Understanding Spiritual Gifts Serving/Ministry Giving Mercy Exhortation/Encouraging Prophecy/Preaching Teaching Leadership Word of Wisdom Word of Knowledge Faith Healing Miracles Helps Discerning Of Spirits Tongues/Languages Administration Leadership/Ruling Interpretation of Tongues/Languages Teaching, Notes, and Study Guide by: Mike Fitzhugh

Understanding Spiritual Gifts...A. If There Is Spiritism and/or Occultism In A Christian’s Background B. If There Is A Lack of Spirituality Or Spiritual Maturity C. If There A Lack

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Page 1: Understanding Spiritual Gifts...A. If There Is Spiritism and/or Occultism In A Christian’s Background B. If There Is A Lack of Spirituality Or Spiritual Maturity C. If There A Lack

Understanding Spiritual Gifts


Giving Mercy Exhortation/Encouraging

Prophecy/Preaching Teaching

Leadership Word of Wisdom

Word of Knowledge Faith Healing Miracles

Helps Discerning Of Spirits Tongues/Languages

Administration Leadership/Ruling

Interpretation of Tongues/Languages

Teaching, Notes, and Study Guide by: Mike Fitzhugh

Page 2: Understanding Spiritual Gifts...A. If There Is Spiritism and/or Occultism In A Christian’s Background B. If There Is A Lack of Spirituality Or Spiritual Maturity C. If There A Lack



INTRODUCTION: “The Principle of Reciprocity” — When we RECEIVE we GIVE.

There is a Sea by Lula Klingman Zahn

There is a sea which day by day

Receives the rippling rills,

And streams that spring from wells

of God

Or fall from cedared hills.

But what it thus receives it gives

With glad unsparing hand;

A stream more wide, with deeper tide Snow-capped Mount Hermon, Northern Israel

Flows on to lower land.

There is a sea which day by day

Receives a fuller tide,

But all its store it keeps, nor gives

To shore nor sea beside.

It's Jordan stream, now turned to brine

Lies heavy as molten lead,

It's dreadful name doth e'er proclaim

That sea is waste and dead!

Which shall it be for you and me

Who God's good gifts obtain?

Shall we accept for self alone

Or take to give again? Waterfall at Banias, Northern Israel

For He who once was rich indeed

Laid all His glory down,

That by His grace, our ransomed race

Should share His wealth and crown.

The Dead Sea, Southern Israel

Page 3: Understanding Spiritual Gifts...A. If There Is Spiritism and/or Occultism In A Christian’s Background B. If There Is A Lack of Spirituality Or Spiritual Maturity C. If There A Lack


The title of our study today is “Understanding Spiritual Gifts.”

It is my prayer that as we study God’s Word, we will not only understand what it says about

spiritual gifts (or spiritual giftedness), but also learn how to know what gift or gifts belong to us as

individuals, and how to put those gifts into practice in serving other members of the Body of Christ.

As we seek to understand spiritual gifts, we want to answer questions like:

What are spiritual gifts?

Why are they important?

What is their purpose?

How many gifts are there?

Do all people have spiritual gifts?

How can I discover my spiritual gifts?

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how does it relate to spiritual gifts?

Do the same gifts that existed in the early church exist today? If not, why not?

Can spiritual gifts be counterfeited? If so, how can one discern the real from the fake?

Do spiritual gifts differ from natural talents?

Do spiritual gifts differ from the fruit of the Spirit?

OUR GOAL: To do that, we want to look at 25 principles or truths that the Bible presents with

regard to spiritual gifts.

1. THEIR IMPORTANCE: Spiritual Gifts Are Vitally Important and Essential (1 Cor. 12:1-3) Why? For what? To whom are they important?

A. To the Individual Believer

B. To the Church the Body of Christ

C. To the World

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2. THEIR SOURCE: Spiritual Grace Gifts Are Given By God the Holy Spirit To Believers When They Are Born Again And Baptized (or immersed) Into the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:1, 4, 7, 11-13)

3. THEIR COUNTERFEITING: Spiritual Gifts Can Be Counterfeited (1 Cor. 12:2-3) This is possible especially . . .

A. If There Is Spiritism and/or Occultism In A Christian’s Background

B. If There Is A Lack of Spirituality Or Spiritual Maturity

C. If There A Lack Of Teaching and Adequate Biblical Information

Regarding The Things of The Spirit

4. THEIR DEFINITION: Spiritual Gifts Are God-given Abilities For Service, Through Which the Holy Spirit Ministers To The Members Of the Body of Christ

A. A Spiritual Gift Is A Channel Through Which the Holy Spirit Ministers

To the Needs of the Body of Christ

B. A “Charismata” (from charisma = “a gift of grace”) is a “grace-gift”

that every Christian receives from God for the purpose of serving and

building up of the Body of Christ.

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C. Spiritual Gifts are: “Special gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit upon

Christians for the purpose of building up the church.

Word Focus: The New Testament Greek word most often translated

"Spiritual Gifts" is charismata.

The root of this word is Charis which means "Grace," referring to

something that is received, though not deserved or earned.

Thus "Spiritual Gifts" are "Grace Gifts" or "Grace Endowments" that

Christians receive from God’s Spirit in the form of "SKILLS" and

"ABILITIES" through which God desires to channel His energy and power

as a means of strengthening the Body and bringing glory to His Name!

5. THEIR RECIPIENTS: Spiritual Gifts Are Given Only To Certain People (1 Cor. 12:12-14)

A. To Believers In Jesus Christ Only

B. To Every Believer In Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13; Romans 12:6;

1 Peter 4:10)

C. Therefore, Every Believer Is A “Charismatic” (Romans 12:6)

D. Therefore, Every Believer Is A “Minister” (Ephesians 4:12)

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6. THEIR TERMINOLOGY: Spiritual Gifts Are Described By A Number Of Different Terms

A. “Energizings” or “Effects” or “Operations” (1 Cor. 12:6)

B. “Services” or “Ministries” (1 Cor. 12:5; Eph. 4:12)

C. “Manifestations” (1 Cor. 12:7)

D. “Grace Gifts” (Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 1:7; 12:4,9,28,30,31; 1 Tim 4:14;

2 Tim. 1:6; 1 Peter 4:10)

7. THEIR GOAL AND PURPOSE: Spiritual Gifts Are Given To Believers In Christ For the Purpose Of Building Strength, Unity, and Effectiveness In the Body of Christ, Resulting In God Being Glorified (1 Cor. 12:4-7; Eph. 4:11-13; 1 Peter 4:10-11; Matthew 5:14-16)

A. The Word “Edify” Means “To Build”

B. Spiritual Gifts Are Given To Build Strength

C. Spiritual Gifts Are Given To Build Unity (not division)

D. Spiritual Gifts Are Given To Build Effectiveness In Manifesting Christ

To the World (i.e. a well-functioning body that accurately portrays the

light and character of Christ to the world).

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8. THEIR PRACTICAL BENEFITS: When Christians Know, Understand, Discover, and Exercise Their Spiritual Gifts, They Will See A Dramatic Increase In Their Motivation To Serve, Their Effectiveness In Service, and Their Sense Of Personal Satisfaction Why is this true?

A. Knowing and Understanding the Gifts We Possess Creates In Us A

Sense Of Mission and Calling

B. Exercising Our Gifts Results In Spiritual Growth And A Degree of Skill

C. Knowing What Our Gifts Are and Exercising Those Gifts Stimulates

Enthusiasm And Vision For the Lord’s Work

D. Exercising Spiritually Results In An Increase In Spiritual Strength

(i.e. it keeps us from “spiritual atrophy”)

E. Spiritual Gifts Teach By Example One of the greatest benefits and results of having active and functioning

spiritual gifts is that they teach us by example how to serve others in similar ways,

even though we may not be gifted in that particular way

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9. THEIR DESIGNATION: Spiritual Gifts Are Designated For Serving Other Members Of the Body of Christ, Not the One Who Possesses The Gift (1 Cor. 12:5,7,12-30; 14:26; 1 Peter 4:10)

A. Spiritual Gifts Are Not For Self-Edification, But For Serving And

Edifying The Body Of Christ

B. Spiritual Gifts Are Not To Be Exercised Independently Or In Isolation

C. Spiritual Gifts And Their Exercise Enable Us To Learn and Practice the

Principle of “Spiritual Reciprocity”

1. “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8)

2. “I will bless you . . . and you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-3)

3. “You are . . . that you may” (1 Peter 2:9)

4. “. . . therefore, . . . by the mercies of God, . . . present your bodies

a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your

reasonable service.” (Rom 12:1)

*William MacDonald said, “We are not meant to be the terminals of God’s gifts

to us; His grace reaches us but should not end with us. We are intended to be

channels through whom the blessing can flow to others.

10. THEIR STEWARDSHIP: Spiritual Gifts Are Divinely-Given Resources That Every Christian Has Been Entrusted With (1 Peter 4:10 cf. 1 Cor. 4:1) Their management and use is, therefore, a serious responsibility! For every believer

will one day give an account of his/her stewardship (Rom. 14:12; Luke 16:2; Heb.

13:17; Rev. 22:12).

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11. THEIR STRAGEGY & GENIUS: Spiritual Gifts, Though Given By One God, Generate Unity Through Diversity (1 Cor. 12:4-7; Romans 12:4-6)

A. Diverse “Gifts” — One and the Same Spirit

B. Diverse “Ministries” (“services”) — One and the Same Lord

C. Diverse “Effects” — One and the Same God

D. Diverse People — One and the Same Body

E. Diverse People + Diverse Gifts + Diverse Ministries + Diverse Effects

+ One God = Unity In the One Body of Christ

12. THEIR DISTINCTIVENESS: All Christians And All Spiritual Gifts Are Different and Unique (1 Cor. 12:28-31; Romans 12:4)

A. Therefore, All Christians Have A Unique Function In the Body Of


B. Therefore, No Christian In the Body of Christ Has the Exact Same


C. Note: Spiritual Gifts Are Ranked In Scripture According To God’s

Sovereign Design and What Is Most Beneficial To An Assembly As A

Whole (1 Cor. 12:28-31)

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13. THEIR SOVEREIGN CHARACTER: Spiritual Gifts Are Sovereignly Distributed (1 Cor. 12: 7,11)

A. Christians Do Not Choose What Gifts They Will Have

B. God Distributes Spiritual Gifts To Whomever He Wills (1 Cor. 12:7,11)

14. THEIR INDISPENSABILITY: Every Spiritual Gift and Every Spiritually Gifted Person Is Needed In the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:20-22) 15. THEIR CORRUPTION: The Exercising Of Spiritual Gifts

Can Be Abused, Ignored, Perverted, and Corrupted (1 Cor. 12-14)

A. Due To Dissatisfaction, Envy, and/or A Sense of Inferiority

(1 Cor. 12:15-16)

B. Pride and/or A Sense of Superiority (1 Cor. 12:21)

C. A False Sense Of Weakness Or Seeming Unimportance

(1 Cor. 12:22-25)

D. Fleshly and Self-Seeking Motives (1 Cor. 12:31 – 13:1-13; 14:1, 26;

Acts 8:12-24)

16. THEIR SPIRITUALITY: Though Grace-Gifts Are Spiritual In Nature (having been given by the Holy Spirit), They Do Not Guarantee The Spirituality Of the Recipient (1 Cor. 1:7 cf. 3:1 and the entire letter)

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17. THEIR POWER & ENERGY: Spiritual Gifts Must Be, Can Be, And Should Be Energized By the Power of God’s Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 1,4,5,6,11; 1 Peter 4:10-11)

18. THEIR NEGLECT: Spiritual Gifts May Be Neglected and Lie Dormant In A Believer’s Life (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; 1 Peter 4:10)

19. THEIR NUMBER: The Number Of Spiritual Gifts Is Not Limited To Only Those Which The Bible Lists And Enumerates

A. The Lists Are Not Exhaustive

B. The Lists Are Representative

C. Spiritual Gifts Come In An Almost Endless Number Of Unique

Combinations (cf. 1 Cor. 12:8-10; Romans 12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10-


D. You Are A Spiritual “Snowflake”

E. You Are A Unique “Masterpiece”

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20. THEIR DIFFERENCES: Spiritual Gifts Are Different Than:

A. Natural Talents

B. The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

C. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)

D. Gifted Men (1 Corinthians 12:29; Ephesians 2:20; 4:11)

21. THEIR DURATION: Some Spiritual Gifts Were Temporary and Some Continue On Throughout the Church Age

A. Temporary Sign Gifts NOTE: We believe that the gifts of healing, miracles, tongues, and the

interpretation of tongues were temporary (i.e. limited to the time of the apostolic

church) because they were “sign” gifts that pointed to Christ, His Word, and His

messengers (especially the Apostles) to confirm and verify them as being true (see:

Mark 16:20; Acts 14:2-3; Romans 15:18-19;

1 Corinthian 1:6-7; 13:8-13; 14:22; Hebrews 2:4).

We also believe that these gifts were temporary because the completion of the New

Testament record made them no longer necessary (Revelation 22:18). Since God’s

Word and revelation is now complete, the miracle of salvation that is produced by

the preaching of the living and powerful Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) is verification

enough (see: Romans 10:17).

Benjamin B. Warfield once wrote: “These miraculous gifts were part of the

credentials of the Apostles as the authoritative agents of God in founding the church.

Their function thus confined them to distinctively the Apostolic Church and they

necessarily passed away with it.”

In other words, the “sign gifts” were Spirit-given abilities to confirm the veracity of

God’s Word, and only occurred when God was revealing His Word.

For after all, the completed New Testament is “the faith which was once for all

delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

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B. Ongoing Edifying Gifts While the temporary sign gifts were given only for a special period of time and

for a very specific purpose (see note above), there are other spiritual gifts that

the Spirit of God has given to the church for the duration of the church’s ministry.

These ongoing edifying gifts can be divided into two broad categories (serving gifts

and speaking gifts—see 1 Peter 4:10-11) and are to be ministered at all times during

this age of grace (or the church age).

22. THEIR NAMES AND DEFINITIONS: Please Remember That Each Believer Most Likely Has More Than One Spiritual Gift Which, In Its Unique Combination, Makes Up His/Her Spiritual Giftedness ILL: The Master Artist has taken all the different “spiritual colors” (or “gifts”) and

has painted a “masterpiece,” sovereignly giving to you spiritual capabilities

that are unique to you.

A. Temporary Sign Gifts

1. HEALING (1 Cor. 12:9, 28) – The Spirit-given ability to at will

miraculously heal all types of organic diseases and deformities,

including raising people from the dead. Such healing made well

those with physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional maladies. The Biblical Pattern For Healing:

With A Word And/Or A Touch (Matthew 8:5-8; Acts 3:1-10; 9:32-35;


Instantaneously (Mark 5:29; Luke 17:14; John 9:7; Acts 3:4-8)

Totally (Luke 4:38-39; Acts 9:34)

Everyone Present (Luke 4:40; Acts 5:12, 14-16; 28:9)

Organic Disease, Not Merely Symptoms (Luke 8:44; Acts 3:1-10)

Those Who Were Dead (Mark 5:35-43; Acts 9:36-42)

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2. MIRACLES (1 Cor. 12:10, 28, 29) – The Spirit-given ability to

call upon supernatural manifestations of divine power in the

natural world that reveal the presence and power of God.

NOTE: Such manifestations are undeniably supernatural and bring about

physical effects and phenomena that are observable, instantaneous, and

beyond the realm of human ability, experimentation, and/or explanation.

Examples of New Testament “miracles” . . .

Jesus casting out demons – Luke 4:31-37

Jesus healing and casting out demons – Matthew 8:16; Luke 6:17-19;

Mark 1:29-42; 7:24-30; Luke 9:42-43; )

The Apostles healing and casting out demons – Luke 9:1-2; Luke

10:17-19; Acts 6:8 cf. 8:7; 13:6-12; 19:11-12; Romans 15:18-19)

3. TONGUES or LANGUAGES (1 Cor. 12:10, 28, 30; Acts

2:1-13) – The Spirit-given ability to speak in a language that one

has never learned or studied before.

In his book, The Dynamics Of Spiritual Gifts, William McRae points out:

“The Greek term "glossa," translated "tongue" in I Corinthians 12 and 14, is

consistently used both in the Greek translation of the Old Testament and

the New Testament for a known language. The verb "diermeneuo,"

meaning "to interpret," is used only of translating one language to another

(I Corinthians 14:5,13).

“In Acts 2:4, they spoke with "other tongues." The word translated "other"

(heteros) means "different tongues." It was different languages, then, in

which they spoke.

“In Acts 2:6, each heard "in his own language." Here the word translated

"language" is "dialectos" from which we derive our word dialect, a

language. Therefore, the "tongue" of verse 4 is the "dialect" or "language"

of verse 6. Paul uses the same word "glossa" in I Corinthians 14. He would

hardly have used the same term if it were not the same thing--a known



(1 Cor. 12:10, 30) – The Spirit-given ability to miraculously and

fully comprehend the meaning of a message given in a language

that one has never learned or studied before, and then to convey

that message in the local language.

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That is, without any prior knowledge of the particular language, one with the

gift of interpretation of tongues can understand the language that a person

with the gift of tongues is using, and then accurately convey that message to

those present in their own language (see: Acts 2:1-11).

NOTE: The gift of tongues (and the accompanying gift of interpretation of

tongues) were sign gifts that were designed to point the unbeliever to Christ

and the gospel, and to confirm to him that such were true (see: 1 Corinthians

14:21-25 cf. Hebrews 2:4).

Also, whenever the gift of tongues was exercised in the New Testament

assembly, it was required that someone with the gift of interpretation be

present. If not, then the one with the gift of tongues was to remain quiet (see:

1 Corinthians 14:27-28).

B. Ongoing Edifying Gifts

1. Serving Gifts (1 Peter 4:10-11)

a. MINISTRY or SERVING (Romans 12:7; 1 Peter 4:9) –

The Spirit-given ability to see and recognize needs in the

Body of Christ, as well as the desire and wherewithal to

seize the opportunity to serve and meet those needs. Word Focus: The word for “serving” comes from diakonia from

which we get the word “deacon,” and it simply means “to serve.”

NOTE: While all Christians are to be involved in works of service,

some believers are specially gifted to recognize what needs to be

done and to take the responsibility upon themselves to lovingly

and cheerfully do that task.

Points To Ponder:

One writer has said: “Those who possess this gift tend to be

marked by a less-talk-more-action style of service.”

Examples of the gift of “ministry” or “serving” in the New


The Godly Seven – Acts 6:1-7

Dorcas – Acts 9:36-39

Phoebe – Romans 16:1-2

The Household of Stephanas – 1 Cor. 16:15

Onesiphorus – 2 Timothy 1:16

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William McRae has written: “A person with this gift will loathe

the limelight but be the backbone of an effective church. Many

unseen tasks that cause the ministry of the Word to be performed

smoothly are effectively done by these persons. They prepare

Sunday school materials for the teachers, care for the maintenance

of the building and property, work in the tape ministry, do

secretarial work, arrange transportation, set up chairs, assume

responsibility for a radio program, provide nursery facilities, etc.

How invaluable are the men and women who do this kind of work

joyfully and faithfully. It is a magnificent gift.”

b. HELPS (1 Cor. 12:28) – The Spirit-given ability to serve,

help, and support others in the Body of Christ. This is very closely related to the gift of ministry or serving (some see

“ministry” and “helps” as being virtually the same).

Word Focus: The gift of “helps” differs from “service” in this sense.

The word “helps” comes from antilempsis, an especially beautiful

word, meaning to take the burden off someone else and place it on

oneself. The word signifies “to take and exchange.” It can also be

translated “aid” or “relief.”

NOTE: New Testament examples point to helping the weak, the

poor, the burdened and overworked, etc. (1 Thessalonians 5:14; Acts

20:35; Philippians 2:25, 30).

c. LEADERSHIP [“Ruling” or “Governments” in KJV,

“Administrations” in NASB] (Romans 12:8; 1 Cor.

12:28) – The Spirit-given ability to lead others in the right

direction. Word Focus: The word for “leadership” or “ruling” comes from

the Greek kubernesis, literally meaning “to steer or pilot” a ship

(see: Acts 27:11). This word refers to the helmsman who keeps a

ship (or group of believers) on course toward its proper


W.E. Vine says that GOVERNMENT comes from

Kubernao, "to guide" (whence Eng., "govern"), denotes (a)

"steering, pilotage"; (b) metaphorically, "governments or

governings," said of those who act as guides in a local church,

1 Cor 12:28. Cf. kubernetes, "a pilot," Acts 27:11; Rev 18:17.

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NOTE: Those who are elders and pastors usually have this

gift of leadership, something that is necessary if he is to lead

the local assembly well (cf. 1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:7,

17, 24). However, one must keep in mind that just as with a

pilot of a ship, he is not the owner of the ship but the steward.

Also, this gift is not limited to leaders in the local assembly,

but is found in various others in the Body of Christ who serve

by leading.

ILL: A good ship’s pilot serves faithfully at the helm and steers his

vessel away from dangerous rocks (and icebergs in the north)

that are above and beneath the surface. He charts the direction of

his craft and knows its limits and capabilities including the skill,

experience, and commitment of the crew.

Some New Testament examples of those with the gift of


The Apostle Paul – Read: The Book of Acts and the Pauline


The Apostle Peter – Acts 15:6-12

James – Acts 15:13-22

Titus – Titus 1:5

A Point To Ponder: It seems significant that the two gifts referred

to in 1 Cor. 12:28 that are not mentioned in 12:29-30 are helps

and administrations. Could it be that these were the ones least

valued by the Corinthians, yet the ones for which they had the

greatest need?

d. GIVING (Romans 12:8) – The Spirit-given ability and

readiness to recognize needs in the Body of Christ, and

then to give and share material goods and financial and/or

personal resources (i.e. time, etc.) to meet those needs

without motives of reciprocation or self-benefit. Word Focus: The word for “giving” is metadidomi, meaning “to

share,” to impart,” or “to bestow.”

All Christians are to be givers and sharers (Ephesians 4:28 cf.

Hebrews 13:16), but some are especially gifted in this area. This

would assume that such a person also has the ability and desire to

manage well the resources entrusted to him, learn to live on less, and

sacrificially give to meet the needs of others in the Body.

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Some Points To Ponder:

Like all other spiritual gifts, the gift of giving is to be exercised

for the common good of all (1 Cor. 12:7).

To give for the purpose of drawing attention to yourself is not

loving and is not something that is produced by the Holy Spirit

(1 Cor. 13:3 cf. Gal. 5:22-23).

One does not have to be financially wealthy in order to have

and exercise the gift of giving. Even the financially poor can

exercise this gift (2 Cor. 8:1-5 cf. Luke 21:1-4).

The gift of giving will not only be accompanied by a spirit

of sacrifice, but also by generosity or “liberality” (Romans

12:8 cf. 2 Cor. 8:1-5).

This gift of giving is illustrated in:

The life of Barnabus (Acts 4:36-37)

The sacrificial attitude of the widow who gave her “two mites”

in Luke 21:1-4.

The Apostle Paul and Silas who gave to the Thessalonians not

only the gospel, but also their own lives (1 Thess. 2:8).

e. MERCY or COMPASSION (Romans 12:8) – The

Spirit-given ability to notice and be sensitive to suffering

and sorrow, misery and distress, and then to empathize

with and show compassion to the one who is suffering. Word Focus: The Greek word eleeo (“to show mercy”) has a two-fold

meaning. First, it is the idea of demonstrating empathy for someone

else (i.e. getting inside the skin of another and suffering alongside

those who suffer grievous affliction), and second, having the

necessary resources to effectively comfort and strengthen that person.

Some Points To Ponder:

As stated above, one with the gift of mercy notices the misery

and distress that goes unnoticed by others, and has the desire

and means to help ease that suffering.

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This gift involves more than just sympathetic feeling. It is

feeling that leads to action. The believer with this gift is

empowered by the Spirit to find ways of expressing his/her

feelings of concern in terms of practical help.

Again, all believers are to be merciful (Matthew 5:7 cf. James

2:15-16; 3:17), but some believers have a special and unique

ability to show compassion.

Exercising the gift of mercy may include ministering to the

poor, the widows, the sad, the afflicted, bringing relief to the

needy and hungry, visiting the sick and shut-ins, encouraging

the elderly, doing hospital and jail ministry, serving the

handicapped, the bereaved, the lonely and downhearted.

Because the exercising of this gift usually takes time and

requires personal sacrifice, Paul encourages believers who

have this gift to exercise it “with cheerfulness.” The attitude

with which one exercises any spiritual gift is all-important

and is usually obvious to the recipients of one’s service.

Proverbs 14:21 says, “He who despises his neighbor sins, but

happy is he who is gracious to the poor.”

Proverbs 14:31 also says, “He who oppresses the poor

reproaches his Maker, but he who is gracious to the needy

honors Him. “

William MacDonald tells this story: A Christian lady once said,

“When my mother became old and needed someone to care for her,

my husband and I invited her to come and live with us. I did all I

could to make her comfortable. I cooked for her, did her washing,

took her out in the car, and genereally cared for all her needs. But

while I was going through the motions outwardly, I was unhappy

inside. Subconsciously I resented the interruption of our usual

schedule. Sometimes my mother would say to me, ‘You never smile

anymore. Why don’t you ever smile?’ You see, I was showing mercy,

but I wasn’t doing it with cheerfulness.”

Showing “mercy” involves a loving, cheerful, gracious attitude.

The ultimate example of One with the gift of mercy – The

Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 4:18-19 and all the gospels)

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f. FAITH (1 Cor. 12:9) – The Spirit-given ability to believe

and trust God in a very special way no matter how

seemingly impossible or difficult the situation. This is a

faith that leads to mountain-moving results in the pursuit

of the will of God. The gift of faith often leads to doing great things for God and His

Kingdom in response to what God commands and/or promises in His

Word. It involves trusting God in difficult and demanding ways, and

in the midst of overwhelming obstacles and human impossibilities

(see: Matthew 17:20; Acts 27:22-24; 1 Cor. 13:2).

Word Focus: “Faith” comes from the Greek pistis and is the most

common word for faith in the New Testament, especially as it relates

to faith in Christ for salvation. It can be translated as faith, trust,

reliance, persuasion, dependence, confidence, and assurance.

Obviously, all Christians are to have faith, for we are saved “by grace

through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). It is to be a faith that is growing and

becoming stronger. However, some believers have been given the gift

of faith—that unique ability to envision what God wants to do, and

then trust Him to do it.

George Mueller is a wonderful example of one who had the gift of

faith. Mueller and his associates cared for, housed, fed, and trained

more than 10,000 orphans over a period of 60 years, without ever

making his specific needs known to anyone but the Lord.

Hudson Taylor believed that God had called him to preach the gospel

to the Chinese and that God would use him to win many of the

Chinese to Christ.

After spending 6 years in China under another “mission society,”

Taylor started a new one. Without any money, help, or promise of

financial support, and while refusing to ask for money from anyone,

he began what became the well-known and fruitful China Inland

Mission (today known as OMF).

He believed that through faithful prayer and trust in God, his needs

and the needs of other missionaries would be met—AND THEY


Again, those with certain spiritual gifts (like the gift of faith) teach us

by example how to trust God to meet all our needs, even though we

do not have that particular gift.

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g. DISCERNING OF SPIRITS (1 Cor. 12:10) – The Spirit-

given ability to sense and detect whether a prophet,

teacher, or other person is speaking by the power and

leading of God the Holy Spirit or of Satan (or his demons).

This would include discerning and assessing inner

motives, hidden errors, or counterfeit or corrupting

doctrines. Word Focus: The word for “discerning” is diakrisis, and means “to

distinguish” and “to decide” (see: Hebrews 5:14).

Points To Ponder:

There is what we might call a “natural discernment” which

anyone might have—Christian or non-Christian. Some call it

“good judgment,” “common sense,” or “good horse sense.”

This enables people to make wise decisions by observing and

understanding, and by drawing on past

experience. Some people have more of this than others, but it

can be attained over time.

Additionally, all believers are responsible to “test the spirits to

see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1), for Satan is “the

father of lies” (John 8:44). Such “spiritual discernment” can

come to the believer as he/she grows in Christ (Romans 12:1-

2; Eph. 4:14-15; Heb. 5:13-14). In large measure, such

“spiritual discernment” is in proportion to one’s knowledge of

the Bible, and with one’s own spiritual growth. It is also

connected to one’s sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

But then there is “the gift of discernment” which has been

bestowed on some believers by the Holy Spirit. This is a

divine enabling whereby they serve the Body of Christ as

watchmen and are specially able to identify by super-natural

insight what is false and what is true.

A person with the gift of discerning of spirits has the God-

given ability to detect impostors and opportunists.

Biblical examples of those with the gift of discernment of


o Peter detecting Ananias & Sapphira in Acts 5:1-4

o Peter detecting Simon Magus in Acts 8:20-23

o Paul detecting Elymas the magician in Acts 13:6-10

o Paul detecting the true spirit behind the message of a

certain slave-girl in Acts 16:16-17.

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Ultimately, the Word of God is and must be the test of all

truth (Acts 17:11), not the word of a person. However, those

with the gift of discerning of spirits can be of great help in

warning us and encouraging us to examine those who purport

to know or teach God’s truth.

h. HOSPITALITY* (1 Peter 4:9)

?? Is “hospitality” (lit. “to love strangers” a spiritual gift ??

Yes or No? NO!

But it is the responsibility of every believer (see: Romans 12:13;

Hebrews 13:2; Titus 1:8; 1 Peter 4:9; 3 John 5-8).

Sometimes “hospitality” is assumed to be a spiritual gift because

of it being mentioned in close proximity to discussions on spiritual

gifts in Romans 12 and 1 Peter 4. However, if one studies those

chapters carefully, he will see that “hospitality” is not specifically

listed as a spiritual gift.

In the same way that every Christian is to show “love,” every

Christian is to be hospitable, that is, to love and meet the needs of


2. Speaking Gifts (1 Peter 4:10-11)

a. PROPHECY or PREACHING (Romans 12:6; 1 Cor.

12:10,28) – The Spirit-given Ability To Authoritatively

and Effectively Proclaim And Declare The Mind of God

As It Has Been Revealed In the Inspired Scriptures Word Focus: The word for “prophecy” is propheiteian, and

signifies "the speaking forth of the mind and counsel of God"

(W.E. Vine).

J. W. MacGorman writes: The prophet does not declare his

own message; he speaks for God. He introduces or climaxes what

he has to say with the announcement, "Thus says the Lord." His

words rest on divine, not human, authority. He never offers a

message based on his latest research. He listens to God, and then

speaks the message he has been told to deliver.”

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Points To Ponder:

When an individual spoke as a “prophet,” whether in the Old

Testament or New, he/she was an inspired “mouthpiece” for

God (Deuteronomy 18:17-22; Judges 6:7-10; I Samuel 3:19-

21; Ezekiel 11:4-5; Ezekiel 13; Matthew 1:22; 2:15;

Romans 16:25-26; Ephesians 3:3-5; Hebrews 1:1; II Peter


A distinction must be made between one who was a New

Testament “prophet” and one who today has the gift of


The prophet in the 1st century church received direct

revelation from God and declared it to others. Sometimes this

included predicting future events (Acts 11:27, 28; 21:11), but

not always.

A prophet in the 1st century may have functioned in one or all

of the following ways:

“FOR-TELLING” – that is, one who speaks “for” another –

an inspired spokesperson “for” God.

“FORTH-TELLING” – one who has direct revelation from

God to deliver “forth” to others.

“FORE-TELLING” – one who is given a revelation from God

that enables him/her to predict or “fore-tell” a coming event

(Acts 11:27-30; 21:10-12).

Also, these 1st century prophets were used by God (along with

the Apostles) to lay the foundation of the church (i.e. the

foundational doctrines concerning Christ and the gospel—see:

Ephesians 2:20; 3:5 cf. 1 Cor. 3:10-11). Once the foundation

was laid and the New Testament Scriptures were completed,

there was no longer a need for Apostles or Prophets.

Therefore, there is no new revelation being given today.

Since the need for Apostles and Prophets has ceased, we now

have those who have been given the gift of prophecy who

preach, proclaim, and tell forth the truth and mind of God, as

revealed in the pages of the Holy Scriptures.

Prophecy can also include ascribing praise to God (as

Zacharias did in Luke 1:67-68) and encouraging and

strengthening God’s people (with lengthy messages : ) , as

Judas [not Iscariot] and Silas did in Acts 15:32).

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Those who have the gift of prophecy today would be

preachers and teachers of God’s Word. They are those who

“tell forth” the mind, truth, and Word of God. In that sense

they are “prophets” (with a small “p”), but not in the sense

that they receive new and direct revelation from God.

b. TEACHING (Romans 12:7) – The Spirit-given Ability

To Accurately Present And Explain God’s Word and Truth

To Christians In A Way That Is Understandable, Practical,

and Applicable To Everyday Life. This would include communicating, instructing, guiding, and

nurturing believers in God’s Truth in such a way that lives are

changed, the truth is implemented, and spiritual growth takes place.

Word Focus: The word “teaching” comes from didaskos, meaning

“to teach systematically.” In all its various forms (i.e. didaskos,

didaskalos, didatikos), the root meaning indicates the idea of

systematic teaching or systematic training.

Didaskos is a word that was used to refer to a director of a choir who

trains the choir systematically over a long period of time until they

are able to perform.

Whereas the gift of prophecy could be a one-time proclamation of

God’s message, the gift of teaching involves a systematic training to

take a person from one point to another.

Points To Ponder:

The curriculum that one who has the gift of teaching uses is

the Bible,Word of God. The gift is the Spirit-given ability to

teach systematically the truth of God.

There is a distinction between the gifted man given to the

church called a “teacher” (Eph. 4:11) and the spiritual gift of

“teaching.” It is obvious, however, that one who is a teacher

would have the gift of teaching.

Not all Christians have the gift of teaching (1 Cor. 12:29).

James 3:1 warns believers about being careful not to rush into

a ministry of teaching. For it says, “Let not many of you

become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall

incur a stricter judgment.” One should be sure that God has

gifted and called him to teach, for it is a serious responsibility

to do so faithfully and accurately (2 Tim. 2:15 cf. James 3:1).

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c. EXHORTATION or ENCOURAGING (Romans 12:8) The Spirit-given ability to come alongside someone in the

Body of Christ and offer encouragement, counsel, advice,

and help.

Word Focus: “Exhortation” comes from paraklesis (para =

alongside, kaleo = called), and literally means “to call alongside.”

The term is closely related to parakletos (English “paraclete”)

meaning advocate, comforter, helper (see: John 14:16, 26; 15:26;

16:7; 1 John 2:1).

W.E. Vine defines parakaleo as “to admonish, exhort, to urge one to

pursue some course of conduct (always prospective, looking to the

future, in contrast to the meaning to comfort, which is retrospective,

having to do with trial experienced).”

William MacDonald writes: “The gift of exhortation is the gift of

stirring up the saints to desist from every form of evil and to

press on to new achievements for Christ in holiness and in


Points To Ponder:

The Holy Spirit is referred to as the parakletos or the

“comforter” or “helper” (see references in “word focus”).

The gift of exhortation carries with it the ideas of advising,

counseling, pleading, encouraging, warning, helping, and


One with the gift of exhortation may encourage and counsel

an entire assembly towards a certain course of action and/or


Or, he may come alongside a sinning brother to help, warn,

advise, encourage, and teach him to correct his behavior.

Or, a brother or sister with this gift may be used by the Lord

to encourage and undergird a weak believer who is facing

great trials or persistent temptations.

This gift may be used to minister to a friend who is grieving,

discouraged, defeated, or depressed, giving help in whatever

way may be needed.

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While all Christians are to “exhort” and “encourage” and

“bear one another’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2; 2 Tim. 4:2; Heb.

10:24-25), some have a special God-given capacity to “come

alongside and help” their brethren in a variety of ways.

New Testament Examples Of Exhortation:

Barnabus – Acts 4:36; 9:26-30

Paul and Barnabus “encouraging” (exhorting) churches –

Acts 14:21-22

Paul “urging” (exhorting) Euodia and Syntyche to live in

harmony in the Lord (Phil 4:2).

Paul’s example – 1 Thes. 2:10-12

A negative example: Job’s friends did not have this gift!

Also see: 1 Thessalonians 4:10; Hebrews 13:19; Hebrews

13:22; 1 Timothy 5:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; 2 Corinthians

8:6; 2 Corinthians 12:18; 1 Timothy 1:3

d. WORD or MESSAGE OF WISDOM (1 Cor. 12:8) –

The Spirit-given ability to speak a message of divine

insight and wisdom. This could be in the context of:

Defending the faith,

Solving difficult spiritual problems,

Providing solutions for conflicts,

Imparting practical counsel and advice, or

Giving an effective testimony to hostile listeners and/or


Word Focus: The Greek word logos means “word” or “message,” and

refers to a spoken message or a speaking ability. “Wisdom” comes

from sophia and refers to the ability to understand God’s will and

wisely and obediently apply it to life (see: Matt. 11:19; 13:54; Mark

6:2; Luke 7:35; Acts 6:10; James 1:5; 3:13, 17; 2 Peter 3:15).

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Points To Ponder:

This gift was most likely revelatory during the 1st century

church (i.e. in connection with receiving direct revelation,

prior to the completion of the New Testament canon – see: 1

Cor. 2:4-13; 2 Peter 3:15-16). This does not necessarily mean

that the gift no longer exists today.

Those with the gift of the word of wisdom are able to

communicate the truths of God’s Word in such a way that

they make skillful and practical application of His truth to

everyday life situations.

This gift may be used by a preacher of the gospel in much the

same way that Stephen did in Acts 6 to the point that his

enemies “were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit

with which he was speaking” (6:10).

This gift may be used by a counselor in solving problems or

by local shepherds and assembly leaders as they lead the


Every Christian needs and is to ask for “wisdom” (James 1:5),

but the word or message of wisdom is a special gift that God

sovereignly bestows on whomever He will (1 Cor. 12:11).

It is of the utmost importance to note that one who is truly

giving a word or message of wisdom by the power of the Holy

Spirit will never contradict the Holy Spirit’s inspired and

written Word! If it does, then it is not “wisdom” that is “from

above” (James 3:17). For that kind of “wisdom” is

“first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy

and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.”


12:8) – The Spirit-given Ability To Communicate To

Members of The Body of Christ Knowledge About God

and Truth That Has Been Divinely Revealed. Word Focus: Again, logos refers to a “word” or “message” (i.e. a

speaking ability. “Knowledge” comes from gnosis, “a seeking to

know,” and refers to knowing spiritual or divine truth.

When one communicates knowledge from God’s truth and revelation

that he perceives and understands, he is exercising the gift of the

word of knowledge.

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Points To Ponder:

As with the gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of the word of

knowledge was most likely revelatory during the 1st century

church (i.e. in connection with receiving direct revelation,

prior to the completion of the New Testament canon). But this

does not necessarily mean that the gift no longer exists today.

There are those today who have the God-given ability to

communicate knowledge and insight into the mysteries of

God’s written Word. These are truths that could not be known

apart from God’s revelation and the illumination of His Spirit

(see: Romans 16:25-26; Eph. 3:3; Colossians 1:26; 2:2; 4:3;

cf. John 16:13).

By this it is implied and assumed that such gifted individuals

maintain a close walk with the Lord and have a special ability

to dig into and study His Word, and mine the riches of His


This area of giftedness would seem to be of benefit to

teachers and preachers, counselors, and various Christian

leaders as they minister to the Body.

Again, as with the gift of wisdom, any word of divine

knowledge must be in accord with the written Word of God –

“the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints”

(Jude 3).

Finally, always keep in mind that each of the spiritual gifts (or

areas of giftedness) can be thought of as colors on the Master

Painter’s Palette. They come to each of us in various combi-

nations and hues, as the purposes and will of our Lord dictate.

Thus, we are His unique “masterpieces” (Eph. 2:10), “new

creations” (2 Cor. 5:17) created for His glory and pleasure.

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C. Gifted Men Given To the Church NOTE: Please remember that the unique spiritual gifts that are given to every

believer are not the same as the uniquely gifted men (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists,

Pastors, and Teachers) who have been given as gifts to Christ’s Church. This

distinction is seen in 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 where Paul first mentions certain gifted

men and then certain spiritual gifts.

One main distinction between the gifted men and spiritual gifts is that having “led

captive a host of captives” (Eph. 4:8 cf. Psalm 68:18), Christ Himself has given these

gifted men to His Church for very special purposes – to lay its foundation (Apostles

and Prophets); to reveal to it God’s mind and truth (Apostles and Prophets); to

spread the gospel and plant local churches (Apostles and Evangelists); to shepherd

Christ’s sheep and help them grow through teaching (Pastors and Teachers).

On the other hand, it is the Holy Spirit who has given, distributed, and energizes the

spiritual grace gifts to all believers in the Body of Christ, in order that they might

function as members of one another and build each other up.

Another distinction is that the gifted men equip and train the saints in the use of their

spiritual gifts, but the spiritual gifts are used by the saints to build up and strengthen

the Body. The God-intended result of this edification and strengthening is seen in

Ephesians 4:13-16 which says:

“until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son

of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the

fulness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here

and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the

trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in

love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ,

from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which

every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part,

causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.”

ILLUSTRATION: We might compare what Christ has done in giving gifted men and

spiritual gifts to His church to a multi-billionaire who decides to spend his billions to

help a small, struggling, third world country with ITS MEDICAL NEEDS.

First, this man spends millions to convince 100 of our nation’s BEST DOCTORS

and 100 of our BEST NURSES to go to this country for 10 years. Their mission is to

teach and train 1,000 of this country’s sharpest young people in how to be doctors,

surgeons, and nurses. They are to also teach these young people how to train others

so that these medical skills will be passed on from one generation to the next.

They will not only TRAIN AND EQUIP THEM in HOW TO DO THE WORK, but

they will also take $100 billion dollars worth of medical supplies and equipment to

this country as gifts from this wealthy benefactor, to be used to meet the desperate

needs there.

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And THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT that this billionaire makes is that the MAIN


EQUIP the local young people so that they themselves can function as doctors and


the needs of those who are ill.

Now, that may be somewhat of a far-fetched example, but I hope it makes the point.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator and Owner of the universe, has given GIFTED

MEN to His Church, as well as SPIRITUAL GIFTS to each member of His Body.

His plan is that these GIFTED MEN “train” and “equip” those members in such a

way that they are able to exercise their spiritual gifts to do the work of the ministry

and meet the needs of the Body of Christ.

These gifted men who are “trainers” and “equippers” are called:

1. APOSTLES (1 Cor. 12:28-29; Eph. 4:11) – Men given to the

church by Christ, who were selected, commissioned, and trained

by Christ Himself, and then sent out to speak authoritatively on

His behalf and to lay the foundation for the Church.

Word Focus: The word “apostle” comes from apostolos (from stello meaning

“to send,” and apo meaning “from,” thus apostolos means “to send from.”

Points To Ponder:

The Apostles were those men who had been with Jesus from the time

of John’s baptism until Christ’s ascension (Acts 1:21-22).

The Apostle Paul was an exception to this rule, and he refers to

himself in 1 Cor. 15:7-8 as “one who was untimely born.”

The Apostles were eyewitnesses of the resurrected Christ (Acts 1:22;

1 Cor. 15:7-8).

The Apostles were chosen and called by Christ Himself (John 15:16;

Rom. 1:1; 1 Cor. 1:1; 1 Tim. 1:1-2)

Having been sent out by Christ to reach the world, the Apostles laid

the foundation for the church by preaching Christ and the gospel, by

planting churches, and by being channels through which God

revealed New Testament truth and doctrine (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark

16:15; Romans 15:20; 1 Cor. 3:10-12; Eph. 2:19-20; 3:2-6).

The Apostles were a unique and select band of men. Their purpose,

authority, and position were also unique. Contrary to what some teach

and claim today, there is no modern-day equivalent. They have no


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2. PROPHETS (1 Cor. 12:28-29; Eph. 4:11) – Men given to the

church by Christ, who were spokesmen and mouthpieces for


The New Testament prophet received direct revelation from God and

then communicated (“told forth”) that information and truth to the

church. Their words were from the Holy Spirit and were the Word of


When one builds a building, it is only necessary to lay the foundation

once. Therefore, we no longer need or have “prophets” today, since

they, along with the Apostles, laid the foundation for the church in

the first century. Once that was complete, the Apostles and Prophets

passed off the scene.

For more details about “prophets” and the difference between the

gifted man who was a “prophet” and the spiritual gift of “prophecy,”

see the discussion under the spiritual gift of prophecy.

3. EVANGELISTS (Eph. 4:11) – Men who have been given to the

church by Christ and are uniquely gifted to proclaim the Good

News of salvation, win the lost to Christ, and establish believers

in local assemblies. Word Focus: “Evangelist” comes from euangelistes meaning “a messenger

of good news.”

William MacDonald comments on this gifted man and says:

“Evangelists are those who preach the good news of salvation. They

are divinely equipped to win the lost to Christ. They have special

ability to diagnose a sinner’s condition, probe the conscience, answer

objections, encourage decisions for Christ, and help the convert find

assurance through the word. Evangelists should go out from a local

church, preach to the world, then lead their converts to a local church

where they will be fed and encouraged.”

New Testament Examples of Evangelists:

o Philip – Acts 21:8; 8:4-40

o Timothy – 2 Tim. 4:5

o The Apostle Paul (and others) – The Book of Acts

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If one carefully studies the above examples, he/she will find that the

New Testament evangelists were essentially missionaries and church

planters (similar to the apostles, but not having the title and

miraculous gifts). These gifted men went to unreached peoples and

lands and led people to faith in Christ. They then taught the new

believers the Word of God, established them in the faith (including

appointing biblical leaders), and then moved on to new territory.

Timothy is an illustration of one who did the work of an evangelist

and was identified with a local church in order to preach and expound

the true gospel and the Word of God, in order to protect that assembly

from false teaching and teachers. His goal was to establish believers

in sound doctrine and godliness (see: 1 & 2 Timothy).

One might ask why evangelism is never once mentioned in any of the

New Testament lists of spiritual gifts as a specific grace gift. The

reason is most likely because the nature and purpose of spiritual

gifts—that believers might edify and build up other believers in the

Body of Christ. Spiritual gifts are intended for Christians, while the

gifted man called an evangelist is intended for reaching the lost with

the gospel.

4. PASTORS (Eph. 4:11) – Uniquely gifted men given to the

church by Christ who function as Christ’s undershepherds. This

involves caring for, leading, feeding, and guiding the flock (cf.

John 21:15-17). Word Focus: Pastor comes from the word poimen, meaning "a

shepherd, one who tends herds or flocks" (not merely one who feeds


According to Acts 20:28 and 1 Peter 5:1-4 the term “pastor”

describes the ministry of elders in the local assembly. Such

shepherding seems to describe their private ministry to individuals,

while the ministry of the teacher (see below) seems to describe

more of a public ministry, either to small groups, to the assembly as

a whole, or to the Body of Christ at large. However, one should not

totally separate the ministries of shepherding and teaching, since

both are necessary for effective ministry.

NOTE: There is absolutely no evidence in the New Testament

scriptures for what we know today as clericalism (the idea that one

man who has special training be hired by a local church to be its

single pastor). The consistent pattern of the New Testament is that

of a plurality of elders/pastors who minister to the needs of the

sheep in a local assembly.

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5. TEACHERS (1 Cor. 12:28-29; Eph. 4:11) – Men who are

uniquely gifted and given to the church by Christ for the

purpose of feeding the sheep the Word of God. They are

empowered by God’s Spirit and enabled to tell people what the

Bible says, explain what it means, and apply it to everyday life. It would seem from both the grammatical construction of Ephesians 4:11

and the overall teaching of the New Testament regarding the function and

qualifications of elders, that the term “pastor-teacher” refers to a double

gift in one person. This is not to say that all people who have the spiritual

gift of “teaching” are “pastor-teachers.” But it would seem that all true

“pastors” must also be “teachers,” since they are required as elders to be

“able to teach” (1 Timothy 3:2).

Elders are also required to be able to “exhort in sound doctrine and to

refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). This does not necessarily mean,

however, that such an ability to “teach” must include being an effective

platform preacher/teacher.

23. THEIR DISCOVERY: How Can I Discover What My Spiritual Giftedness Is?

A. PRAY – Pray For God’s Wisdom, Direction, and Help (James 1:5;

Matthew 7:7-8)

B. STUDY – Study God’s Word So That You Might Know That You Are

Gifted By the Holy Spirit and That You Might Understand What

Spiritual Gifts Are and How They Work (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12;

Ephesians 4; 1 Peter 4; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:15-16)

C. PRESENT – Present Yourself To God As Living and Holy Sacrifice

(Romans 12:1-2)

D. BE FILLED – Yield To and Be Filled (totally controlled) With the

Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16, 25)

E. BE HUMBLE – Have A Humble But Realistic Attitude As You

Consider and Exercise Your Gifts (Romans 12:3; Gal. 6:3)

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F. OBSERVE – Observe Yourself and Your Desires, Considering the

Creative Restlessness and Spiritual Desires That You Have To Serve

Others In the Body of Christ (Psalm 34:4-5)

G. EXPERIMENT – Get Moving and Get Involved In Serving the Lord

With Your Whole Heart, Trying Some Things That You’ve Never Tried

Before (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

H. LOOK FOR – Look For A Certain Naturalness, Satisfaction, Joy and

Fulfillment When Serving In A Particular Area Or Way

I. RECOGNIZE – Recognize Where God Seems To Bless Your Ministry

and Gives You A Certain Measure Of Success (Acts 14:27)

Spiritual Gifts bear spiritual fruit.

J. BE AWARE – Be Aware Of the Confirmation of Others In the Body of

Christ (Acts 6:1-6)

K. BE SENSITIVE – Be Sensitive To The Spirit’s Leading and To

Spiritual Needs That You Can Meet (Acts 16:6-10)

L. NOTICE – Notice Your Desire To Persevere In Service.

Those who serve in areas where they are truly gifted tend to persevere

over the “long haul.”

M. CULTIVATE – Cultivate, Develop, and Sharpen Your Gifts As They

Become Obvious To You (1 Peter 4:10-11)

N. EXERCISE – Exercise Your Gifts To the Glory of God

(1 Peter 4:10-11)

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24. THEIR EXERCISE AND USE: Spiritual Gifts Are To Be Exercised According To Biblical Guidelines

A. In A Spirit Of Sacrifice, Service, and Worship (Romans 12:1)

B. In Accord With God’s Word, Will, And Ways, Not Those Of This

World (Romans 12:2)

C. In Humility, Not Superiority (Romans 12:3; 1 Cor. 12:21)

D. In Accord With What You Have Received By Faith (Romans

12:3,6) i.e. don’t try to go beyond your giftedness

E. In “Giving” – “With liberality”

F. In “Leading” – “With diligence”

G. In “Showing mercy – “With cheerfulness”

H. In Christ-like Love (1 Cor. 12:31 – 13:1-13) 25. THE NEED FOR TRAINING: Every Believer In Jesus Christ Needs To Be Equipped And Trained To Effectively Use His/Her Spiritual Gifts (Ephesians 4:11-12) One writer has said that “pastors” and “teachers” need to see themselves

primarily as “lamplighters” rather than “torchbearers.” (“The Idea of the Laity”

by David Haney, pp. 44-45).

Teaching – Training – Equipping

In order for Christians to be truly sharp and effective while on active

duty, our local Christian fellowships must become spiritual drill halls,

training schools, and boot camps!

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Ask: Are you certain you want to know, understand, and exercise your spiritual gifts?

If so, are you willing to pay the price?

Donald P. Smith in “Congregations Alive” wrote:

“If we want to become a ministering congregation, are we willing to pay the price?

When our Lord was about to heal the man beside the pool, He asked a strange question:

"Do you want to get well?"

“He had been crippled thirty-eight years and healing would place this man back into a

world where he would have to take responsibility for himself. he would have to pay a price

for getting well.

“Are we deeply enough committed to becoming God’s active people that we are willing to

pay the price?”

READ AGAIN: “There Is A Sea” (see page 2)