Unit V Human values

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  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    Unit V: Implications of the HolisticUnderstanding – a Lookat Professional Ethics

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


     The right understanding gained through self-exploration also enables us to identify thedenitiveness of human conduct which mayalso be called the ethical human conduct.

    We also see people debating endlessly aboutwhat they consider to be ethical. But unlesswe have the right understanding, we arenot able to identify the denitiveness of

    ethical human conduct

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    It can be understood in terms of the following: alues !"ulya#

      %olicy !&iti#

      'haracter !'haritra#

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    Values (Mulya): 'ompetence of living inaccordance with universal human values orthe participation of a unit in the larger order-its natural characteristics or svabhava. alues

    are a part of our ethical conduct. They are thenatural outcome of reali(ation and rightunderstanding) which are always denite.alues need not to be imposed through fear)

    greed or blind belief.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    a#. Values in self (Jivan Mulya): The values are : Happiness (u!ha): *enitiness of expectation

    !selecting+ tasting# based on denitiness ofthought manifests as happiness.

      "eace (hanti): *enitiness of thought based on

    denitiness of desire manifests as peace.    atisfaction (antosh): *enitiness of desire

    based on understanding manifests as satisfaction.   #liss ($nanda): ,nderstanding based on

    reali(ation manifests as bliss. 

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


     Values in Human % Human &elationship(ambandh Mulya): The values are :

    'stablished Value (thapit Mulya): Theestablished values are in self or I and manifest as expressed values in behaviour with other humans.

     The expressed values are nine.

    'pressed Value (hisht Mulya): The way ofexpression of established values in behaviour is

    called expessed value. or exampe) if we have thefeeling of trust established in us) it gets expressedas complimentariness in behaviour with others. Theexpessed values are also nine.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    Established – Values Expressed – Values

    1 Visvasa (Trust) Saujanyata (Complementariness) 10

    2 Sammana (Respect Sauhardra (Compliance) 11

    3 Sneha (Aection) !istha (Commitment) 12

    " #amta (Care) $darata (%enerosity) 13

    & Vatsalya (%uidance) Sahajata (Spontaneity) 1"

    ' Shraddha (Reverence) ujyata (*edience) 1&

    + %aurava (%lory) Saralata (,ase) 1'

    - .rita/yata (%ratitude) Saumyata (SelRestraint) 1+

    rema (ove) Ananyata ($nanimity) 1-

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    c) Values of a Human #eing in its "articipation in *niversal Human+rder (Manav Mulya): he values are :

    "erseverance (-hirata): #eing asured that the all.encompassingsolution is to understand and live in harmony at all four levels

    #ravery (Veerta): #eing assured that the all encompassing solution isto understand and live in harmony at all four levels, and / am ready tohelp the other getting assured of it

    1enerosity (*darta): #eing assured that the all encompassing solutionis to understand and live in harmony at all four levels and / am ready tohelp the other getting assured of it, and / am also ready to invest myself, body and wealth to help the other getting assured of it

      2indness (-aya): /f a person has the ability but does not have the

    means to fulll his or her needs, the participation in relation to ma!eavailable the means to fulll th needs is !nown as !indness

    #enecence (2ripa): /f a person has the means to fulll his or herneeds, but does not have the ability (competence) to utilise it, theparticipation in relation to imbibe the ability in him3 her, is benecence

    4ampassion (2aruna): /f a person neither has the abiliy nor have themeans to fulll his3her needs, tha paricipation in relation to ma!eavailable the body is compassion

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    "olicy (5iti): aving been convinced about the values and

    about the inherent harmony in the existence) Iam able to develop an ethical sense in all my


  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


     The policy have three parts: 'conomic Value ($rtha 5iti): The policy for

    enrichment of wealth 

    "olitical Value (&a6ya 5iti): The policy ofprotection of body and wealth 

    "olicy for *niversal Human +rder(-harma 5iti): The policy for right utili(ationof  mind) body and wealth.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    4haracter (4haritra): The deniteness of my desire) thought and

    selection gives deniteness to my living.*enitiveness of character is the outcome of thedeniteness of my behaviour and wor/. This canbe mainly characterised in terms of the following:

    'hastity in con0ugal relationship i.e. chastity inhusband 1 wife relationship !sva nari) sva purusa#.

    2ightful production) ac3uisition and utili(ation of

    wealth !sva dhana#

    4indness in behaviour and wor/ !dayapurnavyavahar and /arya#

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    'nsuring competence in professional ethics

    Why a person act unethically5 It is primarilybecause of lac/ of correct understanding about

    happiness and prosperity.

    If a person views happiness in terms ofmaximi(ation of sensory en0oyment and

    prosperity in terms of accumulation of physical

    facilities) then the motivation naturally becomesthat of wealth maximi(ation. In this pursuit) all

    other considerations become secondary.

     Therefore) it leads to more and more unethical

    practices as these seem to cater well to theabove tends to ma/e people adhere to this wrongnotion rmly.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    4ompetence in professional ethics

    4larity about comprehensive human

    goal: samadhan 1 samridhi 1 abhay 1 sah-astitva) and its fulllment through universalhuman order.

    4ondence in oneself: based on the right

    understanding of oneself and the rest ofexistence. 

    Mutually fullling behaviour: clarity andcondence in ethical human conduct and its correlation with sustained personal as well ascollective happiness and prosperity.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    Mutually enriching interaction withnature: self-su6ciency in fulllment ofphysical needs7 ability to assess the needs for

    physical facilities for the family and theirfulllment through production systemsensuring harmony in the nature. In the light ofthe above) one ac3uires the ability to identify

    and develop appropriate !people-friendly andeco-friendly# technologies) production systemsetc.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values



    Issues in professional ethics

     The unethical practices are rapidly increasingand their impact is also becoming far-reaching.

    It appears as if human ingenuity is being

    increasingly harnessed to devise newer andsubtler ways to thwart the ethical conduct ofprofession) to twist the laws and to beat thesystem.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    8s a result of this 9epidemic of unethicalpractices) we are fre3uently coming acrossserious scams) ma0or economic o;ences and/ic/bac/s in large scale purchases

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    > 'orruption in multiple forms and at various levels. > Tax evasion) misappropriation and misuse of public

    funds.   > "isleading propaganda) unethical advertisements

    and sale promotion. > 'ut-throat competition.   > ?xploiting the wea/ness of consumers through

    various enticements > 8dulteration and spuriousproduction

      > ?ndangering the health and safety of public at large.

    > oarding and over-charging etc.   @@@@ the list could be much longer.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit V Human values


    "rofession implies meaningful participation in

    the larger order including society and nature inpursuance of comprehensive human goal and inthe process also ma/ing available the necessaryphysical facilities for ones family.

    *eveloping ethical competence in theindividuals !professionals# is the only e;ectiveway to ensure professional ethics.

     The increase of unethical practices in various

    professions) the contradictions and dilemmasare primarily due to the prevailing worldviewfocusing on prot maximi(ation. These can onlybe resolved through right understanding.