- 137 - ൕോ㑆ߦࠆߔⵙ㊂ ߩ1 ᐕᓟߩᄌൻ ߚߺࠄ߆ഭ⠪ߩ∋ഭߩ⌁⌧ߣቴ⹏ଔ *1 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 ᧄ⎇ⓥߪߢߊ㑆߿ભߺߦߡߒഭ⠪⥄りߩߤ߇⒟ᐲቯޟߩ߆ࠆ߈ߢൕോ㑆ߩⵙ㊂ ߩޠ1 ᐕᓟ ߩᄌൻߣ㧘ഭ⠪ߩ∋ഭߩ⌁⌧ߣ㑐ㅪᕈᬌ⸛ߚࠆߔ ߦ1 ᐕ㑆❑ߩᢿ⺞ᩏታᣉߚߒ㧚వⴕ⎇ⓥߩ ࡦࠕ߇ߊ⺞࠻ߦߊߠਥ⹏ଔࠆࠃߦߢߦߩࠆߡߒ㧘ᧄ⎇ⓥߪߢ∋ഭߩ⌁⌧ߣቴ⹏ଔߚߺߩߘ㓙㧘 ਥ⊛ߊߥߪߢ߃⸷ߥߦ∋ഭߚࠆ߃ࠄߣࠍ⌁⌧ߣ㧘ỗߦࠆߔᔕ㑆ߩࠄ߆ࠇ∋ഭࠆ߃ࠄߣࠍ ᔕ㑆ߣ㧘⣨⸘⌧⌁⸘ࠆࠃߦᵴേ㊂࠲ࡄߩࠄ߆ࡦផቯࠍ⌁⌧ࠆࠇߐቯᜰᮡ↪ߡߒߣߚ37 ߩഭ⠪ 㧔ᐔဋᐕ㦂rᮡḰᏅ㧧41.9r12.8 ᱦ㧘 ߜ߁9 ߇ᅚᕈ㧕ኻ⽎ߦ㧘ൕോ㑆ߩⵙ㊂߇ೋ࿁⺞ᩏߦߡߴჇട ⟲ߚߒ㧘ૐਅ⟲ߚߒ㧘ᄌ ߩ⟲ߚߞ߆ߥࠄࠊ3 ߦ⟲ߡߌ㧘∋ഭߩ⌁⌧ߣᜰᮡᲧセᬌ⸛ߚߒ㧚⚿ᨐ㧘ᔕ㑆 ᬌᩏ ߪߢ1 ᐕᓟߩჇട⟲ߪߦߦ⊛⸘⛔ߡߒ⦟ᅢ⚿ߥ߇ߚࠇߐߒ߆ߒ㧘⌧⌁ߩ⾰ߩᜰᮡߢ ⌁⌧ࠆല₸ ߪߢ3 ⟲㑆ߥ⊛⸘⛔ߦߚߞ߆ߥࠇߐ␜ߪ㧚ᧄ⎇ⓥࠅࠃߦ㧘ൕോ㑆ߩⵙ㊂ߩჇടߪ㧘ਛ㐳ᦼ⊛ߡߺߦߩ⚿ߣߊߟน⢻ᕈ␜߇ߚࠇߐ ᔕ㑆ᬌᩏ㧘⣨⸘⌧⌁⸘㧘∋ഭ㧘⌧⌁㧘ቴ⹏ଔ㧘❑ᢿ⺞ᩏ㧚 1 ߓߪ ߦߊ㑆߿ભᣣ߿ભᕷߦߤߥࠆߔഭ⠪⥄りߩⵙ㊂ ߣഭ⠪ߩஜᐽߩߣߪߦ㑐ㅪᕈ߇ߡߒߣࠆ㧘ㄭᐕ㧘 ਛᔃߡߒߣᵈ⋡߇㓸߹ߡߞ1-6) ߢ߹ࠇߎ߽ ߩⵙ㊂ߪߦലᨐ⊛ߢߣࠆ߁7) ߽ᢔߪߡࠇߐ߇ߚ㧘ㅀߩⵙ㊂ޟߪൕോ㑆ߩ㊂㧔Worktime control, WTCߣޠ㧘৻⥸ ߢߊߥߪ㧘ൕോ㑆․ߦߚࠇߐ߽ߢߩ㧚ᦨㄭ⎇ߩࠅࠃWTC ߇㜞႐ว㧘ஜᐽ⁁ᘒ㧘∛㧘⌧⌁⾰ߩ∋ഭ࿁ᓳ㧘⁁ߟ߁ᘒ㧘╭㛽ᩰ♽ߩ㓚ኂࠆࠃߦᣧᦼߩㅌ⡯ ࡐߦߤߥߥࡉലᨐߡߒ␜߇ߣߎࠆ ߡࠇߐ4,5,8-10) ࠄ߇ߥߒ߆ߒ ߩߢ߹ࠇߎWTC ߦ⎇ࠆߔߩ ߊߪᮮᢿ⺞ᩏࠤࡦࠕߣ⺞࠻ߦߊߠ߽ߢߩ㧘ቴᜰᮡ ࠆࠃߦ⹏ଔ↪ࠍ ߡWTC ߩߣ㑐ㅪᕈᬌ⸛ߚߒߪ⪺⠪߇ࠄ㧘㕖Ᏹߦᢙዋߥ߇ߩߢ ߘߢߎᧄ⎇ⓥ ߪߢ1 ᐕ㑆ߩㅊ〔⺞ᩏߢߣߎࠆߺWTC ߩჇടߪૐਅ߇ഭ⠪ߩ∋ഭ ߥ߁ࠃߩߤߦ⌁⌧ߣᓇ㗀߷ߟߦ߆ߩߔߡቴᜰᮡ↪ࠍߡᬌ⸛ ߎࠆߔࠍߣ⋡⊛ߚߒߣߩߘ㓙㧘ᔕ㑆ߩࠄ߆ࠇ∋ഭ ߣࠍࠆ߃ࠄᔕ㑆ᬌᩏߣ㧘⣨⸘⌧⌁⸘↪ࠍ ߩ⌁⌧ߚቯᣇᴺ߇㧘ഭ႐߅ߦߡ◲ߟ߆ߦഭ⠪ ߩ∋ഭࠍ⌁⌧ߣ⹏ଔ࠷ࠆ߈ߢߡߒߣ࡞⋧ᔕߒߣ ߃ߢߩߚࠇࠄߩࠄࠇߎᜰᮡᧄ⎇ⓥߪߢ∋ഭߩ⌁⌧ߣᜰᮡ↪ߡߒߣߚ2 ᣇᴺ 1 ) ⺞ᩏෳട⠪ 39 ߩഭ⠪߇ᧄ⎇ⓥߦෳട ߚߒ㧔ᐔဋᐕ㦂rᮡḰ Ꮕ㧧41.7r12.9 ᱦ㧘 ߜ߁9 ߇ᅚᕈ㧕㧚ߒ߆ߒ ߩㇺว⺞ࠅࠃߦߦㅜਛߢෳടߚߞߥߊߥ߈ߢ1 ߣWTC ዤᐲߩ߇ࠕࠅ߅ߡߒ߇ߌน⢻ߢߚߞ1 ࠺ߩࠍ࠲ޔ߈ᦨ⚳⊛ ߦ37 ߩࠍ࠲⸃ᨆኻ⽎ߚߒߣ㧔ᐔဋᐕ㦂rᮡḰᏅ㧧41.9r 12.8 ᱦ㧘 ߩߘ 9 ߇ᅚᕈ㧕㧚 ߩߘ ߢ32 ߇ㅧ㧔 ߘߩ 8 ߇ᅚᕈ㧕㧘 5 ⎇ߪⓥᚲ㧔ߩߘ 1 ߇ᅚᕈ㧕 ߢߊഭ⠪ߢߚߞ߅ߥ㧘ᧄ⺞ᩏߪഭⴡ↢✚ว ⎇ⓥᚲߩ୶ℂክᩏᆔຬળߩߡߚߞ*1 ഭⴡ↢✚ว⎇ⓥᚲ᧦ઙㆡᔕ⎇ⓥ*2 ഭⴡ↢✚ว⎇ⓥᚲኂᕈ⹏ଔ⎇ⓥ*3 ᧲੩ᄢቇᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ⎇ⓥ⑼ *4 ർ㉿ᄢቇᄢቇ㒮ක≮♽⎇ⓥ⑼ *5 ᧲੩ᄢቇᄢቇ㒮කቇ♽⎇ⓥ⑼ *6 ᧲੩ᘏᕺળක⑼ᄢቇ⋴⼔ቇ⑼ *7 ᚭ㍑ᚲ ṁធㇱ㐷 ⮮ᴛᚲ *8 ℂൻቇ⎇ⓥᚲ ᮮᵿ⎇ⓥᚲ 286 ᬌᩏߩታᣉ㘑᥊

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14) Takahashi M, Iwasaki K, Sasaki T, Kubo T, Mori I, Otsuka Y. Sleep, fatigue, recovery, and depression after change in work time control: a one-year follow-up study. J Occup Environ Med. 2012; 54: 1078-1085.

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- 137 -


*1 *1 *2 *3

*4 *5 *6 *7 *8



3741.9 12.8 9





Worktime control, WTC


4,5,8-10) WTC




1) 39

41.7 12.9 91

WTC1 37

41.912.8 9 32

8 5 1









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Page 2: U K (4F æ » Ô -Y2 é 1 ß é { Æ ú Ú - Û(* é - ã#'# é t-ð.O43 ¼" æ ú á" - é Ð ë ã&¿ î ß Ê (» H Ç$ Â Ð Ú9Ú o b o < û (4F O9Ø(è (. 3#'# . 9Ø" -9Ø#'#

- 138 -- 138 -

2) (1) WTC 1)1 2)

3) 4)5)


1.5. 5


(2) Psychomotor

Vigilance Task PVT -192, A.M.I , New York, USA1

4 210

1 10



10 0.5


MicroMini-Motionlogger® Actigraph, A.M.I , New York, USA X Y Z




2 1

1 3 12 PVT

1 1 24


11 1


4) WTC

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:138 13/11/13 10:33

- 139 -

WTC WTC 1347.5 12.6 4

WTC 1840.0 11.7 4 WTC

6 39.6 14.11 3

1 4



1 3

12 2



1) 3 WTC 1



勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:139 13/11/13 10:33

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

Page 3: U K (4F æ » Ô -Y2 é 1 ß é { Æ ú Ú - Û(* é - ã#'# é t-ð.O43 ¼" æ ú á" - é Ð ë ã&¿ î ß Ê (» H Ç$ Â Ð Ú9Ú o b o < û (4F O9Ø(è (. 3#'# . 9Ø" -9Ø#'#

- 139 -- 138 -

2) (1) WTC 1)1 2)

3) 4)5)


1.5. 5


(2) Psychomotor

Vigilance Task PVT -192, A.M.I , New York, USA1

4 210

1 10



10 0.5


MicroMini-Motionlogger® Actigraph, A.M.I , New York, USA X Y Z




2 1

1 3 12 PVT

1 1 24


11 1


4) WTC

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:138 13/11/13 10:33

- 139 -

WTC WTC 1347.5 12.6 4

WTC 1840.0 11.7 4 WTC

6 39.6 14.11 3

1 4



1 3

12 2



1) 3 WTC 1



勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:139 13/11/13 10:33

勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価

Page 4: U K (4F æ » Ô -Y2 é 1 ß é { Æ ú Ú - Û(* é - ã#'# é t-ð.O43 ¼" æ ú á" - é Ð ë ã&¿ î ß Ê (» H Ç$ Â Ð Ú9Ú o b o < û (4F O9Ø(è (. 3#'# . 9Ø" -9Ø#'#

- 140 -- 140 -

p=0.071 1WTC WTC



p=0.05 p=0.02





Takahashi (2012)10) 2382







1,5,10, 13)

psychological detachment from work14)



1) Costa G, Sartori S, Åkerstedt T. Influence of flexibility

and variability of working hours on health and well-being. Chronobiol Int 2006;23:1125–37.

2) Knauth P. Innovative worktime arrangements. Scand J Work Environ Health 1998;24(Suppl):13e17.

3) Härmä M. Workhours in relation to work stress, recovery and health. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32:502–14.

4) Ala-Mursula L, Vahtera J, Pentti J, et al. Effect of employee worktime control on health: a prospective cohort study. Occup Environ Med 2004;61:254–61.

5) Takahashi M, Iwasaki K, Sasaki T, et al. Worktime control-dependent reductions in fatigue, sleep problems, and depression. Appl Ergon 2011;42:244–50.

6) Ingre M, Åkerstedt T, Ekstedt M, Kecklund G. Periodic self-rostering in shift work: correspondence between

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:140 13/11/13 10:33

- 141 -

objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2012 Jul;38(4):327-36

7) Bond FW, Bunce D. Job control mediates change in a work reorganization intervention for stress reduction. J Occup Health Psychol. 2001;6(4):290-302.

8) Ala-Mursula L, Vahtera J, Kouvonen A, Väänänen A, Linna A, Pentti J, Kivimäki M. Long hours in paid and domestic work and subsequent sickness absence: does control over daily working hours matter? Occup Environ Med. 2006;63(9):608-16.

9) Vahtera J, Laine S, Virtanen M, Oksanen T, Koskinen A, Pentti J, Kivimaki M. Employee control over working times and risk of cause-specific disability pension: the Finnish Public Sector Study. Occup Environ Med. 2010;67(7):479-85.

10) Takahashi M, Iwasaki K, Sasaki T, et al. Sleep, fatigue, recovery, and depression after change in work time control: a one-year follow-up study. J Occup Environ Med. 2012; 54: 1078-1085.

11) Drummond SP, Bischoff-Grethe A, Dinges DF, Ayalon L, Mednick SC, Meloy MJ. The neural basis of the psychomotor vigilance task. Sleep 2005; 1:1059-68.

12) Kushida, C. A., Chang, A., Gadkary, C., Guilleminault, C., Carillo, O.and Dement, W. C. Comparison of actigraphic, polysomnographic and subjective assessment of sleep parameters in sleep-disordered patients. Sleep Med., 2001, 2: 389–396.

13) Kubo T, Takahashi M, Togo F, Liu X, Shimazu A, Tanaka K, Takaya M. Effects on employees of controlling working hours and working schedules. Occup Med (Lond). 2013;63(2):148-51.

14) Sonnentag S, Binnewies C, Mojza EJ. Staying well and engaged when demands are high: the role of psychological detachment. J Appl Psychol 2010; 95: 965–76.

勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:141 13/11/13 10:33

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

Page 5: U K (4F æ » Ô -Y2 é 1 ß é { Æ ú Ú - Û(* é - ã#'# é t-ð.O43 ¼" æ ú á" - é Ð ë ã&¿ î ß Ê (» H Ç$ Â Ð Ú9Ú o b o < û (4F O9Ø(è (. 3#'# . 9Ø" -9Ø#'#

- 141 -- 140 -

p=0.071 1WTC WTC



p=0.05 p=0.02





Takahashi (2012)10) 2382







1,5,10, 13)

psychological detachment from work14)



1) Costa G, Sartori S, Åkerstedt T. Influence of flexibility

and variability of working hours on health and well-being. Chronobiol Int 2006;23:1125–37.

2) Knauth P. Innovative worktime arrangements. Scand J Work Environ Health 1998;24(Suppl):13e17.

3) Härmä M. Workhours in relation to work stress, recovery and health. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32:502–14.

4) Ala-Mursula L, Vahtera J, Pentti J, et al. Effect of employee worktime control on health: a prospective cohort study. Occup Environ Med 2004;61:254–61.

5) Takahashi M, Iwasaki K, Sasaki T, et al. Worktime control-dependent reductions in fatigue, sleep problems, and depression. Appl Ergon 2011;42:244–50.

6) Ingre M, Åkerstedt T, Ekstedt M, Kecklund G. Periodic self-rostering in shift work: correspondence between

労働安全衛生総合研究所特別研究報告 JNIOSH-SRR-NO.43(2013)

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:140 13/11/13 10:33

- 141 -

objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2012 Jul;38(4):327-36

7) Bond FW, Bunce D. Job control mediates change in a work reorganization intervention for stress reduction. J Occup Health Psychol. 2001;6(4):290-302.

8) Ala-Mursula L, Vahtera J, Kouvonen A, Väänänen A, Linna A, Pentti J, Kivimäki M. Long hours in paid and domestic work and subsequent sickness absence: does control over daily working hours matter? Occup Environ Med. 2006;63(9):608-16.

9) Vahtera J, Laine S, Virtanen M, Oksanen T, Koskinen A, Pentti J, Kivimaki M. Employee control over working times and risk of cause-specific disability pension: the Finnish Public Sector Study. Occup Environ Med. 2010;67(7):479-85.

10) Takahashi M, Iwasaki K, Sasaki T, et al. Sleep, fatigue, recovery, and depression after change in work time control: a one-year follow-up study. J Occup Environ Med. 2012; 54: 1078-1085.

11) Drummond SP, Bischoff-Grethe A, Dinges DF, Ayalon L, Mednick SC, Meloy MJ. The neural basis of the psychomotor vigilance task. Sleep 2005; 1:1059-68.

12) Kushida, C. A., Chang, A., Gadkary, C., Guilleminault, C., Carillo, O.and Dement, W. C. Comparison of actigraphic, polysomnographic and subjective assessment of sleep parameters in sleep-disordered patients. Sleep Med., 2001, 2: 389–396.

13) Kubo T, Takahashi M, Togo F, Liu X, Shimazu A, Tanaka K, Takaya M. Effects on employees of controlling working hours and working schedules. Occup Med (Lond). 2013;63(2):148-51.

14) Sonnentag S, Binnewies C, Mojza EJ. Staying well and engaged when demands are high: the role of psychological detachment. J Appl Psychol 2010; 95: 965–76.

勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価

特別報告研究-No43-本文1c_CS4.indd Sec1:141 13/11/13 10:33

勤務時間に対する裁量権の 1年後の変化からみた労働者の疲労と睡眠の客観評価