President Duane Kaleo Carvalho Vice President Mark Hubbard Secretary Kaulana Finn Treasurer Keith Yap Directors Jade Waiʻaleʻale Battad Fran Becker Dennis Rowley Executive Director Char Ravelo Bookkeeper Janece Yatsko Program Assistant Jason Iloreta Office Assistant Kaluna Wong Photo “Convergence” By Janece Yatsko “Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.” From Olelo No`eau by Mary Pukui Post Office Box 1567Lihu`e, Hawai`i 96766 Phone: (808) 246-8727Fax: (808) 246-8726[email protected]www.leadershipkauai.org When individuals join in a cooperative venture, the power generated far exceeds what they could have accomplished acting individually. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller We, at Leadership Kaua'i, would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to You - our partners, sponsors, donors, students, and volunteers for your support and inspiration over the years. Your generosity has allowed us to expand, create new programs, and see another cohort of diverse leaders become more effective in their leadership by uniting and embracing the same desires to become great leaders for Kauai in this 21 st Century. Since 2003, Leadership Kaua'i has been dedicated to the education of leadership practices and principles, to ensure a source of qualified and committed leaders are ready to serve our island in the spirit of Aloha. As we continue to provide a safe place for difficult conversations; discussions on relevant and complex issues are held with civility, thus modeling the way for today's leaders to emulate in their workplace, families and communities. Today, our graduates are 194 adults, 114 youth, and 165 Rotary Leadership Youth. With integrity, inclusiveness, and passion, they completed 39 community projects touching and improving the lives of over 35 percent of island residents and visitors. Excitement arose in this election year as five courageous Leadership Kaua'i graduates and a former administrative executive chose to run for public office! Along with a robust annual adult program, our latest endeavors include the integration of leadership in voyaging curriculums on the Nāmahoe, Kauaiʻs Polynesian canoe, and Waimea High School with leadership classes in the 9 th and 10 th grades. Our intention is to provide each Kaua'i student and teacher with leadership tools to assist youth in leading their own lives' first. From here, purpose and meaning are discovered allowing confidence to make tough decisions when it matters the most. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. ~ Warren Bennis This November marks the beginning of our annual fundraising campaign. Mahalo nui loa for your contributions to help the dreams of Kauai's future leaders come true. __________________ DONATION PLEDGE FORM ________________ Please make checks payable to Leadership Kaua'i and return this portion in the enclosed return envelope to: Leadership Kaua'i, P.O. Box 1567, Lihue, HI 96766. Online at LeadershipKauai.org or call our office at 808.246.8727. Leadership Kaua'i is a non-profit 501(c)(3). We would like to encourage you to take advantage of this tax-deductible opportunity before the year ends. Aloha nō. Single Donation (circle): $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1,000 $5,000 Or: $______ Change of address: _________________________________________________________________

“Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.” From ... Becker Dennis Rowley the Executive Director Char Ravelo Bookkeeper Janece Yatsko Program Assistant Jason Iloreta

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Pr e s i d e n t Duane Kaleo Carvalho

Vic e Pr e s i d e n t Mark Hubbard

Se cr e tary Kaulana Finn

Tr ea s u r e r Keith Yap

Dir e c t o r s Jade Waiʻaleʻale

Battad Fran Becker Dennis Rowley

Exe c u t iv e Dir e c t o r Char Ravelo B o okke e p e r Janece Yatsko Pro g ra m Assi s tan t Jason Iloreta Offi c e Assi s tan t Kaluna Wong P ho t o “Co n v e r g e n c e ” By Janece Yatsko

“Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.” From O le lo No `e au b y Mary Pu ku i

Post Office Box 1567•Lihu`e, Hawai`i 96766

Phone: (808) 246-8727• Fax: (808) 246-8726• [email protected]•www.leadershipkauai.org

When individuals join in a cooperative venture, the power generated far exceeds what they could have accomplished acting individually. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller

We, at Leadership Kaua'i, would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to You - our partners, sponsors, donors, students, and volunteers for your support and inspiration over the years. Your generosity has allowed us to expand, create new programs, and see another cohort of diverse leaders become more effective in their leadership by uniting and embracing the same desires to become great leaders for Kauai in this 21st Century. Since 2003, Leadership Kaua'i has been dedicated to the education of leadership practices and principles, to ensure a source of qualified and committed leaders are ready to serve our island in the spirit of Aloha. As we continue to provide a safe place for difficult conversations; discussions on relevant and complex issues are held with civility, thus modeling the way for today's leaders to emulate in their workplace, families and communities. Today, our graduates are 194 adults, 114 youth, and 165 Rotary Leadership Youth. With integrity, inclusiveness, and passion, they completed 39 community projects touching and improving the lives of over 35 percent of island residents and visitors. Excitement arose in this election year as five courageous Leadership Kaua'i graduates and a former administrative executive chose to run for public office! Along with a robust annual adult program, our latest endeavors include the integration of leadership in voyaging curriculums on the Nāmahoe, Kauaiʻs Polynesian canoe, and Waimea High School with leadership classes in the 9th and 10th grades. Our intention is to provide each Kaua'i student and teacher with leadership tools to assist youth in leading their own lives' first. From here, purpose and meaning are discovered allowing confidence to make tough decisions when it matters the most. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. ~ Warren Bennis This November marks the beginning of our annual fundraising campaign. Mahalo nui loa for your contributions to help the dreams of Kauai's future leaders come true.

__________________DONATIONPLEDGEFORM________________ Please make checks payable to Leadership Kaua'i and return this portion in the enclosed return

envelope to: Leadership Kaua'i, P.O. Box 1567, Lihue, HI 96766. Online at LeadershipKauai.org or call our office at 808.246.8727. Leadership Kaua'i is a non-profit 501(c)(3). We would like to encourage you to take advantage of this tax-deductible opportunity before the year ends. Aloha nō.

Single Donation (circle): $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1,000 $5,000 Or: $______ Change of address: _________________________________________________________________