Unit 5 How to celebrate holidays Text A Writing three thank-you letters

Unit 5 How to celebrate holidays Text A Writing three thank-you letters

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Unit 5 How to celebrate holidays

Text A Writing three thank-you letters

Introduction of Thanksgiving

• Its origin

• The way to celebrate Thanksgiving

• Its original meaning

Language points: 1. be under way

• 1. be at sea

• 2. The preparation for the 50th anniversary of our university was well under way.

• The educational reform is now under way.

2. see=witness

• A phrase of time + see =is the time when an event happens

• The last two decades have seen the rapid development of economy in China./the dramatic change in our university.

3. Serve

• Serve a meal

• Serve at table

4. put sth. away

• Before leaving the library, please put the books and magazines away.

5. Get to doing sth./sth.

• It is time for us to get to thinking about our future mode of life / life-style.

6. in quest of =seeking

1. Lots of American went west in quest of gold.

2. I hope you would go to the school’s library in quest of some original English novels.

3. Some people are leaving big cities in quest of tranquil life.

7. reverse

• Reverse the decision

• Reverse the order

• Reverse roles

8. turn over sth.=think about / consider sth.

• 1. Turn over the problem/things• Please let him alone. He was turning things over

in his mind.• 2. He turned over the envelope curiously.• 翻转• 3. She turned over in her bed once more.• 翻身• 4. They turned the man over to he police.• The king turned over his official post to his son.• 上交,移交

9 repay

1. = reward

repay sb. for sth.

I’ll repay you for your help.

2. pay back

repay the loan to the bank

10. Beyond

• Beyond an expression of gratitude from me= I can not express my gratitude

• Beyond one’s ability/reach

• Beyond sb.

11. Swallowing hard

• If you swallow, you make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing sth., often because you are nervous or frightened. Here, the author tried to control his sad emotions by doing it.

12. Compose = write

• Compose a letter= write a letter

• Compose statements=write statements

13. statement

• 1. make a statement about sth.

• 2. issue a statement

14. Something like

1. The story goes something like this.

2. He earns something like 5000 Yuan RMB per month.

15. specific

• Specific needs / skills / persons/plans/proposals/ideas

• for specific purposes

• ask a specific question

16. impress

• 1. =Make the importance of sth. Very clear to sb. 使重视

• sb impress on/ upon sb. sth./that • He tried to impress on his son the necessity of b

eing honest.• 2. impress sb. with sth. / sb. be impressed with

给某人留下深刻的印象 • He bought a suit for their first date in order to im

press his girl friend.• 3. impressive a. an impressive speaker

17. Be immersed in = be absorbed in

1. He is immersed in playing the computer games.

2. He immersed himself in the water.

3. He got some books out of the library and immersed herself in American histroy.

18. Sprinkle = scatter drops of sth. on

• Sprinkle a place with

• Sprinkle the meat with salt

• Sprinkle the textbook with errors = The textbook is sprinkled with errors.

19. familiar

• Sb. be familiar with sth.

• Sth. be familiar to sb.

• We are familiar with the university’s regulations.

• The university’s regulations are familiar to us.

20. accord = grant

• He accorded me permission to attend the meeting.

• accord high/topmost priority to doing sth.认为做...是最要紧的事

• We accord high priority to passing the computer exam/CET-4 exam.

21. Two hundred-odd shipmates (line 73)

• Forty-odd people

• 200-odd acres of land

22. Successive (line 75)

• 1. two successive days

• 2. successively adv.

• 3. succession n.

• in succession of things=a series of things

23. In turn (line 76)

• In turn

• By turns

• The teachers are on duty in turn/by turns.

24. Undergo = go through / experience

• Undergo, underwent, undergone

• Yang Liwei have undergone intensive training.

• Undergo an operation

25. Swift = rapid

• The Olympic motto is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”.

• Swift reaction/reply/response/denial

26. Bring back

• 1.使回想起 =recall / remind sb. of sth.

• The old photograph brought back many pleasant memories of my childhood life.

• 2. 使恢复 bring back the college entrance exam

27. In a flash = instantly

• The answer to the computer question occurred to him in a flash.

1. Gratitude (n.)/ grateful (a.)

• 1. express one’s gratitude to sb. for sth.

• 2. be grateful to sb. for sth.

• 1. I expressed my sincere gratitude to you for helping me pass the computer exam.

• 2. I am grateful to you for helping me pass the computer exam.

2. On one’s behalf / on the behalf of sb.

• As the representative of sb.

• 1. On the behalf of my parents, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your help.

• 2. He delivered a speech on the behalf of the freshmen.

3. diminish (vi. vt.)

• =become smaller or less

• 1. My patience with the students will not diminish.

• the value of the house diminish greatly/sharply/substantially 房子急剧贬值

• 2. Time will not diminish our friendship.

diminish one’s resolve 动摇某人的决心

4. Be exposed to

• 1. 与…接触• We’re afraid to be exposed to radiation.

• Nowadays many youth are exposed to American culture. She was exposed to a lot of new ideas since she went to college.

• 2 . 暴露于• Don’t let your skin be exposed to sunshine.

• 3. exposure to sb. /sth. n.

5. assemble

• 1. 集合• We assembled in front of the new library fo

r military training.

• 2 . 装配• It took my son half an hour to assemble th

e racing car.

• 3 . 收集• Assemble the data/evidence

6. Be considerate of

• 1.She is considerate of her roommates

• Management should be considerate of the well-being and interests of employees.

• 2. considerable a. 相当多的,很多的• The soldiers are exposed to considerable


7. accord

• 1. = grant• In Islamic law men and women are not accorded

the same rights.• 2. accord with = ( of a thing) agree with / be in a

greement with/be in harmony with / /correspond with 与某事物一致/相符合

• His behavior doesn’t accord with his principles.• 3. in accordance with  按照或依据某事物• in accordance with one’s with• act in accordance with customs, the regulations,

the law 依照惯例,规章,法律

8. appreciate

• 1. 赏识,欣赏• I like and appreciate your honesty and fran

kness.• His talents are not fully appreciated in that

company.• 重视 Her family doesn’t appreciate her.• 2. 理解• We didn’t fully appreciate that he was seri

ously ill.


• 3. 感激 I appreciated your help /support.

• Thanks for coming. I appreciate it. 谢谢光临.不胜欢迎.

• I don’t appreciate _____ like a second-class citizen. (treat)

• I would appreciate it if you _____ in cash. (pay)

• Being treated / paid

Text B

1. He ___ his views with other people.

a) swap sth. with sb.=exchange sth. with sb.

b) swap A for B = exchange A for B

• He swapped/exchanged the blue sweater for a red one.

2. She ____ him as her prince charming.

refer to sb. as

• 3.They ____ to big cities like Hangzhou in search of jobs.

• A) migrate b) immigrate c) emigrate d) migration

• migrate (v.) ----migration (n.)----• immigrate (v.) ---- immigration (n.)----

immigrant (n.)• emigrate (v.) ----emigration (n.)----emigrant


• 4. testimony

• Your success is a testimony of your hard work.

• Give a false testimony

• 5. be saturated with

• Your shirt was saturated with sweat.

• The air is saturated with the perfume of the flowers.

• 6. touch on/upon sth.=mention sth. Briefly

• Their conversation touched upon a multitude of topics.

• 7. compress sth. Into

• He managed to compress ten pages of notes into one page.

• 8. complain of / about sth.

• 9. 1) be to the point=be relevantHis speech was short and to the point.2) to the point of sth.His manner was abrupt to the point of ruden

ess.3)be on the point of doing sth.=just about to

do sth.I was on the point of going to bed when you


• 4) beside the point=irrelevant

• 5) a case in point

• 6) if / when it comes to the point

• If / when it comes to the point, would you sacrifice you job for your principle.

• 10. kick out=expel

• He was kicked out of office/school.

• 11. definition n.---define v.• 12. dual a. his dual roels• 13. advantage --- disadvantage• take advantage of • 14. settle down • Would you settle down in Jinhua after graduation?• 15. restless---restful• Spend a restless night / She is restless.• the restful atmosphere