BUY A TOTE M NO W In AMS Office Ubysse BUY A TOTE M NO W In AMS Offic e VOL . XXXII VANCOUVER, B . C . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1949 No . 9 Ubyssey Photo 'y Bruce Jaffar y DANCING DARLINGS gracing the deck of "Showboat " tonight at the Commodore are, left t o right : Diane Newcombe, Diana Bancroft, Jan McColl, Jay Davies, Barbara Ann Brown, Will a McKinnon, Pam McCorkill, and Bette Heard . CCF Losing Supporter s Termed ' Bunk' At Foru m Parties Merely 'Playing Gam e Of Promising Most' States Youn g Charges that the CCF is losing support of workers an d farmers, becoming undemocratic, and that democratic socialis m is a "lot of bunk" were leveled by Don Lanskai l ary Forum meeting yesterday . Speaking in support of the motion , "Resolved that there is no place i n the Canadian political scene for th e CCF," he said, "the CCF would hav e accomplished more if, at its founda- tien, it had remained the radica l wing of the Liberal Party. " POLICY OF DESPAI R At the present time, there is a policy of despair, and, at most, the y hope only to become the opposition . They are waiting for a depression . " He further noted that there was a revolutionary trend, and a policy o f the leaders to "make the party mor e respectable . " Opposing the motion, Rod Young , former CCF candidate for Vancouver Centre, said there was room in Can- ada for a movement such as the CCF . "It is the only truly democratic move- ment," he said . MISUNDERSTANDIN G According to Young, the "death o f the Liberal party ,will be caused b y its misunderstanding of the capital- istic system which is plagued b y cyclical depressions . "If we gontinu e under capitalism, depressions wil l return," he said, "The Liberals will not stop it . ' He further maintained that the ol d line parties were "playing the gam e of promising the most" to gain sup - port of the people , BUN K AMS Announce s Calendar Change s Engineer's Banquet, formerly sched- uled for Thursday, October 13, wil l be held at the Commodore on Wed- nesday, October 12 . Date of Phrateres Formal has als o been changed . Latter will take plac e at Brock Hall on Tuesday, Novembe r 8, and not October 26 as previousl y announced , Law Faculty Lead s Leading list of registered blood don - ors at present is UBC Law Faculty . The day following distribution of card s 102 students had signed up from thi s faculty . Figure was erroneously re - ported in yesterday ' s issue as 6 . _deem There will be another invasion o f Bellingham . The second invasion of Wester n Washington College of Education i s being sponsored as a non-profit ven- ture by Branch 72, Canadian Legion . Invasion, known as "Operation Thun- dctbird" will take plac e October 15 . DISC JOCKE Y To publicize the trek south of th e border, Legion is sponsoring a able ' pep meet in the Armories Tuesday . October 11 . Pep meet will be culle d "Tile Owl Rises at Noon, " Main st:u' of the show will he di m jockey, deck. Cullen of Owl Prowl will have to take measures with any - one that he turns in for disobeyin g rules, under orders from the adminis- tration . President of Undergraduate Societie s Committee, Bill Haggart, said Thurs- day that Discipline Committee doe s not intend to get officious about Broc k rules . WRONG IMPRESSIO N "There is a feeling around that th e committee consists of a bunch of boy s in grey shirts and arm bands wh o run around tapping people on th e shoulder, saving naughty-naughty . " "We don't intend to be dramati c about this thing ." Discussion of Garnet Sedge - wick award will be feature d at Civil Liberties Union org- anization meeting to be hel d today at 12 :30 in Aggie 100 . Other items scheduled are electio n of two new executive members, re - port on Club Day results, and dis- cussion of the Jack Scott' reception . NATIONAL COVERAGE will b e given UBC's unique 9,800-acre re - search forest in Garibaldi Park foot - hills by Montreal's largest weekl y newspaper. The Montreal Standard will devot e an entire page plus some 85 photo s to the tall-timbered project' in th e October 15th edition , TESTIMONIAL meeting of Christia n Science Organization will be hel d today at 12 :30 in Arts 207 . Everybod y welcome . PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTS plan- ning to apply for admission to th e Faculty of Medicine in the fall term , 1950, must contact Dr, William Blac k and take the local medical aptitud e test and the medical college admissio n test . PROGRAM of "La Valse" by Ravel and Shostakovitch's " Piano Concerto " will be presented by Music Apprecia- tion Club in Men's Club Room, Brock , today at 12 :30 . All music lovers ar e urged to attend . UNITED NATIONS CLUB is holdin g the first session of the Model Assem- bly in conjunction with Internationa l Week ,October 31, The club is par- ticularly intrested in contacting an y for eign students, either nationals o r students with special desire to repre- sent their country . The Model Assem- bly provides an interesting and in- structive evening as previous dele- gates have found out . Anyone inter- ested is invited to attend a meetin g in Arts 105 on Friday, October 7 t o hear more about this year's sessio n and to become a delegate . ee en ... ride at first and additional ones will b e added as students purchase tickets . Clubs and other groups who wish LECTURES, LAB S CANCELLED FO R THANKSGIVIN G Although Saturday morning lec- tures have been cancelled in orde r that out-of-town students ma y spend Thanksgiving with thei r parents, all campus offices will b e open during regular hours, Mr . C . B . K . Wood, Registrar, announce d B . K . Wood, Registrar, annotmced , Monday, Thanksgiving Day, th e campus will close down entirely s o that all staffs may enjoy tradition - al Thanksgiving turkey with thei r families. A decision which may change system of Intramural sport s will be made Friday at a Wom- en 's Athletic Directorate meet- ing . If faculty agrees . syste m will operate on a basis whic h will include clubs, sororities or self-formed groups . Athletic Directorate has developed a new schedule of intramurals . Dea n Mawdsley is opposed to the plan o n the basis that it is against campu s policy to include sororities in th e small scope of intramurals . An important question last yea r concerned a union of WAD and WUS giving a compact women's director y rather than a number of solitary or- ganizations . Final decision was to keep groups singular but to chang e the sports system . Anxiety arises from the point sys- tem which has been in practice fo r several years on an inter-facult y principle . This meant that sports team s were picked from a faculty of hun- dreds of students, and because ther e had been no former friendship be- tween the players, there was not th e same amount of spirit as is necessar y to keep intramurals in good form . Plan now being introduced woul d mean that any group could ente r teams in the various sports tourna- ments even if group was formed sole- ly for that purpose , Pan Hell, which is constituted o f two members from each sorority, will put the problem before each soror- ity group to have project approved . However, if opinion is not affirmativ e and the remainder of women student s wish to accept the plan, decision wil l be left to Faculty Council of Stud- ents Affairs . ' Matter will be completely cleare d at Friday's meeting of WAD . Creative Writin g Courses Sponsore d "Writing for You," popular creativ e writing course, will again be offere d this year by University Extension De- partment . Course will be conducted by Mrs . Dorothy Livesay McNair, outstandin g Canadian poetess and journalist . Mrs . McNair has received the highest Can- adian literary award, the Lorne Pierc e Gold Medal, for her achievements i n thg field of creative writing . Instruction will be offered in jour- nalism, radio writing, and the shor t story , First workshop-lecture of the yea r will be held at Vancuover No r ma l School on Wednesday, October 19 , from 8-9 :30 p,m , downtown Bellingham before th e game , SUCCESS OR FAILURE If invasion is a success Legion wil l undertake sponsorship of future trip s to " follow the Thunderbirds," if it i s a failure, in the eyes of the administra- tion, and the AMS, no more invasion s will be allowed . Tickets for the game are fifty cent s and bus tickets are less than hall ' price . Both are on sale at the Legio n office . " We want to stress that this is a non-profit venture, " said Lundeen, l "and we do not stand to make oily - thing out of it ." Lanskail said that socialism coul d only be implemented by a Marxia n party . "Democratic Socialism," h e said, "is a lot of bunk ." He thought that Canadian politics would be stab- ilized if it returned to the two part y system . In reply, Young said that the social- ist movement is a "bulwark agains t dictatorship . " MOVE FASTER In his opening remerhi Lanskai l said that the trend in the last electio n had been away from the CCF an d toward the Liberal party, and tha t CCF party leaders were "no' . permit- ting tolerance and freedom of thought " He cited the policy on the atlanti c Pact, where the minority was contra- dicted, as an example . He admitted, however, that th e socialists had made the Liberals mov e faster, but would have done more i f its members had remained the radica l wing of die Liberal party . "It weaken . ed the two party system which is th e only truly democratic system ." ' Extension Boar d Assigns Clubroom s Campus clubs have been assigne d clubroom space by Brock Extensio n Committee for the year 1949-50 . Following allocations have bee n made, subject to AMS regulation s governing such allowances : 1. South Brock Basement fro m East to West : Radsoc, Mam- ooks, AMS Stores. 2. North Brock Basement : Pu b and Lcst and Found . 3. Hut A (behind Brock) : 1 . VOC : 2 . Film Society ; 4 . VCF ; 7 . Pub ; Dance Club , 4, B Huts (behind Brock) : Bl : 1 . CCF, Parliamentary Forum , CLU ; 2 . Christian Science ; 4 , IFC . 5, 132 : NW, NFCUS ; SW ; SE, Pre- med ; NE, Mamooks and Thun- derbird Club , 0 . B3 : Varsity Band, Symphon y Orchestra, Jazz Society , Orders Needed Fo r All AMS Expense s All clubs on the campus must ob- tain an official requisition slip signe d by Mr, H . B . Maunsell . The new AM S business manager made this announce- ment yesterday . Firms doing business with the club s and charging expenditures to th e AMS must make out all invoices i n triplicate and accompaov them wit h the official requisition slip . The AM S will not honor charges mode "tit i n :Thy other outnlh!t', Seek Officer s To Fill IS S Vacancie s IC Attempt s Reorganizatio n Of UBC Branc h UBC's International Counci l is now calling for nomination s to executive positions in the campus branch of the Inter - national Student Service, IC President Felicity Pope sale nounced yesterday . IC's announcement is an effort t o refill position left vacant when th e entire executive resigned last week , INTERVIEW S Nominees will be screened in per- sonal interviews with IC officiq-ls , who will select final slate of candi- dates from which AMS President JI M Sutherland will choose the executive . No particular qualifications are nrC e essary for nominees, other than int . erest in ISS work, Miss Pope tOi d the Ubyssey yetserday. Meanwhile, an interim committee , consisting of Mary Letterman, Do n Truesdale, Peter deVooght and Fel- icity Pope, is carrying on ISS affair s here until permanent officers ar e selected . DEADLINE Deadline for nominations is Tues- day . Inquiries may be made at th e AMS office . Officers who resigned last wee k in order to reorganize ISS were : Jo e Lotzkar, president ; Drew McTaggart , secretary ; Peter deVooght, AMS !Liai- son ; and Mary Leiterman and Felicit y Pope, committee members . Student Ai d ISS May For m Guidance House . TORONTO, (CUP) — A n International House, to whic h all foreign students would b e able to go for guidance, i s under serious consideration b y the Toronto International Stu - dent Service Committee . If such efforts prove unsucceefiful , ISS plans to set' up a guidance com- mittee for students from abroa d presently studying at Toronto. Coma-ittee will also recommen d that present DP system, a substitut e for a student exchange progra m which proved impossible, be shelved in favor of a broader scholarshi p Grogram, and, if possible, student OS - changes between Canada and th e countries of Western Europe, th e British Commonwealth, and Lati n America . The scholarships would paralle l those now offered Canadian student s by foreign governments . Planning Displa y At Arts Exhibitio n Water colors and tempera by well - known women artists share honor s with a Community Planning displa y in UBC's first Fine Arts Exhibitio n of the Fall , On display at UBC Art Gallery fro m now until October 8 are paintings b y members of National Association o f Women Painters . Community Planning display als o features shows of development of slu m clearance problem in a particular see- tion of Vancouver . It consists of pro - posed plans, photographs, and scal e models , Gallery is open to public on wee k clays, excluding Monday, from 10 :31) a .m, to 500 pro ., and on Saturda y ('rem 10 ;30 a .i in . to 12 :30 pm . Minor course changes will b e the main difference in pre- medical study when UBC 's medical school opens on Sep- tember 5, 1950 . Most important change in the pre- liminary studys will be the additio n of Embrology—Zoology 304—instea d of taking the course in first yea r medicine . These changes were announce d Tuesday night by Dr . Myron Weaver , Dean of UBC's new faculty of medi- cine . He was speaking to a specia l meeting of pre-medical students , New Dean yyis in the process ofar - tlt steagM ° ' seilittea, i, .gett t g staff for the school and arranging fo r screening of students. Medical School year will be 3 2 weeks long—starting in first week i n September and going through to May . "Students who hope to be admitte d to the first year of the faculty mus t apply before January and must tak e the medical school admission tests, " said .Dr . Weaver . Information about the medical test s must be obtained from Dr . Black i n the counselling bureau today . Dr . Weaver also told the student s that there would be no quota for stud- ents from out of the province . The y will be admitted on the same scale a s local students . "Local students wil l still be given preference," he said . First class in the school will b e coniposed of sixty students . No stud- ent with lower than a high secon d class will be admitted . committee Brock Hall Officials Star t Friendly ' Clean-Up ' Campaig n Uncooperative Students Will Los e New Medical School AMS Cords Announces Bradsha w By JOHN GRAHA M Will Offer Several Bill Bradshaw, new proctor of Brock Hall is girding himsel f for a friendly clean-up of careless student habits in the Brock . Bill said Thursday, "I intend trying ( Different Courses to enforce rules nicely . If a student ' Tween Classe s is uncooperative his card will b e taken and turned over to USC ." e Bill has a lot of complaints to make . Sedgewick Awar d LUNCHES TABOO dents of eating their lunches in the Topi c First is the practice by certain stu- Discussio n lounge, Mildred Brock Room and the A t Men's Club Room . This, he points out, CCU Meetin g is quite definitely against AMS rules , By "lunches" he means such thing s as Cokes, ice cream cones and choco- late bars as well . Reason for the rule is that student s have a habit of dropping the food o n the upholstery and the floor . MICE AND RATS Food also attracts mice and rats . Many mice nests have been found i n th , cheetei'fields , ef,the b4iidred .Brgck, Room . Evidences of their presenc e can be seen in the tooth marks o n some of the table and chesterfiel d legs . Two other complaints high on Bill' s list are the habits of bringing we t top-coats into the lounges and the practice of shaking faulty fountai n pens, spraying ink in the floor an d sofas , FILTH Y He points out that one set of ches- terfields that had been recovere d during the summer is already filthy . This he attributes to wet coats, in k spots and food spots . Bill is a short, friendly fellow wh o doesn't look like he could get reall y mad at anybody . And he says h e doesn't intend to . "I am willing to help students wit h any problems that I can . I intend to b e nice about enforcing rules . I will onl y use extreme measures in extrem e cases, " "I have been made responsible fo r the condition of the Brock, and I hav e to keep my job ." TAKE MEASURE S He says that disciplin e fame, supported by radio singer Bobby modate all students who wish t o Hughes, western quartet The Rvlhmn travel south for the invasion Legio n Pals and a comedy dance lean from officials are going to charter six busse s Arthur Murray . Aim of the pep meet is to got sup - porters to navel to Bellingham for th e Thunderbird - Western Washington, to go together can arrange grou p Saturday . game . transportation at the Legion office , i BUS ALLOTMENT j Mary Lundeen, Legion vice-presi - Legion of'f'icials will charter hu ss es dent said the invasion will have to b e to leave the bus depot October 15 at rum in a nrdl afyletsnoihPfaaltuses n about 5 pnl, They will return from the ran in an orderly fashion and student s Bellingham night genie immediatel y after contest is over , Bus rates will be considerably les s Men regular fare . will have to behave themselves, H I Legion feels that students will co - operate they will make arrangement s with Bellingham Police Depnrnnee t Busses are (mint; :Llletecl to mic " nt• I le ;stage a giant snake truade thi Leigh Directorate Ma y Revise Intramural s Cullen, Hughes Star at Pep Mee t Legion Sponsors Bellingham Invasion at Parliament-

Ubysse - library.ubc.ca · test and the medical college admission test. PROGRAM of "La Valse" by Ravel and Shostakovitch's "Piano Concerto" will be presented by Music Apprecia-tion

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    In AMS Office Ubysse BUY A TOTEMNOWIn AMS OfficeVOL. XXXII


    No. 9

    Ubyssey Photo 'y Bruce Jaffar y

    DANCING DARLINGS gracing the deck of "Showboat " tonight at the Commodore are, left toright: Diane Newcombe, Diana Bancroft, Jan McColl, Jay Davies, Barbara Ann Brown, Will aMcKinnon, Pam McCorkill, and Bette Heard .

    CCF Losing SupportersTermed 'Bunk' At Forum

    Parties Merely 'Playing Gam eOf Promising Most' States Youn g

    Charges that the CCF is losing support of workers andfarmers, becoming undemocratic, and that democratic socialis mis a "lot of bunk" were leveled by Don Lanskai lary Forum meeting yesterday .

    Speaking in support of the motion ,"Resolved that there is no place i n

    the Canadian political scene for th e

    CCF," he said, "the CCF would hav e

    accomplished more if, at its founda-tien, it had remained the radica l

    wing of the Liberal Party. "


    At the present time, there is apolicy of despair, and, at most, theyhope only to become the opposition .They are waiting for a depression . "

    He further noted that there was arevolutionary trend, and a policy o fthe leaders to "make the party morerespectable . "

    Opposing the motion, Rod Young ,former CCF candidate for VancouverCentre, said there was room in Can-ada for a movement such as the CCF ."It is the only truly democratic move-ment," he said .


    According to Young, the "death ofthe Liberal party ,will be caused byits misunderstanding of the capital-

    istic system which is plagued b ycyclical depressions . "If we gontinueunder capitalism, depressions wil lreturn," he said, "The Liberals willnot stop it . '

    He further maintained that the oldline parties were "playing the gam eof promising the most" to gain sup -port of the people,BUNK

    AMS Announce sCalendar Change s

    Engineer's Banquet, formerly sched-uled for Thursday, October 13, wil lbe held at the Commodore on Wed-nesday, October 12.

    Date of Phrateres Formal has als obeen changed. Latter will take plac eat Brock Hall on Tuesday, Novembe r8, and not October 26 as previousl yannounced ,

    Law Faculty LeadsLeading list of registered blood don -

    ors at present is UBC Law Faculty .The day following distribution of card s102 students had signed up from thi sfaculty . Figure was erroneously re -ported in yesterday 's issue as 6 . _deem

    There will be another invasion o fBellingham .

    The second invasion of Wester nWashington College of Education i sbeing sponsored as a non-profit ven-ture by Branch 72, Canadian Legion .Invasion, known as "Operation Thun-dctbird" will take plac eOctober 15 .DISC JOCKE Y

    To publicize the trek south of theborder, Legion is sponsoring a able 'pep meet in the Armories Tuesday .October 11 . Pep meet will be culled"Tile Owl Rises at Noon, "

    Main st:u' of the show will he di mjockey, deck. Cullen of Owl Prowl

    will have to take measures with any -one that he turns in for disobeyin grules, under orders from the adminis-tration .

    President of Undergraduate SocietiesCommittee, Bill Haggart, said Thurs-day that Discipline Committee doesnot intend to get officious about Broc krules .

    WRONG IMPRESSIO N"There is a feeling around that th e

    committee consists of a bunch of boy sin grey shirts and arm bands whorun around tapping people on th eshoulder, saving naughty-naughty . "

    "We don't intend to be dramati cabout this thing ."

    Discussion of Garnet Sedge -wick award will be feature dat Civil Liberties Union org-anization meeting to be hel dtoday at 12:30 in Aggie 100 .Other items scheduled are election

    of two new executive members, re -port on Club Day results, and dis-cussion of the Jack Scott' reception .

    NATIONAL COVERAGE will b egiven UBC's unique 9,800-acre re -search forest in Garibaldi Park foot -hills by Montreal's largest weeklynewspaper.

    The Montreal Standard will devot ean entire page plus some 85 photo sto the tall-timbered project' in th eOctober 15th edition ,

    TESTIMONIAL meeting of Christia nScience Organization will be hel dtoday at 12 :30 in Arts 207 . Everybod ywelcome .

    PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTS plan-ning to apply for admission to theFaculty of Medicine in the fall term ,1950, must contact Dr, William Blac kand take the local medical aptitud etest and the medical college admissio ntest .

    PROGRAM of "La Valse" by Raveland Shostakovitch's "Piano Concerto "will be presented by Music Apprecia-tion Club in Men's Club Room, Brock ,today at 12 :30 . All music lovers ar eurged to attend .

    UNITED NATIONS CLUB is holding

    the first session of the Model Assem-bly in conjunction with Internationa lWeek ,October 31, The club is par-ticularly intrested in contacting anyfor eign students, either nationals o rstudents with special desire to repre-sent their country . The Model Assem-bly provides an interesting and in-structive evening as previous dele-gates have found out . Anyone inter-ested is invited to attend a meetin gin Arts 105 on Friday, October 7 tohear more about this year's sessio nand to become a delegate .ee en ... ride

    at first and additional ones will beadded as students purchase tickets .

    Clubs and other groups who wish


    Although Saturday morning lec-tures have been cancelled in orde rthat out-of-town students mayspend Thanksgiving with thei rparents, all campus offices will beopen during regular hours, Mr . C .B . K. Wood, Registrar, announce dB. K. Wood, Registrar, annotmced ,

    Monday, Thanksgiving Day, thecampus will close down entirely s othat all staffs may enjoy tradition -al Thanksgiving turkey with thei rfamilies.

    A decision which may changesystem of Intramural sportswill be made Friday at a Wom-en 's Athletic Directorate meet-ing. If faculty agrees . systemwill operate on a basis whichwill include clubs, sororities orself-formed groups .

    Athletic Directorate has developeda new schedule of intramurals . DeanMawdsley is opposed to the plan onthe basis that it is against campu spolicy to include sororities in thesmall scope of intramurals .

    An important question last yea rconcerned a union of WAD and WUSgiving a compact women's director yrather than a number of solitary or-ganizations . Final decision was tokeep groups singular but to changethe sports system .

    Anxiety arises from the point sys-tem which has been in practice forseveral years on an inter-facultyprinciple . This meant that sports team swere picked from a faculty of hun-dreds of students, and because ther ehad been no former friendship be-tween the players, there was not th esame amount of spirit as is necessar yto keep intramurals in good form .

    Plan now being introduced wouldmean that any group could ente rteams in the various sports tourna-ments even if group was formed sole-ly for that purpose ,

    Pan Hell, which is constituted o ftwo members from each sorority, willput the problem before each soror-ity group to have project approved .However, if opinion is not affirmativ eand the remainder of women studentswish to accept the plan, decision wil lbe left to Faculty Council of Stud-ents Affairs . '

    Matter will be completely cleare dat Friday's meeting of WAD.

    Creative WritingCourses Sponsore d

    "Writing for You," popular creativewriting course, will again be offeredthis year by University Extension De-partment .

    Course will be conducted by Mrs .Dorothy Livesay McNair, outstandin gCanadian poetess and journalist . Mrs .McNair has received the highest Can-adian literary award, the Lorne Pierc eGold Medal, for her achievements i nthg field of creative writing .

    Instruction will be offered in jour-nalism, radio writing, and the shortstory ,

    First workshop-lecture of the yea rwill be held at Vancuover No r ma lSchool on Wednesday, October 19 ,from 8-9 :30 p,m ,

    downtown Bellingham before th egame ,SUCCESS OR FAILURE

    If invasion is a success Legion wil lundertake sponsorship of future trip sto " follow the Thunderbirds," if it i sa failure, in the eyes of the administra-tion, and the AMS, no more invasion swill be allowed .

    Tickets for the game are fifty centsand bus tickets are less than hall 'price . Both are on sale at the Legio noffice .

    "We want to stress that this is anon-profit venture, " said Lundeen, l"and we do not stand to make oily -thing out of it ."

    Lanskail said that socialism coul donly be implemented by a Marxia nparty . "Democratic Socialism," h esaid, "is a lot of bunk." He thoughtthat Canadian politics would be stab-ilized if it returned to the two partysystem .

    In reply, Young said that the social-ist movement is a "bulwark agains tdictatorship . "


    In his opening remerhi Lanskai lsaid that the trend in the last electio nhad been away from the CCF andtoward the Liberal party, and tha tCCF party leaders were "no'. permit-ting tolerance and freedom of thought "He cited the policy on the atlanticPact, where the minority was contra-dicted, as an example .

    He admitted, however, that th esocialists had made the Liberals mov efaster, but would have done more i fits members had remained the radica lwing of die Liberal party . "It weaken .ed the two party system which is th eonly truly democratic system ." '

    Extension Board

    Assigns Clubrooms

    Campus clubs have been assignedclubroom space by Brock Extensio nCommittee for the year 1949-50 .

    Following allocations have beenmade, subject to AMS regulation sgoverning such allowances :

    1. South Brock Basement fro mEast to West : Radsoc, Mam-ooks, AMS Stores.

    2. North Brock Basement : Pu band Lcst and Found .

    3. Hut A (behind Brock) : 1 . VOC :2 . Film Society ; 4 . VCF; 7 . Pub ;Dance Club ,

    4, B Huts (behind Brock) : Bl : 1 .CCF, Parliamentary Forum ,CLU ; 2. Christian Science ; 4 ,IFC .

    5, 132 : NW, NFCUS ; SW; SE, Pre-med ; NE, Mamooks and Thun-derbird Club ,

    0 . B3 : Varsity Band, Symphon yOrchestra, Jazz Society ,

    Orders Needed Fo r

    All AMS Expenses

    All clubs on the campus must ob-tain an official requisition slip signedby Mr, H . B. Maunsell . The new AM S

    business manager made this announce-ment yesterday .

    Firms doing business with the club sand charging expenditures to th eAMS must make out all invoices i ntriplicate and accompaov them wit hthe official requisition slip . The AM Swill not honor charges mode "tit i n:Thy other outnlh!t',

    Seek Officers

    To Fill ISS


    IC Attempts

    ReorganizationOf UBC Branch

    UBC's International Council

    is now calling for nominations

    to executive positions in the

    campus branch of the Inter-

    national Student Service, IC

    President Felicity Pope sale

    nounced yesterday .

    IC's announcement is an effort torefill position left vacant when th eentire executive resigned last week,

    INTERVIEW SNominees will be screened in per-

    sonal interviews with IC officiq-ls ,who will select final slate of candi-dates from which AMS President JI MSutherland will choose the executive .

    No particular qualifications are nrC eessary for nominees, other than int .erest in ISS work, Miss Pope tOidthe Ubyssey yetserday.Meanwhile, an interim committee,

    consisting of Mary Letterman, DonTruesdale, Peter deVooght and Fel-icity Pope, is carrying on ISS affairshere until permanent officers areselected .


    Deadline for nominations is Tues-day. Inquiries may be made at theAMS office .

    Officers who resigned last weekin order to reorganize ISS were : JoeLotzkar, president ; Drew McTaggart ,secretary ; Peter deVooght, AMS !Liai-son ; and Mary Leiterman and FelicityPope, committee members .

    Student Aid

    ISS May Form

    Guidance House.

    TORONTO, (CUP) — An

    International House, to whic h

    all foreign students would b e

    able to go for guidance, is

    under serious consideration by

    the Toronto International Stu-

    dent Service Committee .If such efforts prove unsucceefiful ,

    ISS plans to set' up a guidance com-mittee for students from abroa dpresently studying at Toronto.

    Coma-ittee will also recommendthat present DP system, a substitut efor a student exchange programwhich proved impossible, be shelvedin favor of a broader scholarshi pGrogram, and, if possible, student OS -changes between Canada and th ecountries of Western Europe, theBritish Commonwealth, and Lati nAmerica .

    The scholarships would parallelthose now offered Canadian student sby foreign governments .

    Planning Display

    At Arts Exhibition

    Water colors and tempera by well -known women artists share honor swith a Community Planning displa yin UBC's first Fine Arts Exhibitionof the Fall ,

    On display at UBC Art Gallery fro mnow until October 8 are paintings bymembers of National Association ofWomen Painters .

    Community Planning display als ofeatures shows of development of slu mclearance problem in a particular see-tion of Vancouver . It consists of pro -posed plans, photographs, and scal emodels ,

    Gallery is open to public on weekclays, excluding Monday, from 10 :31)a .m, to 500 pro ., and on Saturday('rem 10 ;30 a .i in . to 12 :30 pm .

    Minor course changes will bethe main difference in pre-medical study when UBC 'smedical school opens on Sep-tember 5, 1950 .

    Most important change in the pre-liminary studys will be the additionof Embrology—Zoology 304—instea dof taking the course in first yea rmedicine .

    These changes were announced

    Tuesday night by Dr. Myron Weaver ,Dean of UBC's new faculty of medi-

    cine . He was speaking to a specia lmeeting of pre-medical students ,

    New Deanyyis

    in the process ofar-

    tlt steagM ° 'seilittea, i,.gett t gstaff for the school and arranging fo rscreening of students.

    Medical School year will be 3 2weeks long—starting in first week i nSeptember and going through to May .

    "Students who hope to be admitte dto the first year of the faculty mus tapply before January and must tak ethe medical school admission tests, "said .Dr . Weaver .

    Information about the medical test s

    must be obtained from Dr . Black i nthe counselling bureau today .

    Dr. Weaver also told the student sthat there would be no quota for stud-ents from out of the province . Theywill be admitted on the same scale a s

    local students . "Local students wil lstill be given preference," he said .

    First class in the school will b econiposed of sixty students . No stud-ent with lower than a high secon d

    class will be admitted .


    Brock Hall Officials Star tFriendly 'Clean-Up ' Campaign

    Uncooperative Students Will LoseNew Medical School

    AMS Cords Announces Bradsha wBy JOHN GRAHA M

    Will Offer Several

    Bill Bradshaw, new proctor of Brock Hall is girding himsel ffor a friendly clean-up of careless student habits in the Brock .

    Bill said Thursday, "I intend trying (

    Different Courses

    to enforce rules nicely . If a student 'Tween Classesis uncooperative his card will betaken and turned over to USC ." e

    Bill has a lot of complaints to make .

    Sedgewick AwardLUNCHES TABOO

    dents of eating their lunches in the Topi cFirst is the practice by certain stu-

    Discussionlounge, Mildred Brock Room and the

    AtMen's Club Room. This, he points out,

    CCU Meetin gis quite definitely against AMS rules ,By "lunches" he means such things

    as Cokes, ice cream cones and choco-late bars as well .

    Reason for the rule is that studentshave a habit of dropping the food onthe upholstery and the floor .MICE AND RATS

    Food also attracts mice and rats.Many mice nests have been found inth , cheetei'fields , ef,the b4iidred .Brgck,Room. Evidences of their presencecan be seen in the tooth marks o nsome of the table and chesterfiel dlegs .

    Two other complaints high on Bill' slist are the habits of bringing we ttop-coats into the lounges and thepractice of shaking faulty fountai npens, spraying ink in the floor an dsofas ,

    FILTH YHe points out that one set of ches-

    terfields that had been recovere dduring the summer is already filthy .This he attributes to wet coats, inkspots and food spots .

    Bill is a short, friendly fellow wh odoesn't look like he could get reall ymad at anybody . And he says h edoesn't intend to .

    "I am willing to help students withany problems that I can . I intend to b enice about enforcing rules . I will onl yuse extreme measures in extremecases, "

    "I have been made responsible fo rthe condition of the Brock, and I hav eto keep my job ."

    TAKE MEASURE SHe says that disciplin e

    fame, supported by radio singer Bobby modate all students who wish t oHughes, western quartet The Rvlhmn travel south for the invasion Legio nPals and a comedy dance lean from officials are going to charter six busse sArthur Murray .

    Aim of the pep meet is to got sup -porters to navel to Bellingham for theThunderbird - Western Washington, to go together can arrange grou p

    Saturday . game .

    transportation at the Legion office ,i BUS ALLOTMENT

    j Mary Lundeen, Legion vice-presi -Legion of'f'icials will charter hu sses dent said the invasion will have to b e

    to leave the bus depot October 15 at rum in a nrdl afyletsnoihPfaaltuses nabout 5 pnl, They will return from the ran in an orderly fashion and student sBellingham night genie immediatel yafter contest is over ,

    Bus rates will be considerably les sMen regular fare .

    will have to behave themselves, H ILegion feels that students will co -operate they will make arrangementswith Bellingham Police Depnrnnee t

    Busses are (mint; :Llletecl to mic"nt• I le ;stage a giant snake truade thi Leigh

    Directorate MayRevise Intramurals

    Cullen, Hughes Star at Pep Meet

    Legion Sponsors Bellingham Invasion

    at Parliament-

  • Page 2


    Friday, October 7, 194 9

    The U„ Member Canadian University Pres sAuthorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept ., Ottawa, Mail Subscriptions--$200 per year .Published throughout the university year by the Student Publications Board of the Alm a

    Mater Society of the University of British Columbia .Editorial Opinions expressed heroin are those of the editorial staff of The Ubyssey and no t

    necessarily those of the Alma Mater Society nor of the University .Offices in Brock Hall Phone ALma 1624

    For display advertising phone ALma 3253EDITOR-IN CHIEF iVI BANIIAi\1MANAGING EDITOR , . . . . CHUCK MARSHAL L

    (1ENERAI, STAFF : CUP Editor, Jerry Mcdmrald ; News Fditor, Art Welsh : Features Editor ,Vic Hay; Sports Editor, Ray Frost ; Women's Editor, Shirley Finch ; Editorial Asst, Les Armou r

    City Editor This Issue—It(

    PINCIII NAssociate Editor—MAItl PINEO

    The familiar cartoon picture of Canad a

    as an overgrown and ungainly boy scout i n

    s1oi't pants apparently stuns up outside

    world 's opinion of us .John Fisher, the CBC's roving reporter ,

    told W'aTuesday that we ought to take som e

    steps to change this picture .

    Unfortunately, Mr. Fisher had no sug-

    gestions as to the means at our disposal or

    the course of action necessary to mak e

    Canada look grown up.

    Of course there is some question as t o

    whether or not Canada really is grown up .

    Presumably Mr. Fisher used culture i n

    the lay sense and not in the sense meant by

    Sociologists and Anthropologists . If so, w e

    may assume that we are to be fudged b your contribution to the arts and sciences .

    r contribution to the physical sciences

    had en in many ways spectacular and w ehav received international recognition for

    our contributions to fields as diverse a sgig

    nuclear physics and medicine . But our con-tribution to the arts has been, to say th eleast, obscure and our contribution to the

    Vancouver's downtown morning news-paper, The News-Herald, yesterday carried ,in headlines, the fact that Student Counci lhad "slapped a ban" on the speech of Dr .James Endicott .

    Nothing could be farther from the truth ,

    Dr. Endicott was refused permission t ospeak because he was sponsored by a norganization which did not come under th eLiterary and Scientific Executive of UBC ,According to the AMS constitution, all cam -pus speakers must be sponsored by a campu s

    club .

    $ut the so-called "responsible press, "

    eager for headlines took the opportunity t omake a mountain out of a molehill ,

    All that was necessary for Dr . Endicot t

    The ;,President ,Sweattooth Jam Co .dDes. Sir :

    eWe wish to say that we are not altogethe rs'

    pleased with the can of your cherry jam w e

    bought last week ,

    Please don't misunderstand us . Your

    jam,certainly has everything your advertise-ments say it has . What bothers us is tha textra something which your ads never men-

    tion:'VVe refer to all those cherry stones which

    you saw fit to include in our can of jam ,

    We must admit we field the stones jus t

    as gasy to digest as the jam itself, but the ymatte very humpy sandwiches . So if it is al lthe

    ,same to you, we would rather von loft ,

    thee' out of our next can of jam .

    rt'We know how unselfish you are, pultIng' 'the y pits in your jam . You no doubt roalir. ethat lmost of your customers will run out int otheir back yards and plant the pits, sea i nten 'ur 20 years will he grotv'it

    lhi'i' ()vVt ljoin right on the trees .


    r;'But our (ten pet-semi attrition is tl fl('r-cnl,We live in a basement roam and II fort y

    be fen or 2U y(', 's bolero the even rind ehou'c with a back yard to rim ; out ifo .

    Our objection arty seem silly to t e at ,but perdma1ly w(' see the whal eas one of ('(Itt(Olien, We snl)pesr if no ii ;u lbeen cclu('ate,l to I!e iila' ;i of p i t s In elicit tjam, wt' vvtwi' fr('I ralllb('(I li e

    lo(t b~( r ives stuck tv'iih die Hives tau 1(il n

    Bather than convert oil tofu' machinery

    social sciences and philosophy has been neg-ligible. It may be assumed, therefore, tha t

    the outside world has some justification fo r

    regarding us as a non-entity . '

    No amount of the "horn-blowing " sug-gested by Mr . Fisher will remedy the situ-ation, The roots of the problem are muc h

    more obscure .Probably the truth of the matter lies

    in the second rate job our universities ar e

    doing . We are a young country and, perhap snaturally, we tend to concentrate our edu-cational facilities on those fields which appea rlikely to yield immediate and concrete re -suits . The physical sciences and engineerin gthus form the hulk of our educational insti-tutions .

    But the physical sciences can provideonly means to an end, and very limitedmeans at that . Without the social science sto supplement them, the physical sciencescannot even provide adequate means to ou rends, The ends themselves must be provide dby our literature and our philosophy .

    If, then, we want to become mature wehad better reform our universities ,

    to obtain permission to speak was to havehis talk sponsored by a campus club .

    Such a sponsorship was arranged les sthan 24 hours later by AMS President JimSutherland . The International Students Clu bwill sponsor Dr . Endicott .

    Persons and organizations eager to pounceop political discrimination have naturally pu tthe university in their bad books becausesuch a story was published .

    It is items such as these that give th eliberal name of UBC a bad name acros s

    Canada .The newspaper could, by simply reach-

    ing for a phone, have checked the facts of th e

    story and got It straight . The correct fact sac re the criterion of newspaper's .

    Come on idl e . Drury, get responsible ,

    hack to turning out the old-fashioned typ e

    of jam, why not educate the public to accep tthe new hind`' Why not be the first compan yto crusade in this exciting new field of ad-vertising?

    . ..aei1LET'S GET CRACKIN G

    In order to get your pit-in-the-jam cam-paign off to a runny ;,tart . we have written afew slogans :

    "'1'he Jam with The Stone is as neat' as your 'phone " Or . "If you ' re eating a jam

    That's not worth a damn ,Get the one with the pit s

    And you 'll find it 's the best . "

    In the field of radio you will discove rthat nob(:dy will listen to your commercia lunles) you present it in a form that wil lbe suitable later on for your listeners tosing at community gatherings, coming ou tpanic, and church socials .

    So, for your stone-filled join, here is asinging commercial, set to the tune of Jingl eCelle :

    "Sweet teol h J ;tun, Swoeltooth Jam ,In s_ nile lilies Cur e lunc hWill make your whole day brighter

    an dWill change Ihat Mundt to Crunch . "

    Your (Sweet) toothless admirer ,Fla k

    I'S' AI i ' I 'denting Iho,se cherry pits :(' ! I Cit . ii :'n who put th('m in our jam Tha l

    le' `,till(' ()i dean, and we are afrai d11,1 ' t ' %%multi n(~I long l±rewn up to be strong ,IoL',illht client arc(' :; even if we had foun dejY:n'(' Iu plied Ilreill in our window box,

    ULysse y Classified

    For Sale

    IMPORTANT--Ride wanted to Scat :!, share expert ua. Phone AL . 1538 M

    1936 AUSTIN SEVEN, Engine hi ex_ this Friday cr Snlurhiy morning, 1Vill ; ,afternoon or evening .

    cellent shape. Hif ;hest offer . Also lLad y 's tanned riding boots in A lcondition, size 6 1-2 . KE, 1892M .TWO BOOKS—New . "Progressive Re -laxation" by Jacobson, and "Therap yof the Neurosis and Psychosis" byKrains, KE, 5246L .1927 WHIPPET . Mechanically Al .Good upholstery . Rubber is good an dsound body, Phone Port Moody 96H .FOR SALE and immediate occupation .For small income family, large insula -ted trailer home situated in AcadiaCamp. Complete with double bed ,i .pring-filled mat t ress, electric ram'gate and heater, baby's crib, abun -dant cupboard and storage spac eFriendly student atmosphere . Phon eAL. 0038 or call and see it at 261 0Pem'kes Road, No . 2 Trailer Camp .SET 7 GOLF CLUBS, steel shaf tdriver, others wood shafts, largeleather bound hag, good condition ,$20 . West, 3302 East Boulevard . CE .7071 after 6 p .m .

    Meeting s"A CHRISTIAN AND NOT ASHAM -ED OF IT" will he the topic of Rev .J . E. Harris of the Vancouver Bibl eSchool . He will speak on Thursday ,October 6t'h in Arts 204 at 12 :30 unde rthe auspices of the Varsity Christia nFellowship ,

    Miscellaneou sTYPING—fast, accurate and reasen-able work . Joen Davie, 4000 West 10t hAvenue . AL. 3459L .WISH TO DO TYPING in my home .Accurate, neat and prompt' service .Special rates to UBC students . Mrs .W. G. Mowat, 4463 West 15th Ave . ,AL . 3449L ,

    ONE GREY SHAEF'Ea lifetime pert .Please return Co Les` ;n l Found. Re -ward .BROWN LEATHER W•' ..L .r,ET—Kee ;l -sake—I don't care oleo It the moneybut I do need t :re p l en ; Phone AI . .1715L after 4 p,rn .3-STRAND STRING OF PEARLS- -on bus or campus S . ' I : ,ly. Finde rplease phone AL. 0707L ,MAN'S PLASTIC RAE :COAT i nBrock Music Room Tuesday . Kindl yreturn to Harold Kitchen, Fort Camp ,Hut 5, Room 21 ."TABLE OF INTERGRACS" by Hud -son and Lipka . Kindly f le nc Gordon .KE . 14t24R.

    Room and BoardCOMFORTABLE lIT) `i EEPINGroom, private entr e

    eel shower ,hot ',hate and all (, e

    r belch -ing . $24 per mo :lull . '

    itaynrm .46 .54 west 12th, Al . .

    Wante dPASSENGERS FROM 4th and Alm afor 8 :30's . Returning 5131 Men(Iay .WeNncsclay end Friday. 5 p .m. Tues -day and Thursday . Phone AL, 3428Y .CHEMISTRY 100—Ilarris and Ure .Phl tic CH. 7637 ,RIDE FRO . .'1 \RCINITY cf St . Cether -

    ''ne e end East l2th (6 blocks rest' o fMaim) for 9 :30's Monday to Soturday .Phone Alex, FA . 5626Y .WILLING TO BUY A RIDE from vic -inity 1st and Balsam, Monday to Fri -day for 8 :30 . Phone Ruth, CE . 8758 .RIDE FOR 8 :30's from 25th and Puge tDrive . Phone CE. 8704.HAVE ROOM FOR two passenger sfrom North Vancouver for 8 :30's re -turning 4 :30 daily . Phone N . 666L .

    SO THERE !The Editor, Ubyssey :Dear Sir :

    An editorial appeared in Thursday' ,Ubyssey stating that the students fe e lthat they have been let clown by thei relected representatives . Further, th9 ;ever since students returned to cahoo tthis fall, every attempt was made t 'let them know that a very impoclan tissue, the release of funds for :D 1scholarships, was soon brought I (their attention, and that the reputa -tion of the AMS was at stake . Tit (Ubyssey can speak with authority mthis point es it made every att(Tlo sto publicize this matter in nppusilie eto Council's express wishes .

    The c(Ittorinl continues : "II' slu(I('n lCouncil did rot know about the euth -orit ,y entrusted to them, they certain -ly should have, for it was writte ndown for ALL to see in the minute sof the last meeting . "

    As president of the Students Ceunei iI (x;mlinerl the m"anona before lira ;, .ing the mailer lu ti t , nllrnlinn n l' ; ~general meeting . Did yeti, Mr . :')'ei d e r(Xamlllle Iheti,' I111111tl('T , I iY,al tVrre Writ -Ien down fer AI,I, I11 -.Ns, hefent writ -ing the edlturiels ;het ford"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING . "

    J . J . Sutherland .

    We Are A on-Entity

    'The Responsible Press '


    New Type OF Jam Is Prot!em mAnd Eater Is Stuck With I t

    By Hal Tennant

    FoundONE RONSON LIGHTER on Mai nMall . Initials G .M. t'' )' , Date on back .Phone CE. 8651 .


    Letter s

    To The Editor

    Your Bank on the Campus -- In the Auditorium Buildin gMERLE C. Kll- UY, Manage r

    `I mist be dig~1i f red


    a sentior "

    1 gbcrt ought to know by now tha tfeathers don't make the bird nor hom-burgs the senior . But there's one thinghe knows is a "must" for success — asolid foundation of financial know-how.

    During his four years at college he' sgained plenty of know-how by handlin ghis financial affairs at the B of M. Soon ,like thousands of students from U.N.B .to U,ILC., he'll be starting his caree rwith lots of experience in money matters .

    \t'hv don't you sign up for your cours ein "Practical 1:conomics" today—at "M yBank" of course .

    CASTLE jEWELERs4560 loth

    Open Every Saturday till 9 p .m .


    EXPEIt'1' WATCH REPAIR SWork Guaranteed

    Quick Servic eSpecial Discounts to Students


    Infallible Answer!

    In Arrow Whites,

    you're always right !

    When you wonder what shirt to wear with what suit, wha ttic, for what occasion . . . stop! Phu on an Arrow White !

    Arrow White shirts look and feel correct anywhere ,anytime! Choose what you need from a variety of colla rmodels, (Remember—only Arrow shirts have the perfect -fitting Arrow collar .) Cluctt, Peabody & Company o fCanada Limited .

    Look for the Registered Trade Mark ARRO W

    ARROW SHIRTS ,Fi)•-- - -


  • Friday, October 7, 1949


    Page : 3

    Ubyssei) Photo by Bruce Joffar y

    PLANTATION PICKANINNIES in the real "Swanee " tradition gather around lovely solois tNorma Turner to swing it out at tonight's Showboat cabaret. Sponsored by Kappa Kapp aGamma and Gamma Phi Beta sororities, the first fall formal of the year starts .t 9 p .m .

    RushingF ndsAs Bids OO u t

    Bids were picked up yester-day from the Dean of Women ' soffice and the various pledge swere welcomed by the sorori-ties with a great sing-song inthe Caf. The place was bedlamall morning with the co-ed strying to outshout one another.ALPHA GAMMA DELTA

    Liz Abercrombie, Fran Archibald ,Labreen ' Lundell, Donaline McDiar-mid, Mary Pozarich, Bim Schrodt ,Mitzi Switzer .ALPHA DELTA P I

    Jan4 Barfield, Barbaral, Forme,Eleanor Blundell, Vicky David, An nGilmore, Bunny Kent, Shirley Mc -Innes, Shirley McLeod, Dot Mosher ,Anne Munro, Eileen Murphy, Bernic ePinsky, Sheila Rayner, Vicky Stev-ens, Rosemary Stokes .ALPHA OMICRON PI

    Roz Bradley, Shirley Doyle, Maur-een Kelly, Joanne King, Ada Kirk ,Agarita Liaskas, Phyllis McCallum ,Doreen Parker, Ruth Simonson, MaryJoy Stoess .ALPHA PHI

    Elaine Boone, Maureen Bray, Pa tByrne, Nancy Carter, Mary Clohesy ,Louise Hammerstron, Barbara Hickey ,Pam Hodson . Connie Holmes, BettyHortin, Pat James, Anita Jay, ShirleyLewis, Iris McCaulay, Sheila Mc -Caulay, Sheila McDonald, Nonie Mars -den, Marge Pauis, Llewellynne Peck ,Meryl Porteous, Joyce Ralston, Shir-

    Heard, Shirley Hera, Shelagh James,Marion Lister, Maly Messenger ,Shary Pitts, Alice Pop, Katie Pop ,Marney Sick, Bev Smith ,


    _en _ ii

    briefing1 . $ I1 2iOflBy THELMA BARE R

    this world, so why not make it th enicest YOU it could possibly he ?

    Now take another look . First of al ldo you see hair that is soft and shin-ing as well as being neatly shape d

    The eyes, YOUR eyes, are they clea rand bright, or are they streaked wit hred? (to match your lipstick!) Try ebrushing of plain vaeline thrnug lyour eyebrows and lashes and see ha syour eyes sparkle in appreciation, An dfor a special evening try one of th emany soothing eye preparations the ,are on the market .

    Now your lips : Of course it gee::without saying that you no longe rwear any of those black-red lipstick sthat you use a lip brush, that you onl ypaint your lips in their natural posi-tion . . . please no pouts or cupid bows !

    Fenno of rel . Ands since ymir red -are clearer or on the orange side, you rpowder and toundation if you use i tshould also be teller, but warm .

    hriday, Golober 7—Kappa Gamm aPhi Cabaret,

    Phrateres P1M-Ne MTuesday, Qji& i 1 1

    Prospective Phratereans have been

    busy this week signing up into th e

    various sub-chapter groups . Their

    Lig night is Tuesday, October 11 whe n

    all successful candidates will be pled-

    ged. The pledging ceremony at th e

    Brock will begin at 8 p .m. sher e , hu tcall pledgees are to be lined in thei r

    prospective sub-chapter groups in th e

    upper balcony by 7 :45 . It is imperative

    they be on time . Tuesday is the Red

    Letter Day for Phrateres . Not only i s

    it pledging, but also the sub-chapter s

    will commence their activities :

    . . . by NANC Y

    . . . modelled by



    A mass meeting of the 4th year Art swomen. is to be held today at noonin Arts 204 . It is imperative that al lattend,

    Woman's Page

    women ' s editor




    shirley finc h

    Eaton 's Show For Coeds

    An informal fashion show 1'caturin'( McKinnon, Berbera Ann Brown, NanUBC co-eds will take place Sniurriny, Hardie, Shirley Selmn, Connie Es -

    October 15 in the Marine Dining self, Lois Stratton, Mary Toi ler andMary Pat Robertson .

    Room at Eaton's . Campus fashionsTea is to be served and a charge o f

    will be shown from Eaton's beautiful filly cents is the admissimr . The sho wbegins at 3 :30 . More showings of thjs „

    Beverley Roberts, formerly of UBC, kind are expected to he held for tlfe-"is commentating and models will be benefit of the fashion-conscious UBt- ;Peggy McGregor, Jay Davies, Willa co-eds , en_ e s




    When you've picke dyour pipe right—pick yourtobacco right . Pick Picobac .the pick of pipe tobaccos.

    Look in the mirror , . , what do yousee? Of course you see YOU . And o f

    ley Thomson, Marg Wright, Olive ; course there is only one YOU in al lSkene .GAMMA PHI BETA

    Betty Ball, Joan Barton, Pegge Boul-ter, Betty Cotterell, Shirley Dean ,Beryl Denman, Shirley Engelland ,Barbara Hall, Marg McCosham, Nanc yMcDiarmid, Barney McDonald, Shir-, and becomingly curled? Then do yo u

    ley Malcolmson, Irene Marchese, Bev see a skin that is clean and free fro m

    Martin, Shirley Mathews, Carol Mar- bumps? Now look at the makeup . I s

    ray, Betty Ridley, Ma rge Sharp, Marg there a smooth but scarcely notice -Stewart, Connie Thompson . Jean Tom- able application of powder? Are th e

    sett, Betty Wilson .

    eyebrows trimmed and free from ac -


    cumulations of powder dustily settle d

    Norine Ingram; Dorothy Mo r ris, therein ?Marilyn Hollenberg, Riva Sabensky ,Ruth Silverberg, Lillian Weinstein ,Thelma Satinovsky .DELTA GAMMA

    Milla Andrew, Jacquie Andrews ,Diane Arnison, Connie E'issett, Jane tClothier ; Diana Cox, Mary Denisiuk ,Betty Geigerich, Bev Glasgow, Marily nGrant, Pat *Henderson, Mona Hopkins ,Susan James, Anne McDougall, Ma rgory Millican, Tony Morgan, Joa nPeacock, Elva Plant, Janet Rodgers, ;Shirley Shields, Joanne Strutt, Jan eThompson, Donna Wilson .KAPPA ALPHA THET A

    Mary Rittich, Sheila Stewart, Gly nYeomans, Eileen Yoxall .KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA

    NEWS : Lip colors are tending to -

    Sheila Blois, Mary duVernet, Delsa wards the oranges and clear reds ,Elliot, Grace Flavelle, Joan Fraser, Nail enamels no longer need match

    Marg Frith, Maureen Guild, Sally your lips, but should be in the sam e

    eedy Jeans Forggie Barn Dance

    The Aggies are off to Ye Olde Barn-dance! Come Oct, 13 ,the farmers will gather to raise the dust and hayseeds at th eWhite Rose Ballroom (alias Red Cow Barn) .

    The gal and guy wearing the straw-~

    -------._ ._

    test hats, weediest jeans, batteredes tcorn-cobs, and carrying the Eulhsti Clikker jugs will receive a valuableprize for being the' worst dressed


    jand most typical farmers .

    Strictly old-time music will he th ekey-note of the evening, and squar edances, Iwo-steps, violent waltzes ,will insure a complete state of ex- Salurdry, Octobe r

    houstion for everyone .

    in Brock ,

    The ever-economizing Aggie male j Tuesday, October 11—Phratere s

    will eat a box-lunch put up by his' Pledgin g

    gal . So as the box-lunch won't feel l Wcdnetday October l2—WUS Fash-

    hurt or left out of things, a really

    ion Show .

    novel prize will be offered for the Thursday, October 13—Convnelce W oe

    best dressed lunch of the night .

    men's Tee ; Aggie Barn Dance .

    8—Football Danc e

    Whatever the price , .

    Bir6s Diamond J' ;ngaggment Rings

    are unsurpassed in Quality and Value .

    Insurance Certificate

    and Sterling Silve r

    Presentation Ois e

    provided at Ito extra cost


    The Phrateres program is to he a n

    active one this month . The Old Mem-ASKS TIIE PEOPLE Bi l ltier ' s Banquet is set for October 20 and Rea of NW brings the voice o f

    the Fall Formal will be on the 8 of the' people on current topicsNovember . Watch the Phrateres notice every morning at 8 :45 on NW..board for further information .

    Ileac the "'Roving Mike " dailyon CKNW at a quarter to nine . i

    'Suit signs of Autumn . . . your first

    Fall suit takes hold of a brand new

    feeling in line and detail . . . free

    and easy styles, softly fashioned ,

    meticulously finished yet foun d

    with down-to-earth prices . The

    trend of the year is tweed spiced

    with velveteen . . . ' go-everywhere '

    tweed contrasted with luxuriou s

    velveteen to add unparalleled dis-

    tinction to your Fall wardrobe .

    The slim suit tailored in 'bird 's-eye 'tweed in muted tones of bottle-green ,pumpkin and heather-blue flecked wit hblack . Note the triple-flapped pockets ,plunging collar and narrow skirt .

    Sizes 12-10,

    each 49.50

    Eaton's Suits and Coats — Second Floo r

    The head-conforming velveteen ha tand matching large, 'bunchy' bag incolours of brown, grey, green and black ,

    I-Iat 7.9 :

    Bag toll s

    Eaton's Millinery — Second hoa r

    ~`T pEATt N~C°~,.,>

    collection .

    s C baC

    Tobacco—the coolest, mildest tobacco ever grows:

    TO N'S PresentsaCampus Favourite

  • Page 4


    Friday, October 7, 1949

    Braves Dropped Out,New Hoop Team I n

    Chiefs Only Senior A Entry ;Frosh Team to Play Inter A

    Complete change-over will be made in the Basketbal l

    set-up on the campus this year with only one university entr y

    in the Senior A Men 's League but with a new addition in th e

    Inter A calibre .Thunderbirds remain the same how- I r •


    ever, still participating in the Ever- green Conference play.

    New squad to form this season

    will be a Frosh club of official Inte r

    A standing but with the local loo p

    almost on the verge of breaking up .

    Fresh will probably play only agains t

    comparable clubs on the mainland .

    DOMINION FINALS MAYB EConcession has been gained to have

    the Frosh club play in the Dominio n

    Inter A finals if it is possible to ente r

    a team from the university .Braves are to be dropped from th e

    local V and D Senior A loop, leavin g

    UBC Chiefs to carry the burden fo r

    the campus .

    GAIN EXPERIENC EMove is designed to allow talente d

    frosh to gain valuable experienceagainst high class competition fro m

    other cities .Possible games for Frosh wilt be

    arranged with Junior Varsity club sfrom member schools in the Ever -

    green Conference as well as teamsfrom some United States Junior Col-

    leges.Powell River will be a logical

    contestant for the first year squad ,after the good will that was sprea dlast year when UBC Braves travelle d

    there for an exhibition series .

    STRICTLY FRESHME NFrosh team will follow Inter A

    regulations, which means that nmernbets must be under 20 years of ag e .Possibly some members of the club

    might not be first year men but hcas lbasketball coach Jack Pomfret plansto keep membership down strictly t othe frosh if enough turn out for theteam .

    Name "Fresh " would be change dto "Braves" for university's Inter Ateam if it was not entirely a freshman ,squad .

    that the Oregonians use a highl y

    impressive T formation on their of-

    fense . With third year letterman Fer-

    nan Warnock handling the ball fro m

    quarterback slot and flinging the

    passes, the team can be dangerou s

    quests Cal Oughton to pleas ehis phone number and address with ' on their way to a victory .

    Average weight of Eastern Oregon' s

    line is about 185 pounds, but with

    two or three of their big men in the

    line at the same time, Thunderbirds

    will have to have a strong offense ,

    or a mighty decept'ivq offensive t o

    crack the opposing forward wall ,

    The back field is not of small siz e

    either . Third year fullback Bob Terry

    weighs in at 198 pounds spread thickl y

    over a 5 foot 8 inch frame .Other fullback is Everett Chrusos-

    kie, a six tooter who tips the scales

    TWIN SET! Fancy cable stitch

    M pullover, across shoulders o f

    cardigan . All wool, popularl y

    priced, everywhere .

    Sports Editor — RAY FROS T

    Dick Penn AppointedTo Hoop Coaching Staf f

    Newcomer to UBC basketball coaching staff this year wil l

    be Dick Penn, whose appointment became official at last Wed -

    nesday 's meeting of the MAD .

    Penn, although a novice to th e

    coaching ranks is well known on th e

    campus as manager of the "Thunder -

    birds" and as an intramural organizer .


    Oldtimers Jack Pomfret, coach o f

    last year's "Thunderbirds " and OleBakken of Senior A "Braves" las tseason will be out again .

    Doug Whittle, Chiefs coach last yea rwill be unable to continue thisyear because of other athletic duties,

    having the swim team to worry abou t

    as well as heavy office work .

    Teams this year will be the Thun-clerbirds who although they have los tsome of last year's talent have every

    promise of being an all-star team ."Chiefs" who will play Senior "A"and a Frosh team which is classe das inter "A" calibre .

    The assistant coaches have not a s

    yet been assigned their duties, bu tPomfret will again coach the Thunder -birds with either Penn or Bakke n

    as his assistant .


    Still not official, but Thunderbird

    grid end coach Hjelmar "Jelly" And-erson may yet handle one of th e

    hoop teams if he is not too har dpressed with work between his classe sand football .

    One and only press release fro m

    the U .S . team designates their prob-

    able starting lineup which is a fairone to open up the game with .

    Warnock handles the ball at quar-ter, harry Winston and Jim McAlis -ter manning the halfs and Bab Terr y

    in full back position .

    Ends Jerry Sherwood (162 pounds )

    and Herman Lawson (165 pounds )

    hold the line together . Tackles Phi l

    Ward (195) and Henry Sherman (193) ,

    Guards Jim Bailey (171) and Don n

    Waldem (170), with Ester Wilfon g

    (173) holding down the cent re spot .


    On the UBC side of the picture ,

    Coach Orville Burke has institute d

    some new pass plays in a bid to

    strengthen the 'Birds offense .Tackling promises to be much im-

    proved over the kind that was fea-tured in UBC's first home game ii i

    the Stadium last September 24 .

    In all, Thunderbirds have vastl yimproved over their previous per-formances and with a break fro mthe weatherman, tomorrow's contes tshould he a sight to watch .

    SPOON RETIRES FROM, GRI DAFTER LEG OPERATIO NEducated toe of UBC 's Hilary Wotherspoon will be

    out of action for a while ."Spoon" has had a troublesome cartilage remove d

    from his knee, and will be forced to use crutches and the n

    a cane for some time .Slipping into the hospital last September 26 withou t

    saying a word to anyone, Wotherspoon had the operatio nperformed and stayed over a week in bed in the hospital .

    For Slot O n'Bird Squad

    With American football stil lholding the limelight in cam -pus athletic circles, over fift yaspirants to top UBC basket -ball teams are turning out to

    conditioning practices .

    Though the first Thunderbird has-ketball game is not until early Decem-ber against the Washington Huskies ,

    it is none too early for the future

    Birds to be gett i ng ,into shape .This year head coach of basketball ,

    Jack Pomfret is going to spend theopening weeks of the training sched-ule concentrating on physical con-dition and not basketball prowess .

    Co-ordination and team play beinglarge items in the make-up of a goodbasketball player, volleyball is bein gused as part of the training program .

    Though the game may look easy t othe spectator volleyball teaches co -ordination of jumping to the decen tof a ball, teaches correct and ableuse of the fingers and wris',s, an dalso can be a good conditioning ex-ercise if played properly .

    SHORT ---

    SPOR THockey practice from 6 to 7 :30 p .m, a t

    the Forum tonight ; All potential play-ers and team members please turn out .

    -Y.Veteran trackman Fred Rowell ha s

    been approved as assistant track coac hfor UBC this season .

    Rowell, Uhyssey columnist las tseason, handled much of the coachin gand training for the track teams las tyear in unofficial capacity .


    Four ends all over sin foit. tal l

    will give UBC something to think

    about when they organize their pass

    Hockey manager Al Thiessen re- defense . A few of Warnock ' s accurat eleave forward 'flings could put Oregon wel l

    io UBC .

    Coach Bob Quinn, together with hi s

    Iwo able assistants Bob Oeste e le, andHollis Foil, have collected together a

    1' ; i ;-sized squad of linemen to oppos e

    the 'Bird stalwarts .

    Ole Bakken at Graduate Manager' soffice .

    Cheerleaders wanted . Will those in-terested in cheeileading please mee t

    Tuesday, October 11 at 12 :30 in fron tof the Brock Hall .



    Senior rugger manager this year wil lbe Mike IlanuTeisly, who handle dassistant manager's position last sea -

    son .

    Roy North will help out Hanunersl y

    as assistant manager for the remain -der of the year .

    Little News From Oregon;Got .Good Heavy Ball Clu b

    Information is slowly leaking out from Eastern Orego nCollege of Education about their football team .

    ' at 195. The rest of the backs ar earound 170, but what they hick i n

    weight, they make up for in experi-


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