UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

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Page 1: UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

UK accents

SWOOSHCidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

Page 2: UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

AccentWhat’s this?

The way someone pronounces the

words of a language, showing

which country or which part of a

country they come from.Source: Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman

Page 3: UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves

Regional Dialects and Accents

• Dialect: A variety of language spoken in a particular

geographical region, by a particular social class, or by a

particular generation; it includes vocabulary, grammar and


• Accent: features of pronunciation that identify the region or

social class a person is from.

Page 4: UK accents SWOOSH Cidália Sousa Cláudia Regina Abreu Vanessa Reis Esteves


Glaswegian“Aye nae bother.”

“It’s not a problem.”

Glasgow is famous for ship building.

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Geordie“Ye knaa what ah mean leik”

“Do you know what I mean?

Newcastle is famous for the bridges over

the river Tyne.

Geordie is also a regional nickname for a person from the larger Tyneside region of North

East England.

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Howay = Come on

Doon = Down

Toon = Town

“Am gannin doon the toon”

“I’m going down town”

Canny = Nice

Lass = Girl

“She’s a canny lass”

“She’s a nice girl








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Mancunian“I’m gaggin’ for a brew.”

“I really need a cup of tea.”

Manchester is famous for its football.

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Liverpudlian“We ‘ad a do lassnight.”

“We had a party last night.”

Liverpool is famous for being the

hometown of the Beatles.

People from Liverpool are called Liverpudlians

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Welsh“Y’not from round hyer?”

“You are not from around

here, are you?”

Rhondda is famous for its coal mining.

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Cockney (Rhyming slang)

Butchers Hook = Look

“Have a butchers at that”

Pork Pies = Lies

“Are you telling porkies ?”

Dog & Bone = Phone

“He’s always on the dog”

London is famous for its red buses and the

Big Ben.


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Scotland Have you ever been to Scotland?

What else do you know about


What’s the capital of Scotland?

Open your book on page 154 and let’s

find more about Glasgow together.