mm1 tw&Tir" v .. . sa-- . . cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 ri - Evening Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN. : sr Vol. VIII. No. 1558 HONOLULU. TKKKITORY'OP HAWAII, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900. Price 5 Oentb. Flag Raising bj S'adents at St. Louis College The St. Louis College people had a function of their own, In tlio flag-raisi- line, this morning, which was n tnoet Interesting occasion to the teach era, scholars, nnd a large assemblage of parents, friends and Invited guests, prominent among tbo latter being Ills Lordship the Bishop of Panopolis, Rev. Father Valentin and others of the clergy. In the nbsenco of Brother Bertram tho affair was taken In charge Thomas; Brother Francis hav- - Ing' charge, as usual, of tho musical exercises, l The evonts commended at 9 o'clock, a march being played "by the Bt. Jlxmla Collego band. A. K. Murphy, tho' orator of tho occasion followed In a spirited address which was attuned to suit tho capacity of his young hear- ers and which well deserved upplauso at their hands. A chorus, "My Country 'tis of Thee" made tho welkin ring, followed by u "Flag-raisin- g Medley" after which n beautiful specimen of "Old Glory," a present from Baltlmoro friends to tho college, was hoisted slowly to the peak nmld deafening cheers. Other mimical ovents followed which added greatly to tho enjoyment of tho occasion. Tho program was enclosed In masterly exe- cuted original design' of border, tho work of Brother Robert nnd was re- garded as a much desired souvenir. CORNWELL-LON- G. Just previous to the depurtmu'of the Mauna Loa Wednesday forenoon Mrs. Ircno M. Long (nco Buchanan) nnd W. II. Cornwell, Jr., wero marrii-- .. homo of Rov. W. M. Klnculd. Only tho members of tho family were pres- ent. Tho newly married couplo took passago on tho Mauna Loa for Maa- - laea. From thero they weut to Wal-kap- u whero thoy will mako tlilr home. t DpunkH All Discharged. Jin the Police Court this morning tho nnn chnrccd with drunkenness lined up beforo Judge Wilcox and, finYlng" pleaded guilty, Juugo wiicox repri- manded nnd discharged them all, say ing that ho would allow them to go without being linod because yesterday was Admission Day. lie warned tho men not to get drunk ngnln on Admis- sion Day and, curiously enough, they all bowed solemnly and thanked tho Judge. - Ivonhoe fop Sound. Tho Ivanhoo sailed for Royal Roads In ballast this forenoon. Orders will vory probably bo awaiting her at that nlace. Just beforo the Ivanhnu hailed five men were put aboard by tho water front police. Thcso fellows deserted several days ago and the pollco were' kept busy finding them. Yesterday, tho last ono was found nnd so the Ivan-ho- c was nblo to get away today. 9 Native Boys to Jail, Bcven native boys wero arrested along the wharves this morning by Detective Kaapa on tho charge of va- grancy. Ho found them asleep In boxes and on bundles of bags In vnrloua places and, being old offenders, decided to arrest them. In tho Police Court this forenoon, tho young men were each sentenced t(f six months' Imprisonment at hard labor. Gont's Hcrmsdorf dye black hox su- perior quality, two pairs for 25 cents, at L. B. Korr & Co.'s, Queen street for ano week only: don't fall to seo them. NOTICE. To Our Englkh-Speakln- Ftlem's: The Chine merchants and residents of the Hawaiian Is ands. represented bv the undesigned, "elng desirous nf pr vlding for th'lr sons a thorough and comprehen- sive educitlon In Eng Ish, raised in pledijes from August to Decembe1, sufficient funds to jutifv them In undertaking to ereU comm'Hllous buildliiRS for thl purp se In Kamake'a. The contract was let ar.d me main DuiuingiMiuuiiy uimiucicu, when the ttUz t broke out and InfMf.inted the WO k. AS VOU Well know, our ccuntn men have the greatest suffereis irom th'S euldeinic and the fire con ected with It. Con cogently thnM. who subscribed toua'd the Fchotil enterp'lte, belrs called upon to donate large sums for the te Id o their fellowcounm men wno nave suurrcu leverely fmm he fire, find themMlves un- able to fulfill their pledges at pr sent. The m iin building Is now on the p Int of com pletion, ar.n ihe ui'itwc'or, himself hontc-Us'- Is In r.r.t necJ uf Ins monry. In this emrrRency and be mi c we be- lieve yim rect'Kil" tli.tt our in. Ikes in uiidertaUIng tn's entciprlns vtie pliilan-thropl- our ni Ject a coniinrd4'le rn, and ill it we are In no r l (sill 'or h Mralts In which we now IiikI iurt.vrsi we therefore snUlt S'Ch cniiltlluilhiisKi mir prfiU I'reJ n mir tinillif will allow, SniJ !! c si nr pledge U W') Hdx yl, HchioUiUi, very nM'w 'iy y ; ISIMHI (ill I I h.M. I All O. PROGRESS IN ROAD MAKING Honolulu Will Soon Havo Greatly ImproYid Equpment, Hjders Implements Ordered Otelrudln Prop- erty OffDtn-W- utk BelDg Pushed In Mrtnt Rrutoi. , Good progress is being made by Road Supervisor-Marato- n Campbell In street Improvements, considering the absence of adequate working machinery. Thero Is only a single stone crusher with u capacity of but 40 cubic yards of 'ma- cadamizing material a day. Within about two months the road department will be In possession of two crushers with a capacity or 150 tons a day each. Instead of tho slow process of shovel- ing their grists Into carts, tho carts will bo driven under a hopper and .thus speedily loaded. Beretnnla avenuo extension lo King Btrcct will, however, be ready for top metaling within a few days and thnt work will bo expedited as much as pob- - slblo. Vineyard street extension from nlvcr to Llllha street Is also being pushed, and Its macadamizing will fol- low tho laying of sewers In it. A gang will bo sent out on Manoa valley road next Monday. Tho approaches to Tan- talus road aro being repaired, the mountain road Itself being In excellent condition. King street widening out Llllha way Is progressing, delayed somewhat by negotiations wmi proprietors. Former Minister A. Young, Joining In nn Inter- view tho road maker was giving the Bulletin, commented strongly on the shortsighted attitude of proprietors generally regarding street Improve- ments. Mr. Campbell said that the proprietors In Honolulu had a raro good thing trom tho road department. In Its doing freo for them services of frpntago betterments which In Main- land cities cost them dearly. A big portion of tho filling needed for widen ing King street Just beyond Llllha Btrcct has already lccn done. Tho department has coming to It two steam rollers of 38.000 and 26,000 pounds respectively. A pressure of 750 pounds to tho squaro Inch will be ex- erted by tho layer one. Thoy aro gear- ed for two speeds, the minimum gait being about that of tho old machine now In use, nnd tho mnxlmum twice as speedy. Street sprinkling is also shortly to bo revolutionized. Instead of the four carts now splashing their brief routes, there will be twelve sprinkling carts employed. Tho cny will be divided In- to districts for their operation, nnd tho dust nuisance will be abolished. When all tho Implements ordered havo nrrlved. Mr. Campbell says. Ho nolulu will have as tine a road-makin- g plant as any city on tho Mainland. Another Improvement Is In bridges, culverts and cross drains. A steel bridge Is to bo erected on Berctanla avenuo extension auu another on School street For narrow spans wood- en bridges ore being replaced with stone culvertB. One of ot span has been put into Wyllle street Drains aro being laid with vitrified Ironstone pipe, discarded sewer pipe being all right for the purpose. 1 he Last Registration. It was three minutes past 4 o'clock on the 13th Inst, the last day of the Republic of Hawaii, when the McCully tract deeds were entered for record by Goo. H. Paris In tho Registry of Con veyances. Tho consideration of 1140.000 In the instruments called for "W stampage. Had tho recording been de- layed until the birth of tho Territory of Hawaii, tho following day, war taxea would havo swelled the stamp duties to 91540. Ship Dlrlgo Here. Tho American Dlrlgo, Geo. W. Good- win master, arrived In port this fore- noon C3 days from Hongkong with 1100 tons ot ballast She comes to load sugar for C. Brewer & Co. and, like the Ersklno M. Phelps, will go around tho Horn. Captain Uoodwln Is accom- panied by his wife. An American was ono of the first to win tho Victoria Cross In tho prcscul South African war. Ho Is Charles J. Snruco. a natlvo of Kenosha, Wis, A few years ago ho went to aoutn Africa, In tlmo to be n member ot Jameson's raiders. After tho raid ho returned to this country, but when tho war began ho went over to England and enlisted In a cavalry regiment Ho won tho cross by rescuing a wounded comrade. HONOLULU t SCHOOL -O- F- SkNUnl am Typsf rlili IMY ANO NlOIIT CUSSRS A, COWAN, Hoomiimi, 4llQi HIIYM- - 1 1Vtrv H MUXIIM'bS I .(H.'k ir r 4- - riRST TELEGRAPH MESSAGE. Tbi first message, to be Hashed through spaco without wires wilt be delivered from the Inaugural platform In front of tho Capitol build ing tomorrow afternoon nt 2:30. This will bo tho first demonstration of the practicability of tho Marconi system of wireless telegraphy ever given In the Islands and will doubtless draw a largo crowd of interested observers as well as a good sized representation of ''tho philanthropic citizen! prepared to bid a high figure for the possession of tho original f.seage. jrK , As has been previously announced this first message will bo sold at auction by Will E. Fisher. Tho proceeds .of the sale aro to bo delivered to such public charity as tho succssstul bidder mfty designate. Added to this will be tho $50 which Mr. Fl.jher pnys for tho privilege of con- ducting tho salo. The message will bo sent from tin recently established station at Kalmukl and a temporary station at tho Capitol building. Tho Instru- ments will bo oporated by Mr. Bowdcn, tho expert In chief In cbargo of tho Installation, assisted by Mr. Hobbs and Fred J. Cross, manager of the Inter-Islan-d Telegraph Company, THE GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL Governor Dole said this morning, answering an Inquiry for news, that thero would be "a meeting of 'lie Executive on Monday." "You aro going to hold regular councils, then, with tho heads of de- partments?" "Yes," the Governor replied. Before tho foregoing Intervlow, tho reporter bad a chat with tho Secretary of the Territory whom ho met casual- ly at tho Judiciary building. Mr. Cooper spoko of tho Executive Coun- cil's regular sessions under tho Repub- lic as having been "n great source of strength to tho Government" It Is tho cabinet Idea which Mr. Dulo tried to have Incorporated In tho Ter- ritorial bill, hut tho American mem- bers of tho Hawaiian Commission did not deem It expedient to glvo It tho force of law. TERRITORIAL N0TB8. Secretary Cooper occupies tho suite ho occupied when Minister of Foreign Affairs before ho becamo Attorney Gen- eral. Ho is well pleased with the rooms, considering them tho best In tho Executive hullding. ( ', Beforo Justice Frcar administered the oath of offlco to Governor Dole, bo had to bo sworn Into offlco as n United States Justice himself. Henry Smith, the veteran clerk of the Supremo Court, gave tho oath to him as First Associate Justice, his commission as Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court not having yet been received. The only spectator of the ceremony was tho city editor n( tho Bulletin. Justlco Frcar turned round and administered tho oath to Mr. Smith. This was nt 9:30 yesterday morning. Tho first ofllclal act of 8ecreUry Cooper was to sign tho advertisement of appointments by the Governor on Admission Day for publication in the Bulletin. . Robberies on Llllha Street. 'Robberies have been qulto frequent ot late along In tho Japaneso and Chi- nese quarter on Llllha street The other night a Japanese had a pair of pants with $40 In tho pockets, stolen from his room. Last night, a China- man entered the house ot a Japanese and walked right past one of the own-er- a of the place and his wife who wero both sleeping soundly. Ho obtained some money and was in the act ot when he was Been by the other owner. A tuBsle resulted, during the progress of which ono of tho members of Bowers' Merchant Patrol happened along. Tho Chinaman wns arrested and taken to tho pollco station. His case came up tnls morning but was con tinued. Honolulu Girls Distinguished. In the commencement oxorcIseB of tho Duralnlcnn College at San Rafael, Cat, on May 31 the Misses Ena of Ho- nolulu had conspicuous parts. Clarice was In a vocal quartet that sang Chad-wick- 's "Spring Song." Daltiy and Clailco played violins and Mary one of tho pianos In tho Lustplel Overture wherein seventeen Instrumentalists took part Tho sisters sang "The Twi- light Star" by Barnby ns n trio, nnd with Miss Jane Jeffries mado up tho quartet for "Tho Primrose" by Plnsutl. Mary Ena was ono of tho four accom- panists ot tho exercises. Tho Misses Enn wero enthusiastically applauded for tholr singing and playing. Lnst Call (or Nclll Bents. Tomorrow will bo tho lust day when Reason tickets can bo had at Wall, N'lchuls Company for tho coming Nlll engagement nt tho Hawaiian Oiina IIoiibu, Monday morning thero will lie a rush for the single night tlcluM. Mall rcqiicHtH havo been coming In fiom some uf tho outlying sections mid llllo. Acting Ti'ciiHiirui't Hie f I in y II, l. Cooper Is iiutlllg ,111 Tli nbiiiir of Urn Territory, imiidliiit nil ninlriliiii'iit by Din (lovenmr. 0vii' liur Mole, wiild Ihriu wan iiotlilim limv fur iilillniiiii Imliiy, )leile thn nlllrii nr Tri'iiNUier, Hint nr t'oiiimn-wIiiih- t nf AHllnilliiiP will It In In )nl, 4 ROBERT HALSTEAD IS DEAD A flguro strongly Identified with tho development of Hawaiian resources passes from view In tho dcmlso of Rob- ert Hnlstcad, He died at his houso in Mnklkl nt 8:30 last night, when most of his friends had only Just become apprised of his Illness. Mr. Halstead was about town but n few dnys beforo his death. Robert Halstead was best known as tho founder of Wnlalua plantation nnd as ono of Hawaii's successful sugar planters. Ho has been In thcso Islands for the term of a generation. His birthplace wns Todmordcn, Yorkshire, England, mm his natal dato August 10, 183G, which tnado him In his 64th year. Mr. Hnlstcad leaves a wlfo and six children. Mrs. Halstead and two daugh ters, Mrs. W. O. Lackland and Mrs. R. II. Held, wero the only members of tho ,'nmlly present nt tho last parting with ltishand nnd father. Edgar and Frank ire in Europe, Norman nnd Emily In .ho Stutcs. Mr. ..nlstcau was ot u strikingly kind llsposltlon nnd a man of rare business opacity. His loss will be generally re setted. Ho was a member of the An-;llc- communion In St Clement's :hurch, Mnklkl, also a Freo Mason. Tho funeral wlic take- - place from Masonic . cmplo, In chargo ot Lodge In t'rogrcB, nt 3:30 .u.s afternoon. NUCLEUS OP CHINATOWN. The Japaneso and Chlneso seem to have hit upon the lower end ot Llllha street nnd tbo Immediate vicinity ns .he beginning of n new Chinatown. Frame buildings are being erected with astonishing rapidity, llofoio long, fully a quarter of a mile ot Llllha street, on each filde, will be lined with buildings. The Orientals are In such a hurry to enter their new Quarters that tncy en tcr beforo the houses are halt finished and then have the carpenters build up around them. The locality chosen Is Just proper for the collection of .a of all kinds. The road being, several feet above tin level of the land. It is necessary to raise tho houses, thus leaving all Kinds of spaces underneath for such Indus tries as tho batching ot duck eggs la mauure. Residents of the vicinity nro begin nlng to "kick" most strenuously. Judiciary, Courtesies. A luncheon, was given oy Judge Stanley, retiring Judgo of the Circuit Court, to his frlcnns and associates ot the court at his homo on Beretnnla street yesterday. Following Is a list ot the. guests: E. A. Mott-Smlt- h, Attorney General K. P. Dolo, Hon. Antonio Per- ry, Hon. Geo. A. Davis, Deputy At- torney General Cathcart, Col. J. W. Jones, Harold Mott-Smit- h, Clerk of the Supremo Court Henry Smith, Geo. Lu- cas, J. A. Thompson, P. D. Kellett nnd S. C. Illddlo. The gentlemen of tho Ju- diciary department nmong the guests presented tho host with a watch guard charm hearing the Hawaiian s. Frn Dlavolo Tonight. Owing to tho sudden sickness of Mr. Orafton Uakor the Orpheuni manage- ment will withdraw "II Trovatoro" and play In its stead "Frn Dlavolo" this evening and nt tho two performance tomorrow. Air. Arnold will sing Lor- enzo, ho having several times sung thn role with Mr. Wolff. The matinee to- morrow piesnuU nn uuiihiial npporuu- - Ity to sou "Fro Dlavolo nt 2" nnd 50 cents and should Iniiig out u g I house. Hfiwnllnns In I'urls. Ill u letter f l oiu My. Viih, dated flum Paris and leeelveil hy tho last steamer. Mr. and Mrs. .(ami Wilder, MIhs Pauiiht .luilit and Mis. Woodward (neo MIhx (Iraeu ItlehiirilH) wero mentioned mi being In tho big city studying anil do- ing tho fair. They wur all Invited lo the Iioiiki nf Mis, Spicekils for luiirh-eo- n ono day uf the wick In which Mr J. Von virnlu, Tho Htudlo nf Jiimlo Wil der la ih m rlliml ns being mm nf tho prettteHt mid most mtUilii In Paris, For lino (nil ilMmu lilri t 11.00 urli U , Kerr ft On,, )iieon mrmii, Thvsf tlilrla lira strictly liliili Kru im Id sin! quality, ADVICE TO THE LABORERS Japanese Consul Salto Seeds Timely Circular to HI, People. Points Out to Tbem How to Best Sure Tbelr lo- - Uresis Counsels Against Leaylog Piac tdiljus auo Watideriog. A gteat deal of interest has been urouscd recently In tho circular that has Just been sent out to tho various plantations by Mlkl Salto, Japaneso representative here. Mr. Snlto was seen by n Bulletin reporter this morn ing nnd. In answer to questions asked said that tho circular was nothing more thnu a word of advice to tho Ja panese to remain on their respective plantations. "Why do you deem It necessary to offer such advice, Mr. Salto?" was ask- ed. "You sec, there Is n tendency to on tho part of some of the Japaneso and now thnt they aro no longer subject to their contracts, there seems to bo a disposition to wander about between the plantations." Asked for n gist of tho circular sent out Mr. Salto gave the following-off- ' hand translation: "By tho Admission Act of the Ha waiian Islands, passed by the 5Gth Con grrss ot tho United Stntcs tho contracts of tho Japanese laborers brought hero since AiiRUst 1, 1S9S, me now null nnd void. You aro now freo nnd you may work on the plantations ns free labor- ers. "I havo been Informed that some of you aro very anxious to know what your status Is to be after Juno 14. Some of you have left your work or your own freo will while others have been per- suaded to leave by disturbers. "My own Idea of Biich a course Is that It Is most unwise to listen to the ndvlco of such peoplo an- - stop your work. 1 should like to offer you a bit of advice. 'No matter what changes may tako placo In tho political situation here, thero Is no particular difference. You aro tho working clars ar-- you aro la boring In a country ruled over oy one of the best governments In tho world. "Upon leaving Japan, you promised to work In peace under tho conditions Impohod. Thero Is no reason why you should bo anxious about the changes. All tho agents of tho Immigration com panies aro going to assist you, particu- larly nt this time so that you may not lose anything by working on tne plan tations. You had better Join hands with them In tholr work for your wel- fare. "In case you wish to leave your pres- ent work it would be better If you would report to tho agent of the Im- migration company under which you contracted. You have already been as- sisted by them. "In caso you are at a loss for future means of livelihood, consult tho plan- tation manager under whom you serve, your ugent or this consulate. Anyone who wishes to leavo the plantation for which he works and takes to wander- ing about, may naturally Joso the con- fidence of tho plantation people. This wouid undoubtedly cause a great loss to your futuro pocket book.." Hagey Cure I.I tigs Ion. Thomas Mllner Harrison has flled-n- amended declaration-I- n his assumpsit suit for $10,000 against J. A. Magoon, F. B. McStocker, u C. Ames nna uoro-the- a Emerson nco Lamb. Ho clulms under nn nllegcd ngrcement mndo nt Auckland, New Zealand, on September 20. 1897, with himself and Alfred Ed- ward Gllmoro by tho defendants nnd T. E. Cownrt, J. II. Klrkpatrlck, George D. Moore. A. E. Powter and James Wolfendcn, of theirs under the name of Tho Arrlcan I'acliic ami Indian Hacey Company. In this docu ment It wns agreed that Tasmania st'uld be tho company s placo or oust t and that thn plalutlir should man-It- s n If a Ira there. - - Will Chunge ISndgcs. h She: Iff A. M. Brown nnd Depu-.iia- h Slierirr Charles Chllllngworth nro tho only mien In tho pollco depart ment llmt will ncd lo have tho letter- ing tm their budges changed. The badge of the huter will undoubtedly be very much crowded. All tho badges aro "Honolulu Police" or "special rouco ho thai no change? nro needed theie. Tiihing the On ill. (lovcrnmiiit otllclnls wero taking tho oath or olllce. with ullegliiueo lo tho I'liltcd States, nt tho Judicial y oltlco tliU nun nlng. Tho deputy cIuiks nt Iho Judicial y wero swoin by Cleilt Henry Smith first or ull. nnd their oaths placed on III". lllh OF JUNK. Hawaiian mid American UnM vnn be gotten In Iwiiliiiiiil'H Morn, Hotel cirw. llmbiiDl Kipling, iirrnnlliiK In l,nn. dim miiiniinrriilllilH, In (it visit the United Hliitcit unit nuluiiill. Til" an. tiiiir Hiiyit Im lima nut u ltl rnriimr Hllii'im iiKiiiiiM im' AHUTinin minm" i Supreme Court Justices Id a Mulkr Position "The court will meet on Monday, but will adjourn without doing business," Justice Frcar said In answer to an In- quiry about the Supremo Court term due on Monday. "No business can be dono while the court remains unfilled. If It wero mere- ly a case of nn nbscnt or disqualified member, a substitute could bo appoint- ed nnd the court thus legally constitu- ted. Thero Is an absolute vacancy, however, ono member of tho conrt bo-In- g ' "Justlco Whiting nnd myself hold over until our successors nnd tho full number of Justices are appointed. So far as we two are concerned wo nro qualified to sit, out have no power to appoint a third Justlco oven tempor- arily. "v. . '"1 hcio will be tlmo for"the new com- missions to arrive Miythe Mariposa next Wednesday. Then, If.MrrGal-bralt- h receives his commlsslonhls two colleagues would havo power to ap- point n substitute for him should lie he delayed In coming to Honolulu, to tiko his sent" THE INAUGURAL QALL. Ono of the largest dancing assemblies ever seen In Honolulu wns thnt which mado up the Admission Day ball last night Thousands of peoplo nlso gath- ered In the grounds to sec tho olcctrlc Illumination, many of them staying until near the close of the ball well on this morning. The Government band nnd tho original Hawaiian Quintet Club furnished tho music. Thos. E. Krouso supplied a splendid supper In tho big pavilion on tho Hotel street side ot tho grounds. There was abun-dan- co nnd good service to tho last Division of Business. Secretary Cooper has found out thnt the conduct ot Territorial clecUoa, which used to be In tho Interior de- partment, belongs to his office. Wray Taylor continues to act aa registrar. Bo far as functions aro concerned, there nro many changes under the Territory i,n' government departments. Thn Soc- - rttary nnd tho Treasurer timao a nost ot 'things between them from the old Interior office. Public works, former- ly a bureau of tho Interior, becomes a department under tho Superintendent. Mr. Rowell, tho retiring superintendent of Public Works, will probably become a deputy. Mr. Young, tho last Minister of tho Interior, Bald this morning that there was enough work to require tho assistance not oniy of Mr. Rowell, but of two or three more practical men as deputies. "Thero Is as much work done In a week now, as waB dono In a month h few years ago," the late Min- ister remarked. Mr. McCsndleaa, the new chief, Is absont on ono of the other Islands. Death ot Mrs. Kanewanul. Mrs. Kanewanul, beloved' wife of Da- vid Kanewanul of the Auditor Gen- eral's office, died at her homo in Kapa-lam- a yesterday. Deceased gave birth to a child a few days since. Compli- cations set In which could not be with- stood. The many friends of the be- reaved husband offer their most heart felt sympathy in his hour of trouble. Thti funerai tas.es place from the late home-thi- afternoon. THE WATERMAN IDEAL FOUN-t'AI- N PEN. All Uses, all shapes. H. P. WTPHrN - r A LARGE SHIPMENT OF Boys' Shoes ... Just opened by the. Manufactarers' Shoe Co Our slock Is now replete with cod fits, Kond style and good wear. mnlf yiu cannot come In with o clilldicn, enJ thrm In nuJ lliry will r' (rive just the Mint ore and Jtiritllon, Hint tlirlr erf will be nM at Ciirelully fitMi If yni'vt'9 wllll UhmHi We'll IiMIk fool If yw'll I'Ol lltf Mill fn4 I'MHIm yotl IhM Mil lll wl(iini 1

tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol

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Page 1: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol

mm1 tw&Tir"v.. .

sa-- . .

cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher?3 ri -

Evening BulletinVOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.

: srVol. VIII. No. 1558 HONOLULU. TKKKITORY'OP HAWAII, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900. Price 5 Oentb.

Flag Raising bj S'adents

at St. Louis College

The St. Louis College people had afunction of their own, In tlio flag-raisi-

line, this morning, which was ntnoet Interesting occasion to the teachera, scholars, nnd a large assemblage ofparents, friends and Invited guests,prominent among tbo latter being IllsLordship the Bishop of Panopolis, Rev.Father Valentin and others of theclergy.

In the nbsenco of Brother Bertramtho affair was taken In charge

Thomas; Brother Francis hav- -Ing' charge, as usual, of tho musicalexercises, l The evonts commended at9 o'clock, a march being played "by theBt. Jlxmla Collego band. A. K. Murphy,tho' orator of tho occasion followed Ina spirited address which was attunedto suit tho capacity of his young hear-ers and which well deserved upplausoat their hands.

A chorus, "My Country 'tis of Thee"made tho welkin ring, followed by u"Flag-raisin- g Medley" after which nbeautiful specimen of "Old Glory," apresent from Baltlmoro friends to thocollege, was hoisted slowly to the peaknmld deafening cheers. Other mimicalovents followed which added greatly totho enjoyment of tho occasion. Thoprogram was enclosed In masterly exe-

cuted original design' of border, thowork of Brother Robert nnd was re-

garded as a much desired souvenir.


Just previous to the depurtmu'of theMauna Loa Wednesday forenoon Mrs.Ircno M. Long (nco Buchanan) nnd W.II. Cornwell, Jr., wero marrii-- ..

homo of Rov. W. M. Klnculd. Onlytho members of tho family were pres-ent. Tho newly married couplo tookpassago on tho Mauna Loa for Maa- -

laea. From thero they weut to Wal-kap- u

whero thoy will mako tlilrhome.

t DpunkH All Discharged.Jin the Police Court this morning tho

nnn chnrccd with drunkenness linedup beforo Judge Wilcox and, finYlng"

pleaded guilty, Juugo wiicox repri-manded nnd discharged them all, saying that ho would allow them to gowithout being linod because yesterdaywas Admission Day. lie warned thomen not to get drunk ngnln on Admis-sion Day and, curiously enough, theyall bowed solemnly and thanked thoJudge.


Ivonhoe fop Sound.Tho Ivanhoo sailed for Royal Roads

In ballast this forenoon. Orders willvory probably bo awaiting her at thatnlace. Just beforo the Ivanhnu hailedfive men were put aboard by tho waterfront police. Thcso fellows desertedseveral days ago and the pollco were'kept busy finding them. Yesterday,tho last ono was found nnd so the Ivan-ho- c

was nblo to get away today.9

Native Boys to Jail,Bcven native boys wero arrested

along the wharves this morning byDetective Kaapa on tho charge of va-

grancy. Ho found them asleep In boxesand on bundles of bags In vnrlouaplaces and, being old offenders, decidedto arrest them. In tho Police Court thisforenoon, tho young men were eachsentenced t(fsix months' Imprisonmentat hard labor.

Gont's Hcrmsdorf dye black hox su-

perior quality, two pairs for 25 cents,at L. B. Korr & Co.'s, Queen street forano week only: don't fall to seo them.


To Our Englkh-Speakln- Ftlem's:The Chine merchants and residents of

the Hawaiian Is ands. represented bv theundesigned, "elng desirous nf pr vldingfor th'lr sons a thorough and comprehen-sive educitlon In Eng Ish, raised in pledijes

from August to Decembe1, sufficient fundsto jutifv them In undertaking to ereUcomm'Hllous buildliiRS for thl purp se InKamake'a. The contract was let ar.dme main DuiuingiMiuuiiy uimiucicu,when the ttUz t broke out andInfMf.inted the WO k. AS VOU Wellknow, our ccuntn men have thegreatest suffereis irom th'S euldeinic andthe fire con ected with It. Con cogentlythnM. who subscribed toua'dthe Fchotil enterp'lte, belrs called upon todonate large sums for the te Id o theirfellowcounm men wno nave suurrculeverely fmm he fire, find themMlves un-

able to fulfill their pledges at pr sent. Them iin building Is now on the p Int of completion, ar.n ihe ui'itwc'or, himself hontc-Us'-

Is In r.r.t necJ uf Ins monry.In this emrrRency and be mi c we be-

lieve yim rect'Kil" tli.tt our in. Ikes inuiidertaUIng tn's entciprlns vtie pliilan-thropl-

our ni Ject a coniinrd4'le rn,and ill it we are In no r l (sill 'or h

Mralts In which we now IiikI iurt.vrsiwe therefore snUlt S'Ch cniiltlluilhiisKimir prfiU I'reJ n mir tinillif willallow, SniJ !! c si nr pledge U W')

Hdx yl, HchioUiUi,

very nM'w 'iy y ;


(ill I I h.M.I All O.


Honolulu Will Soon Havo Greatly

ImproYid Equpment,

Hjders Implements Ordered Otelrudln Prop-

erty OffDtn-W- utk BelDg Pushed In

Mrtnt Rrutoi.

, Good progress is being made by RoadSupervisor-Marato- n Campbell In streetImprovements, considering the absenceof adequate working machinery. TheroIs only a single stone crusher with ucapacity of but 40 cubic yards of 'ma-cadamizing material a day. Withinabout two months the road departmentwill be In possession of two crusherswith a capacity or 150 tons a day each.Instead of tho slow process of shovel-ing their grists Into carts, tho cartswill bo driven under a hopper and .thusspeedily loaded.

Beretnnla avenuo extension lo KingBtrcct will, however, be ready for topmetaling within a few days and thntwork will bo expedited as much as pob- -slblo. Vineyard street extension fromnlvcr to Llllha street Is also beingpushed, and Its macadamizing will fol-

low tho laying of sewers In it. A gangwill bo sent out on Manoa valley roadnext Monday. Tho approaches to Tan-talus road aro being repaired, themountain road Itself being In excellentcondition.

King street widening out Llllha wayIs progressing, delayed somewhat bynegotiations wmi proprietors. FormerMinister A. Young, Joining In nn Inter-view tho road maker was giving theBulletin, commented strongly on theshortsighted attitude of proprietorsgenerally regarding street Improve-ments. Mr. Campbell said that theproprietors In Honolulu had a rarogood thing trom tho road department.In Its doing freo for them services offrpntago betterments which In Main-land cities cost them dearly. A bigportion of tho filling needed for widening King street Just beyond LlllhaBtrcct has already lccn done.

Tho department has coming to It twosteam rollers of 38.000 and 26,000pounds respectively. A pressure of 750pounds to tho squaro Inch will be ex-

erted by tho layer one. Thoy aro gear-ed for two speeds, the minimum gaitbeing about that of tho old machinenow In use, nnd tho mnxlmum twice asspeedy.

Street sprinkling is also shortly to borevolutionized. Instead of the fourcarts now splashing their brief routes,there will be twelve sprinkling cartsemployed. Tho cny will be divided In-

to districts for their operation, nnd thodust nuisance will be abolished.

When all tho Implements orderedhavo nrrlved. Mr. Campbell says. Honolulu will have as tine a road-makin- g

plant as any city on tho Mainland.Another Improvement Is In bridges,

culverts and cross drains. A steelbridge Is to bo erected on Berctanlaavenuo extension auu another onSchool street For narrow spans wood-en bridges ore being replaced withstone culvertB. One of ot spanhas been put into Wyllle street Drainsaro being laid with vitrified Ironstonepipe, discarded sewer pipe being allright for the purpose.

1 he Last Registration.It was three minutes past 4 o'clock

on the 13th Inst, the last day of theRepublic of Hawaii, when the McCullytract deeds were entered for record byGoo. H. Paris In tho Registry of Conveyances. Tho consideration of 1140.000In the instruments called for "Wstampage. Had tho recording been de-

layed until the birth of tho Territory ofHawaii, tho following day, war taxeawould havo swelled the stamp duties to91540.

Ship Dlrlgo Here.Tho American Dlrlgo, Geo. W. Good-

win master, arrived In port this fore-noon C3 days from Hongkong with1100 tons ot ballast She comes to loadsugar for C. Brewer & Co. and, likethe Ersklno M. Phelps, will go aroundtho Horn. Captain Uoodwln Is accom-panied by his wife.

An American was ono of the first towin tho Victoria Cross In tho prcsculSouth African war. Ho Is Charles J.Snruco. a natlvo of Kenosha, Wis, A

few years ago ho went to aoutn Africa,In tlmo to be n member ot Jameson'sraiders. After tho raid ho returned tothis country, but when tho war beganho went over to England and enlistedIn a cavalry regiment Ho won thocross by rescuing a wounded comrade.




Hoomiimi, 4llQiHIIYM- - 1 1Vtrv H

MUXIIM'bS I .(H.'kirr



Tbi first message, to be Hashed through spaco without wires wilt bedelivered from the Inaugural platform In front of tho Capitol building tomorrow afternoon nt 2:30. This will bo tho first demonstrationof the practicability of tho Marconi system of wireless telegraphy evergiven In the Islands and will doubtless draw a largo crowd of interestedobservers as well as a good sized representation of ''tho philanthropiccitizen! prepared to bid a high figure for the possession of tho originalf.seage. jrK ,

As has been previously announced this first message will bo sold atauction by Will E. Fisher. Tho proceeds .of the sale aro to bo deliveredto such public charity as tho succssstul bidder mfty designate. Addedto this will be tho $50 which Mr. Fl.jher pnys for tho privilege of con-ducting tho salo.

The message will bo sent from tin recently established station atKalmukl and a temporary station at tho Capitol building. Tho Instru-ments will bo oporated by Mr. Bowdcn, tho expert In chief In cbargo oftho Installation, assisted by Mr. Hobbs and Fred J. Cross, manager ofthe Inter-Islan-d Telegraph Company,


Governor Dole said this morning,answering an Inquiry for news, thatthero would be "a meeting of 'lieExecutive on Monday."

"You aro going to hold regularcouncils, then, with tho heads of de-

partments?""Yes," the Governor replied.Before tho foregoing Intervlow, tho

reporter bad a chat with tho Secretaryof the Territory whom ho met casual-ly at tho Judiciary building. Mr.Cooper spoko of tho Executive Coun-cil's regular sessions under tho Repub-lic as having been "n great source ofstrength to tho Government"

It Is tho cabinet Idea which Mr. Dulotried to have Incorporated In tho Ter-ritorial bill, hut tho American mem-bers of tho Hawaiian Commission didnot deem It expedient to glvo It thoforce of law.


Secretary Cooper occupies tho suiteho occupied when Minister of ForeignAffairs before ho becamo Attorney Gen-

eral. Ho is well pleased with therooms, considering them tho best In thoExecutive hullding.

( ',

Beforo Justice Frcar administeredthe oath of offlco to Governor Dole, bohad to bo sworn Into offlco as n UnitedStates Justice himself. Henry Smith,the veteran clerk of the Supremo Court,gave tho oath to him as First AssociateJustice, his commission as Chief Jus-tice of the Supreme Court not havingyet been received. The only spectatorof the ceremony was tho city editor n(tho Bulletin. Justlco Frcar turnedround and administered tho oath to Mr.Smith. This was nt 9:30 yesterdaymorning.

Tho first ofllclal act of 8ecreUryCooper was to sign tho advertisementof appointments by the Governor onAdmission Day for publication in theBulletin.

. Robberies on Llllha Street.'Robberies have been qulto frequent

ot late along In tho Japaneso and Chi-

nese quarter on Llllha street Theother night a Japanese had a pair ofpants with $40 In tho pockets, stolenfrom his room. Last night, a China-man entered the house ot a Japaneseand walked right past one of the own-er- a

of the place and his wife who weroboth sleeping soundly. Ho obtainedsome money and was in the act ot

when he was Been by the otherowner. A tuBsle resulted, during theprogress of which ono of tho membersof Bowers' Merchant Patrol happenedalong. Tho Chinaman wns arrested andtaken to tho pollco station. His casecame up tnls morning but was continued.

Honolulu Girls Distinguished.In the commencement oxorcIseB of

tho Duralnlcnn College at San Rafael,Cat, on May 31 the Misses Ena of Ho-

nolulu had conspicuous parts. Claricewas In a vocal quartet that sang Chad-wick- 's

"Spring Song." Daltiy andClailco played violins and Mary one oftho pianos In tho Lustplel Overturewherein seventeen Instrumentaliststook part Tho sisters sang "The Twi-light Star" by Barnby ns n trio, nndwith Miss Jane Jeffries mado up thoquartet for "Tho Primrose" by Plnsutl.Mary Ena was ono of tho four accom-panists ot tho exercises. Tho MissesEnn wero enthusiastically applaudedfor tholr singing and playing.

Lnst Call (or Nclll Bents.Tomorrow will bo tho lust day when

Reason tickets can bo had at Wall,N'lchuls Company for tho coming Nlllengagement nt tho Hawaiian OiinaIIoiibu, Monday morning thero will liea rush for the single night tlcluM.Mall rcqiicHtH havo been coming Infiom some uf tho outlying sections midllllo.

Acting Ti'ciiHiirui'tHie f I in y II, l. Cooper Is iiutlllg ,111

Tli nbiiiir of Urn Territory, imiidliiit nilninlriliiii'iit by Din (lovenmr. 0vii'liur Mole, wiild Ihriu wan iiotlilim limvfur iilillniiiii Imliiy, )leile thnnlllrii nr Tri'iiNUier, Hint nr t'oiiimn-wIiiih- t

nf AHllnilliiiP will It In In )nl,



A flguro strongly Identified with thodevelopment of Hawaiian resourcespasses from view In tho dcmlso of Rob-ert Hnlstcad, He died at his houso inMnklkl nt 8:30 last night, when mostof his friends had only Just becomeapprised of his Illness. Mr. Halsteadwas about town but n few dnys beforohis death.

Robert Halstead was best known astho founder of Wnlalua plantation nndas ono of Hawaii's successful sugarplanters. Ho has been In thcso Islandsfor the term of a generation. Hisbirthplace wns Todmordcn, Yorkshire,England, mm his natal dato August 10,183G, which tnado him In his 64th year.Mr. Hnlstcad leaves a wlfo and sixchildren. Mrs. Halstead and two daughters, Mrs. W. O. Lackland and Mrs. R.II. Held, wero the only members of tho,'nmlly present nt tho last parting withltishand nnd father. Edgar and Frankire in Europe, Norman nnd Emily In.ho Stutcs.

Mr. ..nlstcau was ot u strikingly kindllsposltlon nnd a man of rare businessopacity. His loss will be generally resetted. Ho was a member of the An-;llc-

communion In St Clement's:hurch, Mnklkl, also a Freo Mason.

Tho funeral wlic take- - place fromMasonic . cmplo, In chargo ot Lodge Int'rogrcB, nt 3:30 .u.s afternoon.


The Japaneso and Chlneso seem tohave hit upon the lower end ot Llllhastreet nnd tbo Immediate vicinity ns.he beginning of n new Chinatown.Frame buildings are being erected withastonishing rapidity, llofoio long, fullya quarter of a mile ot Llllha street, oneach filde, will be lined with buildings.The Orientals are In such a hurry toenter their new Quarters that tncy entcr beforo the houses are halt finishedand then have the carpenters build uparound them.

The locality chosen Is Just properfor the collection of .a of all kinds.The road being, several feet above tinlevel of the land. It is necessary toraise tho houses, thus leaving all Kindsof spaces underneath for such Industries as tho batching ot duck eggs lamauure.

Residents of the vicinity nro beginnlng to "kick" most strenuously.

Judiciary, Courtesies.A luncheon, was given oy Judge

Stanley, retiring Judgo of the CircuitCourt, to his frlcnns and associates otthe court at his homo on Beretnnlastreet yesterday. Following Is a list otthe. guests: E. A. Mott-Smlt- h, AttorneyGeneral K. P. Dolo, Hon. Antonio Per-ry, Hon. Geo. A. Davis, Deputy At-

torney General Cathcart, Col. J. W.Jones, Harold Mott-Smit- h, Clerk of theSupremo Court Henry Smith, Geo. Lu-

cas, J. A. Thompson, P. D. Kellett nndS. C. Illddlo. The gentlemen of tho Ju-

diciary department nmong the guestspresented tho host with a watch guardcharm hearing the Hawaiian s.

Frn Dlavolo Tonight.Owing to tho sudden sickness of Mr.

Orafton Uakor the Orpheuni manage-ment will withdraw "II Trovatoro" andplay In its stead "Frn Dlavolo" thisevening and nt tho two performancetomorrow. Air. Arnold will sing Lor-enzo, ho having several times sung thnrole with Mr. Wolff. The matinee to-

morrow piesnuU nn uuiihiial npporuu- -

Ity to sou "Fro Dlavolo nt 2" nnd 50cents and should Iniiig out u g I


Hfiwnllnns In I'urls.Ill u letter f l oiu My. Viih, dated flum

Paris and leeelveil hy tho last steamer.Mr. and Mrs. .(ami Wilder, MIhs Pauiiht.luilit and Mis. Woodward (neo MIhx(Iraeu ItlehiirilH) wero mentioned mibeing In tho big city studying anil do-

ing tho fair. They wur all Invited lothe Iioiiki nf Mis, Spicekils for luiirh-eo- n

ono day uf the wick In which Mr J.Von virnlu, Tho Htudlo nf Jiimlo Wilder la ih m rlliml ns being mm nf thoprettteHt mid most mtUilii In Paris,

For lino (nil ilMmu lilri t 11.00 urliU , Kerr ft On,, )iieon mrmii, Thvsftlilrla lira strictly liliili Kru im Idsin! quality,


Japanese Consul Salto Seeds Timely

Circular to HI, People.

Points Out to Tbem How to Best Sure Tbelr lo- -

Uresis Counsels Against Leaylog Piactdiljus auo Watideriog.

A gteat deal of interest has beenurouscd recently In tho circular thathas Just been sent out to tho variousplantations by Mlkl Salto, Japanesorepresentative here. Mr. Snlto wasseen by n Bulletin reporter this morning nnd. In answer to questions askedsaid that tho circular was nothingmore thnu a word of advice to tho Japanese to remain on their respectiveplantations.

"Why do you deem It necessary tooffer such advice, Mr. Salto?" was ask-ed.

"You sec, there Is n tendency toon tho part of some of the

Japaneso and now thnt they aro nolonger subject to their contracts, thereseems to bo a disposition to wanderabout between the plantations."

Asked for n gist of tho circular sentout Mr. Salto gave the following-off- 'hand translation:

"By tho Admission Act of the Hawaiian Islands, passed by the 5Gth Congrrss ot tho United Stntcs tho contractsof tho Japanese laborers brought herosince AiiRUst 1, 1S9S, me now null nndvoid. You aro now freo nnd you maywork on the plantations ns free labor-ers.

"I havo been Informed that some ofyou aro very anxious to know whatyour status Is to be after Juno 14. Someof you have left your work or your ownfreo will while others have been per-suaded to leave by disturbers.

"My own Idea of Biich a course Is thatIt Is most unwise to listen to the ndvlcoof such peoplo an- - stop your work. 1

should like to offer you a bit of advice.'No matter what changes may tako

placo In tho political situation here,thero Is no particular difference. Youaro tho working clars ar-- you aro laboring In a country ruled over oy oneof the best governments In tho world.

"Upon leaving Japan, you promisedto work In peace under tho conditionsImpohod. Thero Is no reason why youshould bo anxious about the changes.All tho agents of tho Immigration companies aro going to assist you, particu-larly nt this time so that you may notlose anything by working on tne plantations. You had better Join handswith them In tholr work for your wel-

fare."In case you wish to leave your pres-

ent work it would be better If youwould report to tho agent of the Im-

migration company under which youcontracted. You have already been as-

sisted by them."In caso you are at a loss for future

means of livelihood, consult tho plan-tation manager under whom you serve,your ugent or this consulate. Anyonewho wishes to leavo the plantation forwhich he works and takes to wander-ing about, may naturally Joso the con-

fidence of tho plantation people. Thiswouid undoubtedly cause a great lossto your futuro pocket book.."

Hagey Cure I.I tigs Ion.Thomas Mllner Harrison has flled-n-

amended declaration-I- n his assumpsitsuit for $10,000 against J. A. Magoon,F. B. McStocker, u C. Ames nna uoro-the- a

Emerson nco Lamb. Ho clulmsunder nn nllegcd ngrcement mndo ntAuckland, New Zealand, on September20. 1897, with himself and Alfred Ed-

ward Gllmoro by tho defendants nnd T.E. Cownrt, J. II. Klrkpatrlck, GeorgeD. Moore. A. E. Powter and JamesWolfendcn, of theirs underthe name of Tho Arrlcan I'acliic amiIndian Hacey Company. In this document It wns agreed that Tasmaniast'uld be tho company s placo or oust

t and that thn plalutlir should man-It- s

n If a Ira there.- -

Will Chunge ISndgcs.h She: Iff A. M. Brown nnd Depu-.iia- h

Slierirr Charles Chllllngworthnro tho only mien In tho pollco department llmt will ncd lo have tho letter-ing tm their budges changed. Thebadge of the huter will undoubtedly bevery much crowded. All tho badges aro"Honolulu Police" or "special roucoho thai no change? nro needed theie.

Tiihing the On ill.(lovcrnmiiit otllclnls wero taking tho

oath or olllce. with ullegliiueo lo thoI'liltcd States, nt tho Judicial y oltlcotliU nun nlng. Tho deputy cIuiks ntIho Judicial y wero swoin by CleiltHenry Smith first or ull. nnd theiroaths placed on III".

lllh OF JUNK.Hawaiian mid American UnM vnn be

gotten In Iwiiliiiiiil'H Morn, Hotel cirw.

llmbiiDl Kipling, iirrnnlliiK In l,nn.dim miiiniinrriilllilH, In (it visit theUnited Hliitcit unit nuluiiill. Til" an.tiiiir Hiiyit Im lima nut u ltl rnriimrHllii'im iiKiiiiiM im' AHUTinin minm"


Supreme Court Justices

Id a Mulkr Position

"The court will meet on Monday, butwill adjourn without doing business,"Justice Frcar said In answer to an In-

quiry about the Supremo Court termdue on Monday.

"No business can be dono while thecourt remains unfilled. If It wero mere-ly a case of nn nbscnt or disqualifiedmember, a substitute could bo appoint-ed nnd the court thus legally constitu-ted. Thero Is an absolute vacancy,however, ono member of tho conrt bo-In- g

'"Justlco Whiting nnd myself hold

over until our successors nnd tho fullnumber of Justices are appointed. Sofar as we two are concerned wo nroqualified to sit, out have no power toappoint a third Justlco oven tempor-arily. "v. .

'"1 hcio will be tlmo for"the new com-missions to arrive Miythe Mariposanext Wednesday. Then, If.MrrGal-bralt- h

receives his commlsslonhls twocolleagues would havo power to ap-point n substitute for him should lie hedelayed In coming to Honolulu, to tikohis sent"


Ono of the largest dancing assembliesever seen In Honolulu wns thnt whichmado up the Admission Day ball lastnight Thousands of peoplo nlso gath-ered In the grounds to sec tho olcctrlcIllumination, many of them stayinguntil near the close of the ball well onthis morning. The Government bandnnd tho original Hawaiian QuintetClub furnished tho music. Thos. E.Krouso supplied a splendid supper Intho big pavilion on tho Hotel streetside ot tho grounds. There was abun-dan- co

nnd good service to tho last

Division of Business.Secretary Cooper has found out thnt

the conduct ot Territorial clecUoa,which used to be In tho Interior de-partment, belongs to his office. WrayTaylor continues to act aa registrar. Bofar as functions aro concerned, therenro many changes under the Territoryi,n' government departments. Thn Soc- -rttary nnd tho Treasurer timao a nostot 'things between them from the oldInterior office. Public works, former-ly a bureau of tho Interior, becomes adepartment under tho Superintendent.Mr. Rowell, tho retiring superintendentof Public Works, will probably becomea deputy. Mr. Young, tho last Ministerof tho Interior, Bald this morning thatthere was enough work to require thoassistance not oniy of Mr. Rowell, butof two or three more practical men asdeputies. "Thero Is as much workdone In a week now, as waB dono In amonth h few years ago," the late Min-

ister remarked. Mr. McCsndleaa, thenew chief, Is absont on ono of the otherIslands.

Death ot Mrs. Kanewanul.Mrs. Kanewanul, beloved' wife of Da-

vid Kanewanul of the Auditor Gen-

eral's office, died at her homo in Kapa-lam- a

yesterday. Deceased gave birthto a child a few days since. Compli-cations set In which could not be with-stood. The many friends of the be-

reaved husband offer their most heartfelt sympathy in his hour of trouble.

Thti funerai tas.es place from the latehome-thi- afternoon.


PEN. All Uses, all shapes. H. P.WTPHrN -r


Boys' Shoes

... Just opened by the.

Manufactarers' Shoe Co

Our slock Is now replete with cod fits,Kond style and good wear.

mnlf yiu cannot come In with o

clilldicn, enJ thrm In nuJ lliry will r'(rive just the Mint ore and Jtiritllon,Hint tlirlr erf will be nM at Ciirelully

fitMi If yni'vt'9 wllll UhmHi

We'll IiMIk fool If yw'll I'Ol lltfMill fn4 I'MHIm yotl IhM Mil lll



Page 2: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol



Just to Hand'PR AUSIRlLIA


Traveling SkirtsNew Design Shirt Waists

Baby Ribbons.These Goods can be Inspected on our counter about the first of the week.


JYI. Brasch & Co.Vte&te&Sl&i


Open Day an! - Night!

An Experienced Caterer will attend to Outside Orders I


Freeh Oysters ; Game In Season; Etc., Etcter- - --A.T ALL

Grill Room for Ladies and

King Street, near Fort.GFO. LYOURGUS, Proprietor

Fraternal Directory.

uAuinun t i.uuufcj nu. a,I. O. O. F.,

beta every Monday evening at 7:30k Harmony Hnll. King otrcet,

J. D. MCVEIGH. N. Q.R R. HENDRY, Secretary.

Ell Tlatttng brothers very cordiallyanted.

mystic LonaicTNo. 2. K. of 1.feeta every Wedne&iay evening at

V:M o'clock, Costlo Hall, Fort street,VUKlmc brothers cordially Invited to

Kand. 3. J, HALTER, C. O.A. E. MURPHY, 1C R. 8.


Meets every third Thursday uvenlng1 Masonic Temple. Air visiting cora-alon- a

cordially Invited.A. F. OILFILLAN, H. P.


No. 1. K. T.Meets In Masonic Tom pi 0 on tho sec-M- 4

Thursday evening of each' month.Ul visiting 81 r Knights courteouslyavlted.


OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Meets every Friday evening at their

fcstle Hall, 42IH4 Fort street, at 7:30.alanbers of Myetic Lodge No. 2, andflatting brothera. cordially invited.


1C. of R. and H..


No. 1, A. ft A.. S. R.Meets the flrrt Thursday in each

Math, at Masonic Temple.. Sojourn- -aaa visiting brothers cordially in--

la attend all meetlnea.W. M.. FRANK B. AUERBACH.


L'OCEANIH.No. 114. A. & A. S. Rite,

tated aaeetlngs on ihe last Mondayf each aeaalti, In its hall. Masonic

iple.C. M. WHITE, W. M.

H. B. FRIBL. Secretary.GBO. W. De LONu 1'OSi' Jo"

45. Q. A. R.Department of Cnllfornia and Neva- -

meets at lluruiuuy Hall. Klnun. Brat ThuraJay ventnu of evorvUl Bojournlnx romiadcB are cor.

Malty Invited to attend.W L. EATON. P. C.


F. & A. M.tated meetings, first Monday each

onth. Special meetings, when calledwlh be noted in this space.)Members Lodge Lo Progrcs, Pacific

ledge, and all sojourning brethrenrtlaily Invltwl.

J. M. OAT. W. M.M. R. O. WALLACE. Secretary.

Hack Stand No. ?.Bar' do tou know where I can gat i

good carnage' Hurst At the Uawallao Hotel Carriage Co., corner Hotsiand Rlcbams streets. Tel. II. Netslag but Brat nlaaa carrlafM tal iperteacsd drivars.



HOURS ! -- 5a

Private Parties up stairs



Capita Stock $ 100,000.

Capital, paid up, $48,860


W. C. Aehl Preimlnnt it ManagelM. K, NakulnR Vice PresidentJ. Makalnal TreasureiEnoch Joknton , 8ooiolaryGeo. L. DeNlu Audltoi


Jonah Kumalao.J. Makalnal

I. W. Hlplkano,

The above Company will buy, lease,or cell lande in all mlH of the HawaiianIilandH; and also lias houxot In tho Cityof Honolulu for rent. 1489-- yl


The Merchants'

Collecting Agency,113 KAAHUMANU ST.

Makes A SPECIALTY of MonthlyAccounts and Rents.


The Orpheum tonight.For that tired feeling' take a rids

op 1'aclllc Heights,Aiuoiitaii Metwenger Service, Ms

onie Temrle. ret 444 "

The CI co. C. Perkins has been char-.cre- d

to load redwood for this port.The Nllhau from Kauai yesterday

brought 5760 bags of sugar. Lightshowers all over Kauai arc reported.

Somo of tho qualities of tho Tribunewheel are bluo color, perfection ofparts, lightness, strength, durabilityand speed.

Fresh groceries and delicacies by theAustralia Wednesday for Guerrero &Hoke, grocers, Miller street aboveMethodist church,

Scaled tenders for supplying the Ho-

nolulu Flro Department wnn liny,grain and other feed stuffs for sixmonths appears unacr New Today.

Tho Lace House Is In receipt of ahamlsomo line of traveling skirts,shirt waists and baby ribbons and askyou to wait until they are displayed ontheir counters.

Tho odlccrs of the Omaha public li-

brary have acknowledged with thanksthe receipt of tho Report of the Minis-ter of Public Instruction of Hawaii for1899 from D. Logan.

There will be a special meeting ofLodge Lo Progrcs this nftcrnoon fortho purpose of attending the funeral oftlvlr late brother, Robert Halntead.Sco notice under New Today.

The Jewish service lir Progress Hallyesterday nftcrnoon was well attended.Tho service was opened by A. M. Melilswho stated tho object of the meeting.L. Newman followed with n readingami then J. Silver offered a prayer InHebrew for tho peace, prosperity andfuturo greatness of tho Territory ofHawaii. L. M. Strauss delivered nnImprcsslvo address. A. M. Mellls gavethe closing prayer.

While uoardlng the Ersklno M.1 nelps yestciday. the ropo ladder slipped causing Pilot Lorcnsen to fall Intotho water, first striking tho gunwaleof tho boat. Nlho and Apakl, two oftho most stalwart natives in tho cm-plo- y

of the pilot ofllce, jumped over-board and got tho captain aboardagain. Ho brought tho Phelps In butho wns badly bruised. It Is probablethat he will bo In the houso severaldays.

Cruiser Protct.San Francisco, Juno 3. Tho French

cruiser Protet was to havo sailed to-morrow for Seattlo after a sojourn ofsevcial weeks here but will remain aweek longer, sailing on the 11th. Com-modo- ro

Germlnct states that ho findsSan Francisco a very congenial port,and that ho has been very hospitablyentertained, not only by his own coun-trymen but by Americans. Ho hopes tovisit this city again upon tho oxplra-tlo- n

of his commission, two yearnhence. Tho Protet Is not expected toleave the Pacific for at least threeyears, and will pass most of the tlmoIn the South seas.

On the mauka side of Hotelstreet between Fort and Union,Waikiki side of "The Elite"Ice Cream ParlorsIs KING BROS. ART STORE,

where one may get anythingin pictures from photos to oil

paintings at most reasonableprices.

PER b. arVTlJSTltALlA.JUst landed a full line of grapes, ap-

ples, oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage,cauliflower, cranberries, burbank andred potatoes, antes, salmon, flounders,halibut, crubs, Eastern and Californiaoysters (in tin and shell,) turkeys,chickens, ducks, quail. A .all line ofcanned goods. CAMARINOS REFRI-GERATOR.

I ! ml. ' " ". I

CHAS. D. WALKER,Deslfntr mi Builder of a

Yachts, Boats and Launches!Work., 6ot KING ST.

P.O. Box 6n. Tcltphoct lto


FLOUR.Whitestand Best.

rhe Washington

Mercantile Co., Ltd.




Diarrhoea, Dysentery,

Summer Complaint

and all

Irregularities of the BoweLs 1


Guavas !

-- Pleasant to the Taste

Hollister Drug Co,


The ...Hawaiian . Electrii

Company,Comer Alakea and HalekauwIlaSts,,

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical GoodsConstantly on Hand,

Estimates given for house wiringand electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

A. GARTLEY.General Manse.

All Hail the Uth of June!And Admission Day!

We have been singularly fortunate in the arrival, just us they wiltbe most in demand, of a line of Ladies' Waists and Shirts, CoachingParasols, etc.

Ladles' Shirt Walftts.We have a very complete line of Shirt Waists, 'comprising every-

thing latest and new, In both white and colors, in all the popular sizes)ind ranging all the way from $1.35 to S5.00. They in Swiss,S'ainsook, Cambric, Chambray, etc, and are cut and trimmed and puttogether in such a manner as to excite the admiration of all who see them

Ladles' SkirtsOf these we had just received a very large assortment, a very few

jf a kind, but a large number ofstylts and kinds. Wc have theremade of White Pique in all sorts of styles.

We have them perfectly plain, some trimmed slightly, others moree'aborately and some a combination of Pique, Embroidery applique etcthat it required an artist to conceive. We have skirts mads of Linen,of Cotton' Covert Cloth and other colored materials, in both long andshort suitable for driving, riding, wheelfpg, anything

Parasols. Parasols.Of these we have a splenoid assortment to choose from, from the elaborate lace

trimmed ones to the more practical coach g parasol In colois or black.

B. F. EHLERS & 00. I

By the Barks "J. C. Pflueger" and UM. E. Watson"


Morton's and Crosse & Blackwell's Groceries Bicarbonateof Soda, Wash Soda, Caustic Soda, Paints & Oils, Cor-

rugated Iron, Ridging, &c, Cement Firebricks, Carbo-lineu- m,

Stock holm Tar, Tubs Buckets, Tinplates, Sauce-

pans, Teakettles, &c, &c.

K. HACKF-i- D & G '.. LTD.

1 1 One Hundred, for One Dollar 1 1



. HnJ malt (ton (Iw finest scttCel nd long Fillers. ,JUST ARRIVED nY LAST AUSTRALIA.

AT TUB ... .

Honolulu Tobacco Co., Limited,

Telephone 503.

Importer and

Chinese Goods andSPECIALTY!

fltoNuuanu Street.

P. O. BOX wj.



COMMISSION M:EK.OH:A.lSrTS.Detlm In Tint Silks and Grass Llntni. Chlnttt and Japanese Goods ol All Klods

aio-it- a Nuuanu siret.

F. 0, Box D13


mBog Bbkktama STRUCT


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoodOat and Bpllt (ready (or theStoTt),




Lowest Pricoa. delivered to any panthe City.


HUSTAOE & CO.,SI Queen (Ureal

Cor. Fort Merchant Street',


P. O Box 984.

Dialer in


Bttwwn Hot.! nJ Piuthl -

Til. f.

Telsphona B03

JL A. 1XT Oand Dealer in

OrroMTK Qukkn'b IIohpitai.


C-I- a- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


Stable 'Phone, 4VHack Stand 'Phones, 819 and 77 .




Pure Linen Damasks and NapkinsSideboard Cloths and Tray Cloths

Now Placed on SPECIAL SALE atN. S. SACHS DRY GOODS COMPANY, LTD.,rFIFTY CEN1S on Every Dollar Can Be Saved by Pui'clialn Rlftht NOW






Page 3: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol






w- --tvj int f" v f 'w? .yrP!t'-fjp- r

RITLTiKTIV: KIVOTjnrjJ. H. ... JUNE 15?.

Ji$(SMIIMMBenson, Smi &Co.,Ltd


Baldwin Celery SodaFop

Headache, Nervousness andSeasickness

Pleasant and


PORT AND HOTEL STS.winnini'Uf-ii'iiiifyi- i

hqn)lulu;drug co.

When in Need of DRUGS

go the






Prescr'ptl ,n joints.VON HOLT BLOCK, KlNU ST.

Tel. 364.

: T-TSSI-E. : -.- TTS'TIS-A.I-.I-A.

On. Ice- - -- -All Senvmibl: FreVi Fruits anJ Vecetiblfs

TURKEYS. D'JCXSanl CHI .KB" . fry .. eot .iu' I hNDER BROILERS.HRhSK ) .m.J HiUiJjr, am )neJ Si mtianJ Halibut.FRC4 P JT vTOESatlOnl-n- . Ce vj'it iuik-- s Cn fnili. "And In Sweets."FROZEN OKS IEHS Cillium a miJ Eistern, (in foil).GRUKNH XGEN'S BON anJ Mirlim.il,o.w.

H. MAY & CO., Ltd.2 3Sigf Stores 2

fhe WrUrrholise StoreDETHfcL ST.





Cream CheeseBONS

I he Mclhtyre StoreCOR. KING AND FORT STS.




French Silk v

With saMn ani lace stripes, inches wide, inan 1 ill the pioulir evening snadss light blue,

ma ze. lavend r, bhek siot, w-t- silver tnreids, ba:k withsatin s'ripe and ecru lace ins-rtb- Niii green, maie withsatin st.ioes and ecru Uce insert oi, withsequins. bla:k with ceri:e seq i'ns, and white

with silver Thrse are only a few of a st.kktoo numerous tor mento.i, comprising chiffons,

liberty a c.

Pineapple Sllu.- This most desirable fabric we import direct from andthe numb r of good it pusscsses is astomsmng. Itresembles silk in lustra an J str:n;th; it is nude from a vege-

table 'bre, and coneqjcntly wahes, bundcring pcifec-lv- :

it nut crumple or muss, but once rumpl.--d it is

readily pressed so that it as gooJ again as new. In

spit.-- of its ex'reim thinness, its strength is It

nukes oie of the daintest nf eyening dresses.

Gimpft and PaHsamcnterles Gblore.For trimming eve line dresses. We h we a stock very com

plete in nil ttvcninir shades in bead passimentenes, stkchilTon rullbs and sequins in all colors,

sequin trimmings ami and a host of oiheis loo

numeral. to mention.

Hotels and Restanrants.


The Best MealAND

The Best ServiceIn the

:: At Popular Prices ::rMEALS AT ALL HOURS: A la

carte or Table D'Hote.


Best --5c. Cigail.i oe bad for tlio money.


BeaverH. J. NOLTE.

Markets and'

Navul OrangeH. Lemons,DrltJd Fruit, Ranch Bggs.

Butter. Cheese. &c.

Per Austral in

J. MILLSLI ncolii Bbwk. ICIiu H'reet

Millions ofHogs

Ha 10 bo'-- wr ficod that ynu and 1

might, at Iih do liil us LewW Own(Juro HhiiihuiiiI hnmklKM IUcon.

lewis & co..Telephone mo in Fort St

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONSSubscribers aro furnished with from

five to six lists per week, giving an ac-curate) record of deeds, mortgages,leases, releases, powers of attorney,etc., etc., which aro placed on record.


A. V GBAR.Judd Building,


Sister M. Bonavcntttre, superintendcnt of Wallukn,makes n Rrand financially forthat Institution. When tho

for tho hospital ran short lasttho Council ordered

that the through a board oftrustees, bo allowed to uso current re-ceipts for payment of running expen-ses. This arrangement went Into ef-

fect In September.The report of tho hospital for the

month of May shows a balance to thegood of making tho accumu-lated cash on band I23SC.4G.

Thoro were CO patients In Malulanlhospital tho month of May. Of thesonine were 27 ward paying,two paying and 22 plantationcases. Tho admissions and dischargeswcro 28 each, and the deaths Ave.

Uy nationality there were C Hawa-Han- s,

3 Europeans, 3 Chinese, 45 Ja-panese and 3 others, tho totalof CO cases treated In May.

In unfavorable contrast with theWalluku Institution Is tho Qovcrnmcnthospital at Illlo, Hawaii, which re-

peatedly calls on the Board of Healthto pay deficiency bills. . .


TO OtlliR A COI.O I.N ONE DAYTake LuxMMve llnimo uuiniti TnniuVII druKKIHtr refund ir.t-- niotiej If It

falls to ciirn E W (trove's niKDaturen nn Hurl) mix tt wtiT

iilrply furnished rooms at the Pop-ular House. 151 Fort street, from $1.00per week up.

WEnntNORTATIONnHY. EngravedCards. Embossing.


CommlnH'nner'rt Snle of Renl Fk-tn- te.

Sit ntc in Honolulu,of Onliit.

Pursuant Man n'ter maJe rv HnnnraMe R. D.'l irn. Sffonl JuJc of itie Circuit Court n' ihe

Flrt JuJI'liI .ircult, filej th- - ,4th day oi April. A.D. 1000 lnacsue eitthl-- J Hawaii LarM "o III.,a cr ..ration, agatntt aVumnn 'kl, Kea-n- al ikt,llakil.t lw), K.nka-o- ni ). ICarunlk.a lb). Kahlklla, a ik an! Kinl (w), a m n r by h r HuirJI. alllt-- m Po'lv Up. I. ulka Iw) , minnr hv nrr GurJIan al litem Na.a'mino aiJ t'nn- -i fw) tKe uni

at Cnmislnner duly will e ro.rnras'eat "ub'l , t'.wi. ukl.t t c rtirmat on

v the Court onSaTUWnaV June i. t.. at 11n' I ckrnon, at them.ulti intr nee inRuilJine-- , all 'hat piece nr pac I i' la-- J ftuiie onlh mauk, ,He o' intr ,t re at kal'a ICatalima,In th f I'y nf lu la an4 ol aiu, hrln aparr nf I'm al Patent Numfer 8 Land Tom- - IralnnAward NumtT 151 in Ka.u te r Cu'lvdKrl d 'n t.orrnatn dee s n con tvc ti .1:Ir Kaui ti loiwa Nan hifVo'u rc rJeJ In theoffi-'- ot th- - PfcMMr m C nvev.i'c.-- . in I lbr 167

l'no! ) Napihu Wl to llawa'l Lanlwrpanv. Mail! J. recorded 'n he nce nl te

ReeNtrar o( In Lib r tS t'tgt tjS.bu.drd anldecr'bt as fo'l ws.

F h rnrak, ,na ma kwr I Hma II k. -- Ill rrehkl aelio'nn. Ak ttK Knm 1 n Kail tni ko

Knn hik : Hem. 6 S Km. 0.81 K111I ma k- - k'hlknelallalema k,ti 1.11 Ka I mikehllkne 'a Hale ma II m. 66 Km t t6 Kaul. ma keAia-u- l. ll-- 4VS Ilk. 0.60 Kaul nakiKnn h kl,II m MS Hlk. i.7T Kaui. m k- - Ko"h k'. .m.6Vi Mk. 8Kaut. ma ke Knnnhlkl. k. ti Hlk. .74Kau . ma k- - Knnoh H Ak 77 Knn. ,70 K'H. mekK.n-hk-- . Ak 7 Hlk. .Oi Kaui. m, ke Knnohlvt.Mem. t9 II k 77 Kaui. ma ke KnnoVkl k 71 Hlk.78 Kaui, ma k Konoh kl a pen-- j ka 1 Va.

Terms n aler ch In U. . t.olJ. at

thecvpeeseo pur hasers.P r tunh-- r partlcuar, to Mejr. Achl&

Johnson or0-- 0 GE UfAS. Commissi, ner.

Dated II rolulu. June 4th. 1900. I'sstliljid

and onsome










Gloves, Gloves. Gloves.We the world-kno- wn Dent's kid

glove, than wh ch no beuer is made. Wchave hem trom two-ila- sp lengih up towenty two (22) button lengti. We haehem in blcck, white, light blue, laven-le- r,

etc Any one wanting a first-las- s,

perfect fitting" glove, will ao well loall and examine the De t gloves. Their

jrice is no higher t tin others in spite ofrheir

Fans.Just received and m irked, a line of' Mhe in evening

fans, no iw i alike. Among them there are somecreations, daintily col reJ, with hind-carve- d

ivo y sticks. No evening cow'n will be icomplete' withoutcne'of fans Come and see

Opera Copes.received direct from Europi, a hilf dozen "opera capes

which we b liev. will be pr mnunced by judges inbe the iiiunuh of the dresnuker'suff. There are no two t,he.e in anv respect, an J any wann'ng a realU chicka id up-torJ- cine should see tnese at once, They are soliew and ao abc ihey will in! Usi I mi,',


The Wfillclkl



liigs font lo any of the



Walklkl Road, Walklkl


Mercantile Agencies.

relepnoass toM at tj6 P. O. Box rt11 A WA.IIA.IN

Mercantilb AgencyQ H. BERREY, :

iudd Budding.- OimcDlt a SORClnltl

ile Agency

Room 10, Spreckelt Building,Fort street.

Collection, a specialty. re'nlttancc, No fee charted unless collec

tl m la irtJtd' r47

DIAMOND..vi other Watches, Braceets ins, and an extensive varietyf velrv

YL O. BLA.RT,Manufacturing Jeweller,


Merchant -:- - TailorCLOTHING

Cleaned and RepairedOUR SPECIALTY.


wear. . . .


rcnltccts, Contractors m. Bnllderi.



Jobbing : Promptly : AMn-iei- l fa.NVAi. T. PAIY,

Contractor and Builder.

Store and Office Flf Inc.Plans and Estimates Furnished.

14S8 HotelStteet, nca' Berttanls.O. It. Roar.F. rUlS

HOWARD & TRAIN,Arehirr,i-- .

ulta 7, Modal Block. HONOLULU. OAHU. H V

PO. B01701. Telephone ot1146

H. JL. KiiRK & CO.,

Architects and BuildersRoom 1 it-t- c


F. W. Beardslet P. O. lea ttKBARD8LCE & PAGE

& BuildersOffice: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex,

H. I.Sketches and Correct furnish-a- tShort Notice. 1441

Building MaterialsOF' ALL KINDK,

Dealers in LutiiW itudOuiti.


M HARTh n tAtoioHonolulu Sheet Metal Works,

Galvanized Iron Skylights andMetal Roofing,

Pipe? and flutter Wo,Klcnarat Strett, pat Queen ana Mercnant Hoaoeafa

VJnbMac promptly attended . "

Tel White . P O Bi2r.H. F. BBRTELMANS

Carpenter ShopIS REMOVED

To rear of old stand Entranie on Kbgtreet. Order left t either shopror offict,

it form Nott's itore. Kin? street, will

Dromo' attention. USi-t- f


have just marked placed sale another large shipment merchandise direct fromNew York, comprising among other things of latest novelties ladies' eveningarriving in time the approaching opera season.

alternating 441black ink,



does readilyloiks








Malulanl hospital,











hand-painte- d,



alike luly











ofthe for wear,


black gold








Now a wo d on oiher subjecs thanjevening


iWW.0 ir st 'ck of this is very and cho c, we

of the very best with tne most ideas andThi Mock is "f


ISl- -

Ladles' Muslin Underwear.complete buying

only makers advancedstyles. wor'lw inspection.

Shirt Waists.Have just pi iced on sa'e smiher line of

ladies' waists, in both colors and wite, com-prising evtr thing i hit is la e-- t and new; andwhit is of some importance, they are maikedr'ght.

Fur the benefit of tourists w ho corre hereunprepared with suitable cMhimr ti.inntpH

A thi climate, ue would avth it nurshi t waistsaL nd ou' rendv-ma- de sKirls of linen and coveit

rflTWSJJ cloth ttc, should p ove a boon.


We ha le j iM re clveJ lirct frim Ne.v Y rU, i ve-- y c'liUe Ihe of the I.UM laNKCKvVdAK. Tnere U not .m M iiumwrln the lot, lucae tvi )wn vrr.iwi-Hill- y

s'l'ril anJ will on y li.ivc tn tn w n to I .ipprei laird,,In aJJItlii.) ws luve our uu tl UKH of c.truly ltci,--4 tl;iit r'u'ii!illn:

Fort Street.


) "'il





Page 4: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol





W : J"S?V TT" Tiri jj6


Evening Bulletin.Published Every Day except Sunilay.

at 210 King Street, Honolulu,H. I., by the

BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY.W. It. .PAntXlNQTON EditorDANIEL LOUAN City Editor"Telcphoie .... '.256"Vott Office Dox .718

XKIDAY JUNE 15, 1900.

If tho people liavo their way In

American Territories they usually do8. M. Damon private citizen will bo al-

lowed to retain his new title for a shorttime only.

In leaving tho newspaper ranksBdltor Atkinson leaves behind him n

record na a good fellow and capablnwriter. Say au rcvolr, but not goojbye, Hruther Atkinson.

It wad Herod whenAlatau T. paralleled the Innugural

with one or tho po'ms. Is thonext Legislature to make poet lam cat e

a nalarlod position or was It exuberantioy over tho flight to official heightsand a seat upon tho otepso f tho throne.

it, as has been stated, GovernorDole's Inaugural address compares fa- -

vorably with the noted repl yto Minis-te- r

Willis, It will doubtless be remem-

bered that the latter document wasdrafted by Proprietor Thurston andDclegato Armstrong of tho CocoanutClub. Honor to whom honor, etc.

Poor Ponderous TUcr doesn't llkotho President's appointments to thobench of Hawaii because- ability out-ald- o

Uic charmed circle of Our Partyla properly recognized. To think thaitho men whom this organ has mado aspecial effort to defnmo and ridicule,

, have becu recognized and honored bytho President Is as bitter a pill toswallow as tho proof of Its own In-

capacity In getting the news. PoorPonderous 'Tlser.

Although Alexander Young was buta short tl'mc In ofllco ho has establish-ed a mark for business administrationthat will keep future superintendentsof public works moving to keep upwith. Mr. Young has an agrrcsslve mannor of accomplishing results thatcauses tho people to accept his with-drawal from public ofllco with a de-gree- of Bcllish regret. Llko II r. Da-mon he Is one of the men the peoplefeel they can III afford to lose.

Tho appointment of J. A. McCnndlcsas superintendent of public worksplaces tho duties of tho most Importantposition In tho Territory upon thoshouldors of a practical man who hasover taken a deep and active InterestIn tho material development of the Isl-

ands. During his legislative careerMr. McCandless' well known and wor-thy hobby has been roads and bridgesand there Is ovcry reason to bcllevothat he will lose no tlmo fulfilling hisambition to have every hamlet of theIslands nccesslblo by well constructedhighways. Ccitalnly thero will be noneof what tho Legislatures have termedKowclllsin In Mr. McCandless' administration.


Governor Dole's Inaugural address ina document worthy of tho man, as awhole appropriate to tho times andquite to tho dignity of tho oc-

casion. Mr. Dole pays n tittlng trlbutoto tho wisdom and character of Hawa-iian royalty and touches lightly,though truthfully upon tho nttltudo oftho Hawallans since tho revolution jf'93 In withholding from political ac-

tivity. It Is especially gratifying tonote tho good grace with which thoGovernor deals with tho liberal policyof Congress In refusing to dlsfranchlsotho Hawaiian-American- s by tho Impo-sition of Iniquitous nnd unAmericanqualifications upon tho right of suf-frage. This coming from one who as amember of tho Hawaiian commissionand whose personal representatives atWashington urged reatrictlvo franchlsosuggests that tho action of Congresshas been accepted in ofllclal circleswith the same cordial favor whichcharacterizes tho opinion of tho com-

mon cltlzms. It Is to bo hoped thesincerity of tho utteiances will bo up-

held by tho Governor placing himselfsteadfastly In opposition to any pos-

sible future movement to dlsfranchlsotho common people either In the Ter-ritory or tho municipality.

Tho Governor's most lmportunt ut-

terance Is his reference to tho power oftho sugar corporations and Its In-

fluence upon tho citizenship of tho Ter-ritory. Tho almost unlvonml opinion,that llnds expression oven In tho ranksof tho corporations dlroctots Is that tholabor policy of tho past has sown Idtho wind with the dangerous possibilityof rwiplng tho whirlwind, Tlioso whoknow him most Intimately nro ronfl.dnt that Mr. Dolo hnu oyer been pur.onnlly opposed to tho hoiics giecd

of corporations nnd degrading iudoiciti of (he Aelntlu contrnet lmr ny.um, jho dfllciy of lliti punt mqm IliM M Cllluf fwcilyt, Mr. P0o

bus UQl uhowii (lip bHfklmim 1 1) sup.

Five MilesOf Picture

Mouldings$OF LATEST


Have just berti received. Also a new lot of FRAMES and

EASELS. We make PichireFrames to order, and Irani our

large stock of Mouldings can suit any taste.

The Pacific Hardware Co,XjIMITED

Fort Streetport his personal opinions In his ofll-

clal nets. Ho has not been ulcrt to actwhen prompt action wi.s needed andnppaiently has waked up too late to ac-

complish posltlvoTho situation now is such that it

will take years to reform labor condi-

tions of the plantations on lines con-

ducive to the highest standard of citi-

zenship and mako tho Territory what Itshould Ik., tho Ideal homo of tho sturdy,Independent, hard working, thoughtfulAmerican farmer. Dut vested rights cannot bo taken by tho throat nor corporation methods, established under paternal governmental favor, boupBet by a mero whim of the hour, nsudden reversal duo to tho dawningappreciation of past mistakes. Gover-nor Dolo Is not unacquainted with thisfact, consequently his words sound hol-

low and lack posltlvo forco and effect.It is never too late to begin, however.If Governor Dole will earnestly andforcefully carry out tho policy outlinedIn his inaugural ho may be able by Blowdegrees to turn labor conditions towardhigher channels. Tho present status Isso firmly established that ho will notlive to see tho full fruition of his ef-

fort, but tho citizen, tho laborer andtho capitalist will nevertheless derivelasting benefits and tho social, politicaland moral life of tho Territory moroclosely approach tho highest piano ofAmerican standards provided tho taskIs assumed with calm and unfalteringdetermination.

Pur Quality

-- -- and Price.DUY A.,

Sterling-- on

Iver' -



Pacific Cjc'c Co.


Ilmvullun AutomobileCo,, Ltd.

Assessments have been failed on theAssable Stock if this company nj tobecome tUf and n.iyai e at the office ofCastle ft Coolie, Ml,, on

June lit. (oo, ip r cent, (ta,oa wurej dt nquent July Jst, 1900, 'July IS, loco, jiper Cen, (fj,oorr

W, A, MQWrW riMirr.novation fMibmiobiii t,u;, 1,!M.



Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, are hereby notifiedthat tho hours tor Irrigation purposesare from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from4to 8 o'clock p. m.

ANDREW DROWN,Superintendent Water Works.

Approved by A. YOUNG,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, June 14. 1899.

l?44-t- f



FIRST To be absolutely PURE OLIVEOIL.

SECOND To glvo perfect satisfactionto tho consumer.

THIRD To not become rancid on torsholf. If kept In the package.

Tho manufacturer offers to pay SUmifor any bottlo of Glfford's Olive on moriginal package, found to contain anyadulteration.

FOR SALE--A.t .A.11 Grocers,

faj Walnrboiise & Co

Queen Street



been thinking of

1900Boxes of Prang's

Water Color Paintsd

for Ihe

CHILDREN?For Hale by

Hawaiian News Co,,Limited.


The Undrrl(rnril liiili!r t!l. .!.. K....efceted As'jmre of the Estate of J. J,Coombs, a bankrupt rutlce Is herebygiven to nil creditors of said J, J, CoomhitoprejeiitlhelrcMliiis to the undersignedat Hie iillice of Ions & Coke, WjHuIui,Maul, II, I , within t x innnths ffom this

snm? " i frVfr bailed,Aid all ml.. .ii,l 1, M I I

Cnnmbsjire hereby required In makofccttltineiit of mk ndcbetne1

(0 111 ftpfjJW.l!l'lli,Mll, lhl7IM.iy

Aulpi or I it Niil 01 I. J, Colimlx a


To Our Friends and Patrons.


and as wo extend the season's greetingwe wonld llko to have you think of usfirst when you contemplate tho pur-chase of your

Spring Clothing

IP YOU HAVE BEEN a customer ofThe Kash In former years, wo willwant to contlnuo your patroaago; butIt you aro not within the fold and havonever been, you will mako a mistake.If you will favor us with a call. If youwill allow us to show you our springbeauties In Suits, Shirts. Hats, etc., woaro sure of winning you to the cxtontof giving us a trial this season. Ourname receives consideration among ailfashionable dressers, and is a .guaran-tee of the best CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS, AT RIGHT 1'HIGES.What you will buy' of us whl boright,It must bo right.

HERE YOU WILL SEE IN OURClothing fine tailoring at Its best: heroyou will And qualities as represented,and prices In every Instance the lowestconsistent with the grade of our garments. We will rcrund you yourmoney on any article purchased of usthat Is not entirely 'satisfactory. Whenyou are satisfied and pleased wc shallbe, but not before. Yes, we are mak-ing a bid for your trade. Can we hareit? SINCERELY Y0UR8,

The "Kash,"Telephones 676 and 06.

P. O Box SR8



One Ml'less. Tdt and Watun W. BStcitn Engine Diameter of cylinder isincnes, stroke 3 iet.

One Four Rollsr Mill steel gear,2$X"x4U. 7m. long.

One Diffusion Battery Complete (14cells) capa Itv so tons.

One Inple Effect 350 2" tubes 4 ft.7 inches lone.

- One Sm.i 1 Steam Juice Pumn.One 7 ft. Vacuum Pjn U in. Copper

Colls ico' capclf 5H tons.One 8 ft Vacuum Pan 2 In. Copper

.vv j uftiiiiy lull''.Duplex Blake Fred Pumri wate- - evllnder4Hxi2". iteim Blake Feed Pump-wa- ter

cylinder 7HX12" suction pipe 4"discharge 254. strain dIdc M.

One New 16 it. I umilar Boiler 6 ft.'diameter, 74-- 4 Inch lubes.

I wo Blake Vacuum Pumps 12x18incurs

One Blake Vacuum Pumn 11x18 Inches.One Tatun and Bowen Engine lox 2

inenrs witn snatt, gar anJ frictionclutches, driving vacuum pump.

Six Weston Crntrugals, shaft andpuueys ana 22' mixer.

fin MnUcC PIllniM. D.lmn .w.aIIdriven by belt and pulley from centrllugaishaft.

One Putnam Lathe, 8 ft. bed, 20"swing.

Sundry Coolers. MMIFittngs &c. &crnr pimciuais ippiyto

MESSRS. C. BREWI--R & CO., LTD.I5p9-m- 3




Opportunity Is given to purchase li.Manoa Valley a beau Iful situated Drotiettcontaining a'l the necessary essentials foia homeste .d and where healthful cllma'eand picturesque scenery are In the mldslof historic surroundh'gs and all In contactwith Improved grounds, planted withvarious foreign frul'sas well as suppliedwith fruit trees Indigenous to HawaiiThe Hcreaee of 45.64 acres In fee simpleand 31.16 acres under long and favorableleases.

Included in the Imi rnvemmt. nn !..(fee simple portion Is a roomy, moderndwlllnp linnet fiimlcii! ttHU nUqn.- ...-- .H....tfwM ..(,,. 0iiia, yana omer conveniences; there Is also sit-

uated thereon a roomy carriage shed andstables.

The celebrated Walakeakua (Water ofthe Gods) Falls Is in near proximity, andthe cool, clear, spaikllng water therefromflows through the grounds, supplyingample opportunity foi Increased Irrigationto the acreage already planted and whichIs capable of considerable Improvement.

Foi further Information apply to J. H.Boyd, Interior Department.

Honolulu, March 28, 1000. 1493-1-

limn s wiiiircn s I),


llmvtilUin - Opera - MouseHATUItlMV HVUNINU,iunu 111, f r tuio O'CLOCK,

ChlMrrnwH;-h- r a$oct

Hurrah for Admission Day, June 14,

1776 - Hurrah for July 4, -- 1900

SkyRockets JaJW1 toGpounds

The I.

Day Building. Beretanla St.,


nearHas a large stock of

FIREWORKSFire. Red, Green and

: Assorted cases forfamily

American Flags, from 4 feeti sizes uecuranmi. duiiuiik, ,i

of Lin- -

culn, all etc.

P. O Box 635phono 478

at --very low







X. L.

Central Station

display prices.


feet'. Hawaiian Flags,

resinnninr. American oiiimus.Lithographs Washington, Granr, McKinley. D.wey,

Sneridan Celebrities, Badges. Ribbons,

CgmDIr, tad View. Gooq Htaltt.

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site


H- - H H- - H--H- -

, via Maxima



Kaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Granoboulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all poims, as also scenic and marine views ofexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, .and the work ol

construction, equipping and installation placed in the hands ola competent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting, heating and other purposes,to home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains laid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connectionswill be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, oithe names, of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS i rh rhmw o !. T.residence sites of Honolulu.

etc., atof

4 Model


thu Unltod law on nndafter Juno Nth, 1900, nil Hhlnnine 10--ftilplH must boar a DociimuntaryWur Tnx Btntnp on tho orlKlnnl. ilup.riitu and trlpllcatu,

HhliK.TH lire itxiiiretrd In nlllx thuHtiimpu iiccotdliiB luw nu fruluhtriinnnl bu ipcoivod otliorwHo,

Hhliuilnii nwitn muet nmlnlii anf tho nuilnnlu nf imukiiHon,


Jim, ,, Wclrtimi. VIdii

""" ' n't. 'iUi.i i"ii.. I.i.'".11'. '.VMII l'llt,Hti


to 40 ,




TL'L. 708.I'. O. UOX 384.

Aeeeesment Notice.NOTICB 18 HRHianV OIVKN TllATl

tho tenth asfoiamcnt of Uq (10) pttrent on tho caplui stock o( U Hono-lulu liapid Tramlt ft Una aompwj!will lie duo nnd pybl to J, H,I'luher. Trenmrer, t (11 Wort tttM(upMlra.) Honolulu, nn tbio( April Init, Tho ttom upon w."San awaeuament may rflmilp ubm4 ai

" " '" "" "


444For further information, prices, terms, apply

the office

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.

"We TTvTatcli "Willie "STo-ia- . Slee-- o


U4 eSTumUi; k ol"irwm.iil' Cl' "'". taniiriM. Ort.aHv

Office Rocm Block

IJuiWr States


litutomniuIWHIHHJ.AH", NAVJOA,




!onp)uM "m



Page 5: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol






Per ex Diamond Head; Schr.Transit and E. E Sutton.

A Large AcGortment of



Colorado Engine, Machine,

Car Box, Cylinder, W. S. Lard,

Sperm and Cocoanut Oil; Cor-botineu- m,

Coal Tar, Stockholm

Jar, Rosin, Sulphur, Waste,Anti-Color- ic sectional PipeCoverings, assorted sizes 2 to

4 inches and Plaster in. Bags.

B. S. Anvils, B. S. Drills andForges, Hay and Fodder Cut-

ters, Boiled and Raw Linseed

Oil, Asphaltum in barrels, Car-

riage and Furniture Varnish ot

best quality, Ready Mixed

Paints. White Lead, WhiteZinc, and assorted Colors bothground in Oil and in Japan.

Galv. Iron Buckets assorted

sizes.Galv. Iron Tubs assorted


Please call and examine for


Th6 Hawaiian Hardwwe Co.

f rt (tract. opposite Spreckels' Bank.






I Anvil




wll help you to do It

VHIl MUr l CIUIMMI9TIMrtfort pur M4 It ! Hit klUmh m n no tnr v fit" '''

ltBnla( mwWfonml ill trgMUnp M o

44 nin '!?U.tllotSleii tnJDtpliy lllut it

. r'l " ".' ..'-- ! , .U Inilil...Id Mlif ti uu un t "i y""IrtPIIH

miiiiM Mwt, ' 1 in HN f 'i riIfMl Ji I' 'M w,n! "I

& Oookq


TbellBW Mr.ANDBAfiffiY and



Hotel St near Fort, Honolulu.

Garden Lanal LunchPrice List.

I Cup Engllth Rieakfast Tea 5 cenlsI Cup Purr K in Hawaii) Coffee 5 "1 Small Cup Chocolate "1 Laree Cut Chocolate (Including

cream and sugar) 10 "Fried Ham anJ tugs (j) 25 "2Freshbggs FrledorBoled 10 "1 Plate eacn, Bread and Butter,

Doughnuts, Hot Buns. Snal's,ToaMs, ' akes Prune, AppleSauce or Guava Jelly 5 "

2 Cold Sliced Ham Sandwiches. . . 10 "2 Dr vlled Ham SandwUh-- s 10 "2 Sardine Sandwiches 10 "2 Ameilcan Cheese Sandwiches.. 10 '1 Plate Boston Baked Beans Hot. 10 " ,

1 Tl-- i Chicken Tamiles, Hot ao "t Glas Fresh MIIK o "1 i. lass "la'n Soda 5 "t Glas Ice Cream Soda. 10 "1 Dih Ice Cream 15 "

Strawberries and Cream 'n SeasonSherbets and Ice Cream In quantities

made to ord-- r.



A large assortment Just received.

Make your selection early.

You will WANT ONE for


Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd.





lVl.-ui.sl- o



Fraser &Ghalmers,ENGINEERS AND


Mining Machlner.vi EnginesRledler Pumps,

Compressors, Hollers.TunkH, Metnl Screens.

Hock Crushers, etc,"HENRY A, ALLEN,

Mechanical and Ekttrlcnl rrglheti'1 e, Mq, Reprebfnlutive,Jll run Mirr t, up Malts ijy

KoilH Btijinr Co,, Ltd.ASSESSMENT NO riCfl,

Notice Ik lirrehv sl.tn Hint AiVuni.nl

tiock 6f the Koiia ujsr On. I M., I ftiw44iMMyiilr,IW,',WNHY,

IIWI TffMiifH'


The Orpheum tonightThe Americano Is still anchored out-

sideThe Art Lcaguo exhibition will close

the 27th.Klnau from Maul and Hawaii porta

tomorrow.Tho'Heiene lcnros for Maul ports nt

12 noon tomorrow.The Walaleale Balls for Hanamaulu

and Koloa at 4 p. m. today.New Krocger pianos aro on view nt

The Uorgstrom Music Co. See ad.Scaled tenders for two street bridges

are asked for. Sec notice under NewToday.

The Dig Bonanza is discharging hercargo of coal at the Fort Btreet wharfvciy rapidly.

The Custom House boarding bookhas been done away with and now, onlymemorandums aro kept

The W. Q. Hail from NawlllwlII andthe James Makce from Kapaa aro bothlooked for tomonow morning.

8. E. Lucas was fined G and costala tho Police Court this morning onthe charge of common nuisance.

The Custom House officers underCollector Stackable wore all sworn inyesterday afternoon by that officer himself.

Tho annual meeting ot the Hawa-iian Sons of the American Revolutionwill be held tomorrow. Head Now To-day.

Halelwa, or the "Beautiful House,"the new Watalua hotol, cannot be sur-passed as a quiet resting place and Isa beautiful spot that should not nsmissed by tourists on any considera-tion.

There wilt be a spoclal meeting ofthe St. Andrew's Priory Aid Society to-

morrow (Saturday) at 10 o'clock a. m.In St. Andrew's Priory to discuss thelunch to be given in connection withtho fancy work sale on the 30th.

A baseball game between a team otnative boys and another of Chinese onthe drill shed grounds yesterday, waswatched with great interest by thosowho happened to pass along. The Chi-

nese showed up In flne Bbape, winningeasily from the natives. The pitcherwas particularly flne.

On Wednesday afternoon whilealighting from a car on Nuuanu street,Mrs. Keohokalole was run into by aChinaman on a bicycle. Kvcryono wasexpecting to sec the lady go sprawlingbut, Instead of that thtrwhoel stoppedshort and the Chinaman landed on thoground with a thud nnd a slldo. Mrs.Keohokalole was unhurt.

Local Poetic Talent."Vagrant Verses" ore JiiBt what they

aro called. They tako you throughEnglish meadows, and call you to thosounding seashore. Hero they ringwith martial strains and thore singtho tender passion. Gravo nnd gay al-ternate with vagabond want ot caro"adown tho groves of song." Now It isn chant to th clast bourne, then harkto the living at tho Derby and tunprlzo ring. A sympathetic riitgo overHawaiian departed royalty has a foil ina rollicking invitation to trout llshing.There is real poetry throughout tho little paper covered volumo whoso titleis quoted at the beginning of this ar-ticle. Some finish is wanting to a linehero and there, and sevornl typographi-cal errors mar tho neatly printed pages.With pagos and titles bordered In redInk, the cover adorned with a cocoa-nu- t,

palm, a graceful dedication toQueen LtlluokalanI, formerly Queenof tho Hawaiian Islands, and many oftho themes being local, tho collectionmakes a pretty souvenir. Herbert Mel-

ton Ayres is tho author, Wall, NlchollsCo., Ltd., the'publlshcrs.

SEATTLE BEER.The ever popular itainter beer U be-

coming a household "rord and "willfou bare glass of beattle." la moroften heard than anything else. ThCmenoti Saloon has the beer on tap orn bottlM.

WAITAnd our snappy line ofKNOCKABOUT Shoes

: AT POPULAR PRICES:This Is one off them.


9 m


WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD.,519 Fort Street

IOc. For Ladies Swibs Ribbed Vests a 25c. article.10c. For a six yard piece of Feather stitched braid In white, black

and colors.

13c. For your choice of 100 dozen of Handkerchiefsembroidered,lace trimmed and plain hem-stitche- d.

25c. For almost any kind of a leather belt white or colors.

20c. For Ladies Hermsdorf dyed, black English made hose S2.40a dozen.

10c. For Ladies' or Children's side elastic hose supporters, white andblack.

25c For handsome gold plated link cuff buttons for Ladies and Mn.$1.00. For a Gloria Silk Umbrella. Paragon frame, color stainless.

Good for rain or sun.

WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD.Retailers off Dry Goods atPopular Prices

A Hot Weather Combination.


:: See them in the large display window.

The blue stove is in operation, and runs from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.without any attention. The fuel costs one cent per hour per burner.


W.W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.Sole Agents for Jewrl Stoves, Standard and PuMtan Blue Flame Wlckless Oil

Stoves. Primus Stoves. Gumev Clrauable Refrigerators. Double-Coate- Granite1 ' .




ID Silk and




Repairing of All Klate--- A SPECIALTY -- -



Cor. Fort and Berduia.-t-he-;



Ttu Hew loralDg Dill! Pipr

Will be issued on or about Jbb15th next from the office of "TImRobert Grieve Publishing Company,Lt'd.," 118 Merchant Street.

Subscription Ratos.Per Month, delivered bv aull r

earner anywhere in Hawaii f jg$reruuaner .Per Year

Payabla Invariably In adv

Subscriptions and admtisonrntsfor THE HONOLULU REPUB-LICAN, daily or weekly editions.will be received at ttv BusinessOffice from and after this date.For Advertises Rates apply to

E MANSON,Business Manager.



Depot Ofllco, Bhcrlilan t:et,llicitimi Ufiiee ram.

TKU NO. WHITE 841.Town Onice, Fort Ktreui, anito

HcliooL.TEL. NO B9.

No 1 D utter For Saul


Delivered twice daily to aay vmt afCity. "


Watch Repairing!Don't waste money: to to a

watchmaker. Cleanlnr. tuuspring, It. 50. All work iyarrawtil



M P. LUCA6,Gold and Silver Smith,

30$ Hctel street, nr. Benson, SaMh C148

For the Wet Weather -Ladies' and Gents' CRAVA-N6TT- E

WATERPROOFCLOAKS and COATS jrjAlso CEAVANETTE by the Yard-Bla- ck and Assorted Colons

TT1IDD17TTUUiDnCiLLfiO Alpaca MMm $-- ' it -

WATER PROOF CARRIAGE APRON, Linen Carriage Wrap In Grout VarlttsiAt

E. W. Jordan,No. 10 Fort Street. w




Page 6: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol



liancis J. Berry,fTORNEY-AT-LA- W.

j and 4, Love Building, Fort St.MM

0L fa. C. Atkinson and A. F. Judd, Jr.)

ATKINSON & JUDD,Attorneys andConnsollorB at Law.

gg otot Blsnop & Co.'s Bank, cor.a .and Merchant Btrocts.

W. MoOANTS STEWART,Attorney andOimnwllor at Law.

rnniiM Block opposite CatholicCaitrda, Fort Street, Honolulu. II. 1.

Telephone 1122


Jaad Building. Telephone 213


A.ctornev at Law and aalISTofcarv Public.

Kaakutoanu Street.

J. M. KANEAKUA,attorney ami Counsellor at

LawCMtee: In the Occidental Hotel.

mm of King and Alakca Stroou.Boaceattt.

W. C. acnt. Enoch Johnson.AOHI&.TOHNSON,

Attonioys and Qoniirjolorat Law..

Oace No. .J West King StreetTelephone 884.


Attorney at LawBxrcipls rtnlMlne. Fort Street,





HrNro.PnvMciaiis md fiwuists

DR. F. B. Cot DERT.Ol Nw Ymk.

Berre-Jilli- Slrccl. nppoHlteHNWrtiiMti llcttrl.

Office Hour: o.toa m. to 12111.; 240. 111.: 7 8 p. m.

RaalJrncr liwoIJe. Vi ard Street.UUciimch of Children

A sun ITY

OR. E. G. WATERH0USEOffice and Residence: Kins St.,near - 1p.1l. :::::: r ::: :

Office Hours: 8 ion a.m.1 o I I'. M.T t 8 - M.

SUNDAYS- -g )o I. I :)oA M

TELbl'HO E ,ojt. WHITL. uu,'c WALL, D. D. S.,C. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

t H ''Ii '- -Love Building, Fort Street.

grmra: mo 4. Telephone 434.

Or. w: J. Galbrahh,Office and Residence Borotanla and

AlkKnt ir--

OSce Hours: 9 to 10 a m.; 2 to 4

f. m., 7 to s p. m.TELEPHONE 201


Hawaiian Hotel.)Telephone 61U P. O. Box 601.

Oflce hours. 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3ft, at., 7 to 3 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 11 a. m.


Dentist.OSce: 202 Hotel Street

Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.

BR. A. N. SINCLAIRStreet, between Emma and Fort.

Boon: I to 10 a, m., 2 to 4 p. m.'f o a p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 10 a, m.


apported by Voluntary Contributions.jrttKB TREATMENT to the Poor of

U aauooalltira.Far information ns to cards ot adtaston ana to tha service, ate., etc.,

MM? at thIntlrmaryt

Tatrd Floor, Progress Block,ahacnptions way be left with J, Y,

Harcia L q, AM fa or Dr. HlnuKatt.

A88E88IBNT NOTICH,SlcxklinUeni art hereby notlfieJ that the

Tklcii Ati4ninit of c wr rent or two andwHvi f i)"'1" Pr haroii HieCaplls

,M!,IICO.,.rp Udl and pvt'.ua' l, at ill. o(t(t pf thiL'i!1ltiluHoitMrf,, ,J. Hi PWIpHi.

rr'i inutuiiau.iWMul7W1f B(I ir

Ret Estate ud lisuim


ILIFlir and miREJntnnd


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. OF BObTON.

Etna fire Insurance Com pantof hartford.


andMembers Stock and Bend Exchange.



Particular attantton to purcbaao too uli elHawaiian Sufr Stock.Uui Nototlata'. Batlora aai Foralfa Stock


408 California St.,San Franclaco, Cal. 1173

ofJV. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealersic

SEAL ESTATEWe win Bny or bar. ileal Eilatoli

11 parts 01 tbegtonp.CT We will Bell Properties on Heasoi

nie Commissions 1

'FFICE. 10 West King Streei


Real Estate Broker223 MERCHANT ST.


Twolve Chi nose Granite HltchluPorts, $h nnrb.

Property in town.HOUSES TO LKT.


Real Estate AgentAbstractor nndSearcher of Titles . . .

Loans negotiatedK'nls collected.

Campbell Buildine,Merchant street

7 W. THRUMSurveyor.

(COM NO. 10. Sl'HECKELS BLOObPlantation Work a Specialty.


Stock and Bond BrokerMtntxr of Hawaiian Slock Eacnantt.

MoInerllV Rliick. Fnrf Hir.tOHAS. .1. ITALIC


Member Honolulu Mtock Exchange.Room 81)1, - Judd RuiMinir.

JOHN H. aurtrtStock anil Bon. Frfm

116 Merchant Strtot.P. B. R. STRAUOhT

Real Estate BrokerFlnancUl Agbt nd Colloctor

No. 0 Bethel Rt., near P. O.IH Taupnoa D41.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Brokej

Maabai ot tbo Honolulu Stock Eichanga.

Oflloe Quoen street, oppoalu DnloiFeed Company.

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co.. Ltd.

Wo will bo pleasi'tl u fur

nisli estimates for complete Electric

UrMInK Plants ami (or qhb 01st

tance transmission of Plepttlp Power.


There was not a very large crowdat tho rncca yesterday but, neverthe-less, tho events were very Interestingthroughout, following Is the list ofthe races with winners nnd time made:

Bicycle race, 1H miles. Purso $50with $10 to leader at each quarter.Won by n. A. Dexter In 3:15. Sllvnsecond nnd Albrldc third. Merrill led

tho first quarter, Silva at the Bccondthird nnd Dexter at the fourth.

Halt mile dash. Purse $100. Carta-lin- o

In 49 5. Maples second and SirCnslmlr third. Onrtallnc won by aneck.

Thiec-quail- mllo dash for Hawa-iian brods. Purso $100. Kntrles notsufficient for a race.

Flve-elgn- ts mile dnsh. Purso $100.Won by Maples In 1:03. Venus sic-on- d.

Trotting and pacing to harness(2;30.) Purso $100. Won by Albert

In two straight heats. Time 2:332:41. Fred Hios second.

Qentlemen'u driving race. Open toroad horses with a record and not

confined to members of tho JockeyClub. Purso $G0. Won by C. II. Judd'sSilas Skinner In 2:28. V. VIda's Flora

second nnd C. Uclllnn's Lustrethird.

One nnd mile dash.Purso $150. Won by Evcrcth In 2:1G.Aggravation second nnd Antidote third.

8taln& An American Citizen.The present Is particularly an hour

fine pictorial effects In the theater.Several directors and stage managersare winning distinction for tho com-paratively fine results they secure inhandling large companies of men andwomen, In arranging light effects, scen

designs and color schemes. It Isparticularly an hour In which Inventlvominds nro heiplng to mako splendidand life-lik- e, Btagc pictures as much aapossible for the scattering of tho goodnctors over n wide territory; thospreading out as thinly ns possible oftho avnllnblo supply of dramatic aroover a largo surface. But only suchdiscriminators ns Henry Irving, Rich-ard Mansfield, E. H. Sothrcn, JamesNclll of tho Nclll Company, nnd a veryfew others, havo been nblo to get everysmallest detail of their designs putInto perfect execution, nobcrt Mor-ris, tho stngo manager of tho NclllCompany Is also very largely respon-sible for the superior stage effects ob-

tained In productions given by that or-

ganization. Tho company will bo seenIn this city next Saturdny evening,June 23 at tho Hawaiian Opera Houaofor the first time In "An American Citizen."

ctepubllcnnn Corry Oregon.Portland. Oregon, Juno B. Oregon

has gone Republican by nearly thosame maiorlty as two years ago.Tongue, Congressman In tho First dis-

trict, is elected by about 2000 pluralityover Daly (D.) and Moody, Congress-man In tho Second district. Is electedby about 4000 plurality over his Demo-cratic opponent, Smith. Wolverton,Supremo Judge, nnd Bnllcy, DairyCommissioner, aro elected by nbout4000 majority each.

Suffrage has been defented by 11

heavy majority, 3000 In Portland, andbv a heavy voto throughout tho State.

Nearly the entire Legislative ticketfrom Multnomnh county has been de-

feated bv tho Fusion ticket. This willmean that H. W. Corbett will not goto tho Sennto next Januaiy.

Gonsalvcs. photographer. Berctanlinear Alnpal Is giving awny one 10x2"crayon portrait with $5 worth of ph"tos.

The use of tho Singer In m'UIous odomes shows the Anpreroden: vl sue'ess of these IderJ sewing ma lnepIt la convincing proof that tin. Singe'xccls In all kinds of family tvn

ind art needle work. All our 1 tnnachlnea are ot the best construov'onoaiitlfniy decorated, and uro mountw

in sleectcd woods In finely flnlsbeablneta ot artistic designs. B. Bet

n .print lW cl.l atrAt


PWe Have Just Received a La-g- e

Shipment of These Lights

Thee lamps burn In 'uch a manner thattlir combubtl n Is almost perfect and forthis reas n the IIrIU Is magnlficentlbrilliant, smokel ss and oJo-le-

The amps are absolutely site It beingsimply Impossible to explode.

If you are tired of the bother of ord narvlamps, If yuu wish to rld,yourself of

tner ere, t lie above will appeal to yonvery stronuly. When coupled witheconnmv the appeal Is irreilstablr.

The Anfllc Lump .irconipllshes perfectIllumination, 't prra-nt-s an opportunityof curing a IIrIU llwt Is easily operatedand more hrllU mt than . oreiejtrl.llvwith no more he it at , t fraction oftheir cost, It provides a lamp for

tlomej, stores, offices, factories, ias,ltrii'i hole s ,ini cmrches, Ill-i- t U Ideaj

lnvery vyiThe pibc s cordially Invited, to c,t

an1! t tll IWll".

Tlw II, llnvleg ft CoIMITIIh

Meromnli am idniliilon A0Bni..!''" 'i"i'i "N't i iMiuinritii ii'iii?i

AftDtg. trokers nnd in8,

W. G. Irwin &G(Limited .

AGENTS FORWestern Sugar Refinery Co., of San

Francisco. cBaldwin Locomotive Works, of

Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A.Nowcll Universal Mill Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New .York, U. S. A.N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertili-

zers.Alox. Cross & Sons, high grade Fer-

tilizers for Cane and Coffee.Reed's Steam Pipe Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOR SALEParafflno Paint Co.'s' P. & B. Paints

and Papers; Lucol nnd LinseedOils, raw and boiled.

Indurine (a cold-wat- er paint), inwhite and colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Limeand uncus.



HONOTiUH ..Commission Merchant.


TnafcwnPlaalatl'aCo.Tk Walalua AfTkulfrwl Co.. L a, .fbo Kohala Sujar Ccrha Walaaa IIToo Koloo Agricultural Co.rrio Fulton Iron Workf, SI toola, M.rna aunoara unToo Goo. F Blako Staam Pumoa.Woaton'a CtnttKofali

Tho Nw En(lan4 Ll( tnauraaca Co, l -

THO iEtaa Flro Ina Co. ol Hanlorl. tf-- Tho Alllanco Atauranc. C ot Lonaoa




MERCHANTS -tgents (or the California and Orion

Steamship Company.


liVm. G. Irwin & l


Wm. G. Irwin.. President and ManagerClans Sprockets Vice President.W. M. Otffard ..Second Vice PresidentH. M. Whitney Jr. .... Treas. and SecQ co. J. Ross Auditor


Joramission Agsr.-- .



itaTnlbaUa-Tn- i ttj.trImporters andCommiHslonMerchantH --a


Tlie Lancashire Insurance Co.The Btlolse Insurance Co.Union Gas Erglne Co.Domestic Sewing Macb ne, Bto

BREWER & C6., LTI.Uuoan auo.1, Honolulu H.I

rVprcnts torHawaiian Aailcuilural Co;any, Amtllcaa Satonpanv, uokata sugar iant uo . unonaa bi.0.. Honomu Suiat Co., Walluku Sutai Co., Mai

iugar Co , Haiaakaia Parn Co , MoTokal kaa.kManttr'a Lln San ft . tcuPaclrot nai. k

h Coa Lloa ot Boavn Packata

LIST OF OFFICERSO. M. CooKo, I'lomttoni! Goorgt- - t

Robertsoi,, Muimnor; K. F. BielioirrooMiror and Secretary ( Col. W J

Ulon, Audit r; l'. u Jouex, a. VBtviuumo , Quo. R. Carter, Dlruciorb.

BKUCE CAKTWKlGinbneral Manager ot

fb Hqu table Life Assurance Scon.

O' tho rjnlMd Uutvstoi the Uiwiua- -lalanda

Olfinat Mriham mitmI. Ilnr


Wholeaal. ImpoiUri and Jobbarr

Inropwn ud American Drj ti

Ko t and Queen Btraali


mm COMMISSION aqgit.

Bur. Knrl and Unesn Htrseti HooU.riQMQlwm Ivon Works Cc

Improved nnd modern rlllflAH MAtflHlNWY v t vry .wiwii .mii ii.

IIIMH I1WUU u II ft nr wofKHWi mVOTMIl I'll'liH fr niBftiimiiunmr u t hdcIuii M ViWW....i.i".;.' mi, 'i.ii.i".'.:'.'i ".'.i'j..

II" .. K8 '.V.?. .. V. ,JJ mmirnrni"! rt r"linn !illfr'




Capital $400,0(M'Son


F. O. Jonxs, nt

O. H. Cookk, Cashier.F O. Athkrtow, Assistant Cashier

Henry Waterhouse,Tom May,

F. W. Macfarlane,E. D. Tenney.

JjA. MoCandlOM.Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Trusts, Individuals, and wiLcarefully and promptly attend to a)nuslness connected with banking en-trusted

ofto It. Sell and purchaso Forolgi

Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit.


Ordinary and Term Dopoaita receivedInterest allowed in accordance wl'I

rules and conditions printed In Pa a andbooks, copies of whloh may be had nifapplication. t

TLe First American linil


Incorporated Under the Laws ot tkRepubllo of Hawaii.

Authorize Capital, Sl.OOO.OOCSubscribed Capital, 750.00(iPaid Up Capital 5O0,0Of

OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR 3.Cecil Brown PresldenM. P. Robinson Vlce-Presld-

W. O. Cooper CaableM. Boyd Secretar

Directors Cecil Brown, Mark IKoblnson, Bruce Cartwrlght, W. C.

Cooper and H. M. Von holt.

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-Callt-

ita Bank. Limited.Chicago The Merchants Loan an

Crust Company.New York J. ft W. Seligman ft Con

uany.London The Anglo-Callfor- m

Uank. Limited.Paris Socletle Qcncrale.Hamburg M. M. Warburg ft Jon

uany.Hongkong and Yokonama Tb

lhartered Bank of India. Australtnd China.

Australia The Union Bank of Aurralla. Limited

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Oerbruder Meyer.

Exchange bought and aotd LettenCredit Issued nn all parts of thworld.

Beer ano Wine Dealers.

LOVEJOY &CO.Importers, and Wbolbbalk

rVt&s M Lipr Dealer,At ania tor iba Boniad Mainiar Baar ot Mania

NO. 19 NlIUANU HlRKKTFoattr Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian ItusDt

P O Boa i ,? Mutual Talapbona vol




Qf'CJueBii fltrwu flnnolntu. T?

lisolidaied Soda Water Co., L

CHplanadc,amor Allen & Fort Stt., Honoun

HOL, LISTER & CO.,Unllt('

I. WelaKaHao"

You will find it at the cornerof Hotel and Bethel streets.

Headquarters for ALL theSports and Race Horse Men.

A No. 1 Liquors a specialty

B. Lemon and F. Wdddmanwill attend to the WANTS.otthe Weary.

Seattle Beer kept at u Tenpeiature Unequalled in Town.

John Dewar, Kellock's AA,

Green River and Old Govern-ment VYI,Me and Ihe yervhest tif mryihuiff Ise,'W i '.... ,.j

1H MlTrfti HTHKMi

61 tiers.

Oiacn Braaoxaia. Wu.tt. Ikwi


rrancitco AgenUTa Nktada.National Bank or 8am Frahoiiuid.

Framouoo The Nevada NatloaauBank of San Francisco

London The Union Bank of Londoa.Ltd.,

New Yoax American Exchange na-tional Bank.

Chioaoo Merchants National BamkPajus Credit Lyonnals.Bbrlw Dreadner Bank. 'Uonkono and YOKOHAMA Honk.ng

Shanghai Banking Corporation.NXW ZRALAND AMD ACffTRALLA BBB

New ZealandVictoria and Vanoouvkb Baak t

British North America..TrtiHci 1 auem mm wtiitlwtivm

Dopokta KeeelTCd. Loana muU ob Atproved Becnrltv. Commercial and Travalita,Credlta Iuoed. BUU of Exchange bomcbl.

sold. ,

jotxirrnom PaonrrLT Aoooprap. F01,,

' KaUblUhed 1BS8 . 1

BISHOP Sg Co. ,'

BANKERS.Transact a General Banking

ind Exchange Business.Commercial and Traveler'

Letters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- e

in all tho principal citi&tf tho world.

iiuoroHi aiioweci aitor juit-1- ,

1808, on fixed deposits iv

months 3 por cent., (1 montln-- i

pur cent., 12 months iior cent.


Savings Deposit will breceived ami Interest allowed by thisBank at four and one-ha- lf per cent,per annnm.

Printed copies of the Rules and Reg-ulations may be obtained on application.

Office at bank building on Merchantstreet.


Pioneer Bui ding andLoan Association- -

ASSETS, DEO. 81, 1891, $112,677.11

Money loaned on approved accurltj,A Savings Bank for montnly deposits.Houses built on the monthly install-me- n

piTwentieth Bert - of Stock Is ao

opened. 'OFFICER8-- T. F. tanslng. Preat-dsnt- ;

8. B. Rose, Vice President; O. aOray, Treasurer; A. V. Dear, SecreUrj,

DIRECTORS T. F. Lansing, a B.Rose, A. V. Gear, A. W. Keech. Henrjuinu, j, mm ncian, J. jj. iiolt, O.

Oray, W. U Howard.A. V. OEAR,

Secretary,Chamber of Commerce rooms.'Ufflce Hours; 12: HO 1:80 p. n.

rije Vok;ohamB Specie BuiUMIfBD,

Subscribed Capital .... Ven 24.OM.M0- -

Pald Up Capital Yen 18,000.000Reserved Fund Yen 8,00oo0t

The Bank buys and receives for col-lection Bills of Exchange. Issues Draftsand Letters of .Credit, ana transact!a general banking business


Fliail Dapoalt tor it aionUia, a por caai tOn Fliad Dapoall lor i BooUia. K "On Flaal Dapoalt tor i taoi,


Bv (ha Haal Orta, at Yoaohataa, oo CurraalSaaalt. i a- - , aa oar dav

Oa fo4 Dapoalt tor la taonUii. jH par caal p. a.

tew ReDiMic BQildisE. llfiiiie sl. Boioliii

FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and 8uroriniemllni

Electrical HydraulicKNOINKKH.

t'l rtro ilyilraullp Power TranmnlaidonlKUI-OUT- H AND KHT1MATKHKUHNIHHKl), , , ,

With Cattou.Noll Co,, qiinen street,Ottlno nurt to !' flloi. uai

.lvMKHT. TAYLOH,M,Aa boc.C.B,


Hydraulic Enginoor,iinMiiiitimooii, TwiA.mi


HWvm Bih i , pfrl Htrtfl





Page 7: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol



Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLE.Ike Fine Paaaeager Bteaaaera of Tfaia Line Will Arrive at aoc

fjeave Thia Fort aa flereander.From San Franclsoo:


OANA ..July ifESTRAUA ...At i

Im floaaeotioB wltb the failing of the abore ateamera, the Agentaxe prepared to' ieeae, to intending paaaengera, coupon throngbHeketa by any railroad from Ban Franciaeo. to all point is theuaitea oiatea, ana irom new xorK by an? ateamanip line to all

porta.For farther partioalara apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic 8. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Oecldenttl ml Oncmil Sttiashlp Co. Tojo lisen IilsbiI. Steaiw of tf tov coapaK 1H call .

um paimr

Far Jaaan and CMna:HAHi6Dff Maru. .......... ..Jan siChina Jun9Drc ...JulyNippon Maru , .July nRlo4eJanelr. JulyttCofrfk AufAmerica Man Aug 10

'Peking- AucitfjMlk Aur.SHoeiekone Mini Sept c

Foe fenarat InfoncaUon apply to

H. Hackield & Co., Ltd., Agents,

Canadian -- Australian Royal Hail Steamship Company.

aWSUam.ti ol the abora Ha, routine lo connection wltb the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.mm Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., aod calling at Victoria. C. C, Hoaolulu aid Brlitao.

m DVK AT IIONOI.UL.U oo or (bout tba data below aUUd, rli :

.tOM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C,For Brlibana and Svdnavl

Iwarrmoo Aucjuiy


WTbrouch tlckata latuad Iroa Honolulu to Canada. Ualted Statai and Europiraeeac ana an central inioraauon, apply to

Theo. H. Da view &




m or( ,,

i. . M y i


it. at

. . l


. . .

mm m




J ..


I a ilto l


A A aa.


American-Hawaiia- n


be dispatchedJ. 'AMERICAN" a

everySouth at times



Wilder Steaibin Co., Ltd.

Tho Klnau will fromHllo on Thursday, Juno 7th at 8 p. to.,an other porta of coil hoursahead of regular tlmo, arriving in

Saturday morning, Juno 9th.doetinod for Hi.o on

the 11th, will bo rocolvca on thowharf on Friday, June 8th. June

12th, tho n.lnau will sail nt 13 inusual,

8tsr. CLaUulnH will nail fromMaul ports a day ahead of tlmo, arriv-ing (a Honolulu Haturday morning,Jane 9th.

TO HII.O FOK 4th OKJULY RACES, half rate. Tho1CINAU will sail from onMonday, 2d, at 12 m, toucnlng atway porta on this trip n day ahead oftho regular time. Round trip to

aad return, drat class.passongors requested to

hook early. will bo recolved attho wharf on Friday, Juno29th.

Stair. OLAUDINK will sail fromon Monday, 2d, at 5 p. m

antt provided tickets nro soldfrom Maul ports to Hllo and returnat 112.50 each, buo win proceed to Hllo,

ports on Tuesday, arriv-ing In Hllo on tho morning of thoFourth. Hllo at midnight of

will arrlvo on

IMS tt




Virion are (flMlnlly Invite Jicall mvt nur wljery lift"Mw royi nfwiwi Kmlirm?liIiMWi




For San txwisco.MOAMA JMHAUMtMUA Joi)rALAMEDA ..July


Hosololw a4 Alt port ttnugaaaFar San Franeitaa:

Nippon Mara.. ..June,Plode Janeiro. JimCoptk ..ju'yAnerka MaruP.klnf July ttr.atllc Ae

Maru .AocChina AugDork Auf

FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANE.For Victoria and Vancouver IB. C):

miowera.. ....,,,,. juiyAorangi Aug.

For Freltftt and

Co., Ltd., GenM Agents.


From San Francisco.


From Portland




Leave San Francisco: S:oo A. M., ickooA. M.,6:ooP At.

Leave Por land: o:n A. M., o:ooP. M.hrough without Chance.

Only THREE DAYS to Chicago.Only FOUR DAYS to New Yorh.

Pullman Palace Sleep-r- s Buffet,Smoking and Library Cars withB rber Shop and ReadingRooms

Dining Cars (Meals ala-cart-

Pree Pecllnlng Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleeper.

J. LOTHROP, General Agent,1)5 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

D. W. HITCHCOCK, Genral Agent,No. Montgomery St., San Francisco.


147 Omaha, Nebraska,


From and After January Wli,THAINN.

Uurctld) HiPallybui, bally ifc Wr

toaoluia,,,,, i.io I'll n.ei mi im.a,l CM.... .1 liuo l'4l 1'liaMui,;;;;; in Utan, um ,,,, 10.1. III! III

WllllUI,,,,,, ,,,, nut lr in- -

ji'H I'llpijw:Ill4i j.fw- - Pi' linn

aii fat,faufMlm,,i,i. llll 111 '"'HI lUlittllii'."" III!



First steamer to from New York to Honolulu via San Francisco:6. on cr about August 1st to be followed by steamer

other month.Freight received at Company's wharf, Brooklyn, all by lighters

or In For general Information, apply to

Agents, Honolululuand DAV1E6 CO.,

Agent. Hllo.

steamer nail


noluluFreight Tuesday

Claud-in- e




ticketsHit T12.G0,



Ho-nolulu July


leaving Maui

Leavingthe Fourth, nt KnhululFriday.









lIIiIIIIH'K" llll I'll I'll I

w",,.v....v, p) lis ig

ckiMN 4M JifiMe firm.

pflaguda Boardman,


Domestic Servants, Sailors and General


Office Hours: 9a.rn.t0jp. m

Telephone 917.

P.O. Box 862.

Room 1, Sprfckels Blockta

Y. MASUDA,Portraits

Done in Crayon or Oil.Pictures Framed In any style.Framed Plcturr tut aa(.

......New Mouldings for frames haveamvro. ,

King and Alapai streets.Near Honolulu Mock Yards.



OTSTJICii.Contractor.Is Prepared loHuppl at Bbort Notlc



At Lowest Pr'ces Pletae apply orleave orders t office of

J L KhuIiiImiu,1491 Rellipl wlnei. m-- nkn l. O.


Watchmaker and Jeweller


213X jUng street 1277


A. K. OZAWA, 4aaacr.


ln. Tal ui.Wong Sai Kee


124 King S rett. Oi rolte John Nolt'sHONOLULU, H. I.

Cleaning-- , Dyeing and Repairing Specially'M


Has Removed From Fort Street to 111Nuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's,


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,A Fins assortment of American. Enoushakd

Scotch CLoth on HandNo, 119 Nuuanu m.rt. Honolulu, H. I.

Good work and 8rit-cl.- St guaranteedCleaned and Repaired


GROCERY AND FRESH FRUITSalways on hand. FRESH PINEAPHLESfor special order, and CALIFORNIAFRUITS hv fVpm itMmff mnti atmn ICI .AND BUTTER. Delivery Free. Tel. j6t

1 asm


Cut and Growing PlantsSprays Bouquets

Weddln& Funeral Deitignft

ON SHORT NOTICELarge Variety of Roses and Other Plants


PINKE & CO,Union St., above Hntel.

The World risteiKeuptt tho Cash while you aro huijr,

Try one 0

Rook Prioos

On Matbleond Graniti,MONUMENTSivnd OKMKTKRYWORK. , ,



Sanford I). Dole, Governor.Henry E. Cooper, Secretary.W. V. Vttzr, Chief Justice.Antonio i'errr. first Associate Jus-

tice.Clinton A. Galbralth, Second Asso

ciate Justice.Abram H. Humphreys, Judge First

Circuit.It. It. Siltlman, Judge First CircuitJohn W. Kalua, Judge Second Cir-

cuit.W. 8. Edlngs, Judge Third Circuit.Gilbert F. Little, Judge Fourth Clr-cul-

J. Hardy. Judge Fifth Circuit.Morris M. Kite, United States Dis-

trict Judge.John C. Daird, United States District

Attorney.Daniel A. lUy, United SUtct Mir-sha- l.

.. II. Stackable, Collector of Cus-toms.

Wni. Haywood, Collector InternalRevenue.

J. M. Oat, Postmaster.J. A. McCandless, Superintendent of

Public Works.Alatau T, Atkinson, Superintendent

o'f Public Instruction.K. P. Dole, Attorney General.Arthur M. Brown, High Sheriff.Charles F. Chllllngwortb, Deputy

High Sheriff.H.C.Austin, Auditor.If. C. Meyers, Deputy Auditor.J. F. Drown, Commissioner of Pub-

lic Lands.W. D. Alexander, Surveyor.A. T. Havcs, Private Secretary to

the Governor.The Treasurer and Superintendent of

Agriculture have yet to be named.

GuctitH at tfalciwa.A large number of Honolulu people

spent their holidays at the beautifulWalalua Hptcl. This lovely resort Is be-coming more and more' popular as aplace In which to get away from thecity's rush for a few days, as the fol-lowing list of guests the past week willshow: F. J. Downey, D. Hamman, A. M.Dlanchard and wife, O. W. Grant andwife. E. H. y. Wolters, R. R. Berg. S.M. Damon, Honolulu; John T. Baker,Hllo; E. S. Gl.i and wife, W. U. Ahfook,Honolulu; E. J. Snow, wlfo and twochildren, Hlburn, N. Y.; Miss Laughlln,Honolulu; It. H. Moore, s. C. Irving,San Francisco; C. II. Clapp, F. S.Dodge, and family, Honolulu: MissCharles, Miss Livingston, New York;Mrs. II. L. Hawthorne, Washington,D. C; D. G. Camarinos, John Lycur- -gits, Walter G, Smith and family, LewisS. Gear, C. C. Hitting, II. C. Abel andfamily, M. T. Dcnnell, Dr. Cleveland,Jcanle McAdam, E. W. Jordan andwife, Honolulu; II. G. Illme, Heeia;Josephine E. Tlldcn and mother, Caroline M. Reaslcy, Minneapolis, Minn.;Geo. P. Thlclen, Los Angeles, Col.; P.Maurice McMnhnn, Hllo; C. II. W. Nor-ton, John Efllngcr, Misses Dorothy.Eleanor and C. Louise Eulngcr andmaid, A. F. Cooke, Honolulu; J. M.Lydgnle, Kauai; Wm. F. Dcnnlson,Michigan; t.ias. II. Mcrrlam, Mass.;Chan. Phillips and wife, 1.0UI0 J. Matthews, Rcsslo M. Mills, Jas. I.ylc andwife, Honolulu.

The United States CustomHouse. Post Office andInternal Revenue D-epartments Accept theBonds Issued by thePuclfcSurety Company.

This Company Istues bonds ef suretyshto fr the falth'ul discharge of duties of

employes In portions of trust. It thusrelieves Private Individuals from the ne

cesl'y which former y existed of astumIng these responsibilities.

TO EMPLOYES, this Company will

P'eent the advantages of enabling ou toobviate the unpleasant necessity of resort-ing to y.mr person il f lends, and will tender you by the payment of a sma'l annualpremium, your own I dependent surety.

The Bnndsnf this Company are accepted

In all of the Unit'd States Coutt In all 0'the Departments of the United States


For further particulars apply to


Iniurance Department, Judd Building.


Coney EstateLANDS.


NO LOTS on Nf'inu Avenui.at Nil

ops, Nuuanu Villi) 'or sale. Apply tiJ, M 'NSARRAT,

CaitwriKht Block, srclmnt trttiifff- - -

ERFKCT llll.lil'IIOriii 2000,

P HIN1IK0 1 1'rcniircil to or.KOPU KD T Wi Ulltlf 1 1, III

mm H(iMirlys 1 1


Vfl.4fl ii nwffiUFi) trii t Mvrri


'II ifflWwriHJiririi, finrwr Pl Fwl UIfwIi

Catton, Neil. & Co., Ltd.Boilermakers : t and : : Electricians

A.g:on.ts for.The - General -

Setxi jTreLnolsoo,

Electric -


ENGINEERS AND RUILDER8.Hih Duty Pumping Machinery,

: Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines. Caaa Can,'

vacuum Pans, and all machine ry d r the .. mplete equipment of Sugar Mills.


Fresh Oysters,Apricots, Cherrfes, Peaches, Plums,

Frcsli Cauliflower, Fresh Celery, Fresh Turnips


Grimsby Bloaters, Dates, Figs Lemons, Etc., Etc.,

: FOR :




Do you know that the

GREEN RfER WHISKEYis tbe official whisky

of the United States Navy Hospitals?

W. C. Peacock & Co.. Ltd.,SOLE AGENTS.

For Sandwiches

Chicken Loaf,Cottage Loaf,

Veal Loaf,Ham Loaf,

Benf Lnsf .

illce thin, Strva oo'.d. Excellent for Sandwiches and Luncheon, For sale by

folnohnnn 110.

my atMr, ofjvill of my

IS : ;

7MTrt. fH. "'



-- 7". "W-- "W-.K.IGWE--XT

Carriage MakerGeneral Repairing,

Painting, Blacksmithing, Trimming.Phaetons, Buggies-an- Hacks Manufactured.

IIIGII.CL.iSS WORK.wmmmhWmmmHmmmmmummwmmm



Guitar, Mandolin, Zither,and Ukulele.

"During absence OmAiAmes, Wall, Nichols Co.,

have charge pupils.


BeretEtxila, St



Htudln, "Mlinon," Hariunlstrait,

rifiorf'1'iiirriManiolln17illliirHlniiPlpmH PrWl.1

liaijHHrl IWHfWMNLMftli'l' IN





Hustace,313 Klna atnutt. nt tn th Aril

Plorobdn, Etc


75and79Klne3trstTELEPHONE NO 11.

MOW is the time to getbreakages seen to, aad

Roof 8 Put In O'dstBy competent woafaV

For the PlumbingOn that now homo that yon araabout to build or tbo alteraMocnyon are intending to make oayonr property. Call and aaa kmand (jot an eatlmato,

JAS. NOTT, Jr,Frftotioal Tlmmltu and Vamhw,

Hlinpi llereunla street, i imm taatnf PiiiidIiIiowI, I'lmna Hii,

Hnurr 7 i to 'i Wt

JohhliW prompliy altiindad U,

HHK If AAIIKO,l(nlf flM-- UiriK. Irtpn),

li,milMir him!

Hllfitfffta riirriri,

Page 8: tw&Tir cv Who Your Favorite School Teacher? .. 3 riEvening ... · mm1 tw&Tir".. v. sa--..cv Who is Your Favorite School Teacher? 3 riEvening-Bulletin VOTE E&RLY AND OFTEN.: sr Vol


HR - iWmH& - ' -- I I


aP.- -



Commission Merchants .

MODEL 50: A N D -- :

: :

W. H.

JasMorpiUiEER AND- -




Qcn ."







Aubef'j Ff.ru ous Opera

Fra DiavoloAn ExcetVnt Cast.


Fltst Appearance of


PRICES 50c, 75c and $i.co.

BOXES 11.25.

CeHsaart requested to refrain from Smoking'la Hie PatM and Sections A, II, C. Tho pilvllegr

M t eaterded li the other portion of the house,

BANK NOTICE.Cuitoutfrs ate Informed (tut every

diaft, or orJrr, drawn onoraftirJune 14th, iqco, payable at tight or ondrmand mutt luve thereini n two-cen- t U,S. Iiilenval Revenue .tamp, canceped bythe Initials of the drawer and .'ate nf Issue

will be piM, received 011 deposit,or taken for codec Ion,

The veR0'at.) or payment of anychrck, ilrM, or orJr without suclicanctlltd Mump affixed will be a vlol.vloii fthe U, S, ff,enue LavvanJ will rnJrthe inisker ab q t v()ti penallVi

tiinfar pqy purpmei wll Ulup'piled a fu.toier fe y(u iy theWft'flflintJ orfanh BaeJtiheJ,

- Initial HfVfnue fflcf, cqnitrPqil iihl

AINVifiliilNilnlUiHwpImIm, Inn t)'ii iqffl.UltilK I' iV W.


WANTS.xj. in imi .utMiftA tnuttt l

fC fti--fi i ent (nutUomi U unit tn4iff m n cr , fi ttt two uks,ut 4 6 unit tmt Moult, 7ktt tt tht iitttetf Jvihumttv nti'tti 'he 6tA fit tlutu.


WJANTED- -r ONCE. AN EXPrK CNJUtDCLEMK for a Retail Grocery lo. Miut W

'prr enct nJ wUry trM lo I. O, Ho. No UtJflo-oM- u. W

WANTED-FI- VE MESSENGER BOYS t thMesseneee Service.

UANTED-O- ne or more good PHeSMIKN. Jrply, ,. B, to RORIKT GRIEVPUBLISHING CO.. March, I Street. naHUANTED A Yo'ina- - Man about ao years old. I v.

Inc sr.th events, for bosIU- - n clerk Musthave fair ktio ledge of bnokkeerlniE. State salary.,t4 addiess P. O UnX7l) HaQM--


J;.w per week. Call soa Beretanla Si.541

ED--A GOOD SECOND HAND BICYCLEWA! at this oiio, 'shrewl. rellmble man In

the m .c oal lown oi me isiinas lor leemmile detective work under Inttrucll'n. Aldr-- st II.C. Webter. Supi. American Detective Association.Indlanap Ha. Indiana, u. S. A. ij-i-

WANTED-TI- IE CLUB UAHIIIH 'v rtfe .here you can Ret a UNE SllsVBlor

ic. White barters, nt Kins street, opros teMetr .fiolllan Meat Co.

THE OWL LUNCH AND OYSTER ROOVJI Ovsters served In the shell only Try hit

famous Hem and z Sandwiches and Coffee CorII ml and P.rt stretl , DICK DALY. Proprietor.

'V7ttIANTED-M- en lo know that they can eet inaveo

W hv whtia barber for cents at H.JEFFS6ioH Fort treet. orp Clnt- - StM. noo.tr


TO LET A ROOM In the Hawaiian Hotel groundssultit-l- fur a store. Amonit the rece t Imrrove- -

menls at 'ho II tel areto mos, n .ir Inform win I le n o s. rvneath in two urge ci cuiarlanels In the front of thi main bildl k. One ofill l olrealv n(UDld ss a I irber shop, theother Is aval able to rent for anv approved lint olfcuslnei., e'tctric light and water laid on.


ijjCwi Kaa um.nii street,

FOR RENT OrriCe. ApplvloJ. M. Monsa-rat- .

tq Merchant .treet. 'sti'tCOR RCNT-OrnC- E". suitable to- - Doctors. Dent-- I

lts Archllec s, at the E He building on Ho'ei s.Inquire Hart & Co , Ltd.. Hotel s'. ijimtTO LET-- CO 'TAGE'ir one pe'Sin Klnvj sirtet

Ajdress II ... Bos ?nJ l 4J'tf

TO on Pauoa Poll at piesentoccupied by Mr I". H GlPsnn Arply to


TO LET The residence of John Ena at WalklH,furnished or unfLrnl.hed Large yard d

lit use, barn and stables. To let as a whole or nprrt Tor further partltulars, apply to JOHN 1 Aill I.? N. rn ' offi, e. O ten r if '

I'UitMsiinn noons.FURNISHED HOOM. only $in month Private

Vlneard M duors Queen lloul,i))C-i-

NEWLY TURVISHED ROOMS at th Tort Streetcomer Fort and Vlneyirj Sts Every

thing Two rooms sutalle for demist ordottor. is6-l-

TO B lard and Rooms at theAloha House on Fort street.


CObNI)-- A RAMBLER rlCYUT: ly n In theI middle of Kltg street oppusite tli opeia Houseat 4 a m. Saturday, June q. Owner may havesame on I dentifylnit nd p.ylng for advertisement and , lunarJ by application at this"flue, iSStFOUND At the corner of King rd Tort treets

HOOD and SMALL I'OWDLRl'UFs Owner cat i.btln ssme at bis office byidentifyl.igihieoods and p lying f.r this adve-tl- e

menu miCOUND-- A MEDAL for a i ya d Hurdle. The

owner can obtain same by calling at this officeend Identifying It and paying for this advertisement. hi tf


I OTS OF LOTS-A- lso HOU ES AND KITSFor Sate. For Rent, hnr Lease.

WILLIAM SAVIOGE,o6 Merchant St. IPnolult, II. I.

POR SALE OR EXCHANGC-Ciu- n" BARBERT SHOP, King St . ea(y terms. II. JEHS.1548ml

pOR SLE-O- NE GOOD CARWIA I: HORSERubber Tire Phiet n, single harness All lirst

slass. Call or addiess J W Club Stables ijn-l- f

pOR SALE J4J00 Lease of istory businessproperty on Fort street 4 years to run, Ground

Rent t per annum, bargain Apply InWILLIAM bAVILHili,

soft Men ham street.

COR SALE-T- WO COTTAGES on Young St ,'ocposlte L. II, Dee, Esq. Inquire of !. E

IQARDMAN t.f,-t- l

COR SALE-$i- oo.. LOT In best portion of Kallhlsire 604150, Apply to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE.No, lio Tort street



MONEY lo loan on real tUte, Apolv to Will E,I'M isher, Real Lime Avenl and Auctioneer.

IJtIMioTO H'lJlDrHS-l- he IMon Impress Co

has yyITDSAN)IORALF. imtlDUDOIPII DUNCAN states Hist he Is Hill In theI ' fuck and earllt business allliuugh he hdi sold hisInterest In Ihe ballast business

omc.i ll.ih.l street in , (. Huchcctk'i lawnfhee.

DU, U)iyt, Dental l'ni n now


Water cqIqis In ?es for

school children nr ndiilh fs(


inn m)m m uow mi Iibih)

Al KING ni?Q



Weather Bureau. Punahoti, June 1ft.Temperature Morning minimum,

U: Midday maximum, 86.Nitrometer at ft a. m. 29.M. RfeJus;IlalnfaU .00.Dew 1'olnt 6&F.Humidity at 9 ft. m. 60 per cent.Diamond Head SlKual Station, Juno

1C Weather cloudy; wind trveU NB.Anu bark off port

ARRIVALS.Frlduy, June 10.

Am. up. Dlrlpo, from Hongkong Inbtt..IBt.

TO 8AIL THI8 AFTKRNOON.Schr. Allco Kimball, (or Kaanapall

and KIIh'I lit S p. ID.Stmr. Walnlialc. I'lltz. for liana

maiilu and Koloa tit 4 p. m. .TO 8AIL TOMORROW.

Stmr. Hclcno. SttctiH, for l'nauhau,Ooknlu and 1'niwutloa at 12 m.

Stmr. Kntml, llrulin, for Walinen at:i p. m.

Stmr. UivbIu, Dalton, for lfonolpunnd Koua i'ortH at 6 p. m.

I'ninicrH in thu tlclnlty of Wluhltnarij aiTaiiKliiK tn attend thu Democraticconvention nt KanBaa City in enravutm.There will probably bo a train of ahundred wagons. They will leavo thefarms a week beforo tho convention.


Notice.'I he annual business meetlni; of the

Srclety of the Son of the American Revo-lution will beheld atnom ofS turdav.lime ifjth, a' the office of the Hawal'anTiust JV InvestmenCo.. Ltd., Fort street,adjoInhiR the bafe Deposit Co, 1558U

Lodge Le Progre' de rOceanie, No. 124,A & A.S. RITE.

There will be a specal meeting of LodceLe Proeres de L'Oceanle. No. 124, A. &A. S R , at Its hall. Mannlc Temple.THIS (FRIDAY) AFTEHNOON. ti:io e nfattrnllns

' ( other, RobeitHalstead.

s nf Hawaiian I oJe No. 21 nndPacific LoJrc N Hit a"J all sojourning

en nrr cordially InxltcJ to be present.By order of the V. M.

E. B. FRIEL,t;;8"l ""''',

si:am:d tkndhrs.Htiileil Tendcis for Htipplylni; tho

Honolulu Klio Department with hny,Kt fill) or other feed h tuffs for thopfilod of hIx montliK, commencing onJuly 1, 1900, nnd ending on Decemberol, l!)00, In such annntltlos and nt mielitime h iih mny be required will bu re-

ceived by tho underalgnud up to 12

o'clock noon on Saturday, Juno 30, 1U0Q.

Tho right to reject any and nil bidsis cxpicfimy reserved.

Dy order of tho TJoaid of Pirc

OKOnOB MANSON,Secrotary.



Scaled TendersWill be received at the office of Superln

tendent of Public Worhs, till u oMikUnojn of Monday, June 18th, for two steelbrIJt;es, to be erected In Honolulu,

Plans and specific tthns at office ofSuperintendent of Public Works,

The SuperlnteiiJent of P.ibllc Worksdoes lint bind himself to accept the lowesor any bid,

J. A, McCANDLESS,Superintendent of Pub le Woik'J.

June 15th, 1000, M,8 3t.

Delinquent - Suck-I-N Till- :-

Kwilii Sp I'o., I IdOh IHH HAY, .July Ml),.

AT U QOtefKlK NOONiWIU Mil Hi I'MbHcAlKl on. Iiy.nr'er pfic I fMVirer, M.vQnJer lili ftif Ijni pi fnll'twlDK deilim Hep V.'Vlf .if Hi

k.iina'ii huu.ir (.inn iMny.l-tM.- i in win'ill w III e WII11IMII If.XI 111" ll'l D'HWllWMi.' iJIfJMM l lllrflfllff jif lhe. I..11

WfllWJI.KhM. .miictmii .



,,ij Oco. ArjJews,,.,, .,,.,,.,,. , ...... too189, P.H Burnett ,.,.,,....., ........... v,s9o- -l H tumett ..... y611 P.H, Surneit ... ., ........ lo

I4- -P. II. Brnett to611- -P. M. Haneil toon P.H Barnetl... , -

Ol- -T. tuckly.,....., ...,,. ,(4..T. Buckley..,, .,.,..107Cht. Ilclllna ........ ,

m Chi. Belllna too Ct-- s, Bclilna ......... .............. to

aoi uses, iteiiina ...s4. Chas. Beillna . 10jt 4jot. W. U. BerxMl

7i S R. Blven.tr.o . k mven.ir. i-- M.U. Biart 5

R. Ulke v4$j Jaj.H. Boys SOD

4J4S. II Hoylru-- O. II Ikrteji)4 J. E Bush.tt ,.l.S- -J. E, II sh.tr,IsS- -J. fc. BuaXtf476-- E. 8. Uovt s., 54i-- W, C'lyht ., . a6J1 J, II. Cuomkigs. 100Tie J. H. CismmUigs 9t459 .ManuilCook l61 A F.Clark J61 A. F Clark f61 A F. ClMk S

64-- Claik J4W. L. Dl.ney S

lie ,W.L, Disney loooe W.L.Disnry 'J

7v4 W, I.. Disney 5

Ill (leo. A. Davir $)l Gen, A, Davis,...40a I'.L DoikIi V--406 F, L, l)o tell v40 F. L. Dortch vOur C.T.Day ha?o M R Dodd1.8-.- J. fishel iI 0 Mis II. I Ishel jjs76511 A Iranfun 45

II. E.Gares jooja. II IIKCntlXK. 150

ui- -ll H. Hitch Kk ISO8- -H R, Hitchcock loo

i9-- H R. HiLhccKk IUO1)1-- 11 R. HlKhClKK. loq4i6-- H. R. IlltchCick.

iS- -ll. R, Hitchco-- 4504i'- -'i K lllchcock )4(711 R, llltihCOCK y,

jq II, R HUchcixk 4p77uoi'a, 11. riuiiicniH ,, ....,,,,.. 401

C. Hit hpck.( l'tl- -J M Howard es

16 W. A Henshall 5i(4-- W. ll.mllall 5

itr lnt llasscn .

tCs . E. II iston. 5ob 4H b. HenJrlcks so110 ien. narrison 10'j; J. T. Ililbus 51409sico, 11 iciK'ns , s409 io. HltC ens so4101 io. II tch.ns jo4ti Gen. Hilcnens so591 II. J. Harrison 10S9i U.J Harrison 10S9I H.J Harris n ,,,, 10S9i II J.llarlson v 10Sos II. J.llarrl.on 10596 h J llanlson , uIt F, A JacoM s

sit R A. Inrdan 15s 6 W, A. Jordan. .. , 10!)! W. II, lohnsnn 100kA Tnos D, Ingerso'c so

J. K. Kanookano s--D. II. I .wis. tr 1.1

111 Chas. Lucas Coo,66- - lieu MCiirgut " asJ07 Geo Lcurgus tr 2

jt,S" sjeo. t.yci.rKus, tr...,. a)I'jq uco iscurgus ir 'S491 Mrs, John Lucas .. es,96 Mrs John Lucas . ay.497-- W, O, Muddox lo4,1-- 11 U.M ser. . . j it4S1-- H. u.Meser. ... no4S4H R Me)r la;

75-- W C Meer . . S

9 A. A Mejer s8iR. W. Maraulay . JOus Miss Mossman.... n4)"Wm, Mut h ... 5"si9Lmmett Alay 50'aw SO" "II" as9S7 50

) ' ". ej" . . 'J-- I'" ,, S"la as)J7 .Jennie McLitln iulait.Mrs, Wm, Mutch 5a411. Mrs. Wm, Mutch jo44..Mrs. Wm, Mulch so414 ,Mrs Wm. Mutch , 50464.. Jas. r. Morgan 5.)465.. Jal. P. Morgan so460 ,Jas. F Morgan , 30467. .Jas. P. Morpan en468 Jas. F. Morgan , 50469., Jas P.Morgan , so470, .Jas. P. Morgan 50418.. Jas, F. Morgan asaso-J- as McCrea y u4)6. J. D McVeigh so47. .J. D. McVeigh 104)4 Jamee Noit, Jr., , , as4 Ij.. James Noll. Jr ?604., James Noll.Jr , )n109, ,w 11 Molt asI a. W. B.Nolt ,,aoi nam ptott , so

40, ., I', Nott j69. S Is. Not! as

710, W, II, Mewcomb o766 W. H Newcnmb at414. .W. P. O'Brien 567Si. J. M. O'Brien 160

iii.n si I'eiersnn iu715, Irankl'ichecn joo166 C. L. Rhodeslie J, II. Schnack ,,,, iim

19, J, II, Schnack asaa. J. II, Schnack... at?I.,J.H, Scl.nack as)8,.M.N Sanders , , as" ".' at4f '' "41.

la I Dr. J, Shaw,!4.. " " .

HJ.. " " .16,. '81 J, Sculls. ..It.. " "

,cvi N Schnll.'IJtin. )r. W. I, TaylorIII, , Miss ! Stanshury . . . . , ,,,,,

Fiinir Chanir .. 19'"tlllllw. Mts Vld4 ... KIIIMIM S"KMIPIMI SO

6u I)ll lI" icats in

HI (teo, Wiltlil to149 Win, Wagner .,, hll i)"Y,,y,,l'")gk in111 f II111 lieu, war.) .,,,,,,,,,,,,,IU , mi,, nhi .PJI. W. t1MIHIII

t'oiOII tilhi . ; ' . ., Itm l11 1911 19

B J,p f"l,, PI'll") YTftH, ..."".

Mmii II

' ' "'"1,


Columbia : ChafnlessBICYCLES

$65.00 Cash.Fitted with any


E. 0. HALL

HAWAIIAN SONGS!40 Selected ones for $3.00

:! AT TH-E-


taiit'v - On -


Shipments Every Month.


Navy Contractors.ij1 J.'







-- New



MASONIC TEMPLE.Alakea Streets.


Real Estate Brokers

and Collectors - -


In All Paris of tho City tt

HOUSE AND LOT, Kewalo, jooo net3 LOTS Kewalo, Jzoto net.IS Kapahulu Lots, cheap.

Corner Kins: and Bethel streets

we receive aof Table Linens

Over 5000 yards of WhiteGoods of every description havebeen placed on sale at a Great

in Price.....Our stock is the largest that can be found intown, easy to make selections,--D- O NOT MISSTHIS SALE


500 pieces of White LinenLawn in 4 grades, 40 incheswide will, also be placed on saleat Low Prices, Just thething for this hot spell.

Ex-Austra- lia

large shipmentand direct from themills of Ireland and


SON, Ltd,





Import Co.,. ir- - .. v.. f il.liVsJ ' i"tr ins1 Mil t'l r--

llpfllf. fihirntinu i HH..M t m ;:;,;,;


fflQIM UN 1 Pifite!1' 1

'itfiii '1 ikitlilrm i. - it1 'HOI AM rill liAN I h'QI':.!.: 7. i'.v'ii"" 0N9nm.,w.wi))iWffflh WII1I1

1UJW nun nwlb. IWHh WnfliwH ftioeif