Unit 1 Review Jeopardy Game Which side of the room will know more of the answers?

Unit 1 Review Jeopardy Game Which side of the room will know more of the answers?

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Unit 1 Review

Jeopardy GameWhich side of the room will know more of the



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Child Development Unit 2

Objective: Students will understand how practices and circumstances before a child is born can affect a child later in life and will demonstrate their understanding through discussion, writing, and reading articles.

Gather Pre-knowledgeWhat do you know about the development of children “in utero?”

At your table groups create a poster with vocabulary and illustrations including everything you know about what happens before the baby is born.Include at least three questions you have about this process.

Begin your prenatal timeline

Your timeline should be in color and should include highlighted vocabulary and a clear process of time passing.

Two Months before Conception

•Get tetanus booster and German measles and chicken pox immunizations• Find out family medical history • Start taking prenatal vitamins

One Month Before Coception

• Avoid:• Teratogens through the pregnancy, • but especially until the eighth week.• Drugs-over the counter, prescription, illegal • Cat litter chemicals• Lead and other heavy metals• Antibiottics Paint

First Month

ConceptionPresumptive signs Positive signs

Period stopsNauseaTirednessFrequency of urinationBreast swellingSkin discoloration

HCGFetal heartbeat(12-16 wks)Fetal movement (11-16 wks)Fetal shapeUterine contractions

More on the First Month

•Take pregnancy test•Schedule prenatal checkup•Avoid: Amusement park rides, horse back riding, hiking in rough terrain, off-roading, contact sports, downhill skiing, home improvement projects, indoor shooting, spa treatments, heavy lifting

Second Month• Chorionic villus sampling possible• Genetic screenings• Baby’s heart starts beating but can’t be detected• Baby called an embryo

Month 4

• Mid pregnancy ultrasound• Amniocentesis possible Quickening (baby moves)• A baby can hear in the womb• A fetus can detect light even though her eyes are still fused shut

Month 6

• Age of viability• 20 to 35 percent of babies born at23 weeks of gestation survive, • while 50 to 70 percent of babies bornat 24 to 25 weeks, • and more than 90 percent born at26 to 27 weeks, survive.• Baby’s lungs start to develop