Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

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SB Exercises 6) _______ 7) _______ 8) _______ 9) _______ 10) _______ to take no notice of staying close to and looking at somebody to become quiet after nervous activity piece of material hung to cover a window number of things that happen one after another ignore face to face calm down curtain series

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Page 1: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 4

Words and expressions

Page 2: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

I SB Exercises

1. Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.


not inside a buildingfeeling disturbedto be worried aboutfree, not tied upto experience something

outdoorsupsetbe concerned aboutloosego through

Page 3: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

SB Exercises

6) _______7) _______

8) _______

9) _______

10) _______

to take no notice ofstaying close to and looking at someb

odyto become quiet after nervous activit

ypiece of material hung to cover a win

downumber of things that happen one af

ter another

ignore face to face

calm down



Page 4: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

Anne’s sister, Margot was very ________ that the family had to move. However, she knew that she had got to __________ all the difficulties with her family. She found it difficult go settle and __________in the hiding place, because she was _________________ whether they would be discovered. She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.


go through

concerned aboutcalm down

2. Complete this passage with some of the words and phrases above.

SB Exercises

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What she really missed was going ________ and walking the dog for her neighbour. It was such fun to watch it run ____ in the park. She wished she could tell her neighbour __________ that she was sorry not to be able to do it any longer, but she knew that was too dangerous!



face to face

SB Exercises

Page 6: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

3. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions from the text.

1)When the man saw the car accident on the highway, he stopped __________ offer help.

2)“How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty and ______? It will only make her worse,” said the doctor.

3)After Peter died, George __________ the story of their friendship in a book.

in order to


set down

SB Exercises

Page 7: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

4)When the street lights go on ________, they make a beautiful picture, so different from the daytime.

5)Good friends do not _____________what they do for each other; instead they offer help when it is needed.

6)Although Tim and Mike come from __________different backgrounds, they became close friends.

at dusk

add up


SB Exercises

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Studying language points

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1. add: add…to… 加;增加 add … up 加起来 add up to 加起来总和是;等于

eg. Add your scores up and we’ll see who won. These numbers add up to 100. Will you please add some milk to my coffee?

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1)______ some milk and sugar _____ coffee before drinking it.

2) When we _______ all the costs, we realized we had spent too much.

3) His whole school education ___________ no more than ten years.

Practice 1Add


added up

added up to

Page 11: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

2. concern: concern sth./sb. 与……有关系 concern oneself with/about sb./sth. 忙于;关心 be concerned about/for sb./sth. 使担忧;使烦恼 = be worried about sb./sth.

eg. These problems concern all. She concerns herself with her son’s future.

= She is concerned about her son’s future. The experts are concerned about the growt

h in the world’s population.

Page 12: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

Look at the picture. Ask and answer the questions: A: What’s … concerned about? B: _______________________

My son’s future

Thomas Exchange your ideas in

pairs: A: What are your parents / you

concerned about?B: ________________________

Practice 2

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eg. The police went through the pockets of the suspected thief.

He went through a hard time while his wife was sick.

3. go through sth. : 1) to examine carefully 搜查;仔细浏览 2) to experience, suffer 经历;遭受

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eg. He died quickly, he didn’t suffer very much. The company suffered a great loss because of the air cras

h. He often suffers from headaches at night.

4. suffer: suffer sth 遭受痛苦 , 遭受损失 suffer from… 患有 ( 病痛 ), 为……所苦

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eg. I don’t know whether he dares to /dare try. He didn’t dare (to) do / daren’t move. How dare you say I am unfaithful! If you dare (to) do that again, you will be sor

ry. Do you dare (to) ask him?

5. dare: dare do sth. 敢;敢于 dare to do sth. 敢;敢于

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Complete the sentences and translate them into Chinese.

1)Susan __________ her bag and wallet looking for her ticket.

2)I know he has ____________ a hard time since his only daughter died.

3)Edward is _____________ a broken leg.

Practice 3

went through

gone through

suffering from

Page 17: Unit 1 Friendship Period 4 Words and expressions

4) His work __________ because he was worried about his mother’s health.

5) She ___________ a lot of pain over the past with her bad-tempered husband.

Practice 3



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6) No one ________ go into the old house at night.

7) _______ you _______drive that car without asking your parents’ permission?

Practice 3



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eg. He worked hard in order / so as to pass the maths exam.

We left early in order to/ so as to catch the first bus. = We left early in order that / so that we could catch the first bus.

6. in order to do …= so as to do …

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eg. He could not get along with anybody. She is getting along with her studies better this te


7. get along/on with sb. 与某人相处和谐 get along/on with sth. 进展

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eg. It’s the third time that the old couples have been to the Great Wall. It was the first time in a year and a half tha

t I had seen the night face to face.

*8. It/ This/That is the first time/second…time that+ 主 +have/has done

It/ This/That was the first time/second…time that+ 主 +had done 某人第几次做某事

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John, his colleagues, get along with

Look at the pictures below and make sentences with suitable phrases or expressions you learned from this unit.

Lisa and her parents, the park, in order to

Practice 4

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*Describe the photo in a sentence:

Practice 4

• Lisa and her parents went to the park in order to have a picnic.

• John is getting along well with his colleagues.

• It’s the first time that Liu Xiang has won the golden medal in the Olympic Games.

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*9. Look at the picture and make sentences by using “face to face” in two ways:

1)His boss is talking to him face to face.

2)His boss having a face-to-face talk with him.

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*Can you think of more phrases in similar structures like “face to face” ?

heart to heart

shoulder to shoulderback to back

face to face

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Look at the picture and write down a short passage about Lucy by using the following words and phrases:

upset; be concerned about; suffer from…; calm down

My good friend Lucy came to school very upset. She told me that she was suffering from a headache. I was concerned about her and tried to calm her down.

Practice 5

My good friend: Lucy

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III Summary

Let’s summarize

what we have

learned today:

New words:


Sentence patterns:


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1. Review the new words and phrases that you have learned in class.2. Do WB P.41 Ex.1 (Translation)
