University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS) Course Syllabus QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus 1. DepartmentName: Department of Marketing 2. Program Name: MBA/Marketing 3. Program Code 4. Course Code and Title: 1604723 Consumer Behavior 5. Course credits: 3 6. Pre-requisites: 7. Course Instructor/ Coordinator Name and Email Dr. zaid obeidat [email protected] 8. Course web-page: 9. Academic year: 2020-2021 10. Semester: x First Second Summer 11. Textbook(s) (Make sure you have one textbook – resource materials online) Consumer behavior, schiffiman and Kanuk, 11 th edition. 12. References: (Make sure that the references are available in the Library and online) 13. Other resources used (e.g. periodicals, software, eLearning, site visits, etc.): 14. Course description (from the catalog) This course aims to examine the consumers’ buying and consumption processes, both as individuals and as members of a group. In addition to the factors affecting the buying decision process, Including the psychological, physical, sociological and economic theories of consumer behavior. 15. Course Intended Learning Outcomes:(All CILOs must start with an action verb, please use ANNEX I for getting a better understanding of the Action Verbs and Blooms Taxonomy. The mapping of the CILOs with relevance to the PILOs of the program.) Mapping to PILOs CILOs (Preferred not to exceed 12 CILOs) a b c d e F g h i J k 1. To understand The evolution of the marketing concept and the study of consumer behavior X

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)business.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Courses/Attachments/383/Consumer...University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

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Page 1: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)business.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Courses/Attachments/383/Consumer...University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

1. DepartmentName: Department of Marketing

2. Program Name: MBA/Marketing

3. Program Code

4. Course Code and Title: 1604723 Consumer Behavior 5. Course credits: 3

6. Pre-requisites:

7. Course Instructor/ Coordinator Name and Email

Dr. zaid obeidat

[email protected]

8. Course web-page:

9. Academic year: 2020-2021

10. Semester: x First Second Summer

11. Textbook(s) (Make sure you have one textbook – resource materials online) Consumer behavior, schiffiman and Kanuk, 11thedition.

12. References: (Make sure that the references are available in the Library and online)

13. Other resources used (e.g. periodicals, software, eLearning, site visits, etc.):

14. Course description (from the catalog) This course aims to examine the consumers’ buying and consumption processes, both as individuals and as members of a group. In addition to the factors affecting the buying decision process, Including the psychological, physical, sociological and economic theories of consumer behavior.

15. Course Intended Learning Outcomes:(All CILOs must start with an action verb, please use ANNEX I for getting a

better understanding of the Action Verbs and Blooms Taxonomy. The mapping of the CILOs with relevance to the PILOs of the program.)

Mapping to PILOs

CILOs (Preferred not to exceed 12 CILOs)

a b c d e F g h i J k

1. To understand The evolution of the marketing concept and the study of consumer behavior


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University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus


1. To understand How the Internet and related technologies improve marketing transactions by adding value that benefits both marketers and customers


2. To develop an understanding of the bases of market segmentation


3. To understand the influence of motives and personality traits on consumer behavior


4. To understand the influence of perception on consumer behavior


5. To acquire an understanding of the major learning theories and the process of consumer learning


6. To acquire an understanding of the role of attitudes in shaping consumer behavior


7. To acquire an understanding of the consumer decision making process


8. To understand the elements and persuasive capabilities of communication, as well as the barriers to


Page 3: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)business.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Courses/Attachments/383/Consumer...University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

effective communication and their role on consumer behavior

9. To acquire an understanding of the role of digital marketing in shaping consumer behavior


10. To understand credibility of reference groups and word-of-mouth and their influence on consumer behavior strategies


11. To acquire an understanding of the family and its social standing on consumer behavior


2. Course evaluation: (Formative and summative assessment methods are expected)

Assessment Type

Details/ Explanation of Assessment in relation

to CILOs

Number Weight Date(s)


Midterms 1, 2, 3 4 1 30%


Assignments 5

From chapter 5

‘Learning’, the

students are asked

to pick up 3





1 30%

Page 4: University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)business.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Courses/Attachments/383/Consumer...University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

3. Description of Topics Covered(The description should be from the textbook used)

Topic Title (e.g. chapter title)


Chapter (1) Technology-Driven Consumer Behavior

This chapter underlines the evolution of the marketing concept, in addition, this chapter examines how the Internet changed the nature of buyer seller relationship. Also, this chapter explains the interrelationships among customer value, satisfaction and retention while explaining the origins of consumer behavior as an interdisciplinary area.

Chapter (2) segmentation, targeting, and positioning

The chapter explains the interrelationship among market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and how to select the best target markets.

the students

are asked to

explain each

one and how

to use each


Then the

students are

asked to

choose a

video ad that

reflects and

fits each


Criticize the

ads, give


of what you’d



based on the


Second exam

Final 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1 40%

Total 100%

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University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

Chapter (3) Consumer Motivation and Personality

This chapter explains the dynamics of motives, needs and goals and how they shape consumer behavior. In addition, this chapter explains in detail the theory of personality traits and self-image and their influence on consumer behavior

Chapter (4) Consumer Perception

This chapter examines the elements of perception and their role in consumer behavior. Moreover, this chapter examines the elements of consumers’ imagery and how consumers determine the quality of products and services.

Chapter (5) Consumer Learning

Chapter 5 examines the elements of learning in the context of consumer behavior in addition to the major theories of learning

Chapter (6) Consumer Attitude Formation and Change

This chapter explains the definition of attitudes, it examines the process of attitudes formation, how they are formed, the main theories which explain attitude, strategies for attitude change and role of attitude in consumer behavior

Chapter (7) Persuading Consumers

This chapter examines the elements and persuasive capabilities of communication, it distinguishes between broadcasting and narrowcasting, it emphasizes on the process of designing persuasive messages effectively, it explains the effectiveness and limitations of prominent advertising appeals and finally it focus on the measurement of the effectiveness of advertising messages.

Chapter (8) Form print and broad cast advertising to social and mobile media

The chapter examines the use of digital marketing using social media and mobile in comparison to the traditional marketing, it focuses on Google’s targeting and advertising capabilities, it explains the dynamics of social media and its strategic and promotional advantages over other media and how consumers use mobile media and their reactions to mobile advertising. Finally, the chapter explains the effective measure of advertising in traditional and social media.

Chapter (9) Reference groups and word-of-mouth

The current chapter focuses on understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on consumer behavior; it examines the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons, endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors, and media, it focuses on the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and word-of-mouth. It applies the strategic applications, advantages, and potential perils of word-of-mouth, and it aims to enhance students understanding of the process for diffusion of innovations, and adopter categories as distinct market segments.

Chapter (10) The Family and its Social Standing

The current chapter focuses on the family as a consumer socialization agent, family decision-making and its members’ consumption-related roles, the role of the family life cycle in market segmentation and targeting, the consumption patterns of nontraditional families and non-family households, the impact of social stratification on consumer behavior, measurement of social class and segment consumers accordingly, the demographics, lifestyles, and consumption patterns of

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University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

social classes, and employ geo-demographics to locate target markets.

4. Course Weekly Breakdown:

Week Date Topics covered CILOs Teaching Method Assessment

1 Technology-Driven Consumer Behavior

1-2 Lecture /in class discussions

2 segmentation, targeting, and positioning

3 Lecture /in class discussions

3 Consumer Motivation and Personality

4 Lecture /in class discussions

4 Consumer Perception 5 Lecture /in class discussions

5 Mid-term exam Written exam

6 Consumer Learning 6 Lecture /in class discussions

7 Consumer Attitude Formation and Change

7 Lecture /in class discussions

8 Form print and broad cast advertising to social and

mobile media

8 Lecture /in class discussions

9 Reference groups and word-of-mouth

9 Lecture /in class discussions

10 The Family and its Social Standing

10 Lecture /in class discussions

5. Others:


Attendance policies:

Students are not allowed to miss more than 15% of the classes during the semester. Failing to meet this requirement will be dealt with according to the university disciplinary rules.

Absences from exams and handing in assignments on time:

Make ups to be determined by the deanship associated with an acceptable absence acceptance form signed by the dean office. Assignment delivery; 20/04/2017

Health and safety procedures:

According to the University roles and regulations

Honesty policy regarding cheating, According to the University roles and regulations

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University of Jordan Jordan University Business School (JUBS)

Course Syllabus

QF-AQAC-03.02BS.1.2 Course Syllabus

plagiarism, misbehavior:

Course Coordinator: Zaid obeidat Add your Signature

Head of Department: Dr. Zainah Qasem Add your Signature

Head of curriculum committee/ School Level:

Type the Name Add your Signature

Dean: Type the Name Add your Signature

Approved by the Program Coordinator/ Head of the Department on:

Type the date: DAY/MONTH/YEAR

Copy to:

Head of Department

Assistant dean for Development and Quality Assurance

Course Portfolio