Unit 2 The Value of Life 22/3/25 1 Unit Two The Value of Life Text A Three Days to See

Unit 2 The Value of Life 2015-8-27 1 Unit Two The Value of Life Text A Three Days to See

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Unit 2 The Value of Life

23/4/19 1

Unit TwoThe Value of Life

Text AThree Days to See

Unit 2 The Value of Life

23/4/19 2






Life is a …

Life Is a —Meet It!

Life Is a —Sing It!

Life Is a —Realize It!

Life Is a —Play It!

Life Is —Enjoy It!






Talking about Your Reflections on LifeFill in the blanks with the proper words.

Discuss with your partner: What is life like in your opinion?

Unit 2 The Value of Life

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Life is a …

Life is a precious gift to me. Thanks to my parents, I came to this wonderful world. As I grow up, the world fills me with awareness of the wonder of life. There are so many unknown things to explore in my life. I can see, breathe, smell, taste most of the things around me. I am motivated by my curiosity towards these things all day. So I want to enjoy more in my life and get the most out of it.

As we can see, life is something we have to work hard to enjoy and cherish. Life is also something we should dedicate ourselves to so as to share with others.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

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Think and Speak

Comment on the following quotes about the value of life? What do you think is the value of life? What can you do to make your life more valuable and meaningful?

1. The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

2. We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.

3. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

4. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

5. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.

Unit 2 The Value of LifeThe purpose of life is a life of purpose

• We need to know what we live for and always bear in mind the purpose of life. If we just drift along without any purpose in mind, our lives will just be wasted existences.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.

• We cannot survive without food, clothes and other things we can get. But a worthy life does not depend on how much we can get; rather it depends on how much we can give others. Giving, rather than taking, makes us different from other animals.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

• If we were aware that our lifespan is rather limited, we would try to spend it on more meaningful things and refuse to waste our time. When it comes to learning, we should never stop the quest for knowledge, as if we were immortal.

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Unit 2 The Value of LifeThere are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

• Everyone can live but once. But life can be very different because of the different attitudes towards life. When we take everything for granted, we will find life very dull. If we choose to appreciate whatever comes our way, we will be able to find the true value of life.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.

• If we really love life and understand its true value, we wouldn’t waste any time on trivial things.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life

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What I Have Lived for

Have you ever thought of this


Bertrand Russell will tell you

what he had lived for.

Task 2

What do you live for?

If we know our aim of life exactly, then when we get old and think about our past, we will have nothing to regret.

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What I Have Lived for

1. What are the three passions which governed my life?

2. Why do I have the passion to seek knowledge?

Task 2

Listen to the passage “What I Have Lived for” by Bertrand Russell and try to answer following questions.

The longing for love, the search for knowledge and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

Because I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.

3. Discuss in groups about your own goals in life and your plan to achieve the goal.

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Task 2

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

I have sought love , first, because it brings ecstasy. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much I have achieved.

Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth.

This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.

What I Have Lived For

What I Have Lived for

Unit 2 The Value of Life

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1. Imagine you, who used to have good sight, now were told to have only three days to see. How would you spend the last three days with your sight?

If I had only three days to see, I would…

Think and Speak

2. Exchange your ideas with your classmates to see whose decisions are the most impressive.

Unit 2 The Value of Life Helen Keller


author and lecturer

American famous

Blind Deaf

Unit 2 The Value of Life

• The Story of My Life

• The World I Live in

• Helen Keller’s Journal

• Let Us Have Faith

• The Open Door

Her books:

Unit 2 The Value of Life




Unit 2 The Value of Life

In 1880, Helen Keller was born with the ability to see and hear

Her Life

Birth illness MeetingAnne


At nineteen months old she fell ill and lost the ability to see and hear

On March 3, 1887, Anne met Helen

She learnt to write, read, and speak. She proved how magnificent the blind and the deaf could be

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Helen’s Miracle•A college graduate•A productive writer•A world-famous speaker•A heroine and icon

She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Radcliffe College of

Harvard University

She traveled all over the world to give speeches and help raise money for many organization

for the blind

She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor

Unit 2 The Value of Life Now, most of us must be shaken by Helen. There are also many famous people like

Helen, Haidi Zhang, Paul, Hawking.

Their bodies are disabled, but their souls are perfect. So they are the greatest person.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

What do we learn from them?

Face difficulties with right attitude and conquer them positively.

Try best to accomplish everything and develop habits to achieve success.

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Directions: What types of disabilities do you know? What words will occur to you whenever we mention the word “disability”? Write down as many words as possible.

Physical Disabilityblindness, color blindness, deafness, deaf-muteness, dumbness, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, diabetes, brain injury

Mental Disability

learning disability, phobia, anxiety disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder

Word Web

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Substance Abuse

alcoholism, Nicotine addiction, drug abuse

attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, mental retardation

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Everyone is an apple bitten by God in the world. They’re flawed. Some people have more defects. Because God loved his fragrance more.


Unit 2 The Value of Life

Listen and Respond

Unit 2 The Value of Life

They Also Value Their Lives• One day, some Americans working in Africa decided to go hunting for wild animals. They stopped at a village to hire some local men to act as guides. This village was very poor. The houses were made of mud and there was no electricity or running water. The streets were dirty and the whole village smelled badly. The men wore dirty clothes. The women covered their faces, and the children had runny noses and were dressed in rags. But the local people looked happy and seemed to be enjoying what they were doing.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

They Also Value Their Lives• Seeing this, one American said, “This place is terrible. These people live just like animals.” A young American officer added, “Yeah, they have got nothing to live for; they may as well be dead.”• But just then, an old American officer spoke up. He was a quiet man. In fact, he looked just like one of the local men in the village. He looked at the young American and said, “ you think they have nothing to live for, do you? Well, if you are sure, why don’t you just take your knife, and go try to kill one of them?”

Unit 2 The Value of Life

They Also Value Their Lives

• There was dead silence in the truck. His words had silenced the negative talk about the local people.• The old officer went on to say, “I don’t know either why they value their lives so much. Maybe it’s those kids in rags, or the women they love, or the freedom they enjoy, or the work they like. But whatever it is, they care about their lives and the lives of their loved ones, just the same as we do.”

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Passage Reading:

Three Days to SeeGlobal Reading

Sentence Study

Words and Phrases


Group Discussion

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Background of the passage

1. Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing.

2. Her heart cries out with longing to see all things.

3. However, most of us take it for granted.

Aim: tell us …

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Longing to see

– –

Unit 2 The Value of Life

What would you want to do if you have only a limited time to live?

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

When confronted with the impending death, people will…

1. Become more appreciate the meaning of life;

2. Review the past; 3. Think about how to spend the

limited time; …

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

However, what’s the attitude of us toward the life?

Most of us take life for granted. We picture the day we die as far in the future. So, we hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

• Epicurean motto:

Be merry




Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

What do you see?

What do you hear?

Unit 2 The Value of Life


In our daily life, we seldom pay attention to them. Instead, only the blind appreciate the beautiful of sight; the deaf understand the joys of sound.

As Helen convinced : When we see, we see nothing; When we hear, we hear nothing!

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Helen’s seeing friends saw in the woods: Nothing in particular, even though just

walked an hour through the woods.

And, what about Helen? Nothing, too? Helen found hundreds of things to

interest her through mere touch in the woods.

• Contrast

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

• Delicate symmetry of a leaf;

• Smooth skin of a silver birch;

• Rough, shaggy bark of a pine;

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

•Delightful, texture of a flower;

•Happy quiver of a bird in full song;

•Cool water of a brook rush;

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Miracle things of nature were revealed to Helen through touch.

Longing to see

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Merely through touch, Helen got so much pleasure.

So, Helen had a great longing to see. To see: the colorful panorama of world; her teacher and friends; history museum…

Longing to see

How much beauty must be revealed by sight!

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Global Reading

Part Para. Main Idea

Write down the paragraph numbers of each part and then give the main idea of each in one or two sentences.





Most of us take life for granted. The author suggests that we live each day with a gentleness, a vigour and a keenness of appreciation as if we should die tomorrow.

We should also make full use of our faculties and sense so as to live a fuller and richer life.

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Directions: Read Paragraphs 1 - 5 and answer the following questions.

1. Why does Helen Keller think that it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow? Because she believes that such an attitude would emphasize sharply the value of life.

2. According to Helen Keller, what is the right way to live each day?

According to her, we should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation.

Global Reading

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3. What does Helen Keller mean by saying that most of us take life for granted?Although we all know that we will die sooner or later, we tend to picture that day as far in the future. So, we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitudes towards life. In other words, we take life for granted.

4. What does Helen Keller think of the attitude that most of us adopt towards our faculties and senses?

She thinks that we tend to take our abilities to see and hear for granted and seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. That is why we often fail to make our life fuller and richer.

Global Reading

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2. Helen showed disbelief when her friend said she had seen nothing particular during a long walk in the woods.

1. People are blessed if they are stricken blind and deaf. F

Directions: Read Paragraphs 6-10 to see whether the following statements are true or false.

It would be a blessing if people were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.

( )

FShe had been accustomed to such responses and believed that the seeing see little.

( )

Global Reading

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4. Blind as she was, Helen was more sensitive to the world than us healthy people.

5. The seeing should make better use of sight to add fullness to life.




The seeing should use sight not only for convenience but also for adding fullness to life.

( )

Global Reading

3. Helen thought that she “saw” more things than the seeing people just through touch. (


Unit 2 The Value of Life set

• She set the alarm for 5 a.m.

• Bob set us a good example.

• They set to work as soon as they arrived.

• It was raining when we set out.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life set

• Anything could set me laughing in those days when I felt so happy with my life and work.

• The wind set the trees rustling

• 她最后那句话让我思考了• Her last remark had set me thinking.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life Under /in…circumstances

• The result was the best that could be expected under the circumstances.

• Under no circumstances are you to leave the house.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life Under /in…circumstances

• by no means

• in no case

• in case of

• in case

• in the case of

• Poverty depresses most people; in the case of my father, it was otherwise.

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1. What does the word “which” refer to here?

A gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation.

2. Why do most of us lose the gentleness, the vigor and the keenness of appreciation?

Because day after day, time seems to be endless in our life.

3. Translate this sentence into Chinese.

每一天我们都应该怀着柔情 , 充满活力 , 心存感激 , 而这些在来日方长时却常被我们所忽视。


We should live …

Unit 2 The Value of Life take … for granted

• It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.

• 不要想当然的认为努力一定会换来成功。• Don’t take it for granted that hard work is

certainly followed with success.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life picture…as

• I had never met John, but I pictured him as a pale, thin young man wearing glasses.

• I can still picture my uncle as I knew him, with his grey suit and large old shoes.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life all but• It was all but impossible to climb back into

the boat.

• 我们到的时候,晚会几乎要结束了。• The party was all but over when we


• I will do anything but go there.

• There was nothing but silence in the room.

• They were all gone but Jim.

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1. What does this sentence imply?

We spend our life on meaningless things, but never realize that we are so indifferent to the true value of life.

2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.

所以我们忙于琐事, 几乎不曾意识到自己对生活的态度有多么冷漠。


So we go about …

Unit 2 The Value of Life partial inversion

• Always am I amazed when I hear people saying that computers can replace teachers.

• 她过去常常到我家来• Often did she come to my home in the past.

• 我许多次看见她独自散步• Many a time have I seen her taking a walk


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Unit 2 The Value of Life

neither/little/only/hardly seldom neither/not… nor not until under no circumstances no sooner... than... scarcely (hardly)... when...


More expressions

Unit 2 The Value of Life apply

• This rule cannot be applied to every case.

• 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。

• In this way they can better apply theory to practice.

• 他已申请在英国供职• He has applied for a post in England.

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The smart boy can always take in what the teacher teaches in class quickly.

我怀疑他是否真的听进了我说的话 , 他看起来心不在焉的。

I doubt whether he really takes in what I am saying; he seems absent-minded.


take in

Unit 2 The Value of Lifetake in

• The club took in a new member last week.

• The dress needs to be taken in a bit.

• Don’t be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.

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It is the same old story

It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

Translate this sentence into Chinese.

Can you find another sentence in the later part of this passage which bears the similar ideas to this one?



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I might have shown disbelief had I not been accustomed to such responses, …

What can we infer from this part of the sentence?

The author has been used to getting responses like this, so such responses don’t seem so unbelievable to her.


I might have shown…

Unit 2 The Value of Life Subjunctive mood

• Were it necessary, I might resign.• Should I have time, I would call on her.• Could you meet Mary, you should not be able to

recognize her.• 要是他们结婚的话,他们会幸福的。• Were they to get married, they would be happy.• 要是你早点告诉我的话,我是不会签那份合同的• Had you informed me earlier, I wouldn’t have

signed the contract.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

To me the colorful seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.

Translate this sentence into Chinese.



Unit 2 The Value of Life time

• 碌碌无为的人消磨时间;无理想的人混时间;慵懒的人熬时间;勤奋的人挤时间。

• The mediocre kill time; the aimless waste time; the lazy dawdle away time; the diligent try to find time.

• ahead of time• behind the times• I got home just in time - it's starting to rain• The train arrived on time.

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Unit 2 The Value of Life time

• The children ate their dinner in no time.

• At no time should you give up studying.

• In no time he will be back

• 一次吃两粒• Take two pills at one time

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Take two pills at a time

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Detailed Reading

It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not, ...

Paraphrase this part of the sentence.

Perhaps it is common to all human beings that we seldom feel thankful for what we have and that we are eager to own what we haven’t.

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All the children are longing for the festival.

On his birthday he got the present he had longed for, a new bicycle.

long to do sth. long for sb. to do sth. long for sth.


long for


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1. 扣人心弦的故事 a thrilling story

2. 有限的时间 limited and specified time

3. 判刑的罪犯 condemned criminals

4. 活动范围 sphere of activities

5. 在类似的处境下 under similar circumstances

6. 人生的价值 the value of life

7. 完全无法想象

all but unimaginable

8. 没有尽头 stretch out endlessly

9. 冷漠的态度 listless attitude

10. 意识到 be conscious of

Useful Expressions

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13. 值得注意 be worthy of note

14. 只凭触摸 through mere touch

15. 精巧对称 delicate symmetry

16. 寻找 in search of

17. 苏醒的大自然 awakening Nature

18. 放声歌唱的小鸟 a bird in full song

19. 不时地 at times

11. 习惯 be accustomed to

12. 没什么特别的 nothing in particular

Useful Expressions

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Sb. / Sth. be not half as + adj. + as sb. else

has believed / thought / imagined ... 某人或某事一点都不像他人认为 / 想象的那样。



Unit 2 The Value of Life


To the freshmen’s surprise, college life was

not half as relaxing or romantic as they had

imagined it would be.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

To some people, sth. have little relation to

sth. else. To others, nothing can be done

without (doing) sth. else.

在一些人看来,某事与他事无关; 然而对另一些人而言,没有 ( 做 ) 他事什么都做不成。



Unit 2 The Value of Life


To some people, true love has little relation to the amount of wealth. To others, no access to love can be allowed without adequate money.

Unit 2 The Value of Life

Suppose … Sb. would do sth.. Suppose …

(opposite to the previous) Sb. would do sth. else.

Either way, sb. would… 假如 ······ ,某人会······ 。假如 ······ (与第一假设相反),某人又会······。不管哪种情况,某人都会 ·····



Unit 2 The Value of Life


Suppose my life is as short as eighteen years. I would make it shine with brilliance. Suppose my life is as long as eighty years. I would not waste each day of my life. Either way, I would hold dear every moment of life.

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Group Discussion

If you only had one week left to live, what would you do in those seven days? Who would you need to speak to and what would you say?

I would like to tell my parents how I love them and how I appreciate everything they have done for me.

I would tell my friends that they have meant so much to me and have made such a difference in my life.

I would think about how I have lived my life and summarize what I have learned about life in some kind of writing.

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1. Mother:

She gives me life.She takes care of me.She fills my heart with love.She makes me wonderful meals every day.She forgives me for whatever I do.She is always proud of me.

Helen Keller thought that we should live each day with appreciation. No matter how great a person’s achievement is, he should always live with appreciation for people around him. Here is a list of people whom you might want to express your gratitude to. Discuss what you want to thank them for with your classmates.


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2. Father:

He teaches me how to be a man.He fills my heart with confidence with his trust.He builds up my sense of responsibility.He encourages me whenever I get frustrated.He works hard to afford my decent education.

3. Friends:They share my happiness, sadness and success


They give me a hand whenever I am in difficulty.

They always remember my birthday.

They send me greetings on important days no matter how far away they are.

They are willing to hear my little secrets without laughing at me.


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4. Teachers:

They impart knowledge to us.

They teach us how to think.

They tolerate our stupid mistakes.

They treat all of us equally.

They witness our growing up with great patience.
