THIS REPORT CONTAINS ASSESSMENTS OF COMMODITY AND TRADE ISSUES MADE BY USDA STAFF AND NOT NECESSARILY STATEMENTS OF OFFICIAL U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY - Date: GAIN Report Number: Post: Report Categories: Approved By: Prepared By: Report Highlights: Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production levels were set as follows: sunflower seeds 15-percent lower compared to the previous MY; soybeans 12-percent lower; and rapeseed 83-percent higher. Ukraine remains one of the leading exporters in the region. Recent changes in tax legislation and excess crush capacity will likely encourage additional processing activity and lead to higher exports of processed products (oils and meals) vis-a-vis unprocessed oilseeds. Denys Sobolev, Agricultural Specialist Dwight Wilder, Agricultural Attaché Oilseeds and Products Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop Kiev Ukraine UP1732 12/19/2017 Public Voluntary

Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

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Page 1: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production






GAIN Report Number:


Report Categories:

Approved By:

Prepared By:

Report Highlights:

Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

levels were set as follows: sunflower seeds 15-percent lower compared to the previous MY; soybeans –

12-percent lower; and rapeseed – 83-percent higher. Ukraine remains one of the leading exporters in the

region. Recent changes in tax legislation and excess crush capacity will likely encourage additional

processing activity and lead to higher exports of processed products (oils and meals) vis-a-vis

unprocessed oilseeds.

Denys Sobolev, Agricultural Specialist

Dwight Wilder, Agricultural Attaché

Oilseeds and Products

Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop





Public Voluntary

Page 2: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 2 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service


For general information about oilseed production and trade in Ukraine please refer to our previous

annual GAIN Report UP1706.

According to a recent report by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine (MAPFU)

farmers concluded harvesting oilseeds as of December 1, 2017, and production volumes are as follows:

sunflower seeds – 11.6 million metric tons (MMT), almost 15-percent down compared to the previous

year; soybeans – 3.8 MMT, 12-percent down; and rapeseed – 2.2 MMT, 83-percent up.

These numbers were used by FAS Kyiv to adjust production volumes for the mentioned crops in its

Production Supply and Distribution (PSD) tables for marketing year (MY) 2017/18.


Almost 100 percent of sunflower seeds harvested in Ukraine are processed internally. Processors report

lower oil content of sunflower kernels for MY2017/18 compared to the previous MY. This is reflected

by FAS-Kyiv’s revised forecast, lowering expected volume of sunflower oil production for MY2017/18

in the relevant PSD.

Soybeans and rapeseed are both exported as unprocessed bulk commodities, and processed domestically

into meal and oil, which is then exported. On December 7, 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted the

State Budget for 2018 which will abolish value added tax (VAT) refunds (note: standard VAT rate is 20

percent) for exports of unprocessed soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower seeds after March 1, 2018. This

change could tip the scales from exporters of oilseeds in favor of processors that export oils and meals.

Among the oilseeds affected, the larger impact of this change will be felt in MY2017/18 by soybean

exporters, which typically ship between 30 to 50 percent of total exportable amounts between March to

September (the end of the MY for soybeans). The impact on rapeseed exporters will likely be minimal,

as less than 10 percent of rapeseed is typically exported between March to June (end of MY for

rapeseed). FAS Kyiv will continue monitoring the situation and adjust PSDs accordingly.

The State Statistical Service of Ukraine’s (SSSU) reported the following production volumes: sunflower

oil – 6 MMT; soybean oil – 164 thousand MT; and rapeseed oil – 60 thousand MT for MY2016/17.

Food use for sunflower oil in the PSD table (please refer to the relevant section of the report) has been

decreased based on the SSSU’s data indicating a gradual decrease in per capita vegetable oil

consumption in the country (please refer to the Vegetable Oil Balance graph below for more details).

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

FAS-Kyiv increased the forecast crush numbers both for soybeans and rapeseed for MY2017/18, based

on a combination of excess domestic crush capacity (over 17 MMT) and lower harvest numbers for

sunflower seed. This scenario assumes that the difference between world market prices for oilseeds and

processed products (oils/meals) will allow for the domestic crushing industry to have favorable margins

and remain competitive with oilseed exporters.

The SSSU reports a mixed picture for animal stock numbers in the country: a 10-percent decrease in the

pig herd and a 1-percent increase for poultry from December 2016 to November 2017. The economic

situation in the country does not suggest a foreseeable increase in domestic consumption of products of

animal origin for 2017 and 2018. However, the increased poultry production is driven by export

demand. Moreover, reports of the local Veterinary Service on continued outbreaks of African Swine

Fever suggest a further decrease of pig herds in 2018. On these grounds, Post lowered cumulative feed

consumption of oilseed meals (sunflower and soybean) in its PSDs.

FAS-Kyiv increased consumption of palm oil for MY2017/18, due to the small but steady recovery of

the national economy in 2017, which will likely translate into increased consumer confidence and

higher consumption of processed food products.


Estimated oilseed export numbers for MY2016/17 have been revised based on reports of the State Fiscal

Service of Ukraine (SFSU) (please refer to Statistical Tables at the Author Defined section of this report

for more details). Increased production volumes of sunflower seeds and soybeans for MY2016/17

translated into increased export volumes of oils and meals. Exports of unprocessed soybeans and

sunflower seeds have also increased.

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Relatively small volumes of exports of sunflower seeds (around 191 thousand MT for MY2016/17)

have occurred despite a 10-percent export duty in place in Ukraine. Sunflower seeds used in the

confectionary industry presented less than 10 percent of this volume. The remaining 90-percent were

kernels intended for oil extraction in the EU Member states. Based on the EU-Ukraine Association

Agreement, Ukraine’s established preferential export duty rate for export to the EU Members States is

5.5-percent for 2017 for this commodity. FAS Kyiv believes that volumes of sunflower seeds from

Ukraine to the EU will continue to grow through the end of MY2017/18, which is reflected in the

relevant PSD table. This estimate is subject to revision if the change in fiscal policy regarding VAT

reimbursements (please refer to the Production section for more details) has a more profound financial

impact on farmers/crushers than is initially expected.

Increased production volumes of rapeseed in 2017 will likely translate into growth in exports of

rapeseed as well as its oil and meal for MY2017/18.

Ukraine and China signed a new Protocol on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Requirements for Export of

Sunflower Meal (please refer to GAIN Report UP1731 for more details), which will likely result in

growth of exports to Asian markets. Due to this development, FAS Kyiv decreased its forecast volumes

of sunflower meal exports to the EU for MY2017/18.

Ukraine continues to increase imports of palm oil both for domestic consumption, which is driven by

steady recovery of the national economy (please refer to Consumption section for more details) and

subsequent re-exports to neighboring Russia and Moldova.

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Production, Supply and Distribution Data Statistics:


Oilseed, Sunflowerseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post

Area Planted 0 5185 0 6016 0 5927

Area Harvested 5500 5481 6400 6191 6400 5924

Beginning Stocks 149 149 168 135 421 207

Production 11900 11857 15200 15000 13000 13300

MY Imports 22 22 24 23 20 22

MY Imp. from U.S. 7 7 7 7 7 7

MY Imp. from EU 0 5 0 6 0 5

Total Supply 12071 12028 15392 15158 13441 13529

MY Exports 83 83 191 191 100 250

MY Exp. to EU 51 51 130 129 80 220

Crush 11650 11650 14600 14600 13000 13000

Food Use Dom. Cons. 50 50 50 50 50 50

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 120 110 130 110 130 110

Total Dom. Cons. 11820 11810 14780 14760 13180 13160

Ending Stocks 168 135 421 207 161 119

Total Distribution 12071 12028 15392 15158 13441 13529

CY Imports 24 24 20 23 15 22

CY Imp. from U.S. 4 7 4 7 4 7

CY Exports 197 197 200 191 100 250

CY Exp. to U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yield 2.1636 2.1633 2.375 2.4229 2.0313 2.2451

(1000 HA) ,(1000 MT) ,(MT/HA)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Oil, Sunflowerseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Crush 11650 11650 14600 14600 13000 13000

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.43 0.43 0.435 0.435 0.43 0.43

Beginning Stocks 294 294 215 215 130 131

Production 5010 5010 6351 6351 5590 5590

MY Imports 1 1 0 0 2 1

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 5305 5305 6566 6566 5722 5722

MY Exports 4500 4500 5851 5850 5000 5000

MY Exp. to EU 1366 1368 1660 1684 1500 1500

Industrial Dom. Cons. 30 30 30 30 30 30

Food Use Dom. Cons. 560 560 555 555 560 550

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Dom. Cons. 590 590 585 585 590 580

Ending Stocks 215 215 130 131 132 142

Total Distribution 5305 5305 6566 6566 5722 5722

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

Meal, Sunflowerseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Crush 11650 11650 14600 14600 13000 13000

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.413 0.414 0.41 0.409 0.413 0.414

Beginning Stocks 370 370 465 427 495 592

Production 4811 4823 5986 5971 5369 5382

MY Imports 1 1 1 1 0 1

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 5182 5194 6452 6399 5864 5975

MY Exports 3817 3817 4807 4807 4500 4700

MY Exp. to EU 2116 2118 2692 2701 2500 2000

Industrial Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Food Use Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 900 950 1150 1000 1100 950

Total Dom. Cons. 900 950 1150 1000 1100 950

Ending Stocks 465 427 495 592 264 325

Total Distribution 5182 5194 6452 6399 5864 5975

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service


Oilseed, Soybean 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Area Planted 2140 2147 2300 1847 2300 1900

Area Harvested 2137 2124 1854 1854 2000 1949

Beginning Stocks 166 166 113 104 145 87

Production 3932 3919 4280 4280 4000 3760

MY Imports 5 5 7 7 5 6

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 4103 4090 4400 4391 4150 3853

MY Exports 2369 2369 2904 2903 2500 2200

MY Exp. to EU 328 328 620 619 600 400

Crush 950 945 800 950 900 1100

Food Use Dom. Cons. 1 1 1 1 1 1

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 670 671 550 450 600 450

Total Dom. Cons. 1621 1617 1351 1401 1501 1551

Ending Stocks 113 104 145 87 149 102

Total Distribution 4103 4090 4400 4391 4150 3853

CY Imports 5 5 0 7 0 6

CY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

CY Exports 2736 2736 2900 2903 2900 2200

CY Exp. to U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yield 1.84 1.8451 2.3085 2.3085 2 1.9292

(1000 HA) ,(1000 MT) ,(MT/HA)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Oil, Soybean 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Crush 950 945 800 950 900 1100

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.1832 0.1831 0.1825 0.1832 0.1833 0.1827

Beginning Stocks 23 23 40 36 6 25

Production 174 173 146 174 165 201

MY Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 197 196 186 210 171 226

MY Exports 152 152 177 177 160 210

MY Exp. to EU 61 61 80 71 80 80

Industrial Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Food Use Dom. Cons. 5 8 3 8 3 8

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Dom. Cons. 5 8 3 8 3 8

Ending Stocks 40 36 6 25 8 8

Total Distribution 197 196 186 210 171 226

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

Meal, Soybean 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Sep 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Crush 950 945 800 950 900 1100

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.7905 0.7894 0.79 0.7842 0.79 0.7845

Beginning Stocks 115 115 101 105 232 205

Production 751 746 632 745 711 863

MY Imports 2 2 2 2 2 1

MY Imp. from U.S. 1 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 1 0 1 0 0

Total Supply 868 863 735 852 945 1069

MY Exports 347 338 303 297 450 600

MY Exp. to EU 45 40 115 108 100 60

Industrial Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Food Use Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 420 420 200 350 300 380

Total Dom. Cons. 420 420 200 350 300 380

Ending Stocks 101 105 232 205 195 89

Total Distribution 868 863 735 852 945 1069

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service


Oilseed, Rapeseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Jul 2015 Jul 2016 Jul 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Area Planted 684 682 640 457 850 858

Area Harvested 677 682 450 450 750 778

Beginning Stocks 18 18 1 2 23 24

Production 1744 1756 1250 1230 2100 2200

MY Imports 2 2 6 6 2 2

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 2 2 6 6 2 2

Total Supply 1764 1776 1257 1238 2125 2226

MY Exports 1437 1437 1033 1033 1800 1850

MY Exp. to EU 1115 1115 951 951 1200 1700

Crush 325 325 200 180 300 350

Food Use Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 1 12 1 1 1 4

Total Dom. Cons. 326 337 201 181 301 354

Ending Stocks 1 2 23 24 24 22

Total Distribution 1764 1776 1257 1238 2125 2226

CY Imports 2 6 2 6 2 2

CY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

CY Exports 994 994 950 1033 1600 1850

CY Exp. to U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yield 2.5761 2.5748 2.7778 2.7333 2.8 2.8278

(1000 HA) ,(1000 MT) ,(MT/HA)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Oil, Rapeseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Jul 2015 Jul 2016 Jul 2017

Ukraine USDA Official

New Post USDA Official

New Post USDA Official

New Post

Crush 325 325 200 180 300 350

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Beginning Stocks 30 30 5 4 0 5

Production 130 130 80 72 120 140

MY Imports 1 1 1 1 1 1

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 1 0 1 0 1

Total Supply 161 161 86 77 121 146

MY Exports 155 155 70 70 110 140

MY Exp. to EU 95 93 60 67 100 125

Industrial Dom. Cons. 1 1 1 1 1 1

Food Use Dom. Cons. 0 1 15 1 10 1

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Dom. Cons. 1 2 16 2 11 2

Ending Stocks 5 4 0 5 0 4

Total Distribution 161 161 86 77 121 146

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

Meal, Rapeseed 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Jul 2015 Jul 2016 Jul 2017

Ukraine USDA

Official New Post

USDA Official

New Post USDA

Official New Post

Crush 325 325 200 180 300 350

Extr. Rate, 999.9999 0.5815 0.5815 0.58 0.5833 0.58 0.5829

Beginning Stocks 0 0 0 0 0 0

Production 189 189 116 105 174 204

MY Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 189 189 116 105 174 204

MY Exports 188 188 78 78 150 180

MY Exp. to EU 110 159 53 52 180 140

Industrial Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Food Use Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 1 1 38 27 24 24

Total Dom. Cons. 1 1 38 27 24 24

Ending Stocks 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Distribution 189 189 116 105 174 204

(1000 MT) ,(PERCENT)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Palm Oil

Oil, Palm 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018

Market Begin Year Jan 2016 Jan 2017 Jan 2018

Ukraine USDA Official

New Post USDA Official

New Post USDA Official

New Post

Area Planted 0 0 0 0 0 0

Area Harvested 0 0 0 0 0 0

Trees 0 0 0 0 0 0

Beginning Stocks 1 1 3 4 3 3

Production 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imports 193 193 200 200 200 220

MY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

MY Imp. from EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Supply 194 194 203 204 203 223

MY Exports 1 5 0 15 0 20

MY Exp. to EU 0 0 0 0 0 0

Industrial Dom. Cons. 5 5 5 6 5 6

Food Use Dom. Cons. 185 180 195 180 195 195

Feed Waste Dom. Cons. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Dom. Cons. 190 185 200 186 200 201

Ending Stocks 3 4 3 3 3 2

Total Distribution 194 194 203 204 203 223

CY Imports 193 193 180 200 180 220

CY Imp. from U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

CY Exports 5 5 0 15 0 20

CY Exp. to U.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yield 0 0 0 0 0 0

(1000 HA) ,(1000 TREES) ,(1000 MT) ,(MT/HA)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Author Defined: Statistical Tables


Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 45.4   100.00 83.4   100.00 191.3   100.00   129.37

EU-28 31.4   69.20 50.6   60.73 129.4   67.68   155.61

Middle East 11.1   24.37 25.5   30.59 52.3   27.37   105.25

South Asia 0.0   0.01 0.6   0.66 2.7   1.43   395.34

Eurasian Economic Union 1.5   3.24 0.2   0.26 1.3   0.66   491.17

Africa 0.1   0.28 1.3   1.60 1.0   0.52  - 25.72

East & Southeast Asia 0.0   0.09 0.2   0.21 0.4   0.19   111.68

Turkey 1.8   4.04 16.7   20.08 43.2   22.59   158.00

Netherlands 3.2   7.06 2.4   2.94 40.2   21.03   1543.31

France 0.0   0.10 0.3   0.38 38.0   19.87 ∞

Spain 0.1   0.18 0.1   0.07 17.2   9.00 ∞

Germany 4.6   10.09 8.9   10.71 10.1   5.30   13.45

Italy 0.1   0.23 0.0   0.01 6.0   3.16 ∞

Bulgaria 1.6   3.51 6.2   7.48 5.0   2.62  - 19.64

Romania 1.9   4.08 3.5   4.15 4.2   2.18   20.49

Azerbaijan 4.8   10.55 2.3   2.74 3.5   1.85   54.91

Belgium 0.5   1.17 5.4   6.52 2.4   1.26  - 55.79

Moldova 1.5   3.24 4.6   5.52 2.3   1.22  - 49.18

Georgia 1.4   3.06 2.5   3.05 1.8   0.94  - 29.22

Poland 2.4   5.28 3.1   3.67 1.7   0.88  - 44.94

Austria 0.0   0.00 0.2   0.23 1.4   0.73   624.44

India 0.0   0.00 0.6   0.66 1.3   0.66   127.30

Iraq 0.9   1.92 2.4   2.90 1.2   0.63  - 50.50

Iran 0.2   0.43 0.5   0.65 1.2   0.63   122.28

Lebanon 1.0   2.11 0.9   1.06 1.1   0.60   29.42

Belarus 0.9   1.99 0.1   0.09 1.1   0.57   1288.75

Bangladesh 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 1.0   0.50   0.00

Portugal 16.9   37.16 18.6   22.25 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Other 1.7 0.0 4.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 79.89

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Sunflower Seed Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, 1000 MT (HS 1206)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

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UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 15,294.0   100.00 21,719.0   100.00 23,514.0   100.00   8.26

EU-28 3,807.0   24.89 5,474.0   25.20 6,431.0   27.35   17.49

Eurasian Economic Union 1,167.0   7.63 8.0   0.03 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

East & Southeast Asia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Turkey 3,975.0   25.99 7,111.0   32.74 8,451.0   35.94   18.86

United States 3,625.0   23.70 6,788.0   31.25 7,019.0   29.85   3.40

France 951.0   6.22 1,558.0   7.17 3,244.0   13.80   108.23

Spain 1,618.0   10.58 1,653.0   7.61 1,896.0   8.06   14.73

Romania 262.0   1.71 1,159.0   5.34 740.0   3.15  - 36.15

Chile 520.0   3.40 1,140.0   5.25 707.0   3.01  - 37.94

Argentina 831.0   5.43 597.0   2.75 469.0   2.00  - 21.41

Hungary 407.0   2.66 435.0   2.01 313.0   1.33  - 28.21

Serbia 416.0   2.72 102.0   0.47 230.0   0.98   126.56

Moldova 936.0   6.12 500.0   2.30 205.0   0.87  - 58.90

Germany 3.0   0.02 57.0   0.26 122.0   0.52   116.62

Italy 331.0   2.16 192.0   0.88 65.0   0.27  - 66.34

Portugal 72.0   0.47 177.0   0.81 27.0   0.12  - 84.53

Bulgaria 75.0   0.49 210.0   0.97 24.0   0.10  - 88.65

Australia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   84.07

Belgium 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   50.00

Austria 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   47.45

South Africa 16.0   0.11 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Croatia 88.0   0.57 34.0   0.15 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Russia 1,167.0   7.63 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Egypt 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 96.35

China 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Puerto Rico (U.S.) 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Kazakhstan 0.0   0.00 8.0   0.03 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Georgia 0.0   0.00 1.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Sunflower Seed Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MY, MT (HS 1206)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 14: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 14 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 3,871.6   100.00 4,499.9   100.00 5,850.6   100.00   30.02

Africa 331.5   8.56 232.3   5.16 396.3   6.77   70.58

East & Southeast Asia 569.3   14.70 760.2   16.89 728.8   12.46  - 4.13

EU-28 587.1   15.16 1,368.1   30.40 1,683.8   28.78   23.08

Eurasian Economic Union 53.2   1.37 41.6   0.92 30.2   0.52  - 27.43

Middle East 769.3   19.87 624.0   13.87 901.3   15.41   44.43

South Asia 1,522.8   39.33 1,429.2   31.76 2,048.7   35.02   43.35

India 1,521.1   39.29 1,415.5   31.46 2,035.2   34.79   43.79

China 451.5   11.66 617.6   13.72 587.8   10.05  - 4.81

Spain 151.9   3.92 382.9   8.51 538.8   9.21   40.71

Netherlands 124.2   3.21 377.5   8.39 423.0   7.23   12.05

Iran 301.6   7.79 143.3   3.18 361.0   6.17   152.01

Italy 134.8   3.48 284.8   6.33 335.2   5.73   17.68

Egypt 150.3   3.88 95.8   2.13 204.0   3.49   112.91

Turkey 176.7   4.56 177.4   3.94 189.4   3.24   6.76

Malaysia 100.7   2.60 131.0   2.91 122.1   2.09  - 6.76

France 33.1   0.86 150.5   3.34 115.1   1.97  - 23.55

United Kingdom 67.3   1.74 65.5   1.46 99.9   1.71   52.57

United Arab Emirates 48.6   1.26 67.6   1.50 87.7   1.50   29.73

Iraq 0.0   0.00 12.4   0.27 81.5   1.39   559.00

Algeria 67.0   1.73 46.4   1.03 78.4   1.34   68.97

Saudi Arabia 79.5   2.05 62.2   1.38 61.6   1.05  - 1.07

Poland 10.9   0.28 15.3   0.34 54.6   0.93   257.92

Lebanon 58.5   1.51 71.0   1.58 43.8   0.75  - 38.28

Sudan 79.0   2.04 48.8   1.08 42.5   0.73  - 12.83

Morocco 7.1   0.18 19.5   0.43 31.7   0.54   62.92

Lithuania 9.8   0.25 4.9   0.11 31.1   0.53   537.03

Oman 28.8   0.74 41.8   0.93 29.0   0.50  - 30.56

Belarus 47.7   1.23 37.3   0.83 28.0   0.48  - 24.97

Switzerland 1.4   0.04 2.1   0.05 25.6   0.44   1121.78

Jordan 32.3   0.83 19.6   0.44 24.8   0.42   26.36

Portugal 13.4   0.35 9.7   0.22 21.7   0.37   122.24

United States 5.4   0.14 3.4   0.08 16.2   0.28   378.60

Palestine 8.1   0.21 7.1   0.16 13.0   0.22   83.71

Taiwan 12.8   0.33 8.4   0.19 11.8   0.20   40.39

Tunisia 8.5   0.22 9.0   0.20 11.0   0.19   21.53

Israel 5.7   0.15 4.0   0.09 10.3   0.18   158.21

Moldova 4.2   0.11 5.4   0.12 8.0   0.14   47.14

Georgia 15.7   0.40 12.3   0.27 7.8   0.13  - 36.35

Greece 8.8   0.23 18.0   0.40 7.4   0.13  - 58.98

Syria 19.3   0.50 8.0   0.18 0.3   0.00  - 96.58

Other 74.76 1.93 110.47 2.45 94.47 1.61 -14.5

% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Sunflowerseed Oil Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, 1000 MT (HS 151211, 151219)

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)

Page 15: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 15 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 1,612.0   100.00 1,121.0   100.00 312.0   100.00  - 72.17

EU-28 85.0   5.30 50.0   4.45 42.0   13.62  - 14.74

Eurasian Economic Union 1,525.0   94.58 1,032.0   92.10 138.0   44.37  - 86.59

Middle East 0.0   0.00 14.0   1.28 0.0   0.02  - 99.55

Russia 1,492.0   92.53 1,032.0   92.10 132.0   42.37  - 87.20

Uzbekistan 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 131.0   41.99   0.00

Netherlands 18.0   1.12 18.0   1.62 19.0   5.95   2.22

Slovakia 0.0   0.00 20.0   1.82 9.0   2.98  - 54.59

Belarus 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 6.0   2.00   0.00

Germany 30.0   1.87 5.0   0.43 5.0   1.73   12.96

Switzerland 0.0   0.00 2.0   0.21 5.0   1.70   123.21

Hungary 7.0   0.44 0.0   0.00 3.0   0.87   0.00

Romania 4.0   0.25 4.0   0.34 1.0   0.40  - 67.37

Turkey 0.0   0.00 14.0   1.28 0.0   0.02  - 99.55

United States 2.0   0.12 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 50.00

United Kingdom 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.02 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Ireland 2.0   0.12 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Italy 2.0   0.11 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Kazakhstan 33.0   2.05 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Latvia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Lithuania 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Czech Republic 20.0   1.24 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Egypt 0.0   0.00 24.0   2.17 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Poland 2.0   0.14 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Sunflowerseed Oil Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MY, MT (HS 151211, 151219)

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to



MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

Page 16: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 16 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 3,394.0   100.00 3,817.3   100.00 4,807.2   100.00   25.93

EU-28 2,120.9   62.49 2,118.4   55.49 2,701.5   56.20   27.53

Middle East 479.9   14.14 628.9   16.47 617.2   12.84  - 1.85

Eurasian Economic Union 528.1   15.56 510.1   13.36 546.3   11.36   7.10

South Asia 7.0   0.21 218.0   5.71 419.5   8.73   92.44

Africa 227.2   6.69 259.7   6.80 363.2   7.56   39.83

East & Southeast Asia 24.8   0.73 77.2   2.02 144.2   3.00   86.79

France 642.1   18.92 567.4   14.86 644.7   13.41   13.63

Belarus 527.5   15.54 508.5   13.32 545.6   11.35   7.30

Spain 285.3   8.41 280.0   7.33 482.3   10.03   72.26

Italy 225.1   6.63 277.0   7.26 437.8   9.11   58.02

Poland 459.3   13.53 387.5   10.15 428.6   8.92   10.62

Turkey 285.5   8.41 363.3   9.52 374.0   7.78   2.96

Netherlands 144.7   4.26 239.7   6.28 343.6   7.15   43.36

Morocco 168.6   4.97 204.3   5.35 269.0   5.60   31.67

India 7.0   0.21 146.4   3.83 264.4   5.50   80.64

Israel 189.8   5.59 176.7   4.63 158.1   3.29  - 10.54

Pakistan 0.0   0.00 64.9   1.70 144.5   3.01   122.69

Thailand 9.6   0.28 58.8   1.54 91.9   1.91   56.40

Belgium 46.2   1.36 45.4   1.19 85.8   1.78   88.96

United Kingdom 146.2   4.31 133.4   3.49 83.6   1.74  - 37.35

Saudi Arabia 0.0   0.00 82.5   2.16 82.5   1.72   0.00

Egypt 57.5   1.70 52.2   1.37 72.1   1.50   38.16

Lithuania 58.6   1.73 61.4   1.61 41.7   0.87  - 32.08

Cyprus 21.7   0.64 14.7   0.38 40.9   0.85   179.08

Germany 2.0   0.06 31.1   0.82 35.7   0.74   14.73

Vietnam 7.5   0.22 8.8   0.23 31.7   0.66   257.85

Denmark 47.7   1.40 32.7   0.86 26.4   0.55  - 19.27

Greece 0.0   0.00 19.6   0.51 17.5   0.36  - 10.97

Algeria 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 15.8   0.33   0.00

Myanmar 0.0   0.00 4.4   0.12 14.1   0.29   217.33

Malaysia 6.3   0.19 7.0   0.18 11.5   0.24   65.25

Portugal 0.0   0.00 3.1   0.08 10.0   0.21   224.68

Bangladesh 0.0   0.00 6.6   0.17 9.2   0.19   40.11

Switzerland 0.0   0.00 2.0   0.05 9.2   0.19   357.71

Korea South 0.4   0.01 1.8   0.05 8.2   0.17   361.10

Czech Republic 18.7   0.55 9.0   0.24 7.2   0.15  - 20.39

Tunisia 0.0   0.00 3.2   0.08 6.1   0.13   88.32

Latvia 18.9   0.56 3.0   0.08 3.3   0.07   8.58

Other 17.5 0.5 20.9 0.5 10.2 0.2 -51.21

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Sunflowerseed Meal Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, 1000 MT (HS 230630)

Page 17: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 17 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service


Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 2,421.9   100.00 2,369.1   100.00 2,903.5   100.00   22.56

Middle East 1,641.7   67.79 1,382.0   58.33 1,535.5   52.88   11.11

EU-28 526.6   21.75 328.3   13.86 619.4   21.33   88.70

Africa 227.8   9.40 592.5   25.01 604.9   20.83   2.09

Eurasian Economic Union 5.4   0.22 53.3   2.25 119.7   4.12   124.48

East & Southeast Asia 14.6   0.60 4.3   0.18 22.3   0.77   421.18

South Asia 1.8   0.08 1.7   0.07 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Turkey 920.5   38.01 927.9   39.17 748.5   25.78  - 19.34

Iran 486.2   20.07 194.7   8.22 583.0   20.08   199.40

Egypt 213.7   8.82 575.3   24.28 567.2   19.54  - 1.40

Italy 124.4   5.14 10.5   0.44 141.6   4.88   1245.79

Greece 126.6   5.23 140.7   5.94 124.7   4.30  - 11.37

Belarus 2.6   0.11 53.3   2.25 119.7   4.12   124.55

Israel 65.1   2.69 65.4   2.76 99.7   3.43   52.44

Denmark 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 87.4   3.01   0.00

Poland 29.3   1.21 48.4   2.04 84.5   2.91   74.73

Lebanon 60.2   2.49 156.6   6.61 67.6   2.33  - 56.83

Spain 72.6   3.00 61.1   2.58 66.3   2.28   8.39

Netherlands 5.9   0.24 1.6   0.07 52.7   1.81   3248.28

Portugal 9.3   0.38 0.0   0.00 30.0   1.03   0.00

Tunisia 14.1   0.58 12.0   0.51 25.6   0.88   113.15

China 0.1   0.00 4.2   0.18 19.9   0.69   369.73

United Arab Emirates 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 15.7   0.54   0.00

Germany 49.5   2.04 5.0   0.21 13.2   0.46   164.11

Morocco 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 11.9   0.41   0.00

Syria 58.0   2.39 5.2   0.22 10.4   0.36   98.20

Georgia 9.5   0.39 19.7   0.83 10.4   0.36  - 47.26

Hungary 22.7   0.94 18.8   0.79 6.4   0.22  - 66.06

Romania 43.5   1.80 30.4   1.28 2.0   0.07  - 93.43

Azerbaijan 3.7   0.15 12.4   0.52 0.0   0.00  - 99.69

Luxembourg 25.7   1.06 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Malaysia 10.9   0.45 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Saudi Arabia 38.5   1.59 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Other 29.1 1.2 25.6 1.1 15.1 0.5 -41.1

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Soybean Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, 1000 MT (HS 1201)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)

Page 18: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 18 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 3,609.0   100.00 4,765.0   100.00 6,638.0   100.00   39.30

Eurasian Economic Union 0.0   0.00 1,715.0   35.98 4,512.0   67.97   163.13

EU-28 563.0   15.60 558.0   11.70 499.0   7.52  - 10.52

Belarus 0.0   0.00 1,715.0   35.98 4,512.0   67.97   163.13

Canada 2,905.0   80.49 2,335.0   49.01 1,264.0   19.05  - 45.85

United States 60.0   1.66 121.0   2.53 344.0   5.18   185.23

France 272.0   7.54 20.0   0.42 171.0   2.58   764.47

Czech Republic 56.0   1.55 107.0   2.24 149.0   2.24   39.46

Poland 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 107.0   1.61 ∞

Austria 228.0   6.31 148.0   3.11 66.0   0.99  - 55.50

Serbia 81.0   2.24 37.0   0.77 18.0   0.28  - 50.33

Germany 0.0   0.01 23.0   0.49 6.0   0.09  - 73.76

Switzerland 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.01 0.0   0.00  - 53.68

Romania 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Brazil 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Croatia 4.0   0.11 10.0   0.21 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Hungary 3.0   0.09 4.0   0.09 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Latvia 0.0   0.00 127.0   2.66 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Lithuania 0.0   0.00 119.0   2.49 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Soybean Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MY, MT (HS 1201)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

Page 19: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 19 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 136,133.0   100.00 152,453.0   100.00 177,046.0   100.00   16.13

EU-28 59,894.0   44.00 60,647.0   39.78 71,208.0   40.22   17.41

East & Southeast Asia 59,681.0   43.84 86,383.0   56.66 54,610.0   30.85  - 36.78

South Asia 4,182.0   3.07 418.0   0.27 35,160.0   19.86   8320.60

Middle East 1,800.0   1.32 790.0   0.52 13,470.0   7.61   1604.70

Africa 7,483.0   5.50 1,228.0   0.81 2,016.0   1.14   64.07

Eurasian Economic Union 3,018.0   2.22 2,454.0   1.61 583.0   0.33  - 76.25

Poland 43,384.0   31.87 46,568.0   30.55 62,051.0   35.05   33.25

China 56,576.0   41.56 82,304.0   53.99 52,076.0   29.41  - 36.73

India 4,182.0   3.07 418.0   0.27 27,552.0   15.56   6498.52

Bangladesh 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 7,059.0   3.99   0.00

Saudi Arabia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 5,870.0   3.32   0.00

Lithuania 2,644.0   1.94 3,981.0   2.61 5,323.0   3.01   33.70

Iran 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 2,874.0   1.62   0.00

United Arab Emirates 1,404.0   1.03 0.0   0.00 2,638.0   1.49   0.00

United Kingdom 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 2,253.0   1.27   0.00

Malaysia 3,062.0   2.25 4,079.0   2.68 1,746.0   0.99  - 57.19

Lebanon 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 1,100.0   0.62   0.00

Ethiopia 0.0   0.00 526.0   0.34 1,062.0   0.60   102.00

Israel 396.0   0.29 66.0   0.04 768.0   0.43   1064.28

Vietnam 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 740.0   0.42   0.00

Djibouti 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 690.0   0.39   0.00

Belarus 3,014.0   2.21 2,365.0   1.55 581.0   0.33  - 75.44

Nepal 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 549.0   0.31   0.00

Spain 12,104.0   8.89 8,295.0   5.44 500.0   0.28  - 93.97

Romania 1,064.0   0.78 1,692.0   1.11 390.0   0.22  - 76.95

Switzerland 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 298.0   0.17   0.00

Madagascar 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 264.0   0.15   0.00

Yemen 0.0   0.00 329.0   0.22 220.0   0.12  - 33.12

Slovakia 187.0   0.14 20.0   0.01 183.0   0.10   815.00

Czech Republic 65.0   0.05 0.0   0.00 118.0   0.07   0.00

Cyprus 352.0   0.26 88.0   0.06 88.0   0.05   0.27

Hong Kong 43.0   0.03 0.0   0.00 48.0   0.03   0.00

Netherlands 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 5.0   0.00   0.00

Russia 4.0   0.00 23.0   0.02 2.0   0.00  - 91.19

Philippines 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Mauritius 417.0   0.31 485.0   0.32 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Moldova 0.0   0.00 23.0   0.02 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Tunisia 1,000.0   0.73 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Turkmenistan 0.0   0.00 92.0   0.06 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

United States 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Suriname 75.0   0.05 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Seychelles 484.0   0.36 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Germany 27.0   0.02 2.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Jordan 0.0   0.00 329.0   0.22 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Kenya 0.0   0.00 218.0   0.14 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Latvia 66.0   0.05 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Canada 0.0   0.00 484.0   0.32 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Armenia 0.0   0.00 66.0   0.04 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Egypt 5,582.0   4.10 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Soybean Oil Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, MT (HS 1507)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 20: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 20 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 55.0   100.00 85.0   100.00 12.0   100.00  - 85.89

EU-28 17.0   30.45 8.0   8.93 10.0   81.15   28.17

East & Southeast Asia 0.0   0.00 43.0   50.84 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Belgium 8.0   14.75 0.0   0.00 4.0   33.44   0.00

Germany 3.0   5.75 1.0   0.76 2.0   19.52   260.00

United States 38.0   69.55 34.0   40.23 2.0   18.85  - 93.39

Italy 2.0   4.32 0.0   0.02 2.0   13.76 ∞

France 2.0   3.22 0.0   0.00 1.0   8.09   0.00

Netherlands 1.0   2.41 3.0   4.02 1.0   6.34  - 77.78

Slovakia 0.0   0.00 4.0   4.12 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Thailand 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.53 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Hong Kong 0.0   0.00 43.0   50.31 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Soybean Oil Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MY, MT (HS 1507)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 21: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 21 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 213,107.0   100.00 338,402.0   100.00 297,178.0   100.00  - 12.18

EU-28 15,212.0   7.14 39,982.0   11.82 108,347.0   36.46   170.99

Middle East 78,373.0   36.78 119,925.0   35.44 94,422.0   31.77  - 21.27

Eurasian Economic Union 114,271.0   53.62 109,499.0   32.36 55,704.0   18.74  - 49.13

Africa 0.0   0.00 21,657.0   6.40 15,607.0   5.25  - 27.93

East & Southeast Asia 0.0   0.00 1,020.0   0.30 493.0   0.17  - 51.69

South Asia 0.0   0.00 28,045.0   8.29 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Hungary 0.0   0.00 9,875.0   2.92 71,996.0   24.23   629.08

Belarus 111,098.0   52.13 109,499.0   32.36 55,704.0   18.74  - 49.13

Georgia 11,454.0   5.37 47,271.0   13.97 39,021.0   13.13  - 17.45

Turkey 59,841.0   28.08 51,135.0   15.11 26,934.0   9.06  - 47.33

France 0.0   0.00 3,898.0   1.15 18,668.0   6.28   378.87

Moldova 4,344.0   2.04 16,374.0   4.84 17,347.0   5.84   5.94

Libya 0.0   0.00 5,000.0   1.48 15,564.0   5.24   211.29

Azerbaijan 5,954.0   2.79 5,834.0   1.72 13,751.0   4.63   135.69

Poland 8,562.0   4.02 21,880.0   6.47 11,333.0   3.81  - 48.20

Lebanon 0.0   0.00 2,101.0   0.62 9,668.0   3.25   360.10

Turkmenistan 594.0   0.28 1,834.0   0.54 5,258.0   1.77   186.74

Israel 1,101.0   0.52 13,583.0   4.01 5,038.0   1.70  - 62.91

Lithuania 365.0   0.17 838.0   0.25 3,166.0   1.07   277.78

Estonia 94.0   0.04 1,078.0   0.32 1,870.0   0.63   73.47

Spain 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 1,248.0   0.42   0.00

Korea South 0.0   0.00 1,020.0   0.30 493.0   0.17  - 51.69

Mauritius 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 43.0   0.01   0.00

Romania 4,556.0   2.14 880.0   0.26 22.0   0.01  - 97.50

Slovakia 1,460.0   0.69 0.0   0.00 22.0   0.01   0.00

Latvia 0.0   0.00 391.0   0.12 22.0   0.01  - 94.37

Oman 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 10.0   0.00   0.00

Sri Lanka 0.0   0.00 518.0   0.15 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Tanzania 0.0   0.00 22.0   0.01 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Tunisia 0.0   0.00 3,028.0   0.89 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

United Kingdom 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Uzbekistan 335.0   0.16 65.0   0.02 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Kazakhstan 3,152.0   1.48 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

India 0.0   0.00 27,332.0   8.08 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Afghanistan 0.0   0.00 195.0   0.06 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Armenia 22.0   0.01 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Bulgaria 22.0   0.01 593.0   0.18 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Croatia 132.0   0.06 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Cyprus 0.0   0.00 549.0   0.16 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Czech Republic 20.0   0.01 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Egypt 0.0   0.00 13,607.0   4.02 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Soybean Meal Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, MT (HS 2304)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 22: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 22 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 1,968.0   100.00 1,799.0   100.00 2,024.0   100.00   12.52

East & Southeast Asia 1,085.0   55.14 890.0   49.49 1,052.0   51.97   18.18

EU-28 336.0   17.08 867.0   48.19 862.0   42.59  - 0.54

Eurasian Economic Union 60.0   3.05 1.0   0.06 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

China 1,085.0   55.14 890.0   49.49 1,052.0   51.97   18.18

Denmark 242.0   12.30 801.0   44.54 799.0   39.47  - 0.28

Serbia 25.0   1.26 22.0   1.21 103.0   5.08   372.41

Poland 44.0   2.24 22.0   1.22 42.0   2.08   91.18

Spain 0.0   0.00 22.0   1.20 17.0   0.85  - 20.37

Brazil 462.0   23.48 19.0   1.06 7.0   0.36  - 62.20

Slovakia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 4.0   0.19   0.00

Russia 60.0   3.05 1.0   0.06 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Estonia 50.0   2.55 22.0   1.22 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Soybean Meal Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MT (HS 2304)


MY 2014/15

(Sept 14-Aug 15)

MY 2015/16

(Sept 15-Aug 16)

MY 2016/17

(Sept 16-Aug 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 23: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 23 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service


Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 1,962.6   100.00 1,437.3   100.00 1,033.1   100.00  - 28.12

EU-28 1,286.9   65.57 1,115.2   77.59 951.0   92.06  - 14.72

Middle East 155.0   7.90 105.4   7.34 46.5   4.50  - 55.92

South Asia 460.3   23.45 213.4   14.85 31.8   3.07  - 85.12

East & Southeast Asia 55.8   2.84 0.3   0.02 0.5   0.05   87.06

Africa 4.6   0.24 0.1   0.01 0.2   0.02   13.20

Eurasian Economic Union 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   284.00

Poland 88.1   4.49 71.7   4.99 205.0   19.85   186.02

Belgium 366.5   18.68 256.1   17.82 202.6   19.61  - 20.89

France 243.7   12.42 484.9   33.74 181.1   17.53  - 62.66

Germany 84.8   4.32 16.2   1.13 145.0   14.04   792.94

Netherlands 300.2   15.29 96.8   6.73 132.6   12.83   36.99

Portugal 185.2   9.43 186.9   13.00 79.0   7.65  - 57.70

Israel 12.1   0.62 38.8   2.70 30.5   2.96  - 21.37

Bangladesh 16.8   0.85 49.2   3.42 23.5   2.27  - 52.26

Iran 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 14.6   1.42   0.00

Nepal 8.8   0.45 25.8   1.80 8.3   0.80  - 67.98

United States 0.0   0.00 2.8   0.19 3.1   0.30   10.75

Italy 0.2   0.01 0.0   0.00 2.8   0.28   0.00

Turkey 32.9   1.68 8.1   0.56 1.3   0.12  - 84.21

Austria 1.1   0.06 0.4   0.03 1.0   0.10   137.50

Czech Republic 0.0   0.00 0.2   0.02 0.9   0.09   300.71

Estonia 0.7   0.04 0.7   0.05 0.8   0.08   26.97

Vietnam 53.2   2.71 0.0   0.00 0.5   0.05   0.00

Algeria 0.0   0.00 0.1   0.01 0.2   0.02   13.20

Greece 0.1   0.01 0.0   0.00 0.1   0.01   485.29

Spain 0.0   0.00 0.2   0.01 0.0   0.00  - 82.09

Lebanon 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 13.59

Kazakhstan 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Hungary 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

India 13.5   0.69 2.5   0.18 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Indonesia 0.0   0.00 0.3   0.02 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Latvia 4.3   0.22 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Armenia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Belarus 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Denmark 0.0   0.00 0.6   0.04 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Bulgaria 4.6   0.23 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

China 0.4   0.02 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Libya 4.6   0.23 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Lithuania 1.0   0.05 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Malaysia 2.3   0.12 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Moldova 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

United Arab Emirates 109.9   5.60 58.5   4.07 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

United Kingdom 2.8   0.14 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Romania 3.7   0.19 0.6   0.04 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Pakistan 421.2   21.46 135.9   9.45 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Rapeseed Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, 1000 MT (HS 1205)


% Change

MY 2016/17 to


MY 2014/15

(July 14-June 15)

MY 2015/16

(July 15-June 16)

MY 2016/17

(July 16-June 17)

Page 24: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 24 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 2,236.0   100.00 2,186.0   100.00 5,907.0   100.00   170.23

EU-28 2,156.0   96.42 2,168.0   99.21 5,865.0   99.29   170.45

Poland 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 3,516.0   59.53   0.00

Germany 1,584.0   70.84 1,139.0   52.11 1,532.0   25.94   34.54

France 299.0   13.38 575.0   26.29 599.0   10.14   4.26

Spain 94.0   4.19 185.0   8.48 122.0   2.07  - 34.00

Hungary 95.0   4.26 139.0   6.34 68.0   1.15  - 50.89

Argentina 24.0   1.07 4.0   0.20 32.0   0.55   623.85

Italy 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 24.0   0.41   0.00

Serbia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 10.0   0.17   0.00

Czech Republic 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 2.0   0.03   0.00

Austria 0.0   0.01 131.0   5.98 0.0   0.00  - 99.98

Belgium 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.01 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Croatia 83.0   3.73 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

New Zealand 56.0   2.51 13.0   0.59 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

MY 2015/16

(July 15-June 16)

MY 2016/17

(July 16-June 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Rapeseed Import Statistics by Month and Origin, Ukraine, MT (HS 1205)


MY 2014/15

(July 14-June 15)

Page 25: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 25 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 111,559.0   100.00 154,911.0   100.00 69,694.0   100.00  - 55.01

EU-28 66,648.0   59.74 93,584.0   60.41 66,804.0   95.85  - 28.62

East & Southeast Asia 40,633.0   36.42 44,786.0   28.91 2,682.0   3.85  - 94.01

Middle East 0.0   0.00 3,046.0   1.97 155.0   0.22  - 94.93

Eurasian Economic Union 343.0   0.31 1.0   0.00 53.0   0.08   4878.04

South Asia 3,934.0   3.53 13,493.0   8.71 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Poland 6,739.0   6.04 13,950.0   9.00 24,930.0   35.77   78.72

Lithuania 7,427.0   6.66 11,491.0   7.42 15,025.0   21.56   30.75

Netherlands 0.0   0.00 897.0   0.58 9,895.0   14.20   1003.06

France 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 6,004.0   8.62   0.00

Italy 25,092.0   22.49 53,699.0   34.66 5,332.0   7.65  - 90.07

Spain 3,100.0   2.78 0.0   0.00 4,000.0   5.74   0.00

China 40,525.0   36.33 40,521.0   26.16 2,445.0   3.51  - 93.97

Czech Republic 2,442.0   2.19 4,047.0   2.61 695.0   1.00  - 82.82

Slovakia 962.0   0.86 1,724.0   1.11 676.0   0.97  - 60.81

Malaysia 108.0   0.10 4,265.0   2.75 237.0   0.34  - 94.45

Latvia 3,392.0   3.04 23.0   0.01 201.0   0.29   766.88

Israel 0.0   0.00 45.0   0.03 155.0   0.22   242.54

Russia 1.0   0.00 1.0   0.00 53.0   0.08   4854.31

Romania 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 45.0   0.06   0.00

Kazakhstan 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Bulgaria 0.0   0.00 4,532.0   2.93 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Germany 646.0   0.58 476.0   0.31 0.0   0.00  - 99.98

Austria 835.0   0.75 1,616.0   1.04 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Moldova 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 78.87

United Kingdom 657.0   0.59 179.0   0.12 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

United States 1.0   0.00 1.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Panama 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Portugal 15,011.0   13.46 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Belarus 342.0   0.31 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Cyprus 221.0   0.20 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Georgia 0.0   0.00 1.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Greece 0.0   0.00 950.0   0.61 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Hungary 123.0   0.11 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

India 3,934.0   3.53 13,493.0   8.71 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Iran 0.0   0.00 3,000.0   1.94 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Rapeseed Oil Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, MT (HS 1514)


MY 2014/15

(July 14-June 15)

MY 2016/17

(July 16-June 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


MY 2015/16

(July 15-June 16)

Page 26: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 26 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 641.0   100.00 931.0   100.00 979.0   100.00   5.14

EU-28 497.0   77.55 734.0   78.76 766.0   78.21   4.41

Eurasian Economic Union 109.0   17.01 194.0   20.84 206.0   21.06   6.22

Russia 109.0   17.01 151.0   16.21 170.0   17.35   12.56

Romania 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 45.0   4.60   0.00

Germany 31.0   4.76 31.0   3.34 41.0   4.16   30.91

Belarus 0.0   0.01 43.0   4.63 36.0   3.70  - 15.97

Turkey 0.0   0.00 2.0   0.21 7.0   0.74   263.64

Slovakia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.01   0.00

Belgium 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

Czech Republic 1.0   0.09 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

France 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Netherlands 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Sweden 35.0   5.44 2.0   0.18 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Switzerland 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00   0.00

United States 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Source of Data: State Customs Committee of the Ukraine0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Rapeseed Oil Imports to Ukraine by Origin, MY, MT (HS 1514)


MY 2014/15

(July 14-June 15)

MY 2015/16

(July 15-June 16)

MY 2016/17

(July 16-June 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Page 27: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 27 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Quantity % Share Quantity % Share Quantity % Share

World 133,153.0   100.00 187,710.0   100.00 78,032.0   100.00  - 58.43

Africa 2,826.0   2.12 0.0   0.00 5,272.0   6.76   0.00

East & Southeast Asia 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 1,597.0   2.05   0.00

EU-28 111,966.0   84.09 159,548.0   85.00 52,581.0   67.38  - 67.04

Eurasian Economic Union 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 7,544.0   9.67   0.00

Middle East 18,361.0   13.79 28,118.0   14.98 11,016.0   14.12  - 60.82

Lithuania 29,876.0   22.44 43,815.0   23.34 22,431.0   28.75  - 48.80

Poland 24,406.0   18.33 24,322.0   12.96 12,719.0   16.30  - 47.71

Spain 28,813.0   21.64 66,100.0   35.21 12,494.0   16.01  - 81.10

Israel 18,361.0   13.79 23,021.0   12.26 10,484.0   13.44  - 54.46

Belarus 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 7,544.0   9.67   0.00

Morocco 2,826.0   2.12 0.0   0.00 5,272.0   6.76   0.00

Latvia 9,179.0   6.89 8,203.0   4.37 3,434.0   4.40  - 58.14

Vietnam 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 1,597.0   2.05   0.00

Estonia 2,217.0   1.66 848.0   0.45 1,503.0   1.93   77.36

United Arab Emirates 0.0   0.00 0.0   0.00 532.0   0.68   0.00

Moldova 0.0   0.00 44.0   0.02 22.0   0.03  - 50.00

Bulgaria 0.0   0.00 570.0   0.30 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Cyprus 0.0   0.00 2,733.0   1.46 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Italy 0.0   0.00 12,725.0   6.78 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

United Kingdom 17,475.0   13.12 233.0   0.12 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

Turkey 0.0   0.00 5,097.0   2.72 0.0   0.00  - 100.00

MY 2015/16

(July 15-June 16)

MY 2016/17

(July 16-June 17)% Change

MY 2016/17 to


Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Rapeseed Meal Exports from Ukraine by Destination, MY, MT (HS 230640, 230641 and 230649)


MY 2014/15

(July 14-June 15)

Page 28: Ukraine Oilseeds and Products Update - Bumper Rapeseed Crop · 12/19/2017  · Ukraine’s Ministry of Agriculture reported the MY2017/18 oilseeds harvest has concluded. Production

GAIN Report – UP1732 – Oilseeds and Products Update Page 28 of 28

UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

Palm Oil

Destination MY 2015/16Jan-Sep

2016Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17



% Change

Jan-Sep 2017


Jan-Sep 2016

World 193.5 136.9 11.6 12.3 18.9 13.0 17.9 18.1 11.2 19.7 33.8 156.4 14.3

Indonesia 164.6 114.6 9.6 9.4 16.7 11.2 16.3 16.7 10.0 16.7 15.9 122.4 6.9

Honduras 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.2 12.2 ∞

Colombia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 ∞

Malaysia 27.5 21.2 1.9 2.8 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 3.0 2.5 17.9 -15.4

Sweden 1.0 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 -38.4

Belgium 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 14.4

Italy 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.0

Netherlands 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -35.6

Ghana 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ∞

Germany 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ∞

Russia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Latvia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Palm Oil Import Statistics by Month and Origin, Ukraine, Ukraine, 1000 MT (HS 1511)

Destination MY 2015/16Jan-Sep

2016Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17



% Change

Jan-Sep 2017


Jan-Sep 2016

World 4.8 1.8 0.5 1.4 1.7 1.7 0.9 0.7 0.4 1.7 0.8 10.0 442.1

Russia 1.9 0.2 0.5 1.3 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.6 0.1 1.5 0.7 8.4 4,230.8

Moldova 1.2 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 1.2 96.7

Belarus 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -72.3

Armenia 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6

Azerbaijan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Poland 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Romania 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Bulgaria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Czech Republic 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ∞

Georgia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0

Kazakhstan 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 -42.1

Lithuania 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -79.6

Macedonia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ∞

Serbia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ∞

Palm Oil Export Statistics by Month and Destination, Ukraine, Ukraine, MT (HS 1511)

Source: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine