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Annexe “J” au Code Sportif InternationalClassification, définition et spécifications des voitures

Appendix “J” to the International Sporting CodeClassification, definition and specifications of cars

Anhang “J” zum internationalen Automobil-SportgesetzEinteilung, Begriffsbestimmungen und Erlâuterungen der Fahrzeuge

Allegato “J” al Codice Sportive InternazionaleClassificazione, definizione e caratteristiche delle vetture

© 1 9 7 1 Fédération Internationale de l’A utom obile97


Appendix Jto the International Sporting Code 1971

Classification, definition and specifications of cars

Specifications in ila iics are interpretations o r expianations given by the C S I since the introduction o f the present Appendix " J " in 1966



A r t . 251.—C a te g o r ie s and g ro u p s : cars com peting in events shall be d is tr i­buted in to the fo llo w in g categories and g roups:

C a te g o ry A : recognized p roduction cars (num bers between brackets are those o f the required m inim um p roduction in 12 consecutive m onths).

— Group 1 ; series-p roduction tou ring cars (5,000).— G roup 2 ; special tou ring cars (1,000).— G roup 3 : series-p roduction grand tou ring cars (1,000).— G roup 4 : speciai grand tou ring cars (500).— G roup 5 : sports cars (25).

C a te g o ry B : expérim entai com petition cars.— Group 6 : p roto type-sports cars.

C a te g o ry C : racing cars.— Group 7 : tw o-sea ter racing cars.— G roup 8 : fo rm u ia racing cars.— Group 9 : fo rm u la lib re racing cars.



A r t . 252.—D e f in it io n s a) R e c o g n iz e d p ro d u c tio n c a rs : cars o f w hich the series-p roduction o f a certa in num ber o f identica l (see d e fin itio n o f th is word hereafter) cars, has been com pieted w ith in a certa in period o f tim e, and w hich are m eant fo r the norm al sale (see below) to the Ind iv idual purchaser. Th is period o f tim e is o f 12 consecutive m onths. The checking o f the ex is ting m inim um p.’'oduction enables the A O N to apply to the F IA fo r recogn ition (see th is w ord below).

b) E x p e rim e n ta l c o m p e t it io n c a rs : cars w hich have noth ing or w hich have no more to do w ith a se ries-p roduction vehicle, e ither th a t on ly one o f the type has been bu ilt, o r th a t the num ber o f un its w hich has been b u ilt is in fe rio r to w hat is required fo r the group fo r w h ich the m inim um num ber o f un its annua lly produced is the sm allest, o r tha t a lthough they orig ina te from a se ries-p roduction car, they have been m odified or equipped w ith new accessories to the p o in t th a t the ir se ries-p roduction nature has been lost.

c ) R a c in g c a rs : cars m anufactured solely fo r speed races on a c irc u it o r a



closed course. These cars are generally defined by the in te rna tiona l racing fo rm u lae the spec ifica tions o f w hich are fixed by the F IA fo r a certa in period of time. Racing cars not being defined by any in ternationa l fo rm u la are said to be “ fo rm u le lib re ” and th e ir sp ec ifica tions m ust in th a t case be set ou t in the supplem entary regu la tions of the event.

d) Id e n tic a l: by “ iden tica l” cars are meant cars be longing to one and the same fab rica tion series and w hich have the same coachw ork (ou ts ide and Inside), same m echanical com ponents and same chassis (even though th is chassis may be am algam ated w ith the coachw ork in case o f a unitary construc tion ).

“ M echanical com ponents" inc lude a ll parts fo r the propu ls ion , suspension, steering and braking system and a ll accessories w hether m oving or n o t w hich are necessary fo r th e ir r^ormal fu n c tio n in g (such as fo r instance, e lectric acces­sories).

By chassis is m eant the s tructu re o f the car w hich holds m echanical com ­ponents and coachw ork together, and inc ludes any struc tu ra l part w hich is located below the horizonta l plane passing th rough the centre o f the wheel hubs.

e) M in im um production : th is m inim um production, d iffe ren t fo r each group o f cars, applies to cars w hich are identica l, the m anufacturing o f w hich has been fu lly com pleted w ith in a period o f 12 consecutive m onths.

By "m in im um series” should be understood on ly a number o f entire ly fin ished cars, eg, cars in runn ing condition and ready fo r delivery to the purchasers.

f) N orm a l sa le : means the d is trib u tio n of cars to ind iv idua l purchasers th rough the norm al com m ercia l channels o f the m anufacturer.

g ) R eco g n itio n : is the o ffic ia l ce rtifica tio n made by the F IA th a t a m inim um num ber o f cars o f a spec ific model has been made on se ries-p roduction term s to ju s t ify c lass ifrca tlon in group 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , o r 5 o f these regulations. A p p lica tion fo r recogn ition shall be subm itted to the F IA by the A C N o f the coun try in w hich the vehicle Is m anufactured and shall enta il the draw ing up of a recogn ition form (see below). It m ust be estab lished In accordance w ith the special regulations, called “ Regulations fo r R ecogn ition ", laid down by the F IA , and a m anufacturer w ish ing to obta in the recogn ition o f h is model(s) m ust undertake to abide by the ir p rescrip tions. R ecognition w ill only be granted to car-m ode ls w hich were s till in p roduction on 1st January 1969 or the production o f w h ich was started after th a t date. R ecognition o f a series-produced car w ill become void 4 years after the date on w hich the series-p roduction o f the said model has been stopped.

R ecognition of a model may only be valid fo r one group. The transfe rring o f a previously recognized model from one group to another w ill therefore n u llify the e ffect o f the said previous recognition.

Defin itive abandonment o f the series-productionThe series production is regarded as com pletely stopped i f the m onth ly rate has

decreased fo r more than four consecutive m onths to below 1/12th o f the m inim um figure required by the Appendix " J ” fo r the m inim um production o f the group in which the model is recognized.

D efin ition o f the term "m ode l o f car"By "m ode l o f ca r" is meant a ll the cars belonging to a production series d istingu ish­

able by a specific conception and specipc external general lines o f the coachwork, and by an identica l mechanical conception o f the engine and the transm ission to the wheels.

A m odel o f car may exist in several variants (fo r example, d ifferent power o r engine cylinder-capacity), which may possib ly be the subject o f separate recognitions.



However, taking the A rt. 252g as a basis, it m ust be pointed out that, i f the Sub- Commission fo r Recognitions has the possib ility, fo r practical reasons, to authorize the recognition o f certain variants o f a same car-m odel in d ifferent Groups o f cars, the princip le o f a simultaneous recognition o f variants o f a same m odel in Groups 1 and 2 {Touring Cars) on the one hand, and in Groups 3, 4 and 5 {Grand Touring and Sport) on the other hand, remains forbidden.

h) R e c o g n it io n fo rm s : all cars recognized by the F iA shall be the sub jec t o f a descrip tive fo rm called recogn ition fo rm on w hich shall be entered all data enabling iden tifica tion o f the said model.

To th is e ffec t only the standard recogn ition fo rm s and standard additional fo rm fo r ‘ ‘ norm al evolution o f the type” and “ varian t” approved by the F IA shall be used by a il A C N s.

The p roduction of the fo rm s at scru tineering and/or at the s ta rt may be required by the prom oters w ho w ill be entitled to refuse the partic ipa tion o f the en tran t In the event In case o f non-p roduction .

In case o f any doub t rem aining a fte r the checking o f a model o f car aga inst its recogn ition fo rm , the scru tineers w ou ld have to re fer e ither to the m aintenance booklet published fo r the use o f the make’s d is trib u to rs o r to the general cata logue in w hich are lis ted all spare parts.

It w ill rest w ith the com petito r to obta in the recogn ition fo rm and, if need be, the add itiona l fo rm s concern ing h is car, from the A C N o f the m anufacturing country o f the vehicle.

Wheriever the scru tin iz ing o f a car shows the complete compliance o f i t w ith its recognition form , inasmuch as is required fo r the group in which i t is adq^itied, there is no need to w orry about its year o f fabrication.

Therefore, the chassis and engine numbers which may be mentioned on the recognition fo rm are not to be taken in to consideration.

i) C y lin d e r -c a p a c ity c la s s e s : the cars shall be d is tribu ted in to the fo llow ing 13 classes, accord ing to th e ir cy linder-capacity:

1. C ylinder-capacity In fe rio r o r equal to 500 cc2. C ylinder-capacity exceeding 513. „ „ „ 600 cc

.. „ „ 700 cc5. „ „ „ 850 cc6* •» I. „ 1,000 cc* * *» u ,1 1,150 cc8. » „ „ 1,300 cc9. „ „ „ 1,600 cc

10. „ „ „ 2.000 cc11- M „ „ 2,500 cc12. „ 3,000 cc13. 5,000 cc

and in fe rio r o r equal to 600 ccM 1, 1, , „ 700 cc

„ 850 cc„ 1,000 cc,, ,, „ , „ 1,150 cc,. 1,300 cc„ 1,600 cc

M II 1, tl „ 2,000 cc„ „ „ „ 2,500 cc„ 3,000 cc„ 5,000 cc

may provide one or several sub-

The above m entioned c lass ifica tio n w ill apply only to non-supercharged engines.

U nless otherw ise specified in special prov is ions set up by the F IA fo r a certa in category o f events, the organizers are no t bound to inc lude a ll the above men­tioned classes In the supplem entary regulations, and, fu rthe rm ore they are free to g roup tw o or more consecutive classes, accord ing to the p articu la r c ircum ­stances o f th e ir events.



i ) F o rm u la e o f e q u iv a le n c e b e tw e e n re c ip ro c a tin g p is to n e n g in e s and s p e c ia l e n g in e s .R o ta ry p is to n e n g in e s : cars w ith ro ta ry p iston engines covered by the NSU- W ankel patents w ill be adm itted on the basis o f a p iston d isp lacem ent equiva­lence. Th is equivalence Is tw ice the volum e determ ined by the d ifference between the maximum and m inim um capacity o f the working-cham ber.T u rb in e e n g in e s : cars propelled by a tu rb ine engine w ill be adm itted on the basis o f a fo rm u la o f equivalence w ith regard to a lternating p is ton engines. Th is fo rm ula is the fo llo w in g :

C X 0.09625A = ---------------------------

(3.1 O xR ) — 7.63

A = H igh-pressure nozzle area—expressed in square centim etres by w hich is m eant the area o f the a ir-flow at the exit from the sta to r b lades (o r a t the exit from the firs t stage if the s ta to r has several stages). M easurem ent is done by taking the m inim um area between the fixed blades o f the h igh pressure tu rb ine f irs t stage. In cases where the f irs t stage tu rb ine s ta to r biades are adjustab le , they w ill open to th e ir greatest extent to p resent the greatest area fo r the determ ination o f area “ A " .

The area o f the high pressure nozzie is thus the product—expressed in square centim etres—of heigh t by w id th and by the num ber o f vane spaces.

C = C yllnder-capaclty o f recip rocating p iston engine expressed in cubic centi­metres.

R = T h e pressure ra tio i.e. the ra tio o f the com pressor o f the tu rb ine engine. Th is pressure ra tio is obtained by m ultip ly ing toge ther a value fo r each stage of the com pressor, as ind icated hereafter:S ubson ic axial com presso r=1 .15 per stage.T rans-son ic axial com presso r= 1 .5 per stage.Radial com presso r=4 .25 per stage.Thus a com pressor w ith one radia l and six axial stages w ill be designated to have a pressure ra tio o f:

4 .25X1.15X1.15X1.15X1.15X1.15X1.15 or 4.25X 1.15*.The C S i reserve th e ir r igh t to m odify the basis o f com parison established

between conventiona l type engines and new type engines, w hile g iving a previous notice o f one year to s ta rt from January 1st, fo llow ing the date on w hich the decis ion was made.

k ) S u p e rc h a rg in g : i f the engine of a car Includes a separate device used fo r supercharg ing it, the nom inal cy linder-capacity w ill be m u ltip lied by 1.4 and the car w ill pass Into the class corresponding to the fic tive volum e thus obtained. The new cy linder-capacity o f the car shall always be considered as the real one. T h is shall particu la rly be the case fo r assign ing the car to Its cylinder-capacity class, and the car w ill be treated In ail respects as if its cy linder-capacity thus increased was^ its real capacity. Especially in regard to its c lass ifica tion per cylinder-capacity class, its inside d im ensions, its m inim um num ber o f seats, etc.

A dynam ic a ir in le t fo r ducting the a ir from the atm osphere in to the engine intake w ill not be considered as a supercharg ing device.

i) C o a c h w o rk : by coachw ork is meant:— externally; all parts o f the car licked by the air-stream and situated above a

plane passing th rough the centre o f the wheel hubs.— in te rna lly ; ail v is ib le parts o f the passenger com partm ent.



Coachw orks are d iffe rentia ted as fo llo w s :1) com ple te ly closed coachworks,2) com plete ly open coachworks,3) convertib le coachw orks: w ith a hood In e ither supp le (d rop-head) o r rig id

(hard -top ) material.

C oachw orks o f one same m inim um series shall be Identical w ith the only exception o f a "s u n ro o f” .

However, If a mode! has Its coachwork equipped w ith a sp ec ific num ber of doors arid has been recognized on the basis o f a given m inim um series, s im ila r recogn ition rnay be granted to another coachw ork w ith a d iffe ren t num ber of doors when Its m inim um production reaches 50% o f the figure necessary fo r recogn ition o f the basic series, p rov id ing th a t both m odels have the fo llow ing com m on characteris tics :

1) a coachw ork o f s im ila r shape, i.e. o f w hich the general appearance is basica lly the same and w hich has n o t been m odified beyond w hat Is necessary to change from a fo u r door version to a tw o doo r version (o r vice-versa);

2) exactly Identical m echanical parts ;3) the same wheelbase, track and num ber o f seats;4) a t least the same w eight;5) an F IA decis ion to recognize th is variant coachw ork and to draw up an

add itiona l "va ria n t” recogn ition fo rm .

A s fa r as convertib le cars are concerned, these m ust com ply In all respects w ith the sp ec ifica tions applying to closed cars If they run an event under th is fo rm , o r w ith the sp ec ifica tions concern ing open cars if they run w ith the hood down or the hard top removed.

m ) Use o f aerod ynam ic devices on cars o f groups 5, 6, 7 and in terna­tio n a l racing fo rm u la e : in In terpreting A r t 252(1), shall de fin ite ly be considered as coachw ork a ll external parts o f the ca r w hich extend above the h ighest po in t o f e ither the fro n t o r rear wheels (w ith tyres) w ith the exception of un its defin ite ly associa ted w ith the fu n c tio n in g o f the engine or transm iss ion and the anti-ro ll bar.

A n y sp ec ific part o f the car w hich has an aerodynam ic In fluence on the s tab ility o f the vehic le m ust be m ounted on the entire ly sprung part o f the car and shall be firm ly fixed w h ils t the car is in m otion.

Neither the safety ro ll bar, nor any o f th e un its associated w ith the fu nc tion ing o f the engine or transm iss ion shall have an aerodynam ic e ffect by creating a vertical th rus t.

A ll external p ro jec tions sw ing ing in a horizonta l plane shall have a m inim um radius o f 1.5 cm . The leading edge o f any aero fo il fixed to the fro n t o f the car shall not be sharp.

n) M in im um w e ig h t: Is the real m inim um w eight o f the em pty car (w ithou t persons or luggage aboard) fu lly equ ipped and ready fo r delivery to the purchaser. It shall consequently Include a spare-wheel equipped w ith a ty re s im ila r to those m ounted on at least 2 o f the 4 wheels, and all the accessories norm ally mounted on the least expensive model o f the series concerned being removed, except fo r the norm ally supplied repa ir k it (jack, to o l-k it). A l l liqu id tanks (o f lubrication , cooling system , braking, heating system , If need be), except fo r the fue l tank, m ust be fu ll.

The m inim um w eight o f the car m entioned on the recogn ition fo rm shall be



s tric tly respected. A n y ligh ten ing o f the car by remova i or replacem ent o f parts, a im ing at reducing its w eight, is p rohib ited.

A rt. 253.—Prescriptions com m on to a ii cars of categories A and B.

a) Chassis, g round-c learance, steering lo c k : the car, supp lied w ith enough fue l fo r sta rting the event, its o il and water tanks fu ll, m ust be able to drive over—under the power of its engine and w ith its d river a t the steering-wheel —a mass of 80x 80 cm and 10 cm high.

The maximum steering radius shall be 6.75 m w hich means th a t the car m ust be able to make a com plete tu rn in both d irec tions w itho u t the wheels going beyond tw o parallel lines drawn on the ground 13.50 m apart.

b) C o a ch w o rk ; m inim um inside d im ensions and m inim um num ber of seats: cars shall be equipped w ith a m inim um o f tw o seats or a m inim um o f fo u r seats accord ing to the group in w hich they seek recogn ition and, w ith in a same group, accord ing to th e ir engine cylinder-capacity.

For each group specified in these regulations, the m inim um num ber o f seats is lis ted hereafter and the m inim um inside d im ensions fo r both cases are in d i­cated in the fo llow ing paragraphs.

1st case (see d iagram 1); car equipped w ith 4 or (m ore) seats.The heigh t at the fro n t (B) is measured between the low est po in t o f the fro n t

seat cushion com pressed by a standard m ass,o f 60 kgs (see d iagram 2) and the ce iling (the padding if any, may be com pressed). Should the backrest o f the fro n t seat(s) be inc lined backwards, the protected heigh t m ust a lso be measured at the sam e angle as the inc lina tion o f the backrest,

— If the fro n t seats are separate, the measurem ent is made in the m iddle o f the tw o seats. In case o f ad justab le fro n t seats, the seats w ill be placed in medium position .

— If there is a com m on fro n t seat, the measurem ent is made at 25 cm from the centre line o f the car.

The heigh t a t the back (D ) is measured between the cushion o f the rear seat, com pressed by the standard mass, and the ce iling (the padding, if any, may be com pressed) at 25 cm from the centre line o f the car. Should the backrest o f the rear seat be inc lined backwards, the protected heigh t m ust also be measured at the same angle as the inc lina tion o f the backrest.

The w id th over the fro n t seats (C ) Is measured along the vertical plane passing th rough the centre o f the standard mass, 30 cm above the com pressed seat, and between the upper s trip o f each fro n t door.

The w id th over the back seats (E) is measured along the vertical plane passing th rough the centre o f the standard mass, 30 cm above the com pressed seat and between thé upper s trip o f each back door, o r at the same he igh t as fo r the fro n t seats when there are no rear doors.

N B : D efin ition o f th e w id th C and E as from 1st Jan uary 1972.

The tw o above paragraphs w ill be m odified as fo llow s as from 1st January 1972:The w id th over the fro n t seats (C ) is measured a long the vertical plane passing

th rough the centre o f the standard mass placed on the seat. The w id th m ust be freely m aintained over a heigh t o f at least 25 cm.

The w id th over the rear seats (E) is measured along the vertical plane passing th rough the centre of the standard mass. The w id th m ust be free ly m aintained over a he igh t o f a t least 25 cm.



The m inim um d im ensions (in centim etres) are the fo ilo w in g ;

Cylinder-capacity B C D EUp to 700 cc 85 100

From 700 to 2,000 cc 85 110 85 110Over 2,000 cc 90 120 85 120

M oreover, in o rder to be considered as a four-seater, a model m ust fu lf i l certa in cond itions regard ing its rear-seating capacity. These cond itions are the fo llow ing (see d iagram 3):

1.— 1 m ust be at least 90% of L ;m m ust be at least 85% o f M;p m ust be a t least 80% o f k - fm .N B : Th is measure p w ill be raised to 85% o f k - fm as from 1st January 1972.

2.— k m ust measure at least 15 cm and the m inim um m easures fo r the foo t- space o f the rear passengers m ust be: 32 cm long, 5 cm h igh and (fo r each one o f the tw o passengers) 25 cm wide.

3.— the space available fo r the rear passengers m ust meet the fo ilow ing cond ition : k - f l - f m = 9 5 cm m inim um .

4.— cars In w hich the back o f the rear seat(s) is inc lined fo rw ard beyond the vertical cannot be considered as four-seaters.

The measuring o f the above d im ensions m ust be carried o u t under the fo llow ing co nd itio ns :

— the fro n t seat, i f adjustable, m ust be placed in Its norm al d riv ing position , i.e.: K - f L - f M m ust measure at least 120 cm.

— if the fro n t o r rear seats have rec lin ing backrests (by means o f e ithe r a m echanical device or chocks), these shou ld be set a t an inc lina tion o f 15° backwards.

— K Is measured horizonta lly from th e brake pedal (a t rest) to the fo rem ost po in t o f the fro n t seat; k Is measured horizon ta lly a t a he igh t equal to I from the back o f the fro n t seat to the fo rem ost p o in t o f the rear seat.

L and I are measured ve rtically from th e h ighest p o in t o f the cush ion o f the seat to the flo o r o f the car. A t the fro n t L m ust be measured a t the usual resting- p lace o f the d rive r's heels.

M and m are measured horizonta lly from the fo rem ost p o in t o f the seat to the backrest to be measured at a he igh t o f L (I).

Tw o sp ec ific cases m ust be d is tingu ished :1) bucket-seats: the m easuring m ust be taken on the centre line o f each seat.2) com m on seat: m easuring m ust be carried ou t a t 25 cm fro m the long itud ina l

axis o f the vehicle. .However, fo r the rear seat(s) m easuring m ust be made in the same vertical

plane as fo r the fro n t seats.p Is measured (In the same vertical p lane as m) horizon ta lly from the rearm ost

po in t o f the backrest o f the fro n t seat to the backrest o f the rear seat.The seating cushion . If adjustab le in height, m ust be fixed at ha lf the adjusting

range.For the above-m entioned m easurem ents, seats m ust no t be occupied.

D efin ition o f the term "sea l"— By seat is meant the two surfaces constitu ting the seating cushion and the seat

back or backrest.

I l l


D essin /draw ing N o . 1

fl = 30 cm


W eight/tare=60 kgs ± 206 grms.D essin /d raw in g N o . 2







Largeur sur laquelle la “ hauteur protégée" doit être maintenue W idth where the “ protected height” must be maintained

99 à la cordecord measured

> u > 0

CO 00

Dimensions en centimetresDimensions in centimetres Axe de la voiture

Centre line of the carN = N 'N + N '= 4 5 c m min D ess in /d raw in g N o . 4



c c


c 100 110 120



o CM I

0> tm> s

■5.Ï 13 2h. Q) Q.S S ® “ E2 TÎ »- 0 g O 5 'S o O« ® O e3 o42 = œ “ o ■o o -o È c .2 ja = ~ LU > o 3 E




— By seat-back or backrest is meant the surface measured upwards from the bottom o f the spine o f a person norm a lly seated,

— By seating cushion is meant the surface measured forwards from the bottom o f the spine o f the same person.

These two main parts o f the seat m ust form an homogengous construction and be entire ly covered w ith upholstery {fo r example, in natural or synthetical textiles).

When examining a specific car, the rear space reserved fo r passengers can only be considered as com plying w ith the term "seat” i f i t offers com fort s im ila r to that o f the fro n t seat, ie, the upholstery on i t m ust have approximately the same thickness and the same fle x ib ility as that o f the fro n t seats, or, in practica l terms : during the measurement, the standard mass (60kg) m ust compress the seating cushion on the rear to approximately the same extent as on the fro n t seats.

2nd case (see d iagram s 4 and 5); cars w ith a m inim um o f 2 seats.The tw o seats m ust be d is tribu ted equaily on e ithe r s ide o f the long itud ina l

centre-line o f the car and at the same level, regard less o f th e ir norm al play fo r a d jus ting them to the size o f the driver. The loca tion provided fo r p lacing or housing the seats m ust have a m inim um w id th o f 40 cm m aintained all a long the depth o f the seat.

The “ protected h e igh t" shall be at least 80 cm measured from the cush ion of the seat com pressed by the standard mass (see diagram 2) to the ce iling (any existing padding being com pressed) in cars w ith c losed coachw ork and 80 cm from the surface o f the seat com pressed by the standard mass (see d iagram 2) to the upper edge o f the w indscreen (m easured vertica lly th rough the centre of the standard mass) in case o f open cars.

The m inim um in te rio r w id th over the fro n t seats (see m easurem ent C) shall be o f 100 cm in cars w ith a cylinder-capacity in fe rio r o r equal to 700 cc, 110 cm in cars w ith a cylinder-capacity from 700 cc to 2,000 cc and 120 cm in cars w ith a cylinder-capacity exceeding 2,000 cc. The m inim um w id th o f foo t-space (for each person) m ust be at least 25 cm measured perpendicu la rly to the centreline o f the car, p lum b w ith the pedals.

The passenger's com partm ent and seat sh a ll remain free throughout the competi­tion and sh a ll no t be encroached upon by any element o r equipment o f the car except when Appendix J specifically provides otherwise. The passenger’s compartment and seat o f open cars sh a ll not be covered by means o f a tonneau cover o f any type.

N B ; A s fro m 1st J a n u a ry 1972, th e fo l lo w in g a d d it io n a l p a ra g ra p h w i l l c o m e in to e ffe c t;

The d is tance between the lengthw ise centre-lines o f the tw o seats shou ld not be in fe rio r to 50 cm. In case the tw o centre-lines shou ld n o t be paralle l, measure­m ent shou ld be done from the hollow o f the seats.

c ) W in d s h ie ld —W in d s h ie ld w ip e r ; a w indsh ie ld made o f safety g lass is com pulsory. In all p roduction cars it shall be made o f the m aterial o rig ina lly provided by the m anufacturer. It sha ll be equipped w ith a t least one autom atic w ipe r sweeping a su ffic ien t area to enable the drive r to d is tin c tly see the road from h is seat.

The w indsh ie ld shall com ply w ith the fo llo w in g requ irem ents:1) be placed sym m etrica lly w ith regard to the centre-line o f the car;2) have a m inim um heigh t o f 25 cm, m aintained between tw o poin ts sym m etri­

cally placed w ith regard to the centre-line o f the car and o f w hich one is determ ined by the vertical line passing th rough the centre o f the steering- wheel. There m ust fu rthe rm ore be at least 45 cm between the tw o said po in ts (m easure raised to 60 cm as from 1st January 1972);



3) have a m inim um w id th o f 90 cm ; cord measured at haif its verticai heigh t (m easure ra ised to 100 cm as from 1st January 1972).

Sha ll be considered as being the w indsh ie ld , only the g lass area th rough w hich one has an entire ly free v is ion tow ards the fro n t, w ith o u t being lim ited by any ou ts ide opaque pro jection apart from the bulge o f the m udguards w hich cover the fro n t wheels.

d ) M u d g u a rd s ; shall be o f perm anent nature and firm ly fixed.They shall p ro ject over the wheels and provide e ffic ien t covering o f a t least one

th ird o f th e ir circum ference, and at least the w id th o f the tyre.In those cars w here m udguards are entire ly o r partly overhung by the body

structu re , the com bina tion m udguards-body or the body alone shall nevertheless meet the above protection requirem ents.

M udguards m ust be so lid w ith the body, there being no gap between them .

e) H o o d : open or convertib le cars shall be equipped w ith a hood fitt in g exactly, and w itho u t any interm ediary device, to the w indsh ie ld the door w indow s o r s ide panels, and the rear o f the coachwork.

The hood may n o t interfere w ith the opening o f the doors. It sha ll inc lude a rear w indow , the m inim um d im ensions o f w hich are specified In the present a rtic le (see below “ rear v iew ").

It m ust be capable o f being used during all o r part o f the event. The supp le­m entary regu la tions may specify In w hich state convertib le body cars m ust run (as closed cars or open cars, o therw ise it shall be at the d iscre tion o f the entrant) b u t the hood if not fitted on the car m ust always rem ain aboard the car during the w ho le o f the event. The hood may be replaced by a hard top sub jec t to the same co nd itio ns as fo r a hood.

f ) D o o rs : ail vehic les shall be fitte d w ith at least one rig id doo r on each side, w ith c los ing devices and hinges w h ich may not be located on the rear-door post, nor on the d oo r-s ili. The d im ensions o f the low er doo r panel (the part w hich Is norm ally opaque) m ust be such as to a llow a rectangle o f a t least 50 cm w ide and 30 cm h igh being Inserted In It. The corners o f th is rectangle may be rounded to a m aximum radius o f 15 cm . Cars w ith s lld ing -d o ors w ill not be a llowed unless they Include a safety system enabling a quick and easy evacuation o f the ca r's occupants in case of an accident.

Cars w ith closed or convertib le coachw ork shall have doors equipped w ith m oveable w indow s o f the m aterial provided by the m anufacturer fo r the con ­sidered model, liab le to be opened over a t least one th ird o f th e ir surface in o rder to provide fo r ventila tion, each w indow having a m inim um w id th o f 40 cm and a m inim um heigh t o f 25 cm.

W hen opened, the doors m ust give free access to the seats. They m ust be made in such a way th a t they never re s tric t the lateral view o f the driver.

By door should be understood the part o f the coachwork opening to give access to the seats.

g ) R ea r v ie w : th is shall be provided by an Inside m irro r com m anding a rear w indow m easuring at least 10 cm vertica lly m aintained along a w id th o f a t least 50 cm. However, If the s tra igh t line connecting the upper and low er edges o f the rear w indow opening makes an angle In fe rio r to 20 ' w ith the horizonta l, when the car com piles w ith the same spec ifica tio ns as those required fo r checking the g round-clearance (see art. 253), the rear view m ust be efTiciently obta ined by o ther means (tw o outs ide m irro rs o r any o ther system o f equ iva len t e ffic iency).

h ) L u g g a g e t r u n k : a covered space shall be provided w h ich Is an In tegral part o f the coachw ork b u t ou ts ide the space occup ied by the passenger seats.



Th is space shall be such as to enable to carry w itho u t special d ifficu lty a num ber o f su lt-cases, sheltered from rain o r d ir t w hich varies accord ing to the cy linder-capacity o f the engine equipping the car (see below ), o f the fo llo w in g m inim um d im ens ions; 60 cm X 40 c m x 2 0 cm.C ylinder-capacity in fe rio r o r equal to 2,000 cc : 1 su it-case,Cylinder-capacity superio r to 2,000 cc : 2 su it-cases.

However, in cars having Inside d im ensions w hich are In fe rio r to the m inim a laid down in a rtic le 253 b to a llow c lass ifica tion as a four-seater, but w hich conta in a com partm ent behind the fro n t seats liab le to receive passengers, th is com partm ent may be taken Into accoun t as luggage space w hether o r not It has been equipped fo r th is purpose but w itho u t m odify ing any o f the o rig ina l parts.

I) S tarting : cars m ust be equipped w ith a device and Its source o f power fo r autom atica lly sta rting the engine and able to be actuated by the driver s ittin g at the wheel.

j) Fuel tanks : the to ta l capacity o f the fue l tanks (m ain and add itiona l) m ust not exceed the fo llo w in g lim its :

Cars up to 700 cc o f engine cy linder-capacity : 60 I.Cars from 700 cc to 1,000 cc cylinder-capacity : 701.

„ „ 1,000 cc to 1,300 cc ,, „ : 801.„ „ 1,300 cc to 1,500 cc „ „ ; 901.

.. 1.600 cc to 2.000 cc „ ., :1 0 0 l.Cars from 2,000 cc to 2,500 cc ,, ,, :1 10 l.Cars over 2,500 cc „ „ : 1201.

W ill be considered as a fue l tank any conta ine r ho ld ing fue l w hich can flo w out by any method e ithe r to the main-tank or d irectly to the engine.

The fillin g -p o rt(s ) (and vents) o f each tank m ust a lways be outs ide the pas- senger-com partm ent and be entire ly leak-proof.

S a fe ty ty p e fue l tanksThe FIA has fo llowed w ith great interest the introduction on the car accessory

market o f safety type fue l tanks, generally in the fo rm o f a tank In norm al sheet steel with a layer o f rubber Inside (so called "b la dd e r" type tanks) but sometimes also entire ly made o f synthetic material.

In order to prom ote the use o f these tanks which are a considerable Improvement In the drivers' safety, and to avoid any k ind o f adm inistrative com plications (con­fo rm ity o f the cars w ith the ir recognition form s, etc.), the use o f safety type fue l tanks w ill be allowed and even recommended fo r a il groups o f cars o f Appendix J and In a ll m otor sport events.

Nevertheless, fo r cars o f groups 1 and 3 o f Appendix J, the fitt in g o f safety tanks w ill be allowed only I f the manufacturer o f the car has recognized them as such and provided they do not exceed the capacity o f the orig ina l tanks as stated on the recognition form .

Location of fue l tanks : The emplacement foreseen by the manufacturer fo r the fue l tank(s) and the feeding system towards the engine, constitutes one o f the principles o f series-production, and th is im plies that no change can be made, unless an authorization Is explic itly stated In Appendix J.

However, a derogation to the above rule shall be made fo r cars in which the manu­facturer has placed the fue l tank Inside the passenger compartment, and close to the occupants.

In th is specific case, and fo r the sake o f safety. I t w ill be possible, whatever the group o f cars, to m ount a leak-proof protective barrie r between the tank and the passengers,



or to change the place o f the tank and, i f necessary, Its accessory parts ( fil lin g port, petro l pump, outlet tube).

k) S p a re -w h e e ls : all cars shall be equipped w ith at least one spare wheel w ith its tyre occupying the position provided fo r by the m anufacturer w hich may not encroach upon the space provided fo r luggage.

The spare wheel m ust be equipped w ith a tyre o f the same d im ensions as those fitted on at least tw o wheels o f the car.

I) S ilen ce r (m uffler) and exhaust sys te m : even when the spec ific pro­vis ions fo r a group a llow replacem ent o f the orig ina l m uffler, cars com peting In an open road event shall always be equipped w ith an exhaust m uffle r com plying w ith the road regu la tions of the coun try(ies) th rough w hich the event Is run.

For events run exclusively on closed c ircu its , the supp lem entary regulations may authorize m od ifica tion , replacem ent or removal o f the exhaust m uffler.

The outle t pipes o f the m uffler shall be directed e ither rearw ards or sideways. If the ou tle t pipes are po in ting rearwards, th e ir o rifices shall be placed a t a height neither superio r to 45 cm nor below 10 cm ; they shall not p ro trude by more than 15 cm beyond the overall length o f the car. If the exhaust p ipes are directed sideways, th e ir o rif ice s m ust be located a ft o f a vertical line passing th rough the wheelbase centre and may not p ro ject in any way beyond side o f the coachwork. A dequate protection shall be provided in o rder to prevent heated p ipes from causing burns.

m ) S a fe ty d e v ic e s : fo r all cars com peting in events entered on the FIA In ternational S porting Calendar;

— a supplem entary locking device fo r engine bonnet, boot lid , and any other im po rtan t ob jects carried on board o f the vehicle, such as spare wheel, too l set, e tc;a supplem entary protection o f all fue l p ipes and brake lines outside the coachw ork aga inst any risk o f damage (stones, co rros ion , breaking of mechanical pieces, etc) and inside the cockp it aga inst any risk o f fire (fuel pipes on ly);

— anchor fitt in g s fo r safety harness;— a w indscreen o f safety g lass o f the lam inated type;

during the event, the car shall carry a dry chem ica l fire -ex tingu isher o f at least 1 kg capacity. It may be located in the space provided fo r the passenger, the fitt in g o f a safety ro ll-ba r o r cage in com pliance w ith the fo llow ing prescrip tions.

Cars o f Groups 1 to 4

It is com pu lso ry to f i t a safety ro ll-b a r o r cage fo r all speed events (c ircu its or h ill-c llm bs).

For regu larity events (ra llies), the fitt in g Is com pulsory fo r specia l cars (G roups 2 and 4), and optiona l fo r se ries-p roductlon cars (G roups 1 and 3). However, shou ld the organizers o f a ra lly deem th a t the driv ing co nd itio ns during the ir event are c o m p ta b le to those o f a speed event, they are entitled to prescribe the com pu lso ry fitt in g o f a safety ro ll-ba r o r cage, even fo r cars o f G roups 1 and 3. Th is ob liga tion m ust, In th a t case, be clearly m entioned In the Supplem entary R egulations o f the event.

The atten tion o f racing drivers is drawn to the fa c t tha t a safety ro ll-bar can be e ffic ien t only if the driver is firm ly m aintained In h is seat by a safety harness. In the oppos ite case, the safety ro ll-bar. Instead o f p ro tecting the driver, constitu tes a dangerous obstacle inside the passenger com partm ent.



The exact w eigh t o f the device shall be sub ject to a s ta tem ent from the com ­petito r, to be appended to the entry form . Th is w eigh t m ust be added to that ind icated fo r the vehic le on the recogn ition form .Closed Cars

A s a générai rule, the safety cage m ust be made o f tw o main hoops, one behind the fro n t seats and one fo liow ing the w indscreen p iiiars.

However, fo r p ractica i reasons, the fitt in g o f such a cage is made com puisory oniy fo r cars o f w hich the w eigh t declared on the recogn ition sheet is superio r to 1,200 kg. For the cars under 1,200 kg the w indscreen hoop is not com puisory. The general design ing m ust com ply w ith draw ings 6 and 7.

The safety ro li-ba r o r cage m ust be conceived in such a way as not to obstruct the access o f the fro n t seats and not to encroach on the space provided fo r the driver and its passenger. On another hand, it is a llowed th a t the elem ents of the ro ll-ba r o r cage encroach on the space o f the rear passengers, and pass th rough the upho ls te ry o r the rear seat(s).

The main ro ii-ba r hoop(s) m ust be placed as near as poss ib le to the roo f in o rder to lim it its c rushing in the event o f a som ersault.A ttac h m e n t o f s a fe ty ro il-bars on th e chassis

The attachm ent po in ts o f the s tru ts o f the main ro ll-b a r hoop(s) on the chassis m ust be loca lly re in forced by means o f a s tee l-p ia te—2 mm th ick at least— welded on the shell, w ith a pro longa tion along a vertical m em ber o f the chassis (fo r exam ple; door p illa r— see draw ing 8). The to ta l surface o f th is plate m ust be of 35 sq cm at least, o f w hich a th ird at least ensures the connecting w ith the vertical chassis-m em ber. The fix ing o f the main ro ll-b a r hoop(s) m ust be realized w ith at least 3 bo lts and nuts— diam eter: a t least 8 mm— w ith hexagonal head. The attachm ent plate integrated to the ro il-b a r s tru ts shall have the same th ickness as the wail o f the tube on w hich it is fixed.

W hen the ro li-b a r rests on a box-m em ber, the la tte r m ust be loca lly re in forced by a s truc tu re constitu ted of e ithe r welded bolts o r w elded tub ing ends (see d raw ing 9).R em ovab le connections

In case rem ovable connections are used in the ro ll-ba r construc tion , they m ust com ply w ith a type approved by the FIA .

A re approved up to now : a tapered connection and a tw in lug connection w ith axis w orking under double shearing cond itions and a m uff-connection com plying w ith d raw ings 10, 11 and 12.

The tw in lug connection may however be used o n iy fo r long itud ina l brace-rods and not fo r the basic fram e o f the ro ll-bar(s).W a iv e r

if, ow ing to the orig ina l conception o f the car, it is no t possib le to f it a satety ro ll- bar w ith the regu lar im planta tion and structure, the m anufacturer may ind icate a varian t on the recogn ition sheet and subm it it to the CSI fo r approval.O pen Cars

C onception and realization identica l to those prescribed fo r closed cars. M ore­over, the main hoop behind the fro n t seats m ust be sym m etrical about the leng th ­w ise centre-line o f the car and com ply w ith the fo llow ing figu res (see d raw ing 14);

H e ig h t: the top o f the ro li-ba r m ust be at least 5 cm s (2") over the helm et of the driver norm ally sat a t h is wheel.

W id th : measured on the inside of the vertical s tru ts o f the ro li-b a r; there must be at least 20 cm s (8") measured at 60 cm s (23") above the driver's and pas­senger’s seats (on the line pe rpend icu ia rto the d rive r's vertebrae from the leng th ­w ise centre-line to the outside).



L e n g th w is e lo c a t io n : the lengthw ise d istance between the top of the ro i!-bar and the helm et o f the driver norm ally s ittin g at h is steering wheel m ust not exceed 25 cm.

W ill a lso be considered as open cars, cars w hich have no s truc tu ra l parts between the upper part o f the w indsh ie ld fram ework and th a t o f the rear w indow , i f any.

S p e c if ic a t io n s o f th e tu b e s u tiliz e d

C losed Cars___________Open Cars

< 1 2 0 0 kg > 1200 kg < 1 2 0 0 kg > 1200 kg

____________________________________ Ext. 0 X Thickness_______

Cold drawn seamlesscarbon steel 0 38 0 48,3 ■ 0 44,5 0 57E ~ 3 0 daN ______________ X 2,6 X 2,6 X 2,6 X 2,9

A llo y steel 0 33,7 0 42,4 0 38 0 48,3type 25 CD4 X 2,3 X 2,6 X 2,6 X 2,6S A E 4125 etc E ~ 5 0 daN

These d im ension figu res represent in mm the m inim um fig u re s adm issib le . They correspond to standard ized tubes (In te rna tiona l standards ISO R 64).

In the case o f cars w eigh ing more than 1200 kg, the d im ension figu res pre­scribed fo r cars w eigh ing less than 1200 kg may be used fo r tu b u la r elem ents o ther than the main hoop located behind the fro n t seats.

C ars o f G ro u p s 5 a n d 6 (o p e n a nd c lo s e d )

C om pu lso ry fitt in g , fo r speed events as w ell as fo r ra llies. M anufacturing of ro ll-bars , in con fo rm ity w ith the fo llo w in g tab le and draw ings 13 and 14. (in te r­national S tandards ISO R 64 except fo r 0 35 X 2), and to previous sp ec ifica tions concern ing the rem ovable connections and the general cons ide ra tions o f A rt. 296 n.

However, recognized and trad itiona l m anufacturers may a lso present a ro ll-ba r o f free conception as regards the material used, the d im ensions o f the tubes and the im planta tion o f the braces, p rovid ing th a t the cons truc tion Is ce rtified to w ithstand stress m inim a given fo r Form ulae cars, ie, 7.5 G vertically, 1.5 G laterally, and 5.5 G lengthw ise, in both d irec tions (see A r t. 296 n).

C losed and Open CarsCold drawn seamless carbon steel E ~ 3 0 daN

<700 kg > 7 0 0 kg0 42,4 0 48,3X 2,6 X 2,6

A llo y Steel 0 35 0 42,4type 25 CD4 X 2 X 2,6S A E 4125 etcE<^50 daN

n ) G e n e ra l c i r c u i t b re a k e r : ali cars partic ipa ting in speed races on ciosed c ircu its o r in h ill-c lim b s m ust be equipped w ith a general e lec tric c irc u it breaker,




y //





D e s s in /d ra w in g N o . 6

G ro u p es 1 à 4

Le m ontage d ’un ren fo rt d ia­gonal est ob ligato ire . Les d iffé r­entes variantes autorisées sont: MO. MS, NP, NR, (NP est Indiqué sur le dessin no 6 com m e un exemple.)

G ro u p s 1 to 4

Fitting of a diagonal s tru t is com - puisory. The various authorized a lternatives are: MO, MS, NP, NR. (NP Is shown on draw ing 6 as an example.)

D e s s in /d ra w in g N o . 7

G ro u p es 1 à 4

Le montage d ’un ren fo rt d ia­gonal est ob ligato ire . Les d iffé r­entes variantes autorisées sont: MQ, MS, NP, NR. (MS est ind iqué sur le dessin no 7 com m e un exemple.)

G ro u p s 1 to 4

Fitting of a diagonal s tru t is com ­pulsory. The various authorized alternatives are: MQ, MS, NP, NR. (M S is shown on draw ing 7 as an example.)



M ontant de p o rtiè re /► D oor p illa r

(par exemple/ fo r example) JPlancher/F loor

D essin /draw in g N o . 8

D ess in /draw ing N o . 9

z z z a

D essin /draw ing N o . 10

Z 2

/ / / / / / ^




D essin /draw ing N o . 11


D essin /draw ing N o . 12 12 mm (tube < 40 mm diam. ext)14 mm ( tu b e ^ 40 mm < 50 mm diam. ext)16 mm ( tu b e > 50 mm diam. ext)


D essin /draw ing N o. 13

Groupes 5 e t 6

Le m ontage d ’un renfo rt d ia­gonal est ob ligato ire . Les 2variantes autorisées sont MO etNP. (NP est ind iqué su r le dessin no 13 com m e un exemple.)

Groups 5 and 6

Fitting o f a d iagonal s tru t is com ­pulsory. The 2 authorized a lte r­natives are MQ and NP. (NP isshown on draw ing 13 as anexample.)

25cfn_ 2 0 c m

D essin /draw ing N o . 14131


w hich m ust be clearly marked. C losed cars m ust be fitted w ith tw o c ircu it breakers, one In the drive r’s com partm ent and one outs ide the vehicle in an easily detectable loca tion . The fitt in g o f such c ircu it breakers w hich is com ­pulsory fo r speed events on c ircu its and h ill-c lim bs is authorized and even recom m ended fo r ra llies.

• o) o n catch ta n k : when cars are runn ing in events w hich are entered on the FIA S porting C alendar and when th e ir lub rica tion system inc ludes an open type sum p breather, they m ust be equipped in such a way as to prevent o il from sp illing on the track, in cars o f a cy linder-capacity in fe rio r o r equal to 2,000 cc, the o il ca tch ing device shall have a m inim um capacity o f 2 litres and o f 3 litres fo r cars w ith a cy linder-capacity exceeding 2,000 cc.

p) IVIInimum lighting equ ipm en t:— fo r all types of races, cars m ust be equipped w ith tw o "S to p ” ligh ts , in

add ition fo r events run during the n igh t, cars m ust be fitted w ith at least two headlights as effective as those norm ally fitted on F IA hom ologated Touring or Grand Tou ring cars and tw o d irection ind ica to rs m ounted at the rear.

— fo r events run on open roads (ra illes), cars m ust com ply w ith the legal requirem ents o f the country o f the event; cars from o ther coun tries m ust com ply in th is respect w ith the C onvention on in ternationa l road tra ffic .

q ) L im its o f authorized m odifications : certa in m od ifica tions to the orig ina l parts, certa in a dd itions and/or removal o f accessories norm ally m ounted by the m anufacturer o f the model concerned, are explic itly authorized by the present regulations. The lim its o f these m od ifica tions are set out fo r each o f the 6 groups o f categories A and B. A ll those not e xp lic itly mentioned as perm issib le fo r the group in w hich the car c la im s c lass ifica tion and w hich a ffect, even secondarily, the m echanical e fficiency of the engine, the steering, the transm iss ion , the road-ho ld ing and /or the braking, w ill im ply the exclusion o f the car from its group.

If these m od ifica tions or add itions have been the sub ject o f a previous sta te­m ent by the entrant, the car may be a llowed to compete in the event in one o f the other g roups provided in the supplem entary regu la tions and vaith the p rescrip ­tions of w hich it com plies. Should there be however an obvious case o f w ilfu l m isrepresentation, the entrant should not be authorized to s ta rt o r shou ld be stopped if he had already started, w ith request to the A C N concerned to pro­nounce h is suspension fo r at least 12 m onths.

r) Fu e l: fo r speed races on c ircu it and h illc iim b s : the fuel defined under A rt. 298 hereafter.

For ra llies : a com m ercia l fuel free ly so ld in the country(ies) traversed by the event. If in one of the coun tries the standards o f the best com m ercia l fue l are in fe rio r to the fuel having the low est octane num ber in one o f the th ree fo llow ing coun tries : France, Great B rita in , Italy, a specia l waiver may be granted to the p rom oters w ith the approval o f the CSI.

U pper-cy linder o r tw o-stroke engine lub rican ts are authorized on cond ition there is no increase of the fuel octane number.

s) A p p lica tio n of g e n e ra l prescriptions ; the general p rescrip tions m ust be com plied w ith if the particu la r spec ifica tions of groups of cars o f ca tegories A and B do not m ention them or do not provide fo r any s tric te r p rescrip tion .

A rt. 254.—R ule fo r changing from one group to another and authorized a m algam atio n of groups: cars o rig ina lly be longing to a certa in g roup but which have been sub ject to duly declared m od ifica tions and/or add itions tha t



exceed the lim its specified fo r the group concerned, may pass in to a h igher group, provided fo r in the supplem entary regulations, w ith the prescrip tion of w hich It com plies and under the fo ilow ing co nd itio ns :

G roup 1 passes in to group 2.G roup 3 passes in to group 4.G roup 4 (o r 3 + 4 ) passes in to group 5.G roup 5 ( o r 3 + 4 + 5 ) passes in to group 6.


S E R IE S P R O D U C T IO N T O U R IN G C A R S (Group 1)A rt. 255.—D e fin itio n : tou ring cars b u iit on large series p roduction term s.

These cars shaii com pete in an event w itho u t having undergone any preparation likely to im prove th e ir perform ances or th e ir cond itions o f use. The only working authorized is norm al maintenance or the replacem ent parts damaged th rough wear o r acc iden t and the m od ifica tions and add itions explic itly authorized here­after under a rtic le 257. Except fo r w ha t Is exp lic itly authorized any part damaged th rough wear o r acc iden t may only be replaced by an o rig ina l part w hich m ust be exactly the same as the one fo r w hich it is substitu ted.

A rt. 256.— M in im um production and num ber o f seats : series-p roduction touring cars shaii have been m anufactured in a quan tity o f a t least 5,000 Identical un its and o ffe r at least 4 seats, except if th e ir engine cylinder-capacity is in fe rio r or equal to 700 cc. In w hich case the m anufacturer may deliver them as tw o- seaters.

A rt. 257.—M ountings and m odifications au tho rized :a) L ighting d e v ic e s : all ligh ting and s igna lling devices m ust com ply w ith

the legal requirem ents of the coun try o f the event; cars from abroad m ust com ply in th is respect w ith the Convention on in ternationa l road tra ffic .

L igh ting devices w hich are part o f the standard equ ipm ent m ust remain those foreseen by the m anufacturer and m ust com ply as fa r as Is concerned the ir fun c tio n in g w ith w hat the m anufacturer has foreseen fo r the considered model. Thus, i f chang ing from a road beam to a passing beam is produced by merely deflecting the beam ins ide one same re flector, th is system may no t be altered.

Freedom Is granted w ith regard to the fron ta l g lass, the re flec to r and the bulbs.The m ounting o f add itiona l head ligh ts is authorized provided th a t a to ta l o f

6 head ligh ts is not exceeded (parking ligh ts not inc luded). Extra head ligh ts may, i f necessary, be fitted in to the fro n t part o f the coachw ork or in to the rad ia tor g rille , bu t such open ings as needed in th is case m ust be com ple te ly fille d by the add itiona l headlights. Shall be considered as a head ligh t any ligh ting-device th ro w in g a beam tow ards the fro n t (d ipped-beam , long range lamp, anti-fog lam p).

The fitt in g o f reverse-lights is authorized, if necessary by em bedding Into the coachwork, bu t provided it w ill on ly sw itch on when engaging the reverse-gear, and provided the po lice regu la tions are respected.

The m ounting o f m anoeuvrable search -ligh ts on the roo f o r e lsewhere Is fo rb idden.

W aivers may be granted to these sp ec ifica tions on cond ition tha t they be explic itly provided fo r in the supplem entary regu la tions o f the event.

To comply w ith legal requirements o f certain countries, i t is perm issible to re­arrange the casing o f fro n t signaiiing devices in order to house both tra ffic indicators and parking lights,



The make o f the ligh ting devices is free.

b) Fuel and oil ta n k s : m ust be those norm ally provided by the m anufacturer fo r the model concerned, the capacities o f w h ich are specified on the recogn ition fo rm . If, fo r the same model, tanks o f d iffe ren t capacities are norm ally provided, only those m ounted on the required num ber o f cars necessary fo r recogn ition w ill be authorized.

T he loca tion and type o f fillin g po rt fo r the fue l tank(s) may no t be changed.The use o f a fuel tank w ith a larger capacity may be authorized by the AC N

w ith the F IA 's agreement, in the case o f events organized under particu la r c lim a tic cond itions (on desert o r trop ica l courses fo r Instance).

c) C oo ling c irc u it: If, fo r the same model, radia tors o f d iffe rent capacities are norm ally provided, only those m ounted on the required num ber o f cars necessary fo r the recogn ition w ill be authorized. The add ition o f a rad ia to r screen is authorized.

The use of a radiator w ith a larger capacity may be authorized by the AC N w ith the F IA 's agreement, in the case o f events organized under particu la r c lim a tic cond itions.

Make and type o f the rm osta t are free, but It may not be removed nor its position changed.

The radiator screen may be a r ig id plate fixed behind the grille .

d) In d u c tio n : the carburettor(s) o r fuel in jec to r pum p(s) norm ally mounted on the recognized model and described on the recogn ition fo rm may not be changed o r removed.

The elem ents w hich contro l the quantity o f fue l fed in the engine may be changed, bu t n o t those w hich contro l the quantity o f air.

e) E lectrical eq u ip m en t: the tension (voltage) o f the e lectrica l equipm ent may not be changed.

The make and capacity (am perage) of battery and generato r are free. The m anufacturer may provide fo r one same m inim um series the use e ithe r o f a dynam o or o f an a lte rna to r on cond ition tha t th is is explic itly mentioned on the basic recogn ition fo rm or on an add itiona l “ va rian t” form .

The o rig ina l battery may be replaced—by the m anufacturer or the entrant h im self—by another one of larger capacity provided however th a t the location remains unchanged. By location o f the battery is m eant the coachw ork com part­m ent in w hich the battery is o rig ina lly mounted.

Ign ition c o il| condenser, d istributor and regulator are free ; sub ject to the ign ition system rem ain ing the same as th a t provided by the m anufacturer fo r the model concerned, and the replacem ent o f the said accessories do no t enta il any m od ifica tion o f the attachm ent system provided by the m anufacturer fo r the model concerned.

S p a rk p lu g s ; make and type free.In case o f an electric c ircu it under a 12 volt tension, th is may be produced either

by a 12 vo lt battery o r by two 6 vo lt batteries connected in series on condition the batteries rem ain in the ir o rig ina l location and that there is no reduction o f weight as compared w ith the o rig ina l system provided by the manufacturer.

f ) T ran sm iss io n : fo r one same series o f 5,000 cars the fo llow ing p oss ib ilitie s are given on the express cond ition th a t they are those of the se ries-p roduction and th a t they are norm ally sold to the purchaser and entered on the recogn ition form .



Gear-box:— e ithe r tw o gear-boxes w ith the same num ber o f ra tios but d iffe ren t in the ir

stag ing,— or tw o gear-boxes w ith a d iffe rent num ber o f ra tios and d iffe ren t In stag ing

provided th a t 50% o f the required m inim um num ber of cars have been equipped w ith e ither one o f the gear-boxes.

The fitt in g o f an overdrive system in add ition to the existing gear-box is authorized.

Final d rive : tw o d iffe rent ratios.Should the m anufacturer have provided a greater num ber o f gear-box ra tios

and/or rear axle ra tios, he m ust, to obta in recogn ition , prove th a t he has achieved the required m inim um production o f the car as many tim es as he has subm itted tw o d iffe rent gear-boxes and tw o d iffe rent rear-axle ra tios. A n autom atica lly contro lled gear-box is n o t taken in to conside ra tion .Theuse of it and o f its particu la r rear-axle ra tio w ill a lways be authorized in add ition to the set o f tw o m anually contro lled gear-boxes.

The gear-box lever m ust be located as provided by the m anufacturer and m entioned on the recogn ition form . Form and length are free.

The use o f an automatic gear-box Is authorized but on condition th is gear-box is foreseen by the manufacturer and m entioned on the recognition form . No m inim um production is required.

It is recalled that, in a basic series o f 5000 models a manufacturer may recognize two gear-boxes and two fin a l drive ratios.

For each additional series o f 5000 models, the manufacturer therefore has the possib ility o f requesting recognition fo r tw o new gear-boxes and two fin a l drive ratios, i f he is able to certify that, in each series the required m inim um number o f cars has effectively been delivered w ith the equipment object o f the recognition.

g ) S h o c k a b s o rb e rs : the make and type are free. However, no add ition is a llowed, and neither th e ir o rig ina l purpose nor th e ir num ber, nor th e ir system of operation may be m odified . By system of operation is m eant: hydraulic, fr ic tio n , te lescop ic, o r lever type. The orig ina l supports may not be changed in any way.

h) W h e e ls a nd ty re s : wheels m ust be those provided by the m anufacturer fo r the considered model. They are defined by th e ir d iam eter, the w id th of the ir rim and the track they determ ine. W heels w hich d iffe r by th e ir shape or d im en­sions may be recognized sub ject to the fo llow ing co nd itio ns :

— th a t there are enough cars equipped w ith such wheels to ju s t ify recogn ition .— th a t they are m ounted In com pliance w ith the spec ifica tio ns of paragraph

"m ud g u ard s ” o f A rt. 253.In any case, the fo u r wheels o f a car m ust always belong to one and the same

recognized set o f wheels.Tyres are free (make and type) on cond ition they are tyres provided by th e ir

m anufacturer to be fitted on the wheels w itho u t any in term ed iary device. A ll special o r add itiona l non-skid devices fo r snow or Ice may a lso be fitted .

i) B ra k e s : m ust be those provided by the m anufacturer. The replacem ent o f worn lin ings is authorized and th e ir system of a ttachm ent is free, provided the d im ensions o f inner fr ic tion surfaces remain unchanged. Servo-assistance is only perm itted when duly recognized as fitted on a num ber o f identica l cars equal a t least to th a t required fo r recogn ition .

It is perm issib le to f i t a dual braking system on cond ition tha t It be o f the same make as tha t o f the hydraulic m aster cylinder o r provided by the m anufacturer o f the vehicle.



The material o f the brake lin ings Is free provided the dimensions o f fr ic tio n surface o f the new lin ings are the same as the orig ina l ones.

The same applies to the d u tch lin ings.I f a servo-assistance is norm ally provided fo r on a car, the servo device may not be

disconnected.A pressure lim itin g valve between the fro n t and the rear brakes cannot be added I f

the manufacturer has not provided fo r Its fitt in g In the serles-productlon.

j) S u p p lem en tary accessories not included in th e recog n ition : areauthorized w itho u t res tric tion provided they have no in fluence w hatsoever on the behaviour o f the car, such as those concern ing the aesthetics or the inside com fo rt (iigh ting , heating, radio, etc.) o r those enabiing an easier o r safer driving of the car (speed-p iio t, w indscreen washer, etc.) provided they do not a ffect, even ind irectiy the m echanicai perform ance of the engine, the steering, the trans ­m ission, the road hoid ing and the braking.

A ii con tro is and th e ir fu n c tio ns m ust remain those provided by the m anu­facturer, bu t i t is perm issib ie to arrange them in such a way as to make them accessib ie and easier to use, i.e. iengthening of the handbrake-iever, f itt in g of additiona i pads to the brake-pedal, etc. The position o f the steering-wheeJ may be ind iffe ren tly on the le ft o r on the right, provided th is only resu lts in a sim ple transpos ition of the steering-system linkages as provided and supplied by the m anufacturer and w ithou t any other m echanicai a lteration (m anifo lds, etc.).

The fo llow ing Is authorized:1) The w indshield may be replaced by a w indshield o f same m aterial but with a

heater-defroster device Incorporated.2) The orig ina l heater may be replaced by another one provided by the manu­

facturer and m entioned In h is catalogue as available on request.3) An electric water thermometer may be replaced by one o f capillary type and a

standard manometer by another one o f h igh precision type.4) The hooter may be changed or an extra one may be added, at the disposal o f

the passenger I f wished.5) The mechanism o f the handbrake lever may be adapted fo r obtain ing an

Instantaneous unbolting (fly -o ff handbrake). AH electric sw itches may be freely changed, Inasmuch as Is concerned the ir purpose, the ir location and— in case o f the adding o f extra accessories—the ir number.

6) Extra relays and fuses may be added to the electric c ircu it, battery wires may be lengthened, pipes o f the braking c ircu it may be protected by an armoured casing (m etallic o r other). The orig ina l accelerator cable may be replaced by another one, whether supplied or not by the manufacturer.

7) The orig ina l speedometer may be replaced by another one provided It fits exactly In the housing o f the orig ina l one.

8) Seat brackets may be altered and any k ind o f seat-covers may be added, even those which constitute a bucket-seat.

9) Jacking points may be strengthened, Ihe ir location may be changed or extra ones may be added

10) Head-light covers may be fitted provided they do not Influence the stream­lin ing o f the car.

11 ) Complete freedom Is le ft w ith regard to the location and appearance o f registra­tion number plates. In consideration o f the great differences between legal requirements from one country to another.

12) Safety fasteners (such as straps) may be fixed to the lids o f the engine com­partm ent and the luggage boot. The latter may be adapted fo r better accom­modation o f the equipment carried (straps fo r fix ing a tool-box, protection o f a



supplementary fuel-tank, o f an additional spare-wheel etc). The attachment system o f the standard spare-wheel may be altered provided Its o rig ina l location Is not changed.

13) Extra compartments may be added to the glove-box and extra lateral pockets to the doors.

14) Plates o f Insulating m aterial may be added In a ll places where they may be necessary to protect those carried aboard the car from a r isk o f fire.

15) An oll-catch or a water-tank may be fitted.16) The radiator f ille r cap may be locked by any means.k ) C o a c h w o rk : none o f the norm al elem ents o f the coachw ork (dashboard,

all ins ide qu iitings whatever th e ir ioca tion), and none o f the accessories norm aiiy m ounted by the m anufacturer on the iow est priced modei may be removed or repiaced.

However, the m o d ifica tions deriving from the fitt in g o f the suppiem entary accessories authorized in the preceding paragraph, such as those necessitated by the add ition o f a w indscreen washer (d riiiin g o f a hole in to the bonnet) o r o f a rev. counter (housing in the dashboard), w iii be aiiowed.

The same m inim um series may com prehend various m ateria ls fo r seats, upho lste ry and Inside qu ilting (c io th , ieather, p iastics, etc.) and tw o d iffe rent types o f fro n t seats (bench type o r separate seats). These variants m ust be stated on the recogn ition fo rm and in particu ia r the d iffe ren t w eigh ts resu lting from the m ounting o f d iffe rent seats m ust be specified.

T ransparen t parts m ust, in case o f damages, be repiaced by others made o f a m ateriai identica i to the orig ina i one iisted on the recogn ition fo rm . They shaii be com ple te iy interchangeable w ith those o rig ina iiy fitted . They m ust be mounted on the orig ina i supports and th e ir o rig ina i opening system (if any) m ust be m aintained.

Nuts and bolts may be freely exchanged and locked by p ins or wires.Bumper overriders may be removed.When the regulations o f an event allow the fitt in g o f an undershield, the fue l and

brake system pipes may be protected by a ll means.On the contrary, the fo llow ing modifications are p roh ib ited :1) to change the rake o f the steering column,2) to remove wheel-spats which are part o f the coachwork,3) to add an extra bolting system o f the doors,4) to add extra parking lights,5) to change the location o f the opening handle o f the bonnet,6) to replace the g rille bolts by others o f'q u lck -re le a se " type.I) B u m p e rs , e m b e llis h e rs , s t re a m lin in g : bum pers are com puisory on aii

cars fo r w hich the m anufacturer has norm aiiy provided them . For speed-events on c ircu it and fo r h iii-c iim bs, the suppiem entary regu ia tions may authorize the bum pers o f a car to be removed. Faiiing such an authoriza tion the bum pers m ust remain. For ra iiies, any car, norm aiiy deiivered w ith bum pers and the recogn ition form o f w hich show s such an equipm ent, m ust retain them .

W heei em beiiishers may be removed. The add ition o f any protective device underneath the car is fo rb idden uniess such a device is m entioned on the recogn ition fo rm o f the modei in question or is authorized or made com puisory by the supplem entary regu la tions o f the event.

T ITLE IVS P E C IA L T O U R IN G C A R S (G ro u p 2)

A r t . 258.—D e f in i t io n : cars o f iim ited series-production w hich may be sub ­



m itted to certa in m od ifica tions aimed at making them better su ited to com peti­tion. The iis t o f the m od ifica tions and add itions expiic itiy authorized is given hereafter under A rt. 260.

Moreover in th is g roup may be ciassed cars o f group 1 w hich have been the sub ject o f m od ifica tions and /or add itions exceeding the lim its o f group 1. These cars w iii then enjoy the same freedom as provided fo r g roup 2.

A rt. 259.—M in im um production and num ber of seats : tou ring cars shaii have been m anufactured in a quantity o f at ieast 1,000 units and be equipped w ith at ieast 4 seats; however if the ir cy iinder-capacity is equal o r in fe rio r to 700 cc, they may be delivered as tw o-seaters.

A rt. 260.— M odifications and add itions a u th o rized : aii those already authorized in g roup 1, p lus the fo llow ing ones;

a) M od ifications o f th e orig inal m echan ical parts : the orig ina l m echanical parts having undergone all the norm al m achin ing opera tions foreseen by the m anufacturer fo r se ries-p roduction, except those fo r w hich the present a rtic le provides a freedom o f replacement, may be sub jec t o f aii perfecting opera tions by means o f fin ish in g or m achining, but not replacem ent. In o ther w ords, p ro­vided the o rig in o f the series-production part may always be ascerta ined un­doubtedly, th is part may be rectified , balanced, lightened, reduced or m odified in its shape th rough m achin ing, to the exclusion o f any add ition o f material, mech­anical extension or trea tm ent w hich w ould enta il a change in the m olecular s tructu re or the surface o f the metai.

b) Engine—cyiind er-heads and v a lv e s : besides the m od ifica tions w hich can be carried ou t on the cyiinder-head as specified under paragraph a) here- above, com plete freedom is le ft as regards the valves, valve-guides and vaive- seats. The num ber o f valves per cylinder cannot be m odified .

A dual ign ition cyiinder-head necessitating a new casting can only be recognized under the conditions enumerated in A rt. 260 aa). However, i f i t is possible to f i t a second sparking p lug on each combustion chamber, on an o rig ina l cyiinder-head having gone through a ii the m anufacturing sequences provided fo r by the manu­facturer fo r the series-production, and in fu l l compliance w ith A rt. 260 a), dual ign ition is obviously authorized.

I t is allowed to add washers to the valve-spring assembly.

c) Engine—induction system and e lem en ts: the induction system is free. Yet d irec t in jection may only be used on an engine fo r w hich the fitt in g of a d irect in jection system has been orig ina iiy provided fo r in the m anufacturing. D itto fo r supercharging.

By the term "o rig in a lly provided fo r in the m anufacturing” is m eant: norm ally fitted on cars delivered to purchasers, and m entioned on the recognition form or the manufacturer's catalogue.

d) Engine—reboring : the reboring or replacem ent o f sleeves o f the engine is a llowed up to the lim it o f the cy iinder-capacity c lass to w hich the model belongs.

e) Eng ine—extiaust m an ifo ld , p ip ing and m ufflers : free. Yet, fo r events run on open roads, the e fficiency o f the m ufflers m ust rem ain, in aii cases, w ith in the lim its specified in the police regu la tions o f the country of the event.

f) Engine—bearings: plain or ro lle r bearings may be replaced by o thers of the same type, provided the crankshaft and the o rig ina l bearing caps are retained.

g ) G askets ; gaskets may be replaced by others o r suppressed.



h) Engine—lubricating sys te m ; the o il sum p may be m odified o r replaced by another one o f d iffe ren t shape and capacity. The o il pum p may be m odified or replaced by another one. Yet, the num ber o f o il pum ps o rig ina lly fitted cannot be changed. O il filte rs and o il coolers are free (type, num ber and capacity).

The fitt in g o f an oil-cooler exterior to the coachwork is only perm itted below the horizonta l plane passing through the centre o f the wheel-hubs. In no case, such a f itt in g o f an o il-cooler may result in the addition o f an aerodynamical enveloping structure.

i) Engine—cam shafts and v a iv e g e a r: free. Yet the loca tion , num ber and driv ing system of the cam shaft(s) canno t be changed. There is no restric tion as regards the num ber and type o f vaive sp rings provided tbe necessary m odi­fica tions of the m echanical parts do not go beyond those specified under the previous paragraphs.

j ) P is ton , p iston pin and piston rin g s: free.k) Engine—other e lem en ts: M ountings are free. The cooling fan and water-

pum p may be m odified , replaced or suppressed.There is no res tric tion fo r the fue l pum p as regards num ber, type, loca tion

and capacity. Nevertheless, it m ust never be located in the passenger com ­partm ent.

The switch o f the e lectrical fuei-pum p ( i f provided fo r) may be fixed inside the cockpit.

The inclina tion and the position o f the engine inside the engine compartment are free, provid ing however that the im plied m odifications do not go beyond what is allowed in Art. 260 a), k), 1} and m).

I) T ransm ission—gearbox . M ountings are free. The num ber o f speeds o f the gearbox cannot be m odified. The ratios are free. The loca tion and type of the gear lever are free.

Freedom fo r the scale o f ratios im plies the faculty o f changing the prim ary and secondary shafts, as w e ll as the gear and the bearings.

m ) T ransm ission—differen tia l. M ountings are free. The d iffe rentia l ra tios are free. A iim ited -s iip d ifferentia l, but not w ith a constant and com plete locking effect, may be fitted provided it can be located in the casing w ithou t enta iling a m od ifica tion beyond th a t a llowed under paragraph a)

The transm iss ion sha ft between the gearbox and the d iffe ren tia l is free.

n) S uspens io n : i t is a llowed to m odify the orig ina l parts o f the suspension in com pliance w ith the spec ifica tions o f A r t. 260 a) hereabove. The add ition of a s tab ilizer is allowed, o r the orig ina l one may be replaced by another one.

in the case o f a rig id axle rear suspension it is a llowed to add loca ting arm s and th e ir m ounting brackets.

The fitt in g o f jo in ts and attachm ent po in ts o f a d iffe ren t type and/or material is authorized.

The replacing o f a stabilizer is allowed even i f th is stabilizer serves other purposes in the suspension. It is also allowed to increase the number o f stabilizers per suspension.

o) S uspens ion— springs and shock-absorbers : com plete freedom is le ft as regards springs provided the main type of spring is not changed. Yet, the fitt in g o f o ther springs m ust not resu lt in a m od ifica tion of the m echanical parts beyond the lim its fixed under A rt. 260 a), and neither a change or a m od ifica tion of the coachw ork or the chassis, it is a llowed to add auxilia ry springs. A cco rd in g to the d e fin ition given under A rt. 252 fo r chassis and coachwork, it is a llowed to m odify the non-vis ib ie parts o f the coachwork.



Com plete freedom is also le ft as regards th e ir num ber, type and fitt in g , pro­vided no m echanical part be m odified beyond the lim its fixed under A r t. 260 a). Nevertheless, m ounting brackets may be added to the chassis and suspension elements.

p) S teering : the s teering-ra tio is free, provided tha t the o rig ina l steering box be kept.

q) W h ee ls and r im s: com plete freedom is left, provided the ir fitt in g can be carried o u t in fu ll con fo rm ity w ith A r t 253 d).

M oreover, the fo u r wheels o f a car m ust always have the same diam eter.By wheel is meant d isc 4- rim . Therefore^ not inc lud ing the tyre. However, as

regards A rt. 253 d)— Mudguards, I t is recalled that the said A rtic le specipes the measurement o f the wheel equipped w ith its tyre.

The location o f the spare-wheel is free, provided that it Is not placed inside the cockpit and that the external aspect o f the coachwork is not modified.Strength Guarantees

The attention o f the FiA has been drawn to numerous accidents caused by wheel failures. The to ta l freedom allowed, especially in Groups 2 and 4, has too often re- sulted in amateur construction o f rim s, which do n o t possess an adequate manu­facturing quality and fatigue resistance.

Therefore, It is recommended to each N ational Sporting A uthority to draw up a lis t o f wheel manufacturers o f its. own country, whose product presents a ll necessary guarantees o f safety.

Every N ationa l Sporting Authority, having so proceeded at a national level, w il l be authorized to require from the competitors tha t they use wheels produced by one o f the manufacturers having obtained recognition from the N ational Sporting Authority concerned or any other one.

r) E lectrical system —lighting e q u ip m en t: free. Yet, fo r events on open roads, the vehicle m ust be in com pliance w ith the po lice regulations of the country where the event Is run o r w ith the In te rnationa l C onvention on road tra ffic . The loca tion of the battery Is free, as long as it is no t placed in the pas­senger com partm ent.

The liberty given fo r the ligh ting devices concerns the ir replacement o r m odifica­tion, but does not a llow the ir pure and sim ple suppression. The num ber o f head­ligh ts is free.

In case the battery is placed inside the cockpit o f a car in the norm a l series produc­tion, i t may remain there.

s) Electrical system —engine accessories : it is a llowed to replace a dynamo by an alternator. The m ounting brackets and crankshaft pulley are free.

The ign ition system Is free as long as its replacem ent o r m od ifica tion does not a lter the m echanical parts beyond w hat is a llowed under A r t 260 a).

The generator may be pu t out o f use or removed. However, the m in im um ligh ting devices m ust remain in norm al working order during the whole race. Besides, it is recalled that, in a lm ost a ll races, the sta rting o f the engine m ust be effected w ithout any external help.

t) Fuel tanks and w ate r rad iators : the capacity o f fue l tanks is free up to the lim it spec ified under A rt. 253 j). The loca tion and d im ensions o f the f ille r o rifice as w ell as those o f the fillin g cap may be changed provided the new fitt in g does not p ro trude beyond the coachw ork line and provides aga inst fuel leakage Into the Inside com partm ents of the car.

Should the tank and its f il le r be loca ted In the luggage com partm ent, an o u tle t at the low est po in t m ust be provided fo r the fue l acc identa lly sp illed in th is com partm ent.


There is com plete freedom as regards the water rad ia tor and its capacity. Its loca tion may be changed provided no m od ifica tion is entailed e ithe r to the outside or to the ins ide (cockpit) o f the coachwork.

u) B rak ing sys te m : the m ounting o f a double pum p (m aster cylinder) o r o f any device w hich produces sim ultaneous action on the fo u r wheels and a separate action on tw o wheels is allowed.

The d iscs and drum s may be replaced by o thers provided the area o f the fr ic tio n surface is n o t m odified. L in ings are free. The backing p la tes may be m odified and fitted w ith air openings. Pro tection sh ie lds may be m odified or suppressed. C oo ling a ir-duc ts may be added provided they do not enta il a m odi­fica tion o f the coachwork.

The add ition o f brake servos is a llowed.It is forbidden to replace drum brakes by disc brakes and vice-versa, except i f th is

modification is duly recognised in conform ity w ith A rt. 260 bb).v ) C ab les and p ipes: i t is a llowed to entire ly m odify the arrangem ent,

ocation and m ateria ls o f all cables and pipes prov id ing fo r the passage o f flu id elem ents (air, water, fue l, e lectric curren ts, etc, inc lud ing the suspension system ).

w ) S prin gs : any spring tha t can be found on a car may be m odified or replaced by another one.

x ) C oach w ork e le m en ts : the steering-w heel and the fro n t seats may be replaced, provided seats o f a t least the same w eight as the o rig ina l ones be substitu ted to them .

in case o f the o rig ina l seats being changed the two new ones m ust weigh at least the weight as entered on the recognition form fo r the orig ina l ones, but i t is not mandatory that they both weigh the same weight.

The non-vis ib ie parts o f the doors, o f the engine bonnet and o f the trunk may be removed o r tightened.

By “ visible parts o f the coachwork" is meant a it non-structura i elements ticked by the air-streams and located above the horizonta l plane passing through the wheei- hubs, as w e ll as the visible parts o f the passengers’ compartment.

Non-visib ie insu la ting m aterial may be removed.Trim m ings o f the passengers’ compartment, o f the door panels, o f the cover o f the

giove-box, etc, which are norm ally provided fo r cars o f the series-production, m ust not be removed.

y ) O p tion s—defin itio ns : a v a r ia n t o f the series-p roduction. A ccesso ries or equ ipm ent delivered on express request o f the custom er. By op tion is therefore meant any equ ipm ent supp lied in supp lem ent to o r in p lace o f the basic model available on request, even if th is equ ipm ent is norm ally fitted on som e series- p roduction cars as is the case, fo r example, on cars fo r export.

z) R ecognition o f an o p tio n : the recogn ition o f an option w ill be granted only i f the optional equ ipm ent is available free ly a t the m anufacturer’s o r his dealers' fo r any one w ish ing to purchase it. i t m ust be m entioned In the m anu­fac tu re r's cata logue o f spare parts fo r the model concerned and properly identified.

aa) O p tio n a l equ ipm en t w h ich m ay be recognized w ith a m in im um production o f 100 un its per y ear to equ ip 100 cars:

— Reinforced suspension elem ents, provided they are abso lu te ly in terchange­able w ith the o rig ina l part and th a t the m ounting po in ts to the chassis remain in th e ir o rig ina l location.

A rig id rear axle is considered as being a part o f the suspension. Consequently a re inforced axle can be recognised as a variant on the basis o f an annual production o f at least 100 o f the part in question.



— Reinforced auxiliary chassis members.It is specified that by "aux ilia ry chassis" is m eant:

a) Any element o f the chassis fixed by means o f bolts or rivets to the chassis or the body, and which may therefore be removed or replaced by a reinforced element w ithout cu tting or welding.

b) Any supplementary re in fo rcing element fixed to the chassis o r the body, what­ever the means o f fixation {welding, bolts, etc), but w ithout the obligation o f cutting out any integrant part o f the orig ina l chassis o r body.

— Gearboxes inc lud ing those w ith a d iffe rent num ber of speeds.— Overdrive system s.— D iffe ren t steering cases.— D iffe ren t transm iss ion shafts and half-shafts w ith jo in ts .— C onnecting rods b u t not in a d iffe ren t basic material.— D iffe ren t c lu tch and d iffe rent flyw heel—type and d im ens ions—provided

th e ir fitt in g is possib le, w ith in the lim its o f A rt. 260 a).— C lutch housings, d iffe ren tia ls and gearboxes (extension housing included)

o f a d iffe ren t basic material.— C ylinder head o f a d iffe rent shape and/or m aterial, provided th a t the position

and num ber o f cam shafts, and the num ber o f valves per cylinder, remain unchanged. By position is m eant e ither in the b lock or in the head.

— C rankshafts o f a same basic material provided the type and diam eter(s) o f the bearings remain those specified on the recogn ition fo rm . Neverthe­less, th is optiona l c rankshaft m ust retain the o rig ina l stroke.

— D iffe ren t bearing caps.— Equipm ent fo r d ry-sum p lub rication .— L igh tw e igh t coachw ork elements, such as a lum in ium doors, p lexig lass

lateral w indows, g lass fib re engine bonnets, etc. Nevertheless, the basic w eigh t o f the car mentioned on the recogn ition fo rm shall no t be m odified. The recogn ition of lig h tw e igh t elem ents is only m eant to com pensate the m anufacturing to lerances and the fitt in g of some optiona l equ ipm ent w hich resu lts in an increase of the basic weight.

bb) O p tio n a l eq u ip m en t w h ich m ay be recognized w ith o u t a m in im um prod uction :

— D iffe ren t dashboard.— Pro tection sh ie lds under the car provided they do n o t decrease In a s ign i­

fica n t way the aerodynam ic drag of the car.— W ing extensions, aesthetica lly acceptable, provided they do n o t enta il an

increase of the w id th of the w ings o f more than 5 cm on each side o f the car. M easurem ent is to be done at the vertical go ing th rough the centre o f the wheel hubs.

— Brakes o f d iffe ren t type and /or d im ensions, w hich may inc lude larger hubs and sp ind les.

cc) A n y o ther option affecting d irec tly o r ind irec tly the perform ance of the car cannot be recognized unless 1,000 iden tica l cars equipped w ith th is option have been m anufactured in 12 consecutive m onths.

In case th is A rtic le would be applied w ithin Croup 4 (Special GT), the m inim um production would obviously be 500 cars and not 1,000.

N B : On account o f the im portan t m od ifica tions b rough t to the present group 2 in 1970, scru tineers are requested to d isregard the note ‘ Im po rtan t’ m entioned on the In te rnationa l recogn ition fo rm and specify ing w hich num bers are to be retained fo r the techn ica l verifica tion .




S E R IE S — P R O D U C T IO N G R A N D T O U R IN G C A R S (G roup 3)A rt. 261.— D efin ition : cars m anufactured on a lim ited se rles-p roduction scale

fo r the drivers who seek the best possib le perform ances and /or the greatest com fo rt w itho u t a special concern abou t the cost.

A rt. 262.— M in im um production and num ber o f seats : grand tou ring cars m ust have been m anufactured in a quan tity o f a t least 1,000 units identica l in ail respects (un less authoriza tions, lis ted hereafter under A r t. 263 specify o therw ise) and be equipped w ith at least tw o seats.

A rt. 263.—M odifica tions and /o r add ition s authorized : exactly the same as those authorized fo r g roup 1 (S eries-p roduction tou ring cars) (see A r t. 257).


S P E C IA L G R A N D T O U R IN G C A R S (G roup 4)A rt. 264.— D efin itio n : A t least tw o-sea ter cars m anufactured on a sm all

series-p roduction scale, and w h ich may be sub ject to m o d ifica tions in o rder to be more particu la rly adapted to sporting com petition . T h is g roup also includes cars derived from those recognized in g roup 3 (S eries-p roduction GT cars) and m odified beyond the lim its a llowed fo r group 3.

A rt. 265.— M in im um production and num ber o f seats ; the Specia l Grand Tou ring cars m ust have been m anufactured in a quan tity o f a t least 500 units and be equipped w ith at least tw o seats.

A rt. 266.— M odifications au th o rized : exactly the same as those authorized fo r G roup 2—Special Tou ring cars (see A r t. 260).


S P O R T S C A R S (Group 5)A rt. 267.—D efin itio n : high perform ance cars w hich m ust neverthe less

Include a ll equ ipm ent norm ally provided and legally required fo r vehicles using p ub lic roads.

A rt. 268— M anufacturing : 25 ex/year m inim um — num ber o f seats: 2 m in i­mum.

N B : In 1971, the organizers shall have to adm it, fo r events opened to G r 5, cars com ply ing w ith the techn ica l spec ifica tions hereunder, even if they are not F IA recognized on the basis o f 25 ex/year.

A rt. 269.—C ond itio ns required fo r recognition : the 25 cars shall be iden tica l as regards the fo llo w in g po in ts ;

a) C o ach w o rk : general line, m ateria ls o f construc tion , shape o f w ings and bonnet, num ber o f doors. Sm ail m o d ifica tio ns w ill be a llowed when made necessary by the d iffe ren t uses o f the ca r (c irc u it o r road events), o r by the m ounting o f supplem entary equipm ents authorized by the present regulations.

b) C hass is: wheeibase and track.I t is understood that the 25 identical cars needed fo r recognition in group 5 m ust



a ll have the same track measurements w ith a set o f wheels o f specific size. However, during the scrutineering fo r an event, one must take Into account the changes In track which could result from the fitt in g o f d ifferent wheels or the modification o f the suspension and for brakes such as authorized fo r th is group o f cars.

The number o f headlamps fitted on a car o f Group 5 or 6 Is free.c) E ng ine: cylinder-head, cylinder block, num ber o f cylinders, bore, stroke,

num ber and location of crankshaft bearings, type o f bearings and o f all ro ta ting parts ; num ber, loca tion and driv ing system o f cam shafts.

Num ber o f valves and valve-operating system.N um ber and location of the In le t and exhaust ports. (Free: Ign ition Includ ing

th enum ber o f spark plugs. Induction and exhaust: carbure ttor, filte rs , m anifo lds).ReborIng o f the engine Is a llowed up to the lim its o f the cy linder-capacity class

to w hich the model belongs.d) T ran sm iss io n : only one series o f gears authorized, plus an autom atic

gearbox. Com plete freedom fo r all gearbox and fina l drive ratios.e) S uspens io n : Its operating p rinc ip le and func tion of its com ponents.Four systems o f in dependent suspension m ust be distinguished :a) M cPherson's system ;b) Independent system by wishbones ( two superposed open triangles or one closed

and one open superposed triang les);c) Independent suspension by one tra iling arm fo r each wheel, the main character­

istic being d riv ing axles o f variable length and two universal jo in ts fo r each axle (example: rear suspension o f the B M W 1600).

d) Independent suspension by sw ing axles, the wheels being fixed on the driv ing axle, I.e. rear suspension o f the Renault G ord ln l R1135.

f) B raking system s: the braking system (drum s or d iscs, o r drum and disc brakes) m ust be Identical on a ll cars o f the m inim um series required fo r recogn i­tion . The braking system m ust be laid out In such a way th a t the brake pedal norm ally contro ls the fo u r wheels. In case o f a leak at any po in t o f the pip ing or any fa ilu re In the braking transm iss ion the brake pedal shou ld continue to operate on at least tw o wheels.

g) m in im um w e ig h t: the w eigh t o f the sports cars shall be at least the one stated by th e ir m anufacturer on the recogn ition fo rm o f the model concerned, no reduction being allowed. Th is w eigh t shall be at least equal to the m inim um lim its m entioned hereafter:

engine cy linder-capacity in fe rio r or equal to 500 cc 450 kgsengine cylinder-capacity from 500 to 600 cc 460 kgs

>> II II ,, 600 to 700 cc 470 kgs•• II II II 700 to 850 cc 480 kgsII II It II 850 to 1,000 cc 500 kgsM I. I, I, 1,000 to 1,150 cc 510 kgs

II (I I, 1,150 to 1,300 cc 525 kgs1,300 to 1,600 cc 550 kgs

• I II >1 1, 1,600 to 2,000 cc 575 kgs1. II II 1, 2,000 to 2,500 cc 600 kgs•I M M 1, 2,500 to 3,000 cc 650 kgs

1. 1. ,. 3,000 to 4,000 cc 725 kgsM It II i> 4,000 to 5,000 cc 800 kgsI. 11 II „ 5,000 to 6,000 cc 875 kgs.1 1. II ,, 6,000 to 7,000 cc 950 kgsII M II over 7,000 cc ; 1,000 kgs



A rt. 270.— M odifications and add itions au tho rized :a) C oach w orkM od ifications m ade by th e com petitors th e m se ive s : taking the car such

as it is recognized on the basic form , the com petitors may make aii coachwork m o d ifica tions required by the d iffe ren t uses, such as:

— Fitting o f aerodynam ic devices in com piiance w ith the fo ilo w in g A rt. 271.— m od ifica tion o f the w ings in o rder to a iiow the fitt in g o f iarger wheeis.— opening o f a ir vents in the coachwork. in o rder to ensure bette r coo iing of

the brakes, rad ia tors, etc.— m o d ifica tions in view o f the m ounting of extra headiights.

R ecognition o f coachw ork v arian ts : a same basic series o f 25 cars may inc lude open cars and closed cars, in th a t case, the recogn ition fo rm m ust m ention both variants.

i f the recogn ition fo rm conta ins only one of the tw o above varian ts the o ther may be recognized at a later date as a mere option.

b) EngineA m anufacturer may apply fo r the recogn ition o f optiona l cylinder heads

provided the num ber o f cylinder heads m anufactured is su ffic ien t to equip 25 cars, and provided the conception o f the cylinder head. ie. the num ber o f valves, type o f com bustion cham ber, etc. is not m odified.

The adoption o f a dual ign ition system is not considered as a change in the conception o f the cylinder head.

c) G earboxA n optiona l gearbox w ith a num ber o f ra tios d iffe ren t from th a t o f the gearbox

on the basic recogn ition fo rm may be recognized as a mere varian t provided it is free ly available.

A rt. 271.—S u p p le m en tary prescriptions concerning th e use of aero­d yn am ic dev ices : the h ighest po in t o f any fo rw ard fac ing gap in the coachwork shall no t be s ituated above a horizonta l plane, 80 cm above the low est p o in t o f the entire ly sprung s tructu re of the car.

The m aximum w id th o f the coachw ork shall n o t exceed by more than 20 cm the m aximum w idth measured between the tw o vertical p lanes tangen t to the outer face o f the fro n t o r rear wheeis.

A rt. 272.— S a fe ty fu e l ta n k s : cars com peting in speed events on c ircu its shall be equipped w ith a safety fue l tank com plying w ith one of the three sets o f sp ec ifica tions approved by the Fi A (see A rt. 297).

Fuel ce ils m ust be filled w ith safety foam confo rm ing to the A m erican m ilitary spec ifica tions Mii-B-83054 (B affle m aterial).

N B A s from 1.1.1972 cars w ith a cy linder-capacity exceeding 2.000 cc. pa rtic i­pating in speed races on c ircu its in one or more heats o f 100 kms each, m ust be equipped w ith tanks confo rm ing to norm s F1A/Spec/FT3 (see A rt. 297).

A s from 1.1.1973 the above prescrip tion becom es valid fo r cars o f 2.000 cc or less cylinder-capacity.

A rt. 273.— Extingu ishers: Cars m ust be equipped w ith a fire -ex tingu ish ing system of at least 5 kg extingu ish ing capacity. T h is system m ust inc lude a manual trigge ring device w hich can be operated by the drive r on board as well as by any helper outside the vehicle. The triggering device m ust be ind icated by a red circ le w ith the letter E.



The d irection o f the outie t(s) o f the extingu ish ing system are left to the d is ­cretion of the entrant.


P R O T O T Y P E S P O R T S C A R S (Group 6)

A rt. 281— D efin ition : experim ental com petition cars w ith at least tw o seats, especia lly m anufactured fo r speed or endurance races on closed c ircu its . The ir use on open roads may be forseen and in th a t case, the cars m ust include all equ ipm ent norm ally provided and legally required fo r vehic les using public roads.

A rt. 282.—S pe c ific a tio n s : these cars shall meet a ll general p rescrip tions concern ing cars of categories A and B (see A rt. 253) except fo r the fo llow ing p o in ts :

a) the protected heigh t o f a t least 80 cm Is optiona l (A rt. 253 b 2nd case),b) the w indscreen is optiona l (A rt. 253 c), but i f there Is one, its d im ens ions are

free,c) the hood is optiona l (A rt. 253 e),d) luggage space is optiona l (A rt. 253 h),e) the spare wheel is optional (A rt. 253 k).

Furtherm ore, prototype sports cars m ust be fitted w ith a doub le braking system such as specified under A rt. 269 f, and be equipped w ith safety fuel tanks o f an F IA approved type (A rt. 272), and also w ith an extingu ish ing device in com pliance w ith A r t. 273.

They m ust a lso com ply w ith the supplem entary regu la tions concern ing the use o f aerodynam ic devices such as specified under A r t. 271.

A s regards open cars, the fo llow ing sp ec ifica tions m ust be com plied w ith :— if the w indscreen heigh t is reduced to such an extent th a t the driver looks

over the top o f it Instead o f th rough it, it may be considered as a mere w ind- defiector. In tha t case, it may be o f transparen t p lastic m aterial and w ipers are optiona l.

— unim peded rear view m ust be ensured (fo r instance, by a rear-view ing m irro r on e ither s ide o f the vehicle).

N B : A M A L G A M A T IO N O F G R O U P S 5 A N D 6G roups 5 and 6 w ill be amalgamated as from 1st January 1972, in to a sing le

group ca lled : S p o rt Cars— Group 5 (w itho u t m inim um production).

D efin itio n : C om petition cars especially m anufactured fo r speed or long­d istance races on closed c ircu its . T h e ir use on open roads may however be fo re ­seen and, in tha t case, the cars m ust Include ail elem ents norm ally provided and legally required fo r vehicles using pub lic roads.

G eneral spec ifica tion s: These cars shou ld com ply w ith the general prescrip ­tio ns concern ing cars o f categories A and B (see A rt. 253), except as regards the fo llow ing po in ts ;

a) the luggage trunk is optiona l (A rt. 253 h),b) the spare-wheei is optiona l (A rt. 253 k),c) the hood Is optiona l (A rt. 253 e),



d) in the case o f an open car, the w indsh ie ld and the transparen t parts o f the doo r are op tio n a l; however, if they are provided fo r, th e ir d im ensions are free (If no w indsh ie ld is provided fo r, w indsh ie ld -w ipe rs are not com ­pulsory),

e) in the case o f an open car, the open ing de lim iting the passengers ' com part­m ent m ust be sym m etrical abou t the lengthw ise centre-line o f the car.

Besides, it is specified tha t the A ppend ix J d is tingu ishes only an entire ly open car, ie, the passenger's and the driver's seats uncovered, and entire ly closed car.

The m inim um w eigh t scale w ill be m odified as fo llow s, from the class o f cy linder-capacity o f 3,000 to 4,000 cc:

eng ine cylinder-capacity from 3,000 to 4,000 cc; 700 kg „ 4,000 to 5,000 cc : 750 kg

» „ „ „ 5,000 to 6,000 cc : 775 kg„ over 6,000 cc : 800 kg.

Safety R ules: See A r t. 253, 272 and 273.These p rescrip tions w ill become valid as from 1st January 1972. However, cars

o f the fo rm er G roup 5 w hich benefit from an F iA recogn ition may continue to be used, even if they do no t com ply w ith the new m inim al Inside d im ension figures (see A r t. 253).



A rt. 283.—S p ec ia l ruling fo r ra llies : prom oters may a llow partic ipa tion in an event of cars o f any type and w hich do not correspond to any o f the above categories or groups, such as fo r instance m ilitary cars, buses, lorries, etc.

B u t in th is case these non-defined vehic les shall have to be classed separately and may under no cond ition be m ingled w ith o ther cars in the general c lass ifica ­tion o f the event.


T W O -S E A T E R R A C IN G C A R S (G roup 7)A rt. 284.—D efin itio n : tw o-seater com petition vehic les b u ilt exclusively fo r

speed races on closed c ircu its .

A rt. 285.—C lassification o f cars shall be accord ing to eng ine d isp lace ­m ent as fo llo w s:

1st se ries: In fe rio r o r equal to 850 cc 2nd series: from 850 to 1,150jcc3rd series: from 1,150 to 1,600 cc4th series: from 1,600 to 2,000 cc5th series : from 2,000 to 3,000 cc6th series: from 3,000 to 5,000 cc7th series: over 5,000 cc

Supplem entary regu la tions o f an event may provide fo r com bin ing any of the above series o f c lasses.

A rt. 286.—F u e l: only com m ercia l fue l such as defined by the F IA shall be used (see de fin itio n hereafter).

A rt. 287.—S e lf-s ta rte r: the sta rting of th e engine m ust be done by the driver seated a t his wheel by means o f a s ta rte r w ith a source o f energy aboard the car.



A r t . 288.—B ra k e s : these cars shall be equipped w ith a dual braking system operated by a s ing le -con tro l. In case o f a leak o r fa ilu re at any poin t in the system, effective braking power shall be m aintained on at least tw o wheels.

A separate hand brake (em ergency brake) Is no t required.

A r t . 289.—C o a c h w o rk : coachw ork shall provide com fo rt and safety fo r driver and a passenger. A ll elem ents o f the coachw ork shall be com plete ly and neatly designed and fin ished , w ith no tem porary o r m akeshift e lements. The body shall cover all m echanical com ponents, except tha t the intake and exhaust p ipes may protrude.

A ll m ajor body com ponents such as fro n t and rear bonnet and/or hood, m ud­guards, doors and w indscreen m ust be m aintained In norm al position th ro u gh o u t the event.

a) C o c k p it and s e a ts : there shall be seats fo r the driver and a passenger of equal d im ension and com fort, and equally d isposed on each s ide o f the long i­tud ina l axis o f the car. Seats shall be firm ly attached in the car, b u t may provide fo r ad justm en t fo r the size of the occupant.

The passenger's space and seat shall rem ain available th ro u gh o u t the com ­petition and shall not be encroached upon by any elem ent o f the car o r equipm ent except as provided in these rules.

The passenger's com partm ent and seat shall not be sheltered by means of a tonneau cover o f any type.

D river and passenger space shall sa tis fy the fo llow ing m inim um d im ensions:— the Inside m inim um w id th of the com partm ent shall be 100 cm measured at

the Im m ediate rear o f the steering wheel hub and at r igh t angles to the long itud ina l axis o f the car, and m ust be unobstructed and m aintained at least 25 cm in a vertical plane.

Seats m ust fu lf i l the fo llow ing m inim um d im ensions:

(A ) is a lways measured horizonta lly and parallel to the long itud ina l axis o f the chassis, between tw o vertical planes perpendicu la r to the long itud ina l axis and defin ing from fro n t to rear the open space on a level where such measurem ent is taken.

For the driver's seat, (A ) is measured on the flo o r level, o r at the bottom o f any recess If need be, from the perpendicu la r o f the fu rth e s t pedal In its pos ition of rest.

For the passenger seat, th is m easurem ent Is taken at a heigh t o f 20 cm above the flo o r o r a t the bottom o f the recess, if need be.

In case o f movable seats it is fo rb idden to alter the position of any seat while car Is being measured.

(B) is measured ve rtically from the rear o f (A ) to the horizonta l plane tangent to the h ighest part o f the cushion as shown on the draw ings.



(C) is measured on the seat's centre line, in the horizonta l plane defined above from the upper end o f (B), parallel to (A ) and tangent to the fo re m os t po in t o f back of seats.

The arrangem ent o f the body m ust be such th a t:A + B + C = 1 1 0 c m m inim um .

The m inim um w id th fo r the fo o t space fo r each person m ust be 25 cm measured at righ t angles to the long itud ina l axis o f th e chassis, p lum b to the pedals.

W indsh ie ld w ipers are not required.

b) V is ib i l i t y : coachw ork shall provide v is ib ility fo r driver and passenger orward and to both s ides adequate fo r racing cond itions . Rear view m irror(s)

shall provide driver v is ib ility to the rear on both sides o f the car.

c ) D o o rs : coachw ork shall provide a t least tw o rig id doors g iv ing d irec t access to each seat. Each door shall accept a rectangle held in a vertical plane o f af least 30 cm X 50 cm.

These d im ensions shall not include any area above the horizonta l plane o f the body and door panels. The door open ings may not be obstructed in any way. The locking m echanism shall be operable from both inside and outs ide o f the car.

On ciosed cars, the doors shall be so designed tha t In case the car is partia lly or com ple te ly overturned at least one o f the doors shall remain in a pos ition to be opened, o r a means o f escape o ther than the door m ust be provided.

d ) M u d g u a rd s : m udguards shall be firm ly attached to the coachw ork w ith no gap between body and m udguard. They shall be placed above the tyres and shall cover them e ffective ly by su rround ing at least a th ird o f the ir circum ference. The w id th o f each m udguard shall extend beyond the s ide o f the tyres when the wheels are parallel to the long itud ina l axis o f the car.

In case the m udguards constitu te a part o f the body, o r are partly overhung by the struc tu re o f the body, the com bina tion o f m udguards and body, o r the body alone, shall meet the above requirem ents.

e) A e ro d y n a m ic d e v ic e s ; the use o f aerodynam ic devices is authorized provided A rt. 252 m (General p rescrip tions) and A r t. 271 (S upplem entary pre­sc rip tions fo r tw o-sea ter cars) are com plied w ith.

A r t . 290.—L ig h t in g : the m inim um lig h tin g equipm ent shall be:a) at least tw o b rak lng -ligh ts ;b) fo r n ig h t racing, tw o head-ligh ts at least as effective as those norm ally

fitted on tou ring cars and tw o d irec tion ind ica to rs m ounted at the rear.The supplem entary regu la tions of an event may require add itiona l ligh ting

equipm ent.

A r t . 291.—W h e e ls a n d ty r e s : there sha ll be no res tric tion on the size o f wheels o r tyres, provided they are identica l on the r igh t and le ft fro n t axles, and Identical on the r igh t and le ft rear axles.

A spare wheel and ty re is n o t required.

A r t . 292.—S a fe ty e q u ip m e n t:a) F ire e x t in g u is h e r : all cars shall carry during com petition a dry chem ica

fire extingu isher o f at least 1 kg capacity. It m ust be securely m ounted and may be located In the space provided fo r the passenger.

b) S c a tte r s h ie ld : the insta lla tion o f a sca tte r shie ld is required on those cars where the fa ilu re o f the c lu tch or flyw hee l could, due to Its loca tion , create a



hazard to the driver. In addition, any ro ta ting part o f the drive tra in shall n o t pass openly th ro u gh the driver and passenger com partm ent, but m ust be under the flo o r o r chassis structure.

c) R o ll bars: cars shall be equipped w ith a ro ll bar o r s truc tu re to p rotect the driver in case the car overturns. It shall be firm ly attached to the chassis s tructu re and designed to w ithstand com pression fo rces from the w e igh t o f the car as w ell as fo re -and-a ft loads from horizonta l forces.

d) S a fe ty belts : the car shall be provided w ith a safety be lt o f a qu ick release type attached to the chassis s truc tu re and designed to restra in the driver in his seat.

e) E xhaust system : the exhaust system shall term inate behind the driver and passenger seats.

f) F irew all and flo or: cars shall have an adequate firew a ll to prevent the passage o f flam e from the engine com partm ent o r under the car to the cockpit. O pen ings in the firew a ll fo r the passage o f engine contro ls , w ires, and lines shall be o f the m inim um size necessary.

The flo o r o f the cockp it shall be constructed to p rotect the driver by preventing the entry o f gravel, o il, water, and debris from the road and engine. Bottom panels o r belly panels shall be adequately vented to prevent the accum ula tion of liqu id .

g) B ulkheads and ta n k s : no part o f any fue l, o il o r water tank shall be exposed to any part o f the driver and passenger com partm ent. Fuel tanks shall be vented to prevent the accum ula tion of fum es and to prevent fum es from pass­ing in to the driver o r engine com partm ent.

FeuI tanks shall be Isolated by means o f bulkheads so th a t in case o f spillage, leakage or a fa ilu re o f the tank the fue l w ill not pass In to the driver o r engine com partm ent o r around any part o f the exhaust system.

Batteries shall be fu lly enclosed.h) C losed cars : adequate ventila tion shall be provided to prevent the accum u­

lation o f fum es ins ide the car.I) S a fe ty fue l ta n k s : The same p rescrip tions as those apply ing fo r G roup 5

(see A r t. 272).


S IN G L E -S E A T E R R A C IN G C A R S — IN T E R N A T IO N A L F O R M U L A E (G roup 8)

A rt. 293.—Form ula N o . 1.V a lid ity : from the 1st January 1966 to 31st Decem ber 1972.Engines w ith rec iprocating p istons:

a) engine cylinder-capacity w ithou t supercharg ing : in fe rio r or equal to 3,000 cc;b) engine cylinder-capacity w ith supercharg ing; in fe rio r o r equal to 1,500 cc.M in im um w e ig h t, w ithou t ballast; 530 kg

N B : The FI is prolonged beyond 31st D ecem ber 1972. However, as from 1st January 1972, the num ber of cylinders w ill be lim ited to 12 maximum.

A rt. 294.—Form ula N o . 2.V a lid ity : from 1st January 1967 to 31st Decem ber 1971.



R eciprocating piston engines : eng ine cylinder-capacity superior to 1 ,300 cc and in ferior or equal to 1,600 CO.

M in im um w e ig h t, w ithou t b a llas t; 450 kgs.

T h e cy lin d er-b lo ck m ust com pu lso rily be taken from an F IA recognized model o f car, m anufactured in a quantity o f at least 500 un its in 12 consecutive m onths. The cylinder-capacity may be obta ined by increasing or reducing e ither the o rig ina l bore o r stroke o r both d im ensions.

On the cylinder-b lock, entire ly fin ished w ill be perm itted all m od ifica tions w hich are necessary to ensure the m ounting and/or tigh tness o f the cylinder- head, the driv ing device o f the cam shaft(s), ign ition d is tribu to r, pum ps (water, fue l, in jec tion pum p) and o ther accessories, when the orig ina l loca tion or fo rm o f the above has been changed.

The type o f cylinder (w ith o r w itho u t sleeve) as well as the fric tio n system of connecting rod and crankshaft bearings m ust remain the same as on the orig ina l engine.

T h e num ber o f cam shafts is free.

Feed in g : the feeding system o f the engine is free (by carbure ttor, d irec t or ind irec t in jection) but no device liab le to have a supercharg ing e ffect may be mounted.

T h e num ber o f cy lind ers per engine is lim ited at six, but the CSI reserve the ir r igh t to reconsider th is decis ion from the m om ent th a t the F IA w ou ld have recognized in one o f the firs t three g roups o f A p p en d ix " J " , three m odels o f cars o f d iffe rent makes w ith an engine o f more than six cylinders and o f a cylinder- capacity in fe rio r o r equal to 2,000 cc. However such a decis ion of m odifica tion would only come in to e ffect as from the 1st January of the fo llo w in g year.

C ooling system : the system of the o rig ina l engine m ust be preserved (by air, by w a te r).

P ropu ls ion : th rough a maximum o f tw o wheels.

G earbox: maximum five ratios, the reverse gear not included.

As from 1st Jan uary 1972, the fo llo w in g prescriptions w ill com e into force fo r the Form ula 2 :

V a lid ity : 1st January 1972 to 31st D ecem ber 1975.

Non-supercharged reciprocating p isto n -eng ines: engine cy iinder-capacity In fe rio r o r equal to 2000 cc.

M in im um w e ig h t w ith o u t ba llas t:Cars equipped w ith a 4 cylinder eng ine : 450 kg

..................................... 6 „ „ : 475 kg„ „ „ m ore'than 6 cy lin d e rs : 500 kg.

T h e eng ine ( inc lud ing eng ine-b lock and cylinder-head) m ust be derived from an engine equ ipping a model o f car fo r w h ich the F IA has ascerta ined a series- p roduction o f a t least 1,000 units.

M od ifica tions allowed on the o rig ina l pieces o f the engine are those provided fo r G roup 2 (Special Touring Cars). However, all freedom is le ft fo r the crank­shaft and the connecting rods. The m axim um cylinder-capacity authorized—2,000 cc— can be obta ined by m odify ing the orig ina l bore and /or stroke.



G e a rb o x : five gears maximum, not inc lud ing the reverse gear.

T h e propulsion w ill be ensured by tw o wheels maximum.

A rt. 295.—Form ula N o . 3.V a lid ity : as from 1st January 1971 to 31st Decem ber 1974. R eciprocating

p iston engines only.

M axim u m c y lin d er-c a p a c ity : 1,600 cc.The maximum cylinder capacity may be obta ined by increasing o r reducing

e ither the bore or stroke or both d im ensions.

M axim u m num ber of c y lind ers : 4

The engine block and cylinder head castings, m achin ing com pleted, m ust be those o f a series-p roduction car m anufactured in a t least 5,000 units in 12 con­secutive m onths o f a model recognized by the F iA .

The o rig ina l engine b lock and cylinder head may be m odified free ly by removal o f m aterial to the exclusion of any add ition of material.

The type of crankshaft bearings may not be m odified (the replacem ent of a p la in bearing by a ro lle r bearing is there fore fo rb idden).

The induction system is free b u t i t m ust com pu lso rily be fitte d w ith a th ro ttlin g flange of 3 mm in length and w ith a paralle l hole of 20 mm diam eter. Th rough th is th ro ttlin g flange ail the a ir feeding the engine m ust pass.

The th ro ttlin g flange m ust com pu lso rily be made o f metal or m eta iiic alloy.The m aterial o f the a ir-box is free, provided it is not a porous material.The C SI reserves its r igh t, after the experience obtained during the firs t year, to

m odify the dimensions o f the th ro ttling fiange w ith a shorter previous notice than the two regular years.

No supercharging device is a llowed even if a series-p roduction one was fitted on the o rig ina l engine.

The o ther o rig ina l parts o f the engine may be replaced or m odified w itho u t restric tion .

O th er m echan ical e lem en ts: the gearbox and d iffe rentia l casings m ust be those of a car m anufactured in a t least 5,000 units in 12 consecutive m onths, o f a model recognized by the FIA , but not necessarily the model from w hich the engine has been taken. The gearbox may no t have more than 5 fo rw ard speeds, p lus a reverse gear.

C om plete freedom is le ft as regards the ratios. The use of a lim ited s lip d iff­e rentia l is a llowed.

D im en sio n s : m inim um wheelbase 200 cm m inim um track 120 cm

M in im um w e ig h t, w ith o u t b a llas t: 440 kg.

C ertifica te o f o rig in : any Form ula 3 car show ing up at the s ta rt o f an event shall be supp lied w ith a ce rtifica te estab lished by the m anufacturer and ra tified by the N ational S porting A u th o rity , specify ing the orig in o f the basic elem ents of the vehicle.

A rt. 296.—P rescriptions and de fin itio ns app licab le to racing cars o f the 3 in terna tio na l fo rm u lae .

a) M in im um w e ig h t: the m inim um w eigh t is tha t o f the car in runn ing order i.e. w ith ail lub rication and coo ling liq u id s but w itho u t fue l.

The ballast w hich is p roh ib ited is th a t o f a removable type. It is therefore



perm iss ib le to com piete the w eigh t o f the car th rough one o r several ballasts Incorporated to the m ateria ls o f the car provided th a t so lid and unita ry b locks are used, and th a t they are fixed by means o f a to o l and o ffe r the oppo rtun ity o f being sealed on shou ld the o ffic ia ls entrusted w ith the scru tineering of the car deem it necessary.

b ) T h e c o n s tru c t io n o f th e v e h ic le m ust be sym m etrical i.e. when the car is lifted latera lly and weighed, the ha lf w e igh t on e ithe r side m ust be equal to half the overall w eight, a m argin o f + or — 5% being allowed fo r the said half w eight. T 0 verify the above, the w eigh ing m ust be done w ith a il tanks fu ll (fue l, water, o il) and a driver, w eigh ing at least 75 k ilos norm ally s ittin g at the steering-w heel (o r a ballast o f the same w eight occupying the same place)

c ) R e ve rse g e a r : a ll vehicles m ust have a gearbox inc lud ing a reverse gear, w hich m ust be in working order when the car s ta rts the events and able to be operated by the driver when norm ally in h is seat.

d ) C o m p u ls o ry a u to m a t ic s ta r te r w ith e lectrica l o r o ther source o f energy carried aboard the car and able to be contro lled by the driver when norm ally in his seat.

e) P ro te c tio n a g a in s t f i r e : besides th a t already provided by A r t. 125 o f the in terna tiona l S porting Code, the car shall be equipped w ith a general e lectric c ircu it-b reaker e ither operating autom atica iiy o r a t the d isposa l o f th e driver.

f ) D r iv e r 's s e a t liab le to be occupied or le ft w itho u t it being necessary to open a doo r o r remove a panel. S itting at h is s teering-w heel the drive r m ust be facing the road.

g ) A tta c h m e n t p o in ts fo r s a fe ty -b e lt , the use o f such a belt being optiona l.

h ) C o a c h w o rk : no part o f the coachw ork, w ith the exception o f the safety ro il bar, shall exceed in he igh t a horizonta l plane, 80 cm above the low est p o in t o f the entire ly sp rung s truc tu re o f the car.

F o rm u la e 1 a n d 2Behind the fro n t wheels, the coachw ork shall n o t exceed a m axim um w id th o f

110 cm (nevertheless, the exception provided fo r, hereafter, as regards lateral fuel tanks rem ains valid).

The coachw ork ahead o f the fro n t wheels may be extended to an overall m axim um w id th o f 150 cm.

Nevertheless, any part o f the coachw ork ahead o f the fro n t wheels, exceeding an overa ll w id th o f 110 cm , shall n o t extend above the he igh t o f the fro n t wheel rim s.

F o rm u la 3Behind the fro n t wheels, the coachw ork m ust n o t exceed a m axim um w id th o f

95 cm (nevertheless, the present exception provided fo r in A p p en d ix J fo r lateral fue l tanks rem ains va lid).

The coachw ork ahead o f the fro n t wheels may be extended to an overall m aximum w id th o f 135 cm.

Nevertheless, no part o f the coachw ork ahead o f the fro n t wheels, exceeding an overall w id th o f 95 cm , shall extend above the he igh t o f th e fro n t wheel rim s.

Fo r a l l F o rm u la e : wheels shall be external to the coachwork.

The m ounting o f lateral fue l tanks is to lerated provided however they do n o t protrude beyond the vertical plane passing th rough the m edian line o f the tyres.



The coachw ork opening g iv ing access to the cockp it m ust have the fo llow ing m inim al d im ensions;

Length : 60 cmW id th : 45 cm, m aintained over 30 cm from the m ost rearward po in t o f the seat-

backrest tow ards the fron t.Moreover, the cockp it m ust be so conceived th a t the m aximum tim e necessary

fo r the driver to get in o r out does not exceed 5 seconds.Date of app lication o f the m inim al d im ension figu res required fo r the open ing :

1st January 1971 fo r F3 and 1st January 1972 fo r FI and F2.

i) B raking safe ty system w hich m ust inc lude a double c irc u it operated by the same pedal and com plying w ith the fo llo w in g :

— the pedal shall norm ally contro l the fo u r wheels;— in case o f a leakage at any po in t o f the brake system pipes or o f any kind o f

fa ilu re in the brake transm iss ion system , the pedal shall s till con tro l a t least tw o wheels.

j) F illing port com ply in g with the fo llo w in g requirem ents;— the fillin g port(s) and th e ir caps shall not p rotrude beyond the coachw ork

m ateria l;— the opening shall have a su ffic ien t d iam eter fo r a llow ing the a ir exhaust at

the tim e of quick re fue lling (in particu la r those done under pressure) and if necessary the breather-p ipe connecting the tank w ith the atm osphere shall be such as to avoid any liq u id leakage during the runn ing.

k) O il catch ta n k : the m ounting o f a tank(s) o r device m eant fo r co llec ting any o il sp illing ou t o f the engine and /or transm iss ion is com pulsory. Th is device shall have a m inim um capacity o f 3 litres fo r F1 vehic les and those of fo rm u la lib re of a cy linder-capacity o f more than 2,000 cc and a m inim um capacity o f 2 litres fo r vehic les o f Form ula 2 and 3 and o f fo rm u la lib re o f a cy linder-capacity in fe rio r or equal to 2,000 cc.

I) E x h a u s t p ip e s : the o u tle t o rif ice s o f the exhaust pipes, when directed horizonta lly to the rear, m ust be placed a t a heigh t o f m ore than 30 cm and less than 60 cm above the ground. If ttiey are no t entire ly covered by an elem ent o f the coachwork, they may no t p rotrude by more than 25 cm beyond the overall length of the car.

m ) N o refuelling o f lu b rican t is a llowed fo r the whole duration o f the event.The fillin g ports o f the o il tanks and rad ia tors shall provide the p oss ib ility of

afTixing seals.The leads sealing the fillin g port(s) o f the lub rican t tank(s) may not be re­

moved at any tim e during the race.The leads sealing the fillin g port(s) o f the radia tor(s) shall be In place at the

s ta rt o f the race, but may be removed a t any p it-stop .

n) S a fe ty d e v ic e s : the safety devices and measures given hereafter m ust be com piled w ith fo r racing cars of the in terna tiona l fo rm ulae and becom e m andatory at the ind icated dates.

R oll-bars :G eneral considerations

1 — The basic purpose of such devices is to p rotect the driver if the c a rtu rn s over or is involved In a serious accident. T h is purpose shou ld always be borne In mind.

2 — W henever bo lts and nuts are used, they shou ld be o f a su ffic ien t m inim um\T7


diam eter, accord ing to the num ber used. They shou ld be o f the h ighest poss ib le qua lity (preferably a ircra ft). Square head bo lts and nuts shou ld n o t be used.

3 — One continuous length o f tu b in g shou ld be used fo r the main s tructu re w ith sm ooth co n tinuous bends and no evidence o f c rim p ing o r wall fa ilu re .

4 — A ll weld ing shou ld be o f the h ighest poss ib le qua lity w ith fu ll penetration (p referab ly arc w eld ing and in particu la r heiiarc). A lth o ug h good outs ide appear­ance o f a weld does no t necessarily guarantee its quality, poor look ing w elds are never a s ign o f good workm anship.

5 — Braces shou ld preferably be o f the sam e size tub ing as used fo r the main structure.

6— For space-fram e cons truc tions it is im portan t tha t crash-bar s tructu res are attached to cars in such a way as to spread the loads over a w ide area. It Is not su ffic ien t to s im p ly attach the ro ll-b a r to a sing le tube or ju n c tio n o f tubes. The ro il-ba r shou ld be designed in such a way as to be an extension o f the fram e itse lf, no t s im ply an attachm ent to the fram e.

C onsiderable care shou ld be attached to the necessary streng then ing o f the basic structure, fo r instance by adding re in fo rcem ent bars o r p lates so as to properly d is tribu te the loads.

7— For m onocoque construc tions , conside ra tion shou ld be given to using a ro ll-b a r hoop o f 360 degrees com plete ly around the ins ide o f the car, and attached w ith su itab le m ounting plates. Th is type o f ro li-ba r then becom es a su bstitu te fo r the fram e.

D im e n s io n s : the d im ensions o f the ro li-bars m ust be as fo llo w s : the m inim um heigh t m ust be at least 36 inches (92 cm) m easured along the line o f the d rive r's spine, from the metal seat to the top o f the ro li-bar. The to p o f the ro il-b a r m ust also be at least a t 5 cm above the drive r’s helmet, when the drive r is s itting in norm al d riv ing position .

The w id th m ust be at least 38 cm measured ins ide the ro il-b a r between the tw o vertical p illars o f the sides. It m ust be m easured at 60 cm above the metal seat on the perpendicu la r to the line o f the d rive r's spine.

S tre n g th : in o rder to obtain a su ffic ien t s treng th fo r the ro li-ba r, tw o poss i­b ilities are le ft to the m anufacturers;

a) the w eigh t being th a t o f the car In s ta rting order (d river aboard, fu ll tanks), the ro il-ba r m ust be able to w iths tand th ree sim ultaneously applied loads: — 1.5 G lateral,— 5.5 G fo re and a ft— 7.5 G vertical, the Induced loads being carried over In to the prim ary

s tructure .A ce rtifica te signed by a qua lified techn ic ian m ust be subm itted to the

S cru tineers o f an event. It m ust be accom panied by a draw ing o r a pho to ­graph o f the said ro ll-ba r and state th a t th is ro ll-b a r can w ithstand the above m entioned loads.

b) the tubes and brace(s) m ust have a d iam eter o f at least I f Inch (3.5 cm ) and a t least 0.090 inch (2 mm) wall th ickness. The m aterial shou ld be m olyb­denum chrom ium S A E 4130 or S A E 4125 (o r equ iva len t In D IN , NF, etc.).

There m ust be at least one brace from the top o f the bar rearwards at an angle no t exceeding 60° w ith the horizonta l. The d iam eter and m ateria l o f the brace m ust be the same as those o f the ro il-bar Itself.

In the case o f tw o braces, the d iam eter o f each o f them may be reduced to 20/26 mm.



Removable connections between the main hoop and the brace m ust com ply w ith d raw ings nos 10 and 11 o f A rt. 253 o r w ith any o ther type approved by the FIA.

N B : A s an ind ica tion , the fo iiow ing advice is given fo r the w eld ing o f steel S AE4125 (25 CD 4, etc.).

T h is steel can be welded by oxy-acetylene. The w e id ing -rod m ust be in A 50 steel (French aeronautica l spec ifica tion , A IR 9114 regu la tion) when no therm al treatm ent is carried ou t a fter weld ing.

A s regards e lectric arc-w e ld ing w ith coated e lectrodes, i t is necessary to use e lectrodes o f the basic type having been previously k iln -dried at 350°C (682°F) during tw o hours.

The metai deposited by these e lectrodes may be e ithe r in carbon steel w ith su ffic ien t characteris tics (fo r example, e lectrode E444B o f the French norm A81309— o f the B ritish norm 639-1719— o f the A m erican w eld ing norm A23364- E60/E70) o r in steel o f the 25 CD4 type (e lectrode com plying w ith the aeronautica l spec ifica tion A IR 9114; e lectrode A IR 85; R = 75 , E=60, A = 1 3 % ; resilience;107,000 ps i; lim its o f e las tic ity ; 85500 m in im um ; e longation ; 13%— basic).

In a il cases, the operators m ust be previously qua lified and the post welding contro l shou ld be carried ou t by dye penetrant testing or magnetoscopy.

C ab les , lines and e lec trica l eq u ip m en t: except if the cables, lines and e lectrica l equ ipm ent such as battery, fue l pum p, etc., are in com pliance w ith the requ irem ents of the a irc ra ft industry as regards th e ir loca tion , m ateria l and connections, they m ust be placed or fitted In such a way th a t any leakage cannot resu lt in ;

— accum ula tion o f liqu id ,— entry o f liqu id in to the cockpit,— con tac t between liqu id and any e lectrica l line o r equipm ent.Should the cables, lines or e lectrica l equ ipm ent pass th rough or be fitted in

the cockpit, they m ust be fu lly enclosed in a cover o f a liq u id -tig h t and fire -p ro o f material.

S a fe ty fue l ta n k s : Cars o f the In te rnationa l Form ulae 1,2 and 3 m ust be fitted w ith safety fue l tanks com plying w ith one o f the three sets o f sp ec ifica tions given hereafter. A rt. 297.

Besides, fue l tanks m ust be filled w ith safety foam com ply ing w ith the A m e ri­can m ilita ry spec ifica tions Mil-B.83054— (B affle m aterial).

N B : A s from 1.1.1972, the sole fue l tanks to be used fo r FI cars are those com ply ing w ith the F IA /S pec/FT3 spec ifica tions . The F iA /S pec/FT 3 fue l tanks w ill be com pulsory fo r F2 cars as from 1.1.1973.

T a n k fillers and caps: it is recalled th a t on fo rm u la cars, the tank fille rs and th e ir caps m ust not p rotrude beyond the coachwork.

The caps m ust be designed in such a way as to ensure an e ffic ien t locking action w hich reduces the risks o f an accidenta l opening fo iiow ing a crash Im pact or incom ple te locking a fte r re fue lling.

The fille rs m ust be placed away from po in ts w hich are vu lnerable in case o f a crash. The a ir vents m ust be located at least 25 cm to the rear o f the cockpit.

Electric c lrcu it-b reakers : it is recalled th a t as from 1st January 1969, the f itt in g o f a general e lectric c ircu it-b reaker, clearly ind icated, w ill becom e manda­to ry fo r ail cars taking part in speed races.

For Form ula cars, th is c ircu it-b reaker m ust be ind icated by a b lue tr iang le w ith a spark and be easy o f reach as well from inside as from outs ide the car.



Extinguishing sys te m ; A ll cars o f the In te rnationa l racing fo rm ulae m ust be fitted w ith an extingu ish ing system confo rm ing to A rt. 273.

o) C ond itio ns required fo r In tern a tio n a l Form ula even tsThe fo llo w in g lim its o f d istances are com pu lso ry fo r all In ternational fo rm u la

races.The supe rio r lim its are valid fo r all events adm itting cars o f In ternational

racing form ulae.The In fe rio r lim its are com pulsory only fo r events counting tow ards an F IA

C ham pionship, Cup or Trophy.

Length o f 1 heat To ta l length o f event 1 heat-event

Min Max Max Min Max

FI 150 250 450 250 325

F2 100 175 325 200 250

F3 75 100 200 100 175

A rt. 297.— S a fe ty Fuel T a n k s approved by the F IA1— G eneralitiesSafety fue l tanks are made o f a re in fo rced e lastom er bladder m anufactured to

f i t Inside a sm ooth skinned surround ing structure .

2— T e c h n ic a l specificationsThree sets o f sp ec ifica tions have up to now obtained F IA recogn ition . The F IA

reserves Its r igh t to approve any o ther se t o f techn ica l sp ec ifica tions a fte r study o f the doss ie r subm itted by the m anufacturer(s) concerned.

A — S pec ifica tio ns F IA /S p e c /F T I

1— M ateria lThe flex ib le tank skin m ust be m anufactured from a woven fab ric In polyam ide,

polyester o r equiva lent Im pregnated and coated w ith a fue l res is tan t e lastom er,

2— M in im al phys ica l properties of th e fin ished bladder— T ens ile s treng th : 400 lbs mln. Spec M lL-CCC-T-191b, method 5102;— Tear s treng th ; 25 lbs m ln. Spec M IL-CCC-T-191b, method 5134;— Puncture te s t: 25 lbs m ln. Spec M IL-T-6396-C A rtic le 4.5.17.

These physical properties m ust be m aintained th ro u gh o u t a ll areas o f the fin ished fue l cell. Inc lud ing seams, jo in ts , and fitt in g s .

B— S pec ifica tio ns F IA /S p e c /F T 21— M ateria lThe flex ib le tank skin shall be m anufactured from a fue l res is tan t e lastom er,

re in fo rced on the ou ts ide w ith a woven fa b ric In polyam ide, polyester o r equ i­valent.

2— M in im al physical properties o f th e fin ished bladder— Tensile s treng th : 90 lbs m ln.;



— U ltim ate e longation after fa ilu re of fab ric T es t: 400% m in.; Spec MIL- CCC-T-191b Method 5102;

— Tear strength T es t: 20 ibs m in.: Spec M IL-CCC-T-191b Method 5134;— P uncture te s t: 25 Ibs m in.: MIL-T-6396-C. A rt. 4.5.17.

These physica l properties m ust be m aintained th ro u gh o u t ail areas o f the fin ished fue l cell inc lud ing seams, jo in ts and fitt in g s .

— Th ickness: 0.030" min.

C — S pec ifica tio ns F IA /S p e c /F T 31— M ateria lThe flex ib le tank skin m ust be m anufactured from a woven fab ric in polyam ide,

polyester o r equiva lent im pregnated and coated w ith a fue l res is tan t e lastom er.

2— M in im al phys ica l properties— Tensile s treng th : 450 Ibs min. Spec M iL-CCC-T-191b Method 5012;— Tear s treng th : 50 ibs min. Spec M IL-CCC-T"191b Method 5134;— Puncture te s t: 175 Ibs min. Spec MIL-T-6396-C A rtic le 4.5.17.

These physical properties m ust be m aintained th ro u gh o u t all areas o f the fin ished fue l cell, inc lud ing seams, jo in ts and fitt in g s .

3— G eneral rem arks regarding fittings and connectionsA il f itt in g s in e lastom er shall be vu lcanized on the skin and there fore be

integra l part o f If.A ll metal f itt in g s shall be:

— e ither coated w ith e lastom er and vulcanized on the skin,— or integrated to the skin, by heating under pressure,— or m echanically bound to the skin by a system o f ring and counterring,

the sealing being ensured e ither by a fla t jo in t, o r w ith an "O ” ring.In a ll cases, i f there is a connection w ith bo lts , it is recom m ended to f it steel

inse rts in the ligh t a lloy plates.The hose clam p area o f all n ipp le fitt in g s shall be covered e ithe r w ith fab ric , or

w ith p rotection laths, in o rder to avoid cold flow o f rubber when under clam p pressure.

4— S a fe ty ta n k m anufacturers recognized by the F IAEntrants m ust use safety fuel tanks made by a m anufacturer recognized by the

FiA.In o rder to obtain the F IA 's agreem ent, a m anufacturer m ust have proved the

constant qua lity o f its p roduct and its com pliance w ith the sp ec ifica tions approved by the FIA .

Safety tank m anufacturers recognized by the F IA m ust undertake to deliver to th e ir custom ers exclusively tanks com plying w ith the norm s approved. To th is end, on each tank delivered there shall be a prin ted code ind ica ting the name of the m anufacturer, the exact spec ifica tions accord ing to w hich th is tank has been m anufactured (F IA /S p ec /F T I, FT2 or FT3) and the date o f m anufacturing.

5— A geing o f safe ty fu e l tanksThe ageing o f safety tanks enta ils a considerable reduction in the strength

charac teris tics after approxim ately five years.Therefore, all fuel ce lls m ust be replaced at the la test five years after the

fab rica tion date ind icated on the cell.IBS


Fuel ce lls w hich are not codified such as to show the ir date o f fab rica tion w ill be considered to date from before 1st January 1970.

6— List o f recognized m anufacturersU nited S ta tes

A ero Tec Laboratories, 20 Beldon Place, Norwood, New Jersey 07648 Donn A lle n Inc, 5730 Bankfleld Drive, Culver C ity, C a lifo rn ia 90230 Firestone Coated Fabrics Co, 1200 Firestone Parkway, A kron, Ohio 44301 G oodyear Fuel Cell Labs, The Goodyear T ire & Rubber Company,

A kro n , Ohio 44316

FranceK léber-C o iom bes-d iv is ion M arston, BP22,

4 rue Lesage Maille, 76-Caudebec-les-E iboeuf S uperflex it S A , 45 Rue des M inim es, 92 Courbevoie

G reat B ritainFPT Industries Ltd, The A irp o rt, Portsm outh , Hants M arston Excelsior Ltd, W obaston Rd, W olverham pton, S ta ffs

Ita lyPirelli, V iale Rod! 15, M ilano

A rt. 298.—C om m erc ia l fu e l.a) F ue l fo r a ll piston engines (rec ip rocating and ro ta ry ): by "com m erc ia l

fu e l” to be used in m oto r car speed events, the Federation In te rnationa le de l'A u to m o b ile intends to designate a "m o to r” fuel produced by an O il Com pany and curren tly d is tribu ted at road re fue lling sta tions th ro u gh o u t one same country.

May therefore be used, in all speed races fo r w hich the use o f com m ercia l fuel s com pulsory, ail com m ercia l fue ls o f the country in w hich the event takes place,

w ith no other additive except tha t o f a lub rican t o f cu rren t sale w h ich cannot increase the octane num ber, o r water.

May a lso be used, under the same cond itions, any com m ercia l fue l(s) w hich— in France, Germany, Great B rita in and Ita ly—is (are) o f the h ighest octane rating, accord ing to the Research M ethod.

If the above-m entioned fue l could not be easily im ported in to the country where the event is taking place, it may be replaced by another one o f s im ila r quality and w ith the same octane num ber (RM)—with a to lerance o f-F 1—specially made by an O il Company.

W henever—in France, G reat Brita in, Germany and Italy—a new com m ercia l fuel is made available w hich has a h igher octane-ra ting than those so ld so far, the O il Com pany producing th is said fuel shall give notice to the F IA by a registered lette r and th is new com m ercia l fuel (o r its equiva lent as specified hereabove) may be used fo r racing 30 days after the registered lette r has been mailed.

The O il C om panies w ho supp ly fue l d irectly to the entrants o f a race shall have to send to the prom oters the characteris tics and a sam ple o f the fue l delivered in such quantity as Is su ffic ien t to carry out the necessary analyses, and also a declaration stating tha t the fue l com plies w ith the present specifica tions.

b) Fuel fo r veh ic les propelled by turb ine eng ines: kerosene used by com m ercia l aviation com panies fo r tu rb o -p ro p or je t engines or the fue l used by vehicles w ith conventional type engines and com ply ing w ith the here-above de fin itio n o f “ com m ercia l fu e l” .




FO R M U LE L IB R E R A C IN G C A R S (G roup 9)

A rt. 299.— It is perm itted to o rganize sporting com petitions open to other racing cars than those defined in one o f the previous G roups of A p p en d ix J.

A ll spec ifica tio ns concern ing the vehic les and particu la rly the lim ita tions of the cy linder-capacity are in th is case at the d iscre tion o f the prom oters and It rests w ith them to l is t these sp ec ifica tions as c learly as poss ib le in the Supple­mentary R egulations o f the event, w h ich anyway have to be approved by the National S po rting A u th o rity answerable to the FIA .

However racing cars w hich do n o t com ply w ith any o f the In te rnationa l Racing Formulae, m ust fo r security reasons be In con fo rm ity w ith the fo llow ing rules listed here-above under A r t. 296, General p rescrip tions and d e fin itio ns : e). i). j), k). I), m), n).

N B : The in troduc tion o f safety foam in safety fue l tanks is oniy com pulsory if com m ercia i fue i is used.



Liste d’homologation 1971Par su ite de la m od ifica tion des groupes, la seule référence à considé rer sur les fiches d 'hom o loga tion précédem m ent éditées, est le num éro d 'hom o loga tion— et non le num éro de groupe.

Homologation list 1971Further to the m od ifica tion o f the groups, the only reference to be considered fo r the recogn ition fo rm s previously issued, is the recogn ition num ber— not the group num ber.

Homologierungs-Liste 1971Bel Ànderungen Oder U m grupp ierung von Fahrzeugen soil ste ts auf die H om olog ierungs-num m er verw iesen werden und n ich t auf die Num m er der F iA -G ruppe .

Lista delle omologazioni 1971A segu ito deiie m od iflche del grupp i, i'un ico rife rim en to da considerare su iie schede di om oiogazione precedente- mente emesse é ii num éro di om oiogazione e non queiio del gruppo.

©1971 Fédération Internationale de rAutom obile209


Liste générale des modèles homologués pour l’année 1971General list of recognized cars for 1971Liste der homologierten Fahrzeuge 1971Lista generate del modelli omologati per I’anno 1971La présente L iste Générale des M odèles H om ologués pour l'année 1971 est arrêtée au 31 décem bre 1970. Les addenda périod iques à cette liste, qui paraîtront au cours de l ’année 1971, seront pub liés dans le Bu lle tin S p o rtif mensuel de la FIA .T h is general l is t o f recognized cars fo r 1971 has been established on 31st Decem ber 1970. Period ical addenda to th is lis t, pub lished during 1971, may be found In the m onth ly F IA M o to rspo rt Bulle tin .D ie vorllegende Liste der hom o logie rten Fahrzeuge 1971 1st am 31. Dezember 1970 aufgeste llt worden. P erlod lsche NachtrSge zu der im Jahre 1971 ve ro ffen t- llch tena llgem elnen L iste sInd In den m onatllchen F IA — A u to sp o rt— M Itte llungen zu flnden.Questa lls ta generale dl m odelli om ologati per I'anno 1971 é agg lornata al 31 d icem bre 1970. A gg lo rnam entI pe rlod lc l saranno pubb llc lta su l B o lle ttino S portive m enslle della F IA .

Groupe I— Voitures de Tourism e de Série (Homo! No 5000 et suite)

Group i— Series Production Touring Cars (Homoi No 5000 and onwards)

Gruppe i— Serlen-Tourenwagen (Homoi Nr5000 usw) Gruppo i— Vetture Turismo di Serie

(Dai nr Omoi 5000 in su)

(C S)S K O D A

5109 1000 MB 1966(988) 1000 MBG (988)S 1100 MB (1107)S 100(988)S 110 L (1107)


(D )A U T O U N IO N

5065 A u d i (1696)5143 A u d i 80 (1696)5150 A u d i S uper 90 (1760) 5187 A u d i 68 (1696)

5294 A u d i 100(1760)5307 A u d i 60 (1496)

B M W5001 1800 I I (1773)5117 1600—2 (1573)5120 2000 (1990)5141 2000 T l (1990)5144 2000 CS (1990)5217 1600 T l (1573)5258 2002 (1990)5267 1800/68(1766)5268 2500 (2494)5308 2800 (2780)5331 2002 T l (1990) 920 kg



D A IM L E R B EN Z5051 M ercedes 200 (1988)5052 M ercedes 200 D (1988)5053 M ercedes 230 (2306)5054 M ercedes 230 S (2306)5066 M ercedes 250 S (2496)5067 M ercedes 250 SE (2496)5218 200 (1988)5219 220 (2197)5220 230 (2292)5221 280 S (2778)5222 220 D (2197)5223 200 D (1988)5224 250 (2496)5225 280 SE (2778)5352 250 CE (2496)

FO R D (K Ô L N )5238 P7/17M (1699)5239 P7/17M (1498)5240 P7/20M (1998) 1100 ko5241 P7/20M (2293) 1100 kg5269 P6/15M-15MTS (1699)5295 Capri 1.3L (1298)5296 Capri 1.5L (1498)5297 C apri 1.7L (1699)5298 C apri 2.3L (2293) 950 kg

N S U5002 Prinz 1000 L/S (996)5055 S p o rt P rinz Type 41 (598)5056 Prinz 4/Type 47 (598)5068 Type 110 (1085)5114 1000 T T (1085)

5127 110/S-SC(1177)5226 T T 1200(1177)

O P E L5008 Kadett (1078)5009 Kadett C oupé (1078)5118 Rekord (1492)5121 Rekord 1700/1900/1900 “ S "

(1698 ou 1897)5145 R aliye-Kadett (1078)5169 Rekord Coupé (1698 ou 1897)5170 C om m odore (2490 ou 2239)5188 Rekord/Rekord L (2239)5209 Railye Kadett LS (1897)5210 Rallye Kadett LS (1078)5242 C om m odore GS/GSE (2490)5243 Rekord S p rin t (1897)5244 K adett-B -C oupé F Railye

(1897)5362 Kadett 1900 (1897)

V O L K S W A G E N5010 1600 T L (1584)5064 1300 (1285)5076 1600 Karmann Ghia Type 34

(1584)5119 1500 Type 1 (1493)5146 1200 (1192)5189 1200 m odèle 1968 (1192)5190 1300 m odèle 1968 (1285)5191 1500 m odèle 1968 (1493)5192 1600 m odèle 1968 T L (1584)5200 1600 m odèle 1968 EL (1584)5257 411 (1679)5330 411 E(1679)

N B: Le prem ier num éro donne ta ré férence d 'hom o loga tion F IA . Le nom bre entre parenthèses Ind ique la cy lindrée du véhicu le. Le poids, éventuellem ent m entionné, annule et rem place le po ids Ind iqué su r la fich e d ’ hom ologation F IA à la rub rique No 9.

The f irs t fig u re Is the F IA recogn ition re ference num ber. The fig u re between brackets Ind icates the engine capacity o f the vehicle . The w e igh t, if men­tioned, cancels and replaces the w e igh t given on the F IA recogn ition form under No 9.

D ie erste Z iffe r is t d ie H om o loga tlonsnum m er der F IA . D ie In Klammern angegebene Z iffe r g ib t den H ubraum des Fahrzeugs an. Falls e in G ew lch t angegeben 1st, so annu lie rt und erse tz t es das auf dem F IA H om ologa tions- b la tt under No 9 angegebene G ew lcht.

II p rim o num éro é quelle d e li’om ologazlone F IA . Il num éro tra parantes! ind ica la c illnd ra ta del m otors. Il peso, se Ind ica te, a nnu lia e sos titu isce que lle segnato su lla scheda d l om ologazione F IA a ira rtic o io 9.



5332 181 (1493)5363 1302(1285)5364 1302 3 (1584)

A W E E IS E N A C H5078 W artbu rg 312 (992) 5116 353(992)

S A C H S E N R IN G5142 Traban t P 601 (594)

(E)A U T H l-B M C

5266 M orris 1100(1098)

F A S A R E N A U L T5079 R8(956)

S E A T50805081 51805270527153285329 5334

1500 (1481)600 D (767)850 Coupé (843)124 (1197)850 Berllna 8 (843) 124-5 puertas Ô19V) 1430 (1438)850 S port Coupé (903)

S IM C A -B A R R E IR O S5245 1000 (944)


5030 0 8 21 (2175)5033 2CV A Z (424)5034 A m ! 6 (602)5130 0 8 19 A (1985)5131 10 19 Série B (1985) 5181 Oyane (424)5259 1 0 20 (1985)5277 A m i 6 (602)5278 Oyane 4 (435)5279 Oyane 6 (602)5299 0 8 20 (1985)5325 0 Special (1985)5338 0 8 21 In jection (2175)

P A N H A R D5029 24 CT (848)

P E U G E O T5039 404 C arburateur (1618)5040 204(1130)5041 404 In jection (1618)5082 404 Oiesel (1948)5083 204 Break (1130)5153 204 Coupé (1130)


5182 404/8(1468)5260 504(1796)5280 504 In jection (1796)5326 304 (1288)5353 204 Break D iesel (1255)

R E N A U L T5084 R 1095 D auphine G ord in i (845)5085 R 1120 R 4 Luxe (747)5086 R 1123 R 4 Export (845)5087 R 1130 R 8 (956)5088 R 1132 R 8 M ajor (1108)5089 R 1133 Caravelle (1108)5090 R 1150 R 16 (1470)5091 R 1190 R IO (1108)5175 R 8 G ord in i (1255)5227 R 16 1 8 (1565)5261 R 6 (845)5281 R 1136 R 88 (1108)

S IM C A5037 10005122 13015123 1501 5183 11005262 10005263 10005264 15015282 SIM '5283 1100 5327 1100 5365 1100


5021 1800(1798)5027 M ini (848)

B LM C5284 5324 5333 5335

Type 8 D (944) (1290)(1475)Type DB(1118) Type EB (944) Special (1118) Special (1475)4 Type EA (777) L8 (944)Break (1118) Specia l (1204)

M ini 1000 (998)A u s tin Maxi (1485) T rium ph 2.5 PI (2498) 1300 GT (1275)

C O O P E R (B M C )5013 M ini C ooper (998)5028 M ini C ooper “ 8 " (1275)

f o r d m o t o r C O5024 C ortina GT (1499)5112 Zodiac Mk IV (2994)5132 C ortina m odèle 1967 (1297)5133 C ortina GT m odèle 1967 (1499) 5147 C orsa ir 2000 E (2000)5176 Lotus C ortina 1967 (1558)

835 kg


5184 C ortina 1600 E (1599)5185 C ortina 1600 GT (1599)5211 Escort GT (1297) 770 kg5213 Escort S uper (1297)5214 Escort de Luxe (1098)5256 Escort (940)5300 Capri 1300(1298)5301 Capri S uper 1600 (1599)5302 Capri S uper 2000 (1996)

920 kg5336 Capri 3 litre (2994)

H IL L M A N5016 Mk il im p de Luxe/Supet imp

(375)5134 H unter Saloon (1724)

H IL L M A N /S IN G E R5160 C alifo rn ian /C ham ois Coupé

(875)5231 M inx/Gazelle (1496)

H U M B E R 5230 Sceptre (1724)

J A G U A R5017 3.3 " S ” Type Saloon (3781)5019 3.3 Mk II Saloon (3731)

MG5020 1100(1093)

M O R R IS5026 M ini M inor (343)5162 1300(1793)

R O V E R5014 2000(1930)5092 3 Litre (2995)5135 2000 TC (1930)5235 P5B 3.5 Litre (3531)5236 3500 (3531)

S IN G E R5022 C ham ois Mk li (375)5136 Vogue (1724)

S T A N D A R D T R IU M P H5015 T 2000 (1993)5093 Herald 12/50(1147)5094 V itesse 1600(1596)5113 1300 (1296)

S U N B E A M /S IN G E R5161 Cham ois S po rt (375)

V A U X H A L L5096 C resta/C resta de Luxe (3294)5097 V ic to r VX 4/90 1966 (1595)5137 V iva/Epic "S L 90” modèle

1967 (1159)

5138 V iva/Epic de Luxe modèle1967 (1159)

5186 V ic to r 2000 m odèle 1963(1975)

5212 V ic to r 1963 (1599)5233 Vento ra (3294)5303 V iva/Epic de Luxe 90 (1159)

( 1 )A L F A R O M E O

5046 G iu lia Super (1570)5047 G iu lia 1300 (1290)5043 G iu lia S p rin t GT (1570)5050 G iu lia 1600 T i (1570)5093 1300 T I (1290)5126 G iu lia S p rin t GT Veioce (1570)5143 G iu lia GT 1300 Ju n io r (1290)5215 1750 Berlina(1779)5237 G iu lia 1600S (1570)

A U T O B IA N C H I5099 P rim ula 109 (1221)5237 P rim ula 109 C (1197)5309 A .m .A (1433)5340 A.112(903)

F IA T5057 500 Type 110 F (499)5053 600 D (767)5059 350 Berline (843)5060 850 Coupé (343)5061 1500 Berline (1481)5100 1100R (1039)5102 2300 (2279)5110 124 (1197)5165 124 Coupé S po rt (1433)5166 125 (1603)5216 850 Special (843)5232 350 S po rt Coupé (903)5254 125 Spécial (1603)5255 124 Specia l (1438)5304 128 (1116)5341 124 Coupé 1600 (1603)

IN N Q C E N T I5103 M ini M inor (348)5164 M ini Cooper (993)5291 M ini M inor Mk II (343)5292 M ini C ooper Mk il (993)

L A N C IA5043 Fiavia Coupé (1300)5044 F u lv ia 2 C (1 0 9 1 )5163 Fuivia G T (1216)



(J)D IA H A T S U K O G Y O K .K .

5354 Fellow Max L38 (356)FU J I

5178 A 12 Subaru 1000(977)5305 FF1 A14 (1088)5315 Subaru R2 (356)5370 A15 Subaru (1267)

H IN O5062 C ontessa 1300(1251)

H O N D A506351795234

IS U Z U51495235

S 600 (606) N 360 (354) N 600 (598)

PR 20— Belle t 1500 (1471)P A 20 Florian (1584)

M IT S U B IS H I5155 A-81— C olt 1000 F (997)5156 A-21— C olt 1100(1088)5342 M in ica A100 (359)5343 M in ica A 101 (359)5344 M inica A 101 GSS (359)5345 C o it G aiant A 51 (1289)5346 C oit G aiant A 52 (1499)5347 C o it Gaiant A 52 GS (1499) 5351 C o it 11 3 A 82 SS (1088)

N IS S A N 5104 C edric P 130 (1973)5265 D atsun P 510 (1595)5355 D atsun P 510-1600 SSS (1595)5356 Sunny B 110-1200(1171)

T O Y O -K O G Y O5316 Mazda 1800 Luce (1796)

1025 kgMazda 1200 M TK(1169)Mazda 1200 S T A (1169)755 kg

T O Y O T A 5115 UP 20 Pub iica (790)

C orona RT 40 (1490)KE 10 C oro iia (1077)C oro iia S p rin te r KE 15 (1077) C orona RT 72 S (1858)C oro iia KE 15 3(1077)P ub iica KP 30 (993)C oro iia KE 11 (1166)C oro iia S p rin te r KE 17 (1166) C orona Mk II S L RT 60 S (1591)







5105 5228

(PL)F .S .O .


(S )S A A B

5106 5125

C orona Mk ii SL-Hard Top RT 70 S (1591)C orona Mk ii 1900 RT 62 K (1858)Corona Mk ii 1900-Hard Top RT 72 K (1858)C orona 1600 S L RT 82 S (1591) Corona 1500 RT 80 DK (1490) C oro iia Coupé SL KE25 S (1166)C oro iia KE 20/KE 25 (1166) C orona RT 61 DK/61 5 (1707) Corona RT 71 K/71 S (1707)

D affod il 1966 (746) 55 (1108)

Syrena 104 (842)Poiski Fiat 125P (1294) Poiski Fiat 125P (1481)

96 Sedan 1966 (842) Sedan V4 (1498)



V O L V O5012 122 S—2 portes (1778)5151 144 S (1778)5152 123 GT (1778)5208 142 S (1778)5289 142 S (1986)5290 122 S (1986)5313 122 S B20 (1986)5314 142 S B20 (1986)


5111 408(1360)5350 412 (1478)

Z A P O R O J E T Z5247 Z A Z 965 A (887)

(U S A )C H E V R O L E T

5158 Cam aro 12437 (5735) 5201 Camaro 12437(6492) 5293 Camaro Z28 (4956)



5310 Camaro 70-350 (5772) 1520 kg 52505368 Véga Sedan (2995)5369 Véga Coupé (2995) 5251

C H R Y S L E R P L Y M O U T H 52525159 Barracuda (6286)5337 Cuda 340/426/440 5253


FO R D 52735128 1967 M ustang Hardtop (4740)5129 1967 M ustang Hardtop (6393)5205 M ustang 302 (4949) LINCC5206 M ustang 390 (6384) 52025207 M ustang 427 (6982) 52035248 M ustang F/back 69 302 (4949) 5204

1450 kg 52745249 M ustang F/back 69 351 (5771) 5275

1485 kg 5276

1565 kg Mustanc 1345 kg Mustanç 1485 kg Mustans 1565 kg

1450 kg

C ougar 302 (4949)Cougar 390 (6384)C ougar 427 (6983)C ougar 351 (5771) 1525 kg Cougar 428 (7003) C yclone 428 (7003)

Groupe II— Voitures de Tourisme Spéciales (Homoi No 1000 et suite)

il— Spécial Touring Cars(Homoi No 1000 and onwards)

Gruppe il— Speziai-Tourenwagen (Homoi Nr 1000 usw)Gruppo il— Vetture Turismo Spéciale (Dai nr Omoi 1000 in su)


(A )S T E Y R -P U C H

1200 500 D/500 DL (493)1259 650 T (643)1289 650 TR (659)


1160 Freeway (2433)

F O R D A U S T R A L IA1123 Falcon de Luxe Sedan (2366)

H O L D E N1246 Série EH (2930)1401 Série HD (2440) ou (2930)

M O R R IS A U S T R A L IA1161 M ajor Elite (1622)

W O L S E L E Y A U S T R A L IA1162 24/80(2433)

(B)V O L G A

1210 Vo lga D iesel (2286)


1211 Vedette Rallye Especial (2432)1361 C ham bord (2414)1362 Tu fao Rallye (2505)

(C S )S K O D A

1254 O ctavla 1963 (1089)1255 Octavla S uper 1963 (1221)1256 Octavla TS 1200 (1221)1328 1202 S T W (1221)1498 1100 MB (1107)

T A T R A1219 T 2 603 (2474)

(D )A U T O U N IO N

1284 D K W F102 (1175)1285 D K W F 94 P (980)

(V ém ag-B résii)



B M W1233 1800(1773)1347 1600 (1573)1448 2000 C A (1990)1558 2800 e s A u to m . (2788)1585 2800 e s (2788)

D A IM L E R -B E N Z1436 300 SE m odèle 1966 (2996)1559 300 SEL 6.3 (6289)

F O R D (K Ô L N )1234 Taunus 12 M P 4 (50CV)

(1498)1383 Taunus 17 M P 5 (1498)1384 Taunus 17 M P 5 (1696)1385 Taunus 20 M P 5 (1998)1441 Taunus P 6/15 M (1498)1500 P 7 (2300 S) (2293)1567 Caprl 2 L itres (1998)1584 P 7 2600 S (2551)

M A N S G L A S1392 1700-112 (1682)1433 1304 TS (1300)

N E C K A R1339 116 1500 TS L im ousine (1481)

N S U1313 Prinz 1000 L (996)1488 1000 T T S (996)

O P E L1271 Rekord Coupé (1680)1378 D ip lom at V8 (4638)1568 Rekord C -L6 (2239)1596 Kadett B 1500 (1498)1597 Com m odore 2800 (2784)

V O L K S W A G E N1398 1300(1285)

A .W .E . (A u to m o b il W e rk E isenach)1213 311 (992)


1212 P 60 Traban t (594)


(E)A U T H I -B M C

1553 MG 1300 (1275)1554 MG 1100(1098)1555 M orris M ini (1275)1556 M orris 1300 (1275)

F A S A R E N A U L T1560 R 8 S (1108)

S E A T1463 850 (843)


1564 Mehari (602)

P E U G E O T1291 404C Coupé à in jection (1618)1293 404 L Fam iliale (1618)1294 404 U 6 D Com m erciale (1815)1295 404 U 6 Com m erciale (1468)1296 404 L D Fam iliale Grand Uuxe

D ie s e l(1815)1601 504 Coupé (1796)1602 504 C abrio le t (1796)

R E N A U L T1367 R 8 G ord in i (1108)

S IM C A1276 SB 1000 Coupé (944)


1096 A 110 W estm ins te r (2912) 1064 Seven Countrym an (848) 1119 A 60 Cam bridge (1622) 1178 A 40 Mk II (1098)1238 1100(1098)

B LM C1587 M ini 1275 GT (1275)

FO R D M O T O R GO1218 New A n g lla (997)1524 Escort Tw in Cam (1558) 1605 Escort R S 1600(1601)

H U M B E R1387 S uper Snipe V (2965)

J A G U A R1010 2.4 litres Mk II (2483)1011 3.4 litres Mk II (3442)


MG1125 M agnette Mk IV (1622)1134 MG 1100 (1098)1523 MG 1300 (1275)

M O R R IS 1094 Oxford Mk V l(1622)1135 1100(1098)1197 M inor 1000 (1098)

R ILE Y 1114 4-72(1622)

R O O T E S 1588 H illm an G T Saloon (1724)

R O V E R 1113 Land Rover 88 et 109 2 i L

D ie s e l(2286) S T A N D A R D T R IU M P H

1468 V itesse 2 litre (1998) S U N B E A M

1458 Rapier Series V (1724) 1490 S tile tto S po rt Coupé (875) 1518 Rapier (lré 4 )

V A U X H A L L 1371 V ic to r 101 (1595)1533 Viva GT (1975) 930 kg1534 V iva 1600 SL (1599)1569 V iva 1600 De Luxe (1599)

V A N D E N P L A S 1118 P rincess Mk II (2912)

W O L S E L E Y1112 16/60(1622)1120 6/110(2912)

(I)A B A R T H

1469 Fiat A b a rth 695 SS (690)1470 Fiat A b a rth 595 (594)1486 Fiat A ba rth 1000 Beriina (982)1487 Fiat A b a rth 850 TO (847)

A L F A R O M E O1146 2600 S p rin t (2584)1267 G iu lia T l S uper (1570)1557 1300 G T A (1290)1565 1750 GT Veioce (1779)1576 1750 GT A m . (1779)

A U T O B IA N C H I1459 Prim ula Coupé (1221)1545 Prim ula Coupé 109C (1438)

F IA T1145 2300 S Coupé (2279)1227 2300 Lusso (2279)1491 D ino Coupé (1986)

G IA N N IN I1504 Fiat G iannin i 500 T V (499) 1548 590 GT (586)

IN N O C E N T I1372 I 4 (1098)

L A N C IA1187 Fiavia(1500)1242 Fiavia Berline 1800 (1800)1301 Fiam inia P in in fa rina (2775)1302 Fiavia P in in fa rina (1800)1303 Fiavia Zagato (1800)1471 Fiavia S po rt (1800)

(J)D IA H A T S U K O G Y O K .K .

1382 C om pagno Beriina (797)1426 F40 Com pagno Beriina 1000

(958)1442 F 402— C om pagno Beriina

1000 (959)

FU J I1316 Subaru 360 (356)1443 Subaru 1000 (977)1529 Subaru 1000 S p o rt Sedan

(977)1570 Subaru A14Z S ports Sedan


H IN D1413 Contessa 1300 Coupé (1251)1416 Contessa 1300 S (1251 )1444 C ontessa 1300 Coupé L (1251)

H O N D A1374 S 500 (531)1404 S 600 Coupé (606)1577 H 1300 (1298)1603 H 1300 Coupé (1298)

IS U Z U1417 B eiie t 1600 GT (1579)1427 PR 20 S B eiie t S (1471)1474 PR 20 S— Beiie t 1500 S port

m odèle 1967 (1471)1475 PR 91— B eiie t 1600 GT (1584) 1592 Florian TS P A 20 SD (1584)



1593 Bellet 1600 PR 50 SD (1584)1594 Bellet 1600 GT PR 91 (1584)1595 B elle t 1600 OHC 50 SD (1584) 1604 Bellet 1600 GTR PR 91 W

(1584)M IT S U B IS H I

1312 C o lt 1000 (997)1445 C o lt 1500 (1498)1483 A-21 ES— C olt 1100 Sporty de

Luxe (1088)1484 A-22— C olt 1500 S ports Sedan

(1498)1535 A23 C o lt (1189)1536 A82 C olt (1088)1537 A27 C o lt (1498)

N IS S A N1405 B luebird S ports Sedan (1299)1406 D atsun B lueb ird 1300 (1299)1429 R 411 D atsun B luebird (1595)1430 H 130 Cedric (1998)1446 D atsun B lueb ird R (L) 411

(1595)1476 S 54 B—3 (1988)1477 D atsun B luebird P (L) 411

T K (1299)1485 D atsun B luebird R (L) 411

(1595)1493 D atsun B luebird P 510 (1595)1494 D atsun B luebird 510 (1296)1495 D atsun Sunny B (L) 10 (988)1538 D atsun Sunny KB (L) 10 (988)1539 C (L) 10 Skyline (1483)

P R IN C E M O T O R S1402 Skyline GT (1988)1431 S 54 1-2 Skyline GT (1988)

S U Z U K I1323 S uzu ligh t Fronte (356)1496 Fronte 360 LC-10 (U ) (356)

T O Y O K O G Y O C O1304 Mazda Carol 360 PD (358)1305 Mazda Carol 360 PD (20 PS)

(358)1307 Mazda Carol R 360 Coupé

(358)1308 Mazda Carol 600 (586)1397 Mazda Fam ilia SS (782)1428 Mazda Fam llla “ S ” (782)1439 Mazda Fam llla Coupé (985) 1531 Mazda SPB Fam llla Sedan

(987)1541 M10A Fam llla Rotary Coupé



T O Y O T A1381 Toyopet C orona (1491)1418 Toyopet C orona Hardtop S

(1587)1419 Toyopet C orona Hardtop

(1490)1420 Toyopet Corona 1600 S (1587)1421 Toyopet C row n de Luxe (1988)1514 RT 55— 1600 GT (1587)1543 C oro lla KE 10(1077)1544 Corona Hardtop S (RT54)

(1591)1571 P ub lica SL KP 30 S (1077)1579 Pub lica SL KP 31 S(1166)1580 C oro lla SL KE 11 S (1166)1581 C oro lla S p rin te r SL KE 17-S

(1166)1582 C orona Mk II Hardtop

G SS-R T 75 M (1858)


1461 44 (844)


1260 Syrena 103-S (992)

(R A )A U T O U N IO N (S a n té Fé)

1403 A U 1000 S (980)C H E V R O L E T A R G E N T IN A

1437 Super 1966 (3769)1480 Super 1967 (3769)1598 Chevy SS (4097)

C H R Y S L E R FE V R E1438 V a lian t III (3687)1479 V a lian t IV (3687)1574 Dodge GT (3687)

F IA T C O N C O R D1400 Berllna 1500 C (1481)1481 Berllne 1500 (1481)1482 Coupé 1500 (1481)

FO R D A R G E N T IN A1346 Nuevo Falcon (2786)1546 Falcon (3064)1575 Fairlane (4785)1599 Falcon 70 (3081)1600 Fairlane 70 (4785)

K A IS E R1489 T o rino PF 622 (3770)


1520 T o rino 380 W (3770)1521 T o rino 300 S (2996)

P E U G E O T S A F R A R1341 403 (1467)1522 404 (1618)1578 504(1657)

R E N A U L T IK A 1334 G ord in ! IK A (845)

(S )S A A B

1432 Specia l (841)V O L V O

1092 122— 4 portes— (1778)


1282 M oskvich 403 (1360) U S IN E DE G O R K I

1281 Vo lga M21 M (2445)1547 Vo lga M24 (2445)

(TR )O T O S A N

1572 A nado l A l (1298)

(U S A )A M E R IC A N M O T O R S

1465 R am bler-A m erican (4753) 1505 1968 Javelln (4753)1586 Javelin 304 (4982)

C H E V R O L E T1353 C orva ir C orsa (2687) 1415 1966 Chevy II (4637) 1449 Cam aro (4956)

C H R Y S L E R1249 V a lian t V V 2 (4340)1331 Barracuda (4481)1453 Barracuda 1967 (4481)1526 Barracuda 340 S (5567)

D O D G E1332 D art (4481)1452 D art m odèle 1967 (4481)1527 D art 340 S (5567)

F O R D15091512151315611562


M ustang 289 (4740)Falrlane 1967 (6982)T o rino 1968 (6982)Ta lladega 428 (7003)M ustang Boss 302 Gr. Il (4949)B oss 302 70 (4949)Boss 429 70 (7031)C leveland 351 (5752)

L IN C O L N -M E R C U R Y1354 C om et Cyclone 2 doors

hard top (4737)1455 C ougar (4737)1506 C ougar 289 (4740)1563 E lim inator 302 (4949)

P O N T IA C1379 Tem pest Le Mans GTO (6373) 1528 F irebird 22337 (4956)

Groupe III— Voitures de Grand Tourism e de Série (Homoi No 3000 et suite)

Group ill— Series Production Grand Touring Cars (Homoi No 3000 and onwards)

Gruppe III— Serien-Grand-Tourism e-W agen (Homoi Nr 3000 usw)

Gruppo III— Vetture Gran Turismo di Serie (Dal nr Omol 3000 in su)

(D)O P E L

3012 GT 1900 (1897)3013 G T 1100 (1078)

P O R S C H E3003 912(1582)3011 911 E/911 T (2195) 3025 911 3(2195)



V O L K S W A G E N3004 914/4(1679) (I)


3035 A110-1600 (1565) P E U G E O T

3032 304 Coupé (1288)3033 304 C abrio le t (1288)

S IM C A3018 1200 S Coupé (1204)

A L F A R O M E O3008 Sp ider 1300(1290)3009 1750 Sp ider Ve loce (1779) 3034 JZ 1300 (1290)

F IA T3007 124 S po rt Sp ider (1436) 3019 850 S po rt S p ide r (903)3029 124 S p ide r 1600 (1608)

F R A N C IS L O M B A R D I3030 850 Grand Prix (843)



L O T U S3026 E ian+2 (1558)3027 Eian (1558)3028 Europa (1470)

T rium ph TR 6 (2498) M idget Mk i i l (1275) Sprite (1275)MGB (1798)MGB GT (1798)

L A N C IA3001 Fuivia Coupé (1216)3002 Fulvia Raiiye 1.3 (1298)3006 Fuivia 1.6 MF (1584)3020 Fulvia 1.3 S (1298)3024 Fuivia 1.3 MF (1298)3031 Fulvia S po rt 1.3 (1298)


3021 117 Coupé F A 90(1584)N IS S A N


Fairiady ZS 30 (1998)D atsun S po rt H(L) S30 (2394)

Groupe IV — Voitures de Grand Tourisme Spéciales (Homoi No 500 et suite)

Group IV — Special Grand Touring Cars (Homoi No 500 and onwards)

Gruppe IV — Spezial-Grand-Tourisme-W agen (Homoi Nr 500 usw)

Gruppo IV — Vetture Gran Turismo Spéciale (Dai nr Omoi 500 in su)

(D ) P O R S C H E

B M W 503 911 65 (1991)596 1600 GT (1573) 547 911 S (1991)

D A IM L E R B E N Z536 Mercedes 230 SL (2306) 570 Mercedes 250 SL (2496) 597 Mercedes 280 SL (2778)

577578579580 606

911 T (1991)911 S Ta rga (1991)911 L Targa (1991)912 Targa (1582) 912 69(1582)

H A N S G L A S 607 911 T 69 (1991)521 1300 GT (1300) 608 911 S 69 (1991)

N S U 609 911 E 69 (1991)522 56 S p ide r (2x497,5) 626 914/6(1991)



V O L K S W A G E N537 1300 Karmann Ghia Type 14

(1285)548 1500 Karmann Ghia Type 1

(1493)581 V W 1500 Karmann Ghia



546 A 110-1100(1108)585 A 110-1300(1296)

M A T R A -S P O R T S 510 M B 8 D je t5 (1108)556 D ie t 5 S (1108)574 D je t 6 MB 8 SS (1255)

P E U G E O T558 204 C abrio le t (1130)


524 S prite Mk i l l (1098)525 3000 Mk III (2912)

A S T O N M A R T IN559 DB 6 (3995)

H IL L M A N526 Im p/C ham ois 998 (998)

J A G U A R506 4.2 E Type (4235)545 4.2 E Type 2 + 2 (4235)618 4.2 E Type 2 + 2 S II (4235)619 4.2 E Type S II (4235)

MG505 M idget Mk II (1098)589 M G C -G T (2912)

S U N B E A M509 T ig e r (4261)555 A lp in e V et GT (1724)

T R IU M P H528 TR 4A (susp. A R indép.)

(1998 ou 2138)529 TR 4A (essieu A R rigide)

(1998 ou 2138)530 S p itfire Mk II (1147)553 G T 6 (1998)561 S p itfire Mk III (1296)575 TR 250 (2498)576 TR 5 (2498)605 GT 6 Mk II (1998)

(I)A B A R T H

539 Fiat A ba rth 1000 OTS Coupé (982)

A L F A R O M E O512 G iu lie tta S p rin t (1290)543 G lu lia Spyder (1570)625 G iu iia S p rin t G T A (1570)

B E R T O N E604 850 S po rt Racer Beriinetta


F E R R A R I518 330 GT (3967)519 275 GTB (3286)

F IA T540 850 S p ide r (843)563 F ia t-D ino S p ide r (1986)

IS O587 Iso R ivolta 300 Coupé (5338)

V IG N A L E595 124 Coupé V igna ie (1197)


541 F 40 K Com pagno Spyder (958)

H O N D A542 3 800(791)549 S 800 A (791)564 S 800 C A (791)

N IS S A N531 D atsun S ports 1600 (1595)566 Datsun S port SR (L) 311

(1982)567 D atsun S po rt SR (L) 311


T O Y O T A533 Publica S ports 800 (790)

(S )V O L V O

544 1800 5 (1778)

S A A B598 S onett V4 (1498)




(U S A )A M E R IC A N M O T O R S

A M X 2 Hardtop (4752)A M X 2 Hardtop (6391)

C H E V R O L E T523 C orvette 19437 Coupé (6997)582 Cam aro 396 (6492)583 Corvette S ting Ray (6997) 586 Corvette 327 (5359)

610 Cam aro 427 (6997)

C H R Y S L E R -P L Y M O U T H535 Barracuda GT (5211)

S H E L B Y A M E R IC A N504 G T 350 (4727)551 1967 G T 350 (4740)552 1967 GT 500 (6987)612 C obra GT 350-302 (4949)613 C obra GT 350-351 (5771)614 Cobra GT 350-428 (7008)

Groupe V — Voitures de Sport (Homo! No 000 et suite) Group V — Sports Cars (Homoi No 000 and onwards) Gruppe V — Sportwagen (Homoi Nr 000 usw)Gruppo V — Vetture Sport (Dai nr Omoi 000 in su)

L A Y T O N (T V R )206 G riffith 200 (4727) 237 Mk IV 1800 S (1798)

(D )FO R D (K O L N )

227 Taunus P-5 Hardtop (2111)

P O R S C H E226 Carrera 6 (1991)249 910 (1991)250 917(4494)


193 A 110-1100 L (1108)

P E U G E O T140 404 C (à carburateur) m oteur

5 paliers cabrio le t super luxe (1618)

141 404 C (à in jecteur) m oteur 5paliers cabrio le t coupé super luxe (1618)


244 GT 2 litre (1990) 255 8 16 (1790)

FO R D224 GT 40 (4736)

G IN E T T A132 G4 (997)


LO LA240 T 70— Mk i i l (4965)

L O T U S238 47 (1599)

M A P C O S242 W i v MirCOS G T 1300 (1275)

M O R G A N128 P lus 4 super sport (1991)175 4/4 (1498)

T U N E X228 Diva G T (1148)

( 1 )A B A R T H

77 A b a rth S im ca 1300 (1288)82 1000 (994)95 M onom ille (982)151 S im ca A ba rth 2000 (1946)229 O T 1300 (1290)230 Fiat A ba rth OTR 1000 Coupé

241(982)Fiat A ba rth 1000 SP (982)

252 2000 Fiat A b a rth (1946)

A L F A R O M E O153 G iu lia T Z (1570)246 33 Sp ider (1995)


OE T O M A S O251 M angusta (4937)

F E R R A R I225 250 LM (3285)239 G TB —4 (3286)247 D ino 206 G T (1987)253 365 G TB 4 (4390)

L A M B O R G H IN I235 350 G T (3464)236 400 G T 2 + 2 (3929)245 P-400 M iura (3929)

L A N C IA201 Flam inia S uper S po rt (2775)

(S )S A A B

231 Sonett II (842)

(U S A )C H R Y S L E R -P L Y M O U T H

189 A R 2 SS (7104)

D O D G E190 A W 2 SS (7104)

S H E L B Y220 Cobra Roadster 427 (7010)