Understanding collaborative leadership

Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

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Page 1: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Understanding collaborative leadership

Page 2: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Overview of the day

12.30 Introduction and overview

12.45 Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

13.30 Establishing the characteristics of collaborative leadership

14.30 Understanding the characteristics of collaborative leadership

15.00 Tea/coffee

15.15 Moving to action

16.00 Next steps

16.30 Close

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Page 3: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Housekeeping and ground rules

• Time keeping

• Mobile phones

• Confidentiality

• Fire and safety points

• Valuing contributions


Page 4: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Workshop aim: To develop an understanding of collaborative planning and leadership necessary for effective implementation

• To deepen your understanding of the characteristics of collaborative leadership

• To reflect on your collaborative leadership practice

• To explore a challenge in your partnership and plan an action to address it

• To share experiences with other partnership members

• Plan actions as needed


Page 5: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Session aims:

• To develop your understanding of:

• why collaborate?

• what are the challenges of collaboration?

• what is collaborative leadership?


Page 6: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership


• Discuss the questions and flipchart your responses• Why collaborate?• What are the challenges of collaboration? • What is collaborative leadership? • (20 mins)

Present your responses to the whole group.


Page 7: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Common bases of collaborative advantage

• Access to resources

• Shared risk

• Efficiency

• Co-ordination and seamlessness

• Learning

• The moral imperative

(Source: Huxham and Vangen 2005)


Page 8: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Themes in collaborative practice

Common aims

Communication &



Working processes


Democracy & equality


Commitment &determination



Social capital




Membership st


Practitioner generated themes

Source: Vangen & Huxham 2005: 38


Page 9: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

What is collaborative leadership?

• “Collaborative leadership embraces a process in which individual leaders from different organisations come together for a shared purpose and work collaboratively to deliver the very best learning opportunities and outcomes for young people.”

(CEL/NCSL Steering Group: 2007)

• “Collaborative leadership is leadership shown by a group that is acting collaboratively to solve agreed upon issues. It uses supportive and inclusive methods to ensure that all people affected by a decision are part of the change process. It requires a new notion of power…the more power we share, the more power we have to use.”


• “Building the capacity of the whole system, making it possible for others to invest their leadership, creating the space for the discovery of new solutions, being willing to let go of tenaciously held short term goals in the interests of the whole- all these will be important in developing good leadership systems. “

(Goss: 2007)


Page 10: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Establishing the characteristics of collaborative leadership

Session aims

• To establish priorities for collaborative leadership

• To use the characteristics of collaborative leadership to identify the causes of a challenge in your partnership


Page 11: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Establishing priorities for collaborative leadership


• In groups, use flip chart paper to draw the learner journey and identify all stages from marketing to completion and award. Identify on the journey where activity is well developed and potential areas of difficulty. Identify your priorities for collaborative leadership. (20 mins)

• Explain the priorities identified by your group.

• Find out about the priorities identified by other groups.(10mins)


Page 12: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Identifying the causes of your partnership challenge


• Individually, refer back to the learner journey and identify a challenge in your partnership (10 mins)

• In pairs, identify which of the characteristics are causing the challenge in your partnership (10 mins)


Page 13: Understanding collaborative leadership. Overview of the day 12.30 Introduction and overview 12.45Understanding collaboration and collaborative leadership

Understanding the characteristics of collaborative leadership

Session aims

• To explore key characteristics of collaborative leadership: purpose and vision; culture; trust; power

• To share learning to deepen understanding of your partnership challenge


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Exploring the key characteristics of collaborative leadership


In pairs or threes discuss the leadership behaviour and activities needed to:

• share purpose and vision

• develop collaborative culture

• build trust

• manage power (15 mins)

Share your learning with the whole group to deepen your understanding

of your partnership challenge. (10 mins)

Individually, clarify the underlying characteristics of your partnership challenge and note your ideas on how to tackle it. (10 mins)


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Moving to action

Session aims

• To reflect on collaborative leadership practice and identify personal learning

• To plan action to strengthen collaborative leadership


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Next steps

Session 5 aims

• To identify next steps

• To review the day


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Thank you