\'OL. XII. BOBCATS READY ! I FOR CATHOLICS Stair" Ele\'en to 'teet Team F rom Helena. . \Jo ti:nt aint Char- le· Defeated by the .. l.i" to 0. I Football stock at Montana State I t""<•:?eJ!e has risen a number of poin ts I since the Gonzaga-Bobcat game last Saturday. The M. S. C. squad has de- ni n'"trated in the- last twogames that ; ... has real football and the stu- dt nts bcosting the team now foi: a Vl('tory aj?ainst tht o;d rfraJ, the ' [- " The defeat <if univer- t: at Pullman last v;eek helped to .... .i..ltch the "dope" f i had $() Ieng Another addition to , he dare sheet will <:ome next. 5aturclay when the ftrfhtmg- Bobl·ats med the saints of I in Bi r.unnn. Mi::;soula an- nihilated the llekna kam 133 to 0. 1 That the RobC"ats will beat St.Charles eups, etc. I £xpn Bozema?t. Montana, Friday , November 5, Hl20. ::\UMBER 5. Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 · ! Early Count Points to Victor)' For Educational Measurse Relurns From 14 7 Precincts Give Initiative mea ures 18 and 19 a Big Majority and it is Beliend I That This Lead Will be Maintained Throughout the State. Success Will not be Sure for I Several Days I GALLATIN COUNTY GIVES LEAD Bulte Gh·es 18 and 19 a Four to One Majority. Helena the Only Place Where and Active op- position was Encountered Returns a Two to One Majority to the Two Bond Issues.

UMBER 5. BOBCATS READY ! I Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 FOR ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-012-05-001-004.pdf · Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap. ShC' won to the tune

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Page 1: UMBER 5. BOBCATS READY ! I Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 FOR ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-012-05-001-004.pdf · Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap. ShC' won to the tune

\'OL. XII.


~fontana Stair" Ele\'en to 'teet Team F rom Helena. .\Jo ti:nt aint Char­le· Defeated by the .. l.i" 13~ to 0.

I Football stock at Montana State I

t""<•:?eJ!e has risen a number of p oin ts I since the Gonzaga-Bobcat game last Saturday. The M. S. C. squad has de­ni n'"trated in the- last twogames that ; ... has real football da~s. and the stu­dt nts ar~ bcosting the team now foi: a Vl('tory aj?ainst tht o;d rfraJ, the ' [- " The defeat <if ~ontana univer-t: at Pullman last v;eek helped to

.... .i..ltch the "dope" f i • had $() Ieng

Another addition to , he dare sheet will <:ome next. 5aturclay when the ftrfhtmg- Bobl·ats med the saints of I !~Jena in Bi r.unnn. Mi::;soula an­nihilated the llekna kam 133 to 0.

1 That the RobC"ats will beat St.Charles

eups, etc.


£xpn Bozema?t. Montana, Friday, November 5, Hl20. ::\UMBER 5.

Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 · !Early Count Points to Victor)' For Educational Measurse

Relurns From 14 7 Precincts Give Initiative mea ures 18 and 19 a Big Majority and it is Beliend I That This Lead Will be Maintained Throughout the State. Success Will not be Sure for I Several Days


Bulte Gh·es 18 and 19 a Four to One Majority. Helena the Only Place Where and Active op­position was Encountered Returns a Two to One Majority to the Two Bond Issues.

Page 2: UMBER 5. BOBCATS READY ! I Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 FOR ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-012-05-001-004.pdf · Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap. ShC' won to the tune

Pag-e hvo The Weekly Exponent Friday, Novembe1" 5, 19211.

~~0~~~:~~!~~~~.~~~~--IJ~cKED UP B;-;-111 SPECIA L TO ELI

From The Student Life (Utah Aggies)

l ~~,~~~~---'-'-~'-~~~

ii LANfiOHR'S I Everything is coming along fine,

OFFICE-ROOM I, REPUJJLJCAN-COURJER BUILDLNG. and I guess 1 can keep ahve. Local I . . . , saves me the trouble of usmg the sets- l

The Weekly Exp.anent is str1clly a student enterprise. Its cl11ef pur- sors < uite so freely 00

the back num-1

The Bozema nit es a fte r the game treated th e men like heroes.

At 8:30 lhey came lo the hotel and took everyone in cars to the celebration dance. As they enterNI I

contnbut1ons are pickmg up, which

J!tOSP 15 to prC':;;ent to 1ts readers, eac;h week, an accurate and complete record 1 ! L f ,. B t b ll 1 d • f the developments in college' affair~ during that period and to exert its full bexs o " t e. u a ove a nee tht• chairman anounccd that every

influence for the upbuilding of Montana State College, 'rhe pnper is the poetry i divine, soul-stirring verse. Hozem:in fellow ~hould exchanf!C at

re:sult of \·oluntary effort put forth by the studenls who compose the stafl. For the firf:.t three rhymen contribu- l<.•ast one dance '' ilh an Aggie. tions printed in this coJumn, the fol- The} did too. Later he announced

Puliiished c>Vf'n-· Fridav of the ( liege year b)• the staff chosen from the

stucknt<: of the l\l~nb.lm\ !-;tate Col ·,:e of Ag-rii.:ulture and l\lechanit; .A.rls,

ef t'iL' Pni\ t rsity of "1o11tc.11Hl, Bo7.eman l\lontana.

lowing prizes are offered: 1 a tag dunce for our boys. E'er)

First -Parking space in front of ,:ance following ,,.as a tag. The

the main hull. I Ctah boys sure can pkk the

Second The privilf'ge of smoking

Ac tp ari 't' ior )laiEn. ::it ~1wd;.. ate: of Po~tage proYi<le<l for Ill Sctlton on the- steps (special arrangement

110:L Aet t•f 0<.tt•ber a, l~ 1- authorized Fcbri.wry 17, 11119. with ScptcntYiri) Third-One jjMontnna., sometime I

Sl'BSt IUl'T!O:>I ll \TE. before 'l"ing-. (Sec Brad) , Two Dollars Pt.·r Yt.lr _ _ _ _ Tl'n C~nts Per Copy. Liuu:.•rick:;, pGrorlies, blank verse anti

"new '\'l'l'M' .. (ns lone: as it tTavcls I Stu.<knts LC't11111c suh~c11lit•1::; upon payment of the regular Activity Pct.~. from left to right) noc baned.

STAFF The Rhn::est Question of the Day-

ACTI~G J\IAN',.\GIKG EDITOR .DOX.\LD ANDERSO~, ·2:~ h'Yho mixed up the Greek!:>"?

BUSI:O.:ESS M.\.'AGER ......... AUGUST M. SCH.\'ElDER '21

ACTl:'\G SOCIETY EDITOR .. . .... l\1:-\RLYN J DD '2~

ACTl:'\G ADVERTJSl.\'G M.Ll\AGP.R ........ G. LEWI ERWI '23




The people of the state of Montana showed. by their rnte in

I can see how th S. A. E.'s <'Ollld hn\'c a temporary lien on the Alpha

O hom;e and how the Sigs could con· 1'

tTol tbe Chi Onwg'a house for a night, but how does A. 0. Pie explain her claim on P. G.

As Ring Lardner would say, "Some­thing is putrid in Athens."

Poor old Joe B. is just about all in .

last Tue day'R election, that theiy belie1·e in higher education No, not from injuries reoeive<l in and that they ha1·e confidence in the ability of the state institu-1 the game Saturday but from the snap tions to impart that education. They have demonstrated their Sunday morning.

prdty girls . . At 10:~0 just before k;ning, th(' .\.g~ies made the hall ring "ith a :veil for Bozeman. nozemun cheer leader jumped up -then "as heard ~ome of the best du.•t.•ring· our boys h.an~ E:'YC'r heard. Three blood stirring JC'lb were !-<t'nt out for l:tah .\ggies and the fellows stood thrilled. '!'hey fo~­

lu" ed "ith one for their ov.n team that \.\a~ great.

The Chaff editor takes the re· sponsibility of announcing the en­

gagement of Mr. llugh Sutton and .:\liss Opal ClinkC'nbcard o( lloze­

man, Montana. (It's a case of love at f ir t s ight. girls. Hugh met her on the trip.)

'YJ1i le in Bozema n we called llJ~

the F' . S. C. sorority. Met th<' Misses Lillian Hoth, "Bill" .Jont>S• Geneieve Sµerrling, Mary Ebe.,.solr. Hellen Ca ry, 1 Alice J\lcC!intock, )Lary l"lanagan, Opal Clinkenbearcl (Can be found :it 33 South Tracy Ave.)

desire to place Montana's institutions second to none. lt seems that Joe was makb1g his

Although not all of the returns are in, enough have been re- regular Sunday morning call at a ccr· '=============== CPiYed to make it fairly certain that the educational measures, tain house and when he arrived there : 18 and 19, haYe passed.' If the returns yet to come in show any- the girls had just crawled from th@ir thing like the results thus far received, these measures will have downy beds and the gowns "de nuit" carried by a large majority. (Excuse me Mrs. Rinehart) and had

The l'Oters hm·e demonstrated their 11·i1Jingness to ~upport not had time to apply the apothocar­

llis face with blood was wet. "What, ho, my lord," cried Gob; Knight answered loud 11Gilette. 11

the ~tate institutions lo the extent of; going down into thei1· ia! heaulifiers. Joe J·emarked that Someone wants to know why "Bul:i"

pockets to produce the means with which to build up the greater the Alpha o·s were sure an awfull Eaton, our animated Commissioner

i Green House ~ l ~ g PHONE 95. 315 So. Tracy a


I : I I I ! I J t I I I ' ! ' .. ' I 1 I l J ' t J : I I I ~ , f t t ' I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I ' I I I I I .,

~ LOW SHOES AND LOW HEELS AHE OUTSTAl'iDI G ~ ~ rEATl'HES OF THE NEW FALL STYLES ~ \ '• ~ But there are many other style facts of interest that ~ \ you'll discO\·er when you ee our complete displays. ,

~ ~ ~ SPECIALTY BOOT SHOP ~ ~. Shoes for Every Occasion },· ~ Joe Conaty 40 W. Main John Hines ,

,· ... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~





University of Montana and pro1•ide facilities with which lo giYe looking bunch that morning. Hence of Den1onstr•tions, desn't wear a hat vv-. •• ...,....,,....,.,,..,,..,... -.-• .,,.. ~..,.,,.,,.....__.,,.,,.,,..,._ • ..,..._. ._.... •• ..,..-..-........

the best po sible education to the young people of lhe state. the wounds. or coat. That the students appreciate this goes without saying. How­

e1·er it is up to the students lo express their appreciation by be­ginning with renewed Yigor to make the state institutions all that the people ha,·e expressed a desire that they should be. Regardless of the size of any school or the amount of equipment it has it must measm'e its success by the results it obtains. To get results the entire faculty and student body must work in uniBon. No school can be a success unless the student body makes it so.

With the prospect of better time ahead Jets get together and begin now to make Montana State College the best school of its kind in the Union. Lets show our appreciation of what has been done for us by producing such good results that those who hal'e expressed their confidence in u "·ill not feel that that con­fidence has been abused.


The Bobcats have only one more game to '\\·in before they meet the Uni\·er ily in a battle for ~tate supremacy. Let begin no11· to help them win at Missoula by all turning out to ee the game with St. Charles Saturday. The game will be played whether it is warm or cold, whether there is Rnow ur mud, so lets all be there to show the team that 11·e are no better than they are.


This afternoon the Dobkitlens meet the Cubs from the Uni­Yersitv in their annual battle. The freshman team has worked hard all fall and regardless of theoutcome of lhe game they will make a sho"'ing lhat will be a credit to the institution. The freshman class is deserYing of lbe support of every student on the hill in bringing the Cubs here. They are under a hea''Y ex~ pense as this money docs not come out of lhe athletic fund. For this reason it is the duty of all of us to he present at that game and help pay the expenses as well as helping to win the game. Lets make it two victories 01·er the Unil·ersily lhis fall.


The Phi Gamma's say that that is not the closest thl'Y wlll come to a national by a 1on.g- ways.

We will run a serial next week, n­titled "The Bnrnette's Revcnge 0

, or " 'Who put Henna in the Hair Wash.'' Watch this space.

Read 'em and weep, Bub.

Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap.

ShC' won to the tune of "Dodo needs a pair of shoes . Come on, you sev-

\ll ll l ll l l l lUlllllltll; f ll l ll l ll l li l l l ll l li l l' l ll l ll t Ui ll l Lllll l lJ I UI U&: l l Ul l l Ul l t 1 lll l ll l l. I l l· l :t t 1 1111 1L l ll lll i l l l 1lllt i l l !lll'lllllUI



\Vhit:h brings u~ clown to story it-\\' hcn you go out for Sunday self.

" ' hen -' ou go out for SundHy walks,

i fiallatin Latindry Co. I

0 R WAGONS COVER THE ENTIRE CITY I 'Year the~e garters on ~·our socks; --- l And if you walk along d('murely.. He and she were rolling the ivory ;:;t PHONE 79 § They "ill hold ;, our socks secure]). n1bes in the main hall- Prexy l:0111e:$ rt

o. A. R. along and hauls them up to hi::. $anc~

:'.\londay OdobL•r 2fi. date.

\Vedn<:sa~, Od<.Jber 2'i. a date.

~alurday. October 30. a dote.

Briny has a

Briny has

~\londay. ~(n l 1her L J'l1;:a11 Ham-

ilton am10unces that Ion~ affain:. are alright but that nn man hns a right a ri~ht to i?d Pntang-lcd in one hefor<;> the l\Jis~onln e·am('.

_\ sophmore wnt;;; tahing his medkal ('X.aminalion.

tum sanctorum . "'1'i.1il IHl.' how you deal craps." .....,.,_._~..,._._. .............. ...._w .. -... .._._._......_.._. •• _...-.... -. ... -...~-""'-..-.....,..,._...........,...

The maiden qui\•ered but gn,·e forth I$ < no ~oun<l. \ /

"TC'!! me," p?'exy insist d. "IIow do I~ 500 WANTED ~ ~ iltl deal craps?"' I ~ ~

Then lhc flood broke loose. "Let \ ~

Ill•' out of he1·0." "he wailed. '·Let me ~ no JSIMnc l ,....,, ....... ..., .... JftC > --- lPWi ~ ·uut of hen.•. The 1wxt thing he wiJI ~ ~

he n'k'ng- is how r drink a sandwich." I~ 500 college students, at the l\Ialted Bowl to drink ~

Strnte~)· Sublime ~ :\Ialted l\Iilk. Best in the city at 20c, war lax included ~

If you arC! new and strang-e and ~ 1

hnn·'nt a pull t ~ .\nd if you dunt know a single man., ~ ~

\n11<l1,,0t1I1w1.ttfr1e1e11s_ttre sc·arlct, and the ~ T H E s u fi AR B 0 w l ~~~ "J don't like your h<'art action," \

!laid th<' doctor appi)·ing his stetho~ \Vhy a frosh must do all :Jhc l..'an. ~ !-'Cop<". "You"ve had sMn<' trouble •

"ith agin·i per tori~. h~n n't 'ou? 11

Thus chnn1 the stnir~ in the main ~ The Home of Home l\fade Candies. ) You·r partly riJ!ht. Doc, " ~t~swer· hall one day, \ \

that ain't her nam e.'' . . \VhC'n sh(' sa\~ t·on1ing up thnt fateful ......_.._..._ ...... _.. • ............,. • ..-..._._........,..._ ........... ...._._._.._.._._-.,,..._ .................................. ..._....,...,._.._._.,..,..._.._...,,,_._ ed the )Oung man ~hee1>i shlr. :'Onh .\ wrnsonw gn•en little f11'slunan ran I} '

American Lea-ion stail'way.

From the "Student Life," the college paper at the Utah Agri- May I hai·e the next dance ~ith The h-a-n-cl-,-o-m-c•-s-t fratl•rnitv - - - - - - - ----________ _

cultural College, we have seen evidence of a rare type of Sports- you'."' Man. - I ' t' manship. The Logan team came lo Bozeman expecting to win f;hc-lf you press me. '

i~~nf:i:etea~~dt:~lt ~~1ch'~ t~~~~ ~s c~~\~~v~~1Jl~ee~1m~od~~:~ 1~t: He-Wait till we s~'.~~e t~c~:~~e. S(.l\\:ofsk1:0~:!1hi.1,11up~nt. at•l11",·lnks·he :.",,':.·k!J1,i.s g1o·oot<1l t' fi A LL AT I N fi R 0 c ER y c 0 Mp AN y •• defeat. During the game two decisions were made would seem , , .,, , hard for any tean1 to accept. Do we hear thcn1 complaining'? Steve, the chem hound. fell clowu knO'\\') · · I t 111

' 1 1

•·' 1 1



' 1

• • 1 11

• ' 11 111 1

' 1 1

• • • • ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

• , _ .,,, • • ' 11

• • • 1

• • :

Emphatically No. On the contrary in se\'eral places we find the st"''" ol the chemistry building So 'he dutd·"d at the rail. and drop- a G



their paper commenting upon the good treatment received in one day bst 11·eck "ith two bottles of ped her btH•l:s, V G G PHONE

Bozeman. 'Ve hope that they were treated right. lt is a pleasure ll~SO I. Hcsult-Onc September And careful!. stubht·cl her toe. t __ 1


and a privilege to entertain gentlemen. Coach RomJJey, we com- ~torn. Bally Rut. 5 5 5 5 5--16 I pliment )'Ou on having a fighting learn composed of men-every- I one a sportsman. Utah. 11·e congratulate you for one of the best Septemi·iri, better known as the A coed is known by the dates she

exan1ples of fine spirit we have seen this year. "D1·unkcn ~even/' wanted a. motto. kC'cps. .-~--~--.... --.. --.. --.. --.. --.. --.. --.. --~- - - ... - - ...

-===============-=================!Somebody ~uggested, "Non jubio se-.. t:un<los.''

I found this one in "Slumgullion." I \'\'p'y(' ,l!n a C'andidate for the

--- pPisen i\'y club. You all know hinL

1£ it takes a woodpecker with a You ml't him at the fro~h darn.,c the

rubber bill two months and thirteen ulher ni.l!'ht The floor ,.._.UR rather

day~ lo bore a hole through a cypress c;rowdell nnd he was. danc:iniz tight

lo~ that wm make one thou~and hale::: In 11011t of YPU. You \\'('l'l' ju~t g-cl·

<"Jf shin$!k•s, l1ow long '\ill il take a trng: your fC'd 1.10ving nicely, \\·bcn

j?'rast'hoppcr with a l'Ork leg to kkk ti :\lal".pie h£':-itatcd, sto11pvd, hack·

the :"eed out of a dill pi("kh~. t·d up. Oh!

Corp n~)\ {'n thought that it meant.

··no no( 1<>:tYr the :.;onp in th<' bath· tuli."

\ Cl'rtain frosh waxed elcquf'nt in n theme on "\Vonwn Suffrar~e·• uncl l'E'·

marked lh3t we Set' lllOre wome>n Llwn

w~· sec• rr.cn, just t'hc same as we see more hc•n\·cn tkm we do earth .

r._._._. .. _...:~::::::::~··;::~:~~~~:·:::·.-.w.-..~~ f1,~~ll~C~~~lll::l~·c~:~'..kc~1 :i,utl'::~ll;;;~~ ! < St'l' lllOH~ uf women.

~ with Ring or Clip ) ~ ~ 011e B. I~. Plcdgr is ~trong ftn

\ LOOSE LE.\F NOTE BOOKS •, 'l'"nking to c•Yeryone on Lhe t·arnpn<.

~~.~.. 'r SQLARES - SCALE RULES _ TRIANGLE ~~:· When '"keel why he lifted his hat

lo a scnim· ,..,.omcrn hi? had the: pro~uet

Drawing Hets $'i.OO lo $25.00 come-buck.

> p H I t l I P S ' B 0 0 K ST 0 R E ~ 111 '~~: ,1i:1.::~n;~ni~'~,~::i;,~u1~0~1'.~-1:;~1~~ 1: ~ > h:tt.

( ~ :.._ .. _,_..,.._.,,, .... -.. ... ._..._ ... .._ .... _.. ...... -.. .... •.-..·.-.-.-... ..... -... .............. -....... _ .... J".-..• .. --...._.,,.,..., ......... -.,,.........._-...,,._:_ IP. ·:1 1 ~1..:tful j det.lic:.nh~cl:

h.rnght, shavtn~ <~ut hJ111s~lf.

Prof Cobldgh: Mr. DcEarl. T .fear I shall be obliged to g-i\'c you ZC'l'O on - - - - -~...,~~-..., - _. _ - - - - - •,.

th~h:l'~~:t's nothing. ii OKEH RECORDS I ltR a g-rea t. life if you weaken ju::;t I 4 6

:l littl~. • '

af;;:~;~~ i'.~:i<l:~i~~:<·1i. Others are ! Are instantly recognized by the discriminating as having :


CH a!J lhc st.•n•ral men I know t t Tho man who is hnn•st of the 10" tff Compare them with others you have played or heard If

Who is his \arious forms and •hapcs LATEST POPULAR DANCE RECORDS AND SONGS Sul'e win!; the ulabastor grupes The man who wears the jazz bow FOR OCTOBER NOW ON SALE

or all the men bc1walh the skies , I The man whom I do most despise

\\'ho wins the iniry o\· rcoat f ,\ncl consequently ircts my iroat f STEP 11 AND HEAR THEM

The man who put~<.;J•:~n~~~iobnow ties t I '"~::·::·:·:~:'.:":::~:·::.:~"::·:~.·:::: 1. COX-POETTER DRUfi COMPANY < r:n-.~ of bl'Hins but ti1e sn1Jbo ruq l1f t!1c b1.1111lt•!>S i., 111u~l1 l~tlg:l.o. ~~~..,....._.,.~~~ .... ~~~~~~---- -

Page 3: UMBER 5. BOBCATS READY ! I Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 FOR ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-012-05-001-004.pdf · Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap. ShC' won to the tune

iH.F~'IDrj l ! ...-.~~~ ~ F uneral Director ~ I


~ and ~ /, I 1' • Embalmer / ~ l 1 PHO. 'E 690-R-2 ~ 1 I ,• I . .,,._,,...-.. .,,~.,,,.,,,..,,....-.... .,,.-.-.-.-.-..-.......... ..._... I

~8£'fo'RE 'ru[' DA.NCE·~ / 1··~ ~~~ : ._..,._......,._._,._..,..._._ . .....,._.,.._.,,._._.._._._.,: I Io ' hat they all <a:.· about our : - ke-creams, our Ve!Yets, pud-

.\RT dings and our ~pecials. Call or phone us any orders you

" SHOE 1'HI:XI:'.\G PARLOR \\isl'>, we goiarantee quality, ;;en·ice and satisfaction.

'Pile Weekly lbp.nent Friday, November 5, 1920. Page three

I ~"""'~~"'"'"'~~ 1 i I I' I I I l l I •• I I I I. I. I l lt •• I I I I . I. I I. I I I I I I' • • • I •• I .......... ~ I sR soc 1 ET v m ~ j ,"7h . GREAT l ~,.,.,.,.,.,.~~u~,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,.,.,.~,.,.~u,.,. ~ Read1ustment Sale ~

.. Pill" Davidson, '15 1 spent a f ew Miss Eunice Farnum was a dinner days at the Sig Alpha house last iruest at the F. . C. House, Sunday we1.:k.

Ivto Ddta !raternih• announC'e' the initiation of .Jessie v.~illiams and Anita Thomp~on on Sunday, Oct. 31

HerhC'rt Bro'..>k~ and Thomas Dan­Suuday dinner g'Ucsts at the Phi ahrr we1· cfmnC>r guest5 at the S. A I:

Gamma hou~e wer• Mis::: ~Iil<lred E. ho isc \\'ednes<lay. •

I Sun<lay, :\'ovembtr 7, the Alpha 0

g, i~ will be at home from 4. to 6, to ah the men of M1 nt.ana State college.


i .. n.ds a11<l ?tlr. 'Hod' Seamons.

I The F. S. C. Girl• will be at ho~

Dean 11Prr~1..·k and anrl :\Ii~c::: Bald- to the faculty and 5'tudent body . ..:.~.t­win y, ere dit:ner cu<:~t~ at t'w Alpha urday evening November 6th fron •

t 0 hc>U~e 'Wt·dnt"·:duy c\·ening. 1..·1 1 h to t n thirty, at thc·r home on .;;

Fine All-Wool Coats, fancy silk lining and in t e rline d. Large mushroom collars and fur collars. Values $40. Extra $29. 75

,\ .D P.\. .TITORllJ)f

FOR I --- :'iouth Tracy A\·enue.

BOZE. I.\:'\ IHE.L\IERY CO. Hattie Williall•s and ~la,.,. Lauson j" Phone 143. ii "11tertained the F. S. t'. G-irls at a Sunday ~wning the Phi Gamma ~ ~ ,_ ____ _________ _; H~llowe\.:n r arty in their !'Uitl' nt I fraternity entC'rtaine<l a numbN· of. ~

L.\OIES A ·o GE. "I'S LET cleverly decorated. 1 Iowe en party. ~ --- --- ;;; Gl\DER WE:"TPH.\LS


-l Tlan.i1ton Ha J. Th(' rooms were very ~ues~s at a delightful informal Hal-1 ~

- J ohn '°'·J1· m :\In;. Baldwin of Butte, Emma Billy Lawrr. of '\~lhitehall. wa.... =.I 1 1 I I I I I I ••. • I . I I I I 1 1111I 1111 I I I 11 I. I. I I I . I. I I I l. I I . I I •.•

Qt Baldwin, l\lary Baldwin and Lucille guest at the Si~ma Cho House on•1 Staebler were the guests of the Alpha the week end. F'IUE:-;ns DEFINIT JO:-;

I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii

It " weather­proofs'' t h e skin- is sooth­ing and heal­ing.

Our Cold Cream is really the best obtainable and we sell it at a remark­ably low pnce.

Winter Colds are quickly n:lieYed when

Johnson's Belladona Plaster is applied throat.

to chest or

We sell and guarantee them.


D Q IT 0 f:irls Sunday. .John Tylt·r '20 who !->p('nt ~"''era Friendship i:-. )!'reatly undervalucu A pradical ''atuum is the brain

CHAMPION SHOE SHOP 7 E . Main Bozeman, Mont.

T HOUSANDS of y a rds of Irish

linen are used each year to give Eaton's Hi g h land Linen its beautiful fabric finish .



gives y our letter that subtle something which all women recogn ize as the fi nal touch of charm needed to make their cor r es ponde nce di s ­tinctive. You w ill fi nd the latest shapes and shades here.


The Montana Alpha c:hapter of 1 days at the S. A. E. house has re.•- in the University. '\Ye do not reali'l.( pan of a man who ash; a woman Sigma Alpha Epsilon ~nnounces Ray I tun1ecl to his home in Tennessee. to the full extent the great part that for two standing dates a week for Coulter a~ a pledge friendship plays in the scheme of the whole year.

P•c"essor R. A. Coolev and his life. Real friends are few and when I A perfect vacuum is th_c h1·ain pan Last Saturday evening the Mon4 <lau'.:!. hters Charlotte and Geneicn:i we lose the friendliness of a mun t of a woman who would give the man

tana Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha I W<:'r~ luncheon guests at the Alpha O who~e regard we prize>, it hurts. It I these dates. Epsilon gave their annual In~tallati on, hou~t:! Tuesday sec·ms petty that we might lose a 1 Zero to the nth power, the two dance at Three Bears Inn. A yeal' friend because we are on opposite I of them to~ether. ago October 29 the chapter was na- ~l arie Kirk and .Je8sica Kremer sides in class polities. It is a ~r.d ---------tionalizcd into S. A. E. The couple~ were dinner gue:.:;ts at the Iota Delta thoug-ht that rivalry in some activity Gw~ndolyn states that some of the left the city about eight o'clock a11c\ I hcuse Wednesday. can bring about the loss of one's men on this campus are so dead that danced until midni~ht when delight- ~tanding-. However, it often occurs, you have to use a Ouija boa1·d to talk ful refreshments were se1Ted. The l Yictor Larse 120 has returned to and the prize is riot ·worth the cost. to them . music was very enjoyable and every- bis home in Plain~ after spending Ii our participation in some adidty

1 one was "pepped'" up to the occasion. I a wet:k at the S.. A. E. house. is going to cause a friend to turn from

us, it seenu; as thou~h this participa-

SOl'HO~I ORE l),\ NC'E


' tion is wrong. I The sophomore d:u~s will give their

II _And the Bobcats won't n1ake t~(' I \Vhile we ~re in <:ullege let us hold annual Thank~giYing da~Ce, Satur-

tnp unattended. At present there tS fast to our friends and leave the day, November :tO. The plan was I ~ mov~ment on foot to bring a spec- other things to the wor1d. Four years I star~ed. ~ast year of giving . th~ .. 't3 II SPORT COLUM~

Dear Anony:

ml tram out of the round house to of friendship are surely worth more <lan<.:e Jt.st before the Thanksgl\ mg­make the trip. Should this fail , the than our little mimic successes gain- holidays and it will be continued th is Hobo <:lub will be able to furnish ed here. If a principle is at stake we year.

This stuff is fine but we wish you would tell us who you are so that we <:an offer you a permanent job.

The Editor.

enouirh rooters to blank the Bear should fight with all our power, but cry. if we are dominated by selfish mot ives

--- and want to be a 11big man)J-it is Today the Bobkittens start to clean I high time that the value of friend­


up on the "U" frosh. The last prac- ship be realized-so that achievement far (By Anony.) tice '''as completed last night, when may be a thing to prize.-The Daily~

A leggin that is worth more than we ask for it

$9.00 \Ye'll say MacDonald has some toe the fro~h w~nt through a light s igna l Nebraskan.

for a football. Last Saturday in practice preparatory to the game ---------two attempts he a\""eraged about 40 ! today. :\>! ODER:-; ROM .\ i 'CE yar1..ls on drop kicks, although neither . required more than half as much. ! The Cub~ an iv:d yesterday after- "Darling-i I love you!u

t noon and took. a llp:ht \vork?ut at_ the ul've heard tttat befor~:· Roundup stadlUm after their arrival. I u . . ·

Scotty's puntmg outdistanced that A f . . . k b h . Life will mean nothmg to ib

. s a1 as 1s nown ot teams a1 c 'ti t '" of ..\Iaclsaacs by an average of a out e,·enly mate: heel and the gam prom- w1 lOU you. , t~n ya1d~ With Bryan to help, i~es t~ be a verv good one. e I ::Loose talk.' .Jlontana will not lack in long <li~- · If ~Oll conlcl only realize

· - -- vnu are to rnet" tan1..:c puntmg for some J ears. _~ext Saturday the Bobcats me• f • "Old ~tuff."

1 ,n their annual battle \\"ith the Brum "\Yi 1 you marry me?''





This is a big seller $4.25

Spiral all wool leggin 3 inches wide


WALSH'S what I 1----------··).-uw :.:ou are talking sense.''

rH-OWA-R--;S-1 t Boost for Bob Cats, Saturday, i t m one of our Classy Overcoats t


·\Ye wonder what Gonzaga would I from over the mountain. So far al' naYc done had been Maclsaace been I of the odds are aairinst the Bobcat•. hurt or otherwb:e dh;aLled during-I due to the \·ictories of the soda :-=amnlay"s game. 'Vith the exception c:ciuhts ov('r Washington, Wesleyan < : two or three plays that went and St. Charles; however, the Bob- She at·oun~ !'-!ft t'nd, Maclsaacs carried the cats are rounding in to charnpionship

was one of the~e keen little ladies

boll i· Yar1ably around the right hand •tyle, and when the whistle blows to ::;i<le. ~tart there will be a real battle, de~-

pitc the dopster's talk.

The kind that you seldom see. And of <ourse I <·ouldn't be happy

Until she had danced with me.



We haYe the famou Mc­donalds Salt Lake Candies and John,on's High Grade Chocolates.

: $40.00 and $50.00 :

: ohe Hub t f ED and LOU HOWARD f f Walk-Over Shoes Nobby Hat s f • • _. ------~--~-~- -----· ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 I 11 1 I l 11 I I I I I I I l l Ul !l l 11 1 I I I 1111 11 1 11 1 I 1 111 11 1 I U IU IU ll l l U l 1 llU l ll l l! l ll l~

EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 22 We~t Main St reet.

Is the place to buy your shoes for the best school

wear. Gi\·e us a trial we will please you in style and comfort

also price.

J . E. LA::\G. Proprietor.

t:'a 1 ,, 1 1 1111 ,, 1 1 1 ,1 1•11111 1111 1 11· 111111 1111"11 1 111 1111 11 11 11111111 11111111111111111111 1 1n11111111r1n1 :1 1111u111 111 111 1ui'

The Bruins chances of meeting the Ea~t are practically ruined now 1 due to their defeat at the hands of \Vash­

BEAT THE '"U!" LET'S GO! And yet as the music floated down And I danced with dreamy eye

She planted on my instep A slippery heel so hiirh.

inirton State last Satur<lay at Pull- We fail ta understand just why man. The ' Vashington farmers ton- these handsome guys find it necessary gues must have been hanging out I to add to their already delicate ap­after the third quarter, during which pearanee by parting their hair in the. The worst of all the tortures period they ran up n score of thTee


mi<idle . . :\1ayhe it's just another way~ That it falls man's lot to bear touchdowns. of ··remmding folks." I I s an instep ,ground beneath a heel --- I -The Phoolosopher. The kind the ladies wear.

Last Friday's Standard scores the KID EDITOR of the Exponent on his :\'01'!1!1'\G RUT TH E T RUTH gazed on the turvc of her

th1·ee weeks agn. It must be admit- Lh-Ps of dancers aB remind us \Vith a cold and glassy eye,


I stand taken after the Butte game I --- white throat

ted that the editor, in his cxuberancy, That the most of us are chump~ And I c.:hoked her \\"'ith my own two I

Gh-e her a box of Dutch Bitter Sweets, Cherry Cor­dials, Meado"· Milk Chocol­ates, Hycrest Chocolates.

We haYe them in pound and half pound boxes.


DR UG S TORE 11 6 E. Main P hone 327 g-ave more credit t1> the Bobcats than For W(' always leave behind us ha.nds

neces~ary, t•ut nP\ rtheless facts Footprints on the women's pumps. And left her there to die. !---------------remain fact~. w;11 thl'r written up in

Butte or i11 l}i l:an. -..~~~....,~~~- ._ - - -~~~~~~,... - _ - - - - - _,

be~~;- out~laye~~ca:~t a:~a.:~~~set~.~: j ME' C' T vo UR F'Rlr 'C' 'I\ ,DS may be a reason for it, but Bobcats I L I I £ 1 ~, are never outfought.

- l a The outcome of last Saturday's '

game betw~cn the Airiries and Cali-11

-fornia. seem~ to place the Berkely team in line for the big East and \\·est i:am!.' at Pasadena New Year's dav. 'Vith most of the competition f g-one, due to the defeat of Montana


l:Hl!:Hmo•n<:H:HO.O<XH:H:>nl)-llfl»Xlc<:>-0-<:H:H:HCH:!<XH:H:!i:><Xf<l<:>nr:H:ifmX>cCH:!-nl:H:>l:!i:><X~ n nd the Univ< ro ity of 0 rciron la.t t

I Saturday. California now ha~ kups t on fh"!"t place .


i I g 0

Practical courses in Architectural, Civil. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Mechanic Ar ts , Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture, Home Economics, Industr ial Chemistry, Econ­omics, Biology, l\Iusic and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildi ngs, complete \\'Ood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and ar t studio.


Great Falls seems to have lost all !

I interest in the state inkrscholastic ':' clrnmpionship, du(' to their defeat las.t ' Saturday at the hands of the crack Hillinirs team . The Bi.lings line-up this year is quite the ~ame a~ last rear, with the exct·ption of Fabrique, ,. who has taken AI~eo·s place. f

Anaconda eliminated Butte Central last Saturday, when they took the C'athol!c~ into camp by a ~core of I' JI. "•ith Domitrovitz h·acling iP tlw baC"kfi Id the ~mdtcr tity hr.> r.

t t t



Free Telephone




t~am that .:.hould ~how""up well in thP :..t.1..· C'humpion!'=hip tla~sics. to be ay'-'1.l ! o ~'b 1 y on Thanksgiv:ng day

I Phone in and reseri:e your booth for tonight t ~~~~~~~~~.cz»..CJ:D,1 - - ...,, ...... - - - l!D .. -~---~

Page 4: UMBER 5. BOBCATS READY ! I Kittens Beat Cubs 6 to 0 FOR ...arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-012-05-001-004.pdf · Josephine can toss a wicked i.=rap. ShC' won to the tune

Page fooc The Weekly Exponent Friday. Xo,·ember 5, 1920.

Take a


11111' ••• ,'' ., ' •••••••••• I I I ... ~ ~al'\ Com1 t Points to Victory for art1.Cr ti.:11 minutes oi play the !\Ion- the girl:s found every imaginable I

I : ,.,_ T ~ . Educational rtlcasures. r.an.a defense was able to land him in kin<l of goody that. a fratcrnitv house

1- '-"' 0 ;; , ... '"' hi3 tracks. Aq:ument over rules and pantry might wish for.

: C'fTY DYE WORKS -_: (Contmued from Pa.;c 1) J·spute of llw referee's decision by The patronesseo served refresh-:

,,-HEl · YOU '\Y_\NT _.\ ;unzag-a. :-:lowt·cl up the play and Re- ments })tter in the evening and the

\Yith You I : .. ! In this county, fow of the precincts ·C'rf'C' L::!wry became adapt on •'Refer- girls dec'are that there never wa"' 3

Le' p1··tur - t U the to _.e - RLTI'r CLE.AN ED. : I took the trOl:blc to make imri1ediate ·nee on Spaulding.'' more \Yoncfurful surprise parti· i·n .the'. "' ... e;:, c s ry va., ! - ;, n•poits on the sµe<.'ial m(;asures. The

the motor trip. the hunting trip, ~ PRESSED OR ~ rqioi-t::. wen• being dci:"vpr <l yestcr- 011ly one spN.·tal'ular play mrn·ked world. i

the fishi~ trip, of the travel.


~ ; / 0 the count~ ckrk·s offi,·e and a tht. .. game in thL> first half. Hatch, I The Kodak way is the sure way, : REPA.IRED • mere defin:te tobl for the county l:unzaga quart~r back, intP-rl·l1'pted a DELEGATES GO TO \\"ASHL'\G.

tho s1·m11le ·w::i.•·. the eonven1·ont .. · • . 1°ss and -o• "''·ay (oi· '0 •·urds be TON . . / -

1 ;;. The Old Rehab)e .- nrny be annlahl~· today or tomot'Tow. , ... ,... '"' c "" ·' - •

\\av - I ·t.rc he >VH.S landeJ by Bush and !\lac- Ruth );oble, president oi lhe \Yo-

. J(odak q-or:>ds han~ n i·eputa- ~ ~ !he unhersit.~ funds campuign office Donald. N'cithC'r team ~xcelled in man's League, and Henrietta -Moe-

tion for quality :s.r:d so ha•.·e we. j • • • • J •' •' •' • •' • • •' •' i • 1 1 • · ~· m Helena belieYcs that the conditior.) :arrlage made by line plays but the bus, chairman of the Women·:. Coun-

Thafs why we ca.rrv onh: tliC' t may ~e thl' ~umc over the.• slate and \"isitors were out-kicked from 10 to cil of the League, have been selc<·ted

I &"nui·n, Eash · d t ,. 1 A CASE OF GOOD that it may tako until ne.xt week to t r t th .,... e wnan pro uc s no ·ESIG 25 yards on c\·ery exchan2'c of punts. 0 cpresen e women of Montana chance fol· souhstituting. · .. J E\ i . HT knc,w for l."C~·tain the result of the •· S C

I Our glasBes, 111 eYery case, vott~. and u11t1J later if the vote is by As a result of a "heated" argument, "~at~ ,-allege et a meeting- of the

Kodaks $5 O" and upwar·d I fl[ d t l th l Lower. Gonzna-a riooht halfback, an- 1 n'omens Leagues of the colleges ofl · · " I w emons ra e emse ves any cliancc close. ~ ~ u

Brownil'S. $1.00 to 12.00 lo be "A case of good eye- Devor<•, Montana left end, were re- the northwest. The meeting will be

B k l d k 'll nlnced bi· !Sweeney and Richa1·ds. ton on 11, 12 and 13 of this month. SoppHes ecause - now e ge, s 1 C.\THOLICS. r




Prices on Ready-to-wear Gar­

ments re-adjusted downward

15% to 25'<>

I Headquarters for l{odak sight." )!ONT\:>/.\ RE.ADY FOR 1n<>Ycd from the game and were re- held at the University of Washing-,

I and thorough exp er j enc e Bryan \vas out of the entire game

Rose Drug C,.o~-·-- enters into the making of (Continued from pagoe 1.) by reason of injuries recc·ived in SIG~TA CHI ELECTION SMOKER ;---------------

every· pair. prartirc and Walters, substituting I --- I JOHN KELLY WINTER

I flf'i ~ t L E S L I E E G A G E t kl · b At d · h b for him at right halfb~ck, was hurt . Tuesday evening, ?\o\r. 2. the

-The ~:.s!,~.r ~-~- - jt lewe1er and Register~d Optometrist ti:•~d ~eJ~ook~· lik:n a ~:n~:~ti~n~ a:c~~ at the beginning of the third quar- 1


Si~ma Chi Fraternity ent<:rtained I DRESS SHOES Broken lenses replaced same day is fast, hC'avy and about the scrappi. tcr. Atterbury was put in the play. the men students and members of I

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g cgt kind of iootball material at the t-o l:cplace him. ft was in the second I th~ f~cuity at an informal smoker. A ARE HERE

"-~~~""-"~'-~~"-.~~~ State college>. Borton and Bu~h have hall that the first completed pass ot pnonty of the ·western Union C!"lec­

GTRLS DON'T SPEND SO MUCH I ,1lrearly demonstrated that thev can the game was made by Montana. I tion returns had been secured, and

THTS XMAS hold down anything that is offered J!ashin 1rot the pass from MacDonald these reports which brought the nows

them as l..a!.!klcs. Bush is a known and g-nined ten yai·ds before he was I from. all sections ~f the country

I\Iake your Xrnas presents -fron1 OUl' con1plete line of quantity at the State collq;e. and is dO'w·ned. furnishf'd amusement -for the visitors

stamped articles pla ing in marq.>!ous -form this vcai·. In lhe fourth quarter, ~Iacdonald I until after midnight. At tfiis time

Dresser Scarfs Tea Sets I .cskinny" Bol'lon ha. s developed. into attemptect n drop kick fTom th(' 45 there was no doubt as to who would

Handkerchief Aprons :'\ real find. playing- as fast foot- s:ird line and only missed th(' e:oal be our next President. Smokes were

~ ball as he did a few years back. Bor- by a few feet. Jockeying into posi- furni hed in the form of cop pipes

~ Everything- in 1\eedle \\Tork ~1 :..lln has rounded into cornliUon in per- tion on the 25 yard Jine, he kicked and tobacco. f'ider and doughnuts

~ ~ 1cct shap~ and plays football with.. the goal and kept at home the only were served throughout the e\·ening:.

~ LI:'.\'OLElJ:\i AND ART STOHE the he>t of the Bobcats linesmen. >core made dm-in,,- the game.

~ Picture Frai;i1ing as it Should be Done I C'oach Graves is handmgo out some The line-up follows: CO LLEGE GlftLS FOSTER t-.E\Y

"'-~~-,...~'-'-"-~'"'-"~'-'-'-~~'-'-'-'-'-"-'-~'-'~~~ n •. ,.,. fonnat1ons to the Bobcats and is '1ontana Position Gonzaga ORG.\:>l!ZATIO;\".

!.• 1 • 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1, •, , , 1 1 1,, 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 1 , 1 •, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I h 'g-mnmg to "how then~ \\hat he ex- J. :;.\la$hin Prince

.. • neC't;.-:; lo han<l to the Missoula aggre- Ri~ht End.


The College Young \Vomen's Chris. : G • :'.I g&tivn The plnyers are enthus1astk Bush( Captain) Benolken ti.an Ot_'gat~izatio.n ha::; chostn for its

.. : o\ 1..'r the new foi mation~ and ar·o· work- Right Tackle b1g ObJect1ve this year. the organiza-

; I Students at Montana State colle~e . Right Guard A. club in Galatin county high sc:hool.

;: nt1W are trying to line up l~nough peo- .\s.buiy . Murray The cl_ub has selected as advisers,

And you will make no mistake in selecting your winter shoes from our new stock of fash­ionable footwear.

Dark Brown and Blacks ~8 to $16

CH.U1BERS · FISHER CO. 0 g ~ mg \\ ith 1tiorc pt'p than ('-\'t:r. Knig-ht Grant' tion and deve1opmcnt oi a y \\-~. c .

- pie t.o g-ua1·antce a special to .Jlissoula I Center I Manrnente Lrnd~h::y and ::\iary Eber-

for the game. i\fa.11y Bozeman busi- Robert::c:on Busch I sole, members of the cabinet of the t,I 11111 11 11l1 1 l !J l l ll rl 11111111:!_

nt~:;:s :ncn han~ announc~d their desire/ Left Guard college organization. !\lrs. Lou How-

9 ? ~o acL"ompany the temn. It i·-. belie,·ed Borton Kearney ard, a member of the college as.sod- PREST·O·LITE : I out trouble. Left End I two of thei1· own teachers. BATTERIES

;; .

u t hat the necessary number to guar- • Left Tackle ation advisory board, togethe1· with

n g .. 3.1ncc the train 'Wi!J be obtained with- De\•ore Jioffrnan Miss Schusmith and 2'-liss '\\'right,

I. ',fr('arrE"n Hatch

• \'onta T I' d f ll Quarter This weather looks bad for the I ~ • • . •

. i na eam «'a Y or war. Finch ;\laclsaaes bum' but a little thing );ke a snow I~ Gn·e you more \Jght, QU!Ck- •

We are able to take care of you on your hunting trip this fall for most any kind of a gun, or ammunition in the Yarious caliber'A

We are the recognized 'Winchester store and carry a complete line of e·.-erything for the sport-unan.

Sec us and get the genuine \VinC"he,:;ter


(Continued from Page 1.) Left Halfback sto1'n rnn't keep us from !!Oing to ~ er tarts and Jess h·ouble than ;; \Yalters Lower Missoula. ~the a\·erage Battery.

C\'Ol'Y game played. Rig·ht Halfback ~ 'We ha'Ce them for all cars. ~ The Ctah Ai.rg-ies, thougoh outwc,gh- )lac Donald Quass FOR RE"1T-Comfortable furnish- ~\Ye will build YOU a battery;

ni:: our boy5 and exh>b•tmir some Fullback er room, 812 West Babcock. ~for any special' purpose. ' ~ real speed m the backfield. were un- / . R0 feree, L.1,;ry, Whitehall Um- , . . ~ . Battery repairing and all ~ able to break up the Bobcat Ime or Tl'C, Dr. Beal, Anaconda lleadslme-1 ( haperone·-'\\ lw did you stay so I ~ k. mds of electncal work.

to pierce it and t\iey went home on nan, H~rvcy C'riffm. !l!issoui·i. long on the porch with that fellow :.\UTO ELECTRIC STATION;,: a 0-0 game. b~t nirht '? I•

Lat Saturday Gonzcg-a collei::e sent !I\ \LRY SHOl'LDX'T EXTEXD. Frances i\-\Yhy. I thot l only : Roscoe R. Hull, Prop. •

'Yl'r her be•t and the buys held them TO E:>/)TITY. stayed a second I ~Phone 182 106 W. l\Iain E .. t.o a scoreks:-; ,i:anH. until the last I Chaperone:-I'm quite sure I heard I:, 1 .111 1 • · u 1 1 , 1 • ·• , 1u : 111 1 1 1 1 , ,, , :ui

~ f instant of µlny, when ::uac:Dona~tl A ct'rtam :lmount of rivalry during n third and a fourth. ! .---------------

~ n annged to ~tnn.: thr.:-t> points. Thifi rush ~ca ·on is ~ne\·itable. Hut ls jt not ] I I

- sam ! Gonza~ l ~quad v.-a the vne ·~~ "bl that St ... h a :-pir1t may go 2 r A N n y I dwt, thoug-h su'frrin~ defeat al w. ,tit too far? Tlw te<t of a frater- LET US DEVELOP I {J ~- C., manag-t.:d to hold them down to ,1ty nr s0r•,rity, like that l·f any oth- ,.\.ND 15 points. " orgoanization is how it accepts its PRINT YOUR FILMS I

s,nce the Wa,d1ingoton Stul~ squaJ l"Uhlphs and defeats. It is hard to >\'HEN YOU BUT IT

• • J • • ,,,., • • •·• •·•·• i 11 ,,., • • • • • i rt 11111 • •' • •' • • i 1' ••'•'Lt•,,,· .l'-' ~ince humbled l\l!s~(1ula :.n-O. the ('{' n d1cri~hed "rushee·· snatched up BUY IT .AT I S' 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 I 1 1 c z 1; t 1 1 • < 1 1 l ! 1 1 · a; 1 1 1 t • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 ca 1h 11l SL'c>ms in our favor. a!; far as n. r!val fraternity. and still main- Photos of Students at :

~ ~ C' '1parntivc .>cores go. which is jost ,am the spirit of friendliness that srttMIDT BROS I

i T H 0 S. H. R E A , as we would have it. Throughout the w~s there before. Yet herein Ii<» the Special Prices lJ I > ·t'ason Coai::h Gra\'eS has showi; that tL l of strength. Sportsmanship is I • t < ioutL~ll is hi~ ;.:"nn1~ and th(' ~quad ~I~e cure for pc:tty enmity. Until it t

~ ha:-- done go~_d work under him. As- bl't'0~1_es inn~sted i~ ~he spirit of fra- CE~TRAL STUDIO

Phone 24 For correct value in Groceries, also Cooking Utensils

Stoneware, Table Glassware and Dinnerware.

>I hury an<l }11bbt'rt, at. l.'entcr, have t rnitJL'S <J.nd sorcnt1es, both organi-

~ I,~·on~~t thefr ability at handling- the z .• tion~ ~n1s~ their purpose. The::.• are I > st1< ng-th to the team On the line and the U. A. C. stands for democ-~ p1~sl . ..:1n and han! become towers of I the st1bJectn·e ·.f~ctors of the school, ! s / Knight, )lash in, De Vore. Bush, Bor- t tcy, not for triyi:ll contention among I pru c e

W < ton and Robertson have proved in uclasses'' of studer.t..-;.-Utah A. C.

ater Glasses $1.20 per doz. ~ rnmbmation a "nut hard lo crack," I I

•ll111tr1111111te111:1111 ,1 1c1111:111 1111111111111111 ~ bafflmg-111

tChe h(•a\'iC'st of our oppon-' Y. \\. C .. \.-:\OTES Up.' I ___ _ t•nts. c arren ha .. never mis:-:;erl a

Ci' iffi ~ =~~._,.,,_ .,~ <~-:::rr-F ·-::..wt: ij 1

1·-amc and ir_1 t.:\·ery one ha:5 shown I Tht• Y .. ,\-. C. A Jrave a two ,:our::;.e

lhat sam_e disregard at st1 lf and the nstallatwn banquet to their Alhrisory


23 W. l\Iain St.


THE FASHION BARBER SHOP I name a password 011 the hill. Y. w. l. A., tho women of the (acul- You \\'ill find here Suits at ,._--------------:)Ume quich."nc~:s that has mnde his I Doard. the cab:nct llf the High school I ! Tlic. back field this year has been ty and l he college women. $4 7 .50 and up

111111tt1111 n1 111 1 1J. 1 .11111 .11 1.1 n 1 o' l ll l ll l l l Ul ! I J. I f i l !.ll l l h l ll l lt l Ul ll l ll l Ul 1. 111 111 1 11 t ll l 1t l ll l UI Hl 11 l !l l li l ll l l • ;11

The most talked of and best thought of shop in Bozeman


g \!Mi*"'

:xcc·pt10nallr strong, wilh Bryan, The tables wcr(' prettily decorated

:1facDonald and Freddy Finch tear- with smilax. asters and candles. Full of style and pep. Wear

I Ing thr_ough the line for heavy gains., Places were lnid for one~ hundred guaranteed. The 1\J1ssoula game will see another g·uests.

'.vinner added to the team in the per-, Between courses songs were sung, OVERCOATS at $35.00 >On of Pat Morphy, wlio so far has the membership basis o..xplained and and up ~een u?able to play. This but helps membership cards were passed to


Order your Ice Cream for

your parties

with the players. bers. Sixty pledg-e<l themselves.

i"'' I Ul l! I Jlt l11111 Jll l! l l11 '1 1 1t l Ul!ll\11 Ul ll l llllll l lll llJ'I Ill ;flf!llll l !l l Ul lt l ll l jl l ll l tl l ll ll'I tlll ll l !I l ' l ll l ll l !l l lll t! l l l ll fll l~

m leavmg the heavy end of our score I students desirous of becoming mem- They will keep you warm as

_Montana Sl;iltc enters the game A prohiinenl feature of the even- well as help your appearance.

SHOES $9.00 and up ~ ~

I Choice Candies for your

fussing nights · I 1866THE WILLSON COMPANY1920 I ~ ....,..,..... .. w .......... -J'"J".--~ .... ~-....... .l'"W"\. ...... ~.-J'"w"'J<.-..-.... -~ ~ ; ~

5 ~

with a stronger line-up than in any' ing was the simple but effective in­

~~me she has played this year, and stallation ceremony. A huge blue

with a second squad of far above triangle was held e1·ect by two cab­

avcrage abi1ity. Every man on the in~t members, dressed in white. All

tcarn i_s dete1,1~ined to do hjg share I present passed through tl1is triangle

and with a fair share of good luck and were then given small lighted

"Id Mon.tana State has a fair chance candles. Miss Hel en Haller, the pre­

~f feasting on Bear meat in the near sidcnt of the local Y. W. C. A. held

uture. a large candle from which the smaller

I ,;"<111111 ""'"""'"Hf ll l '1 1 " 1 """ '' """ ' '"" "" 11 1 11 1 '1<1 11"1~ WESTPHALS Successor to Holloway's

I $5:5~: .. ~;: !~~::.50 I ~ •• -----•;_ A. wonderful assortment of fall suits in charming :: ____ ---~~

exclusive models. The materials include tricotine, velour, s::·ge, s1lvertone and Duret do lain-some are beautifully

- t11mmed with fur others embroidered and braided in all -I the wanted new fall shades. i ~ HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE MfSSES ~

L - l/l lllllll11111Jl l UI Jll!l l U1Hl ll l llUl \l l ltlU I UI Ul tl f UI Ul ll l Ut Ul lt l Ul !l l U ~ l lll UI UI H1111UI UHllll1llut ll1Hl lll ll tt t1111u111 1u111i

' .. ~ ones were lighted. When all had

Montana Bcat.s Gonzaga. pnssed through the triangle the cere­

(Countinued from page one)

only missed the bar by a few feet. Not once 'did the Montana line

give Gonzaga .an opportunity for con­

mony was closed by singing the Hymn of Lights.


sistent gain. Whenever a hole was At the dose of their !fraternity

opened through one man it was meeting- on Monday evening-, the

blocked by another defensive plnyc.r. members of Chi Omega were

Gonzaga's chances for victory were mos t delightfully surpised by their

lost as soon as they discovered that patronesses and a large number of they were unable to hurl their weight friends.

through the line. The chapter house looked as if it

Macisancs, playing left half back had been visited by Father Christ­

for the visitors, was their on ly mas. Everywhere were ribbon deck­

s teady ground gainer} His ability ed baskets, boxes and mysterious

led to his downfall, however, because I looking bundles. Upon inves tigation



~ Come to our Shop for that ~

1 ~ Haircut or Shave ~

l i A ~ ~~r;;!MS ~ ~-------------- AJ lll ll .. l'tlflftl !l l tl f Cl l! l !t l l/IUl ll l Hlll l ll ltl Jl l•l l f !l •t l f'f l 1l -rt:"lia

• n 1111 11 1 11 1 n 11r1 11 1 11 1u 1 11 1 11 111 1u 1 11 1n 1 11 1u 1111 11 1 11 111111 1u 111111 111 1n 1 11 11 1ut 111 111 11m 11 1n 1 .1 11 11 u 1111n 1 11 .1 1 1 111 11 1 1 1111111


~ ~ ;; ;; ;;

Bowling alleys now open


i LA WREN CE BROS., Props ! ll l ll 1 M l l MI U l ll lU1 11 111 1 11 1 tll tl 1 UIUl ll l l ll l ll ll l ll l l! l ll lJ1 1tllrtel11Httff t~tll l Ll ! tl !l llll lrl lll ll l ll lll l ll llfl UIU& U IUIJ fllllUl !!I Ul i:& 1. l .l llti