---------------------------- -- -- - - '. on September 21 in a heated and answer volley With county commissioner Leo Martinez. The investigation was filed as.an. ofTicial Lincoln County Criminal case in April 2003. from the Town otSilver City and Grant County in his ef- forts to have the bones of Billy the Kid and his mother Catherine Antrim exhumed jn order to do DNA testing to prove that Billy was buried In Fort Sumner. The intent of the tion is to prove who klIled the two deputies. Sullivan and his assistant in the project. the mayor o( Capitan. appeared before the I jneoln County Commission County 'Slnre 1905' murders of Lincoln County deputy James Bell and Rob Olinger allegedly by Billy the Kid some 123 years ago. "Not hardly." Sullivan re- sponded. Sullivan provided no addi- tional information on what "direction" he. his assistant in the project. the mayor of Capitan. and his attorney plan to take the investigation. Sullivan has encountere"d resistance from OeBaca County and Fort Sumner and raws x uma on e ues I their request for exhumation of the bones of William Bon- ney. alias' Billy the Kid last Thursday. September 23. rhe exhumation hearing was to have been held in Fort Sumner on the aflernoon of Monday. September 27. Sullivan told TilE NEWSthat Acuna filed the motion tele- phonically to withdraw the request. TIIF Nr;WS asked Sullivan if this withdrawal is an end to his investigation into the u van by Doris Che.-ry The 8th Judicial Court in DeRaca county did not get a chance to make its opinion about a request to dig up bones that could or could not be those of Billy the Kid. With little explanation other than saying they are going in a difTerent direction. Lincoln County Sheri rr Torn Sullivan and his attorney Mark Acuna fi led and were granted a motion to dismis<o: VOLUME:# 99, NUMBER 39 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 CARRIZOZO, NM 88301 Gavilan Canyon Road To Get Resurfaced Voter Registration Closes October 5 I.incoln ('ounty Solid Waste Authority (LCS W 1\) will begin its fall clean ups on Friday. (>clober I. with a roll-oO'at San Patricio. rhe 40-yard roll-ofl'will be open from X a.m. unti I it is ful L '>aid LCSW A opera- tional supervi'>or Dehra Ingle at the LCS W 1\ meeting Tuesday. Scptemhcr 2X in the 1.( 'S WA offices in Ruidoso Downs, At all loca- tions resident'> may dump large items, inc luding .brush and old furniture and white good" (old appl ianee,». in the roll-off'>. N() ha/ardous or houst.:hold wa"te wi II be ac- cepted in the roll-ofl"". The next clean up will be on Saturday, October 9. in old I .incoln. I fours wi II be 8 a.m. until full. Saturday. Octoher 16, the U :SW /\ roll-otl" will be in Nogal. from X a.m. unlil full. Saturday. October 23. the LCSWA roll-off will he in White Oaks. from X a.m. un- til full. big signs hecause of the po- tential devaluation to the aes- thetics of the county which relies on tourism. "If we let our county get junked up with billboards people wi II not want to come here because of the appear- ance." Hobbs said. Nogal Mesa resident Karen Smith was at the meeting on behalfofa group of residents concerned about protecting their property values. She said the group is calling itself the Citizens for Protection of Property Values which is VvillinIf to help develop guidelines lor sign regula- tion. She reminded commis- sioners about the many peo- ple who petitions call- fe)r a sign ordinance. She. saId people who live outside the municipalities depend on the county commission as their only governmental rep- resentatives, "We depend on you to truly represent the ma- jority." .Smith said. Smith said with regulation property right" and values on hoth sides will be protected. "We arc nol asking f<')r a complete han on outdoor ad- vertising." Smith added. "The economy or l-incoln County relic" heavily on tourism and tht.: ahility fe)r husinesses to advcrti ..... e is es- sential. " (SEE PAGE (SEE PAGE 2) LCSWA Begins Fall Clean Ups County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry (SEE PAGE 3) The county moratorium on new hillhoards will expire on November 16 but Lincoln <. 'ounty <. 'ommissioners were evenly split in their opinions about reviewing a draft county-wide ordinance regu- lating the hig signs, During their meeting Sep- tember 21 in Carrizozo. county commissioners were Iwo in favor of a county sign ordinance and two against. As a result. nothing was done un the dran sign regulation ordinance ufTered by county attorney Alan Morel. County commissioners Rick Simp- son (who was presiding in the chair's absence) and Maury St. John were against a county-wide bi II board ordi- nance because they c1aimt:d it would affect private prop- erty rights. County commis- sioners Earl Ilohbs and I.eo Martinez favored regulating and signed ballots hy Octo- ber 27 to as"ure the ballot will be receivt.:d by the coun- ty clerk by Novemher 2. Once a ballot is mailed to a voter. the vott.: r cannot vote at the polls on election Jay. J fowever. if a voter who sub- mitted an application fl.)r a ballot docs not rt:ceive the ballot before Tuesday. No- vem.ber 2. the v,oter may go to hIS or her deSignated poll· ing place on November 2 election day and vole on a provisional ballot in lieu of absentee hallot. Registered voters can re- quest application'> le)r mailed absentee paper hal lots from the county clerk's oflice through (>ctober 26. Ilow- ever. Maddox suggests voters request appl icc lions as soon as po'ssihle to assure them time to do the mailing pro- cess. . Voters with Internet acces<., may download and print an application from the New Mexico Secretary of State office at www sos.state nm us. The appl ication should be completed as directed and mailed to the Lincoln County Clerk, POB 33K Carrizozo, NM Also beginning October 5, registered voters may vole in person on paper ballot at the clerk's office in the court- house in ('arrizozo during regular husiness hours Mon- Jay Ihrough Friday. Larly in-person absentee voting in Ruidoso begins Sat- urday. October 16. The early cT" \\- ho api'll i ed for a ballot. I.incoln County ('lcrk bu- reau or election.., clerk Billie .10 (iuevara "aid the clerk's office as of Wednesday, Sep- tt.:mher 2 1 ). had received X 17 al'fll ication" for the mailed. rarer ahsentee hallots. {>nce voter" rece i ve the ir I'apt.:r ahsentec hallot in the mai I. they mu"t rdurn the hallots to the county cle'rk's olliee before 7 I'.m. J'uesday. "Jovcmber 2 in order to have their votes counted. Il will cost 54 cents to rna i I the ab- "entee ballot. l.ineoln <. 'ounty Clerk lammie Maddox '>uggt:sts voters mail their completed J I P.SSISTANTATTORNEY GENERAL Betsy Glenn presents a class on the NM Open Meetings Act and Inspection of Public Records Acts to staff and elected officials fran, rn un ici parit ies, school dist ricts, Li ncorn and Otero Counties, memhers of the media dlld i nt t crt Izens ell TUfjSuay, Septem- ber 28 at Ruidoso Village Hall. Glenn pro- vided booklets With information about the tvvo lavvs and answered questions from the audience. As cHl example of the types of questions dnd dnswers, Glenn said that gov- ernIng bodies must be rl){)re specific than cit- "lim Ited persormel" discussion to go into closed session, The laws provide guidelines for local goverfln,ental bodies on conducting rneetlngs and providing public records. /'1 Doris Cherry VOfer the , () \-. :2' /,! e Il c'r; rI l' k'l' t Ion c I. 1"- e" at .:" r,n Illc'-.day. (ktn- her :", \i oil: r rl·\.2jqratilln arc'a\,lIbhll: t"r<Hn the lincoln ("OUllt\. (krk'" ()f- ! Ii ee i nth e I H'll'" I n (' () 1I n t V <. ·ourlhnll'-.l' Ifl (',Irri/I l/() h\ calling l'xl (L I;r Inll free al I-XOO-6X7-2705 ext. () } nnn" al"n avail- ahle al the rllhltc Ilhrarie" and municipal hall" (ktohcr 5 '" ai-,ll the dav that the l,incoJrl ('nunty <. '!erk'" ()Ilice \-\ III hegin lnailing oul the p:q'l':r ab..,t.:n- tee ballot'-> to rq:-;'-.ten.:J vot- CREATER R\ 'II>OSO AREA \-VrLI>LAND Intertace IS ... 11;,\\r1 "11 t'hc' moll' D'ldClI 'durtn,l! the RlJI<!"'" \ ( "lIllciI Illet:llng Septelnher 2X The (ireatt.:T kIJHl"'" ,\red W'ldLlnd Interlace Wllrking (ir"lI[' C1ln'-.I'-.r'-. ,>I ll"[lIe"t:nt.,I(I\I" II"m the vJllagt.: . liS F·llrt.:..,1 SerVice. '>Lltl' I "rc'-.(I\ \11,) Villagt.:. volunteer tire dt.:rartlnellt'-> and Illll'l,· ... ll'Il lll'/t·n ... I)'LICl' <.,dlO ()ctllher is the time til dn thmlllTl!, <111<1 dead tree removal hecaust: the hark het:tles art: 1-'(1I!'." ui.rmdnt. and tIl rake and remove I'tne need les .", L hy L1l'l'rovillg the re"olu,- lInn to <iClert th'e qate fund- In/-! nn Sel'tcmher 21, counlv comrni" .... ioner<., cOlnrlliUed t;) the completIon of the rro- lect" a" n:ljUlred hy lhL" qate, nllllt.:" Ihat arc din road .... v"hlch need du"t conlrol if they are not til he raved WiI- '-.on rnade a rnotion tn have the ousl control on these dirt '-.chool hu" route" which car- ried Ilnanlrnou"ly ...... ith coun- ty cornm i ""inner", I,'r Pdtlhtn.!..'. and llverlay ,11 711 1l11k ... III Rain Danct.:. \\ a:..·.'n ("rail. PI1W WIn.", Irall. \.1ncca"in I rail. I ."!nCt.: fr,ll! dlllJ \\ar Bnv, Irail in 1'\\'>-11 RIlJ/2e Suhdlvl ..... ion: an ,ldJlllonaJ 7." m lie" of n: ..... ur- t .1C I n I-' 0 f ;\ () 07 I Xt h S t n: e tin ( ,lITI/O/\l. 1,2 rnile ..... ofrl:'-.ur- t;ICllI)-' and I'atching of r }{lIn,'Pasamonte Road: 2.25 Indt.:" III rt.:'-.lIrfaeing and I'alchlng Iln old I"ort Stantnn !{llad Ihc Lllunly \-\- i II pro- \- Ide a reqUired match or 'f,4(,.1)70 Illr thc"c rroject<.,. ,\ II oj the road" to he up- graded v,ere on the count v's five year plan for road im- rrnvement and arc county mallliained road". \Vhen L'ounty commission- er .... arproved the application I<lr the "tate hi/-!hway projects hack 111 I:ehruary. cc;unty C<H11ml""iIHl chair Rex wii- "un "'lId there wcre county road" "uch a" ('ora Dutton J{oad and .. ther "chool hu" ( ·ounl ... · ( ;('1" Sttlte /. /Inti, For Road, Lincoln Count\- v .. ill rl'- ceive $210.XlJ7 from Ihrc'l' ditTerent statl: highv, ay U H 11' erative progr<tm" to Ur,l'r;llk five county roal.b. Lincoln ("ountv ('olllmi'-.- sioners at their SCI" tember 21 in ("arrt/o/" ap- proved a n:solution VI.hleh fe)rrnally accepted the Mexico State I"ran'-.I'ortat lOll Department runding lllr Ihc county road upgrade", 1.111- coin County Road I kl'arl- ment will re'ccive $ "\1). I) I () 1/1 slate match funding frolTl tIll' state School Bu" Pnl;nl III contract resurfac Ifll' '111 I ') mile on (iavilan' (":lnVI'fl Road. Th,; countv ...... 111 m.ilL'fl that funding witli $ I'. ,OS An additional J ,7'. milr-s of (iavilan Canyon wi II gel re- surfaced with rund" from I he state highway dcpanmenl Cooperative Prograrn ...... hich will also fund re"urt',H" 101-' I () miles or ('ount'! H"ad A007/Xth Street (to ihl: CIllJrl- ty detention center) I hc county will ren.:ive a tOlal 01 $50.071 from the State J II/2h- way Oepartment,( 'ooperallve Program for the Iwo I'ro1ect". The county i" required to match the statc IUlldtn/-! v, It h $16.690, The county road del'an- ment will abo reCClve $140,910 in state fundinl-' from the statc (. AP Pn1lecl'. ,.

u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

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Page 1: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

---------------------------- -- -- - -


on September 21 in a heatedq~estion and answer volleyWith county commissionerLeo Martinez.

The investigation was filedas.an. ofTicial Lincoln CountyCriminal case in April 2003.

from the Town otSilver Cityand Grant County in his ef­forts to have the bones ofBilly the Kid and his motherCatherine Antrim exhumedjn order to do DNA testing toprove that Billy was buriedIn Fort Sumner.

The intent of the inves~iga­tion is to prove who klIledthe two deputies.

Sullivan and his assistant inthe project. the mayor o(Capitan. appeared before theI jneoln County Commission

County'Slnre 1905'

murders of Lincoln Countydeputy James Bell and RobOlinger allegedly by Billythe Kid some 123 years ago.

"Not hardly." Sullivan re­sponded.

Sullivan provided no addi­tional information on what"direction" he. his assistantin the project. the mayor ofCapitan. and his attorneyplan to take the investigation.

Sullivan has encountere"dresistance from OeBacaCounty and Fort Sumner and

raws x uma on e ues•I

their request for exhumationof the bones of William Bon­ney. alias' Billy the Kid lastThursday. September 23.

rhe exhumation hearingwas to have been held in FortSumner on the aflernoon ofMonday. September 27.Sullivan told TilE NEWSthatAcuna filed the motion tele­phonically to withdraw therequest.

TIIF Nr;WS asked Sullivanif this withdrawal is an endto his investigation into the

u vanby Doris Che.-ry

The 8th Judicial Court inDeRaca county did not get achance to make its opinionabout a request to dig upbones that could or could notbe those of Billy the Kid.

With little explanationother than saying they aregoing in a difTerent direction.Lincoln County Sheri rr TornSullivan and his attorneyMark Acuna fi led and weregranted a motion to dismis<o:


Gavilan Canyon RoadTo Get Resurfaced

Voter Registration Closes October 5

I.incoln ('ounty SolidWaste Authority (LCS W 1\)will begin its fall clean upson Friday. (>clober I. with aroll-oO'at San Patricio.

rhe 40-yard roll-ofl'will beopen from X a.m. unti I it isful L '>aid LCSW A opera­tional supervi'>or Dehra Ingleat the LCS W 1\ meetingTuesday. Scptemhcr 2X inthe 1.( 'S W A offices inRuidoso Downs, At all loca­tions resident'> may dumplarge items, inc luding .brushand old furniture and whitegood" (old appl ianee,». in theroll-off'>. N() ha/ardous orhoust.:hold wa"te wi II be ac­cepted in the roll-ofl"".

The next clean up will beon Saturday, October 9. inold I .incoln. I fours wi II be 8a.m. until full.

Saturday. Octoher 16, theU :SW/\ roll-otl" will be inNogal. from X a.m. unlil full.

Saturday. October 23. theLCSWA roll-off will he inWhite Oaks. from X a.m. un­til full.

big signs hecause of the po­tential devaluation to the aes­thetics of the county whichrelies on tourism.

"If we let our county getjunked up with billboardspeople wi II not want to comehere because of the appear­ance." Hobbs said.

Nogal Mesa resident KarenSmith was at the meeting onbehalfofa group of residentsconcerned about protectingtheir property values. Shesaid the group is calling itselfthe Citizens for Protection ofProperty Values which isVvillinIf to help developguidelines lor sign regula­tion. She reminded commis­sioners about the many peo­ple who si~ned petitions call­In~ fe)r a sign ordinance. She.saId people who live outsidethe municipalities depend onthe county commission astheir only governmental rep­resentatives, "We depend onyou to truly represent the ma­jority." .Smith said.

Smith said with regulationproperty right" and values onhoth sides will be protected."We arc nol asking f<')r acomplete han on outdoor ad­vertising." Smith added."The economy or l-incolnCounty relic" heavily ontourism and tht.: ahility fe)rhusinesses to advcrti .....e is es­sential. "



LCSWA BeginsFall Clean Ups

County BillboardOrdinance In Limbo

fry Doris Cherry


The county moratorium onnew hillhoards will expire onNovember 16 but Lincoln<. 'ounty <. 'ommissioners wereevenly split in their opinionsabout reviewing a draftcounty-wide ordinance regu­lating the hig signs,

During their meeting Sep­tember 21 in Carrizozo.county commissioners wereIwo in favor of a county signordinance and two against.As a result. nothing was doneun the dran sign regulationordinance ufTered by countyattorney Alan Morel. Countycommissioners Rick Simp­son (who was presiding inthe chair's absence) andMaury St. John were againsta county-wide bi II board ordi­nance because they c1aimt:dit would affect private prop­erty rights. County commis­sioners Earl Ilohbs and I.eoMartinez favored regulating

and signed ballots hy Octo­ber 27 to as"ure the ballotwill be receivt.:d by the coun­ty clerk by Novemher 2.

Once a ballot is mailed to avoter. the vott.: r cannot voteat the polls on election Jay.J fowever. if a voter who sub­mitted an application fl.)r aballot docs not rt:ceive theballot before Tuesday. No­vem.ber 2. the v,oter may goto hIS or her deSignated poll·ing place on November 2election day and vole on aprovisional ballot in lieu ofabsentee hallot.

Registered voters can re­quest application'> le)r mailedabsentee paper hal lots fromthe county clerk's oflicethrough (>ctober 26. Ilow­ever. Maddox suggests votersrequest appl icc lions as soonas po'ssihle to assure themtime to do the mailing pro­cess. .

Voters with Internet acces<.,may download and print anapplication from the NewMexico Secretary of Stateoffice at www sos.state nm us.The appl ication should becompleted as directed andmailed to the Lincoln CountyClerk, POB 33K Carrizozo,NM ~UnOI,

Also beginning October 5,registered voters may vole inperson on paper ballot at theclerk's office in the court­house in ('arrizozo duringregular husiness hours Mon­Jay Ihrough Friday.

Larly in-person absenteevoting in Ruidoso begins Sat­urday. October 16. The early

cT" \\- ho api'll ied for a ballot.I.incoln County ('lcrk bu­

reau or election.., clerk Billie.10 (iuevara "aid the clerk'soffice as of Wednesday, Sep­tt.:mher 2 1). had received X17al'fll ication" for the mailed.rarer ahsentee hallots.

{>nce voter" rece ive the irI'apt.:r ahsentec hallot in themai I. they mu"t rdurn thehallots to the county cle'rk'solliee before 7 I'.m. J'uesday."Jovcmber 2 in order to havetheir votes counted. Il willcost 54 cents to rna i I the ab­"entee ballot.

l.ineoln <. 'ounty Clerklammie Maddox '>uggt:stsvoters mail their completed


P.SSISTANTATTORNEY GENERAL BetsyGlenn presents a class on the NM OpenMeetings Act and Inspection of PublicRecords Acts to staff and elected officialsfran, rn un ici parit ies, school dist ricts, Li ncornand Otero Counties, memhers of the mediadlld int (~res t f~d crt Izens ell TUfjSuay, Septem­ber 28 at Ruidoso Village Hall. Glenn pro­vided booklets With information about thetvvo lavvs and answered questions from theaudience. As cHl example of the types ofquestions dnd dnswers, Glenn said that gov­ernIng bodies must be rl){)re specific than cit­Ir1~J "lim Ited persormel" discussion to go intoclosed session, The laws provide guidelinesfor local goverfln,ental bodies on conductingrneetlngs and providing public records.

/'1 Doris Cherry

VOfer re~I'-.[r.ltl\'n I~lr the, () \-. :2' /,! e Il c'r; rI l' k'l' t Ion c I. 1"­

e" at .:" r,n Illc'-.day. (ktn­her :", \i oil: r rl·\.2jqratillnI~lnn<., arc'a\,lIbhll: t"r<Hn thelincoln ("OUllt\. (krk'" ()f-

! Ii e e inthe I H'll'" In (' () 1I n t V<. ·ourlhnll'-.l' Ifl (',Irri/I l/() h\calling (,4X-.:'"\X~ l'xl (L I;rInll free al I-XOO-6X7-2705ext. () } nnn" ar~ al"n avail­ahle al the rllhltc Ilhrarie"and municipal hall"

(ktohcr 5 '" ai-,ll the davthat the l,incoJrl ('nunty<. '!erk'" ()Ilice \-\ III heginlnailing oul the p:q'l':r ab..,t.:n­tee ballot'-> to rq:-;'-.ten.:J vot-


... 11;,\\r1 "11 t'hc' moll' I,~ 1~"'lti"'-.,, VIII,\l-'l·-(.I·.~l:..,tc~[)ICkD'ldClI'durtn,l! the RlJI<!"'" \ r11.1~'l· ( "lIllciI Illet:llng Septelnher 2XThe (ireatt.:T kIJHl"'" ,\red W'ldLlnd Interlace Wllrking(ir"lI[' C1ln'-.I'-.r'-. ,>I ll"[lIe"t:nt.,I(I\I" II"m the vJllagt.: . liSF·llrt.:..,1 SerVice. '>Lltl' I "rc'-.(I\ \11,) Villagt.:. volunteer tiredt.:rartlnellt'-> and Illll'l,· ... ll'Il lll'/t·n ... I)'LICl' <.,dlO ()ctllher isthe time til dn thmlllTl!, <111<1 dead tree removal hecaust: thehark het:tles art: 1-'(1I!'." ui.rmdnt. and tIl rake and removeI'tne need les


.", L

hy L1l'l'rovillg the re"olu,­lInn to <iClert th'e qate fund­In/-! nn Sel'tcmher 21, counlvcomrni" .... ioner<., cOlnrlliUed t;)the completIon of the rro­lect" a" n:ljUlred hy lhL" qate,

nllllt.:" Ihat arc din road ....v"hlch need du"t conlrol ifthey are not til he raved WiI­'-.on rnade a rnotion tn havethe ousl control on these dirt'-.chool hu" route" which car­ried Ilnanlrnou"ly ...... ith coun­ty cornm i""inner",

I,'r Pdtlhtn.!..'. and llverlay ,11711 1l11k ... III Rain Danct.:.

\\ a:..·.'n ("rail. PI1W WIn.",Irall. \.1ncca"in I rail. I ."!nCt.:fr,ll! dlllJ \\ar Bnv, Irail in

1'\\'>-11 RIlJ/2e Suhdlvl ..... ion: an,ldJlllonaJ 7." m lie" of n: ..... ur­t .1 C I n I-' 0 f ;\ () 0 7 I Xt h S t n: e tin( ,lITI/O/\l. 1,2 rnile ..... ofrl:'-.ur­t;ICllI)-' and I'atching ofr}{lIn,'Pasamonte Road: 2.25Indt.:" III rt.:'-.lIrfaeing andI'alchlng Iln old I"ort Stantnn!{llad Ihc Lllunly \-\- i II pro­\- Ide a reqUired match or'f,4(,.1)70 Illr thc"c rroject<.,.

,\ II oj the road" to he up­graded v,ere on the countv'sfive year plan for road im­rrnvement and arc countymallliained road".

\Vhen L'ounty commission­er .... arproved the applicationI<lr the "tate hi/-!hway projectshack 111 I:ehruary. cc;untyC<H11ml""iIHl chair Rex wii­"un "'lId there wcre countyroad" "uch a" ('ora DuttonJ{oad and .. ther "chool hu"

( ·ounl ... · ( ;('1" Sttlte /. /Inti,For Road,

Lincoln Count\- v .. ill rl'­ceive $210.XlJ7 from Ihrc'l'ditTerent statl: highv, ay U H 11'

erative progr<tm" to Ur,l'r;llkfive county roal.b.

Lincoln ("ountv ('olllmi'-.­sioners at their m~l.':tin/-! SCI"tember 21 in ("arrt/o/" ap­proved a n:solution VI.hlehfe)rrnally accepted the ~e\\

Mexico State I"ran'-.I'ortat lOllDepartment runding lllr Ihccounty road upgrade", 1.111­

coin County Road I kl'arl­ment will re'ccive $ "\1). I) I () 1/1

slate match funding frolTl tIll'state School Bu" Pnl;nl III

contract resurfac Ifll' '111 I ')mile on (iavilan' (":lnVI'fl

Road. Th,; countv ...... 111 m.ilL'flthat funding witli $ I'. ,OS

An additional J ,7'. milr-s of(iavilan Canyon wi II gel re­surfaced with rund" from Ihestate highway dcpanmenlCooperative Prograrn ...... hichwill also fund re"urt',H" 101-' I ()miles or ('ount'! H"adA007/Xth Street (to ihl: CIllJrl­

ty detention center) I hccounty will ren.:ive a tOlal 01$50.071 from the State J II/2h­way Oepartment,( 'ooperallveProgram for the Iwo I'ro1ect".The county i" required tomatch the statc IUlldtn/-! v, It h$16.690,

The county road del'an­ment will abo reCClve$140,910 in state fundinl-'from the statc (. A P Pn1lecl'.


Page 2: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

- - ----------

LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS September 30. 2004·· Page 2

To the ·Editor of the LINCOLN COUNTYNEWS: - Who is this man Smith. anyway?Perhaps he is a South African. Then his wife andchildren would vote unanimously for him to go tochurch. For they could eat at the same table withhim, and he would do part of the work. Thechurch in Africa gets Smith to sit (;m a chair. andeat at a table.

Perhaps Smith is a Chinaman.1 Then everylittle girl of China who hf;lS suffered the torture offootbinding would pray for Smith to go tochurch. When Smith goes to church in China hisdaughter's feet grow naturaly.

Is Smith a native of India? Then thousands ofchilq Widows. 'under ten years of age. wouldplead with him to go to chuch. When Smith goesto chruch in India. marriage of his daughter takesplace a the proper age.

Maybe Smith lives in Japan, Ten thousandyoung men who are seeking light from theOccident would ask Smith to lead them to thychurch and to progress and enlightenment.

Does Smith live in Tibet? Then let him followfourteen Tibetan officials to a little native chapelon the roqf of the world. and hear,them askmgthat the church. the hospital and the school beenlarged. Smith should go to church in Tibet forthe good of the children..

Smith may live in Turkey or Rus;iia. The'spirit of the young Turk and the young Russian in.the social. political and religious revolution is. inthe last analysis. the spirit of the Pilgr.im Fathers, .wbich was generated primarily by the church. IfSmith believed in a progressive nation. he'd goto church in Turkey or Russia.

"But." you say. "Sm·ith is an American."Well. then. let Smith take note of the history ofAmerica's progress. When Columbus discoveredAmerica he landed on his knees and thanked­God, The discoverers of America. of the Missi­ssippi. of the Pacific. were all churchmen.Church buildings were among the first buildingsof the Pilgrim fathers. The colonists it1 Virginialaid down the Scriptural law that "the man whodoes not work shall not eat." If Smith had beenan early American, he wo'uld have gone tochurch. The writers of the Declaration of Inde­pendence and tb,e makers o( tile Consitution of"the United States were men wno believed inthechurch and went to,church. ,

But this ma,n Smith is an up-ta-date Smith -- atwentieth-century Smith! is he? Well. of whichbrand? Perhaps he is a' boozer, Then he is ash­amed to go to church. AII~ the little Smiths whO"'go to Sunday school clothed in rags are an argu­ment for Smith to cut out his booze and go tochurch,

Smith is not a boozer -- he's a respectablebusiness man. Well. I know such a man whomoved from all" Eastern New Mexico tOwn· to atown in Western Texas. He gave as his principalreason. "NQ church for his children to attend. I

and he wanted them to be under the inf1uence ofthe church." He did not go once in two years.nor did he support the church. but he demandedthat other people supply religi"ous influences andtraining for his own children. A square dealwould demand. that slich a man go to church,

But Smith is a, highly intellectual man - ... welleducated. Good for Smith! .hen he has enoughbrains to have heard of Roosevelt, .Bryan, Garfi-'eld. W<X?drow Wilson. the large majority of uni­versity presidents and professors who believe inthe c.hurch and who are not top-heavy to go' andenjoy religious ,¥orship. .

But Smith is busy all week -- he works longhours and needs to spend Sunday with his wifeand children. Yes. but his wife and children Wantto go to church. If Smith won't gO'with them. heis selfish: if he keeps them at home for his sakehe is still more selfish. •

But what's the use? The fact is that nearly~every Smith who does not want to go to church


Friday, March 15. 1229

As the' Lincoln CountY News nears thecentury mark of being in fPCistence (1905.2005),we will be randomly pubUshing (lrlicles thathave been pubUshed in the NEWS from oldfiles. The following article appeared in the "Lincoln County News"

** • • • * * * * * * * * *

Who, isSmith that

he shouldn'tgo to Chur~h

.~.. .•••. ""... .."..... .

being installed. II

"r feel my rights have. beenviolated (by the sign)," BiIJ­ings said. "We would love tosee it gone."

Billings asked county com­missioners to enact an ordi­nance to keep any more biIJ­boards off Highway 37.(Highway 37 goes fromHighway 380 through Nogaland enos at Angus and is notpart of the Billy the Kid Sce­nic Byways loop which hasregulations on SignS. Countycommission~rs earlier thisyear adopted a billboardordi.­nance that· regulates and pro­hibits large signs in theNogal townsite.)

Then Billings asked if thecounty could stop the currentbillboard from being lighted.because he had learned theelectric company has a workoAier to do so. "Does themoratorium cover lights onthe biHboards?" Billings"ask­ed. "Please keep the sign un­lit forever,"

Morel said the moratoriumdoes not affect existing signs."That sign was there be;fore(the moratorium) and wecannot address the lighting ofit.". Morel added.

Hobbs said the countyneeds to start somewhere 'inregulating signs. While hethought Morel's ordinancedraft was a good effort hethought it needed to be stiff­ened further. "I wish wecould do a coml?lete prohibi­tion:' Hobbs said,

Oscuro resident Jerry Car...roll. who favors banning bill­boards. suggested the signordinance have limitations onset backs for billboards be­cause the signs could blowdown and damage the neigh­bor's pmperty.

Further review and discus­sion of the draft ordinanceduring the September 2)meeting was cut short whenMartinez asked for a "pointoforder". Martinez wanted topostpone discussion on thebillboard ordinance in defer­ence" to people waiting todiscuss the Billy the Kid in­vestigation issue. Becausethe Rilly the Kid discussionwith Lincoln C;ounty Sherifffom Sullivan and the mayorof Capitan took so long.county commissioners wentto lunch and did not take upthe billboard issue again that"day.

VoterRegistration -

ICon't. from P. 1)

vote satellite poll will be inthe Ruidoso Senior Center(old library building on Sud­derth Drive) andwin be openfrom 10 a.m, to 6 p,m. everySaturday from Oclober 16 toOctober 30. and from 12noon to 8 p.m. Tuesdaythrough Friday unti I October29, Any voter registered inLincoln County may vote atthe early vote satellite poll inRuidoso.

For more infonnation aboutvoter registration. absenteevoting or early voting maycall the Lincoln· CountyClerk's office at 648-2385ext. 6 or toll free at 1-800­687-2705 ext·, 6.

LCSWA Begins,_(Con't. from P. 1)

Saturday. November 6. theLCSWA roll-off will be inGlencoe. and lhe last day forthe roll·ntT and fall clean upwi,1I be Saturday. November13 at Aiscuit Hill cast ofRuidoso Downs.

There wi II be no charge todump at the roll-ofTs. whichwill be manned by stafTfromI.CSWA.

For more infonnation callLCSWA at 378-4697.

Blessing ofthe AnimalsOct. 3 & 4

Rlcssing ofthe animals forthe feast urSaint Franciswillhe held this Sunday 'andMonday in ('arrizo;l.:o and( 'apitan.

Fr. ,Dave' 'Bergs will do thehlessin~ at 4 p.m. Sunday.Oct. 3 In front of Santa Rita('atholic ('hurch in Carrizo­.... 0. J Ie will bless animals at 6p.m. Monday, Oct. 4 in frontDr Sacred Ikart Church in( ·apitan.

Everyone is welcome tohring their animals and petstn the blessings,

said. . .County commissioners

were then shown pictures of·the casino bi llboard on HiJth­way 37 on a pmperty that hasa bed and breakfast. WhileSt. John said she was not of­fended by the billboard. theadjoining propc;rty ownerMike Billings had a different!>to~. .

Billings said he bought hiSproperty about 10 years agofor a retirement location. Themost bui luable area on theproperty has a beautiful viewofthe ('apitan mountains andthey had planned to build a,house there. But now the"prettiest place" on his landis right next to the billboard

I, which is only 25 yards away.Also the billboard can besecn on various parts Qf hisproperty.

"You cannol image oursurprise when we saw thebillboard." Biliings said. "Itwas so close to our drivcwaywe thnught it was on ourproperty...

"I can't say how displeasedwe wcre:' Billings said. "Wehad no prior knOWledge of it

A step up f~om the MS 210.thiS model has an excellentpower-to-weight ratio.Siandard features Include aSide-access chain tensionerfor easy chain adjustment2.77 cu In., 45.4 ee, 3.0bhp engine: 10,3 Ibs.


oJ"€' of our mOS1 poplliar chain<;<1 .....5 '~r else around the home,

EYI.J'pped wltr e estrorliC.... __.... - · ......-·_·;;;,5-~ Ign,tIOf'. STIi-lL OUICks:o~'

• Jl"77N~ NI_•• , wer1IC1' chain bra~e and anti-

",'t1ratlon 5yslel""ltl">e MS 180 Cslarts fas; and ISco,.-,for1aole to

Jse S1 '-ll's eJlc. JSlve QUIck::::r-<l~ ....d)JSler ~s slanC:ard 1,95ru Ir. -'3' 8 cc 1 9 bhp"''''gln~ 8 fi Ib ;":owerhead 16"bY

coin County as a place ofgorgeous mountain vistaswith 'recreational opportuni­ties. "Our rich and hJstoricalassets are in great need forthe county commission toprovide protection." Smith

The family ofConnie J. Hopper


DeSIgned for rugged farmuse, this powerful unit comes

eqUipped w1th a slde-..ilL, -:-::-:::~ .....) access chain tensioner,

b,~ '!""~ STIH~'::::'=~~_, IntelliCarn n..~ '_M__"'" compensating

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weather operation andtool less fuel and oil capsA'1tl-vlbratlon system isdeSigned 10 reduce fatigue.345 cu. in.. 56,5 ce, 3.75 bhpengine: 13.2Ibs.

Are you ready for as.

MS 180C MiniBoss" Chain Saw

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CALL 648-2333

MS 290 Fann BossID Chain Saw

5 4 95IiDiI!Iwith 20'·

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PAUL'S TAKE OUTEverything is $4.00 or $5.00We also have an 'Atkins Plate'

We wish to thank everyonewho offered sustenance, careand comfort to Connie duringher illness and death. We aresincerely grateful for each act ofkindness.

Week Days:

e 11 :OO am to 1:30 pmeFriday Evenings: "'-_.Ai 5:00 to 6:30 pm _ .Ai

Carrizozo I 648-2832.



(Continued from Page 1)

Smith said that "ugly citytrails" that keep people awayinclude parking lots, bill­boards, industry and lack ofcoherent style, She then readfrom the New Mexico BlueBook which described Lin-

County Bill Board Ordinance

..• D • • b • b

•. . ... . . • • • .. " ... •• • b


Page 3: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

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·~·I·II·:"·\ I'·...···,".:........ ;~I;! ",' .~:.-' IIrJ f: . :;.

· Web Ho~tiag & DeSign..

Will make house calls 'ingreater, Carrizozo a~8'a.


, .' ~ ... 'JOin. US Fi>,. Fe(l,!wship antfWol'Skip'

·.Cam.tan Chu"h ot ChtistComitan, ONM AcroSJil 'from Falrgrounda'

>BlbleC'ali;'es 10,OOA,M; on $;"nddV":::. . encfEi:OO P.lltl.'onWednes•.ey .

>.Sundav Wllr.61poSetvices<.11,00 A.M,'lfnl,OO ,P."".·.

If · .!,', ••. ,

.:" "


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UNCOI.,N COU~TVl\!"'W$. .~ ,


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The look ofold Amerieain the new



Carrizozo Hard\Nare') ....618-21l1..2 .. " '.'(


,'. "

RED1TMeetsOctOber 11. 'InRl,lidO$cf '.

":: .,tb~ '~etobCr,'11 :qiC;l!:J:ing .qi" ..the ·1:;IDI'oln: CnunWR~

.'. :eCQ:~:o.",-ic ,:,: 'l?evefopmcQt'film"!!,,. "fO....SIO (IU'DT'D

. coune,1 w,l1be hel<l "* 1:00-'1!.J;ri." in the'ct:ip~iriB J'9OII\,atl!>e Hawthorn .SUltes Re~ .

"in, Ruid6~0 .. ·at: '107' Sierra', . '·a'lanca I?o.,,:~~ ·-IQcat~eJ·j\is. ''!>e~ind.:tije ,lIUJin' post o~Ce ;',',n" RU.~OS9~· Q~~" l() ,t~·· .

. MONQAYS ANQ THURS'~AYS·'. . :R!,i""",!·Con~c;..~onCl'''ter.' .- Discu:;,slon Will 'lOchide' tIte .

--Carrizozo 'SchodrUbrary'o~n for 'pub.ic",LJ~~_'$-,7. p~m. :2005" 'jQint . 'ram ., tour' with·. 'WEDNESQA'VS, .' ,QteroCQunty. . " . .

--Algoholics Anonvrn.ous.• 7 p.m...Ca.pitan S.e.nj,oW: CI~tlZen·.s .: ~EDTT meet~(Oil the' SC:C-.Center. ~'... .. oJ:ld M(jn~ofJlie mOIlltt. .a'" . '.

1:OO·p,,,,.. ' e meetings are '. Cllrrrzo~o ~1.i·nio~HighVOUellbaU:Plavers;' (back' rOlN) Coach Amanda. SUNDAYs _ _ .~i~~:~.",riJbJi~ ~d ~n,are . E;1aQ~~'" DE!'s:tif"!Y"" D4t;¢1:10ver. AIi$:on, :C;o.r.l'-",st.qck~" ,Caurtn€!y' 'BejGher~ ~' .~.

--Mama Grizzlies booster club ,for 'CarrizOZo ,..:thletics. 'S' " 'A?~lanne .9r.t.,~, ~~~a.:. Reye$. :·-.~au.re'n;.SlT:'l.th~ 'Te~$~' 'H~n.d.ri,x; ".J,onjan ;'p.m~ Olero County Elec.tric'Co~peiativeoftice.il'i'CartizOm' '. ,'" ",' ,"':JIll" ~1~~la." EtQ~OWSk~, Ash.ley. VeD.tuJa, Coach" 'Najar; ,{mtctdle ,rdwJ· ,All mothers of Or;~ly !ltbletes .welco...... Call peool'lh .... Rep... IJ~.IIcansTo Makl!lnna·$andoval, . Brjahna. Oc';hQ'", Kvlie ,Ga;neS',Maria.·'va·lIeJos,·Ventura al648-2330 fOJ;"lnfurn:-auon. : "" ".:." M J R i Stephao~e Zamora, ·,Chelsey. b~M.ay·; (front" row1 Jenna 'Sd:,~r'tz,

FRIQAY,OCTOBERl .. eet n.udosQ... Karlha Maldon.ado, !"atrici.aGTaeriJaW • . ..• , ." ' .

fro':;I~~':"':'~f;'li~:rsWi\h free. roll off at'San pa~cio~~b~.f~~I"U::;1~t::r~ii·' ..lSLe-W(1rilll;I¥Jri:tt:m' .' cave•..... . .. ·-Art in Public: rlaces '~rts: rec-=pl~on 5 ..,7 'p.J!I., RuidOso, -', T,ep~ayJ· ~ t WJ' " t' '::-8 eb · :' . .., .' , .' ..' " . . , ," '

Vdlage.HaIlan.'!Llbrary,.Noadmlsslon.. ' ".,"","., ,~. " c.·, ~a .....-, I:! S<: ,.';. ~rl~zO,·SC.bo.QIS"a.4ci~4··.·a:·new~-·~l:h to i~ ·y~UeYbail.··,·staff, A'mari~a':--e'a~ltanvarsity football and ,homecolluna v. Hagetnl80f ~e$b.Jp-='(lt,in R.Uld~o:, D~n",: "'. '.N~~.' C~~,N~Jar' ':Vas raIse([ 10 -G~rnZ9zb.,. ,Y!'~e,~., s'he :auend~ ele)nentaary "

k!clc. 'off' 7 .p.m. Tic-i S!&dium. ~.rowning ot"· h~mf;~otrli~g" .n,e:r bef,lDs "at ~:OO ,P411•· 1'01: " th~ougb high school . '" . ' ,kmg and queen at If·tltlle. . :., . ,'. . .,' ,~~~C:~~mYo ~~~~~~t::~f :. -,...,.. ' ':She pl~y~.d ,~(iJJ~yba:lj all.~fti;r~ Y~afS of;hig~,,'~ch~or :and, :gr·adu~~·.jn;'19~.· ~

.. sA'l"URQA.Y, OCTOBER. 2 '. " .i.. '. b~ I;.i!,coln CountY Clerk After .g.•l\d'!..tlOl\~be moved. to· Las Cru<:e~·:an.d tben' <eiu,rlled' hQtne .to fiJiislt· .'--Fa.1 Trinity' Site ·Your. Guide,d, tour orgatlize's":at oi:¢J-o :Tani~le ~~ddo?,. "., ,'.. -,J;te,r degree ·tn QUrslQ.g at' NMSU~A-JamogordQ~"" , '.' "" .:, .", . "", . '

CQunty' Fairgrounds in Alarriog'ordo'at 7:1 ~)dn. ror)r~r,i1~',' .,:;Th~e wllI ..I?i,', ~o'. re$ular ':, '--. ,C.9ac~ "A-~an~a ·B.!lca, )leild,.·.vo)JeybaH ':eoaCh~ ,~aJl'e(]"Coach, l'laj'ar and asteed.departure. Gate a~ Stallion She; Station, (~7 .miles"vt,eSl of· tt)onthly,~eetmg;l~NQve~.., ~er if She', '~o1:11~,'hke thejob as,·he~d-ju.Q-ior~l1.gh,coach. She ,said she ,wQuld ·do·Carri~ on H!ghway 3.80) :will',be ope~'frotn 8 ~.:m. to 2 be.... bllt 'pl,e~e pl~" ~~,jOtn', ,·it. ~, ,'." :'. ,:...'".,' ..... .." " . ." ,p.m. 'for sell'-gUided tours. Call 800-,S26-Q294 for mf'o. . " 'J:~~group at lll~~9un,tY.~ollJ:t-· '" ' ,'~~ch's, 'goals f~r' the'team'are, to pr~y'as ,one" and to 'pt~care' thQ:m for .high.·

. . , , . .House ~.n ,el~.~tloh, ,n~ght:·to ,.sc~ool sport~., H~r,,~~~gest :ch.a.~le~g~ ,wJ.J1 be ~etting. th.,e ~i~ s.·te)·Play, togethC5,,:.•SUNDAY.OCTOBER·3,· .' ,watch. ~1e:ctic'.R "reWf!ls. as·' to payattentlori and Improve their passIng sk lIs Sh~ 1 Y til, h' athl·-'

'--CarrizozoHeritageMuseumiJrid.'Camizozo'Women's .~onas.the-ycome:~rito'.he '" "Of" ,. ,t' ',' ... " ,'., 1. ,,~:aw~, S e S..er , e~.Club p-resent author William Dunmire ~~o 'will :'ectute' on ,~ou,n~Clet:k's Qftke. Bring,a" '..to,,' :~Iay hard.. ~la~.s,tt:Iart.,· and: p~ay' toget~er..~I Coach Najar 'f1.nd~:'it rewafdi~g

- how plants from the Old World made the.rway.to,dte New '..pol~~ck·dishto S.hatc.and, en- :- ~h~k~.n.g. that, she, IS. .: a,ble,: to help" tnc, JUIiiot high stlJd¢ntS· become' ~bc;::tterMIl;XICO fronlier and Americats ,southwestern', cuisine'. Free", JOy the, 'fellowship., . ' ..lecture at 2 p.m. at the Wo~en'$'Club.' ". : '. ' '. ~ifgtrnev ~Urd ,;'

--Blessing'01' Animals for. Feast of 'St.' fl:anc.is. 4 :p.m~ infronl of Santa Rita Church 'in Carrizozo: . Padilla.. her ,mother Janc'. , MONDAV OCTOBltR4" :' " . Amay. '. ~nd . uQcles,.· 8,UOlS~, .

--AltO Lakes '-Special D:islric:t Commis$ion. ·holds··a~ '. . ',VAJ::.J;:R'lE 'PADiLLA .':' I,Jro.thers. sisters., nieces ,.aridQrganiza:l-ionallneeti~g at 8:'30 ,a.m. in.~e Sierra:Room of .. ,GONZALES' .meph~ws•.A~ ,P~dillit,·and,the Alto,Lake GolfamfCountryClub in Alia. Public-invited . .. , , " 'S~cey PadiJI of-Las Gruce$~'to attend; '.' '..., Ro~ :tq.t:Valer:i-e PafUJla 'Ramon -Amaya,' of ]r()swel~~;"-',"

,--Capitan Chamber 'of Commerce .meel$' at 8:30 a.m.,' at . Gonzales. :37. ;of..O'arTiZozo~: . C!lin.o Amaya,.. of Dextet~Capitan Village hall.' , . ".' '. . . .'. .' . 'will ··be ,tomorrow~. Friday., :Sa9r,ha Randolf of Carrizo... · .

,--Blessing of Animals for Feast of,St. Fran'cis., (J 'p.m, Ott:!..1 at,:7·:00 p.m~~ and me-, zO'. ,Skip" P:adilla~ 'Freddie..Sacred Heart Church in Cllr?,itan. . . '. ,morial service .wiJI be 'held' Padilla. RQse' Wheelet and .

. -DWI Planning CounCil' meets at,.6 p.m. in RuidQs'o Satui-day. Oct.'2',»;t Saitt8,:Rita:.. '. -rhe~es4- CI.e,a~y, '~II 9tVillage-Hall.. '. ," --' .' Church with Fr. Dave Bergs ,Carrl~'zo~ Sal P,ad,lIa, of

--Special Lincoln County;.Ruidoso ExlraterTitpria,l ZQI')i~ng.. offlciaijng~ Rb's~ell•.Toni'F'ad.iJJa ofLas ','C0":lmission work~ssi.on6:30p.m. Rui~qsoVillage H~dl~ .' She· was. born D~c.· 29.. Gru,ces.. Ma.ry Amaya Qfto diSCUSS ETZ .ordu:~ance. . .. '. '. . _.... --" . 1971. 'She died a.t· her borne TulaJ;osa. Monica Whll;eler

in,Carrizozp September 23, '. and rQ.mily.- .'Jr.'" ·Wheele'r.:. SU.~.i.vot,s, incJude 'her" .. NictJo~y Padil1a 'of!-"d. 'K:~istag.randrnother~ E'lizabeth' ,> Padilla. all of-Carrizozo.. '.· .

, ' ", ,." ,,c. .' '

r ......----:'"-...:........---------.".....::..---=~--:......,:......,~, ';";';'-..., .FALL . RAIN SHOW•. '. . '.Pats.y.···S.. 'an.c.hez.····· ·ER~rar~ hu~rying·the·faI1

Ccol~ts in. t~,e Bonito,. L.~.e

.. andidate for Commissioner Districl 1 area. ··turnlOg aspen ·tQ·.~ : .' •.... WiIlWbrk'to··' .,:' gold and maple$ lind oaks.

. " - • " c • . ·to, fl~i'ng reds'., .Fire dan-, ,': Devel(;.p' ,a Mode': of·, ot.i~',water; Plan .ger IS moderate and once,

. to Guide Pop~lationD~nsity, . ,tbecouritrysicle dri<is Qui•. ,~. :firewood cutting ·wiII· 'be1%1 Revise the Sllbdh,ision Regulations. on .jnfull force.. Vl1tage

of Ru:idoso .will have'fire:"~. '. . .' .. ' . wood permits fat. ag¢<!1%1 . Plan for-Lantll'se. . . . w<iOd . ill tb" GrindstOIle

, ,zt;jn,e araE!,s ,oi-the c~tiLl;;ty·tnto th'e;' pfesent use and" Lake. area begimlJ'~g",'il1e ., sst up P'Srfo/11:JBflCfj,iJmndardslo,-th6se lhat request ,week'· of··OctOber .4', con... ', a zoning change In',the ftilufe. ' ' . tact'. .the .forest 'serv'ice ..for'

[J. '.' . . . . . .,.. . 'fueiwoOd cUtting infor" ,', .'. " Complete Ehhanoed911<!\.ddr!>s..ln,g.: .. ' .mation. .

.' ' . '.' .', .",' '. . ."~ ,

. . ..... .LI.· Pre~"tVeCounfya~dHi$tOri<:~1"'toperty,:: ' .. "~';f.'~ .'Please call 505-64.8-2326.or.l>l11ail:I1E;rrallerde@tula'rdsa;nal··. . '.

" .Patl;lfqrbr~~nd,ldalt.e, ,.' > '" '.', '. " : • ' "'"

,,' .

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Page 4: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)




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. ·WEI-I...: yoU SAID YoU. WAf\lT£P TO. $TA1<T LeARNING HOW, ':',' , :-' , '> '. ,"" '"

MORe THINGSAROUr'J:D THt::r¥NcHL.;' " ..

... ,

Li...... (~pt·%ZC .o.:t:!!l)'A'g~ tinle ~,:·,cb,ange'yo...

"-:sUirQWidi~gs;' A new: job',or'p~oti9Jl"m·~y be in.,~,.A-; ";',

.... cb....ge .,fpeopJt;mlgbtju... eli> ,'lb~ trick ~hen... you eani~' gOtothers to do wha.t needS to bedone~'Ta)~frOm '~e he..-'~d'soul.. ' . ,.. , ,

. S......i!'(p.t~·_·Nov2')'~o-n~y?<Tai,kto. 'the :only' 9hC .

.. ...that can change' -Utis. :fOr ,lYii.':. '''YOU'''. A ,ie8J :gOOd:'~i~e' tq,'

r"":'--:-:"":'::'"":'''''-7''C:::::::::::==:::-''';~-''''----''''''''-~''''~~-'''''''''''''';'''''''i'make; ~lt'8"mDne:y. U:ypU:~.. "Y, "" ""';:';"'''' '~':':."'.,' ',::,wjUing "l<;hgo ,the exir'a- ,.nliJe~,

,:'Oet gOod sleep'~d eat·ri~t,..·

s6 y~urhltlney ,can come'yotl,r··way. " . .

" -S8IIiiua.r.h~Ji (NtW'.z.Z "',D~ 2'.).'. 1t's. aU"good. ,Ws also-,oul of,::. ::yo.1,l", 'h~ds' \~ow-. Lei".'~ets" -','·.te:.]~ ,I;hat you, aje :n6t goinSto, p~t up' with: ,~Ythiilg,.I~ss.:than .reit•. reSpect; .You'll '$eetl\e , tnltb .about"' 'Qve, and'rrJendliihjp R9w"S.ep tHick and'.watch. ',' " - "

: ,Cap...~rn (Dec, n .:. ~.IJ. .1')"G.e,1 Q.ut ,,6f th~' waY.,because"'~ll.letJ:Iing.. is" a~o~t to--,come!

, . '.' " - .' . ypu~ 'way' 'with 'fun Coree. :aeshieJd '-his departm,entaL fhjanc~'fr9m ,'< ," p-rep~d ~ .Iet', som¢thing. or .' '·.public s-crutt,ny. 1\Dd'th.e·goYeroor's. ,. ,sc;)I'Oeonego.'Do noOakel'this·:'attorney ~S"still talking:~o.deada,HI>.... ,: jJersQ,n~l. ~Ov~-. WUt" stiif ·be". , M¢an\':'ltile ~a¢k Ln th~,niaf:·wotld-, ... ' the·re.' Let- .them ' wow.'. aitd.

· the, comm:unitie~ of 'Fort Sumner and, .~ It;ai~.' :" . '.' '. " ." '....~:. Silver' City' ',have' taken 'ant1t;her-'look ai: . Aq..ari... (JaB 20 .,. P~b UI),. '· their, peritage:' of'his~rlc"sites', .visit~. .Q.lt.a:y n9W that )'ot).have'·mBde,.'arid'ch¢l"ishep by tOur·is~ ':from aroQn<l:, .' up,your',miild tQ:'chaDge'your,F '.:, ..· the:w'?.fld. "A~~ they ·have fou'hd: pri,de~,. . :J~fe, 'are You·going to 'do dlis1':.;~~lch ha~ un)~ed not 'only the towns~ , W~th .:,troth. ,i.ove, and "PPWer

· ,people" put·p.a:s brou-ght t~gether tlle '" yo~ ,g~t from 'jnsil;le., .,Dori.'t.towns'~ '. JistelJ ¢,do~goodersthat do~'t " ,1

, :··'On 'September 27th' in F~or.t ' . .k;riQ~y.oA'-,Foilo"",Your,beart.',~l,Imnet:'; ~h¢n,tJ:1e j~~ge-was.·td,,'-he~, Pi,l!I:c~s Web'l, - Ma.-.e.',,20).:,the 'motiOns to d1SmtSs' the·.a"t.Uy ttif: , ..Le,t go ·of· peOpl~; places and'Kid ,case.. 'Mayor :'Terry Fortenbei'{y 'of' ' ,thing~ ~h~t yOu don~flieed: iJut· Silv.e-r: City was .-there tQ':sl).ow 'solida- " '. dqrt'l,throw'-th", baby, but wit..... ··

" 'rlty with ,MaYQr .R;;l),rtiond LOpez~ .' the ~th: 'watei-. ei~~r. Y9ur'~tal1ding ,fgr· For.t Surriner. And. 'ast, -' feel ings are toutihy., .Get 'aWaY· ye~,M~YQr' L.opez did 'the same'for~ and think .Iong arid'lu!tril, about',him. ' '., . , ".,., '. ,.,'. ,:,:~hoSqu w.afi~.,i'nYQur'~ite.

," " _Iit~ f~ct the p~ple':Showirig'"'su'p~':' ':, ':A~etJ·(Marc.'2:1 -·,Ap,riI19).,.:-PQrt ~fthe opp0S:luon-'prove that.'g90d .', .Don't' Hs,.el;J· to someone that .

..' . cJ;l11 come, from b~d. "Frederick Nolan,'- dbcsn'thjlveyourbestintereSt::the world's ,eXp~Tt Qn'Lineoln 'County Talk to'. lovi::4 ,ones' and true"War-' tJistory was to be there ftom ,..... 'England~ .Leon l\;'Ieh::, Garrett's 'f&mo.lis~ ftiends thal.-will back ,you upbiographer- was coming from T;ex~s; . l'egQ.rdless. of the' 'Outl;Orite. A,

· Shared eCQn~rnlc goals. brings Cisay ~ good ~ime to do what you h~ve .McAndrew. executive ,direc,tor, of the ,be.¢n wanting td do: Do it. '. ,Silver City Chamber of Commerce.' Taurus (Aplil 20 - May 20)

· Liric~lh County Commissioner 'Leo Your. words may get miXed up'Martinez was coming in too in an ' ,with the ·fec;:ling al1d filets,effort ~ heal any rift between Lincol'h Ma~e ~Ure whomever you Ba"eand DeBaca .counties. c ',talking to getS' the facts

fn fact, .the whole thing makes 'me straight. You c~lt heJp themprobd. People have been talking for ' C)n how ~ey reel. Tell theyears about a ~Billy the Kid and :ra~ '. ti'uth',aiJJi let the chips fall.

·Garrell historic trail tha~ wo'uld cirlce: :Gelqint (May. 21 ~ ;Jun~ 20)through our st~te artdjoin. the ,towns It's cleat aoout how you feel.th . f' -h ' h' now 'W/lat can YQU' do to

at w~re !!l part 0, ' t. e~.r. Is.t9~Y·· ohange ~Ile shtfatiQn? Don't.,' ,"Fhat Includes SIlver;Ctty ofQilly.'s,.childhopd and his mother'.s ~tatI: something ~nle'ssY9U arc'

h . ' ..[ .going to,do it 110%. WbirtCv~rgrave~·.SantB;Fe, .wh~r~, -e'was~Ip'-Jat ~' you" kU.'. Y:our"C'o""'rgy" in no.w,.Old Mesilla where he,'stood trial. Lin-, ...- .,.

: coln'wh¢i'e: he'-had hiis'"g;r;eat e~cape'•.,·- good or bad will come back:-"an4 'Fott Sumner- ....yhere he atid',Pat" , ~:.e:::(e.:.uf:~'\l_. J ..t .....:22)

had their fateful shoWdw.on and where ;T·B'[I . "b . d ' Wheil"'.Y9i.J?,re :'hurt,· .';ou,. .'oo'1 ' Y,'"IS' '1).r1e, ; " , . , ' . , . . co'.. :Maybe that'traU'ride. that too,,"'a,' i·ri.-s,ide' and Qthers', 'pan,'".wroIig.turn,coUld put N~'w M~xi~. im·d,er.sta-nd' ',w"Y ~ou't~back on the traIl- of.-their ,nnmat6hal:He,.. .sf.iu:tti~g ,~«:lni' alit.' Take the'history of,the Old West'ana'jts historic, time to explflin'·that i~ has.'sites, .,,',"" ,.'.. ".' '. ,ntlthi~j(tcido:witbt'hem; 'that,'

• ' " . , 'Y,ou ~ going, tHrough.- a,'" tt-ow~n'g'and learning ,period.':

'ft·s'olcity...·" " "".', ' ' ... .•~ (oI'uIY ;2:4- Aug :!2) StOp!-Just stqp it;, ..reU-.·~y()ne andeveljtOne.. 'that you " a,re:' inch,ai:ge"'an~, you, :.Q8n't, aUow"wfiat- ,is goiog on:. ",Make sure:

"you ~lk:wi.thtnJcffeC;Ungs'.imdnot 'ego. ;rhey ate: wa.I,ting·,''rorYr)u to, .. make the' 'first move.·Ma'k~:(jt." .', .. ",' .' :.' .Virgu (Alig23 c Stopt~2) You.

" ,:' are 'still 'on,~he samei'-old road... 1'5: th,i.S:,.Wh~r~ you 'want 'to 'be"?'-fr.' ,so~. ih~n 'd~:t, comPI.in,.w"~n :yolir' I~~"i~ in,:81 'rtlt~,:'Charlge ydur ().)tlOdk, 'so: yoW- " '. '.'

. 'Nt. will, change',do. 'Gd rid,of '. ,u'llwantc;:-d rU~i!1s~,pe~ple :fuci~,".",~.,... ..

,:".' . :"", , . ' ' ,

. ,'. ."', '

SANTA FE - People inthe' ..intellectual community' ,as well ;lS. ransof Billy the Kid and Pat Garr~tt in thiscOuntry and ,around the world have ~,r~sp.,nd~(ftotheBUlY. the Kid !'$.e ofthe three Sheriffs and erie governor: "with gratifying S1re~th.and unity,

Like.an old·fash.oned case of .chtcken pox•.once 'it's oVer', It.leav-es· .'you tougher because you develOJied ail _.imtnunity: Good things can co·iTi.e riutof bad: . . . .... .

The. Billy the Kid 'Case_ is, said 'to·'have begun ~hen the .three sheriffs' ,took a trail ride or tipped a few drinks'together. or both. What has ·~en.sobothersome to its observ.ers over the "past year is that somethbig ,as'ridicu- ____l~us !ill:d: cons'uming Qf pUbli~'offi~, "ClalS lime and resourc~.s was allowedto go on so long. . ' . '.'

!\hd if that'wasn't bad enoJJgh,'lt.seems from the conelusions of expertsin history. science, 'and the law thatthere was an effort to hoodwink us. It'really was The L~ncohi,Co:unty Hoax, .

p.eo'p'le have resented b¢ing, ,.treated hke suckers, worrying, that .officials are til1dng.-a 'free ride with "~heir ~ ndollars. and realizing that'solvmg an Q1ready solved, murder1~3 years old has higher prioritY ,nLmcoln and DeBaca County law .t:n~orcem~nt than Solving real mutdetsfor bereaved families. .

And ·what was the result? Firstnobody was taken in. The three sh~­riffs: and one governor have beenscooting ,between Silver City aiJd ForL .Sumnt,::r trying [o·sell their tale to ' 'courts and' trying to get at the bon~s'ofBilly and this mother. " '. .

. But so far no one is biting. NQt a"'.s~n~le exp~rt, other than forensic spe:­cla1fs~ Dr, Henry Le. (b~irigpaid .by.the H,story Channel and .,f O.,J:. Shrip­son d~fense fame)"has done' anythingbut laugh or g!'t outraged. .,. .'. .

. S"""nd[y, we sGitled to" look· ,.closer at the, perpetratorS. Sheriff .- . .Graves (D~ county) isJaclng re­calL D~putySb~riffSederwall(iriayor...

. of.C;ipuan)'~w 'sb-ows ,no sign, of, .'b~!ng a real deputy, Sheriff sulHvltn .(Lmco~n county) 'is "~lingin:g to :the' "hope that by saying he is eonducting Iireal criminal inv~tigati9n. he Can

b ••h t

Septemberao. 2004 00 P.ge 4 .•

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(jiili.IilIi1I1ilJilIii '..f?OF EVENTS:&

~ill rains ease thedrought'lBy Ruth HSf7lrnond

Did you get caught out in any of"the rain~n~Itseems ~any people had no' objections about getting Wetwhile rushing to close windows on vehicles ,or get insideor whatever reason they had to be outside in the weatherThe problem is th"'t some people; assi..u1Je that tI'i:~ rain wiJi'eliminate the drought. According to experts~Jl would takemonths ifnot Y,ears ofsteady n.in to JdleYiate the drought:.

Rivers may be overflowing. but the-·main thing.nC<dedto alleviate the drought 'would be soaking r:-ain and mQfCsoaking rain and ev.en more'~ingrain. Apparently.ithas to rain a,..d soak way down to 8\'1 the desi~deffect cd"easing the drought. "Even 'though everything ,lookS ,IP'CeIland fresh. more moisture' is needed to keep it that way..

Vou may disagree with the experts•. and you havf:!'thatright. but you might: 8,ccomplish more if you di~gl'Ci:dwj-Ih elected' officials about the way they do thinp. Someotlicials believe they don't have to answJ:r to the pUblic:,even though the officials are ~sing public, funds. 'Otherotlicials believe they can lake a'ctio'n on any'matters,theywant to whenever-they want without inf"onning the public.

Not includingthe public is not only a v;olation of.st8.telaw. it reminds people of the ··old days" wheh' officialsw{lullJ: make decisions with cronies and those' decisionswould benefit the cronies and/or officials. Back in thoseold days buddies ofofficia'ls were selected for building o-riOlprovingany governmental project, which benefitted the·huddies and/or the officials. Does this sound familiar? '.

Evidently that was one reason many people deCided,tohe t.:andidates for office., Winning put th~m in position lohelp increase t\:le flow of mc;mey to their pals as wen aspadding their own pockets. State legislators, were awareof'the need for changes and now state law·dictaies howg.overnmental entities are supposed to conduct business..

Snould you have' any siJgge~tions,.asto other thingsthat need state intervention, contact a state legislator and,request tl"}c maUer be included in a bill·for considerat-ionby lhe state legislature. When legislators meet in January"th~y will be .in sessiOn for 60 days, and hopefully dunnglhese two months necessary bills will be approved and the,frivolous time-wasters will be· discarded with the trash.And any requesls you may have for bills should be sent to'legislator.. as quickly as possible. ·Legislators are working,on their bills allhis time to help exped;lte the process.

Succcss at getting bills passed at the state level takesmuch more t,ime than most people imagine it would. The'committee hearings and discussi.ons and testimonies are

. necessary and thorough but very time consuming. 'And' ifyou want to ·watch the process, please attend a sessioll inSanta Fe.. It is much more interesting than watching rainfall that p,robably ~i11 not alleviate the dro,ught this year.'

(Continued f~om P~ge,3)

TUF-SDAV. OCTOBER 5--I.incoln County Public Land Use and Rural Affairs

I\dvisory Committee (PLURAAC) meetS at 9 a.m. in theI.im:oln ('ounty Commission chambers in the courthouse in( ·arri/.o,t;o. Public invited,

--Special Lincoln County Commission meeting I p.m.lCllmmission chambers fn the Lincoln County Courthouse inCarri/nzo 10 approve 2004 tax rates. Public invited.

--Ruidoso Planning and Zoning Commissi9n 2 p.m."illage hall. .

--Voter registration for the Nov. 2election closes at 5 p.m.(, ·all l.incoln County Clerk at 648-2385 ext. 6 or 1-800-687­

. 2705 ext. 6 for more informal ion.--I.incoln County Republican Party mcets for dinner at 6

p.m. at K-Bob's Restaurant in Ruidoso. Program begins,at7 p.m. with speaker county clerk Tammie Maddox.

. --American Legion Post 57 in Capi,tan meets at 7 p.m. atCapitan Senior Center.

WEDNESDAV..OCOTBER 6--ENMU.Ruido~~ meetin~ t~ p~se~t draf!. cOl1Jmunity

plan to increase Citizen partiCipation In votmg. Improvecollege attendance and expand the regional economy. 9 a.m.to 3 :30 p.m. in the Riudoso Convention Center. RSVP toJudi Morris at 257-2120 or 1-800-934-3668 by October I ifyou plan to attend.

FRIDAV, OCTOBER 8-~Lincoln County Water Research and Conservation

Committee meels at 2 p.m. in the county commission. r;:hambers in the courthouse in Carrizozo.

, .'

Page 5: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

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Lincoln NeWs.' Items ...


'. ProfessQr (Mtt.e.$ingn,c!dicaJ .liidents): "~e '.-. mU$c.1e of the patilmt~:s .left leg has. contraCted ~i11

:it· i!§:" much' 'shofteJ" .. tha:n th~ :right. :T"erefo~,.. he" ..li.mp~ .. ,~ow. 'what" ',would ,you', (10;. :io, ~"'9hCIrcumstances?'" . .:' '"'StudetiJ;:,;"r'd iimp~ t()o·';·.· .*.• * ~*.*.* * ~ *'.:$'~.'*

What'WeThink: .'. 'by-'FniDiS ,PhQn·.. "

• wi'" so.nefelloW. would: tell me 'how 'other'. folks ,can affor;,\ w"'many, luxuries.. ~y :·wlf~'i'., alwayg r~ggin' ..me as· t€;) ~hy ;·th~· ~an have, sa...., mU9h,wbll~ .we J:llU'Sl do ~n, so httle. . . .

One of OUF troubles has 'be'en daubled. I;{eret- ~," afore we: sp'ent 'ahoiu a ,quar:ter' of our~ tiqie .iight- .

'.' ,.jog' our pipe with ·matches. Now it' ,takes anotherfourth of 'ou.r time to-'wori the patent liahter' weaot, for a Christnias present.

siriic... 'me folks ~re kinder than theY used. to'be~ Take: fot instance. ,in the:old·~ys,.a'w6inan.

buried one' busband before gettoing ,anmther. now"she'lets the first One go wit,hout burying. '. "

Mothers sho~ld ~e:riously' teach -their s"o~ ho~:to ,use 'a,ca.n opener·so they will never·have to', go'hungry after they get' marriefl.· ' ,

Scientists have traced ,man 'back to ~ fiSh. Itlooks as though ,they' re ,on the right track at· last.·We"ll ,probably hear less of thiS- monkey, business: .now fOT aspen_ -. .

We've always had a lot of sympathy. for ~the,preachers. The fellows who need the preachers'sermons most are seldom at, .61:1urch. and w.henthlOY 'do go, 'thlOY think the preacher is talking toIhe follow behind Ihem. . . '

We: 'J)eliev<i :the time. is- not' far distant. when"the, ,.Jittle ttOuntty schobl. house w·ql' gi·ve',}Nay to' themore nioden;r' arid generaJly· more efficient·con~solidated schOOl :to' arid·.from which'·thc·childrenc

,w.i:lf. be 'transported in-'school' busses, ~yer good·roads. : .... '.' , '

.tC.ontinu!,d 'r;Jm·Pag" 2). "'. .

It8s a ·sClf'.... teas("L He is .... i;goti5t~:H~iB",!f. ..'.'cenrer~, He h!lStbe .mentalmump., 01' h:ts:1iikC1i .fl bath m Ihe :Ilt;a<l. Sea of French, ijlf'Hlc,bty. IfSinidiiS fl. ~.litlislic: litingyold ~1Pt'. who.

.. ,It8s'n<> ~iBlobligflllons. ""ho.is tiviilg 1o.~imSelf. and fOt'b~all'·lIJ<lno.• ""hI' S"ll' tI1.HlOle _~.

'. Of the cl<lugbtillJ.· Who Ihi~ Utc world i. goll18 10..· the !leVillli1cL "4o<:sn'~'give.a,·· ··if itdotos" -- .., ItSmitbis that 'kind 'of forlol'n creatllre. then·:fur·.the.akI;:' of tiis ~tatRin!l~ingillt1uenCclli,nillhl, bcwell for 101""10 stay away from ch"reh,' . '.

~ J;lut ~~'"QJ:1~~, Is, a'!ioc·ial. i.~ti~.utio~~' Pr.yet 'is$QCiBl,.. ~l111io,?-,s S""tal" 0!'Thy",,~~o. s""ia!.Worsb,p, .. sociBl. To tty t.o make II iIld.viduw·...p<\gail. ", . . .... c .' ' '. '.: '. To tie .ure. the church' has· ber mulls. buJ: so

· ',have ,·the school, arid GeJ"verr,unepi.. a,nll 5~:' lUis .c' Smilh:Sball we desert. the G"vermttenl be<!lluoe it .'

hBll a.fuw·fflults?ShaJr· we' secede ,fC'Qiri·.'Smith·becauSc ,of ·h,is.hortCQming.? . . . . ....'" ,Corne;' out:& it.· Smith, t)Jd:',in.aJ:l;, 'Y«;Ju're' fiJi,.,g-,'jug a:selfisb song. ". ". _. . '. ".

Coine. on.:'sliiilh. help Y.<>ut wife .10 get Ih"sc·, Ultle IQddics ready nexISllnd'ay. rhen ,yo":fala!. Ihem. by ,the. hand. and go toSu_y sclto<ll.imd\'Purch,'~it.bjyo"r·Wife.imd squil<fzeJ.er·b8n<1fl

'·httle dllrmg thcdry. plItt·"f the 4ermoll. imd 1prophecy, th!lt »efore' a. mofith goes· by Y.OJ1'U ,"e

'. 'sinllinJla .new .ong. It's. il big; 'f'"", world. I..••:great to be alive•. ' . .

'.." By'F.C.Rmyi..lid.. ''.' .**.**.:**~•• *~*~*"VIi' , ',•.

. LINCOLN COUNTY-NeWS. '. ", ,J '. ,

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1.'1 ,1/ClIliJ] 'I il/


~jearns Insurance Agency


·eO VINSON, PaStor (lnter-denaminatil;Jrllilr514 ~ok8y Baaf Blvd., .Cilpitart, NM. .· SundB, Stlhool .•..•.......•...•• 9:30 a.rp. '

". Sunday Morning Worsl]~. ',' .. , ..• 10:30 •.m.

Capitan Churoh of ChrJ_t


· CAPITAN' . .. . ."'AdU~ 'S~nd~V Schoo.1 . ;'. ".' 8:30 .,m~· WOl;ihip Service.,. ~ ... ,.: .• : .•... :,d:15·8.m,

'" .Children's SundaV,School .. '•• .' •• ; ':" 9::iO ,a.m.· FelloVtrship Time "'" .• '" _. ',' ••• '.. ~0:15 am..­

. '. AdUlt Sqnday 8I:ho~I,••• ~ ... :.4 ;..) 11:00 a;m•.•Choir fJlkactlce ITu~y) •.• '......•••.7;00 pJn.Fellowship Dinner _., .• ~ :_--I:ver.y Third Suni:lev' ..'Handmaidens'(Eeu-menical W(lqiBn's:Group)' .'1st and 3rd',Tubd.av.,: , .. : .... " _. ..a:30'a.m.

· 'jOHAN!':iA ANPERSON.',P~tor·· .· 1000 O.,A.ve; 848·2893'1 ~·2~.

.. : Ca,.-iJozo~ NM '8830·1· '" .. ' SQpdBy :StlhooJ (All AU~~l.,." .• " :'.,. : lQ;OO a.m.: .

Wor.{ihlp SPl'Vf.D... .- •• ; .' •• ;.• '-~" •. ; ;1.1;00 'amChoir·Practice (Tuesdayl: •• ;; .:••• '. 8: 30 p~iri, :Uilit:ed Meihiuii$t'Women. <' '. :., ••

· . EvelY '3id WudIiJll!!day.••••• , • , •• :: 2tUO p.rn;'fellowship Dlnri.r :on ",',' '4th'SUndaV". Month ... '.. ~ .:. '.' 12:3~ p.m.' .

• :i:;;loi;;:ii;;no;;;h;.c;O;;;.m;;;"';";.;;llY....:, 'C;;;h;;";;,'''';;.;..__;......._;....."TONY ~CACClA.· Mlnis~' " '~', .' "·a4ll'140~,. ..' .' " .. '

"8ec~nd Sdhda\' of Each Month ,'.' ••••9:00'lI;.m.:'. . ". ,:' ' .' .. : ~ ":... ' :',

· Unl"d'M.h~"i.t C'hurGh.. '






" ,., '

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, ',-

Jerry &lanita Rasak

laGrone ~uneral Chapel

..Clilrriz~:io C!='mmunit, Chul-"ch UUO)'

Nogal'-PreilbYtUi.iJ:Churah: .. _ .BILL ,SEJ~Rl"-G"Pastot ' . .... . ,'. Sunday School ••.',' •• " . .- ••.•.•.10:Ob:,.m.

. WorShlp,:.·: ..•..•• _ •• ;..••.;.··.11:00a.m:'.

HAYDEN sMITH', 'Pastor31410th Ave.,:CllrrizdZei, NM848-2968 (Church) or 848·2101

. '. Sundav8ch,ool , •• ,'..•• ", .' •.' •. 9~'a.m.WorshIp Service ,.' .. : .•....... 10:65 8;m•.Sun. Evening. , '.' ...TrarnlnD lit 6:15 ,p.m•.'EveriiRD, Wrir.ship '.' .....•..... 7: 15 p.nt..W.dn8.liday Bible .Study ...•... '. .-.'. ,1:00 p.m.

"OH~.E L.~JOHNSON. Pastor . , .Comer ot'C Ave. end Thirteenth, 848·2,186

Children's eliureh., ~ ... ; •••• , .•• 10:30 a.m~ ··T'll'lwnill:iYI;;.S!!O!Jut!!!!ho!J''[!lnUBU0il!Ptii!!·!nt,"C!:!hll"!I:,"5j"I..,.;"' _WorshIp Service •..... ',. :'..... ,. 10:30'a.riI., ' -

.''''.Vednesday Bilt,r•.Study', •• '•. " ••.• '.' .1:30 p.m,-.. ".. :MEL GNATKDWsiCi. Pastor 1648-2530, . , . Rhane 364-2'-44'· .' '.. ,

S.n~. ·Rit.• C~:i:~Dlla'tbmmlinity' , 'C.a~itlln ISQuth an Hwy.48J· . " '. ' ..· V R" '1'- ' SUndaySi:hool-. .. , .• '••• '•. ,.•...•.• 9:3.0a.m.

FR. OA E'BE GS. astot . ", ~or.shlp ~.~CII.:.:" ..:"' ... ',' .,;U :00 '1lI,:tn•.2, ls.A.a;..T·.'U.R..Dcl\~~.·zo~.~~.~N~..,Q48.2S53 '. ,:'. ':". '

.; . tF!!Ir:!.t,"B!!io!l.!!.!!intil,·llCllhnW'"'i!!lh!"1,'C!io!!!rr!!.:!!no!...~'~· ............_Capitan Sa~dlt~lirt ~ ••• -. ..,; r· ••••• 5:(10 p.m.,~ , ,· 'Cintlzozl) Same 'Rita . -. "'. , ••••• ~' •••'6:30 p.m. CAI;..WEST,·Pa'stor 1849.7.976,' , _ . . .

.. · ..SUNDAY:. . 'ilH' '.. "~Hio," SundaySch0!l1 ;~" .'., , •.. '.. .1.0:00a.m..·· 'Cap!t,an s~creta ~rt ' ~ 1tJ"30,'8.r:n. Wilrs:hlP 8ahiioe, •••.~ .•.••' •• , .••• 11:00 a,m.

" Can:iz.us· ".aTl].I, .',Rlta'., .'~ ••••. " ',' 1'00' ••m. . 'Wed-.uday Oltk'-Study'.~ ;,.• ~"'~ .• ; .1:00 p:m.I;:,a;on~ t. MINIi. ......• ;~ •... '..... r'·, : , ,JI"I!1' 'FIilIoWJhlp Dim,r . '. .- . _. ,:1St Sund.~!lf Momh,

· ... .:'.. . ,', .....An.-.'- ChUrah. oj till' ....i.nne ..

'.' ~a~,~~,i.lnco,.",«:a:.ntY' :,'",IlICKHUt~H'SIiN.Pa..., "'8.8032 " •,So'uth~.,Comer .tHwy:4J&'37J(lnctlon . '.,' :"

&' ~"en fI,uil;loso al)d' C....ital'l,'·NM' ':, .

·~:l:tk~~o' ~or .ll·~Ues· ~ ~':, ~'." ... :'•• 9:30: am'. ". 'M~tninl W~~sh,ip·.,,; ".'." ',' ; .. , ',' .,10;30:.I,m.:

Ch dnn s Chutcb • ; .• , .••.•..10:45 •.111.. ~vlinil:lll'Worl)tlp" ,',' •• ~ •..'.'•.; , .••• ~. B:n~ ,p.m.

.. , Wiichi••a_y: .... " ' "." .}, Teen dinner and uama ••. ,.' :., .' .•. 6:00 p.h'l•

.. TeeD Bibl' Study: ~ •• '."\ : •• '..•• " •.7:qO p.m•... ,' ,'PriverMee~1iiI ~ •. : : . , • "',"''': .'. ',' ,.•:6:uO p.m.

. '·,:A~'c'h~. ~om~.Qnit~.P~sbv1eria~·'Church,: ..TERRV·AIEI,.'LO, Pastor 164a.20·~4;, '

.w~rstiip :: ::: ~ ~. "'-'.': .~ ...'~ .•.. 9;OD a:m.Sun~ay S:ch, ~I ,.•.. ~'..•• ,.:•.• 10:,~(ra.m~

.Crpj-ona' Pr1IsbY't.rlan Church: " .Sunday School .... '.. ;'..... : ',' . , .- W:O,O iI.~m.Warshl~ ...••.•• ,'•..•.• '•..'....11:0(1. am.

tOM POINDEXTER.. Miml:'!er 3~135 :.'Avlt.,C .at'12th,.Ca...iZozo;NM "".' ,'.

-:- .Suilday~h~h;. '.: ••.'•• '; ... ,~' •• , ~'.lI~:QU:·a-.m•. :Wol'i'hipS~ .'. ,- .•_..••••. ~, •. ~ 1,1:00 .~m.

. .:EV81'!i'l1l Will$hjp •• ~ .' ." .• ; •.••• , ~ _.• t: U1' p.m.-" W.dnes:d.V Bible Stud,. '.' • , •'.• '~ •• ,..1.:00 p.m. '

. St. M~"hl.'~ ·tpi.c'."iil ch~ic'h: ' • .' .... . ' " '.'" '~ ,,',- .:. , '

. REV. RON,THOMSON; Rector . ,',COme,.'.f. EAve. ,and Sixth; tBrrizimJ..; PtlM

.' ., .. 1·506·2584242 .'. ... H~1y Euctiari$t, ••:•• ',' : •••.•• Sun~aY,":30".m.,'. " . . ."


· i'

:, ,..,

, .. <. '.

. "',;'




.-. ,

'..... 3:20_.~ b';"•......""""_.IS~old Who· WB�l·....--·....mthe_.·· ....1jiei!r"~':1It .e.lrUt!m.I . Sc>hOOl.e.t>ltan"m..........~at 3':32 J!~.~ 1lO0

· ....:. ..q.......... MIod,I Wbi<:b ......VClc1· '......."1 f9ltowliJg l~mUiti';';. .' ; 9:1)4 p .....~~.fur uit. atriving thellO at II :53 a.m. ·1It 3:45 P.gJ........ 4:1)4 p......'Wl!" *"J'lm.tTo'!' d.sPA~b"'"' bub!i>cc:i.atl""~on',,nOaV;- 11:37 a.m.·the4at'locatlOn.·· !.'!ft4~~1J.oCM~u.r...lltdi~eOrds,ntheLlDcolnCoUllty.1an esnYPll~ fOr lionoitle . at ...d ..~ II on JD....way ' ..'" • . ~..,.'" ~

· . Sh<:r.ifl's office i"theLin•. · ,unable to .........."1; MedJad~ 37 .. $I)..... _"II iJiiiIlWte ....... =.... .· .. <;<>In .CQUI!ty C;o ollsci.. . """cedlifto .a~'" .("-LS) o....n.... DqlIItydl~hid 3:..9 p.",. """",ess dri_..Canizozo.. ' a ul.."ce ""'tinned··at !:~6 p m~"'- :':..~~~~~~i~k~

". :sep~m""t20".. ".· LCI\IIC edanivingat """'JIU"Il. Order. :VlOl~o" at WI·th .••'Z'="'headactie rack' 7:0411..... v""dali.... sgd '9:07 p.m, d at 9'l3p..... b......es. 011 _w ..... ~ _ ..._, theftalmai"len~ebuilding ·lefttbrLCI\IICanivingthe",.· d2''' . h~ . . driving l\IatllJl day.·Deputy

at coQlllry club .n Alto .....a.at9:H;p.m. .,', , ' .. ~~ d••J!atl'."""" D<>WQ diS)!llli.ihed.'· , .. ',' DepOly·di.pa~hed.. . '~42 t>.!".<lepuly. advil!ed. PoI;:;e'I:d~'01' a' 110"",1: . 7: 14 jLQ;. _ b!'...... in

. J'.1 :3;7 a.m. 'n;:qu&:,st 'for.:~... he.was OOi"8 waQ:'#nt·$Crvlce· requesting a 14eP.Uty:~cc . Riu1ches.ofSon:rerra. 1'I1J)Il,lhS'. bul~e,at.n1jJ." ir.ielt~t'72 Wi' ". 'l~tioqJI(H.o~do~·;· . .' an 'altercationa~'I(. ·on at"', I~ bi~,_WlpOit ~.a ighway3\1Q. Ciil'rizoziJanl-, .,S~mbci'2" .' 'f '1Ubr276 n i y Peputyd••pa"'_"b..r~n"e"",vedatll:S6·a,!,,.. .'10:311·.',,,,llOque.st.l'or~_ m:.'H:: ..d· . ° " ' S~tior23 " ......d .tll:5!?a..... left1'0r,L...,. bullo"ce.•J l'lCationat &-m"e . . :7:5?..I'''%..lm''''''dd..er.oq·. '3:57.P'~polic.e"DIn C,ounty Medi¢8l Centet·crossing.. GarrizOzo,' .amb"-.. ~t'J;;nglec.eet< Road,~ . ''''II.ue~. .ngp""y(LCMC)inRliido$b,anivine ·'''''co·arrived.at I·O::S~a.~; . .,..... wasst...,..in. the ~nce as._ lit . .atiOil ',Oil

' Ihe...,' aJ..! 2:40<p.,.,. '. '. " , ...... at II :.19 a,m. "'celVed a an.d bllck leil"ro_. DeP.t: PI" .C""",,*.DePllty ~S/>ll"'bi'd,· .1 :33"P.m.• d....allC 10~ "'l\Isa(.··· ..' ·G....~.md FiSbIl.\IViselito .•. .' :;;:39 .P,......ClIp'lI1ll pJ>bce

~" "", fl·ta ~~d~=:!·~n~~~~Y'di~~ ':bu\==iT~~;:~~~·., .~r~~=~~ "'~~ ·~e~uty·","·=~-=~~=l~, ..'·patche~ ..:·. '" ' .. ,'. ". . pl,~"!Od'Cap._ ""'bul!,n"e ". . .. .' . .betWeen a mOther...... da"gh- .

6:34p;",.LCIYIC re!1""sb:d a"",ved at. 0:55.••m. 1"'cl "" ;S~"'"22 ..:_:.Depirtydi"Jllltc"ed. "'8 d,l;:puty.. ~o-: ..•.possible"~.. "q\le~,,·M~ l, which .a~;-" .' 4.S~ a'.m. '-..eture fin,~' 6'·31 pm _magc:top'r:Op'sault on, a' ,female at· Bonit()· rwed '..at, 1J:U' a~m., 'Med 1 .Rui~o,~",fire :d~eiit:,:'~ ... '~ at'r~c-,iionatQiilc'riu\lk=' .LOke: Deptitydi.....tch~d; '.. . .101ft l'ot'LCMC at 11 '18 a ....;· que!'led all wa.... ·lInd ft>,AAl,' "".2Il2 0.. Hi......ay 70. dsm.

,avatla~le .'Bt~, ~ f~"'W~ -a&e to ;a ·Well.• Dc;pu~' dis;- :' , Oa!br,a,th ,bu"d...8. .UJ'P.~ m pjIlchedc .. '." '. .

·.,:au~~,~ ,=.a~.:-~~I= ,:, ~~~JeS~,~~:~l.=i=~~:: ...BomtQ. fire de~ent.,-e- : ,&t:.lo08tloo oil2rid. Stre'et fot' '.~dedWith ,.sIX C~ with a welf~- ':check; he we;' at'~die ,auapk ~ngoWtamvlng,~t . the 'e"'Ji~,c.ll *4, ii may be'"s: 19 a~,m. ana ·,Glencoe; fi~, . in, ,eonneetion,' involNinB..8' ;'" ".·"~rttnt!=nt:. a~ive4, with,: a . male. ,fi\ispeCt.. 'pcputy~'''dis-:·.­telider and tw1' crew .at 5:35 " PSll;Iu:d, .... ".' ,. ..,a.m. . .,' ~ ~. . .9:U p.m.p<>""ible bteOkiJill.. 1::S9··p·m.'·state ·0.. , J....~W'L ,and.entering.·at, loca.tion,.on·~.M<;>nc":.",q"es!,,d a' <!eputy. :Hall .• O<:putY di.PAtched. .

. forW(th1lntservu:ea~,LlIlcob~.~ Se~'" 'b;"~24 :-"".,County· .Detentl.on Centtr ' ." , y .....m., , ,-(LCDC). Deplity dispatched' " 6.45 a.m. ~9uestfor ambu~ .

' .. ,. '. '.' '. ,lanceat'1oCa1lOnon CROll;,

1..- - IIIi- IIIi _ '· _ IIIi ·.. ". ,Hondo ambulariqc 'arrived at','. 7:0~ fl,i'Il, .'and.at. Z,21l; l1.m.,, " .Ie,ft'fOl' LCMC IUftvmg ,there .

at 8:05 'B.lD: ....Q;40 a:~.:~uestfuranlbu..

'. lance; at .location:, on War..BoW: Street:,Med i. 'arrived t.t.7,:49. 8.111.' and, 81; .-8: 12 a.m.let\:, for .LGMe 'arriving th~re' ,',

· at 8.:22 a.:m__ ,' . ',: ." .... 9

d,OO a ...... Children, Y ooth .

ao .:--Falllilie$". ,Pepattrnenr:'(CYf'D) Ii"om Alb....uerq'!e··~que~ted a dQP....ty. fOr 'a '~-' .

"ferral a,.·loc~tlon in ,Nogal :'",Canyon. .'. • " .. ' '.'"', ,9.:45 ~_m. ,Ruidoso ;polic~mVI,sed of'.a. car. '~peedJng,on'Ceda', ,Creek Ro~_.Deputy

·di$p$hed. , . . . , .',: ]0 a.m. Ruidoso Police rc-

.quc;;stecr.,depu~ for, watrAf1:t· serv.i~ at'location in Ruido:'so. DeputY dispatched.

12:11 p.m. reqlJest f"ol' am- ..bulance at LCDC, Canizo~ambulance' arrived at 12:19 . .

· p,.m. ,and ,at.. t ~:12' ·.p.m. '·I.eftfor, LCMC .8rTlvmg· the~'at -'.

· I ~24 p.m. Carrizozo policedispatched. ".', " .

.12:55 p~m. ~liidpso·poli.cerequested deputy' for Warrant­service at the poli~e depart­ment. Deputy dispatchea. .

3::43 p.m.: RU;dbSO pawnspOlice requested deputy. toassist CYFD reference achild being bQrned.· Deputiesarrived at the location east ,of'Ruidoso Downs at 4:0'7 p.m..~d at 4:39: ,p.m. went ..to'LCMC~ then to a location on''ea.mzo a.,nyon at 4:48 p.m..

] 0,:04 p_m~)~ven·ile..prOb,.: .lems at ·Iocatlon on 5th ,St..Re9.Qcst.for' d~puty,as c!,Jler~ havlilg pr()blemff,wlth a .15 year oldfenmle. Deputy

, -dispatched. ." ,.' '''S_ilot'25' ". .

. " 'I 1:29 a_in~ K-9 running at

. ,l~ in Ancbo~ 'Deputy dis..p@tched. ,.. " ' ,

... ' ·1 ,p.m.'· b~,,'kitig a:n~ 'ente~lng at'loca,tu;J'" on, W.hlte An­gel. Pep'!ty disPAtched.. .':

~:2.!S, p.~. t\y9 c~ accident.'·~ith' ~nJ~leson "I~W~10 ...Id' front p1'the s.tate highway .Yard; Hondo ambuliBllce'-at.. ".rWQd a~ 2:37, p.~_ and'ilt 2:55 , .. 'p.m,. .left. fu, .LCMC ,ai'tiviQg.. '


" '

. ,',





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Page 6: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

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LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS 'September 30.2004 -- Page'6


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No. CV-0449 .AME~IQUEST ~ORTGAGECOMPANY;, ' ·P.I,~intiff:· .', - -


, .



. ,.~, . "., '. '


• ,Defendant(s).·. NOTICE OF SALE

NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN tJiat the'undersigned Sp.echU· Master will, .on Octobex.

· 13, 2004. at~9:00- a.m,.• at·the'main el1u.ance ofthe Lincoln .county· Counhouse. CarriZozo,

·New Mexico. sell and convey to the highest.· bidder for cash ,all the right. ,title and iIiteres~ of .'.' the above-named defundannl in and to' the fol-

lowing described 'real estate" located In. said'County' and State:

Lot2A. 'Block S or WOOOLAND HILLSUBDIVISION, Rllidoso. Llneoln County,New Mexico. 'as' ,shown ~y .me replat of !;.ots2 anli 3. -Block 5. Woodlarid Hills . ''Subdivi'siont flled' 1n the office of the.;CoulttyClerk Of Llnl:ol".CCntnty. April 22, ..1?9.2•. ,lnCabi~t:g)·Slide246 '. ;." ,

,~~ addre~!S of the ·teal·prppertY., b .1:~"Z c;ertter .'Street..'RUJdoSo, New MeXlccL S~id·'sal~will, be 'y

, ,I)\~e~"'pui'suan~ to the tkc~e:e" of.,:Por¢Clo~~~,entered on August Z7.Y' '2~4. Iii 'the 8bOV~ entl;..tIed ,and, ntHnbete-d' cauSe, :whicli was a suit Uf'foreclose" 'a. nOte ""and mprtgage ··he'Jd. ,by" .the"

- al?~:ive ,plaintiff- '~nd, .where~ ,', 'plaintiff ,: ,was , .· adJudged'- .to "ave· ',a hen against ~ abov~ .­

~esciiibed ~al, estau;' ifi,~ suni of.$:1:l0;:7S3.n,.. ~ 1>10.8 'interest from Augu.:st 2.Qj' .2004. to the date!, '

· dr,.sale. at 'the' rate 'of ''9.659% -per an'n.ul'n,~'· or,.''$27.~8·'pel"day,. the.coS~iQfs~e. including'.the'Sp~lal ,.'Master"s' fee:.·of· .$200.00~· .-I;UblicatlQn .

'. costs. 8ru1.'-plaiJl,tiff's 'cosis :f;lxp~ndA;:d ft>r, taX~St· insurance .or., '~p~' the" PJ;'PPel"ty in, goOd. r~pa'ir. Plaintiff has the right U), 6id at, suc"t,saleaJfd, submit ,its ,bid vet:baJly qr in writing.~ 'The'Plajntlff l'nay apply all. pt any pan <>t itS· Jl)dg- .i11ent.to the: ,pt,lrCha:se price in -lieu of cash. .,'

· .. At.the 41st¢' and ,time' stated above, :the'Spe-.'. cia), Master may .pOStponfl ·tbe':sale ~o'.'such:-.)ate{-da~ ,ana ~ii1te 'as the Spe~ia:1' Master. may "spe"cify·~' ' . '. . ' . . .

.. Daled:,seplember 7,2004.' :,'~, . ;Peter ,HaC&, . ~

. SPecial ~,e~'·Box215· , . ,'Clitriz6iW~ NM-8830J

:,(50S) 648-9925 .. '" ..,PUblished in. (he tinc:oin ai.utity, News 00

$ep~be.r: ,_ :Hi, 23 a:tid: 30;,,2~. ,[...,1::::::::':'::t=::t:::::==::=::::=::::~:...J,,'.'1.... '

. .. b' .....bb' b. h '6._ 'b .'" SM'. t ·t· • e' ... _;". ...... e' •

; '"

t1:l~te at: j:.2S· p.rn: ,D~putiesaild,Wt'e(:l(et·also dllipatehed.,

'7-:'3.5 p.In~,Ruido$O:D(jwns.

.PQI~c~ ,~uestec;l ag~ncy .a5­sistartc'eatJQcatioo on·.High"- ';land; '.DeputY ~i~Ptltched. . ,.'

· 1O:2S p.m. fi....wprks,lp;.tIy· at.loca.tioo -':)0 ,Pinon Drive, in.'Alto" ,no"*,. 'Dep~.ity ':. 4is- 'patched.:' . . , .

. ' " ,SC!ptem,ber 26· , ,. 12:36 a.m. '91:1 ,equ,eS;t ,fot&pu~fdr \In:WJl:llte~~ubJec~bli Pinol) ,Or'lve; SubJc¢ts, n'l

. . an- "unknown vehi<;:re '.·kept .·,'con.ing,ato~nd.aljd.;plcking,a ..

'. fight .. Deputies dU~JUltched. .."'7:-33 a.m.. J'itJrses at large 'Ohai~11: ro~•. Deputy. ·dis...'pate-he,d. ',' "", '" .. '; ''1:29..1'''''''' sh!,t>;~.,,,,,.si.ble·'matt down on Harc' Lake.Roall. Th'" eaJiet'sboyltierill'

.'WaS calling elk and sbio.IteBrd' ., a shot., ~.er .bdyrtierid· ca,lIed":

her name 'and thel1 he would.. : ', h't answer her.: At'7:40 i>.m..."the' ,rttportiQg ~ PttrtY-" .ctiUe~j' .. 'back arid '.advuied,·her boy~'

.fri""d shOW",!up~Ji,olaiY.Dep1.1tles dispatch· ~~$'cancefle~.:' '

~1"he"A:~"L~ke'scS~e~ial, ".Di,~lc~ 'Commn~sion .will" ".,.hQld: a regul,~ ,meeting. 'On

'-October:::'4 i~"t,"e SJe;n:p.,Roo~

of thio' Alu; Lakes 'Golf'..rid', 'Co'untry" Club.,.in, Alto. ,The'me,e~irig ·will GeSin. at, '8:~'O .

.' ," a:m., and wiil addresS organi-, -.,'za~ional i.ssue~ and pUb~ic'

commen;t on'water conserva-~tion.· ., .Tt:le agenda will also 'in­''¢Iude committee te;pof.is. fi­nanc~ and administr8.tiol'l.·ordinance advisory..organiza-

· tional ,issues, authorize. ex­pe,nditures. ,infonnat-ion a.n.ddiscussion ,on -ordinances.discussion propos';::d' zoningordioanc·es, 'and . announce­ment of,nex~meeting,


.. (Con'i. from. P. 5). , .

" ' ", ..

F' I :",

Play "4 this Way'"1IIe New Geme Fromthe New MeldeD lDtteryl


EASY TO PLAY!'Wlnbyrnatctd,,4,2lI,2(1~.1 .n~ In1he order drawn. VlBlt 'www.nrrifatbllYotiomtor"'JIIL

Dver811 Gdd!lI~WInning_ prb:ie.. .8$'I~teIY 1~:ID.

IRMI. tit


ment in the "H~ onRuidoso, ETZ OroinanCe"article in the Se~mbcr 23i~sue of The Lincoln COlinI)'News,

"I' w9uld like to mPkc a .correction to the misStei:C­ments made with.n the article ,-ref"erring to rnysel~' ~ the .(Ru,idoso),Planriingand'l'-on­ing Departmeni and qlYspouse." ,Shaw .told .THE

. NEWS_ "I further want-to ad~



B"!Uftttlng N. Malto'. FutII..

voumlUt .. lit Ieut1. I'fO!!'I! old r;tiIIOr ..........'IIdI_. l'teaM ....y _pomJb!w'. llJa blIng H4lIplI"'" 1..-.an.~1o{Z.

Paid far by Ihe ClllTlmiueela EIIl~ ElIe_" Martl"el: LIl.vela.c:ll. Cammissillne, D15t, 1, Reno BU,IO", Trea,ure,


WLere's '''~.fun!fh's 'Lis waTt

."A Heart for the People .

and a Resume for Governmeot"

. "Lifelong resident of LincolilCounty.. 12 years local goverm:nent experienc!B . .' ... Knovviedge and understanding of state regulations' .


"Your concerns are my conc.erns".Yo cOn1prendo' y hablo Espanol·

I have had 48 years experience in serving myfriends and neighbors during stressful time~of '.their lives .

'1 will offer gentleness. understanding' afld com­passio~ to all I serve, reg~rdlessof their race,creed or political pr~ference

I am nO,t a ,New Me~ican by birth. but by choice!



Republican Candidate for'LINCOLN COUNTY




::'i *~.;


by Doria CherD

Ruidoso Village CouncilorAngel Shaw sa)'$ commtfntsmade by Li,ncoln CountyCommissioners about theExtraterritorial Zoning issueneed to be clarified. ,

Shsw'l'ld THE NEWS thatshe wanted to respond· to thecomments about herself. her'husband arid the RuidosoPlanning.and Zoning Depart-

Ruidoso Councilor Clarifies5taternents:··'. , . .' .

fkess publicly th-=,~mi~il- ,i~Fot: lias Viorkcd..;Wiiii'> ,CeJ"ions " ~t contin....Uy. and ProYIlled .. solutions,b<>,-anse :teaatd.n...s the enf~ ,f'o"" enf"c)riCemenr .~uresment oCthe ETZ. ft. . _ " ' . we~ .~erj..1""" )~Q:I_~W_.. said: .

"'.r-liIm"proudly mamed to a· "HdWt;Ver, ': 'DOt . ev.~onl!':",Ruidlni<> FireDe~Lt. . eornpbesl\CCOrdingly." . ." ".. ..' . .'. ". ·M<>n<boy.§epten\bci< Z7·· ..... , '.'andCOdc'Enfon;ernentQfl'i- .. ,'tUn~tel>,:.~.p.ever_ .' ~ .,",&:IS .•.-." T~J~I:CIl~, r;;tnart v~, C~n..;eer tor the Village ofRiU~ 'hear th" tIlB!1kyou's asJQUdl~' .CV.Z(I(I4-127 (R~wthorne/Conk>..,bo:duJecllnlilieoee., ,

:$;:C~:-':~::::~re~=,. :~~~::Zcl~e:_co~p~.i~~. - ,.\~~:i~Ji~c;~~J~~,:~i::Z~'-· ~~M"~~~-l~S:enced."' '. ' '.!he'd~~"i~i~p~"~I?~"~· ..9:30~~':po~in~v..~Fi~Nati~al.~~CV""2003-:Z":

.'J would "also like to ad::'" as-!Iefjl).ec;l'ln.,;-~ Y~Uage; of '. 77(Peau~I~$pQ)Motiotitodlsm~Ss. . "

~s~e:-~~~~,·'r:eC:;:~: '::Jtr:rJ:e1~;i~tftfi~~' " '~lkO~~::;.~~. v~ O~i~~ DV-19~8-61 (M()';. inen~" Shaw' ec,ntin~ect' , cOin Cou~tY' ,ETZ ,Ordiiianl:;e .. I tOO p.m. Spbei1k; DM..20Q4-:S6 (SCbneider-CQol9Mekim.:

. Aecording to llie ETZ.o.... 83~;Jaod··8!!~3 ....ys it all,' . I :~O ·p.m. CIJ:lCO v. Ford: CV-200:4-J 06 (Fish"rlBJ:lI:ant> ..dinanee, and th"Ruidlni<> S~w·"o"ti"u"d,.. . ..... ·.Z,..O p ...... ChIld Su_Enro..cem,,'" Bureau'(CSEB> v_Village Ordi"a"ees See. 22- '·'·lhaVestaled."_}'n.d~. Beavers; DM.200~-!17·(GoldbaurnlC"Il)....eri"'.·" .;'.'35, Sec., 22-73.. ·Sec: 54..281 ' .. ',nume.rous,octa:s!Qn$,.it',,',s, 1"'-; ,. 3:3&!' :p.m. FlI'iaDce Plus 'Y. DLJ;>T; ~-2J)P4.. 123Oeinetal· Prov.isions and 'thb·· reJeyant; 'to me Whether ~e' (9eat.wAlsIWalkeJ') motiofls ' .' ,Lincoln County .ETZ 'On:Ii~· VillagO·.continue.sto,rnai~itl ".,' . .. . "nance '83.,.3, aDd - 80.;.3'" ·QI..· the E.TZ__oJ' the C01,lnty hlrl;s . rlie,Sd~~, S.~~r,nbt;t,28: ,~~e'in RuidpSo.··though the ET~ is adminis:- . 'its own:· ,staff to IKlniinist¢r " .... " ':', 8:00, ••rn.,' ". . ',', .',"'nod:' :by tit" Village ·of' til'; ordin"""",".$haw said... ,;. S.o,"", Rain;rei; JR~Z003,79'JiodiculIi"qui..y.·.·'Ruidoso. 'code enforc'~~nt'~ "The',need 'lbr.ait ETZ Ordi.. '~~c;ton,'M<:Masters;~..'2004~1 A4iudicatiOn.d.oes not enforce ~y ~gllla- nan'¢e' is· ~ill tiiere arid that.. ' Al1Ja~da Brady;;. JR-2004'~3:A,djudiCalior.,. 'tlOn ()ver and abov~U,e spec-' . ne~d is "relevant to th,,· tutl.ii'e ". .', K.o,uu Bartlett; JR-2003-83 OrdCr. to show :causeified enforcenieQt 'within' the,'; .~~'llI'id·~e,~ommuil.itiC:$,: -.' Mic~cl BrookS; JR";200~P,lea/Pte..trild helPih8~ETZ. Shaw s';'id;· '.- W!llC""."",, .eui'rently :",!,thm,. LC.11~Esealan~JR.-2004,.47 PlioOlPJe-trial b"arinll.

"This does i"elude S;",LlOcol" q;upty.... ". Laura.~IIo:',.,.2004-36 PlelllPh,-ttial beariog;.pl~s. cQnstructi~~ and alter- . III ba.v.e :tn n9 way"us.e~ roy. " Jade f'fUZIW;,JR...2003l.-12 Pre-trial hearing meritsIn~, buildi!JBs~ buildiQg 'per,. :' ,p~itio~ :or ~Y> ~usband"s to,....,' .' 10:00 a.m~ Children, Y:O\lth and Fmnilies,·mlts•.partlt~9n'fence.s."pa,t:tY, '·lnf1uence;rnYdec~sions.ol;"nQt " ,'. . .... .- ""pe~nt:(CYFD).waUs. electnc;a:I'~deommu-, ·'~pho'~ihg. u-.c,'" "'peQpl~'s " . ~)Q-2004..()6",,: (lq day>.:' " . ' .nicatieris' 'instaUlltip;ns, lluS.i-·· . ~g~ts' as, .count)'" COmml"",' . " .J~2~7 (tOday)' .. . :' .. ' .. .'. ,'.ness lic~hsing;set-back$"and siGn~ ~~o' ,~af.tilJ:Ci2 .1Jl~ ",. : ,,JQ-~,-Os: (10 Pay).· '," " ,~. .:'.-.' . .:~" .. ,.:' .require payr'n~l!t ~f fees ,o.r referehce ot" 'Shaw said. . . '. 1l-:3.0,a.m. SA-2(}04"0S (Schnculer-Cook).-Final dec~e'chargesfd~servlcesrendered .' .,nt~~~;4re the'.~~ n1:i,~- .1:O.OP~"JudgC,to~.~·campSiert~'BlimcQ.Gniduatio..:i . .-by ~fi~,'Village o"·Ruido$O;,".': ,eonceptl9D.s' ,and aU~lUdl;l$: 3:30p.rn.D-';"Ug'f~~~ng. ..' . " . .".' "','_Shaw said about 'the ETZ .that ,Qontinu~, to' harbot'~II.. -' '. 5:QO,'p.nl.;,'Dru~co,Urt. ". . '.- . ::'<, .- , '"oKJi~ances.: "l::h,ere'are. [lU... 'will;"Sbaw,eoncluded.: .:"' ';. -,"', ":. '." '., .. ', -' .' '" ";'. ". .- ,mi::rous occasions where ',the.. : u· '- 1 ,. C "'R'"'d'" . " ,:". ·We~nesday.'September.29· .. ,':' . .... "-S,tafT ot",.....e Ru",idlni<>.' P&:Z..de.-,: ,'. . ;,'Ja:Jco.~ .' oU,!1ty::-." l,lf ~~ ,:~udge:to~fldCros~ourtC.ultiJral.Exc'han'ge in RuidOSo .; '. .

Lll .' E!xt~ . ~~lTlto.rla. ZO~lng ~~d. Mescalero.; , , '. .' '. "Cotrlmlsslor,wdlholda-:spe-, ... ".. ' ,. ',i' '","

·,ci.~l,meet.lngQQ the. ETZ ()~ , '> Thur.sday, Septem~t30 .dinancC:'. at· 6:30, 'p.m~ Mono-, , Judge atb;mds Cross-c;:o1;1rt Cultural EXchange In Ruidosoday,: Oc~bcr i4 .,n:'. RuidQsO' -and Mescalero. " ~.'Villag&:i:.~aIL. ~ heati~g,. ori' . '.' Darrell -J:J~ntley~omeStic'rnediator''Wi~I'~eil~ the .. -'" ..· the. 'ETZ·..ow..~am::c Wll.l 'be, . >. '. folloWlog ctlses' Thursd,ay; ' . .-held at ·6:;l0p,.ni,•. Monday, " . . . ,... ·IO,OO.a.rn. '.'October 18,.aJso in 'Ruidoso' 'Ramirezv,_ .R,*'mi~;.OV-2004-l-06·ViU~ge H~IL,Th~,J'ubiie is Cb,anez.y~Flores'; OV-20'O+I07,:

· ertco~raged· to: ~uend ':both .:' .: ",::;' .' .' lO:30:lLtTI. , '. " ' .J~.eetin8$. "',., M.oreno.v.,.vdla~~I;DV:,,20Q:4.:.109 ,

" ,. , C,'QeBacB v. C'DeBac.a; DV-.2004..l0$ .. ' , ;11 :00 a.m. Williams v. WiJlililris; 'DV-2004"-100 &.

DV-'2004-97 .' '. .'. ", , .. "" :.' 'Frlday, .Octobe"~. ,..

":' . ,Jlj.;tg~ '.. coriti(l,.es" '~r6ss..cOu;rt cuJ~uraJ' eitch~~e . :in'RiJi.dosDIMes,celero. .

Page 7: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)


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, .:,In'CO~A;ty . .ITl 2-Yearslhi NeW Mexico •

'. Out 01 State"':.•... •. ' •. ' , ." (Circle· Ol'lel . ., .:

!~~(1,;" '.. '. !VIall to:. Lincoln Co.-t,l'tl'ly.News, P.O. BOl( 459. Canizoio.I\lM 88301 :.'._'..'....,'.. _lIMi_ ..'_,_,_'.'_'.·_,_"_..."....~.~·... _:~'_·_'1Iii~ .••__~_.'..__·..··_"..i_~.·~:,..;,.~._r

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··'FFA "and·,th"............ e .NMStafe.Fair•• ' " '.- '<0 • • ' "

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how would flnybody­,kno"".Wilat to buy!

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'_.' bX' R~s-a:li-~ b~rilabAnother bosy ·w~ke~d._·. We took our'tifne coming

, The ,.Li'ncol~ Spin'ning BlI;'e~ home Sunday. 'Needless to.met :~atutd~y moming and. ~ay 'fie were a little tired.had, lunch. .' ."'". ,.; ... .;.. '", .

.... ',* .•...•. : '" ··'Cody·~.A~owsmilh:·is n~w''..S.aturd8.yafteI11Pon friendS' 'workin'g'sl the Silver Dollar.

arid 'ramily gatnered at: the '. J:Je: -'had spent ·his s'u~rri_erCarrizozo Country CIU.bfdr a working fi)r the Ander­

. rec.~ption· -fOf . newlyweds son-Freem.an Museum.Troy. and ~imberryStone. It . Manuy Attqwsmith' is 'tin- -­was another, time to .m~etold ishing her'college ihi-s semes­~d ne,,:", .~ri~ds ~d have a "ter at Texas A&M at C;:::any~:m,great V~Slt· With .~a~h .other. " Texas. She did her-intemshipThe couple n.;:ceived many with' the Randall' CountY·lovely e,iftS. They ,will be Sheriff's D¢partm¢nt.· She -isw~rk~ng for Troy's parents. ·considering either gQing intoWilla and.Preston Stone.. fOl:en'sics or' arson ,investi.ga-

•..• * * * t1<;m.The' annual· Age:ie~Lobo, * >I' :.t= * *

game was Saturday night. N~ .Mexico -had nlin 'allWe atteJ;ldcd,the, game and it .. weekend. Soine areas have.was such a .one sided~ game,. had· . flooding, especi'ally inTlie.y had the largest a"tten- ·the e s()utheast -COmer., FrOm'dance' for this pai-tit:"ular. Las· C~ces" to Lincoln' we

.. "gainc~~ over 3·f~ooo. .]t w~s ~ad s' 'riice'lJC:ni1e ,tail). The,saa.-~eeing·SornanY.'leavcthe fie'lds 9ld have.t'lnq:bgh .-raingame at.1}.alftime'~The wcath- . to .have.~aterstanding in the

" cr ','was 'gtc:at' and, th.cd' they :fieldrS~ It [email protected] aU very. 'we"":: 'ha4 thei fireworks afterWards,: '" come. .

.......:~.. ' "


, .


Page 8: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)

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,:artly cluu\ly Wid, 30 pe~cent· chance ·.of_ "a_redshO~rs, and thunderstorms. .

.. , W_twinds.S to } o mph and.: ..becomine: .e;a:st· .In .Ru~do~.. and. Capitan. Highs.around

67. in R.,ido~ near 69 in.capitan and' 66 in" CotQna;Tonfght partly cloild)' with .

". 10 '1JeG'C1).t c""nce tor $hOw:,,',-ers and thunderSt6l'it1s befQre~idniahL ,West 'Winds to to

.' 15 .mPh.- LOws of nl\?8r ,40 inRtUdoso~ near 43,.in'Capitanarid.41 in Corona. .

.. ' Friday;. October 1

. Moslly sua,ny -with west, winds around 10·mph. Higl).snear 68 in Ruidoso. 70 inCapit:;tn, and near 66 in Co­rona. Friday night partlycl,oudy with] 0 percent chan­ce fur showers. Lows. around3S ,in·l\uidoso~ 39.io Capitanan<f 36 in Corona.

.. S"turday, October 2 .Partly .Cloudy w,th 10 .perc

cent chanc~ for shovJet1; and. thunderiJtonns. Hiallsnear66In' ltuidoso" near 67 in Capi­.tan· ali4.' il~ 63 in Cotona•Sl!turday night.parllycloudY'

. , . ·w'lth . lows . al;'Ouod' 4~, in ', Rui~q,sO, 44: in Capitan aRd .... 41 in ,'Corona.·... :. . ,

• .~u"day. Ot:tober3 .' .· 'Mostly.sunny with highsatound 67 iii Ruidoso. 69 ·ibCapitan ~nd. 68 hi, COrOna~

. SlJl1dliy night m",!,ly cJ"'"with I,ows near 43. In RUldo""so~' 46 in 'Capitan and near,42ill Corona.- " . '. '. '. '

.. ·l\iIonday. October 4" .Mostly'SUM)': bips'near'69in' ~:uidO~, 70· ....... Capitan

......d ,Curona. ·Mun~ay..nlghtinostly "cleat With lowsarOut1(1"44 in 6.uidoSb.,·4(j'·inC:ap.j~ and 43··in C~rona., "

. : 'J:ucsday•.October 5 .· ~ostly" sunn)' ~with' hi&i.'~

near 71 III R,Uldoso., 72 In· Gapitao '*:!d, 7Q ·'·in· C~~n'a . .-.'Tuesday nlghtmc;st[y 'cleatwith' 'lows 'neat 43. iri Ruido..

'.·SO. :46',in 'Capitan' a ....d. ·4·S·.'in,',Corona., "" . :."

. .'

, "~ .

" .. ,

.~ "

.Sl;lPtel1'lber 30, 2004·- Page 8,

By: Mickie L. Vega'"oe~uty .


Published ·In. the LiQCQln County' N~ws on-'september 30' 'and October 7, ,14· and. 21,2004.'. .




. .NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAMENotic~" is' hereby given that-lim W. Peebles andRosem:a:ry B ...Peebles h~ve filed a .PeP-lion inthe above- CoUrt for a, change of their daughter~s,name ,from #P;iige "Peebles: to·, Paige EllC1\or·Peebles'" Said ,IJetiti.on Vi·iIl be heard b)i,the'H9n:..o,r-able Karen L. Parsons,' Pisttict ludge. ',Divi" .

. si,oit In. on the' 19th day of October.,'1.004.' at:8:tS A:M. '. . ..

'-. ALAN P. MORE'~ P~'A~A<LANP. MOREL:'.po.st·Office Bdx' ~ 030 .·Jtuidoso, ,~ew ',M'exicQ'88355-1030.. ". .. .

'. (505)258C2202. Ext. L.Attorney'·for.P~titlonets

LEG.>\L NOTICE .' .. . '.PUBL1C NOTICE :. . '~. 'PublldJeC. 'iii' 'the '~Lin~Qin County.N~" ',0"

PUBLIC NOT'ICg that'three- or more LinColn Sep~eJt:lb~,~ 'anil 30~.'~._. 'c' ..

County Commissioners may lJttend·.-a·nd ,pattici--- ..p~te in the fuI/owing meetings be.inll held 'at}ht • .' PUBLIC NOTICE .VIllage 'of RUldoso." 313 C;ree 'Meadows 'DriVe~, "NotiCe is .hiere'bY "given thkt th~"Linc61t'l'C-oun~ .. ' .Ituidoso, New Mexico at· 6:30.:.~'"M'; "on .,PlanljAng COPl!J1'jssi6ir Win hold'· ii' Re~tar'M6nday. October 4. 2004 and Mbri4ay."Octo,~ . Meeting "on ·Wednesday. Optober 6; ,2()04~' 'r'heber 18. 2004. by; the Lincoln, Couht'Y/'.tuidoso. rheeU'ng is' ~hedriled to"hegin at 6:30 p.·ni. inExtratertitorial Zoning Coriun'ission: '. ,", " ., bte. CQI11.rt\isSio~rs-'M.eeti~g 'RoOIJi in, ,the Lin-,.

. (t) OctQber 4,:2004 --'Spec4arMee~'to. "dOIJ1 County Courthous~ in 'Carrizozo. New"consider the compilation arid,'r~visions",to.the -' M,e.xi~o·.·. ' . ,"J .~int Lincoln,Countytllui:doso .'¥traterri.;. " A:G.EN'DA ~ ..totial Zoning Ordio1Ul.ce: " .' '. C '" TO OR, '. , "

. (2) October 18~ 2004 -- .PUblic aeadllllio''R~tt(;AU.. I)ER .''consider,·adopti011 of the'.cqqlpil~tiofi.and", APP~VA:L',OF !\1INtJT£S ....

. revisions' to the Jo~tlt Lincoln' .. .' " " ,:. September 10•. 2004. ' " ':CountytRui<!usu Extraterritorial Zoning ..... Nl1.W BUS.NESS' '.. . '. .Ordinadc~s... ' . '.. "' A ..-. ':, .A:" ~eplaf'-' ot'",'4'it- 11. aldek ,,~.,,~.

MARTHA'GUEVARA '. GapitlinNotth;:Unit T.Wo.... ' '. .., ..Assistan't'Cotioty'Manag,er , "'.. Liiidil 'p:irtle~,:P,~ul"Va1tBulick'

Publlshed.1n th'e ,Unebht Coa...,ty N~lS, ':on": ,~ib.iished tit the" l:;ltlcotn >Count,y N~ws on ",,'Thnrsd!'y, s.piern~.. 3().2OQ4. c,' .... . Thnniday, S....ernl/er 30.1llM,.,. '.

(S"""J:.)'Published in the 'LincOm ':County News'"o'n. ,"'_'.' By; )\'IDe'ickie L, V~ga. . '. d.' WW'September 30 and Octobe.r 7,. 14:, an . ~.,_2;;,004;;,.;;..;..;,,'__. ......;..__'-_........ ..._, ',', PubUsh¢d In .th~,· ,L'-ncaln -County ,News' on'

'. SelJteniber· 30 "a~d Octob~r 7, .14 and. 21, '.·'2004. . . . •. ,



S~~1~~~~t'I~~t~ONO. CV04-245



The Twelfth Judicial District Court, ,Divi­sion III, Judge Parsons.' shall hold a heating on,October 2'1, 2004 at 4:00 p.m, at.the TwelfthJudicial District Courthouse~ 300 Centr-al~ ,Carrizozo. New Mexico 8830-1 ~ Then. ~nd'thet:e.,. the Court will hold a hearing on ~.. pro..,'pos.al' to ~re~te an Alto Lakes, Water And San--'atation Dlstnct. '. ". '. . .

. JOLENE BIGGS. .Twelfth JudlciBl DiStrict COUJ1; Clerk,.By: lsI Clyd,=ne Baca'



, STATE OF NEW MEXICO .. . ·.No;CVQ4-218· '. .

N~lf'::Irli . . ~6RTGI\GE EI-ECTRONIC ,


..,:, '.:. 'Plaintiff,Plalntiffs,. VS. ',' ," " . .vs.:,~'., . :'." ".. " .'0 _, -.'" •• ' '-.





Sl'oUSEOF. DESIRE"""»'" .... _ "'. sUMMONS. AN!> NQ'IICE QF . " TURNER. IF'~" .1;; ,.,.~A.RDT, '.

PJ!NDE@:yOF M;TID;N; ..... ....,., Del'lindilUt<s). . .

TIlE S1"ATE OF NEWMEXlco'W.·THE'· .' '.NOT.. I.CJ Q ·S.U.·I '.DEFENDANTS ABQVE NA,MED: .... . " ." . -. -"" _ --"-GREETINQS:' :Yuu are hereby ngJified .ihii,. '. STA1'E. OF ..NI;!W' MEXICO t,,' uie ab~"">,Joseph Gr~go~ .avangel~ Gr.icg~Jt· aar.(;I1d- I;... ': )'la.ril¢.d D~fen¢ijtt(s)'; .' ,-' " ..", . : , .Shelby and MaXioe F. Shelby. ~I"'n\lffs,.have .?REETI"'l:iS :. '.. . . • .". .fi~ an'action in the.Dis~ict.-C:()urtOf Li~.ht .", .', V~ are here~y'·fiOti{'lCd·'th.,'tbc-,abpVe...,'.County.. New .MC;XlCO. Civil ,Popl~el ',No. . '. na,~' p.aiiltiff: haS! filed'- a, ·:civil' ,action. aga~f"CV..Q4-24(j f>iv. In~ wherein:yQU' ~e'mllIled..as 'yop,.~ ,th~ ,above~hti.tIed··Cl»irt ,aDd cawie•.:theDefendants ,and. wherein.saUd Plaintiff', seel9J -~. general object'therepfbe~ 'to· rOrec.t~e a jpori:'Qbtain ,constr1lctiy~,~rvice UPQQ' you.,.' " .' " '. " gage. on' ,prQl!eny "loca~ ~ ~.: Noaal ·,Ptaee,.,

The .general .subject ·matte"r 0' ,$aiJ;l" ;;lQp$> 'is: ',' ,}tn'doso, .NM ·'8$345, Llneolp County,. Newto quiet.title to oertain'.-e:al.. ~sta.te·. :wh;ic:l:) is.·the ....~ Mex~o.· sa,id'"pr(jp¢tty lfeipg mm:c;i part;i¢ulady

. subject matter of the above-captloned an4:nutn- ,,·,desC):'ib.e .~s:. . .',' .: '.:' ,..' " ":. .". .' .,': "bered cause' of' aCtion' and is' c;ieseribed· as .~ II .., . '.' '" . LOT 27;8LOCK Z,.COlJNTRV .(;LOB'u. uws: ..... '. '.' .' .. 'EST,<\TES, RIJD;JO!!O. LiNCOLN·' .

The' Eas' Twenty (20) fee'uf the N urth One-· . "cotlNTY. NEW MEXICO•.AS SI'IOWN' .half (1/2) ofL<>< FUIlr (4), uf Bloc~Three' . BY TIlE..Pl,AT THEIl$OF FILED IN ....(3).uf DOCKRAY,ADDITION to ·the. .TIIE. OFFICE OF :rIlE COUNTY' '., ..TOWN OF CAPITAN, f.,in~umCQUnty,'. CLERK AND EX,oFFlCIORECORD-New Mexico. a$ shown by': ttte 'plat fil~a in' ~ " Ell OR, LINCOLN 'COUNTY,·~w :. '.' .the utT"'" of the Co..uty Clerk and Ex-.. ·MEXI(;Q;;J(1NE9. 1960, ... ... ' .' .ofti~i() Recorder ofLincoln ·County. New ,,: Unl~s': y·ou.: $erVe a PI~.adj~ o.r,motion' iii,YMdu

eXl. ·caro·e·. 'fu'rth'er' ··nun·.fled "that 'l1nl~s' y·ou.·.< respo~,e. to' thlt,':'-immptahit '1,Il ·~ald. C::aJ1~ on' or

',befor.e NQvenmer, ,2'7,: 2(104, Judgment' byenter· your..appearance,. pleac:L or. "otherwise d~)u,lI~,Wi.ll,be.et1ten~;d:against.y.ou.,,,:' . '., .'respond ih said c~~ 'on or b~foref.Nove.r:nber, . ',ilespccfulty Sub;mitted. .., ",10. 2004, judgment Wi" ·bercitdered against,' SHAPIRO&.MEINHOLD. L.L.P;you by default,and the relief,pxay,ed.fQr.':in .. the ..B·y'•. g.efly J···•. M··eM'. ullen.. ..... .", ....C:OlIlplaint; will be g~d lQ PJa'io1;iffs in oon-fotmity 'with the: allega6o~ of..tl:le, ,Plai~tiffs" '-, Sharon Hankla. NM ,Bar: #8,112' '..C I . , . . . . .. '. Kelly J, MeMullen,NM'Bar '17033~&::aJn~cand 'lld~essof ,th~',~ttor~y'for "the,; '. : ·13725 ,Su:uthers: Road., Su,ite Wf., .

Plaintiff is: Archie' A. WJtha-mi·.p;O; ',Boi!: '83~ " :ColQ.I'ado SpririJts. CO 80921 _Nugal. New Mexico 88341. ., ..•. '. . 80()/286-OO13; '7191634-4868 .'

WIT"NESS my Ju!,nd and seal :fQr ·the Distr~t - . . Attorney for Plaintiff ' -,-. Court of 'Lincoln Co",ntY. New Mexic,o.. oil.. ~ls" WITNESS . the'· -Honora'blC' KAREN. .L:o-the 27th day Of Sep'ember. 2P1J4;·· PARSONS, DIS1'RICT COURT JUDGE,uf·.'. , '. '" . ·the'· 'Twelfth' Judicial, District, 'Court, Lincoln ..

JAN PERRY. ." ..'M· th" ~~.. d =. Cierk or-the DiStr'i¢t (:OlJ~t,' County,. Ncw, ,eXleo., IS' '.'~l "Y'~;aI SPhtember, 2004.. " . ,." ...



News on"Published in "the Lincoln CountyThursday ~ Septemb~F~,2004.

Published In .the Lincoln Count)' News onSeptember 16, 23 and 30' and October 1, .2004.

by: Elizabeth YsasiDeputy

ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER.Lynne Pruett. 2200 Indian Wells Rd.•Alamogordo, NM 883 ~o .(505) 434-5950 .

Jan Perry, ClerkBy: Clydene B.~, Deputy·

Published' In the Llncoin Coonty News .onSeptember 23 and 30, 2004..


NOTICE is hereby' given' that the LincolnCounty Board of Commissioners wUI hold aPublic ~Hearing at' 9~00 A.M. on, Tuesday,:October 19. 2004~ to be held at the LincolnCounty Courthouse (Commission Chambers) inCarrizozo, New Mexico. The pu,:pose of thePublic Hearing is to consider the following pro~


All parties and interested citizens will have theopportunity to be heard. Copies of the proposed­ordinance may he obtained from the CountyManager's office at the Lincoln County Court­house in Carrizqzo. twenty-four (24) hoursprior to the meeting ..

Auxiliary aides -are ay~ilable'upon request.please corrtact Martha Gueva£a at S05/648~2385ext. 100 at learn 48 hours in advance of themeeting to makj: any necessary arrangements. .MARTHA GUEVARA ..Assistant County Manager






NOTICE OF NAME: CHANGE PETITION'NOTICE is hereby given that on. Septem­

ber 15. 2004. Sara.Thomasina Baillargeon fileda Petition to change bet n~~ to Sara RivestSmith in the District Court of ~ncolD,County..

Hearing on the Petition will be at the RUI­doso Municipal Court Comp~x. on OCt. 12,2004, at 11 :4;;: o'cloclc; A.M.(SEAL)




No.JQ.-_01.... ~v" ..; ~ .._.,...


Children,And Concerning Jennifer Romero, TomasParra. Mario Montalvo, and GeorgeRomero, .Respondent$.



YOU 'ARE NOTIFmD that an'"a...tlon hasbeen filed" against you in thJe aboye~Court and County by the State- of· New Mexicoin which the" Stare of Ne<;w Mexico has filed. a.petition alleging that you have abused andneglected J.,H .•. E-.M., ANQ ~.R ... childre~.The ab{)v~ proceeding could ulti~~Jy result. mthe termination of your parental nghts. .

YOU ARE' FURTHER NOTIFIED tha,this - matter wil1 be heard in thci Children'sCourt Division of the District Cou.rt in L~o1nCounty, New Mexico. thirty'days after the·lastpublication of this notice. " " .

WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the Dis-trict Court of the Suite of New Me.xico. .

JAN PERRYClerk of the District Court·,


, .,' "' .. -- . '.'

• " '-' . ' ' \. , • ¥' • ,', ' .,..

' •• _'.~__,~_,,,".... ..<;! jip. .. ,"" "'.7'''' ,·... ·ta.~ ....."'1'h·'.--.tNtb' '»t.....' H;" *' ',,' .• ' '* b" itt 6' ;" 0fl • £$" .,- i· ·mt·i,.......•..·,r 6~ en' ,.."tlini 'It' iE·· I ."'· .... '---'-

.'. '.,.

Page 9: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)


, .

. , ..

l.' .




-Accoustiq .and Tex'tureSpray Rig, 1996 SprayKing. 1S5 gallon stainless

"steel . 'tank;· . Excellent'condition'. $6,500'.-

. 437-5838437-4944439-0476

20<:19130-10/7*"',."'*>1<.>1<* .... >1<.


for this' ';y~r'~- . 'Friday •.Oct~ :l and S~ltUtday:,',OCt'.2. o.oo't' mis~ it! ,:BuyingQr'seUingy y;all:colliel ',,', 354-22,73, :354-4211)

3l<:f!l/I,6~30 ' ''* .• * ifo'·*.';' ....' ~ >Ii ""


• <,.


FOR SA~E:.Large steelgagage dc;.-of,


:2tc;9:~-:! ~ ,. >I< >I< ,'" >1<"

-LOOK'FdR.·'.PB:vuSrs'lithe Fjital Flea Mart<!'t;

. Line",IJ).. . County. . P~i- ..,r.gro,ui\ds:r~ .,PrWS-y" . O~t._.,

I.t;· 8am to ·5PDJ. S"F. "'ufday~':'OCt. ~nd;",8~1n to"

4pm,"End. ,of Year, rri"".." ,', A.MOST ..FREEl,,' •ltpl9130. ' .. '*.~ ~'*'* *.",'~ *.'*-.~' -MOVING $..;\LJ;:Friday,. '..

... OCt.' land ,Saturday. Oct.'.,. .,' , ..., 2. Appl!;i.nces;' furniture, '

. ,Ashley Wood,' Heating ",odd." and· e""s." Fa~iail-Sfove~ : .goOd .' con~iti(m'. ,Valderl'atna' hor;n¢: Qn .G,$250, Call 641\-2354· , Ave" ip,qtrrizozO.· '

;·""leave, message. ltc/91.30 .'--,. t-tp/;/30 . 'Of!; ;.. ,*.':".'" ~ ! ....... 'Of< *. *' * ... lie ... *:ofol ..."*::'" "'"


, www~th.....,hatnOtshelf.comLocal wE!bsite providin~· convenjent'. on-lineshopping offer'o'g. quality ,gifts for .~very 09ca-sian at affOrdable prices. •For information about 15% going to';"ard fUri;draisers contact. '. . ,

. [email protected] 648-1136 Fril;lay thru Sundav

'" ~ >I< '" '" '" >1<., '" .,oJ<

• HUNTINGRu>LES25 % .off at GI Joe PawnShOp, '100 .First St., ,:A.la_. ,,'

. ,mogordo: '2t<:/9/311- I 017

FOR ,RENT: inCarrizo~, .one bedroom '..furnishe(J·'·AAartment.. Call..~

~~;":.~.8:00a;m, and., '>,'" • 648-28JCi


CarrizoZo ·YOt,ltb ,Are Winners At

',NM Stat~Fali' __,","three Carriza:zo F-F·A a.nd 4­H members participate4·in

',the New 'MeXICO State Fair. an~ .brough! J10nie the' fol.';, lowing awards: ' .· Farm 'and, Rancb Homeequipment: .RyplJ. Gaine$.FFA, first and second ·place·in 'equipment. eost.QVer $200;Junior Corley., FFA, firstplace and ltrao ·Gaines thirdplace, in equ,pmeil"l cpst. $50­S.99~ 'Junior Corley secondplace and Kendal Wilson.. 4­H, third pt'ace in equ,iementcost under $350; Rya;n . '. " . ,', .

~:~r~e~~~~{ai.~d: $SOtf; ~'~I~. ~·I~!_.t...~~~~~~Pi~~C:~cein ,.:f '. '.' .' " ~ . l'

Liv,Cistock eqliiprT1l?nt: ,Ry~n .: ._. Gaines fi,st place In''cham-' -, , ..

,piOn livestock, !jiocondand !!!',VoLiRnAME:j .,third,place is'req1:i.lpment cost·'. • .,': i$50-$199:, .t<;erdal ,Wil.on -.:ADDRESS " _ '

· first p,lace: m hyeslpck cqui~ ._, ' '.' f •

,m'entposl.under:S50. " '. , CITY. ' .-'.' .Trallers: Ryan'Oaines.-f!rst: .--: ' "c_-'

place 'in reserve' .. chatJIPlOn ...1 WOU'i ..... ·L'IKE"VA",,..,,'R'UN .•\traUers $nd', fi.rst p~aC?e in ,~-' • . I, . LOW' n. lOt' 'I - , , .i' ,'.'serv,,·grand.charnplon"g me- ' • (C,,,!,ckapi;~"Prhrt:e bolO f!lr ri..",be. Of weeks)' , !!

,cham"", ,,', " _ '" , 'II· catrjz.,zo FFA. .was lirst. rT1 " r";1 r'51' ' , r;;'1.·4 ' 1"'001 •.,~I"..e In s1"eep$take.: i 'L!.J' "I.£J ' L:::.J , ~..~ i"

.Obit.uary '" 'o:; ·1'''o 'oj' . _U>::;~~~~;:.:;~~:. i ',,'o$5.()Q.perWf!leklf'orZCw()tcjsor,~~s:~, 'I

,held' Sept; 2.5 'f"r'. Lorei ' . ' " , :j,.TruJillo-Miner at 'Cht,ist', i' "1. ," '.'. ....-.:Con:ununity,Feliowsbip'with . /, ,,', ',,:1 ""pBsbjr:Bd Vin~Q~o~cla~i~g, i . _imUSIC, 'by Becky:, Koreny' i " ' " .'I,.o.... died Sept, 17 at' her ' ",.,;,home, She·washom, in 'i-.. "'0, ,-_I'Enconoso 'to Alejandro and , ' " ~emiJi,a TTUjiUo,the:YoUl1gest -., .., 1__of 1'1 children; She m..med .., 'o,-"1M,lUluel MrllerJr. ofCapilan i'· '. '.' (*AlId 10C~n1:!5p.kwC)rd 'foreiieh worll O\lO!r 20,> "',j' ", on se~. 9.' 1961). ' " -, '.' . ,.,., , . .. ... .

da~gh::,';."iv~ffz:g~:h\""(J~~) ICO$~oi=AI), MAil. or BRIMGnI' ., .11:. Miller-Montoya ani! .on-IO-· • - ·l.,'ncQln Ct>uiuyNews

., .laWJ<>sehh M'!!'",y",brotlt!'r ' II ';'A'X' (',0"'2"):.:,:,. '" _I.' 8alomon.. T....JI.Il':'''nil,.lW". .~, .' y.,.... , . " :f'.0.prawlI.i:459 1,30BCe,nl'at /\vII", ". ,',, ~ehildren.· '. .-.,..., , , . . ',,' Ca,,".ozo, NM 88301 .' . . _" •.·,.Arr"nll!'rn~illS were "nder '_. TOTA...,'. ' .... " '. ..' ..... '.. f'h, 0' Fax: (5051648-2333 ',' ., •

.'the dltectlon of·LaOrone',Fu- ,. ," , " " .' :. ,',:,,' ,'.. . '. ,," . ,n~~I·qhapel in Itu!dci~o~. . . ~"""I~,I_l",I"'U!l.II._r.I"J_I_'I.H."_.I_.f_.~I"I_;l_I_I.l_1_\ .' ,',

'. / .

/ "

.", .•

, '.', ,

, ,"


#~ .• 4 • ,UP; ,; .p # FP'.. __ ,S F._UQAF ..... _ .... 4". - ....,-'-.'~,.T-, ""---;:-~~~~~'.

·.No $e'iltiment.'.Aboutlf, -

'Th", diffid;itt m.u;bad Ju.tCO~IU~: hi. din-, ,.'nero at,a-very::unart res;tatJrab.t.". _':. .

.: '.- AS he:"w~ pr.epatbig"to ·leaY~ )lei ~O~i"ced' :,~e'orchestT.a wa~,.,about to s~t'.p~aYlng; D~c.;e';~g~un;,.'"

·'·At the,'sam,e mortlent·'a .VOlce :I;>~llowed m··bJs.ear:'·':"Slr. t.einov~,qhatthat at oilcel"-'. " " ' - ',!.-,

'. The mild little man turned am;! .face<l theexCited· 'colonel on his. left in' astonishment.''-"Pardon ine?~: he ·said: meekly•..".1 didn't notice;.are they playirtgth!,'QationI11anthem7", .. ,

.. "No!" 'toared the. other:' "It's :my had." -; . :',' .. ., , . .. Monfreal Star •.

>If ....* ... ". ... '* •. *,'* .'. '" >Ie.:* .

Not,Exactly Lost,· .. \.. but-~-

'by Int.ln S.·eobb. .. : I 'haVe a.lways ,l:i~~ int:eriested, in .~ c~ter

:01 Daniel Boone;. It' seemed to me. ·that' of'al1 our'native 'Indian fighters'·3.nd _explorers- "he. 'perhaps.was the mOst.gallant and. the ,most admirable, andcertainly' the ritost typicaL, .'.:' . '. .' .

, . A few months ago a collector of early i{en­'lucky IOJ;"e.told me a 'story of ttJ,e great pathfinder.. r leaped up on it· with ,cries of joy. I saId to

myself that if it were: not ·true~ it nevertheless .deserved to 'be true. So far as my informant,knew. it, had never 1;Jeen printed? but ins~ad ,he

. , thought, bad. been handed. down by word ofmouth from 'one generation to 'another.. ,So' I Wasmaking 'ready to leap into the ,arena with a brandnew co~t:ribUtion to pioneer Ameri~na.when' [sustained 'a severe shock. _ . .· This shock was' the discOvery t~t the sarnean.«:d4>te, i.O. .substimti,aUy 'the same forin. in' w1;lich .I heilrd it tOld 'by' rriyKentucky 'friend;, alreadybad appeared iJ). print. Indeed Itw"" pl,lblished a,!fifling ~~ter of 1(>2 years ago. Ev~':l'so~.I c;)JfC?r;

, ,It. her~ ~gali1.' fo~ :the rea~on ',that,. l· .bel~e'Y"~ -!t,.h~ atbuch' of 'unconsclouB·-humor entttbng .It·,to r~vlyal

'and perpe~Uation..", . , '. .It aPp~tha'.,in ,1819 c;heste~J:lar~lnll, lUi

.m:t.ist;, being, p'rortlpted by:' a PatrlOUC .mpl,ll.e,,', rtladethe,long JQIJ~ney tr0m. b~ b"m!' on th<; east~

·ern.,seaborn. '-,:0 ·.NhssQutl) .which .~~. was .~n: th¢.P.... We.t.for the purpose of ,rneetinll.\he aged

., ,Boone, :and'painting h\S:portra.t. ',A~ the I..'!'" Of 'Harding". artiva1~ori!',I:tad left b•• ,ho,m!' andgone: 'on--'ofi¢; 'of ,~.s, .per~lodJ:cal QuuQgs In~ the .,wilderness. The vI~-ltor followed al~ng'.art· .obs~ure' ..trailulUil I\e i:attle to, a, tutnb1e.dow~ log:shanty" ., In quote ""rd,nif. ,words: " I found, 11"",,",.ei)gage<jin COokmgh.li.dmner, He was .Jy''}llID,bi., bittik near:the fire ~ \lad a' long ,.tr'lI of '

'-venison ,wouhd around hiS, ratp.~, .. an4 W8.;S' busy .,turning" before a bti.kblaze and uSIng 'pellp!'r ,and .alt 10 Season'is meat; ':: . :,'" . ..

", "I at on"" told l1im the,obJI'Ct of my 'ill.'\.I..'foUnd, that' lie biu'dly !?""": What I. meant., ,I

"Ji:plainl1 the matter /Q hUll "and he l>.gr~d,to, .tt.'He was:: nearlynltlt"!Y. ye.ot. old and ro,ther"!,ftrl:l);"his =m.0ry, of paslimgevenlS. was milch .mpa.,- ,red,yet )uj, would ,lilnuS!', m¢,e'iletY"dJIY'by, tb,.·artecot<:.s' of hili ea'th!'r life; " , " .

· .1 asked. him' one .day, jU$'. after bis, dtlscrip-tion..of'on~ of hi"lti~ bunts;· if,he ne'iler ~o'.l...t; ,

"havirtg JiOcompasli.,:' No, GaUl h"~, 'I,c"" ~It~ as."ve,. ,J 'walt loltt, bu' I l\Ias bewilderiJd once{tJ,. ,• L_,,·Jnv_,n ' '. .,. ' , .u.I' .. t-~~. ' . : '" ' , .

'<, " i ' ,,' \lIl tit' *" ''::' '>it .",,' .' ~ oli .... >Ii ~', ~'~,* .-

"" (Continued fromf'.lige51,"viSil<1l'$'S~ ,aithe oh!lmeo~'Mr. ',' ~""..,:

parents., , ,,',,,, , " ", , , .',.~, :... ",~,,,,,"'.''''''l!fI:'':**''*: •. '~,.:

Ass~UltCt.arge ', vl,T" StedIDfi':'" arre.ted,Sunday evening by ,

Deputy' Pete Jo on 'On a, ¢!large ,of as.ualting"Withlntent /Q kilLMackB.nlZe1. 'I'l1e' defeRdant' lII!pellrcid l!r:fore ]lIstie",Harve)";,waived,e?,alllllll\':," tkinand bill bond, was f",ed, at $2,500.00. , ""'", According.to tbecompJ.8,in!J1gWttn"s. bew...,, fited ' upon, : SvRday' ,morning, ,''from an old,·

,'. bUilding, as ,bellPproacbed.t~ ,Stetlinll :ranc.b,,·east of '.Oscuro. ,The hQrse whlqh ,'Br~zetwas' ...d­

"lng' b"ganbuck!ng and running ,at 'tbe:l'irs'.l\ot.,·which,according to. tblO .•ameautl1<)rity; ",lis. :fol- .lowed by 'thro:e, othe> .bot." "', , , ,

'~fte:r" ~1;1.nn~ii.g' ;~.' 'qu.:p.rte:r ,ot..a,:'.~~e.': «?r·.J;11o~t?-. :the btlrseTell·de.i<!.'Brazel extttcatmg bUll.elf 'n 'the fall, ,Brazel '.ufferedtwo .Iiibt' wbllnds '-- on",iltthe leg,'!}!, other on die ~id" of,th~,,!,~,bllt ,neither: inalting a'biasionlh. an4 ,theSe. InjUfl~S ,are,',•upposed to \lave been fr~nts of bull!,ts ,thathad struck some of. the aceoutJ:$lle1lt$: ~".s~-

, . ttered. .' ,', .". '; , ., , .., '" ThOugh no evidence' waS taken.: it, is said that',"

'Brazer did wfsee whO was ..bqotiQg'at.tiiJn f!'Omtlie buUdmg; bu!dld ~"" Sre.iliitg'.· h\Jr.... \he:fe. .As to' the acntal facts' in the ~~ -tl;1at remains .to'be ,(j.eterrnlned by 'a grand. ]~ry-1J,1vestiga,tiOrii ".,

, .'. *..''' *' ... >!F' "" ".... * *. ~.* :. '* . 'A

.; .

..- '.

.- .,"" ;

,it?"!?:U,)' •. ,, #

Page 10: u van I raws xuma on eues - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · County Billboard Ordinance In Limbo fry Doris Cherry PAGE 3)


t * Itt t •• or. » •• t • , •. \II

r' / pUt, ~UI 11 • ~.

~ --

FRESH BUNCHGreen .Onions


Salad SizeAvocados



,80Z PKG




DoleSalad,0-120Z PKG

county money when the ratesare late.

The public is invited to at­tcnd the special meetin(; Lin­coln County Commissionmeeting at I p.m. Tuesday,

October S. in the countycommission chambers in theLincoln County Courthousein Carrizozo. Copies of thetaX rales, and further expla­nation about the rates will beprovided at the meeting.

FOR ALl COFf[£ MAKERS $1Shur SavingCoffee10.501 CAN

~ ---~ WfSil~

~ .'~~~~ .

" . '. ~ Ii ,._f

MA.I ..I'P' ,..... .

, /.(trf;:·t



Shurfine 2 $4Buttermilk'/2 GAL JUG HJH

SHUll SA~l"C.

Macaroni &Cheese7.250Z BOX


S<llad 79¢Mustard.. oz Jj\R

Puhlislwd ill thl' Lincoln County News onThlll-sday, Sl'ptl'mhl'r 30, 2004.



~OTICE is herehy given that the LincolnCount\, Board Ilf Commissioners will hold aSpcci;ll Meeting at I :00 P.M. on Tuesday,Octllher :S. ~004, at the Lincoln County Court­hlluse \Commissilln Chamhers), in Cardzozo, .New Mexic." The purpose of this meeting i:- toc( 111.... ide.. the lollllwing items and any otherpfllp,er huslIlt.'ss that ClImes hefllre the Board:

1. CertifIcate 01 property Tax Rates -- 2004Tax Year.!. 13\ f( Its ;llld Sadd les Agreement -- BureautIl l."and :vi anagemcnt.:~. Withdrawl ;Illd Re-awanl of Hondo FireSlallllll Bill. .4. CIJll1ment.... hy Judgt.' Parsons regardingjuvenilt: court.(', )pies of the agenda tor the Octoher 5,

2004 special cnmmission mceting will he avail­ahle al the office of the ('ounty Managt:r priorto said met:ting.

Auxiliary ailies arc availahk upon request;plL-ast: contact Manila (iuevara at 505/648-2385ext. 100 at least 48 hours in advance of tht:meeting to makt.' any nect.'ssary arrangements.

MARTitA GUEVARAAssistant County I\humg.er

rates were late. During themeeting lunch break Stewartrevised the tetter sent to thegovernor last year and pre­sented it to commissionersw~o signed it for mailing.

Presiding vice chair ~ountycommissioner Rick Simpsonread the letter which statedthe county requested the gov­ernor reprimand the Tax andRev Dept. for its tardiness.fOT the third year in a row.

An audience mcmbcr sug­gested the county commis­sion suc the statc l(lr dam­ages Hlr being late with thctax ratcs hecause it costs thc


FOR .~


ShuI' SavingVegetables

14.5-15.2 oz. CAN




Shur SavingSalt26 oz. CARTON


ShurfineYogurt6 OZ. CTN.

~$1, - ~ /

fllgJl/"~r~ . ....-w-

M~R~~NE . 2$1Wieners I12 OZ. PKG. FOR

submit their budgets (toDFA) on time."

County commissionerMaury St. John questionedwhy DFA could get by withbeing late when the localgovernments have to be ontime. Calaway said she didnot know.

When St. John asked whatthe county commission coulddo. Stewart suggested an­other letter to the governor.like was sent Jast year when



Red DeliciousApples

.... e..,,"· • __ .

'""'--. =---:- \... ./SHUR SAVINO __

Pear HalvesOR YELLOW CLING 89¢SLICEDPeaches150Z. CAN


LongSpaghetti32 Oz. PKG.

ALL PURPOSEShur SavingFlour5 LB. BAG



~ii-.......:. . --:.---'


79¢VISA! 4th & Central I CARRIZOZO, NM / Ph. ~48-2125'_We Accept W.I.C. Checks -- We Honor EBT Cards for Food and Cash

FRYERLegQuarters10 LB. BAG


.......:...SHUR SAVING

Pork &Beans15 Oz. CAN

Fill Your Shelves with these Savit1!:Js

LONOQRAlNShur SavingRice4 LB. BAG

IIIT ...1 4lU , •.,'qj


September 30, 2004 -- Page 10

"E T ',n 801 • }:- c~ ~F ....

5 •

~_:,:.;.;..' .....


p~~;NG ~OR$1TowelsSINGLE ROll.


TomatoSauce80Z. CAN

=~DIU.PickleSlices.J2 oz. JAIl


(Continued from Page 9)takes. Once the rates are re- mrs."viewed by all the entities the Calaway said she will takecounty collects funds for and the issue of the late tax ratesany errors corrected. the rates to the New Mexico Associa­will be submitted to the tion of Counties Treasurers'county commission for ap- Affiliate which she f10pesproval. When the county will draft legislation to re­commission approves the quire the state Department ofrates, they are sent to the tax Finance and Administrationbill printer. . (OFA) to meet their state

"It puts us on a tight sched- required deadlines. "We haveule," Calaway said. "We to have our tax bills out byhave to go over the rates and November I," Calaway said.make sure they have no er- "Local governments have to .


ShuI' SavingSugarII LB. BAG


PRICES EffECTIVE= SEPT 30 TO OCT 6HOUR5= MON. thru SAT. 8=30 am to 7pm



MiniCarrots1 LB. PKG.






Red RipeTomatoes4 CT. PACK


BaggedPotatoes5 LB. BAG


Any person, firm, corporation or other entity having standing to file objections or prot~sts shall do so in writing (legible. signed, and includ~the writer's compiete name and mailing address). The objection to the approval of the application: (I) if impairment, you must specificallyidentitY your water rights; and/or (2) if public welfare or conservation of water within the State of New Mexico, you must show you will besubstantially effected. The written protest must be filed in triplicate. with the State Engineer, 1900 W. Second Street, Roswell, New Mexico,&8201, within ten (10) days after the date of the last publication of this Notice. Facsimiles (fax's) will be accepted as a valid protest as lung1S the hard copy is sent within 24-hours of the facsimile. Mailing postmark will be used to validate the 24-hiJur period. Protests can heraxed to (505) 623-8559. lfno valid protest or objection is filed, the State Engineer will evaluate the application in accordance with Sections72-2-16, 72-5-6 and 72-12-3.

Published in the Lincoln County News on September 30 and October 7 and 14,2004.


New Crop 99¢Apples LB.

NOTICE i$ hereby given that on September 28, 2004, Mike Leinneweber, P.O: Box 1079, Capitan, NM88316, filed application No. 01406-0 & H-209, with the STATE ENGINEER for permit to change point ofdiversion, place of use of surface waters supplemental by groundwater for the diversion of 6.50 acre feetper annum diverted from the Elena Vigil Ditch, which diverts from the Rio Bonito at a point located in theNE% NW% NE% of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 16 East, N.M.P.M., and from supplemental wellH-209 located in the NW%NW%SE%,. Section 12. Township 10 South, Range 16 East, N.M.P.M., byceasing the irrigation of 2.0 acres located in Pt. E~ E~ of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 16 East.N.M.P.M. .

surer is required by state lawto have the tax bills prepared'and ready for mailing by No­vember I.

"Yesterday." Calaway an­swered about when she need­ed the tax rates. She ex­plained that once the countyreceives the 2004 tax ratesfrom the state. she and herfinance clerk will meet withthe assessor and the countyfinance officer to review therates for any possible mis-

The move from and move to points of diversion and places of use are located approximately five milesnorthwest of Hondo, Lincoln County, NM.

Applicant proposes to commence the diversion of said 6.50 acre-feet per annum using a river pump on theSouthwest Bank of the Rio Bonito at a point located in the SE% NE% SE% of Section 13, Township 10South, Range 16 East, N.M.P.M, and supplemental well H-2963 located in the SE% NE% SE% Section 13,Township 10 South, Range 16 East, N.M.P.M., for the irrigation of 2"00 acres located in the E% E% ofSection 13, Township 10 South, Range 16 East.

State Sends 2004 Tax
