Name_________________________________Class_________________Exam Date____________ Unit 10 Bacteria, Virus, Protist, Fungi Pathology Is defined as the scientific study of the nature of ______________________ and its causes, processes, development, and ______________________. A pathogen is a ______________________ ______________________ ______________________, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Prokaryotic Cell Characteristics Free floating ______________________ ______________________ inside cell Cell body enclosed by ______________________ ______________________ Small, ______________________ organism DOES NOT contain specialized membrane bound ______________________ (______________________ nucleus) Until recently, bacteria were placed into one Kingdom. As a result, sometimes bacteria are referred to as Monerans. Kingdom Eubacteria & Archaebacteria Eubacteria (______________________ Bacteria) Tend to be smaller Found throughout the environment Can be ______________________ Classified according to their mode of getting nutrients, mechanism of movement, and their shape Archaebacteria (______________________ Bacteria) Tend to be larger Thought to be ancestors of ______________________, gene sequences are similar.

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Name_________________________________Class_________________Exam Date____________

Unit 10 Bacteria, Virus, Protist, Fungi


• Is defined as the scientific study of the nature of

______________________ and its causes,

processes, development, and


• A pathogen is a ______________________


______________________, such as bacteria,

viruses, fungi or parasites.

Prokaryotic Cell Characteristics

• Free floating ______________________

______________________ inside cell

• Cell body enclosed by ______________________


• Small, ______________________ organism

• DOES NOT contain specialized membrane bound

______________________ (______________________


• Until recently, bacteria were placed into one Kingdom. As a result,

sometimes bacteria are referred to as Monerans.

Kingdom Eubacteria & Archaebacteria

Eubacteria (______________________ Bacteria)

• Tend to be smaller

• Found throughout the environment

• Can be ______________________

• Classified according to their mode of getting nutrients, mechanism of movement, and

their shape

Archaebacteria (______________________ Bacteria)

• Tend to be larger

• Thought to be ancestors of ______________________, gene sequences are similar.

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• Tend to live in extreme environments – sometimes they are called


i. Halophiles – Live in very ___________________ environments; Great Salt Lake

ii. Acidophiles- live in areas of ___________ pH level


iii. Thermophiles – live in ________ temperatures

Ex: Thermoacidophiles – sulfur hot springs; hydrothermal vents

found deep in the oceans

iv. Methanogens – ___________ live in the presence of

______________; sewage treatment plants, swamps, bogs

Diversity of Bacteria: Interaction with Oxygen

• Obligate Aerobes - _________________ oxygen for cellular _________________, need

oxygen to make _________________ _________________ for growing and surviving

• Obligate Anaerobes - must _________________ _________________, they will die in its


• Facultative Anaerobes - can live _________________ or _________________ oxygen

Diversity of Bacteria: Metabolic (_________________ usage)

1. Heterotrophs- get energy by _________________ _________________ compounds made by

other organisms (eat)

o Chemoheterotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment from others and from using


Ex. Lactobacillus “good” bacteria found in yogurt

o Photoheterotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment from others and from using


Ex. Cyanobacteria (makes up pioneer lichens)

2. Autotrophs- _________________ their own _________________ from _________________


o Chemoautotrophs- an organism that _________________ energy for itself using

_________________ material such as _________________ or i_________________

Ex. archaea living in hostile environments such as deep sea vents

o Photoautotrophs- an organism that gets “nourishment for itself using ____________

and ____________”

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Diversity of Bacteria: Identification and Naming

A. Cocci – sphere Bacilli – rods Spirilla – ________


i. Diplo – in ________ Draw a diplococci

ii. Staph – in ________ Draw a staphylococci

iii. Strep – in chains Draw a streptobacilli

Diversity of Bacteria: Structural Adaptations to Survive Hostile Environments

• Capsules (______________ layers) - help ______________ immune system and adhere to


• Pili – ______________-like projections

• Endospores – dormant, ______________ outer structure for ______________ until

conditions become favorable

• Flagella (Flagellum) - one or more ______________ ______________-like structures

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Diversity of Bacteria: Gram Stain Identification

• Stains used to identify bacteria based ______________ ______________-in their cell walls.

• Bacterial species with walls containing ___________ amounts of ___________________ are

Gram-negative and turns ___________.

• Bacteria with walls containing relatively ___________ amounts of ___________________ are

Gram- positive and turns ______________.

Types of Bacterial Reproduction:

Binary Fission-

• One cell splits into two cells (______________)

• Offspring are genetically ______________ to parent

• ______________, fast reproduction time


• _____________ reproduction with exchange of

_____________ information before dividing

• Offspring have new genes genetically _____________

to parents

• Increase _____________

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Friend: Helpful Bacteria

1. Decomposers – _____________ dead

organisms/_____________ to soil

2. Help _____________ food as well as produce vitamins

3. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: transforms

atmospheric _____________ and allows it to be

absorbed by _____________ _____________ for growth


4. Food – helps ferments milk, cheese, yogurt

5. Clean oil spills (purify water)

6. Antibiotics – bacteria fighting bacteria

Foe: Harmful Bacteria

How do bacteria cause disease?

1. By _____________ _____________ the cells

and tissue for food

Ex: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis), tooth decay/cavities

2. Releasing _____________ that can move through the body

Ex: Streptococcus- strep throat

Ex: Borelia burgdorferi- Lyme disease

3. _____________ are formed and inhaled, can be fatal

Ex. Bacillus anthracis- _____________; Found in sheep and cattle

Controlling Bacterial Growth

1. Freezing: _____________ growth for most bacteria

2. Refrigeration:

-_____________ _____________ / takes longer to multiply

-Does _____________ kill bacteria

3. Canning/ Jarring:

-Heat & seals out air

-Some _____________ may still survive

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4. Cooking:

-_____________ _____________ kills bacteria

5. Drying: no moisture/ dehydrate

6. Salting: if enough salt added will kill bacteria due to placing cells in osmotic _____________


Ex. Preserving food such as beef jerky/ham or high sugar in jams/jelly

7. Sterilization:

-Using _____________ temperatures for long periods -_____________ (High heat and


-Chemical action

8. Disinfectant:

-_____________ _____________ ex. alcohols, vinegars

- Used to clean surfaces

Viruses / Virion ----------------- They are NOT alive!!!

1. Living characteristics of viruses:

• They contain _____________ _____________ (DNA or RNA) never both!!

2. Nonliving characteristics of viruses

• They are _____________ / _____________ _____________ (they contain no cytoplasm or


• They do not _____________ energy

• ONLY replicate using the _____________ cell's machinery.

• They do not grow and divide. Instead, new viral components (_____________) are

synthesized and assembled within the _____________ host cell.

They are NOT alive!!!

Structure of a Virus

A virus particle, or virion, consists of the following:

1. Nucleic acid - set of _____________

_____________, either DNA or RNA

2. Coat of protein (capsid) - _____________ the

DNA or RNA to protect it

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3. Lipid membrane aka envelope- surrounds the protein coat (found only in some viruses such as

influenza/flu virus)

Viral Specificity To Host Cells

Viruses are specific to their hosts.

Virus have _____________ _____________ that can only match to exact

_____________ sites on a host cell like a lock & key

Ex. Rabies virus only attacks brain cells

Ex. HIV only attacks _____________ _____________ in

the immune system

Ex. Influenza only attacks cells of the respiratory track


Viruses that infect ONLY _____________.

Have a protein "tail" attached to the capsid (protein coat that envelopes the genetic material),

which is used to infect the host bacteria.

Viruses _____________ reproduce on their own, and must infect a host cell in order to create

more viruses.

Viral Replication

Use their own genetic material and the host cell's


1. _____________ - surface proteins bind to

host, and release genetic material (RNA or

DNA) into the cytoplasm

2. _____________ - the viral genetic material is


3. _____________ - the genetic material is

used as a blueprint, for the cell to make

messenger RNA which is used to make viral


4. _____________ _____________ – translation occurs in the cytoplasm (ribosomes), viral

proteins are made

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5. _____________ _____________ - the viral genetic material (from replication) is surrounded by

the newly made viral proteins

6. _____________ - viruses emerge from the cell by "budding" from the cell membrane or

bursting out of the cell (this causes the cell's death)

Lytic and Lysogenic Replication Pathways

A. Lytic Pathway:

1. _____________ replication of the virus, ending in cell _____________ (bursting of host).

2. More phages are released to infect other cells.

3. Effects of illness are immediate- within hours/days

B. Lysogenic Pathway:

1. The virus _____________ DNA into host’s DNA becoming a _____________

2. Stays _____________ within the cell and is copied when cells reproduce **no

illness or symptoms for months/years

3. Changes in environment or health of host can _____________ the

_____________ to activate in lytic cycle

HELP me from viruses!

A _____________ can be used to prevent a viral disease.

A vaccine can help your _____________ _____________ become stronger and respond

faster with viral recognition.

Vaccines can prevent the virus from _____________ to a host cell

Antibiotics will _____________ work against viruses.

HIV (causes AIDS)

Transmission (or spread by) bodily _____________ _____________ **not by just touching

No cure/ No vaccine

HIV damages _______________________ in the immune system

Without T cells body cannot fight other infections (bacterium, flu virus) and your body is left

with no immune defense

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Other Examples of Viruses

• Common Cold

• Zika

• West Nile

• Herpes

• Ebola

• Polio

• Measles

• Chicken pox

• Oncogenic Virus: virus that can cause cancer (ex. HPV causing cervical cancer)

Kingdom Protists

The Kingdom Protista- Protist characteristics

Eukaryotic – have a __________________, membrane bound _____________

Found in fresh _____________ & ocean water

Most are _____________, some are _____________

Some have_____________and _____________made of cellulose

Most are _______________, some _____________

Protista is the Greek word for “the very _____________”

Classification of Protists

Protists are categorized according to _____________

___________(3 main groups of protists)

Animal- like (_________________)

Plant- like (__________________)

Fungus-like (__________________)

1) Animal-like (heterotrophs)

Animal-like Protists aka _________________

Classified by locomotion (how they move)

a. ________________ – whip-like tail

Ex. Trichonympha – lives in gut of a termite and helps digest wood

Ex. Giardia –-causes diarrhea if you don’t boil or treat water

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b. ________________ - Short hair-like projections Ex. Paramecium

c. Pseudopod “false feet”– temporary projections of _______________ for amoeboid


Animal-like Protists that move with pseudopods


Ex. Amoeba & Entamoeba *causes diarrhea

d. Nonmotile - “________ movement”, do not move

Ex. Plasmodium- Causes the disease Malaria

2) Plant-like Protista (autotrophs)

Contain _________________ and perform _____________

Plant-like Protista produce __________________,

making them one of the most important organisms.

Can be ______________________or


Examples of Unicellular Plant-like Protists

a) Euglena

b) Golden Algae

c) Diatoms- cell walls of silicon; as an abrasive in


d) Karenia & Gonyaulax- Causes “Red Tide”, produce nerve toxin that kills fish/humans

Examples of Multicellular Plant-like Protists

a) Red Algae

b) Brown Algae

c) Sargassum

d) Kelp

e) Green Algae species ex. Volvox, Spirogyra

3) Fungus-like Protists

Heterotrophs that _____________ _____________from dead or decaying organic matter


Unlike true fungus, they lack cell walls made of __________________

Ex: Slime molds

Ex. Water molds - white fuzz growing on fish in aquariums

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Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Fungi Characteristics

• Eukaryotes- _____________________

• Heterotrophs- _____________________ make

own _____________________ (_________


• _____________________ or Parasites

• BOTH _____________________ (ex. yeast) AND _____________________ (ex. mushroom)

• Cell walls made of _____________________

Role of Fungi in Environment

• Decomposers- convert _____________________ waste into _____________________

usable by plants (____________ __________ dead organisms)

Fungi Structures

• Hyphae - thin filaments that _________________ up the

fungus _________________

• Mycelium - big mass or _________________of

_________________ below ground

• Mushroom - _________________ body or

_________________ structure, usually above ground

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Fungi Reproduction

• Asexual Reproduction

– ____________ exchange of genetic material

– Fruiting body/reproductive structure produces

_________________ that are _________________

by wind, water & animals

• Sexual Reproduction

– _________________of _________________


– Increases a population’s _________________

– Increases chances of _________________ & _________________

Classification of Fungi

1. Common Molds: Rhizopus (common bread mold)

- _________________ : root-like hyphae that

_________________the bread’s surface &

_________________ it to the bread

- _________________: stem-like hyphae that run along

the _________________ of _________________

2. Sac Fungi: Reproductive structure resembles a cup


- only _________________ fungi

- Reproduce asexually by _________________

- Thrush: yeast _________________ of the mouth due to _________________ of


3. Club Fungi

Reproductive structure _________________ a _______________

- Ex. Pigskin poison puffball, stinkhorn, shelf fungus, bird’s nest

fungi, common mushroom, fly agaric (poisonous)

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4. Imperfect Fungi

- Do __________ have an observable sexual phase in life


- Penicillium notatum : _________________ penicillin

(medicine to fight _________________ infections)

- Parasites: Athlete’s foot & ringworm

Symbiotic Relationships


• A _________________ between _________________ and a _________________ organism

• Fungus collects water & minerals and _________________ autotrophs

• Algae or cyanobacteria provides

_________________ (performs photosynthesis)

• What type of eukaryotic organism is algae?

- _________________ _________________

• What type of symbiotic relationship is this?

- ____________________________

• Often a _________________ organism


• A relationship between _________________ _________________

and _________________ mycelia

• Roots provide products of photosynthesis, which are…?

– _________________ and _________________

• Fungi _________________ plant _________________ more water, minerals & other


• Which type of symbiotic relationship? -_________________