Unc Consti

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  • 7/31/2019 Unc Consti





    We, the sovereign students of the University of Nueva Caceres, imploring the aid of the Almighty God, tobuild and establish a just and liberating Student Government that shall embody our ideals andaspirations, unite ourselves, promote and protect students rights and welfare, foster a closer relationshipamong the students, faculty, administration and other sectors of UNC Community and society, by workingharmoniously through mutual help and cooperation, and pursuit of truth, wisdom, and knowledge, inorder to inculcate social awareness and national consciousness for wholistic development of the Filipinoyouth, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution


    SECTION 1 The University Student Government (USG) believes:That education is a basic right and should develop mans physical, mental, social, cultural and spiritualpotentials to the fullest, in order to realize a just and human existence for all;In truth, justice, equality, freedom, and peace; andThat the students are catalysts of change.

    SECTION 2 The University Student Government (USG) shall at all time:Promote the common good and protect the students right;Serve as an active forum for the students ideas and aspirations;Develop a spirit of unity and cooperation among the students;Uphold the ideals of the university geared towards ensuring a well-rounded intellectual, social, cultural,physical, political, and spiritual development of students.Develop a sense of service and responsibility among the students for the welfare of the society.Seek and engender educational reforms along scientific, humanistic and truly Filipino methods for the fulldevelopment of the human potential to respond to social realities and to promote academic freedom;Work harmoniously with faculty, administration, and other sectors of the society; andStrive to develop social awareness and instill national consciousness among the students.



    SECTION 1 Every student shall have the right to:Enjoy full Academic Freedom;

    Exercise freedom of religion;Quality education in line with the national goals and conducive to their development as persons withhuman dignity;Prior notice and consultation on tuition fee increases and notices on all material changes in policies andrules directly affecting the students rights and welfare;Vote and to be voted for when qualified;To be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own organizations or societiesand approved by the VPSEA.

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    SECTION 2 Students shall enjoy freedom of speech, of expression and of the press and their right topeaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances.

    SECTION 3 No student shall be held to answer for an offense without due process of law.Under any investigation called upon by the University, every student has the right to remain silent, tohave the assistance of a counsel and to be informed of his rights on complaints against him.

    Every student shall have the right to speedy disposition of cases filed against him.

    SECTION 4 The students shall have the right to be consulted by the Academic Council through theirrespective deans and all other school entities directly affecting their rights and welfare.

    SECTION 5 Students shall have the right to establish clubs, organizations, alliances, federation, and otherassociations among themselves based on their general or particular interest under conditions prescribedby law and school regulations.

    SECTION 6 The rights under this article shall be subject to all restrictions imposed by laws, rules andregulations of the Commission oh Higher Education (CHED) and the University.


    SECTION 1 Suffrage may be exercised by all students of the University of Nueva Caceres currentlyenrolled in their respective colleges. No property or other substantive requirement shall be imposed onthe exercise of suffrage.

    SECTION 2 All students shall be guaranteed of the secrecy and confidentiality of their vote.



    SECTION 1 The legislative power shall be vested in the Student Congress (SCon), except that reserve tothe students through initiative and referendum.

    SECTION 2 The SCon shall be composed of two (2) representatives from each college, except the Collegeof Law. Their respective constituents shall elect them in the same manner as the College Board iselected. The most populated college shall be entitled to an additional one (1) representative.

    SECTION 3 Members of the SCon must possess the qualification set forth in Article V11-B, Section 8 ofthis Constitution and must be a student in the college he wants to represent.

    SECTION 4 The SCon shall, by a majority vote of its members, elect its Speaker of the House andSpeaker Pro Tempore. It shall elect their officers, as it may deem necessary.

    SECTION 5 The Chairman of the Inter-Fraternity/Sorority Confederation and the Federation of StudentOrganization shall become ex-officio representative to the Student Congress. They shall have the right tospeak before the body but shall not be entitled to vote.

    SECTION 6 The SCon shall determine the rules of its proceedings and of its internal governance.

    SECTION 7 The SCon shall create committees necessary for its efficient functioning.

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    SECTION 8 No resolutions passed by the SCon shall take effect without the approval of the USGPresident. If he/she approves the same, he/she shall sign it. Otherwise, he/she shall veto it and returnthe same with his/her objections to the SCon. The veto may be overridden by 2/3 majority votes of allmembers of the SCon and in which, shall become effective even without the approval of the USGPresident shall act on resolutions passed by the SCon within three (3) days receipt thereof, otherwise itshall become effective as if/she signed it.

    SECTION 9 No resolution passed by any member of the SCon shall become effective unless it has passedtwo (2) readings, and printed copies thereof in its final form have been distributed to its members,except when the USG President, USG Treasurer and the Speaker of the House certify to the necessity ofits immediate enactment to meet an emergency. No resolution passed by the SCon shall take effectunless published in the official organ of the university or posted in at least two conspicuous places in thecampus.

    SECTION 10 There shall be a Commission on Appointment (COA) composed of the Speaker of the House,as ex-officio Chairperson and one (1) among the two (2) members of each college representativeselected by members of the Congress. The Chairperson of the Commission shall not vote except in case ofa tie. The commission shall act on all appointments submitted to within 2 session days of the SCon fromtheir submission. The Commission shall rule by a majority vote of all its members.

    SECTION 11 The COA shall be constituted within fifteen (15) days after the Scon shall have beenorganized with the election of the Speaker of the House. The COA shall meet only while the Congress isin session, at the call of its Chairperson or majority of its members, to discharge such powers andfunctions as stated herein conferred upon it.

    SECTION 12 The Cabinet Secretaries, Constitutional Commisioners, members of the College Board mayupon their initiative, with the consent of the USG President, upon the request of the Scon, as the rules ofthe Scon shall provide, appear before and heard by such on matters pertaining to theircommittees/board.


    SECTION 1 The executive power shall be vested in the President of the University Student Government.

    SECTION 2 No college student may be elected President and Vice-President of the USG unless hepossesses the qualification provided for in Article VII-B, Section 8 of this constitution.

    SECTION 3 The presidency and vice-presidency is open to all students who possessed the two yearsresidency requirement.

    SECTION 4 The President and the Vice-President shall be elected in a general and popular election inwhich every bonafide student of the University shall be entitled to vote.

    SECTION 5 The Vice-President shall have the same qualifications and term of office as the President. Hemay be removed from office as the President.

    SECTION 6 The President and the Vice-President shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin atnoon on the 2nd Monday of March and shall end at noon of the same date one year thereafter. ThePresident shall not be eligible for any re-election. No person who has succeeded as President and hasserved as much for more than six months shall be qualified for election to the same office at any time.

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    No Vice-President shall serve for more than two successive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office forany length of time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of the service for the fullterm for which he was elected.

    SECTION 6 The President and the Vice-President shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin atnoon on the 2nd Monday of March and shall end at noon of the same date one year thereafter. The

    President and Vice-President shall not be eligible for any re-election. No person who has succeeded asPresident and has served as much for more than six months shall be qualified for election to the sameoffice at any time. Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be considered asan interruption in the continuity of the service for the full term for which he was elected.

    SECTION 7 The President-elect and Vice-President elect shall assume office at the beginning of theirterms.If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice-President elect shall act as President until a President shallhave qualified.If at the beginning of the term of the President, the president elect shall have become temporarilyincapacitated. The Vice-President elect shall act as President, who shall relinquish his/her, positions uponreturn of the President.

    If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice-President shall act as president until the Presidentshall have been chosen and qualified.Where no President and Vice-President shall have been chosen or shall have qualified, the Speaker of theStudent Congress or, in case of his inability, the Speaker Pro-Tempore shall act as President until aPresident or a Vice-President shall have been chosen and qualified.If both the President and the Vice-President shall become temporarily incapacitated, the Speaker of theStudent Congress or, in case of his inability, the Speaker Pro-Tempore shall act as the President, whoshall relinquish his/her, position upon return of the permanent offices.

    SECTION 8 In case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of the President,the Vice-President shall become the President to serve the unexpired term. In case of death, permanentdisability, removal from office, resignation, transfer of school or failure to enroll during his term of thePresident and the Vice-President, the Speaker of the Student Congress or in case of his inability, theSpeaker Pro-Tempore, shall then act as President until a President of Vice-President shall have beenelected and qualified. The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve as acting President if any ofthe circumstances stated above occurs.

    SECTION 9 Whenever there is vacancy in the office of the Vice-President during the term for which hewas elected, the President shall nominate from among the members of the Student Congress who shallassume office upon confirmation by a majority vote of all the members of the Congress.

    SECTION 10 In no case shall the University Student Government can be dissolved or rendered inoperative.

    SECTION 11 Powers and Duties of the University Student Government President

    and Vice-President.

    The President shall be the Chief Executive of the University Student Government. It shall be his/her dutyand power to:Enforce the provisions in the constitution and the legislation passed by the Student Congress;Sign all acts, resolution, communications and documents of the USG;Represent the University Student Government in his/her official capacity as President on occasions,events and affairs where the USG needs representation;Form committees necessary for the discharge and performance of the functions of his/her office;

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    He shall have general supervision over all College Board and all students enrolled in any of the regularcolleges of the university.Render an annual report of all USG activities and accomplishments before the Student Congress and theUniversity Administration and in turn over responsibility at the induction of the upcoming USG President;He/She shall respect, uphold, preserve and pass this constitution to the next officers of the USG alteredof its primary cause and unversed of its organization;

    Determine the validity and effectivity of any agreement with the concurrence of 2/3 votes of all membersof the Student Congress;Perform such other functions and duties as may be necessary for the discharge and performance of thefunctions of his/her office.The Vice-President shall perform executive functions for and in behalf of the President upon properdesignation by the latter. It shall also be his/her duty and power to:Assist the President in the supervision and coordination of the affairs and activities of USG.Take over the functions of the President whenever his/her office is vacant by reason of his/herresignation, removal from office, suspension, absence or physical or mental incapacity.Recommend participants for approval of the VPSEA for any external activities that needs representation.Form committees necessary for the discharge and performance of the functions of his/her office, and;Perform such other functions and duties as the USG President may from time to time assign him/her.

    SECTION 13 The Vice-President shall also be automatically the Spokesperson ofthe Executive Department and shall not be subject for any confirmation of the Commission onAppointments of the Student Congress.

    SECTION 11 Powers and Duties of the University Student Government Presidentand Vice-President.

    The President shall be the Chief Executive of the University Student Government. It shall be his/her dutyand power to:a. Enforce the provisions in the constitution and the legislation passed by the Student Congress;b. Sign all acts, resolution, communications and documents of the USG;c. Represent the University Student Government in his/her official capacity as President on occasions,events and affairs where the USG needs representation;d. Form committees necessary for the discharge and performance of the functions of his/her office;e. He shall have general supervision over all College Board and all students enrolled in any of the regularcolleges of the university.f. Render an annual report of all USG activities and accomplishments before the Student Congress andthe University Administration and in turn over responsibility at the induction of the upcoming USGPresident;g. He/She shall respect, uphold, preserve and pass this constitution to the next officers of the USGaltered of its primary cause and unversed of its organization;h. Determine the validity and effectivity of any agreement with the concurrence of 2/3 votes of allmembers of the Student Congress;i. Perform such other functions and duties as may be necessary for the discharge and performance of thefunctions of his/her office.

    The Vice-President shall perform executive functions for and in behalf of the President upon properdesignation by the latter. It shall also be his/her duty and power to:a. Assist the President in the supervision and coordination of the affairs and activities of USG.b. Take over the functions of the President whenever his/her office is vacant by reason of his/herresignation, removal from office, suspension, absence or physical or mental incapacity.c. Recommend participants for approval of the VPSEA for any external activities that needsrepresentation.d. Form committees necessary for the discharge and performance of the functions of his/her office, and;

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    e. Perform such other functions and duties as the USG President may from time to time assign him/her.f. Be automatically the Spokesperson of the Executive Department and shall not be subject for anyconfirmation of the Commission on Appointments of the Student Congress.

    SECTION 12 All appointed officers of the President should be subject to the confirmation and approval ofthe Student Congress except the appointments of the Vice-President as Spokesperson.

    SECTION 12 All appointed officers of the President should be subject to the confirmation and approval ofthe Commission of Appointments of the Student Congress except the appointments of the Vice-Presidentas Spokesperson.

    SECTION 13 The Executive Department shall be given information by individuals, groups, organizations,fraternities and sororities any activities not sponsored by University Student Government.

    SECTION 13 The Executive Department shall approve all student-initiated activities not sponsored byUniversity Student Government.



    SECTION 1 The judicial power shall be vested in one Student Tribunal.Judicial power includes the duty of the Student Tribunal to settle actual controversies involving rights,which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been graveabuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch orinstrumentality of the Student Government.

    SECTION 2 The Student Tribunal shall be composed of a Presiding Justice and four (4) Associate Justices,all of whom shall come from the College of Law. The USG President shall choose them from ten (10) lawstudents nominated by the Law College Board, subject to the confirmation of the COA.The members of the Student Tribunal shall elect from among themselves, according to seniority andintegrity, the Presiding Justice. He shall preside all cases of removal from office of any office, but shallnot vote. In case the Presiding Justice is on trial, the Student Congress shall elect from among theJustices who should preside the proceedings.

    SECTION 2 The Student Tribunal shall be composed of a Presiding Justice and six (6) Associate Justices,all of whom shall come from the seven (7) College members of the USG. The USG President shall choosethem from fourteen (14) students nominated by their respective College Boards (2 from each College),subject to the confirmation of the COA.The Presiding Justice shall preside all cases of removal from office of any office, but shall not vote. Incase the Presiding Justice is on trial, the Student Congress shall elect from among the Justices whoshould preside the proceedings.

    SECTION 3 The members of the Student Tribunal shall elect from among themselves, according to

    seniority and integrity, the Presiding Justice.

    SECTION 4 No student shall be appointed members of the Student Tribunal unless he possesses thequalification provided for Article VII-B, Section 8 of this Constitution and must be a person of provencompetence, integrity, probity and independence.

    SECTION 4 The Student Tribunal shall have the following powers:a. Decided all case involving the constitutionality or validity of any law, instruction, act, order, resolutionand other regulations;

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    b. Investigate, study, try cases involving students for immediate disposition, or if necessary, makereferral to the committee on Discipline;c. Recommend, appreciate sanctions for any students found guilty of any offense provided in thisconstitution to the committee on Discipline;d. Review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm decisions made by the students Electoral commission andother quasi-judicial bodies that may be created pursuant to this constitution;

    e. Promulgate rules concerning the speedy and inexpensive disposition of cases and duties.

    SECTION 5 The Student Tribunal shall have the following powers:a. Decide in all cases involving the constitutionality or validity of any law, instruction, act, order,resolution and other regulations;b. Investigate, study, try cases involving students for immediate disposition, or if necessary, makereferral to the committee on Discipline;c. Recommend sanctions for any students found guilty of any offense provided in this constitution to thecommittee on Discipline;d. Review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm decisions made by the Student Electoral Commission andother quasi-judicial bodies that may be created pursuant to this constitution;e. Promulgate rules concerning the speedy and inexpensive disposition of cases and duties.

    SECTION 6 The Student Tribunal shall promulgate their own rules of procedure.

    SECTION 7 All cases involving the constitutionality of the law, act, instruction, order, resolution and otherregulation, as well as the reversion or modified of a doctrine or principle of law laid down by the studentTribunal shall be decided with the concurrence of at least 2/3 of all the members of the Tribunal. Thedecisions of the Student Tribunal shall be final and executor upon the concurrence of the VPSEA.

    No decision shall be rendered by the student tribunal without expressing thereon clearly and distinctly thefact and law on which it was based.

    SECTION 6 The member of the Student Tribunal shall remain in their office while they are still bona fidestudents of this university or until they become incapacitated to perform their duties, removed from officeor resigned.

    SECTION 8 The member of the Student Tribunal shall remain in their office while they are still bona fidestudents of this university or until they become incapacitated to perform their duties, removed from officeor resigned.In case of vacancy in one or any colleges, the Governor shall nominate two students. The USG Presidentshall choose from the nominated students those who will fill up the vacancy subject to the confirmationof COA.



    A. Common Provisions

    SECTION 1 The Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent, are the Students ElectionCommission (SEC) and the Student Audit Commission (StAC).

    SECTION 2 The commissions shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their approved annual and semestralappropriations shall be automatically and regularly released.

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    SEC TION 3 Each Commission en bane shall promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings and practicebefore it.

    SECTION 4 Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its members any case or matterbrought before it within five (5) days from the date of its submission for decisions or resolution.

    Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or by law, any decisions, order or ruling of eachCommission may be brought, on appeal, by the aggrieved party to the Student Tribunal within ten (10)days from receipt of a copy thereof.

    SECTION 5 The president shall appoint the commissioners, with the concurrences of the Commission onAppointments, from a list of three names submitted by each of the College Boards.

    The appointed Commissioners shall remain in their office while they are still bona fide students of theUniversity, provided that a student of the College represented by said member shall fill any vacancy thatmay exist thereafter.

    SECTION 6 The appointive Commissioners shall have the following qualifications:Must not have been found guilty by final judgment for violation of school rules and regulations; and

    Must not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding election.

    SECTION 7 During the tenure, the Commissioners:Should be enrolled and attending regularly in at least fifteen(15) academic units; andMust have no failing grades in their academic subjects.

    SECTION 8 No member of the Constitutional Commissions shall, during their tenure hold any key positionin any student organization, fraternity or sorority.


    SECTION 1 There shall be a Student Election Commission (SEC), which shall be composed of seven (7)Commissioners. Six (6) of the Commissioners shall be chosen to represent his/her respective college. Theseventh (7th) Commissioner, however, shall be appointed from any of the six (6) colleges upon theprerogative of the President. They shall elect from among themselves a chairman of the commission.

    SECTION 2 The Student Election Commission (SEC) shall exercise the following powers and functions:Promulgate, enforce, and administer all rules and regulations relative to the conduct of an election,plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall;Exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of allelective officials.Decisions, final orders or rulings of the Commission on election contests involving elective offices shall befinal, executor, and not appealable.Decide, except those involving the right to vote, all questions affecting elections, including determinationof the number and location of polling places, appointment of election officials and inspectors, and

    registration of voters;Deputize students for the exclusive purpose of ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credibleelections;Register and accredit candidates and political parties;Recommend limitations of places where propaganda materials should be posted;Organize a political forum for each of the two accredited political parties;Declare and publish the results of the election;Submit to the President and the Student Congress a comprehensive report on the conduct of eachelection, plebiscite, initiative referendum, or recall.

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    The Vice-President for Student and External Affairs and the Director for Student Affairs shall likewise befurnished with such comprehensive report.

    SECTION 3 The SEC shall sit en banc and shall promulgate its rules of procedure in order to expeditedisposition of election cases including pre-proclamation controversies. All election cases shall be heardand decided en banc. Motions for reconsideration of decisions shall likewise be decided en banc by the

    Commissioners of the SEC.

    SECTION 4 The SEC may, during the election period, supervise or regulate the enjoyment or utilization ofschool utilities, media and communication or information facilities subject to the approval of theadministration.Such supervision or regulation shall aim to enhance equal opportunity, time, and space for publicinformation campaigns and forums among candidates in connection with the objective of ensuring free,orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections.

    SECTION 5 A bi-party system shall be allowed to evolve.

    The SEC shall administer the registration and accreditation of such two political parties after submission,by their respective presidents, or duly authorized representatives, of their official name, constitution, by-

    laws, platforms of government, officers and members.

    Such registered and accredited political parties shall be entitled to nominate and support their respectivecandidates for any elective office in the USG.

    SECTION 5 A free and open party system shall be allowed to evolve subject to the provisions of thisarticle.

    The SEC shall administer the registration and accreditation of such political parties after submission, bytheir respective presidents, or duly authorized representatives, of their official name, constitution, by-laws, platforms of government, officers and members.

    Such registered and accredited political parties shall be entitled to nominate and support their respectivecandidates for any elective office in the USG.

    SECTION 6 Only registered and accredited political parties shall be entitled to nominate and support theirrespective candidates for any elective officials in the USG. Political parties shall be entitled to appoint pollwatchers in accordance with the rules set by the SEC.

    SECTION 7 No votes cast in favor of a political party shall be valid. Block voting shall not be allowed.

    SECTION 8 No student shall be allowed by the SEC to be elected in, or continue to hold office in the USGunless he possesses the following qualifications:Currently enrolled in any academic department of the university except Graduate SchoolHave a minimum load of 15 academic units immediately preceding the elections except from the College

    of Law.Have no failing grades at least two semesters before the election.Enrolled in and attending regarding in at least fifteen academic units in time of election and duringhis/her term.Must neither be a President nor vice-President or its equivalent position of any organization within theuniversity at the time of the election and for the duration of his term.

    SECTION 8 No student shall be allowed by the SEC to be elected in, or continue to hold office in the USGunless he possesses the following qualifications:

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    a. Currently enrolled in any of the seven (7) academic college who are members of the USG.b. Have a minimum load of 15 academic units immediately preceding the elections.c. Have no failing grades at least two semesters before the election.d. Enrolled in and attending regarding in at least fifteen academic units in time of election and duringhis/her term.e. Must neither be a President nor vice-President or its equivalent position of any organization within the

    university at the time of the election and for the duration of his term.

    SECTION 9 The regular election of the officers in the USG and the College Boards shall be held on thefirst week of March and every year thereafter.

    The elected officials shall assume office immediately after their proclamation.

    SECTION 10 If less than the majority of the total population in a college has participated in the election,the Student Election Commission shall declare a failure of election in the said college and call a new oneuntil majority participation shall have been attained. The SEC shall see to it that all the colleges haveparticipated in the said election.

    If the special election fails for the second time, the President elect shall have the power to fill in the

    vacancies by appointing qualified students for the vacant position.


    SECTION 1 There shall be a Student Audit Commission (StAC) which shall be composed of three (3)commissioners. The three commissioners shall be appointed by the USG President from a list of sevennames submitted by the Governor of the College of Business and Accountancy. They shall elect fromamong themselves a chairman of the commission.

    SECTION 2 The Student Audit Commission (StAC) has the power, authority, and duty to examine, auditand settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds heldin trust by the USG and the College Boards including the Constitutional Commissions that have beengranted fiscal autonomy under this Constitution.

    SECTION 3 The StAC shall keep the general accounts of the USG and, for such period as may be providedby law, preserve the vouchers and other supporting papers pertaining thereto.

    SECTION 4 The StAC shall have exclusive authority, subject to the limitations of this article, to:Define the scope of its audit and examination;Establish the techniques and methods required therefore; andPromulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations including those for the prevention anddisallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable expenditures or uses ofthe USG fund.

    SECTION 5 No law or resolution shall be passed exempting any entity of the USG from the jurisdiction ofthe StAC.

    SECTION 6 All entities of the USG shall submit a financial report to the StAC after the end of eachsemester. Receipts and other pertinent documents supporting such financial report shall also besubmitted to facilitate proper auditing by the StAC.

    SECTION 7 The StAC shall submit to the President and the Student Congress, within the time fixed bylaw, a semestral audit report covering the financial condition and operation of the entire USG subject to

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    its audit.

    A copy of such semestral audit report shall be furnished to the Vice President for Student and ExternalAffairs and to the Director for Student Affairs.



    SECTION 1 The College Board shall be the basic organizational unit of the University Student Government(USG).

    SECTION 2 Each College Board shall be composed of a Governor, Vice-Governor and three (3) CollegeBoard members. To be elected by their respective constituents through direct popular vote a term of one(1) school year or until such time that there successor have not yet qualified.

    SECTION 3 No student shall be elected in any position in the College Board unless he possesses the

    following qualification set forth in Article VII-B, Section 8 of this Constitution.

    SECTION 4 The SCon shall enact which shall provide for a responsive and accountable College Boardestablished through a system of decentralization with proper allocation of their respective powers,responsibilities, duties, and functions and all other, matters relating to the organization and operation ofCollege Board.

    SECTION 5 The College Board shall be under the general supervision of USG President and shallautonomous in the management of their respective programs and activities.

    SECTION 6 Policies, rules, procedures or projects adopted or approved by the College Board must beconsistent with the policies, rules, procedures and programs or projects adopted or approved by the USGand the UNC Administration.

    SECTION 7 All elected College Board officers shall, upon assumption of office relinquish their positions asheads of their student organizations, if any, to avoid conflict of interest.


    SECTION 1 The Federation of Student Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities shall be the officialorganization of all accredited academic and non-academic organizations, fraternities, and sororities underthe general supervision of the University Student Government (USG).

    SECTION 2 Heads of all accredited academic, non-academic organizations, fraternities and sororities shall

    automatically be a member of FSO-FS.

    SECTION 3a The SEC shall administer the election of officers of FSO-FS.

    3b The election shall be held every last Saturday of June.

    SECTION 4a Members of FSO-FS shall elect among themselves a President, an Internal Vice President, anExternal Vice President, a Secretary General, a Director of Treasury, and a Public Relations Officer, andsuch other officers as they may deem necessary.

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    4b The elected FSO-FS President shall automatically be an Executive Cabinet Member of the USG.

    SECTION 5 The FSO-FS shall adopt their own constitution and by-laws provided that it must be consistentwith the 2012 Revised USG Constitution.

    SECTION 6 Policies, rules, procedures or projects adopted or approved by the FSO-FS must be consistentwith the policies, rules, procedures and programs or projects adopted or approved by the USG and theUNC Administration.



    SECTION 1 The USG adheres to the principle that public office is a student trust. USG officers must at alltimes be accountable to the students serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty andefficiency, act with justice and lead modest lives.

    SECTION 2 The President, Vice-President, and the members of the University Student Government maybe removed from office for any of the following grounds:

    Any willful violation of this Constitution;Conviction of a crime of this involving moral turpitude;Gross neglect of duty;Any form of misconduct which undermine directly the integrity of the office he holds;Malversation of funds; andFalsification of public and private documents.

    SECTION 3 Any member of the Student Congress may initiate and file complaint against the erringPresident or Vice-President for the reorganization of the Supreme Student Government.

    No President or Vice President shall be subject to discipline more than once within a period of one (1)semester and no reorganization shall take place without the concurrence of the members of the StudentCongress.

    SECTION 4 Any member of the USG, when removed, shall not, in any way, hold any position during histerm as member of the USG.

    SECTION 5 When the President of the USG is on trial, the Presiding Justice of the Student Tribunal shallpreside, but shall not vote.

    SECTION 6 The Student Tribunal and the Constitutional Commissions and each of the College Councilsmay promulgate their own rules of procedures on disciplinary action in accordance with this constitution.

    SECTION 7 The Student Election Commission, upon petition for recall filed by at least twenty-five percentum (25%) of the total population of the College Council, shall conduct and supervise the recallproceedings against any College Board officer. No officer of any college shall be recalled without theconcurrence of the majority of the total student population of that particular college.


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    SECTION 1 The USG shall request the assistance of the administration, thru the University Treasurer inthe collection of the USG fee.

    SECTION 1 The USG shall request the assistance College Board in the collection of the USG fee.

    SECTION 2 The USG fee shall be fixed by the Student Congress in accordance with existing laws andregulations. No increase in the fee shall take effect without the enactment of law calling for suchincrease.

    SECTION 3 The USG through the Treasurer-General shall collect separate Intramurals fee only during theenrollment for the first semester every school year.

    Such, intramurals fee shall be appropriated solely for the college expenses during University Palaro ofevery school year. The intramurals fee shall be equally divided among the College Board regardless oftheir population

    SECTION 3 The USG through the Treasurer-General shall collect separate Intramurals fee only during theenrollment for the first semester every school year.

    Such, intramurals fee shall be appropriated solely for the college expenses during University Palaro ofevery school year. Sixty percent (60%) of the intramurals fee shall be divided equally among the CollegeBoards and the remaining forty percent (40%) shall be distributed in accordance with the number ofpopulation of each college.

    SECTION 4 The USG fee shall be appropriated as follows:

    College Board 50%General Fund 30%Student Congress 6%Student Tribunal 2%Student Electoral Commission 10%Student Audit Commission 2%

    For purposes of distribution of the 50% appropriation USG fund to the College Board, the internalrevenue allotment of each college Board shall be distributed in accordance with the number of populationof each college.

    SECTION 4 The USG fee shall be appropriated as follows:

    College Board 50%General Fund 30%Student Congress 6%Student Tribunal 3%

    Student Electoral Commission 8%Student Audit Commission 3%

    For purposes of distribution of the 50% appropriation USG fund to the College Board, the internalrevenue allotment of each college Board shall be distributed in accordance with the number of populationof each college.

    SECTION 5 After the declaration of the school closure for enrollment beginning of every semestral period,the Congress shall pass a resolution requesting the Treasurers office of the University to release the USG

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    fee for distribution upon the recommending approval of the USG President and final approval of the VPfor Finance.The internal revenue allotment of every College Board shall only be released if they will submit a financialstatement of the USG President attached to it is a certification of the Student Audit Commission of thecorrectness of their financial statement.Upon the completion of all the requirements set forth under the preceding paragraph, the USG President

    shall submit a recommendation to the Student Congress to release the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)of the College Board. The Student Congress shall make the final approval for such release.

    *SECTION 5 After the declaration of the school closure for enrollment beginning of every semestralperiod, the respective College Boards must be able to turn over all USG fee collections to the ExecutiveTreasurer.

    a. The internal revenue allotment of every College Board shall only be released if they will submit afinancial statement to the USG President attached to it is a certification of the Student AuditCommission of the correctness of their financial statement.

    b. Upon the completion of all the requirements set forth under the preceding paragraph, the USGPresident shall submit a recommendation to the Student Congress to release the InternalRevenue Allotment (IRA) of the College Board. The Student Congress shall make the finalapproval for such release.

    SECTION 6 The Student Electoral Commission shall only be given an appropriation during the time whenthere is a scheduled regular election. In case, the fund appropriated for the regular election isinsufficient, the commission shall submit a resolution requesting for an additional funding from the USG.If in case, there is a special election, the Student Congress shall appropriate a special fund for suchpurpose.

    SECTION 7 No money shall be paid out of the funds of the USG without the concurrence of the majorityof the members of the Student Congress.

    SECTION 8 If in case the appropriated fund for the College Board is insufficient, the Board shall submit aresolution asking for a supplemental budget to the Student Congress or they shall create their ownrevenue generating projects.

    SECTION 9 The University Administration may provide financial aid to the University Supreme Studentgovernment if in case the general fund is insufficient to finance their projects and/or their activities.

    SECTION 9 The University Administration may provide financial aid to the University Student Governmentif in case the general fund is insufficient to finance their projects and/or their activities.

    SECTION 10 The USG fund excluding the amount appropriated for the College Board and theConstitutional Commission shall be deposited in a single bank account and it shall be a general rulebefore any withdrawal is made, the USG Treasurer upon the authority given by the USG President andtheir moderator shall be the signatory. In emergency cases when one of them is not available, the 2/3concurrence of the SCon will suffice.



    SECTION 1 It is obligation of every student to:Uphold this Constitution and the rules and regulation of the University;Be loyal to the university;Help engender an academic atmosphere conducive to harmony among the various constituencies of the

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    university; andPay regularly the USG fee and other fees as may be imposed through a resolution by the StudentCongress.


    SECTION 1 The organization shall be known as the University Student Government (USG) and shall adopt

    an official seal. The USG shall be the duly constituted Central Student Organization of all colleges of the

    University of Nueva Caceres.

    SECTION 2 The office of the University of Student Government shall be located within the University of

    Nueva Caceres, which shall be provided for by the administration free of charge.

    SECTION 3 The students of the University of Nueva Caceres regardless of creed, race or nationality, who

    are officially enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, Commerce, Education, Engineering, InformationTechnology, and Law, are hereby automatically considered members of the USG.

    SECTION 3 The students of the University of Nueva Caceres regardless of creed, race or nationality, whoare officially enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, Business and Accountancy, Criminology andJustice, Computer Studies, Education, Engineering and Architecture, and Nursing, are herebyautomatically considered members of the USG.

    SECTION 4 The provisions of this Constitution shall be reproduced and be included in the CollegeHandbook provided by the University for the students to have easy access to information regarding thegoverning USG Constitution.

    SECTION 5 The provisions of this Constitution shall be recognized, upheld and respected by theUniversity Administration.

    SECTION 6 The President, the Speaker of the House, the Presiding Justice and the Governors shall begranted semester tuition fee discount which shall be determine by the SCon through a resolution subjectto fair, reasonable and equitable requirement approved by the Administration. Granting of such discountis a matter of privilege not as a right.

    SECTION 7 All elected and appointed Student Government Officers shall before entering the execution oftheir respective offices, take the following oath or affirmation:I _____________________________________________(state name), do solemnly swear, that I willfaithfully and conscientiously fulfill my duties as ____________ (state position) of the University Student

    Government, preserve and defend its Constitution, ______________________________ (execute itslaws/legislate laws/ interpret and apply its laws), do justice to every student and consecrate myself to theservice of the University of Nueva Caceres. So help me God.



    SECTION 1 The USG and the different Constitutional Commissions shall have their own moderator.

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    SECTION 2 The concerned body shall choose its own moderator from among the full time college facultymembers of the University, except those who are handling administrative positions, subject to theapproval of the Vice President for External Affairs (VPSEA) of the University.

    SECTION 3 The moderator shall be limited in giving technical and legal advice. He or she shall likewise,

    be entitled to an honorarium allowance as may be provided for by the University Administration.

    SECTION 4 The term of office of the moderator shall be co-terminus with the appointing officers.


    SECTION 1 Any amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be proposed by a ConstitutionalConvention called for such purpose. Each college shall have five (5) representatives to the ConstitutionalConvention to be elected by their respective constituents.

    SECTION 2 The Constitutional Convention may be convened.By petition of at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total population of each college; or

    By a resolution unanimously approved by the Student Congress.

    SECTION 3 Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution shall be valid when duly presented andagreed upon by the proponents and the UNC Administration and ratified by a majority of the votes cast inplebiscite called for such purpose.

    SECTION 4 No amendment or revision of this constitution shall take place within a period of three (3)years from its ratification.


    SECTION 1 Any amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be proposed by a ConstitutionalConvention called for such purpose.

    SECTION 2 The Constitutional Convention may be convened.a. By petition of at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total population of each college; orb. By a resolution unanimously approved by the Student Congress.

    SECTION 3 The resolution passed by the Student Congress must:a. Specify the number of delegates to be elected;b. Indicate the date, time, and venue of the Constitutional Convention Election; andc. Determine the source of fund for the operation of the Convention.

    SECTION 4 Election of Constitutional Convention Delegates shall be conducted separately from the USG


    SECTION 5 The members of the Convention must convene immediately the day after the proclamation.

    SECTION 6 Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution shall be valid when duly presented andagreed upon by the proponents and the UNC Administration and ratified by a majority of the votes cast ineach College in a plebiscite called for such purpose.

    SECTION 7 No amendment or revision of this constitution shall take place within a period of three (3)

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    The revised Constitution of the University Student Government (USG) has been duly presented andagreed upon by the 2001 Constitutional Convention Delegate and the undersigned officials of the UNCAdministration.

    Signed this 24th day of June in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Two at the University of NuevaCaceres, Naga City.

    MS. ARMIN A. FULLANTE MR. JESUS J. HERNANDEZDirector for Student Affairs Vice-President for Student & External Affairs