U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Special Relief Service. IT.CT. Knnpp, O-eiiera.l Superintend en t, Office 244 F St., Washington, D. 0. J. 33. Abbott. Chief Assistant, Office 389 11 St., Washington, D. C. THE SPECIAL RELIEF SERVICE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, includes among its objects, The provision, at its "Homes" and "Lodges," of temporary shelter, food and care to discharged and furloughed men. Tho adjustment of Claims and Accounts of Soldiers and Seamen without cost to them. The protection of Soldiers and Seamen from imposture and fraud. The prevention of false claims being brought against the Government. The furnishing gratuitous advice and informa- tion to Soldiers and Seamen, and to their families and friends. LOCATION 03T" SOLDIERS' "HOMES" and "LODGES," OF THE U. S. Sanitary Commission. ALEXANDRIA, VA. "Alexandria Lodge." Orange and Alexandria Railroad Station. J. B. Holt, Superintendent. ANNAPOLIS, MD. "Home for Soldiers' Wives and Mothers." Mrs. Hopes Sayres, Matron. BALTIMORE, MD. "Soldiers" Home. No. 62 Conway Street. A. E. Hastings, Sup't. BOSTON, MASS. " Soldiers' Home." No, 70 Kingston Street. Charles F. Mudge, Sup't., near Beaton and Worcester Railroad Dept. BUFFALO, N. Y. ."Soldiers' Rest." Ex- change Street, opposite Central Railroad Depot. Mrs. H. Indevine, Matron. CAIRO, ILL. "Soldiers' Home." 0. N. Ship- man, Superintendent. CAMP NELSON, KY. "Soldiers' Home." Thomas Butler, Superintendent. CINCINNATI. O. "Soldiers' Home." Third Street. Col. G. W. D. Andrews, Supt. CLEVELAND, O. "Soldiers' Home." Jos. Jerome, Sup't. COLUMBUS, O. "Soldiers' Home." T. E. Botsford, Sup't. DETROIT, MICH. " Soldiers' Home. No. 81 Jefferson Avenue. HARRISBURG, PA. "Soldiers' Lodge."— Near the Railroad Depot. W. H. Hadley, Su- perintendent. HARTFORD, CT. " Soldiers' Lodge." Near Railroad Station. O. B. Segir, Sup't. JEFFERSON VILLE, Ind. "Soldiers' Home." New Market Street, near the Depot. E. T. Smith, Sup't. LOUISVILLE, KY. " Soldiers' Home." V. Scott, Sup't. MEMPHIS, TENN. "Soldiers' Lodge." Near Landing. C. W. Christy, Superintendent and Relief Agent. NASHVILLE, TENN. "Soldiers' Home." Captain I. Bray ton, Sup't. NEW ALBANY, IND. "Soldiers' Home." Corner of Main and State Streets. NEW ORLEANS, LA. "Soldiers' Home." Corner Magazine and Julia Streets. Sumner Ballard, Sup't. PHILADELPHIA, PA. "Soldiers' Lodge." Near P. W. & B. R. R. Station. PADUCAH, KY. " Soldiers' Home." E. D. Way, Sup't. PORTSMOUTH, VA. " Soldiers' Home." John L. Alcooke, Sup't. RICHMOND, VA. "Soldiers' Home." Goo. T. Williams, Sup't. WILMINGTON, N. C. "Soldiers' Lodge." Market Street. P. B. Foster, Sup't. WASHINGTON, D. C. "The Home." No. 374 North Capital Street. J. B. Clark, Sup't. "Home for Soldiers' Wives and Mothers." No. 880 North Capitol Street. J. B. Clark, Sup't. " Lodge No. 4." No. 389 II Street. D. G. Loomis, Sup't. " Lodge No. 5." Maryland Avenue, near Washington and Alexandria Railroad Station. D. G. Loomis, Sup't. "Lodge No. 6." Foot of Sixth Street. How- ard MePherran, Sup't. IT. 8. Sanitary Commission, Special Ifcelief Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. «r No. 389 II Street, Between Thirteenth and Fourteenth >Sts., South Side, [Opposite Dr. Gurley's Church.] OFFICERS, SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN Can, at the above office, have the necessary papers made out, correspondence attended to, and ALL NEEDED ASSISTANCE FURNISHED IX RKOAKD TO PUOCUKINO Pay, _t3otx_ity 9 PRIZE MONEY, And Arrears of Pay & Bounty, WITHOUT CHA.T_GMB_. If sick or wounded, and unable to apply in person send your name and address, with a statement whether you wisli to make an application for a pension, or want assistance in collecting your pay, to the above Office, and the Agent will visit you and transact your busi- ness without delay. Officers of the Army and Navy will confer a great favor upon the men under their command by referring them, when discharged, tothisofheeforany assistance they may need. The above work is done by men of ample experience, possessing all needed facilities at the various Depart- ments. N. 13. Each applicant for a pension should bring with him two persons able to make oath that they be- lieve he is the person he represent- himself to be. FOOD AND LODGING Are provided at the same place lor all men on sick leave, and to discharged soldiers on their way from the army to their homes, FREE OF EXPENSE. J. B. ABBOTT, Chief Assistant "Special Relief" Service. a7_E_E_E_ IT. 8. Sanitary Commission, 374 NORTH CAPITOL STREET, [2d House fro in rear of Railroad Station, toward the Capitol,] Washington, D. C. The object of "The Home" is to furnish to invalid soldiers discharged or furloughed, pass- ing through Washington, such protection and assistance (food, lodging, medical care, itec.,) as they need, while otherwise unprovided for. In connection with "The Homo" is a corps of couriers whose duty it is to see that all disabled soldiers going to their homes are eared for by the way. Acourier will leave Washington each day, (Sunday excepted,) on the 6 P. M. Express train, lor New York ; also for the Northern Central R. R., and the Bait. & Ohio R. R. for the west, on the evening Express trains. All information concerning Transportation, Hospital Cars, movement of Railroad Trains, &c, Ac, will be given at "The Home." J. B. CLARK, Superintendent. UTS. ARMY HOSPITAITcARS, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, under direction of Surgeon R. O. Abbott, U. S. A., Med- ical Director Department of Washington. For information regarding trips, apply to A. A. Surg. Sol. Andrews, Jr., U. S. A., or of Jas. Carnagen, Steward of U. S. Sanitary Commission, on the cars at the B. & O. Railroad Station, Washing- ton, 1). C. U, S. Sanitary Commission—Hospital Car Service. NEW YORK AND BOSTON LINE. Hospital Cart between NeW York and Boston, via New Haven, Hartford, ami Springfield, leave 27ttl Street Station, New York. dally, at 8 o'clOOk P- M., i" charge of Stewards Aekeriuan aud Bowers, under the direction of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. DISCHARGE PAY OFFICE, No. 359 IISt. North, Near 13th St. West, WASHINGTON, D. C. AT THIS OFFICE ALLENLISTED VOLUNTEERS Discharged from the U. S. Army make a final .set- tlement of their accounts, whether discharged to ac- cept promotion, re-enlist as Veteran Volunteers, or on account of Disability. All Soldiers having business at this office are ear- nestly requested to present their claims personally, and not put them into the hands of claim agents, as they are attended to promptly and always take prece- dence to claims prebented by those agents. Maj. D. TAYLOR, May 16.1865.] Paymaster v. S. A., in Char_e. SOLDIER'S TICKETS CAN BE BOUGHT AT Government Rates AT NO. 889 II ST., bet. 13th And 14th, Washington, _Z>. C, From Washington, by Baltimore and Ohio It. 11., to the following places : Philadelphia, |8 fiO Parkersburg, $8 50 New York, 5 65 Zanesville, 10 25 New Haven, 7 75 Columbus, 11 75 Hartford, 8 50 Cincinnati, 14 25 Springfield, 9 00 Louisville, 19 00 Worcester, 10 10 Indianapolis, 15 50 Providence, 10 05 St. Louis, O. &M. 21 25 Boston, viaSp'fi'd, 11 00 St. Louis, T.H&A. 21 25 Boston, via Pro'd'e 11 00 Cleveland, 11 00 Boston, via Sound, 9 65 Toledo, 13 50 Albany, 890 Detroit, all rail, 15 00 Also, tiy R AO. R. It., viaj Detroit, lake, 13 00 «r, WcsttVir S inia: Chicago, 17 75 Wheeling, 5 50 At Cor. Pcnna. Aye. & 6th Sts,, and at 463 C St., near New Jersey Aye., from Baltimore, Md*via North Central & Perm. H. It,, to the following places : \u2666Note.— The additional Tickets from Washington to Baltimore, for persons going by this route, can be purchased at the Ticket Office of the Baltimore and Ohio R. It. Co. at theStatiou, Washington, for $1 50 Syracuse, $8 65 Oswego, 9 35 Dunkirk, 9 35 St. Louis, via Crest, and Ind., 20 25 Cairo, via P. C. and Ind., 21 50 Chicago, via C. and Toledo, 16 75 Elmira, 5 50 Pittsburgh, 6 90 Cleveland, 10 00 Columbus, via Crestline, 10 75 Cincinnati, via Crestline and Columbus, 13 25 Indianapolis, via Crestline, 14 50 Detroit, via Cleveland and Toledo, 13 70 C hicago, via Fort Wayne, 16 75 Columbus, via Steubenville, 10 75 Cincinnati, via Steubenville and Columbus, 13 25 Indianapolis, via Steubenville &Columbus, 14 50 Detroit, via Cleveland and Lake, 12 25 Crestline, 10 80 Fort Wayne, 13 50 Rochester, 7 55 Buffalo, 8 80 Cairo, via S. C. and C, 21 50 Binghanilon, via Elmira, 7 00 Rome, 9 45 Utica, 9 75 Kingston, 4 45 Danville, 3 40 St:ran ton, 4 80 Northumberland, 3 15 Lewisburg, 3 30 Milton, 3 35 Williamsport, 3 95 Jersey Shore, 4 15 Lock Haven, 4 45 Toledo, 12 50 Salamanca, via Elmira, 8 45 Batavia, via Elmira, 7 95 Corning, 5 90 Owego, 6 25 Dayton, via Steubenville, 13 05 Dayton, via Crestline, 13 00 St. Louis, via Cincinnati, 20 20 Louisville, via Cincinnati, 16 00 Louisville, via Cincinnati & Indianapolis, 16 00 Canandai„ua, 6 95 Geneva, via Lake, 7 40 Auburn, via Lake, 9 20 St. Paul, via C. &N.W. & Mil. Junction, 26 60 Prairie Dv Chien, via C. & N. W. & M. J'n, 21 25 Jamestown, 9 35 Corrv, 9 85 Meadville, 10 75 Louisville, 16 20 Cairo, 15 00 Soldiers belonging to the State of Ohio (only) can obtain Tickets at still lower rates by apply- ing to James C. Wetmore, Esq., "Ohio State Military Agency," No. 258 F street, between 13th and 14th. Ration Money.—The War Department has finally fixed the rate of rations for exchanged prisoners of war at 25 cents per day for the time in captivity.

U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. IT. 8. Sanitary Commission ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89038091/1865-06-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Col. G. W. D. Andrews, Supt. ... HARTFORD, CT. " Soldiers

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Page 1: U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. IT. 8. Sanitary Commission ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89038091/1865-06-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Col. G. W. D. Andrews, Supt. ... HARTFORD, CT. " Soldiers

U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION.Special Relief Service.

IT.CT. Knnpp, O-eiiera.l Superintend ent,Office 244 F St., Washington, D. 0.

J. 33. Abbott. Chief Assistant,Office 389 11 St., Washington, D. C.


U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION,includes among its objects,

The provision, at its "Homes" and "Lodges,"oftemporary shelter, food and care to dischargedand furloughed men.

Tho adjustment of Claims and Accounts ofSoldiers and Seamen without cost to them.

The protection of Soldiers and Seamen fromimposture and fraud.

The prevention of false claims being broughtagainst the Government.

The furnishing gratuitous advice and informa-tion to Soldiers and Seamen, and to their familiesand friends.



U. S. Sanitary Commission.ALEXANDRIA,VA. "Alexandria Lodge."

Orange and Alexandria Railroad Station. J. B.Holt, Superintendent.

ANNAPOLIS, MD. "Home for Soldiers'Wives and Mothers." Mrs. Hopes Sayres,Matron.

BALTIMORE, MD. "Soldiers" Home. No.62 Conway Street. A. E. Hastings, Sup't.

BOSTON, MASS. " Soldiers' Home." No, 70Kingston Street. Charles F. Mudge, Sup't.,near Beaton and Worcester Railroad Dept.

BUFFALO, N. Y. ."Soldiers' Rest." Ex-change Street, opposite Central Railroad Depot.Mrs. H. Indevine, Matron.

CAIRO, ILL. "Soldiers' Home." 0. N. Ship-man, Superintendent.

CAMP NELSON, KY. "Soldiers' Home."Thomas Butler, Superintendent.

CINCINNATI. O. "Soldiers' Home." ThirdStreet. Col. G. W. D. Andrews, Supt.

CLEVELAND, O. "Soldiers' Home." Jos.Jerome, Sup't.

COLUMBUS, O. "Soldiers' Home." T. E.Botsford, Sup't.

DETROIT, MICH. " Soldiers' Home. No. 81Jefferson Avenue.

HARRISBURG, PA. "Soldiers' Lodge."—Near the Railroad Depot. W. H. Hadley, Su-perintendent.

HARTFORD, CT. " Soldiers' Lodge." NearRailroad Station. O. B. Segir, Sup't.

JEFFERSON VILLE,Ind. "Soldiers' Home."New Market Street, near the Depot. E. T.Smith, Sup't.

LOUISVILLE,KY. " Soldiers' Home." V.Scott, Sup't.

MEMPHIS, TENN. "Soldiers' Lodge." NearLanding. C. W. Christy, Superintendent andRelief Agent.

NASHVILLE, TENN. "Soldiers' Home."Captain I. Bray ton, Sup't.

NEW ALBANY, IND. "Soldiers' Home."Corner of Main and State Streets.

NEW ORLEANS, LA. "Soldiers' Home."Corner Magazine and Julia Streets. SumnerBallard, Sup't.

PHILADELPHIA, PA. "Soldiers' Lodge."Near P. W. & B. R. R. Station.

PADUCAH, KY. " Soldiers' Home." E. D.Way, Sup't.

PORTSMOUTH, VA. " Soldiers' Home."John L. Alcooke, Sup't.

RICHMOND, VA. "Soldiers' Home." Goo.T. Williams, Sup't.

WILMINGTON, N. C. "Soldiers' Lodge."Market Street. P. B. Foster, Sup't.

WASHINGTON, D. C. "The Home." No.374 North Capital Street. J. B. Clark, Sup't.

"Home for Soldiers' Wives and Mothers."No. 880 North Capitol Street. J. B. Clark, Sup't.

" Lodge No. 4." No. 389 II Street. D. G.Loomis, Sup't.

" Lodge No. 5." Maryland Avenue, nearWashington and Alexandria Railroad Station.D. G. Loomis, Sup't.

"Lodge No. 6." Foot of Sixth Street. How-ard MePherran, Sup't.

IT. 8. Sanitary Commission,Special Ifcelief Office,

WASHINGTON, D. C.«r No. 389 IIStreet,

Between Thirteenth and Fourteenth >Sts., South Side,[Opposite Dr. Gurley's Church.]

OFFICERS, SOLDIERS AND SEAMENCan, at the above office, have the necessary papers

made out, correspondence attended to, andALL NEEDED ASSISTANCE FURNISHED


Pay, _t3otx_ity 9PRIZE MONEY,

And Arrears of Pay & Bounty,WITHOUT CHA.T_GMB_.

Ifsick or wounded, and unable to apply in personsend your name and address, with a statement whetheryou wisli to make an application for a pension, or wantassistance in collecting your pay, to the above Office,and the Agent will visit you and transact your busi-ness without delay.

Officers of the Army and Navy will confer a greatfavor upon the men under their command by referringthem, when discharged, tothisofheeforany assistancethey may need.

The above work is done bymen ofample experience,possessing all needed facilities at the various Depart-ments.

N. 13. Each applicant for a pension should bringwith him two persons able to make oath that they be-lieve he is the person he represent- himself to be.

FOOD AND LODGINGAre provided at the same place lor all men on sickleave, and to discharged soldiers on their way fromthe army to their homes,


Chief Assistant "Special Relief" Service.


IT. 8. Sanitary Commission,374 NORTH CAPITOL STREET,

[2d House fro in rear of Railroad Station, towardthe Capitol,]

Washington, D. C.The object of "The Home" is to furnish to

invalid soldiers discharged or furloughed, pass-ing through Washington, such protection andassistance (food, lodging, medical care, itec.,) asthey need, while otherwise unprovided for.

In connection with "The Homo" is a corps ofcouriers whose duty it is to see that all disabledsoldiers going to their homes are eared for by theway. Acourier will leave Washington each day,(Sunday excepted,) on the 6 P. M. Express train,lor New York ; also for the Northern Central R.R., and the Bait. & Ohio R. R. for the west, onthe evening Express trains.

All information concerning Transportation,Hospital Cars, movement of Railroad Trains,&c, Ac, will be given at "The Home."

J. B. CLARK, Superintendent.

UTS. ARMY HOSPITAITcARS,Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, underdirection of Surgeon R. O. Abbott, U. S. A., Med-ical Director Department of Washington. Forinformation regarding trips, apply to A. A. Surg.Sol. Andrews, Jr., U. S. A., or of Jas. Carnagen,Steward of U. S. Sanitary Commission, on thecars at the B. & O. Railroad Station, Washing-ton, 1). C.U, S. Sanitary Commission—Hospital


Hospital Cart between NeW York and Boston, via New Haven,Hartford, ami Springfield, leave 27ttl Street Station, New York.dally,at 8 o'clOOk P- M., i" charge of Stewards Aekeriuan aud

Bowers, under the direction of the U. S. Sanitary Commission.

DISCHARGE PAY OFFICE,No. 359 IISt. North, Near 13th St. West,


ATTHIS OFFICE ALLENLISTED VOLUNTEERSDischarged from the U. S. Army make a final .set-

tlement of their accounts, whether discharged to ac-cept promotion, re-enlist as Veteran Volunteers, or onaccount of Disability.

AllSoldiers having business at this office are ear-nestly requested to present their claims personally,and not put them into the hands of claim agents, asthey are attended to promptly and always take prece-dence to claims prebented by those agents.

Maj. D. TAYLOR,May 16.1865.] Paymaster v. S. A., in Char_e.


Government RatesAT NO. 889 IIST., bet. 13th And 14th,

Washington, _Z>. C,

From Washington, by Baltimore andOhio It. 11., to the following places :

Philadelphia, |8 fiO Parkersburg, $8 50New York, 5 65 Zanesville, 10 25New Haven, 7 75 Columbus, 11 75Hartford, 8 50 Cincinnati, 14 25Springfield, 9 00 Louisville, 19 00Worcester, 10 10 Indianapolis, 15 50Providence, 10 05 St. Louis, O. &M. 21 25Boston, viaSp'fi'd, 11 00 St. Louis, T.H&A. 21 25Boston, via Pro'd'e 11 00 Cleveland, 11 00Boston, via Sound, 9 65 Toledo, 13 50Albany, 890 Detroit, all rail, 15 00Also, tiy R AO. R. It., viaj Detroit, lake, 13 00«r,

WcsttVir Sinia: Chicago, 17 75Wheeling, 5 50At Cor. Pcnna. Aye. &6th Sts,, and at 463 C St.,

near New Jersey Aye., from Baltimore,Md*via North Central &Perm. H.

It,, to the following places :\u2666Note.— The additional Tickets from Washington to

Baltimore, for persons going by this route, can bepurchased at the Ticket Office of the Baltimore andOhio R. It. Co. at theStatiou, Washington, for $1 50Syracuse, $8 65Oswego, 9 35Dunkirk, 9 35St. Louis, via Crest, and Ind., 20 25Cairo, via P. C. and Ind., 21 50Chicago, via C. and Toledo, 16 75Elmira, 5 50Pittsburgh, 6 90Cleveland, 10 00Columbus, via Crestline, 10 75Cincinnati, via Crestline and Columbus, 13 25Indianapolis, via Crestline, 14 50Detroit, via Cleveland and Toledo, 13 70C hicago, via Fort Wayne, 16 75Columbus, via Steubenville, 10 75Cincinnati, via Steubenville and Columbus, 13 25Indianapolis, via Steubenville &Columbus, 14 50Detroit, via Cleveland and Lake, 12 25Crestline, 10 80Fort Wayne, 13 50Rochester, 7 55Buffalo, 8 80Cairo, via S. C. and C, 21 50Binghanilon, via Elmira, 7 00Rome, 9 45Utica, 9 75Kingston, 4 45Danville, 3 40St:ran ton, 4 80Northumberland, 3 15Lewisburg, 3 30Milton, 3 35Williamsport, 3 95Jersey Shore, 4 15Lock Haven, 4 45Toledo, 12 50Salamanca, via Elmira, 8 45Batavia, via Elmira, 7 95Corning, 5 90Owego, 6 25Dayton, via Steubenville, 13 05Dayton, via Crestline, 13 00St. Louis, via Cincinnati, 20 20Louisville, via Cincinnati, 16 00Louisville, via Cincinnati &Indianapolis, 16 00Canandai„ua, 6 95Geneva, via Lake, 7 40Auburn, via Lake, 9 20St. Paul, via C. &N.W. & Mil.Junction, 26 60Prairie Dv Chien, via C. & N. W. & M. J'n, 21 25Jamestown, 9 35Corrv, 9 85Meadville, 10 75Louisville, 16 20Cairo, 15 00

Soldiers belonging to the State of Ohio (only)can obtain Tickets at still lower rates by apply-ing to James C. Wetmore, Esq., "Ohio StateMilitary Agency," No. 258 F street, between 13thand 14th.

Ration Money.—The War Department hasfinally fixed the rate of rations for exchangedprisoners of war at 25 cents per day for the timein captivity.