UBC 1997 Study Guide

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UBC 1997

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    1. In a single-family dwelling sleeping rooms, the minimum clear openable height of windows which are required for emergency escape or rescue~shall be ___ _


    a. 20 . ~ 24 - ~10,.-f

    c. 27 d. 30

    2. End of each wood girders entering masonry walls shall be provided with a minimum of incti(es) air space on top sides and ends.

    a. 1/4 . ~ 1/2 .... "2..~ 0 lfu .. f::p c. 1 d. 2

    3. When a special inspector finds discrepancies between the work and the preplans, these discrepancies shall first be made known to the


    a. @ c. d.

    owner contractor ..... VJ o fJ -.3 Building Official engineer or architect of record

    4. According to the Uniform Building Code, plans shall be endorsed in .wril!ng or


    stamped approved by the ,

    a. contractor c:ID Building Official ~ i t> 6 ~ . 1

    c. engineer or architect of record d. special inspector

    Grout mix at the job site shall not be used more than ____ hour(s) after the initial mixing water has been added to the dry ingredients.

    a. @ c. d.

    1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2

  • ' t. ' 1r

    "' 6. In reinforced concrete masonry, mortar may project into the grout spaces a maximum of inch.

    1/4 1/2 3/4 1

    --z. ~ 0 4 . 0 . (

    7. For two-story retail stores, a minimum height of hand guardrails is ____ _ inches.

    a. 32 b. 36 @ 42 - '5"o

  • -.

    12. Private stairways are stairways serving an occupant load of less than. ___ _ persons.

    a. 8 @ c.

    10 :-- ~oo3, 3.~. '3 --1( 12

    d. 15

    13. In conventional light-frame construction, the minimum thickness of roof ridge boards

    a. unregulated @ shall be 1 inch - t...~z. o. , ,_ -"'

    c. shall be 2 inches d. shall be at least equal to the depth of the rafters

    14. The minimum width of a stairway in a single-family dwelling shall be inches.

    a. b.

    J d.


    ~~ - 1 Do 3 . 3. 3. -z.. ~l.S:-D - c:i cc.. - H>AD) (o~ t...cr:s. ~ 44


    15. Water-resistant gypsum board i~ allowed to be installed on ceilings in water clo~et compartments where the frame spacing is no greater than inches on center.

    c. d .

    12 - ~t> le. ~ 2-~ G-16 18 24

    16. When two exits are required, the maximum length of dead-end corridors is

    a. 0 feet - dead-end corridors are riot permitted b. 10 feet

    !; 20 feet - t o o 4 . z - IO d. 25 feet

    17. Galvanized sheet metal flashing and counter flashing are used for weather protection of openings shall have a minimum thickness of gauge.

    a. b. c.


    #20 #22 #26 #28 - 1.5~ - ~

  • .--.....,

    18. When rafter ties are required, they shall be spaced at a maximum __ feet on center.

    a. @ c. d.

    2 4 _ ~ 3' "2-u . I 2 . ~ 6 8

    19. An 8-inch-wide wood fireplace mantel may be adjacent to a fireplace opening if it is located at least inches from the opening.

    a. 2 b. 4 @ 6 - 3 ( 02- 7-. 8 d. 12

    20. Fire blocks are required to limit concealed combustible construction in vertical and horizontal spaces in walls and partitions to a maximum of feet in height.

    a. 6 b. 8 ,_i.,

    _G.J 10 - 708

  • .------... .

    . ~

    24. Solid masonry units shall be placed with head joints filled with ___ _ _ a. 3/8-inch form head facing units b. 50 percent c. 75 percent solidly with mortar -- z... \ o 4 - 4 4.

    25. . Which of the following dwelling units habitable rooms may be provided with artificial , light as its onl.Y source of light?

    a. living room b. dining room c. bedroom

    @) kitchen _ z o 4. G:. . r a. 30


    27. Enclosed usable space under the first story of a Group R, Division 1, building shall have a self-closing and tight-fitting solid wood door at least inches in thickness.

    a. 1-1/8 b. 1-1/4

    {9 1-3/8 - 7' 2-d . 1-3/4

    28. Window wells and escape rescue windows shall have a net clear opening of ___ square feet.

    @ 5.7 ~ 31~4 b. 9 c. 12 d. 20

    29. The minimum clearance of combustible materials from masonry fireplace walls shall be inches.

    a. 1 @ 2 - p>rh J e- - 3 I - B c. 3 d. 4

  • 30. The purpose of the Uniform Building Code is to provide ____ standards to safeguard life and limb, health, property, and public welfare.

    ~ minimum - 1 o t z.. b. maximum c. adequate d. reasonable

    31. The end of a wood girder supported on concrete shall have at least ___ inches of bearing.

    a. 1 b. 1-1/2 c. 2 F) 3- -t.'3ob--a

    32. In general, for other than private stairways within dwelling units or individual units of a Group R-1 occupancy, the maximum rise of every step is inches.

    @ 7 ~ f.Q.:>$ . "l!. ."!>3 b. 7-1/2 c. 8 d. 8-1/2

    33. In determining the minimum height of a residential masonry chimney above a roof, the top of the flue liner shall extend at least inches above any part of the roof within 1 O feet of the chimney.

    a. 12 b. 18 #-1 cs;> 24 ,- ~t>te.. 3 ( -8. . d. 36

    34. A room containing a water closet must be separated from the kitchen by a

    a. corridor b. vestibule

    tight-fitting door - 3o.,_ . " d. self-closing door

    35. Concrete mixtures containing _____ are not permitted in prestressed members.

    a. fly ash b. pozzolan @) calcium chloride ~ 190 3. b- 3 d. superficially

  • 36. The method of handling concrete from the mixture shall --------

    a. b.

    @ d.

    be as rapid as possible be done with steel sheets prevent separation and loss of material - 'I ~ o S- c:; I be started within 30 minutes of arrival at a job site

    37. When a masonry fireplace opening has dimensions of 42x24 inches, the hearth extension shall extend at least inches in front of the opening.

    a. 16 @ 20 - :5i oz. .-r. / "Z...

    c. 24 d. 28

    38. In conventional light-frame construction, joist framing from opposite sides of a girder shall be lapped at least or tied together in an approved manner.

    .@:) 3 inches - z..3z.-o 7 b. 4 inches c. twice the joist depth d. 1/2 the joist depth

    39. In a daycare building, the maximum spacing of intermediate rails in guardrails shall be less than inches.

    ([) 4 ~ ~o'f . _3. b. 5 c. 6 d. 9

    40. In conventional light-frame construction, when it is necessary to notch 2" x 1 O" x 12' long wood floor joists provide space for pipes or conduits, these notches may be made


    a. only on the outer 2 feet of each erid b. only on the outer 3 feet of ~ach end

    .@ only on the outer 4 feet of each end - z. ~ "2 8' , ~ d. anywhere along the plank

    41. Douglas or hem fir posts or columns which support permanent structures and are exposed to water splash, shall be supported on concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting at least inches above the concrete floor. ~ 1 - ?,. ?:-0 (p .'

    b. 2 c. 4 d. 6

  • 42. The primary entry door to a restaurant which provides access to disabled persons shall open onto a floor or landing which is not more than lower than the threshold of the doorway.

    c. d.

    1 /2-inch - l o o 3 . 3, I b 3/4-inch 1-inch 1-1 /2 inches

    43. Special inspection is not required during ______ _

    a. field welding of reinforced steel b. field welding of steel structural frames

    @ welding in an approved fabricator's shop - 1 -, o 1 -r d. welding being done by a certified welder

    44. Unless specifically approved, equipment constructed of ____ shall not be used to handle or put masonry grout.

    a. steel b. copper c. plastic ~ aluminum _. z.., 1 "+ . 7

    45. Which of the following is not a vested authority of the Building Official?

    ~ To waive requirements of the Code. --- 1 o s . '2..... b. To render interpretations of the Code. c. Toissue stop work orders when work is being done contrary to the provisions

    of the Code. d. To adopt or enfo.rce rules and supplemental in order to clarify applications

    of the Code provisions.

    46. The minimum thickness of unreinforced concrete floor slabs which are supported by directly on the ground shall be inches.

    b c. d.

    3 3-1 /2 -- t q 0 0 , 4 . 4 4 4-1/2

    4 7. When any room in a dwelling unit is finished and intended for use as habitable living area when the ceiling is firred down, the prescribed ceiling height is required in 2/3 of the area, but in no case shall the height of the ceiling be less than ___ _

    @) 7 feet -- 3 ( 'O c;,, . f b. 7 feet 4 inches c. 7 feet 6 inches d. 7 feet 8 incties.

    } )

    ' .

  • 48. In other than an efficiency dwelling unit, every dwelling unit shall have at least one room with an area of at least square feet.


    a. 70 ~. c.

    120 - 3 I 0 . (o ~ 150

    d. 220 . .

    A9. In other than dwelling units, the surface of toilet room floors shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface which extends upward onto the walls at least

    inches. ---

    a. 3 @ 5 - OI I 1 c. 6 d. 7

    50. In conventional wood-frame construction, lintel or headers shall have a bearing length of a~ least inches.

    c. d.

    1-1 /2 .... 2 3 "Z C> i I . b 2 3 4

    51. Walls of showers shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a minimum height of inches above the drain inlet.

    a. 60 (6:) 70~ SD 7 . I.~ c. 72 d. 84

    52. Plywood which is used as an exterior wall covering shall have a minimum thickness of inch.

    a. 15/32 ffe 3/8 - -z.. 3 ( 0 c. 1/4 d. 1/2

    53. In conventional light-frame construction, when floor joists are supported oil wood foundation plates, the joists shall have a minimum bearing distance on each end of

    inches. ----

    @ b. c. d.

    1-1 /2 ~ 2- ?> 2.- Q f;' 7.-2 3 3-1 /2

  • 54. Foundation supporting wood framing shall extend above the adjacent finish grade at least inches.

    l) c. d.

    4 5-t80b.I 8 12

    55. Utility grade studs may be used for all wall framing provided ___ _

    a. they are not spaced more than 24 inches on center @ they do not support more than a roof and ceiling - :z, ;. 2-0 , 1 1 I c. the length does not exceed 10 feet in exterior walls d. the length does not exceed ten feet in load bearing walls

    56. Every building used for human occupancy shall have at least exits.

    c. d.

    1 - l D o+ . -z.. . '3. . c..--2 3 4

    57. Immediately before placing fresh concrete against previously placed hardened concrete, the surface of hardened concrete must be



    c. d.

    dry wetted - r 90b 1-:.. L roughened coated with epoxy

    58. In a three-bedroom residence with a 200-square-foot living room, the minimum floor area of each of the bedrooms is square feet.

    a. 60 ..(Ii) 70- 31.~. G. 2-

    c. 100 d. 120

    59. Which of the following types of construction is classified as noncombustible according to the Uniform Building Code?

    a. @

    c. d.

    Type I only Types I and II only - 0 oz.. -GD ? Types I, II, and Ill Types I, II, Ill, and IV

    I .

  • 60. The minimum lap along horizontal joints, felt paper which is applied to exterior walls of a water resistant area is inches.

    ~ b. c. d.

    2 -14~2- I 4 6 8

    61 . The Uniform Building Codes rate types of construction in accordance with the building's

    a. floor area b. intended use c. occupant load fire-resistive capability - '7et...r- v-st 1-8

    62. In conventional Hght-frame construction, trimmer and header joists shall be doubled when the span of the header exceeds feet.

    a. 3 a ..@ 4 - -z. 3> ?--0 . if . 4 c. 6 d. 8

    63. The minimum under floor clearance from the bottom of entry to joists to the ground is inches.

    a. 6 b. 12 fi) 18 - '2- 3 0 6 . ~ a. 24

    64. A restaurant with an occupant load of 65 is classified as a Group occupancy. --

    a. A2.1 (fi) A 3 - 3 o 3 . J . t D1 v ~ 3 c. B d. N

    65. Exterior walls containing unprotected openings in a single-family dwelling of Type VN-5N construction are required to be at least feet from the side property line.

    a. 3 b. 4

    .) 5 - '/Able -S:A d. 8

  • 66. In general, the greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than inch.

    @) 3/8 - I DO 3 -3 . ~ 3 b. 1/2 c. 5/8 d. 3/4

    67. With evaluation of the alterations to an existing Group R occupancy exceed $1, 000 and a permit is required, smoke detectors shall be installed except when the alterations are made only to _____ _

    a. sleeping areas @ repair to the exterior surface - 510 , 9 . 1. z_ c. the interior surfaces d. the nonsleeping areas of the house

    68. According to the Uniform Building Code requirement for masonry work, the joint thickness between masonry units shall not be greater than inch.

    a. b.

    ~ 1/4 3/8 5/8 - 7 { 01' ' ( 1

    69. Windows in single-family dwelling sleeping rooms which are required for emergency escape or rescue shall have a maximum sill height above the floor of


    a. 36 b. 40

    C9 44 i:--~ {'\:) . 4 d. 48

    70. In general, footings and foundations for bearing walls shall extend -----

    a. below the frost line b. 12 inches above the grade

    () 12 inches below the grade - I tfD b. I d. 18 inches below the undisturbed ground surface

    71. Portions of walls in water closet compartments are required to have smooth, hard .. nonabsorbent surfaces when located in


    a. b.

    ) d.

    dwelling units guest rooms of hotels public areas of office buildings- ~o 7 " i . ' rooms which are not accessible to the public and which have a single water closet

    I ~ i I


  • 72. For other than spiral stailwells, the maximum stairway riser height in a single-family dwelling with an occupant load of less than 10, is inches.

    a. b. {) : d.

    7 7-1/2

    8~1003.J . 3 . 3 9


    73. The maximurl) diameter of holes bored in wood floor joists shalt be the depth of the joist. @ 1/3 --z 3 2 0 . ~ . 3 b; 1/4 c. 1/5 d. 1/6

    74. When felt paper is used as weather resistant barrier, it shall have a minimum lap at vertical joints of inches.

    a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 ~) 6 - (4D--Z. (

    75. When an attic access opening is requirement in single-family dwellings, the minimum size of the opening shall be ___ _

    a. 18x24 ~ 22 x 30 .-- I $0 ~ I c. 24 x 28 d. 24 x 30

    76. Which of the following would require the need to install smoke detectors in an existing single-family dwelling?

    a. a $2,500 roof repair b. a $900 kitchen alteration

    @ a $1,200 bathroom remodel .- 310 . ; , t . 2.-d. a 4 foot-high retaining wall without surcharge

    77. In general, the minimum trend run for a stairway in a single-family dwelling with an occupant load of less than 10, shall be __ inches.

    a. )

    c. d.

    8 9 - l'D63 . ?>.3 . '3 10 11

  • . ...--..,,_

    78. In areas which are subject to decay damage, untreated fir plywood siding on the exterior of a building shall be a minimum clearance to the ground of inches.

    a . b. @ d.

    79. Smoke detectors shall be installed _____ _

    c. d ..

    in all sleeping rooms -- 5 to .

  • 84. When depositing structural concrete, concrete that has partially hardened __ _

    a. b.

    ~ may be remixed may be retempered twice shall not be deposited in the structure .- 11 o-.X..- l 0 ~ 3 may be used in structure concrete

    85. In a masonry wall exposed to weather, reinforcing bars, except joint reinforcement, shall be completely imbedded in mortar and grout and protected by a minimum cover, including a masonry unit of inches.

    ~ c. d.

    3/4 1-1/2 .... 21 O-'f. G I 2 3

    86. Gypsum wall board used in a single layer fire-rated assembly may have joints which are left untreated when the joints are _____ _

    @ occur over wood framing members ...... rz,..-5"' I 3 b. occur over noncombustible framing members c. are in a room that is protected by an automatic sprinkler system d. are offset by at least 24 inches with joists on the opposite face of the wall

    87. The material installed to restrict movement of air within open spaces of concealed are of building components is defined as ______ _

    @ draft stop - '2-o.S- .... /:l b. fire block c. membrane stop d. fire penetration stop

    88. A door installed between a project garage and a dwelling unit shall be at least

    a. 3/4-hour rated b. 1-hour rated

    ,aD 1-3/8 solid wood, self-closing .... -fo;_ . 3 &x d. 1-3/4 solid wood, self-closing

    89. In other than a Group E or Group H, Divisions 6 or 7 occupancy, maximum travel distance in a sprinklered building from any point to an exterior exit door is


    a. 75 b. 150 ~ 250 - Io o r,, 2 . 3 # 2. d. 350

  • ~~

    90. Refer to Figure 744 provided with this exam. Given a single-family dwelling, in Figure 744, has two bedrooms off the central corridor on the second floor. The entire third floor loft is a sleeping area with direct access by the stairs to the sleeping area. There are no other sleeping areas within the dwelling. The minimum smoke detectors required are ___ _

    a. 3 @ 4 ~ 5,;) ~ ?.1. 4 c. 5 d. 6

    91. In conventional wood-frame construction, in bearing and exterior walls, end joists and double-top plates shall be offset at least inches.

    a. 12 b. 24 c. 36

    .@j 48 - 2-3 z...o .. t I 92. Windows between private garages and sleeping areas shall be ____ _

    caJ prohibited .- 7 / 5 . 7 b. 20-minimum rated window c. 3/4-hour rated window d. 1-hour rated window

    93. The minimum height of required exit doors is _____ _

    a. 6'6" @ 6' 8" - I 0 c :! . 3 I . 3

    c. 6' 10" d. 7'

    94. According to the Uniform Building Code requirements for masonry work, the bed joint thickness between an initial course of masonry and the footing shall not be less than inch.

    ~ 1/4 - 2-.f 04. ~- ( b. 3/8 c, 5/8 d. 1

    95. : For stairways located in elementary schools, the tops of handrails shall be located a minimum of inches above the height of the trends.

    a. 30. b. 32

    @ 34 - { oo 3' 3 . 3 '= d. 36

    ' i



  • ~~

    96. In general, the minimum clear horizontal dimension of window wells at escape or rescue windows in Group R occupancies shall be inches.

    @). 20 - 310 ' 4 .. b. 24 c. 36 d. 44

    97. Guardrails are required for porches which are more than _____ _


    18 24 30 - 5o CJ. f three risers above the grade below

    98: . Stumps and roots shall be removed from the area to be occupied by a building to a minimum depth of. inches below the grade surface.

    a. 6 b. 8 ~ 12 ~ 33 OL d. 18

    99. Before concrete placement, reinforcing bars shall be free of

    a. b. c. '

    sags light rust deformations mud or other nonmetallic coatings - l 9 o 7 . 4 . I


    100. Masonry mortar shall be mixed for at least minutes in a drum-type batch' mixer after the addition of water to all other ingredients.

    a. 2 3 ~ 2 l O"f. --z_ #-7 c. 5 d. 10


    101. Unless otherwise approved by a Building Official, the minimum frame support for glazing of a 4' x 6' fixed window is


    a. b. c.


    1/4 inch 5/16 inch firm and support to 2 edges firm support at 4 edges_ Z-"f-04 _ (

  • 102. During construction, buildings designed to be four stories or more in height shall have a stand pipe installed when the progress of construction is not more than

    feet above the lowest level of the fire department vehicle access. ----

    @ 35 - q o

  • 108. The distance between curtain boards in a low hazard factory is limited to a maximum of feet.

    a. b.

    100 200

    .9 d. 250 - 5 .- '10~.- 7 . 3 d. 10

    11 o. A 24' x 50' crawl space under a single-family dwelling which is vented using 8" x 16" vents, each having a clear area of 4 square feet, requires a minimum of __ _ vents.

    a. 8 3)) 12 - 2- :? 0 G:, ,'7 c. 15 d. 20

    111. A building housing a Group R-1 occupancy shall be one-hour fire-resistive construction when it


    _) exceeds 3,000 square feet - 810. z . -z-b. it is wood-frame construction c. it extends two stories in height d. the occupant load of the building exceeds 100

    112. The distance between curtain boards and Group H-2 occupancy is limited to a maximum of feet.

    lY 100 - Cj D ~ . (o . 4-b. 200 c. 250 d. 300

    113. A yellow status indicator on the fire fighter control panel for mechanical smoke control equipment such as fans, dampers, and other operating equipment denotes

    .@) b. c. d.

    fault - to 5' ,,. 1 3 . f .t:F- 3 normal not on or open off or closed status

  • . ----..__

    i 14. Water resistant gypsum board shall not be installed as - -----

    a. b .

    part of a fire-rated assembly r-'\ part of a studless wall system N,.- .) , )

    cp backing for ceramic tile on ceilings or tub or shower enclosures - 2- s ' 'Z-- -T"T ~ / on roof soffits as backing for metal lath and Portland cement plaster 115. Interior gypsum plaster which is applied over metal lath shall be done at least

    coats. ---

    a. 1 b. 2

    .@ 3- 7-5"0{ -d. 4

    116. Where vinyl siding is installed horizontally, the fastener spacing shall not exceed a maximum of inches vertically.

    a. 10 ~ 12 - 1-fo,.cf - 2-

    c. 16 d. 14

    117. Glazing materials used in ____ are exempt from provisions for glazing in hazardous locations.

    storm door a. b. c.

    unframed swinging doors shower and tub enclosures

    cP curved revolving door panels - z. ~ o ' , + ~ ~ x ti-b 118. In a two-story office building, an emergency voice alarm signaling system shall

    sound to rooms exceeding square feet in area.

    a. 750 @ . 1,000- 4-0 3. 5 - L :tfs-5

    c. 1,500 d. 2,000

    119. Water resistant gypsum board shall not be used in which of the following locations?

    a. In any shower wall. " b. Over walls without a vapor retarder.

    ~ In areas subject to continuous high humidity. ---L~ 1'2.. - #-2 d. Over ceiling framing not exceeding 12-inch on center.


    . I

  • 120. In a sprinklered office building, draft curtains provided around an escalator in lieu of shaft protection shall extend from the ceiling downward at least inches on all sides.

    a. 6 @ 12-~01- - b

    c. 18 . d. 24

    121. In general, glazed panels in all buildings are considered to be subject to human impact load when the nearest vertical panel edge is within a 24-inch arc of a door and .the bottom edge is less than inches above the floor.

    , _(a) 0.

    c. d.

    18 -z..+olC> . 4 ~.+t-7_ 2-24

    . 36 60

    122. Which of the following materials are approved for use on the garage .side of a fire-rated waU which separates an attached garage from a single-family dwelling?

    a. 3/8-inch type x gypsum wall board .@ 5/8-inch type x gypsum wall board .- T.Abl-e- - 2-S

    c. 1/2-inch type x standard gypsum wall board d. 5/8-inch standard gypsum wall board

    123. In a Type IFR building, the maximum allowable height of a mechanical room above the roof surface shall be feet.

    () 28 - ( -~H I b. 30 c. 32 d. 35

    124. Interior walls and ceilings of rooms or areas of a sprinklered Group E occupancy shall be covered with materials having a maximum flame spread index of Class A

    a. b.

    e d.

    125. When half-inch thick fire board wall sheeting is fastened with 16 gauge staples, the staples shall be at least inches long.

    a. b.

    ) d.

    7/8 1 1-1/8 - -rf!rl:?/e - '"Ls H-1-1/4

  • . -

    126. Construction joints located in a two-hour floor ceiling assembly shall be protected with

    . ~-" a. 1-hour fire-resistive protection ~' b. 1-1/2-hour fire-resistive protection @ 2-hour fire-resistive protection.-- 70 b r I d. noncombustible materials

    127. In laboratories having area in excess of square feet, occupants shall have access to at least two exits from the room.

    a. 70 b. 120

    f5 150 - ~04-. 2 . L.. I 200 ... lb\re'zt 128. Openings between a two-hour rated shaft enclosure in the interior of a building shall

    be protected by a self-closing fire-assembly with a minimum __ fire-resistive rating.

    a. 3/4-hour b. 1 hour

    @ 1-1/2 hours -7 {/ -~ d. 2 hours

    ---.._,, 129. Mortar of pouring consistency may be substituted for grout through which one of the I'), following types of masonry construction?

    @) Residential chimneys ~ 7- 1 o.q-, b . 2 b. Interior bearing walls. c. Basement walls not exceeding 8 feet in height. d. Residential foundation walls not exceeding 24" in height.

    130. A building or portion of a building within which the exempted amounts of hazardous materials may be stored, dispensed, handled, or used is defined as

    6) controlled area ~ 'Zo4-c::.... b. HPM storage room c. liquid storage room d. inside storage room

    131. Enclosed usable space in the basement of a wood-framed fully-sprinklered building requires

    @ no protection qo42. b. a listed 1-hour fire door and frame assembly c. a 1-3/8" thick self-closing tight-fitted solid core wood door d. a self-closing tight-fitting door acceptable as part of a 20-minute tested ~,


    assembly i

  • -~ .r-\.

    ' -

    132. The fire box of masonry fireplace shall be at least ___ inches deep.

    a. 18 @ 20 - 3 t 0 z. -7. 3 c. 24 d. 30

    133. In a 25-story apartment building, vertical shafts other than stairway enclosures and elevator shafts may be reduced to fire-resistive construction when sprinklers are installed within the shafts at alternate floors.

    c. d.

    fire dampers -- ? 11 --1.~",c .:IF 2-smoke barriers smoke detectors sprinklers

    134. Where roof trains are required, the minimum opening height of overflow scuppers is inches.

    a. 2 b. 3 ~ 4 - ( s-o (c, . ~

    d. 6

    135. An occupancy separation between a 300-square-foot waiting room and a car wash

    a. b. c.


    shall be a minimum of one-hour construction shall be a minimum of two-hour construction shall have the minimum 20-minute door need not be provided if there is a door from the waiting room directly to the exterior - 3 oi- , < .:ff- 2- ~

    136. In fire-resistive exterior wall construction, the fire-resistive ratings shall be maintained for such walls passing through attic areas or other areas containing

    a. insulation b. plumbing piping

    9 concealed spaces - 7 o 8 -; d. electrical wiring

    137. Emergency ventilation shall be provided for all stage areas with a stage height greater than feet.

    a. b.

    f 20 40 50 - 4 v 5 , 3 . 3 60

  • ~.

    138. When a special design has not been approvea oy me tjuilding Official, exterior masonry veneer attached to wood-frame construction shall not exceed more ~han

    a. b.

    15 feet above grade 35 feet above grade 25 feet above adjacent ground elevation 30 feet above noncombustible foundation - I 4J

  • 144. An automatic sprinkler system shall oe instaued m occupancies containing woodworking operations which exceed __ square feet in area.

    @ b. c. d.


    . . 8,000 12,000

    145. In a sprinklered office building, the maximum travel distance to an exit is __ _ feet where th'e last 100 feet are within a 1-hour rated door.

    a . . . b.

    -cp 100 200 250 - I o 0

  • 15u. uverflow drains shall be connected to drain lines which are Ii 1t: rvu1 u1 au1 lines.

    a. 1-inch above b. at least the same level as

    .@ independent from ~ / s-o b . ~ d. twice the size of





    1. Steel plates of exterior walls and floor framing of a single-family dwelling shall be anchored with bolts having a maximum spacing of feet on center.

    a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

    @ 6 ~ l~oCa . C::i

    2. In conventional light-frame construction, when is it necessary to notch 2" x 10" x 12 feet long floor joists to provide spacer pipes or conduits, these notches may be made



    a. only on the 2 outer feet of each end b. only on the 3 outer feet of each end

    .$ only on the 4 outer feet of each end - 2 '3> 2-o . P d. anywhere along it length

    Windows in single-family dwelling sleeping rooms which are required for emergency escape or rescue shall have a minimum net area of square feet.

    a. 3.4 b. 5.5 ~ 5.7 ~- 310 .4 d. 6

    4. Number 7 reinforcing bars in concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth shall have a concrete cover of at least inches.

    a. 2 b. 2-1/2

    () 3 - 1'107 ,7 . ( #-( d. 3-1/4

    5. The maximum diameter of holes bored in wood floor joists shall be -----the depth of the depth of the joist.

    @ 1/3 ~ v32-o. 8 . ~ b. 1/4 c. 1/5 d. 1/6

  • 6. Material installed to restrict air within open spaces of concealed areas of building components is defined as _____ _

    @) draft stop ~ 2 -o s- - D b fire block c. membrane stop d. fire penetration stop

    7. The minimum under floor clearance from the bottom of untreated wood girders to exposed ground shall be inches.

    a. 6 ~ 12~z.3ob.~

    c. 18 d. 30

    8. Every building used for human occupancy shall have at least exits. -----

    ~ 1 - 3+ 0 7 .. l (ff')< b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

    9. Where an attic access opening is required in a single-family dwelling, the minimum size of the opening shall be ____ _

    a. 18x24 @ 22 X 30 - I S-o f , I

    c. 24 x 28 d. 24 x 30

    10. The mixing of mortar shall be for a period of _______ _

    a: not more than 3 minutes b. not less than 10 minutes

    (;) not less than 3 minutes, no more than 10 minutes ~ '2.-1 o ~ .z If7 d. 15 to 20 minutes or until desired work ability is achieved.

    11 . In conventional light-frame construction when floor joists are supported on wood foundation plates, the joists shall a have a minimum bearing distance on each end

    of inches.

    cp 1/2 ,- 2--~ 2-o . ? . 2.. 2 : c. 3 ~ -~ d. 3 1/2


  • -12. When any room of a dwelling is finished and intended for use as habitable living space and the ceiling is firred down, the prescribed minimum ceiling height is required in of the area.

    a. 1/3 .b. 1/2

    @) 2/3 - 3t o . b . I d. 3/4

    13. Gypsum wall . board used in single layer fire-rated assembly may have joints which are left untreated when the joists ____ _

    . _@ occur on the wood-framing members _ 2 s t 1 . ~ b. occur over noncombustible framing members c. are in a room that is protected by a automatic sprinkler system d. are offset by at least 24 inches with joists on the opposite face of ~he wall

    .14. In areas which are subject to decay damage, untreated fir plywood siding on the exterior of the building shall have a minimum clearance to the ground of ___ _ inches.

    a. b.

    lef. 15. When rafter ties are required, they shall be spaced at a maximum of feet

    on center.

    a. 2 @ 4 - 2..3 Z-c I '2- - (,:, c. 6 d. 8

    16. Stumps and roots shall be removed from the area to be occupied by a building to a minimum depth of inches below the ground.

    a. 6 b. 8

    r:J 12 - 3 302--d. 18

  • 17. When joists are toenailed to the seal, _____ nails are required. 3-8d - 17\-15 I e :Ji. 3- / r .--13> - t 4-8d

    c. d.

    2-16d 3-16d

    18 A room containing a water closet must be separated from a kitchen by a

    a b.

    corridor vestibule

    4-> tight-fitting door - 3 o ;i, -b self-closing door 19. Windows between private garages and sleeping rooms shall be ___ _

    (i) prohibited - 7 t 5 . 7 b. 20-minute rated c. 3/4-hour rated d. 1-hour rated

    20. For a nonsloping ceiling, the minimum ceiling height of kitchens, halls, bathrooms, ~ and toilet compartments in dwelling and apartment units is ____ _

    a. 6' 6" b. 6' 8"

    .&:;) 7' - 3t>oJ~.f d. 7' 6"

    21. In single-family dwellings in sleeping rooms, the minimum clear openable height of windows which are required for emergency exit, escape, or rescue shall be __ _ inches.

    a. 20 (Q) 24 - 3 l D ff c. 28 d. 30

    22. Grout mixed at the job site shall not be used more than ____ after the initial mixing, water has been added to the dry ingredients.

    a. 1 ~ f 1 /2 ~ '2 I J f ;z.. -14> 7

    c. 2 d. 2-1/2

  • 23. Nails ;;ind screws used for fastening gypsum wall board to supports shall be spaced at least inch from the edges and ends of the wall board.

    a. 1/4 -; @ 3/8 - ~'.5 12 , c. 1/2 d. 3/4

    24. A door installed between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be at least

    a 3/4-hour rated b. 1- hour rated

    1-3/8 solid wood, self-closing _ 4-o 2... ~ 3 a::)C d. 1-3/4 solid wood, self-closing

    25. In a conventional wood-framed construction, in bearing and exterior walls and joists and double top plates shall be offset at least inches.

    a. 12 b. 24 c. 36 ~ 48- 2 3 '2-o . ?f -4-

    26. Which of the following types of construction are classified as noncombustible according to the Uniform Building Code?

    a. Type I only dD Types I and II only- 0 oz.. --

  • ,,--.....,,


    28. Asphalt strip shingles which are 39 inches wide require __ ....___fasteners per each strip.

    a. b.

    ~ 2 3 4 - '!'A-bl IE" I S>8 - I 6

    29. Before work can recommenced on a project for which the buildin9 permit has expired and the project has been abandoned for two years, ____ _

    A. a partial fee must be paid a new permit must be secured - 1 OG. -i-.+ c. the applicant must wait one year d. the original permit must be renewed

    30. In single-family dwelling sleeping rooms, a minimum net clear opening width of a window which is required for emergency escape or rescue shall be

    inches. ----

    t) 20 - 310.4 b. 24 c. 28 d. 30

    31 . The set of approved plans which is returned to the applicant during construction of the building shall be retained _____ _

    a. by the owner b. by the builder ~ on the job site .,-. ( 0 b -.

  • 33. Utility grade studs may be used for wall framing provide ___ _

    a. they are not spaced more than 24 inches on center @ they do not support more than a roof and ceiling - z_ 3 Zo 8' f

    c. the length does not exceed 10 feet in exterior walls d. the length does not exceed 10 feet in load-bearing walls .

    34 Exterior walls c6ntaining an unprotected opening in a sihgle-family dwelling of Type YN-5N construction are required to be at least feet from the side property line . .

    . a. 3 b. 4

    (9 5 -'"fAl?I~ 5 -A d. 8

    35. In general, for. other than private stairways within dwelling units or individual units of a Group R-1 occupancy, the maximum rise of every step is inches.

    {D 7 - /oe):? .3 . 3 3 b. 7-1/2 c. 8 d. 8-1/2

    36. When two exits are required, the maximum length of a dead-end corridor is

    a. O feet, dead-end corridor are not permitted b. 10 feet

    @ 20 feet -- / o o t , -z.. . io d. 25 feet

    37. Refer to Figure# 744 provided with this exam. Given the single-family dwelling in Figure# 744 has two bedrooms off a central corridor on the second story, the entire third floor loft is a sleeping area with direct access by the stairs to the sleeping area. There are no other sleeping areas within the dwelling. The minimum number of smoke detector required is _ _

    a. 3 @ 4- 5 1 0 . 9.i.'!'/ c. 5 d 6

  • 38. The minimum width of a stairway in a single-family dwelling shall be ___ inches . ~ . )

    a. 30 b. 32 f;) 36 _ I o o 3 r :3 _ 3 _ 2.. d. 44

    39. Normal Portland cement concrete Type I cement which is placed in the field shall be maintained above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and in a moist condition days unless accelerated curing is used.

    a. 3 @ 7-\905.11.{ c. 14 d. 28

    40. In other than Groups E or H, Divisions 6 or 7 occupancy, the maximum travel distance in a sprinklered building from any point to an exterior exit door is feet.

    a. 75 b. 150

    (i) 250 - I 0 D (, 2. - ~ tt-

  • 43. In a daycare building, the maximum spacing of intermediate rail and guardrail shall be less than inches.

    c. d.

    4--50'1 .3 5 6 9

    44. Douglas or hem fir plaster columns which support permanent structures and are exposed to water splash shall be support on concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting at least inches above the concrete floor.

    1.-23oto.5 2

    c. d.

    4 6

    45. In general, the greatest riser height in any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than inch.

    ~ 3/8 - { 0 b 3 - 3 . 3 . 3 b. 1/2 c. 5/8 d. 3/4

    46. In general, water closets in occupancies shall be provided with the minimum clear space of inches in front of the stool.

    a. 22 ~ 24 -- a o 7 .. r - 2-

    c. 28 d. 30

    47. Foundation supporting wood-framing shall extend above the adjacent grade at least inches.


    a. 4 @ 6 -1'?eib.( c. 8 d. 12

  • 48. Which of the following is considered to be a habitable space?

    c. d.

    Kitchen .... -z.. o q I+ Hallway Bathroom Laundry Room

    49. A lot survey may be required for the following official to -------

    a. issue the Certificate of Occupancy b. settle disputes between neighboring propertY owners

    . ' ' .

    c. determine the required set back from adjacent structures @ verify that the structures is located in accordance with the approved plans -1 o 8. t

    50. Which of the following dwelling unit habitable rooms may be provides with a artificial light as its only source of light.

    a. Living room b. Dining room c. Bedroom

    @ Kitchen - I 2.- itl~ 2 ~ e)

  • ;~

    54. Construction joint in concrete floors shall be located within the ------- of spans of slabs, beams, and girders .

    a. end third ~ middle third - I 9

  • 59. Wood shingles are limited to ____ per individual shingles.

    _) 2 "' ...-~ b~ - I ~ - B - "2-b. 3 c. 4 d. an unlimited number of nails

    60 In conventional light-frame construction, joist framing from opposite sides of a girder shall be lapped at least inches.

    i) 3 .-- '23 2..0 . }/ . 3 b. 4 c. twice the joist depth d. 1 /2 the joist depth or tied together

    61. The run of interior stairways, other than private stairways, shall not be less than inches.


    a. 9 b. 10-5/8 ~ 11 - 100 ~ . 3 3,'3 d . 11-3/8

    62. The minimum head room clearance of stairways, other than spiral stairways, is -----

    a. 6'-6" .@ 6'-8"- lo D 3 3 3 . 4 c. 6'-10" d. 7'-011

    63. The minimum height of required exit doors is ____ _

    a. 6'-0" dD 6'-8"- I oo 3 , 3 . I. 3 c. 6'-10" d. 7'-0"

    64. According to the Uniform Building Code, the thickness of initial bed joint for construction on a masonry wall on a concrete footing shall be inch.


    ~ c. d.

    a minimum of 1 /2 a minimum of 1/4" and a maximum of 1 .- 2 1 4 . 4- / 3/8" plus or minus an 1/8" for solid clay masonry units 3/8 plus or minus an 1/8 for hollow concrete masonry units


  • 65. In grouted masonry, grouting is generally required to be done in a continuous pour and lifts not exceeding feet.

    a. 4 b 5 c. 6 - 'Z-1 0 4_ & . ( d. 8

    66. Which of the following would require the need to install smoke detectors in an existing single-family dwelling?

    a. A 2,500 reroof job b. A $900 kitchen alteration . .9 A $1,200 bathroom alteration - 3 1 -~ ~ /. 2-d. Residing the entire outside of the house with vinyl Siding

    67. The end of hem-fir wood girder entering concrete wall shall be provide with a minimum of inch air space on the top and side ends.

    f. c. d .

    1 /2 - 2- :> ' "' . (o 1 1-1/2 2

    68. Enclosed usable space under the first story of a Group R, Division I, building shall have the self-closing and tight-fitting solid wood door at least inches in thickness.

    a. 1-1/8 b. 1-1/4 6) 1-3/8_ ti 2... d. 1-3/4

    69. In public toilet rooms, a hard nonabsorbent surface shall be provided on all waff$ within 'two feet of the water closet to a minimum height of feet.

    a. 3 &) 4 - f?o7 r I .'2-c. 5 d. 6

  • : , ' \ I.

    70. Attic access opening need not be provided when the maximum vertical clear height of the access is less than inches.

    a. 24 @ 30 -l 5'o 5 . r

    c. 36 d. 42

    71 In a conventional wood-framed construction, ends of headers shall have a bearing length of at least inches.

    @;) 1-1/2 ~ 2-? :.2-0 ~ ,,. ~ b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

    72. The top of handrails shall be placed not less than ____ inches, nor more than ____ inches above the nosing of stairway threads.

    a. 30/34 b. 32/36 c. 34/36

    @ 34/38 ~ l Oc!J 3 . ~ ~ Jo

    73. Walls of a shower shall have a smooth hard nonabsorbent surface to a minimum height of inches above the drain inlet.

    a. 60 @ 70 - [?o 7. I ;~

    c. 72 d. 84

    7 4. When depositing structural concrete, concrete that has partially hardened

    a. may be remixed b. may not be retempered twice

    {:) shall not be redeposited in the structure - I 'J o 5 . / o , 3 d. . may be used in structural slabs on grade

  • 75. Stairways serving an individual dwelling unit shall have handrails when they have or more risers.


    .a. 2 b. ~

    3 . 4 .- Io o 3 _ 3 - ) . 0 ex: l:F :s . 5

    76. At least one exterior doQr in every occupied building shall be capable of opening to provide a clear width of exit of at least . inches.

    a. 22 . b. 30 .@ 32 - I I 0 Co -4 . z_ J

    d. 36 .<

    77. In wood-frame~ construction, which of the following is required at openingbetween the attic space and chimney chase for factory-built chimneys.

    -.1D Fire blocking ~ 7 o !? . 2- .ty- 5""' b. Draft stopping c. Membrane penetration fire stopping d. No special protection is required

    78. The maximum width of a single-leaf of a door is _____ inches.

    79. Where handrails are required, the ends of handrails on a stairway must be returned or have round terminations on all uses and occupancies.

    a. Under all circumstances b. Except in Group R3 dwelling

    Except for handrails installed on private stairways- 1 eo 3 3 . -s -~ d. Except for handrails installed on stairways having less than four risers

    80. Holes bored in wood floor joist shall not be closer than _____ inch(es) to the top and bottom of the joist.

    a. b. c.

    ~ 1/2 1 1-1/2 2 - 2- ? 2t:? 8' ' ?,

  • .. -'- 81. Immediately before placing fresh concrete against previously placed hardened concrete, the surface of hardened concrete must be ___ _

    a. dried (!P wetted_ I to~. 4-- 2 c. roughened d. coated with epoxy

    82. According to the Uniform Building Code requirement for masonry work, the joint thickness between masonry units shall not be greater than inch.

    a. 1/4 b. 3/8

    9 5/8 - 2 ( 01. -1' , ( d. 1

    83. All openings in walls forming a three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation shall be protection by a fire assembly having a fire protection rating of hour(s). a. 1 b. 1-1/2 c. 2 ~

    @ 3-302--'?> 2.

    84. In reinforced concrete masonry, mortar may project into the grout spaces a maximum of inch.

    a. 1/4 @ 1/2 - 2--1 04 .. ~.I

    c. 3/4 d. 1

    85. Who shall be notified when a project is ready for inspection? a. Owner b. The contractor

    @ Building Official - L 0 'i , ;, d. The architect or engineer of record

  • 86. A masonry wall exposed to weather and reinforcing bars, except joint reinforcement, shall be completely embedded in mortar, grout, and protected by a minimum cover including the masonry unit of inches

    a. @ c. d.

    3/4 1-1 /2 - '2 I o 4 . IP -i 2 3

    87. The minimum under floor clearance from the bottom of untreated joists to the ground is inches.

    a. 6 b. 12

    9 18 - -Z..3ob . ~ d. 24

    88. Plywood which is used as an exterior wall covering shall have a minimum thickness of inch.

    a. b.

    ~ 1/8 1/4 3/8 ~ 2-. 3 I 0 :'3, 1/2

    89. In general, the minimum tread run for stairways in a single-family dwelling with an occupant load of less than 10 shall be inches.

    a. @ c. d.

    8 9 - 1 0 0 ~ . 3- . ~ . 3 -eJ

  • -~.


    91. At the conclusion of the inspection responsibilities, a special inspector shall submit a final report to ___ _

    a. b. c.


    the owner Building Official engineer or architect of record Engineer or architect of record, the Building Official, and the designated persons ~ 1 7 o l 3

    92. Foundation plates or seals shall be bolted to concrete or masonry foundation walls with bolts embedded at least inches into the concrete masonry.

    a. 5 b. 6

    !;> 7 ~ 1gob . 3 d. 10

    93. An eight-inch-wide wood fireplace mantel may be adjacent to a fireplace opening if it is located at least inches from the opening.

    a. 2 b. 4

    r) 6 - ?foL - 7,8' d. 12

    94. The minimum clearance of combustible materials from masonry fireplace walls shall be inches.

    a. 1 2 - 3/02 . 7.[S c. 3 d. 4

    95. In general, footing and foundations for bearing walls shall extend __ _

    @) below the frost line- / 8 o b ' b. 12" above grade c. 12" below grade d. 18" below undisturbed ground or surface

    r"\. )

  • 96. When a masonry fireplace opening has dimensions of 42" x 24", the hearth e?(tension shall extend at least inches in front of the opening .

    a. 16 @ 20 ~ 310 2. . 7 . 12..

    . C: 24 d. 28 .

    97. The Uniform Building Code rates types of construction in accordance with buildings.

    a. Floor area b. Intended use

    :c. Occupant load @ Fire-resistive capability ~ g rPe~ u .S. e I i3

    98. A required parapet 30" in height may have a combustible face extending ---inches up from .. its base.

    a. 6 b. 12 18 - 709 - 1- - 2 d. 30

    99. A restaurant with an occupant load of 65 is classified as a Group ___ _ occupancy.

    a. A-2.1 @ A-3 - -s~ 3 . t I ,- [) I \) :tf -3 c. E d. M

    100. In general, the minimum ceiling height of habitable rooms except a kitchen in dwelling units is


    a. 61-811 b. 7'-0"

    cQ 7'-6"- 310 ." - ' d. 8'-0"


    101. Given a core room wall is required to be protected with one-hour fire-restrictive construction, a fixed opening is located with a 24-inch arc of the door in the wall. The glazing shall be-------

    a. d)

    c. d.

    3/4-hour tested, assembly only safety glazing installed in all four-edge frame .- z4o 6. 4 ~lo 1 /4-inch thick-wired glass install in a steel frame 3/4-hour safety glazed assembly

    102. Wood boards siding which are installed horizontally shall be fastened at a maximum inches on center.


    a. 8 b. 16 y 24 - "2.- 3 I 0 - l-d. 32

    103. All building foundations shall be level or stepped with the slope of the ground surface is steeper than ____ _

    a. 1in5 b. 1in8

    .{) 1 in 1 0 - I !f o 0 , 4 d. 1 in 12

    104. Which of the following is not classified as a Group M occupancy.

    a. Drugstore b. Shopping center c. Factory outlet

    @ Automobile showroom - 3 o -1 - / # 2-

    105. Masonry and stone veneer on wood-framed construction which does not exceed five inches in thickness must be anchored to which of the following.

    a. 3" x 3", spaced 24" on center @ 2" x 6", spaced 24" on center- /1-o 3 . b. 4 . -i...

    c. 2" x 4", spaced 24" on center d. 2" x 2", spaced 12" on center

    ~ )

    {"' \


  • 106. For a stairway in a six-story building under construction, a standpipe shall be provided when the progress of construction is not more than ___ _

    (.) 35 feet - Cf c 4 . "1-).-b. 50 feet c. two stories d. three stories in height above the lowest level of the fire department access

    107. The Building Code defines a grout lift as _____ _

    a. the grout space b. the horizontal grouted element

    ..) an increment of grout height - Z-1 o I ~ 3 d. the outer portion of the hollow masonry unit used

    108. When a specific design is not provided, the minimum width of a footing required for a stud bearing wall which support two floors is inches.

    a. 12 .__@ 15 .- )7\bt~ - I 8 - I - C...

    c. 16 d. 18

    .r0 109. The maximum allowable travel distance to an exit which may be permitted in an unsprinklered office building when the last 100' are with a one-hour fire-resistant corridor is feet.

    a. 150 Jfi/ 200 - ( o o 4 . 2... ~- '2- . I c. 250 d. 300

    110. In a building with a retail store in the front and the store owner's residence in the back, the wall between the store and the residence shall be at the minimum

    a. nonrated () a one-hour occupancy separation - 3 -o 2- , 3 #- 3

    c. one-hour-rated from the store side only d. one-hour-rated from the residence side only

  • I, I

    111. Smoke and heat vents shall provide an effective venting area, with no dimension of less than feet excluding ribs or gutters.

    a. 2 b. 3

    .@) 4-CJo(, . 5./ d. 6

    112. Textile wall coverings which have not been tested in accordance with the Uniform Building Code standard # A-2 shall _____ _

    a. have a Class I flame-spread . b. be protected by automatic sprinklers '9 have a Class I flame-spread and protected by automatic sprinklers ....- 80 ~ - :if- f d. not be used within a Group A occupancy

    113. The smoke contro1 system with an atrium shall operate automatically upon actuation of the

    a. b.



    mechanical exhaust system mechanical system duct detectors automatic sprinkler system within the atrium - 4-o -z . "L automatic fire alarm system

    114. Area approved plastic materials which are a part of a light diffusing system in nonsprinkl~red building shall not exceed 30 percent of the aggregate area of the ceiling when they are used in __ _


    i1P c. d.

    Skylights required means of egress - "Z- ~ o 3 , 8' . I .#- 1-rated floor -ceiling systems fuel dispensing island canopies

    115. Structural members supporting a four-hour horizontal occupancy separation shall be protected by hour(s) fire-resistive construction. a. 3/4 b. 1 c. 2 ~ 4 - Go 2- ~ '3 . i.. ,....'l.A-B-D2 -A-


  • 116. What is the maximum spacing in the field of 6d wall board nails for instalJation of a 5/8" type x gypsum board in a one-hour fire-resistive wall assembly when the wood framing is space at 24" on center.

    a. 4" b. . 7" .

    . . :() 8" ~ !Abbe .-2 H d. 12"

    -117. . Protection of the usable space under the first floor is not required in building use for

    w two-family dwelling-= ( 1 "L.-. b. home appliance.warehouse

    c. production of body building equipment d. display and sale of noncombustible merchandise

    118. What is the minimum underlayment which is required for installation of wood shakes, regardless of the climate zone.

    a. one layer of Type 15 ~ one layer of Type 30 -IAble--1 s--~-~

    c. two layers of Type 15 d. two layers of Type 30

    119. An exterior wall of cinder concrete masonry units having an equivalent thickness of 4" has a maximum hour(s) fire-resistive rating. a. 1

    .!ll/ 2 ~ '11.J.hle -7 B c. 3 d. 4

    120. Automatic closing devices shall be provided for protection of opening on fire assemblies which are required to have a hour(s)fire-resistive rating.

    a. 1 b. 2 fP 3 - /J 3 . /, . / df I d. 4

  • 121. When not following an approved manufacturer's instructions and assuming that the correct type of asphalt is used, the maximum slope for a gravel-surface built-up roof is ----

    a. 1/2 in 12 b. 1 in 12 c. 2 in 12 @ 3 in 12 ~ rf-l.bte 1 s--F

    122. An exterior wall of lightweight reinforced concrete 3.611 thick would have a fire-resistive rating of hour(s).

    a. 1 2-?041 c. 3 d. 4

    123. Gypsum wall board is permitted to be installed when ----

    a. approved by the architect b. the initial framing is erected c. the roof decking is installed ~ weather protection is provided - 2 .. s-1 1 .1

    124. All openings in a two-hour fire-resistive area separation wall shall be protection by a fire assembly having a minimum of hour(s) fire-protection rating. a. 3/4 b. 1

    ,L9 1-1/2- 3o 2- , :, :tj ~ d. 2

    125. The minimum clear height above and below mezzanine floor construction shall be

    a. 6'-8" -11) 7' .- T!J-ble- I 5'-13 - I

    c. 7'-6" d. 81

  • 126. Asphalt shingle roofing applied in a severe climate to a roof sloped at 3 in 12 requires what type of underlayment.

    a. Not less than one ply of Type 15 felt b. Not less than two plies of Type 15 felt

    CC) Not less than one-ply of Type 30 felt - q o 4, ...2-.. ?.> I d. Not less than two plies of Type 30 felt

    127. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms used for ____ _ when the floor area of such rooms exceeds 5,000 square feet.

    a. dancing and dining b. dining by more than 30 occupants

    9 the consumption of alcoholic beverages - I v 1 - .z.:~ ./ d. food preparation within the dining area

    128. When spring hinges are used for door closing purposes on an 80"high door where protected openings are required such as between a garage and a dwelling, the door required at least spring hinges.

    a. @

    c. d.

    1 2 --1/?;>_b,L 3 4

    129. Water-resistive gypsum board shall not be used in which of the following locations:

    a. In any shower wall b. Over walls without a vapor retarder

    @ In areas subject to continuos high humidity - 2.. s-1 i. #-- 2 d. Over ceiling framing not exceeding 12" on center

    130. Fiber board wall sheeting shall be installed with nails or staples spaced on the edges at a maximum of inches on center.

    a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 ~ 6 - 2- ~ I { -{] -I

  • 1',.

    131. A building used for the production of alcoholic beverages shall be classified as a ___ occupancy.

    a. Group B ~ Group F, Division 1- 3o lo.~

    c. Group H, Division 2 d. Group H, Division 3

    132. When required, approved exterior vertical flame barriers to limit vertical fire spread at exterior walls shall be a minimum of inches high measured vertically above the top of the lowest openings.

    a. 24 @ 30 -701-~ ,5

    c. 36 d. 42

    133. Plastic veneer attached to an exterior wall is limited to ____ feet in height above grade.

    a. b. c.


    1 25 30 50 - z_ ~ t> f _ 2 -- e '>< if 2-

    134. A medical office storage enclosures for nonflammable supply cylinders used for medical gas systems shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than ___ hour(s) fire-resistive.

    {i) 1 - "' o .q. ,. z... - '2.., I b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

    135. Given a 1/211 thick gypsum wall board is used for ceiling panels, the wall board is fastened with nails and then adhesive. The maximum allowable spacing for nails used in the field of this wall board is inches on center .

    .Di) . 7 - !A-b I e - 2.... 5 G-p. 8 c. 16 d. 24

  • 136. In a wood-frame roof construction where a rafter is cut and terminates at a header, the header shall be doubled when the span if the header exceeds __ _

    a. 2 ~ 4 -Z.32-0 . ~-4

    c. 6 d. . 8

    .137. Fire d~mpers are required to be installed at all the following duct penetrations, except through


  • 142. When the average daily air temperature is 18 degrees during masonry construction, the masonry shall be maintained above freezing by approved methods for a least

    ---~"'~\I:, . a. b.

    ~ 6 12 24- 2.1 o4 _3_3 48

    143. Self-sealing asphalt shingles with double coverage may be installed on slopes as low as __

    a. 1 in 12 ~ 2 in 12 - T.4-bl e.- 1 ) - f1 ~ I c. 2-1 /2in12 d. 3 in 12 when two layer of Type 15 felt underlayment are installed shingle


    144. Nails for asphalt roofing shall be long enough to penetrate into the sheeting __ _ inch( es) or thought the thickness of the sheeting, whichever is less.

    a. 1/2 .@ 3/4 -TAble t 5-e -I

    c. 1 d. 1-1/4

    145. Glazing adjacent to a door is considered to be hazardous ___ _

    a. b. c.

    if it exceeds 9 square feet in area if such glazing is not laminated glass when any edge of the glazing is within 60" arc of the door and any position in the glass is greater than 24" above the walking surface when any exposed edge of the glazing is within 24" arc of the door when closed and the bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60" above the walking

    surface. ?..

  • 147. Given a Type Ill one-hour shoe manufacturing facility is required to have two-hour exterior wall construction, exterior walls penetrate concealed floor assemblies. What is the required fire-resistive rating for the exterior wall passing through the concealed spaces.

    a. One hour ('.]:) Two hours - 302... 3 .ffK # ~

    c. No rating required, fire stopping only d. No rating required, draft stopping only

    148. The maximum spacing of nails for attachment of exterior wire fabric lath to wood supports is inches on center.

    . .

    a. 5 ~ 6 ~ ~le 2-S'-C

    c. 7 d. 8

    149. When a masonry chimney penetrates a combustible floor, the chimney shall not change in size or shape for inches above or below penetration.

    a. 4 @ 6 - 3/t>"L.

  • .: J"

    I ! i',i'


    "',t I:



    1. A portion of the foundation of a structure whioh spreads and transmit& loads directly to soil is called a ----- ---

    a. stem wall . b. foundation () footing ~ zo 7 - F

    . d. fern dock

    2. In all Group E occupancies, a fire alarm system shall be provided for all buildings with an occupant load of more than _ ___ _ _____ _

    a. 10 b. 30 c. 40 ~ 50 3o'J , Cf

    3. Where cellulose nitrate film is handl d, the required exit should be

    a one exit door @ two exits or exit-access door- I oo 7 - 7 - 4 c. three exits and a exit-access door d. no exit

    4. Underfloor areas shall be ventilated by opening in exterior foundation walls with a net area of for each 150 square feet of underfloor af1 a:

    @ 1-square-foot _ 2-3 o '-' . 7 b. 1-1/2 square feet c. 2 square feet d. 2-1/2 square feet

    5. The minimum width of a footing for a three- tory building ls inches . ...__ _______ _

    @ 18 - ~ble I FS -1-c b. 20 c 22 d. 24

  • 6. Number one wood shakes, 24 inches in length, Installed on a roof with a - --=----=-- pitch shall have a maximum weather exposure not less than 1 O inches.

    a. 4-6 l'h'\ 4-12 -"'f"A.b /-e_ I _r - /3 ~ 'a.. ~ S-6 d. 5-12

    7. A masonry fireplace smoke chamber back wall shall not be less than - ----

    a 2 b. 4


    @) 6 - z:;, ( O '- :-! - (,,, d. 8

    8. All building housing Group E occupancies shall front on or hawe direct access to a public street not less than feet.

    a. 1'0 1:) 20 -3 o S~ c. 30 d. 40

    9. Glazing In a fixed panel immediately adjacent to a door shall be considered a hazardous looation where the bottom edge of the glazing is le s than ___ _ inches above the walking-surface.

    a. b

    .L]) d.

    40 50 60 - 2 4 0 ~ . 3 #'" " 80

    10. An occupancy separation batween a Group R, Division 3, and Group U occupancies may have th separation limited to the installation of materials for _,.... ___ _ hour(s) fire-resistive construction on the garage side. ~ 1 -3 1 ~ .i...L

    b ' 2 c. 3 d. 4

  • 11. Approved wall panels of light-transmitting plastics shall not be installed in exterior walls located less than feet from the property line.

    a. 5 cJr:> 10 ~ 2- k>O ~, $"" #- 2..

    c. 15 d. 20

    12. Combustible materials shall not be placed within -~ ______ Inches of the flreplace opening.

    a. 4 _@ 5 -3102..,7~?

    c. d.

    8 12

    13. A fully-tempered glass skylight may be installed without protective screens when placed at a slope of 30 degrees or less, if the highest point of glass is ______ feet or less above the walking surface.

    ~ 10 ~ 'L"f o Cf, 7 e-;>Ji 1 b. 15 c 20 d. 25

    14. Ventilation from a bathroom in a dwelling unit shall connect directly to the

    @ outside - 40 S-: -~ . '3 b. vent c. duct d. Wall

    15. Single-layer glazed skylight of ______ glass shall have a screen below the glazing.

    a. tempered .@ fully-tempered ..., 2 Lf o ; . i_ -:tt- L c. partly-tempered d. none of the above

  • .----...__ 16. Class stand pipes at stairways shall be located within' an exit



    I - '1t0'1 c 5' ~3 b. II

    . c. . Ill d. IV

    17. Unless approved by the Building Official, glass shall b firmly supported on all ___ edges.

    a. 2 . b. 3 @ 4 ..:. 2 foLf, f . d. none of the above

    18. Glazing for in~fill panels of glass railing shall be a minimum nominal thickness of inch.

    - --

    1/4 - Z "f D b_S 1/2

    c. d.

    3/4 i

    19. Walls of masonry fireplaces shall be lined with firebrick unless the walls are at least inches thick.


    a. 4 b. 6

    6/ 8 - -r-461~ .-31--B ~e>c ;tf ~ d. 10

    20. Screen for skylights of inotrthiokness need not to be provided within individual dwelling units when located not mote than feet above an accessible area and not xceedlng square feet for each plane.

  • .


    ""' 21. Landing shall be level except for exterior landings which may have a slope not to

    .r-"\ .

    exceed inch( es) per foot.

    c. d.

    114 - too:?.~ .'} .5 1/2 3/4 1

    22. Classes I and 111 stand pipes shall be interconnected at the _____ in building where more than one stand pipes is provided.

    a. top b. middle @ bottom - Cfo1 ~ 5 _3 d. outside

    23. The required occupancy separation in a building housing a hospital and a Group B is hour(s). a. 1 ~2~ c 3 d. 4

    24. In general, the maximum travel distance from any point in a non priklered building shall not exceed feet.

    a. 175 ([::> 200 --I 0 0 f '2- . "> . 2. f

    c. 225 d. 300

    25. A kitchen whioh seNes as an adjacent dining room doe not require a ____ hour(s) fire-rating. a. 3/4 #;, ~ 1 ,.. ~ 02--,S e'K ?-0. 1-1/2 d. none

    26. Required exit doors shall not be less than _____ in height.

    a. 6' ~ 6'-8'' ....... (..00 3 ' ~ -1. ~ c. 7'-0 11 ~......._, d. . 7'-811

  • '"\

    27. All outlets on temporary stand pipes shall not be less than -~-~-~ ...... --~--~- ___ inches.

    a. 2 @ 21/2 ~ q 0 4 f ~ 'la c. 3 d. 3112

    28. In Group R ocoupancy, the minimum net clear opening height shall be .....__ _ _ _ inches and the minimum net clearzwidth shall be . inches for ev.ery esoap or rescue window;

    a. 32-16 b. 36-16

    @ 44-20 _.. 3 lo .4 d. 44 .. 24

    29. Concrete other than high-early .. strength shall be kept in a moist condition and maintained above Fahrenheit for at least the first seven days.

    a. 40 @ 50 - I if " S" . ' I . I c 60 d. 70

    30. Other than a kitchen, habitable rooms In a dwelling are required to have a floor area of not less than square feet.

    a. 50 b. 60 ~ 70 ~ ~ I t:1. (;; 'L d. 80

    31. Asphalt shingles are not permitted on roofs with slopes less than ----~ a. 2/10

    ctlJ 2/12- 1"'/4b le' Jr ~ B ""7 c. 2/14 d. 2/18

    32. Garages in connection with Group R. Division 1, occupancies shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than

    ---- ----

    a . 61-811 .[) 7'-0" - 3> I 'L 2-. ;, c. 11-6'1 d. 8' .. Q"

    ~ }

  • 33. At least one room in a dwelling unit shall be not less than - --=-....... - _ square feet.

    a 60 b. 76 0. 100

    .cD 120 - 3 10. C:, .z.. 34. The minimum concrete cover for reinforcing steel in concrete cast against and

    permanently exposed to earth is inches.

    a. 1-1 /2 b. 2 c 2-1 /2 ~ 3-- (t./r:>7,?.li::f I

    35. Stairways shall have a minimum headroom clearance of ______ _ _

    a. 6'6" @ 61-8 11 - t 00 ~. -~ 3 - 4 c. 7'011 d. 7' .. f3"

    36. When air temperatur s fall below _ Fahenheit, grout rnixin9 water and aggregate shall be heated to produce grout temp rature between 40 F and 120 F.

    a. 30 ~ 40 ~ )- I O 'f ,,. 3 5

    c. 50 d. 60

    37. Concrete cover for pipes, conduits, .and fittings shall not be less than _ ........ ___ inches for concrete exposed to earth or weather.

    a. , b. 1-1/4

    $) 11/2 ~ ( 9 o"' , 3, I C d. 1-3/4

    38. Less than two means of egress shall be provided when the distance of travel to the mall exceeds feet within the public area of a tenant space.

    a. b. c.

    !!) 60 65 70 75- 1-o-'4 . 43

  • 39. Stairways in a dwelling unit are required to not be less than. _ _ ____ in'ches in width.

    a. 30 ~ .c.

    36 ~ I e>0 ? , 3 , ~ . 2-40

    d. 42

    40. , The greatest riser height within any flight of stelrs shall not exceed the smallest by more 'than inch( es). a . .

    .. ) . d.

    1/8 3-/8 ~I 0 G ~ . ~ 3 . ' 1 1w1/2

    41. Rescue windows from a bedroom of Group R, Division 3, occupancies shall have a finish sill height above the finish floor of not more than inches.

    a. 32 b. 36

    _!) 44

  • .. ~ 44. All rescue windows from sleeping rooms shall have a minimum clear opening of __ square feet.

    a. 3.7 b.. 5.5 -

    @ 5.7 ~ ~ ( .f d. 7.5

    45~ Joists framing from opposite of a beam shall be lapped at least ______ inches.

    a. 1-1/2 b. 2 c. 2 1/2

    sffJ 3 - 2 3 '2-o . ? - 3 46. The minimum width of a footing for a three-story building is ~--- inches.


    @) 18 ~J.l+b/e, ( ~ - I - C-b. 20 0. 22 d 24

    Ends of wood gird rs ntering concrete walls shall be provided with an air space of ___ inch(e ) on top1 -id , nd ends .

    .() 1/2 -2 3ok . "" b. 3/4 c. 7/8 d. 1

    48. In concrete construction, the minimum clear spacing between parallel reinforcing bats in a layer shall not be less than lnch(es).

    &::> 1.- { 1s7 , .. ~ ,&. b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


    49. Number one wood shakes, 24 inches in length, installed on with a _ _ _____ pitch shalt have a maximum weather exposure not to exceed 1 O inohe9.

    a. 4.06 (_) 4.12 -'/Ahle- 1 "5 ~8 - c..

    c. 5.00 d. 5.12

  • ~ 50. Ends of joists shall not have less than __ ........... .._ inches of bearing on metal or wood. a 1

    @ 1-1/2 _. 2-'? '2..cJ I~ ,z. o. 3 d. 4

    51 . In s v re climate ; the m tal valley flashing underlayment for asphalt sh Ingles shell be solid cemented to the roof und rl yment for slope under inch.

    a. 3/12 ~ 4/12 -IA-bt e,.- 1 s-'-~ - I

    c. 5/12 d. 6/1 2

    52. Any wood stud in a bearing partition may be cut or notched to a depth not exceedinQ _ percent.

    a. 20 _@ 25 """ (, 3 2..0 . { I .-~

    30 c. d. 35

    . ..-..,, 53. Wood shakes shall be laid with a side lap between joints in adjacent courses of not less then __ inch(es). a. 1 b. 1-1/4

    @ 1-1/2 ~ 't-.A b(e., - 15" - 8 ~t. d. 2

    54. Fire door, which are automatic-closing by smoke detection, shall not have a closing delay of more than _ seconds.

    (]) 10 - 71J . a . 1 ifr b; 15 c. 20 d. 26

    55. Standpip In malls shall be Class ____ _

    @ I - 40 4 t 3 . 2 # I b. II c. II d. IV


  • . r\~ 56. Parapets, when required, shall be not less than ____ inches. ,.

    a. 20 b. 28

    JS; 30.- 70'1 - 4-. b, d. 32

    57. RampS=shall hav -~ua.cdrails when they are inches or-more abovEFgrade.

    a. 2~ b. 26 c. 28 !) 30 _ S-o if t I

    58. Exterior stairways in a two .. story building of Type construction be of noncombustible construction.


    a. I b. II c. Ill

    @ IV =be!>. Jif , 3

    Parapets of area separation walls shall b ~ ve noncombustible faces for the uppermost _inches.

    ~ 18 - 7o c'f .4' . L b. 20 c. 22 d. 24

    60. Masonry fireplaces shall have a noncombustible hearth not less than inches _ ........... _ thick.

    ; 4 - ~ l oz..., {, t I b. . 6 c. 8 d. 10

    61. The maximum spacing of nails used with a slngle-ply gypsum wallboard assembly in the horizontal plane Is . inches.

    a. 3 b. 4 c 5

    .@ 7 - ffeb/e. 2..-5' ~ G-

  • .-.. 62. Masonry walls of fireplaces shall not be less than ___ inohes in thickness.

    a. 4 b. 6

    ($) 8 . ~ /() 2. ,..7, ~ d. 9

    63.. A high ohool with an occupant load of 110 st~dents shall have hallways and corridors with a minimum width of


    61 - l 0 Q 7 ' ~ '> 61 611

    c. d.

    7' 7' 6'

    64. Handrails may project into the required width a distance of ____ inches from each side of a stairway.

    a. 2 b. 21/2 c. 3 ~ 3-1 /2 ~ L c o ~ . ~ . ~ ,. ~. '2.

    .-, 65. The minimum width of the hearth xt n ion for a fireplace with an eight .. square-foot opening is inches from the front of the fireplace.

    a. 10 b. 15

    $ 20 ~ 3 I o 2- ~ 7 . I 2. d. 25

    60. Each area of refuge shall be sized to accommodate one wheelchair space not les than --~- Inches for ach 200 occupants. a. 28M30 b. 30-42

    :) 30-48 - l I e ~. '1... 3 d. 36-48

    67. Foundation for all buildings shall be stepped where the ground slopes more than feet.

    a. 1/5 @ 1/10 ~ 18 b le, :1-c. 1/20 d. 1/30

  • . ~ 68. Metal lath shall be lapped not less than ___ i.noh(es) at side and one inches at ends . .... ~

    a. ..

    1/4 1/2 - 12.. ~oS -~

    c 3/4 . d. 1

    Wood board siding applied to-studs shall be fastened with nails that peaetr t at least ______ .inches Into tbe stud-

    a. 1 @ 1-1/2 - 2,30 rZ

    0: 1-3/4 d. 2

    70. When seating rows have 14 or less seats1 the spacing of rows of seats shan provide a space from thebaok of one seat to the front of the seat immediately behind It of hot less than inches.

    10 ~ -12 F" [ r0 0 -f ,._ ? 2- I 3 ~ 14 16

    71 . Screws used for attaching lath to metal supports shall penetrate the metal not less than _ inch( es).

    @ 1/4 - p'ltp/~ 2- 5 ~& b. 1/2 c. 3/4 d. 1

    72. Ends of wood joints supported on concrete shall not have less than inches of bearing. -==--

    a. 1-1/2 b. 2-1/2

    @ 3 .... ?..3 'z.'"O :7 d. 4

  • 73. Drywall that is 5/8 .. inch thick shall be fastened to joints spaced 16 inches on center not less than . inch(es) on center when screws are used.

    a. 1/2 .Jf if {) 5/8 ~ r-Abl e ... ,. 5 -

  • . ,,., 79. Corridors shall have a clear height of not less than ___ _ - ~

    51711 a; b. 61 0" (:) 7' 0 - l 0 0 ~ '2-, r f d. 81 611

    80. The smoke-den tty should not be greater than _ .......... _____ _

    a. b.

    ~ 250 350 450 - ~02' 2. 550

    S 1. Stages having a height exceeding feet should be separated from the balance of a building by not less than two hours occupancy separation.

    a. .30 . b. 40

    50 - "'1' os-.. ~ ' ( d . .. ao.

    82. Flame barri rs should have a fire-resistance of not less _ .......... _ hour(s). @ 3/4 ? 7o '1. ~ &. ~ b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

    83. Ramps located within an accessible mute of travel shall not exceed a slope of when required by Chapter 11.

    a. ~

    c. d.

    1 :8 - i2 1:12 -le" 3 - ~ ,4 .,,.,

    ' 1:14 1;15

    84. Light transmitting exterior wall panels shall not be installed-more than _ feet abov.e grade level. - -

    a.. 20 b. 30 ji) 40 - 2._,t:, o :!> , 5 4 I d. 50

  • 85. A glazed.opening in fire doors shall not be permitted in a fire assembly but required to have a hour(s) fire-resistive rating.

    a. . 1 b . . 2 ~ 3 ~ '7/~ . 7 d. 4

    86. . Eech area of refuge should accommodate one wheelchair space not less than inchesfor each 200 occupants.

    a. 12 x 24 b: 24 x 30 c. 30 x 36

    _@) 30 X 48 ~ I I o 1- '2.. - ~ 87. A corridor serving an occupant load of less than 50 should be not less than _ _ _

    inches in width .

    a. 24 @ 36 ~ ; o oJ( . ~ .4. "L c. 48 d. 60

    88. Approved folding portable or moveable partitions n ed not have a fire-resistant rating provided_.

    a. one exit 10 feet from entry b. two exits c. exitS are not in corridors

    $) that they do not block exits or exits access doors- b o I ~ ~- ..5 89. Dooiway should have a clear opening of _-'-=-_ feet minimum.

    a. b.

    ~ 24 30 32 ... ( t o I:, 4 ~. I 36

    eo. Where se ting rows have 14 or less seats1 the minimum clear width of isles aooe s ways should not be less than feet.

    a. 6 Qi;> 12 - {0 0 4 .. '3 . '2- .. 3 2-.

    c. 16 d. 24

  • ~~ 91. . ,,.---.......

    The vEfrtical space between foot board$ and seats should not exceed ___ inches when foot boards are more than 30 inches above grade .

    a. 3 b. 6 . -

    . . 2

    i) 3 ... 7/3 .7 d. 4

    93. There should be a minimum of two bolts per piece with one boft located not more than ___ inches or less than seven bolts in diameter from each end of the pleoe. ~ 12 - /~06.~ b. 18 0. 24 d. 36

    94. The mixing or mortar shall-be fora period ot ....... ______ ~


    a. b.

    ~ not more than 3 minutes not less ttian 1 O mif:lute~-not less than 3 minutes, no more than 10 minutes_ ... 2.J v-r "2.. #-- ? 15 to 20 minutes Ofunti~desired work ability is aohieved

    Before wo~ can recommenced ~n a project for which the building permits have-expired and the pm1eot. has been abandoned for two years, _ .

    a: a partlal-:fee must be paid .@ ' a~naw permit must be secured ... I o t:, .4 . it

    o. the applicant must w it-a year -d. the original permit must be renew

    96. The minimum head room clearance of stairways, oth rthansplral tairway, Is ...__~ a. eio'.!.. {) 6' 811 - I Q o '3 ~ ~ . Cfa c. 611011 d. 7'

  • 97. In general, water closets in occupancies shall be provided with a minimum clear space of inches in front of the stool.

    a. 22" 11) 24" - 2?/ 6 4 c. 28" d. 30"

    98. In a daycare building, the maximum spacing of intermediate rails and guardrails shall be less than inches.

    ~ 4 - 50'1-? b. 5 c. 6 d. 9

    99. The maximum width of a single-leaf of an exit door is ____ _

    a. 3' b. 3' 6 11

    ~ 4' - /oo '3, 3 I.-

  • ' ~ I I ' ' . ''


    ' , ,: ' ' : ~ : . . I I .: i 1 '

    ' . ,.

    ,, l ) ' ~ ' j I < r l,-;' i, I I ~, I '1

    \I \

    . ' ,( ,1 ,

    .... . ~ 102. The maximum width of opening in a three-hour occupancy separation shall be not more \~ than percent of the length of the wall on any one&story.

    a. 15 b. 20 () 25 - ~o'2.. 1- (!:'IO 4t ( d. 30

    103~ Every dwelllng URit is required to be provided with detectors to detect_...,...........,_

    a. visibleJire-b. heat c. heat and fire ~ product ohmmbustion other than heat ,-220

    104, The area, per tier, .of an parking garage of Type u .. FR construction shall not exceed ~--square feet. a. 30,000 b. 50,000 .$ 125,000 - r;.1.,0 f'{5 - 3- H d. unlimited .

    105. .-Pedestrian walkways shall not exceed ---==---=--feet width.

    a. 10 b. 20

    e - ao - 4~7 z!f d=-.- 40 -- .

    106. A six-story atrium shall have a minimum area of _ _ .....___ __ sq~are feet.

    107. The floor area of a _mezzanine..sl:I Ir tfe included in caloulating .the allowable flour area-of tt-te story in which its I loeat d unles - _ . q. . it is a basement b: waived by the Building Offinial ) _ it is oonsidered a separate story -- 5'o 4 _,,::t d. it is above the first story


  • ~ 108. Fire-resistance of exterior walls, when tequired, shall ------


    .) not apply to walls at right angles to the property line -'S (!) ?;i - ~ I b. apply to walls at right angles to the property line c. not apply to walls parallel to the property d. apply to walls within the required setback

    109 Roofs of Type I-FR one--story Group A oooupancy building may be of heavy timber when every part of ttie roof Is located more than feet above any floor.

    a. 18 . 25 - ~o L. -5

    c. 35 d. 50

    110. Foam plastic trim covering not more then 1 o. percent of the wall area may be used provide it-----

    a. has a maximum width of 4 Inches b. has a maximum thickness of 1/-inch o. has a flame spread of not greater than 75 @ all of the bov - (!Jo/ , 5". 5'

    111 . lhdividu I I otrloal outlet boxes in a fir resistive wall shall b of teel and shall not b greater than square inches in area.

    a. 12 ~ 16 - 7D~ .7 /!.X Jt I c. 20 d. 24

    112. Rubbish and linen chute , In otherthan Group R, Divlsion31 building shall noUermlnate in -----

    a. kltohens . ;

    b. parking garag s o. closets

    @ exit corridors - 7' ' .5 113; P netratlons of fire-resistiv floors shall be protected with though-p netr- tion fire blocks

    installed to provide T-rating when the penetration is _____ _

    a. larger than 4 Inches diameter b. larger than 16 squar inches

    @ not located within a wall oavity 7 10 Z, 3 d. required to be two-hour protected

    ~ \ j

  • 114. Nightclubs shall be fully-sprinklered when the assembly area exceeds ___ _ square feet .

    a. 1,500 b. 3,000

    @ 5,000 - '1()-1,.z. .. 3. I d. 12,000

    115, If primary power to smoke control system fall , transfer to full-.standby power shall be autom ~ tic and within . seconds.

    a. 10 b. 30

    .@ 60 ... '1 () 5"". g . / a. 120

    116. The long side of a exterior exit balcony shall be et least ........ .......,. ___ percent open.

    a. 33-1/3 (.!P 50 .... f o a b , ~ -..,_ ~

    c. 65 d. 75 --

    0' 117. Restaurants, with booths. h ve an occupant toad calculated a one occup nt for each _ _______ inche of booth length.

    a. 18 @ 24 - Io ) ~ . 2- - L.. 2... ~ ~ c.. 28 d. 32

    118. When horizontal exits are used as required exits, no more than - ------ percent of the total number of required exit may be horizontal exits. a. 26 b. 331/3

    !Jr; so - I o o ~. 3 . s i d. all exits may b horizontal exits

    119. The capacity of the discherg area for a horizontal exit shall be determined by allowing _ _ _ square feet for each occupant to be accommodated therein.

    c. d.

    3 - 1005' ... 3. 5 :4 5 7 15

  • ~ 120 Hospital corridor serving any area caring for one or more nonambulatory persons shall not b less than inches In width

    a. 44 b. 48 0. 72 ~ 96 - ( 00 7 ,. '5 ~

    121 . A bowling alley's occupant load i bas d Oh ___ ........, ..... persons for each al,ley, including 15 feet of runway.

    a. 3 .iL ,.di> 6 - 'IA b ( e__ Io ~ A-Fr~ f

    c. ; d. 15

    122. An exit sign shall be install at a required exit door In a retail store with an occupant load of or.more


    ~ o. d.

    100 50 - l G o '3 ~2.. . 8 .... "'2- r - I D A 30 10

    123. In hot Is containing 250 guest rooms-, at least __ guest rooms shall be accessible.

    a. ~ c. d.

    2 4 ,_ l l 0 ~ . \ .'i .1-5 10

    124. A roofing surface of 100 square feet is referred tg s a

    a. roofing ply b. roofing stack c. cord ( rogfing square - I ~o 2..


    125. A roof covered with metal shlngles shall have a ___ inch( es) high-splash diverter rib.

    a. 5/8 0 ~ 3/4 - lrt>o ~ -z c. 1 d. 1-1/4 '

  • I' 1 '

    , 'i :'C. ,\I ' I '

    1 ' ' \ { I

    . "

    '" ~ .': I ', '

    ' ' 1,1,:,,};: I ' '

    '\ ., ,. . ,'I. ' { l'

    ' ' l ' '


    126. Clean-outs are required for all grout pours over __ feet In height .

    o. d.

    6 , p. IQ?.if .. (J ./ e 8 10

    ' ~ '

    127. Plain oonorete, other than fill, shall be a minimum ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of pounds per square inch.

    @ ~:g~~ -Zl 04. 6 ' c. 3,000 d. 3;500 .

    128. Glass block panels for exterior walls shall not exceed ------- square feet of unsupported surface. ;.:

    a. 100 @ 144 ~ '2- I t Gl F ~

    G; 200 d. 225

    ~ ~. . 129. The unbraced length f~r purlin struts sh .11 not exceed . feet. a. 4 b. 6 ~ 8 - ?~ i 0 i i-'2-. . '

    d. 10

    130. Cripple walls shal~ be framed as a additional story when they exceed . feet in height.

    a. 3 @ . 4 -'2,, ) 2-'"' : _ I ( : S-c. 5 d. 6

    131. Carpeting used as an interior finish shall have flarne-spread index not greater-tt-1an

    ct;> 25 - 8' D4- .. "L T ,.._ lJ'-A b. 75 c. 200 . d. not regulated by Code

    '' ! .

  • 132. An Interior wall or oelllng finish Is less than ___ .Inch thlok shall be applied directly agaln$t a noncombustible backing. a. 1/28 b; 1/16 c. 1/8 1/4 - ~o 3 #-f

    133. Internal corners wherermetal lath is not continuous shall have ---

    a. edge ribs , b. cant stripping

    (9 cornerite - z s .o S- - 3 d. oomerbead

    134. Two or more flues in a chimney shall be separated by masonry not less than inches thick.

    - -

    CID 4 - 3 1oc.... i-- ~ " b. 6 c. s d. 10

    \ 135. Generally, foundations for masonry fireplaces shall not be less than lnohe thick.

    a. 4 b. 6 0. 8

    12 -=3 102-..7. 1 2 136. Courts having windows on opposite sides t~at provide required natural light and

    ventilation shall not have less than feet Jn width.

    a. 3 b. 5 ~ ~ 6 "--- l 'L.t:i ~ . 4 ' ~ d. 10

    137. Shafts housing el vators extending through a minimum of=- ___ floor level(s) shall be vented to the outside .

    a. 1 ~ 2- ? o(;Y!'{

    0. 3 , d. 4


  • 138. Individual roof panels, of approved plastics, shall be separated from eaoh' other by distance of not less than fe t measured in horizontal plane.

    a. 2 . @ 4- z_C, 6 ~ ,(r; :#- I c. . 6

    ' d, 8

    139. Screens for skylights of 3/16-inch thickness need not be provided with individual . dwelling units when located not more than 12 feet above an accessible area and not

    exceeding square feet for each plane or Uhit.

    a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 ~ 16 - ?-i!f " '1 . ~ #-4

    140. Roof panels of Class CCI plastics shall be limited to a maximum Individual panel area of __ square feet..

    a. b.

    ..(9 d .

    10 12 ff..,_ 16 -'2. Coo '.3 .~ -lf 3 20

    141. The minimum aggregate clear width of a mall shall be feet.

    a. 10 ~ 20 ._ 'f 0 4 . "1 .'?

    0. 30 d. 40

    142. In high-rise building of Type I-FR construotion; a smoke detector shall be installed In

    a. electrical rooms b. exhaust air plenurns o. levator machine rooms

    @ all of the above - 4" ?. . ~

    143. A Group 1-1, Division 1 Occupancy, shall be at least~---......- feet from the property line. a. 40 b. 60

    @ 75 - ?t/ '?r f . S" h d. 90

  • 144. A dead-end means of egress shall not exceed ___ feet, In a mall 40 feet wide as its narrowest point within the dead-end.

    21. 20 b. 40 o. 60 ~ 80 - .fr;4: _4- ~

    145. Where exterior-opening are required to be protected in a Type Vone hour structure, the self-closing doors are required to be rated at .

    a. 20 minutes b. 30 minutes ~ 45 minutes -. r,abJ'....-5""~ ~ It r d. 1 hour

    146. Roof framing members, In Type IV-HT building1 which framed from a wall and 'do not support floor loads, shell have members not less than inches in depth for the upper half of the height.

    a. b. ~ d.

    147. Exterior loading platform may be of _ __ _

    a. light combustible construction b. combustible construction if Garrled though the exterior wall c. combustible flooring carried though the exterior wall

    @ heavy timber if not carried though the exterior wall -:- ~ 6 '- 5 - '-

    148. In order to be accepted as a public way, an alley must have a clear width of not less than feet.

    a. S 10 ~~ L C. 16 d. 20

  • ' !.t.','1 \ 1.'. . , 't ';: ...... \! ' '-.I ','

    ! 'j . , \ 'J) '. '.:.\:,,:/'/ :.. ~.'\'.:., ...

    I ' 1, \ ' ' ~ ; ' \ /

    \ I I l

    i1 I 1 ' ;

    149. Basement used only as storame r6oms are not required to have access to more than .~ one exit when floor area doest1 not exceed :square feet. a. 260 .

    @ 300 - I ~o ~ - :; I.Co . c. 400 d. 500

    150. In Group I, Divisions 1.1 and 2. nursing homes;. percent of all patient .:: rooms in each nursins-1.mit shall be aopessible by p rsons with physical dlsabllities. -..

    a. 10 b. 25 e so -i 1 ~ ~ . r . 7 '#>- ~ d. 100

    ~ ; .

  • :, "