THE SUN MONDAY JUNE 10 1901 i B 4 TROLLEY CHARTER SPRINT TV4TK CLtttKS IN 1IABB1SBVBG WORK ALL Of SVXDAY TO CATCH VF- Mott of tb Charter Ajktd F r In Bitird7l- Srr mbl WUI Be iMoed To4 yThF- ocrdncr 8jndlc to Got All thi Bout ItrMtt la PhlUddpnU- IhRBumRO Pa June 0A11 long the clerki of the State Department worked over the Uck of application for trolley charters In IhU Btnte The department nnt oven to the public but thi clerical was busy from morning till nUiit f Applications yesterday woe too much for en day and Sunday furnUhed an opportunity- to clear the decks for th second rush to- morrow So ruth for new lard Id the Werf probably ver created more eicitement than pet mell scamper after charters yesterday pick Quay was met of the promoter nf new companies to get way lie was taken nick ftcr the allnight vigil of Friday nlht and wee not able to leavn for home thl afternoon He takes with him some Important franchise for elevated tine In and about Plttghurc- Oor Stone approved the FochUEmery bills between 10 and 11 oclock on Friday night and then retired He at the Executive as was reported yesterday wee hi guest and had a few callers but the blue were signed with others before the various capitalist and promoters from the different of the State appeared on the midnight It Is expected that the charters will be leaned tomorrow except in those wees where then may be conflict as to routes- It Is understood here that Congre smsn William Connell and his lieutenants have the available privileges at Scranton th F rd rer syndicate have grabbed everything In sight In Philadelphia As to PltUburg and Allegheny the good things In the way of street have been gobbled up by the Olivers the Mellens the Illgelows and Dick Quay There Is a division In city as to the surface and overhead a sort of community of Interest Scores of smallfry capitalist have put to their claims for charters and these will be acted on when Secretary driest gets through with the more Important Interests He said before he left for home yesterday afternoon that nothing further would be done until Monday and that no publicity would b given In the matter of and Incorporators until tomorrow cer- tain however that Foerderer and his asso- ciates have secured the choice streets In Philadelphia and that the Johnson syndi- cate will get bones so far as that city Is concerned Said day forte The the the no Manson rat lured tat routs r Have wee trolley befoe had con- ference q ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ = There Is talk of litigation on the quratloe- f the validity of the granted be fore the approval of wee officially at the State Department This was not done until nearly 11 oclock yesterday although the bills bear of June 7 It Is contended by certain law- yers that as there was no public notice given of the approval of the bills until 1040 oclock yesterday morning no application for charter could have been considered under the new acts until that hour Notwithstand- ing this contention It Is charged that certain favored Incorporators left with their fled copies of charters before the erally tad an opportunity even to file their applications There Is also much criticism of the suspen lion of a printed rule of the State Depart- ment which provides that there shall be charters Issued on Saturday owing to the fact that the Treasury Is upon that day It so happened that Treasury Department was open yesterday- The Commonwealth will be enriched by large amount through the Incorporation ol- o manr new companies with large capital TRIPPERS HOUK rnox CAMP Highly With TheIr Weeks WorkHail the Camp to ThrnuelTM Squadron A In command of Major Brldg man got back from Its weeks stay at the State camp yesterday The command reached the armory In Park avenue at 1 having come down In a leisurely frora Tarrytown where It spent the previous night The troopers left the State camp rarly Saturday morning and reached Kings land Point where the tents were pitched t 7 In the evening They were up and off by 830 yesterday morning but there was no reason for haste and the men took It leisurely enjoying the beautiful day until the armory was reached Troop C which had the better start and camped at Ardsley for the night was about two hours ahead of Squadron A on the trip down to the city ret All of A men WITH nruwned their star In camp and were a remarkably of fellows Front Major down they were full or the things been con this All of them were unanimous In declaring that It had been fur ahead of any other ex- perience that the command had hail both In the way of pleasure and In of training This was the adopted for the time this year whereby time cavalry lad had tho camp a tnem lvnsv The time was not divided between cavalry and Infantry evolution A lot of was to Itoe for Major llrldgman Troop C In command of Capt Charles I n arrived at the Portland avenue Ilrnnklyn At terday Vnornlnc The men were In good S Y Col James M Jarvft watched the evening parade of the Kl field tonUht 11 itCol It C Rldibock charge Tim wn ivltnmsed least a thousand persons There wa- on ld rable incitement by the hors of the First They are and In the evening imradn danced and kicked and barked and continually One artillery man wi tnrown h and the viiltors and the con- veyance and vehllet scattered when the hor es would Mart on a run Ihe Eighth Regiment will rnirch to Camp Roe tomorrow ant spend two days ansi two nights They will Camp about l Th tonight the air I thn chilliest In weeks and blankets- are In demand The wind blows n so much so that this afternoon time Spat flag was ruined It came down from he staff iMKr srvuv fv ravxciu I elf uid lUirball rUjrrt Oat Inflwnrnurn- idrn Hare Some ArrctttdV- OXKWIS X V June As a result of the arfjuittal of School Commissioner Adams for playing golf on Sunday the police to- day permitted Sunday sports Every base bull tioifj in the city contained Its quita of uniformed or semiuniformed men end boys who plaved m time presence of many persons The regular Sunday game on the Saw Mill lOver KrMin is which was the primary cause nf the ieruynienv crusade wee resumed before 2tKi spectators The Sneg kill Ooir flub eietirnted the vindication- of Mr A inn V rruvMllnif the on North mi- Ml t i t mnn that the opposition o i as mb lded HIM nrinal cruxiid rs arc nn re determined t n r It U rumored arrant nr tn iirnnircd for Oineof lio Muiiil i t iv mlnlttort p ike iy m rmni what thy rnllil rtiDii In Ml I MUM Catholic Church however in irMird K llrndy de- fcrltMd i suMIy Player who lie nirltiiioii result fr n work of bl ot Mid the irl t iniKint numsvniint- lier l no rites or m Tlie ltv lu K lri e of thn Met- hodlt luirrli old IM iie WITH i trslnllU th icvit r unll wallowliiK Ill Kinill Of tlHI lll- Mi nf l Murks llnrnnl ins ISOOU- Oiriiilsiiw 1 t American- MaKhe ia fiiniiin Hunt wits deHroyed- bv lire eiiiniiing a loss of I11Ws- evenii of mployment I he OUHMII and of time chemical hunk Sew It lime tTindpal loser chaIr the dato a cut i no J cOle the Pleased y ar sld ort lap I KILL hi th AC p1 nll O tmii I Ink row n I tilt Ill I Irr I n I 0 url Ihrl n fo rtn ork re- corded a I clock way clock this June staking Clay Sit imiiiy melt not rIr e s t i 11 role S i i jmItsst Smi mile the t iii jttirim ii I FIrst menu I Ims itmn I i ni gist S edIt I ts ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ < < > > YACHT WATER Party f WIt om Tile Had a C 44 Bath as a Sail Ralph Tapp 24 years old Richard Collett 23 year old and George Esheby 34 years old all of 16S East Eighteenth street Manhattan onWcdnes day and took her out for a trial spin yester- day The yacht capsized and all hands were thrown Into the water but rescued Capt H A Baggar of J81 Flftyseventh street Brooklyn was engaged to fit up the handle It until the owners were able to care for It themselves He told the young men yesterday that the yacht leaked badly and that It was not safe to go out The young men however were anxious to try the boat and it 230 oolock the yacht left her moorings nt the foot of Thirtyeighth street Brooklyn While out In the lower bay Capt Baggar became convinced that It would be wise to turn around and make for tho shore He gave the order to go the mainsail iards The young took some picking ouBthe and before them order was executed the yacht had capsized and the entire party Including Capt Beggars fourteenyearold son Frank were In them water A revenue cutter and a tug put to- ward the struggling and at them same time a skiff containing Harry White of 417 Van Brunt street and George Banks and George Dennison of let Beard street put out from them shores Several life buoys were thrown from them revenue cutter and one of them struck young Frank Baggar on the head and for a time he was dazed The skiff picked up Capt Baggar and his son and Ralph Tapp Collett was picked- up by the revenue cutter while Esheby wits eared for by them crew of the tugboat All the rescued party were landed at the foot of Thirtyeighth street oar so3ic EACH II Pays th Ground Rent of Church Dalit a Century Ago la Manhelm MANBIIU Pa June This part of la caster county was well represented here to- day for them observance of the annual custom of raying the years ground rent for a church with one red rose The representatives of the of the late Baron Rtelgel were out In the ground on which the old Zion Church was built a century or more ago He also helped to build the church The Baron specially stipulated thee only rent to be paid by the congrega In all time was one red rose each year the Feast of Roses In June Todays sermon was preached by the Rev C Kollln Schneck ofHarrlsburg Them annual address was delivered by Judge Ashman of Phila- delphia The rent was pre ented by a repre- sentative of the Lancaster Coilnty Historical CArD tie the 22foot Ioop yacht I yacht and hal len prop men lED TEAl a Pa hell owned ton MEN Si bought let > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Society and received by a of the york County Historical Society The edifice was beautifully decorated with red SSCRSTARY ROOT lV BVFFALO lie Wilt TUlt the Eiposltlon TodtyIUport on Results ot Fair In Slay BUFFALO Junes Secretary of War EUhu Root reached Buffalo at 7 0 tonight lie was accompanied by len Corbln Major Oen Young Col and Mrs Johnson and Miss Edythe Patton Secretary Hoot will be the guest of Carlton at his home on West Ferry street will occupy his private car Secretary Root postponed- his view of the Exposition until tomor Root and Miss Hoot will arrive tomorrow night A report which will be made to the Execu- tive Committee of tho Exposition tomorrow will show that the people who attended during May spent 1 cent per capita lest than the Chicago visitors during the first month of the Worlds Fair At Chicago the average sum spent Inside the grounds was 18 cents and the attendance for May was isonooo Here the average was 17 but It must not until 20 and that the opportunities for spending were not Indeed all the shows and attractions are stat now On there Is very opportunity to spend declare themselves well seth fled with tho result and are now directing energies to secure special rate frosts the railroads The want to hold off their lowest rates until the middle of July have been told by the Exposition off- icials that If they do they be confronted- by more people than can handle At 88 per rent of the people attended- In the last days of the Every Incoming trnln its quota Is day Jour- nalists arrived In time to the Midway It closed Only thirty seven uero In today The others are pursuing their Investigations Thirty live Now came at n- oclock tonluht On thee train they formed- an organization for the suppression the Jersey innvmiltn Joke Pull Dm domn of tie Government building will recover Ho was im roses Sprat frt cent into that man- or to tM week of I and for Well Y Curt r yesterday the the be- taken smetount xpoiitlon was May newspaper PillioN publishers last ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WENT UOIFV WITH ItVVWAY1- Hnnnttd policeman Thrown si tie Tried to Avert Collision James Donaldson a coxchman went Into- a hotel at IMl street and Macombs Dam road yesterday afternoon and Ms team ran When the horses got to I7fd ntret ansi the Washington road they turned and ran back igsln with Mounted Policeman Sowardx them At a runabout occupied by twj women was In front of the runaways The policeman caugli one of them by tho bridle and yelled to the women to turn out nf the way Before they tutu tine to 10 of the coach the back of runabout I ho coach horses fell and tho policeman and his horse went down with The runabout had a little paint scraped off the but that was nil and the women drove nwiy without welting to see if tho po- liceman was hurt e with a lew The throe horses were cut about the irorDVT LET TIIK riltfXSX Iff- Nontnlon Employees ot the Ifhljh flhnpi In WUkfflUrre DoThrlr Own fire WlLKtBllAnnE Pu June u Nonunion workmen and private detectives at the Le high Valley shops drove back the city fire- men with revolvers during 11 tire thh after- noon Otto of the buildings was Ignited by sparks from an engine und an alarm In The city Fire Department responded limit when the th MMIH they wern met by time work me n und dleitlvut An effort to brought a volley front the revolvers tired In no one wa Chief ordered thee firemen to turn the tho men on the fence This rained theta t flee Other workmen mIght th anti tit firemen Mri im on It from a hill near nr Th much encltemiirf- OROOT HE CHtLHXT And Went Into the Water to Save a Child rnllcm n llanltd llolh Oat John let years old if 12 clarkson- ureet forgot ho couldnt wlm when he Mtyrnrold Charles Trlml of H7 Downing street full overboard yeterdiy and he Jump into wister sifter him lund had boflti nlaylnit a bulkhiad nt tlie foot of Chrl xtrcit and intel tiimljlcil ufT Tin two tluilndireil nbniit urabblng fur iirli simmer Ilillnman iMiuuan nf Ch rl s street tatlo a row bout nnd tillin Into it I hey were nil right lifter iinitiuliilice MirKion had drlcil I Inill out u little llnipllal Saprrlnlrndenl Eons Dm- ATin ON V J lunn uJn eph Durgot- KUterlntiMilinl of the Isolation Hospital last night nnd left that ton lie wn Ihniitened the Miivnr with expillsloii the tinliun Ihi Hoard of ivuntid him ID remain In defiance nf the Hoard of llTillh A corn Aldermen went to tie hospital yrs lerday ansi urged him to slay a nCr 0 enl r In lured Kin lupt IIII In h awn o- tto legs Fighting sent a its tire shooting Maim saw time lets lie got isis SI tttI itt sa Jilt ti Is temi it ford hi ii tiltlea let ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > A NURSERY IN A CHURCH BAB1XS FOR WHILE JtOTSKM TUf SXRJtON An Experiment Which Br Mr Is Trying Only Three or Four Yesterday and Women Who Had Volutrd as XonM Wr Dli ppolntd- N w BnuNswjcx June The Livingston Avenue Baptist Church tried the experi- ment today of conducting a day nursery during church services so that the babies parents could attend the services Today was Childrens Day and the pastor of the church the Rev A B formerly of the Central Baptist Brooklyn desired to say a special word to parents as to their duties to their children He wanted all the parents In his congregation- to hear what he had to say and he wanted to be sure that none of would be kept at home by the very they w r parents The Rev Mr Sears went to Mrs J K Harris of the congregation and asked her If she would not undertakes to carry out an experiment he had made at one time In hi Brooklyn church He suggested that he wished her to select five or six young women of the congregation to care for such babies- as might bo brought to rooms to lie out the morn- Ing service sirs Harris found no raising for nurse women who gathered at them Livingston Avenue Church this morn- Ing duty were trembling over with eagerness to take care of They milk and Jumping colored rubber rattles enough to stock a somali store Tho only thhg lacked whets ar Where thirty or forty babies had been expected three or four came ten these were by their mothers with a which was not altogether pleasant to the CARD lea I Sear thor lit 1 ery A 10 surrendered dpr the the > ¬ ¬ The six sat on thee floor with them In- fants and flirted desperately with them In rivalry they the ser was over thought the must have been very long The Rev Mr Sears all dlioour aired when Mrs Harris reported to him so babies had to cared for He said that It would of course take time mothersover to confidence that the babies were really In competent and under- standing he in time ho said tn arrange for mothers day once In four weeks when the which the Irreverent of the town call babychecking would be put in force the sermon Rev Mr on the ex that parents should set for their chil- dren TUB NKORO QVMTIOX Its echelon ItUhop Johnston Says DtTOlvM- Ipon Churches Bishop Johnston of them Episcopal diocese of western Texas preached yesterday morning nt Christ Chu rch on the rave problem He said that this country had had two race problems- to settle outside that of them negro Whether It lied settled thorn righteously or unright eously he was not prepared to say One was thnt of the Indians which had been settled by their practical extermination the other race problem that of the Chinese had been settled by another method that of exclusion Taking up theo two methods and apply- ing them to the negro he said us see how they will work In the first place time negroes cannot be excluded as thy are already eight millions of them They dont leave here and a larger portion of time people In my country dont wish to have them go on account of their labor The negro is still tractable He never goes on strike He hasnt reached that point In his development- Hut leaving all that aside there U still a better argument against exclusion or deportation Till is that we have not got the physical ability It has beets out that take at leant seventyftvw years to deport irons our Mioros the souoooo of negroes they would bo burst fester thun our present means of transportation would allow us to them off remains then ex- termination which they would scarcely resist one In this country In his Imaginings would ever dream of as of title problem The only then by this can settled U that nf- eduction and for this South I taxing IV pelt to them extent of n far Iut there l u defect remedy as It Is luliic applied Mid that a man Intellectually hut not morally become more dangerous than end that 1 precisely the uanifir with the ruuro they receive no immoral Instruction whim their wits tire belli is any niornl Mrenialienlnir This Inability nf them public schools of our land t any system In going to lend within a few to a the like of which till country has never seen and It will with n that wont believe anything at Hie whole nuestlon of time right eduoitlnn of times negro wives Itself Into the efforts that rhrlstlnn aru maklnj fur tint uplifting have sot to educated n nt time sim time as they are Intel It Is left entirely to the churchw- nf title land to see to are doing It Mime nf them more than others hen time do that them lh solution of this problem and contribute liberally In tile South then will the he ln to advance ant bo lit for thoe duties thrust upon him by who cMianclpitod Mu Iron to her widen ton tie tono ehnol r Ir The even those nurses s that ever the let use 3 tots arid tier test all ri us sea or ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > rRKcitrn ov inrrnnr The nero Endliott Peabody Tells Yale That Society Wrongfully Condone This Evil NEW HAVEN June The Hev Kndlcott Peabody headmaster of the Oroton School wet the preacher tonight nt them general religious exerri es at Yale and he talked on Impurity Ha sold that Impurity was one of the greatest temptations In col- leges today When it strongest temptation tho preacher declared there wm very tiiralnst It ansI no protest- to of traits the student body lieu added rather condoned Impurity He snlil that Ir a man Is convicted sent to Jail for embezlenient when i out of ho l rut and shunned by society In general a men wrongs soul or Is of Impurity receives him anti ho Is not I the solelY SIte was as- a eetmtk gels hors ¬ The Truth flffker The Kev Ir George T Purves of them Fifth Avenue Iresbyterlsn Church punched on Tho Truth Seeker at the nervloo yesterday afternoon lmse his sermon on Mntthew 4V41 Asain them king dom of Heaven li like unto a erchantman seeking goodly pearls who when found im of great price went and sold all thit bo It You will notice ho wild that tho even ell t takes ihe person Keeking rates n merchant man it man wlm taken life erloi Irons this we infer thut man who seeking truth must cute time eiirrh a matter of business imd nut OH n matter of mental There are m inv men nncl women all over thin world nrliK call them elves truthker 1ey really tiflleve Iut n of Hiek truth a a Mew inenin They are ilientner seekers and 8ml they nncpt inc siy they found lisa truth itAitiKn v on YAIK nriinixa Student Partly Oliniantle Some of the Room In Hid lyceum NEW HAVKN lone Vnle students some time ilmlnrf last night mails a raid on Old Lyceuiiinrrd rurrled nwiiyus mementos parts of the benches nnl de ks cw of tho brick froii th riiiutloii rnoiii nmt part of KIM liillldilig has been locked up slum tltKiis WITH etidid nil liulldlris wlti times Treasiirr nnd Vorth Col is tee torts down thn nunnier und the decided to Tiiri mim- nrello of It before it rll reci- tation rooms Inoliei linilly wrecked The boily a mini about 11 years old wits found In th Knst Meadows HeIr Ja- inatei Hay yilerdiy iiinrnlnif Id fet s Indies lull nnd wrighti alifm nnds Id liul ind wore 1 whit shirt II c char hlnrk melt hrown t mid trniHr shied cltton undrwear There Rn nn thee body that would lead to Identification by stranger w tnken to Mnruu- rhe linlrkrhiifkrr flirt Is s fMiut 01 lh Wolnf sj ix mid S lurisy Ev KTiid at1 inliMUnt to all women llr d rv- iu4bi Ulofoniird u pastor he n Irl thp ti raIl th lot t I Un lul efr JIIRlra Ion I I It I Iii ill cnrl hail a ci its are c and red itt le it e The st 5 diets ts leunct hay elf seas ittel all tisiuit tempt tm I coil 001 I s no ii in ¬ < < ¬ MIfflSTKR HODS WHfSL ON S1DKWALK The 8 H Marry of nunpstcad latmds to Fight of Ills AmslH- CMPSTXAD Juno 9 The Rev Sherman II Marcy pastor of the Baptist Church at Hempstead says rj tight the legality of his arrest for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk Mr Maroy says that ho was not formally ar rented but that Special Village Officer William Kelly told him to tee the Justice This Mr Marcy did the next day Since a formal complaint has been filed minister says If they want him they must come and get him Mr Marcy further said This village ordinance was passed over a year but has always been a dead 1 many took tho on It won on The road la wretched anyway The sidewalk Is neither paved nor Even if the to enforce this heretofore dead letter ordinance It should have fair warning arbitrary meas- ures not looking for but- I contend that roads are not fit for use the cyclIst should have tho privilege of especially U not considered a the State law Whether I ahull light the case de- pends entirely on the Interpretation my tho Altogether there have been oixteen arrests eleven on Friday and live on Satur- day In each ease except the Her Mr victims their fines Former A X Woller the village In action and says hi rose of appeal ho will take the coses to the Su Court without fee A warrant will bo served on Mr Marcy tomorrow morning laU s Intend the on when It cur I l Iho 0 Rev ago side- walk street was Its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PRINCETON BACCAIJWREATK Dr ration Praise the Philanthropy of Honk teller and CarnegIe PniKCiTON N J June 0 President Patton of Princeton University delivered them baccalaureate sermon to them graduating class In Alexander Hull this morning Speaking- of the social questions he said We have Improved we have something to show for our work our life has grown more complex We started out upon the principle of equality nnd we have never abandoned It yet but we have seen through a years great distinctions of masses e4 grow up as visibly here as they had in the Old World and we see men of leisure anti men of toll we see the men of leisure giving themselves over to devoting their minds very largely to the Invention of new avenues of enjoyment To a very large extent they are Indifferent to poverty stud cubic that surround them Hut there U another side of them picture- It Is undoubtedly true that the world tjdny benevolence lust U exhibited In this tumid When Mr founded hU university side nod Mr Carnegie lions to vriljw the four universities uf his land on the other side time may well not only Its pleasure I for OtiS am very glut that the treat of title century os to how a man ought to perform of Howardthin law of has gone over to thn Old World front this hnd Still thero I ut present a measure a smaller meusiirn of Intellectual titan formerly Men fully reomtiil7 them law of love but lets herd the law of right There 11 nn increasing desecration of Sabbath There Is heedlisxniss of plain ohIUatlnn form iiieaii moroto a that this mid thatThujsnlth time There Is a gradual decadence of the of sin and belief In It Those are facts In the tame every day and whun of thorn they do not or depress because you are calloused to then Then there U a hulnes unclullsm men starting out In life going Into professions business I am not of tboso his living la the practices of law or in llclne or that there are snore ihan wure d time however In far off when It will bo dlftlcult to put an vwrtlseincut upon any and say Is riot made by a trust hundred pl A Ill asnmzeii r 1 COOl lAud ou roe do R man ran tpi A I lot of pat or or or hIs and at tim its tu slid live tmtornhit I tie sense that stare umi ammo who believe lteett time has when snake ime we drink wear ole 1 < VXJ54IM IIACCMMItHAIK XVXI AY President Taylor Preaches the Sermon to an Audience That Crowded the Chapel PocortKEKMls June Vassar Com- mencement exercises with H beautiful- a baccalaureate Sunday as tho students could with for The chapel was crowded the centre aisle being reserved for the 110 mem- ber of graduating President Taylor took for his text chapter a clniiM nf the twelfth verse Hut the Lord was not In the tire and tlie a still small voice After om Introductory re- marks Dr Taylor said What was the Ideal Jesus What was Ills thought of Micccit anti how do oust Ideals measure up to lilt conception of the perfect lift Kenmniber to reconstitute a- llfo so thnt that a single life through Its own powerand based moral excellence should Itself redettm this world Ho made no ills tlncllon between rich onr weak and That u soul tooth before Him its highest possibility was to Him the one important fuel The prophets of Israel were not deceived power all about them but sea through It to time moral worth of men This WHS the principle of Chil t- as ho wrung Have we this of limit t rlil progress proved that wraith should be to truth and riess Jw us no sympathy for an emy life and creeds Christ Is it fiction nf modern It far easier to farce to hear lists dally bunion with cheerfulness tar elliOt for brave heart to face dentli In battlu thesIs to face tho of life not dicelvo yourself limit Ideal of i weak or kHntlmeiitnllsin Its only trouble- Is that souls are not strong enough to bear Its tenoning It Is tho flIers weakness of men lint Is settIng up our standard of lIfe a them can them troll hpl rn r l I nv Jp began char its Ii time oft Dee this ¬ ¬ ¬ > A Foolish Call vrnt one dAY Into a Jerwy Wood and meeting A Fox said I tree the wild tlrutt will me b fau I t e no Fur And the Fox Mlit A Oaielejs IlouvmiM a fur hug on yonder Thrrtupin Foolish shaking Ihf got the Fur on his and veal reolrlne thriurh the Wood Out the lo laughed privately tin Tlreri roam riot often In a Jtiity Wind Moral If you vnnt to dress- a do it with discretion For the for lounging for outdoors wear out- door not tho stiiT of conventional life The easy loose Yoke back coat The Norfolk jacket Knickers Everything the outdoor man wants from head to KOOKIIS 1BKT or S Bin fur lAD Ilmndoay rut Irlnn sr cur Jjj lush CAl gn t lieu CouP Y 2 dar 7 Wan Ws In U O 1 4 JTi mont left its ltumg ClOt Ii i ng llj til Warren and and a idri malL ¬ r the Uneeda National Company t I r kt i u- z Bp Way I Jinjer- Ic r- iIrjii Ii are c2 r I iehrrV S Biscuit 1 1 xr 1 7a 1 z 1 3wr r I i C LOHe51t I yIIIf S I uj I S1 wi5s Dont ortet r i 1r e 5 I I Isis C t cL V fRODiaiovs CHOP KAXSAJI nr nt Rains TTIU live tier the Record held or littler Kan June T The Kansas Agriculture today Issues a report covering the crop situation In neighborhood on June I Based upon an entirely satisfactory condition the winter wheat condition for whole State on the mentioned was 8 a decline of 178 since the report of April 5 counties Allen Osborrm and a condition of lOt and twontyflve other counties range from 00 to 91 Prior to June 3 there was a shortage In rainfall the effects of which were beginning to be notice- ably hnutjul nnd accounts fur most of time llTl portions of the Htate have had more or lesi rain and at a time to prevent Imminent diminution In yield and messy others have not In varieties localities om Injury has done by HoHslim or other pests but such damage has nut been general Commenting upon relative to the crop the Secretary recent figures received indicate that tho present Kansas winter wheat acreage Is a vry considerable- I er larger than has at any previous times estimated and place It close to If not somewhat above the largest ever recorded viz 8110873 acres harvostod In 1583 Kansas seems on thu ev of harvesting- a prodlgloustotal of high grade winter whoa- ti total such at sortie other very creditable agricultural States could not reach by aggre- gating their product of a century cud not an acre of any value In all the millions will fall of reaping CAVH1IT ItVRaiARS AT WORK IV TOPE ever the per Three but then muter CAnt thUs cent hue lowered due ins been flies ¬ ¬ > > Cop Nabbed the Mo M llh them Tools nl lie HltU Htubborn Lock Policeman Hanretty Interrupted a bur glary on his post on Saturday night was pacing West Fourth street keeping to the mlddli of the Idewulk and twentyeight Inches to tIme step according to regulations hx clime upon two with jimmy and file endeavoring an entrance to th store of John Bhoeneck nt 204 Ve t Fourth street limits collared Chnrlus C Jacobs 35 old th tools In his possession It Jefferson Market issues court examination und was fur trial ItVROLAR TRIES AX AXE TOO rot Member of th IMflmi So Gone to the Island for Three Months William Pages homeless was caught yes- terday ornlng trying to breafi Into time offlco of time Theodore E Tone Coal Company- at Twelfth nvenuo and hId street an axe Magistrate Cornell smiled burglar wax taken beforo him you slimIng with an axe Am a member f Committee of Fifteen asked time Magistrate Well Judg time burglar Ive not got thnt fur yet Muirlstruto sent him to the Island for three months nuATii OF rniRtKs A nvxTtsa Once a Drunkard hut AfCerirsrd llsnsger of license for Inebriates A Hunting founder of New Homu for Intemperate Men at 1175 Madison aviinue died Mny 30 at Key port N J He was born seventyfour years ago In Kdgnrtown Ho hotel- keeper for years At one time ho was addicted an exce lve use of liquor hut ho was converted and reformed In l 7a under time Trenching of the late Mr Moody In l o he raided a fund of linoOM anti founded them wellknown home for Intemperatus sreot and MidUoii avenue William H Vandprhlt KredurUb H Thomas Unix Hector C timid Harriet were Rinonc the contribu- tors to time fund Mr Hunting was resident manager of tlie homo until IHUJ when he re tired wits l v tin Hev Oeorge 8 Avery He leaves a wIse The Interment was cvofvecn nicKtssox nrAD- n Was luIoreU In Accident at HanktrU tn Which Ills Locoraollie Was Wrecked DtWKiBK N V June B George Atkins Dickinson of Dunkirk the engineer Injured- In the accident on this Dunkirk Allegheny Valley and 1itnhtirg Itallrond lust evening died at the Ilrooks Hospital at 2 oclock hit morning Ills heart wn cru hrd his head mend arms badly hurt mind his whole trunk and both les scnlded th hot water niid tritu Mnn front under Ie I have itiiule my la t run Mr l hall been H ln en for Dunkirk Allegheny Valley and imp In iso He Idle wvcral month l ecau of 111 health and resuiieil vrU tw weeks ago He was born IP rredonlH In t 37 arid wets the foti of Cnn lta IHeklnson the State Mho wa il o a nldlcrln time Civil Wnr und del at fiorgitown lie U- mrvlved by his wife nrd n on ldnard a tlster Mrs K D Sunderlld of Kunsus city Obituary Notes Col Wlllhm I e Trelchl died on clnv after u long Illmss at hU home IVx liist- Twentylnirlh ureet Hi was learn In 1lillndelpMl oi Inn 4 l n At out lipilk of the Ivll arheehlltcdas In the Slxtli IVniiylviinlii Invnlry lie tlngui lieil blnielr at lleverly 1ord mel in other vM tiromoied- oftnn fr gull nit nrvlre his nt time nf the wilt he Coloiiel nf leiriinepl Noon lifter the wnr he CAlICO to this nnd- lieinine II liteinlx r nf tin yrk SIM- IXehinge lie oi i eilt Iwrftie nf ill liKiilili ister Mr smiti sin vive Iin Tii fuiieril tie u s- liiltellinrrh ermiiMlown u ni rrn- Inliii lrirent Tniiniln dl d ni Ins 1111111 Vi Inviiiii iivenni ii v- He Inn n In till rily on u 4 IN- He organied imd uiHnM nt hi iui a i iiuin In m ervin during Civil War It vn slim hed- tn Ilin First llegiiiient w Volun- teer Mr Toiuie wits Mrs Mary Ann Yerxn thin uldnw of Chnrles Versa lerlcktiiii N II mnl at time home of her daughter MM v nrnsnnrtli on du at the sin of M iou the ast year he has lived In Two and one son survive neT a mel A will Cal mal ltth Iar I I Ink 1 all filer 7 I Iu I uri S r In Tolled As- h taking busy roLl w i Sb lie were the the Mass wise ii itt I tenet his pro time oP lick vi Iii eitsei Its dttst rue seth sii ion s if nulls es mind Sit tmsr 5 tim II prmvil Sic mIl tutu lid se Itt lit itt New he ISo I I us ill at tort tiM S I host ls entire I I lit I H j I etoper avert Iii 11111 N 4S t lit ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > > The n Egyptian Cigarette I AROMATIC DELICACY c1bor dealers MILDNESS PURITY dl Ad L- 11f 741 JYL4 1 PPpfQueJity At your L ss I JffS LAY IX ATX Th- in a Chjptl hung With Shark on la Lorraine The body of Mrs Adelaide Mott Bell daughter of the late Valontiim Mott arrived yesterday aboard the French steamship Ii Lorraine from Havre In sexton of Holy Trinity Church Paris A lurge cabl ilook aft was iHnv rt d a mortuary cnaiiel and the eoflln on a beneath a whltn crow froth a black draped wall The ceiling and minor of time wero covered WiLls Fresh flowers were put In the day of time voyage Kdwnrd Hell used on worn nt tlie to receive the body which wits tiken to Green Mrs In on May JfERClfAXT IX Tiff 31A It WARD DEl nOl nOl Cloth r 1011 tier Mortuary line rested wood aged AGE ¬ Octogenarian Mr Kahn Said to De Snfrerlni Trans lllld UementU David Kahn an octogenarian Frenchmen who Lies been a diamond merchant In the United States for II century and who for time last twenty lies had a shop at 75 Walker street is In the Insane navlllon at mental condition He was taken to the hoj- pltal yesterday front his house at 21 Wmtt street Dr L his family phyMclan and hh won K D Kiihn an exporter who lives at 2il West ii3d tret Dr admitting iibyslcian sJd that the old man appeared t l o only from a attack of 11AC11IX1STS HAVT HESrOXD Offer of CntUi Work to Talk Over Situation Ignored by the Mm- InoviDBNOE B 1 II Hoadley Presi dent of tle Putter Company says that yestnrday he sent the Superintend- ent of the Corliss Works to Mr Moore tin time innchlnKtV strike here Inst I him to intro n committee of the taco wait upon the oftleidis of the com- pany for the purpose of arranging nil diffe- rence hinds Mr spent the afternnon at the CorlU Works but ilid not rnspond Thernfore- nn was sent out for io inn ohlpl tM on the lorms that constitute a weeks ork time rate of weePs to lie In nddltlm a prominm will be patti hafed upon eftielency Striking MachInists Appeal for Slonej A committee from the Intornatlonal Asso- ciation of Mayhlnist aiked time Central Fed- erated Union terday for support for the striking machinists Thn spokesman raid that there tire Mouu machinists on strike fnr the ninehour workday throughout time lot test Statos of whom Joiwi nre nonunion men Vn have the challengn Issuod by th National Metal Trulet Assnclatldp Kiid hIlt we mu t heave furds to pay a strike benefit to time nonunlo men to keep them from haelt to work lie said that would SIMnoo K- eek to strike b no ts tn time nonunion nvti Th c F I von il to glvn m nnd Its to teL them anilloted union for subscriptions Lay Dead Two Slay IlchUd llrr tied Margaret Whellahun or Rennet years old wns found dend In her room yesterday at n iionrdliie house Mrs 1 llriico- Ht m Hal ey Newark An empty bottln wlilrli find contained a corn win found ut her hit She mud been n ing climes Friday nnd nil time unit lain on the floor bttwren the the u mill while her room mil been freimmtly the landlady ml scrvuntx She was on head over n year n nnother numn In the back- room of H saloon In New- ark and Kivrrnl weeks In tile hnsiiliil- SlTerltig from n Imd cu Sni Is to have u l tnr named Moore at tun Charles Street this city Drowned From a llout tn Flooded Quarry Jacob S Kiiuhnd avenue Frnnklln- X 1 nnd a friend trans JMlevlllo were illlnc n small hoot In n flooded quarry nt yesterdiv when th boat und b lit worn drowned ID nhiilt feet f water Kuril wa 32 yeari nlu hal to to b mid the JIM h- ot Cn mel a1 hOI lld I S 2 Ito Only IJehlevtie be as his none tim the hell t is ken ti tear Ills sitet S 11 tech ii trmlele Ice shIm ton Mrs a nIT of XII tic hits is meet n > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > I The new and large additions to our Fifth Avenue establishment hive given us The Largest PlanoWarerooms in New York Catering a Floor Space of lfi0iO Sq Feet and containing an imminsc variety ot the famous liardinan Uprights and New Baby Grands at very moderate Prices ind oa Small Monthly Payments if desired Renting Pianos for Sen Slioro or City a Specialty No Charge or HARDMAN PECK CO Fifth Ave Oth St Iltonklyn ItepretenUtlTej AND CO 470 rultonSK Your Vacation will be a period of anxiety If your valuables are left s- unprotsctcd at home Send us your Silverware Q JewelryVi- Uuable Papers Furs Paintings etc for protection and storage Write for our prices Safes M In 5OO Irr Tear 3 East 14th Street at Fifth Avenue nut i sim 326 7 EWE TEL 11323QTH ST T K STEWART IrtfT Jinn Clirgrl With flftlln lo n lllsrksmltn hlnip John Men lnir 4 y nrs old Osrtnan- snloonkecper of r nnelo avenue Jersey City wn nrre ted ypsierdav na complaInt if Samuel floldsteln of n3 Kldridje this who irijkeil til tioldslelnK hlii k mifh i Toned sveniit1 was buried ye rd iv and he went ill oiiii to Jnr iuv mJ ioJ pollre tliit MiMiliif n ilrct ed tooler- up tin heante in iliin i hIs time Idea hiiviiiKa fenw Ijiiill t Shoplirtrr r annie llllh t lout nf rlandrr Mary Iisehiii n diinl it v Inillnn wm- irresleil for tuiif in i Fmirtortnth leinrtiiipni When lie s e f ti tiitiulytwo yards it Lie Ihe ivni leu ynrds rib r an1 were In the ukeit ii ffe iv bitr under her skirt lli I wi i ineij nt fir ln Jef erson M M lie inrt ycitcrdiy she vas hel i i I PIA uitsu a S p 0 i v PET LASUG- i7 v2r1 VUIRsrzz IOfl tIts City Flee it can 7 street cii o it Ills ml the lee t I lies shot il street I ere SrI i p 1 hon s I bra sS i I > ° t The Voice ittTfrjttj jrr Jn rb ttt t X- J calls the invalid to Carlsbad Tile J Carlsbad Sprudel Water is natures J own specific for diseases of the J stomach nnd liver for Amentia J with Constipation Chronic Catarrh J of the Stomach Liver Complaint J flue or Jaundice f or rheumatic persons usually cuml f- tl OCJtK hy Carlsbad slr i 1 W tT vhile J the melancholia and heavy feeling Mf M from lvsjKisia is Sfxm If a decided laxative action is dctired take a suwll tea f J spoonful of the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt with tile tumblff- J ful of tile vSprudcl Water early in tile inorninR before break f fast T 4 He sure you get the genuine imported article the neck of 3- J4 every bottle bears the signature of the Kisner Mendclsou A- J4 Co Agents New York I I j T5 7 f a r j4 ct LIleilldigcstion of ohceallrI jouty 4 J S 4 4f- G relieved 1 44 first ii 4 4 4 c- I C t < > + + > + + + + + ++ + + +++ +

u- Bp Way Uneeda Jinjer- iIrjii Icr- · THE SUN MONDAY JUNE 10 1901 B i 4 TROLLEY CHARTER SPRINT TV4TK CLtttKS IN 1IABB1SBVBG WORK ALL Of SVXDAY TO CATCH VF- Mott of tb Charter Ajktd

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Page 1: u- Bp Way Uneeda Jinjer- iIrjii Icr- · THE SUN MONDAY JUNE 10 1901 B i 4 TROLLEY CHARTER SPRINT TV4TK CLtttKS IN 1IABB1SBVBG WORK ALL Of SVXDAY TO CATCH VF- Mott of tb Charter Ajktd





Mott of tb Charter Ajktd F r In Bitird7l-Srr mbl WUI Be iMoed To4 yThF-

ocrdncr 8jndlc to GotAll thi Bout ItrMtt la PhlUddpnU-

IhRBumRO Pa June 0A11 long

the clerki of the State Department workedover the Uck of application for trolley

charters In IhU Btnte The departmentnnt oven to the public but thi clericalwas busy from morning till nUiit

f Applications yesterday woe too much foren day and Sunday furnUhed an opportunity-

to clear the decks for th second rush to-

morrowSo ruth for new lard Id the Werf probably

ver created more eicitement than petmell scamper after charters yesterdaypick Quay was met of the promoter

nf new companies to get way liewas taken nick ftcr the allnight vigil ofFriday nlht and wee not able to leavn forhome thl afternoon He takes withhim some Important franchise for elevatedtine In and about Plttghurc-

Oor Stone approved the FochUEmerybills between 10 and 11 oclock on Fridaynight and then retired He

at the Executive as wasreported yesterday wee higuest and had a few callers but the bluewere signed with others before the variouscapitalist and promoters from the different

of the State appeared on the midnightIt Is expected that the charters

will be leaned tomorrow except in thosewees where then may be conflict as toroutes-

It Is understood here that Congre smsnWilliam Connell and his lieutenants have

the available privileges at Scrantonth F rd rer syndicate have

grabbed everything In sight In PhiladelphiaAs to PltUburg and Allegheny the goodthings In the way of street have beengobbled up by the Olivers the Mellens theIllgelows and Dick Quay There Is adivision In city as to the surface andoverhead a sort of community ofInterest

Scores of smallfry capitalist have putto their claims for charters and these will

be acted on when Secretary driest getsthrough with the more Important InterestsHe said before he left for home yesterdayafternoon that nothing further would bedone until Monday and that no publicitywould b given In the matter of andIncorporators until tomorrow cer-

tain however that Foerderer and his asso-

ciates have secured the choice streets InPhiladelphia and that the Johnson syndi-

cate will get bones so far as that city Is


















had con-










There Is talk of litigation on the quratloe-

f the validity of the granted be

fore the approval of weeofficially at the State Department

This was not done until nearly 11 oclockyesterday although the bills bearof June 7 It Is contended by certain law-

yers that as there was no public notice givenof the approval of the bills until 1040 oclockyesterday morning no application forcharter could have been considered underthe new acts until that hour Notwithstand-ing this contention It Is charged that certainfavored Incorporators left with theirfled copies of charters before theerally tad an opportunity even to file theirapplications

There Is also much criticism of the suspenlion of a printed rule of the State Depart-ment which provides that there shall becharters Issued on Saturday owing to thefact that the Treasury Is upon thatday It so happened thatTreasury Department was open yesterday-The Commonwealth will be enriched bylarge amount through the Incorporation ol-

o manr new companies with large capital


Highly With TheIr Weeks WorkHailthe Camp to ThrnuelTM

Squadron A In command of Major Brldgman got back from Its weeks stay at theState camp yesterday The commandreached the armory In Park avenue at 1

having come down In a leisurelyfrora Tarrytown where It spent the previousnight The troopers left the State camprarly Saturday morning and reached Kingsland Point where the tents were pitchedt 7 In the evening They were up

and off by 830 yesterday morning but therewas no reason for haste and the men took It

leisurely enjoying the beautiful day untilthe armory was reached Troop C whichhad the better start and camped at Ardsley

for the night was about two hours ahead ofSquadron A on the trip down to the cityret All of A men WITHnruwned their star In camp and were aremarkably of fellowsFront Major down they were fullor the things been con

this All of themwere unanimous In declaring that It hadbeen fur ahead of any other ex-

perience that the command had hail both Inthe way of pleasure and In of trainingThis was the adopted for the

time this year whereby time cavalrylad had tho camp a tnem lvnsvThe time was not divided between cavalry

and Infantry evolution A lot of wasto Itoe for Major llrldgman

Troop C In command of Capt Charles In arrived at the Portland

avenue Ilrnnklyn Atterday Vnornlnc The men were In good

S Y Col James M

Jarvft watched the evening parade ofthe Kl

field tonUht 11 itCol It C Rldibockcharge Tim wn ivltnmsed

least a thousand persons There wa-

on ld rable incitement by the horsof the First They areand In the evening imradn danced and kickedand barked and continually Oneartillery man wi tnrown h

and the viiltors and the con-veyance and vehllet scattered when the

hor es would Mart on a runIhe Eighth Regiment will rnirch to Camp

Roe tomorrow ant spend two days ansitwo nights They will Campabout l Th tonightthe air I thn chilliest In weeks and blankets-are In demand The wind blowsn so much so that this afternoon time

Spat flag was ruined It came down fromhe staff

iMKr srvuv fv ravxciuI elf uid lUirball rUjrrt Oat Inflwnrnurn-

idrn Hare Some ArrctttdV-

OXKWIS X V June As a result ofthe arfjuittal of School Commissioner Adamsfor playing golf on Sunday the police to-

day permitted Sunday sports Every basebull tioifj in the city contained Its quita ofuniformed or semiuniformed men end boyswho plaved m time presence of many personsThe regular Sunday game on the Saw MilllOver KrMin is which was the primary causenf the ieruynienv crusade wee resumedbefore 2tKi spectators The Snegkill Ooir flub eietirnted the vindication-of Mr A inn V rruvMllnif the on North


Ml t i t mnn that the oppositiono i as mb lded

HIM nrinal cruxiid rs arc nn redetermined t n r It U rumored

arrant nr tn iirnnircd for Oineoflio Muiiil i t iv mlnlttort p ike

iy m rmni what thyrnllil rtiDii

In Ml I MUM Catholic Churchhowever in irMird K llrndy de-fcrltMd i suMIy Player who lie

nirltiiioii result fr n work of bl otMid the irl t iniKint numsvniint-lier l no rites or m

Tlie ltv lu K lri e of thn Met-hodlt luirrli old IM iie WITH i trslnllU

th icvit r unll wallowliiKIll Kinill Of tlHI lll-

Mi nf l Murks llnrnnl ins ISOOU-Oiriiilsiiw 1 t American-

MaKhe ia fiiniiin Hunt wits deHroyed-bv lire eiiiniiing a loss of I11Ws-evenii ofmployment I he OUHMII and

of time chemicalhunk Sew It lime tTindpal loser


the dato



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cOle the







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I Inkrow nI








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fo rtnork





clock way






Sit imiiiy meltnot rIr

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thet iii jttirim



IIms itmn

I i ni gistS edIt

I ts












Party f WIt om Tile Had a C 44 Bathas a Sail

Ralph Tapp 24 years old Richard Collett23 year old and George Esheby 34 years oldall of 16S East Eighteenth street Manhattan

onWcdnesday and took her out for a trial spin yester-day The yacht capsized and all hands werethrown Into the water but rescued

Capt H A Baggar of J81 Flftyseventhstreet Brooklyn was engaged to fit up the

handle It until the owners wereable to care for It themselves He told theyoung men yesterday that the yacht leakedbadly and that It was not safe to go out Theyoung men however were anxious to trythe boat and it 230 oolock the yacht left hermoorings nt the foot of Thirtyeighth streetBrooklyn

While out In the lower bay Capt Baggarbecame convinced that It would be wise toturn around and make for tho shore Hegave the order to go the mainsailiards The young took somepicking ouBthe and before them

order was executed the yacht had capsizedand the entire party Including Capt Beggarsfourteenyearold son Frank were In them

water A revenue cutter and a tug put to-

ward the struggling and at them sametime a skiff containing Harry White of 417

Van Brunt street and George Banks andGeorge Dennison of let Beard street put outfrom them shores Several life buoys werethrown from them revenue cutter and one ofthem struck young Frank Baggar on thehead and for a time he was dazed

The skiff picked up Capt Baggar and hisson and Ralph Tapp Collett was picked-up by the revenue cutter while Esheby witseared for by them crew of the tugboat Allthe rescued party were landed at the foot ofThirtyeighth street

oar so3ic EACH

II Pays th Ground Rent of Church Dalit aCentury Ago la Manhelm

MANBIIU Pa June This part of lacaster county was well represented here to-

day for them observance of the annual customof raying the years ground rent for a churchwith one red rose The representativesof the of the late Baron Rtelgel were outIn the ground on whichthe old Zion Church was built acentury or more ago He also helped to buildthe church The Baron specially stipulatedthee only rent to be paid by the congrega

In all time was one red rose each yearthe Feast of Roses In June Todays

sermon was preached by the Rev C KolllnSchneck ofHarrlsburg Them annual addresswas delivered by Judge Ashman of Phila-delphia The rent was pre ented by a repre-sentative of the Lancaster Coilnty Historical


the 22foot Ioop yacht


yacht and


















Society and received by aof the york County Historical Society Theedifice was beautifully decorated with red


lie Wilt TUlt the Eiposltlon TodtyIUporton Results ot Fair In Slay

BUFFALO Junes Secretary of War EUhuRoot reached Buffalo at 7 0 tonight liewas accompanied by len Corbln MajorOen Young Col and Mrs Johnson and MissEdythe Patton Secretary Hoot will be theguest of Carlton at his home onWest Ferry street will occupyhis private car Secretary Root postponed-his view of the Exposition until tomor

Root and Miss Hoot will arrivetomorrow night

A report which will be made to the Execu-tive Committee of tho Exposition tomorrowwill show that the people who attended duringMay spent 1 cent per capita lest than theChicago visitors during the first month ofthe Worlds Fair At Chicago the averagesum spent Inside the grounds was 18 centsand the attendance for May was isonoooHere the average was 17 but It must

not until 20 and thatthe opportunities for spending were not

Indeed all the shows and attractions are statnow On there Is very

opportunity to spenddeclare themselves well seth

fled with tho result and are now directingenergies to secure special rate frosts

the railroads The want to hold offtheir lowest rates until the middle of July

have been told by the Exposition off-icials that If they do they be confronted-by more people than can handle At

88 per rent of the people attended-In the last days of the

Every Incoming trnln its quota

Is day Jour-nalists arrived In time tothe Midway It closed Only thirtyseven uero In today The othersare pursuing their Investigations Thirtylive Now came at n-

oclock tonluht On thee train they formed-an organization for the suppression theJersey innvmiltn Joke

PullDm domn of tie Government building

will recover Ho was im




centinto thatman-

orto tM week of


and for WellY




the the


taken smetount xpoiitlon was


newspaper PillioN publishers








Hnnnttd policeman Thrown si tie Tried toAvert Collision

James Donaldson a coxchman went Into-

a hotel at IMl street and Macombs Damroad yesterday afternoon and Ms team ran

When the horses got to I7fd ntretansi the Washington road they turned andran back igsln with Mounted PolicemanSowardx them

At a runabout occupied bytwj women was In front of the runawaysThe policeman caugli one of them by thobridle and yelled to the women to turn outnf the way Before they tutu tine to 10

of the coach the back ofrunabout I ho coach horses fell and thopoliceman and his horse went down with

The runabout had a little paint scrapedoff the but that was nil and the womendrove nwiy without welting to see if tho po-liceman was hurt e with a lew

The throe horses were cut aboutthe

irorDVT LET TIIK riltfXSX Iff-

Nontnlon Employees ot the Ifhljh flhnpi InWUkfflUrre DoThrlr Own fireWlLKtBllAnnE Pu June u Nonunion

workmen and private detectives at the Lehigh Valley shops drove back the city fire-

men with revolvers during 11 tire thh after-noon Otto of the buildings was Ignitedby sparks from an engine und an alarm

In The city Fire Departmentresponded limit when theth MMIH they wern met by time work me nund dleitlvut An effort to broughta volley front the revolvers tiredIn no one wa

Chief ordered thee firemen to turnthe tho men on the fence Thisrained theta t flee Other workmen mIghtth anti tit firemen Mri im onIt from a hill near nr Thmuch encltemiirf-


And Went Into the Water to Save a Childrnllcm n llanltd llolh Oat

John let years old if 12 clarkson-ureet forgot ho couldnt wlm when heMtyrnrold Charles Trlml of H7 Downingstreet full overboard yeterdiy and heJump into wister sifter him lundhad boflti nlaylnit a bulkhiad nt tlie footof Chrl xtrcit and intel tiimljlcil ufT

Tin two tluilndireil nbniit urabblng furiirli simmer Ilillnman iMiuuan nfCh rl s street tatlo a row bout nnd

tillin Into it I hey were nil rightlifter iinitiuliilice MirKion had drlcil I Inillout u little

llnipllal Saprrlnlrndenl Eons Dm-

ATin ON V J lunn uJn eph Durgot-KUterlntiMilinl of the Isolation Hospital

last night nnd left thatton lie wn Ihniitened the Miivnr with

expillsloii the tinliun IhiHoard of ivuntid him ID remainIn defiance nf the Hoard of llTillh A corn

Aldermen went to tie hospital yrslerday ansi urged him to slay




enl r

In luredKin










a its

tire shooting





isis SI tttIitt

sa Jilt ti Is temi it

ford hi ii

tiltlea let










An Experiment Which Br Mr IsTrying Only Three or FourYesterday and Women Who HadVolutrd as XonM Wr Dli ppolntd-

N w BnuNswjcx June The LivingstonAvenue Baptist Church tried the experi-ment today of conducting a day nurseryduring church services so that the babiesparents could attend the services Todaywas Childrens Day and the pastor of thechurch the Rev A B formerly ofthe Central Baptist Brooklyndesired to say a special word to parentsas to their duties to their children Hewanted all the parents In his congregation-to hear what he had to say and he wantedto be sure that none of would be keptat home by the very they w rparents

The Rev Mr Sears went to Mrs J KHarris of the congregation and asked herIf she would not undertakes to carry out anexperiment he had made at one time In hiBrooklyn church He suggested that hewished her to select five or six young womenof the congregation to care for such babies-as might bo brought torooms to lie out the morn-Ing service sirs Harris found no

raising for nursewomen who gathered at

them Livingston Avenue Church this morn-Ing duty were tremblingover with eagerness to take care ofThey milk and Jumping

colored rubber rattlesenough to stock a somali storeTho only thhg lacked whets ar

Where thirty or fortybabies had been expected three or fourcame ten these were bytheir mothers with awhich was not altogether pleasant to the















The six sat on thee floor with them In-

fants and flirted desperately with themIn rivalry they the ser

was over thought themust have been very long

The Rev Mr Sears all dlioouraired when Mrs Harris reported to himso babies had to cared forHe said that It would of course take time

mothersover to confidence that thebabies were really In competent and under-standing he in time hosaid tn arrange for mothers day once In

four weeks when the which theIrreverent of the town call babycheckingwould be put in force the sermonRev Mr on the ex

that parents should set for their chil-dren


Its echelon ItUhop Johnston Says DtTOlvM-

Ipon ChurchesBishop Johnston of them Episcopal diocese

of western Texas preached yesterday morningnt Christ Chu rch on the rave problem He saidthat this country had had two race problems-to settle outside that of them negro WhetherIt lied settled thorn righteously or unrighteously he was not prepared to say One wasthnt of the Indians which had been settledby their practical extermination the otherrace problem that of the Chinese had beensettled by another method that of exclusion

Taking up theo two methods and apply-ing them to the negro he said us see howthey will work In the first place time negroescannot be excluded as thy are alreadyeight millions of them They dontleave here and a larger portion of time peopleIn my country dont wish to have them go on

account of their labor The negro is stilltractable He never goes on strike Hehasnt reached that point In his development-

Hut leaving all that aside there U still a betterargument against exclusion or deportationTill is that we have not got the physicalability It has beets out thattake at leant seventyftvw years to deportirons our Mioros the souoooo of negroesthey would bo burst fester thun our presentmeans of transportation would allow us to

them off remains then ex-

termination which they would scarcely resistone In this country In his

Imaginings would ever dream of asof title problem The only then by

this can settled U that nf-

eduction and for this South I taxing IV

pelt to them extent of n farIut there l u defect remedyas It Is luliic appliedMid that a man Intellectually hutnot morally become more dangerousthan end that 1 precisely the uanifirwith the ruuro theyreceive no immoral Instruction whim theirwits tire belli isany niornl Mrenialienlnir This Inabilitynf them public schools of our land t anysystem In going to lend within a few

to a the like of which tillcountry has never seen and It will with n

that wont believe anything at

Hie whole nuestlon of time right eduoitlnnof times negro wives Itself Into the effortsthat rhrlstlnn aru maklnj fur tintuplifting have sot to educatedn nt time sim time as they are Intel

It Is left entirely to the churchw-nf title land to see to are doingIt Mime nf them more than others hentime do that themlh solution of this problem and contribute

liberally In tile Souththen will the he ln to advance ant bolit for thoe duties thrust upon him bywho cMianclpitod Mu






















ri us









rRKcitrn ov inrrnnrThe nero Endliott Peabody Tells Yale

That Society Wrongfully Condone This Evil

NEW HAVEN June The Hev KndlcottPeabody headmaster of the Oroton Schoolwet the preacher tonight nt them generalreligious exerri es at Yale and he talkedon Impurity Ha sold that Impurity wasone of the greatest temptations In col-

leges today When it strongesttemptation tho preacher declared there wm

very tiiralnst It ansI no protest-to of traits the student bodylieu added rather condoned ImpurityHe snlil that Ir a man Is convicted sentto Jail for embezlenient when i

out of ho l rut and shunned bysociety In general a men wrongs

soul or Is of Impurityreceives him anti ho Is not I




was as-




The Truth flffker

The Kev Ir George T Purvesof them Fifth Avenue Iresbyterlsn Churchpunched on Tho Truth Seeker at the nervlooyesterday afternoon lmse his sermonon Mntthew 4V41 Asain them kingdom of Heaven li like unto a erchantmanseeking goodly pearls who when foundim of great price went and sold allthit bo It

You will notice ho wild that tho evenell t takes ihe person Keeking rates

n merchant man it manwlm taken life erloi Irons this we inferthut man who seeking truth mustcute time eiirrh a matter of business imdnut OH n matter of mental Thereare m inv men nncl women all over thin worldnrliK call them elves truthker 1eyreally tiflleve Iut n of

Hiek truth a a Mew ineninThey are ilientner seekers and

8ml they nncpt inc siy theyfound lisa truth

itAitiKn v on YAIK nriinixaStudent Partly Oliniantle Some of the Room

In Hid lyceum

NEW HAVKN lone Vnle students sometime ilmlnrf last night mails a raid on OldLyceuiiinrrd rurrled nwiiyus mementos partsof the benches nnl de ks cw of thobrick froii th riiiutloii rnoiii nmt partof KIM liillldilig has been locked up slumtltKiis WITH etidid nilliulldlris wlti times Treasiirr nnd Vorth Col

is tee torts down thn nunnierund the decided to Tiiri mim-nrello of It before it rll reci-tation rooms Inoliei linilly wrecked

The boily a mini about 11 years oldwits found In th Knst Meadows HeIr Ja-

inatei Hay yilerdiy iiinrnlnif Id

fet s Indies lull nnd wrighti alifmnnds Id liul ind wore 1

whit shirt II c char hlnrkmelt hrown t mid trniHr shied

cltton undrwear There Rnnn thee body that would lead to Identificationby stranger w tnken to Mnruu-

rhe linlrkrhiifkrr flirtIs s fMiut 01 lh Wolnf sj ix mid S lurisy EvKTiid at1 inliMUnt to all women llr d rv-iu4bi Ulofoniird u




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The 8 H Marry of nunpstcad latmds toFight of Ills AmslH-

CMPSTXAD Juno 9 The RevSherman II Marcy pastor of the BaptistChurch at Hempstead says rj

tight the legality of his arrestfor riding a bicycle on the sidewalk MrMaroy says that ho was not formally arrented but that Special Village OfficerWilliam Kelly told him to tee the JusticeThis Mr Marcy did the next day Since

a formal complaint has been filed

minister says If they want himthey must come and get him

Mr Marcy further saidThis village ordinance was passed over

a year but has always been a dead1 many took tho

on It won on The road la wretchedanyway The sidewalk Is neither pavednor Even if the

to enforce this heretofore dead letterordinance It should havefair warning arbitrary meas-ures not looking for but-I contend that roads are not fit foruse the cyclIst should have tho privilege of

especially Unot considered a the Statelaw Whether I ahull light the case de-pends entirely on the Interpretation my

thoAltogether there have been oixteen

arrests eleven on Friday and live on Satur-day In each ease except the Her Mr

victims their finesFormer A X Wollerthe village In action and says hi rose ofappeal ho will take the coses to the Su

Court without fee A warrant willbo served on Mr Marcy tomorrow morning


s Intend


on when It




Iho 0



walk street was







Dr ration Praise the Philanthropy of Honkteller and CarnegIe

PniKCiTON N J June 0 PresidentPatton of Princeton University delivered them

baccalaureate sermon to them graduating classIn Alexander Hull this morning Speaking-

of the social questions he saidWe have Improved we have something

to show for our work our life has grown

more complex We started out upon theprinciple of equality nnd we have neverabandoned It yet but we have seen througha years great distinctions of masses

e4 grow up as visibly here as theyhad in the Old World and we see men of leisureanti men of toll we see the men of leisuregiving themselves over to devotingtheir minds very largely to the Invention ofnew avenues of enjoyment To a very largeextent they are Indifferent to povertystud cubic that surround them

Hut there U another side of them picture-

It Is undoubtedly true that the world tjdnybenevolence lust U exhibited In this tumidWhen Mr founded hU university

side nod Mr Carnegielions to vriljw the four universities uf his

land on the other side time maywell not only Itspleasure I for OtiS am very glut that thetreat of title century os to how a manought to perform of Howardthin

law of has gone overto thn Old World front this hnd

Still thero I ut present a measurea smaller meusiirn

of Intellectual titan formerly Menfully reomtiil7 them law of love but

lets herd the law of right There11 nn increasing desecration of SabbathThere Is heedlisxniss of plain ohIUatlnn

form iiieaii moroto a that thismid thatThujsnlth time

There Is a gradual decadence of the ofsin and belief In It Those are facts

In the tame every day and whunof thorn they do not or depressbecause you are calloused to then

Then there U a hulnes unclullsm menstarting out In life going Into professions

business I am not of tboso

his living la the practices oflaw or in llclne or that there are snore

ihan wure d time however Infar off when It will bo dlftlcult to put anvwrtlseincut upon any and say

Is riot made by a trust


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who believe lteett time has whensnake


we drink wearole 1



President Taylor Preaches the Sermon to anAudience That Crowded the Chapel

PocortKEKMls June Vassar Com-

mencement exercises with H beautiful-a baccalaureate Sunday as tho students couldwith for The chapel was crowded thecentre aisle being reserved for the 110 mem-

ber of graduating PresidentTaylor took for his text chaptera clniiM nf the twelfth verse Hut the Lordwas not In the tire and tlie a stillsmall voice After om Introductory re-

marks Dr Taylor saidWhat was the Ideal Jesus What was Ills

thought of Micccit anti how do oust Idealsmeasure up to lilt conception of the perfectlift Kenmniber to reconstitute a-

llfo so thnt that a single life through Its ownpowerand based moral excellence shouldItself redettm this world Ho made no illstlncllon between rich onr weakand That u soul tooth before Him

its highest possibility was to Himthe one important fuel

The prophets of Israel were notdeceived power all aboutthem but sea through It to time moral worthof men This WHS the principle of Chil t-

as ho wrung Have we this of limitt rlil progress proved that wraith shouldbe to truth andriess Jw us no sympathy for an emylife and creeds Christ Is itfiction nf modern It fareasier to farce to hear listsdally bunion with cheerfulness tar elliOt forbrave heart to face dentli In battlu thesIs toface tho of life not dicelvoyourself limit Ideal of i weak or

kHntlmeiitnllsin Its only trouble-Is that souls are not strong enough to bearIts tenoning It Is tho flIers weakness ofmen lint Is settIng up our standard of lIfe


them can



hpl rnrl Inv





Ii time








A Foolish Call vrnt one dAY Into a Jerwy Wood

and meeting A Fox said I tree the wild tlruttwill me b fau I t e no Fur And theFox Mlit A Oaielejs IlouvmiM a fur hugon yonder Thrrtupin Foolish

shaking Ihf got the Fur on his

and veal reolrlne thriurh the Wood Out thelo laughed privately tin Tlreri roam riot oftenIn a Jtiity Wind

Moral If you vnnt to dress-a do it with discretion

For the for loungingfor outdoors wear out-door not tho stiiT

of conventional lifeThe easy loose Yoke back coatThe Norfolk jacketKnickersEverything the outdoor man

wants from head to

KOOKIIS 1BKT orS Bin fur

lAD Ilmndoay rut Irlnnsr cur Jjj

lush CAl

gn t

lieuCouP Y

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Ws InU O 1






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iIrjii Ii are c2 r I

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S1wi5s Dont ortetr i 1re

5I I

Isis CtcL V


n r nt Rains TTIU live tier the Record heldor littler

Kan June T The KansasAgriculture today Issues a

report covering the crop situation Inneighborhood on June I Based uponan entirely satisfactory condition the

winter wheat condition for whole Stateon the mentioned was 8 a decline of178 since the report of April 5

counties Allen Osborrm anda condition of lOt and twontyflve

other counties range from 00 to 91 Prior toJune 3 there was a shortage In rainfall theeffects of which were beginning to be notice-ably hnutjul nnd accounts fur most of time


portions of the Htate have had more or lesirain and at a time to prevent Imminentdiminution In yield and messy others havenot In varieties localities om Injury has

done by HoHslim or other pestsbut such damage has nut been general

Commenting upon relative to thecrop the Secretary recent figuresreceived indicate that tho present Kansaswinter wheat acreage Is a vry considerable-I er larger than has at any previous times

estimated and place It closeto If not somewhat above the largest everrecorded viz 8110873 acres harvostod In1583 Kansas seems on thu ev of harvesting-a prodlgloustotal of high grade winter whoa-ti total such at sortie other very creditableagricultural States could not reach by aggre-gating their product of a century cud not anacre of any value In all the millions will fallof reaping






but then





lowered due ins

been flies





Cop Nabbed the Mo M llh them Tools nl lieHltU Htubborn Lock

Policeman Hanretty Interrupted a burglary on his post on Saturday night

was pacing West Fourth street keepingto the mlddli of the Idewulk andtwentyeight Inches to tIme step accordingto regulations hx clime upon twowith jimmy and file endeavoringan entrance to th store of JohnBhoeneck nt 204 Ve t Fourth street limits

collared Chnrlus C Jacobs 35old th tools In his possession ItJefferson Market issues courtexamination und was fur trial


rot Member of th IMflmi So Gone to theIsland for Three Months

William Pages homeless was caught yes-

terday ornlng trying to breafi Into time

offlco of time Theodore E Tone Coal Company-at Twelfth nvenuo and hId street anaxe Magistrate Cornell smiledburglar wax taken beforo him

you slimIng with an axe Ama member f Committee of Fifteen

asked time MagistrateWell Judg time burglar Ive not

got thnt fur yetMuirlstruto sent him to the Island for

three months

nuATii OF rniRtKs A nvxTtsa

Once a Drunkard hut AfCerirsrd llsnsgerof license for InebriatesA Hunting founder of New

Homu for Intemperate Menat 1175 Madison aviinue died Mny 30 at Keyport N J He was born seventyfour yearsago In Kdgnrtown Ho hotel-keeper for years At one time ho wasaddicted an exce lve use of liquor hutho was converted and reformed In l 7a undertime Trenching of the late Mr Moody In

l o he raided a fund of linoOM anti foundedthem wellknown home for Intemperatus

sreot and MidUoii avenueWilliam H Vandprhlt KredurUb HThomas Unix Hector C timid

Harriet were Rinonc the contribu-tors to time fund Mr Hunting was residentmanager of tlie homo until IHUJ when he retired wits l v tin Hev Oeorge8 Avery He leaves a wIse The Intermentwas

cvofvecn nicKtssox nrAD-

n Was luIoreU In Accident at HanktrU tn WhichIlls Locoraollie Was Wrecked

DtWKiBK N V June B George AtkinsDickinson of Dunkirk the engineer Injured-

In the accident on this Dunkirk AlleghenyValley and 1itnhtirg Itallrond lust eveningdied at the Ilrooks Hospital at 2 oclock hitmorning Ills heart wn cru hrd his headmend arms badly hurt mind his whole trunkand both les scnlded th hotwater niid tritu Mnn front under

Ie I have itiiule my la t runMr l hall been H ln en

for Dunkirk Allegheny Valley andimp In iso He

Idle wvcral month l ecau of 111

health and resuiieil vrU tw weeksago He was born IP rredonlH In t 37 aridwets the foti of Cnn lta IHeklnsonthe State Mho wa il o a nldlcrln time

Civil Wnr und del at fiorgitown lie U-

mrvlved by his wife nrd n on ldnard atlster Mrs K D Sunderlld of Kunsus city

Obituary Notes

Col Wlllhm I e Trelchl died onclnv after u long Illmss at hU home IVx liist-Twentylnirlh ureet Hi was learn In1lillndelpMl oi Inn 4 l n At outlipilk of the Ivll arheehlltcdasIn the Slxtli IVniiylviinlii Invnlry lietlngui lieil blnielr at lleverly 1ord mel inother vM tiromoied-oftnn fr gull nit nrvlre his nt time nfthe wilt he Coloiiel nf leiriineplNoon lifter the wnr he CAlICO to this nnd-lieinine II liteinlx r nf tin yrk SIM-IXehinge lie oi i eilt Iwrftie nf illliKiilili ister Mr smitisin vive Iin Tii fuiieril tie u s-

liiltellinrrh ermiiMlown u ni rrn-Inliii lrirent Tniiniln dl d niIns 1111111 Vi Inviiiii iivenni ii v-

He Inn n In till rily on u 4 IN-

He organied imd uiHnM nt hi iuia i iiuin In m ervinduring Civil War It vn slim hed-tn Ilin First llegiiiient w Volun-teer Mr Toiuie wits

Mrs Mary Ann Yerxn thin uldnw of ChnrlesVersa lerlcktiiii N II mnl at timehome of her daughter MM v nrnsnnrtli

ondu at the sin of M iou the ast year hehas lived In Two andone son survive neT








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dl Ad L-

11f 741JYL4 1

PPpfQueJityAt your

L ss I


in a Chjptl hung With Shark on laLorraine

The body of Mrs Adelaide Mott Belldaughter of the late Valontiim Mott arrivedyesterday aboard the French steamshipIi Lorraine from Havre In

sexton of Holy Trinity ChurchParis A lurge cabl ilookaft was iHnv rt d a mortuary cnaiieland the eoflln on a beneath a

whltn crow froth a blackdraped wall The ceiling and minor of time

wero covered WiLls Freshflowers were put In the dayof time voyage Kdwnrd Hell usedon worn nt tlie

to receive the body which wits tiken to GreenMrs In on May


DEl nOl


Cloth r1011








Octogenarian Mr Kahn Said to De SnfrerlniTrans lllld UementU

David Kahn an octogenarian Frenchmenwho Lies been a diamond merchant In theUnited States for II century and whofor time last twenty lies had a shop at75 Walker street is In the Insane navlllon atmental condition He was taken to the hoj-pltal yesterday front his house at 21 Wmtt

street Dr Lhis family phyMclan and hh won K D Kiihnan exporter who lives at 2il West ii3d tretDr admitting iibyslcian sJdthat the old man appeared t l oonly from a attack of


Offer of CntUi Work to Talk OverSituation Ignored by the Mm-

InoviDBNOE B 1 II Hoadley President of tle Putter Companysays that yestnrday he sent the Superintend-ent of the Corliss Works to Mr Moore

tin time innchlnKtV strike hereInst I him to intro n committee of

the taco wait upon the oftleidis of the com-pany for the purpose of arranging nil diffe-rence hinds Mrspent the afternnon at the CorlU Worksbut ilid not rnspond Thernfore-nn was sent out for io innohlpl tM on the lorms that

constitute a weeks ork timerate of weePs to lie In nddltlm aprominm will be patti hafed upon eftielency

Striking MachInists Appeal for SlonejA committee from the Intornatlonal Asso-

ciation of Mayhlnist aiked time Central Fed-erated Union terday for support for thestriking machinists Thn spokesman raidthat there tire Mouu machinists on strike fnrthe ninehour workday throughout time lottest Statos of whom Joiwi nre nonunion men

Vn have the challengn Issuodby th National Metal Trulet Assnclatldp

Kiid hIlt we mu t heave furds to paya strike benefit to time nonunlo men to keepthem from haelt to work

lie said that would SIMnoo K-

eek to strike b no ts tn time nonunionnvti Th c F I von il to glvn m nnd

Its to teL them anillotedunion for subscriptions

Lay Dead Two Slay IlchUd llrr tiedMargaret Whellahun or Rennet years

old wns found dend In her room yesterdayat n iionrdliie house Mrs 1 llriico-Ht m Hal ey Newark An emptybottln wlilrli find contained a corn winfound ut her hit She mud been n ing climesFriday nnd nil time unit lain on the floorbttwren the the u mill while her roommil been freimmtly the landlady

ml scrvuntx She was on headover n year n nnother numn In the back-room of H saloon In New-ark and Kivrrnl weeks In tile hnsiiliil-SlTerltig from n Imd cu Sni Isto have u l tnr named Moore at tunCharles Street this city

Drowned From a llout tn Flooded QuarryJacob S Kiiuhnd avenue Frnnklln-

X 1 nnd a friend trans JMlevlllo wereilllnc n small hoot In n flooded quarry nt

yesterdiv when th boat undb lit worn drowned ID nhiilt feet fwater Kuril wa 32 yeari nlu


to to





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> ¬





The new and large additions to ourFifth Avenue establishment hive given us

The Largest PlanoWarerooms in New York

Catering a Floor Space of lfi0iO Sq Feet

and containing an imminsc variety ot thefamous liardinan Uprights and New Baby

Grands at very moderate Prices ind oaSmall Monthly Payments if desired

Renting Pianos forSen Slioro or City a SpecialtyNo Charge or


Iltonklyn ItepretenUtlTejAND CO 470 rultonSK

Your Vacationwill be a period of anxiety If

your valuables are left s-

unprotsctcd at homeSend us yourSilverware Q

JewelryVi-Uuable Papers

Furs Paintings etcfor protection and storage

Write for our pricesSafes M In 5OO Irr Tear

3 East 14th Street at Fifth Avenue

nut i sim


IrtfT Jinn Clirgrl With flftllnlo n lllsrksmltn hlnip

John Men lnir 4 y nrs old Osrtnan-snloonkecper of r nnelo avenue JerseyCity wn nrre ted ypsierdav na complaIntif Samuel floldsteln of n3 Kldridjethis who irijkeil til

tioldslelnK hlii k mifh i Tonedsveniit1 was buried ye rd iv andhe went ill oiiii to Jnr iuv mJ ioJpollre tliit MiMiliif n ilrct ed tooler-up tin heante in iliin i hIs time Idea

hiiviiiKa fenw Ijiiill t

Shoplirtrr rannie llllh t lout nf rlandrrMary Iisehiii n diinl it v Inillnn wm-

irresleil for tuiif in i FmirtortnthleinrtiiipniWhen lie s e f ti tiitiulytwo yardsit Lie Ihe ivni leu ynrds rib

r an1 were In theukeit ii ffe iv bitr under her

skirt lli I wi i ineij nt fir ln Jeferson M M lie inrt ycitcrdiy shevas hel i i



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VUIRsrzz IOfl tItsCity Flee

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lee t I lies shot

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t TheVoice

ittTfrjttj jrr Jn rb ttt t X-

J calls the invalid to Carlsbad TileJ Carlsbad Sprudel Water is natures

J own specific for diseases of the

J stomach nnd liver for Amentia

J with Constipation Chronic Catarrh

J of the Stomach Liver ComplaintJ flue or Jaundice f

or rheumatic persons usually cuml f-

tl OCJtK hy Carlsbad slr i 1 W tT vhile

J the melancholia and heavy feelingMf M from lvsjKisia is Sfxm

If a decided laxative action is dctired take a suwll tea fJ spoonful of the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt with tile tumblff-J ful of tile vSprudcl Water early in tile inorninR before break

f fast T4 He sure you get the genuine imported article the neck of 3-

J4 every bottle bears the signature of the Kisner Mendclsou A-J4 Co Agents New York



7 farj4 ct LIleilldigcstion of ohceallrI jouty 4 J



G relieved 1

44first ii


4 4 c-








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