Understanding Portion Sizes Grade Level: 9 th -10 th Graders Lesson Plan Timeframe: 45 Minutes Program Topic: Nutrition State: OK Prepared By: Katrina Lewis Chapter/School: Konawa High School Overview & Purpose This lesson focuses on teaching students to understand correct portion sizes. Portion sizes are important in maintaining a health weight and lifestyle. This information will also help students to better understand the recommended amount of food they should consume daily in accordance with USDA Food Guide Pyramid. FCCLA National Program(s) Student Body. Lesson Plan Goals & Objectives Students will be able to estimate amounts of foods by using common objects for comparison. Students will be able to compare amounts of food they eat to serving sizes listed on food labels. Materials Needed Paper Pencil Items to demonstrate the correct portion sizes (listed below) Small computer mouse (represents ½ cup) Baseball (represents 1 cup) Deck of cards (represents 2 to 3 ounces of meat) CD (represents 1 ounce slice of bread) 2 nine volt batteries (represents 1 ½ ounces of cheese) 4 ounces juice box (represents ½ cup of liquid) 1 nine volt battery (represents 1 tablespoon) Portion Distortion Quiz (Attached) Know Your Amounts Test (Attached. On page 40 of nutrition resources from USDA) Food Group Choices Worksheet (Attached ) FCCLA’s National Program Student Body CD Introduction of Subject (Give and/or demonstrate necessary information) Begin this lesson by having students complete the Portion Distortion Quiz. (Attached) Go over correct answers to show students how much portion sizes have changed even in the last 20 years. Discuss with students how the increase in portions could be part of the reason for the nationwide obesity problem. Teach lesson by showing each of the items listed above and explain what portion size that they represent. Also provide examples of the foods that fall into each category that the items are representing. Verification Check students understanding by playing a matching game and having students match the objects that were shown with the correct measurements.

Understanding Portion Sizes

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Page 1: Understanding Portion Sizes

Understanding Portion Sizes

Grade Level:

9th-10th Graders

Lesson Plan Timeframe:

45 Minutes Program Topic:




Prepared By:

Katrina Lewis Chapter/School:

Konawa High School

Overview & Purpose This lesson focuses on teaching students to understand correct portion sizes. Portion sizes are important in maintaining a health weight and lifestyle. This information will also help students to better understand the recommended amount of food they should consume daily in accordance with USDA Food Guide Pyramid.

FCCLA National Program(s) Student Body.

Lesson Plan Goals & Objectives

Students will be able to estimate amounts of foods by using common objects for comparison. Students will be able to compare amounts of food they eat to serving sizes listed on food labels.

Materials Needed • Paper • Pencil • Items to demonstrate the correct portion sizes (listed below) • Small computer mouse (represents ½ cup) • Baseball (represents 1 cup) • Deck of cards (represents 2 to 3 ounces of meat) • CD (represents 1 ounce slice of bread) • 2 nine volt batteries (represents 1 ½ ounces of cheese) • 4 ounces juice box (represents ½ cup of liquid) • 1 nine volt battery (represents 1 tablespoon) • Portion Distortion Quiz (Attached) • Know Your Amounts Test (Attached. On page 40 of nutrition resources from USDA) • Food Group Choices Worksheet (Attached ) • FCCLA’s National Program Student Body CD

Introduction of Subject (Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)

• Begin this lesson by having students complete the Portion Distortion Quiz. (Attached) • Go over correct answers to show students how much portion sizes have changed even in the last 20 years. • Discuss with students how the increase in portions could be part of the reason for the nationwide obesity

problem. • Teach lesson by showing each of the items listed above and explain what portion size that they represent.

Also provide examples of the foods that fall into each category that the items are representing.


Check students understanding by playing a matching game and having students match the objects that were shown with the correct measurements.

Page 2: Understanding Portion Sizes

Understanding Portion Sizes Page 2 Activity 1 (Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

Independently students will complete the Food Group Choices Worksheet. This worksheet will have the student identify the amount of food that they individually need in each of the food groups on the food guide pyramid. This worksheet also includes an activity that students can complete where they must list examples of foods that represent the correct portion amounts that they just learned about.

Activity 2 (Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

After completing this lesson, I would integrate FCCLA’s National Program Study Body into this lesson by dividing students into groups and having them make posters that will be displayed in the junior and high school that show the object examples and the correct portion of food they are related to.

Activity 3 (Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

After the completion of the entire nutrition unit, students will also use the resources found in the Student Body National Program CD to plan a lesson to be taught to 3rd grade elementary students. The class will be divided into small groups and each group will be responsible for a certain part of the lesson including demonstrating how to make a healthy snack, preparing a fun exercise routine, and teaching about ways to improve nutrition using the information they learned in our FACS class and from the FCCLA Student Body CD. Each student will also be responsible for finding two healthy recipes to be placed in our Student Body cookbook that will be compiled by this class and given to the 3rd grade students that they teach.

Summary/Evaluation (Assign Homework, or Reflect on the Outcomes)

The students’ homework for this lesson will be to study the information that was covered in order to prepare for a quiz that will be given at the beginning of the hour the next day.

Other Resources More information about this lesson and other resources that can be used with this lesson can be found on-line at http://tn.ntis.gov. This website will also allow you to order and download helpful free nutrition materials from the US Department of Agriculture.

Additional Notes You can request a free large “Portion Size” poster from the US Department of Agriculture web-site that is listed above. A small one is attached for your use with this lesson.

Source (

Food Group Choices Worksheet, USDA Poster, and Know Your Amounts were published by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) www.teamnutriton.usda.gov Portion Distortion Quiz was published by the organization “WeCan” nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/.../wecan/downloads/portion-quiz.pdf

By submitting this lesson plan you are giving FCCLA permission to publish your work on the FCCLA website, www.fcclainc.org.

Page 3: Understanding Portion Sizes

½ cup of beans counts as 2 oz= size of a small computer mouse

1 tablespoon of peanut butter counts as 1 oz= size of one 9-volt


2-3 oz. of meat, poultry or fish= size of a deck

of cards

½ cup of fruit juice= size of a 4 oz

juice box

1 small apple = 1 cup= size of a baseball

½ cup of sliced fruit= size of a small computer mouse

1 cup of milk = an 8 oz

carton of milk

1½ oz. of low-fat natural

cheese* = size of two

9-volt batteries

1 cup of yogurt

= size of a baseball

½ cup of carrots or other vegetables= size of a small computer mouse

1 cup of raw vegetables

= size of a baseball

10 medium fries counts as ½ cup

= size of a deck of cards

½ cup of cooked pasta = 1 oz= size of a small computer mouse

1 cup of dry cereal = 1 oz= size of a baseball

1 slice of bread counts as 1 oz= size of a CD*


5 1/2


Amounts of foods For 2,000 calories

United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information, check out: teamnutrition.usda.gov November 2006



ouncesor equivalent

Meat &Beans Group

ouncesor equivalent

Grains Group

cupsor equivalent

Milk Group


Vegetable Group


Fruit Group

*About the thickness of 10 CDs (½ inch)

How Much Do YOU Eat?Use these eveyday items to estimate the amount you eat.

*Counts as one cup

Page 4: Understanding Portion Sizes

Portion Distortion Quiz

You’ve probably noticed that food portions in restaurants and other places have grown in size and provide enough food for at least two people. Larger portion sizes can lead to bigger waistlines and weight gain.

Take the Portion Distortion Quiz below to see if you know how today's portions compare to the portions available 20 years ago, and about the amount of physical activity required to burn off the extra calories provided by today's portions. The answers are provided below.

1. A bagel 20 years ago was 3 inches in diameter and had 140 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's bagel?

a. ❒❒

150 calories b. 250 calories c. 350 calories

2. A cheeseburger 20 years ago had 333 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's cheeseburger?

a. ❒❒

590 calories b. 620 calories c. 700 calories

3. A 6.5-ounce portion of soda had 85 calories 20 years ago. How many calories do you think are in today's portion?

a. ❒❒

200 calories b. 250 calories c. 300 calories

4. 2.4 ounces of french fries of 20 years ago had 210 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's portion?

a. ❒❒

590 calories b. 610 calories c. 650 calories

5. A portion of spaghetti and meatballs 20 years ago had 500 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's portion of spaghetti and meatballs?

a. ❒❒

600 calories b. 800 calories

Page 5: Understanding Portion Sizes

c. ❒ 1,025 calories

6. A cup of coffee with milk and sugar 20 years ago was 8 ounces and had 45 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's mocha coffee?

a. ❒❒

100 calories b. 350 calories c. 450 calories

7. A muffin 20 years ago was 1.5 ounces and had 210 calories. How many calories do you think are in a muffin today?

a. ❒❒

320 calories b. 400 calories c. 500 calories

8. Two slices of pepperoni pizza 20 years ago had 500 calories. How many calories do you think are in today's large pizza slices?

a. ❒❒

850 calories b. 1,000 calories c. 1,200 calories

9. A chicken Caesar salad had 390 calories 20 years ago. How many calories do you think are in today's chicken Caesar salad?

a. ❒❒

520 calories b. 650 calories c. 790 calories

10. A box of popcorn had 270 calories 20 years ago. How many calories do you think are in today's tub of popcorn?

a. ❒❒

520 calories b. 630 calories c. 820 calories

Thank you for taking the Portion Distortion quiz. We hope it was fun and insightful. We also hope that next time you eat out, you will think twice about the food portions offered to you.

Page 6: Understanding Portion Sizes

Answers 1. c: 350 calories for a 6 inch bagel. If you rake leaves for 50 minutes

you’ll burn the extra 210 calories.*

2. a. 590 calories. You’ll need to lift weights for 1 hour and 30 minutes, to burn the extra approximately 257 calories.*

3. b. 250 calories for a 20-ounce soda. If you work in the garden for 35 minutes you will burn the extra 165 calories.**

4. b. 610 calories for a 6.9-ounce portion of french fries. If you walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes, you will burn the extra 400 calories.**

5. c. 1,025 calories for a portion consisting of 2 cups of pasta with sauce and 3 large meatballs. If you houseclean for 2 hours and 35 minutes, you will burn approximately 525 calories.*

6. b. 350 calories for a 16-ounce cup of coffee. If you walk approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn the extra 305 calories*

7. c. 500 calories for a 5-ounce muffin. If you vacuum for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes you will burn the extra 310 calories*

8. a. 850 calories for 2 large slices of pizza. If you play golf (while walking and carrying your clubs) for 1 hour, you will burn the extra 350 calories**

9. c. 790 calories for a 3 cup portion. If you walk the dog for 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will burn the extra 400 calories.**

10. b. 630 calories for a tub of popcorn. If you do water aerobics for 1 hour and 15 minutes, you will burn the extra 360 calories.**

* Based on a 130-pound person ** Based on a 160-pound person

Page 7: Understanding Portion Sizes


Homework–Check Your Nutrition KnowledgeReview the entire list of Vocabulary and Definitions section before doing this assignment. Provide the word that matches these definitions:

They contain the entire grain kernel: the bran, germ, and endosperm. Examples: bulgur, 1. oatmeal, cornmeal, brown rice.

The recommended amounts of key nutrients, based on 2,000 calories a day. The amounts shown for the DV nutrient levels for 2,000 and 2,500 calories are provided on many 2. Nutrition Facts labels. Types of foods that are important sources of calcium for teens. Adolescents have a very critical need for calcium during their growth spurt. All calcium-rich food sources 3. can help bones grow.

The food guidance system developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to guide healthful eating and physically active living. It gives the amounts and kinds of foods 4. you need daily from the five food groups, plus oils.

Substances, found in food, that nourish your body. They should come primarily from foods. 5. Some foods are fortified with them to meet a recognized public health need.

6. Forms of fats that are liquid at room temperature.

A fat that is solid at room temperature, such as the fat in meat, poultry skin, and foods 7. made from whole milk. It increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease.

A lifestyle that is moderately physically active—that includes physical activity equivalent to walking about 1½ to 3 miles at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the light physical 8. activity typical in day-to-day life.

Define or explain the meaning of three of the following words:




Lactose Intolerance

Serving Size

Page 8: Understanding Portion Sizes


Your Age: years

Your Activity Level:

Inactive______ Somewhat Active______

Active _______ Your Gender:

Girl Boy

Amounts of food for 2,000 calories.

Fill in the amounts of food for YOU

How much more (+) or less (-) do YOU need, compared to the amount recommended for 2,000 calories a day?

Fruits 2 cups cups ( + ) or (-) cups

Vegetables Group 2½ cups cups ( + ) or (-) cups

Milk Group 3 cups orequivalent

cups orequivalent

( + ) or (-) cups or equivalent

Meat & Beans Group 5½ ounces orequivalent

ounces orequivalent

( + ) or (-) cups or equivalent

Grains Group 6 ounces orequivalent

ounces orequivalent

( + ) or (-) cups or equivalent

Homework Lesson 1. MyPyramid Amounts of Foods—For YOU

Using the MyPyramid Amounts of Foods–for YOU chart, write the amounts YOU need from each food group. Identify the approximate amount of calories you need for a day. Write down how much more, or less, you need than the amounts of food recommended for each food group, at 2,000 calories.

Page 9: Understanding Portion Sizes


Homework Lesson 2. Choose the Foods YOU Need Write down the specific foods and beverages and the amounts you might eat at dinner. Put an X in the appropriate food group.

DINNERFood and Beverages Amounts In cups and ounces

Fruits Group


Milk Group

Meat &Beans Group


3 ounces x(example: hamburger)

Page 10: Understanding Portion Sizes


Homework Lesson 3. Choose Foods for Their Nutrients

Locate some Nutrition Facts labels at home. Make a list of four foods that are HIGH (20% DV or higher) in calcium, fiber, or saturated fat, and give 5 foods that are LOW (5% DV or less) in saturated fat, cholesterol, or any vitamin.

Food(s) 1. low-fat milk 2. 3. 4. 5.

HIGH in 1. calcium 2. 3. 4. 5.

Foods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

LOW in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Homework Lesson 4. Estimate the Amounts of Foods Write down an estimate of the amount of each food you eat and each beverage you drink for one evening meal. Use the objects introduced in the class session to estimate amounts.

Food and Beverages Estimated Amounts in cups or ounces

Example: fat-free milk 12 ounces (or 1½ cups)

Page 11: Understanding Portion Sizes


Homework Lesson 5. Put it all Together—Food for a Day

Describe another evening meal that has the same amount of food group foods as in Mom’s Oriental Stir-Fry Dinner. Identify at least one food HIGH in calcium. Write the amounts of foods that you probably would eat.

DINNERFood and Beverages Amounts

In cups or







Meat &

Beans Group


Green beans ½ cup ½ cup

Foods HIGH in Calcium 1. 2. 3. Amounts 1. 2. 3.

Homework Lesson 6. Move It to Keep Your Health in Balance • Write three ways teens can be physically active almost every day. • Write three health benefits of being physically active. • Explain the “talk-sing test” as a way to measure a level of physical activity.

Ways to be Active Health Benefits

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

The Talk-Sing Test means that you can—(complete the sentence)

Page 12: Understanding Portion Sizes


Vocabulary Challenge–Test Provide the word that matches these definitions: Forms of fats that are liquid at room temperature.

The food guidance system developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to guide healthful eating and physically active living. It gives the amounts and kinds of foods people need daily from the five food groups, plus oils.

A fat that is solid at room temperature, such as the fat in meat, poultry skin, and foods made from whole milk. It increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease.

The recommended amounts of key nutrients, based on 2,000 calories a day. The amounts of nutrients for 2,000 calories or 2,500 calories is provided on many Nutrition Facts food labels.

A description of living in a way that is moderately physically active. This lifestyle includes physical activity that is equal to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the light physical activity of day-to-day life.

Types of foods that are important sources of calcium for teens. Adolescents have a critical need for calcium during the growth spurt. All calcium-rich food sources can help bones grow.

Define the following three words: Calcium


Serving Sizes







Page 13: Understanding Portion Sizes


Using the Nutrition Facts Panels below:• Circle the nutrients that have a HIGH % DV for nutrients.• Circle the Serving Size, and amount of calories on each label.

Write the name of a common object (a deck of cards, for example) equal to the Serving Size amount for each label.

Extra Credit: Using food labels above, add up the total foods, for eachof three nutrients.

Vitamin A Fiber Iron




Serving Size 1 strip (9g)Servings Per Container 8

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

30. Candy, red licorice

Nutrition Facts

Calories 30

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 20mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 6g 2 %

Protein 0g

Dietary Fiber 0g 0 %

Sugars 4g

Vitamin A 0% • Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 0% • Iron 0%


=5% or less H


=20% or m


Trans Fat 0g

Serving Size 1/4 melon (157g)Servings Per Container 4

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

31. Cantaloupe

Nutrition Facts

Calories 50

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 30mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 12g 4 %

Protein 1g

Dietary Fiber 2g 7 %

Sugars 14g

Vitamin A 120% • Vitamin C 100%

Calcium 2% • Iron 0%


=5% or less H


=20% or m


Trans Fat 0g

Serving Size 1/2 cup (73g)Servings Per Container 4

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

32. Carrots, canned

Nutrition Facts

Calories 20

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 30mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 4g 1 %

Protein 0g

Dietary Fiber 1g 4 %

Sugars 2g

Vitamin A 200% • Vitamin C 4%

Calcium 0% • Iron 2%


=5% or less H


=20% or m


Trans Fat 0g

Fill in your— Gender: Activity level:


MyPyramidfood group amountsat 2,000 calories

Fill in YOURAmounts

Fruits Group


Vegetables Group


Milk Group

cups or equivalent

Meat & Beans Group

ounces or equivalent

Grains Group ounces or


Using the Nutrition Facts Panels–Test

% DV % DV % DV

• Write in the recommended amounts of food for each food group for a total of 2,000 calories for a day in the first column.

• Fill in the Amount of Food YOU Need in the second column in the chart:

Page 14: Understanding Portion Sizes


Know Your Amounts–Test

On the chart below, fill in the foods, and amounts of foods, in common measures (such as ½ cup, 1 cup) that would take up an equal amount of space on a plate as the object in Column 1. (Include at least one food from each of the food groups.)


Amount of Common

Measure (in cups or ounces)

Examples of Foods

From the Food Groups

baseball 1 cup – 8 ounces

1 CD (and ½” thickness) waffle

1 deck of cards slice of meat

2 computer mice 1 cup – 8 ounces

an 8-ounce carton

small juice box

9-volt battery 1 tablespoon

Describe three health benefits of being physically active.




• Identify the recommended amount of time teens should be physically active, and how often during the week.

minutes days of the week

Page 15: Understanding Portion Sizes


Extra credit–Test• Fill in amounts (in household measures) for each food listed below to show how to meet the recommended

amounts for the each food group, for 2,000 calories a day.• Add up the total amounts in each food group and compare to what is needed for 2,000 calories a day.

Your Food for a Day

Fill in: your age: gender: physical activity level:

Amounts you need 2 cups 2½ cups 3 cups5½ oz or

equivalent6 oz or


Food and Beverages

Amounts in cups or ounces



Milk Group

Meat &Beans Group


Example: Green Beans ½ cup ½ cup

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Cereal 1 cup 1 oz

Orange Juice 4 oz ½ cup

Sandwich 2 slices bread 2 oz

tomato 2 slices tomato ½ cup

cheese 2 slices cheese 1 cup

meat ham = 2 oz 2 oz

Apple 1 small apple 1 cup

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Frozen juice bar 4 oz ½ cup

Chili with meat 1 ½ cup

beans ½ cup ½ cup

tomatoes ½ cup ½ cup

meat 2 oz 2 oz

Cornbread 3 inch square 1 oz

Soft Margarine 1 Tbsp

Carrot slices 1 cup 1 cup

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Cookies 2 small 1 oz

Total amount you ate

Did you eat what you need?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Page 16: Understanding Portion Sizes


Answers to Test QuestionsVocabulary Challenge—ANSWERSProvide the word that matches the following definitions:

1. Oils or Unsaturated Fats Forms of fats that are liquid at room temperature.

2. MyPyramid The food guidance system developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is a guide for healthful eating and active living. It gives the amounts and kinds of foods needed daily from the five food groups, plus oils.

3. Saturated Fat or Trans Fat A fat that is solid at room temperature. It increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease.

4. Daily Values Daily Values (DVs) are recommended amounts of key nutrients, based on 2,000 calories a day. The amounts shown for the DV nutrient levels for 2,000 and 2,500 calories are provided on many Nutrition Facts labels.

5. Somewhat Active A lifestyle that is moderately physically active. It includes physical activity that is equal to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles at 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to day-to-day life activities.

6. Milk or foods made from milk Types of foods that are important sources of calcium for teens. Adolescents have a critical need for calcium during the growth spurt. All calcium-rich food sources can help bones grow.

Explain the meanings of the following three words:

Calcium A mineral nutrient that helps build and renew bones and teeth. It is also important in regulating the function of the heart, muscles, and nerves.

Calories (Food Energy) A way to measure the energy used by the body, and the energy that food supplies to the body.

Serving Size A fixed amount of food, such as 1 cup or 1 ounce, that can be used in making comparisons among similar foods. Serving Sizes are found on the Nutrition Facts label.

Page 17: Understanding Portion Sizes


Serving Size 1 strip (9g)Servings Per Container 8

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

30. Candy, red licorice

Nutrition Facts

Calories 30

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 20mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 6g 2 %

Protein 0g

Dietary Fiber 0g 0 %

Sugars 4g

Vitamin A 0% • Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 0% • Iron 0%LO


or less HIG


or more

Trans Fat 0g

Serving Size 1/4 melon (157g)Servings Per Container 4

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

31. Cantaloupe

Nutrition Facts

Calories 50

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 30mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 12g 4 %

Protein 1g

Dietary Fiber 2g 7 %

Sugars 14g

Vitamin A 120% • Vitamin C 100%

Calcium 2% • Iron 0%


=5% or less H


=20% or m


Trans Fat 0g

Serving Size 1/2 cup (73g)Servings Per Container 4

Amount Per Serving

%Daily Value*

32. Carrots, canned

Nutrition Facts

Calories 20

Total Fat 0g 0 %

Saturated Fat 0g 0 %

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Cholesterol 0mg 0 %

Sodium 30mg 1 %

Total Carbohydrate 4g 1 %

Protein 0g

Dietary Fiber 1g 4 %

Sugars 2g

Vitamin A 200% • Vitamin C 4%

Calcium 0% • Iron 2%


=5% or less H


=20% or m


Trans Fat 0g

Using the Nutrition Facts panels—ANSWERS • Circle the nutrients that have a HIGH % DV.• Circle the Serving Size and Calories on each label. • Write the name of a common object (such as a deck of cards) equal to the Serving Size amount for each label.

Extra Credit: Using food labels above, add up the total % DV in two foods, for each of three nutrients.

Vitamin A Fiber Iron

Carrots 200 7 2

Cantaloupe 120 4 0

Total 320% DV 11% DV 2% DV

Fill in your -- Gender: Activity level:


MyPyramidfood group amountsat 2,000 calories

Fill in YOURAmounts

Fruits 2Group cups


Vegetables 2½Group cups


Milk 3Group cups or equivalent

cups or equivalent

Meat & 5½Beans ounces or equivalent

ounces or equivalent

Grains 6Group ounces or equivalent

ounces or equivalent

• Write in the recommended amounts of food for each food group for a total of 2,000 calories for a day in the first column.

• Fill in the Amount of Food YOU Need in the second column in the chart:

Page 18: Understanding Portion Sizes


Know Your Amounts—ANSWERS

On the chart below, fill in the foods, and amounts of foods, in common measures (such as ½ cup, 1 cup) that would take up an equal amount of space on a plate as the object in Column 1. (Include at least one food from each of the food groups.)

ObjectAmount of Common

Measure (in cups or ounces)Examples of Foods

From the Food Groups

baseball 1 cup apple, orange, scoop of rice, cereal

1 CD (and ½” thickness) 1-ounce slice bread, waffle

1 deck of cards 2 to 3 ounces or 1½ cup meat, French fries

2 computer mice 1 cup – (= 2 half cups) peach slices, peas, pasta

an 8-ounce carton 1 cup – (or 8 fluid ounces) yogurt, low-fat milk

small juice box ½ cup juice

9-volt battery 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Describe three health benefits of being physically active

• Makes the most of physical appearance.• Helps you feel good about yourself.• Helps improve body weight.• Increases physical fitness.• Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and some cancers.• Builds muscle strength and stamina.• Builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints.• Promotes fun with family and friends.• Improves relationships within your family.• Reduces feelings of stress.• Helps you sleep better.

Identify the recommended amount of time teens should be physically active, and how often during the week. 60 minutes every day or most or all days of the week.

Page 19: Understanding Portion Sizes


Extra credit:—ANSWERS • Fill in amounts (in household measures) for each food listed below to show how to meet the recommended amounts

for the each food group, for 2,000 calories a day.• Add up the total amounts in each food group and compare to what is needed for 2,000 calories a day.

Your student’s amounts of food may not reflect the pattern as shown on this answer page. Total amounts for each column should be close to the 2, 2½, 3, 5½, 6 pattern. Students will need to estimate how some foods need to be described as “equivalent” amounts (i.e. cheese is equivalent to cups of milk; beans can be counted in cups as part of the Vegetable Group or in ounces in the Meat and Beans Group.)

Your Food for a Day Fill in: your age: gender: physical activity level:

Amounts you need 2 cups 2 1/2 cups 3 cups 5 1/2 oz 6 oz orequivalent

Food and Beverages Amounts

In cups or ounces FruitsGroup


Milk Group

Meat &Beans Group


Example: Green Beans (1/2 cup) (1/2 cup)

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Cereal 1 cup 1 oz

Orange Juice 8 oz 1 cup

Sandwich 2 slices bread 2 oz

tomato 2 slices tomato ¼ cup

cheese 2 slices cheese 1 cup

meat ham = 2 oz 2 oz

Apple 1 small apple 1 cup

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Frozen juice bar 4 oz ½ cup

Chili with meat

beans ½ cup ½ cup

tomatoes ½ cup ½ cup

meat 2 oz 2 oz

Cornbread 3 inch square 1 oz

Soft Margarine 1 Tbsp

Carrot slices 1 cup 1 cup

Milk 1 cup 1 cup

Cookies 2 small 1 oz

Total amount you ate 2½ cups 2¼ cups 4 cups 4 oz 5oz equivalent

Did you eat what you need?

Yes No Yes No No

Page 20: Understanding Portion Sizes

Food group amounts based on age, gender, activity level

Less Food Food Amounts for 2,000 calories

More Food Fill in Amounts YOU need

Fruits 1 ½ cups 2 cups 2 ½ cups

Vegetables 2 cups 2 ½ cups 4 cups

Milk 3 cups 3 cups 3 cups

Meat and Beans 5 ounces 5 ½ ounces 7 ounces

Grains 5 ounces 6 ounces 10 ounces

How to use the Food Group Choices-worksheet:

1) Write the names of foods on the squares for each food group on the worksheet.

Divide the total amount for a day (5½ oz. or equivalent) among the three Meat and Beans group squares.Choose two vegetables (try to get dark-green and orange-colored ones).Choose grain foods made with whole grains (for extra credit).

2) Cut, or tear apart, the square sections of this chart.

3) Sort the squares into piles according to the way you would eat them as part of meals or snacks.


Food Group Choices

What and How Much Would YOU Eat for a Day?Use this chart to plan a day’s worth of foods YOU like to eat that will give you thekinds and amounts of foods you need.


Page 21: Understanding Portion Sizes

Food Group Choices


Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Name a food made from whole grains

Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Name a food made from whole grains

Grains Group 1 oz. or equivalent

Name a food made from whole grains

Vegetables Group ½ cup

Choose an ORANGE colored vegetable

Vegetables Group ½ cup

Choose a dark-GREEN colored vegetable

Vegetables Group ½ cup

Vegetables Group ½ cup Vegetables Group ½ cup Fruits Group ½ cup

Fruits Group ½ cup Fruits Group ½ cup Fruits Group ½ cup

Milk Group 8 oz. cup or equivalent

Milk Group 8 oz. cup or equivalent

Milk Group 8 oz. cup or equivalent

Meat & Beans Group

Write # ounces, or equivalents (for a total of 5½ oz. for a day)

Meat & Beans Group

Write # ounces, or equivalents (for a total of 5½ oz. for a day)

Meat & Beans Group

Write # ounces, or equivalents (for a total of 5½ oz. for a day)

Page 22: Understanding Portion Sizes

Breakfast hard cooked egg (= 1 ounce), toast, (= 1 ounce), orange juice (= 1 cup)

Lunch ham & cheese sandwich (1 ounce ham, 11/2 ounce natural cheese)on whole-wheat bread (= 2 ounces) with lettuce and tomato (= 1/2 cup)vanilla yogurt (= 1 cup), pear (= 1 small), carrot chunks (= 1/2 cup).

Snacks 2 molasses cookies, 2 mugs of coffee with 1/2 cup milk each (= 1cup)Dinner chicken breast (= 31/2 ounces), rice (= 1 cup), spinach salad (= 1 cup),

cucumber slices (= 1/2 cup), pineapple chunks (= 1/2 cup)

Salad dressing, mayonnaise, and soft margarine are YOUR source of oils for this day.

“My” Food Group Choices-Topic 5 Teacher’s Version

This worksheet shows “YOUR” alternative day’s worth of foods, compared to the poster.