THE EVENING lIlIES WASHINGTON TKUESJMY MOTST 9 8 1900 S KANN SONS GO S KAHN SONS GO THE BUSY CORNER Always the Best Everything for the Least Money Theres no humidity in ihe air when you enter our store no matter how in tense the heat may be Our large roomy aisles our scores 6f big ventilating windows and our 100 latest improved noisless electric fans are sufficient to pro- duce all the comforts of home Theres is nothing jiew about the announcement of our Friday Remnant Sales People know whats coming on these days as well as we do The only difference Is that the goods offered an the low prices made at the time are foreign to them until they are seen in print As usual we shall try to have a big Remnant Sale tomorrow because it will be the last afterstocktaking sale of odds and ends produced by this summer Inventory All odds and ends 50 fine White India Linon Wrappers finished with j deep flounce Reduced from 149 to 10 fancy Colored Taffeta Silk Waists in turquoise pink light blue CO and helio Reduced from to LiJO 6 Allwool Oxford Cheviot Suits sizes 32 34 26 and 38 Reduced CC Aft from 1248 to JUU 10 elegant White Pique Skirts finished with three rows of embroidery QQC which are slightly soiled Reduced from 369 to 6 Rainyday Walking Skirts in grey with ten rows of X9 stitching Reduced from 500 to 0 0 Second Floor Remnants from Our Undermuslin and Corset Dept 3 French Flannel Dressing Sacks light blue pink and with large laydown collars fell- ed neatly finished crochet edging wero 348 J3U 2 W B Silk Corsets low bust and with lace top and for 4 Remnant price 4 White Pique Reefers for Children Empire with large round collar and edged with fine em- broidery they were 19S Only two sizes three and tour years 7 0 therefore 1 Black P D Corset made of fine Italian cloth trimmed with fine black lace low bust 20 9 AQ 550 quality remnant price Remnants from Our Upholstery Department Odds and Ends of Nottingham Lace Curtains half OC lengths close at each Remnants of Floor to 312 yard lengths extra OCC heavy quality per yard E S Josefs Wire Sham 1 0 C Holders per pair l 15inch first quality Stair Oil Cloth only three C f yard v Remnants om Our Ladies Neckwear Department 500 yards of Silk Pleaiing and Juby t rimming made of liberty silk and chif- fon from onehalf to 14r2 inches wide short lengths formerly sold from JC 19c to 20f a jard remnant price v s r Just a Jew of our125 and 1SS and liberty silk Stocks in white light blue and pink remnant i from Our Ribbon Stock Fine quality of Silk Taffeta Ribbon In white light blue werise cardinal violet and biack 312 to 412 Inches wide sold for 29c and 39c t OC yard l ff vr No 1 Baby Ribbon In all colors put up In 5yard bunches per 1 lot of black ostrich plumes worth 3S cents 4ach choice for 1 lot of untrimmed hats in plain and fancy braids all colors early 1 AC season price 75 cents to 150 Choice 1 lot of fancy quills and I Second floor 2 Very Special Items in Hosiery S Under the order of remnants Womens fourthreaa lisle hose imported regular made In black and navy blie and fancy 50 cents dqwn jjo per pair Mens full regular made imported hose in cadet blitfe polka dots fancieSj etc reduced per pair from 29 to 1 Remnant Items from the Boys Clothing Ses3oni- r4 v oys fine all wool golf caps mixed chariots casaimer a and plain and navy blue cloth every 50 cents to 1 Boys Brownie overalls1 sizes 4 to 12 years price tomorrow will be Remnants from Our Remnant Hoar About a thousand yards will wind up the entire lot of 100 cases of fast col- ored Figured have sacrific- ed and sold these goods as low as 2 7Sc but this small lot will have to undergo another amputation of price and go per yard at s 9000 yards of Imported Organdies fine Dimities anti Batistes this lot of remnants consists of neat and large designs very pattern loomed this sea is even a large assortment of mournings and majori- ty of these goods sold for lOc and 12 l2e a yard and some even as high as 25c to go quickly they have JiC been marked We have to our remnant de- partment u cases of Percales they are very suitable for early fall wear for house gowns childrens dresses anti boyr shirt goods are put in this afterinventory sale Pif per yard at 2 A new lot of stylish Cretonnes and Ponjab Draperies which are very de- sirable for furniture covering and all sorts of home goods are equal In style and colorings to the foreign kinds and less han half of what you pay for the other special V J 2 From Our Mens Department- We have taken in all about 40 dozen Mens Negligee Shirts some with si k fronts others yercale and with one pair of cuffs all made to sell from 75c to 100 each and some even more the sizes are somewhat broken 20 dozen of Mens Negligee Shirts in white Madras without a few percales with laundered roster ofj3izcs somewhat make a clearance of the while they last we close them AQC balance we sell them at out at Johnson Luttrell Annex Lining RemnantsLast But Not the Least Whatever we have left of light col ored Linings must go The value if bought from the piece would cost you from 8 to 15c a yard we wish a quick the price has been made 8 The entire line of remnants of fine Percalines silk finished linings and linen canvas which sold off the piece from 12 l2c to 25c a yard C C marked down for quick selling to J4 8th and Market Space I f I Remnants from Dept t O n onlyfinished i 1 lavendermade stylefinished seamsand shorthipstrimmed bottomsizes O 23sold 2 stylesize piecesgood Linoleum2 piecesper chiffon and 49C price pin I 5 C I Remnants of MillineryOdtls J 1 Oc u wingseach goodsfull j i ribfrom ha If 2 sizefrom d Z3C I ne Lawnswe waiststhese sonthere Indigoesthe draperythese I cuffsalso cuffsthe I brokento 2 gc clearancetherefore zf So KANN SONS co ft Our Suit QC wJth silk t 21 and i Jabots T bunch alldEnds U i J fl tIC iiC added e 11 iC I I hick L ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = = GAS STOVES For Cooking nd Heating GAS APPLIANCE EXCIttUQE 1121 New York Avenue THE KIDNEYS sre the sewers of the system Warners Safe keeps them open and free and soon restores health Its a Luxury to have your well filled this hot weather with our Golden Hop Beer Put up especially for family use 12 Quart Settles Its pure satisfy- ing and delicious Nothing better to k e ep up strength SSnOc rebate for bottles Drop postal or phone delivery WASHINGTON lh and F KE Phonc IW Cure iCe- box f your BREWERY CO I r lr E1 J 4 g IiN E IiGEP sirsgci ernl IiHaeTzsaC 1 > ¬ < The Domination of the function of the body is controlled by Nervous System hence to the of the nerve weakness will there depression of the vital forces In- jure the nerve and the function of a muscle or organ is deranged or arrested Exhaustion of the nervous makes this most delicate instru- ment jangle out of tune and the result is anything from headaches to hallucinations in- somnia to insanity I have made this my special study for years and I give the advantage of all the best and latest scientific at 5 a IVlonth Provided you begin treatment now Only twice several years has Dr Clemens given this rats 0 rnios this chance to secure his services at a nominal charge The best ia always the cheapest 63 JStli St N W Office hours Q a m to 8 p m Sunday 10 am to 2 p m je2Ctfem 521 fth St NW Nerv 0 U S System EVERY a lnCC5 in dont DRaCLEf JENS I I G CO LIT UsT AA I ¬ Complaint of the Glare From an Electric Arc Lamp CoiumlMsioncrs Ileancsieil to JInve n Part of the CUoJje Fnlnf eil The Electrical Engineer Points Out Objections to the Plan A T e fender of the Boyn Qtlier Matters George D Fry of 766 Sixth Street south east has written a letter to Commissioner Macfarland requesting that the arc light on the corner of Fourteenth and T streets northwest be provided with a shade In his letter Mr Fry says he makes the re- quest for Mr and Mrs A M Daniels of 1401 Fourteenth Street The light Is very unpleasant writes Mr Fry You know or could imagine the unpleasantness of the glare of an elec- tric light in your face when you are try ing to comfort yourself you have finished your days work especially on these hot evenings I know you are a gen tleman who is interested in and will look after the necessities and comforts of the public Therefore I ask you as a favor to Mrs Daniels myself and many others if you will cause a section of the globe on the said electric light corner Fourteenth and T streets northwest to be painted so that it will cast a shadow oa the front parking of 1401 T Street Thte is only a small thing compared with hat some people ask of you so I expeCtHrfat If will be doneWalter C the Electrical Engi- neer to whom Mr Frys letter was refer- red states that the arc lamp in question- Is at the southwest corner of Fourteenth and T streets while the premises to be shaded are on the northwest corner To place a shade on the lamp would be a se rious obstacle to travel He therefore recommends that the writer be informed that the request cannot be granted The small boy particularly the one who loves to swim naked in some sequestered pool has found a friend in the person of Dr Irving C Reese In a letter to Com missioner Macfarland he has taken up cudgels against the arrest of boys who brave police regulations and go in swim ming as nature intended Dr Rosse in timates to the man in authority that the police have more important duties to per form than to spoil the fun of the boys of the Distrtict The correspondent says It is only my admiration and respect for your acts as Commissioner that prompt me to write you on a time- ly matter I refer to tn arrest by the police of small hors who are bathing usually at some unfrequented wharf or lonely pond in the vicinity- of which policemen have been known to hide many hours with a view to making such arreet While I am friendly the police and do not wish to be sar- castic yet I think they might be better employed in looking after graver offenders whom they allow to escape As a good citizen I would In no way countenance ex- hibitionism or exposure but it seems to most sensible people that police this matter is carried far in the Dre trict of Columbia and calls for mitigation In the harbor of Newport R I men may be seen daily in swimming tights which the regulations allow while that part of the harbor In the vicinity of Wel- lington Roads Is frequented by small boys who swim without clothes in full view of passersby During many seasons spent at this resort I have never heard a complaint from anyone and I am sure the popula tion Is quite as fastidious as that of Wash- ington in fact I have noticed in looking into the dark corners of human nature that excessive prudery and affected propriety are accomplished by other conditions of which it would not be delicate to speak but from a neurological of view I am sure Mr Commissioner that the present course of the police strikes terror to the mind of many a small boy who would otherwise learn the useful and manly ac- complishment which I feel our municipal authorities should countenance and encour- age in every way possible consistent with propriety Clarence A Brandenburg Assistant At torney for the District has informed the Commissioners that in his opinion they are without authority in law to cancel the sale of lot 23 in square 1075 as requested by L C Bailey llr Bailey claimed that on account of the failure to transfer lot 28 to his name upon the assessment books he failed to pay the tax thereon for the year 1896 and for this reason he claims that the sale of the lot should be cancelled It appears that on March 10 1S94 Mr Bailey purchased lots 28 to 40 both inclusive In square 1075 The transcript of the deed furnished the Assessor recited the conveyance of sub- lets 29 to 40 inclusive wlffiout lot 28 but it also appears that he pafd the taxes on lot 28 for the years 1S94 and 1S95 al- though the lot had not been transferred to him According to the Attorney it was Mr Baileys duty to inspect the tax bills him and the receipts retained by him If he had done so it would have revealed the fact that he had not paid the taxes upon lot 28 He therefore holds that the should be denied The bid of 14325 for the construction o a sewer at Police Station X6 2 submitted by Ed J Hannan has been accepted by the Commissioners- The application of Philip D Evans an additional private on th police force to have his commission changed so as to ex tend his territory from Thirteenth to Six teenth Streets and R Street to Florida Ave- nue has been approved by Commissioner Ross A similar request from J P ODea an additional private extending his territory from Sixteenth Twentyfirst Street and from R to T Streets has also been ap proved AUGUST BATTEIHEANS WILL Estate Left in Trust to His Wife for the Benefit of Children The will of Augustus P Baunnan was filed today for probate By Its terms the testator names his wife Louisa Baurman executrix to whom he leaves his entire estate in trust for the benefit of his chil dren The executrix however is empowered to sell part or all of the estate if she deems it necessary for the proper maintenance- of the children Upon her death it is directed that the estate shall be divided equally among the children JOiSTS DEATH Actlnsr Coronet Glazeljroolc Says It Was Due to Heart Disease Acting Coroner Glazebroak last night viewed theremains of Mrs Annie Jost who died suddenly at ber home 711 H Street southwest yesterday morning de- cided an inquest was unnecessary and Is- sued a certificate of death from heart dis- ease Later the remains were turned over to an undertaker and removed to the home of the mother of the dead woman at 1703 Sixth Street northwest from where the funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon It is understood that friends and will care for the Six children of the deceased Their father Jojin B Jost a carpenter is a patient at St Elizabeths Asylum for the Insane He has net been apprised of the death of his wife as the physicians at the asylum considered jt In advisable to let Mm knpwbf It neimtifnl Chevy Gliase trtUe the place to 0 for a cool pleasant cyenini ileic- rlawHy In high diving etc 8SO AFFAIRS Trio after i Allen to 5tring n y- in too I i i tax- I I I I I fur- nished applicati n e MRS rela- tives j nd A f UI TilE llJRIT- A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ffl THE POLICE COM Judge Ulills Horrified at Piisone Walshs Depravity An Intoxicated 3Inn Drives Doctor nnd Front the ItedHlilc Isis Dylnpr AVife Lame Excuse for Conduct In Court Tl e 5uKi cnd i Sentence for SIze Kuner It Is nothing unusual to hear pathetic stories and tales of tribulations in the Po- lice Court In fact the recounting of suf- fering and trouble Is a dally occurrence Sometimes the cases are aggravated but seldom if ever is a case heard which in any way could compare with c which was brought before Judge Mills this morn ing AccorJing to Judge Mills the case was the worst that had ever come under his observation during his long experience on the bench and he expressed himself in strong terms concerning it Superficially the caso appeared to be nothing than one of disorderly con duct and profanity with John Walsh of Scott Avenue as the defendant policeman Coffin and R H Landsdale appeared as the complaining witnesses and it was their testimony wbich revealed the true condi- tion of affairs Theirstatements horrified Judge Mills the court attaches acd spce fakirs and snocfcea even the prisoners in the dock j According to the prosecuting witnesses Walshs wife had been 111 for several days and suffered additionally because of the alleged neglect of her husband Last night Mrs Walshs condition became alarming and neighbors realizing that the woman was dying tent for a physician and a priest In the meantime Walsh had arrived on scene considerably under the influence liquor it was said lie became very dis orderly and profane addressed harsh lan- guage to his dying wife and absolutelY refused to desist when remonstrated with Finallv the conduct of Walsh reached a climax when he refused to allow elthci the priest or physician to enter the room of the dying woman He declared that they should not minister unto her roundly abused them The situation ot affairs aroused the in dignation of the neighbors Thcy realized that Walshs conduct was only hastening the end of his wifes life and it de cided to have the drinkcrazed husband locked up Policeman Coffin was then ap pealed to and he after considerable diffl culty succeeded in lodging Walsh at thE stationhouse About an hour after Walsh was incar cerated his wife passed away Her be was surrounded by five small children whose grief was pitiful to behold Friends consoled them as best they but kind words Were not calculated to assuage thE sorrow of the little ones whose mothcI lay dead and whose father in a state o intoxication lay behind the bars of a sta tionhouse cell Finally after considerable effort the children were quieted and thei was decided to acquaint Walsh with fact that his wife was dead The dut devolved upon Mr Lansdale an uncle o deceased and according to his tcsti mony this morning when he told Walsl of his wifes death he received the reply All right I am the hag is dead In his defence Walsh claimed that sudden illness of his wife prostrated him was so overcome he said that hi attempted to drown his sorrows in drink He was not responsible for his actions o what he said He also claimed to hart loved his wife dearly and said he was a all times loath to abuse or mistreat her Judge Mills thought the excuse offerei by Walsh a very poor one He said tha even though Walsh was overcome by thi sudden illness of his wife there was no ex- cuse for his conduct and particularly fo his remark at the stationhouse when ap prised of his wifes death Judge Mill added that he had never been conf rohtei with such a case He said Walsh was brute and deserving of the most seven penalty the law provided- I would send you to the workhouse t servo the maximum sentence as 77011 said Judge Mills and then consid- er punishment insufficient were it no for the fact that your children are alon and unable to make arrangements for th funeral of your dead wife Those fact alone save you from going to the work house As it is now I do not want to mak your children suffer and will release you o your personal bonds to appear In ttiis cour one week from today for I trus you will be a good man during the interii as it may benefit your case Walsh was then released in order tha he might he able to arrange for and at tend the funeral of his wife and proved for his children James Smith Patrick Danaher an William Moore were arraigned on complain- of Policemen Bradley Hagan and Payne All were charged witlrvagrancy and th accused entered pleas of not guilty Judge Mills was convinced of the gui Take the CliIIdreiv tO See Tlie Meier family of divers an l fanctrswir- mers Chevy Chase Lake evCni if 5 add 830 THAT THliOa EGf HE VUACHE Would quickly leave you If you used New liifa of suTer s have their matchless merit for iaek add nervous aches They Trgke pure tloofl and build tip you health S25 cents Sdldvbj Hetirji Evans DTiiggisga22vpstreJ of Ins Justice more the of was could it thE the glad old thE H I I de- serve the Dr King ibl kif n t cur I P1ercs faYorite- PrescpIion cwes- femeweakns I Imakes wekwornen- stron sich womwi welL Priest and sentence lills heed iio northwcet 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dont Miss These rK Friday Shoe Bargains skip your breakfast than fail to Visit one of our three stores tomorrow and seeflie extraordinary Bargains on our Odds aid Ends Tables Qualities and styles are all riglit qnly all are not there Ladies Table Con V tams All of our Grasslinen and Crash 150 pad 200 Oxford Ties plain or kid trimmed nearly every size and width of aoma kind Childs Table Con Jyv 23 pairs Gfrlsff 25 and 150 Tan Kid Sandals widths only nearly all sizes Handmade Tan and Black Kid also a few Patent Leather Oxford Ties thatnwere 150 and 200 all sizes In narrow widths broken sizes C D nd E width 18 pairs Kid Button Boots sizes 4 12 to 8 39 pairs 2 and 250 fine Kid Boots sizes 2 to 4 only Ladies Table i iPrSS Contains Handsewed turn and welt Tan Kid OxfordffTies that were 2 2 0 and 3 maY pretty styles nearly every size of some kind 300 handsewed Tan Laced Boots welt and turn soles sizes 2 to 4 only 15 pairs Ladies 300 French Pat Leathervlaced Boots broken sizss 3 Brown and White Duck hand- made rubber Vacation Laced and Oxford Ties only 21 pairs mostly narrow widths 17 pairs 43 Calf Ox ford Ties wide and pointed toes sizes 5 5 12 and 7 only B C and D width Wm Cos 3 Reliable Shoe Houses Car lift and K Sts 1914 and 233 Pa Ave S E 18 pairs Childs Spring Heel Kid pa tent tip 1 Sandals 5 to S Chocolate VIe Kid and 125 solid sole Laced and Button Shoes for Girls and Boys wear Broken sizes Childs 5 to 2 Boys Canvastop Out r log Laced and Oxfords j plain or leather f trimmed Were 50c j ls Sizes 5 and j 512 only Mens 2 and a i Shoes s 53 Patent Calf Dancing Pumps iljj A B width 5 r2 to 8 Dont Borrow Trouble Buy I L I I I I I the r- I I I I I I I 9 tams I W 1 I I 1 III I I 25 L50 Ii I I and c I I I i anile ole I I I I J II I 1916 Pal Ave I I i III SA POll O i I sizes garr I ci I hands S Hahn = > ¬ ¬ ± of the defendants and ordeted each of serve sixty days in the workhouse Profanity and disorderly conduct were charged against James Freeman William and Harry Anderson all colored All de nied that they were guilty as chargtd but could not substantiate their declara i lions of innocence In default of payment j of fines of each defendant was ordered- to serve fifteen days in the workhouse ORDERS FOB PUBLIC WORK Arrmieremeiits for Constructing School ItuililiiiKH nnd Sewers The Commissioners this morning issued orders as follows for the construction of public work That contract for constructing a four room school builcug at Takoma Park D C is hereby awarded o Herman E I for the price named in his proposal j dated July 21 1900 That Half G and N j Streets southwest be improved at an j costotS i chargeable to the ap j proprlatibn for Imjnovement and Repairs southwest sectiqa 1901 That I Street between First and Canal Streets be improved at an es timated cost of 400 chargeable to the ap propriatioa for Improvement and Repairs southwest section 1001- t That Ninth Street northeast between I Street and Florida Avenue be improved- at an estimated cost of HOC chargeable to the appropriation for Improvement and Renairs northeast section 1901 That L Street between South Capitol and Second streets southeast be improved at an estimated cost of 900 chargeable to the appropriation for improvement and re pairs southeast section 1501 That receiving basin be constructed on j Fifth Street near I Street northeast at an estimated cost of 70 chargeable to the current appropriation for main and pipe sewers and that an approach to same be made in the roadway of the street at an estimated cost of 40 chargeable to the current appropriation for repairs to streets etc i That hydrant be erected at the corner of Twelfth streets at an estimated cost of 30 ThAt the following work be done under the provisions of the assessment system the same having been duly advertised To i reset curb mid lay cement sidewalk on the south side 5f East Capitol Street from Third Street to Fourth Street at an esti mated cost of 760 to be assessed against lots in square 787 fronting on said East Capitol Street betweenthe limits named- I To lay cement sidewalks on both sides of Ninth Street Brightwood Park from ErieStreet to Flint Street at an estimated i cost of 716 to be assessed against lots in blocks 9 aniS Brightwood Park frontin- gI said Ni4th Street between the limits named To set curb and lay brick side walks on north side of Garfield Avenue Canal Street from South Capitol Street to E Street at an estimated cost of 593 to be assessed against lots in square fronting on said GaTfield Avenue Canal Street between the limits named Pave with Tltrified or asphalt block al- ley in square 924 estimated cost 3551 That improvements be made to the fol lowing chargeable to the ap Improvement and repairs southeast section 1901 work to be by day labor Half Street between H N Streets southeast estimated cost SOO K Street southeast between South Capitol end Second Streets estimated cost 5000 Second Street southeast between I and X Streets estimated cost 400 That H Street southwest between First and Canal Streets be improved at an es- timated cost of 500 chargeable to the ap- propriation for Improvement and Repafs southwest section work to be done by daj- j Eighth Street northeast between t L Street and Florida Avenue be by day labor at an estimated eosl of chargeable to the appropriation for Improvement and Repairs northeast section t That receiving basin be constructed northwest of Half and N Streets southeast at estimated cost of G9 charge to current appropriation for main p pipe sewers That the time for completion of contract with P D Vinson for Improving Kansas is hereby extended for three days until August 7 without penalty or cost o inspection l That 2910 feet of 6inch main be laid from the end of the present water main on Road southward tc Michigan Avenue In Michigan AvenuE southwesterly a distance of about IOC feet at an cost of 52328 which sum has been deposited by the authoritie- sI Trinity College which desires said wa- ter main laid under the terms of the act of June 2 regard to water mains Comnaiij Receives Its Charter TOREPLK Va Aug Hancke has granted a chart to the XorfplI Crystal C to manufacture Ice furnish ar gff develop estate retc CapHSj prIncipal office 1 brfolfei i 5 I t I t Bur- gess S tret between southwest I I I new 69 street ieost arid That im- proved 380 Corner 1 e venue water Harewood 19001 9Judge y real 1 es- timated aadQ done labcu al- t ale and t and btimafed roe S l Ice t Li 600 ¬ ¬ > for the shoe bar- gain of the year At S oclock this morning we place on sale a bargain lot of liens tare Shots and Oxfords broken in sizes and very much broken in prices The lot consists of Mens Black and Rus- set Vlci Kd Oxfords II S H make Sfcns Enact Md Kid Lace Shoes and a few paife f Mens H S H make White Canvas Shoes All are worth S3 and 350 j Is what you get them for Shoes Shined Free 39 Ave Regent Shoes All Cie newest i most attractive stylI in mens shoe Black tans patent leathe to any 100 EhoejQ f made ZO 043 Pennsylv depend upon and unhealthy blood SS heals quickly I BATHING SUITS 1 t At Cost 1 Qualify Striped Cor 7th H Sts TIIUnSDAY AUGUST 0 190ff Generally fair tonight and Friday light fresh northwesterly winds TEMPERATURE Temperature at 9 a m i Temperature at 12 noon Temperature at l30p m r THE SUN AM Sun sets 7 lP Jloon rises j Moon sets 330 A TIDE TABLE Low tide 1230 A3I andlll P High ride 629 AM STREET LIGhTING Lamps lit today i 740 P out tomorrow i ll17 V AMUSEMENTS Kemans Glen Echo Park Vaudeville Cabi John Bridge Palm Gardea Vaudev- ilafternjn and evening Wllciwootl and dancing evening Ctesapcake Beach 1 tains leave Junction daily 11 a 2p m p ra C p iffi for Chesapeake Beach on t Bay K AND THE CITY fi tier t his Jbj dneJ R lljn khiart jiinfJrvB s L K 6dc both Sf Point of locks EL Char F 4i StciszelandJjiJii V Kcrper OJT8 J E Infants ana Ci- HdIs KindYoo HaMiwais Boug f 1 i j- ow I j T 1 J 1 i V t i F j I t C k g roc erS t JJ Pall HH I I Equal J I SORES S I and the S i J- I Fast Colors 69Ce tnin VenthorIu1fcntIons c Sun roseSOG and Lamps n cI sndSrening evening I n ABOUT F t 4- i 4- I 5 stingtop i 4 4 1 IIi49 I Awenue ULOERS when chronic poor makes new sore War- ranted i i4r- c AUEAC15 Wim The AND 3fOOX I 65S1I Lyceum hhetrtDon Ton Burlcsu afternoon ilL Marriage Lieunset Tsstiscl- iIanigeIFccnsesw e knieti- F iv lhan en iiaromer Lia and Lue CAT ¬ > > > > > + > + + > < ± This Roman Chair The littlest youll ever pay for Roman Chairs At 125 are n half nf the chair Is worth Prettily made mahogany finished and tapestry seat 125 415417 Seventh St ELIXIR BABEK Preventive and sure cure for all I MALARIAL Diseases such as Chills Fever and Ague Less of Appetite Bilious and Dyspeptic Disorders Headache in the Back Side or Iambi Colds La Neuralgia etc At all drug slits 50c ulU- To Repair Broken Artt- clesiise flT Remember MAJORS RUBBER CEiiEXT MAJORS LEATHER CEMENT RAVE YOU Sore Pimple cot Spots Aches Old Sores Ulcers in mouth Failing Writ COOK REMEDY CO I6fil Kasonlc Temple Chicago HI for proofs of cures capital 500000 We solicit the most cb itinate cases We have cured the cases la 16 to 85 days 103pa s Book Free mylSU Uncle Sam Dont a Wear- S Truss but he carries the Air Cushion Truss aU over the States Men women and wear and like them The Air Cushion Paa holds with comfort nothing else will Consultation end two necks trial free Lady ia jtttcdance tor ladies Office parlors Tralting and rooms on the same floor Catalogue free TUB RGR1CK Suit CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY 12T4- P et nw 2d floor mhlOrtlcm WHEN IN DOUBT TRY I and cured thousands of cases of Nervous Diseases such J f clear the the circulation make digestion perfect and impart a to the being All- Unless patients- OllOngfigain ire vroc cured the tion often worries them into Insanity Consump- tion or Death Hailed sealed i per box 6 boxes with Ironclad legalguarantee to cure or refund the money 500 book PEAL MEDICINE CO Cleveland 0 Afflecks Drug Store 1428 Pa ave cw and Thomas H Atkinson llth and G sta nwi TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE Dittatet Heo Sleeplessness caused br Abuso or India cretlons SJlcy yuicJtti tufdn TJiajr boys cared and will PQS tiara written guarantee to effect a cure money wail in frappr r c Ipt of price Clfcnlar fteo AJAX REMEDY CO For sale In Washington D O by Edward GtU and Pa ave Edznondi WUUami aye It L Eliot 1017 nw and W G 150 Pa are Drugjri- itviMAKE PERFECT MEN JJO Nor DESPAIR DonotSif- fer Longer The and ambitions of life can ba restored to The very worst of Xerrou Debility r- absolutely cured by ptrelierti the 8250 a complete cure funded in Test STEVENS PHARMACY his Pa tvc HENRY EVANS 623 F t 0 PosirjYEiy GUARANTEED FOR SALE BY ALL DItUGGIST- SDotyiitoTim Temperature The thermometer at Afflecks registered S0 de greet at 9 a m 07 degrees at noon anti 90 de grecs at 2p ni- u Shells Dniiiased 1 y Fire I Fire was discovered in a shed in the rear f 53 P Street northwest about 3 30 oclock and before it was cxtin spread I sheds adjoining on either Si3R The fire department went Into senfee In response to an alarm front box 247 The total from the fire was estimated at 7i revered by insurance The cause of the fire is liof known Marine Bend Concert TliiM TJvon There will be a band concert t M Barracks at 540 oclopfc this oycturt gramme will b as follows The Natipoal Capital CcnjM ial 5arM- it Sinttil Overture Belisilio r ii Serenade SriiliStSlTr- ouiMne quartette The robita Tfty cICt- Mugrgiins Walton Tlie Merchant of veiiM- ltz Ttoel Dream el the O an- rMfeltaies front A Ilunawaj Girl DesirriptiTe In a Clock Sto ie Patriotic Hymn Columbia v i v Orth Fyle- aVSignatnvs of f t 1 i fat price I- i i- t de- pendable paying scant what t- i i- i I 6 H Pain Cement otc war Unite litDie S J hC y lr S Ads JADE MAN a for 6ndT t m B her had Tablet GT- c or for Steve t c I TAL TS In i tlon np tbe Give bloom to to the of oun or old box vit t at money re I cared NS KIDNEY 25 PILLS 10 CENTS r Olio morin ishei d l ne lr S t r r ran iut i Hal j f F 1- II I- I 12St you Mayer Potfif Throat staodt- hetestdyetrsand have Sleepless hY nets A iBi drains sad losses are checked MEA d ana and 1estore anti lit besineas or I Preient anti Consaptioa it en n time Theirnie shows Impress ent anti effects CURE other stat or refund ho Price six pkges treatment 2i Slat gws is W cases f ratting and waste vital powersinenrred by- ladlecretions orexeesesefeariy a impanivigor and potency to tune tao- cheeitsantiiastro ores OneiOO energy C boxes Can pecket sverywhereor idain wrapper or receipt of- pnica Co Caxtan ch1e Ia k and a PLLSY i3 1 e the T4sc n Stone f > ¬ > > > + = = <

UI TilE Electric Dont Miss Roman Least Money Friday Shoe Chairchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-08-09/ed-1/seq-8.… · Remnants from Our Undermuslin and Corset Dept

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Page 1: UI TilE Electric Dont Miss Roman Least Money Friday Shoe Chairchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-08-09/ed-1/seq-8.… · Remnants from Our Undermuslin and Corset Dept



THE BUSY CORNERAlways the Best Everything for the Least Money

Theres no humidity in ihe air when you enter our store no matter how intense the heat may be Our large roomy aisles our scores 6f big ventilatingwindows and our 100 latest improved noisless electric fans are sufficient to pro-duce all the comforts of home

Theres is nothing jiew about the announcement of our Friday RemnantSales People know whats coming on these days as well as we do The onlydifference Is that the goods offered an the low prices made at the time areforeign to them until they are seen in print As usual we shall try to have abig Remnant Sale tomorrow because it will be the last afterstocktaking saleof odds and ends produced by this summer Inventory

All odds and ends 50 fine White India Linon Wrappers finished with jdeep flounce Reduced from 149 to

10 fancy Colored Taffeta Silk Waists in turquoise pink light blue CO

and helio Reduced from to LiJO6 Allwool Oxford Cheviot Suits sizes 32 34 26 and 38 Reduced CC Aft

from 1248 to JUU10 elegant White Pique Skirts finished with three rows of embroidery QQC

which are slightly soiled Reduced from 369 to6 Rainyday Walking Skirts in grey with ten rows of X9

stitching Reduced from 500 to 0 0Second Floor

Remnants from Our Undermuslin and Corset Dept3 French Flannel Dressing Sacks

light blue pink andwith large laydown collars fell-ed neatly finished

crochet edging wero348 J3U

2 W B Silk Corsets low bust andwith lace top and

for 4 Remnant price

4 White Pique Reefers for ChildrenEmpire with large

round collar and edged with fine em-

broidery they were 19S Onlytwo sizes three and tour years 7 0

therefore1 Black P D Corset made of fine

Italian cloth trimmed with fine blacklace low bust 20 9 AQ550 quality remnant price

Remnants from Our Upholstery Department

Odds and Ends of NottinghamLace Curtains half OClengths close at each

Remnants of Floorto 312 yard lengths extra OCCheavy quality per yard

E S Josefs Wire Sham 1 0 C

Holders per pair l15inch first quality Stair Oil

Cloth only three C fyard v

Remnants om Our Ladies Neckwear Department500 yards of Silk Pleaiing and Juby t rimming made of liberty silk and chif-

fon from onehalf to 14r2 inches wide short lengths formerly sold from JC19c to 20f a jard remnant price v s r

Just a Jew of our125 and 1SS and liberty silkStocks in white light blue and pink remnant i

from Our Ribbon StockFine quality of Silk Taffeta Ribbon In white light blue werise

cardinal violet and biack 312 to 412 Inches wide sold for 29c and 39c t OCyard l ff vr

No 1 Baby Ribbon In all colors put up In 5yard bunches per

1 lot of black ostrich plumes worth 3S cents 4ach choice for1 lot of untrimmed hats in plain and fancy braids all colors early 1 AC

season price 75 cents to 150 Choice

1 lot of fancy quills and I

Second floor

2 Very Special Items in HosieryS Under the order of remnants

Womens fourthreaa lisle hose imported regular made Inblack and navy blie and fancy 50 cents dqwn jjo per pair

Mens full regular made imported hose in cadet blitfe polka dotsfancieSj etc reduced per pair from 29 to 1

Remnant Items from the Boys Clothing Ses3oni-

r4 v oys fine all wool golf caps mixed chariots casaimer a and plain andnavy blue cloth every 50 cents to 1

Boys Brownie overalls1 sizes 4 to 12 years price tomorrow will be

Remnants from Our Remnant HoarAbout a thousand yards will wind up

the entire lot of 100 cases of fast col-

ored Figured have sacrific-ed and sold these goods as low as2 7Sc but this small lot will have toundergo another amputation ofprice and go per yard at s

9000 yards of Imported Organdiesfine Dimities anti Batistes this lotof remnants consists of neat and largedesigns very pattern loomed this sea

is even a large assortmentof mournings and majori-ty of these goods sold for lOc and12 l2e a yard and some even as highas 25c to go quickly they have JiCbeen marked

We have to our remnant de-partment u cases of Percales theyare very suitable for early fall wearfor house gowns childrens dresses antiboyr shirt goods areput in this afterinventory sale Pifper yard at 2

A new lot of stylish Cretonnes andPonjab Draperies which are very de-

sirable for furniture covering and allsorts of home goodsare equal In style and colorings to theforeign kinds and less han halfof what you pay for the otherspecial V J 2

From Our Mens Department-We have taken in all about 40 dozen

Mens Negligee Shirts some with si kfronts others yercale and with onepair of cuffs all made to sell from75c to 100 each and some even more

the sizes are somewhat broken

20 dozen of Mens Negligee Shirts inwhite Madras without afew percales with launderedroster ofj3izcs somewhatmake a clearance of the

while they last we close them AQC balance we sell them atout at Johnson Luttrell Annex

Lining RemnantsLast But Not the LeastWhatever we have left of light col

ored Linings must go The value ifbought from the piece would cost youfrom 8 to 15c a yard we wish aquick theprice has been made 8

The entire line of remnants of finePercalines silk finished linings andlinen canvas which sold off the piecefrom 12 l2c to 25c a yard C C

marked down for quick selling to J4

8th and Market Space




Remnants from Dept

t O n



1lavendermade stylefinished


shorthipstrimmedbottomsizes O 23sold 2 stylesize


Linoleum2 piecesper

chiffon and 49Cprice


I 5 CI

Remnants of MillineryOdtlsJ 1 Oc




i ribfromha If







sonthereIndigoesthe draperythese



I brokento2 gc

clearancetherefore zf


ft Our SuitQC

wJth silk

t21 and







i J fl





11 i C
















GAS STOVESFor Cooking nd Heating


THE KIDNEYSsre the sewers of the system Warners Safekeeps them open and free and soon restores health

Its a Luxuryto have your

well filled thishot weather with our

Golden Hop BeerPut up especially forfamily use

12 QuartSettles

Its pure satisfy-ing and deliciousNothing better tok e ep upstrength

SSnOc rebate for bottlesDrop postal or phonedelivery


lh and F KE Phonc IW







I r






IiGEPsirsgci ernlIiHaeTzsaC





The Domination

of the

function of the body is controlled byNervous System hence to the

of the nerve weakness will theredepression of the vital forces In-

jure the nerve and the function of a muscle ororgan is deranged or arrested Exhaustion of thenervous makes this most delicate instru-ment jangle out of tune and the result isanything from headaches to hallucinations in-somnia to insanity I have made this my specialstudy for years and I give the advantage ofall the best and latest scientific at

5 a IVlonthProvided you begin treatment now Only twice

several years has Dr Clemens given this rats0 rnios this chance to secure his servicesat a nominal charge The best ia always the


63 JStli St N WOffice hours Q a m to 8 p m Sunday 10am to 2 p m je2Ctfem

521 fth St NW

Nerv0 U S


a lnCC5







Complaint of the Glare From anElectric Arc Lamp

CoiumlMsioncrs Ileancsieil toJInve n Part of the CUoJje Fnlnf eil

The Electrical Engineer PointsOut Objections to the Plan A T e

fender of the Boyn Qtlier Matters

George D Fry of 766 Sixth Street southeast has written a letter to CommissionerMacfarland requesting that the arc lighton the corner of Fourteenth and T streetsnorthwest be provided with a shade Inhis letter Mr Fry says he makes the re-

quest for Mr and Mrs A M Daniels of1401 Fourteenth Street

The light Is very unpleasant writesMr Fry You know or could imaginethe unpleasantness of the glare of an elec-

tric light in your face when you are trying to comfort yourself you havefinished your days work especially onthese hot evenings I know you are a gentleman who is interested in and will lookafter the necessities and comforts of thepublic Therefore I ask you as a favor toMrs Daniels myself and many others ifyou will cause a section of the globe on thesaid electric light corner Fourteenth andT streets northwest to be painted so thatit will cast a shadow oa the front parkingof 1401 T Street Thte is only a smallthing compared with hat some peopleask of you so I expeCtHrfat If will be

doneWalterC the Electrical Engi-

neer to whom Mr Frys letter was refer-red states that the arc lamp in question-Is at the southwest corner of Fourteenthand T streets while the premises to beshaded are on the northwest corner Toplace a shade on the lamp would be a serious obstacle to travel He thereforerecommends that the writer be informedthat the request cannot be granted

The small boy particularly the one wholoves to swim naked in some sequesteredpool has found a friend in the person ofDr Irving C Reese In a letter to Commissioner Macfarland he has taken upcudgels against the arrest of boys whobrave police regulations and go in swimming as nature intended Dr Rosse intimates to the man in authority that thepolice have more important duties to perform than to spoil the fun of the boys ofthe Distrtict The correspondent says

It is only my admiration and respectfor your acts as Commissioner thatprompt me to write you on a time-ly matter I refer to tn arrest by thepolice of small hors who arebathing usually at some unfrequentedwharf or lonely pond in the vicinity-of which policemen have been knownto hide many hours with a view tomaking such arreet While I am friendly

the police and do not wish to be sar-castic yet I think they might be betteremployed in looking after graver offenderswhom they allow to escape As a goodcitizen I would In no way countenance ex-

hibitionism or exposure but it seems tomost sensible people that police

this matter is carried far in the Dretrict of Columbia and calls for mitigation

In the harbor of Newport R I menmay be seen daily in swimming tightswhich the regulations allow while thatpart of the harbor In the vicinity of Wel-lington Roads Is frequented by small boyswho swim without clothes in full view ofpassersby During many seasons spent atthis resort I have never heard a complaintfrom anyone and I am sure the population Is quite as fastidious as that of Wash-ington in fact I have noticed in lookinginto the dark corners of human nature thatexcessive prudery and affected proprietyare accomplished by other conditions ofwhich it would not be delicate to speakbut from a neurological of view

I am sure Mr Commissioner that thepresent course of the police strikes terrorto the mind of many a small boy who wouldotherwise learn the useful and manly ac-complishment which I feel our municipalauthorities should countenance and encour-age in every way possible consistent withpropriety

Clarence A Brandenburg Assistant Attorney for the District has informed theCommissioners that in his opinion they arewithout authority in law to cancel thesale of lot 23 in square 1075 as requestedby L C Bailey

llr Bailey claimed that on account ofthe failure to transfer lot 28 to his nameupon the assessment books he failed to paythe tax thereon for the year 1896 and forthis reason he claims that the sale of thelot should be cancelled It appears thaton March 10 1S94 Mr Bailey purchasedlots 28 to 40 both inclusive In square1075 The transcript of the deed furnishedthe Assessor recited the conveyance of sub-lets 29 to 40 inclusive wlffiout lot 28 butit also appears that he pafd the taxes onlot 28 for the years 1S94 and 1S95 al-though the lot had not been transferred tohim

According to the Attorney it was MrBaileys duty to inspect the tax bills

him and the receipts retained byhim If he had done so it would haverevealed the fact that he had not paidthe taxes upon lot 28 He therefore holdsthat the should be denied

The bid of 14325 for the construction oa sewer at Police Station X6 2 submittedby Ed J Hannan has been accepted by theCommissioners-

The application of Philip D Evans anadditional private on th police force tohave his commission changed so as to extend his territory from Thirteenth to Sixteenth Streets and R Street to Florida Ave-nue has been approved by CommissionerRoss

A similar request from J P ODea anadditional private extending his territoryfrom Sixteenth Twentyfirst Street andfrom R to T Streets has also been approved


Estate Left in Trust to His Wife forthe Benefit of Children

The will of Augustus P Baunnan wasfiled today for probate By Its terms thetestator names his wife Louisa Baurmanexecutrix to whom he leaves his entireestate in trust for the benefit of his children

The executrix however is empowered tosell part or all of the estate if she deemsit necessary for the proper maintenance-of the children

Upon her death it is directed that theestate shall be divided equally among thechildren


Actlnsr Coronet Glazeljroolc Says ItWas Due to Heart Disease

Acting Coroner Glazebroak last nightviewed theremains of Mrs Annie Jostwho died suddenly at ber home 711 HStreet southwest yesterday morning de-

cided an inquest was unnecessary and Is-

sued a certificate of death from heart dis-ease Later the remains were turned overto an undertaker and removed to the homeof the mother of the dead woman at 1703Sixth Street northwest from where thefuneral will occur tomorrow afternoon

It is understood that friends andwill care for the Six children of the

deceased Their father Jojin B Jost acarpenter is a patient at St ElizabethsAsylum for the Insane He has net beenapprised of the death of his wife as thephysicians at the asylum considered jt Inadvisable to let Mm knpwbf It

neimtifnl Chevy Gliase trtUe theplace to 0 for a cool pleasant cyenini ileic-

rlawHy In high diving etc 8SO






5tring n y-

in too



i tax-







applicati n









































< >


Judge Ulills Horrified at PiisoneWalshs Depravity

An Intoxicated 3Inn Drives Doctornnd Front the ItedHlilcIsis Dylnpr AVife Lame Excuse for

Conduct In Court Tl e5uKi cnd i Sentence for SIze Kuner

It Is nothing unusual to hear patheticstories and tales of tribulations in the Po-

lice Court In fact the recounting of suf-

fering and trouble Is a dally occurrenceSometimes the cases are aggravated butseldom if ever is a case heard which inany way could compare with c whichwas brought before Judge Mills this morning

AccorJing to Judge Mills the case was

the worst that had ever come under hisobservation during his long experience on

the bench and he expressed himself instrong terms concerning it

Superficially the caso appeared to benothing than one of disorderly con

duct and profanity with John Walsh of

Scott Avenue as the defendant policemanCoffin and R H Landsdale appeared as thecomplaining witnesses and it was theirtestimony wbich revealed the true condi-

tion of affairs Theirstatements horrified

Judge Mills the court attaches acd spcefakirs and snocfcea even the prisoners inthe dock j

According to the prosecuting witnessesWalshs wife had been 111 for several daysand suffered additionally because of thealleged neglect of her husband Last nightMrs Walshs condition became alarmingand neighbors realizing that the womanwas dying tent for a physician and a priestIn the meantime Walsh had arrived onscene considerably under the influenceliquor it was said lie became very disorderly and profane addressed harsh lan-

guage to his dying wife and absolutelYrefused to desist when remonstrated with

Finallv the conduct of Walsh reacheda climax when he refused to allow elthcithe priest or physician to enter the roomof the dying woman He declared thatthey should not minister unto herroundly abused them

The situation ot affairs aroused the indignation of the neighbors Thcy realizedthat Walshs conduct was only hastening

the end of his wifes life and it decided to have the drinkcrazed husbandlocked up Policeman Coffin was then appealed to and he after considerable diffl

culty succeeded in lodging Walsh at thE

stationhouseAbout an hour after Walsh was incar

cerated his wife passed away Her bewas surrounded by five small childrenwhose grief was pitiful to behold Friendsconsoled them as best they but kindwords Were not calculated to assuage thE

sorrow of the little ones whose mothcIlay dead and whose father in a state o

intoxication lay behind the bars of a stationhouse cell Finally after considerableeffort the children were quieted and thei

was decided to acquaint Walsh withfact that his wife was dead The dutdevolved upon Mr Lansdale an uncle o

deceased and according to his tcstimony this morning when he told Walslof his wifes death he received the reply

All right I am the hag is deadIn his defence Walsh claimed that

sudden illness of his wife prostrated himwas so overcome he said that hi

attempted to drown his sorrows in drinkHe was not responsible for his actions o

what he said He also claimed to hartloved his wife dearly and said he was aall times loath to abuse or mistreat her

Judge Mills thought the excuse offereiby Walsh a very poor one He said thaeven though Walsh was overcome by thisudden illness of his wife there was no ex-

cuse for his conduct and particularly fohis remark at the stationhouse when apprised of his wifes death Judge Milladded that he had never been conf rohteiwith such a case He said Walsh wasbrute and deserving of the most sevenpenalty the law provided-

I would send you to the workhouse tservo the maximum sentence as 77011

said Judge Mills and then consid-

er punishment insufficient were it nofor the fact that your children are alonand unable to make arrangements for thfuneral of your dead wife Those factalone save you from going to the workhouse As it is now I do not want to makyour children suffer and will release you oyour personal bonds to appear In ttiis courone week from today for I trusyou will be a good man during the interiias it may benefit your case

Walsh was then released in order thahe might he able to arrange for and attend the funeral of his wife and provedfor his children

James Smith Patrick Danaher anWilliam Moore were arraigned on complain-of Policemen Bradley Hagan and PayneAll were charged witlrvagrancy and thaccused entered pleas of not guilty

Judge Mills was convinced of the gui

Take the CliIIdreiv tO SeeTlie Meier family of divers an l fanctrswir-mers Chevy Chase Lake evCni if 5 add 830

THAT THliOa EGf HE VUACHEWould quickly leave you If you used

New liifa of suTer s havetheir matchless merit for iaek add nervousaches They Trgke pure tloofl and build tip youhealth S25 centsSdldvbj Hetirji Evans DTiiggisga22vpstreJ


Ins Justice





it thE


glad oldthE






Dr King

ibl kif n t cur




femeweaknsI Imakes


sich womwiwelL












Dont Miss These rKFriday Shoe Bargains

skip your breakfast than fail to Visitone of our three stores tomorrow and seeflieextraordinary Bargains on our Odds aid EndsTables

Qualities and styles are all riglit qnlyall are not there

Ladies Table ConV tams

All of our Grasslinen and Crash150 pad 200 Oxford Ties plain or

kid trimmed nearly every size andwidth of aoma kind

Childs Table ConJyv

23 pairs Gfrlsff 25 and 150 TanKid Sandals widths onlynearly all sizes

Handmade Tan and Black Kidalso a few Patent Leather OxfordTies thatnwere 150 and 200 allsizes In narrow widths broken sizesC D nd E width

18 pairs Kid Button Bootssizes 4 12 to 8

39 pairs 2 and 250 fine KidBoots sizes 2 to 4 only

Ladies Tablei iPrSS Contains

Handsewed turn and welt TanKid OxfordffTies that were 2 2 0and 3 maY pretty styles nearlyevery size of some kind

300 handsewed Tan Laced Bootswelt and turn soles sizes 2 to 4only

15 pairs Ladies 300 French PatLeathervlaced Boots broken sizss

3 Brown and White Duck hand-made rubber Vacation Lacedand Oxford Ties only 21 pairsmostly narrow widths

17 pairs 43 Calf Oxford Ties wide and pointed toessizes 5 5 12 and 7 only B C andD width

Wm Cos3 Reliable Shoe Houses

Car lift and K Sts1914 and233 Pa Ave S E

18 pairs Childs Spring Heel Kidpa tent tip 1 Sandals 5 to S

Chocolate VIe Kid and 125solid sole Laced and Button Shoesfor Girls and Boys wear Brokensizes Childs 5 to 2

Boys Canvastop Outr log Laced and Oxfords j

plain or leatherf trimmed Were 50c j

ls Sizes 5 and j

512 only

Mens 2 and a i

Shoes s53 Patent Calf Dancing Pumps iljj

A B width 5 r2 to 8

Dont Borrow TroubleBuy





the r-







9 tams








IiII and





ole I






1916 Pal Ave

















of the defendants and ordeted each ofserve sixty days in the workhouse

Profanity and disorderly conduct werecharged against James Freeman Williamand Harry Anderson all colored All denied that they were guilty as chargtdbut could not substantiate their declara

i lions of innocence In default of paymentj of fines of each defendant was ordered-

to serve fifteen days in the workhouse


Arrmieremeiits for ConstructingSchool ItuililiiiKH nnd Sewers

The Commissioners this morning issuedorders as follows for the construction ofpublic work

That contract for constructing a fourroom school builcug at Takoma Park DC is hereby awarded o Herman E

I for the price named in his proposalj dated July 21 1900

That Half G and Nj Streets southwest be improved at anj costotS i chargeable to the apj proprlatibn for Imjnovement and Repairs

southwest sectiqa 1901

That I Street between Firstand Canal Streets be improved at an estimated cost of 400 chargeable to the appropriatioa for Improvement and Repairssouthwest section 1001-

t That Ninth Street northeast between IStreet and Florida Avenue be improved-at an estimated cost of HOC chargeable tothe appropriation for Improvement andRenairs northeast section 1901

That L Street between South Capitoland Second streets southeast be improvedat an estimated cost of 900 chargeable tothe appropriation for improvement and repairs southeast section 1501

That receiving basin be constructed onj Fifth Street near I Street northeast at anestimated cost of 70 chargeable to thecurrent appropriation for main and pipesewers and that an approach to same bemade in the roadway of the street at anestimated cost of 40 chargeable to thecurrent appropriation for repairs tostreets etc

i That hydrant be erected at the corner ofTwelfth streets at an estimated

cost of 30ThAt the following work be done under

the provisions of the assessment systemthe same having been duly advertised To

i reset curb mid lay cement sidewalk on thesouth side 5f East Capitol Street fromThird Street to Fourth Street at an estimated cost of 760 to be assessed againstlots in square 787 fronting on said EastCapitol Street betweenthe limits named-

I To lay cement sidewalks on both sidesof Ninth Street Brightwood Park fromErieStreet to Flint Street at an estimated

i cost of 716 to be assessed against lots inblocks 9 aniS Brightwood Park frontin-gI said Ni4th Street between the limitsnamed

To set curb and lay brick sidewalks on north side of Garfield Avenue

Canal Street from South Capitol Streetto E Street at an estimated cost of 593to be assessed against lots in squarefronting on said GaTfield Avenue CanalStreet between the limits named

Pave with Tltrified or asphalt block al-

ley in square 924 estimated cost 3551That improvements be made to the fol

lowing chargeable to the apImprovement and repairs

southeast section 1901 work to beby day labor Half Street between HN Streets southeast estimated cost SOO

K Street southeast between South Capitolend Second Streets estimated cost 5000Second Street southeast between I and XStreets estimated cost 400

That H Street southwest between Firstand Canal Streets be improved at an es-

timated cost of 500 chargeable to the ap-

propriation for Improvement and Repafssouthwest section work to be done by daj-

j Eighth Street northeast betweent L Street and Florida Avenue be

by day labor at an estimated eoslof chargeable to the appropriationfor Improvement and Repairs northeastsection t

That receiving basin be constructednorthwest of Half and N Streetssoutheast at estimated cost of G9 charge

to current appropriation for mainp pipe sewers

That the time for completion of contractwith P D Vinson for Improving Kansas

is hereby extended for three daysuntil August 7 without penalty or cost oinspection

l That 2910 feet of 6inch main belaid from the end of the present watermain on Road southward tcMichigan Avenue In Michigan AvenuEsouthwesterly a distance of about IOC

feet at an cost of 52328 whichsum has been deposited by the authoritie-sI Trinity College which desires said wa-ter main laid under the terms of the actof June 2 regard to water mains

Comnaiij Receives Its CharterTOREPLK Va Aug Hancke

has granted a chart to the XorfplICrystal C to manufacture Icefurnish ar gff develop estate

retc CapHSj prIncipal office1 brfolfei





I t Bur-gess

S tret between







street ieost





e venue













tale and

t and





t Li 600




for the shoe bar-gain of the year

At S oclock this morning we place onsale a bargain lot of liens tare Shots andOxfords broken in sizes and very much

broken in pricesThe lot consists of Mens Black and Rus-

set Vlci Kd Oxfords II S H makeSfcns Enact Md Kid LaceShoes and a few paife f Mens H S Hmake White Canvas Shoes

All are worth S3and 350

j Is what you get them for

Shoes Shined Free

39 Ave


All Cie newest imost attractive stylIin mens shoe Blacktans patent leathe

to any100 EhoejQ f

made ZO043 Pennsylv

depend upon and unhealthy blood S S

heals quickly


tAt Cost

1 Qualify Striped

Cor 7th H Sts


Generally fair tonight and Friday lightfresh northwesterly winds

TEMPERATURETemperature at 9 a m iTemperature at 12 noonTemperature at l30p m r

THE SUNAM Sun sets 7 l P

Jloon rises j Moon sets 330 A

TIDE TABLELow tide 1230 A3I andlll PHigh ride 629 AM

STREET LIGhTINGLamps lit today i 740 P

out tomorrow i ll17 V


Glen Echo Park VaudevilleCabi John Bridge Palm Gardea Vaudev-

ilafternjn and eveningWllciwootl and dancing eveningCtesapcake Beach 1 tains leave

Junction daily 11 a 2 p mp ra C p iffi for Chesapeake Beach on tBay


fi tier this Jbj dneJ R lljnkhiart jiinfJrvB sL K 6dc both Sf Point of locks EL CharF 4i StciszelandJjiJii V Kcrper

OJT8J E Infants ana Ci-

HdIs KindYoo HaMiwais Boug







J 1



F j


C kg

roc erSt JJ



I EqualJ



and the S



I Fast Colors




Sun roseSOG


Lamps n



I n








stingtopi 4

4 1



ULOERS when chronicpoor

makes new sore



i i4r-c AUEAC15





Lyceum hhetrtDon Ton Burlcsuafternoon


Marriage Lieunset Tsstiscl-iIanigeIFccnsesw e knieti-

F iv lhan en iiaromer Lia and Lue



> >












The littlest youll ever pay forRoman Chairs At 125

are n half nfthe chair Is worth Prettily mademahogany finished and tapestryseat 125

415417 Seventh St

ELIXIR BABEKPreventive and sure cure for all I

MALARIALDiseases such as Chills Fever and Ague Lessof Appetite Bilious and Dyspeptic DisordersHeadache in the Back Side or IambiColds La Neuralgia etc At all drugslits 50c ulU-

To RepairBroken Artt-






RAVE YOU Sore Pimple cotSpots Aches Old Sores Ulcers in mouthFailing Writ

COOK REMEDY COI6fil Kasonlc Temple Chicago HI for proofs ofcures capital 500000 We solicit the most cbitinate cases We have cured the cases la16 to 85 days 103pa s Book Free mylSU

Uncle Sam Donta

Wear-S Truss but he carries the Air

Cushion Truss aU over theStates Men women and

wear and like them The Air Cushion Paa holdswith comfort nothing else will Consultationend two necks trial free Lady ia jtttcdance torladies Office parlors Tralting androoms on the same floor Catalogue free TUBRGR1CK Suit CUSHION TRUSS COMPANY 12T4-

P et nw 2d floor mhlOrtlcm


and cured thousands ofcases of Nervous Diseases such

J f clear thethe circulation make digestionperfect and impart a

to the being All-

Unless patients-OllOngfigain ire vroc cured thetion often worries them into Insanity Consump-tion or Death Hailed sealed i per box6 boxes with Ironclad legalguarantee to cure orrefund the money 500 book

PEAL MEDICINE CO Cleveland 0Afflecks Drug Store 1428 Pa ave

cw and Thomas H Atkinson llth and G sta nwi

TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBEDittatet HeoSleeplessness caused

br Abuso or Indiacretlons SJlcy yuicJtti tufdn

TJiajrboys cared and will PQStiara written guarantee to effect a cure

moneywail in frappr r c Ipt of price Clfcnlarfteo AJAX REMEDY CO

For sale In Washington D O by EdwardGtU and Pa ave Edznondi WUUami

aye It L Eliot 1017 nw andW G 150 Pa are Drugjri-

itviMAKE PERFECT MENJJO Nor DESPAIR DonotSif-fer Longer The and ambitions oflife can ba restored to The veryworst of Xerrou Debility r-

absolutely cured byptrelierti


8250 a complete curefunded in Test




SDotyiitoTim TemperatureThe thermometer at Afflecks registered S0 de

greet at 9 a m 07 degrees at noon anti 90 degrecs at 2 p ni-

u Shells Dniiiased 1 y FireI Fire was discovered in a shed in the rear f

53 P Street northwest about 3 30 oclockand before it was cxtin spread

I sheds adjoining on either Si3R The firedepartment went Into senfee In response to analarm front box 247 The totalfrom the fire was estimated at 7i revered byinsurance The cause of the fire is liof known

Marine Bend Concert TliiM TJvonThere will be a band concert t M

Barracks at 540 oclopfc this oycturtgramme will b as follows

The Natipoal Capital CcnjM ial 5arM-it Sinttil

Overture Belisilio r iiSerenade SriiliStSlTr-ouiMne quartette The robita Tfty

cICt-Mugrgiins Walton

Tlie Merchant of veiiM-

ltz Ttoel Dream el the O an-rMfeltaies front A Ilunawaj GirlDesirriptiTe In a Clock Sto ie

Patriotic Hymn Columbia v iv Orth




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paying scant what t-

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SleeplesshY nets

AiBi drains sad losses are checked



1estore antilit besineas or

I Preient anti Consaptioa iten n time Theirnie shows Impressent anti effects CURE otherstat

or refund ho Pricesix pkges treatment 2i



is W cases

fratting and waste

vital powersinenrred by-ladlecretions orexeesesefeariy

a impanivigor and potency to tunetao-

cheeitsantiiastro oresOneiOO energy C boxes

Can pecketsverywhereor idain wrapper or receipt of-pnica Co Caxtan ch1e Ia

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