Types of Cancer

Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

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Page 1: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

Types of Cancer

Page 2: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What is Cancer?

• Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.  • Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when

cell "forgets" to die. • There is different types of cancer like skin, breast, or lungs.

 • Cancer can happen anywhere on the body.


Page 3: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What is Breast Cancer and who is at risk?• Breast Cancer is another type of cancer.

 • There is no real or exact cause of this cancer.

 • People who are at risk for Breast cancer is women, and

people who has a family history of people who had Breast cancer.

Page 4: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What are some symptoms for breast cancer? How is the this treated?

Some symptons are... 

o Lumps in the breastso breast pain                                              o swellingo variations of colorso skin color changes o changes in cup sizes

 • Breast cancer gets treated through surgery, several

medications, and radiation therapy.• Radiation therapy is high- energy radiations that kills cancer


Page 5: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

How can Breast cancer be prevented?

• There is no 100% way to prevent Breast cancer.• But some ways of reducing the risk of Breast cancer is...

o healthy dieto exercise dailyo limit the use of alcohol o visit your doctor o get tested                                         


Page 6: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

Facts about Breast Cancer 

• 202, 964 people got diagnosed with cancer and 40, 598 died. (2007)

 •  1 in almost 8 women will develop breast cancer in their

lifetime. • Breast cancer is the second- leading cause of cancer death

in women.    •  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American

women, after skin cancer.  

Page 7: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What is Skin cancer and who is at risk?

• Skin cancer is when  skin cells undergo transformation that causes abnormal cell growth and mutiplying.

 • Most commonly cause for skin cancer is by over expose to UV

light. • People who are at risk are people with fair skin, light hair,

people who spends a lot of time in the sun and also people with family history that has people who had skin cancer.

Page 8: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What are some symptons and how is Skin cancer treated?

Some symptons are...o Skin growth that is bleeding but doesn't healo Rough and scaley patches on the skino Bumps on the skin

 • Skin cancer is treated through surgery, radiations, and

chemotherapy. • Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses chemical drugs to kill

cancer cells.

Page 9: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

How can Skin cancer be prevented?

• Skin cancer can be prevented by using sunscreen while staying out in the sun, and frequently going to the doctors.

 • Some other ways are surgery, radiations, and


Page 10: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

Facts about skin cancer

• 58, 094 people gets diagnosed with skin cancer • 8, 461 people died from skin cancer

 •  Skin cancer is most common form of cancer in the United

States. •  One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the

course of a lifetime. 

Page 11: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What is lung cancer? Who is at risk?

• Lung cancer is another type of cancer that is common. • Lung cancer is caused by smoking, even second hand

smoking, tobacco, and if in family history if there is people who had lung cancer. 

 • People who are at risk of getting lung cancer is people who

frequently smoke cigarettes, uses tobacco, and hangs around with smokers.


Page 12: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

What are some of the symptons and how is lung cancer is treated? 

Some symptons of lung cancer are...o chest paino shortness of breatho bloackage to the flow of airo wheezingo  shoulder paino hoarness in voice

 •  Treatments for lung cancer depends on how serious the

cancer is. • Some treatments are surgery, radiation therapy, and


Page 13: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

How to prevent lung cancer?

• Don't smoke • Don't use tobacco

 • Don't do secondhand smoking

 •  Early cancer detection scan

Page 14: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

Facts about lung cancer

• Almost 70% of people diagnosed with lung cancer are over 65 years of age.

 •  About 90%  cases of lung cancer is caused by smoking.

 •  Lung cancer is one of the most common cancer for both

men and women.  

Page 15: Types of Cancer. What is Cancer? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer happens when cells divides too quickly and when cell "forgets"

But cancer can be beaten and be prevented! By eating well and taking good care of your self, checking with your doctor and not abusing your body by not using drugs.