Ultrasonic Testing Slides 1

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  • 8/11/2019 Ultrasonic Testing Slides 1


    Ultrasonic Testing


  • 8/11/2019 Ultrasonic Testing Slides 1



    Introduction Basic Principles of sound generation Pulse echo and through transmission testing Inspection applications

    Equipment Transducers Instrumentation Reference Standards

    Data presentation

    Advantages and Limitations Calibration Selected Applications

  • 8/11/2019 Ultrasonic Testing Slides 1



    Ultrasonic testing uses high frequency soundenergy to conduct NDE examinations and make

    measurements. Ultrasonic examinations can be conducted on a

    wide variety of material forms including castings,

    forgings, welds, and composites.

    A considerable amount of information about thepart being examined can be collected, such as thepresence of discontinuities, part or coating

    thickness; and acoustical properties can often be

    correlated to certain properties of the material.

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    Basic Principles of Sound

    Sound is produced by a vibrating body and travelsin the form of a wave.

    Sound waves travel through materials by vibratingthe particles that make up the material.

    The pitch of the soundis determined by thefrequency of the wave(vibrations or cyclescompleted in a certain

    period of time).Ultrasound is sound

    with a pitch too highto be detected by thehuman ear.

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    Basic Principles of Sound (cont.)

    The measurement of sound waves from crest tocrest determines its wavelength ().

    The sound wavelengthis inversely proportional

    to its frequency. ( = 1/f)

    Several wave modes ofvibration are used inultrasonic inspection.

    The most common arelongitudinal, shear, andRayleigh (surface) waves.

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    Basic Principles of Sound (cont.)

    Ultrasonic waves are very similar tolight waves in that they can be reflected,refracted, and focused.

    Reflection and refraction occurs whensound waves interact with interfaces of

    differing acoustic properties. In solid materials, the vibrational energy

    can be split into different wave modeswhen the wave encounters an interfaceat an angle other than 90 degrees.

    Ultrasonic reflections from the presenceof discontinuities or geometric featuresenables detection and location.

    The velocity of sound in a given materialis constant and can only be altered by a

    change in the mode of energy.

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    Ultrasound (UT) Generation

    The transducer iscapable of bothtransmitting andreceiving soundenergy.

    UT inspection system : Pulser/ Receiver, Transducer, Display Device

    Pulser / Receiver : Electronic device to produce electrical pulseHigh frequency ultrasound is generated with a transducer.

    A piezoelectric elementin the transducer

    converts electricalenergy into mechanicalvibrations (sound), andvice versa.

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    Principles of Ultrasonic Inspection

    Ultrasonic waves are introduced into a materialwhere they travel in a straight line and at a

    constant speed until they encounter a surface.

    At surface interfaces some of the wave energy isreflected and some is transmitted. The amount of reflected or transmitted energy can

    be detected and provides information about the

    size of the reflector. The travel time of the sound can be measured and

    this provides information on the distance that the

    sound has traveled.

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    Ultrasonic testing is a very versatile inspectionmethod, and inspections can be accomplished in anumber of different ways.

    Ultrasonic inspection techniques are commonly

    divided into three primary classifications. Pulse-echo and Through Transmission(Relates to whether reflected or transmitted energy is used)

    Normal Beam and Angle Beam(Relates to the angle that the sound energy enters the test article)

    Contact and Immersion(Relates to the method of coupling the transducer to the testarticle)

    Test Techniques

    Each of these techniques will be discussed brieflyin the following slides.

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    In pulse-echo testing, a transducer sends out a pulse of energyand the same or a second transducer listens for reflected energy(an echo).

    Reflections occur due to the presence of discontinuities and thesurfaces of the test article.

    The amount of reflected sound energy is displayed versus time,which provides the inspector information about the size and thelocation of features that reflect the sound.


    Test Techniques - Pulse-Echo



    0 2 4 6 8 10





    back surface


    UT Instrument Screen

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    Test TechniquesThrough-Transmission

    0 2 4 6 8 10



    Two transducers located onopposing sides of the testspecimen are used. Onetransducer acts as a transmitter,the other as a receiver.

    Discontinuities in the sound pathwill result in a partial or total lossof sound being transmitted andbe indicated by a decrease in thereceived signal amplitude.

    Through transmission is useful indetecting discontinuities that arenot good reflectors, and whensignal strength is weak. It doesnot provide depth information.

    T R

    T R



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    Digital display

    showing received

    sound through



    Digital display

    showing loss ofreceived signal

    due to presence

    of a discontinuity

    in the sound field.

    Test TechniquesThrough-Transmission

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    Test TechniquesNormal and Angle Beam

    In normal beam testing, the soundbeam is introduced into the testarticle at 90 degree to the surface.

    In angle beam testing, the soundbeam is introduced into the testarticle at some angle other than90.

    The choice between normal andangle beam inspection usuallydepends on two considerations:

    - The orientation of the feature ofinterestthe sound should bedirected to produce the largestreflection from the feature.

    - Obstructions on the surface of the

    part that must be worked around.

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    Inspection Applications

    Some of the applications for which ultrasonic testing

    may be employed include:

    Flaw detection (cracks, inclusions, porosity, etc.)

    Erosion & corrosion thickness gauging Assessment of bond integrity in adhesively

    joined and brazed components

    Estimation of void content in composites and


    Measurement of case hardening depth in steels Estimation of grain size in metals

    On the following slides are examples of somecommon applications of ultrasonic inspection.

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    Thickness Gauging

    Ultrasonic thicknessgauging is routinely utilizedin the petrochemical andutility industries todetermine various degrees

    of corrosion/erosion.

    Applicationsinclude pipingsystems, storageand containmentfacilities, and

    pressure vessels.

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    Flaw Detection - Delaminations

    Signal showing multiple back

    surface echoes in an unflawed area.

    Additional echoes indicate

    delaminations in the member.

    Contact, pulse-echo inspection for delaminationson 36 rolled beam.

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    Flaw Detection in Welds

    One of the most widelyused methods ofinspecting weldments isultrasonic inspection.

    Full penetration groovewelds lend themselvesreadily to angle beamshear wave examination.

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    Equipment for ultrasonic testing is verydiversified. Proper selection is important toinsure accurate inspection data as desiredfor specific applications.

    In general, there are three basic componentsthat comprise an ultrasonic test system:

    - Instrumentation

    - Transducers- Calibration Standards

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    Transducers are manufactured in a variety offorms, shapes and sizes for varying applications.

    Transducers are categorized in a number of wayswhich include:

    - Contact or immersion- Single or dual element

    - Normal or angle beam

    In selecting a transducer

    for a given application, itis important to choose thedesired frequency,bandwidth, size, and in some cases focusingwhich optimizes the inspection capabilities.

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    Contact Transducers

    Contact transducers aredesigned to withstandrigorous use, and usuallyhave a wear plate on thebottom surface to protectthe piezoelectric elementfrom contact with thesurface of the test article.

    Many incorporate

    ergonomic designs forease of grip whilescanning along thesurface.

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    Contact Transducers (cont.)

    Contact transducers areavailable with two piezoelectriccrystals in one housing. Thesetransducers are called dualelement transducers.

    One crystal acts as a transmitter,the other as a receiver. This arrangement improves near

    surface resolution because thesecond transducer does not

    need to complete a transmitfunction before listening forechoes.

    Dual elements are commonlyemployed in thickness gaugingof thin materials.

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    Contact Transducers (cont.)

    A way to improve near surfaceresolution with a single elementtransducer is through the use ofa delay line.

    Delay line transducers have aplastic piece that is a sound paththat provides a time delaybetween the sound generationand reception of reflectedenergy.

    Interchangeable pieces make itpossible to configure thetransducer with insulating wearcaps or flexible membranes thatconform to rough surfaces.

    Common applications includethickness gauging and high

    temperature measurements.

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    Transducers (cont.)

    Angle beam transducersincorporate wedges tointroduce a refracted shearwave into a material.

    The incident wedge angle isused with the materialvelocity to determine thedesired refracted shearwave according to SnellsLaw)

    Transducers can use fixedor variable wedge angles.

    Common application is inweld examination.

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    Transducers (cont.)

    Immersion transducers aredesigned to transmit soundwhereby the transducer andtest specimen are immersed

    in a liquid coupling medium(usually water).

    Immersion transducersare manufactured withplanar, cylindrical orspherical acousticlenses (focusing lens).

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    Ultrasonic equipment is usually purchased tosatisfy specific inspection needs, some usersmay purchase general purpose equipment tofulfill a number of inspection applications.

    Test equipment can be classified in a number ofdifferent ways, this may include portable orstationary, contact or immersion, manual orautomated.

    Further classification of instruments commonlydivides them into four general categories: D-meters, Flaw detectors, Industrial and specialapplication.

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    Instrumentation (cont.)

    D-meters or digitalthickness gaugeinstruments provide theuser with a digital(numeric) readout.

    They are designedprimarily forcorrosion/erosioninspection applications.

    Some instruments provide the user with both adigital readout and a display of the signal. Adistinct advantage of these units is that they allowthe user to evaluate the signal to ensure that thedigital measurements are of the desired features.

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    Instrumentation (cont.)

    Flaw detectors areinstruments designedprimarily for the inspectionof components for defects.

    However, the signal can beevaluated to obtain otherinformation such asmaterial thickness values.

    Both analog and digitaldisplay.

    Offer the user options ofgating horizontal sweepand amplitude threshold.

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    Instrumentation (cont.)

    Industrial flaw detectioninstruments, provideusers with more optionsthan standard flawdetectors.

    May be modulated unitsallowing users to tailorthe instrument for theirspecific needs.

    Generally not as portableas standard flawdetectors.

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    Instrumentation (cont.)

    Immersion ultrasonic scanningsystems are used forautomated data acquisitionand imaging.

    They integrate an immersiontank, ultrasonicinstrumentation, a scanningbridge, and computer controls.

    The signal strength and/or thetime-of-flight of the signal ismeasured for every point in thescan plan.

    The value of the data is plottedusing colors or shades of grayto produce detailed images ofthe surface or internal featuresof a component.

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    Images of a Quarter Produced With an

    Ultrasonic Immersion Scanning System

    Gray scale image produced using

    the sound reflected from the front

    surface of the coin

    Gray scale image produced using the

    sound reflected from the back surface

    of the coin (inspected from heads side)

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    Calibration Standards

    Calibration is a operation of configuring theultrasonic test equipment to known values. Thisprovides the inspector with a means of comparingtest signals to known measurements.

    Calibration standards come in a wide variety ofmaterial types, and configurations due to thediversity of inspection applications.

    Calibration standards are typically manufactured

    from materials of the same acoustic properties asthose of the test articles.

    The following slides provide examples of specifictypes of standards.

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    Calibration Standards (cont.)

    Thickness calibrationstandards may be flat orcurved for pipe and tubingapplications, consisting of

    simple variations inmaterial thickness.

    Distance/Area Amplitudestandards utilize flat bottom

    holes or side drilled holes toestablish known reflectorsize with changes in soundpath form the entry surface.

    ASTM Distance/Area Amplitude


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    Calibration Standards (cont.)

    There are also calibrationstandards for use in anglebeam inspections whenflaws are not parallel to

    entry surface.These standards utilizedside drilled holes, notches,and geometric

    configuration to establishtime distance andamplitude relationships.


    DSC DC Rhompas


    ASME Pipe Sec. XI

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    Qualification Standards

    Qualificationstandards differ fromcalibration standardsin that their use is for

    purposes of varyingproper equipmentoperation andqualification ofequipment use for

    specific codes andstandards.

    AWS Resolution

    IOW Beam Profile

    DC-dB Accuracy

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    Data Presentation

    Information from ultrasonic testing can bepresented in a number of differing formats.

    Three of the more common formats include:

    A-scan B-scan C-scan

    These three formats will be discussed in the nextfew slides.

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    Data Presentation - A-scan

    A-scan presentationdisplays the amount ofreceived ultrasonicenergy as a function oftime.

    Relative discontinuitysize can be estimated bycomparing the signalamplitude to that from aknown reflector.

    Reflector depth can bedetermined by theposition of the signal onthe horizontal sweep.






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    Data Presentation - B-scan

    B-scan presentationsdisplay a profile view(cross-sectional) of a testspecimen.

    Only the reflector depth inthe cross-section and thelinear dimensions can bedetermined.

    A limitation to this displaytechnique is thatreflectors may be maskedby larger reflectors nearthe surface.

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    Data Presentation - C-scan

    The C-scan presentation displays a plan type viewof the test specimen and discontinuities.

    C-scan presentations are produced with anautomated data acquisition system, such as inimmersion scanning.

    Use of A-scan in conjunction with C-scan isnecessary when depth determination is desired.

    Photo of a CompositeComponent

    C-Scan Image ofInternal Features

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    Advantage of Ultrasonic Testing

    Sensitive to both surface and subsurfacediscontinuities.

    Depth of penetration for flaw detection or measurementis superior to other methods.

    Only single-sided access is needed when pulse-echotechnique is used. High accuracy in determining reflector position and

    estimating size and shape.

    Minimal part preparation required. Electronic equipment provides instantaneous results. Detailed images can be produced with automated


    Has other uses such as thickness measurements, inaddition to flaw detection.

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    Limitations of Ultrasonic Testing

    Surface must be accessible to transmit ultrasound. Skill and training is more extensive than with some other


    Normally requires a coupling medium to promote transferof sound energy into test specimen. Materials that are rough, irregular in shape, very small,exceptionally thin or not homogeneous are difficult toinspect.

    Cast iron and other coarse grained materials are difficultto inspect due to low sound transmission and high signalnoise.

    Linear defects oriented parallel to the sound beam maygo undetected.

    Reference standards are required for both equipmentcalibration, and characterization of flaws.

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    Glossary of Terms

    Acoustical properties:ultrasonic material characteristicssuch as velocity, impedance, and attenuation.

    ASTM: acronym for American Society for Testing andMaterials. This society is extensively involved inestablishing standards for materials and the testing of

    materials.Back reflection:a display signal that corresponds to the

    far surface of a test specimen, side opposite to transducerwhen testing with longitudinal waves.

    Band width: a range of frequencies either transmitted orreceived, may be narrow or broad range.

    B-scan: presentation technique displaying data in a cross-sectional view.

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    Glossary of Terms

    Calibration: a sequence of instrument controladjustments/instrument responses using known values toverify instrument operating characteristics. Allowsdetermination of unknown quantities from test materials.

    CRT: acronym for Cathode Ray Tube. Vacuum tube thatutilizes one or more electron guns for generating an image.

    C-scan: presentation technique that displays specimendata in a plan type view.

    DAC (Distance Amplitude Correction-curves): agraphical method of allowing for material attenuation.

    Percentage of DAC is often used as a means of acceptancecriteria.

    Discontinuity: an interruption in the physical structure of amaterial, examples include fissures, cracks, and porosity.

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    Glossary of Terms

    IIW:calibration standard meeting the specification of theInternational Institute of Welding.

    Longitudinal (Compression) waves:ultrasonic mode ofpropagation in which the particle vibration is parallel to thedirection of propagation.

    Near Surface Resolution:the ability of an ultrasonic systemto display reflectors located close to the entry surface.

    Pulse-echo:ultrasonic test method that utilizes reflectedsound as a means of collecting test data.

    Rayleigh (Surface) waves:ultrasonic mode of propagationwhere the sound travels along the surface, particle vibration iselliptical.

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    Glossary of Terms

    Reflection:the changing in direction of sound waves as theystrike a surface.

    Snells Law:an equation of ratios used to determine incidentor refracted angle of sound, denotes angle/velocityrelationship.

    Sweep display:horizontal line on the lower portion of thedisplay, often called the time base line.

    Through transmission:test technique in which ultrasound istransmitted from one transducer and received by a separatetransducer on the opposite side of the test specimen.

    Wavelength:the distance that a sound wave travels as itcompletes one cycle, normally measured in inches ormillimeters.

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    For More Information

    The Collaboration for

    NDT Education


    The American Society

    for Nondestructive

