73 Directions (Q. Nos. 1-7) The following items consists of two statements, statement I and statement II. Examine these two statements carefully and select the correct using the code given below. Code a. Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I. b. Both the statements are individually true, but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I. c. Statement I is true, but statement II is false. d. Statement I is false, but statement II is true. 1. Statement I Plantation farming has mostly been practiced in humid tropics. Statement II The soil of humid tropics is highly fertile. (a) Both the statements are correct and statement II is the correct explanation of the I statement. Countries that have plantation agriculture usually experience high annual temperatures and receive high annual rainfall. Plantations are mainly found in countries that have a tropical climate. The soils found in the humid regions are varied and diverse and are usually high on fertility. 2. Statement I Chameleon changes its skin colour to match with the colour of the surroundings. Statement II The skin of chameleon emits light of the colour of the surroundings through fluorescence. (c) Both the statements are correct and statement II is the correct explanation of the statement I. Chameleons are famous for their quick colour-changing abilities. It's a common misconception that they do this to camouflage themselves against a background. In fact, chameleons mostly change colour to regulate their temperatures or to signal their intentions to other chameleons through specialised cells called chromatophores. 3. Statement I Occsionally we see two rainbows together, the primary rainbow with another less intense secondary rainbow about 10° away. Statement II The secondary rainbow appears due to refraction after a reflection of sunlight from the water droplets. (a) 4. Statement I Nationalism in India, which was assigned a privileged position by its western educated political leadership, was ‘different’, but a ‘derivative discourse’ from the West. Statement II Indian nationalism as a response to western imperialism was ‘like all such responses, shaped by what it was respondings to’. Union Public Service Commission Assistant Commandant (BSF/CRPF/ITBP/SSB/CISF) Examination 2017 July 23, 2017 Paper General Ability and Intelligence I

Union Public Service Commission Assistant …...Assistant Commandant (BSF/CRPF/ITBP/SSB/CISF) Examination 2017 July 23, 2017 Paper General Ability and Intelligence I 74 COMPETITION

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Page 1: Union Public Service Commission Assistant …...Assistant Commandant (BSF/CRPF/ITBP/SSB/CISF) Examination 2017 July 23, 2017 Paper General Ability and Intelligence I 74 COMPETITION


Directions (Q. Nos. 1-7) The following itemsconsists of two statements, statement I andstatement II. Examine these two statementscarefully and select the correct using the codegiven below.


a. Both the statements are individually true

and statement II is the correct explanation

of statement I.

b. Both the statements are individually true,

but statement II is not the correct

explanation of statement I.

c. Statement I is true, but statement II is false.

d. Statement I is false, but statement II is true.

1. Statement I Plantation farming has

mostly been practiced in humid tropics.

Statement II The soil of humid tropics is

highly fertile.

3 (a) Both the statements are correct andstatement II is the correct explanation of the Istatement. Countries that have plantationagriculture usually experience high annualtemperatures and receive high annual rainfall.Plantations are mainly found in countries that havea tropical climate.

The soils found in the humid regions are variedand diverse and are usually high on fertility.

2. Statement I Chameleon changes its skin

colour to match with the colour of the


Statement II The skin of chameleon

emits light of the colour of the

surroundings through fluorescence.

3 (c) Both the statements are correct andstatement II is the correct explanation of thestatement I. Chameleons are famous for theirquick colour-changing abilities. It's a commonmisconception that they do this to camouflagethemselves against a background. In fact,chameleons mostly change colour to regulatetheir temperatures or to signal their intentionsto other chameleons through specialised cellscalled chromatophores.

3. Statement I Occsionally we see two

rainbows together, the primary rainbow

with another less intense secondary

rainbow about10° away.

Statement II The secondary rainbow

appears due to refraction after a reflection of

sunlight from the water droplets.

3 (a)

4. Statement I Nationalism in India,

which was assigned a privileged position

by its western educated political

leadership, was ‘different’, but a

‘derivative discourse’ from the West.

Statement II Indian nationalism as a

response to western imperialism was

‘like all such responses, shaped by what

it was respondings to’.

Union Public Service Commission



Examination 2017

July 23, 2017

Paper General Ability andIntelligence


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3 (b) Both the statements are correct, butstatement II is not the correct explanationof statement I. Statement I talks aboutstatus of nationalism in india and itsIndianised version that took shape in india.while second statement is india’s responseto western nationalism.

5. Statement I The British legal

scholars relied on Indian Pandits and

Maulavis for understanding of canons

of authoritative texts.

Statement II British codified the

Hindu Laws in 1783 and the Muslim

Laws in 1785.

3 (a)

6. Statement I Dadabhai Naoroji

argued that what was being drained

out was ‘potential surplus’ that could

generate more economic development

in India if invested in India.

Statement II Imperialists believed

that India was brought into the large

capitalist world market and that was in

itself a progress towards modernisation.

3 (b)

7. Statement I The man Booker

International Prize is now unlikely to

be won by an English author.

Statement II The Booker Prize

Foundation announced that the Man

Booker International Prize was to

evolve from 2016 onwards into a prize

for fiction in translation.

3 (d)

8. Which one of the following

statements about Pradhan Mantri

Ujjwala Yojana is not correct?

a. It is a social welfare scheme to provide

LPG connections in BPL households

b. The scheme was launched in the year


c. The government has set a target of 5

crores LPG connections under the


d. The objective of the scheme is to

safeguard the health of women and

children by providing them with

clean cooking fuel

3 (b) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana waslaunched in the year 2016 not in 2015. It isan ambitious social welfare scheme whichaims to provide free LPG connections toBPL households in the country. Thescheme is aimed at replacing the uncleancooking fuels mostly used in the rural Indiawith the clean and more efficient LPG.

9. Which one of the following portals

was launched on the 250th

anniversary of Survey of India?a. Service Plus b. DigiMap

c. Udaan d. Nakshe

3 (d) The topographic maps or OpenSeries Maps (OSM) containing natural andman-made geographical featuresincluding terrain or topography areprepared by Survey of india. These OSMmaps have been made available for freedownload from ‘Nakshe’.

10. Which one of the following

countries has been ranked as the

least corrupt country in the

Corruption Perception Index 2016

released by Transparency

International?a. Denmark b. Sweden

c. Switzerland d. Norway

3 (a) Denmark has maintained thenumber 1 position in the category of leastcorrupt countries. This index employs avariety of methods to gauge the corruptionlevel of a country like surveys and blackmoney flows.

11. The Central Vigilance

Commission was set-up on the

recommendation of

a. First Administrative Reforms


b. Gorwala Committee

c. Kripalani Committee

d. Santhanam Committee

3 (d) Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) is an apex Indian governmentalbody created in 1964 to addressgovernmental corruption. It has the statusof an autonomous body.. It was set-up bythe government of India in February,1964on the recommendations of SanthanamCommittee. The present Chairman of CVCis KV Chaudhary.

12. The Ninth Schedule was added

to the Constitution of India by thea. Fourteenth Amendment

b. First Amendment

c. Ninety-Third Amendment

d. Ninety-Ninth Amendment

3 (b) Ninth Schedule of the IndianConstitution that majorly deals with landreforms was added through though theFirst Amendment Act of the IndianConstitution in 1951.

13. Which one of the following cases

in the Supreme Court of India dealt

with the issue of ‘creamy layer’

among the backward classes?a. KM Nanavati Vs State of Bombay

b. Indra Sawhney Vs Union of India

c. Madhu Limaye Vs Ved Murti

d. Sajjan Singh Vs State of Punjab

3 (b) The 27% reservation quota forbackward classes and the governmentnotification reserving 10% governmentjobs for economically backward classesamong the higher castes was challengedin the Supreme Court in the IndraSawhney Case of 1992.

14. Which one of the following

statements about Cripps Mission is

not correct?

a. In March, 1942, Cripps persuaded War

Cabinet to agree to a draft declaration

b. Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel

represented Congress to negotiate

with the mission

c. The mission offered Dominiton status

after the war

d. The mission offered formation of Cons-

titution making body after the war

3 (a) The Cripps Mission was an attempt inlate March, 1942 by the British governmentto secure full Indian cooperation andsupport for their efforts in World War II. Themission was headed by Sir Stafford Cripps.It never persuaded any the war cabinet toagree to draft declaration.

15. Which one of the following

statements about the Treaty of

Allahabad is not correct?a. It was signed in the year 1765.

b. The Mughal Emperor by a farman

formally granted the Diwani of

Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the East

India Company.

c. Awadh was restored to its Nawab on

payment of ` 50 lakhs

d. Banaras and the Surrounding tracts

were detached from Awadh and

handed over to Shah Alam II.

3 (d) The Treaty of Allahabad was signedon August 12, 1765, between the MughalEmperor Shah Alam II, son of the lateEmperor Alamgir II, and Robert, Lord Clive,of the East India Company, as a result ofthe Battle of Buxar of October 22, 1764. Thetreaty marks the political and constitutionalinvolvement and the beginning of Britishrule in India. Based on the terms of theagreement, Shah Alam granted the EastIndia Company’ Diwani rights, or the right tocollect taxes on behalf of the Emperor fromthe eastern province of Bengal- Bihar-Orissa.

16. Which among the following was

not the provision of the Gandhi-Irwin


a. Immediate release of all political

prisoners of the Civil Disobedience


b. Clause 2 of the March, 1931 pact

defined ‘reservations and safeguards’

to cover financial credit of India

c. The return of confiscated land already

gold to third parties

d. Reservation of 18% seats for depressed


3 (d) The Gandhi–Irwin Pact was a politicalagreement signed by Mahatma Gandhi andthe then Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin onMarch 5, 1931 before the second RoundTable Conference in London. The list ofprovisions include

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l Discontinuation of the ‘CivilDisobedience’ movement by the IndianNational Congress.

l Participation by the Indian NationalCongress in the Round TableConference.

l Withdrawal of all ordinances issued by theBritish government imposing curbs on theactivities of the Indian National Congress.

l Withdrawal of all prosecutions relating toseveral types of offenses except thoseinvolving violence.

l Release of prisoners arrested forparticipating in the ‘Civil Disobedience’movement.

l Removal of the tax on salt, which allowedthe Indians to produce, trade, and sellsalt legally and for their own private use.

17. Which one of the following novels

won the Pulitzer Prize for the year

2017 in the Fiction category?a. The Goldfinch

b. All the Light We Cannot See

c. The Sympathizer

d. The Underground Railroad

3 (d) ‘The Underground Railroad’ is thesixth novel by American author ColsonWhitehead. It is the winner of the 2017Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, the 2016 NationalBook Award for Fiction, the Arthur C.Clarke Award and the 2017 AndrewCarnegie Medal for Excellence.l The novel tells the story of Cora and

Caesar, two slaves who make a bid forfreedom from their Georgia plantations byfollowing the Underground Railroad,which in the novel is an actual subway asopposed to a series of safe houses andsecret routes.

18. Which one of the following does

not pass through the Kaziranga

National Park?a. The Brahmputra river

b. The Diphlu river

c. National Highway No. 37

d. Railway Track of Indian Railway

3 (d)

19. The US President in 2017 has signed

an executive order for US withdrawal

from a trade organisation of the Pacific

region. Identify the organisation from

among the following.

a. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation


b. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

c. Free-Trade Agreement of the

Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)

d. Regional Comprehensive Economic

Partnership (RCEP)

3 (b) Trump Administration boycotted fromboth Trans Pacific Partnership and theParis Peace Climate deal recently. TheTrans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is a tradeagreement between Australia, Brunei,

Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico,New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the UnitedStates (until January 23, 2017) and Vietnam.

The agreement aimed to ‘promote economicgrowth; support the creation and retention ofjobs; enhance innovation, productivity andcompetitiveness; raise living standards;reduce poverty in the signatories' countries;and promote transparency, goodgovernance, and enhanced labour andenvironmental protections.

20. Which one of the following

judgements declared that the

Parliament has not power to amend

any of the provisions of Part III of the

Constitution of India?

a. Kesavananda Bharati Vs State of


b. Golak Nath Vs State of Punjab

c. Champakam Dorairajan Vs State of


d. Minerva Mills Limited Vs

Government of India

3 (b) Golak Nath Vs State of Punjab was a1967 Indian Supreme Court case, in whichthe Court ruled that Parliament could notcurtail any of the Fundamental Rights in theConstitution.

The judgment reversed the SupremeCourt's earlier decision which had upheldParliament's power to amend all parts ofthe Constitution, including Part III related toFundamental Rights. The judgement leftParliament with no power to curtailFundamental Rights.

21. Who among the following leaders

is associated with the concept of

partyless democracy?a. JB Kripalani

b. Jay Prakash Narayan

c. Acharya Narendra Dev

d. Vinoba Bhave

3 (b) Party Less democracy was a conceptdeveloped by many scholars like MN Royand Mahatma Gandhi, but was followed byJai Prakash Narayan. He advocated that allcommunities would be organicallyintegrated through the processes. whichhave been described and all their councilswould be linked to the most organic of allsocial units after the family, namely thevillage, district and so on.

22. Who among the following is

empowered to establish Inter-State

Council under Article-263 of the

Constitution of India?a. Parliament

b. Council of Ministers

c. President of India

d. Chief Justice of India

3 (c) The President of India underArticle-263 of the Constitution of india isempowered to establish an Inter-StateCouncil. It is based on therecommendation of Sarkaria Commission

and seeks to establish an institutionalmechanism to facilitate coordination ofpolicies and their implementation betweenthe Union and the State governments.

23. Which among the following was

not the recommendation of the Nehru

Report?a. Dominion Status

b. Separate Electorate

c. Unitary and Democratic Centre

d. Adult Suffrage

3 (b) The Nehru Report of August 28-30,1928 was a memorandum outlining aproposed new dominion status Constitutionfor India. It was prepared by a committeeof the All Parties Conference chaired byMotilal Nehru with his son JawaharlalNehru acting as secretary.The mainrecommendations of this report wasl Unlike the eventual Government of India

Act 1935 it contained a Bill of Rights.l All power of government and all

authority-legislative, executive and judicial- were derived from the people and thesame shall be exercised throughorganisations established by, or under,and in accord with this Constitution.

l There shall be no State religion; men andwomen shall have equal rights ascitizens.

l There should be federal form ofgovernment with residuary powers vestedin the Centre.

l It included a description of the machineryof government including a proposal forthe creation of a Supreme Court and asuggestion that the provinces should belinguistically determined.

l It did not provide for separate electoratesfor any community or weightage forminorities. However, it did allow for thereservation of minority seats in provinceshaving a minorities of at least ten%, butthis was to be in strict proportion to thesize of the community.

24. Which one of the following

statements about the Indigo Revolt of

1859 is correct?

a. It broke out at Poona and


b. It was directed against moneylenders.

c. It was supported by the intelligentsia

of Bengal.

d. It was directed against the petty

Zamindars and ex-employees of the


3 (d) The Indigo revolt that arose inBengal, was directed against Britishplanters who forced peasants to takeadvances and sign fraudulent contractswhich forced the peasants to grow Indigounder terms which were the least profitableto them. Revolt was directed against thepetty Zamindars and ex-employees of theplanters.






















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25. Which of the following active

step(s) was/were taken by the

Congress in 1823 to eradicate

untouchability from India?

1. Effort to educate and mobiliseopinion among caste Hindus.

2. Efforts to educate the ‘avarnas’about the evils of untouchability.

3. Forcibly open the doors oftemples for ‘avarnas’.

4. Petition the government to passlaws that would declareuntouchability unlawful.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below:

a. Only 1 b. 1 and 2

c. 2, 3 and 4 d. Only 4

3 (d) In 1823, the Congress petitioned thegovernment to pass laws that declareduntouchability unlawful in a bid to put anend to this practice.

26. Which one of the following is not

a river covered under the Indus Water

Treaty 1960?a. Ravi b. Chenab

c. Teesta d. Beas

3 (c) The Indus Waters Treaty is awater-distribution treaty between India andPakistan that is brokered by the WorldBank. The treaty was signed in Karachi onSeptember 19, 1960 by Prime Minister ofIndia Jawaharlal Nehru and President ofPakistan Ayub Khan.l According to this agreement, control over

the three ‘eastern’ rivers, the Beas, theRavi and the Sutlej, was given to India,while control over the three ‘western’rivers, the Indus, the Chenab and theJhelum, to Pakistan. Since Pakistan'srivers flow through India, the treatyallowed India to use them for irrigation,transport and power generation, whilelaying down precise regulations for Indianbuilding projects along the way.

l Teesta is a river in North-East india andforms one of the important tributaries ofBrahmaputra. It is not covered under theIndus Water Treaty.

27. Who among the following are

awarded with the Special

Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental

Physics for the year 2017?

a. Stephan W. Hawking and Roger


b. Ronald Drever, Kip S. Thorne and

Rainer West

c. Joseph Polchinski, Andrew

Strominger and Cumrun Vafa

d. J. Michael Kosterlitz, Duncan

Haldane and David J. Thouless

3 (c) The Breakthrough Prize inFundamental Physics recognisesindividuals who have made profoundcontributions to human knowledge. It is

open to all physicists – theoretical,mathematical and experimental – workingon the deepest mysteries of the Universe.The prize can be shared among anynumber of scientists.

28. Who among the following

Mathematician is the recipient of the

Abel Prize for the year 2017?a. John F. Nash

b. Yves Meyer

c. SR Srinivasa Varadhan

d. Andrew Wiles

3 (b) The Abel Prize is a Norwegian prizeawarded annually by the government ofNorway to one or more outstandingmathematicians. Yves Meyer received the2017 Abel Prize for his pivotal role in thedevelopment of the mathematical theory ofwavelets.

29. Who among the following

scholars has conceptualised the

Constitution of India as a ‘seamless

web’?a. MV Pylee b. DD Basu

c. Granville Austin d. Subhas Kashyap

3 (c) Granville Austin has conceptualisedthe Constitution of India as a ‘seamlessweb’ as he perceptively saw three distinctstrands: one, protecting and enhancingnational unity and integrity;two-establishing the institution and spirit ofdemocracy; and three-fostering socialreform.

30. Which of the following

statements is/are correct?

1. Article-15 of the Constitution ofIndia is available to both citizensof India and the foreigners.

2. Article-16 of the Constitution ofIndia is available to the citizens ofIndia only.

3. Article-21 of the Constitution ofIndia is available to both citizensof India and the foreigners alikewithin the territory of India.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below.a. Only 1 b. 2 and 3

c. Only 3 d. All of these

3 (b) Article-15 of the Constitution of Indiais not available to the foreigners. It is onlyfor the citizens of India. It says that theState shall not discriminate against anycitizen on grounds only of religion, race,caste, sex or place of birth.l Article-16 provides for equality of

opportunity for all citizens in matters ofemployment or appointment to any officeunder the State.

l Article-21 declares that no person shallbe deprived of his life and personal libertyexcept according to procedureestablished by law. This right is avalilableto both citizens and foreigners.

31. Who among the following are

entitled to get the benefits of equality

before the law and the equal protection

of the laws as enshrined under

Article-14 of the Constitution of


1. All Indian citizens living in India.2. All Indian citizens living abroad.3. Foreigners living within the

territory of India.4. All citizens born in India.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1 and 2 b. 1, 2 and 3

c. 1 and 3 d. Only 4

3 (b) Article-14 says that the State shallnot deny to any person equality before thelaw or equal protection of the laws withinthe territory of India. However it is notavailable to all citizens who are born inIndia. It is only available to Indian citizenswhether living in India or living abroad. Alsoit is available to the foreigners living withinthe territory of India.

32. Which one of the following

statements about the English

Education Act of 1835 is not correct?

a. It was proposed by Governor General

William Bentinck on the advice of


b. It made English the language of

instruction in Indian education system

c. With the formal institutionalisation

of English as the language of

instruction, the stage was set for a

new direction of Indian education.

d. To the existing Oriental Institutions

fresh awards of stipends to students

and the publication of classical texts

were to continue.

3 (d) The English Education Act was alegislative Act of the Council of India in1835 giving effect to a decision in 1835 byLord William Bentinck to reallocate fundsthe East India Company was required bythe British Parliament to spend oneducation and literature in India. It madeEnglish the language of Indian educationsystem. Also it became the language ofadministration and of the higher law courts(replacing Persian). This led eventually toEnglish becoming one of the languages ofIndia, rather than simply the native tongueof its foreign rulers.

33. Which one of the following

dynasties ruled under the suzerainty

of Kingdom of Vijaynagar?

a. Sangamas, Saluvas, Tuluvas and


b. Sangamas, Hoysalas, Aravidus and


c. Hoysalas, Saluvas, Poligars and


d. Yadavas of Devagiri, Hoysalas,

Saluvas and Aravidus






















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3 (a) The Sangamas, Saluvas, Tuluvasand Aravidus were dynasties that ruledunder the suzeranity of the kingdom ofVijayanagar empire.

34. Which one of the following

statements about the Colonial

economy is not correct?

a. The British presence inhibited

indigenous capitalism.

b. Laissez-faire actively promoted

indigenous capitalism.

c. The ‘white collective monopoly’ came

earliest and remained most

pronounced in Eastern India.

d. The Bombay hinterland was difficult

to penetrate before the construction

of railways.

3 (b) All the remaining statements arecorrect except for the second one. Alaissez-faire state does not promoteingigenous capitalism.

35. Which of the following

statement(s) about Easterine Kire

is/are correct?

1. Born in Nagaland, she is a poet,novelist and children’s bookwriter.

2. She is the recipient of the HinduPrize for the year 2015 for herpoetic novel ‘When the RiverSleeps’.

3. ‘When the River Sleeps’ was anexploration of the Naga spirituniverse.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below.a. Only 1 b. 2 and 3

c. 1 and 3 d. All of these

3 (d) All the given statements are correct.Easterine Kire published her first book ofpoetry in 1982 titled ‘Kelhoukevira’. Thiswas also first book of Naga poetrypublished in English. Her novel ‘A NagaVillage Remembered’ published in 2003was the first novel by a Naga writer inEnglish.

36. Which of the following

statements about the Paris

Agreement on Climate Change is not


a. The agreement has been signed by

more than 190 countries (as of March


b. The agreement went into effect on

November 4, 2016.

c. The Intended Nationally Determined

Contribution (INDC) pledged during

the 2015 Climate Change Conference

has been withdrawn in the Paris


d. Both the USA and China joined the

Paris Agreement.

3 (c) The Paris Agreement brings allnations into a common cause to undertakeambitious efforts to combat climate changeand adapt to its effect. With enhancedsupport from developed nations it assiststhe developing countries to chart a newcourse in the global climate effort. All thegiven statements are correct except for (c)as the INDC's pledged during the ClimateChange Conference has not been withdrawn.

37. Akshay Kumar was chosen for

the best actor award for the 64th

National Film Awards (2017) for his

role in the Hindi filma. Mukti Bhawan b. Naam Shabana

c. Rustom d. Airlift

3 (c) Akshay Kumar was chosen as thebest actor award for film Rustom. The filmis based on the real life incident of NavalOfficer KM Nanavati and businessmanPrem Ahuja.

38. Which one of the following

statements about the provisions of

the Constitution of India is correct?

a. Minorities can establish and

administer educational institutions of

their choice.

b. Only linguistic ethnic and religious

minorities find mention under


c. Every religious denomination has

unfettered right to establish and

maintain institutions for religious

and charitable purposes.

d. An educational institution

established by a religious minority

loses its. minority status on receiving

financial aid from the government.

3 (a) The first statement is correct.Article-30 of the Indian Constitution givesspecial rights to minorities in India that ‘‘Allminorities shall have the right to establishand administer educational institutions oftheir choice’’.

39. Which of the following pair(s)

is/are correctly matched?

1. Rule of lapse : Part of grant thatcan be carried over to next year.

2. Supplementary grant : Anadvance grant to meetexpenditures

3. Vote on account : Additionalfunds granted in the course offinancial year

Select the correct answer using the code

given below.a. Only 1 b. 1 and 2

c. 2 and 3 d. None of these

3 (d) None of statements are matchedcorrectly.

Rule of lapse It implies that the money leftunspent in a year must also lapse to thepublic treasury and government should notbe able to spend it unless it is resanctioned

in next year’s budget. This is called Rule ofLapse and is useful as an effective tool offinancial control.

Supplementary Grant The additional grantrequired to meet the required expenditureof the government is called SupplementaryGrants.

Vote on Account The Vote on Account isthe special provision given to thegovernment to obtain the vote ofParliament to withdraw money when thebudget for the new financial year is notreleased or the elections are underway,and the caretaker government is in place.

40. Who among the following has

won the Dada Saheb Phalke award

for the year 2016?a. K. Viswanath b. Shashi Kapoor

c. Gulzar d. Manoj Kumar

3 (a) Kasinathuni Vishwanath is an Indianaudiographer turned director, screenwriter,and character actor known for his workspredominantly in Telugu cinema and alsonotable films in Tamil and Hindi cinema. Hehas been awarded the prestigious DadaSaheb Phalke award for his outstandingcontribution to the Indian cinema.

41. Which one of the following has

created the office of the Secretary of

State for India?a. The Councils Act 1861

b. The Government of India Act 1858

c. The Morley Minto Reforms

d. Montague Chelmsford reforms

3 (b) The office of the Secretary of Statewas created under the provisions of theGovernment of India Act 1858.

Government of India Act provided forl The Company's territories in India were to

be vested in the Queen, the Companyceasing to exercise its power and controlover these territories. India was to begoverned in the Queen's name.

l The Queen's Principal Secretary of Statereceived the powers and duties of theCompany's Court of Directors. A councilof fifteen members was appointed toassist the Secretary of State for India. Thecouncil became an advisory body in Indiaaffairs. For all the communicationsbetween Britain and India, the Secretaryof State became the real channel.

l The Secretary of State for India wasempowered to send some secretdespatches to India directly withoutconsulting the Council. He was alsoauthorised to constitute specialcommittees of his Council.

l The Crown was empowered to appoint aGovernor-General and the Governors ofthe Presidencies.

l An Indian Civil Service was to be createdunder the control of the Secretary of State.

l The Act ushered in a new period of Indianhistory, bringing about the end ofCompany rule in India.






















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42. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists :

List I(Author)

List II(Book)

A. Herman Kulke 1. The Delhi Sultanate: A political andMilitary History

B. BrajadulalChattopadhayaya

2. The Emergence ofDelhi Sultanate:1192-1296 AD

C. Peter Jackson 3. The State in India:1000-1700 AD

D. Sunil Kumar 4. The Making of EarlyMedieval India



a. 2 1 4 3 b. 3 4 1 2

c. 2 4 1 3 b. 3 1 4 2

3 (b)

43. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists :

List I(Official)

List II(Office held)

A. Samahartri 1. Chief of thePalace Guards

B. Samnidhatri 2. Chief collector ofrevenue

C. Sansthadhyaksha 3. Treasurer

D. Antaravamshika 4. Superintendent ofmarkets



a. 2 4 3 1 b. 2 3 4 1

c. 1 3 4 1 d. 1 4 3 2

3 (b)

44. Which of the following most

suitably captures the meaning and

essence of ‘globalisation’?

1. It is about conducting externalrelations between two or moreStates of the world.

2. It is a process of coming togetherof world-wide social relationsbypassing territories.

3. It refers to thinkingtransterritorially about globalrisks affecting people.

4. It has a wishful vision ofsuprastate governance

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1 and 4 b. 2 and 3

c. 2, 3 and 4 d. All of these

3 (b) Globalisation refers to the freemovement of goods, capital, services,people, technology and information. It isthe action or procedure of internationalintegration of countries arising from theconvergence of world views, products,ideas, and other aspects of culture. Ithowever does not involve maintaining

external relations between two or morestates of the world. Neither does it refer towishful vision of suprastate governance.

It is rather a concept based purely oneconomic issue where trade and otherexchanges between two countries.

45. Who among the following is one

of the six winners of the Goldman

Environmental prize, for the year

2017?a. Jadav Payeng

b. Anadish Pal

c. Prafulla Samantra

d. Sunderlal dahuguna

3 (c) The Goldman Environmental Prize isa prize awarded annually to grassrootsenvironmental activists, one from each ofthe world's six geographic regions.

Prafulla Samantara, the face of people’sresistance against Vedanta’s plan to minebauxite from Niyamgiri hills in Odisha, hasbeen honoured with this year’s GoldmanEnvironmental Prize. The 65-year-oldactivist is also fighting POSCO, the SouthKorean steel major whose proposed ironand steel plant in Jagatsinhpur district ofOdisha has run into similar problems.

46. Padma Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik is

well known as aa. novelist b. golfer

c. classical dancer d. sand artist

3 (d) Padam Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik is awell known sand artist who has alsocreated a Guinness World Record bybuilding the world’s tallest sand castle (48feet and 8 inch) at the Puri beach.

47. Which one of the following is the

correct sequence of different stages a

budget has to go through in the


1. Presentation of the Budget2. Scrutiny by Departmental

Committees3. Passing of Finance Bill4. Passing of Appropriation Bill

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :

a. 1 – 2 – 4 – 3 b. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4

c. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 d. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

3 (a)

48. Government of which one of the

following States has appointed the

Rajamannar Committee to study the

Centre-State relations?a. Government of Andhara Pradesh

b. Government of Karnataka

c. Government of Maharashtra

d. Government of Tamil Nadu

3 (d) A Centre-State Relations InquiryCommittee was set-up by the then DMKgovernment of Tamil Nadu on September2, 1969 under the Chairmanship of Dr. PV

Rajamannar to consider the entire questionregarding relationship that should subsistbetween the Centre and the States in afederal set-up.

The Committee in its report recommendedthat, “the Inter-State Council should beconstituted immediately” and that, “nodecision of national importance or whichmay affect one or more States should betaken by the Union government except afterconsultation with the Inter-State Council”.

49. Which one of the following was

the mandate of the Dhar Commission

(1948)?a. To study the classification of States

b. To recommend whether the States

can be reorganised on linguistic basis

c. To study the Centre-State relations

d. To examine whether Madras city can

be transferred to Andhra

3 (b) There was a demand from differentregions, mainly South India, forreorganisation of States on linguistic basis.Consequently, in June 1948, thegovernment of India appointed theLinguistic Provinces Commission under theChairmanship of Justice SK Dhar to studythe feasibility of organising States onLinguistic basis.

The Commission, rejected the linguisticbasis of reorganisation of States andrecommended the reorganisation of Stateson the basis of following criteriasl Geographical contiguityl Financial self-reliancel Administrative viabilityl Potential for development

50. Which one of the following pairs

of term and meaning is not correctly


a. Khalisa : Villages whose income went

directly to the State Treasury

b. Mauza : Rebellious territory

c. Inam : Land allotted to learned and

religious man

d. Jagir : Territorial assignment given to

Mansabdars in lieu of salary

3 (d) Jagir is basically a feudal land grantin South Asia. It developed during theIslamic era where powers to govern andcollect tax from an estate was granted toan appointee of the State. It was prominentmore during the Sultanate period.

51. In which one of the following

buildings the first extant true arch is

found?a. Arhai din ka Jhonpra

b. Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque

c. Tomb of Sultan Balban

d. Alai Darwaza

3 (c) The first extant true arch is found inthe Tomb of Ghiyas-ud-din Balban. He wasthe ninth Sultan of the Mamluk dynasty ofDelhi. Balban was the greatest of the Slave






















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kings. Balban was instrumental in theoverthrow of Masud Shah, installingNasiruddin Mahmud as Sultan and himselfas his Vazier from 1246-65.

52. Which one of the following

statements is not correct?

a. Sharaf Qai was a minister of

Allauddin Khilji.

b. Under Giyasuddin Tughluq Muqtis

were warned not to ill-treat any of

their officials for small amounts

taken over and above their salaries.

c. The Arabic work masalik-i-Absar

gives description of the functioning

of Iqta system under

Muhammad-bin- Tughluq.

d. Marco Polo has not mentioned about

Pearl Fishery of Tuticorin in South


3 (c) ‘Masalik-i-Absar’ was written byAl-Umari who was a scholar writer andwhose works on the administration ofthe  Mamluk  dominions of Egypt and Syriabecame standard sources for Mamlukhistory. Iqta system that developed underMuhammad-bin-Tughlaq does not find itsmention in Masalik-i-Absar. It was thepractice of Tax farming that was introducedby Iltutmish in Delhi sultanate.

Allauddin Khilji abolished the Iqta and hebecame the first Sultan to set-up apermanent standing army of the sultanate.

53. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists:

List I(Book)

List II(Author)

A. The World As ISee It

1. APJ Abdul Kalam

B. How to LiveLonger and FeelBetter

2. Stephen Hawking

C. The Theory ofEverything

3. Albert Einstein

D. Indomitable Spirit 4. Linus Pauling


A B C D A B C Da. 3 4 2 1 b. 1 2 4 3c. 3 2 4 1 d. 1 4 2 3

3 (a)

54. Which one of the following

countries has officially recognised

Bitcoin as a legal payment method

since April 1, 2017?a. Japan

b. China

c. The USA

d. India

3 (a) In Japan under a new law passed,virtual currency like bitcoin is considered asan asset for accounting purposes. This isbasically to boost the cryptocurrencyBitcoin.

55. Consider the following passage

and indentify the person :

Born in April, 1932, she was a

renowned Hindustani classical

vocalist. She was recognised as an

innovative exponent of the Jaipur

Gharana. She was awarded Padma

Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan. She

was also a Fellow of Sangeet Natak

Akademy. She died in April 2017.

a. Mrinalini Sarabhai

b. Mogubai Kurdikar

c. Kishori Amonkar

d. MS Subbulakshmi

3 (c) Kishori Amonkar was a performer ofthe classical genre khyal and the lightclassical genres thumri and bhajan. She isconsidered one of the pre-eminentrepresentatives of Hindustani classicalmusic. She received several of India'snational awards and civilian honours,including the Padma Bhushan, PadmaVibhushan, Sangeet Natak Academy awardand Sangeet Natak Academy Fellowship.

56. Which one of the following is the

winner of the Vijay Hazare Trophy

2017?a. Uttar Pradesh b. Karnataka

c. Assam d. Tamil Nadu

3 (d) The Vijay Hazare Trophy, also knownas the Ranji One Day Trophy, was startedin 2002–03 as a limited-overs cricketdomestic competition involving Stateteams from the Ranji Trophy plates. It isnamed after the famous Indian cricketerVijay Hazare. This year's trophy has beenbagged by Tamil Nadu.

57. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists :

List I(Committee)

List II(Subject)

A. RangarajanCommittee

1. Tax Reform

B. NarsimhanCommittee

2. Insurance Reform

C. Kelkar Committee 3. Disinvestment ofshares in PSEs

D. MalhotraCommittee

4. Banking SectorReform



a. 2 1 4 3 b. 2 4 1 3

c. 3 4 1 2 d. 3 1 4 2

3 (c)

58. To which of the following sectors

of the economy, the activity of

agriculture and services belong to?a. Primary and Tertiary respectively

b. Primary and Secondary respectively

c. Tertiary and Secondary respectively

d. Secondary and Quaternary


3 (a) Primary activities are directly dependenton environment as these refer to utilisationof Earth’s resources, such as land, water,vegetation, building materials and minerals.It, thus includes, hunting and gathering,pastoral activities, fishing, forestry,agriculture, and mining and quarrying. Theworkers are called red collared workers.Secondary activities add value to naturalresources by transforming raw materials intovaluable products. Secondary activities,therefore, are concerned withmanufacturing, processing and construction(infrastructure) industries. These jobs arecalled blue collared workers job.

Tertiary activities include both productionand exchange. The production involves the‘provision’ of services that are ‘consumed.Exchange involves trade, transport andcommunication facilities that are used toovercome distance. Tertiary jobs are calledWhite Collar Jobs. Quaternary activities arespecialised tertairy activities in the‘Knowledge Sector’ which demands aseparate classification. There has been avery high growth in demand for andconsumption of information-based servicesfrom mutual fund managers to taxconsultants, software developers andstatisticians.

Quinary activities are services that focus onthe creation, rearrangement andinterpretation of new and existing ideas;data interpretation and the use andevaluation of new technologies. Oftenreferred to as ‘gold collar’ professions, theyrepresent another subdivision of the tertiarysector representing special and highly paidskills of senior business executives,government officials, research scientists,financial and legal consultants, etc.

59. Which one of the following

statements about Allahabad Prashasti

is correct?

a. It clearly presents the Gupta empire

as the epicenter of a complex web of

varied political relationship.

b. Line 15 of it refers to the capturing a

king of the Kota family.

c. Line 23 refers to Samudragupta

violently exterminating a number of

kings of Aryavarta.

d. Line 20 refers to rulers offering tribute,

obeying the orders of the Gupta king.

3 (c) The Allahabad pillar ,one of the pillarsof Ashoka, was an emperor of the Mauryadynasty. While it is one of the few extantpillars that carry his edicts. It is particularlynotable for containing later inscriptionsattributed to the Gupta emperor,Samudragupta. Also engraved on thestone are inscriptions by the Mughalemperor, Jahangir, from the 17th century.

Lines 13 to 15 of the inscription refer to hisconquest of the three kings of the North.They were Achyuta, Nagasena andGanapati Naga, all belonging to the Nagadynasty.






















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Lines 19-20 describe Samudragupta’sDeccan campaign.

Lines 21 to 23 mention the names of thenine kings of Aryavarta defeated bySamudragupta.

60. Which one of the following

statements about the Gupta period is

not correct?

a. Forced labour (Vishti) became more

common than before in this period.

b. A passage in the Vishnu Purana refers

to the Guptas enjoying all the

territories along the Ganga up to


c. The Mehrauli inscription suggests

that Chandragupta fought against a

confederacy of enemies in Bengal and

also led a campaign into the Pubjab.

d. Saurashtra was not a part of the

Gupta empire.

3 (d) All the given statements are correctexcept for statement d as Saurashtra wasvery much a part of Gupta dynasty andChandragupta Vikramaditya reignedbetween AD 470. It was also a part of theMauryan dynastry and later became a partof Samprati Mauryas of Ujjain. Further itcame under the rule of Satavahanadynastry.

61. Which one of the following

statements about the Sukanya

Samridhi Scheme is not correct?

a. Only parents of girls up to the age of

10 years can open such accounts in

their daughter’s name.

b. Contributions are eligible for tax

benefits under Section-80C of the

Income Tax Act.

c. Interest earned thereon is exempted

up to ` 1500 per annum.

d. A maximum of ` 1.50 lakh per annum

can be invested in this account.

3 (a) ‘Sukanya Samriddhi AccountScheme’ is a small deposit scheme for girlchild, as part of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’campaign, which would fetch yearlyinterest rate of 9.1% and provide incometax deduction Under Section-80C of theIncome Tax Act-1961. It is a scheme withthe vision to provide for girl child educationand her marriage expense. The schemewas launched in January, 2015.

The scheme will ensure equitable share toa girl child in resources and savings of afamily in which she is generallydiscriminated against a male child.

Sukanya Samridhi Yojana will enableparents to open bank accounts of girls whoare under 10 years of age.

62. Which of the following are the

reforms introduced in Budget


1. Presentation of Budget advancedto February 1 to enable the

Ministries to operationalise allactivities from the commence-ment of the financial year.

2. Merger of Railway Budget withGeneral Budget to bring Railwaysto the centre stage ofgovernment’s Fiscal Policy.

3. Removal of plan and non-planclassification of expenditure tofacilitate a holistic view ofallocations for Sectors andMinistries.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 3

c. All of these d. 1 and 2

3 (c) All these changes have been madein the Budget of financial year (2017-18).

These changes have been considered akind of reform in the Budget making inIndia.

63. ‘Nomadic Elephant’ is a joint

military exercise between India anda. China b. Mongolia

c. Vietnam d. Bhutan

3 (b) The twelfth edition Indo-MongolianJoint Military Exercise ‘Nomadic Elephant’2017 was held at Vairengte in Mizoram.The first joint ‘Nomadic Elephant’ was heldin 2004 and since then it is annually held. Itseeks to promote military associationsbetween India and Mongolia.

64. Which one of the following

artificial sweeteners is modified Sugar?a. Aspartame b. Saccharin

c. Sucralose d. Alitame

3 (c) Sucralose  is an artificial sweetenerand sugar substitute. The majority ofingested sucralose is not broken down bythe body, so it is noncaloric. Sucralose isabout 320 to 1000 times sweeter thansucrose, three times as sweetas  aspartame, twice as sweet as  sodiumsaccharin  and three times as sweetas  acesulfame potassium. 

65. Which one of the following

polymers is made of protein?a. Rubber b. Cotton

c. Wool d. Jute

3 (c) Wool polymer is a linear,alpha-keratin polymer which has a helicalconfiguration. Steps in the formation ofwool polymer are not known, so therepeating unit of wool polymer is aminoacid, which is linked to each other by thepeptide bond (–CO–NH–). As a result, it isnot possible to determine the extent ordegree of polymerisation for wool. Itconsists of a long polypeptide chainconstructed from 18 amino acids.

66. Which of the following diseases

are caused by the consumption of

water contaminated by mercury and


a. Minamata disease and Osteoporosis

b. Osteoporosis and Blue baby syndrome

c. Minamata disease and Blue baby


d. Osteoporosis and Minamata disease

3 (c) Minamata disease, sometimesreferred to as Chisso-Minamata disease, isa neurological syndrome caused by severemercury poisoning. Symptoms includeataxia, numbness in the hands and feet,general muscle weakness, narrowing of thefield of vision and damage to hearing andspeech.

A sort of ‘blue baby syndrome’ can also becaused by  methemoglobinemia.  It iswidely believed to be caused by nitratecontamination in groundwater resulting indecreased oxygen carrying capacity ofhaemoglobin in babies leading to death.The groundwater can be contaminated byleaching of nitrate generated from fertilizersused in agricultural lands, waste dumps orpit latrines.

67. Leakage of which one of the

following gases had caused Bhopal

Gas Tragedy in the year 1984?a. Methyl isocyanate

b. Hexamethylene di isocyanate

c. Isophorone di isocyanate

d. Isothiocyanate

3 (a) The  Bhopal disaster or Bhopal gastragedy  was an industrial  accident. Ithappened at a  Union Carbide subsidiarypesticide plant in the city of  Bhopal (India).On December 3, 1984, the plant released42  tonnes  of toxic  methyl isocyanate(MIC) gas, exposing more than 500000people to toxic gases. A mixture ofpoisonous gases flooded the city, causinggreat panic as people woke up with aburning sensation in their lungs.Thousands died immediately from theeffects of the gas. Many were trampled inthe  panic  that followed. 

68. The difference between the

compound interest and the simple

interest for 2 years on a sum of

money is ` 60. If the simple interest

for 2 years is ` 1440, what is the rate

of interest?

a. 41

6% b. 6



c. 8% d. 81


3 (d) Given, difference in Cl and SI of twoyears = ` 60.

SI for 2 years = ` 1440

We know that difference in Cl and SI for

two years = ×SI R


(Where, R = Rate of interest)

⇒ 601440

200= × R ⇒ R = ×60 200


⇒ R = 25

3% ⇒ R = 8
























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69. A, B, C, D, E and F compared

their marks in an examination and

found that A obtained the highest

marks, B obtained more marks than

D, C obtained more than at least two

others and E had not obtained the

lowest marks.

Consider the following statements :

Statement 1 At least two members

obtained less marks than C.

Statement 2 E and F obtained the

same marks.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are

sufficient to identify the one with the

lowest marks?a. Both 1 and 2 b. Neither 1 nor 2

c. Only 1 d. Only 2

3 (a) From given information

A > E/F > E/F > C > B > D

It is clear from above that D obtained thelowest marks. Hence, to identify the onewith the lowest marks both statements Iand II are sufficient.

70. Two men set out at the same time

to walk towards each other from

points A and B; 72 km apart. The first

man walks at the speed of 4 km/h

while the second walks 2 km in the

first hour, 21

2km in the second hour,

3 km in the third hour, and so on. The

two men will meeta. in 8 hours

b. nearer to A and B

c. nearer to B than A

d. midway between A and B

3 (d) Given,

Distance covered by first man

= × =4 9 36 km

Distance covered by second man

= × + − ×9

22 2 9 1 0 5[ ( ) . ]

= + × = × +4 5 4 8 0 5 4 5 4 4. [ . ] . ( )

= × =4 5 8 36. km

∴ Distance covered by first man

= Distance covered by second man = 36 km

Hence, It is clear from above that both manwill meet midway between A and B.

71. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists :

List I(Hydro-power project)

LIst II(River)

A. Maithon project 1. Chambal river

B. Salal project 2. Bhagirathi river

C. Rana Pratap Sagarproject

3. Barakar river

D. Tehri project 4. Chenab river



a. 2 1 4 3 b. 2 4 1 3

c. 3 1 4 2 b. 3 4 1 2

3 (d) The  Maithon Dam  is locatedat  Maithon, 48  km from  Dhanbad, in theState of  Jharkhand. It is 15712  ft(4789  m) long and 165  ft (50 m) high.

This dam was specially designed for floodcontrol and generates 60000  kW of electricpower. There is an  underground powerstation, the first of its kind in the whole ofSouth-East Asia. The dam is constructed onthe  Barakar river. The lake is spread over 65sq km (25 sq mi). Salal Hydroelectric Projectis built on river Chenab near Reasi inUdhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir(India). The Ranapratap Sagar Dam  is agravity masonry dam of 53.8 m (177  ft)height built on the  Chambal river atRawatbhata in Rajasthan (India).

The Tehri dam is the highest dam in Indiaand one of the highest in the world. It is amulti-purpose rock and earthfillembankment damon the  Bhagirathi rivernear Tehri in Uttarakhand (India).

72. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists:

List I(Vegetation)

List II(Region)

A. Chaparrals 1. North America

B. Maquis 2. Southern Europe

C. Fynbos 3. South Africa

D. Malle scrubs 4. Australia



a. 1 2 3 4 b. 1 3 2 4

c. 4 3 2 1 b. 4 2 3 1

3 (a)

73. Which one of the following tiger

reserves of India has ‘Bhoorsingh the

Barasingha’ as its official mascot?a. Nameri tiger reserve

b. Ranthambhore tiger reserve

c. Panna tiger reserve

d. Kanha tiger reserve

3 (d) Kanha has become the first tigerreserve in India to officially introduce amascot, Bhoorsingh the Barasingha, topresent the hard ground swamp deer asthe spirit of the reserve and spreadawareness to save it from possibleextinction. Barasingha, or swamp deer, isthe State animal of Madhya Pradesh.

74. Which one of the following

elements is present in the green

pigment of leaves?a. Magnesium b. Iron

c. Calcium d. Copper

3 (a) Magnesium has an important rolein  photosynthesis  because it forms thecentral atom of  chlorophyll (green pigment).

Therefore, without sufficient amounts ofmagnesium, plants begin to degrade thechlorophyll in the old leaves. This causesthe main symptom of magnesiumdeficiency, chlorosis, or yellowing betweenleaf veins, which stay green, giving theleaves a marbled appearance.

75. Which one of the following is not

correct about organic farming?

a. It does not use genetically modifiedseeds.

b. Synthetic pesticides or fertilizers arenot used.

c. It uses minimal crop rotation.

d. It uses ecologically protectivepractices.

3 (c) Organic farming  is an alternativeagricultural system which originated earlyin the 20th century in reaction to rapidlychanging farming practices. Organicfarming continues to be developed byvarious organic agricultural organisationstoday. It relies on fertilizers of organic originsuch as compost,  manure,  green manure,and bone meal  and places emphasis ontechniques, such as  crop rotation andcompanion planting. Biological pestcontrol, mixed cropping and the fosteringof insect predators are encouraged.

76. Which one of the following

instruments is used for measuring

moisture content of air?a. Hydrometer b. Hygrometerc. Hypsometer d. Pycnometer

3 (b) A  hygrometer is an instrument usedfor measuring the water vapour in theatmosphere. Humidity measurementinstruments usually rely on measurementsof some other quantity, such astemperature, pressure, mass or amechanical or electrical change in asubstance as moisture is absorbed.

77. Bronze is an alloy of copper anda. nickel b. ironc. tin d. aluminium

3 (c) Bronze  is an alloy  consistingprimarily of  copper, commonly with about12%  tin  and often with the addition of othermetals (such as aluminium, manganese, nickel or zinc) and sometimes non-metals ormetalloids, such as arsenic, phosphorus orsilicon, These additions produce a range ofalloys that may be harder than copperalone, or have other useful properties, suchas stiffness, ductility, or machinability.

78. The length of a rectangle is

increased by 60%. By what percent

would the width have to be decreased

to maintain the same area?a. 37.5% b. 60% c. 75% d. 120%

3 (a) We know that if the length of arectangle is increased by x%, then tomaintain the same area width have to

decreased by100


























72 kmA B

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Here, x = 60%

∴ Required decrement in width of rectangle

= ×+





= ×+

100 60

100 60

= ×100 60


= =75

237 5. %

79. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank

in 12 minutes and 16 minutes

respectively. If both the pipes are

opened together, then after how

much time, B should be closed so that

the tank is full in 9 minutes?

a. 31

2min b. 4 min

c. 41

2min d. 4



3 (b) Let, pipe B is closed after x min

Then, part filled by pipe A in 1 min = 1


and part filled by pipe B in 1 min = 1


Now, part filled by pipe ( )A B+ in x min +part filled by pipe A in ( )9 − x min = 1

⇒ x x x

12 16


121+ + − =

⇒ 4 3 36 4


x x x+ + − =

⇒ 3 36 48x + =⇒ 3 48 36 12x = − =⇒ 3 12x =⇒ x = 4 min

80. One year ago, a father was four

times as old as his son. After six years

his age exceeds twice his son’s age by

9 years. The ratio of their present age

isa. 9 : 2 b. 11 : 3

c. 12 : 5 d. 13 : 4

3 (b) Let, present age of father = F years

and present age of son = S years

According to the question,

( ) ( )F S− = −1 4 1

⇒ F S− = −1 4 4

⇒ F S− = −4 3 …(i)

and ( ) ( )F S+ = + +6 2 6 9

⇒ F S+ = + +6 2 12 9

⇒ F S− = −2 21 6

⇒ F S− =2 15 …(ii)

Now, solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have

F = 33 years

and S = 9 years

∴ Ratio of their present ages

= 33 9:

= 11 3:

81. Which one of the following pairs

of Island and Sea/Ocean is not

correctly matched?a. Cyprus : Mediterranean Sea

b. Falkland : Atlantic Ocean

c. Chagos : North Pacific Ocean

d. Islas Cocos : Indian Ocean

3 (c) The  Chagos Archipelago or ChagosIslands  is a group of seven atolls comprisingmore than 60 individual tropical islands inthe Indian Ocean about 500 km (310 mi)South of the Maldives archipelago.

82. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists:

LIst I(Mineral)

LIst II(Mine)

A. Zinc 1. Amjhore

B. Gold 2. Sukinda

C. Chromite 3. Zawar

D. Pyrite 4. Hutti



a. 1 2 4 3 b. 3 2 4 1

c. 3 4 2 1 d. 1 4 2 3

3 (c)

83. As per Census 2011, which one of

the following is the correct

descending order of States in India in

respect of sex ratio (female per

thousand of males)?

a. West Bengal–Madhya

Pradesh–Uttarakhand–Jammu and


b. Madhya Pradesh–West

Bengal–Jammu and


c. Uttarakhand–West Bengal–Madhya

Pradesh–Jammu and Kashmir

d. West Bengal–Uttarakhand–Madhya

Pradesh–Jammu and Kashmir

3 (c)

84. Liquid water is denser than ice

due toa. higher surface tension

b. hydrogen bonding

c. van der Waals forces

d. covalent bonding

3 (b) When water freezes, watermolecules form a crystalline structuremaintained by hydrogen bonding.Solid  water, or  ice, is less  dense thanliquid water because the orientation ofhydrogen bonds causes molecules to pushfarther apart, which lowers the density.

85. Which one of the following is the

chemical name of heavy water?a. Hydrogen oxide

b. Deuterium dioxide

c. Deuterium oxide

d. Heavy hydrogen oxide

3 (c) Heavy water  (deuterium oxide) is aform of water  that contains a larger thannormal amount of the hydrogenisotopedeuterium. The presence ofdeuterium gives the chemicalls differentnuclear properties, and the increase ofmass gives it different physical andchemical properties compared to normal‘light water’.

86. Who among the following has

coined the term ‘Quark’, the

fundamental particles that make up

protons and neutrons in an atomic

nucleus?a. Richard Feynman

b. Murray Gell-Mann

c. Alberi Einstein

d. Niels Bohr

3 (b) A ‘quark’ is a type of elementaryparticle and a fundamental constituent ofmatter. Quark scombine to form compositeparticles called Hadrons, the most stable ofwhich are protons and neutrons, thecomponents of atomic nuclei. This termwas coined by Murray Gell-Mann.

87. The mass number of an element

is not changed when it emitsa. Alpha and Beta radiations only

b. Alpha and Gamma radiations only

c. Beta and Gamma radiations only

d. Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations

3 (c) Gamma radiation doesn’t change thenumber of protons or neutrons in a nucleusbut it does change the way they arearranged. Therefore keeping the massnumber of the atom unchanged. Similarlybeta radiations also keeps the atomicmass in an atom unchanged.

88. Which one of the following is the

smallest number by which 2880 must

be divided in order to make it a

perfect square?a. 3 b. 4

c. 5 d. 6

3 (c) From option (c)2880


Now, 576 24 2= ( )

Hence, we can say that 5 is the smallestnumber by which 2880 must be divided inorder to make is a perfect square.

89. A 3 digit number 4X3 is added to

984 to get a 4 digit number 13Y7. If

13Y7 is divisible by 11, then what is

the value of (X+Y)?a. 15 b. 12

c. 11 d. 10

3 (d) According to the question,

4 × 3

(+)9 8 4


Now, 13Y7 is divided by 11∴ Putting, Y = 9






















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∴ Number = 1397

Now, 4 × 3

9 8 4


x + =8 9 ⇒ x = − =9 8 1

⇒ x = 1

∴ 4 1 3

9 8 4


∴ X = 1and Y = 9

Now, ( )X Y+ = + =1 9 10

90. If all students are boys and all

boys are dancers, then which one of

the following statements is definitely

true?a. All dancers are boys

b. All boys are students

c. All dancers are students

d. All students are dancers

3 (d) If all students are boys and all boysare dancers, then we can say that allstudents are dancers.

91. In March, 2017, a High Court in

India had accorded he status of living

human entities to which two of the

following rivers?a. Brahmaputra and Ganga

b. Ganga and Yamuna

c. Yamuna and Godavari

d. Krishna and Kaveri

3 (b) The Uttarakhand High Court haddeclared the Ganga and Yamuna livingentities, bestowing on them same legalrights as a person, a move that could helpin efforts to clean the pollution-chokedrivers. However, the order has been stayedby the Supreme Court of India.

92. Which one of the following

statements about land tenure system

is not correct?

a. During the British rule in India three

categories of land tenure system, viz.

Zamindari, Mahalwari and Ryotwari

were introduced.

b. Under Zamindari system, land was

held by one person or at the most by

a few joint owners who were

responsible for the payment of land


c. Under the Mahalwari system, the

agricultural lands belonged to the


d. Under Ryotwari system, the individual

holders had the permanent rights over

land and were directly responsible for

payment of land revenue.

3 (c) This kind of tenancy was introducedduring the British rule. It was first introducedin Agra and Oudh and later on in Punjab.Muslim tradition was instrumental in theemergence of the Mahalwari system.So faras the Mahalwari tenure was concerned, thevillage lands were held jointly by the villagecommunities. The ruralites were jointly andseverally responsible for the payment ofland revenue.

93. Which of the following are the

necessary conditions for the growth

of coral reefs?

1. Photic conditions2. Clean and sediment-free water3. SEA salinity of 6%4. Tropical sea water with

temperature of 20°C to 21°C

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1, 2 and 4 b. 2 and 4

c. 1 and 3 d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

3 (a) Corals  is limestone rock made byaccumulation of skeletons of tiny marineorganisms called  coral polyps.

The following are five conditions whichfavour occurrence of coral reefs.l Sunlight  Coral reefs need to grow in

shallow water where sunlight can reachthem. Corals depend on the Zooxanthellae(algae) that grow inside of them for oxygenand other things, and since these algaeneed sunlight to survive, corals also needsunlight to survive.

l Clean Water  Corals need clean waterthat lets the sunlight through. They do notthrive well in muddy like near river mouth.Sediments and plankton can cloud waterwhich decrease the amount of sunlightthat reaches the Zooxanthellae.

l Warm Water  Reef building corals requirewarm water condition to survive. Differentcorals living in different regions canwithstand various temperaturefluctuations. However, corals generallythrive in water temperature of 20-30° C.

l Salty Water  Corals need salty water tosurvive and require certain balance in theratio of salt to water. This is why corals donot live in areas where rivers drain freshwater into the sea.

94. Which one of the following

diseases is caused by cadmium

pollution?a. Minamata b. Itai-itai

c. Fluorosis d. Blue baby syndrome

3 (b) Itai-itai disease  was the name givento the mass  cadmiumpoisoning  of  Japan. The term ‘itai-itai’,disease was coined by locals  for thesevere pains victims felt in the spine andjoints.  Cadmium  poisoning can alsocause  softening of the bones and  kidneyfailure.Cadmium was released into riversby  mining  companies in the mountains.

95. Presence of ozone in the

atmosphere is important because it


a. ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B


b. ultraviolet-B radiations only

c. infrared-B radiations only

d. outgoing ultraviolet-B radiations and

incoming ultraviolet-A radiations

3 (a) Although the concentration of theozone in the ozone layer is very small, it isvitally important to life because it absorbsbiologically harmful UltraViolet (UV)radiation coming from the sun. UVradiation capable of penetrating nitrogen isdivided into three categories, based on itswavelength; these are referred to as UV-A(400–315  nm), UV-B (315–280  nm), andUV-C (280–100  nm).

96. NPP (Net Primary Productivity) is

highest fora. tropical forests

b. swamps

c. reefs

d. woodland and shrub land

3 (a) Gross Primary Production (GPP) isthe total amount of CO2   that is fixed by theplant in photosynthesis.

Net Primary Production (NPP) is the netamount of primary production after thecosts of plant respiration are included.Therefore,  NPP = GPP – R

Order of net primary productivity

Tropical forests > reefs > swamps >woodland and shrubland

97. Study of a single species and the

environmental factors in its habitat is

calleda. Genecology b. Synecology

c. Autecology d. Ethology

3 (c) Autecology is the study of  individualorganism or individual species.  It is alsoknown as population ecology.

98. In an examination, 25% of the

candidates failed in Mathematics and

12% failed in English. If 10% of the

candidates failed in both the subjects

and 292 candidates passed in both the

subjects, which one of the following is

the number of total candidates

appeared in the examination?a. 300 b. 400 c. 460 d. 500

3 (b) Here, a = 25%, b = 12%, andc = 10%

∴ Percentage of candidates passed in boththe subject

= − + −[ ( )]%100 a b c

= − + −[ ( )]%100 25 12 10

= −( )%100 27

= 73%

Now, let total number of candidatesappeared in the examination = x






















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Accordng to the question,

73% of x = 292

⇒ x × =73

100292 ⇒ x = ×292 100


⇒ x = ×4 100 ⇒ x = 400

Hence, total number of candidatesappeared in the exmination = 400

99. 5% of income of A is equal to 15%

of income of B and 10% income of Bis equal to 20% of income of C. If the

income of C is ` 2000, then what is

the total income of A, B and C?a. ` 20000 b. ` 18000

c. ` 14000 d. ` 6000

3 (b) According to the question,

A B× = ×5




⇒ A B= 3

And B C× = ×10




B C= 2

Given, Income of C = ` 2000

∴ Income of B = × =2 2000 4000`

And income of A = × =3 4000 12000`

∴ Total income of A B, and C

= + +12000 4000 2000

= ` 18000

100. If the product of n positive

numbers is unity, then their sum isa. a positive integer b. divisible by n

c. cqual to n


+ 1d. never less than n

3 (a) If the product of n positive numbers isunity, then their sum is a positive integer.

101. Which of the following

statements about the Equatorial

region are correct?

1. It is a megathermal region.2. It is a sclerophyll region.3. It is a region of high

development.4. It is a region of aerial streamlets.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1 and 4

b. 1 and 2 only

c. 2, 3 and 4

d. 1, 2 and 3

3 (a) The term megathermal is sometimesused as a synonym for ‘tropical.’ In orderfor a particular place to qualify as having amegathermal climate, every single monthout of the year must have an averagetemperature of 18°C or above which is veryprominently found in the equatorial regions.

Most of the rains in the equatorial climate isintercepted by forest canopy and thusreaches ground surface slowly in the formof aerial streamlets through leaves,branches and stems of trees and thusthere is maximum infiltration of rainwater.

102. Which one of the following

statements about the Himalayas is

not correct?a. They are young fold mountains.

b. They have geosynclinal rocks.

c. Himalayan Frontal Faults (HFF)

separates Himalaya from Tibet.

d. Indus and Sutlej rivers form

antecedent drainage in Himalaya

3 (c) Himalayas are one of the youngestmountain ranges on the planet andconsists mostly of uplifted sedimentary andmetamorphic rock. There is presence ofgeosynclinal rocks.

A geosyncline or geosynclinal rocks aredescribed as a subsiding linear trough thatwas caused by the accumulation ofsedimentary rock strata deposited in abasin and subsequently compressed,deformed, and uplifted into a mountainrange, with attendant volcanism andplutonism.

The antecedent rivers originating from theHimalayas include Indus, Satluj,Brahmaputra, Kosi and Subansiri.

However there is no fault line thatseparates himalayas from Tibet as it is anextension of the former.

103. Which one of the following is

not a favourable condition for

occurrence of a thunderstorm?a. Conditional and convective instability

b. Adequate supply of moisture in the

lower atmosphere

c. Advection of cold dry air in the lower

troposphere and warm moist air in

the uppper troposphere

d. A synoptic situation of low level

convergence and upper level


3 (c) Five Necessary conditions forthunderstorm are as followsl Instability through a reasonable depth of

the atmospherel Enough humidity to sustain / feed deep

convection through a reasonable depth:advection of warm, humid air at low levelsgreatly assists thunderstormdevelopment.

l Cloud tops reaching to a level where thetemperature is at least − 18°C.

l A large amount of energy available to bereleased.

l Something to ‘kick it all off’-a ‘trigger’ orinitiating action (differential surfaceheating, orographic ascent, frontal(conveyor) ascent, mass convergences,coastal or sea-breege convergence,vorticity-driven forcing).

104. The ecological niche of an

organism relates toa. specific habitat of the organism

b. symbiotic relationship with other


c. diverse occurrence of a species underdifferent conditions

d. its interaction with all otherorganisms

3 (a) An ecological niche is the role andposition a species has in its environment;how it meets its needs for food and shelter,how it survives, and how it reproduces. Aspecies' niche includes all of its interactionswith the biotic and abiotic factors of itsenvironment.

105. Free swimming macroscopic

animals in an aquatic environment

are referred to asa. Plankton b. Periphyton

c. Benthos d. Nekton

3 (d) Marine animals are divided into threegroups: zooplankton, nekton, and benthos.

Nekton are the free swimmers andprobably the largest portion of familiaranimals found in the ocean belong to thisclass. They are large in size and commonfishes, the octopus, whales, eels and squidare all examples of nekton.

106. The term ‘Biomagnification’ is

referred to asa. increase in the body weight

b. uncontrolled growth of harmful


c. accumulation of increasing amount

of non-degradable pollutant through

food chain

d. increase in the number of bacteria in

a culture medium

3 (c) Biological magnification often refersto the process whereby certainsubstances, such as pesticides or heavymetals move up the food chain, work theirway into rivers or lakes, and are eaten byaquatic organisms such as fish, which inturn are eaten by large birds, animals orhumans. The substances becomeconcentrated in tissues or internal organsas they move up the chain.Bioaccumulants are substances thatincrease in concentration in livingorganisms as they take in contaminatedair, water, or food because the substancesare very slowly metabolised or excreted.

107. Which one of the following

statements about air pollution caused

by diesel engines is correct?

a. It produces large quantity of carbon

monoxide at lower and high


b. It produces large quantity of nitrogen

oxides at lower and high


c. It produces large quantity of carbon

monoxide at lower temperature and

nitrogen oxides at high temperature.

d. It produces large quantity of nitrogenoxides at lower temperature andcarbon monoxide at high temperature.






















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3 (c) Diesel-powered vehicles andequipment account for nearly half of allnitrogen oxides (NOx) and more thantwo-thirds of all Particulate Matter (PM)emissions. It also produces large quantity ofCarbon monoxide(CO) at extreme operatingtemperatures. However at low temperaturesit produces nitrogen oxide.

108. In an election which was

contested by two candidates, X and Y,

4000 votes were polled. Suppose that

every vote was polled in favour of

either of the two candidates.

Candidate Y got 40% of vote polled and

was defeated. What was the margin of

defeat?a. 500 votes b. 800 votes

c. 1200 votes d. 1600 votes

3 (b) We know that if two candidatecontested in an election and one candidateget x% of total votes casted and still lose byy votes, then

Total number of votes casted = ×−


100 2



Here, total number of votes casted

= 4000, y x= =?, %40

∴ 4000100

100 2 40= ×

− ×y

⇒ 4000100

100 80= ×

−y ⇒ 4000


20= × y

⇒ 4000 5= y ⇒ y = 800

∴ Margin of defeat = 800 votes

109. The average of 7 consecutive odd

number is M. If the next 3 odd numb 3

odd numbers are also included, the

averagea. remains unchanged

b. increases by 1.5

c. increases by 2

d. increases by 3

3 (d) If the next 3 odd numbers are alsoincluded, then average will be increase by 3.

Directions (Q.Nos. 110-112) Followingthree questions are based on theinformation provided below

Investment in various industries/sectorsacross five years (in ` 100 Crore)

Type ofindustry/








740 800 470 440 810

Electrical 500 520 600 650 800

Services 420 480 500 600 750

Mining 440 500 550 600 660

Others 800 900 980 1110 1080

110. What is the percentage increase

in investment in the Electrical sector

from 2005-06 to 2009-10 ?a. 30% b. 40%

c. 50% d. 60%

3 (d) Required percentage increased

= − ×( )800 500


= × = ×300


3 100


= ×3 20 = 60%

111. During the given years, what is

the average investment per year for

the service sector (` 100 Crore)?a. 490 b. 550 c. 580 d. 670

3 (b) Average investment per year for theservice sector

= + + + +1

5420 480 500 600 750( )

= ×1

52750 = 550

112. During which one of the

following years, was the total

investment maximum?a. 2006-07 b. 2007-08

c. 2008-09 d. 2009-10

3 (d) Total investment in 2006-07

= + + + + =800 520 480 500 900 3200

Total investment in 2007-08

= + + + + =470 600 500 550 980 3100

Total investment in 2008-09

= + + + + =440 650 600 600 1110 3400

Total investment in 2009-10

= + + + + =810 800 750 660 1080 4100

In is clear from above that the totalinvestment maximum was in the year2009-10.

113. Which one of the following is a

major effects of long term consump-

tion of drinking water containing little

(less than 0.5 ppm) or no fluoride?a. Cavity of tooth

b. Erosion of nail

c. Deformation of bone

d. Mottling of tooth

3 (d) Fluoride in toothpaste and drinkingwater, is like a constant ‘repair kit’ that helpsto protect teeth against tooth decay.Absence of fluoride is results in mottling oftooth. Dental fluorosis manifests as whitemottling of teeth in which noticeable whitelines or streaks have joined into largeropaque areas. Brown staining or pitting ofenamel may also be present. In severe formsactual breakdown of enamel may take placewith loss of anatomical structure of the teeth.

114. Carborundum is used as an

abrasive, because ita. has high thermal conductivity

b. has low coefficient of expansion

c. has high chemical stability

d. is extremely hard

3 (d) Carborundum also known as Siliconcarbide is a compound of silicon andcarbon. Synthetic silicon carbide powderhas been mass-produced since 1893 for

use as an abrasive. Grains of siliconcarbide can be bonded together bysintering to form very hard ceramics thatare widely used in applications requiringhigh endurance, such as car brakes, carclutches and ceramic plates inbulletproof vests.

115. Which one of the following is

not decomposed by bacterial action?a. Vegetable remains

b. Plastic materials

c. Animal carcasses

d. Wastes of flowers

3 (b)

116. Two positions of a dice with 1 to

6 dots on its side are shown below :

If the dice is resting on the side with

three dots, what will be the number

of dots on the side at the top?

a. 1 b. 1 or 5 c. 5 d. 2 or 5

3 (b) After watching the two positions of adice, we can say that if the dice is restingon the side with three dots, then thenumber of dots on the side at the top willbe 1 or 5.

117. Consider the following figure :

What is the number of rectangles

which are not squares in the above

figure? (Given that ABCD is a square

and E, F, G, H are mid-points of its


a. 14 b. 16 c. 20 d. 21

3 (b) Given figure is as follows

In this figure, the number of rectangleswhich are not squares, is as follows





Hence, there are such 16 rectangles arepresent in the given figure which are notsquares.
















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118. Consider the following number :

n = × ×[( ) ( ) ( ) ]6374 625 3131793 317 49

Which one of the following is the

digit at the unit place of n?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 5

3 (a) Given,

n = × ×[( ) ( ) ( ) ]6374 625 3131793 317 49

∴ Unit place digit in given number

= unit place digit of ( ) ( ) ( )4 5 33 7 9× ×= unit place digit of 64 78625 19683× ×= unit place digit of 4 5 3× × = 0

119. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the Lists:

List I(Bird Sanctuary)

List II(State)

A. Sultanpur 1. West Bengal

B. Kulik 2. Haryana

C. Nawabganj 3. Uttar Pradesh

D. Attiveri 4. Karnataka


A B C D A B C Da. 2 1 3 4 b. 2 3 1 4c. 4 3 1 2 d. 4 1 3 2

3 (a)

120. Match List I with List II and

select the correct answer using the

code given below the lists :

List I (National Park)

A. Corbett B. Neora Valley

C. Betla D. Kanha

List II (Location in map)


A B C D A B C Da. 2 1 3 4 b. 2 3 1 4c. 4 1 3 2 d. 4 3 1 2

3 (d)

121. Consider the following


1. Areas where rainfall exceeds

250 cm

2. Annual temperature 25 27− °C3. Average humidity exceeds 75%

4. Trees do not shed the leaves

To which one of the following types of

vegetation does the above represent?a. Tropical wet evergreen

b. Tropical semi-evergreen

c. Tropical moist deciduous

d. Tropical dry evergreen

3 (a) Wet evergreen forests are found inthe South along the Western Ghats and theNicobar and Andaman Islands and allalong the North-eastern region. It ischaracterised by tall, straight evergreentrees that have a buttressed trunk or rooton three sides like a tripod that helps tokeep a tree upright during a storm. Rainfallpeaks around 400 mm, but on the averageis above 250 mm. The average annualtemperature lies in the range of 25-27°.The more common trees that are foundhere are the jackfruit, betel nut palm,jamun, mango, and hollock. The trees inthis forest form a tier pattern: shrubs coverthe layer closer to the ground, followed bythe short structured trees and then the tallvariety. High humidity levels of more than75% ensures that leaves do not shedleaves throughout the year. Beautiful fern ofvarious colours and different varieties oforchids grow on the trunks of the trees.

122. Which of the following

statements related to tribes in India

are correct?

1. Tharu tribes are found in Uttar

Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

2. Irula, Chenchu and Sumali tribes

are found in Kerala.

3. Garasia tribes are found in Goa.

4. Gaddi tribes are nomadic herders

of Jammu & Kashmir and

Himachal Pradesh.

Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4c. 1, 2 and 4 d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

3 (a) The Tharu people are an ethnicgroup indigenous to the southern foothillsof the Himalayas; most of the Tharu peoplelive in the Nepal Terai. Some Tharu groupsalso live in the Indian Terai, foremost inUttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Garasia is a Scheduled Tribe inhabiting theIndian States of Rajasthan and Gujarat.Garasiya settlements are found in theRajasthan districts of Pali, Sirohi, Udaipurand Dungarpur, and the Gujarat districts ofSabarkantha and Banaskantha. The Gaddisare a group of nomadic tribe living mainly inthe Indian States of Himachal Pradesh andJammu and Kashmir. Irula is an ethnic groupof India. They inhabit the area of the Nilgirimountains, in the States of Tamil Nadu andKerala (India). The Chenchus are Adivasi, adesignated Scheduled Tribe in the IndianStates of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,Karnataka and Odisha.

123. Consider the following

statements about ‘Ring of Fire’:

1. It is also known as Circum-Pacificbelt of volcanoes

2. It is an active seismic zone3. It is a zone of divergent place


Select the correct answer using the code

given below :a. Only 1 b. 1 and 2c. 2 and 3 d. 1, 2 and 3

3 (b) The Ring of Fire is a string ofvolcanoes and sites of seismic activity, orearthquakes, around the edges of thePacific Ocean. Roughly 90% of allearthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire,and the ring is dotted with 75% of all activevolcanoes on Earth. It is also commonlyknown as the Circum-Pacific belt ofvolcanoes as it entirely lies in the PacificOcean. It lies in the zone of convergentplate boundary margin and the convergentboundaries are often subduction zones,where the heavier plate slips under thelighter plate, creating a deep trench.

124. The Bum-La Pass is located ina. Sikkimb. Arunachal Pradeshc. Himachal Pradesh d. Uttarakhand

3 (b) Bum-La Pass is a high mountainpass at an elevation of 5000 m (16500 feet)above the sea level, on the Himalayanmountain range, in Arunachal Pradesh, atthe Indo-China border.

125. Which one of the following is

located at the southernmost latitude?a. South Africa b. Australiac. Chile d. Polynesia

3 (c) The geographical alignment of Chileincorporates latitude of 30° 00' S andlongitude of 71° 00' W and has thesouthernmost latitude.

Tropic of Cencer

Kms.0 250 500. Kms.

60° 64° 68° 76° 80° 84° 88° 92° 96° 100° 104°


















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