\p- trvi ai '! ; I it' - r n :4 ) •ft t M .1 s . w ,-M fcj^' •I'l-) A I / J' m, UMjm VII, N©28> ,:<,..*|ss*s$j mm Auburn. "-. • ; '.'.-; The glorious festivaT of Easter waacetc- brated generally to tfce. cfaumfces Sunday -Il-.ww-a;^bs^r$faj;;day.«s' : ' fat^tjte'bfig/hf sunahJDC wcat, bab tbjjg, cfciU atmosphere pre- sented the usnirf^p^ite^^^x.aisired, •vpnbippersv The. sfgrviees- were largely at- tended, howevea, and, jto t ffl^n^3iyjjlai!^» rate eiuafcal pyograthm'ea 'were.'.tendered. The churches sere all?prettil^ decorated; bat the most ^imposingdisplay Wast undoubt- edly shown in the interior of the church of yte''HoJy...$Bwfly^ v - ^ - : s'~.,-/" .'."•..T"-"-'--".'-/-"" .dl»«.thVw(}t^>' , Gbi : ist, ! is J^bea,; v^isis gnjV blazoned ' aver -flite'altar, .'Y wage' "tfssrfKfcii •*Alleiuia'* was ^suTarly Sraaisfcel, over the taberaaclert, 'Easrjpr ptes,Tiotted plants and/ ferns wart p^|<is^ displaced and with my- riads of oarnjhg; tapers' and' st*eainjers:-- of saulet ribbon^/the effect" wm nSaguifieetttv The decoration*W& top work of the Sfs^ te»s. - ...->'. t *?»*'.. -J - " <; - v ; The.prinripal service, of-the dav was-held at ti a. m.-,. when toss new mass by Pro/.E». H. Pierce, ofihiscity, was snag: v'Prof'.. Pierce's orchestra assisted in the accompan. lineul. Tb« •choir had been carefully drilled by the organist. Mi&s M.4 E..;8cincit.T ahd^ tfae siDging was excellent..",;' Soloa wefe suhjj by Mrs, M A, Conder and Mrs: Belie White Scovill. who rendered.the "Ft fncra> natus Bet' and the oflertoty, respectively. At vespers solos w e * sung by^Ire.V^onder', J.; A-] Rennessy and John Winters. The, pastor^ Bey. J. jj tUcky; wait ce>braj3t at itbe*Dlenin vespers; the Bey*. Joseph Netid wasdeawm and the Rev. P. A. Revile., was sob-deacon. Miss Lute's dancing academy was a scene ufgayety list Monday evening. A dcMgbtfu) ajjemkJy. was planned aod aarricd oat bf "J«t4es A. Hennessey. Tbe/.laU^waa/t^e* folly decorated with rosea and cords of erergreern The hall contained about forty five couples, and the handsome costutnea ©i the ladies, with the'lavUti decorations,made a bc»atif>ul picture. Shortly alter t ro'dock luncheon waa served by Stickle* Brother*. After lunch dancing WM returned and ccra- tktnei tilla|rly mocninij.^ Mr. Henneajy w w Miisted the "floor direction by W. H. Dalton. M. A- Hanton, L. A Wood. C P. Lazier; S; J. Morp^r, G.A.Stafford-and; .A very aneprogramme waa,caxriedoutat tha prison Sonda,y mornlpg. .. HarriionMil- lard brilliant tnaasf was sung complete un- der directia* of J / Ar'rteahe^ijr; 1 ' 'tDr.-F. E- O'Brien accoaptaied the mass. ' *To-day He URUeo,* Mr. Henneasy. OSertory. ^O Salufaris jSpsttaJ'Vwetieo, Eleratioo; »io- On eolo, "My Sarlaur," S. Rereie, JProf. G, Mudcr; Easter Choroa, '^igfakQamllP Werner, Miss Etta Murphy soloiit;"«hocns by afcoir, orohestra a«^|MusimtJ9t^e)joirr^ Soprano, Misses ^ Etta. Murphy. Aan* H ujjhcs, ^ Kathryn Warrep, v Anna McDer- mott i contraltos. Misses Mary R. McDer- ritoa, Sar*h;VYaleh, M«7 Rinseila,'.Nellie nynn^tenars;, Messrife ,U ,G. IlitUlr^ M«, Morphy;. C Murphy; baisoa, M«nrice Murphy, M. A. Hxolori, J. A. Henntssy. **A very-fine- progrramme was readered tt the it o'clock mt«; at the Holy Family, Suaday morning. In the evening Millard'a grand vespe«'1»e«% J »^i3jfv; TheEoloitts were Mrs. M. A. Coodefand John Winters. - Clifton Springa. ''':•• Easter Sunday, the day -we bail with such joy, was observed here in a Btting manner, The large congregation 611ed the church to the doors and listened, with pro- found attention to the powerful sermon preached by the psator, Fa«fcer O'Hanlon. Thfniaas waa eang by the choir ia an in- spiring way, and the altars were prettily decorated with catflowersand potted plants. T i e aipqiieht p«achto£pf, our pastor, with •hebeautyof :o*i^ new church and the im- pr^i|lwhei» of tts«. ^Jstthqlic, serviCt!,. ^nye awakened the greatest interest in our riqh- Catijolic frieeds. which, ui^nifests itself by their, presence on alt accastons, and the de- sire of many for greater knowledga of our holy religion. The marriage of Mise Julia Laughlinand MT, jatnes COIIIIOTB was solemnized at •£ o'clock Monday afaerooon at St. Felk chiirch by Rev. F. J> Q'Hanlpn, Mttss Conklin of Stanley was bridesmaid and Mr v . AVilliana Tobin best man The bride, 1 was 1 attired in white silk and wore a bridil wreath of roses. The bridesmaid's gown was yellow mull- The happy couple left tbjot evening for a trip to New York gforf^ The Foster Hose comply will give a minstrel enwrtaininent at the village halloa the evenings of April 17th and 18th. The blessing of the sutioos took placeat St. Felix ctturch on Good Friday night, at which time the church Was 611ed with de- vout worshippers. Sencea Falls. Henry Hamlin died at his home in the Fourth ward, aged 30 .'ytprs-.' The funsral was held from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father O'Connor officiating. Miss Julia Cronin of Buffalo is visiting relatives and friends in town. , George Jones of St; Andrewe'seminary of Rochester spent Easter at his home in this village. Margaret Lafleur of Albany is spending the week at her home on Bayard st»eet, Thomas Kelly of Albany is visiting his family 00 Swaley street. ., Miss Litzie McGuiie and Miss Maggie Reagan of Aurora attended the fair at Johnssn's Opera house. Miss O'Grady of Fulton is a guest of RKss Haumah Gavin. Rev. Father Gilmore of Buffalo is spend- ing; a few days at his; hu-me on Bridge street. Mrs. James Desmond and hor daughter, Mrs. Dr. McNamara, have gone tb CI eve- labd, Ohio, where they will make It their future home. Frank Shane is quite sick at his home on Toledo st*et/ Maaedon. , On Wednesday afternoon, April Sth.MisB Rlargaret Curran of, Farmington and Pat- rick Crowley of East Bioomfield were u&itedin marriage at St. Patrick's church )o this village by the Rev. kl. A.F.Holmes. Miss Bridget Carrkn, sitter of the bride, acted:as b.idesmaid, and Edward Crow ley as groomsman. i .... , : Cns;.the.same day Mita:|U»m*'IJ<^aftte3f«f •this placaar^-e^ineftii. A>-iCleiftWRcigat* eaxx'nm vmis& in; .atirr&tip|«t t l * ' %hti< vers*Hsi / €ht»r«fi,';te '»«»»&'M&#&Wto*. Mfes Hattie Gonofey /ocfed"* as fcrlctitiniiicl; 'and. Fredsric'Klein' «S'grp»lR^a»tt, ^. J'..-'. ; - Cn^geQ*^eai;,sp^t : Easle)r-!i^Ifc"'i!*^ rents at Pavilion. '•••".•' ;Di 1 visfejn.^oyv4i' A, 'JO,^i-*'unjfeep»<«?«r eighty, members. Six ne*:msmbers joitted ; last:Sapday, :•-.'•• -V ; ." .'";*"".;'-'':.'.•" .*:.:•-'• Miss\Maxy:'''C6a^yriri^; : ^:''b^Jhq#e.'£i. Piflacd <ja tbi 4thUnst.* aged, So year«\ TIM5 funeral took place from St, Mary'a^aurcli, this village, 00; Monday ?aornui|| at so .O'clock... ; '; ' ; : , ' " ' 1 .-j - '•.EUsters;re|ces:,at"St Mary's cfcurch «?«*« well attended. A fab^je ntitnber weot 't& comtttunionat ?:^ in the'aiornlisg. V AJ! *l o'clock. Rw," j. A> Hickey preached wR eloquent eermon." iQte.«itar Was decorated with flowert and patted plants. $i& cloir rendered Battsman's mass. - * • -•• ^ v * ^ ^Auxiliary division NQ» ? S DaughttMS of: Erjn of JtiyMigstqa ioSintyv was instituted at A 6 H. hall on ihe 2d inst, by. ati?se4 Anna Ppwell acd Cpra Eurkfc and'Jd. P* Bree.q of Rocbester^assistcd :% njejasheriol r»ivf«|on No •^.';A...b,; : H,~'T£em;wcre.'.S3: ladies who joioed »t lie Order. The, ioUojaA in^)'ar^, i .'t v he'-,of$cer|-.ele^ied/ Mrs- :Ellcn: DajJcin,,president. Jliss'Martha Many,first vice jwesiicpl;^ !3<ssj 'KitUc Barkc, 4tGa£$.. .^iceVprtsider^ty.ifiss Mary; H,ackert 4 secret taryrMlss .Nora" O'Lcary,'. recofdiDg-'setefe' taryj Miss .Francis, Egan.' treasorei:; M|ss Kfprah. Collins.' guide; t3h& Margar*t Q'^aryt, guard; ;Thert! is also a wisittog and standing commtltee. - - s 1 i'. , • \l_^ ,J'Gea#va,. -;'•, ,,••', \ Cttiacliw* Lynch died at hi* - home on Nortfaittreiet, on Goc«d ^Friday aftercoorii April 3d, at a quarter past /, o clock, aged S3 years: ; He had been ill fora number «jf months, not ccnined to his bed. On Jaly 37th, 1895. he entered St. Mary's hospital, when during tie cnontb of August, be underwent im operation, with the. hopes of restOralton to health, which proved ve*y unsucdeasful, and after spending twenty-two week* therCi he returnea to hl» h&a,§ Geneva on; Christmas Eva, npt m«ch kBprored in health. . Through hia death his family loses a kind, and loving fatlrer, and ois wife, a kind and. affectiooate husband. , -,. v -:" '. Besides his wife, three" tons abfi'looJ- danghteTS, Mr. Lynch leaves one brother ai»tf one sisttr. "J|ii ttin?rai^ was be!d «» Eaiter Monday marnlng, at 9 o'clock, a»d was verj largely*,attended. Ret. Wrn* -A, McDctnald officiating. , The bnrlaj wai *f St. jostph cemetery, beside his tiro diug:b- teri, Mr. -Lynch was Terjr bif biyrerpected, which was sbown^y the U « i « attondaWPS at the funeral,. and the many bestltifoJ floras offerings. > m •. t f ";the. ; firr4, or ; Keeaer;&-,G.an»i|pp^ 'wfcm. factureri erf- sas)te», blinds^ etc//, %**. diss. advedi partnership. D. U. Gartetson will :co'^i*Vi : ^#^W,tbftbj^tiwitl,,;,;' *.', " x "WiWsnJ Pjarchisc, ^George VWlltat»% Homer Crothers and Christie Hartnafle' «• tarned to Union CoHegb list Monday, - Irving Sroith.af Cornell Unijrersity,spe«t .'his.'Eas^r.vacation helre. . .:,/.'' f \-^l '\ ••^ Mtsai Mamie R£we,/who haa ^ejja ill ^«Sr> ^jd;wwk»,:1»*lowly Improving;/;,.,, t"j '/,•', Miss Anna Scanlob.pent tie Easter va- cation at ber home in Oswego. ' .•;., « The taxes are being collected at JPiliapn & Perkins' bank,. . •*[ Mr. Lv JHi'-Wbcat has opened a sfejre, ©a Main sweet as newsdealer and stationer. ^ A new bicycle store has been opepedhere b y ^ ' H A y . . ;••;•'-. ' ' ••".*;, /'<** \'. ; '.' Mrs.""Ximes Curt&, ^pn-'-wert. Jitter:: ^street. Is seriotsly ill, with- littfe ^flfea^iill recovery.'>:-•.••• -, '-''.,'•'••. -':""")" -' r ^^ ? - •• -Mr- i|od#TA.Cls^ea»eM;ofO»l4iSc»* ners, spent last week with Mr. and'Mra. ,_S^ve^;'aewt,ri^4 e ^'%^H^^It^ t ^'' this spring. _, "'/ -'^-^".^'A""" \;'-7 ';"^ 7j ;<~'iK*a Viola- ^eiii5Wa»t|e*u'c6e8sfa{c*»^ didate for the fr#a s «chdiari»ii far ipoe terto at the Rochester Business' Univcjisfty pif ere4 t5y thk Aw»4isn Gatejte. . " ^ The banr, of taarrlagebetweea JobnGart- iand: of Canandaigua 'and, Anna J. Sheehan of Vine Valley were pubUiSufd at Sf, Marf*s ^cbnrSli-%»day r -- •/;.-, .',•'".•'•,'.''. " ,'','." : Miss Ella McSweeney of LeRoy is assist-! fng^in tHeitnillinery departmetit of UteCasttt store. .•'•;*.' ' "• ,_ ;•.;' ',•v."'.'•'•.'" .;; •/.; '/"' : : Miss Sarab Moouey of Elmirais visiting iw-partSft.;:-.'-.. "'• ,''_„- ... %" : „'^ Mrs. Collins* who has been spe'ndmfttlje witoter with her daughter a» Canatidaigaa, retaraed to fief bom* in this villagejast week'. .-;'••-', ; : •'•;"•• '•.'•'• •' ':•'•'_ '"'*Itls'.*.fif^r at;Jf6lwMt««aan%,; ; :: '."',"' Mrs. J> H o w l e y of V«teSv1«e visitied ha* brothers last week. '" \ •• , ..' 'Mrs. rieaaessyjs slowly iroprovingfrOca injijriesjrfosived; by••* tall. ;• Oansvltle. ' ''-• ; : Misses Mary Rowan and Margaret Quifi- ley ara home from the Genesefe Normal school for a brief vacation. Invitations ate out for the marriage of Mr. Frank Johangen and Miss.Anna Na- 0t,tq take place in St. Vattict^s church Tuesday morning,* April»8th. Miss Anna Welch aad Mr. Dennis Mur- phy were married in iSt. Patrick's chtircb, Wednesday morning Ipt, by Rev. j. T* Dougherty. Miss B. A. Burke spent last week with Rochester friends. The usual services for Holy week and Easter, were observed in both Catholic churches, the choms rendering fine music ^ s usual. In St. Patrick's church the choit 1 , under.the direction of Miss Nellie JBaopn. sang £<a Hashe'a mass, Millard's " Regioi eoeli," ''Christ; oar Lord, Is risen to-day,** by Webbe. Father Dougherty pJEeacheaa an eloquent «tnd instructive sermon. •;--.fte<hi»^H^ W^fell^-i^iii^fii^p^ . €isMiid»iii»fc " •• ;prj^c!«; . « * * *«m«vil : «R«1 «|6i <iisW«w«* ' -i& t :iMm4**-mmu&*, 'eadapplesbetngpassedarwaodjoall. Th«M: all Oetnaad Vawfyii CfeBftlty 'SMI# jkim%$t obBtoa^\i^MstiS|f. •c^ain, JM&*,. MaWCf, a f*nj oldla^dy *JBi|t e:«—^ «£-!«.— -. .Jt».*« :gemtKm«6 : loB«B«Mk* Mm,- 'Pna.ee, ~imm best W$jf «Pd" $e?lti!e;roa» » s l l f « f i Mm |«n- .|0!gnipi aJbHta, MSYFI*&& fm^£**i$&<' vpietiei^bjtst looMnf «ata«xQuta '^oiiple, -^uju^j.^-^rei^fe^Ewi^'Hairite im <^ ..cajc4y, 'jB^r,.^ilL"|ch|«iPt SWJ«pp|e;"ifc*r* -|p|f:ha»iJstSRest«C«tto.fe, M?IS5t«iF-'He!K»>- •jps?si1>'est- twQ'&ep ^*ncjM»ag(i«t J3;ye*r»«. : Mlss..JtMf v ,3 , »BgJtte t -fees' «i ^^-1^.' ' 1$gfa>.:rAjtce -Rocb'for4«of\S»?!r«^"|Ee*»' 'c^yettV BechfStef, -spent Easier mto..-ttei*; *i*he. Forty Irlqaifs' 1 Cevtetfon' 'will" |aju>- oj>. -nextvSttfiaalF, > _ •'- *" * ". '.' _ -»"" , The, faaeraf of j e h n MfAddca tos&pja&s ,oo .|;ut ?Sui|day aftejruooti., ' c . : Mhs''.$^ry Cr^a of - Rocdi«ste;r jipe&t '.S^day. with'ter^arejtt'w. "<' ' ', ''•' -': hii-i -'Macaatfiy «&J Bsi»«la visttei «l»iSr« fcfars-th'fc'wcek'.., ° -'•-' _„.,,_ ^nnjfcMceertniijk; -fif"K*^kr«lliCo»* -werit,. .R,oche»te^ bas. be}(fnj|t "fea»e fecC*B» of'.illfte»* ' ,.--T .- <-wm. • ^:*: -. Mrs,' 4Rv H< Isswyfeals nstafee^titer * ..gf*'.:mp»tal*' -yjsif iiritfc M f 'p»e»f« -at" &MC*' blc Forks.' -Slie-waa, fcjcowpaoied by bix liateri Miia.JBe^le-Branttii'ni. '•'. Mte-~$4**& Tttminty its* «ttt«ted -m tarag^aocis, a/h«ts^|a frtej^tegsefaQl; ;.-:Tlie Mh»es,.|t)m«p;»i i ,' ffle&mzrmii Shasaaa of Elukm-wtrf assong-.the Xaster visitors in tbki .tftf. , . ..„, ,.,-„-^.. #**«&£ <iMui'#n3oyta from mne o'clock until «ce, wfeta alt pro. eeedtdto Gonley'* cafe mi thtre partook of *'fau& apxpgflu , irV 4W*#H»-of fttodyl , fro* oBt-of .tie dtywem pttntnu .and .all .- CWsdOBtIa#- <.' - JOn Wcdaesda/ sROrttat'^ o;|o o'cloclt r 0*l}ey*ad MkuMary JRtld, Rf*. fattier EislercdtbratiagauptJal kicbanjuut, Jim btinslpstrtir mm flW(aJa4.Mla»alritt4r the uihers, My, A. Ksiky and Mr. Tfmmm ofRocheiUr. Mr. WiUkia "ftaoodr wastae be»«m«ii*in» th«b»ida'asf«tr,M»JNiJos}« mziMim V»w»»tf •%• Bal!^,. ti* iMv -df«rr*i-a»«i pt3»iie forMbe oasterly wsr the maM was readered, - Alllover* of jgogd ithurch ntuaic were very touch pl«asted. TbeHolyChoat mujiaand nothing of tfes localtecltr*sri, t%snl(* *t> Almighty &#&„ one lititeoolintqr SSR MONKSOFA1L0RHEKS v In 1640 tb# orde*. w»«_ forsaallj miaaiOS U !P»k»irO« kO lo«(«r Uaat in thiaooaiBtry, mix iai poliuoa] I Jife. In Xttrop« iha MrtiTity i* that diwctioa led i# ita t?tnrx>tary »up- pre**ioa f>y %m t«|t. ; -" ; f|i*-.a%ia S^^©fd€rl*txl#qi»»S^B»^m»^^ finlf *tt«p * lot.g _ ^ .-4MM «f» tk»- IMbditnaMt JMih^-«i«i»<r^'fttn^^ twi»r-aB^.-oiwir w wt'f *|iob ^tarii'atl oftU«ffi»aj »ooa#- Iietof0|li8Aendi «fiite &&«»» QMiaW ^110,6,1^^11%^, tie' %w 0rt§iwi» Picayune..- S»ck m4w W it# <>»» lac|a4*ft la *tl« A *!«% of iSi ' ©ij|[In ©f tlte«e%rQlif.fItQo^ It fnt«ir» -*«%, *« tptQ-f - of *hew «r» ooa*. ducted cm tSft «ato« lf»tt mhkh pre- Tailed h«ndredi of jear* ago, 1st, the Hffie of ibit Omaaderti, ^ttd wftett 'ft* cl»B»i»tlc)a of * W wojrld m nt * tf»f low «Gb. AXf'-nmritr t»f ^i-pgfiijeljeiRjgitadiecl !i ; *»«rf walk of human endeavor, br* theio l»lott»tl««>fl» *eBB» deatmwi t o g o oufofaTorwitaontTariwtioB. ' -^tliiiiVftimmm mhe mtka «p :lt!iaw«i^hj«Bf§ aw vnffma |& ia«te of the wfefttfe Iwilliuf, bntiliar wo^a, $*t m nt t^i, liwllitrtooat k§*p »» growfiif **dfcfascMsf««•»* ;i»vn'Utt!cft«t'ftft««!dj mow than hold th«ir owe. OB»oftb»ttowtlBkro«U»rofika aaiB»«««Mnai tsmmmmmmmmm *&m0 ^#>s»aav^P'»^*«*«w<pFTw r -™.iw»^ - ^w VT3ft «» , JW» 7 V Wflmber p«rmt *Ud to take tba final MldiaVir4MMlll*.fB1l'ft*> '. Tfct f»W>er* «n po«ie»|i DO real _ attlswV^i13 >«aCb»r bali." <)» ia« MnM by wtat, wWii "^•a Xit PiMto^ paaaisu «| Jeaaa C&ri»t. Tba IWatoaitH fsart tii««l tt»rf' '994k, aad eTery di"*" , Adf eat aa4 Lea*. Tbajr w#«r ing oi tbair fc«t>it aajrfittv ria« at ai{r»« «>,••« »**»ia*' . jptaawrve uo*tp( laa at»di««al -,. * fV~^^^?" - ':iMt «J^ tJ*Hy- &r oomtava, b«t t)»«oU«gft' fj||(^r |%wiB«f»*'|«<S 'fMlft for! lb* dettUttH* tba apr^d of *»duo»tiat) WftWr - f», : atwtiMlltff; i»»bCt, -adiptipf tta»«*l?krfb tlif eotteuy |te whkh tte| J»ipp»» to tt i tk^^Mmptvmtt '*•»* foitiidtd- |NtepIeii>ia H88 Their tpecial work moil'fc'biMQ.dosjiedloilt, 'ofctefy lhroi3|li ttiiilonl. _ Toftt rate •!• cWdcs f^t lavbofs, aowtnv gwd, which taigbt iaUriarft TT wit« tkalr iaoo*inwt»iata}pa»i«t,. Tbty uk* tilts three TOW*, aad alto tat vow of gttffMfff•»«• wllil daattr. aoclealmical digcHWa oauida «f their uwn ooo*Nf atioa, rxoapt by Jjpteit! ditfiMMlitw. Tbair daily ^Mftw 1 JM* "wp-jB H?>»W^PwPft Jttw&W Miff Hlww InadiiatioJaa aawi IWB asa^inasi<^« Wrw^*v^^^fs(r^ww ^^a^^w ai wv ap ^PBwvaHaaaB|HHBViVyVPkBPHr ofoowcjeao* e*irj diy. Kr«ry WMIT tkaj tttaaiBai ta rtliawiartot^aaaaaa* a&uyamgutla^— ^ ^r^w^Ppp^i^Pw ^^ar ^arV^^F^m^P "mknalBwINPPw^BQP- VV : sC"wHt™ Hw"*w» 4a iPrlWaCTii aw Thp oid« w«4 iatrodaaW m Utiiud Statea ta Ull {*•»« MicHwl (VCoonot, ^ttttorf. lafillttMry DXJHMtery ia We.t Bobokaa, ;ii mw m ir«jd«Mt''of tu irifrCiiiat» MIC M. 3Mte* CATHOLIC SOCIETDK1^ Stefx ortfamt twit eojoioad pw. pataal attaww, tim« for ooavwraa- 'Reid, acted a» brirfta of Rochester. r*n«l«t«d 'm:kymk*&l*m -r-i».— -»w-wa» www »va o v a r s r i r BSSSSJ^^ «eiiplit« *!*,«. fast ^aa served at th. home of ^fiSS aMMIOt * roSl ***•*» * Dd f MUflf from :*e^y.«aioyabtejiSkir* 3tlK!S£' th* pUm ana a^rtt. *i*iafi?c •;">-v> " v -^0*Mw»«iar,'. . .... founded on ttoM of th* old taaUra i ,; ; "'^i4an* ¥-%3yGhoit^tirchatB/a' -ajK»tt«l»" fbty i#f« regakted the ^aT^2^^ftfcrf*S* t,: * i, f f « * ««»»»«to , « r «*lfipv a>ort than 1400 Rev Father Stratee and a few spsntie- men at his congregation have? purchased a fine new pulpit for St. Marys cburc*. It was used ifpr the first tftne htst Sunday. , Marie, the two^year-oid dasgater of Mr. and Mrs. Edwartt Fopte, died last Tuesday of pneumarvia, and was buried from St. Pat- rick's church on Good Friday, ;-.«--j*i.s..:. rt-j.r--.y- ™#fr little, choir4«». &J®***& Wt$,*tm .U- ^»itftedl« mm&fr%> p®elS!etpW» -..':" ^'''v-^iiittrtb^'''• " : '"-*•'" '; IMSli'.Maetfe iCIiftoh ^Jrl%S ( a^Sn^^ 1 *?^^^ heie:|j«reaiti;*t|Sti'e^[ptfef , ••;.'-'•--. ''> ¥ VIpeo^i]ps»t, :$tod»y Aktt jMfealib" ^ ^ * ,PW - " -^^'-'^.ffr^.Tiriie^^^iii^^^i *t^1P^tE»it|ypi .__^ ipafrlifii':^wa^/«iicawW of ,,..J*«)^a«*'^'Bi«dsy^,lp«ii Sia^diywKIl-l^'lttOtlier.,.- "••, , •.-•'."." l ' Mt*.T* T»niey;.l^ted ; --rela*wia;|Di-''C*le> donis dtttlng the week, ..."•. "•';' j,' ; :_,.afpUftnts*,•.-•/. : ;., " Thomas Maroney.cf Aubnrrt. is spend- ing a few days in town with his family* M*.-»I»r«Bey •i»;eijipli&yerf;*f &#*j«e"f," iri 't»e' prison. .-. ' '• ~ : . .•• / ^= ; -----'-^"R;;;-.v'~'-*'' ; -' ;, -'" ! '''' w The Board of health was called together Toesday, itt tigntfd to at leas*' of scarlet feves, a%»d ordered the hotfseflfX. A. Junes to be quarantiflcd. aa t|s*»':|» r >. ,«as»'.-of scatrfet feverIn the family* 1the funeral of Mrs» fatrlck Mooney, who died Sunday, April jth, waa held on "Wedflaaday. The interatenc was at Cayuga. yeateT. Uf«xt*o the Jeani(#, jg i^fo moat nnmoroo* religion, body in thw pslttd Slitea^ .. r * - &*-' 0f%fs*iJr*hJ«td»r#a» c^fa to e*erybo% without diatinotf on, »ren to dhihdrMJ, bat now it ia Uaaiud to adnHttwanad wotan. tb» tmhm ! take afce three v'owa of poterly, ctatiti^pand obedleac*. ,'f Byllw^iiiiafcl n»i«, etteWlah«d % SfciNjedtefi tlw tnooke, wfceii not eraployed in divine pxaieee or in takiog neoesaary fool> aad rett, ] mn«t eogajfe in aaefttl worki, auoh a« maotiftr Ubor, etudy»g or taech- kig, to which now added - ttw [|l»l»f ol.iaiiialowi, ^.••• ••• r ;,' ft! J 'j^^&&tf&6&i'4& the atom* Ifig,.^:M;iatd| -:im- flowed ^ei^ai^er.^p-' e^'of,,«l«iB«^, Severe faeta are pradtf»ed in Lent and Ad vent.... «ie flrat Beaed Jotine monaatery in the Usitcd Statea waa and erected fcto the abbey of St. %<^)i^:^ itiwlsrloe head of the Amercan oq«greg*tion. ..^jiiilsrf'ltt' lat#Nfeiot' f»;lbiiid' |; 0jrd«ie''#fifcf;Sftr^.#^ ! i»ta>'^d%; is the moftt learned «nd_powerfol in 'iterjMdat •• itf ;8oia^^'«w'-Miii^ MllaV(^'ifiilk%ti^^ »- : ike^tloal'.-ifotldlltif-' to- - ac ^*»d«# : -bW0te#'bft,;of^ai,;I««M' toll*' : lis": 1534 be and a nnmber of companion^: icclnding St. Franci« Xevicr, pro- nounced the vow which conaiitatad .iQMM# aat ! -^*^^«fo'«cteti0^^ world, io go to preach the gonpelin Palestine, or, if that were Jmpcajaible within f-jr«*f aftef ;-*lteir novitiate ended, to offer thetneelvea to the Pope to be employed in the aervioe of God la what aaasnar bo ihosld deem boat." d ^?* t * , ' ' " * : lot friar*, or Dwaiakaa-. watali o0B»tjP5? at fat back*, u* aiit*»ii r " 0f«tW» ffctft'Ail ^ H i « . t | p noil Of Florida with their swtaf aad «*tf Mo»f Mora <rwe««tiy t^aw imfetotaMd la Oallfotaf a, aoder Spj»ial dwieloji, fia| tbtfr frit S " Wttftjiiftt ^gwfiatloa }a tat nited 8Ut*i waa oiada ia 1M7, at %&»!*?».Jt>« tor Fatter laawick old T'if^-aif ,a# ^ il1 ^ ^ 0.4L Bayat.tae haatlbaf aMaa>at' : jolBraaoa tl baa iwathral tab M lttHiaav aaawflaniaatli Saftatai atoaaaiatf^ aViiktyaV 3f* T^ AfWl aV 3 V* «wa*a 4 a y ^ » W ^ a p awl^rw»fc*a^WPa^awPW Daar sir aid Irwtaan IIIt alL, I lad OB it /araWaVr ; i^airag IM aflaawsnna aadfawcrAaWt4a^a>«af f i f pr»*ir »«tJI altar —diutfcat Ktxl woni'Bg. ONaa dasy awaay aanaitli ia amoak ia aaolltarw aas^al^>> maa U' 0B«« awtrf year tbata la a rotraetof »•« a»jt. .HW Etdaaipicrtau ant activvd ta Haw fork oa Ji»a M, l i l t , froas r i Mwnaiaayjp www FWWWS^WW awaavny ..Moraaei ordaw, aroaiHty WH0H^f ^^^^'^^tm w^Wi ^j^^'B*i^'b''a HUaa*** aw^PvVk ^ty_ jL^ *—ft ajtgjj KAMriialBBBasaaaaBBBBBBBB^aBBBatt WFIWWBW. T ^ ^ V ^ W ^ ^ WWV '^^^^B^^•^Wr^w^^^WBaabw^B^B j^^ir^^^^^^ j^^^^^^^|. ^^L^A^kuXAa^aa^^aw - ' ] a^fea^k^aa^a^a^ -^Ua^L^a otavwi wwiij •awBBspaai. taar m iff fWBkr ^a ^m MawHa^a^p «™B W^M^W H| OaiuiMt of Harv Tort aadT Fraaoh of Wiaoonaia, taa I Kortfc Uiok^raa aaWI ta* airieatfi vowaaiaf af Oataait. * -* Oae of tat banbeat ordara ia that mm fooaded by St. f^raaeta fa I IIS, Itttnattberi taka UM tare* aaaal vowa, tod Uf« a life of aharmaat Ubor, faatlag m& arayar. Tbay . " W i a Hw JlaWwRpljp w^bve\iy taw ^MJVBWMP W M M eaaaock tied aro^id ta«rwa«w -«fib a rops. Ortglaelly a ordtr ta *Wa aoaaaty, **"" : "' W3 >b*^<******! ym nil»* ; <»fiia(" - w * - _ "rasaj'5bBw«» , *aBP^»*4»'*^to-* " J t ^ar<~-<r»t>.>«*fr t f M # ' a* ' "IMP > 'v ^4 ^' i s y s <w 'P v * "•^av •^^m(^aM^^4 wWab at a lata ; «\ „„ wtm) w . -^ ^H7**^-^ ,9%-j,^._ .tss*^;' parooWal work. Tbtta ta aa «*| law •fill ia foaaa fgaMWiaag «ba« from ridiag oa beraabaek. iaotbar old l*w, whieb, inwaiafl4ai bKi abroaTatta% avaalbitwd. Van Jboaf boldiuf oovaraMtita wttaV wan fa HM olden daji taay bad to barafootad ttamji thacoM '*-•-* a^ *.^m aaaaJhai aa^aMa k««kaMawaXdia\^aaat. aindadi, l»t witbaat •teeaitga ^•s^ aswa awBw^FWff a^* ^pavav 4ar w ^^^vapeaa^^aavaw ^atVNtl^VV » ii »»• Oap««hMi BVotbaibcaad, fwitlf dreta tad* taw m»latkwaa af ^tbr) order »ra qsiba aiatllat' to tbeaw af the''IftfcawWaaV »"t»t tbat taoyv ' ar leng b*ari •od atMtHw >d fw.i>oTariog too head lav tan. clemoit we»tb«r. Tba order waa atartod by tvo aaoaka who inadij from taa firawriwiaai tba irot year* of the .. riitatatb e«aa«tw, They were not reooartrsad by 4ba '0UteMiM VS^t waoi Po|»» Olaas-, bat ^, o«aawfly awtkbliaJiad Hit order- The Oipwhin* COUBM tbaavf aelvesUr^ery to ailawloaaijr work, aad ti»f« *»•»J|_l«»li-«a»|rtiw law many ?«*•»- •-••^- . a Thei Oartaelita Broaaertsood doaaa back to the time of tba Carataaora, wheo it wa* e»tabliebed bf*. aftioa. of all the oonveots of the Hoiy I^aad, j fi^et«if! a^tlaiwoo tVow freah meat .*•»-f#»'• l«f - **»» '&» Jfi»«| ^aI|t.|:ii0^ t ^mlM^'^;eartafea- aeaaons, K»eh brotiwr If*** t a B aep»r*tecoll by himaelf, aad»n«Moe ia enjoined, From September U anAil £»*»ter rigid featVobwr**ed. '->5|»*; ; Fa4s#1s^t^^faVa4d^^ ; '»i. the v<»wf of poverty, ebaetlty add obedtenoe, bind themeelvea to en. avor to eicite in the heart! Of tab: faltitftit , tbjb;, 't^eb^iiibvt^Jl " ;Pa«so : i»-«f ; 'C'Dtlat; •• . :' ':•• - fnorlr fonnder waa '-fplaj' ftr; -3loaai,'.ioown, if" ^'" *" C^an*' *• ©eiM taveated by tho iMitaekahit ys?^ t*S^"*5aW''SW>vSr-t!s?'^, ; f,; ; . , •-• - , "" ~ i " N ea3r ^^te^*PSM f .^' utf' HyKy 'i^i^" r^i*»;*^^t« t T 't« .-.-**-s ._*jA«W'^^r*>^».*-. 'aa^s^T-'Viwywt^-. Sg^'is*; (^sjoa-iefi^r. :^Wi 'WMI^%i^J V t t* <: - J 1 ur <l ^ Ayr 5 - >' * <tt,-^1". ",H'f^ , 3S^b ,;r*tfiH^

UMjm - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · \p-trvi ai '!; I • it' - r n :4 ) •ft t M .1 • s. w ,-M fcj^' •I'l-) A I / J' m, UMjm

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Page 1: UMjm - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september... · \p-trvi ai '!; I • it' - r n :4 ) •ft t M .1 • s. w ,-M fcj^' •I'l-) A I / J' m, UMjm



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•I'l-) A


/ J' m,


VII, N©28>



Auburn. "-. • ; '.'.-; The glorious festivaT of Easter waacetc-

brated generally to tfce. cfaumfces Sunday -Il-.ww-a;^bs^r$faj;;day.«s':' fat^tjte'bfig/hf sunahJDC wcat, bab tbjjg, cfciU atmosphere pre­sented the usnirf^p^ite^^^x.aisired, •vpnbippersv The. sfgrviees- were largely at-tended, howevea, and, jtotffl^n^3iyjjlai!^» rate eiuafcal pyograthm'ea 'were.'.tendered. The churches sere all?prettil^ decorated; bat the most imposingdisplay Wast undoubt­edly shown in the interior of the church of yte''HoJy...$Bwfly^v- ^ -:s'~.,-/" .'."•..T"-"-'--".'-/-""

.dl»«.thVw(}t^>',Gbi:ist,!is J^bea,; v isis gnjV blazoned ' aver - flite' altar, .'Y wage' "tfssrfKfcii •*Alleiuia'* was ^suTarly Sraaisfcel, over the taberaaclert, 'Easrjpr ptes,Tiotted plants and/ ferns wart p^|<is^ displaced and with my­riads of • oarnjhg; tapers' and' st*eainjers:-- of saulet ribbon^/the effect" wm nSaguifieetttv The decoration*W& top work of the Sfs te»s. - ...->'. • t *?»*'.. -J - "<;-v;

The.prinripal service, of-the dav was-held at ti a. m.-,. when toss new mass by Pro/.E». H. Pierce, ofihiscity, was snag: v'Prof'.. Pierce's orchestra assisted in the accompan. lineul. Tb« •choir had been carefully drilled by the organist. Mi&s M.4 E..;8cincit.T ahd tfae siDging was excellent..",;' Soloa wefe suhjj by Mrs, M A, Conder and Mrs: Belie White Scovill. who rendered.the "Ft fncra> natus Bet' and the oflertoty, respectively. At vespers solos we* sung by^Ire.V^onder', J.; A-] Rennessy and John Winters. The, pastor Bey. J. jj tUcky; wait ce>braj3t at

itbe*Dlenin vespers; the Bey*. Joseph Netid wasdeawm and the Rev. P. A. Revile., was sob-deacon.

Miss Lute's dancing academy was a scene ufgayety list Monday evening. A dcMgbtfu) ajjemkJy. was planned aod aarricd oat bf "J«t4es A. Hennessey. Tbe/.laU^waa/t^e* folly decorated with rosea and cords of erergreern The hall contained about forty five couples, and the handsome costutnea ©i the ladies, with the'lavUti decorations,made a bc»atif>ul picture. Shortly alter t ro'dock luncheon waa served by Stickle* Brother*. After lunch dancing WM returned and ccra-tktnei tilla|rly mocninij. Mr. Henneajy ww Miisted i« the "floor direction by W. H. Dalton. M. A- Hanton, L. A Wood. C P. Lazier; S; J. Morp^r, G.A.Stafford-and;

.A very aneprogramme waa,caxriedoutat tha prison Sonda,y mornlpg. .. HarriionMil­lard • brilliant tnaasf was sung complete un­der directia* of J / Ar'rteahe ijr;1' 'tDr.-F. E-O'Brien accoaptaied the mass. ' *To-day He URUeo,* Mr. Henneasy. OSertory. ^O Salufaris jSpsttaJ'Vwetieo, Eleratioo; »io-On eolo, "My Sarlaur," S. Rereie, JProf. G, Mudcr; Easter Choroa, '^igfakQamllP Werner, Miss Etta Murphy soloiit;"«hocns by afcoir, orohestra a«^|MusimtJ9t^e)joirr^ Soprano, Misses ^ Etta. Murphy. Aan* H ujjhcs, ^ Kathryn Warrep,v Anna McDer-mott i contraltos. Misses Mary R. McDer-ritoa, Sar*h;VYaleh, M«7 Rinseila,'.Nellie nynn^tenars;, Messrife ,U ,G. IlitUlr^ M«, Morphy;. C Murphy; baisoa, M«nrice Murphy, M. A. Hxolori, J. A. Henntssy. **A very-fine- progrramme was readered tt

the it o'clock mt«; at the Holy Family, Suaday morning. In the evening Millard'a grand vespe«'1»e«%J»^i3jfv; TheEoloitts were Mrs. M. A. Coodef and John Winters.

- Clifton Springa. ''':•• Easter Sunday, the day -we bail with

such joy, was observed here in a Btting manner, The large congregation 611ed the church to the doors and listened, with pro­found attention to the powerful sermon preached by the psator, Fa«fcer O'Hanlon. Thfniaas waa eang by the choir ia an in­spiring way, and the altars were prettily decorated with cat flowers and potted plants. T i e aipqiieht p«achto£pf, our pastor, with •hebeautyof :o*i new church and the im-pr^i|lwhei» of tts«. ^Jstthqlic, serviCt!,. nye awakened the greatest interest in our riqh-Catijolic frieeds. which, ui^nifests itself by their, presence on alt accastons, and the de­sire of many for greater knowledga of our holy religion.

The marriage of Mise Julia Laughlinand MT, jatnes COIIIIOTB was solemnized at •£ o'clock Monday afaerooon at St. Felk chiirch by Rev. F. J> Q'Hanlpn, Mttss Conklin of Stanley was bridesmaid and Mrv

. AVilliana Tobin best man The bride,1 was1

attired in white silk and wore a bridil wreath of roses. The bridesmaid's gown was yellow mull- The happy couple left tbjot evening for a trip to New York gforf^

The Foster Hose comply will give a minstrel enwrtaininent at the village halloa the evenings of April 17th and 18th.

The blessing of the sutioos took placeat St. Felix ctturch on Good Friday night, at which time the church Was 611ed with de-vout worshippers.

Sencea Falls.

Henry Hamlin died at his home in the Fourth ward, aged 30.'ytprs-.' The funsral was held from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father O'Connor officiating.

Miss Julia Cronin of Buffalo is visiting relatives and friends in town. ,

George Jones of St; Andrewe'seminary of Rochester spent Easter at his home in this village.

Margaret Lafleur of Albany is spending the week at her home on Bayard st»eet,

Thomas Kelly of Albany is visiting his family 00 Swaley street. . ,

Miss Litzie McGuiie and Miss Maggie Reagan of Aurora attended the fair at Johnssn's Opera house.

Miss O'Grady of Fulton is a guest of RKss Haumah Gavin.

Rev. Father Gilmore of Buffalo is spend-ing; a few days at his; hu-me on Bridge street.

Mrs. James Desmond and hor daughter, Mrs. Dr. McNamara, have gone tb CI eve-

• labd, Ohio, where they will make It their future home.

Frank Shane is quite sick at his home on Toledo st*et/

Maaedon. , On Wednesday afternoon, April Sth.MisB Rlargaret Curran of, Farmington and Pat­rick Crowley of East Bioomfield were u&itedin marriage at St. Patrick's church )o this village by the Rev. kl. A.F.Holmes. Miss Bridget Carrkn, sitter of the bride, acted:as b.idesmaid, and Edward Crow ley as groomsman.


.... ,:Cns;.the.same day Mita:|U»m*'IJ<^aftte3f«f •this placaar^-e^ineftii. A>-iCleiftWRcigat* eaxx'nm vmis& in; .atirr&tip|«t tl*' %hti< vers*Hsi/€ht»r«fi,';te '»«»»&'M&#&Wto*. Mfes Hattie • Gonofey /ocfed"* as fcrlctitiniiicl;

'and. Fredsric'Klein' «S'grp»lR^a»tt, ^. J'..-'.

; - Cn^geQ*^eai;,sp^t:Easle)r-!i^Ifc"'i!*^ rents at Pavilion. '•••".•'

;Di1visfejn.^oyv4i' A , 'JO,^i-*'unjfeep»<«?«r eighty, members. Six ne*:msmbers joitted

;last:Sapday, :•-.'•• -V ; ." .'";*"".;'-'':.'.•" .*:.:•-'• Miss\Maxy:'''C6a^yriri^;:^:''b^Jhq#e.'£i.

Piflacd <ja tbi 4thUnst.* aged, So year«\ TIM5 funeral took place from St, Mary'a^aurcli, this village, 00; Monday ?aornui|| at s o .O 'c lock . . . ; '; ' ; : , ' " ' 1 .-j -

'•.EUsters;re|ces:,at"St Mary's cfcurch «?«*« well attended. A fab^je ntitnber weot't& comtttunionat ? : ^ in the'aiornlisg. VAJ! * l o'clock. R w , " j . A> Hickey preached wR eloquent eermon." iQte.«itar Was decorated with flowert and patted plants. $i& c l o i r rendered Battsman's mass. - * • -•• ^v * ^

^Auxiliary division NQ» ? S DaughttMS of: Erjn of JtiyMigstqa ioSintyv was instituted at A 6 H. hall on ihe 2d inst, by. ati?se4 Anna Ppwell acd Cpra Eurkfc and'Jd. P * Bree.q of Rocbester^assistcd :% njejasheriol r»ivf«|on No •^.';A...b,;:H,~'T£em;wcre.'.S3: ladies who joioed »t lie Order. The, ioUojaA in^)'ar^,i.'tvhe'-,of$cer|-.ele^ied/ Mrs- :Ellcn: DajJcin,,president. Jliss'Martha Many,first vice jwesiicpl;^ !3<ssj 'KitUc Barkc,4tGa£$.. .^iceVprtsider^ty.ifiss Mary; H,ackert4 secret taryrMlss .Nora" O'Lcary,'. recofdiDg-'setefe' taryj Miss .Francis, Egan.' treasorei:; M|ss Kfprah. Collins.' guide; t3h& Margar*t Q'^aryt, guard; ;Thert! is also a wisittog and standing commtltee. - - s

1 i'. , • \l_^ • ,J'Gea#va,. -;'•, ,,••', \

Cttiacliw* Lynch died at hi* - home o n Nortfaittreiet, on Goc«d ^Friday aftercoorii April 3d, at a quarter past /, o clock, aged S3 years: ; H e had been ill fora number «jf months, not ccnined t o his bed. On Jaly 37th, 1895. he entered St. Mary's hospital, when during t i e cnontb of August, be underwent im operation, with the. hopes o f restOralton to health, which proved ve*y unsucdeasful, and after spending twenty-two week* therCi he returnea t o hl» h&a,§ i » Geneva on; Christmas Eva , npt m«ch kBprored in health. . Through hia death his family loses a kind, and loving fatlrer, and ois wife, a kind and. affectiooate husband. , -,.v-:" '.

Besides his wife, three" tons abfi'looJ-danghteTS, Mr. Lynch leaves one brother ai»tf one sisttr. " J | i i ttin?rai^ was be!d « » Eaiter Monday marnlng, at 9 o'clock, a»d was verj largely*,attended. Re t . Wrn* -A, McDctnald officiating. , The bnrlaj wai * f St. j o s t p h cemetery, beside his tiro diug:b-teri, Mr. -Lynch was Terjr b i f biyrerpected, which was s b o w n ^ y the U « i « attondaWPS at the funeral,. and the many bestltifoJ floras offerings. — > • m •. t

f ";the.;firr4, or;Keeaer;&-,G.an»i|pp^ 'wfcm. factureri erf- sas)te», blinds^ etc//, %**. diss. advedi partnership. D. U. Gartetson will

:co'^i*Vi:^#^W,tbftbj^tiwitl,,;,;' *.', "x

"WiWsnJ Pjarchisc, ^George VWlltat»% Homer Crothers and Christie Hartnafle' « • tarned to Union CoHegb list Monday, -

Irving Sroith.af Cornell Unijrersity,spe«t .'his.'Eas^r.vacation helre. . .:,/.''f\-^l '\ ••^

Mtsai Mamie R£we,/who haa ejja ill «Sr> ^jd;wwk»,:1»*lowly Improving;/;,.,, t"j '/,•',

Miss Anna Scanlob.pent t ie Easter va­cation at ber home in Oswego. ' .•;., «

The taxes are being collected at JPiliapn & Perkins' bank,. . •*[

Mr. Lv JHi'-Wbcat has opened a sfejre, ©a Main sweet as newsdealer and stationer.

A new bicycle store has been opepedhere b y ^ ' H A y . . ;••;•'-. ' ' ••".*;, /'<** \'.;

'.' Mrs.""Ximes Curt&, ^pn-'-wert. Jitter:: street. Is seriotsly ill, with- littfe ^flfea^iill

recovery.'>:-•.••• -, '-''.,'•'••. -':""")" -'r^^?-•• -Mr- i|od#TA.Cls^ea»eM;ofO»l4iSc»* ners, spent last week with Mr. and'Mra.

,_S^ve^;'aewt,ri^4e^'%^H^^It^ t^'' this spring. _, "'/ -'^-^".^'A""" \;'-7 ';"^ 7j ;<~'iK*a Viola- ^eiii5Wa»t|e*u'c6e8sfa{c*»^ didate for the fr#a s«chdiari»ii far ipoe terto at the Rochester Business' Univcjisfty pi• f ere4 t5y thk Aw»4isn Gatejte. . " ^

The banr, of taarrlagebetweea JobnGart-iand: of Canandaigua 'and, Anna J. Sheehan of Vine Valley were pubUiSufd at Sf, Marf*s ^cbnrSli-%»dayr-- •/;.-, .',•'".•'•,'.''. " ,'','."

: Miss Ella McSweeney of LeRoy is assist-! fng in tHeitnillinery departmetit of UteCasttt store. .•'•;*.' '"• ,,_ ;•.;' ',•v."'.'•'•.'" .;; •/.; '/"': :

Miss Sarab Moouey of Elmirais visiting iw-partSft.;:-.'-.. "'• ,''_„- ... %":„'^

Mrs. Collins* who has been spe'ndmfttlje witoter with her daughter a» Canatidaigaa, retaraed to fief bom* in this villagejast w e e k ' . . - ; ' • • - ' , ; : • ' • ; " • • ' • . ' • ' • •' ':•'•'_

'"'*Itls'.*.fif r at;Jf6lwMt««aan%,; ;::'."',"' Mrs. J> Howley of V«teSv1«e visitied ha*

brothers last week. '" \ •• , ..' 'Mrs. r ieaaessyjs slowly iroprovingfrOca

injijriesjrfosived; by••* tall. ;• Oansvltle . ' ''-•;:

Misses Mary Rowan and Margaret Quifi-ley ara home from the Genesefe Normal school for a brief vacation.

Invitations ate out for the marriage o f Mr. Frank Johangen and Miss.Anna N a -0t,tq take place in St. Vattict^s church Tuesday morning,* April»8th.

Miss Anna Welch aad Mr. Dennis Mur­phy were married in iSt. Patrick's chtircb, Wednesday morning Ipt, by Rev. j . T * Dougherty.

Miss B. A . Burke spent last week with Rochester friends.

The usual services for Holy week and Easter, were observed in both Catholic churches, the choms rendering fine music ^ s usual. In St. Patrick's church the choit1, under.the direction of Miss Nellie JBaopn. sang £<a Hashe'a mass, Millard's " Reg io i eoe l i ," ''Christ; oar Lord, Is risen to-day,** by Webbe. Father Dougherty pJEeacheaa an eloquent «tnd instructive sermon.

•;--.fte<hi»^H^ W^fe l l ^ - i ^ i i i ^ f i i ^p^ . €isMiid»iii»fc " ••

;prj c!«; .«** *«m«vil:«R«1

«|6i <iisW«w«*' -i&t:iMm4**-mmu&*, 'eadapplesbetngpassedarwaodjoall. Th«M:

all Oetnaad Vawfyii CfeBftlty 'SMI#

jkim%$t obBtoa^\i^MstiS|f.

•c^ain, JM&*,. MaWCf, a f*nj oldla^dy *JBi|t e : « — ^ « £ - ! « . — -. .Jt» .*« :gemtKm«6:loB«B«Mk* Mm,- 'Pna.ee, ~imm

best W$jf «Pd" $e?lti!e;roa» » s l l f « f i Mm | « n -

.|0!gnipi aJbHta, MSYFI*&& fm^£**i$&<' vpietiei^bjtst looMnf «ata«xQuta '^oiiple, -^uju^j.^-^rei^fe^Ewi^'Hairite im <^ ..cajc4y, 'jB^r,.^ilL"|ch|«iPt SWJ«pp|e;"ifc*r* -|p|f:ha»iJstSRest«C«tto.fe, M?IS5t«iF-'He!K»>-

•jps?si1>'est- twQ'&ep ^*ncjM»ag(i«t J3;ye*r»«. :Mlss..JtMfv,3

,»BgJttet -fees' «i ^ ^ - 1 ^ . '

' 1$gfa>.:rAjtce -Rocb'for4«of\S»?!r«^"|Ee*»' 'c^yettV BechfStef, -spent Easier mto..-ttei*;

*i*he. Forty Irlqaifs'1 Cevtetfon' 'will" |aju>- oj>. -nextvSttfiaalF, > _ •'- *" * ".. • '.' _ -»"" ,

The, faaeraf of j e h n MfAddca tos&pja&s ,oo .|;ut ?Sui|day aftejruooti., ' c . :Mhs''.$^ry C r ^ a of - Rocdi«ste;r jipe&t

'.S^day. with'ter^arejtt'w. "<' ' ', ''•' -': hii-i -'Macaatfiy «&J Bsi»«la visttei « l » i S r « fcfars-th'fc'wcek'.., ° -'•-'

_„.,,_ ^nnjfcMceertniijk; -fif"K*^kr«lliCo»* -werit,. .R,oche»te^ bas. be}(fnj|t "fea»e fecC*B» of'.illfte»* '

, . - - T .- <-wm. • ^:*: -. Mrs,' 4Rv H< Isswyfeals nstafee^titer *

..gf*'.:mp»tal*' -yjsif iiritfc M f 'p»e»f« -at" &MC*' blc Forks.' -Slie-waa, fcjcowpaoied by bix liateri Miia.JBe^le-Branttii'ni. '•'. Mte-~$4**& Tttminty its* «ttt«ted -m tarag^aocis, a/h«ts^|a frtej^tegsefaQl; ;.-:Tlie Mh»es,.|t)m«p;»ii,' ffle&mzrmii Shasaaa of Elukm-wtrf assong-.the Xaster visitors in tbki .tftf.

, . . . „ , ,.,-„-^.. #**«&£ <iMui'#n3oyta from mne o'clock until «ce, wfeta alt pro. eeedtdto Gonley'* cafe mi thtre partook of *'fau& apxpgflu , irV 4W*#H»-of fttodyl , fro* oBt-of .tie dtywem pttntnu .and .all

.- CWsdOBtIa#- <..' -JOn Wcdaesda/ sROrttat'^ o;|o o'cloclt

r0*l}ey*ad MkuMary JRtld, Rf*. fattier EislercdtbratiagauptJal kicbanjuut, Jim btinslpstrtir mm flW(aJa4.Mla»alritt4r the uihers, My, A. Ksiky and Mr. Tfmmm ofRocheiUr. Mr. WiUkia "ftaoodr wastae be»«m«ii*in» th«b»ida'asf«tr,M»JNiJos}«

mziMim V»w»»tf

•%• #» Bal!^,. ti* iMv -df«rr*i-a»«i pt3»iie forMbe oasterly wsr the maM was readered, - Alllover* of jgogd ithurch ntuaic were very touch pl«asted. TbeHolyChoat

mujiaand nothing of tfes localtecltr*sri, t%snl(* *t> Almighty &#&„ one lititeoolintqr


MONKSOFA1L0RHEKS v In 1640 tb# orde*. w»«_ forsaallj

miaaiOS U !P»k»irO« i« kO lo«(«r

Uaat in thiaooaiBtry, mix iai poliuoa] I Jife. In Xttrop« iha MrtiTity i* that diwctioa led i # ita t?tnrx>tary »up-pre**ioa f>y %m t«|t.;-";f|i*-.a%ia

S ^ ^ © f d € r l * t x l # q i » » S ^ B » ^ m » ^ ^ finlf *tt«p * lot.g

_ ^ .-4MM

«f» tk»- IMbditnaMt J M i h ^ - « i « i » < r ^ ' f t t n ^ ^ twi»r-aB^.-oiwirwwt'f * | i o b ^tarii'atl oftU«ffi»aj »ooa#-Iietof0|li8 Aendi «fiite &&«»» QMiaW ^110,6,1^^11%^, tie' %w 0rt§iwi» Picayune..- S»ck m4w W it# <>»» „

lac|a4*ft la *tl« A *!«% of iSi ' ©ij|[In ©f tlte«e%rQlif.fItQo^ It fnt«ir» -*«%, *« tptQ-f - of *hew «r» ooa*. ducted cm tSft «ato« lf»tt mhkh pre-Tailed h«ndredi of jear* ago, 1st, the Hffie of ibit Omaaderti, ^ttd wftett 'ft* cl»B»i»tlc)a o f *W wojrld m nt * t f » f low «Gb. AXf'-nmritr t»f ^i-pgfiijeljeiRjgitadiecl !i ;*»«rf walk of human endeavor, br* theio l»lott»tl««>fl» *eBB» deatmwi t o go oufofaTorwitaontTariwtioB. '

-^tliiiiVf tim mm mhe mtka «p :lt!iaw«i hj«Bf§ aw vnff ma |& ia«te of the wfefttfe Iwilliuf, bntiliar wo^a, $*t m nt t^i, liwllitrtooat k§*p »» growfiif **d fcfascMsf ««•»*

;i»vn'Utt!cft«t'ftft««!dj mow than hold th«ir owe.


aaiB»«««Mnai tsmmmmmmmmm *&m0

^#>s»aav^P'»^*«*«w<pFTw r - ™ . i w » ^ - ^ w V T 3 f t « » , J W » 7 V

Wflmber p«rmt *Ud to take tba final MldiaVir4MMlll*.fB1l'ft*> '.

Tfct f»W>er* « n po«ie»|i DO real

_ attlswV^i13 >«aCb»r bali." <)» ia«

M n M by • wtat, wWii "^•a Xit PiMto^ • paaaisu « | Jeaaa C&ri»t.

Tba IWatoaitH fsart tii««l tt»rf' '994k, aad eTery di"*" , Adf eat aa4 Lea*. Tbajr w#«r ing oi tbair fc«t>it aajrfittv ria« at ai{r»« «>,••« »**»ia*' . jptaawrve uo*tp( laa at»di««al

-,. * fV~^^^?" • -



tJ*Hy- &r i« oomtava, b«t t)»«oU«gft' fj | |(^r |%wiB«f»*'|«<S 'fMlft for! l b *

dettUttH* tba apr^d of *»duo»tiat) WftWr - f», : atwtiMlltff; i»»bCt,

-adiptipf tta»«*l?krfb tlif eotteuy |te whkh t t e | J»ipp»» to t t i

tk^^Mmptvmtt '*•»* foitiidtd-

|NtepIeii>ia H88 Their tpecial work

moil' fc'biMQ.dosjied loilt, 'ofctefy lhroi3|li ttiiilonl. _ Toftt rate •!• cWdcs f^t lavbofs, aowtnv gwd, which taigbt iaUriarftTTwit« tkalr iaoo*inwt»iata}pa»i«t,. Tbty uk* tilts three TOW*, aad alto tat vow of gttffMfff•»«• wllil daattr.

aoclealmical digcHWa oauida «f their uwn ooo*Nf atioa, rxoapt by Jjpteit! ditfiMMlitw. Tbair daily ^Mftw1 JM* "wp-jB H?>»W PwPft Jttw&W M i f f H l w w

InadiiatioJaa aawi IWB asa^inasi<^« W r w ^ * v ^ ^ ^ f s ( r ^ w w ^^a^^w ai wv ap PBwvaHaaaB|HHBViVyVPkBPHr

ofoowcjeao* e* ir j diy. Kr«ry WMIT tkaj tttaaiBai ta

rtliawiar tot aaaaaa* a&uyamgutla — ^ ^r^w^Ppp i Pw ^^ar ^arV^^F^m^P "mknalBwINPPw^BQP- V V

: sC"wHt™ H w " * w » 4a iPrlWaCTii aw

Thp oid« w«4 iatrodaaW m Utiiud Statea ta U l l {*•»« MicHwl (VCoonot, ^t t t torf . lafillttMry DXJHMtery ia We.t Bobokaa, ;ii mw m ir«jd«Mt''of tu irifrCiiiat»

MIC M. 3Mte* •


Stefx ortfamt twit eojoioad pw. pataal attaww, i « tim« for ooavwraa-

'Reid, acted a» brirfta „ of Rochester. r*n«l«t«d 'm:kymk*&l*m -r-i».— -»w-wa» — www »va o v a r s r i r

B S S S S J ^ ^ «eiiplit« *!*,«. fast ^aa served at th. home of ^ f i S S a M M I O t * r o S l ***•*» * D d fMUflf from

:*e y.«aioyabtejiSkir* 3 t l K ! S £ ' th* pUm ana a^rtt. *i*iafi?c

•;">-v> "v-^0*Mw»«iar,'. . .... founded on ttoM of th* old taaUra i,;;"'^i4an* ¥-%3yGhoit^tirchatB/a' -ajK»tt«l»" fb ty i # f « regakted the

^ a T ^ 2 ^ ^ f t f c r f * S * t , : * i , f f « * ««»»»«to ,«r«*lfipv a>ort than 1400

Rev Father Stratee and a few spsntie-men at his congregation have? purchased a fine new pulpit for St. Marys cburc*. I t was used ifpr the first tftne htst Sunday. , Marie, the two^year-oid dasgater of M r .

and Mrs. Edwartt Fopte, died last Tuesday of pneumarvia, and was buried from St. Pat­rick's church on Good Friday,


rt-j.r--.y- ™#fr little, choir4«». &J®***& Wt$,*tm .U- ^»itftedl«

mm&fr%> p ® e l S ! e t p W »

-..':" ^' ' 'v-^i i i t trtb^' ' ' • ": '"-*• '" '; IMSli'.Maetfe iCIiftoh ^Jrl%S (

a ^ S n ^ ^ 1 * ? ^ ^ ^ heie:|j«reaiti;*t|Sti'e [ptfef , ••;.'-'•--. • ''>¥VIpeo^i]ps»t,

:$tod»y A k t t jMfealib" ^ ^ * , P W -" -^^ ' - '^ . f f r^ .T i r i ie^^^i i i^^^ i


.__^ • ipafr l i f i i ' :^wa^/« i i cawW o f

,,..J*«)^a«*'^'Bi«dsy^,lp«ii Sia^diywKIl-l 'lttOtlier.,.- "••, , •.-•'."." l'

Mt*.T* T»niey;.l ted;--rela*wia;|Di-''C*le> donis dtttlng the week, ..."•. •

"•';' j,';:_,.afpUftnts*,•.-•/. :;., " T h o m a s Maroney.cf Aubnrrt. is spend­

ing a few days in town with his family* M*.-»I»r«Bey •i»;eijipli&yerf;*f &#*j«e"f," iri 't»e' prison. .-. ' '• ~:. .••/^=;-----'-^"R;;;-.v'~'-*'';-';,-'"!''''w

The Board of health was called together Toesday, itt tigntfd to at leas*' of scarlet feves, a%»d ordered the hotfseflfX. A . Junes t o b e quarantiflcd. aa t|s*»':|»r>. ,«as»'.-of scatrfet feverIn the family*

1the funeral of Mrs» fatrlck Mooney, who died Sunday, April j th , waa held on "Wedflaaday. The interatenc was a t Cayuga.

yeateT. Uf«xt*o the Jeani(#, jg i^fo moat nnmoroo* religion, body in thw

pslttd Slitea^ .. r * - &*- ' 0f%fs*iJr*hJ«td»r#a» c^fa to

e*erybo% without diatinotf on, »ren to dhihdrMJ, bat now it ia Uaaiud to adnHttwanad wotan. tb» tmhm

! take afce three v'owa of poterly, ctatiti^pand obedleac*.

,'f Byllw^iiiiafcl n»i«, etteWlah«d % SfciNjedtefi tlw tnooke, wfceii not eraployed in divine pxaieee or in takiog neoesaary fool> aad rett, ] mn«t eogajfe in aaefttl worki, auoh a« maotiftr Ubor, etudy»g or taech- • kig, to which i» now added - ttw [|l»l»f ol.iaiiialowi, ^.••• ••• r ; , ' ft! J

'j^^&&tf&6&i'4& the atom* I f i g , .^ :M; ia td | -:im- flowed ^ei^ai^er.^p-' e^'of,,«l«iB«^, Severe faeta are pradtf»ed in Lent and Ad vent.... « i e flrat Beaed Jotine monaatery in the Usitcd Statea waa

and erected fcto the abbey of St.

% < ^ ) i ^ : ^ itiwlsrloe head of the Amercan oq«greg*tion.

..^jiiilsrf'ltt' l a t # N f e i o t ' f»;lbiiid'

|;0jrd«ie''#fifcf;Sftr^.#^!i»ta>'^d%; is the moftt learned «nd_powerfol in

'iterjMdat •• itf ;8oia^^'«w'-Miii^ MllaV(^'ifiilk%ti^^ »-: ike^tloal'.-ifotldlltif-' to- - ac ^*»d«# :-bW0te#'bft,;of^ai,;I««M' toll*' :lis": 1534 be and a nnmber of companion^: icclnding St. Franci« Xevicr, pro­nounced the vow which conaiitatad .iQMM# aat !-^*^^«fo'«cteti0^^ world, io go to preach the gonpelin Palestine, or, if that were Jmpcajaible within f-jr«*f aftef ;-*lteir novitiate ended, to offer thetneelvea to the Pope to be employed in the aervioe of God la what aaasnar bo ihosld deem boat."

d ^ ? * t * , ' ' " * : l o t friar*, or Dwaiakaa-. watali

o0B»tjP5? at fat back*, u* aiit*»ii r " 0f«tW» ffctft'Ail ^ H i « . t | p noil Of Florida with their swtaf aad «*tf Mo»f Mora <rwe««tiy t aw i m f e t o t a M d la Oallfotaf a, aoder Spj»ial dwieloji, fia| tbtfr f r i t

S" Wttftjiiftt ^gwfiat loa }a tat nited 8Ut*i waa oiada ia 1M7, at

%&»!*?».Jt>« tor Fatter laawick

old T'if^-aif ,a#^il1^ ^

0.4L Bayat.tae haatlbaf aMaa>at':

jolBraaoa t l baa iwathral tab M lttHiaav aaawflaniaatli Saftatai atoaaaiatf^

aViiktyaV 3f* T^ AfWl aV 3 V * «wa*a 4ay^»W^ap awl^rw»fc*a^WPa^awPW

Daar sir aid Irwtaan

IIIt alL, I lad OB

i t /araWaVr ;

i ^ a i r a g I M

aflaawsnna aad fawcrAaW t4a a>«af f i f pr»*ir »«tJI altar —diutfcat Ktxl woni'Bg. ONaa dasy awaay aanaitli ia amoak ia aaolltarw aas^al^>> maa U' 0 B « « awtrf year tbata la a rotraetof »•« a»jt.

. H W Etdaaipicrtau ant activvd ta Haw fork oa Ji»a M, l i l t , froas r

i Mwnaiaayjp www FWWWS^WW • a w a a v n y ..Moraaei ordaw, aroaiHty WH0H^f ^^^^'^^tm w^Wi ^j^^'B*i^'b''a HUaa*** aw^PvVk

^ t y _ j L ^ * — f t a j t g j j KAMriialBBBasaaaaBBBBBBBB^aBBBatt WFIWWBW. T ^ ^ V ^ W ^ ^ W W V '^^^^B^^•^Wr^w^^^WBaabw^B^B

• j ^ ^ i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | . ^^L^A^kuX Aa^aa^^aw - ' ] a^fea^k^aa^a^a^ -^Ua^L^a otavwi wwiij •awBBspaai. t a a r m iff fWBkr ^a ^m MawHa^a^p « ™ B W^M^W H |

OaiuiMt of Harv Tort aadT Fraaoh of Wiaoonaia, taa I Kortfc Uiok^raa aaWI ta* airieatfi vowaaiaf af Oataait. * -*

Oae of tat banbeat ordara ia that

mm fooaded by St. f^raaeta fa I IIS, Itttnattberi taka UM tare* aaaal vowa, tod Uf« a life of aharmaat Ubor, faatlag m& arayar. Tbay

. " W i a Hw JlaWwRpljp w bve\iy taw ^MJVBWMP W M M

eaaaock tied aro^id ta«rwa«w -«fib a rops. Ortglaelly a ordtr ta *Wa aoaaaty,

**"":"' W3

>b*^<****** ! ym • nil»*;<»fiia(" - w * »

- _"rasaj'5bBw«»,*aBP »*4»'* to-*

" Jt^ar<~-<r»t>.>«*fr t f M # '

a* ' "IMP > 'v ^4 ' i s y s <w 'P • v *

" • ^ a v •^^m(^aM^^4


at a lata ; «\ „ „ wtm)

w . - ^H7**^-^

,9%-j,^._ .tss*^;'

parooWal work. Tbtta ta aa «*| law •fill i a foaaa fgaMWiaag «ba« from ridiag oa beraabaek. iaotbar old l*w, whieb, inwaiafl4ai b K i abroaTatta% avaalbitwd. V a n Jboaf boldiuf oovaraMtita wttaV wan fa HM olden daji taay bad to barafootad t t a m j i thacoM ' * - • - * a ^ *.^m a a a a J h a i a a ^ a M a •k««kaMawaXdia\^aaat.

aindadi, l » t witbaat •teeaitga •s aswa awBw FWff a^* ^pavav 4ar w ^^vapeaa^^aavaw ^atVNtl^VV »

i i »»• Oap««hMi BVotbaibcaad, fwitlf dreta tad* taw m»latkwaa af tbr) order »ra qsiba aiatllat' to tbeaw af the''IftfcawWaaV »"t»t tbat taoyv

' ar • leng b*ari •od • atMtHw >d fw.i>oTariog too head lav tan.

clemoit we»tb«r. Tba order waa atartod by tvo aaoaka who i n a d i j from taa firawriwiaai f« tba irot year* of the .. riitatatb e«aa«tw, They were not reooartrsad by 4ba '0UteMiM VS^t waoi Po|»» Olaas-, bat ^ , o«aawfly awtkbliaJiad H i t order- The Oipwhin* COUBM tbaavf aelvesUr^ery to ailawloaaijr work, aad ti»f« *»•»J|_l«»li-«a»|rtiw law many ?«*•»- •-••^- . a Thei Oartaelita Broaaertsood doaaa back to the time of tba Carataaora, wheo it wa* e»tabliebed bf*. aftioa. of all the oonveots of the Hoiy I^aad, j fi^et«if! a^tlaiwoo tVow freah meat .*•»-f#»'• l « f - **»» '&» Jfi»«| ^aI|t.|:ii0^ t^mlM^'^;eartafea-aeaaons, K»eh brotiwr If*** t a B aep»r*tecoll by himaelf, aad»n«Moe ia enjoined, From September U anAil £»*»ter • rigid featVobwr**ed. '->5|»*;;Fa4s#1s^t^^faVa4d^^;'»i. the v<»wf of poverty, ebaetlty add obedtenoe, bind themeelvea to en.

avor to e i c i t e in the heart! Of tab: faltitftit , tbjb;, ' t^eb^i i ibvt^Jl " ;Pa«so:i»-«f;'C'Dtlat; ••.:' ':•• • - fnorlr fonnder waa '-fplaj' ftr; -3loaai,'.ioown, if" ^'" *" C^an*' • *• ©eiM taveated by tho iMitaekahit

y s ? ^

t*S^"*5aW''SW>vSr-t!s?'^,;f,;;. , •-• - ,

"" ~i" Nea3r^^te^*PSMf.^'


HyKy ' i^i^" r^i*»;*^^t«tT 't«






: Wi

'WMI^%i^J V t t*

< :

- J

1 ur<l ^ Ayr5- >' * < tt, -^1" . ",H'f^ , 3S^b , ; r * t f i H ^