UNIT #2 The 20 th Century Notes Public Land Survey System

UNIT #2 The 20 th Century Notes Public Land Survey System

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The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

Page 2: UNIT #2 The 20 th Century Notes Public Land Survey System

Chapter The Land Ordinance of 1785

-The Land Ordinance of 1785 was passed to help deal with the surveying, sale and settling of the Northwest Territories

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The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

-The Northwest Ordinance (1787) made provisions for governing the new territories

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Chapter The Land Ordinance of 1785 (CONT.)

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-Prior to 1783, settlers merely claimed land in the West

-Disputes (often violent) became common amongst settlers

-As a result, and to raise money, the United States Congress passed the Land Ordinance of 1785

-It stated:

1. Land would be surveyed and divided into townships

2. Each township would be 6 miles square


The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

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Chapter The Land Ordinance of 1785 (CONT.)

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3. Each township would contain 36 sections

4. Each section would be 1 mile square, containing 640 acres

5. Congress stipulated that land would be sold at auction for a minimum of $1.00 per acre

6. The revenue from the sale of one section in each township would be used to fund the creation of a public school

-To attract land speculators, Congress required speculators purchase one whole section, dividing it for sale later


The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

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Public Land Survey System

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Taylor County

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Chapter Range and Township

-Every “cell” (township) in the grid is identified by a township and range

-The range number identifies how many cells the property is to the east or west of a starting point or principal meridian

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Public Land Survey System

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Public Land Survey System

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-The legal description of range is “R18E”

-The township (or tier) number identifies how many cells the property is north or south of a starting point or the baseline

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Range and Township

-Only northern townships/tiers can exist in Wisconsin as the baseline is the southern boundary of the state

-The legal description of township is “T32N”


The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

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-Where range and township/tier intersect creates a “cell” or a township

-Sections (1 of 36) are arranged in a boustrophedonic manor “as the cow plows”

-This was done for ease of surveying

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Range and Township (CONT.)UNIT #2

The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System

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Chapter Further Division

-Each section is divided into quarters (quadrants), classified by the four principal directions (Southwest—SW)

-Quarters are ½ mile by ½ mile or 160 acres

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Public Land Survey System

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Chapter Further Division (CONT.)

-Each quarter is divided into quarter-quarter sections, classified by the four principal directions (Southwest—SW)

-Quarter-quarters are ¼ mile by 1/4 mile or 40 acres

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Public Land Survey System

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Chapter Further Division (CONT.)

-Each quarter-quarter is divided into half sections, classified by either North or South

-Half quarter-quarter sections are ¼ mile by 1/8 mile or 20 acres

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Public Land Survey System

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Chapter Legal Description

-Descriptions are stated and read from smallest parcel to largest, however best interpreted from largest to smallest (the last descriptor to the first)

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The 20th Century


Public Land Survey System