Unit 9 Vocabulary Level E. allocate DEF = (v.) to set apart or designate for a special purpose SYN = assign, allot, apportion When you ALLOCATE money,

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ardent DEF = (adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned SYN = intense, zealous, avid ANT = indifferent, apathetic A “burning heart” shows that an ARDENT person feels PASSIONATELY about life. These ARDENT kids are showing ENTHUSIASM for the first day of summer vacation.

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Unit 9 Vocabulary Level E allocate DEF = (v.) to set apart or designate for a special purpose SYN = assign, allot, apportion When you ALLOCATE money, you decide what PORTION each person gets. ardent DEF = (adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned SYN = intense, zealous, avid ANT = indifferent, apathetic A burning heart shows that an ARDENT person feels PASSIONATELY about life. These ARDENT kids are showing ENTHUSIASM for the first day of summer vacation. assiduous DEF = (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent SYN = industrious, unremitting ANT = lazy, lackadaisical An ASSIDUOUS person might win Employee of the Month or maybe earn many Schrute Bucks for hard work. brash DEF = (adj.) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent SYN = rash, impetuous, brazen ANT = wary, cautious A BRASH person will take risks because he decides quickly and doesnt think about possible consequences. capricious DEF = (adj.) subject to whims or passing fancies SYN = impulsive, unpredictable, fickle ANT = constant, steady A CAPRICIOUS person might have trouble making up his mind because he just follows his impulses. chastise DEF = (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely SYN = discipline, censure ANT = commend, reward Some people think CHASTISING a child may be an overly severe form of punishment. copious DEF = (adj.) abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose SYN = ample, bounteous ANT = inadequate, meager At Thanksgiving an overflowing Cornucopia reminds us to be thankful that we have plenty to eat a COPIOUS amount of food! deviate DEF = (v.) to turn aside; to stray from a norm; (n.) one who departs from a norm; (adj.) differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional SYN = (v.) diverge, veer, swerve ANT = (v.) conform to, abide by; (adj.) orthodox This type of vehicle DEVIATES from the normal path and goes OFFROADING!! emaciated DEF = (adj.) unnaturally thin SYN = gaunt, withered, shriveled ANT = plump, fat, obese Concentration Camp Detainees during the Holocaust were starved until they were emaciated. When someone is EMaciated it is an EMergency that he gets food right away! exult DEF = (v.) to rejoice greatly SYN = revel, glory ANT = mope, sulk, regret This hiker is EXULTING in the glories of nature. ardentexultcapricious brashallocateemaciated 1. When the White Sox won the World Series, Sox fans throughout Chicago ____ in the news of their victory. 2. Only a ____ person would try on 8 different outfits before leaving for school. 3. When I found out that my parents had _____ $0 for my allowance in their new budget, I was very upset! 4. When Reggie and Erica got engaged after dating for only 2 months, their parents worried that they were being _______. 5. Susies friends began to worry when her new diet plan left her looking _________. ardentchastisecopious exultdeviateassiduous 1. Joannes ______ desire to save the trees in rainforests led her to become an environmental activist. 2. It was Sharons _____ focus on completing her Senior Thesis that allowed her to graduate with honors from U of I. 3. If a person ______ from following tax laws when filing his taxes, he could get into trouble with the IRS! 4. Veronica was ______ by the principal and her parents when she was caught vandalizing school property. 5. Fortunately, the food bank received ______ donations. It was able to provide food for the poor during the recession. Word Bank: allocateardentassiduousbrash capriciouschastisecopiousdeviate emaciatedexult gnarled DEF = (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy SYN = knotty, misshapen, contorted ANT = smooth, unblemished, straight Arthritis can GNARL fingers. After being struck by lightning, this tree became GNARLED. indemnity DEF = (n.) a payment for damage or loss SYN = compensation, restitution Word Connection: Car INsurance can provide an INdemnity if someone loses his vehicle in a wreck. After the accident, George received a large payment as an INDEMNITY for his pain and suffering. inkling DEF = (n.) a hint; a vague notion SYN = clue, intimation, suggestion When you play the game Clue, youre looking for an INKLING as to who committed the crime. limpid DEF = (adj.) clear, transparent; readily understood SYN = lucid, intelligible ANT = clouded, murky Think of clear water and clear windows that you can SEE through. It can also describe something thats easy to UNDERSTAND or SEE, as in, Oh! Now I see! omnipotent DEF = (adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority SYN = all-powerful ANT = powerless, feeble, weak PREFIX: OMNI = ALL Think of POWER and STRENGTH palatable DEF = (adj.) agreeable to the taste or ones sensibilities; suitable for consumption SYN = edible, appetizing, attractive ANT = inedible, distasteful, disagreeable WORD CONNECTION: Think of the hard and soft PALATES in your mouth You eat food that tastes good in your mouth. poignant DEF = (adj.) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell SYN = heartrending, bittersweet, melancholy ANT = unaffecting, bland, funny Many Hallmark Cards express DEEP EMOTION that is POIGNANT. This is an emotional, POIGNANT moment as the father leaves for war. rancor DEF = (n.) bitter resentment or ill-will SYN = animosity, bitterness ANT = goodwill, harmony sophomoric DEF = (adj.) immature and overconfident; conceited SYN = pretentious, superficial ANT = mature, judicious, knowledgeable Some people think SOPHOMORES in high school are immature what do you think? spontaneous DEF = (adj.) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance SYN = unplanned, impromptu ANT = premeditated, planned, rehearsed WORD CONNECTION: Spontaneous = Spur of the moment sophomoricomnipotentinkling palatableindemnitypoignant 1. The _________ fighting between Samantha and her little brother was driving her parents crazy. 2. Although her car accident was a painful experience, the _________ she received as compensation helped her pay for college. 3. When Mark found a mysterious phone number in his wifes purse, he got a(n) ____________ that she might be cheating on him. 4. Although my boss seems to think differently, no one in the world (not even him) is _________. 5. The Tuna Surprise offered for lunch in the cafeteria did not look at all ______________. rancorlimpidgnarledspontaneous poignant indemnity 1. The bitter __________ that existed between the divorced couple caused emotional stress for their children. 2. Along the shoreline of the ocean, there are small _________ pools where you can see many small fish swimming around. 3. The _________ moment as the American flag was raised over the gold medal winners did not leave a dry eye in the house. 4. Erica is not what youd call __________. She has to check her planner before she makes time to go to the bathroom! 5. Although it was on sale, the ____________ lumber you bought to build the porch will never make smooth, even stairs.