•'V}\!ff.T :r -W^ '• \KHf^'tW-k'--^''^9iX^V? '.."'i'^W'J'l"''." "v'-^IP^ I ii|.i iiiijipii^ II, J JWVJI'I!. SSTABUSBSD MAT« 1899 ^^;> ?0L. XXXVII. No. 49 »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL itx. Ewing, President Confed«r- »t« Park, Urges Peopte bi this ScctioB to iUspond. E. W. R. SWING , FMiidmt ManassH Battl* Field COB- fedent* Park. Itwple of Prince William and near- . ly eounties, pepple of Virginia, in fact, taff have a heart to hewt Ulk. Oar subject ia the faiatoric and 9oeh»! field* where w«i« fought the batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern writ. «S, or Bull Run, as usually named by Meratem writers. Build a Confederate memorial <m tikOM splendid fields, is the reej^nsive •efeo from every Southern heart A KieU-timed and appropriate movement, li the comment from all parts of this taadl Th^ South should build her own tri- bute to her own splendid old heroes, in memory of two most brilliant and farl reaching victories led by Lee, Jackson, Beonregard, Johnson, Md others, and pavefaaaed by the blood of our boys fmm every Southern State. In this, «f»in, there is universal agreement Bat how is the building to be done? , To build such a memorial, befitting Che theote, the actors, fixing its proper ploee in history, requires money—big money from one standpoint; just a lit- tle> however, from each Southern State, from each Southern organiza- tion, from each individual whose heart is in such a commendable movement «1M ia to finance the initial work? Havo you paused to figure what that mMnaT Do so now. Some one, oat of a disinterested patriotism, mnat put qp amno ready cash; a few have done •o. For the money so far hod the re. aalts are good. S<>m« one most exer> dea faith. By faith are w« made aBva. The management of this move^ mmA haa no aecMs regarding it hx tida 4 s U then ii no privato ax to gnaA*- Qdr fiaancea are in the handa of a . zaiiable committee. Ite books are open. What haa bem done? ^ We held on the Henry l u m laal an inaugural. The% MANASSAS. VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 19M %IM A YEAR IN ADVANCB A Short Seiiel of "Battlefield Park" Reminders LEST WE FORGET THB eAMP FIRBS ARE OUT By OouilM Oarib ^ canw) firea are out that fitfully gleamed W n w a i e -weary march halted at close of the day; n%e brave hearts that circled their generous flame. Who wrtetled for honor, regardless of fams. Are kmg ago up and away. The caa|> fires are out, the bivouac is ended, But tuMicannot bury those scenes of the past; *^ ""wnon^ holds them in loving emlmioe, And dulBge cannot quehch the soft light in her face— For site will keep faith to the iast^ Tis not enough to mark the graves of L^...,^— To place ">• marble urn above tiidr eleming dust— To atrew with fragrant flowwa from year to year— The fiaol bivouac of their faith and trust The fielda to which ttieir valor gave renown By stem defence of all that brave men prfaES— Are these not also consecrated gronndT Are these not also sacred in our ^esT Gh fields that felt the ruah of charging legioos: G% flem that coontleea warrior dead eattoaeo^ ^ tbne^ faU time, to heed your mote vaaiiX^ That.name and fame n^y never be eflSBeed. LEST WB FQRQST Thejwmp fires are out and doubtless 'tis well Right ii might tho' its visible forces be spoit; ^ e pillsrs of Statehood unlnroken stiU stmd. The dew of its youth is still cm our l a n d - - ^ We s^Tow, but do not repent. Why sltould we repent of unselfish devotion ? ;nita, this be our glory the' painful the cos1>— Neither shattered resources nor servile control Could faftiish or fetter the Southern soul, <^ bring shame on the Cause that was lost. Tte camp fires are out, but the cause that they served Still glows m the veteran hearts that remain; But the mdlowing yawrs as they pass to their dose H^or HQ vain regrets in the spirit of those Who most 800b greet old comrades again. ffllEECONOMKS TEACHEBSMEE Mlas Lulo D. Mets Elated T» BMUI Impfurtaiit CoandttMS At State MeetiofB. .»'^•*'' FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION State Aeeoantaat Gives Ont to PnUie Facts Ctmeeming fifoneyfer Highwa3rs. Colonel Parke P. Deans, Secretary Bot.aQof tlttt&iiBaganaday e:qMnse.' April 7, 1922. SM the b o ^ for details. But those Captain W. F. Smyth, State Aco«int- a«a JMU got much of the local bene-i ant Kichmond, Va. It -WM Ufce otatilbatang to a My Dear Captain Smyth:—Will yon &ir. The porposee of that in- Iplease fisniah n e with a atatement of pB«i wwe to get advertising, and Vba ameaat of foads that will be avail- «pt it, widely over the coimtry, for- *aUe for die Highway Commission of mm. As a resnlt about fifteen Virginia to use in making contracts dollara were~8noaeribed— for new eonatroetioB on the State Mily 1100 of that flfteeo thousand AIRPLANE DISASTBK Three Killed As Madtoea Leek Wten la Air at Qnontieo. CONSTABLE _CAPTUKB8 THIEF iQUIEX EASTER WEDDING llaa « M a g Name o( MitcMll Lodged ia CeaMy JoO Herey Whan two oiipUutea locked winga in battle practice In the air above Qium- tico <m Monday two marine offiMrs' and a marfate private were inatairtiy' killed when the planes crashed f» earth. l i e o t Karl M. Randall, one of the dead, waa fiying alone in a German| Foklier and Se^mf lieate'&ant Dun- Much of the ether ia wlien we can tell the don- tfmt all of the money to bi^r the laad la aubeeribed. Those donors do as* Vn4 near Prince Willioia; county aad have no interest tiiwe. Highwar System daring the years 1922-23? I will ask yon te eonsnit with tha Auditor and with the Highway Do- partmMit, so wlien I reeeivje yoor r^Iy, . . it will give the facts, as I am desmus They ex-j that the people of this State know the C Et fecal interests, lineal patri<mam,' exact status, aa far aa poaaiblei, as to basic the enterpnae for odvorti^g, the available fnnda daring these two aad campaign purpoaea. And why years for controeta to be M for new iMtT l i n t the county, then tit* State oonatmetion on the'Highway System. I come to the front And ahould i Hojdng yon will give ima BUfttar in faith. Otherwiae thia move- yoor vmy eariieeC attentieo, I bag to - will fa!L ShaU our enemies Tentaia, Kagl^T We have delayed too I<mg; c Very truly youre, WB must not fail now. But if we a» * E. LEV TRQfXLE, Govwnor. ' M* faQ the local i>eople must saallaa' Aprfl 12,1922. ttMxaeto and awake to action. tHop. E. Lee Trinkle, downtMr, Bich- irhat became of that $100 of the' mond, Va. mwB thousand? CeL Hutehiaoa's' Dear Sii*:^ have yocnr letter of the lyeM, opea for year iafonnation, will ,7th inat reqneeting a atatement from f»iw> that it went for legitimato in-' m« of the amount of fusda Ihe Stato fsnaation purpoaea. To get money Highway Commissioner will have at wa most teU the people iriiy we -want his disposal for road eonatmetion for it To get money from a few we muat the year 1922. Witiwat eirtering into tau many. That eoate. Wo tried to the detail by which I have arrived at R tha legialatuxe to give na |10,000. the result I find that after providing Ull never got out of committae; for existing oontracta and general ez- W*_that the legialaWe might kaow peose, the Stote Highway Commia- inMt we pro^oae, where and all about si<»Mr wiH have at Us ^sposal for a»lt aaeauie neceaaary for one man to road eonatmetion |446S,1W.40. Of •a'ta Xiehmond three times ready to thia amoont he haa a farther BabiUty ' ^tefore the eunmittee, and we for fonds advtuieed hidi for road par- over six hundred letters. That posevuMOBtiBg to |14S7,07&M that "A colored man-giving hia name as liitehtS and aayfaig that he waa from Biehnond, waa arrested here: Monday aftenxxm by Constable E. S. Cora- weJl. Mitohell, when arrested about six o'clock, women waa tryinj fled by Jennie . . . J - J5« know, posters, postage, a to Governor Trinkle. at hia'requeat bmd and many i^her itms youmay | haa givw ovt to tiie public the correa- • * « . « » . open. *?9lM o' Ool.JWeat- oondwice wldch saaMd hebweuu Go*. can ^. Lewis and Private Joeeph J^ mtere^rted in Princo WiUiam F. Stoyth aa to the avaitebie road- -deathi were flying in a Viseh |^«e in SST?^**^ T'*^ *<> t'^* ^™" "* William I:S»*^ " « 5 * ' ' ^ T ^ °*2^/ gna^^ where^he progoaed Park win faada lot new ewtraete to^let>n]whicli Private Dheogho TWTaSK^at^teTThere^Mitfh^ had last been ''™J^»'J^;^[;3;^ '^^l]^ ' •^ "" observer. Ascending' to an altitade of approximately AfiW f^et the two 'planes were canying out battle ma- henyrea, ime trying to get above and _ _ in back of tite other <aa would happra JU*.^ ' I t -was Bke otartilbatang to aj Myl^sar'Captain Smyth:—Will yon in actual battis^ when tiie wings of BSaM &ir. The purpoaea of that in-lolease fisniah newith a atatement of the planea locked. Each loat »>com- plete wing which caused them to turn sidewise and then phmge to earth, the Voight plane Jawung on one of the buildings on the flying field, while the Fekkev atroek^ t^^praph wires, sluiBg oft and fell akt^sida' the lailraad traeka... 1 Id«it.Bandall1a home wtti in (By Miaa Lulu D. MeU) On April 6th, 6tii and 7tii, a mort ancceesful Conference for Home Eco» nomics teacbeirs doing Smith-Hughea woric waa held in Kichmond. The pro* gram included many of tiie moat prom- inent educators in tiie aUte. All of the Smith-Hughea workera throughoot the atate were present for the confer- ence. The keynote, of tiie conferenea was the growing realization that voca- tional training, as well aa training ia the clasaics, constitutes a migh^ fac- tor ia our educational scheme of today. Mr. Hart Superintendent of Public In- struction, spoke especially of the im- portance of promoting vocational training, but urged that this not be done at the expense of the classiea. Mr. Hart spoke of the curriculum of today aa being a well-balanced and a well regulated one in that it included both vocational and classical courses^ At a luncheon given' to tho conference by the Chester high school on Friday, Governor E. Lee Trinkle ad- dressed the conference on the value of Hoine Eeonomics education in the life ef every girl. Other speakers on tha program were Mr. Thomas Eason, S»* perviaor of Agricultural Education ia the Stote of Virginia; Dr. Mary Bry- don. Supervisor of Child Welfare of the State Board of Health; Dr. Wil- liam T. Sanger, editor of Virghsia Journal of Education: Miss Baehd K. Gregg, Supervisor of Teacher Train- ing; Mr. Raymond O. Long, Supervisor of Ihdaatrial Education; Miaa Lottia Day, Himriaonburg Stato Normal School; Mra. Fereba E. Croxton, Stota ,.,_„„__,__.. Board of Health and Mias Fannie Loa F R I E N D S Gill, WUliam A Mary College. ,,__^.__ I Miaa Lulu D. Mete was chosen choir- w M_i -^ ^ . _. ! man for the Stato Society of Vocattoj*. Mr. Mete, Yonng BnsiaeSB Mas al Education, and wffi work with tha of Manama*. 'WMIB ISIM group chairman in promoting intereat: ui -innaiwnm, vreas s u s s in vocational edueatton throua^iout tha •lato. Misa Meta was also ^aea akairmaa of a committee to draw op a Profeeaional Code for Teachers. Tha A quiet wedding tookplace a t sevaa purpose of state anthoritiea in a^ 8Uia>RISES Morgan on Sim^Kr, Robinson, Constable X ^ ? ^ ^^^ Hsrgaa, of Sastemi The following nsohitioBa were ap^. J^^ISr w S * " ^ * ? ^ l»«wne aie prored by Superintendait Harris Hart ide of Mr. Howard JOmer Meta. j and uaanimouaiy adopted by the Voea* seen, and saw the man dash aroand the J^«;reut come ^as a sodden sar- tional Confterence bciore tts ail}ean> house to hide hhns^ behind some S ? ^ . ^ < ^ morning to Mimr mat^ meat: ontbuildinga. Mr. Comwell had little ^«»™ ™ Manaaaaa aa it waa known 4^0^ the Home Eccmomies instroe- trouble m finding him and mtddog the ^'j_^ ? ' ^ *" *'^ immediato toia ia the State of Virgi^iia, realizing arreet Searching him he iooad ln ™5™. f*^**, *»* ««f««»<>n3r- the far reaching inflnoice that all one of his poekete a rasor of which he ^ ^ ^^, looked especially attrae- teachers exert over those under their was relieved. tive in a blue eoat snit trimmed in —_.._...„ t, , ^^ — ,. .- _ care, and realiring as never before^ The captive waa given a hearing be- ^ ^ JP^S^T^,.^"*^^?** ^. '>•*«'*«> how wide wffl be the aeope and far fiMe Justice HnUip and lodged in the «>"*«•«« aOkm of th« vaUer- P""- reodiing wiU be the hifluwice of the county jaiL On Wednesday momiag f?\ •* "t,55Jf"**5? ^"** ^f^'Sf ^**^ 8n««it vocational movement that is now be confeaaed to haying taken ftom a i g~f<"' -^t^]f Can aad Kht Mae aweeping our country and atate, and freiriit car to whidi howaa travahBg, i S ? ^ ,<« fMtom, and Mr. J- Cori realmng further that the influence of . the hoae he hod mfatapeoaeaaioB. £Ee J^eofloe. fomer baaineaa partDCT of the teacher to be at ito beat *hat tha ..iasade hia escape ftwn the car. I(k s a i d , ! ™ f ° * ™ e p ; p ^ ^ ,^ atodento may unconadeaaly fed that ^7)a- i>«^<^ Broad Ron bridge near Bria- V "»""*»**fy • " « 0>e c«w«»<»y the the iwofeaai«m of teaching ia daaaod CU&Kgo, m. YOJ3TB INSTANTLY KSUUm Tewa of Oeeeoaaa Seeae tt Caaaed By Anteosobilfc Death cheater, Masa., U e o t LmmUyMwi- ^^-J*^^ •**»«». two eoie«ad andjgWy .«w»p»j •«»n«l»nl«d by Miaa wiUi otiMr profeaakma. u d realisn« pfalB. Ttaa- and JMvata'IMoo^rt & two wiiit<v be Matea made their c a o q i o ' ^ * ' ^ and Mr. KinchelocL atartedon that teaching ia nptm a far lesa pro- ^^::^ '-^ -~» —*••—J----.- ^^- • , » ^ t r m to theLarayCaverna aad fessional basis ttaa the average pro- JVont Royal, retonrfng Ifooday oven- fessi<m, we do herewitii submtt tha ing. Mr. u d Mra. Meta are ^ a m i a f foUowing reaohitiona YMT aU Homa awedding tour through the SootlnraiS Eeonomica teachoa, and reqneat that duiug mid-nunmer. those entering the Vocational Ssbook ^ " * ' , ' ^ . ^ * <><^o«^ter <rf Mr. and as teachers wiD eamesOy eonaidar tiha ra. J. E. Morgan, of Stepbena. Ar- reaolutkma herewith aid>mitted: ^A-d ^ fatal ^^^^^^^P^^l^^^^'^ •^1*i±Sr* ^ ^^J^^^^ctUt^: w^^ ^^r.i^ iT^^^ Oecoqoaa on Monday when Pzeatoa be the SemiK;«ntenniaI Gdebration or kanaaa: Henderson-Brown, Arkadel- be one of reapeet loyalty, aad eo-Ma- Calvert aged deven. aocand atm of M/. Golden Jobtlee which wiU be haU a( F ^ Aricanaaa;. Meridian, Meridian, ration, and Mrs. Philip Galrcet of Occoqaaa,'Bloekabarg on May 28, 29 oad S O . i ^ ' ^ J ^ ^ * * » * ^ ! ' ^ • ^ s h e ^ a d u - 2. (a) with goods at the SMOe tioM. K^CKSBUltG TO CBJURATB State Polytedmte laatit^e to "HoM Seari-Caatcnaial ia May. Mra. TW^yoong '--• ••— ^'*^ *™* lad •vent and Union atreeto whoi the aatMno- Wle, driven by Amia Fayed, atinoek frrmaing the _:ii r S S S S ! Watory of tiie Virginia Polytechaicln- atreet near the comer of C«mW«» r^";^?'^l«",5?^.« •!>«* *» ««* atitota. i* M fastance of hot a amall amount •COa detail work and costa of auch a We have written, to Q- forther, to aU State aoperin- ^--—.J of schools in the South. ^nan, as in all caaea except one, peT' ia tha above balawee, whiek may or may not be called witafat the year. For the year 1923 the funds eati- mated for road eonatmctioa amount to 9SJ8MJMJZ1, derived from apptopria- ateien has beta given, the matter has tiona made by the General Aase^Iy, basa takNi up witt the local teacheia. the lOe tax on pr^wr^, and the aDot- nooMwds of lettfcs have so far been «»«» to be awde by tte Umted ' ^ ' " Very reapectfully, W. F. SMYTH, Stato MISS LBXra RECITAL Aay ad raaeina OBt; thonsanda of circulars hav« « « • « tl* WO now p««iding to Coa- ^—» printed and distributed, aad •MB OK that work was done by <mt y• Ho advanced hmidreda of di^ • n whan necessary. Is tliat fair? It Wia aMiei that or let the project drop. oMhffi failed; bat to get that meo^. *^aava several practical, cartam Vms. ' Miss Thelma Lee, of ti>e Eastern ^ ^ iaataace, we have a littie bank, CoU««e-Conaervatory and a violin pn- •JKlW impropriate worda and a beaa- pit of Mr. Paul Verpoeat gave aa ex- tM« GMtfederate flag, taking t«i cent eellent recital Wednesday night to the Each bai£ holds five college aoditodaa befoca aa apprada- sehool contriboting flva tive aadieBee. pretty eer^cats, Miss Lee waa ably aaaisted by Mna rrambw, edoeatieaal oad Bobbie Catr, eontralto, and by Miaa Nowlook at the poad- Lodlk Doroogb, pioao aeeempoaiat There are oae hundred coon- Prof. Verpoeat who ia alao a com- I'^bginia. Suppoee w« get only poeer of aota, predieta a MlBia from ten scboob in each for Miaa Lee. Lost year i to this State, we then have flva where she WM a puril nndw Pnrf. ad dollars. Suppoee we get five Verpoeat at the Meridian CoMerva-. _-_ from ten Bchoob in each coun- tory, she won the state e o i n t lor * f > aU t ^ Southern Statee, wa ahaD stodent vi<^toiata. SSie waC^** « ^ ¥ • have from tins achoola akne oaar tttteea years of af% betog the yriMg i j t •wjaand dollars. That bays the est viotiaist m the eonteat by flva ^ * Inflds suitable numaaseata, poto years. . ^^. ^ *"*JP*«Ject on its feet , Of the numbers, all of which were Wm the schools do that? Certain- well rendered, "L'Abeille" (The Bee) 2- Thto is a very conservative eati- by Sd«Aert waa probaUy enjeyad !••*•• The teachers of the South are nwat {2?*' devoted to the splendid tradi-, ^. •. ^ „ ^ • * • • • * oor fathers, and want tho dril-' Mr. J. Cari Ktarheloe Is ia Wash- (Contlnaed on Page Eight) ington today. at ths Greenwood by Bev. Nichdsoa, Woetftridge. ANOTHER HAWK RECORD Woedhridge Maa Catchas Large Birds to Two We^a. at ate K«w WOUND PROVES 8EBI0US him; knoddng'him down iad '«ractar.^"*?f „fS» iiS^«J?fK.*^*.I1«£! k^ i» w>rM«MF4^ yiX^TT^Sl **'"3r of tile citixein of the town and F ^ ^ , * * o weratea a pool and M - S i , 1 2 S ^ o t t L ^ S J ! r ^ ^ * 5 ! «»««»par Uio^iiteiarta of ^ A^iati^ ti^^SJ^^^^^tf^ •'Teavfag the barracka to tiie alomiU, ^SSSl2%!?^t*?i2ii- w . ' ' » » » . • • ' « • • possible, will be gfPBp-, Swrivmj the yoatii, baddea hi» ed in daaaea. A tent targe e n o S h t o ' v ^_ .v. -„,^ otd. Among the'cfaief spMkera for the occasion are Rt R«v. Arthur S. Lloyd, .SdTragan Bishop of New York; Gov- _,_^ „ —TT-.^ _ . , «T>or Trinkle, President E. A. Aldo'- IW^ow Bey Woaaded Two Weeks Ago ;maa of the Univwsity of Virginia;! By PUymate Now to Hoepitat I President H. L. Smith, of Washi^ton and Lee University; President W. O. Twdve Thompeon, of the Ohio State Uidver- sity; Goneral John J. Pershiag, U. S. , . ,.^ 'Army; President Keayon Y. Batter- Bepiying to the query which was field, of tlw Massachosetta Asrienl- published 00 March 3Ist as to whether 1 toralColMe; Hon. Oaode A. Ihraa- or not aayoae to Princo ^TOBam coaM 5?*J?L- * S ^ ^ H?»5L52*??^^ . ^ ^J^ , . . _ . . . • .American History, Uaivenito ed Cki- beat the record for hawk eatehing ia Uogo, .ad auuiy others. ^ ^ •• »-" Loodoaa county made by Maurice' —^.^—^_^__ Kephart of Mt Gilead, wa hav« re- edvad the foUowing reyly fnaa Oarl Eike. Jr., of Woodbridga: Editor Maaassss Jonval:—In The Joamd of March SI, I saw aa ataouat of arrcB torge hawim caaght fa t r u e withfa two we ska by Mr. riMKephart of M& Gfl«kU You asked if anyhedyin Prince WQ- Jiam could beat this. Well, I can. Thne waa a large poraiianMa tree in the middle of a odd near home where hawfca had been aceuatomed to art every day, ao I aawed all th« Kmba and top off aad set a No. 1 Jump t n ^ on top of it From December 1st to December 16th I caught 12 hawks of the largeat species, ftom December 15th up to __ the present time I have caught only 120-yard low hordUkM. pole vaall one mere. I raedved homty for thaae coa throw, ahst pot aad u ^ aad inJaaoary. CARLSIKB,JB. jjompa. -w«—« . . That the attitude of teachera and B. L. toward their fdlow wwkera at aB ^- ^ ^^ — <e career timea, eapedaUy a the elaaa room, ba di« haa gatoed fame to the athtotie to kecpittg wi& the dignity ed their world aa a baaketbaU ptoyer and helda profeaaiasL recordk for goal ahooraig to Aricaaai^ - (b) Toward oar predeeeaaor, aa at- aad Misaiaaippi and whSe at EaateA titode <rf loyalty, aapeetoDy aa ean- eatabiiahed the record of throiring eerna the eritidani ea the part ef pa- forty asala to a thirty adnata game. pila. The bridegroom, a aon of Mra. Suaie <e) Toward oar aoeeeaaor, an atti- Mets, ia a rising young toaiaeaa maa tude of belpAiIaess, oo-opeeation aad of tile town, being co-owner of Urn ayaqiathy. Sanitary Lundi wito Mr. R. M. Wdr.' S. That the attitude toward tiie pre. and ia an active life iaaaraaee agent, jadiees of tiio eoaunoaity be at aS tiasea respected aad adapted to t t e beat inteieato of the eeauaaaity. aikd ttoB, beeidea bdiw eowweted u d fa- that her attitade be oae of hetodhdaeaa torerted to a e w a l other bdsiaaaaea. 1 and acrvica te fho oeaHBoaity £s w U ^ Mr. u d Iba. Mets an aialdnc their she teaches. 4. That the attitode of the teacher as rdated to her own dress, morala, aad health habito be audi that her ia- flaence ma^ be felt by all witii wiioea ahe cornea m contact 5. And above all, that the attitude of the teacher toward her work, at aB times and in all reepecto, be profes- siond; tiiat her outlook upon life bo bri^t and Mttimistic; that she realise the valoe of her work and influence; that her aim be appreciation of work wen done ond'ito resulting influences. 6. That the anperviaor of Horn* Economies to the State of Virgtoia bo TRACK MBBT TOMOBBOW Tbo first local track meet of the seaaea will take place tomorrow aftar^ noon when the agricultural idgfa schools of Northera Virginto will hold Maa-! toeir irat aaaoal track aad Add meat There are six schools to this fiatriet^ ^ p e a e r , Floria, BoTce, Bridgewater, Mt Jaekaon aad ''—-was U&forw tanately, Bridgewater and Mt Jade- son will not bo repreaeatad tUs year. Strour teams ars oxpeeted froB Boyea and Flons, however, and it is eertato that all eviRite will be wdl filled. { The meet will begto at 1:30 p. m.' and will iadnda eleven evanta, aa fol- lows: 100-yard daah, 220-yard daah, 440- yard dash, half-mile and mile runs. dis- tridges, and to aa effort to scare lum pot tiie piatd to yoang ^riagarli toigh aad palled the tr^gar, pRifaahtr tii^di« ttat tiia Maak carttidfaeMdl do BO hana. Tha firs fnoi the goa, however, bomad a t a ^ woaad oear a half inch deep. Until toat Satarday it waa thought that the wound waa healing but at toat time aymptoraa of blood pofaooing aad lockjaw devdoped. He waa token to the Alexandria boepitol, where, at first H was thooght that he stood no chance of recovery. A report last eve- nmg from there atated thait his dtanca for recovery had io^novad beyond ex- pectations. Latest repoTto from the Alexandria hospital state that the conditton of Master J. D. Springer, jr., of Bristow, who was tdcen there the first part of this week for treatment of loekiaw, is improvtog beyond sapeetatioasrYoung ^ringer is still to a serioos condition. z^ ^ ^ ,. -. v The youtii waa ptoying ball w i ^ hia !"~"S^ "* ,**"• J*. *TL ^ ^"^ I^ymatea during recaaa at a^ool on « » » » « « » *g.l>»*«^ to ti»o handa of April 6, and waa going to bat vrhen * 1 « 2 7 ^ T * 5 « « » * « * « ! ^ « » * " • one of his ptoymatee approached him'***? —° ™.**yy.^T ?»?*»*f «»• •»- from behted with a .22 ealttta viaM. I :.'»*—•• —* sdoptton ef which was kadad with Uaak car- MBS. HODGE ENTERTAINS Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge entertahMd tha Manassas Preebyterian Missienary So- ciety Taeaday aftamooa, April 11th. Mia. Hodge had a pleasant sorprise fa store for the sod«ty in the beaatiftf flower decoraticas, among them tlM ReeurrectioB plant bringing out tha happy Easter thought After the usual poutiTie of business, iitcladmg Mrs. E. L. Hombaker's fine report from the Washington Presby- terial Society, the subject for discus- sion was "The Nejrro in America..' Mrs. Geo. D. Baker being the leader. Then came the second chapter of Mrs. Hodge's surprise, namdy, lovely ice cream and cake, and fa ]i1«assol eonvaraatioa the tiaie passed vary 1 idly. MBS. DOO6B, Soa Miss Lanier Uana left tais after- noon for Richasond, whara she will vidt frieada.

»U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern

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Page 1: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern

•'V}\!ff.T :r -W^ '• \KHf^'tW-k'--^''^9iX^V? '.."'i'^W'J'l"''." "v'- IP^ I ii|.i iiiijipii^ II, J JWVJI'I!.


^ ^ ; >

?0L. XXXVII. No. 49


itx. Ewing, President Confed«r-»t« Park, Urges Peopte bi

this ScctioB to iUspond.

E. W. R. SWING , FMiidmt ManassH Battl* Field COB-

fedent* Park. Itwple of Prince William and near-

. l y eounties, pepple of Virginia, in fact, taff have a heart to hewt Ulk.

Oar subject ia the faiatoric and 9oeh»! field* where w«i« fought the batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern writ. «S , or Bull Run, as usually named by Meratem writers.

Build a Confederate memorial <m tikOM splendid fields, is the reej^nsive •efeo from every Southern heart A KieU-timed and appropriate movement, li the comment from all parts of this taadl

Th^ South should build her own tri­bute to her own splendid old heroes, in memory of two most brilliant and farl reaching victories led by Lee, Jackson, Beonregard, Johnson, Md others, and pavefaaaed by the blood of our boys fmm every Southern State. In this, «f»in, there is universal agreement

Bat how is the building to be done? , To build such a memorial, befitting Che theote, the actors, fixing its proper ploee in history, requires money—big money from one standpoint; just a lit-tle> however, from each Southern State, from each Southern organiza­tion, from each individual whose heart is in such a commendable movement

« 1 M ia to finance the initial work? Havo you paused to figure what that

mMnaT Do so now. Some one, oat of a disinterested patriotism, mnat put qp amno ready cash; a few have done •o. For the money so far hod the re. aalts are good. S<>m« one most exer> dea faith. By faith are w« made aBva. The management of this move^ mmA haa no aecMs regarding i t hx tida 4 s U then i i no privato ax to gnaA*-

Qdr fiaancea are in the handa of a . zaiiable committee. Ite books are open.

What haa bem done? ^ We held on the Henry l u m laal

an inaugural. The%


A Short Seiiel of "Battlefield Park" Reminders LEST WE FORGET


^ canw) firea are out that fitfully gleamed W n w a i e -weary march halted at close of the day; n%e brave hearts that circled their generous flame. Who wrtetled for honor, regardless of fams.

Are kmg ago up and away.

The caa|> fires are out, the bivouac is ended, But tuMicannot bury those scenes of the past; * ^ ""wnon^ holds them in loving emlmioe, And dulBge cannot quehch the soft light in her face—

For site will keep faith to the iast^

Tis not enough to mark the graves of L^...,^— To place ">• marble urn above tiidr eleming

dust— To atrew with fragrant flowwa from year to

year— The fiaol bivouac of their faith and trust The fielda to which ttieir valor gave renown By stem defence of all that brave men prfaES— Are these not also consecrated gronndT Are these not also sacred in our ^esT

Gh fields that felt the ruah of charging legioos: G% flem that coontleea warrior dead eattoaeo^ ^ tbne^ faU time, to heed your mote vaaiiX^ That.name and fame n^y never be eflSBeed.


Thejwmp fires are out and doubtless 'tis well Right ii might tho' its visible forces be spoit; ^ e pillsrs of Statehood unlnroken stiU stmd. The dew of its youth is still cm our l a n d - - ^

We s^Tow, but do not repent.

Why sltould we repent of unselfish devotion ? ;nita, this be our glory the' painful the cos1>— Neither shattered resources nor servile control Could faftiish or fetter the Southern soul,

<^ bring shame on the Cause that was lost.

Tte camp fires are out, but the cause that they served Still glows m the veteran hearts that remain; But the mdlowing yawrs as they pass to their dose H ^ o r HQ vain regrets in the spirit of those

Who most 800b greet old comrades again.


Mlas Lulo D. Mets Elated T» BMUI Impfurtaiit CoandttMS

At State MeetiofB.

.» '^•* ' '


State Aeeoantaat Gives Ont to PnUie Facts Ctmeeming

fifoneyfer Highwa3rs.

Colonel Parke P. Deans, Secretary

Bot.aQof tlttt&iiBaganaday e:qMnse.' April 7, 1922. S M the b o ^ for details. But those Captain W. F. Smyth, State Aco«int-a«a J M U got much of the local bene-i ant Kichmond, Va.

It -WM Ufce otatilbatang to a My Dear Captain Smyth:—Will yon &ir. The porposee of that in- Iplease fisniah n e with a atatement of

pB«i wwe to get advertising, and Vba ameaat of foads that will be avail-«pt it, widely over the coimtry, for- *aUe for die Highway Commission of mm. As a resnlt about fifteen Virginia to use in making contracts

dollara were~8noaeribed— for new eonatroetioB on the State Mily 1100 of that flfteeo thousand


Three Killed As Madtoea Leek Wten la Air at Qnontieo.


llaa « M a g Name o( MitcMll Lodged ia CeaMy JoO Herey

Whan two oiipUutea locked winga in battle practice In the air above Qium-tico <m Monday two marine offiMrs' and a marfate private were inatairtiy' killed when the planes crashed f» earth.

l i eo t Karl M. Randall, one of the dead, waa fiying alone in a German| Foklier and Se^mf lieate'&ant Dun-

Much of the ether ia wlien we can tell the don-

tfmt all of the money to bi r the laad la aubeeribed. Those donors do as* Vn4 near Prince Willioia; county aad have no interest tiiwe.

Highwar System daring the years 1922-23?

I will ask yon te eonsnit with tha Auditor and with the Highway Do-partmMit, so wlien I reeeivje yoor r^Iy,

. . it will give the facts, as I am desmus They ex-j that the people of this State know the

CEt fecal interests, lineal patri<mam,' exact status, aa far aa poaaiblei, as to basic the enterpnae for odvorti^g, the available fnnda daring these two

aad campaign purpoaea. And why years for controeta to be M for new iMtT l i n t the county, then tit* State oonatmetion on the'Highway System.

I come to the front And ahould i Hojdng yon will give ima BUfttar in faith. Otherwiae thia move- yoor vmy eariieeC attentieo, I bag to

- will fa!L ShaU our enemies Tentaia, Kagl^T We have delayed too I<mg; c Very truly youre, WB must not fail now. But if we a» * E. LEV TRQfXLE, Govwnor. ' M* faQ the local i>eople must saallaa' Aprfl 12,1922. ttMxaeto and awake to action. tHop. E. Lee Trinkle, downtMr, Bich-

irhat became of that $100 of the' mond, Va. m w B thousand? CeL Hutehiaoa's' Dear Sii*:^ have yocnr letter of the lyeM, opea for year iafonnation, will ,7th inat reqneeting a atatement from f»iw> that it went for legitimato in-' m« of the amount of fusda Ihe Stato fsnaation purpoaea. To get money Highway Commissioner will have at wa most teU the people iriiy we -want his disposal for road eonatmetion for i t To get money from a few we muat the year 1922. Witiwat eirtering into tau many. That eoate. Wo tried to the detail by which I have arrived at

R tha legialatuxe to give na |10,000. the result I find that after providing Ull never got out of committae; for existing oontracta and general ez-

W*_that the legialaWe might kaow peose, the Stote Highway Commia-inMt we pro^oae, where and all about si<»Mr wiH have at Us ^sposal for a»l t aaeauie neceaaary for one man to road eonatmetion |446S,1W.40. Of •a'ta Xiehmond three times ready to thia amoont he haa a farther BabiUty

' tefore the eunmittee, and we for fonds advtuieed hidi for road par-over six hundred letters. That posevuMOBtiBg to |14S7,07&M that

"A colored man-giving hia name as liitehtS and aayfaig that he waa from Biehnond, waa arrested here: Monday aftenxxm by Constable E. S. Cora-weJl.

Mitohell, when arrested about six o'clock, women waa tryinj fled by Jennie

. . . J - J5« know, posters, postage, a to Governor Trinkle. at hia'requeat bmd and many i^her i t m s youmay | haa givw ovt to tiie public the correa-• * « . « » . open. *?9lM o' Ool.JWeat- oondwice wldch saaMd hebweuu Go*.

can ^. Lewis and Private Joeeph J

mtere^rted in Princo WiUiam F. Stoyth aa to the avaitebie road- -deathi were flying in a Viseh | ^ « e in SST?^**^ T'*^ *<> t' * ™" "* William I:S»*^ " « 5 * ' ' ^ T ^ ° * 2 ^ / gna^^ where^he progoaed Park win faada lot new ewtraete to^let>n]whicli Private Dheogho T W T a S K ^ a t ^ t e T T h e r e ^ M i t f h ^ had last been ' '™J^»'J^;^[;3;^ '^^l]^

' •^ "" observer. Ascending' to an altitade of approximately AfiW f^et the two 'planes were canying out battle ma-henyrea, ime trying to get above and

_ _ in back of tite other <aa would happra JU*. ' I t -was Bke otartilbatang to aj Myl^sar'Captain Smyth:—Will yon in actual battis^ when tiie wings of BSaM &ir. The purpoaea of that in-lolease fisniah newith a atatement of the planea locked. Each loat »>com-

plete wing which caused them to turn sidewise and then phmge to earth, the Voight plane Jawung on one of the buildings on the flying field, while the Fekkev atroek^ t^^praph wires, sluiBg oft and fell akt^sida' the lailraad traeka... 1

Id«it.Bandall1a home wtti in

(By Miaa Lulu D. MeU) On April 6th, 6tii and 7tii, a mort

ancceesful Conference for Home Eco» nomics teacbeirs doing Smith-Hughea woric waa held in Kichmond. The pro* gram included many of tiie moat prom­inent educators in tiie aUte. All of the Smith-Hughea workera throughoot the atate were present for the confer­ence. The keynote, of tiie conferenea was the growing realization that voca­tional training, as well aa training ia the clasaics, constitutes a migh^ fac­tor ia our educational scheme of today. Mr. Hart Superintendent of Public In­struction, spoke especially of the im­portance of promoting vocational training, but urged that this not be done at the expense of the classiea. Mr. Hart spoke of the curriculum of today aa being a well-balanced and a well regulated one in that it included both vocational and classical courses^

At a luncheon given' to tho conference by the Chester high school on Friday, Governor E. Lee Trinkle ad­dressed the conference on the value of Hoine Eeonomics education in the life ef every girl. Other speakers on tha program were Mr. Thomas Eason, S»* perviaor of Agricultural Education ia the Stote of Virginia; Dr. Mary Bry-don. Supervisor of Child Welfare of the State Board of Health; Dr. Wil­liam T. Sanger, editor of Virghsia Journal of Education: Miss Baehd K. Gregg, Supervisor of Teacher Train­ing; Mr. Raymond O. Long, Supervisor of Ihdaatrial Education; Miaa Lottia Day, Himriaonburg Stato Normal School; Mra. Fereba E. Croxton, Stota

,.,_„„__,__.. Board of Health and Mias Fannie Loa F R I E N D S Gill, WUliam A Mary College.

, , _ _ ^ . _ _ I Miaa Lulu D. Mete was chosen choir-w M_i -^ ^ . _ . ! man for the Stato Society of Vocattoj*. Mr. Mete, Yonng BnsiaeSB Mas al Education, and wffi work with tha

of Manama*. 'WMIB I S I M group chairman in promoting intereat: ui -innaiwnm, vreas s u s s in vocational edueatton throua^iout tha

•lato. Misa Meta was also ^ a e a akairmaa of a committee to draw op a Profeeaional Code for Teachers. Tha

A quiet wedding tookplace a t sevaa purpose of state anthoritiea in a ^


Morgan on Sim^Kr,

Robinson, Constable X ^ ? ^ ^^^ Hsrgaa, of Sastemi The following nsohitioBa were ap . J^^ISr w S * " ^ * ? ^ l»«wne aie prored by Superintendait Harris Hart

ide of Mr. Howard JOmer Meta. j and uaanimouaiy adopted by the Voea* seen, and saw the man dash aroand the J^«;reut come ^as a sodden sar- tional Confterence bciore tts ail}ean> house to hide h h n s ^ behind some S ? ^ . ^ < ^ morning to Mimr mat^ meat: ontbuildinga. Mr. Comwell had little ^«»™ ™ Manaaaaa aa it waa known 4 0 the Home Eccmomies instroe-trouble m finding him and mtddog the ^ ' j _ ^ ? ' ^ *" *'^ immediato toia ia the State of Virgi^iia, realizing arreet Searching him he iooad ln ™5™. f* **, *»* ««f««»<>n3r- the far reaching inflnoice that all one of his poekete a rasor of which he ^ ^ ^^, looked especially attrae- teachers exert over those under their was relieved. tive in a blue eoat snit trimmed in —_. ._ . . .„ t, , ^^ — ,. .- _ care, and realiring as never before^

The captive waa given a hearing be- ^ ^ JP^S^T^,.^"*^^?** ^. '>•*«'*«> how wide wffl be the aeope and far fiMe Justice HnUip and lodged in the «>"*«•«« aOkm of th« vaUer- P""- reodiing wiU be the hifluwice of the county jaiL On Wednesday momiag f?\ •* "t,55Jf"**5? ^"** ^f^'Sf ^**^ 8n««it vocational movement that is now be confeaaed to haying taken ftom a i g~f<"' -^t^]f Can aad Kht Mae aweeping our country and atate, and freiriit car to whidi howaa travahBg, i S ? ^ ,<« fMtom, and Mr. J- Cori realmng further that the influence of

. the hoae he hod m fata peoaeaaioB. £Ee J^eofloe. fomer baaineaa partDCT of the teacher to be at ito beat *hat tha ..iasade hia escape ftwn the car. I(k sa id , !™f°*™ep;p^^ ,^ atodento may unconadeaaly fed that

^7)a- i>«^<^ Broad Ron bridge near Bria- V "»""*»**fy • " « 0>e c«w«»<»y the the iwofeaai«m of teaching ia daaaod

CU&Kgo, m.


Tewa of Oeeeoaaa Seeae tt Caaaed By Anteosobilfc


cheater, Masa., U e o t LmmUyMwi- ^^-J*^^ •**»«». two eoie«ad andjgWy .«w»p»j •«»n«l»nl«d by Miaa wiUi otiMr profeaakma. u d realisn« pfalB. Ttaa- and JMvata'IMoo^rt & two wiiit<v be Matea made their c a o q i o ' ^ * ' ^ and Mr. KinchelocL atartedon that teaching ia nptm a far lesa pro-^^::^ '-^ - ~ » — * • • — J - - - - . - ^ ^ - • , » ^ t r m to theLarayCaverna aad fessional basis ttaa the average pro-

JVont Royal, retonrfng Ifooday oven- fessi<m, we do herewitii submtt tha ing. Mr. u d Mra. Meta are ^amiaf foUowing reaohitiona YMT aU Homa awedding tour through the SootlnraiS Eeonomica teachoa, and reqneat that duiug mid-nunmer. those entering the Vocational Ssbook

^ " * ' , ' ^ . ^ * <>< o« ter <rf Mr. and as teachers wiD eamesOy eonaidar tiha ra. J. E. Morgan, of Stepbena. Ar- reaolutkma herewith aid>mitted:

^A-d ^ fatal ^^^^^^P^^l^^^^'^ •^1*i±Sr* ^ ^^J^^^^ctUt^: w ^ ^ ^^r.i^ iT^^^ Oecoqoaa on Monday when Pzeatoa be the SemiK;«ntenniaI Gdebration or kanaaa: Henderson-Brown, Arkadel- be one of reapeet loyalty, aad eo-Ma-Calvert aged deven. aocand atm of M/. Golden Jobtlee which wiU be haU a( F ^ Aricanaaa;. Meridian, Meridian, ration, and Mrs. Philip Galrcet of Occoqaaa,'Bloekabarg on May 28, 29 oad SO. i^ '^J^^ * * » * ^ ! ' ^ • ^ she^adu- 2. (a)

with goods at the SMOe tioM.


State Polytedmte laatit^e to "HoM Seari-Caatcnaial ia May. Mra.

TW^yoong '--• ••— ^'*^ *™* lad •vent

and Union atreeto whoi the aatMno-Wle, driven by Amia Fayed, atinoek

frrmaing the _:ii r S S S S ! Watory of tiie Virginia Polytechaicln-

atreet near the comer of C«mW«» r ^ " ; ^ ? ' ^ l « " , 5 ? ^ . « •!>«* *» ««* atitota.

i* M fastance of hot a amall amount •COa detail work and costa of auch a

We have written, to Q-forther, to aU State aoperin-

^--—.J of schools in the South. ^ n a n , as in all caaea except one, peT'

ia tha above balawee, whiek may or may not be called witafat the year.

For the year 1923 the funds eati-mated for road eonatmctioa amount to 9SJ8MJMJZ1, derived from apptopria-

a te i en has beta given, the matter has tiona made by the General Aase^Iy, basa takNi up witt the local teacheia. the lOe tax on pr^wr^, and the aDot-nooMwds of lettfcs have so far been «»«» to be awde by tte Umted ' ^ ' "

Very reapectfully, W. F. SMYTH,



Aay ad raaeina

OBt; thonsanda of circulars hav« « « • « t l* WO now p««iding to Coa-^—» printed and distributed, aad •MB OK that work was done by <mt y • Ho advanced hmidreda of di^ • n whan necessary. Is tliat fair? It Wia aMiei that or let the project drop. oMhffi failed; bat to get that meo^. * ^ a a v a several practical, cartam Vms. ' Miss Thelma Lee, of ti>e Eastern ^ ^ iaataace, we have a littie bank, CoU««e-Conaervatory and a violin pn-•JKlW impropriate worda and a beaa- pit of Mr. Paul Verpoeat gave aa ex-tM« GMtfederate flag, taking t«i cent eellent recital Wednesday night to the

Each bai£ holds five college aoditodaa befoca aa apprada-sehool contriboting flva tive aadieBee.

pretty eer^cats, Miss Lee waa ably aaaisted by Mna rrambw, edoeatieaal oad Bobbie Catr, eontralto, and by Miaa Nowlook at the poad- Lodlk Doroogb, pioao aeeempoaiat

There are oae hundred coon- Prof. Verpoeat who ia alao a com-I'^bginia. Suppoee w« get only poeer of aota, predieta a MlBia from ten scboob in each for Miaa Lee. Lost year i

to this State, we then have flva where she WM a puril nndw Pnrf. ad dollars. Suppoee we get five Verpoeat at the Meridian CoMerva-.

_-_ from ten Bchoob in each coun- tory, she won the state e o i n t lor * f > aU t ^ Southern Statee, wa ahaD stodent vi<^toiata. SSie waC^** « ^

¥ • have from tins achoola akne oaar tttteea years of af% betog the yriMg i j t •wjaand dollars. That bays the est viotiaist m the eonteat by flva ^ * Inflds suitable numaaseata, poto years. „ . ^^. ^ *"*JP*«Ject on its feet , Of the numbers, all of which were

Wm the schools do that? Certain- well rendered, "L'Abeille" (The Bee) 2- Thto is a very conservative eati- by Sd«Aert waa probaUy enjeyad !••*•• The teachers of the South are nwat {2?*' devoted to the splendid tradi-, ^. •. — ^ „ ^ • * • • • * oor fathers, and want tho dril-' Mr. J. Cari Ktarheloe Is ia Wash-

(Contlnaed on Page Eight) ington today.

at ths Greenwood by Bev. Nichdsoa,



Woedhridge Maa Catchas Large Birds to Two We^a.

at ate K«w


him; knoddng'him down iad '«ractar.^"*?f „ f S » i i S ^ « J ? f K . * ^ * . I 1 « £ !

k ^ i» w>rM«MF4^ yiX^TT^Sl **'"3r of tile citixein of the town and

F ^ ^ , **o weratea a pool and M- S i , 1 2 S ^ o t t L ^ S J ! r ^ ^ * 5 ! «»««»par Uio^iiteiarta of ^ A^iati^

t i ^ ^ S J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t f ^ •'Teavfag the barracka to tiie alomiU, ^ S S S l 2 % ! ? ^ t * ? i 2 i i - w . ' ' » » » . • • ' « • • possible, will be gfPBp-,

Swrivmj the yoatii, baddea hi» ed in daaaea. A tent targe e n o S h t o ' v ^_ .v. - „ , ^

otd. Among the'cfaief spMkera for the

occasion are Rt R«v. Arthur S. Lloyd, .SdTragan Bishop of New York; Gov- _,_^ „ „ —TT- .^ _ . , «T>or Trinkle, President E. A. Aldo'- IW^ow Bey Woaaded Two Weeks Ago ;maa of the Univwsity of Virginia;! By PUymate Now to Hoepitat I President H. L. Smith, of Washi^ton and Lee University; President W. O.

Twdve Thompeon, of the Ohio State Uidver-sity; Goneral John J. Pershiag, U. S.

„ , . — , . ^ 'Army; President Keayon Y. Batter-Bepiying to the query which was field, of tlw Massachosetta Asrienl-

published 00 March 3Ist as to whether 1 toralColMe; Hon. Oaode A. Ihraa-or not aayoae to Princo ^TOBam coaM 5?*J?L- * S ^ ^ H ? » 5 L 5 2 * ? ? ^ ^ . ^ ^J^ , . . _ . . . • .American History, Uaivenito ed Cki-beat the record for hawk eatehing ia Uogo, .ad auuiy others. ^ ^ • • »-" Loodoaa county made by Maurice' — ^ . ^ — ^ _ ^ _ _ Kephart of Mt Gilead, wa hav« re-edvad the foUowing reyly fnaa Oarl Eike. Jr., of Woodbridga:

Editor Maaassss Jonval:—In The Joamd of March SI, I saw aa ataouat of arrcB torge hawim caaght fa t r u e withfa two we ska by Mr. riMKephart of M& Gfl«kU

You asked if anyhedyin Prince WQ-Jiam could beat this. Well, I can.

Thne waa a large poraiianMa tree in the middle of a odd near home where hawfca had been aceuatomed to art every day, ao I aawed all th« Kmba and top off aad set a No. 1 Jump t n ^ on top of i t

From December 1st to December 16th I caught 12 hawks of the largeat species, ftom December 15th up to __ the present time I have caught only 120-yard low hordUkM. pole vaall one mere. I raedved homty for thaae coa throw, ahst pot aad u ^ aad inJaaoary. CARLSIKB,JB. jjompa. -w«—«

. . That the attitude of teachera and B. L. toward their fdlow wwkera at aB

^- ^ ^^ — <e career timea, eapedaUy a the elaaa room, ba di« haa gatoed fame to the athtotie to kecpittg wi& the dignity ed their world aa a baaketbaU ptoyer and helda profeaaiasL recordk for goal ahooraig to Aricaaai^ - (b) Toward oar predeeeaaor, aa at-aad Misaiaaippi and whSe at EaateA titode <rf loyalty, aapeetoDy aa ean-eatabiiahed the record of throiring eerna the eritidani ea the part ef pa-forty asala to a thirty adnata game. pila.

The bridegroom, a aon of Mra. Suaie <e) Toward oar aoeeeaaor, an atti-Mets, ia a rising young toaiaeaa maa tude of belpAiIaess, oo-opeeation aad of tile town, being co-owner of Urn ayaqiathy. Sanitary Lundi wito Mr. R. M. Wdr.' S. That the attitude toward tiie pre. and ia an active life iaaaraaee agent, jadiees of tiio eoaunoaity be at aS

tiasea respected aad adapted to t t e beat inteieato of the eeauaaaity. aikd

ttoB, beeidea bdiw eowweted u d fa- that her attitade be oae of hetodhdaeaa torerted to aewal other bdsiaaaaea. 1 and acrvica te fho oeaHBoaity £s w U ^

Mr. u d Iba. Mets an aialdnc their she teaches. 4. That the attitode of the teacher

as rdated to her own dress, morala, aad health habito be audi that her ia-flaence ma^ be felt by all witii wiioea ahe cornea m contact

5. And above all, that the attitude of the teacher toward her work, at aB times and in all reepecto, be profes-siond; tiiat her outlook upon life bo bri^t and Mttimistic; that she realise the valoe of her work and influence; that her aim be appreciation of work wen done ond'ito resulting influences.

6. That the anperviaor of Horn* Economies to the State of Virgtoia bo


Tbo first local track meet of the seaaea will take place tomorrow aftar^ noon when the agricultural idgfa schools of Northera Virginto will hold

Maa-! toeir irat aaaoal track aad Add meat There are six schools to this fiatriet^ ^peaer , Floria, BoTce, Bridgewater, Mt Jaekaon aad ''—-was U&forw tanately, Bridgewater and Mt Jade-son will not bo repreaeatad tUs year. Strour teams ars oxpeeted froB Boyea and Flons, however, and it is eertato that all eviRite will be wdl filled. {

The meet will begto at 1:30 p. m.' and will iadnda eleven evanta, aa fol­lows:

100-yard daah, 220-yard daah, 440-yard dash, half-mile and mile runs.


tridges, and to aa effort to scare lum pot tiie piatd to yoang ^riagarli toigh aad palled the tr^gar, pRifaahtr tii^di« ttat tiia Maak carttidfaeMdl do BO hana. Tha firs fnoi the goa, however, bomad a t a ^ woaad oear a half inch deep.

Until toat Satarday it waa thought that the wound waa healing but at toat time aymptoraa of blood pofaooing aad lockjaw devdoped. He waa token to the Alexandria boepitol, where, at first H was thooght that he stood no chance of recovery. A report last eve-nmg from there atated thait his dtanca for recovery had io^novad beyond ex­pectations.

Latest repoTto from the Alexandria hospital state that the conditton of Master J. D. Springer, jr., of Bristow, who was tdcen there the first part of this week for treatment of loekiaw, is improvtog beyond sapeetatioasrYoung ^ringer is still to a serioos condition. z^ ^ ^ ,. - . v

The youtii waa ptoying ball w i ^ hia ! " ~ " S ^ "* ,**"• J*. *TL ^ ^ " ^ I^ymatea during recaaa at a^ool on « » » » « « » *g.l>»*«^ to ti»o handa of April 6, and waa going to bat vrhen * 1 « 2 7 ^ T * 5 « « » * « * « ! ^ « » *"• one of his ptoymatee approached him'***? —° ™.**yy.^T ?»?*»*f «»• •»-from behted with a .22 ealttta viaM. I :.'»*—•• —* sdoptton ef which was kadad with Uaak car-

MBS. HODGE ENTERTAINS Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge entertahMd tha

Manassas Preebyterian Missienary So­ciety Taeaday aftamooa, April 11th. Mia. Hodge had a pleasant sorprise fa store for the sod«ty in the beaatiftf flower decoraticas, among them tlM ReeurrectioB plant bringing out tha happy Easter thought

After the usual poutiTie of business, iitcladmg Mrs. E. L. Hombaker's fine report from the Washington Presby-terial Society, the subject for discus­sion was "The Nejrro in America..' Mrs. Geo. D. Baker being the leader.

Then came the second chapter of Mrs. Hodge's surprise, namdy, lovely ice cream and cake, and fa ]i1«assol eonvaraatioa the tiaie passed vary 1 idly. MBS. DOO6B, Soa

Miss Lanier Uana left tais after­noon for Richasond, whara she will vidt frieada.

Page 2: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern



RcT. T. H. MMLeod prMch«i at tb« tuual hour San<Uy momiiiflr ^ tix* Pi«sbytMrian Chardi, Ua tb«m« hvbtg, "Tb» Ks«n Lord." After the Mrrle*. the Commtmion w«s obeerved.

Rev. C. H. Try preached in the Bap­tist Church at the usual hour Sunday nl^ht The Baptist memory contest was held at last Wedneviay's pmyer meeting:. The judjjes awarded the prizes aa follows: First, IHMM K ^ a , of Jerusalem Church; second, Wra. Ladue, of Jerusaleifn Church; third, Miss Uamie Bucl£ley;_fof Buckley Chapel. The prizes awarded were bi­bles and wer« presented by Rev. C. H. Fry. The otbtf' contestants were driv­en som« little memento of the occa­sion as an •aeottraKem«it for thsir ef­fort.

The Baptist ent«rtainment commit­tee took th«r recent antertainmant to Germantown Hall Toaaday nli^t of this week.

Amontr those who were home for the holidays on Easter were Hisses EUther, Miriam and Frances Buckley, Missea Mary Ferpiaon, Mary Qoinr, Annia and Helen Elgin and Heaara. John, Fergiuon, Koger Elgin and Irria Quigrg.

Mrs. Wood and familyspcnt Snadftr at the home of Mrs. Wood's father, Mr. and Mrs. Sprakers.

Mr. Twigi% of Foreatburg, apeet Sunday at w e home of Mr. R. B. Buckley's.

Mrs. SaubMT and daughter are here for the rest of this month to sell their household goods and either sell or rent the house. Theif have bought a .deli­catessen store in the city and Mr. Sauber has resigned his place to take charge May 1. We are certainly sorry to lose them as citizens.

Mr. and Mrs. Bywaters were Sunday visitors, attending church, Mrs. By-waters taking her former place in the choir. After church, they took dinner with Mrs. Samuel Detwifer.

Master Frederick Rum had the mis­fortune to fall from the school porch on Friday morning, breaking his arm.

The Misses Hart are recovering from their recent illness.

The movies gave their first program for the season here last Friday night There will be a program every nigfat this we^.

There was a dance in the hall Sat­urday night. There were a number of men from Washington and Hemdon who evidently had some alcoholic bev­erage with them and ind^ged until they were past traveling. There wwe several machines which were run oiF the road into the ditch and some; bad to be abandoned until morning.

The teasers either went home or to the city for their Easter holidays. Some of them stayed a few days with-Miss Elizabeth Detwiler. Rev. C. H. Fry acted as snbstitate teacher.

Mrs. W. H. Mathers is at borne again, after a long stay near Win* Chester.

Mr. Landes Detwiler, eldest son of Mr. 0. L. Detwiler, recentiy came home with his bride for a stay of two or three days. This is a very youthful couple, Lanies bemg Binetaraand the young lady seventem years of age. Their friends hope they will' have • loner and happy ItiC together.

Mr. Luther Burke went to the city Tuesday of this week, taking a load of chickens and calves^ and bringing back a load of fish-

Mrs. C. V. Mathers has resigned her position in the air service to take one in the Patent Office, where sho hopes to have a permanent position. .

Mrs. Darrab—Oeorge Damh'a wtft, Dtrnt Andwraon.

NeHie—Her ebiU, Clwidls Pattie. Daky —Mn. Tbormten'a amnai,



mesm FRIDAT, AFKIL n , I t a |

Rev. Westwood Hutchison oAciated at a service at the Baptist Church at eleven o'clock on Easter Sunday. The church was Ustefnily decorated with spring blossoms by some of the ladies of tihe congregation. A solo was sung by Master Keith Lyons, the boy ehor-ist«r of our villatre. The offering w«> for Armenian reticf.

The servicM at St Paul's Cfattreh on EUuter day were at 8 and 11 a. m. At the lattM" the congregation which as­sembled is estimated at 200 people^ the seating capacity of the ehureh being Uxed to its fullest extent The altar vases were filled with Ullies and the chancel banked with purple and white lilacs and potted ferns. A vested ehoir of eighteen rendered a program of ap­propriate music and the sermoa was Sreached by the rector. Rev. T. M.

rowne, on the Joy and Power of the Resurrection. The offering of 1420 will be devoted to misaiotia *nd other obligsbtions of th« church.

llajor and Mrs. R. 8. Keyser and Mrs. Elizabetii Kelley spent Easter with their parents, Mr. aikd Mra. Ka-gene Keyser.

Miss Helen Baker, of Washington, is spending the Easter holiday* with Mrs. A. R. G. Bass.

Miss Josephine Peters, of Washing­ton, was at home for the week-end.

Mrs. W. L. Walter returned on Mon­day from a month's visit to her for­mer home at Edinburg, Va.

Mr. Rolfe lUdiertson and hia bride,' formerly Miss Anne Peyton, spent Easter with iSn. Robertson's parents at Culpep^-.

Miss Lula Williamson, of Washing­ton, spent Eastw with her family at "Shirley."

Mr. Winter Owens has been ap­pointed postmaster for Haymarket to succeed Mr. W. M. Jordan.

A son, Macon Cave, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Piereey on Thnre-day of last week.


Mrs. 0 . E. Kibler and small soxis, Arthur and Jack, were guests of rela­tives in Washington last week.

Mr. John McDonald, who imdwwent an operation in Providence Hospital, Washin^h, last week, la reported as doing nicely.

Misses Nellie and Florence Gossom visited relatives at "Springfield" the first of the week.

Miss Virginia White, of Washington, is spending the Easter recess with her aunt, Mrs. Tom .Smith.

Mr. Ben Cred, of Manhall, is paint­ing the residmce of Mr. S. R. Clark.

A picnic to "White Rods" -was en­joyed by some of our folks oa Easter Monday; also a "hike" to H i ^ Point on Sunday afternoon.

I 1%« regidar numthly meeting of tile I Commaim' League will be heU at the school oo Friday, April S« «t 8 p. m.


Work has been started on the build­ing of the cheese factory at this place.'

Miss Marjorie Brower, of Virgrinia. College, spent the Easter h<diday8 at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. i C. F. Brower. ' \

Mr. E. N. Pattie is in Norfolk at­tending the Grand Cooneil meting of' the Order F^temal Americans as a delegate fnmi Stonewall Council of this place. i

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brower, Jr., and children,-returned to their .home ia Round Hill Sunday after a ^iait to, relatives in this neighborhood. ' j

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lynn aiSi Mrs.' Frank Dogan, of Paradise, were viai-tors at the home of Mr. ^ad Mn^ E. N. Pattie one evening last wedc

Misses D o r o ^ Sanders and Kath-erine Ayres, of M. H. S., Dr. J. L. Saa-ford, of CHftoa, aad Measrs. Fraak Brower aad Zaehary, e€ the WadiJac-ton Baseball Team, visited at tii^ bonw of Dr. aad Mrs. C F. Brower laat week. .

Mr. Lee Pattie and his sister. Mar-' garet who are attatdiag h i ^ school at Towson, Md., q^cnt Easter with Oair, parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. N. Pattie.

Miss Annie Troth, oiv prfanary teacher, sp«>t the week-ead with ber; cousins, Mr. aad Mr«..K. L. Wheeler,.; near Manassas. j

Mr. and Mrs. Wade Akers, Miss Col-1 hns and Messrs. J. W. Pelen and J. H. | .\kers, of Washington, were recentJ frupsts at tile home of Mrs. Etta Lynn. I

Mr. Chas. Kidw^ and fkmily, of Hickory Grove, spent Sunday at the home? of Mr. J. E. Kidwdl at Bock HaU: Farm. j

\fiss Alice Metz, principal of oar school, recently visited Hiss Mary Trainham at her heme ia Middlebarg.

Mr. Curreil Pattie, of Alexandria,' .•"pent the week..«nd With bis nueata.' Mr and Mrs. L. B. Pattie. » ~ ~ " ^

Ir. and Mrs. Edward Hogh^ Mr. and Mn. B. Hughes aad Mr. Samuel Marshall, of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fetzer on Sunday. - P e Junior Laagne of Cathazpin School will (iTe • jflay, entitled, ""file Deacon," on Wedaeeday, ApcflM, be-m n i n g a t 8 n . m . AdnusrrioB, SSe and 15c. Refreetanenta for sale. If y«« want to have a good Ungh, teit aiaa this play.

Cast ef Charaetcra: Deacon Thornton—Mrs. Thoratea'k

brother-in-law, Raymoad ^ttoo. George Graef — Mrs. Tboratea's

nephew, Fraacis Pattoo. George Darrah— AHas Matt Wkeei-

er, Charlie Smith. James Reed—A frirad of Darrah's Pedro, aa orgaa grinder, Jett Pattt* Parson Biuwukm, Albert Oateea. Pete—MzB, IVcatoa'a s«*aBt, S i .

ward Anith. Billy—The Deacon's boy, Morris ^ .

len. Mr*. Thornton, Rose Sloper. Htiea—Her daughter, Eva Altiaoa.

Miss Amelia Fawestt Mr».TlMCT>ni'a — " '-—, jia^ a«ptt.

These tires are firsts, b e a r i n g oaaie and serial n n m b er and wrapped in origi­nal wrappers.

No SeoHida* Keatfadiedw Bebnlit tires

lUMe :KoB-SUd SpeeiBb

Sise Price 30x» $«,25 80x8% $7.45 81x4 $1L2S 38x4 -I14JI 84x4 „ _ : f l 4 . 7 « 32x4 — . - 4 U J «


FIRE INSURANCE The eld r«iitU« Pauqiuer Ma-

toal bag b««i dou^ bu^MH for ova- 36 years. No hii^ sakriee to pay. Every member haa Ua •ay at the ammal meetiiiK every year; strktly matual; no tntm nwbts: ratea the knrest.

JOHN M. KLINE, A<cBt, S5- lyr JhiiiHBag. Ya.

SHART FOOTWEAR Ffeahkms eovf ht far 1 who faoiat ea


RKffS IMl F. Steeet, Coraer Tea«h,

Waehinctaii. Dt. C

BBE SUPPLIES t A fid line of A. J. Sao^ Co. goods at

catalogae priee. All ordera proB^tly filled. Batawaz waated; mi te for ortalsfaa. . 4M»

L.J. CABTER M M a t , g. W., W i i l l i t f i i . K C



Time Papent Plan on

For those who are not situated so they can buy and pay cash for a car/ we have an easy payment plan that wiU enable them< to own a Ford car at a vesy reasonable ad­ditional cost and have the pleasure and use of your car while pajring for it. Come and see us and let us explair^ the terms and cost of this plan and you will be happily surprised at the reasonableness of this. Spring is here —summer will be here before we realize it—and MTtth it comes the season for pleasure touring when the day's work is done.

Chassis -Runabout Touring -

$285.00 $319.00 $348.00 $580.00

Seilaii F; O. B. Detroit

To those who have heretofore passed the idea up as be­yond their means can now afford a Ford. Never before

' In the history of automobile industry has such motor car value been possible io a prospective buyer < a car. And when all is said and done you will agree with the many million^ of owners and users that th^ Ford is the

, Universal Car and is the most durable and economical car on the marketJ Low<^ in prhse than ever bdfWe in its history, ev^i. before the wan Write us today or phone

$sasMotorCo.,hc. Manassas, Virgiiiia



Reccat fatpnmsaeat ia dasigB peeslbls a anefc heavier, Ugger tire. Pat ea a aew IiMgh fareitte ktaai. tiMB |«an Jaia Lehigii beeotea Fnahataefc. Ne

KIB8B> OS NON-SKID lOxS MiS% 8XsS« 81a4 82x4 88x4 84x4 82x4H S8x4H 84x4% 8«x4%

19.60 «UJO 11440 I16.7S 117.00 tl7.7S

S. & M. TIRE CO. IMf 14tk Street. N. W.

WASHnfOTror. n. c

Manassas Trailer Co. W. 8. ATHBT,

L. BeetlM. M. R BarlMk l^ee-Paaa.

fiee. S. WarAeli. CaaMst.

First National Bank ALKZANDBIA. TA.

WBIONATgD MrOSTTOKT OF n o xttnm ttAtaa

Oapttal ttO0,O0OJI aad Pralli . .

glTaa ta


AND « Ave., Near C R, Fiwapt attaatiea

aa lew as feed » l l

• a ta

BatteryService f With the toming of gpring comes good roads again and you vrtn want the batteries on your aotomobfle in the beat poasiWe condition. Bring your car to ua and let M atraight-en out yoor troubieo before you wil w«ttt the nae of jronr ear everyday. •

f If you Me in need of new batteries you wiU find that we S ^ T ^ **'.S^SJ*?f* batteriea on tlto markat toda^-TBB EXIDE and THE RAY. ^ ^

f THE RAY BATTERY carriee with it an imeDDditibMl suarantee to give aatisfacti<Hi for two years. T The grades of oil and gasoline which we handle wiU give y<y^the maximom amoant of power fram ywa makor with a ""^""^ «l trojAie, w«rry and



Page 3: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern

kY»ArmL7i,mi •••/• ,, Ertabli«hed 1895

The Manassas Journal lPld>UalMd S y a y Friday b y


K. LEWIS, BwuMM Maiu««r

entered at th« poat offie* at MaoaMaa, Va, as McoBd<laa* mail matter

yarn MAN»I«M! jocimAU MANAsgAS, vaoiNu mfwmjmmj'^^^ qitq .1 :. W : y i i i

Subacripti<m--|l^ a year in Advance


SLEEP How much sleep does a man need? X have always believed that we all require at

laMt seven or eight hours every idght, but eaeh ^Ite I have made the statement it has beoi ehak ~ imfed.

In each instance the challenger has mentioned Ifipoleon or Edison. «

Now, there is no doubt that Napoleon did work St a tronendous pace during a greater part of his ejuSser. Iliere is conclusive evidsaee that h9 was in bed only a few hours each nii^l^-at the most not more than five.

But anyone who h$s studied his life is also aware that he paid the penalty in his later years. He was the victim of chronic drowsiness.

I had never read a signed statement from Mr. Edison on the question of sie<H , so I wrote him myself.

Here is the reply: "Until the laj|t six years, and over a period of 40

years, I and my experimental assistants worked on an average 18 hours daily. New men found it very diflScuIt to get used to 4 or 5 hours' sleep, but in a short time they became accustomed to it and X have never heard of any one of l&em being ii^ Jored.

1 find that men who once worked with me for a immber of years and tilen left, k ^ up the habit of w(»rking long hours. I think a ^ perscai can get ^edtoit

"One remarkaMe thing that they all agree on \B tliat it stops dreaining. This is perii ps due to a <Je4H)er sleep.

"If the world had been differently arranged and the sun had shone continuously, I do not think that any^xly would require or take sleep. There SMnas to be no actual rea8(m why we should sleep, ftiiBn a scientific standpoint.

"I noticed in automobOing through Switzer md tihat the towns which had electric lights h ^ many •eiim buildings and the people were active and on file streets at 12:00 o'doek, midnight, whereas in tewnf wiUiout electric-^hts, evoTfoody was In beii about 8:80 and the town was a dead one."* .

Mr. Edison's letter is extreme^ ijitereoting. 13ie writer win allow the reader to draw his oirfl obiibhiaipns as to whether m(«t of us «paid more tfoH inbed thaais hecessao^.-^TypeM^ M«ga> sine.-;

"A pemy uTed," laid Uacla Bn. "!• lika a p«uiy eamad agate;" And any OM with brains will know That what B«n Franklin said was M. It's not a person's wag* or rank lliat t«Us his batanc* in tha bank; It's not the way his ineooM mni That rates him good or bad at Don's The chap who draws his hundred beaas And spwds eaeh week as many gneos Is not so wealthy as the guy Who geta hot ten and pate some by. A single dollar in the fist Is worth two on the credit list; And every penny laid away A bracer oo a rainy day. The man who spends his bottom nd And gete no value in ite stead. Is ttot by far so wise as he Who banks upon the lock and key. And he has a grain of sense Will save anon a dozen pence,' And then upon some future day Award himself a raise in pay. Th«e'd be less trouble in the land. And leas of woe on every hand, If folks would only live and learn To save a part of what «wy earn.


oiie-eilefven cij^arettM

^•temwt of the Ownenhip, MaMgement. Bte; Reqnired by the Act of Coagreaa af Ang«»t 24, WU, of Th* Manassas Journal, pnbUabed weeUy at Mamtasa^ Va., Ux AprU 1,1922.

Stete of Virginia, C!ounty of Prince William-^. Before m , a notary pubUc in and for the State and coun­

ty aforesaid, personally appeared D. R. LEWIS, who, hav-mg been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says ttat he u the Managing Editor and Business Manager of The Manassas Journal Publishing Company, Incorporated, and that the following is, to the be«t of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by Uie Act of August 24,1912, embodied in section 44S, Poetal Laws and Regntetfena.

1. That the names and addresses of tite pobUritw, editor, managing editor, and business managw are:

PnbUaher—The Wanassas Jonmal PnbUshiag Co., Ine-Manassas, Va.

Editox^Ralpb K. T. LarKflt, Manassas, Va. Muager l|^itor aad BosiaeM Managw-^. S. Lewis, 1 afc^ — A ^ \ 7 A ' '

2. Tljat the owners are: HM Manasaaa Jovrsal Fob-lishbig Co., Inc., Manassas, Va.

StockhoWees-B, Thornton Davies, MaaassM, Va.; H. Thomtoil I>avie8, AdmV, Manawswa, Va.; D. R. Leiris, Mk-nassas, Va.; J^m J. Davies. Cnlp^per, V*.

8- Th»* a»e known .bondholders, mortgagees ami other •ecority bt dera owning or holdhtg I per cent or more of tetodjamoo^t of bteida, naortgmgea, or <ri*er sedanrt^ NONS."

D. a. LSWI8, BoshMM Manager. Sworn to and soba^awd b«fon me tUa 1st day of Afiil,

1922. (SEAL) M. M. ELLIS, Notary PnbUc. My eMnmiastei expiree March 1ft ia2S.


FIFTEEN A* a new package Otdt fits the pocket^ At a price that fits the podut'book— The same tmmatched blend of Ttmasa. VmoimAmaBoitLErDobaccog

^aibwid Staadaid C R ADAMS


..Dealer te..

Watches, Clocb and Jewefary FtM Watch Repairiag a ffpirl^HT


The farmers around Token are boi^ getting ready to plant com.

Mr. Ernest Beavns has moved from his farm here oin the Gai Mr farm near Manassat.

Mrs. Tennie Cornwall, of Itfdian Head, Md., spent Easter with his par-wts here Mr. and Mn. A. L. CoraweU. »•. Ollie Possy, Miss Eva Coniwell,

Mrs. Ida Comwell and Mrs. N. M Posey motored to Oecoquan Sunday.

Miss Nancy Keys, of Washington, spent Easter with her pamte. Mr, and Mrs; L. R. Keys.

Mr. H. M. Comwell and son, Elmer, have returned from a week's visit witii friends and relatives in Baltimore, Btd.

Misses Evelyn and Anna Belte Corn-well, of Indjaa Head, Md, spoit Son-day with tbdr cousin. Miss D i ^ CoraweU.

Mrs. Unda Davis is visiting her sis-tw, Mrs. 6. G. Simpson, of

L A 0 13 S A N D I. I V B

THB-USKOF A PLATFORM Seated ina stracit car, Sam and Rastos were talking polv

itics. Rastas was a rabid partisan of the ineambent i«p-reMBtetiva. "Well,»aaidSam,-AhMkaa Wmanrigirt-Ak goeea, bat hte plaCfbnB aint ao good."

matfc-tel- snorted Rastos, • latfo'khr -Say, aiggat, doan' yea know dat a. poUtied ^atfki'te is Jea lika a ^ t -fo'te OB one «t these yere stnet ealis-r4iii albt maaat 4» •ttt' en; UtAs i^ aeaat to git fa op."—Tlw FMad.

• • • , •

PBOMPTBD PKBVARICATION A little fUlow aeored neatly en Ma motitar the othw day.

"I h«^^ dear," ahe said, -you were a-nice UtUe \>af wfaOa you were tA Mn. Bromas and didat taQ a«y •tociM."

"Only the one yoo pot me ^p to," aidd bar yvNng h<9a-

"Why, iriiat do yoa maaa. e l ^ r " (ML •L :. . 1 . <_. 1^ ^ J, "When aha aakod m e i f Fd l ik* to have "iMfPier irieea of The man had a walkmg machme, constructed eake, X aald, "No. thaak yon. IN. hadN^o3I-S«rt«

like an old-faahi<»xed treadmilL It was geared op.TnuiaeiM> '

TRY WAITING A MILB file last act in a TaadeviDe show Is usually a

tbe reason for this is that the manager wants to ckar the house for the next show, or he wants to let the people, who are in a hurry, leave witbotkt fw&ng they have missed something.

,BbwevJBr, tliele are exceptiims to aU ndesr >nd I hKftpwteA tpj>e pxesent one night idien th<i last act WM a good act


Base Ball Goods, Tennis and Fishing Tackle, Rifles and Pistol^ C9J^^

£¥erythmg Good to Eat

My line embraces Staple and Fancy Groceries

Queensware, Tin and ESnamelware





Stk aod 1 Streets. R W WASHINGTON. IKC.

- -•V':?^5;^v*^"-*V 'T-r*??'',

^ew«*y. Clocks, Victor Reco*ds and " tt^ie«l"Vktrola''aD«tthe



to an Indicator which showed the distance travel* ed.' Two of these treadmills were in the act, and after a few'ndnutes of hoise-play a nura and a woman pot on a onenmile race. The interesting featore the act was that yon could see at waUt. ins is a p^eet exercise. Biv«7 moade of llM bo4y is OBed—neck, sheuMers, arms» chest, \e^ and feet

AS of us o u | ^ to walk more. Walking im­proves the circnlatiMi, and distribates the tteod through the syston, iriiich cleans up tiie poisora of thebo<] .

Some evening whoi you leave your work, tired °<1 KK>ggy, try the plan of walkhig l«skly for a

mile bef<H« you get on a car, or even in an automo­bile. You will find the wiJk will start the Uood conrring through the body, clearing your head of Mhes and worries. You will arrive home refresh­ed and hungry instead of tired and dyapeptic

Abo try tUs: On the next ta» Sunday, aa Bov or so after dinner ffst oat into the country and walk about five mOes. Yon will return hoaae as hungry as a ten-year-old boy and yoal be as tnetaUe m a Utten.

Not only this, bat on Muiday yoo wilt go to wofk tredi and ready to tadde an^h&w.

WaSdng is nine-taiths of golf ood is the ehkf ' "••on why the game is so popular. Bat it isn't ^"ceasaiy to join a jeif chib to enjoy tba <*w»Btlnf»

a PABA6BAPHS ^ oBaetMv meet many men of promise. SuBMS your energy with common sense. A aaiatake, when discovered, always kwks stuiud. Onr first thou^its are not always oar best

"^«ht.. - - . i - i i l . .

THB BOARD OF HEALTH StroUiag alone the qoays of New Yorit harbor, an &iA-

man came aeroaa tiie wooden barrieadv wUA is placed aronnd the ineloasre where faamisraats snmaslad of sofl^-iac'firam eeBtacioas -"innno are <tirltiit)4.

;%wat*a tya bo««a» fcrt-he f«pd»d of a bystander. "X^ir-^mmVb* rq4y.*thafs to iMp e^ «n«r awl tUags

Bke tliat, ya« knew." "bdadar MM Fkt "Qi'y* oftaB hefxi of tke Board of

HealUi, be^bujabben, if s tka tnrt ttow GP^ SMta it!"— Tit-Bits. / ^ ^


And bsvs's ooe about the Qoakar iriieee patriotism got the better vt his reUgioos sernples and who went to war. Crawifaw throo^ No Han's Land he spi«d a basky Oer-

aa. Bainnc his rifle to his shoohler, he shovted: "Friend, tis aaoat mfortonate for tiiee, bat tiMe staad-

eth Jaat W1MI« I am cotag to abeat" Aad bfauad away.


Bisby—Wattsr! Waa tUa chiekaa eookad wWi X-taya? Waitor (bewOdand)—Wl7. ar^a; that k. yaa. sir. B U y - I tko^lkt M: I «aH saa ' ^ ^

I t D. Wenric^ Co. IncorporateJ

IfeM Watdiwd Jewcii7 Repairing MANASSAS YIBGIBaA


Specialist in dumtie ^ffsiffc I make study and treatment

of any kind of disease the fam­ily Doctor is not caring. Tdl me your trouble and III teO you wbat is your djseaae and what can be done for i t H i •end blank and specimen Give me your nama

HAamsTowii. luw

OK. v. y GIl«LDM



ox. L. F. HODGB


"No flsaa ia a ban to MtTalat." ' Why ahaoid IM wiak to bat*

1t9 ia i iwl i ia ia tia* tke ktod <

supu soumoir Mb Ita^at to pay

In offering our service and facilities to i^ospective custonwn and dients we are not (Bering something fer nothing. We' expect ultimately to be r pwd for the expense <A bandlmg evoy a<5ooant that comes to ns.

Banks are moMy-making institotkais, and oora is no excep­tion. If we are to eantinae to go forward, we nnirt (^ente profitably.

Hbwwer. we sineenty beiiaivte that oar fiKiUtiea fivraidsring real baiddng sorvioe an onsarpasaed, and tlMt time win eoa>

•not do bettw O n e « i in « .

WELL DrSTBUCTKD IXitrKtsd Hothor-'•(M^ dear, wtet sbaH I do with

BabyT-Britht Uttla Siatoiw.-iMdBt wa cat s4ioak af hMtraa-

tioaawitb i i t '

Nati<nial Bank • • » :


Page 4: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern


RBJEF LOCAL NEWS —Mr*. J. G. lUiaakiM W very m at

her liMBa nMtr tomt. —Mr. C. M. CrabiU h u ba«p isepfln-

•d to hto koma-with UlffNi. *>|| the p u t Mvia w«^ki. , , 1

—Mr. Ch«rle« Cornw«ll, at bma town, vbo aufferad a ttrok« of partly-; •is s«ver*l w«eM *Ko> >* impravinr'

—Tfc* W. C T. U. will iKSd'itkkn-niuil daas soeiai next Tbandat, Jwril 27, at th« horn* of Mrs. A. E- Splw, be^nninff «t 8 o'clock.

—Mrs. G. W. Wallin ratuntad l u t Friday aftarnoon from a Waabincton hospital wliara sha undarweot an tv^ ratioa aaversl waaka ago.

—Tha rafnmiahinc and raouHMing of the interior of tha Paoplaa N«ti«Bd Bank waa eomplatad thla waak and greatly improvaa iti appaanaea and efficiency.

—Those interested in the Imying of the county tax laviea are invitaa by the Board of Siv«rTi8or» to be praaant at their meeting at iha eoanty eoort-house next Tuciday.

—At an axeeutiv« s^iion late Mon­day the U. S. Senate confirmed, along with nine other* in different aeetiona of the state, the nomination of Winer Owens as postmaster at Haymarket.

—The Acacia Bridge Club waa pleasantly entertained by Mrs. B. Lynn Robertson on Wednesday after­noon. Mrs. Howard W. jamisoa made the hit^eit fcora while Miss Amelia Brown won the c<msolation prize.

—Among those who will speak at the Baptist Ministers' and Laymen's meeting to be held at tiie First Bap­tist Church, Clarendon, on April 29 and 30, are B«vs. Weatwood Hutchi­son, of Manassas, and Cbas. Fry, of Clifton.

—In the account given in last weeks issue of the marriage of Mrs. Eva I^eredith to Mr. Thomas E. CfaadwriU of The Plains, the Mrs. Meredith re­ferred to may be bfetter known to her friends as w e wife of the late Dr. J-C. Meredith. ,.

—Messrs. Worth Storke and J. M. Bell, of Manassas; E. N> Pattie, of Catharpin, and H. Kinzel Laws, of Brandy Station, arrived in Manassas

LITTLE JOURNEYS Mr. Leon Watan. «f DOBCriai, qMBk

Monday In Msnassss Mr. D. T. Hemdon. of Briatow, was

a Ttsitor In town today. ^

Mr. Paul Ward, of Midlyiid. was a Manassas visitor on Tuesday.

W J. BorebaU Laachman. of Oee»-qnan, spent Sunday in Msnsssas.

Mr. Earl A. Cornwall, at Alexaadria, was a MBT'T**- visitor oa Sunday.

Bfias Edra Donohoe, ot Baltiasora, spent the week-end in M^ni•tas.

Mr. L L Anderson, of dathaipia. was a visits in Msnassss Satarday.

Mr. Bay Gray spent Sunday and Monday at his bom* near Wananton.

Mr. B. N. Mavdiant, eC Baltinoff% spent last n i ^ ia Mansssss an roato to Upparvilla.


One of th' aoaaoUtioas tt Mk a faUer haUt aipeetad to

P. Wilson, of Hay-viaitMs 8at-

Mr.^ndMrs. W. markrt, war nrday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pickett, of Hay-mariut, ware Mansssss visiters Sat­urday.


Tha local baseball season will be fai-angnratod tunorrow aftamotm «b«t

Misses Evelyn and llyrtU KineMoe.'«« ^^JfV^^IS^^^i^^ of Washingt*^ spent Bastor in 1«^, & I ^ J ^ S ^ d U m S d . ' ' * ^ ~ ° * * ^ *

Coach Holliday reports that the team is in good shape and expects a victory. The probable lineup is as fol­lows: Dranis, pitcher; Leitti or Rit»-nour, catcher; Pearson, 1st base; Said, 2nd base; Brower, short stop; Adams, 3rd base; Calvert, right field; Trim­mer, CMito' &M, and Saunders, left field.

The game will start promptly at 3:30 p. m., on the Eastern athletic field, where the games were played last year. A grandsUnd bhs.beea erected which will add mud> to tiw comfort of the spectators.

Mrs. Annie Corder, of Nbkssvilla, was ti» guest of Mrs. M. E. Akars cm Sunday.-

Mr. George Larkin, of Washington, -spent the esster hoUdays with nda-^ves here.

Mrs. George Edmond spent several days last week witii her daughter, Mrs-W. R. Akers.

Mr. Harry Comwrtl, of Waahington, was in Manassas sanrwal days this week on business.

Miss Kathleen Moffett, «f Warroi-ton, was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Covington.


„.«..u, . , - . . . , , - — .. Mr. andMrs. J. W. Smi^and torn-yesterday after having been m atten-- ily motored to Culpepw whwe tney

The recitol given on Monday night in the Eastern CoUege-Conswvatorr

Little Miss Esther Akers ur visimg auditorium by Miss Beatrice Luke, ^ -her gnukdmotber, Mrs. George Ed-anist, pupil of Miss Evelyn A. John. monda, of Alexandria., ston, and by Miss Ella Mae Hyde,

—. ,,- . • »T , a -J —t.*Teadier, pupil of Miss Hazel Nelson, Miss Virginia Nelson Spwdra spent ^^^ both excellent and interesting.

the Eastwr hohdiys m WaiOiingtoa ^^ ^, y „ ^ young ladies showed visiting relaUves. marked ability in giving their tespee-

tive numbers. Special mention might be made of Miss Luke's rendition of "Sonato Patiiettque," op. 13, in two movemeots, by Beethoven, and of Miss Hyde's readiiig, "Where Ignorance ..is Bliss."

visited over Easter. Mr. Paul S. Williams, student at the

tJniversity of Virginia, spent the Bas-tor bc^klays at ins home beta.

Miss Rena Mars, of Chsrlottesville,] spent Easter at the home of her sister,] Mn. Oscar Wood, of near town.

Miss Sarah Leachman, of WasUn^-toB, viaitad rtiatSves and frmids in Manassas ever the Easter holidays.

Mia. Randolph Brawper, vt Dom-I visitiar her parcBts. Mr. and Walkeir Merchant, this waalc.

dance at tiie State O. F. A. C<»iveii. tion in Norfolk, since Sunday.

—The ladies of the Grace M. E. Church, South, will -hold a cMckoi and hot rtrfls supper on Thniada^, May 4, commencing at 6 o'cleek, in Mr. W. N. Merchant's store room op-posite the Presbytorian Chnfch. Fifty cents will be duvged for the supper.

—Mr. C. J. Meetze deUvenid an ad­dress at Iffidland last night. T<migfat he will deliver an address at King** Cross Boads and tMnoarow night ha ftig^ will mak* a speech at the Eastern OA- j fn . G. lege-Conseryati^\ commeneepient «a^, < i4 _ 5 - t , . „ . erciaes. Next Wednesday h i ^ he V n - Aliee.B. K^dheloe, ef Wasb-wUl give a talk at Orange. - .inrfton, waa »n Easttr vwitor^at tiie

'Jwme of Mr. and Mra. Wdson Payne. —In the twelve months covering the ' . „ , . -

period from November 1, 1920, to No-! Mr, and Mrs. Gidea B&rtchMon, of vember 1, 1921, only three cases were Aldie, spent Wednesday with Mrs. prosecuted for the violation of the pro- Hutchison's sist^. Mis. T. R. GaUeher. hibition law. "rhese three were con-' „ . ,. . . . „_ .,>. nr-.i-s--victed and the jaU sentences imposW .J^J^J'^.^^^T^s^J!^^ ^ totaled a period of three months whHe t^,^^.^^f^'uJ^m^A^ the. fines imposed touaed n.50. , his paraaAs, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Adaasr

son. ' \ ' —Hon. C. J. Meetze has been re-1 , , „ _ ._v._ .' ' j . u _

quested by Southern railway officials ^rs. P. S. Auty has retornedto tier to ask local business men to meet with home m VvMrnue^maa ^aiUi^ a^ | them tomorrow morning to talk over the home n Mr. and Mrs.. K. S. Hyn-, the possibilities of establishing'a ceo- aon. | tral cold storage plant here for fruUs and other products. The gtsUemen:


WILLIAM RUSSELL • • . . I n , . •

. 'a>BSEKT BLOSSOMS" A love romance la tbe-iaudst odt tra-

metidmis enteipris^ Udden daag«r,and evil purposes. Also Aesop's Fiibia.

• 11C-22C


T H E DEVIL 'wiTHDr' A stos^ of brutality at sea sad its

penalty. Also Patfae News. Admis-«ion--lfatinee, 6c-ilc. N ^ ^ U»4ae


BUSY f No transaction is too small to receive the car»-f ul considerstioD of The Peoples National .Bankt and we are never too busy to attend to oor etw-tomers' requirements jiromptljr, or to extend to them the fullest measure of eo-operatiao.

7 The business and professional men, tiie farmart and wage earners, and the w(»nMi of this city and section, will And it to t h ^ advftatage to mak* use of our exceptional.faeilities.

^Vs a Pleasure to Sorve You" .

The Peoples National Bank MANASSAS, VIRGINIA




CAST OF CHARA^rratS DICK GOMFOBTrJsarried yet single.—__JU——• .John T. Carinr

K o M M ^ o n i i Sernce laataataaaoas Raproiaette

aa4 OAes Sarrfea

Mnltifra»yac Mlaeagrapkfat Staasgiasfcy TfPto* Tabalatlac Pris<tag

Drawing SMcUag ~^ HAiatrattag'':'

We invito out-of-toum cUasta to clra us a trial. Special attentioB giv«B ta m«n<nf propositions. Lat as neHtna yoor ad for yon and be aasopad «< sotesss Writo for rates.

JHwna Main 7478 Oaaa—Ml Bertlwra Bidltof

Waahtegtsii, D. C

A FAMILY AFFAIR lUs laundry ef ours is for tha faai.

fly waahinc—big family waaUags, too. We can laandar every soQad ar-tids your funily wears and do it sapa-rate from anyone's else. In tfaa kof ran youll find it mora aeonomleaL

No damp wash—No hang out—Ho ironlnff—No marks on anything.

The Tolman Laaoifary F. W. MaeKaasie, Manager

• Gamer «tli and C Streeta. N. W. Wadiiagten. D. C

Wherever Ton Are We Can Serve Ton Pared Pest • AattHaobUes

GEORGE MERRIGALE, an unfriendly triatui .—. Fulton Smeddley ALEXANDER MEANDER, Didc's nnde, blamed Int blameless, Harry Faaiton HARRIS, Comfort's man servants : . ,...;,,,James Hairy Dodge MRS. CLBMENTEBIA MKANpiR, Dick's aaat, Wswialaaa bat Uamed

' Knwa Jaooffiaaa £l)lTU COMFORT, Dick's wife, "Unknown, mihonored and mmmc"

Haiy Lodsa Baetor SAULT, lbs. Meander's maidV.,, -.,", .' o - BsoA Barton

ACr I tati n—Mstaiag. ACT Ilt-AflanaaB GeMf rtrs

Didc pmaSmet, a playwright; has baaa IMnjg apm an^Oomlaee Iraiar Ua dRI»eto. eneooditua ihat he doaa not many. Deapitai^jkad onknoiini to hk ^nd(^ Didc hM manied tha gbi of Ms choice. Hls^aelelpays Ui9 aat qnax; pectod visit ' ^ t what is to be done with Ed^r* .

Given for BenelU at DRINKARD LODGE, No. SIS, A F. A A. M. HAYMARKET, YA.

ADMISSION—Adults, 35 cenfiB. Children, 20 cents

S l l n T S I i t V ^ i ^ ' ^ t ^ ^ w S ^ ^ ^ t h ^ g u e s t ^ t h , tion will assemble to welcome them **"'«•• as everything' possible should be dene to take advantage of this t^portnnity.


•THE LITTLE MDnSTER" Mi.1 Fannie Ransdall, ot Washing.' J^±};[rSJ:*S^S^t^^,^t^^

ton. » F « t > . E a . t a r J « U d | p j ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ , g ^ trooUe stutod. Come add see What it was. Admission, 17c-%c.

Mr. Thomas McNefl, stiident at tfaa Randolph-Macon Acad«ny, Bedford City, spent the Easter helidaya at bis home hcoe.

ton, Miss Mariana ;>eidett of Washinr-n, spent several days recent^- wira

—Mr. and Mra. Pulaski L. Proffitt and daughter, of Wadiington, have moved^to Manassas where Mr. Profttt has accepted a position with the Met­ropolitan , Life Insurance Company. They are moving Into the bungalow built several years age by Mrs. Rosa Farley, on Masle stnet, where they will Biaka theu' ftttara homa. Mrs. ProAtt wiQ be raoembered to maw Msnassss p e o ^ as Miss Vki* Davw before htx marriage to Mr. Ptoiitt several years ago.

—Preaching service at Briatow Sun­day afternoon, April 2S, at 8 o'clock. Special mosic has been planned far this service. Sunday School at 2:10 p. m. To all of these servicas £be p<d>-lie is cordially iavitad. Last Sunday we had a most splencKd serviee and a goodly number aot. It is hoped tlMt M . T i» i ^ . k . . . . . .i W^J each one present hist San£y wiB JSLJ^L^^^^^I^S^^^t, brintr some one for Sonday Sdioel tba "T^jy **«• •«'«*~ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ • • coming Sunday. Let's all be on time " J ^ S T I ^ ^ ! ^ « t 5 S . so that we can have pisitty of time for .i""?*"* * ^^V pleasant t r ^ the Ie8s<»i b e f ^ praarhing—S<q»er-!

her brathw and sistsr4a4aw, Mr. and . * ^ ^^^ Mrs. Albcart Speiden.

BCrs. A^by Glaaeock and littie son, BUly, of WasSmuctoB, m a t FiUay and Satotday wiUi Mra. (flsaeock'a aiott. er, Mrs. M. E. Akara.

^Mr. James McGrath, of Utica, N. T., spent several daya here thia week on business eoaneeted with Ua f u n near nandafard trndga.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Trezkr and ter. and Miss Abna Bdl. of

Pa., are visitiac nIMHaa in this

Mr. J. P.

THURSDAT. APRIL 27 "BUNTT PULLS THB STRING" Hoe's a n^ of tataoid Scotch that

wiQ waiBitite wriiddea of yoor heart. Be: sure and see it. AdmissioB, lla

intendent. —The management of the Dixie

Theatre is to'be congratulated on se­curing the wonderful pietnre which was shown here on Monday and Tues­day. "Tol'able David" was indeed a frreat picture and held the spectators in siupenoe throughont the play. Tha music furnished by the Eastern or-1 chestra also added much to the enjoy-' ment of the patrons who attended. It may be of interest to Virginians to' know that this pietore was produced' near Moonterey in Highland cwantyl not far from Staunton and to people' of Msnassss and vieiaity that the part of "Tol'able David's" brother was acted by the brotiter of Mr. S. Ractsmaa, who is soU recently by Mr. Mia. W. R. RiebaoBd.

Miss Julia McCombs, student at Eastwn for the session Just coming to a dose, left for her home in Chanea-ton,.S. C Wedneaday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Maddox, of Takoma Paiii, D. C , spent Easter here as the goaata of theb soa^-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Byrd.

Cadet Raddph Whitmore, of the Kaadoiph-Maeott Aeadoay, fVont Roy' al, vent tita ««dt-and vising Ua

Mr. am' %Si

P: WMiwagiiig tha fana Mr. C. C. LyOB to


"The Japanese Girl." the operetta given by atndenta of Eastern College-Conservatory last Saturday night in the gymnasium, was well attended and proved to be excellent. The numbers given by Miss Wallace's dancing class which consisted of local misses alko proved very popular. Those in this class are little Misses Bens Bavana, Jane Bogiress, Virginia Bocgess, Vir­ginia Conner, Jane Eliot, HeBidar. ~ ~^


Miss Mary Selecmaa, student at the Msnsssas high guest at bar home in Abna' LMBsfard, imrim the idaya.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sadtii and little son, of Baltimore, spent Easto-to MsaassBi as the goesto of Mr. Mrs. G. H. P«Ma and Mr. J. N.

Mr. Carroll Sanders spent the Eas­ter holidays in Chartottesstae visiting his tootiMr, Mr. Waltsr Saatea, iriw is attending tha Univarsitv of V ^ ginia.

Maasrs. H. W. Sanders and W. IL Johnson motored to Calvarton this af-temooa to oAciato in a dual t r a ^ meet heldthora Calvar-

For June Brides

Cenainm Orange Blotaom

Wedding Ring


ILW Oa, Va.

liSKkiB' 4S4f

wa be better.

I Are yea pie—ri with jemt agpenrMwe? LoA fai year airrer today. Thea tamtt iemi aad get a

plyofoareoUcreai^lBtiBaaaBdfaeepoiwderB. Yoawffl year eUa ckariac qp aai year geacn Try U «pr yaareeif sad see.

We have dsiaty perfasMa ia the erigiBsl Msy wc shew tbeat te yea?

Oar faee f swifu sad raages eoaM te salt My We kava ererytUac la tbe dn« i



BY MAIL NattoHOiy adv«xtiaad toOet arti­cles, resMdles aad aaaAries at de­cidedly iatwered priesa sand as yoar erdev—Wn IB it paaovOy aad aatiafaetarily.

Fine qaaltty Mack OHuaalad Plot Yaaaaai BettJM SyecfaJ... Oe

LadW BaraMaa Svray Sy-

tfc GsMntft ••••>*•••••«• ••a IJw «to Gar i|ae T<wlh Pas;!*. ,y> >.9*e Fan Paod. Chafca Paardand '

VOCOft • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • > • • • l o c

6«e Pebeeo ToaOi Paate. S9e 5«e Pepaodrat Tooth Paste... Me 3«e Kolynea Tooth Paato..... SSe B«at Qaaiity Hair Ncta, doa... Me 4ie Flatcherls CaatatiiK....,; Me Me Meaaen's SkaviiMr Cieaai. Me poty'a Face Powdir... . . . . . .' . Tie 2ieNaa BkodMa... . .! . . . . . . . Ue MavisTUeoa . . . . . . : . . }te

Peoides Drug S t m s tUfl Oidar DapaxtaMat

7M Uth Steaet, N. W.



Hoii hisuramee' SHRAPNEL from the sky is s

same for hail—it damages every-tiiing it strikes.

Statistics indicate that hafl storms are becmning more tator. mtm evoryw—4hey do itrestcr dsmage.

There is one redeeming prom­ise and one only—that is the In osd, liberal insurance policies of the Hartford Fire &uarsnee Company, which at k>w cost psys yoa fairly for all loss to growing things erased by haiL

If you depend apon grain pM>* duee or fruit for profit—iasore and so be certain yea will not lose. A letter at telej^one call wiH do.



Cocke's Pharmacy iKORGB & COCKB. Piaprlster

"^e Fm PreaeriatiaM." •- inm Ttoa^

CoMnl hsimce Afei9

lasoiancc of Any Kiad THOS. W. UON

Manassas - Virgteia



Page 5: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern


mm& IJPCAI5 LITTLE JOURNEYS O M C M * • Worl m»i»^i^ 25c • * * * —•— — I - i - n . r i _ n _ i

^^'^^^0^0^0'^im •

.?^*f!!:J?!! ,P- ^ CUrke WW* M.. flooM hjuidlci A]^y Thi J o u r n a l ^ ^ ^ "«^on saadky. *«* 4».l* . . M M . W. B. Doak, of

»vUltor today. MiM«i Etebe and Mary Giddlntt

Doak, of CUftttn. ia

^ ^ ' • -""-f _ i _ ^ ' Mr.F. B.Kan«WI.o«Wa.hta«to*' For Loa,.^ijy)00 to tlfi.OO M ftrrti*" * ' ^ " * ^ ' ^ ' * " ' ^ t - ^ ^ ^ ^ ,

IS; For Sala-^'lSpworth'^dniieh orna. ' „ \ ,

It Boom. *B-2*1 !!'?• Beatneo Luk* a««

_ -. v«aw«i. jrj j T«Jt, rf vb^ia. ^p.^ th, hoUday. Flaiiia.Va.

S t r a y s or Stol«o—light n d Irish S£Si ° * y j ^ * * and llewito U r No. a070M; t^taga rMravd for aay Sifor. wrtion, O, W, Marehant. Itanassaa, y*^ 49-1*

Wantad—^A man on dairy and truck fkrm, room and board, good opportan-^ for right man. Apply Cua, B. SUeott, Oeeo<|nan, Va. 49-1*

*"-* i«t hia buna htfi

For Sale—Hoiua and thrae a,er«8 off Jand, located one mile aootb of vil. iWtJ*' Occoguan, Va. Terma eaah, 11,100. Excellent bay, good tillable tuid, onnmaBieate wit^ l l u d e I. Carr. ar Bhode lalud Avenue, N. E , Wash­ington, D. C. 40^

Notice to Persona Engaged in Hand­ling or Selllag Milk or Milk-Pro-dacta in Town «t Manaaaaa, Va. All parties who wish to sell milk or

milk-products in the Town of Manas­sas, Va., after May 1, 1922, mast sa-oire a Permit from the Board of Health.

ThjMe applications may b^ obtuned at Cocke's Pharmacy frofa Geo. B. Cocke, Secretary of the Board.

I^eaae attend to this matter at once, as tiiia law beeomee effective May 1, 1922. DR. S. S, SIMPSON.

tf-2 Health Officer.

Pasture for rent on the Valentine Shaffer place. W. W. Wheat<m, Bris-tow, Va. 48-4*

For Sale—30 shares stock National l|ank of Manassas. Pays 10% divi-<fand. B. Lynn Bobertson. 4g-tf

For Sale—A lot, 60 ift fktwt cm the railroad and 180 f t deep. Apply to Mrs.-Sarah Eeya. . 48-tf

For Sale—Suit of parlor fnmitore, inia bed-room suit, dining table and •dteallaneoas artidea. Call after the l jHi. Miaa Fanny Paynes Gnat Ave.,

. Va. 48-tf

For Sale—Six horse power Intema-tilMial gascrfine engine, |76, 'and t«i toimpowar IntamatioDal 'gasoline «i-gbie, fSOO. Both nwniited on t m e b and til good hmning ahape. Gewge BnaseO, H. *, Boac 66, Manassss 4S-S*

Notice.—^Aa I have rented the IOWCT pastora fi^d on Broad Ban, aay ,tres-pasiista (HI Muna wffl be proserated. Comptni Farm, A- Lk Enunaas, O w ^ , 48-4

For Sale-^Bee keqiers' soppUes <of «11 kinds at a moderate ^ iee at fiie ^ermitage ^snn, ton> miles s o ^ of gainesviDe. Address, Fkank.; l i ^ l l S n ' S S t iristow.Va. ' ^g^H««m»«»v.

K For Sale—^Two biCTcles, in good con­ation. Fred Petty, foistow, Va., B. 2.

: For 8»le-^Bahy eideks and hatching fags from mv ^iaa pea B. L Bed a u white Tiegtwrna. Helen Arthur, ^aineavillO^a. 4r4 ^ : ; : . • \ Wanted—Clotiiing saleaman;- splen-# d opiwrUmity. l ine guaranteed TIB6IN Wool by National Wool Qrowwa' Aaaodatioa. Write Nye •bothers, tn» r 8t»N. W..WaaUa«-

Mr. and Mrs. Bordsr Atiiey ai« the

«*Jfl ,**l*'!!!l>vS- Boatwiight vis-ited Mrs. Boatwi^t's motharrSra. Z. J. Alazaader on Sunday.

Mr. Benj. CockriU, of The Plaias. -- the guest of Mr. Herberts!

Moore Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Florrace spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr.

d « t m i i . ^ - * * - * ^ ^ ' ^ ^ P -

Miss Eugenia Osboum speot the week-end m Washington and southern Maryland visiting relatives aad znends.

Miss MargMet Copeo returned from Wastaingtcm after a severe operation m a Washin|:ton hosi»talr and is n<iw tte gu«rt of her sister, Mrs. Joseirii Florence. •

Miss Hazel Nelson, Mrs. H. Elmer Mete and Mr. J. Carl Kincheloe mo­tored to Washington last night, where they attended one of the theatres.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Foote and little daughter, Caroline, and Miss Vir-gmia Nowland, of Alexandria, spent ^ d a y as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Lewis.

Miss Ruth E. Shaver has returned to her position in Washington after spending the Easter holidays at the m>me of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shaver, of near town.

Misses Laura Hooff and Rebecca Trapnell, of Charies Town, W. Va., have returned to their homes after spending the Easto- holidays as the guests of Miss Garaett B^vwn, on Faumew avo^ue. .

Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbons, of Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. Snfos Fowler, of Maryland, visited at the home of Mrs. Gibbons' aiid Mrs. Fow-l ^ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. SAyae , of near tewn, oo Sunday.

Meadames A. E. Spies and B. 8. Hynaon and Miss WiUietto R. Myers purchased, a piano for the Methodist Sunday Sehool on Monday in Wash-jngton ii^ueh is expected to be h«« m tune for tha Sunday services.

Mrs. Clarniee Meetze and daughter left Sunday ' to join Mr.' Meetze in New Brunswick. N. Ji, where they will make their home for the next few months, after which Mr. Meetse ex­pects to be transferred to Huladriphia.

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Pttts and children, Uttfe Miss Patsy and Master David M., jr., of Elk HllC visited rela­tives in Manassas during the Easter holidays. Mr. Pitta has returned to SIk Hill while Mrs. i>itte and eUldnn are yisWiig 1(Z8. Pitte' miim,, Mrs.

Maaunonth Pskht dock Mtra. F.A. ~

Va. 4«-4*

' We are haadquartws for dover seed, ilDW peas, seed potatoes, garden seeds dliid milon Beta. J. H. Bmkm * Co.46

FM> Sale.—Or wiB trade for wril-•adced Holst^n heifm, aged from < •oaths up. Gray horse, |86; bay hone fn; whtte pony, |«0; grey poi^, 1125; rsrcbcxon colt, m years okL flOO; I grain drills, $86 each; 2 single com Plaaters, |16 each; dump eait, $36; 1 aaated carriage, $65; WestOB stock •Iridla, 146; ladies' side saddle, |16; heavy set team road harness, |2J0; set of haad-Biade team harness, collars ••eiaded, cost |186, ncrver been used, wOl sell for 1146; s b ^ carrnge, 120; carriage pola, flOL X. B. WtLgwa. Manassas. Va. 44-tf

S. C Rhode Island Bed eggs from arise winaiag s t o ^ $1.60 par sitting. '• C. Weavar, Manassas, Va. 4S-P

for hatdiing White 11.00 per ao^ig . J. J.

ansssss, Va.

Bock Con-42-tf

^Fer Sale or Exehatwe.—18 acres on Pteacwall road near Msaaasa*. New Iridt tetiant heaae, bara, orchard, 6 *aa4 alfalfa; modern impro>v< fdm H. Nelson, 401 Cetoada Ba WashJagtoB, D. C

Mrs. E. L. Carroll spait Wednesday night in Manassas visiting her sisters, Mesdames Bessie Eliot and R(rf>erta Lynn. Mrs. Cam^ was en route to her home iff OiarlottaaviDe, from Cqpe Girardeau,. Mo., where she has be«r visiting her nieces, Mrs. D. B. Smith aad Mrs. A. L. OUver.

Mr. and Ifos. L. D. Shaver had as their guests Sunday, Mrs. H. M. Jef­fries, of Wellington; Misses Etta, Iva and Nannie WdOs, of Manassas; Miss Bona Mars, af ChariottesviUsi Misa Lolitte Jcfties,. af WeiUogtoa, IS MMsrs. Arviaa aad BoWTWaQs. «< Mswsssss. aad H«suy aad JEDcfais Jef­fries, of waDingtea.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Aylor returned Monday from a week's motor trip through the valley of Virginia where they visited ia Chariaa Towa, W. Va-Winchester, Stanataa, Boaaoln and C3o««rdaIa. WUIa in fltaaatan ^Kf viHted their son^Mr. EUhi A]^,_WIH> is aa instrueter sit tta StavAsi taiy Academy.


tBaJMing. 42-9

/ : .



AUTOMouui mmkBam

Althoui^ the Ford Mob» Company, Detroit has been increasing the ou^nt of Fordsoos daily since the first of the year, retail sales faav* awintained even a greater advance.

April requirements neeessitato the building of four hundred Fordsons a day, and production is being forthcr increased as rspidly as posoble. This is the Ford Company's largest on^nt since 1919, aad it is expected that pro­duction will have Inokcn all previoas records befwe the end of ihm BMBUI.

The increaCed buyiag «^ Fordsons indieatee that the farmer's posittoa ia better and also is the fanaer'k en­dorsement of the Fordaooa prie*<at which <ereated cansidscaMa f«irsiiMSit throughout the country.

Besides the Fordsons being sold for ftirm osa, auwy ars being aold ia tha cities as power anite for haatog. «K>

•'•i'«N • • • o«a« • • • «c


On tomorrow aftemoA the Bet)it»> heas Good HoosekeepeaiT^ will meet at tile home of Mrs. Elafiy C. Round on' Grant svenue^ whtm thcr will be wel­comed and eatortaiaed by Meadamea Booad and W. W. Daviea. Members are urgently recinested to be ptsssnt and answer the r ^ caQ wift a fsvar-ite qaotatiea.—CUoa S. Lay Hodga^ Saeretary.

MmuL.!iiAiCAaaA8 ' "Wmi¥^^^ • ." ."*"*»^^'W^h'- - ^ - w -


. . . r r :B».'M>f%


yui Power Job

^ ^."^-^ . W ^ - , , ! , /

You can plow,ciisk; harrow; harres^

1 thresh, bale bay, |gprtodfeed,£n the silo, saw woo<^ punip waiter, pull 8tiu] ;>S, do road wock or acy other power jdi) around the fsam quicker, easier and at leas cost toyouwitib the Fordsoo Tractor.

Twei^-foar boors eadt day, eveiy working day in iha year it win give miDd-xnom service. legist bat powerful it gets from job to job qoiddy. Easy to opetate and cootrol-'-^ffi-dent, econmrrirri and abov6

« H D & P E N D A ^ ^ Get kitfiepowerw&nning frame of mind DOW. Call, pbona or drop as a xard §ot Cacta. See tlw f xrdaob in pcactiod


$395.60 tV 6. & DctroH



We 4e H the Hofaum way. We hav»reeeatly iastiUied aes at BaKmrn^ Utaat steaai preasiag anddasa so we caa>aBdle yewr work ia a medura aa4 sanitary way. Whea yen have year d e t ^ ^sased hy staaau It Uowa a ^ aB<aat It blows oat eder aad peiaplratioa. it kilb aO gonaa. ItWght«aa the eolor, raiasa the aap aad gives aew Hf to the datk. tt riajsrs ^» far-meat deaa aad saattary, stakes a laatlag cnaaa peasiUa awl rsMSTw * a aMae a perfect joh. HAND WOBK IS NO COMPARISON.

We give spadal attaattsa tai hidtaaT week. Omr if^lmt aad n p a i r i ^ i* 4sae by aa expstt.

PRICES FOR MSN'S WORK: Sait atsaaied aad prMaod $M Salt steamed, deaaad aad prssaad .n Suit tkoraagUy deaaed aad rteaaMd LM


If yoa waat year carpeto aad bod see SM bsfere haviag it dene, aa I c u towa, sead worit hf pared paaL AB atriaL PBICES RBA80NABL&

cavsra tharoagfcly deaaad far s^ia«^ save yoa msasy. If yen ttvi sat i f

gaaraatasi...Far ssrvtea^ giv* • •





Easy to c^pei^ Easy to deaa

De Laval ^sca, bow! pai^ aacl tanvaia ipve ao tabcfc crevicss, holes ar cbRugaled «arfaM wUeh are bard to deaa..

Hie De Laval discs are waibsd m a single piece aad dbe wfaok ssa* dune caa be dtoroogi^ cleaned' it ive Bunites.

Tlie case widi wlikli die De Lavd c a ba AoraogUy waibed aad lupt • a twtaty eoaditiaa is caw reaioa why batter made fraas. D t Lava] cream (cores highest at Iha Natienal Dairy Show.


y/he Chocolates "witft

THEY inake yoa "Choo> olate fauDsery" to look

atliieixL. AU yoQT favorites in cce box. Oh, hxA tiieyVe deUdousI And they are Jknown to many young ladks ktins town already! Atoor Candy Counter, in hand­some, loli-measure boxes.

D O W E L L ' S P H A R M A C Y Manassas Vir^ia

or later yon tviD u s e a

D e I^aival Comwell Supply Company


f or the Kride

JOB w«x a OUR snoALnr


White as tho driven s n o w .

A bocuT:fii i p o r c e l a i n Finish for [ •nomci ino l ivmo room, bi-d rocrn. br, •h r o o m . d i n n'- room, ki • hi-n • y-.i'-i j n d u i o d c p bed-^iir^J

- « Kif t of hstiaff ekana and ^aetieal tet -HHw ahc WiB be vhMid to aae Is h « ewaiMSM.. llMaa»ebcUadagiflfnai tUa cstaUialuacirt iMndis its bwaiy airf Jaswcaltoqaaiity.



Quantico Grocery, Co. QUANTICO.VA.

Al Mafl Oritn or btqabtes wffl nectre tnm^fi aad canfei attwitisa.




Page 6: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern


mmnmnmnmmmmmuBMmmmtm I g There Art Di^priaiiating People 1^ In •r«i7 cMUBvaity who want to parduM UM

b«rt. TlMM s n wr ttimnia. Th*j har* widt oar bMfauM oar roputatioB.

g Their Good Judgment

eg prompta tb« nana of "EDMONDS" whoa UMTO la Bood of Spoctadaa tmi ByaglawM



s SefiffMffM««m««MKmmMM



Commerdd Aoto ^ Siqqily Co. JOS. MtRETNQLDS

Franklin 8075 817-819 14th Street, N. W. Main 519 WASHINGTON, D. C.


W. & J. SLOANE 1508 H Street N. W. WashtexttHi, D. C

FLOOR COVERINGS for Spring and Suimner

BLOCK RUSH BUGS in any/width or l^gtfa, in molt lQB of ISincheg. ART SUPREME BUGS—Jntorestiog aiid deUflbtfoL (MfeCte for summer use. RAG RUGS in every quidity and style. INDIA DRUGGETS, imported floor coTerings in 6x9 (dzes. LINOLEUMS an reUalOe qualities, plaii) and inlaid, im-ported and domestte. ; '' ••

F i w 4Mnrj to aD di^piag poiate ia tke VwHtti Stotas




W« C«riT* CiMjirti Stocfc toTah* Cat* af • • Tov |j6WCSTnUCES

W A L F O R E P S 909 Penna. Arcaae, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C

A Lost Husband A loct hoBband waa recently found at oitr Laneh Coanter eating Ua dionar. Ba joat eookbt nrist oar eetAiaff aad thewayiraaerTwlUin. Nttt1kitlMl0v«dlda«tfalMi,bat he lovad oar cookiBg mort. MOBAL: If aay nieaibara of yowr faaafly ara A. W. O. L, look for tham hare, and eoaa dowB iwuadf aoaaUmi. ft win aot only, do yoo food, tat lM|p femft tta mama/tamf «f that eadlaaa oooldng.

rWa am faai fat tral far kaa.*


A joyful EaaUr « M pMaad v « y quietly mnumt tin people in Pontt-

Mn. NMWie Atehiaon and two daufhten, Marguerite and Katherine, of Waahiogton, apept their Eaatmr at the home of Mr. and Mra. MitdiaB Bettia.

Mr. and Mra. J. F. Dunn and two dauffhtera, Katie and Ruth; Mr. and Mra. fldward Bnrtow and two daogh-twa, Edith and Lucille, all of Waah-inston, apent the week-end with Mra. BJule Dvam and Mra. John Anderaon, and called on other relativea and friends while here, ratondnf Sunday <(veninff to their home.

Mr. and Mra. J. C. Dunn and aooa, Alvin and AiArey, viaited at the hoau of Mr. and Mra. Fred Baber, of Mount, Va., Sunday.

Mr. Clint Abel iretumed to hia home Sundajr after a visit with hia aiatar, Mra. Georgie Comwell, of Oak HUl.

Mra. Virgie Peel, of Dumfriea, called at the home of Mra. Mitchell B«ttfa Sunday.

Mr. C. C. Dunn, of St. Elmo, apent the week-md with hia mother, Mra. Belle Dunn.

Miaa Bachel Abel viaitad h«r aimtr Ifra. Balph Pkoetor, of Damfrka; Monday evening.


Newa haa juat been received of the fatal accident at Occoanan, when little Pteaton Calvert, aee<»ia aon of Mr. and Mra. niilip Calvert, waa run over by a large touring car. The aympathT ox the entire communis ia extended to the family in their bercavem«it.

Eaater aervicea were hdd at the Preabyterian Church Sunday nig^. A large congregation waa in attend­ance. Servicea wwe conducted by Rev. Nichols. Several will be baptis­ed Sunday, April 23, at 4 p. m. Stm-day School at 10 a. m.

Mr. and Mra. J. T. Clarke and Mr. and Mra. P. E. Clarke apent the week-tfid in Stafford.

Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Boatwright vis­ited Mrs. Boatwright's mother, Mra. E. J. Alexander, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clarke w « e Ma-naaaas viaitora Sunday.

Mr. Birtram Kidw^ and Miaa La­dle Clarke attended the ent«tainmait in Dumfriea Saturday night.

Mr. Hemry Hinton and aona, Owrlie and Willie, of Accotink, wore Minnie-viUe viidtora Sunday.

Miaa Pauline Floraio& an aapIsTee of the Bureau of Engraving and Fruit­ing, Washington, apent last weak witji her paiwta, Mr. and Mrs. F. C Fkx-ence. •

Mr. Archie Curtia, of West Vininia, apent the past Week ha« wit£ his brother and slaters.

ESaster holiday waa not observed in the school here. The teacher, Mr. W. Y. Ellioott, spent the waek-eQ4 at his home, "Oriandp."

Our school haa a good attotdaneek Mr. and lira. P. E- Clarke are Wash.*

n visitora this wedc. Agent W. L. Bnwaing w»a a le visiter Monday. -

WoaA on the cheete iM^nay if jxag-resab^t nicely.


enjoy Faj


Gloves,Hoaery,Underwcar The Needd Aa:essories of Every W(iiaii


Our aaaortoaenta are ready to iupplj pr*^ic«Ur •rvrj reqwremant at pricea that are bw for auch excellent qualitiea.

When aiippliea are needed, come to Kann'a vUb ita l>Mt and largeat aaaortmenta.

Women's One-Clasp cape Walk­ing Gloves, P. K. and P. X. M. sewn, with self and black stitched backs. In tan, brown and beav­er shades.


$1.79 Women's One - Clasp Mocha

<}Ioves, P. K. sewn with sdf stitched hacks. In Gray.

Women's Two-Clasp Imported Suede Finish Washable Gloves, withsel^ and black stitched backs. In brown, pgngee, white, |mode and beaver y C - , shades. A pah* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # «7C

Brown Heather Cotton Sport Hosej "knit to fit without a seam". C Q ^ Widened leg, narrowed ankle, shaped root. Special, a pair - - - 09C

Thread Silk Hose, superfashioned; cotton tops and soles. In * | At* black, African brown, Cordovan and gray. A pan* - - - - - ^ * a**0

' Jersey Sport Bldomers. two rows shhring below knees^ elastic band « 7 n ^ top. Reinforced. In black, jade, navy or purple. A pau: - - - • • ^

Silk and Wool Union. Suits, Dutdi neck, dbow sleeves, knee length; low neck, sleeveless, ankle l^igth.. Sized 36 {and Sfi. Hig^ neck, longsleeyefl; low neck, sleeveless, ankk J^igth; Dutdt n e ^ elboW sleeves, knee loigih. Sizes 7, 8 and 9.

Regular sizes, each - ^ - |SI|.S9 Exfara sizes, eadi - ^ - $^.2$


O l

Easter vacation was very pleasantly ' >yed by all here. armera w exceedingly bnay get­

ting ready to pot in apring crtma. Mrs. John lAuaford and son Charles,

spent the wedc-end with Mrs. Lmia-fOrd'a aiater, Mra. Colvin, at Gaitlett.

The nogfaborhood waa very mneh grieved to hear of the demise of U ^ Wallace Storks. Our aympathy is ex­tended to the bereaved widow, efaH-dren and other relativea.

Mr. Auatin Barbae ^Mat the week-,ead wH3i hia Mranta. I ICaa Belle Knebeloe, who has had a Ipocitim in Washingtm, has xetamed : to her home here. ! Mias Nancy Keya spent Easter with j hK parwita. I A very enJoyabU danee waa given at : the iMMne of Mrs. M. V. FloreDoe Sat-; BIday evening. Danda^ eentinned un-«B twrive o'eloek, WIMB a deUgbtfid InebaoB was aerved.

I Mini. G. V. Fairtianka and Mka Maud ' Lee Neman called at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. William F 9s«y Satorday att-

Mfs. Qrnathia Hffl ^ e o t aeverall last week with her son, Mr. J A days

mu. Misa Ethd Ftorswe ia apendiag ser-««1 days at her home near ber»,

lOas Mae Keys haa retomed home afto; spmding sevaral d a ^ ta Wash-

Theodore Hairia, of WasUag-ton, spent the wedc-aDd at the hoaae of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Keys.

Miss Hilda Bunes and brM^CTs, Thomas and HoweU, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. aii>i Mrs. Oias. A Barbae. They wwe aoeoovaaied Iwaie by Min Man Barbee.

Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and children, of Frederickaburg, apent Eaater with Mn. Holmes' father and sistar here^ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klaebdoe and Miss Locy Kinchdoe.

Mr. William Kincbeloe and little daughter, Lucy, of Dunffriea, speat Sunday wtOt relatives here.

Mr. C. A. Batbee attended the fane-ral at Beilehavan «f lb. WaOMe Stsika.


Miss K. Jehaaoa qpaat j Ml— Myrtle Easter hdadays wtOt bar

' aai Mrs. a. Lea M H M . «<

the Mr. Ha-

n,-and Mrs. M. M. WaaUagtoa 'laaaaaaa vfaMon «• Monday

Gladya U. MuMoa. o< Wadi-neial day^Mi weak fa

I Coeke a S d l l r ^ ^ T h l S l - ^ — i ^ T h a r a ^ evealBC at the boMe ci Mr. M m W. H a n T ^

lb. J. W. CedEsriUe apaat d M laat week k Wadriactea. . Miaa Katie CoekariDe waa ia Waah-iagtoB last weak to attaad the mar-

.riauM of Mra. Sva Meredttk. lev. J. R. Cooke wairt to Waahing-

1 ^ thia weA to attaad a maetiiia uf



W< inin^ you to come to our stcnre mi4 look qm prices o¥W on our

Meats, Groceries and Green Vegetables

We find tliat the great majority of people, when they buy food, conskier quality fint and in view of this fact you ¥fill find in our store goods of the best quality only.

We pay cash for all kinds of produce — calves, hogs, chicks, ducks, eggs, butto*, hkliBs, etc.

Our motto is "FuD measure, full weight and honest goods for your money." We aim to PLEASE YOU, if wtt soooeed^ t«l oliMn; it not, teB us. Fahr and cour­teous treatment — prompt service to all Give us a caft whea in need of aayth»|[ in the grocery or tnect

PlioBC vm and we wiB delirer Toor ordw to your door, it ia a pleeaiira foriH to aarve awl pleaae yo«

Page 7: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern

Ji ffTT iTiTTj' B Bl TiwriTfUHiWir | iH)! r j o i p u p y n u m m i i i|ni|!H|Mijii|||.ij BprpMp

R. S. , The Plains, Va. Manufacturer of Fertilizer for THE FARMER Always the Highest Quality. Always the Lowest Price. I offer to any farmer or party of farmers to deliver on car at any sta­tion in this county in car load lots either in straight or mixed ciurs, in 167 lb bags Acid Phosphate sixteen per cent-THIRTEEN DOLLARS per ton. Phosphoric Acid twelve per cent, Potash five per cent—TWENTY-TWO DOLLARS per ton. Ammonia two percent, Phosphoric Acid nine per cent, Potash two per cent-TWENTY-FOUR DOLLARS per ton.

MY ONLY TERMS ARE SPOT CASH ON ARRIVAL OF CAR I am not making these prices to any deader to be resold at a profit I am going to tsdce care of the farmer. PLOW UNDER PEAS AND BEANS AND MAKE POOR LAND RicH,LANa y:^;: ;- ^^:^^ .^^ I have in stock bought direct from large growers in Georgia, Soiith

.Carolina and North Carolina,two carloads Brown and Gray Whippoor-wiU Peas—one car Brabhams Peas and one carload Black Soy Beans. For cutting iw hay use Brabhams or Whippoorwills. For plowing wil­der to improve the land use Black Soy Beans or Black Soy Beans and Peas mixed with peas.

•• • • • - - , • ) , • • • • ' . • • • • : , • • - • •

I have been a merchant fm* the past thirtyK>ne years and a practical farmer for the past seventeen years, and I am giving yoju the results of my observation and experience. Every bushel of these peas and beans are sound select and Recleaned stock and these have been tested for purity and germiiiation by the Virginia Department and none is Jower than 97 per cent purity and 89 percent germination. Some run as high as 96 per cent germination. Be cautious when you buy Mixed Cow Peas on the open market for my expmence vri^ mixed peas has been that they are usually low grade stock and undewable. In fact I have seen some Mixed Peas on the marinet this year with germination as low as 80 per cent I j i m es these peas aiid beau bTWO DOLLAK AND SOmf (BTS per bssy of six aiil dis price wiD go BO b i ^ so ioi as diese four cars last If die market decfaes I wl naK lower prices of coim Write £v saii^ 1 wi be glad to mai yot samples. Apart of my job is to seD cow peas. A part of jov job is lo biy cow peas from the m» *wbo of­fers yoo dm U ^ fiafily ad the lowest price. I am gomg to try to make e?eiy fenMmy friemt art av rate I am foiv

R. S. COCHRAN The Plains, Va. ^

T. O. LATHAM, of Hajmiarket, is my Agent for this G>unty

Page 8: »U) OFPARK MAKES APPEAL A Short Seiiel of Battlefield Park ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · batOea of First and Second Manoasos, M cwnerally known to Southern



I U B J Attond«i 'VL

SueecMfml CotUliM

AVair Ctiib.

HKAD OF PA8K MAKB8 APPSAL I (Contianed from Pmgn One)

The Easter number dance grivcji Monday night by the Manawa* CoUl-lion Club was a decided success. The affair was attmded by one of tb* larg-eat crowds seen on a local daaee floor for some time. , , ^ ,

Music was famished by a three piecr Washington orchestra to which those in attendance danced in perfect harmony except In a single instanee, this bemg in the middle of fox trot when the time suddenly chanjfed, the couples stopped their dancing, wonder­ing, and then caught the strains of a wwlding march. The clapping of hands started and all eyes wore turn­ed to Mr. Elmer MeU and hi| bride who b»d «iter«d th« hall on thi^ num­ber.

Among the out-of-town guests were: Misses Katherine Peters and Lneille Hutchison, of Haymarket; Marie Ward, of Washington, Evelyn and Kathleen Moffett, Lucille Willi*, and Mary and Sallie Fletcher, of Warrenton; Mr. and Mrs. Tink Willis, of Itemington, and Messrs. Rice Mat­thews, Henry Brown, Brooks Parkin­son, Murray Fletcher, Edward Jack­son and Marshall Moffett, of Warroi-ton, and Gustay Peters, Edward Car­ter and Marion Hntcj iaon, of Haymar­ket

dren to know about those great bat­tles, who fought tiiem, why and where. That the schiaols will respond is not-theory. For instance, one State Su­perintendent has pledged his free per-' sonal work In the schools of his State. Think of thatl Then we have a lovely badge button, bearing appropriate words and a pretty Confederate flag. We give it to each donor of one dollar from now on. Nearly every South­erner wants one. But^where are we to get UM needed "banks ? Tbejr rcoat us 18 cents each; the b^ ttons less, much lees; but banks and bottons to supply even one Stan mean a few hun­dred dollars' capital with thousands of dcrilaia certain retam. {

Frsnkly, who shall supply that cap­ital?

Thoae who have been doing so_ar* limited. Too, they people immediately should help more, it is felt. But If the states are to be e^pped, if we are to gather the hatreat awaiting us, t|M reaping machinery most be bought aiid that takes money: not big money, but money such as will hurt no one if all i will Mlp some. |

Now I have shown you how practi­cal «K1 certain this proposition is froia

I have net consider-1

BUCKHALL Th« TCvival meetings at the Uattsd

Brethrui Church closed last Sunday night.

Several of our young people went to Occo<iuan Ashing last Monday.

Miss Lottie Dove, of BraoW, spent the week-end at the Chandler home.

The George Henslejr faniity return­ed to Alexandria Monday after a visit to relatives here.

Mesdames Winslow, Chandler and Smitii called <» Mrs. W. 6. Wallace, who is recovering from a recent opera­tion at Sibley Hospital, Washi^ton, last Sundayevening<

Messrs. W. A. and C. B. Evans and Mesdamea W. A. Evans and Loda Payne visited Mrs. Bertie Pearson at Lortoa last Sunday.

Prayer meetinc at the Methodist Chnid every Thursday night at 7:90 o'clodc The people of tUs vicinity

are tirid. f h i » " »vited to ^ttcBd. to be benefited ^^ *<*««>» «* •op»? **!»• «*Ports last

the the


one source only. ed donations from . . Thonsands will donate.

people generally. mate. Goveraortj

State School Superintendents, men of public life iriio know their people, all testi^ to thi4 fact But, friends, we must reach the people, by letters, by circulars, by committees, in many

ilegitioiate ways; and for tiiose pur. poses who will supply the capital T If not the local int««8ts, who? If not local pariots, who, pray tell m«T |

I Certainly, you have lacked faith. That is why I am addressing this let-; ter to you. I want yon to see what! my finance committee, composed of the

! leading people who are used to doing big things, says, and that is, that this project is possible, is certain, if we can

' "- " We


(Edited under th« Auspices of the Welfare Committee)

The standard of excellence of the school is splendidly sustained by the commercial department The highest record for typewriting speed and accu­racy made during the life of this de­partment has b e ^ made by a member of the senior class. Miss Nelle Hyde,'Of Bristow. A speed of 50 words a min­ute with 100 per cent accuracy is re­quired for graduation. In a 250-word,. - , , . - . ,i , . test from Congressional Record matter 1 get the little capital from now on new to her, she wrote wjth 100 per, must have i t cent accuracy at the rate of 64.« words ' Now, the conclusionof the wh«*» per minute .matter. A man m Pnnce WiUiam

Julian Gregory, another honor stu- coonty who has been asked to he^ dent, recently received a special prise raise $100 of the ten thousand asked of

- - -^-—J f- — I the State, writes: "I am undertaking to raise $100 and

that were circulated Easter aervite at Church was emitted.

Mrs. Chandler attanded the Learae meeting at Bradley last SatoroAy night

Mrs. Marion Morris, of Washingtmi, is visiting hw parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joa. Mayhngh.

A play, entitied "Not a Man in the House," will be given by the yoong

lie of the Community Leagtie at April 28, at 8 o'clock. Two

other featores of the program will %e an "Old Fashioned s ^ an Up-to-Date PropoaaL" Admission, 15c; all under twelve, lOe. Befrashments will be sold.

people of BuckhaU

W0 MfP>ilP9P*Ba9B m9AY,j(asm^.nktxm


tse pi intemationu contest conducted in Chi­cago by Robert Gregg, author of Shorthand. Boys and gixln from Eng­land and Australia usually lead in thu contest, so we feel quite prond ef osr own stndents. Gregory, with twelve others, also received^ tA>e eca^eate 9f

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Prince William County ,to-wit:

To the Sheriff of Prince William Coon-ty, Virginia:

Notiiee is her^y given that an in­formation has this sixth day of April, 1 922, been flled in the Circuit Court of Prince'William Coun^, Virginia, by Thos. H. Lion, attorney for file com­monwealth of Virginia for the county of Prince William^ that a certain per­son, or persons, to-wit: Clayton Lim­ing and Luther Carney on or about the 1st day of April, 1S22, in the said county did milawfully use and operate one Ford touring ear, or machine, with engine numboed Sfin^BS, for teana-porting ardent spieriU i&^gtUj on andf along, the highways of said county in excess of that pennittBd by kw, against the peace and dignity of the Conuneawealtii of Vlrginiai; which said astomobila or maddnOk has been' seised, and is now in the posseasibn daytoa liming-(beeanse of a bbisd executed by Urn on the 0th day of

as much more as possible, from Prince William county. But vpma this ^6l-derstanding: l%at the money will be depositedTm bank here Sntil the sum necessary for the completion of the

, ._^ __^ purchase is raised, and if the fund Is membership fa> the Order (tf S e g g Ar- not gotten then the subaerhttiona from tiste. I the people to be returned dollar for

"Arbor Day" has been observed i'<i<dlar." , . , .„ ^ throughout the past two wedcs. Tlie Sineerely, what real good will that first year Class has planted Engli^ de tins important work? If $100 were Ivy; the third year jclass, Norway all that should be fotmd needed when Spruce; link and second,' shn^>bery. we come to pay for the land most any. An Arbor Day program will be grven'of us would pay i t What we need is next week. I capital The rest is as sure as human . . , ..MO •« V . ™ f i ,»- .SJ ._*_,_-

The montiily meeting of ti» High 'certainty can be. The ten cent banks * ^ ^ 'Jl^^JLi^ ^ Mtomo-School Community League wna held 1 akoe wiU do tiiat work; but it wiU »«»% « ma«ddae fortiwomjnir in cwn-Tliursday afternoon of this week. take two or three thousand dollara'iidianee with an order of ibe eireiut

"Robin Hood" was shown at the. worth ef them. Take, the State where' court of said county), for the par-pose of having the same etmAmtimd and aoU and the proceeds thereof to be ^iqMsed of acewdiair to lair.

Yon are th«r^ore commanded to cite, or summon aU persons conoemed or interested in the «aid sintomobfle, or madiine, to appear befon our^said court on the firftt day of the Jttaa term, I S ^ to-wit, Mdaday, Jane 8, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause why tiie p n y n of the infanaa-tion for condemaatitn and sale dioold not be giaated.

Yea are further coaunaaded to post a eopy of this notice at the front door of the eonrthonae and pnbUali in tiae Manaasas Journal, a newqtaper pnb-lished and ettenlating in.said oeoaty, wbneia soeh aeinre was made, for

coaaeeative waein, aad at least

We have the newest foot wear for Easter and after. Patent lather, suede and sadn are in much demand and straps continue their popularity in many stylesi

Q Our line of spiing suits and dresses are the latest in style and the best in quality.

Q Ginghams, organdies linens and ratines are much used this spring. We have a complete line from which you can choose.

^ In oiir line of hosiery are to be found the best in silk and the latest in sport hose.

^ We always carry a complete lin^ of dry goods Eveiy line of goods we carry bespeaks quality and a visit |o our stcMfewiS ccmvince you.

Dixie theatre Thursday afternoon and' the State siwcrint^lesit is awaiting evening. "Fhis is tluB third picture of a inaterial, $200 worth of banks and flOO series given by the courtesy of Prof.iworth of circulars— for we must tell H. W. Sanders for the bcnrat of tiielthe teaehen about it, pl\H the lettcn history daases.

DUMFSIBS I and postage' to write, to them, will bring us a dear return of about five thousand doUusor m<ure,by mostccm-

iservative estimates. If all the coun-The terrible .accident which occurred ties would go to work, the gentieman's

at Occtfquan Monday, causing tite Prince William proposition would be death of Preeton Calvert, son of Mr. all ri^t; bat letter after letter, inl­and Mrs. Philip Calvert, has been a portnnity aftor importunity only bring great shock to the people of onr ema-1 anal results. That requires capital, munity. Mr. Calvert, now living at Those of us who have givoi freely Bethel, has bera a resUent of onr tomi' and frankly of some money and much for years. itime for two years would stop right

Mrs. Tommie Bell and her daughter, I now if we did not see the certainty «f Jean, are visiting her mother, Mrs..'this success provided yon will give as! W. H. Bniwner. ! tite tools. Let me make it emphatic:

Mr. George Maason, a stadent of <!«rtaiaty with reaaeaable working' the Virginia Seminary, iras a week- capital is not my dream only; I give end visitor of Mr. Leon Waters. lyon the views of big bosiness men.

Miss Ola Abd, a stodeirt of George aien who have spent yean in gather-: Mason Hi|^ Scbm^ apeat her East^ ;'iag money for things of this nature, holidays at the honie of Mr. Walter .we of thtan beinjf a man gathering the """ , » gai H. Keys. j funds fi»' the tieorgia Manorial and

Mrs. H. C %>eake entertained ber anotiier the maa gatherias the Wilson Sunday Scikool class Friday aight j endowment; and each of taem assures

Mr. Harry Tabbs, of New Y o ^ aad me that this battlefield project m-\ Mr. T?T^ 'Tubbs, of Washiagtea, ar-. P«*^ to the hearts and parses of the Washiagtea, _ rived Wednesday eveaiag t» see thi^ father, Mr. JohnTnbiw, who k' lU.

Miss ESIe Adams spent the week- «>»«" us to go proi end with her sister, Mrs. Clande Braw-{^o^ •<>« n n t first

South nM>Te than either of the others, m a t and snecessfnl as they are prov-m^. Keaahs am far as onr capital en-

irov* this. He that buy the seed; and

ner. Rev. A. H. Shumate and Mr Ha-

frroder Keys motored to Fredmeks-bnr« Monday.

Miss Constance Waters returned to Manassas Monday evenmr after spending the KoSdays with her par­ents. Mr. and Mrs. R A. Waters.

Mrs. D. C. Cline and children were callers at the heme of her bratitw, Mr. E. V. Keys, of Breeqr Heigbts, Sunday evenlBg.

Dr. CatoaudfiuailT,of AlexaadrfaL snent Monday with Mr. aad Mis. H. C. Speake.

Messrs. CTaade And Randolph Braw-ner motored to WasUagtaa Wedaes-dav evening.

Mrs. Maria Wheat has retomedi from a visit to Washington.

Mr. A. S. Boatwrittbt. of Manaasaa,' was in Dumfries on bosinees T^Msday.


then he must have faitk m the harvest

five days before the ratmrn day of sodi notice, and mdn dne retom iiereaf at the Jtme t«ni, 1922, of said coart

^taeas , Gee. 6 . l ^ e r , el«tk of onr said court, at the cooithoaae thereof, intheeoBB^ and state itfnasaid, tiw^ Ttii day ef April, 1922, aad in llw IMtk year of the Coaunonwealth.

GBO. G. TTLBK, Oeilc.

F U S S E L L ^ S Real Cream Ice Cream

Sold At Eawaids A Sei^s QMtty "i i TiTii

Futtell-Young Ice Cream C a 1306 WiaconuR Ave., N. W.


f Miss Geonde Brockett. Reporter) The Bethel Agriculture and Honte

Economies Chib met Thursday after-j n<wn. April 18. The president pre-j w * « »•«• the meeting and after the roll call the secretary read the minutes.

When the question was pot to a vote as to whether or not the chrt> members should compete witii club membets only or in the general booths for prises at the «>mminiity fair it was aaaaai-monaly decided to ceaipste witt dob members only.

After the bosinees of the memtliis had bean attended to the d A • ^ e m . ed to aact again OB May U, at S p. a .

IN MKMOUAM In sad but kyviag riwiiiiliiiin.ii e«

my dear son and bratiMr..SaMi Naaii. who departed this Hfe i ^ y m M Z April 14. 1917. ^ ^ SurrtMiaded by friends, I'm Inniauias, la the midst of pleasure, iSn Mae, A smile on mv face, but a heartache, Pm always thinking of you.

By his loving Mother and Sister.





Ckvth That Is AH-Wool Assures the utmort Vatocaod Satisfactioii for a garment, because it is of tbe BmaiL

raiming witn L A M SEMI-PASTE PAINT

and UM^ ML to nmc into h, tint is an Uif^xst Qualitjr—assures Utmost VaJoe, greatest Years o< Wear and I—tCsit

"SMITN PAID LESS THAN JONEST JOKES pMd $41 for 14 Galloos of

"rady far use" Mixed PAINT— SMITH made 14 GaOons (rf the Beat

P«e PftioC for $34JI, b]r boyiag t Gab. L A • SMtftrit Mrt and • Gab. Linseed Oil to mix i i^ it


Srttmiutj' —rf f»r SO


Jenki ms "The



The Washmgbm Wood Working Company JOHN F. MUMtELU fiepristor

Maiwfactiiretaof H i ^ Gr«^C»hfart#»aMiUwork ~IWAUOU WL. / " •

3 u i d ^ njr Wood I>iM|a, Slkeet lUcI^ Comiw UpMM ' MU WeA ^ ' • ^ - -,"

LUMBER T w e k h a i ^ B Sts„ N. W . WMMn<t.m,P^C


BKtmUr, A9A 22. IS»

Under and by Tirtae of a deed of trust executed Iqr !!• A. and IL S. FItswater, dated Sept. 8,1917, and duly recorded in the derVa ^Sce ot Vbe cimiit eoort of Friace WiBiam eoanty, default having been made in HM pay­ment of the note tiierdiiy aecor-ed, and beii« required by the beneficiary'therein named to exe­cute the said tnut, tbe ander-aigaed trustee shall, on Satur­day, Aprfl 22, 1922, in front of the Peoples National Bank, in the town of ManniiHas, Va^ offer for sale to UM hiflrheet bidder, tor cash, the following described land aad i^eraises, to wit:

That certain lot ar tract of bad lying and bdng sitnato ia Prince William County, Virginia, at at near King's Croas Boads, and beginning at a stake, comer to a conditional Uae between W.j B. Watrooa aad aaid bad; tbenea N. 20^ E. MA poke to B^ a' •take OB tile aerth sida of the Watauit Braaeh road; tbeaeel with said road N. 81 W. 60 poba to C^ a staka on the sooth dde of said road; thence S. 21% W. 75.4' pedes to B, a comer to said con-j ditioBal line, thence with asid liae S. 69 E. 60 poles to the be­ginning and containing 26 acrea, &M««orIeaa. U^ C. A. SINCLAIR, Trostoa.'


We hare ju»t received a car of Em­erson Buggies. If in need of a bug­gy, call and see them. Prices right

Larkin-DoiTell Conq>any Manassas, Virginia

Pay Your Subscription in Advance