Empowered lives. Resilient nations. UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts THE UNDP KENYA programme is aligned to the national development agenda articulated in the Kenya Vision 2030. Our Country Program Document (CPD) 2014 - 2018 is also an integral part of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) to the Government of Kenya, which is aligned to the government Medium Term Plan (MTPII). The overarching aim of these strategies is to support socioeconomic transformation in Kenya and attain a middle-income development-led economy. UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities and government to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Our programmes are delivered in consultation and partnership with a broad range of stakeholders including the Government of Kenya, civil society organizations, independent bodies, development partners and other UN agencies. OUR WORK Transformative Governance and Accountability: UNDP supports institution building and governance, accountability and rule of law mechanisms that are responsive to the needs of citizens, particularly the poor and marginalized. The programmes are in line with the national Vision 2030 Political Pillar, which aims to achieve a democratic system that is issue-based, people-centered, results oriented and accountable to the public. UNDP works to strengthen the capacities of government institutions at both national and county levels to deliver public services. Through civil society collaboration, UNDP supports youth and women empowerment including those working with persons with disabilities to engage effectively in local level decision making. Other groups include people living with HIV and AIDS to access their rights through legal reform support. UNDP also supports the national government to deepen democracy through support to the electoral cycle; providing technical and operational support to general elections; and promoting inclusive, credible and fair electoral processes. Community Security, Social Cohesion and Resilience: UNDP contributes to, and supports, the development of technical capacities, skills and knowledge; strengthened institutional systems, tools and structures; and provides technical assistance to key government institutions responsible for disaster risk reduction (DRR), peace building, conflict prevention and social cohesion. Our work includes focus on the prevention of violent extremism; targeting epicenter, spillover and at-risk communities, where youth and women are at risk of both radicalization and as victims of violent extremist acts. In conflict prevention, we work with county coordination and joint response and institution building mechanisms on governance and dispute resolution to address county and constituency boundary disputes, extractives and land related conflicts; and power sharing to enhance social inclusion and integration of minorities and ethnic groups. We also work on disaster risk reduction and resilience in the Northeast regions to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to shocks. At policy level, UNDP works with parliamentary committees, ministries, government departments and agencies through technical advisory support. Environmental Sustainability, Renewable Energy and Land Management: UNDP provides technical advisory services to support Kenya meet its’ obligations to international environment agreements while enhancing the contribution of natural resources and the environment to poverty reduction and sustainable socio-economic development. UNDP works with the government to develop appropriate policies and innovative programs that integrate environmental issues into national planning and budgeting processes; and promote effective management of natural resources for production and income diversification. UNDP also assists Kenya with the domestication of Multilateral Environment Agreements and Conventions through development of projects that build capacity

UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts Reports/UNDP Kenya Fast... · UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities

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Page 1: UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts Reports/UNDP Kenya Fast... · UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities

Empowered lives.Resilient nations.

UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts

THE UNDP KENYA programme is aligned to the national development agenda articulated in the Kenya Vision 2030. Our Country Program Document (CPD) 2014 - 2018 is also an integral part of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) to the Government of Kenya, which is aligned to the government Medium Term Plan (MTPII). The overarching aim of these strategies is to support socioeconomic transformation in Kenya and attain a middle-income development-led economy.

UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities and government to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Our programmes are delivered in consultation and partnership with a broad range of stakeholders including the Government of Kenya, civil society organizations, independent bodies, development partners and other UN agencies.

OUR WORK■■ Transformative Governance and Accountability:

UNDP supports institution building and governance, accountability and rule of law mechanisms that are responsive to the needs of citizens, particularly the poor and marginalized. The programmes are in line with the national Vision 2030 Political Pillar, which aims to achieve a democratic system that is issue-based, people-centered, results oriented and accountable to the public. UNDP works to strengthen the capacities of government institutions at both national and county levels to deliver public services. Through civil society collaboration, UNDP supports youth and women empowerment including those working with persons with disabilities to engage effectively in local level decision making. Other groups include people living with HIV and AIDS to access their rights through legal reform support. UNDP also supports the national government to deepen democracy through support to the electoral cycle; providing technical and operational support to general elections; and promoting inclusive, credible and fair electoral processes.

■■ Community Security, Social Cohesion and Resilience: UNDP contributes to, and supports, the development of technical capacities, skills and knowledge; strengthened institutional systems, tools and structures; and provides technical assistance to key government institutions responsible for disaster risk reduction (DRR), peace building, conflict prevention and social cohesion. Our work includes focus on the prevention of violent extremism; targeting epicenter, spillover and at-risk communities, where youth and women are at risk of both radicalization and as victims of violent extremist acts. In conflict prevention, we work with county coordination and joint response and institution building mechanisms on governance and dispute resolution to address county and constituency boundary disputes, extractives and land related conflicts; and power sharing to enhance social inclusion and integration of minorities and ethnic groups. We also work on disaster risk reduction and resilience in the Northeast regions to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to shocks. At policy level, UNDP works with parliamentary committees, ministries, government departments and agencies through technical advisory support.

■■ Environmental Sustainability, Renewable Energy and Land Management: UNDP provides technical advisory services to support Kenya meet its’ obligations to international environment agreements while enhancing the contribution of natural resources and the environment to poverty reduction and sustainable socio-economic development. UNDP works with the government to develop appropriate policies and innovative programs that integrate environmental issues into national planning and budgeting processes; and promote effective management of natural resources for production and income diversification. UNDP also assists Kenya with the domestication of Multilateral Environment Agreements and Conventions through development of projects that build capacity

Page 2: UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts Reports/UNDP Kenya Fast... · UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities

civil society organizations

(CSOs) across the country, including small grass root- based CBOs in the rural areas, supported to ensure support reaches the poor and vulnerable members of the society.

69.7% 78.0%OFTHE

Over 360

100% 21persons have bene�ted from interventions of Amkeni Wakenya civil society interventions between 2008 to date.

select county governments designed and continue to implement their County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) and budget allocations in line with the development priorities of the Kenyans in counties.

Increased levels of public con�dence in devolved governance from

in April2015

by September2016

A monitoring and evaluation mechanism piloted in 23 counties, which facilitated evidence based decision-making

Supported the electoral reform process led by the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee (JPSC), for the enactment of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act 2016 and Electoral O�ences Act 2016.

Enhanced public con�dence in IEBC’s preparedness for the 2017 General

Elections with an increase from 21% 35%in June2016 »

in September2016

Communities in 45 of the 47 counties in Kenya have engaged in legal and policy reforms aimed at implementing the Constitution in respect of improving access to justice, establishment of people-centered devolved governance and promotion of human rights.



at grassroots, county and national levels. Our work is in four areas: Climate Change adaptation and mitigation; Natural Resource and Sustainable land Management; Forestry and Biodiversity/Wildlife; and Sustainable Energy Access. UNDP also works on sound chemical management through the Global Environmental Facility(GEF). At community level UNDP addresses specific needs of women, which include spending less time in search of water and firewood and creation of more time to engage in productive activities; through the rehabilitation of natural springs, drilling of boreholes and introduction of energy efficient cooking stoves.

■■ Productive Sectors and Trade: UNDP seeks to address economic and social exclusion and inequality in Kenya through an integrated approach focused on promoting inclusive growth through the implementation of policies, strategies and programs that support sustainable development. Empowering the poor to become economic agents by developing their entrepreneurial and labor market skills; integrating them into value chains; and promoting goods and services for

the poor. We also support the development of the policy framework and institutional capacity to support sustainable management of the extractive sector. UNDP recognizes the vibrant private sector and economic significance of the informal sector in Kenya and supports high-level sector-specific public-private dialogue and value chain development approaches to better harness the contribution of the private sector to development. Working jointly with the relevant GOK ministries, our support to the extractives sector is focused on Kenya’s regional capacity to engage and collaboration with the African Minerals Development Centre and the regional multi-stakeholders’ hub for extractives at the African Development Bank’s East Africa Resource Centre in Nairobi. At community level, UNDP provides business development support including skills development in entrepreneurship and access to government procurement; targeting the youth and women, including micro and small enterprises.


Page 3: UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts Reports/UNDP Kenya Fast... · UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities

Kenya further publicly demonstrated its’ global commitment to environmental conservation by burning




Facilitation of inter and intra communityand faith-based dialogues on PVE and counter-narratives to radical ideologies.

reached directly in ten 10 countiesthrough community dialogues


Disengagement, rehabilitation and reintegration of radicalised youth back into the society.

law enforcement o�cers from correctional institutions sensitized and trained on PVE and how to handle youth from violent extremist groups. This has improved law enforcers’ capacity to manage and undertake custodial rehabilitation of violent extremist prisoners contributing to improved success rate of reintegration

tonnesof ivory105from 6,500elephants

tonnesof rhinohorn1.35from 450 rhinos


35,308 Through Biashara centers in Kwale, Marsabit, Taita Taveta and Turkana

15,684 female ((


youth and women have bene�ted from UNDP’s livelihood intervention to become active economic agents.


A special emphasis on strengthening county governments abilities to plan and manage the impacts of climate change through supporting the formulation of climate resilient County Spatial Planning guidelines and County IntegratedDevelopment Plans (CIDPs) guidelines


Kenya has made key advancements, and is ranked amongst the top African countries in the climate change resilience agenda




Page 4: UNDP Kenya: Fast Facts Reports/UNDP Kenya Fast... · UNDP Kenya programmes aim to address poverty, inequality and exclusion in an intergrated and area based way to support communities

Total Country Programme Budget


2014 Budget:31,070,073

2015 Budget:26,343,747

2016 Budget:27,355,308

2017 Budget:21,440,256


it: 92



Income to date (May 2017): 113,007,557

EXP: 28,271,737IR: 91%

EXP: 26,174,111IR: 96%

May 30, 2017EXP: 9,451,336

IR: 44%

EXP: 24,461,474IR: 93%

Programme expenditure (EXP)/ implentation rate (IR) to May 2017

Resource requirements to Programme end

Devolution and accountability 15,000,000

Productive sectors and trade 5,000,000

Community security, cohesion and resilience 10,000,000

Environmental sustainability, renewableenergy and sustainable land management 10,000,000

TOTAL BUDGET: 106,209,384TOTAL EXPENDITURE: 88,358,658

■■ United Nations Development Programme | United Nations office in Nairobi | www.ke.undp.org

■■ UN Complex Gigiri, Block M, Level 3 P.O. Box 30218-00100, Nairobi, Kenya | Telephone: +254-20-7364307 | Email: [email protected]


UNDP KENYA PARTNERSArid Lands Resource Management Project » The Council of Governors (COG) » Electoral Management Body (EMB) » Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) » Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) » ICJ Kenya » Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) » International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) » The Judiciary » Kenya Law Reform Commission » Kenya Institute of Supplies Management » National Council of Persons with Disabilities » National Aids Control Council (NACC) » National Disaster Management Authority » The National Treasury » Media Council of Kenya » Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium (KANCO) » Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) » Kenya Human Rights Commission » The Kenya Police » Kenya Private Sector Association (KEPSA) » Kituo Cha Sheria » Legal Resources Foundation » Liverpool VCT, Care & Treatment » Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) Office of the Auditor General » Office of the Statehouse Spokesperson » People’s Participation for Equality » Public Procurement Regulatory Authority » Task Force on the Implementation of the Sexual Offences Act 2008 » Ministry of Devolution and Planning » Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Services » Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion & Constitutional Affairs » Ministry of Foreign Affairs » Ministry of Planning, National Development & Vision 2030 » Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources » Ministry of Agriculture » Ministry of Energy » Ministry of Special Programmes » Ministry of Trade » Ministry of Youth and Sports » Community Empowerment for Engagement with Devolved Funds » African Development Bank Group » Canadian High Commission » Canadian International Development Agency » Denmark/DANIDA » European Union (EU) » European Commission (EC) » United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) » Government of Finland » Government of France » Government of Italy » Government of Japan » Government of Netherlands » Government of Norway » Government of Spain » Government of Sweden » Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) » United States Agency International Development (USAID) » World Bank » UN Country Team (UNCT) » United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) » UN Women » UN High commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR) » Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) » United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

UNDP KENYA GEOGRAPHICAL FOOTPRINTCivil Society Engagement: [Current Project counties - Turkana » Kwale » Kitui » National] [Proposed Future Counties - Marsabit » Mandera » Wajir » Isiolo » Garissa » Tana River » Lamu » Mombasa » Nairobi » Nakuru » Kisumu » Uasin Gishu]

Supporting the Devolution process in Kenya UNDP supported counties 2016 Budget: Turkana » Marsabit » Samburu » Laikipia » Elgeyo Marakwet » Bungoma » Busia » Kisumu » Homabay » Kericho » Vihiga » Nakuru » Narok » Laikipia » Nyeri » Kirinyaga » Embu » Kitui » Kajiado » Taita Taveta » Kilifi » Kwale

Environment, Natural Resource Management, Climate Change, Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction: » Kisumu » Mombasa » Nakuru » Nairobi » Kwale » Narok » Taita/Taveta » Kakamega » Samburu » Kilifi » Kitui » Kakamega » Tana-river » Turkana » Baringo » Kajiado » Uasin Gishu

Inclusive Economic Growth: Taita Taveta » Kwale » Turkana » Marsabit