Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI

Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism Define Imperialism: Pre-Civil War: US isolation What forces lead the US to imperialize Yellow journalism,

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Page 1: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI

Page 2: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,


Define Imperialism:

Pre-Civil War: US isolation

What forces lead the US to imperialize

Yellow journalism, power, need for new resources, frontier is closed, industry wants new markets, Darwinism

Cap’t Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote a book that said successful nations had great navies (lead to $$ in our navy)

Regions we are interested in:




Page 3: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Early US Involvement

Review Monroe Doctrine

Alaska 1867

Tension with Europe over Latin America

Remind them of the Monroe Doctrine

Almost go to war with England over land in South America

After dispute, our relationship changes with England (start of good relationship)

We try to improve our image in Latin America (not very effective)

Gain Pacific Islands in 1800’s- Samoa & Wake Island

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Had been an independent kingdom, but many Americans invest in Hawaii (sugar cane)

1870’s -1880’s, we gain access to Pearl Harbor for trade

1870’s Hawaiian sugar can enter the US “duty free” (no tariffs), but 1890 McKinley tariff ends that

Americans in HI upset, so the solution is to annex HI

1893 White pop. revolts & overthrows Queen Liliuokalani

President Cleveland sends a commission to investigate & orders the Queen to be restored

President McKinley will annex HI in 1898

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Spanish-American War

1895 Cuba revolts against Spain

Remember we’ve always been interested in Cuba (Ostend Manifesto)

Americans are torn on whether we should help Some believe it’s similar to our war for independence

Others think we should focus on our own problems (McKinley was anti-war)

Cubans want our help

**interesting group of those who opposed & supported war

Journalists exaggerate the problems in Cuba (use of Yellow journalism) and more Americans support revolt

There were major atrocities by the Spanish

Page 6: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Spanish-American War

2 causes of US involvement:

De Lome letter-

Sinking of USS Maine (we learn later it was a pure accident)

260 killed

April 1898 Congress declares war

Prep for war:

Pass Teller Amendment- promising Cuba their independence

Assistant secretary to the Navy (TR) sends US Navy (under Com. Dewey) to Philippines to prepare for war (another Spanish colony eager for independence)

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Spanish-American War Fighting


US troops not prepared for tropical climate (disease is a major problem)

TR quits job & creates a volunteer army called Rough Riders (before his presidency)


Filipino insurgents led by Emilio Aguinaldo welcome US troops

War is very short & armistice is signed in August 1898

“a splendid little war”

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Treaty of Paris

Cuba independent

We gain Puerto Rico, Guam & Philippines

Philippines upsets Americans & Filipino people (wanted independence)

Americans thought it was “un-American”

Anti-Imperialist League opposed acquisition (Twain, Gompers, Carnegie)

Problems with treaty:

Very controversial

Barely passes Congress

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Page 12: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

What to do with the islands?

Puerto Rico

Foraker Act gives limited gov’t

Insular Cases- Congress has power to decide what to do with PR


Help the islands rid of yellow fever, build roads, hospitals

Americans want ability to influence Cuba, so force new gov’t to adopt Platt Amendment (violates Teller Amendment)

Give US land for military

Limit Cuba’s debt

US can intervene as needed

**resented by Cubans

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Impact of S-A War

Gain land

Controversy over Philippines (war to come later)

Affirms our presence as a world power

Closed tension b/w North & South

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Trouble in the Philippines

Resent that they didn’t gain independence when Cuba did

We need their location for access to Pacific

Revolt 1899 by Aguinaldo

Atrocities on both sides & guerilla warfare

US finally puts down rebellion

Independence comes in 1946

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Page 16: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Open Door Policy

Europe traded freely in China & we fear we’ve been left out

Sec. of State John Hay writes Open Door Note to other powers suggesting that we “share” China

Attempt to gain access to trade

It works

Chinese reject foreign intervention with Boxer Rebellion

Put down by joint forces

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Chinese Exclusion Act

Tension on the west coast with Irish & Chinese workers

Violence towards Chinese (due to job competition)

1880’s Gov’t passes legislation to limit Chinese immigration to only skilled workers

No un-skilled workers (same people who build RR)

1ST Time in history that immigration is limited

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Page 20: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

TR & Imperialism

Believed in Big Stick Diplomacy

“speak softy & carry a big stick”

Adds on to Monroe Doctrine with Roosevelt Corollary: ‘Police Power’

We can back up this statement

No one can bully Latin America, but us

Hurts our relationship with LA- “bad neighbor policy”

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Panama Canal

US had a desire & need for a canal in Central America

Nicaragua & Panama were the options, but a French company already started a route in Panama

FR desperate to get out & wanted to sell

US buys option, but Panama is part of Colombia & they refuse to allow the US to build canal ( we offer $$ but still told no)

FR Company panics, so they encourage Panama to rebel (US encourages revolt too, but not actively involved)

Panama gains independence & wow they allow the US to build canal

We offer money to Colombia anyways

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Impact of Canal

Greatest engineering accomplishment since trans. RR

Connects Atlantic with Pacific (quick route)

1904-1914 Cost of $400 million

Hurts our relationship with Latin America due to revolt

TR gets credit for building canal & bad press

**Opens for business on 8-15-1914 and in 1999 U.S. returns the Canal to Panama

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Panama Canal


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Page 26: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,
Page 27: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

TR’s other foreign Policy

Negotiates peace b/w Japan & Russia Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Great White Fleet Sends US navy around the world to show off & remind everyone of “big stick


Gentleman’s Agreement San Francisco school districts segregates Japanese kids from white students->

Japanese gov’t is furious

Make a deal with TR to limit immigration to only skilled workers if schools are integrated

2nd time in history, an immigrant group is limited (1st: Chinese)

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Page 29: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Taft & Imperialism

Taft practiced Dollar Diplomacy-

Particularly in Latin America

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Wilson’s Imperialism

Goal: was anti-imperialistic & wanted to improve relations with Latin America

Stops dollar diplomacy

Preps Philippines for independence with Jones Act

Reality: events happen that lead Wilson to take action

Sends forces to Haiti & Dominican Republic to put down revolt

Bought Virgin Islands from Denmark (protect canal)

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Problems in Mexico

Revolts in MX & people upset with US exploitation

Leads to massive immigration to US

Wilson refuses to acknowledge current leader of MX (Huerta) Provides weapons to two rebels groups

Lead by Carranza & Pancho Villa (rivals), but Carranza comes to power (1914)

Tampico Incident

US sailors arrested in MX & Wilson ready to use force if needed

ABC powers intervene & mediate the conflict (Argentina, Brazil & Chile)

1916: Villa upset & raids US towns -> forces sent to capture Villa, but not successful

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Page 33: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Start of WWI

Causes: MANIA

Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism & Assassination (US guilty of many of these characteristics too)

Spark: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Germany- hoped German immigrants in US would support War (they don’t)

Agents try to win over Americans, but it fails

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Information to know



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America & neutrality

Businesses realize the economic opportunities with war- willing to trade with both & loan money

$2 billion to Allies & $27 million to central powers

Overwhelmingly trade with Allied forces (due to location)

Upsets Germans who launched submarine warfare around England

Wilson asserts that US ships should have freedom of the seas since we are “neutral”

Germans sink Lusitania (British ship carrying Americans)

Wilson warns the Germans, but they sink more ships- Arabic & Sussex

Germans issue Sussex pledge to warn US ships before they are attacked

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America & neutrality

Even though we are still neutral, US is prepping for war

Size of military is expanded

Income taxes increased (pay for potential war)

January 1917: Germany announces it will fire on armed and unarmed ships

Election of 1916- Wilson defeats Charles Evan Hughes on the platform that he kept us out of the war

Before our entry, he develops the 14 points

Idealistic goals for peace

Creation of the League of Nations (peace-keeping organization)

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America’s entry in WWI

Zimmermann Note March 1917

Secret letter that proposed an alliance between MX & Germany

Russian Czar overthrown in 1917

Easier for US to join Allied Powers

Wilson asks Congress for war April 1917

The world must be safe for democracy

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American War effort

Numerous boards & committees created to run the war effort & maintain support

Committee on Public Info (George Creel)- propaganda

War Industries Board (Bernard Baruch) –tells factories what to produce

Food Administration (Hoover)- encourage volunteer rationing

Wheatless Wednesdays

Fuel Admin

National War Labor Board (Taft)- settle labor disputes

AFL supports the war

IWW (new union) is anti-war & more radical (leader: William Haywood)

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Page 42: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Other efforts to encourage support

Passage of 18th Amendment

Sacrifice & somewhat anti-German

Paying for war: increases taxes, loans & selling war bonds

Create a draft

Espionage & Sedition Act

Limit criticism of war

Many imprisoned (IWW workers & Debs)

Socialists & IWW were both anti-war

Legislation was challenged, but S. Court ruled in Schenck v. US that limitations were allowed when there was a “clear & present danger”

You can’t scream “fire” in a crowded building

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Minorities & WWI

German Americans were under scrutiny for treason

Many German cultural items were banned

Beer halls closed, schools drop German, can’t listen to Beethoven

Sauerkraut-> liberty cabbage

African Americans

Many move north for jobs & to escape discrimination

Move known as Great Migration

Move sparks violence in all white towns & riots/tension exist during WWI

Move continues into 1920’s too

Many African Americans serve in segregated troops

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Page 45: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Women & WWI

Traditional roles at 1st -> War bond drives, conserve food, nurses

Over time, work in more male dominated fields

Many see this a breakthrough

Changes were limited & brief

Unions upset (want women in domestic work)

Lasting impact: 19th amendment (right to vote) due to the work of:

NAWSA (Catt)

Militant group splinters off (led by Alice Paul)

Picket White House, hunger strikes, burn Wilson’s speeches

Impact: made NAWSA more acceptable to Wilson

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WWI Fighting

Read your textbook over American military efforts in WWI

Focus on the new technology- machine guns, tanks, airplanes, gas

Trench warfare

Forces were segregated

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End of war

November 11th Germans sign an armistice

Bulgaria, Turkey, A-H already out

11th hour, 11th day of the 11th month

Germans promised the peace treaty would be around the 14 points

Wilson prepares to attend peace treaty

1st president to do so

Doesn’t invite any Republicans

Both actions are bad moves as Henry Cabot Lodge who was skilled in these matters-> hurts his attempt for the US to sign peace treaty

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Page 50: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Treaty at home

Wilson comes home excited to have Congress sign the treaty

Faces major opposition lead by Henry Cabot Lodge

Some Americans think treaty is too harsh or not harsh enough

Wilson tours the country trying to gain support- Leads to exhaustion & a stroke

Lodge is worried about the League bringing the US into future wars (would lose power to declare war)

Willing to compromise, but Wilson refuses to compromise

Remember he’s already compromised a lot at Treaty meeting

Congress never signs the treaty & the US never joins the League of Nations

Will sign a separate peace with Germany later

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Page 52: Unit IX: Imperialism & WWI. Imperialism  Define Imperialism:  Pre-Civil War: US isolation  What forces lead the US to imperialize  Yellow journalism,

Impact of WWI

Russia converts to communism (USSR)

US isolates themselves after the war

Problems brewing & US will avoid any conflict

Miss opportunity to become world power

Bitterness in Europe