lu MurtnUKti |''rliliiy.

.Mrn. Ki'iinolli IIIucii uml' daiu:1 UulKh’t. u{ lln u o -a ru vIhIiIiik v

. h e r iiurciiU, .Mr, und Mm, A. II, 11 I'-y.

•Mr. ;ut(} Vhi. K I). IIiIik cif h llciiul-i, Colltoriif.1. nri.' vIhUIuk v Iho hiUer'ii »Un?r. Mrn. 1, .M, 11 uml tnnilly.

Mrn. I i, {>. Julii Imn roliimoil !•> b(imu niKir u w.'vh'K vIhIi wlih liuriiulit, Mr. nnO Mrx, l!rli:i;.i u l TJ’allu, • ..........................

Mr. nnd Mrn. Conliir uml fiii hnre rclurnBtl from Wynnilui:,'

-> - will llvo lu Itm Kll Dt'un priipi fu r Mid winlor. ‘

VI V. Wllhlie luirdinHcl a 1 . Kord .llila„'ifttHi wuck.

Mr. nnd Mm, T, J , Hli:Jt« (if A iilan nro Ibo uwni'r» ot .t new u

. luob llo .-.......... . . . .A Inrco crowd from Miirtiiurli

been attending ilip. .Mr?, .MiiKlt- f,r lonl tncoUufa In Twin FaUn ih .Mm, Crawford hiui proYcn to li' powerful Bpcokrr. .Many woilik'

. rojiuIlH In heatlm; lliri>ii«b ihv p or uC Cod Imvo ln:on ri'colvcil

, Ui«'iv>-muotlnR». ........................

M r.'n u d Mm, ‘Ji>1ni Joncii ut A iiliin. uiolurcd i» KlmlHirly hun

Mr. nud Mrn, K rc l' llorborL loavu tlijii woi'k lur Kalrfltflct. 1' whom , thoy wilt mnkr llirir Ivi

Mrii. Will llcnilicy 'iipcnl Saiui In Twin Fulln.

Mr. und Mm, Hu.llnrk und rhl'li (if Ituniioll Lnnc 'npont“ Snnii3y tbo Unm" ot Mr. and Mm. Oc FlKchor.

Mr. and Mr*. M r . \Yllbl(o (}aU«blor vwlor<t} ti> Tn-lu Failx irdny. , ' •

. - • Mr, nnd. Mm, r rc ll llnyd nf 1 Kn',li* Hponl Ihl' wcok ond nt lionio of the Iniicr'ii pnrontH,'

» nnd Mrn. U .S . True,A MtH. Alice M;.Ii1k.w loft .Satn/ (01* Porllnnd. Oro.. wIv.to nbc— -rr-^ J<lnlt_wlth hor dniuibiont foi

tnnntli. ~r: — i "'-'— ■ — ' Mr. ftud Mra. A. O. achodcj

' daUKhlura l)T (luldvn VnlU'y mni T l ’. • to T w ln ^ l i r * flniufdny.

' Tho mtiB ilangblur of Mr., Mrn. Henry Hotm hai licen very

. fnr the poil week.•Mr*.. T rncy ''nnd non of* Or

Cnl.. b u t ’formerly nf SfurtnUKl v lilling wllh hor parenln, -.Mr. ,’ifrj*. M. a JUarMI.

, . Mr. nod Mn..Gcorfio' Dorkor li aclod bustnciiji Ip Twin Knllu B

m duy. •;

N o w E n g lU h L a k e sSulnldcocM Ot Innd. in Chr*

' England, dus to uttdcrground v-- — Ing*,—havo brougbt. Into exlill

( a k n 60. PU and 100 fceC deop, w nnco Ihi're wm inllil ciirtli.

; j . , : W,‘w ^

^ ^ - S < ^ e , p t i t t h e p i ^ ^ „ - : - - h a v ® - s e n u in e G

g l

ss ~ ■ ' ' ■ ■^ . SEEING WORLD


i'h lii'r •'* ' , '*/■■t Twin <-'''•>«’< Hii:Oicll. M. hi nil.uluf; tri

hlH luxurluuu iKiiiio lu New V< fiinilty clly. rn lk c found lliul Uo Iml I

IK, nnd I'diiio ncijiialulC-d wllU n vaiMtu roP'^riy ■'i|tiii.:lihuck"- n .'llty nmt tl,

nuw nf .IwlnK li:-lii. Ilo'n Kono out to ice the wnrhl, Ji

f Aril'- an "nny ' KhlVliilitlil "'t''.'• unill- And b la molhor crlc:i. "My li i

- ohi-my--lM.l.y.”- - «li..-r«tUH<'«-w ! lli'v.' lluil b .' hu;i run. away wlili

(iMl'y “ “> 111) u "f “ cli'iiiP bnficlilini'k?'' NfVi*r," i;ddcrtn! cxoliilniK, "TUrno i..'r,nmii urc io piiw- In hl» olaHH."


. l.'liih. MAUCCl. A.Mi l.’tn i t . Jnnt Jem. Iviiinr. aflvr n Coldo'u Clint*Slininpiio.

T:,i«ri.rK.irr.:r»T,T,iiiv,'s'hl'hlren I*"'*'' ‘•’crtlnc tmlay. _______

OcorKc' . '

110 nnd • K R B

If T«,-ln M‘ *g |W |P^f» |'i i i i |ir trnpB' n t Ihii W j j i ' ^

i»,' Mr..

intnhlny / i f B ^ 1 1bv wlll S 5

mntiirud P I L E S o r o th e r rcc ta l o r colc ^ d iso td c r t m ay b c rcsporuib

dr. nnd fo r y o u r g e n era l ill h e a l th . '‘ cry Bick ),jyn5,n .« u ,^ ic I„ ,n n e n to fth (» e d

.S"?;: l S r ; K S S 'S ua’S

, TEEiocufcyourriI(aorfefuniiyour<» Batur- .-^ ,<Ji^S endlo< tayform yFR l

. ,< ^ ;^ \ ^ b o o k o n R e c ta l widCol d lw rdm . Every Miff*

• A ’^ 8 |V \ thodldhavclt.

? " “ ? ■ « w 4 d e a n , m . d . i


Ivears Cost LesseU-yott‘a tire—not an-argu*'- .

LiMicCTjdown whete you can -Op^yeM-qoality-fai. romus*^ -V',;. ■. euftl COM than you fire u nethlng^ymi,wtfi^^^ .

D I . 1.»_ ill l.c-r ll„t.;>llrnllx. Tll.- f‘ 11'

' ■ iln' i!!',..!,' "n!!, I I'li'i'.'iL'i. i

-riir nnly ;m i, u .'nliium <hui> n.'

^ iSoak Your Stiff ® i Swollen Joints Will '1 I Wonderful New (• New Discovcrj' Briiijja Qv ^ I Relief for Joint Siiffcrcrn

w J If V»J1 nre nni' of III.' IliiiHiiiiiiilii '-iitr<r.lion> i;lll{, Huull.m and i.iil;

fr , < .,1 yon ,'an n.i» i;. t ti ll. IV la in .lnii:i;hu « lll h i t ).ni 11)

I K lllll'r Oil. llh' woiKl. itiil new

jfi'i'ir 'i Ji.liit un.l lii'Inni'iinli'U n l | H 'I'hA wtfc n( a rn n n <if[li r r lu n i'aul. tmd i;orn atril. in l wllli a i ’lniB fl for rlicIil yrai'M and in iff.i'il I rn ■ M v\nh i>;iln!i 111 h.'i I;..... Jiiliiin. ,

!■. trnni |„ I'r llrf, . \ | l ' r i ' I ' u r I,.' '■” '•'1 vC lliihkl- Ull. ;dic m lulc. lL_\\u;i

.’III III-. fluiM' iUiiu;~!<li.' hail rv ir lilr.l .IMlintuI only tlilni: (h:il had r i r r i;lv.n livrIt Ihry Hi t.h;.hicil, Svvlill.'ii, palnrnl an’il -llj;l<nlid 1 III. JilHl Jntiil.'i, wti.'lliri' ll 1„. In iJir an— • inr.--(lJi!il7■|:lu•,«~'TI;77lI7T; ' h;i|ij-. fliirrru of jriiir h;iiid, m r iliir 10 in10 hu- .li>ri'< lloii whlrti liu,.. tiiyolu'd lh.'

irim'lal.' HlKlillir..t.. ran l.o U urnl |.> InlMr," uiv, l>'’l"">>" tl I""r.' ii.ii In a toolh, (.r<» dinonii.'n loiiiill wl

Klvi''i .iff |i(.l,.iiii,i wl.rch Ul.' I'u rrl'i Iln- tilcHMl ll) th - jiiliKii. ihrrrti)- n.'i ti|i liiClunimntlon of tin- dc llia lr in

1 oni>-r of joiniii. nnd caihilni:"liiJli.,'-Ji .lulula-lii-liccunii.' riilili'u-i il. imii

and .'X li.'inrly painful. IIiihhT wh<n ainilli'd li. Ill'' nff. ril'd Jiilnl

Umt-.r' vru.llly uh«<.rl.r.l t.y lh\' Uksuiu’• ___ iKiiikii vIkIu Inlo Itn- nrhlnic Jnlnl. 4■r, li 'u l IrnlUln;: th" liuUl.caniilnK imh.nn

‘ iniK'li tbe xnnii' wuy u» milk of 11 ---------- nniln iirnlrnlli.'n nu ncld iitniii

HTvini: I'l'llofT • ' -Cct n hnlll.! of IJulilcr OII loduy

ip ' n,f«'W ni>pll'^>llniii( In nne ovoi S r c ’* “ i ' ' '" Kood rrBUlt» bornili>r II II E! Bl V iliitil lu nnd cimluluit a ccrialn In jyV “ d k n l w;liU-h a t nnco pcnolinleH Ic 'jvGjfl polinm-lurvrU'd inoinbrnnr' In SSSb m iinhw aunlni:, iiwi.lleu Julnl,

druKtilni hail It nnd w« ctinrnnii i l ^ l «> help you or ll (-oiix yon noil Z £ S S h'lir Ilftlo l.y Cnlw.dl ^ i^iianur.

rav I'ud FlUpulrlck. Iton tT sonJ 'L l '* JJriJK (,u :> 'W iri' PniJJ i;'».;T)rim; co lon Jobnnon Dniit Co, insible

.oe di*. - ______________ 'jnd* of


EVERR lS ONHU~ ELECTI^ ----- A lh 'n .lv 800,000 .s s n ■ 'T l io r I'll.'tilric 'W i]I . IioiikIiI i Iii ' ui f d t :I T lio r hns in> I'ljtml,

I N ow y o u <'nn liti;I-. _ __ .'.’r(il..ttT«w f'«'T* JmiiiHh w»)ilnlny w.i

K crviiig tliri>L‘ tliuiixWiWH |H Tf.'t'l ly.

Conic ,iii au il K(- diouHtt from; ftc(«

^ tlu 'j- do ll i r i r w nrk ,^ ' o p iw r t i i i i i t r JilijM j

Anj^ff ■‘f- ^ ' E l e c t r

, ' '


— T h ft H tirlay«Th<“ — - ...... It il e u y to.( - It .is.eQonoaic It is. depends •:' diaaical troub=r!^ r r r r — r — oloOw aad bi -■*' t- ■ ' lt-doeri«fee

-L :

p-AQE n r a '

. _ MAKES FAT OPLE SUMNow Y ork Pliysiciim PcrfccU

• HnnnJcM Moibod qf Rc-- ..lllll.* ducing W ei£l‘t

.1 li'.w I Tll" t(.i:i (If .11; nui. li ati u iioniljl nt lh Kill | r \ r . . . , i fal a i!av wUli lii> hnvnilul n -Ii«t iiui)i>. 1r. Ihr Ii,.„rd nni.le hy iimiiv

i Iialirm n nf I>r.-Jtr Ni-wtnnn. n-tlrrjinrrl - ■ l.vaeiii liitr i.h'..ieiiin uf :si; KlfthiAv-

trn i''-, .Ni-« Yoilt, wlm annoiinrt'n Vhnf llir hurl II. I r.'ri.'il a Ii.:;.linenl wjilrh |li,lii .llllil;l.\ Ull fat prri|.l.' of ix .'.t :.;»v. ^:l.(. XVhji III inc.iV 1'rninrl.nlil;' In

ith I.''".;'";!:;!,’I'Ull. III f<.l '.'I I.:il.n;ll(/U:.;wltli.mtr Oil ........ ■j-r-

|rl:>.-. |( I.. <1|M, r.1.1.1 lhat fut Il.'l.I.I.. Quick ..uJf' r tri..„ 1 h.-illl.al^i.m,

c m li'i.u i, nMlima an.l t.ii'b I.Um..I |»i .'N»iir.'' ..t.il^lu ::i>'i.l It'llrf fL.ni Il.r rrdurll.iu

• ' '" I ' l . r Ih. ii »nin iriiimi,. flwdi. K ra lliin t t in t ililr: nnnnitn ntmn-:!- ton cood to

''|uLmi i"”,'”''*

■ want to IKI > .„„s,'|f ..f .............................fai. w ill.' tiini. Inilay. n.l.ir.i.»ln>: in .

"■“s’,-;; ............. -"'■ .vUl:;, ......... . . . .

' . s \ r i ; i i i . i i . \ r Ti-il iM ' Tiii^'inrt-nr ^iiy ur.nit ral'iiatTPTii no* •livr I.'-' ^li.i'lul a l 'H n tinidtri.

id I.llll -------------------------. '

r ; r | -. B rizee ,.: s M e ta l W o rk sI whlrlir rl 'il In ------------ ------- - 1 --------------------------i"'iUii>: • ' •

'We Install Real '‘^■'11‘ n l _ _ _ _ _ _ H .O flt i n t r P l a n t e ^

Diniii, hij ■ ~ -

H j - M u e l l e r . '

r j r ‘ P i p e l e s s : ^ “

"Exi 'F u r n i a c e s .Ill Ihu . , I . '

Vodr — ■■ ." ■ V------- . . ... . . .nntoc II . , '

iir. Mtir-| Brtzee Udal WorksT e l e p h O T ^ O ; — - -


0 0 Atjii'rionn wotni'ri Ijnve liotiKlit Wnsliintf ,>rno.liiiH‘H. , Anil tlii'y ic junt oni' ri'iiwm—biMntwo tJiu tml, ill vnltin ur iu offii'iciu'y.

Imy yonr Tlmr on llio moHt lib- «V(> I'viT offi'W-iJ. Xinv yon can • wnfrlcK wfOt i(io'iva«1ier"thhl'U

uiihiiikU Ilf (liMurimiiiatinK houKC* ' ,

K«i* l.lii« mnny Thors you mny icn how pii tily und efficiently- • irlc .. B u t dl) i t iit'foro lliln golden •.


lurley-^Th6£2'\ 'ric-W asher .1-.DOWNB a l a n c e i n C o n v e n i e n t ' * A m o u n t s E a c h M o n t l i i - .V V t- .

^ NOV. j;

» ibpeiia;^. miaa:to nm.,idatac^V’danbla;'irM '*lronir.!iite-,%:v<'

bo ttom , ' . c i —srt.pb

Page 6: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED


I l i rFORSMmm

Prognvm f o r T h ree -D ay G a th e r-

i n ? P rc se iiU M any In te r e s t in g

• nn tl I m p o r ta n t F c tilu rc s fo r

. CohB idcra tio ii o f L iirgd N u m b e r

W lio W iil Bo in A ttc n d tm c c .

, ’I'liiirHilii)Cli)c !iltiy r.TiiciiKilra ii'i'J

lit ,M»il. ral.)i-. II.A. J , I I . llUlnl. I'riiliij Miiriiliii.'. • '

!(;r)0 It'AolUiniil llillll" UiM.ly: •:T1ii' ('tilll'i Wlthlti.- Iiy

. • • . Itrv. iC. I.iiijcl n ..i.r iti '. J>i -• 11 Mill*'' oil 'I'lil-lnt . lUr. JiUlmaK’."

!i:UU-Alll.<.l.il.n.iil cif KII1III1I.W. CaniMillln'ii.

--------- :----------r-------- ;UrMVit. .-M I'UIHTi:.-------------..................... n .ir .- iic 'iw n ii nt ................. .

. . •iTvnniir.'i-. »■•'. i:. U»lUiii.Ilarmitii.

h i; 15. -.Vurriili*.' « r - r i n l.ir>' tiitcl Wnifc. Uo-.. I - J-

............................... iinnJtti.■ , 10;li-.\ll«.-i11it\iimi« lluiiiit-m.-

11;0n -{•(inimluvr' nn I'lirrtKM Mlii- • i-.loiif. Itiv. It, I.U>>il

H ra ii—Adar..'1'i*. Ufv. WVnlun T.------------------------------- ,l«)m».«i». Ill li’l Ilf ^ llll.l IJUl:.

' V riKCo. liiM rU -tS.-c-ri'lary llaanl " f I'onli'.ii

. illMllOIIPt,12;0n—AdOrcMti. Ui'V. Crov.'r i'.

lllrichi'l. Mlimlimiiry i" ltiml)lft. Scjiiili Ai.n-rli'ii.

Ifrso-T li'crim r r * r ----------rriitny .

2;00_I)oTotioiul ' I'Ibli' Sluily; ■■i:hrl*l nml Ut'.' Clutrcli."

-------- • • -------- Itrv.- IL l.loyil llol)i;i!a.,• 2 ;3 0 - l> l« i illH o im MllilMiTliil

U ill''t mill .HiiKti'iiiiill<iii. U«'V. Jbiiriili I. C.ullcli.

a:nii—Arlclnsi., "Tll.- .SVw IVtiHlon I'iiin." iirv. w mifttii JL

______ flnli. n . 'l ) . I.I.. !>.. o f I ‘hll- =— -----------------

ta ry . .Hoard oX K rllrt nlKl SlixlcnluHim.

•c n p -^ fo ram litw im I’niKrmii uml Kl.'ia AilHlli.H. .Kcv. i;._ ' Uanium. .

4:00—fic iim il lilncui'/iloll of Siruan)>ilil|> tii'umi l‘Iiiii. Kvi’ry MmilUT (.'niivnni', <’hu rrli Ooiilii nml Ind lv lil- iiul Cliiirrli OrtiiMiUntloii.

■|;2(i-Ai1ilrcii3. "Our U.;laOon lo * llm Gvnrrnl L'otilicU." lU-W"

■ . Walti-r .M. Irwin. I). IJ.. WoMlcrii U li'lrin K m rin ry of tlio Ociiirnl roiini'll.

Kotlrjwliiu Ux- nililr.-<rt of Il. v.II. Hntr.1 oil ::O iir llanln t-f O iitlm ii.iif tliln i<r<'Ullii.'. ••liiuklAi: ou lhi- Irxl

< . Ictmi U'U. ibu'rL'iMirt » 'm Jwr .'ir lv .il oil llu- .oiiTiUtull.m nr ih.- nyiKxI with i.fiiy.i-, Ul 111.- i.lxi.riiili aniiiinl lucidiii: of iti<- l 'r '“tl>yi<'rliiiu< o t hlnliii. A tlcr llilu will i-diiii' tlu-

« ■■ ''fr iir .•B lfiiiiirM nlliiii nr-nfturrn-nnrtpriTinilntUm or iin- .l.»k.-l of ili,- nlal<a Vl. ili Hii-I Itu' I 'T o il or llu-

<li«lrm.iii. It'-v. A. (i..l'viin.nii., TIjo nrraliKvim-iiin ii.niinltlrc- mn-

•iKtn of «i-v. Mr. r.nn .n ii, i;i-ii.rnl dmlrnmli. iiikI Ui v. «i. Wlllhim l l . r . num of I'o.-i»liU<., i.iatc.f Tli.'

. . Twill ralln churi li l.i i .■iiiri,. iiii d „n coiiimllliTH na li.lluwi.; •rr:i-|ii*jiorlii- lloii. I.. 1.. tln'i'kriiriili:<': I'xi-ixlnii. Mi-fldiiiiK'ii Hnll. Cainblr i,m1 .^llnll^.lu;

. rruliaialloii. I'raiik W. Ili..» ii; Inn-/p ltu U ly . W- .1. V.... . ni-.il:.., Mr:>.. liiihvri. ijiiililiBe. .1.1'. Mr-

- ■ I 'li irr ; MTV. Ill,.III, Jiiiiu;. Mr.Mlllaii; ll.uorUlnliil. M ix l)IUi;r-llar:.Ul.l, fiU. (!io <illrl M,« J. I'. llruu<U:uti(, for 111.- ..yiu«ll<al: inu.lr. Juuir.i S. Hall for tlu- iiyni.ll, .\1i;., I). It. Cliiir.liill. for llu- v>n.i.llral: inil.ll.- ily, John .- llila - ll.iiM j 1.11.1 i: I-. Ililiilali: |iul|i ll I..... ll), It. Ailliiir

fl'ml Saliii.li.y « iil Im. m-i -..a 1,1 ilu-• Inilli-r.' !io.-i.-lt.-.i ..t-llu- 1'ivi.l I '......

I.rliiii .•luir.li h.r.-. A lrl|> to th.- l,.-iiiity Ki.ol.1 iiiomul T«-iii i-all„ u ill foil....' 111.- nrUrii.HWi jir.i;;iaiTi Krlilay.

. ■A.miiii:'1Ii. "ni?tlI1KIl!rh.'i1 Irsricrti- nf■ M I kIiiii. tlioiiklil ami viliic.-Jlliin v h o

wj)l »III I..-;• lJr.-lI--iirj‘ M. C^imi.lu'll of Kan Fronrii'<A tiol.l illi.-tlor of llir .ii--

• imrl.iii'Ul n r •»nrii'/i *orit. h.u.rrl i.t /•i.fi.iinn fliK-ntiriii: W lillfr Ii. HoW- i l l tif riilla'l.'l|ih la. K.-m-ral rii-l.l n-ii- ri'ufuiuiivi’ ot Ihl- dfiiariiiipHPor h.iiiu- aoil rhiirc-li. i.oar.1 o t riirlntl.-iu cilu-

. . . - • c a tio n ; .tir . Wllllnm S. tt.ilt of I'h lla- dcl|ih!a. n«to.'1iiU' f 'v r r la r y uf Ilir

' board of inliilKl.'iial n U.-t nnil iiiih-

-------- - ern d U tr in m -^trury .u t the Kciicraleotmcll: Dr. W.-nloii.T. Johunon of 6an Krauclnro. urcn-lifry. hoiird of fo rclcn 'fnU alon": tho i ip r . - l ’au l r.. 8l.!V<-nn n t Ijiu Aiinrl.-i., - K.Tni;,ry.

..............— faoatiLut HftUtinal iiiiHnlnnM; tli*- It.-v.Orovor C. nirtchuf, iitl«*lonary io Co- lorobia: Min* MarCTrfl II.mIsc o t N<-w

" ' V o rlt p re fH tn t or Jlio 1.0-iril o r for- .-1.........—---------------------- -- t.vuuioc

r i 't i iV u . ( iin i)» i-;it* Io


ig "ar ■ 1' -I • !.. -■...'Ill In ..I ia ..:..

c r •

;C. !• I ll -I- '.<• l.a


KiiKA. nrrxnuK tni—.vsci. '

----------- -—jTTf.tK. IITT^ni BIin—tm.

I-: 51 . '

i I- I-

aiiiJ jiri-ii.-iil )iimiy-)nii'r.-iii-li»; .'.liic-atlonal imd r.'1li:loiin ti-itiiii'r:i Kii.l till.- liliinlml iliimhirii wiiii-ii v.111, 11 ll. aiillc:i|aii-d. r.-nd.-r llu- mr.-llii;:

■1 llu- iiioi.l miij.tMiflll III flu- lilniory of ,, liialj.i.'

llurli Vnim Hunt Umlon Smltli, " jiihii IroiiK [itid'J. roi.- (iniv.-s nr.- Imrlt

homi- rnrni n Inint. _ -

'• K.-lnrns- t.i .>|lnliliilin-Mrn. Mnt Umihj. ulio hail iH-.-ii h.-n- vlidlliiK

'■ Mr*. W. It. |ii:nfr.i, ri'itiriii-d to hi-r ^ liDtitv In .Mlnhlokii lahl i-vrnln;;.

ralli.-r I ........ . «-. S anror «flu.’ vlnll.-d tilK ritlti.T I'ti Iowa xvlilli- 111 li>

^ |in.-k with 111.’ rrpori iha l tliv luti.-r in iiiiicli Ix tl-r.

t lah oil llii..iii.--.«-<). A. All.-n ot m" llu- All. II Oil . Iiliiimiiy Ii‘ in Sail I^iki' r»l f i ly .III liiuati.-ii..}iu ---------------- -------

111.' Siu'H fi'.r n iiiiri'.--l.llly Uoa.TH. hyIlh Julm II. llanuK, h.-r atioriu-y. lianiiiK fill .I Kllil tor .Uvur.'.' ii>;.ilniii Ulcliardtlu- UoKi'iii, all.'KiiD: d.'i.iTlioM.mrt —---------- , - • : --------------llu- <)|irnIiiK riiiii|iiilirn--Tlu- i.|i>-.-<'h'i*llu- .if Aii.iiiu y Ci iu l'Hl A. II. t.-oniu-r ami llii-lt-n iiil; .M. flno,l« hr ur.«li.taiit mcci-.-

inry of llu- navy, ai flnh^ Tliiimdny:in- iilKlil of nrxl >w . k will h.- th - fornmlral oiu'iilni: of (hr luuii'alKn In ih<- roun-. r - ly.I'll.' . - ............oil TiilliH i>n .......jK-riill.in—An udilr.'snla- on <-o-0|i.-i;i(iiiir liy llrv. n . C, {tlllil- on. iihrry..]>n:itiir uf llu- Mi-lli.idi^.t i-hiirch iii; nnd •u,i n.tf,;,, |,) \ ir i .. 'u . I'. Pu- 111. vnll lo ulilrh Mat.'.rry W.mil-i |.lay.-d Ir;i. u.-.omiianiitiriit u-.-n- fialuri.'. of Hu­ll,- hlKli i.i ho,il a..;uiiilily W.-ilii. i.day utl-

«i(i .iiMrr** .s-<’crc lniy I'"H-H. aid .\lrl.,-!,ii. ..{ III.- Iilal.i,,\V.Mil (!ro.>- It. ri-»- aniio.-laliiHi( d r ih r r .d til« ad.lrn.n

li,- (in Hu- |iiii».|l>illil.'K ut uiHilrii tu.'tory I-. a<'ll\lllrn III iIiIj. [lait of Uu- rounlry.

i„ir al III.' Iliilarv .iuh >.-i.l.'i .|i.y. Sli.ul lallo. w .'ir I.ia.ir hy .Inim W. i:;u:lr-

Ji,.'.!iiiii, Aili liiiri N Stir,II in- u ho l;i r .- tll,. t.irnlui: lu-r.- i« I h r .m Hi.- ii1-ui‘ tii- t,y- Uir.'; (i.-n,,:,- W. Aiilri.-lj and Thoman ,U.. .M. Hol>.'ni.oli.

T.'iirhiT^ ll r r l ll(-liI-Tlii-r.- v,';i» a ;■ nf tt^plipm--- mrrtlnfr—hn t -nrptilnt; - ‘xl- Om .lrrM.i-d hy Huin. Krn.-nt I). Ulonin.

T h) i.i)i..-rli,t..i.)rnl Jj|i.l»lrd on lh» ^ali iirliul|>I<- Ihm tiu. Krcat.-Kt can- .il-- nluMl.i ll. lakon fn Kr;i.liiiK mo lhal

of Uu: Icncli'urj coulil show Ihx tBlrii.-*" .ot .iiiiiL-mgrm.ii: num.-.

AdiiilK III- Ilml llo i.jt^ T lu i Iilaci-ii o t . iluKi-raon wi-ro riiid.nl by Ihi jiolh'c hml nlKiit .-11 m-aroli w«r- r..iii» hf-ld.t,y Ihu fur.rn o t ShiTlfl M. I-:. I-liuli. hi two liiiilanrf-n thor«

JJ, woru wal. r Iniilfi'Triil ul Ilk- llllrfl ,if Jamf^■ I.il Xorr wji« fniin.l 'ivUh ifirw

l)lnlH ut whiiikry. Ho w u, nrraI|tnr.J (Ills mornlni: bctoru I'rotinlu

,ry. O. P. Ihivull und -on ft l>li« of RiilHy ti-v. was hoiiDil over (o th(- .lintrli't courl.l-o- ■ -—."rw IliirvarU U Kradunlly KMlInc a»'»3' ror- from itin Itnnirhtdn' Kyxtuni. I'erliupi

you noticcd tba t by tbe wajr Val« .ItJC W t 'i lll Ia«l } v » r - ...................


) i ■ ; • wiiAM.^ni>«ii«T^ ■■■'

' : iiV,V'.:<.. ,

•••• I u ^ ^ . . 1;;...»us_.:-:i.


" ‘ ' U I 'l" ’»IOVTUlVll^^ '

1 . f(Vutrrtl’StaiKliirJ Tim.-) '■ nviv. rmi'A.io—B3U. , . . .

f i i i B t ' Sr ’l ' i ‘ \V '

** i J I'’ u “ n «"!ii‘ lif"i*\?'V'»»u 111 ”

{ P E R S O N A L S j

H..'V. W. A. Moori', former imsior ' of th r Chrliilliiu i-hun-h liuro, l.-fl

I tor Cluvi'lan.l, t).. to uituml tho na- , tionul ruiivi'iidon of Ihu CJirlntlun__ _ fhuruhcK. HtKT n .hrluC—vtH t^tviili , irltrmlH hurt-. iT iT ^ i r Join Mro. Moori> In ChlruRo. afiur u vlnil wllh .

. .1-,'B, mniln'f .)u Iowa. , . .lllll, I 'r i i i Mycr of CVivrr lrfl for .ll-ii- lark coin. -Ihhi inornlui: on hiudiirHH nin-

nrctr.I with furiiiInK lnii-fr«li. Ill Ihul iii;<:lioii. Hi- will Miicnd u monlh

MntJ.- A. W alker l.-fl for Uock'vlllc. ,

III., Ihl:. nioriilMK Io Rpcnd ii monlh . wllll r.-l!ilivi-«.. ■ •

Mrs. Coru WIllli.mK of H lcr Id l ' ^ '1" far Kflii««« City, Md.. /or ii . »-!»« ,

wllh rt'lallvi'ii to i l^ .Mr. and Mru. ICjirl llr.xika lofl for

I'aKadena. Cul., hy aulO Thurnday ' , niiirnliii; uficr u vlnlt wllh Mr. unit . ^,hi- Sin- '(iMirKo Miller.

Mm. R C. KlllnR. whv -ha* miuiil |)io Huintfvr w llll. tvir daui;hiurn. '

, hy Mr». V. ]■:. Morisan mul Mm. II. 1-- han C.iimplii'11. Irtl f iC rorar lard Cum|ib.-U, Irft to r Ulrard. I\an.. thin

mornluK...........— Sini lP Int! nnnn tn I'nratPlln'h'l* »(htfri' liB war* (rani.fi-rrcl hy .lho “n'l HkUKKi »iijr.;B hy whom ho hau h.-cn ,

cmalwfcil .lit:CiL.Ilir.i'.QJiii:..Uii‘.'-;.____,M ru.'II. I,. Curlur nnd two ..'hll- ,

ilren who havc^nW nl ihi-' pant weok , w llh Mm. ( iir ln r’# luircnU. Mr. nua Mrn. J. H. lIurkni'M , rolurnc.l to­dny In tiK'lr hom e In Sail Uiku

Mln« Adh Wllflou’U-li for hor bnini) 111 siirltiKfluIif. .Mo.. Thur^il-iy morn-

Pu- InB-,y..d MrnT Murlin Ctlii'uult iiml ilaiiBlilor

tll,. Ml»:i llcli’ir. w^iu hu>i- iH'i'Ti Ui« ufi. gui'tiiu of .M r.'aad -Mm. U-n J,-Jolin-.

lion fur (lir.-o wi,i<ku, I.-ti for (h^lr _ _ _ himi.- in Ch rrry VikUi'y._[ll.. lodajr. )im- r i . - li>ruu-r urv ii».' m i.ihrr nmt-iHn"

i.'r of Mn.. Jiililinun.

j’ C h a r g e C a n a d i a n O i l C o m p a n i e s O v srn e d

“V!J b v U . S . C o m b in efll- 01TAWA. Ont.. Od! S-ChafKcn

iman (hal Oana.lian oil eompanl<-H ur.- (ltimmy'Rul>«1clHirJi»' ownud' lir ’ an Aini rlcan cotnhlnr were mW» by ri'ii-

i» a r.'»rnnt11v<;ii nl i.rvci-ul cllli-n tmlay.' I kI-----t!i>l.HW-lb*>-piJcu.uf.«attollni;-la-fur--linm. UiiT r.'dni-pd U in I'roponcd th»i a

tho ai'uru ol l.-adinK clili-n and Inwn* will run. ntarl munlcliuil Ranolinu nal.ifl b}' pur-

cbnj.ln« throoKh Indcprndcnlu. Thi-ir ii.-itH ri'Uri-auutollvcii liiaied

f<tr a uoviTjiin.!Ul luQiilry o t lbo tradu

' OunolliiL- liiflnj' S(»m • for 25 conta ' uml 2S ccnlB per nallun.

MOnKltATlOX riKJKII-------CUICACO. Ocl. n-Jou.-idl Zaba. a

n-ftl Kalfllc niau. ia Ulidcr court ord.-r •’i ' f ' to nolvV n n ly 'tlir tt . i-roiw worU puV

ill-* a dny. Mr*. Zaba.'w ho brntiehl Kti'"'! null fur dlvori-i-. Kaylnis-nlio waa •* udgo t'pu iilc _wJrtvw" nsr.-rrt-io rw oncllk- nIKy tlon vifi(-n-Jii.lHi‘ Kabatli uffiod mod- imrl. crailon.

iw»y -Wl, happen . to recall tba'. .Uobbr bap* Jonen drnnk ten wllh !>rlii*h'lioU«T«. Yals it yuu. w n n t'C u rth tr proof ot .Ui«

- yonn* nmn’*. -----------------------------


w o s .c i« c a o 3 -3 « .- • . 1

i« I'. (: .llm*ll•. (HcbMlrf. ’-tVt.KI. MINNUI-dun-^lT. a '

7., ' •■ 'r . -St.—TK* tn»tTUDi n»i Trlii. ’ '

I- M iM»m ^ ''i r ^ ‘“-»'UAWj OtaAW.\—.130. •

I j

'* ''i u ' *1 ''**'*11 *lVll)l,"jcVraiKOS .ITV—u oo ., '•

li.VN.i.y-i «';tv—(II. ,. I- . i..-'”; : , 'no'i.'-rrt'* ’"' !

1 u>ii', »r:)ii-tii»_coo. -....

»Nn. ,»TI.\ST\—nu.

HiAv^^n.ua.jr— i:o. <

unAr^^j-oii^T^WiTn ,

(j'ariflc rcm*t a u n d a tj r im t)I _ lil-o. H\S T«AK<-|-irO—«7n.; KH. MW AX(HH.iJw-<f.?._________ '

i;. M. ra il W w»WJUl.hjiW»'u. '

11 I' >1 ('...•.innt •Jim. oreMi.rn. m u. wKj^ASo i.KS—inis. _

I : i y. ii.—riiiurm't ,■ i' ||- 1- kl. - Kp -I.lly .rrn.i. -.l pt„;rim, .» wi.JlU!lu*»ii-. Uui.olim. Ii-.. .I I j, ' f-rantU Oi.lKiiik. - I

>1—WiiH lilK*. it.icl... ru-, k«.S. 0AKUX|>—60f. ^ ,

: ; ' ‘T lW . IM. I

n 's 'j ' l ' m‘ ''I“',1 o il.' ontiMirk • '

PrldayV.SIIini.'italloniiMRAI. ViAX. VVIX. niAl). »»C1»U . I

"Iiarply Inwor u l iiiu tlnlah o n 'l lie o l trade to.lay. • •

■-— ticatlo rod .^uy tiii; Ity cammlmilon liouiieH nnd local profcunlonalii 'cro- \

' atcd n tln n n w s 'in com mid Vopl pM c c s 'ln cl-iMk? atliir a trncUouul

, dip. ......... J . r - - - .'■ OftiK were .lull.

I'rovlNlonij wcr« dulJ wllh sralii!,

'■ • . Op.!n. m «li. i^ w . Closo. \'iiifc:AT—

V IVm;. ___ ICIU 1B114 147%Muy ....... 1&5 166% 152H

. . J u l y - ----- 13Sii 1S0V4 133>A.130r o u x -

D fc............ lU 1H>4 112% 11314, , ^ruy ....... llfi'.i UOH ll& H 119'I July ....... llC^i lioT i 116!i. nC*t\\ 0.\T8- . . ■ . '' lioo............ 67' i M'H Bd D6H

May ........ GHi 01% C0% COH„ J u l y ' ...... . CDi; COW C814 CSH.■ : .A n o -

OcL ....... lf.07 1M7 1606 lEOS• n m s -

Oi-I. ........ 122S 1530 1820 1230

I ’O U TI.AM nvJIKATr I'onri-A N IJ, Ore.. Ocl. 9.—Hard

MiJle 11.67.- jiofi wJ)Jic, JJ67,- wesl- r- • rn -wbll« H .r^ i- hura--wlnl®t-«l,Ba;' ' northern nprliiK I t .62; w eit«rn red.

S ^"• l>OUTI-AM) ttV E STO C K . ao »‘0“TAND.- O r«, OcL ».r-C»lllo

or ' .

E C O Jgr. _________ _________________. ■^ (itl? h iliiirr rf-pnwiit:Aiv<t wm

lit ie o f CniilH. W u lu)Uglil iiti vi-.lvnlum-, ilnw iiy w ool, Imliviii < r u 'i tli fn r li-iii»iuiiKH—-tliu Inr i io hiii'o I.) .-CO llii'iii ln-rorc yi

- t o n L ^ l X .5 .0 _ _ t t L W f t Q g .:c*

D R E___________________________________

•JII N .-vit linvi- w e luu l uijcli- n-l> ir- oiutK nrriviiii» J u i ly . S i lk in '

,du _ .

a N ow iH llii- t im e : fo '^r'tiie Sw c

“ miby • • ; ' ,r*. B 0 Q B B 8 0 N EJie - •. . . ......

m y , TIMES■ —llocolpii., 2h0; 'loiio" o t mariwii • flcadyi nlccrn, rooiI Rmd». ftdlutn ya.26O7.B0| uunmion t4.(0OQ-26; mo; dlum aod rommon llBOffB.CO; <;an- noro and c u tio n ll.GOOa; biiUi. can- huro and bologna | 3.7BO>4.to ; l-qIvox. ' medium and cliolco 190 pounds’ down

■ $7.60 010; » 6.200 poUDdn' '}8.c0'0 8 .S0; 280 pouiidi 'lip, I 6O 0.B0.' .

-HOR« — ll«rtilptii 1072:'. lono of markol Hleady; medium uood and cUnlco *180-200 pounda ti.SOdlO.ZS: 200-260 poundn. lOOIO.m; -2C0 -lbo. ut>. tS.SOQlO; - packUlR nmooth. henvy, $7.S0®g; •• paphin* .roiiglv bcavy. tB.76Oi7.60; ulaiiKhtor plKO, | « « 0; fcodorn nnd niockorn.

.Shopp IlecclpK, nnnv; lono at ' tnarittt. Xtcady; heaYy)irclKiU», »io*

dlum ana choice. $809.60; culls and ' ' common, a ll ^vulRhU. |6.C02f9; wvib-

orn $608; uwoa, common to cbolco $4i&'fl.riO.

OMAHA I.lVK.HTOCk.. OMAHA, N na. Ocl. 9 .-C a tlle -Jlo ,- cc'lpiii. 1000; m arhi't ntumly: ycar- IliiRn $ri.r,0®C.C6; Hirerii. $nO’U.n6; UOWH und homiPH. ,$201 0 ; Hlofkcra an.l f.mk-rn, $3.S0OH-<i0: cnlvi-s, $4 C;10; bullii and nluKn, $2.7&i^3.7n. wc»torn rnnKPru. $3.ST‘®*-

Hokt. — ItocolplB, 6400; tnarkol 10 0 16c h^Rbcr; bulk o t 'imleii. ■ $10(0) lO.TBj lop, $10.90.. Sb .^p ~ U ocolpli. 1260; mnrkvl . nt.-ady; yunrllnKH. $7010:' wolborn. .

, $607.BO; lani'l!.. $11.76013.26; .uwcn.' H.2COI3.3ir.''’ ' ............. . "■ ■ •— ....

KAynAH a r y u v E S T iiv i i .■ KAX8 A6 CITY. MO.. Oct. .9.—( i i t ' tlo—Ilooelplii -lOflO: «:alYei 800; UUlo

lilildlnR niQudy: kllllnn aualiiy vi;ry plain; i-arly loji 'nwor* $10; nbe- nlock, ntrouK. iCc lildbor; cam ier»

' hIiuwIiik monl advance; altlirr kitlloi; . prlcm alow .an il .tiU-ady: prnclU-ul v i«l l.iji $10; ’nUicVcrir and toudc-rfl.

. atoady; i-arly' -top ffodern. $7.llDKR — «.-eclpl«, fl600; .ulilppt-r

markol nrouiid COIOc blRlior than ycnlerdny'n lioiii prlco; lU'ulra'blo

. . .180.2B0-pound nY.-raitua $10.8G©11; ioi.^ > ii.uQ T ~ pac i< in rT .w m riT v iin r - lo BlroiiK; packhlK •»ow* *9.600 10.26; Klock tilKH, iiU-aily^ *7.C0O»-

Hliri'P — .lleci-lpiu 7000; (iptnlnB nalon. kllllnKf prlcen Kieady; oarl^ lop. ran»o ' lanm bi. $13.60; ranxe

( ! ) r g a n iz a t i o n o n____H a l l o w e ’e n G o e s

F o r - w a r d A p a c e

** -Tlio pronram eominlUo«n ot tbu Twentieth Ccnturj- club and lbo community ao rvko Uopnrimcni m rt Im l nU hl to muko .i'r^llmlnary plann tor thfl Hnllowa’on celobralloa ot lbo kl.ldiM on Rhonbone street* on Uio, , ovchhiK o t Oclobor 31. T hcro will

I- be m anj Iiitercallne- tealurcn In* clmJInic to rtuaa tellora nmi other nunibern lha l ko wUli yiu-cnrnlvnl. Mrs. n . H- AlUlnnon wa# clecled

u clialrman nlid Mliiii Jc"» 'e K raicr.^ nccrolary. C orainlllw i will bo an-

nounccU la lor. . '

“ OAEEYNEWS' ' OAW-KY, Idaho - ArranKemenUH liavu bren mado’ by rroc lne l Commli-i t toetnin CoU-a to r a rally hero Krl.lftyTi cvonlnc. O tlhber 10. 1. H. Xlanlcru.■ candldalo ioi- Jlcutcuiaat Koveinor on or. tho democratic llckel will speak. Tb.t

inot'llnK w in bD Uuld (n lho Jlaptlst

^ T h .' Maiilprii camo to \ ; w ] ^ f t U *from-Prov<v U uai. w borc.Jio._.rnn._a .noWBpaper fo r i-lsbt or icn yearn. Hr

f'’ In now publlabi-r o t lho Twin KalU Ualty Tlmei. _________

id. HT. lO L’IS CH05KNWASHINGTON. OcL 9-DcleSttten

to tbe annual R o l CroM convention lioro today ncU-eU-d St. Loula aa lUe

Ilo convention c ity u t 1926. ^

A T Sii«« w'll* « inrjrenimoKt tint I’titint line; eonlK of vill, (itit'onilniiut, itlinniiont, jtliiin InritcHl ns.sortinciit of tin- Mi-iisoii.• you Imy. Tlii-y riinitc iii jirki'

ISSES •i-beiiutirul- lo t -of -Dresiics... .Now... o r ' wool, we havu them in oil

jw en ter O ji i t ; o r th e S lip -on f o r - t .o r .m m l -1 . . d m . . . l r .m . « . 0 0 .

niiy Shopf k O T B L B M a . - J . .

• ■' T m r

....... ; .............. ..........-------------- V .- - '-


of '• - ' -Id : '

BYN0P6IB _ ■ I“ ■ Sfr OHv»r T re iiitia n {» iilrotfc- ‘

ed lo Aotsfflund CodoIpMfl, Irut . fnarriagtU sppo iid bvHoiamund'* | 6rolA«>-. P ettr . ojid A«r juan tian . ’ S ir John KilUffrtui. W h n OJiBrr'i , voung h a if.iro th tr Liotnl, k itli ’

o- P i t t r in a ^ a r r i l tu fp& im /alU , »d • en O llv tr. A trail of-bUod U found i ll- Uatfftiv from tA« bodv to .h it dw r- eo teav- £t>«n /^otam unJ b tlU v n Aim ,

puiltv. D eiirinp lo protect Lientl. 0)n-»r ean oniv p ro tt it h it tmio- , eenc«,‘ bu(-'A« o b ls in j/ro m tA«/ut* ,

p. |{e«t a <{ocutn«nt, tOi6« produeeit (n , COJ# o f tTial,.aU ui<ng <6 tAa fae i ,

. . lAot h , b ta rt -M -m ark o l r tu n l \ ' wound! tAat eA*r*/or« tA« IraH e f ,

” tiiecKf. o M o u tlv tha t o f th t mur- *' derer, tf . na t Ai*.. ‘A f iw w t tk t ,

lat«r M a l Ih rea ton tf aiid Lionel, . erased w ii/ i . f ta r (Aft Oliv«r'ufUl . r r r« i i tAs (nilA, A<r«( d ptrat« tea* ,

® eaplaf/t, V a«p*r LefffA, to abduct , him ond te ll h im a t 'd oa llev ilav t. ,

■I . WilA OKti«r'i duappearone* '<1 I'l | rn. . ojiilmed A« Aaa ft«d to «(cnp« lWa( g ;n. Out a t IM , LeigK («11« OHvtr o f ,

- L i o n il ' f p a ^ - ih th fo f fa ir 'a n d o f- , f t r t , fa r a priee, (o la k t A{m baek , to England. . O liver aeccpti and ,

t ,. U tg h i t ^bout lo. fu m baek vKen t ]q a |7r«at-SpaniiA th ip beart doivn |

upon tAem, Aer p un i <ri action. fA i |

V CHAPTCR IX 'r» *TH B-OA PTrV B ' ]DC . Sal(NBl-llabr, t h i l>»«k e t tbo ' ul tea. tbe icou rsa o t U>6 Uedltor- .„ ---ranenn and tbo larror-ot-C hrlailan ’

Spain. lay proao oo t |f i b i l t b u of '

6. ;ctis n o the d irk ' irMQ.Ilo* of tba oratiKft srovvi o t A rtJib—thS.ro- puted Qordan o t tba U tip tr ld e i c t ]

i'y dio a n d asts . wnoro u « (oioeo ap- ® p lo grow. A mllo o r lo l o .o u t ­

w ard 'w e re doUod tb« bn ti and iR len t! o t i .BodoulD enotmpm'ral on -I^ tbo fortllo omarald H itn re Uad (te tbat sprobd away, a t (ar a t the era _ could range townrd Cftuta. W<a^

er. o itrld* o f a Kr»y reck, aa al- moiC aaked'K oatherd, a lltba browa

itirlpUos v l tb a cord ot camel-balr 'obout fall -al^aven bead,. la tem ll- toaUy made BolAachofr aad aa-

■A ' malodloui lo a n d t upoa a read pipe. From gomowhera la tbs blue vault ot beavea'overhead came tbo Jojr«

. 'o u i triu iac of a la rk from beloW ths Bllkon ru ttllng o t tbo tidolott

,et aea.nn ; 8ak'r-«1-Babr lay . prone upoa m ho elaak' ot wovoa eami.VliMr aibld ho |usvrl»t)pg (e.^Q and tampblre oa III . the very « d |o o f the ib e lt 'b t !cIIS' li,. to whlcb bo had climbed. Oo Cf Iber iJJo ef htm «qu«ttod a negro „i (roin tho Sus. iboili.iiak«d._Q(..a1!

I tavfl wbliB lotn clotbt, tbalr mut- eiilar bodlet gllsteninR'llko fiboay la t b o ’aaxtllnR iuntUlod ot.mld- May. They; wielded crude fani

'faiblQneil trom tb s yellowlnB ' ‘IcATOi o t da te palmi, and tboir

duly trflj to w are the»e gently lo and tro abovo tbe lr lord 'i bead, to give him nlr and drive oft tbe Blet.

,la , Sakr-cl-Oalir w at la . tbe very i(. prlmo o t life, a roan ol a great Qy length o t body, wltb a deep U ei'

euleaa torao and llm bt * tba t ad- ' :vcrtlaed a eIboI «tr«D|tb. H it

, bajrk oeired face eodloc fo a b)*ok . . forked beard wa* ot a ewartblneti

aceootuated to eiagR eratlos by lho tpowy wbllo turban wound aboul

" h it brow, H it eyet. by: eoniratt, ~i»er*-B lBC ol"H r. -ligh t,— JU -w ora

*■ oror bla whito tb lr t a ISng Rreen tunic ot Tliry llgbl illk. wovoa along tta edKei with aratfetijuef Is

- ..........RoWr T n - palt“ - e^-loo^fr -calleobreocbeii reaehod to bl* ttaeei; hit

•'''' brown m utcular calva* were o»k»d 0" and" h it feel wore ihod In a P»?r o t ue . 2,toortib tb o s i ot crlmioB l«tth«r.

• -with, upeurllog and very petattd teat. He b a d -o o w«ap«oi otbor than tbo heavy bladed kalfe. *(th

I a Jeweled b llt th a t w u th rn tt Into b it girdle o t plaited leather.

A yard o r tw o -aw srT O 'b li le tt lay aao iber proae flgnra. elbowe on tbo gfon&d .aad bnodt . arcbed above h it brow to abade'tiU eyet,

ta ll aod powerful man. aod wiioa he moved there « i i a - g lla t. ot armor trom th e t l a la mall In wbfeb b it body waa e lied and from the stee l oaiqee about wblcb be bad awetbed tala rreeo turbaa. Betide blffl'lity a s eDonBeut eurved

e r th a t^ w u heavy vrltta ateel eraa- n i s i s : . .H ta (aee wat beadtoiBfr a o d 'b ea rd ed , bu t awarthler ta f

- th a n —ble--eam»aaloQ'a, -aad tb a baekt « l bla loag line baadt were

Sakr-eM Ubr paid little-bead to......Wni, "L ylng ,lhere b a lo d tid llo w B

the tlope, clad iw ltb a taa u d cork­tree* and ev trg reen o ^ i bare end

^J:tbereU T e*_.W e:fnW irB _;» le*^ ot broom: yoader over. a . (par of

I whiruh ri>fk anrawlad I ta Kreea aiiitvMvlnK.acarlei o ta -cae in t. Be-

' low him about lha cavee o( llerca- }«• w u a epees of te a wbbie clear

-r'.-^•pY&a'tahmed w itlM U ilo k mova- ment from' the de ep . greeb of

,. f tnerald lo a ll -.iba eeloft e t the

T - ^ ;p r« jecU tt« -4 icr^ jD t_ to tk -,th ttt toroiod a lltile havea two eaormbat

.m alted,galley*. ea«b |)tty 'oara.

. |B d* ta«4U «r can jw « f i iw < r o 4 e ^ .<eoily OD tbe allglit heavo ol the

.. . .U l a r . tbe .raat..ynllQ r.!oit«-iim di Ins oot a ln o t t hbrliosietty trom tbe r.ldea o t.e ac b v e lik r ilk e Ute

m m s D a t ; O C T O B E R 9,

a;A B O A ^ T W I \y = ^ ;

' plDloBt Ot tomo e fn a t te bfrd. T bat ^ tbay lurked tbere either lo conceal-.

moat or In aiabtittt waa very plain..* Ahovo th'nm .circled a f icik .o t Boa-

RuDe nolay and inioleni. r Sakr-el-Oahr looked ont to ton,

,* aeroBB the etrafte to r a r d Tarlta ,* and tbe . ta in t dlitanc Barop'eaa ^ eoatt lino juat vlalble throagh lbo

limpid Bummer « lr. Dat blagU nea w at no t coneo raed-« lih ;tbat baty

7 horlton; It wont no torthey tbjin a ' ' fine wblto tailed ahlp th a t oloke

haeled. waa beating ap tbe i t r a lti *• nome four m llet off. A gentle

b reeto waa blowing trom the eaat," at\d .with every too l o t caarea , Bpread to 'c a te h I t tb e -e to o d -a a -

V doea to il aa waa poaalble.I ' N earer ahe camo .on her larboard

lack, and no t a doubt bu t hor m^t- ter wonld be tcannlng the botllie African lUtoral for a algbt of tboko ,

“* denporate rover* who bauntod U mill wbo took loll of every Cbrlt-

*- lian ab)p th a t ventured over-near.•'< Sakr-el-nahr dmllod to think bow«' ' n u le the* praaence o t bla galley*

could bo tuapectod. bow Innoceat -/ - m nai look the-flon-bathed -ehore o f -----------------« Africa' lo lho CbrlaUan ■ililpper’*'<> dlllgenUy ioarcbtog *py-cla**.''A6d

tbore. trom h it belgbt. llkO'' the 'n hawk they b*d dubbed him. poleed

In tbe cnbalt. heavoa* <t> plumb— AU»1. I.jw'n-».l.-nffl«. ha watched ________

the g i ^ t w hite ahlp a^d w aited . tinill tb e ahould como w llbln atrik- u- InB dlatance.

- A pronoaio>7 to e titw a n l meito *oi;ietblng o t a lee th a i reached outo ln iU ifa 'ta n e Trom *hore.- -Prom ------tbe w atcher*' aerie the llae ot

• doniarcatloa wa* ebarply.-drawn; .............lh«/y conld aee lho, point a t w b lc \

. the w hite o reeu -o t tb* «lnd-w hl» ped w aveteu oeeaed and tbe wa-

yeritare aa ta r eon thw ara 'an ' b"er ^ proaent U ck , tbe would be alow

to tn pbout again, and tha t 'abonid 5 ba tbalr opporinally- \ n d a ll ttt-

cenaoloua o t the lurking peril ahe held ttead lly to b e r coureo. unUI uo rnalf-a-ia il^ -rem o leed -be tw een -— _ _ _ — her and th a t w asepletoaa lee.

. , E xclteaoat sUrred the anll-«tad ' e o rte lr : he kicked bla hoel* lft-<be ,

Rlr. then swung ronnd-tA -lhe Im- “ po tilve and-watcbXuLSakr^l-Bthr.

"She will comet She will eom eP ho cried In tbe FYanUth jargon—

,L tho llDKua tranca ot t^ e A trlcao lit.„ Jorat. , ’ , ‘

■Tn»b* A U ah r .w a e tbe loconlo. anewer—"If Ood will."

,M - A -iew s-anesa* te ll belareen-lbem -......... ........again aa the eUp drew nearer eo . k th a t new « i lb torwar.ltae«V« o t her-

. c thuy cnnght a' g lla t of tbe w hlte- ro .holly i)uder har blaek h'uIL Sakr- ill 'e n Ja lir ‘»badoil bl* cy w .'an d con- ,V. c o n lra le d 'ta ll ■ vlaloti upoa • the a j aquftro en tlgn flying W ta l ie r toaln- Id. niaiL Ho could m]rVft;oiLjiot-oaly. . na the rM and yellow (lUai^rlagS. bn t ng the dovlcca o t Ihe castle eod the Dir Hon. ■10 “A Spanlih ahlp, Dlbkalae," h#10 Rrowlod t» h it c6mpiiBlon. " It t i et. vory wolL The pral«e-t« the Oael** iry "W ill th e vsnturo I n r wondered sat the olher.ei^ “Ue aure ahe will •^tatnre." w a* 'Id- th e «onfldent-^anew«*,--“Sb*-an*- l i t peel* 00 danger, end U la not often lok tba t our galleya a ro to be ftioid >o st* far w eiiw ard. Aye. there ebo he comet to a ll her Spablth pride.**)ul Even as be apokk th e reached Itu th a t line Ot demarcation. Bbejra ^ » ro .* » d .J l .- to rL lh e ^ o _ w « ..tll lL j_ _ .............ion modorate b roeie on tho loeward 'ea tldQ o t It. in ten t iso doabl upon >0 making tho o ta o * t;o f t iu t fdath-

leo wttnJTBTt.” -------- --——-------------------h it rNow I" e r le l « tk a ln e — Bl*- ced kaln»4l-QoTak waa be called from o t lbo IlgbUlng-lIke lopetuouineea-ln

>«r. wblcb be waa. woul lo etrtke. •‘ed "Not y e t” waa ti>e calm, rea tn in -

mg' answer. •tBvery Inch nearer abore ahe creep* the nera_ceruUn la her doom. T lm deaou ih to aontid

' the . charge wbeo ahe foea 'abou i. a ive b ie to drlnkl A b U d .'tb ^ H id to ons bt hi* n itro e a ;'W b o tn - in :Irony be- bad doUbed “the Wbttii.-

T hs ' S lavs' t m e d aalde. swept^ B’W iyTrlitte r e t tem s-end-prede<ed------ ---------

an ampbora of perooa r* l clay: be ' , removed the pal&i-leaTaa t r o a .tb e

no n ib e ( It and-poored w ater Into ft cup. Sakr>el-8ahr d n a k alowjy, hi* eyee never.leav lac tb e 'f e a e U whoee e v em m m ae 'w aa« Iea rly d*- ansd by- now Aa lh« peUoeld a ir.

^ Tfasy cM jd o a Ser----------------deeks.V ud th e M tc b tsa a «u tten ed ia thb - t o r e a ^ l tigbtlsctop. She

u , . w a a n o ta e r e 'tb a B b ja ta n l le a w a y er« » h sn saddeaiy e w e ik* mdnsttTer

“T J ; ' . '^ 2 » S M ^ £ T e v e 5 ‘H 2 a i ^ .......m -tale v rea t 1ielgbt-*Bd waved « toa«„ k . creen acsr^'. one of C b « - ^

leys behind th ^ aereeii o t rockf a

. . . bytbeetarpiw lil*tie»o(tlM bo*K in*.BBa-tM t- lW ia ' ’B f n * litUaS E In a -------“ " T :

rtn- c rto lc ‘or^oar«: M '^ e r*o^Iiar|* r ------iM r RBiisri. tw kpt o a t 'f ro t a ta e l r 'a m - gT^ both. Tbe Ions a rB o r^ " ’poope

of w w i.« -r r* rin -w ith :tBrbaned cor.(I,, * a lr* ,'.^e lr wespo’n r 's ie a ia la f la

n g j ihe sy ilthlBei ■■dense a t-leaa t wew .j.- —.h . . a a t r i d ^ t - t h e crtxe^ree o t eftch ibu* w ^nbijM W n?m n*«'w ithrjbow rtB d ■

a r r o i ^ e i i d ttw ra ll ln u oa 'eftch '. f c

(],g t a w w h o '> w « r ^ ^ th e re ‘Oke* le- .................md- cQata; ready ta le in tlo p eal-SBOtb*rom « Ibelr prey. ' ' : —the Be q o a U im ^ ; - • ‘

Page 7: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

_ . T i n ’llS U A Y , p 'T o l l H l t j l , 1‘I2I,

B n s i n e s s ’ D i r e c t o r ;

^ . A t t o r n e y s • .

. POUTER — WITHAM, U w y e ti . Otor q o i Dook fltoro. • ' . .

O. g HALL—O ror CIcm» Boole 8u ir»

Ju a ea I t Bottawell, — O rr Chapnum BOTHW EIX f t CHAPMAN

Wowll OIOk. no o m i 6, p,.?._8. 9. 1C

BW raCLer * SW ERLET—Attonie7> N « t iP a a i^ a k Bultdiflg.

■ A SaCR B. WILSON—Otdo*). r i r s i NtUonal Bldg. , ■

' 'S h o e R e p a i r i o g

SUM 'S BHOB IU3PA1UIN0. up-tO' dato Btiop.. Form erly Petcni Uron Best w ork ,'nm torla lg . 'Send atiooi by parceJa pout,"we pay poalajTO igy'Shoationo South. •

- .. .............K O Y A liSH O E-IIE PA IR a U 0 P 8 -PM«yora, Prop:- 130 Sccooo Bt. E and 217 Main oaat. Tw in Falla, Ida^

« ho. Wo ftlBo carry acv» ahoea.

T r d m f e r

CaOZIBR T EA N SFEll COM PANt- PhoDQ 34B., Siorako aad cralltiK-

UcNICIiOLS T IlA JJSFnn * STOR AOE CO.—OArl;ii«e bauled daJljPhono 200.__________. '

' WAJ^^LE'aO T H A N arEK ‘ *'8T 0R A 01 C O .-^ lo raeo and apoclal Cvloai ih lp ^ o n tr to CallfohilB., Plion« 1«!

‘ B l a c k s m i t h i n g

-------------------e UAOHOBU T t^ - ^ MACUn<l!hflHO^-BlBckamlihlaK, iSallotniaklne, fWutd tnif, Mftchinlsia. Spring Work. Man ufftcluKira. SuppHc* o f aJt klndt K reasot uacb tttc .C a .i AgatlM - fo

■ A ottiaan*Taylor M » c b l n « r y C< Pbono l2Qi.- i l M t o end-Bouth.--

C h i r o p r a c t o r s

- ..........— a a . 8> (X-TCTATT .

• DIL BULA C. 8A\VTEH Ostoopattalc Ptiyslelui

' Bnlts 1 and 3.-Ovm BulldlnK. Paonn__________ l 6<0-w Rca

A u c t i o n e e r s . '_______

•MUNVOW & nOPKlNB • FUor. Tw in Fnlla. HiiUI.

Phnno C3. Phono 083, Phono 4

' Paints & RoofingM :W MKTHOD nOOJT!. - 6 ld ahlnEl

r o o b -^ a d o ill<« n;>vr. Lnt un civ you nn «Ntlmnto.. OInrk Sinllh, 31 Bopond A voji-a. T s 'ln V'atlB. Idalu

- - 1 - ........ ..........P A IN T K B S.8C C J?1J£8 .,.L ./ / F o r 8al»o-Paln(a. . Olla,- Blurosci ' / KftlM aalDB.^Ja'.bulk: .Boe..Bupi>llu

Itorry boxw , A ulo wlndaWoldfl. P in and-W indow Olaaa aAd Wall Papo Moon'a Shop, , . ■ , .

“ .............. V ■ ~ “ * lV n sc e lIa 5 e6 u V ~ ^ ^ ^


'•nBAUTtPYIKa................F a e lu l'a iid Scnlp • Trwilnicnla n

SpM lallyPhono r>2. .... Buhl, Idah

8 E W IS 0 SrACinNES ; Havo th a t aowlnir machlno clcanc

• boforo tho ta ll aawlng bcjtlna nr------whllo wo-haTO'ttnio.- All-woHi uua

antcnL Sorao second bond macbln<------=-------- ----- fo r- r flo .-P h o n e -a « .— i

1 Slngof gcn ln[f Machlno Co.13: Mam EM t_________

TWIN PALLS ju n k 'H O U S E —Mo - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - a f a . -R u b b » r i-a 4 « ^ ir* it«

- , ~ > B 1J9 > , . _S!

CLE&QRN CR£AU~BTAT10N. U •Mala floulh. T W T a lli . Phon# 154 Soo TU boforo MlUnK cream, pou

I t ry 'o r i t l ^ - T m . wo como out »'t « r yon r poultry . C h u . U udo^ooi

' - '

. . - E attiM U d N a IW — I.. , I>«pMt.T;Cft a . fl

• No.' ■,..■■ '■.....JX part BtiO-p. a’ • • W eitbottad

Nft. IS • ■ n ^ T t 1:00 9. 0 No. 166 ■ ■ -•.' T>tp*rt 4:10 p. n

. .Sofittb tfU d No. tM — _____ .T w p> rt-l! l» p . n

------------^ A iiE S jja c K r^ jm ^............ - - I.lffit.-.Ln: :

■ ■■ ■■• 5 ,

~ . • •• • x ri,

. - . . ru « 'i

121. _ ■ ■ ' ■

For Sale-Mlscelianeous“ “ • -l’’OU S A I.K ~ ^ .)ih 1

JP f.ill nl Kin Monro.' Sl. i:«l 11..1>.tIj-.

“ I'O k SAUi:'-Um'cl l»-;it» Mick'n Si'avi'iii’ wuri'hiiiinc. '

~ ■■ roiV SM .i; OH TH A I)r.--ror I-nri' . ronilMtT, I'o ril ion Iriu-k,' imcumuiii

. 1 - llrtB. T « lii Kalln Jtmk Pbon^

1 ^ . KOII SAI.l->-i;iri;lrlc hr;,iuv ch.np ron. I'bomr lilii.

0 ^ K oil SAI.i;--Sniilh Ih'n.l nmllfnhl r.nnce. water- frnni. iwuilur}' baui:

—^ 1‘lwito H7. io j Hji flvffii/c c.tiu.

. E, K onSA L i: OilTiU I)i:-G <H iil U'jun Ida- imrnc-mi. imwov Krlmlrr, inciwrrH. ca

with tn ick louring rii o r nl'ilnli. 'A .lullc ciint of'fuuiiilry, I

___ No, 2. T win Kniln. ' .

1 ” • I'OK 8A1.1'—lli-am ncnlcit. • wrlKh '— llflO pniinilii. a in r Crocdry & Miirkc

'OR- — ■■ — i j i . 1-OK' SAI.i:-30.;-J> Sav.i,!„ Cathin

rlfl.-; KOod nM iit-w, JlC.'ll). 1210 Ct

\ 0 E ------------------------------------ ------------load ' ‘OU SA l.lj-A iitoinallc wnnhln 143. machlno. <'al| SCO Uth vaNt.

~ l 'O I t .S.\U J':-Jii(it r rc flv c l cnrlo.i . of chlur livr.»; PrlPirl rlclu . Phwi

rtanl FOU SA I.lC s .'ti^c l ci ni.1 iipiulfi 1 Inda nwny for wlnii-r nl l"ro«il & WI . fo r J Iam u ...2 ll aiioihouc N.,105aw,

I , ? ! - FQ Il .SiU>Br-<''‘n‘’fn>— nk-n hiiHlnomi, Iwnifi) in kodiI ii-nil

lo rrllory. 8tock nnrt (Ixlnrrn wllMi____ voice abdilt tlOOOM. I’V«I Tlolx'

llt-rKyr. l ilnho.

~ T l't)U S A I .li; -U in ir " in m lc r“ I l ^ a u>«»U.i.. .aU J.JC

<jrnl iilncrii turnliuro, ck-ctrlu rauR t ic . Phone 2*6, .

FOR BALK-^Ml viirloTicH of ' r.ooil Vlnilffllln, -lOc box, >/( mllu ca:

o t rock cruKber.

ha>'. nlno about Co aoros of boan bn u m Jnmrn I.owc, Cl mllvii.c.Mil ou.Addlun

------FOU HAI.K—300 iDon tlm t cloiia hnSt-(f A. I I Anitemon, JL No. i . .

InRlo TOR SA LH -PracH cally nuw va 6lv8 umn c lrm irr, A biirrnln If lokcn

. 310 onco. AIM. lunoll Klanil, vnn bc «k. ialui, fltr t>')>uwrltov desk, lniiulrc.Ruuui 1 — “ JniiUiincro lno.

e»cb7I^P 0R 'S tE = :p a in I ‘ ftna“ K U 80 i^ )ll«i.. for. Dulntlne and kaltomlninc. Phot I'lato 6.. Moon’a Shop, apor. ' ' '■ ......■ For Rent .

____ KOR REST—CarnKP, 2<t S l ira vnuu norlh. 1‘lionu 861W. .. .

FOR RK.NT—Ronm. u n r a w <f d 'tilrcil, wniilil Kiv(> vvculnc inrol. m

n I I'ircfcrrod. Cut Ctb avrnuo 6anl.

, , f • FOR RENT—Aiinrtniuni for Ilii Jano. iiounckPoplnK. AIho (iftraKO. 619 S------- nordi o r i ’hono C5SJ.laned FOR RKNT--80’ acrca on hlghwn

anfl l{, c . Q ottun. H i .Main north. Pho (Uat- -a2 3 /------- - ‘ . . - 1 -------..........................lilacs . — I .. I ■..

fVRN/.‘tUKp modern. H.C oucrt, l U .Main N. Phono 223.

____ FOR RKNT—7 room houao modo. . . oxcepl hcnt. DcBlrnblo location. I

quiro Maud Mnu Himl, 1604 Popl= — A fe m ijm io tiy n so u :------------— ,

Ih ls i FOR RKN’E—Sleeping rooms. 2ihpao Gib'aTcnuo cant. ___________ ______

------- E Jsh t room bon*B,for ren t—C.,r*?» po tio r. Rcnl Eatate.

DouI- FOR R£N T — S room ftunlalii It a f . s p a r ta a n t. - rcaaonaWe. • Buaia lo rood. Apts. .Stb I tre e t-a sd Soeimd STeai

i n POR RENT—Garaso. 311 Srd av nuo north. .

".*• TOR RENT—nouneWopInK roon• . aboro, Sfodel Bboe Store, ja i ju ln 0

jjhoum Thealro.

• -fb “ R E 8 1 ^ 'lV o 'n Ic n y — rurittfw• . bod rooniB connccioi^ w ith p rlra

A bath, aultablo for sentlomon, electi>• sn- heat In roonu. Phono T7GJ. SSS Si

avcnuo west.L m. . FOB B £ trr —Booakeoplnf apai ■ \ ’-i” f f ^ . room s ctoM |fn. s a d Jow /w M i, «

week o r nontlL Tb* Oxford, 4:>. m. Manln N. ; . •___________■ '

--------- ;-------- —

A fe \r

)ua For Salo-Real Estatei<Mtl-, ''"iFO lT fiA liE ^linri- wiN’* T i .n . l~ ~ - ii<. room miHli'ru hiiiiuu. liKiulro llli Titb — avenue.cuBi,

~ ’F o i l SAI.I;—One K.:x, iirv.' trmlc — r nnrh on pnvccl rand,. l ’liou<- fiOSftn,K n r i l___r ________________________________iiulic KOR SM .i;-O ii.' 8 room inn.IcTM 'honr biinnn1ow, Onu of thv flui-iil hoiiiitii

lu Twin KnllR.;------ One fi room jiioilcrn IninKnlow, jiurd-

,^., ,1 fiobrn, tik'i'pluK |»>n;h nud i;ar-

'• 40 acre' fnrm w llh 7 room hoimc: bai'i' I " '" ’ Owner. Jobn H. Ktm.n,____ laiC l l l h (Wcmin cnjii. I'honiv^oi.vvy,

KOR aAl.i;—ll>- o»ruor, 6 room mod. I- riii, ern bnuiio n l 703 Mnln winil: Sli'i'iiliii: fy I, porch, furnncp hrn t. rniMi;c, I'ricei

. ‘ fiKUt: o . y . v c iw o n , 11. .Vo, jjuIji ____ Mnho.

uki'l” SALE—Twelve ihounnnd nrrcn!____ ; forty niUtii unrih%«'mi of .!!lllluj;>i■thlnii .\loiilnnn, ni'nr llroadvlow. KnmiUiF0 Cth nnd oil iitn;ipfctlnc lu viclnlljv IM

ward Corlrtt, Jolloi, III.

Khlnx "K O irS A U :-A 10 ncri' hnmo-1 lulli from Twin Fnlln ou Dluo I^Ki'k ImuI craAl no rilj,‘Jdcfl! JocAUou nnd jjooi

inin^. Improvements. Pbone 615JC. l.oJ JphnBOiJ, .a i. 3, Dox lM .

I FOR S.'O.R BY pV/Nl'cR-A nice Ui , u .|, tlo IrrlKBtcd linultry ranch. 9 ftCfcs.

room iilnsleri^d houni' nud oulhudd____ i (nr#. -« 'e ll loc;i<v(l 1 m IM flixiih 0(InInK South Park ntor<‘ hnlf mllo -n'cni. Mua trado bo sold iifton, T r lc c lic o o -e .u ih .-Ill-1,1. — ------------------------- :-----toiH'r FOR fiALB—40 a rro dairy farm ani

40 acre orchard U nd. Phnno C17R3.

Roylir ---------- ------- --------- S R i l a n t e d — M i s p p i l l a n f t o u f

rallRC, -------------------- •---- ----- ----:---------------\V A .vn;ri—Cyn«orn prlndlnc. Gc jjc

- —7“ Kailon. I'bomi 3-13, Twin Fulln V. i PPlen. Co. . . . •

WAXTF.r>i-Cblldrni to caro foi-------- Phnno 4TKJ,iim ifn ------ ■:................- : — ^ 1 bay. WANTi;ii—Ten i-arjoailn of jionllrj :diiinn, (5, A. Flynu, I'bono 7C2W.

WANTRD-Uned fnrrtlturo and ruKi____ Will pay cash. Phono 406. A, Evac- VInccnt Co. ' .

!!i W A N TED -A l onco for cnnb,;,„ t r Ford c a rs . Pbonn 147W. J. B. WhllUUI il,. ,33 15

K Situation-W anted - _____ -WANTED—Ponlilon V houneiirrlii

o r u'alircffA. Intjiilro (^lili>n]a)i Iloii ■ Room 30.- • ifiyJI

r a v o - WANTKD—Janftoh-w ork nnd-honi cleanlnR. 243 3rd avenuu eaul.

I. i .Lost and Found:• Lont—-Irish' fli-lt'er 'iiup, whliu np'

19 2nd Phono I328, . ^■ STRiiyK D -^l -frHiali. KciKllHh VoIb

e r pup. six monlh* oill, brown pan i r J L ; f'o*: ""o oyo- Howard. Addrw

care. Tlmea offleo.

„ „ LOST—Idaho D enartm ent o t A»ti cu ltdrn-recclpl liookl. Kinder plea: notify U 0 . Hawley. Perrlno Hotel.

POUND—Brown leatbor hand url p contalnlnn .contracia and toilet a

tlc tn . 246 Tlilrd avcnuo wnUi.

For Sale-r-Automobik"IcrB . Ford site ba lteriw . |H ,6 5 a t tl

P resto JJto B a tu ry -S ia tto a . 329 Shi -------- ahono South. ' Phono 63; • - .HlallOd ■ - . I I' --------------------fSlow FOR SA LBrrFprd tou rln s car, S >Tea«e tnojlcl. _PHtor PUnU* Phono SICRS; -

------^ " ? 0 R SALE—5 paasonRor Reo aedii In f irs t c lass shape, ^ohn S. Klmc

'■ 1316 U th avcnuo oaat. Phone 284N]^.

roon^s, FOR SA L B -A uto wlndshlolds, ^ ro O r- f;]aMc«, bm tfllxht glana and wlad<r _____ glass: Moon's Pa^nt Shop. ^ .

njfwsir ~ T o f T » g y m w ^ B y.- o .e c m n ii B 'rlvate Q rlndsr. 147. Bocond aT«ni?a north.

To iTrade;I » n - FOR SALE o i l TRADB to r 4cr«

U th t my resldcBBO. 322 Sth cast.Tho bW -w ay to nuna you r own bns

, t i l tn e sa .U 'to tell o thers about I t-

— — :-------- ^ - W h e i t G i U B ^ E

'■ r 'C E T J n E T H R V i E T t ) ! ® ■, \ ' O lT O E «‘> O F


CMsT . • r mr.ib

i' >■>' ^ ~ " r — { HO-NOIiii-Ii lY o u SAV o - r u v s o P P o :

TALK. CA-f-tOi.cS AJ-r.^.1ird- A ucfT" . ■ j;ar- ’ f

Z :

- f e )1!

A N S W IifD S H IS O PP<^^ V i T O B L A C K E N HIS R E F

. \_M !iA 'N t h e . E 'T E S O

I w .

llry. ~------- -- ■;— ------ ---------------•-

____ M i B C ^ J a n e o u s

ruKB. -«H P E R C E N T llO rfmr.TD it FAR! n . tO A N S-<5an-B « yoa thfl m oncr-f

• tep -daya-frow.-daie o t appllcaUon, ( ____ A. RobtaBOn. • '

"hinS MONKY ■fo’ U)AN--FArn” i^ broiu-riy. i ', K. Pcit.-r, lli'ui Kruh

Help Wanted" ' "•» - |'e r ---------------------------------------------------loivK W A X n : p ^ , i , } n r v o :m i, u> i r ,

houne for «|tiKlr:mnn ou miirb. W------ hnvo Rood home. J . 'H . SK-c-i, Fll.mime Idaho, — — . - -----------

----- - Protect-j-ffunrJf assaluifl lU" oficolalnfJcB or wintor. Wi< _can bjihu you a Rood ponlilon In yuii'r own cou

------ ty tb a l will pny you wril, Nogar Co"POt Iioralloti SavlnKii £ Hriisl Bldjr.. Sn

____ ^jiko d lty .; .

S >'AN W p T K D (cliy Or drtiia cstabllBbcd company x lll Aii|>p

cop((at an i| n la rt you fn your ov - Pormanentibunlncaa sclllnB neciw

Aurl- UoH pcopU 'm liiifbuy 'ev iT y dny. E lease Perrcnco luinccesflary. Write StcCo et. ■ now Ji Co,. Puctory SQg, w tnow . .Mic

T hp! A Q EN TS-W RITE POR PRV: . a r - 6A.MPLES. Soli . Madison '-Betto

Mado" S h lrla .fo r la rse m anutaciun — — Slrcct-to^>rear«r.—N t^-capltsl.or-a : . . perlenco Veaulrod. Maiiy earn IK l i e s weekly and bonus.-M adisO N MILLr— Sea-llroadway. Nei»-York.— --------

tho ________________ »Sho- BALESMAf*—JSxoepoonal oppotttu . Ity. BusU era ' w n ln s a bic. Wrti

— ^ UcQooiT. P sU ndsr F u l a r r . W ssl , 20 Mtston. IS . • " / - / '

V d u i't 'fb tf ebf<fln‘’«Too(i FtunImes, on tbo H Ish Liao 6 io sl U M bad c ^>IW. d ltlo^ a n d . |t Is jjeceasary. to

ion je jepalrs ;Jn concrete betoro f re t tftf vfe»ther.‘ Thla will neceasKsi

Idow ulclirir tho w afer ouf o f the W gb L k• ■ , Canal for a fow daya. beelnnlns Ocl«

b er la th . to O ctobor 18th. ’Tho ^TorkTwlll 'W -tuW erT o-W B

_ pleUon. ,TWIN PALL8 CANAL c o m p an y :

• - (• , iTwtn FWfs, Waho.BURTON SMITH. Pen. Manager.

I t ^ F o c ty -th m popM rt(ene<l duttng (h ^ I d l^ S e{ 8 L> I * ^ * cnthedral,.Rara<


B f l 6 i - '» a . 6 0 N N I ' ) V . . r E W ; - . ? T H F ( r S T t N ^

n r ' >

[ES ■

> s i f s €JE o m HOME rc“ J / ........I .o ^ -E -< ’

SSXl,jSfi% ■ :

CTTEY V i/A u K gR :.-- •O N E.M TS NNftO A T T E fA S T 'E P U T A T JO N A N O B E i. iT T l -E

O F T H E V O T E f^ 'S - ' ^ ,

Livestock, ana’ PoultrjARM . KCIIl SAt.l-:-i(ho'.l" Inhiud Ilc-il |iii!7 -(0 - (rffir—®*;C. nnil ti'l-rri-orilr*. -‘ 'I'l'-r n.tll. ‘ i'lioii____ r.l2Jl,

‘•liy ‘“ j.-oil SAM:--1>'w mtlili .-imi' crarle (Jtli'l Hiiny- .Moi rin I'hiijl

— ... 012112,

^ - V ' -TOR-RAT.n-^RrRlmi'rrd- Doroe-so* or to p u t uu t on aharca. I'booo I<32\\

X'./? Trav#IIno With tho TufkeyaL.II,,- Prucfi.iluii!) o t ull Utmt» uru to l>

■ fouud In Iblt ■irci'tK of siniuhiml tin------- wllh no (raitle rvp''nilon»'li- f»' ‘nillincer- cult to maku murb lniM‘«.iy. I n - l l i SHure J>nity Viiecuitt «( .Srrn;.:.'.':; ' Id T n ju couu- Miss Lucy Onnii-it IW,'.;. h o w l f 1■Cor- m U td Hoclvty. i-jmv-v.V. wllh , Suit tnrKu drovu of tnr^i-y^; v.* nil:u 01;

wny aluUK tlir hnmtl“ T lined oil ellbi'rhoMJ I'Ji!) • Upic-i. .im .lv Hit. llirl:..jK -.ilo illtl

own " ‘'l‘' " f '•-■I'*!''* ' ’''"elnI on tholr AtlnnllUi- .lu.-ifctur* 1

beddlim ftud cucUmsU' . .ili'c inijr■f,' cbi-nts und coffern. • • • Tln'V l«iUMlnB ehcslii r«m*lliui(* tin- w-cihlill

’frriUK*i-«u» nud 'pl.i.M.hiK"' i-f n TuW :E kliih brlilo."-- Tli.- lurUcyH-nre -ixiettor- rem am luili'd . to In; «ll»iM-i-'od nmnlu re r times befuro lhi'> ':iu ' ihinlly Inndrr-o x - furiily_uw »t_ thu .iua t .iiK!"i!l"_'.‘ lll‘'

<100 tbi-.r nru to he miI.I In ci.-lvbintlun <ILLS, n Moslem fomivnl.

------- The beat way to nilml your own buaIni^na la to toll olhom about- I t- ihroufih Ihclr nuwspaperl

___ J If you Want' a prosrcsBlvo ncwi- paper s e t Tlio'TIfncs. ................

liim e — ■

l | ; : P I P E ,0«to* -Wo cnn w*e- you from 80

m . W « » '"»• T w ii FUU 'IwSk Hoiuo

» i 4th A te. 80. rh o n o 7M n e x t . to 'DelweUer’s ' Old

— -------------------- B tn d /--------- —tc h e ■.orao.

- X P . - H P ; - s S

S o l J PrvwNI S ^ E 5 5 i i r i £ g ~ ^r..-^'/6o H E L P M B

j ‘r>+(£Y A IN T'A WJIVU ' Tt^liTH IN THlTSE ^ n s p iE i : )

ABOUT* M E -----IT S t h e m /in -n t 'c o u R iT

HDU^JE- HOOTS TosavN e o v s VMCLu GMOTHEP.'e m ' W iT J l A L A N P S U 'D ly ON E i _ E C 7 i o M f i = r r : : —

I WAlWte,. L e m ’

x a m J s w B ifP , '■

^ " tw in f a l l s ^MARKETS

—--------- t S E h in O I'JUf-’BS'limit -Wll.

Klji.-flr- -tvi;r;ir(ifl|.-, enn.' f'l— . . . Cn.tiiu (.h<-i-i;e ........ -I

l.\TK", ruMi ................................ .......I’bllll.' C,,l,,ry •................... .....

l-ettuee. homu ..... .... .............. 7,1i, Npw I'nhbftiit*. lli, ..............132w ‘ n.-w■ * ' Donln, new .... —

• Turnlnn. n e w ___ ___________~~ , 1». fUd(i<Ticfl, S huacUtm 1to br Pi^Pl'ern, lb ........................ _________ 1ll nml Bread

•nun. rn rkeya,-draw n ______________ j-j-tip Pork sttuaano _______________1

T-Bono Bteak - ___ »;,f. , Sirloin Bteak _________________ _

' Bam, affeed -TT^ -•Ith I. Pork chopn - ic e ?

t ^ h c h o p s ------------------------J 5 « 3Jfjeci. «lima __________ j___________ ^. . . M a o d a U t i k _____________ ______.

,11H1. Bacon ________ ____________ _.„Pl„g Dacoa. slJtcd <

... " irD iT K o 'p n ic i s " " ^ *J . uci^i'ufU vi--------^ 1,

........ .. f lW i e r e ____CO'Tt. .......-JZ m Z T ff®

’■IHUI Calvca - _______ _ ^im iiT H e n s ________ tnmli'il Mutton - ii-licr*. /JU n b B '____ ____on“ of Si>rm?rttilcwnn-nrr.-.'..'-- -

I’BOODCs-------- DmtcrfaL. ftt-.IiwHlo: .......... ..... -____aI bun- M u r i i ..... ________ “ 3

Jt— ------------- ------------- --------._ aEggs, Ca»l\.........•_..............................JRi'd Clover No, 1 .... ......... .......... '«

ncwa- i .............................. - . IAlslkn clovcr No. 1 ................ _ lBeann (No roarkeU)

I f " F o r

i l l Potato Bagso 'B i l 'B i r P l in iM a -on-Oait7-aB(l--PTje4

■ I a o t Tho»e Bass from

® ll E. D. Kellogg- H i ' »°-

p . 0 . Box 7 i4 .~ K o n o T a T


5 w iv jS ® rO r? iT 5 ir i'" r-C D R N -B O llfy

l& M P iT o e i - p ie . COFFEE ^

^ ~~



Pleastire Spot Holds Cravn of David Kenniaon.

Uuoy of Ihe Ihuuxni’t.ls'.>f vMtnrs to l.hu'olu I'lirU hiivo dlsroviTi'.I, for l'hl'lll .-lv<'r ncnr thu Wliic<ini>in

: i t r r r t mtnini-i! it tc^nultu boulilur si't « |ih u hroiiio tiitit.'t ilc5li.'tmllnB fliu

' »|iut UH aiiprDxiiiiiituly lUO burlul ' [liui-v ii( liiiiUI lu 'nnl’iiin.] ll hi.H tiiTn ncv.'nly-lwo yent* *Inc<l

Kiiiiiili'.in’ii .li'iilli. when, nt ibn nmr oj .,(ie l!/r>vmiyn>ha

; i.nd ik.>cnti:i:U duie. hi- w»« tin- iH'S ,.' Nurvlvi'P Ilf i Im‘ li.miiin "U'a party.''

'. I N.iw hi’i tfiiivi- uiiilc'i with thi-. Inr• Ri'rlpltcin.'In lb.' nnly.ri'iiiln.liT uf ft■ IJf«’ JJiiit Mu« plciun-ji.juo lu ni.'ro

K.'ntitMiu wun nn ei’\rly "I'lller In riih-iiKo. IlH well an u M-l.'nin iit llio

. Iteti'Uiticiiiiiry «u r und the Wur «C■ ; s j z Ife ram e I,ere In ISI.'. Mi'-D ho I WMK 1<« y.'iirn'ohl. Since hi* llKhl-

Ine diijs be hitd in-en cni»lK-.i hy a 1 rumny iri'.i. nnd woundi-d by a eon- I non bllll llred nt a mllltory r\:vle\r, npil I hiid only ii peimlnn nf $S a uinnth l6 ' miilntnin him, NeverlhKU'M lie stnrieU i u rn i l.mUIni: for thrllln niid forliinn.I . For-ftpycUr or ,m .ufti-r.eom lnn-to _ '

1 niK.re, K.'nnhiotj worlifd a i a dny !al>* iirer. Th.^n h(» fiiiiio ni» a "poijrer" .' nl Ihe Jtontim “ti-a pnrly" ba»1nfi npreiiil, he ohlnlneiV tbe post-of Ivc* inrM n l Mooncf'a .muiie'iio, Tn WestI.iikn MreeL llr«<1dr!i introduclne

I Vrnti-r* OciiuiDc >lrj:}n)ii mlniitrela.nml- .llHciiolnc thn wax I1suri.-fl and

___ j)tJi'_-r nininiie.i-xlilblu. he^Kiivn a loc-lure m I'liVtr pertnrmnnee on'lhfl Oump-—;-------

_ Ing o f t« ( In Jtn«on hnrtmr. - ..............."■ " ~~ ...... Tl— ir - ' '- of tha ^

muneuin In IKIH nnd 1io onn.mnced jhu t' lo Uw PutiDc In Ihe following

"1 hnvn tnliPn Ihe muneum In this ' clly. wblcb 1 wun obllKed to flo In otdcr

pcn>il<in iH no nmall ll aenrcely affords '■ llm comfortn Of life. If I llvo until

II.e i7 ih o f November, I ahall be• ir.^yeiira old, and I Intend laaUlnc a

diinntl.Vn purly on tbnt day a t 'th e.J fi.m Hi'iwiim.' t"Iisv i> 'foH fb r lo-'aevcral- • • •....2'x; lititllrn fnr my country. A H 'I nsk ol.....ZOr tho B.'ner.ius public la l« cnll nt Ihs.....inc muneiiin un tho 17tb of Norember,...,10e wbleh Is my btrtbday. snd dOBrtle'fo..... Be nn* what they 'tb lnk 1 de*er\-e.“ . - •..:,r.5c - T h e 'a p n l -patriot Bot-only-Uvad-ln---------— 10( bo hont a t his donation pany. bul *!•— lOt mnni' four yenrs beyond iben. Hla — ilenfh oerurroJ PchrtJflry 2 f JR Sl'Tb*— /itneral 'wa* bi'W from tbe W m Jleib- — ^ ci'urch and tho proccsa'ton « ^ a .” i S tbe • inont imphjlftjr'tnlUin^y—lu'niniit----------

55, seen In Cbtcngo up to itiB^ time. ,U IS. hi'ilr »'•» burled In Ibo eemeierj t l « t '

i040< tben waa slluntcd In the present pa^k..>022( After tbe eeniHcry had been' thovi>d ‘iOSSt the (iMnolt cbapicr o f iho Sons o f {[>«*~ ^ llcTolullon, anil tho Daushtem of,t)ia

Amcrlcun . Reroluthm marked' hUi Jnf hooldop snd Jablel.—

— ClilcaBO News.

....... in Anxffna.4flEe Of oil th f lecw ds of b l ir lo d < re » u i^ '

5i3U e pemlsteni U Ihe one ahoot th a^ g f lost colli w loea o t Arlaocai Only tbo__ Indians are supposed la possess 4|io '___ ( ( socrot of-ibli liamins niyitory, slihooeh__I.SC ibe stot7 has boon circulated for mora- • iflr ihuu 'a CMtury.__________ ■■ ’

Thut there once were mlnet ta ths .._.3r>c resUm Is lndlcatca*hy refennc<« touhd r_.IiTc In (T arrf 'S i> nn(|H '«erles-iiod-h |'_U ia .___ — 3Gc tnivs pntned down ihrougb several — 30c arailona of naUvea who wero compeltMl- ._ > 2 2 fo aig ib« o r t u sJares of thrt«-«i»*— US querort. The-eblef evidence 1n-SKp>„ t l 4 port of the tradition 1s the a lts r ^ tb s

Sun Xavier mtoalon, oo( ta r fromlTtte--------- son. II Is described as beln* “tBlqld'

with vircln cnld.** M lulco rseoniS allow lhat the preclons . melall was bmucbl from Canada del Oro wliartt/fe

* . was mined by Indiana tmder, the lU r ^ ..A tlon df Spanish p ries ts ^ I <9 B(tt no tr a c t oow sxUU o t th* d> r Irtett. *lnit*.'»ad the did trail over.whlrti- t t e

fold Is M id ' to hsvs been e sn led - fe - peek mules d ln p p n r ^ abruptly t s - m » « n iU .- P ^ I « r M jctw ula W « a ^ ,

Om Man Army ; .i

' followed ia yet aaothar proetChStBE^'___ land la a sporting nation. d s e la ^ - tM_ London Sphere. Wo aU w l t h ' l t l ^ l U .^ . .and shall f a u n a s to t o u ^ I t .. moro'kMBfy if 't tT ff ln if f -B a n iB li-K -- ------

a s t e r t t a a & r ~(SV8m 's s s t< A s ^ —- - - ■ frgn._P>rl__pw D i -:

BrttM. TUJiTsa e « and la c lB M s 'w s - U W p l^ K w .

- wbleh throws S ^W IettOM ^^BrtF.tp' :^ ." / tallMrUC h sB a a ■

. .depcodT O j-W U ^m r d . i T t n i i i i i i i W i i f f i j r i r ^ g ^ ; ii -

: . J . ; ..*«<» -

Page 8: Twr iLLS DAELY Ir iM E ^ ORSlWIN 6TH 2 TO 1; mmm Senator ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Twr VOLU.MK .7, NUMtlKB 142. mmmraiiE fs ISREiESTED

• ; PAGE E inH T



OAmiiftlKiVto rnlKi- J22M. uiiicii uj thfl Twin Fulln KlinVc <if I.M-o r.ir ilml .

•; Jarhldc*''rcwil, tovm r.)^ »iil<l. 3ni-i tilclso lliul lirnvlniiiil)' r.m lrlbiilcil a- llku aum, anil lowurd whu-li dm ()i<w . Ron i^linri U n r Iia* ronirllnii.;.! llif auin of tCtto. vriui nuiljiirlz.il Ihhi.. 'v.'; ntnK' h r Ihr Twin Knlln i liainb.T .if commcrci! borir.l ot illrf'tinin. A rom- mlllpc coiji'lntinj; of I’rnnk .Mqr.'I, WlltUm Slmimon mul A. 1). Adniiii WM nt>polntril to lake clmrKc of llic collccllne of th.* num iiam.'U, It it

' nald Ibat on lli.r occaiilon of |ir<-vUniii roail. Imjirovrii.cnin Ilie Bliort .U ne

--------- t c o n lrib iitr .l-u -m iirli an JROW).- ............Inrllatlon wan cxicntlcd la (hc Oild

Kellowa CTsntl lwli:i- lo mrpt Ii.tv In , 1926. 0 .-B. l.lhd Tp»ort«l U ii'-irlji i?

the C r u c n of Uio Mnon. Gnoil- Inic W b nml nhort lin'ul lilll, whhii would prevent llir'Miollnlimi'iii or..ilic p m e n t lerinmal ra lin to th.- wui. r*

' ftonl ihould thi! In lcrital.- rniinii.-rcn1 ' commlnalon chsnKr Itn itiln.l und nnli

(o rg«enr« ltn prcscni ulilliid.i uiid ' rullns.'.


JiniM aJn to r (•ncilK— In honor of Mr. tn d Mm. £ a r l Uroolcn who lrfl , fon th r lr home in I'ann.trna h r nuii> j.

- , - - - TJjursiIay ij»on»»nK «niJ */«tf «}ie(r aon.Loron Mllter'n b lrtlidar nnnlvcrnarr,

-- _ —M r and Mra. O ranrr Mtllcc ontfrtoln- fd at dinner Wcdncwlay .rvm lnR ,

■ Corora wero Hid for twelve nt n hcftii- llfully appolnicd lablc. Atlpr .llnnir

WHdlnK Dlnnrr—Mrn. A. f>, ('»wlil i

Ihe home of F. A. AtklnHon In Twin I FolU-ln honor of Mr. nn.l Mra. \V. <;' 8t;jr(IH and .Mr. and Mni'. K. L. Al- kinaon, Mni.'filurRlIl, fprnii-rly M lu Florenco A lklcion of T u la Falln nnd

---------------- A trs.-TnraiffJirform erly-JtiH ir-nm nj:r^;N rsard of,Klmberl)r. Thwic jirt-n.-iil were' ihe paronia o f the hrldnn, Mi; ' and Mrs.' P. A‘. Atklnnon and Mr. anil ~ Mr*. Jamea N rsard of Klnil>prl>-. Mr.

-and Mr*,- L. O. I 'a raon i o f Twlh J-'niin.. -^l^ll^ren-jjj. X. o:Oould and ehlldri-n of Duhl, Tho room WM beautlfiillyl itecoratrd In pink and:wbltc, alno iinlnK fall li-avi-n. Tlu' c e n k r piece wsn a banki’l of pink au'i

. w hite u le ra . Tho wcddlni: cnk'.M w cro -M H T M rnca-o iu-in t.liik '"um l while. A dcllnlouii Uircc conrnu .lln- o e r wna served.



10 Bara Cryttj.40

14 Bara Crei■ ---------------- -------------------------- - 7 2

------------- ----- ---- 3 -L b s.' Swe2 5

Picnic Hams IE

Blue Pine Cofl , 4 5

’ 10 Lbs. Fine Gr• 9 0

" T l b T . P $ 1 .

20 Lbs. I---------------------------------— ------2E

‘ 1 Lb. StandaDr<

--------- 1 ------------------------------2C

Free Delive~ . "TTT" X o c lta rtfo .-fo r ilc liv fri.'

' ' ,S 'o. tro u lilc l«i r.'iiU 'iuliiT l!i

' . nollviTi.Ch ll'IlVp tJie hldf• ^2:()0 I), in. HUd 4:00 1I IH:_

Fresh Ranch Bul

Z ^ ; I3 a h p D e ^j : : . ------- ,— .....................— JF. IX W N T n i( ; in

S l U E L S M M , L « G FRIDAY !| [ V E N I P R M


I II. F. SAMUI'XS.11. F. huiniiHii wilt n.UlrvHH Ihe

.^ M iiiilr lif T uln 'T /illii'fiiu riiY 'ifiniMi " r.'.H- niKlit ni tlu- l.uvvrlnR thc;iTro

1)11 III.- Inniii"! of th'- (-nniii.-ilRii. .Mr. " HuTiiiuilii I’l niiiillil:ili' for Jh<> rov*

rriifirnhip a t ' ilio (•(liiiiuR fU-tlliiii oil I'uliim I'ToKrcufllvi; ik 'k tl., .

I'. VKOTCKI' WACC IlKMANI)■r COt.UMHI'.S. Olilo. Oct. U-Ah-xftn-

» .Irinsn.l fnr liu-r''nn.'.l wnE.-ii fll.-ilII l«.,t.ir.> 111.- Unli.Ml siiit.-i riillrcin'i l.-x-

n iii.r)ir<.r ciT-.k... V i.-Uhrnnm iirm -tittrf

!• • ..........----Japanese iT u it Treet

.J-t- ■Jnpau_l;_t!iIU.'f_L’l’JI.V.Ir.-rn.'Iuii lln- J iii>um'’hv ''oI Hi.- IiIhh- noRin nnd tliru'v nuiiy lliu fruit. _______________________

ll ■______________

}" • Furniture a tTl Lower PricesI,. IluiP't s t o t e s l.UKKntfc-<1 Y lilt Our Kxdinnifp Jli Jil.

-------A.-H- VINCENT 0 0 . ........:!n;.;'tKl ?^h.>sh(>nn Suiilli. .

:ials in .


stal W hite Soap 40c-eme Oil Soap 79c .veet-Potalo€8----------------25cns, Per Pound 15c)ffee, Per Pound 45cGranulated Sugar 9 0 c

Pure Lard '>1.401. Potatoes^5c------------- - T -

dard Chocolate )rops2 0 c ----------------- --- -------- " 7 -

very ServiceiTi.'s ir> _ iii ij- |iiir t <>r Hlo i-ity.

llll- iiiinibrT—ju s t i-a l ljs 'o . J.

>t(i|-.- nl S;;!() II. III., ll)-.l)() II. in.,

Gutter and Eggs a t times.

artm ent S to r e:;iiT R K ix i IT HACK

W r ig hI: : _ y g

I f * M

r y- J a J

' mm' * ^

he W a c o n v i n c e Iii .l— ^ y : T\y (» n s h . A ivr Ir* * P r i c G S . W e h a v e s e l

. e n d s a l e , w b i c J i a r e

’. . c a i - e i u l l y - a n d m a k e

b e s u r p r i s e d h o w f ?

N e w C o a tsA t i r « ' Hhii>mi'nt' rif ron lx hnn

S . r iv i 'd nncl ih.'si- n ii' tin- va I lm l w il l , Vi^'iill.v I'l.-UNc, .Most of 111.')-.- rn jits iii-<- tr im n'iUi ’ I'nr or Iiiiiioiik innl li l

-------llnurt-urtl_m inJu..u[_llli:-Jiuw _, iiinU-niil, nil lin- ri.-ii iu:w sli._ im \\TH nH till' Ktll]lll! tlllt|-l(M'— - lirowii-i. Si-.- th<- w iiltlaw

llu 'sc sjx 'i'ia l viiliii's ill i-------------

Novelty Bloomers :lUddiiicrK <if iirtVi'liy K lrip r D n iiily i'.olnrs oT iiciii'li a n d A..hlv](< ill ia .'i' c itill i; vnlu.'

. fa r ......................... ............. iMain Flo<ir.

Infants* Shirts $1lu riiiita 'lil iir lM . A I'liU 'in <l<nv f ri iii l Myli-. Kim- .|iinlil,v uill w ool. , l-iirtfo KizcK. .') lo (i.In r .'iil.RV.................. ...................9

Mllln FliKir.

V anta Knit Knities- V iiiitii Iviiil K iiilii- fu r III"

■ l ia l l/ . C . im r in siz.- 2 iiul,v _ ______ l."iiK. '.an.,!, c-nmry. lU-Knl’i r . .

............................................ .3Infnnta' SecUnu.

Baby Sweaters Price>lia lty SivcnliTH. A ll w ool, w liiti p in k , o r llliic tr im . Sonic hi M iilf.I ; wdiiili-rftil ,valiii-n nt..9

InfaniB’ Si-.-iI.m.

Flannelette GownsFIniiiu-lclti* • iiiK lil- KOwijs.

■ i-Ic'c-vc siyh-K.- W liilc u n .l i 1 .•..jf.i's: sizi-s li: a n . r 17. 11

. $1.2.-. fu r .............____________ JMllln Fluor.

Quality PetticoatsS.T viri^ iliIc jii-K iuoitK mii(! i|ii iili iy Hnli'i'ii. Ill ciilo r,

— -------- jmtl— l ih r l r — H rp tlm — iJtrlKi—

Baby V anta VestsV a n ta v e s ts fo r liiiliic«. W

— —— p in R 'tir ‘ ln ittnnsv '"n 'ir” nit~Tlvriioii-vlirinkaM c. .Miiiii<-npi>lisa f l c r all is tin* In-sl................. !

M»ln Floor.

Fold-Over Shirtsi te m llinf (llic c iiniiot lin v e -to r

• o f. T liis is II" [ lu r licu la r ly


_ Baby W ool Hose 2 iiii ih y wool liOHi' ill blnclv iiiul

- fo r -Kunic lia l»iuH r-2-for^ .-~ .... In fants' Section.

Knit Suits $1 Lei_ . . Iviiit huilH..AIl.WQ<»l,-;tnn, wj>i:

hn iw ii pnnlH. iiiiil _vicc .vcrw i; 4 y o i in ; v iilucs , to if-’.rii).

. Ic.s.-i......... .... .......... .......Main F lo o r . .. .

........: ---------- - ■—


i t ’s W e iS i ibargains


iced that the -peopli!.,like I

electfid some, items for this i-e timely and useful.. Eeat Ice out .shQppins. list, Yp far your money will go.

.... -1___SiUcITubing.^PerSilk <iiliiii|{' for. 111.' I

L .nio.sl |><i]iiil»r nliaiU‘H oL

^ ~ iH - ry a r i iO rifcu Cuo.lii SlcII

32-lnch Gingl: 6-Y dsr$l

;i2-ini'li ifinKli'iMis'. in hn i-P*;;' viTj' ts'ood cnido

) ami M’car Wfll, nl H yaiMnln Floor.

\a ili'i 'i 27-Inch Outing, 5. y<m, A lii-;ivy >rraMi‘ oC oiilii'iinmi'd iinil.diii-k slinili's;. 27-i(ill «jf A tipci'ial for Fridny aiu

w_c'uaL. y."!*''':j-.;...................slia.i.'n - , M»ln

...........Pillow C ises .I 'illnw casrsT ' O ne nf '2750 l"-»Mds. ‘■i’. '. i i i n f . -I2x:«

' • » - l l tn Kond iiricci'jiii ------------ . . Mala- Floor.

» 51 . Natural/C rash' ' I ‘ l.'i liii'ii Si]iiar.’ nutiiral

'’’"''jl linl.^d iinit__Hl.aiiii>ctl. f AA .!.''<itni, riosK iiicliidPi

.‘I IO; M.miil .................• I'loce Ooo.li Sect

Voile Negligee:<iwii llic i’.undi-uinl-yt'Uow-voili! Hilk und HcKliKfr. HtnmpctI’- flmlcd. RfKitliir $ l,« rv . ..$ 1 .0 0 Art Deiiartmci:

Stamped RomFStftiiipp((^made ttp roini

-------u ly A rn .clii-cknm U Tiiil.K lO M .slnir..-'rl,.l>; .... -------•• .51*0® .Scediework •Seclln

ced $1 . j i~ ~ \hilc witli / \

hliiililiy / • >i - .5 l .0 0 / . '

I'— vnliii'i ....$ 1 .0 0

r ™ S ‘ ■- - - - Ni}.!,fl(5Xf«t,

> $ 1 in unothvr-tul .wliilo. 4 iW .i.ounds. KHI pi_uciuisailX______ DQilud-*. is a.hpniity.„..J5 1 . 0 0 ^ . . , Unj uon*. fon un f x t r

~ "Tlipsp nre t-onie 1-ess • ’ - 1i-«isl w ithMl; 2 uild.. . — "0. Dollur..... $ 1 .5 0 . .

■Ut^ TIM ES' ' . '

s e k - e n d■ I

F r i d a y a n d. Wc have I r i c . l In

of llii.H iiicrt-liandiM tlic snlc. Imt u'.‘ Ilic l.'ii'.'tli o f lill 'imiiililic.s,- will i:«;

D a i n t y D r eTwit d a in ty 'drf.'vsc.t. nnc ]i.-a<4i. S lniiipi-i size'* - a n d 3 yi'ui'H

Muin FlB a b y D r e a

................................. Mnliy ' drcvsi-M, ' com■ ritic wliilc Inwn tri

» und law . A K'lod oMnln Ft

" C h i l d r e n ’ s G— .....- ( 'hildrcM •« ploVOH. ;

- >;lnv.'. SizcK Jl lo 7i iilar vatu.', nt

Mnln FWool K n itt

H ere Ih K<»id, iicwh is pla tiiiini; a p ice.

- to payat Cash I.lm-H jii.l-rim-, ill'is week- ......'s;,™ead over.. C enter Pi<x O U .W l l l , _ Ceiitcc.j!i(;ecs..Con’

n.'cdl.i woavf an d t • 1- tan. Keinilnr $Y.2r>-

! e r _ Y d . „ $ l _ *— G i n g h a m E• under v e s t; ^iu(;|tnm dr. hL (ircliid..yol-^ nn . In 14 v e:■ViiL-iriin-.’L-iJ'L"'__..J'un-'acUoQj-is 'mnsi j..........;;...$1 .0D Mjil'n'Fk

G i f t T o w e l i g h a m s , - J.■$1 niir 'iinp ijiin^ iv iiip r

hiniill elieokri. bi'oidery; Large k: ido; will wnKlt Art Depnry a rd s ....$ 1 .0 0 ' —

, SYds. $1 •, . ,, , Ivory Hunp, nicilliimlllmn in llRlll Almond cocoii oil. to :i7-iiicli w idth. WliUe Nuiulm. laiind and Snt'nrdnv. U'“'X- ■''« lie“>t'

S I c io I.III, lurRo-nUe. roRti......... -jlli„o,-l,«.t wash-Hr

(lie Bure to uae ui . u u - m

Ilf llip best.Jxitij. t)ct them T a b l e o f C•imr p r . $ 1 . 0 0 ^Ve are ahvayK iKl.

' .'nrsem nnd yon wis h S q u a r e 'vahi.-s nm'onk thum•al craKli, liand ’ . ' 7 , /. flyitn? ' dtirk ' W o p l . B a t t sidPil. ' H e p i la r W ool b u t t ; j u s t 1................$ 1 . 0 0 .JfixliO; a baby i|iul

IliilU a t .................:e e a t $ 1 , Downstaiile coiithlncil. i l l . B r e a d B o x e iipcd. fiow! in- - A Micdluiii size b ir),-for..-.$1.00- cnnmcl, (in; w ill Ur

A spceiiil nl ......m p e r s $ 1 DoWnnu.oinpcrs for the ' B e d 'R o o m ?nr-nldr':>-pllniv---Onrii' ’I 'h n t-n o ld 'l : {iicliidcd. ]{i*i;- n -wnrm fclv' .slippi'

.... ....... $ 1 .0 0 --llr tr ti;. • Nrw slilpm.-cllon. Mnln K

• \ SPEfOM

\ W o o l -

W B l a n l


4 1.2 U

-iii^inniiitud ^rith WTipllt'H r to W ^ f 1 tl to conic fo r n looic. If you wnnt a Ny< SJt, thn t weighs I 1-2 poiiiidaT'we hav uT-all-wnol one, wnrn nnd filling, b I piT cent Virifiu wool, Hiu G8x80, \ y. A fourth one ia inire. wool, wire 6(1 xtrn Ju trc oiie, 7^x8j.„ I'tirojivool, wc lie nnd th c ^ Jo 'a iv

— - A f i p p d V ^ i ^ p T D r B ^ .;


I D o l la rn d S a t u r d a y ■............................... .................. 4»lnK-llipr, -1

to proviilc enough Wrli;■disc (0 lusl tliroiiisli llair uln ciil Wl- can't. Kimraiitec

" '7la.st. I.ome .-nrly. Wairr wav.ti

I nAtural wnv

) r e s s e s a t $ l ' ' ‘ei.si-.s., Um: yellow- voile, Knn.IkBrchlai

w r 'ilfS,'■ai-H........................ $ » . 0 0 „ i, i„ „ „ „J Floor. Men's hu'ndhr e 8 8 e » a t $ l - .ebiniilctely ' made, of fort 'an.l "ko

lriim np(l.w itb tucks Snop".....................« - o » S S - " ™ , . '

‘ Unnr-’ ’ jirlcii Ih-kIiii G 1 6 v f e s a t $ l'H, A dandy eajio icid • __> 7i ITiirk brown. Keif-. n t ................... .$ 1 .0 0 .n Floor.

k i t t i n g S k e i n s ........... v"," -'‘" " i ,cwH for tin- ono who ^l.f 'ikln )icc.' o f . k liltlinc. Wc blfiek, at ' wool l<nil(ini; worsted, Twenty »ii ;; .'olors of Kray, reJ. ,

-at the liri.'c of ft.tlr...................... i i . w —

leiiurimcnt. - *> i iP i e c e s a t $ 1

id tnotnic elotli; color, , .•.a:., now.... ;. .. .. .$ i.o d

I D r e s s e s . a t $ l - . - ......... C o l l adresses; jiisl. u few. .Sninrl (. 11

isl iinu-tienl....... $1«0 0 - '$2.2r>: now'Floor. . .

^ e l s , 5 f o r $ 1 > P e q iy Kwil (iradc of eol- I’e'iiio vesl n n r 'd r r n n im p lf ' ■Ciu'~'mi<= lliTli^; !• hire; 'i fo r....$ 1 .0 0 . Kine (iiinli epnrimeat. . .

^ ~ ~ n R u b b e ib O c l D Utiblicrueill..n iS,. I, m ......S J1. lollei H0«1I 20 for..51' niiiDiT Iinutindry nap, :iO f o r .$ l , ,calth noiip; .18 for....« l B l u e 'roKtilnr 3<c; 0 for...$ lI- Ilay lio«p,-SO for...,Sl- — .Miildic:t-Ji10 uu directed, Tho rc- ’ for the h

^ ‘ yards forF C o r s e t s $ 1 j .

addinK to’lju r dpllnr L » m e n I I will find cxceptioniilhcni. (Jorsets..... $ 1 .0 0 Meneheil,•Sccttntir;---------------- ---------- for.ttin to, t t s P r i c e d $ 1 « ^s t Ihl* size fx>r erilisV r a j a mip iill is thc nicest Kift. I'^or dniiit)............................. ..$ 1 .0 0 piijiirnn.ehnstalra. . woam; HG'x e s , S p e c i a l $1. ’ _ . ..... .• l.remt box of white V a c a l1 keep Ihc hrend tnnist. • fiiiiKhitina...............................$ 1 .0 0 I'lc. Best

•nnmim. - fii.st colorm S l i p p e r s $ 1ld 'bcdrootn-flonn~<lct:----------- • —ippcr to slip info first . Kvi'r-fa.sl,, Ipnu^ir.*fin'sl7.'cH,.$r.00 laaieriflf .i In Floor. inelien.wid ------------------^ ^ ---- j rie<

A l l )•nTAT . - All-wool

Hdiool drc brown nni

)l-nap G h i i d r .; f;h51(lren’s

• • Sires r> to

i k r e t s ' G l a s s 'Tuinhlenithat doesii

^ . d 5 M e a t1................................................... Ment cho : . .......................... .. . . ..ivoud;-COI

lct.s,. ci'c. '!

n}7.y. C l o......... - ............................. .^mull^ixo2 LBS. Jo r^ ^ ------------zf-_----- ‘-vrvrrw

HliihkntsT - “W e in— i.Nyool mixed blnnkct, have n dnndy. There — inaKatitiesr. Bizo .C»i.80._wciitlifl_____ m iD ulam0, weigh* onli’ 4 1-2- u ' - r ClitBO. weighH f> Ibw. ; - , 5 n o lin .i i ■ J ” " “

K i l e» ' . , . iltm tly W i_; . . . : ......:..AMLDrc»

- . ... :24-J1jk. ; ,

^^L^^tSDAY, OCITODER H, 102^-

' S a le s ^ ,a o o d N o tio n s . •^■•lf.^•.-2-' or........ ............. „ . . . a S « - ‘ - ------------*• -/riKlit'K, mbtil nll Volurs. .

ciiUlnuin; uusurtud a lies j~ bronto,-rlcca lirKln ........... - ........'........IOC *collnr Imndn for Ihu women whorl« ................... ................... -....lO env.trs; conilin tliul produco n iiottwnvc '..... ..•...........................- t o tcullon; ull colors; n Kond nltorich, Z for..... ..'........ ..........10,6

hlofn, llni-n. colored nqunren,rr.l,,JCu or 2 for.„......... 1 .....Z S tilch rlhbonn. brlRhl novelUus andI-n - .......... ................. ..........1 S «ndkerchlcfs; Just Inside tho door.rscncy ----------------- --- ------1 0 6«, cup flhntte or frlnse; for com-"Kiidd i6bVn.'.:;r.;".-::.'.;-‘.....;.;.'..'..'.;.;iDi ■Inrni.my und 3 Moro; ull nlies;.1 white ................ ................ 1 0 6Inn; nil Nlzm, Kolit nnd nllver;'Kill 1 0 6 ul pyen; blni:k or white; nU num- vcniPtit cnrdn; be(ln nt....... 1 0 6

S h o e s . • . 'n'l RO wronR on Uii'io. A few ' ......................

h'Rh nhocn. All Selby shoot.(In nnd rulfnkln, hrown endtit V.......... ........ .......-.....'....Sl.OO’

iilnrdy thlldrcn'. "Wo hnvo n: hIioo*. for ench. - IlrowD-««lf------- - - •values ' lo ' »n.60: ’only twoniy.. :...........$i oo-| ■ __ed and l.e a th e r BagsrJended Itnd leather. Now ine-ffir-ir-new 011??,—ana''now !«' • • — ..........

to hny. Hood chqicc....$ l'.00 Notion l)epn'rhne"nl.

liar and C uff Sets.^ llar nnd Cliff hoIh with vent;

inw a t ..^..._„.....^.™ .....^$1.00• Mftlrf Floor. - ■ . '• ■ ‘ ■'

sque V ests in Ecruvests in ccni- nnd white. iliiHfc u T j^ ir i ic ^ 'f iS - 'y o n r inif KiTiC”iinlity peijiio............... .......$ 1 .0 0

Matn Floor.

ber .House Aprons $1ized hoiifiu upron.s. A good »k- It of p re tty eretoiine.s w ith linintr. L ight nnd- d o rk ..$ 1 .0 0

Notion .liepariment.l e T w i l l f o r . M i d d i e s!t—liro -tho-,bcKt-^»tylo-of-wear - . v ' T.iicliool K*rl. Hero is mid<])'. V daiic ■ Mile,. laHt color, nfv 3 . . . . \ .

fo r ' ..................................... $ 1 .0 0riece Ooo.l» Sccllon. • .I Toweling, 3 Yds. $ l>11 txiwulinK iu hlcnciicd or un« ll, ir>-inchoK wide; a dandy

towels, yiirdK for..... $ 1 .0 0.Main Floor.

&ma: Check, 6 Yds. $1ility Imnd-niadc wnderwenr. uso ehcck; o iiovellj' material th u t

.'<G inelicn w ide; G yarda..$ liO O Mftip ^loor.

i^tion 'Gihgliams $1-mn for aprons, dreme^, elirtdnfi,•si brand “ V acation’.’ RinRhnnt;ilors, :i ynrds-.-.'...............$ 1 .0 0

Muin Floo/. ,Ever-fast-Suiting— ---------- —iV-.Nl'i-liut . i u , nil juilof^.-.-Tl»n----- --------------II the home Kewer. loves: H6 wide, iftianilitfed; 2 yd ii...$1 .00 I'loce Goods Bcctlon.

I W o o l S e r g e a t $ 1>l Kergc;; jn s t thn thing Tor;. drcssi'H; colors of hliic, Rreon, nnd red ; per yard...——$ 1 )100.Ploco Qoodfl. Socllon. ' „ ■"

Irenes .Hose, 6 Pr.- '$1n ’s bosp. WcMtoni Girl brant]. • ,to n 1.2. In colors of .black and


IS Tum blers, 22 a t $1;m for every day u so ,, Uio. k lnd le sn’t 'b rc a k cosily,‘y<t *

DownsWr*. " ,

sat Chopjpimg Boardschopping b oard ; good h a rd.eoiivwiituiLfoc.HUuilu jm d _ £ u t.— . -------'c.'T lct^U r $1,^5; noM r.:~.$l«00

DownslAlrs. *Hothes Eeiskets $1 :,:'CHixe-cintlieS'-b'aKkott n goo'dlpne.»_Hmall-or cxtni.-ffqBh; r e g u l a r _________

lew Bungalow N et _bungalow ‘ iieL ' Mentioned In ’ ~ incs and drapery o ircu lam .a i a 'j . . \ d j u lp t f - C u r t f t i a : J g jd a . J l iQ O . , : . . —

„Z)oWMUlr«.' -g a I o w : . A p r 6 i u , 2 a t $ l — *I tciv burigalonr aprfffiirr liirp^n“ ■" "T tT TnKde.'ofn)onjai8.“ A downttfllt«' .

I a t 2 fojrrJ.___— ...... . . ^ 1 .0 0 . ';rrh--... Dow njiiTn'' . . t l ' .

i t d i e n S c « J e » f o r $ 1 ' :t WtcK'en-Rcklcs for Vho canning ! . J j . . . •

r.t^,«Jt.-dnyH:. 3 -c ig l ia .j ip . :.J.J.DOW ....... I II-lil I 4 l i !__ —