-.-* - if,-, -LU, R :-- um VOL.ÏXH WEÔPÎESDÂf MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1371. NO. 35; in - ?* TO LlTERáfCRE, HORALiTF IND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. 9E The Snmtei' Watciimaö {ESTABLISHED IN UM.) 16 t VM Lillis £ flVBICY WEOftBSlTAY MOKNIJte ATS UMTEü, 8. OY BY GILBERT & " FLOWERS* Tenu. One y ear .....il 00 Sit months.»?«.. 1 50 Taree Monthe. .- i 00 \DVBRTISBMKKTS inserted at tba fate ,f ONS DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS par »nara for tba first. ONS DOLLAR for tba second, and FIFTY CENTS far each subsequent nsertton, for »nv period less than three months OBITUARIES, TRIBUTES OF RESPECT aad all communications whish sabserva prirata nterests, «ill be paid lor as ad vertisetuen ts. "WEPNEgPAY, DEC» Sft. AJUKLBeRT ? »..TT..EDITOR Christmas Greetlnsr. To ear readers all «re extend cordial greetings. We hare much for which to feel grateful, and bare rocei red much at their bands daring the jeer nov in its expiring da jo, the remembrance cf which is treasured op in oar store boase of cherished recollections. And. on this fectira oe- csrioc, would that ere could carry joy and (lad. ness to erery fireside where this bauble greeting shall go. Let tu look ap to tho Great Girer of all good, in bambie confidence, and take fresh eoarage for the future. fS- The finest Oysters prepared in any style at the establishment of HR. HXSRT HARRINSTOK Be is a worthy young man, end ira ask for bim a liberal patronage. See bia advertisement. Tableaux al Statebarg. We leam that a Tableaux, ta «id the Church of the Holy Crees, will be exhibited et Ellerbe, Statebarg, on Thursday night next, 28tb inst Refreshments will be eerred, and tbo admission will bc 50 cents-children half price. The ex¬ hibition will no doubt be in cultivated taste, and result successfully, we trust. Entertainment ID Aid of St. Luke's (nethodlet) Church. We are indebted to tbe fair ladies of the Cnaa, tnittee-Miss. E. II. GRIES, Mr«. H. DUBAUT, Miss M. MURCMSOS, Mrs. L. L. GREEK. Misc. M. M. MÜLDROW-for their courteous in vi ation to attend an Entertainment io aid of St. Laka'« (Methodist) Church, to be giren at Lynchburg, December 28. We trast tbe good people of that section will cordially and liberally sustain these xealous ladies .a their labor of lore. The Bond Swiadle-Tbe Impeachment! Up to the close of tbe day on Thursday lait, (the time fixed for tba recess adjournment) the House was eogaged in discussing BOWEN'S im¬ peachment résolution. Toe »ar of words waxed bot-crimination and recrimination being freely indulged. Matters standing thus, ttys House ad¬ journed over entil 12 o'clock Friday. The Union of Friday holds ont tba idea that there is a large majority in tho House (bought of coarse) opposed to impeachment. And thus it il naeonle. At the regaler eommunieetion of Claremont Lodge, No. 84, A.-. F.\ M.\, bald on tba 21st instant, the following named brethren ware elected to serre as officers for the ensuing Ma¬ sonic year: Bro. ALTAMONT MOSES. W.-. M.\ Bro. M. C. WILLIS, S.- W.\ Bro. T. Ci SCAFFE, J.\ W.-. Bro. R. W. DURANT, Treasurer.* Bro. GEO. P. Mc KAG KN. Secretary. Bro. W. H. GIRA KD ii A U, S.«. Dr. Bro. T. E. FLOWERS, J.-. D.\ Rro. D. ROBERTSON, Tiler.» *Reelected. CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. The ¿JUCh Carolina Annual Confer¬ ence closed ¡ts eighty-fourth session in Sparrariburg, S C., on the lStlt instant The following are the appointments: CHARLESTON DIST-W P Mooloo, P E. Í Trinity and Cumberland, W Smith. I City Mission, R D Smart. Bethel, A M Chrietzberg. Spring Street, J T Wightman. ( Berkley Circuit, A G Gantt. ( Cooper Uiver Mission, To be supplied ( Cypres, P F Kistler. ( St. Paul's M ¡sesión, To be supplied. Lower St. George's, A E Dan uer. Hamburg, T Baysor, C C Fishburn. Waiterboro, B G Junes, one to be supplied. Collerón, C Wilson. Allendale, T E Wanneaaker. y Black Swamp, J J Workman. 4 Hardeevilie Mission, J Ht linburn. ORANGEBURO DIST»H A C Walker, P. E. Orangeburg, F Auld. Eastern Orange, W Caraca. St. George's, W A Clarke. Branchville, D J Simmons. Providence, J H Zimmerman. St. Mathew's, J W Crider. Ediato Circuit, D W Seale, R B Tar¬ rant, sup. Graham's. J W Me Roy. Barnwell, R R Darnall, j Aiken Mission, G J Griffiths. ( Grantville Mission. J C Miller. COLUMBIA DIST-8idi H Browne, P. E J Washington Street, M Brown. \ City Mission, To be supplied. Marion Street, W D Kirkland. Richlsnd Fork Circuit, J K McCain. Columbia Circuit, J A Clifton. Winnsboro Circuit, JE C McKin¬ ney, J S Connor, sup. East Chester Circuit, J M Boyd. Cheater Circuit, J T Kilgo. Fairfield Circuit, J L Snnford, T A Griffiths. * j Lemington Circuit, L C Loyal. ( Lexington Mission, To be supplied Leesville Circuit, G W Gatlin. Upper Orange, J > Beasley. Upper St Mathew's J W Humbert. Agent for Washington Street Church, W Martin SUMTER DIST-W H Fleming, P. E Sumter. J M Carlisle. Sumter Circnit, 8 J Hill, one to bc supplied. j San tee Circuit, J L Srfiey. ( Manchester Mission, LO be supplied Lynchburg, L M Little, Dorn Tiller. Mantling, A Ervin. Kingtree, A Nettles. Csosden, A J Stokes. Johnsonville, M L Banka. TimtuonsvilJe, O H Wella. Liberty Chapel Ct., A J Stafford. Lynche's Oeek Ct., S ? H Elwell. .BlshopviJle, 8 A Weber, A MoCor- quoéale, sup. MARION DIST-J W Kelly, P. E. Marten, R R Pegoet. Marion Circnit, W W Jones. * Bnok Swamp, T Mitchel! * lefcUe Rock Chirit, J C Stell, E T ¿ ] "öl Btunettarille, J A Porter, J F Eng nde Ldï North Marlboro, W L Pegeen. DarKngtcer Cirenit, J B Cambell, J B Willoi. Latonero?. JR Little. Ha^rnfïÉef tfrtmit, W Thönses), i Georgetown, W C Pe*er. Bueksville and Cottwaybow, T W Mnocerlyt). Con wavboro Circuit tod Mission, M A Connoîly. C Waccaroaw Ot. »nd Mis., R L Duffey, j Waccamaw Miss., To be supplied. LANCASTER DIST-O A Barby, P. E. Chesterfield Circuit, J B Platt, f Oheraw, W W Mood, j Westfield Creek Misssion, to be sup- «j plied by A J Wilson. I Harris deck Mission, To be supplied ^ by J W Coward. Zoar Circuit «od Ly o che's Creek Mission, To be supp'¡ed by C A Plyer. Yorkville, A W Walker. York i ircui».-L A Johnson, sop. Rock Hill Circuit, J E Watson. SPARTANBURO DIST-T G Herbert, P. E. Spartanburg, C fl Pritchard. Spartanburg Circuit and Mission, To be supplied. Rich Bill Cirouit, N K Melton. ,Paco!et Circuit, J Lee Dixon. Fair Forest Circuit, To be supplied Uuionville and Sardis, C Thouiason. Goshen Hill Circuit, T J Clyde. Cane Creek Circuit, Thoa W Smith. Belmont, J B Massebeau. Gowaosville Circuit, J C Crisp. Laurens Circuit, M A McKibben, R N Wells. Clinton Circuit, W Bowman. R C Oliver, Agent for Orphan's Home. Wofford College, A M Shipp, Presi¬ dent, A H Lester, Pro lessor. F. Milton Kennedy, Editor of the) «.Southern Christian Advocate." COKESBURY DIST-II M Mood, .P. E. Cokesbury, L Wood. Cokesbury Circuit-J W Murray.! D D Daotiler. Abbeville, W T Capers. Abberille Circuit, J E Penny. Lowrdesville, A J Cautben. Greenwood, W Hutto, W H Lawton, sup. A . ".i_.vy. ¿3 T> 3 Newberry Circuit, A P Avant, H W Whitaker Little Saluda, G W M Creighton. Edgefield, Simpson Jones. Tumbling Shoals, J Finger. Cokslmry School, G F Ronnd, Rec¬ tor. GREENVILLE DIST-R. P. Franks, P. E. Greenville, E J. Meynardie. Greenville Circuit, C V Barues, Buena Vista aud Batesville, John A tia way. Reidville, John Watts. Walhalla, DJ McMillao, F M Mor¬ gan, ».up. Pickeosville, G T Harmon. Williamston, S Lander; J A Wood, Sup. Seneca, Olio L Durant. Burshy Creek, A B Stephens, sup. Anderson, R L Harper. Anderson Circuit, D D Byars; W A Hudges, sup. Pendleton, J B Tray wick. R B Alstqa^ transferred to Little Rock Conference, and junior preacher on Prioeeton Circuit. I«._ BiNhopyille Academy. rpHE EXERCISES of thin SCHOOL will ba X re-uroed on 2nd JANUARY, 1672. Por fuitber particulars apply io JOHN J. DA .;QAN,Principal. Doe 27_las PERÏÏ VIANG ÏÏAN APE -AND- Carolina Fertilizer Can be bad of GEO. E. TAYLOR, ai Captain L. P. Luting's Store. Come on I'm re ail j for y«i< / THORS PARTIES WHO ARE DUE US ARE NO fl Pl ED that GEORGE E. TAYLOR, is ant homed to receive their payments. He caa be found at Capt. L. P. LORINO'S STORE. We are prepared to make LIBERAL CA H ADVANCES ONI Cotton., and bold ns iou JJ ea may be desired (with proper margin) in New York or Charla ton. GBO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Dee 27_2m OYSTERS! OYSTERS M F INS FRESH SUFFOLK 0 VST3RS can be bad, erery dsy, at the Store between BARRETT'S AND BOGIN'S. Call a ad get sorxe -ar Twa- O YS TER SAL O O N. Tba lor sr« of Oysters aaa have then served la whatever way desired-ra w, ste wed or fried. COOM and try tbeas. 8. H. HARRINGTON. Dee 13_lal NOTICE, THE Firm of JAMBS M. CALDWELL * SON is dissolved by rho death ot 'Mr. JAMES M. CALDWELL, Sentar partner. I HATE ASSOCIATED with aa» ls Ce pe rt aarsbip. ray brotber.in law. Mr. ft. &AGIN BRIGGS, to uko efeet wo the 1st day af J«aa arv. >S72, nader toa cama of JAMBS M, CALD¬ WELL k SONS. W. ft. CALDWELL. Paarl_lat sTnst Becefrrei. A NEW SUPPLY OP Hats, Ribbons - JP IO WIE 8 a SnitM/sr GhrittmiU Praealu MISS .¿B* Du BR iffîi'ÙS fro Next dotrttf?. T. SÇlJJOMONS. Dw SI MOÑEY SAVBDÎÏ Chas- S, Syfan, HAYING located fer tbe-prooen t at tko belli, ina; known «a J. T. BRUNSON*S SHOE SHOP, is prepared io do ..'! Cabinet Work in Every Style* Particular attention giren to REPAIRING FURNITURE at prieta (»Mitlb« TIMES. Adi w»rt don« io tb« bea*, manner a*d nt LOW RATES UPHOLSTERING attended to in ali ita braaebes. Try my MATRASSES and bo courir ced of their superiority. Satisfaction guaranteed and work done with dispatch. C. B. STFAS. Dee 20-3m SANTÂ-CLAUS' Headquarters, HAS AGAIN BEEN ESTABLISHED AT The Sumter Confectionery. And all rariety of FANCY ARTICLES nod GOOD THINGS usually deposited by his majes¬ ty in the Christmas Stockinga of tho Little Folk* are there to be found-as TOYS ! TOYS I TOYS ! AH kinda «nd pricea. CANDIES ! CANDIES ! CANDIES ! Tb" largest and Handsomest assortment erer recured. Sugar Fruit, SugarTovs, Sugar Babies, Sogar Fubea, Nota, Raisins, Canned Fruits, banana*, Oranges, Apples, Cocoanota, Ac. A e., CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOB ALL! Fire Crackers, Sky Rockets, Roman Candles and Fire W rh« generally, in variety. "LITTLE LIZZIE" SEGARS, Pronounced the beat. Call and buy your Christmas Fixings of J.N. SPANN, Agent, Nearly Opposite A. A, SOLOMONS. Dec 26_ DR. A. CHINA, Druggist and Apothecary, SUMTER, S. C. Ofter* a Fall Aeaortesent of PURE DRUGS, 1 CHEMICALS, AND 2\£L © di o ines. Toilet and Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Garden Seed, etc. Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medicinal Purpose*. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE DISPENSING OF PRESCRIPTIONS. A Selection of finest Freoeh Perfumery recently receive!. Dee 20 ISAAC A. M'KAGEN, FRESH AND PURE DRUGS* MEDICINES. OflEMILACS. PERFUMERY Ac. ko. AL WATS ON BAND. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH CARE AT ALL HOUR'S. Marchs-_.. B. B. NASH. P N. DULIN. NASH O L L.IN. WHOLESALE DEALERS IR Manufactured Tobacco, AND SEGARS. SMOKING ANO CHEWING TOBACCO, of different grados. SUMTER, S. C. Atoo KBBP A «OOO aVPPtT OP North Coroona Rye and Corn Whiskies, AND PEACH AND APPLE BRANDIES. ORO CE RI ES," Li Q I*ORS, Ac. Teheoro ot wbolessle tarnished at Manufac¬ turer's prices. Country Merchants Wffl do well ta call aad exam in« oar yteett. All orders promptly executed when accompanied with tho .ash. The custom of «ty old friends, wboaa I have famished br wagoe for ea nae! yenrs, hf i-poet (all, solicited. Moe 1 tai JUST ARRIVED, JUST ABETTED, at th« Stahlat apar fha Railroad Depot, Another let of Fine we^broken yoeng HORSES Airt> MULES. ELLIS * G BA HAM npieei HIDES. M AOO poem« HOOD »ar mst* LIBERTY STBEST, BUMTBB, 1. C Marl tal Á. Â. Solomon» ar -.-.TT " n w " " -'. v** £ Desires to- cafl especial tion to his large, complete and .Jj i^i.; «JU» wivvu t<8 -u- carefully selected stock of f. bite D -Ln: :oi ..*».''! consisting of everything kept in & first class house. Eving made a second trip to New York, purchased a second supply, which has been Just Received, at very Low Figures. He is now prepared to offer to his - ^-l-^-^vtrnnni^ goods-evèr offered in this, mark¬ et, and at prices which All that he asks is an examina¬ tion of his stock before buying elsewhere, and he feels satisfied of being able to A good supply of Cora Shellers .3. ¿2tt¿i * -'? í jilt - ..: on hand. The celebrated New Style (all Iron) Corn Sheller, For sale cheap. Apply to A. A. SOLOMONS, : ?' k 83A :.: CORKER MAIN AK9 LIBERTY STS. Nor 15 -_-.-? Preserve Your Sight Î TBS CELEBRATED Schaffhausen Spectacles. mmm/met» rt¿ at SckaffhauMH, S»üurla»d. Th« nperiority ofJhtoo Groat Es* fgftptißt MMfatsiiíilt flwM Mtlw-iíid AóaoAáay Ia lb« eoostroction of th« INM, beiog sniiu- faotarW of tb* Boat Whit« ilion G UM. tb* «»st Sb*^*/4b«^c,»b«<*b^7»ltUUtiwrÍD( .nd farortagoT th« Sight, Dininest, ind »il th« oibor Traía of EriU pr*j«n< bj thaw* of Itíoricr f pooUoioa. Ir«ry ooo whoo« tight ll fofliag miátttJkuéé Mffatoa. By bayiof liyoriat i|««to«hMyo«r .ruaurW iii AWT wrftiidk nri irU*Vf ^ Job Work S Neatly »»outed at this 0 Atme Old Stand ! WALSH Would ask the attention of their numerous Friends and Customers io their s t STOCK, NOW^IN,AND" EMBRACING EVEKY THING IN THE DIFFERENT LINES¡OP if GOODSt »CffiL^9 HARNESS, BOOTS & SHOES, THESE GOODS HAVE . BEEN BOUGHT WITH CARE, IN A LOW MARKET, AND WILL BE SOLD T-j O W FOR CASHS TRY US. COTTON BOUGHT, OR SHIPPED ll CASH [MAME! MABU WUttiJN, WAIiSH & CO., CORNER MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS. Oct 4 REMOVAL ! NEW BUSINESS! H PW GOODS! C. F. A BÏÏLTMA» «fr. INFORMS HIS CUSTOMERS AND Wm\ the publie generally, that be baa re- mored to tbe Store lately .occupied bjr Hoyt k Folsom-next to Maaoo's Jewelry Store, where, io addition to continuing tbe MANUFACTURE OF BOOTS AND SHOES to order, he will heep a general Assortait tf Ready Mad« Work for gentlemen, ladies, roi.«ses and children. Bia ttork baa been »elected io pcraon, with o riew to SUBSTANTIAL WORKMANSHIP «od GOOD MATERIAL, ia «Imoat eotirely HAND MADE, from tho boat manufacturera of Philadelphia »ad Baltimore. -Will «lao heep a Stock of- Leafier abd Shoe Findings far the trade. A superior quality of CALF SKINS AND LEATHER on band, with «hieb be ia prepared to fill all order* by experienced workman. TERMS STRICTLY CASU. J/E.SUÂRES, SUMTER FURNITURE -TANÍ>- Chair Ware-Rooms. TBE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HÎS ? Friend» «nd Cuatoaeri thai be boa relamed from the.North, wheeo be baa mad*arrangetnonii with th« beat Maaofaetortec, te Mpply bi» with «hieb will facilitate bia to girt auch advanta¬ ges nerer befóte offered io quality «ad prieea. My «t**h enibrcísei «wy au ¡cl« ta th« Farol, tare Lin«. Ia addition «ill be found at my **- iablbbaaent, Window Shad«*, Wall Poper. Cbildren'a Carriage*, Locking Glaaaea, MaUreeaee-MOM and Cotton, Moobiinga for picture frame«, which we nab« to order. A lao Picture Cord and Taaaela. My »tock ia large and w«ll jtx**rto4 (tod it la or intention to keepit alway* fa tbia condition. U"<*1» carefully packed fur chipping and no extra rbarge. Ju«t reeeired * larjre a»iortment itt LAD! ES* TRATBLLRTO TRÏÏNKS. j E: SUAKES» Main Street, next to C. T. Maaon'i Wotcb and Jewelry Store. WARE BOOMS UP STAIRS. Octll [SJ _ TO TUE LAMÈ8. Pall and Winter Opening. Kisses J. & E. HcEUfftoe, W3lW^^«Bn shÜÄ n*s be fceod ia a «rat el«* MilliB«ry.I*4«ii*ah- LACK 8ET8. a»d »rory eafioje hr t&t* tia«. CHIGNONS, A«, A aeïeotod Maortaotot. Ca^aarla aa4 a^aalao ffJ^"»> ma»aâ«i»«aBr«j«Â,'^«M»««éT**a}«J«^^ ^ A * èWer.S. C. of^f^k* AW «Mk^aotM afcaofcafPfllaofc ^Bo^Mfcw^afoV -a*>wB> oJIMeTetlaMo TO THE PUBLIC. TES UNDERSIGNED HAING ENLARGED hia Wara Room, and baring lately pur¬ chased a targa stock af DESIRABLE FURNITURE, would respectfully itirite bis friends and custo¬ mers to pay bias . visit, and aaa «hat ba ea« do ia tba way of supplying them with such articles as ooma ie bis line. Be bas Bow oa hand a large «apply ef various styles of Peraltare. -Atse Window Shades, Pittare Frames, Looking Glasses, «U.r ead is constantly receiving additions to bis stock. Will order anytbiog which tray not be on head to snit the wanta or taste of bis customers. He continuas to manufacture any kinds of Furniture ordered. All repairing done at short notice, and will Re Caa« Chairs of all kinds ia the bett manner. Special attention given to all orders ia Uphol¬ stering and Mattress Makiag as specialities ef bis business. UNDERTAKING, Cofias af all kinds kept OD band, end prompt personal attention given to orders for Funerals. In all bis business transactions he will adhere sti icily to the rule cf "Small profile far Cash." ead hopes by bia atlen ¡0:3 and prom; Incas to receive a share of public panoosge. Persons needing anything in bia line of busi¬ ness, will do well to call end examine for them- aelvu before purchasing ekawbaee* J. D. CRAIG, Corner Main and Canal Streets, Next above Clark's Hotel. October 25_ Mrs, James P. Brennan, Liberty Street. RESPECTFULLY laroma ber friends and customer* that she bee received and open¬ ed a full and Complete Slock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, AC. Aad a general assortment of Merehendise, for fwiTtv ase. She solkiits (be patronage of the peblic. feeling asstsred that she eeo ofter ker Stock vf Goods et very lo« priées fer cash. Her stock was parchas nd ia tba Northers Markets, ai REDUCED PRICB3, And those trading al her establishment, will bey Cheap Goods, ead bo fairly dealt with. Pet ll-_' _«rn IsTO. .3 ps» m Jane, TB I ONLY STRICTE«..; Grocery and Liqnot Rox&e IK TOWN" ID, bega leave te [ X ealtjh* atuatfaa ef hie Mead, aad eke pa Wie gar-evally te bis NSW AND WJ5LL SELECTED STOCK ar and Fancy ferries eT^ktkbeeaVrs to« for CASA ONLY. Al! articles »rarraatsd as miaaaiaatd jjar-^Pare Mmßcfctal Licjaers itft veastactty *. B. ERSE UABT. April lt SUMTER MARBLE YARD rp HE mdersigned bering jost ree« ir ed ft fin J. loi of MARBLE, 8 PREFABED TO FURBISH Monumental & Cemetery Work, of ell kinds ta a aseuer that »ill compere favorably with atty wor). io bu line. Having received a liberal patronage heretofore, be continuée to invita ail who aay be deairoas of any thing ia his lina to gire bia a cali. He defis* eoropetttio» in price«. ßSf Positively BO work deli rered io tb« future an til paid for. W. P. SMITH. June 14-_ HOYT & FOLSOM, WATCH MAKE ANO JEW ELERl, MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. C WE, the undersigned, baring fffaeda ee- partaersuip. oe tba 5fh June, 1*71, ender the eame ead ut) la of HOYT A FOLSOM. wwaM respectfully announce V> the publie of Sumter, aad the adjoining counties, that we are now pre¬ pared to ex« cola all work entrusted to as with promptness, ar .1 in a workmanlike mann. r. OUR STOCK »ill embrace the latest styles of JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, kc LADIES' AX» GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES. All cf whit h »ill be sold at the lowest cash prices. OLIVER HOYT, p. n. FOLSOM, At Hort's Old Staud Main Street. #9* Tbs gemeine DI AMOND SPECTACLES, manufaetu-ed by J. E. SPENCER A CO., New York, al atys ca bead. CUTTUS, AC. Fall and Winter Woe*. D. I* WON, Ageat, No« has in Store and Careful¬ ly selected Stock of FâU s,nd Winter Goods- WHICH HE GUARANTEES A8 1KPRB- SSNTED, SUCH AS CLOTHING-Fi oe, Mediata «ad Cearaeu Clothe aad Cassi m or«*, Pia« Lit Tweeds, Shirts, Breveta, Under vasts,. ** Glcvee ead Crarets, r* a^ajsesaa) law, Í ollara: 8**«, Hajsletchiefs, Ac, wbicb be pledges liimfel* fosen îew f»r ea Oat. 4. JOB WORK EVEEY DESCRIPTION PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT TEE OFFICE OF Tire Sumter Watchman, -IK" THE- Highest Style of the Art. DONT LET THE Golden Opportunity Slip ! POSITIVE DRAWING JA St? A RY 8, 1S72- THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND Inmugratiön Gift Concerts will rake place WIT I/O UT FAIL OB tbe dav appel: ted. SECIRE TOUR TI« RETS AT ORCE! ß&-A\l Orders Strictly Confidential.-**^ 2405 Q¡fte, amouatiag tc.......$¿0i>,0ün The diane.j are unusually good-one ticket in every sixty two is sure to draw a prize. Orders for Tickets received up to the 5th of January, after which time no nore TicKets will fcéaoid. "SINCfLk TICKETS $5 BACH. NO POSTPONEMENT! COMMISSIONS*» AP» SITERTÍSORS or DRAWXS« : General A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia. General BI'.ADLEY T. JOHNSON, of/Virginia* Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina. Hoa. RODGER A. PRYOR, of New York. Great inducement and reduction ia price of Tickets to Club*. Remittance« caa be made to as, and tba tickets will be dent by return mail by BUTLER, CHADWICK. GARY & CO, Charleston, S. C.. or oar Agents. General II. C. Bc ruta. Joan CaaftWics. General iL W. «aar. Dec 1»- _ ttj J. E. REAR XE« GOODS! WU COOBS! FÜLL AND REGULAR O ^ S KT X I* Ct. Hering recently returned from New York, I most respectfully announce that my store if regularly oponed, WITH FULL LINES -OF- New Goods, ComprLiog io part : RICH BLACK AND COLORED SIL.BLS, CLOAKS, SUITS «nd SHAWLS, Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, USt\8, EMBROIDERIES Laces and Lace Goods, Gloves, Hosiery. AGENT FOR BARRIS' "Seamless" Sid Gloves. RIBBONS. Fancy Goods, Black Buttons, AND TRIMMINGS. -.ALSO- men ¿AV) BKA CTJFCL My entire Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Is" NEW, psrehaaed late, on mott ad¬ vantageous terms, rod will bo offered at tho lowest prices. J. R. READ. Sb. 263 King. O/tposîte Hotel Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dee. 50 3m ~C7~H. DeLOEME, «tra Furehgntt. Benedict &Co. StS KIXG-SÎ., CHARLESTON. 8. C. Importera and Pealen ia Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods» C ooAe, SknmU, llvierjt. JFirft'wee ami ¿fratvae. -tu» badics' and Gentlentou's Parais' lng Goods. A Spacial Départaient fte Carpet», lingi, Mat», Oil Cloth, Matting. a-AScnr.s «r Scut.xe»«. Furebgott, Benedict A Co. Cor. Kiar aad Cal- bonn Street*. C aarWats«. S G. Fart-bgott, Benedict A Co., Nu. JJ White Street, New York. Forfw'Ott, B*na«H(-t A Co., J »ck noa villa, Florida Doa» Iv - - * » . Julias J. Fleming A TTOUNET^ A T LA Wy PAW aa Maia Street next to tbe Saanef Book *'u»r».

um .- Tire Sumter LlTERáfCRE, HORALiTF MOÑEY Á. Old Stand

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The Snmtei' Watciimaö{ESTABLISHED IN UM.)

16 t VM Lillis £flVBICY WEOftBSlTAY MOKNIJte



One y ear -«.....il 00Sit months.»?«.. 1 50

Taree Monthe..-i 00

\DVBRTISBMKKTS inserted at tba fate

,f ONS DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS par»nara for tba first. ONS DOLLAR for tbasecond, and FIFTY CENTS far each subsequentnsertton, for »nv period less than three monthsOBITUARIES, TRIBUTES OF RESPECT

aad all communications whish sabserva priratanterests, «ill be paid lor as ad vertisetuen ts.


Christmas Greetlnsr.To ear readers all «re extend cordial greetings.

We hare much for which to feel grateful, andbare roce ired much at their bands daring the

jeer nov in its expiring dajo, the remembrancecf which is treasured op in oar store boase of

cherished recollections. And. on this fectira oe-

csrioc, would that ere could carry joy and (lad.ness to erery fireside where this bauble greetingshall go.Let tu look ap to tho Great Girer of all good,

in bambie confidence, and take fresh eoarage for

the future.

fS- The finest Oysters prepared in any styleat the establishment ofHR. HXSRT HARRINSTOK

Be is a worthy young man, end ira ask for bima liberal patronage. See bia advertisement.

Tableaux al Statebarg.We leam that a Tableaux, ta «id the Church

of the Holy Crees, will be exhibited et Ellerbe,

Statebarg, on Thursday night next, 28tb inst

Refreshments will be eerred, and tbo admissionwill bc 50 cents-children half price. The ex¬

hibition will no doubt be in cultivated taste, and

result successfully, we trust.

Entertainment ID Aid of St. Luke's(nethodlet) Church.

We are indebted to tbe fair ladies of the Cnaa,tnittee-Miss. E. II. GRIES, Mr«. H. DUBAUT,Miss M. MURCMSOS, Mrs. L. L. GREEK. Misc.

M. M. MÜLDROW-for their courteous in vi ationto attend an Entertainment io aid of St. Laka'«(Methodist) Church, to be giren at Lynchburg,December 28. We trast tbe good people of thatsection will cordially and liberally sustain thesexealous ladies .a their labor of lore.

The Bond Swiadle-Tbe Impeachment!Up to the close of tbe day on Thursday lait,

(the time fixed for tba recess adjournment) theHouse was eogaged in discussing BOWEN'S im¬

peachment résolution. Toe »ar of words waxedbot-crimination and recrimination being freelyindulged. Matters standing thus, ttys House ad¬

journed over entil 12 o'clock Friday.The Union of Friday holds ont tba idea that

there is a large majority in tho House (bought of

coarse) opposed to impeachment. And thus it il

naeonle.At the regaler eommunieetion of Claremont

Lodge, No. 84, A.-. F.\ M.\, bald on tba 21stinstant, the following named brethren ware

elected to serre as officers for the ensuing Ma¬sonic year:

Bro. ALTAMONT MOSES. W.-. M.\Bro. M. C. WILLIS, S.- W.\Bro. T. Ci SCAFFE, J.\ W.-.Bro. R. W. DURANT, Treasurer.*Bro. GEO. P. Mc KAG KN. Secretary.Bro. W. H. GIRA KD iiA U, S.«. Dr.Bro. T. E. FLOWERS, J.-. D.\Rro. D. ROBERTSON, Tiler.»



ence closed ¡ts eighty-fourth session in

Sparrariburg, S C., on the lStlt instantThe following are the appointments:CHARLESTON DIST-W P Mooloo, P E.Í Trinity and Cumberland, W Smith.I City Mission, R D Smart.Bethel, A M Chrietzberg.Spring Street, J T Wightman.

( Berkley Circuit, A G Gantt.( Cooper Uiver Mission, To be supplied( Cypres, P F Kistler.( St. Paul's M ¡sesión, To be supplied.Lower St. George's, A E Dan uer.

Hamburg, T Baysor, C C Fishburn.Waiterboro, B G Junes, one to be

supplied.Collerón, C Wilson.Allendale, T E Wanneaaker.

y Black Swamp, J J Workman.4 Hardeevilie Mission, J Ht linburn.ORANGEBURO DIST»H A C Walker,

P. E.Orangeburg, F Auld.Eastern Orange, W Caraca.St. George's, W A Clarke.Branchville, D J Simmons.Providence, J H Zimmerman.St. Mathew's, J W Crider.Ediato Circuit, D W Seale, R B Tar¬

rant, sup.Graham's. J W Me Roy.Barnwell, R R Darnall,

j Aiken Mission, G J Griffiths.( Grantville Mission. J C Miller.COLUMBIA DIST-8idi H Browne, P. EJ Washington Street, M Brown.\ City Mission, To be supplied.Marion Street, W D Kirkland.Richlsnd Fork Circuit, J K McCain.Columbia Circuit, J A Clifton.Winnsboro Circuit, JE C McKin¬

ney, J S Connor, sup.East Chester Circuit, J M Boyd.Cheater Circuit, J T Kilgo.Fairfield Circuit, J L Snnford, T A

Griffiths. *

j Lemington Circuit, L C Loyal.( Lexington Mission, To be suppliedLeesville Circuit, G W Gatlin.Upper Orange, J > Beasley.Upper St Mathew's J W Humbert.Agent for Washington Street Church,

W MartinSUMTER DIST-W H Fleming, P. E

Sumter. J M Carlisle.Sumter Circnit, 8 J Hill, one to bc

supplied.j San tee Circuit, J L Srfiey.( Manchester Mission, LO be suppliedLynchburg, L M Little, Dorn Tiller.Mantling, A Ervin.Kingtree, A Nettles.Csosden, A J Stokes.Johnsonville, M L Banka.TimtuonsvilJe, O H Wella.Liberty Chapel Ct., A J Stafford.Lynche's Oeek Ct., S ? H Elwell..BlshopviJle, 8 A Weber, A MoCor-

quoéale, sup.MARION DIST-J W Kelly, P. E.Marten, R R Pegoet.Marion Circnit, W W Jones.

* Bnok Swamp, T Mitchel!* lefcUe Rock Chirit, J C Stell, ET

¿ ]"öl Btunettarille, J A Porter, J F Engnde

Ldï North Marlboro, W L Pegeen.DarKngtcer Cirenit, J B Cambell, J

B Willoi.Latonero?. JR Little.Ha^rnfïÉef tfrtmit, W Thönses), iGeorgetown, W C Pe*er.

Bueksville and Cottwaybow, T WMnocerlyt).Con wavboro Circuit tod Mission, M

A Connoîly.C Waccaroaw Ot. »nd Mis., R L Duffey,j Waccamaw Miss., To be supplied.LANCASTER DIST-O A Barby, P. E.

Chesterfield Circuit,J B Platt,f Oheraw, W W Mood,j Westfield Creek Misssion, to be sup-«j plied by A J Wilson.I Harris deck Mission, To be supplied^ by J W Coward.Zoar Circuit «od Ly o che's Creek

Mission, To be supp'¡ed by C A Plyer.Yorkville, A W Walker.York i ircui».-L A Johnson, sop.Rock Hill Circuit, J E Watson.

SPARTANBURO DIST-T G Herbert,P. E.Spartanburg, C fl Pritchard.Spartanburg Circuit and Mission, To

be supplied.Rich Bill Cirouit, N K Melton.,Paco!et Circuit, J Lee Dixon.Fair Forest Circuit, To be suppliedUuionville and Sardis, C Thouiason.Goshen Hill Circuit, T J Clyde.Cane Creek Circuit, Thoa W Smith.Belmont, J B Massebeau.Gowaosville Circuit, J C Crisp.Laurens Circuit, M A McKibben, R

N Wells.Clinton Circuit, W Bowman.R C Oliver, Agent for Orphan's

Home.Wofford College, A M Shipp, Presi¬

dent, A H Lester, Pro lessor.F. Milton Kennedy, Editor of the)

«.Southern Christian Advocate."COKESBURY DIST-II M Mood, .P. E.

Cokesbury, L Wood.Cokesbury Circuit-J W Murray.!

D D Daotiler.Abbeville, W T Capers.Abberille Circuit, J E Penny.Lowrdesville, A J Cautben.Greenwood, W Hutto, W H Lawton,

sup.A . ".i_.vy. ¿3 T> 3

Newberry Circuit, A P Avant, H WWhitaker

Little Saluda, G W M Creighton.Edgefield, Simpson Jones.Tumbling Shoals, J Finger.Cokslmry School, G F Ronnd, Rec¬


P. E.Greenville, E J. Meynardie.Greenville Circuit, C V Barues,Buena Vista aud Batesville, John

A tiaway.Reidville, John Watts.Walhalla, DJ McMillao, F M Mor¬

gan, ».up.Pickeosville, G T Harmon.Williamston, S Lander; J A Wood,

Sup.Seneca, Olio L Durant.Burshy Creek, A B Stephens, sup.Anderson, R L Harper.Anderson Circuit, D D Byars; W A

Hudges, sup.Pendleton, J B Traywick.R B Alstqa^ transferred to Little

Rock Conference, and junior preacheron Prioeeton Circuit.


BiNhopyille Academy.rpHE EXERCISES of thin SCHOOL will baX re-uroed on 2nd JANUARY, 1672.Por fuitber particulars apply io



Carolina FertilizerCan be bad of GEO. E. TAYLOR, ai Captain L.P. Luting's Store.

Come on I'm re ailj for y«i< /


GEORGE E. TAYLOR,is ant homed to receive their payments. He caabe found at Capt. L. P. LORINO'S STORE.

We are prepared to makeLIBERAL CA H ADVANCES ONI

Cotton.,and bold ns iou JJ ea may be desired (with propermargin) in New York or Charla ton.


F INS FRESH SUFFOLK 0 VST3RS can bebad, erery dsy, at the Store betweenBARRETT'S AND BOGIN'S.

Call a ad get sorxe-ar Twa-


Tba lor sr« of Oysters aaa have then served lawhatever way desired-ra w, ste wed or fried.COOM and try tbeas.

8. H. HARRINGTON.Dee 13_lal


THE Firm of JAMBS M. CALDWELL *SON is dissolved by rho death ot 'Mr.

JAMES M. CALDWELL, Sentar partner.

I HATE ASSOCIATED with aa» ls Cepertaarsbip. ray brotber.in law. Mr. ft. &AGINBRIGGS, to uko efeet wo the 1st day af J«aaarv. >S72, nader toa cama ofJAMBS M, CALD¬WELL k SONS.

W. ft. CALDWELL.Paarl_lat

sTnst Becefrrei.A NEW SUPPLY OP

Hats, Ribbons-


SnitM/sr GhrittmiU Praealu

MISS.¿B* Du BR iffîi'ÙS froNext dotrttf?. T. SÇlJJOMONS.Dw SI


Chas- S, Syfan,HAYING located fer tbe-prooen t at tko belli,

ina; known «a J. T. BRUNSON*S SHOESHOP, is prepared io do ..'!

Cabinet Work in Every Style*Particular attention giren to REPAIRING

FURNITURE at prieta (»Mitlb« TIMES. Adiw»rt don« io tb« bea*, manner a*d nt LOWRATESUPHOLSTERING attended to in ali ita

braaebes.Try my MATRASSES and bo courir ced of

their superiority.Satisfaction guaranteed and work done with

dispatch.C. B. STFAS.

Dee 20-3m



The Sumter Confectionery.And all rariety of FANCY ARTICLES nodGOOD THINGS usually deposited by his majes¬ty in the Christmas Stockinga of tho LittleFolk* are there to be found-as

TOYS ! TOYS I TOYS !AH kinda «nd pricea.

CANDIES ! CANDIES ! CANDIES !Tb" largest and Handsomest assortment erer

recured.Sugar Fruit, SugarTovs, Sugar Babies,Sogar Fubea, Nota, Raisins,Canned Fruits, banana*, Oranges,Apples, Cocoanota, Ac. A e.,

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOB ALL!Fire Crackers, Sky Rockets,Roman Candles and Fire W rh« generally,in variety.

"LITTLE LIZZIE" SEGARS,Pronounced the beat.

Call and buy your Christmas Fixings of

J.N. SPANN, Agent,Nearly Opposite A. A, SOLOMONS.

Dec 26_DR. A. CHINA,Druggist and Apothecary,

SUMTER, S. C.Ofter* a Fall Aeaortesent of PURE


2\£L © dio ines.Toilet and Fancy Articles,Patent Medicines,Oils, Varnishes, Glass,Putty, Paints, Dye Stuffs,Garden Seed, etc.

Pure Wines and Liquors,For Medicinal Purpose*.


A Selection of finest Freoeh Perfumeryrecently receive!.

Dee 20






Marchs-_..B. B. NASH. P N. DULIN.


Manufactured Tobacco,AND SEGARS.

SMOKING ANO CHEWING TOBACCO,of different grados.


North Coroona Rye and Corn Whiskies,AND PEACH AND APPLE BRANDIES.

OROCERI ES,"LiQI*ORS, Ac.Teheoro ot wbolessle tarnished at Manufac¬

turer's prices. Country Merchants Wffl do wellta call aad exam in« oar yteett. All orderspromptly executed when accompanied with tho.ash.The custom of «ty old friends, wboaa I have

famished br wagoe for eanae! yenrs, hf i-poet(all, solicited.Moe 1 tai


JUST ABETTED, at th« Stahlat apar fhaRailroad Depot,Another let of Fine we^broken yoengHORSES Airt> MULES.


HIDES.M AOO poem« HOOD »ar mst*


Á. Â. Solomon»ar -.-.TT " n w

" " -'. v** £Desires to- cafl especial

tion to his large, complete and.Jj i^i.; «JU» wivvu t<8 -u-

carefully selected stock of

f.bite D -Ln: :oi ..*».''!

consisting of everything kept in

& first class house. Eving made

a second trip to New York,

purchased a second supply,

which has been

Just Received,at very Low Figures. He is

now prepared to offer to his

- ^-l-^-^vtrnnni^

goods-evèr offered in this, mark¬

et, and at prices which

All that he asks is an examina¬

tion ofhis stock before buying

elsewhere, and he feels satisfied

of being able to

A good supply of

Cora Shellers.3. ¿2tt¿i * -'? í jilt - ..:

on hand. The celebrated New

Style (all Iron) Corn Sheller,

For sale cheap. Apply to



Nor 15-_-.-?

Preserve Your Sight Î


Schaffhausen Spectacles.mmm/met» rt¿ at SckaffhauMH, S»üurla»d.

Th« nperiority ofJhtoo Groat Es* fgftptißtMMfatsiiíilt flwM Mtlw-iíid AóaoAáayIa lb« eoostroction of th« INM, beiog sniiu-faotarW of tb* Boat Whit« ilion GUM. tb* «»stSb*^*/4b«^c,»b«<*b^7»ltUUtiwrÍD(.nd farortagoT th« Sight, Dininest, ind »ilth« oibor Traía of EriU pr*j«n< bj thaw* ofItíoricr fpooUoioa.

Ir«ry ooo whoo« tight ll fofliag miátttJkuééMffatoa. By bayiof liyoriat i|««to«hMyo«r

.ruaurW iii AWT wrftiidk nri irU*Vf

^ Job Work SNeatly »»outed at this 0

Atme Old Stand !

WALSHWould ask the attention of their numerous

Friends and Customers io their












Wm\ the publie generally, that be baa re-

mored to tbe Store lately .occupied bjrHoyt k Folsom-next to Maaoo's Jewelry Store,where, io addition to continuing tbeMANUFACTURE OF BOOTS AND SHOESto order, he will heep a generalAssortait tf Ready Mad« Workfor gentlemen, ladies, roi.«ses and children. Biattork baa been »elected io pcraon, with o riew toSUBSTANTIAL WORKMANSHIP «od GOODMATERIAL, ia «Imoat eotirely HAND MADE,from tho boat manufacturera of Philadelphia »adBaltimore.

-Will «lao heep a Stock of-

Leafier abd Shoe Findingsfar the trade.A superior quality of CALF SKINS AND

LEATHER on band, with «hieb be ia preparedto fill all order* by experienced workman.TERMS STRICTLY CASU.


-TANÍ>-Chair Ware-Rooms.

TBE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HÎS? Friend» «nd Cuatoaeri thai be boa relamedfrom the.North, wheeo be baa mad*arrangetnoniiwith th« beat Maaofaetortec, te Mpply bi» with

«hieb will facilitate bia to girt auch advanta¬ges nerer befóte offered io quality «ad prieea.My «t**h enibrcísei «wy au ¡cl« ta th« Farol,tare Lin«. Ia addition «ill be found at my **-iablbbaaent,

Window Shad«*, Wall Poper.Cbildren'a Carriage*, Locking Glaaaea,MaUreeaee-MOM and Cotton,Moobiinga for picture frame«, which we

nab« to order. A laoPicture Cord and Taaaela.

My »tock ia large and w«ll jtx**rto4 (tod it laor intention to keepit alway* fa tbia condition.U"<*1» carefully packed fur chipping and no

extra rbarge. Ju«t reeeired * larjre a»iortmentitt LAD! ES*TRATBLLRTO TRÏÏNKS.

j E: SUAKES»Main Street, next to C. T. Maaon'i Wotcb and



Pall and Winter Opening.Kisses J.& E. HcEUfftoe,

W3lW^^«Bn shÜÄn*s be fceod ia a «rat el«* MilliB«ry.I*4«ii*ah-LACK 8ET8. a»d »rory eafioje hr t&t* tia«.CHIGNONS, A«, A aeïeotod Maortaotot.

Ca^aarla aa4 a^aalao ffJ^"»>ma»aâ«i»«aBr«j«Â,'^«M»««éT**a}«J«^^^ A * èWer.S. C.

of^f^k* AW «Mk^aotM afcaofcafPfllaofc ^Bo^Mfcw^afoV -a*>wB> oJIMeTetlaMo


hia Wara Room, and baring lately pur¬chased a targa stock af

DESIRABLE FURNITURE,would respectfully itirite bis friends and custo¬mers to pay bias . visit, and aaa «hat ba ea« doia tba way of supplying them with such articlesas ooma ie bis line.Be bas Bow oa hand a large «apply ef various

styles of Peraltare.-Atse

Window Shades, Pittare Frames,Looking Glasses, «U.r

ead is constantly receiving additions to bis stock.Will order anytbiog which tray not be on headto snit the wanta or taste of bis customers.He continuas to manufacture any kinds of

Furniture ordered. All repairing done at shortnotice, and will Re Caa« Chairs of all kinds iathe bett manner.

Special attention given to all orders ia Uphol¬stering and Mattress Makiag as specialities efbis business.


Cofias af all kinds kept OD band, end promptpersonal attention given to orders for Funerals.

In all bis business transactions he will adheresti icily to the rule cf"Small profile far Cash."ead hopes by bia atlen ¡0:3 and prom; Incas toreceive a share of public panoosge.

Persons needing anything in bia line of busi¬ness, will do well to call end examine for them-aelvu before purchasing ekawbaee*

J. D. CRAIG,Corner Main and Canal Streets,

Next above Clark's Hotel.October 25_

Mrs, James P. Brennan,Liberty Street.

RESPECTFULLY laroma ber friends andcustomer* that she bee received and open¬

ed a full and Complete Slock ofDRY GOODS,


Aad a general assortment of Merehendise, forfwiTtv ase.

She solkiits (be patronage of the peblic. feelingasstsred that she eeo ofter ker Stock vf Goods etvery lo« priées fer cash.Her stock was parchasnd ia tba Northers

Markets, aiREDUCED PRICB3,

And those trading al her establishment, will beyCheap Goods, ead bo fairly dealt with.

Pet ll-_'_«rnIsTO. .3

ps»m Jane,TBI ONLY STRICTE«..;

Grocery and Liqnot Rox&eIK TOWN"

ID, bega leave te[ X ealtjh* atuatfaa ef hie Mead, aad ekepaWie gar-evally te bis


andFancy ferrieseT^ktkbeeaVrs to« for CASA ONLY.

Al! articles »rarraatsd as miaaaiaatd

jjar-^Pare Mmßcfctal Licjaers itft veastactty*. B. ERSEUABT.

April lt tí



rpHE mdersigned bering jost ree«ired ft finJ. loi of


Monumental & Cemetery Work,of ell kinds

ta a aseuer that »ill compere favorably withatty wor). io bu line. Having received a liberalpatronage heretofore, be continuée to invita ailwho aay be deairoas of any thing ia his lina togire bia a cali.He defis* eoropetttio» in price«.ßSf Positively BO work delirered io tb« future

an til paid for.W. P. SMITH.

June 14-_HOYT& FOLSOM,


WE, the undersigned, baring fffaeda ee-partaersuip. oe tba 5fh June, 1*71, ender

the eame ead ut) la of HOYT A FOLSOM. wwaMrespectfully announce V> the publie of Sumter,aad the adjoining counties, that we are now pre¬pared to ex« cola all work entrusted to as withpromptness, ar .1 in a workmanlike mann. r.

OUR STOCK »ill embrace the latest styles of



WATCHES.All cf whit h »ill be sold at the lowest cashprices.


At Hort's Old Staud Main Street.#9* Tbs gemeine DIAMOND SPECTACLES,

manufaetu-ed by J. E. SPENCER A CO., NewYork, al atys ca bead.


Fall and Winter Woe*.D. I* WON, Ageat,

No« has in Store and Careful¬ly selected Stock of


SSNTED, SUCH ASCLOTHING-Fi oe, Mediata «ad CearaeuClothe aad Cassimor«*,Pia« Lit Tweeds,Shirts,Breveta,Undervasts,.

** Glcvee ead Crarets,r* a^ajsesaa) law,Í ollara:

8**«,Hajsletchiefs, Ac,

wbicb be pledges liimfel* fosen îew f»r ea

Oat. 4.




Tire Sumter Watchman,-IK" THE-

Highest Style of the Art.DONT LET THE

Golden Opportunity Slip !


THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND ANDInmugratiön Gift Concerts

will rake placeWIT I/O UT FAIL

OB tbe dav appel: ted.

SECIRE TOUR TI« RETS AT ORCE!ß&-A\l Orders Strictly Confidential.-**^

2405 Q¡fte, amouatiag tc.......$¿0i>,0ün

The diane.j are unusually good-one ticketin every sixty two is sure to draw a prize.

Orders for Tickets received up to the 5th ofJanuary, after which time no nore TicKets willfcéaoid.



General A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia.General BI'.ADLEY T. JOHNSON, of/Virginia*Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina.Hoa. RODGER A. PRYOR, of New York.

Great inducement and reduction ia price ofTickets to Club*.

Remittance« caa be made to as, and tba ticketswill be dent by return mail by

BUTLER, CHADWICK. GARY & CO,Charleston, S. C.. or oar Agents.

General II. C. Bc ruta. Joan CaaftWics.General iL W. «aar.

Dec 1»-_ttj




Hering recently returned from New York, Imost respectfully announce that my store if

regularly oponed, WITH FULL LINES


New Goods,ComprLiog io part :



Dress Goods,WHITE GOODS,

USt\8, EMBROIDERIESLaces and Lace Goods,

Gloves, Hosiery.


"Seamless" Sid Gloves.


Fancy Goods,Black Buttons,



My entire Stock of FALL AND WINTER

GOODS Is" NEW, psrehaaed late, on mott ad¬

vantageous terms, rod will bo offered at tho

lowest prices.

J. R. READ.Sb. 263 King. O/tposîte Hotel Street,

CHARLESTON, S. C.Dee. 50 3m

~C7~H. DeLOEME,«tra

Furehgntt. Benedict &Co.StS KIXG-SÎ., CHARLESTON. 8. C.

Importera and Pealen ia

Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods»C ooAe, SknmU, llvierjt. JFirft'wee ami ¿fratvae.


badics' and Gentlentou's Parais' lng Goods.

A Spacial Départaient fte

Carpet», lingi, Mat», Oil Cloth, Matting.a-AScnr.s «r Scut.xe»«.

Furebgott, Benedict A Co. Cor. Kiar aad Cal-bonn Street*. CaarWats«. S G.

Fart-bgott, Benedict A Co., Nu. JJ White Street,New York.

Forfw'Ott, B*na«H(-t A Co., J »cknoa villa, FloridaDoa» Iv

- -*

» .

Julias J. FlemingA TTOUNET^ A T LA WyPAW aa Maia Street next to tbe Saanef

Book *'u»r».