1 L. TIT rn n m it nn a r i 1 II 1L II I!i II A L U. LOCAL NEW i. c. i. a ov i:k us km kn is. Transient, 2' cent a line. Kftii.ir advertis- ers. 10 ten Its ier li.ie. No adveitisemeut Inser- ted for IrtM than i. rent. Notice at Statute rates. Attorney a.id will re rs of the law will be bold rpui.Mbia for all notice they hand in, ana nil partie deniHii iintr a proof of uhlic;i-t- l in of auv notice will be held for the publica- tion fee of such notice. co m m ifsiv ar i ox. A our spae? ! Itmitcil. all communication itv.t bo brief and l the point. with no wailc words. NEWSPAPER decisions. I. Any person who takes the jiniier regul.-rl- y Trcrro the prmoaire. whether directed io I n mmo, or wiietlier he Is a subscriber or not 1 teopoDSible for the pay. s. if anv person oniers his paier discontin- ued, lie imist iav all arreir ise-.- r the publish- er insy continue' to send it until payment is Kiart-.'a- nd collect the whole amount, whether turf pa:er fc. taken from I lie of.'ice i t not. S. i ii; court have derided that relnsin to taa netrspapem and periodicals from lhe iKst-ofc'ic- e. or remains and leaving them uncalled f or. it jirirti facte evidence of intkntioxil r a .it:i. B. & H. R. It. Time Table. Corrected Mm lay, June 21.vf, 187-j- . KOK OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTII. I.eaTes. 5 :M a. in. Arrives 7 :15 a. iu " 2 .40 p. in. ATives, 4 i. m. FP.0M OlIAU FOIJ PL ATTS MOUTH. Leave. a. tl. Arrives, 10 a. m. " 6 j. in. Arriv R j. in. FO.'t THE WKST. Laar TMattvumith, ! a. m. Arrive in Mtieulii. li na. Kearney. :l.r p. in. FUOM THE WEST. UtfM Kearney, :X, a. in. Leaves Lincoln, li p. ci. Arrives riatf smout li, S -. p. m. coins kast : I'arj:r. train (:ih day), 4 :r,0 P.M. ('.ill at Mrs. Crocket's & Co, and see the P'.t.-s- t f.tvjes uf Millinetv goods. 30 if. FA II if i: US A TTEXTWX! Julius lVpperberg. Cigar Manufac- turer, on Main St J'lattsinouth. Neb. Ci.tr Clippings of Sjianish and Ameri-ca- u Tobit'-coe- s for smoking ur poses. I'or .Sa!r. V,?Ai ina!ities of pliig-smok-- ir tebacco always on hand. 0-t- f. Captain Wilt-- s of I'hittsmouth, iscul-tivatia- g about one Imndretl varieties of apples, for the purpose of ascertain- ing which are best for Nebraska soil and cliruatf. Specimens of his a)iles ir" op exhibition at Mr. West's fruit I Oolll. COKN rUOBLEM. question ; or Idquor must settle Herald last week regarding corn raised in the U. S. this year, I would i eport the following: The number of wagons. It would require ioo84G,15:J 11-1- 2. which would extend over Jin,.'j:S miles 147 0-- rods and about 40 times aound the world. (I. A. FOLDKN'. FISU1M ic. A lot of jolly Plattsmouthians have been out fishing lately, to drown the l id riTects of election excitement. II. .1. Streight andj wife; Fred Dor-- i .i gtoa ail wife; Win. .Tones and wife; Ceo. Smith and wife; K. B. Cunning- ham an I wife. KINULE cusses. Jaion Streight, Thad Streight, Wm. Iurr;:h, Clarence Streight, A. Cunning-ba- m. And they caught and they caught u heavy cold. Human hair goods ordered by Mrs. ('iiH.rr Co. from the east, tosuit pur-iiasjr- s. Prices very low. bOtf. NOTICE. Clapp Creeiislate at Kim wood Neb. wencral dealers in dry goods, groceries, and all articles generally kept in a country store, desire to call attention tlik ir stock just laid in ihi season, and a.-- k the farmers to eill and exami- ne- our g.o ! before going away from home to l)iiv. 2 4 1 f C l a pp C ;:::nsl ate. feigs !;ight oat Mr. Plummer's entire k of boots and sIhvs. to make room and give Mr. Pluinmer a !ancv to pay more especial attention to dry goods and gnu cries to please !iis large increasing trade in that line. Merges had to procure his brother's oe to attend his numerous custom- ers. this proves that closer atten- tion to special: i s and small profits bring .uick sales. 2Jtf. NEW M1M.IM IKY MOCK. riiraiest Hats iu Town. Solomon & Nathan are constantly receiving additions to their line of mil linery, and are bound tosuit everybody. up. ! cxamine their goods. Complete ment of feathers. Mowers, plumes. Ac. :m2. The finest assortment of hats, fiow-r- s, plumes and wind's, in town. Re- ceived by L. 15. (.'rocker & Co. SPOIiTlNtTcLCIJ. At the called meeting of Platts- moutli Sportsman's club on Monday evening, to elect otlicers and make ar- rangements for the annual fall hunt following business was The following gentlemen were elected othVers for the ensuing year. P resilient R. K. Livingston. 1 ice r resident Geo. W. Holdrege. Secretary 1. D. Bennett. Trcasiirtr II. J. Streight. After election of officers the club proceeded to make arrangements for the annual fall hunt, and after some it was decided to have the hunt on Thursday, October 2nh, and the game be counted on Friday etening Oct 20th, at 7 p. m. Messrs. Geo. W. Holdrege and W. 1). Jones wen; chosen as captains, and they pro- ceeded to choose, sides which resulted as follows: Geo. W. Holdrege. A. W. Osburne. I. . D. Bennett. W. Agnew. Geo. Leving. I I. Sage. .1. Mart O. M. Streight. W. K. Donelan. I). Miller. W. LwHobba. K. Kuffner. Bon Ilemple. C. 11. Farmele. I). H. Wheeler. P. Pedersen. .. W. Rai nes. A. B. Sprague. T no. Shannon. J. A. Connor. at- - W. D. Jones. S. Chapman. H. J. Streight. . R. R. Livingston. Geo. Smith. A. Cunningham. Wm. Neville. R. Vivian. E. E. Cunningham. F. Dorrington. O'Rourke. M. B. Cutler. U. V. Mathews. J. Streight. Wm. B. Shryock. SchiJdknecht. R. O. Fellows. Wm. Stadelmann. Wiley Biack. Joe. Connor. The decisions of Messrs. Moore and RulTner on the County Seat va3 predicated on the following clause in the new law on County Seats, viz: "Electors shall designate on their ballots what city, town or place they desire said County located at or in." DRAMATIC EN r ERTA i NM EXT. The Woman's Christian Temperance Association resolved at last meet- ing to give an Entertainment next week, consisting of music, tableaux, readings, and a drama, entitled, "The Bridal Wine Cup." Full particulars given in our next (J HOSTS! . The other night our front bell rang and the old gentleman went to the door, but back very gravely shaking his head nobody there. The ladies began to speculate .about what "little rascal" could have rung the door-Je- lI and then scooted. By and by another visitor came to the house, and as the madam opened the door, he says: "what on earth have you got on your door handle. A light was and there behold were a fine mess of Quail and snipe. Many thanks to the to the gentleman who rang the door bell our unknown giver. Od Monday last the install?.tion of Bev. J. T. Baird as the regular pastor of the Presbyterian (O. S.) church of Plattsmoutli took place, in the presence of a large congregation. Rev. J. 1). Kerr, pastor of Presbyterian church at Neb. City, and the 11$ v. X. C. Robin- son of the same place ollieiating. The sermon was delivered by ltev. J. 1). Kerr in the evening-- . Charge to the Pastor by liev. Robinson ; charge to the people by Rev. Kerr. At the close of these ceremonies the congregation sur- rounded their pastor extending the right hand of fellowship. For the Rev. Baird we predict a useful career among his flock in Plattsmoutli, who are just- ly proud of their new preacher. NEW MILLINERY. Fall and winter stock of hats and bonnets, just received at Mrs. Ij. B. Crocker's & Co. SOtf COLLECTION NOTICE. All persons indebted to M. McGuire In answer to the in the n ouiit for the io All Mrs. tho the the his. Jno. l)r. Seat door the ier their accounts. We have changed our partnership and the business must be setthtl up. Please take notice, all ac- counts must be settled within the- - next thirty days or they will be collected by law." M. McGuip.e, MCCUJKE & CuitTfs. modi ESS. We are glad to notice that some of our merchants are making improve- ments in the mercantile business, by changing into more exclusive trades, which is a great benefit to the whole community. Mr. Plummer sold out his entire stock of boots and shoes to Merges, in order to pay his especial at- tention to dry goods and groceiies to keep pace with his largo increasing trade in that line. Merges procured the assistance of his brother to help him along with his large trade, All this proves that exclusive dealers win in the end. Attend to one do that well. 29tf. CLOTHING C LOT H I XG ! Wm. Stadclmann has just received o:ie of the finest stocks of clothing, boots, shoes, hats andt-ap- s ever brought to the city of Plattsmoutli. Come one come all and see for you rself.no charg- es for showing goods. Also a r.icc h t of lady's runs, lady's furs. Call and Bee the lady's fuis, 31 tf. at Wm. Stadelmann's. A LEl TEli TO DR. BUTLER. M. M. Butlkk Drar Sir: I am told that you were at on election day, telling the voters that the farmers have to pay their taxes, but in Plattsmoutli they did nut. and you stated that K. (J. Dovey did not pay his county taxes, and that the county off- icers levied on his bacon and sold it un- der the hammer to pay the same. Now sir I think that very unkind in you, and think it would be much better if you would try and find out the truth before you commence to instruct oth- ers. You either knew nothing of the matter or you told an unmitigated false- hood. I never refused to paymycoun- - hating hats from 51.-j- Call and ty taxes or anything else that I know assort transited. discussion that question their issue. came brought, thingand Greenwood to be just. I know no reasons why you should abuse me. unless it was because I was opposed to uniting the County Seat to Weeping Water, for the reason I could not see or hear any advantages you have at Weeping Water excepting stones, Rr.d 1 never heard them brag- ged about until you located there. E.;(i. DOVKY. It was the City taxes that Mr. Dovey refused to pay, and had nothing to do with the county lew at all. And the resistance to paying grew out of local city matters, in which the county had no interest. NO EXCUSE FOR BEING SICK. No person can use Rosehee's German Syrup without getting immediate re- lief and cure. We have the first case of Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or any disease of the throat and lungs, yet to hear from that has not been cured. We have distributed every year for thref years, over 2jo,000 sample bot- tles by Druggists in all parts of the United States. No other manufactur- er of medicines ever gave their prepa- rations such a test its this. (Jo to your Druggist G. B. Chapman, and get a bot- tle for Toe and try it Two doses will relieve you. Sample bottles 10 cents each. The Higlunt Price Paulor Good SPECIMENS OF FBUIT ! of all kinds, at my FRUIT ROOM, on Main Street, to be kept on exhibi tion for the inspection of those w ho wish to plant the best kind of fruit. Also specimens of vegetables and grain wanted. I aiu soliciting orders for all kinds of fruit tree3 and plants, from apple trees to strawberry plants, ornamental trees, shrubbery, flowers, seeds. A:c. I have a room full of pictures, and wish to show all the kinds of fruit that grow and bea? well in this vi- - Tho supper will be given on Satur- - einity. W. S. West. d.iv evniii" at s ..Vhw-k- . ' PUttsmouth, Neb., isept. lTo. 7:T TIIE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEM- PERANCE UNION Met at the Presbyterian Church at half past three o'clock, Friday, October 8th, 187.1. President, Mrs. Wise, in the chair. After the nsuftl devotional ex- ercises the minutes of the last previ- ous meeting were read and approved. Motion was then made to request ! tlie ministers tllO City lO IreaL-!- l a r) Fly ai;-- l t:y. t" J .:"'. :;d-i!-- - '.iirit'lul.iiu'. well to ! 'essj.-n.-i- fitieus county. temperance sermon on the fust Sunday in November; motion carried. On motion, committees of five ladies from each church were then appointed, as follows: PitKsn YTEitiAN Church Mrs. Chap- lain Wright. Mrs. N. Wise, Mrs. Yates, Miss S. Baker, Mrs. Donnelly. EpTscopal Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. II. Wheeler, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. La- tham and Miss Butterfield. Ciihistian Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mrs. Mullis, Miss Kate llobbs. Methodist Mrs. Wightmin. Miss Shelton, Mrs. Spurlock, Mi.s Ruby and Mrs. Newell. The duty of these committees is to urge the ladies to attend tlio after- noon meetings, invite strangers, and every way to advance the cause of temperance. It was then resolved that we have an entertainment in Fitzgerald Hall, consisting of music, tableau, readings, and a drama. Full particulars next week. Mrs. U. W. Wise, Pre. Mns. Nellie Fkench. Sec. PERSONAL, i;i-i- i the J. to in Mr. Pamsey, newly com- - .!,'i ti,v iit.aitll,ciit full missioner comes to frequent- - J(:1V or Wl I,.S,.1V(,(,. Iv acquainted made knuwn applicatkii to with our ai.l.v .lOlill jiniiHiM'b cy iiau ins j foundry running this fall yet. The brick are already being placed on the ! ground, flood fur John. i Our honest efficient and good looking Postmaster. Capt. Marshal and wife arc enst on a visit to pa and ma in Iowa. Things seem lonesome 'round the P. O. without them and the "cuckoo" sings no more. Mrs. Hays, daughter of PutnLVter Marshal, left for lioston last week, to complete a musical education. May she most fully and successfully suc- ceed. Henry Xewnham, of "Wiseonse," an old acquaintance of the IIkkald's has visiting us lately and takes a IIeu-a- li home. We acknowledge thanks the re- ceipt of some very tine butter Mrs. lien Droste. We know she 1 .'aimed to make that at old Browni ll. :n Very in m hiiruLnr. j LonisUm oi IMiirn ; mm this 'Vcf'"'' suits, or anv kind of jroo.ls, can Ji;tve day weive Office sarw. jr.i-rit-- l "Pids town now. get bids oti.c. vuuuiii been with from never wisU. Mr. Mr. Joe shall The and 'fl- - star lov"- - Aar.m liead. 2yt3 p(M tlress siiine. less one them ordered from York 1 Croeker for at least per cent than can imrchased TnTWF i riaias w.;id. Soldicrs Ai;li 1374. taken additional t.i eorresior.d witli me. JIoines;al and cheap IrvmN for Clay, l'olk, York, and Hamilton connf.es, by iitl3. Lincoln, Meb. TEA EX' fall for Cass conn- - f.i;w1iij2 uause-- a:id places In l.e li. Ail ;ir" :iri' :ih t, be uy i;t are ol of sr- - E. Ihj reen treut Water j '' irit;es of to Aii'-h-ai:- t iuierriti nronr.it!:.- - at 10 o'clock. I". W. WIS- - Xeb., !0ih. ititendent In l.ie ji In lUnkrupt. c:ve on fa- - V1 Oetoiier. ls7:. warrant of was is- sued oat of District Court ot Cait'fd States, District livmaii of Lincoln, in county of In who I'.ankruit on his own and tin payment of any aiu th- - delivery vl any beloninir to stiid Kankrnpt. him. to liis transfer ot by him ire bv law. That meeting of the creditors of Bankrupt, to prove their and one or more .Vsdnees of will be at a to be hohlen at in said district on day of 175. at m.. at tn-- , Keeister ol Court. llll.LlAI l'All.1, U. S. Marshal. virtue of issued by H. V.. Klli-so- n. Iroba'e Judge, within for boun- ty. and to me Uit. I on the 1st day of A. ls;.-- . at a. m. ilav. at I'.onn- -r in city in said Conn' -- il at i lie the described go;wi.s and chattels to-w- it 1 welve ( li T;i.rner tinehidin' lot of rubber l';itiiir. castings, ana other lixte.res for said twelve i l'i also on (I) part can of lubricating one ii ) Ken of ochre. O and strap iron, one ue--- k. (,.') poor Sta'e oid-- n of said Court, 'V li.nirs Lienbv and Kdward ittery, vn.-t- . ltd A. 1). b. 3t)t2 SiKiiiT. Catherine and YVhoe-Isii- d, ileo. V. Sroat. non-ivsine- at defen-dun- ts will on of ls7-'- . Oliver 1. Mason. ia petit I ne oii.ee u.- - .lerK I I j ict ourl. in b.r Nebraska. object and prayer of said is K reform a certain iiiort-':- jriven by and Atr'istus Wiieeland, to Tin Ml ifriv tit IIim-- . lST.. ed hK one (I ) in fine (I in j tol'lattsmoutti county, by licscribed i one ns lyin seven (7) In s td ::d ditiou. il should he fine f in said also said one in one in said ad'lltiou to to two certain of eeti said ! niortgaixe deed, and calling jiiviiitiit of ) liumlreit Bin, ITl. sevcu-ty-fi- ve 187i, iiiteiest 10 hit uti.l :;ir umvinii that certain iiei cx- - pill.l ,1 ...Ilii, l.F.11,1 i.rn. ... ie and of no eilcct. that ea.st ini by reason of s ii l (iced to W. hroat. unsatisfied el record be fore ver leinoved. k i be perfect all respects Mni J .lie J oa f j of it;;,. decree vviil rendereil ec!i one of iietitiori. P.V &' SPHAliVF. ; Legal Notice. the District Curt f the svo.id Judicial district, 'rltUln and for Cass Nobrk. 8. ruisifer & Co. f A. Kicharo. A..W. Rlehards. you nil; r.Vice !..- - Si.liey Pulsifer Era.-,:..- s i. Hani in j ,. ni the Arm of . PuJai'e. : ni r.v:.;inv dil on the third f i.--iv a. 1. i 175. f!c their lietltlon ?h i t :t. ii i xii. I fiiM'M.ss I1. Si::!c it'" lfi: A . V. j.d.iiit. wli!c :V. th F..!r:s Attlf:.;nr:iii. rs n. i. i.n i.iuiw.i. . f..i-- i ) v..ii v.- - i ..... t. i.i. ..- - . t.. il. hi'.::i - I !t:.i:tr& 'I !ISlCI 1 Sri:CVf) uril. of I Co.'p;:; r -- r I", vviil o s. r to of Cass D. 2-- or the and pi l'nb- - v oi ot Cath- erine or In re f ' ii ul t li 'e ..:. 1. 1 i;ie s; .iu;'. rev i r. ie . a li j'iiiiMaei ion sotinieai corner ri; a no sis. hi !( iiM i.!'Im r m ;: m t' !!: ; ,';r'-':ir-ri:- . J i.h li:jti M .i;Hir.! in t!tc t j.i:::e itu i .;-- i i'l t.:" Mlii ioi'I: orders ly l:ll ;""-!''- '' :;I tlnl 'ri.icij;il in ".n. of t ve oc.rf i)ii'i ',( t ive lii.ii'lrtii D.M:trs i ,'$.ji .".v.i'i i'';. (liuiii iriiii:i.vry f i .! 1 i tvthidt M.r: .;; r'.' ,,i : , ; i l' ; . I . Pu'mI.t A '".. :illl I'M V : tf I!':; II !;):." Ji.C Slilll !up. Miiu ii:!i ic-- t iiii.n ii.i' i:y. A. 1). 1. or t ii s;.,ii ,.- Hiu t p.lV ;.,!. Vim iv! y 1. i ft l :t rc.julroil apjic.ir iiiisM ir s.iid jlitio.i or le-tur- K flit il.iv I A. ioT.'i. . St.-- tfiiiix-r ivtfi. s. prr.se feu & co.. 1 if ir Attorneys. for llKAlMjL'Airi'KK 1 KIT. OK THK PlATTE. Q. Omaha. Xkb.. Spt. 1H75 SKALKJi 1 KOI OALS. trl(illc:ii, will :.t this until II rVIx-- k a. in. tdiiei.Xar, tM 20. i&To. hicli phwr a'ul itmt tPi-- i.l be oiii i in th? i reseo- - of llld-iA- , tor tlie in yuuny hiiJ t ut-- l r)iii?J. "e')r?vik;v, in as reuirr-- 1t'ri:iu secend year ernliiii; June , of t wo iiiill.ons (2,000.-- 0) Jei;L-'!- s en: ;i :r'.-- i inii'ion (I.Omi.IhiO) of ii.. is. s:iis a quantity ill N; rfivi-J- . L:t' li iu Iv! o:r:iiiereI shouM tie tinrau-te- i! Iiy twii r'ionsililf luilders, t;i h i.i iK'i'oiiiv ni siwuni tf t. The iniii b In triplicntp and lvo sf(.ir:iU Iv tor and Oiits.fliiil etn!-- ' ntn fftai irhirh j'Tnntnfd fo lirrr. Pivfrri ncV "will f iven to articles of iloiucs- - tic plotliicLii.Ii. P.i should t? t adorned envelope J lc coi'tnc-t- ' will let with tliat ( th ii:iiil il n-- s ni iv titci-casui- l ' "ii'"i tintr-iiti- m itic v lu. 'i the elected , at any ! "f, to r,.jlt ai, ,, K That's riht, i l;innk findsJied and J.A, I on tliis folks. J. Pi:::i:v. Chattel P.y virtue of a Chattel Mos-t,-:i.- cNv!:t.'I to rsc. Hinl dated January ly A. V,'. Chivv. and on p:- - U7 of f Chi't'.cl iMori rpcuriK of ( ;:,s t'oinity. on unicii is d;i iw lrcd i;i'l ninety doli.-u- s aio! i nts. il!i .T ) f wili at pMb!': mu'ticri l":'i toiyvitlf. if i futility. Ntbra.sk a, nt t o'clock p. i.i. loth cf Ncvpinl'i'f. one o!iil -- iiht year" oi'l. one red ci y !': , vcars o'.il. one lay uuile tint iue year oM. oae si-- ! oi ilouhie harness, aa.l one Orchard it v :i 'on. AJHIO !. WKSTON. Octol.cr Tta, lfiTo. n. 'j Scrilmer's Monthly a 1376. The M liljshers iittertion to the follow-in- e lis; 01 of t!ie lilli nciiv f s.nic!s sfciir- - ed Sciihn.-r'.- s ir the cuminx year, j In th li-l- of lictioii. liesid'M iiMinoroi..i novel ettes snorter siones, mere be 2 Remarkable Sorial ItV The Unit these, r in r.i:r hands, "Gabriel Conroy," Bret. Urjlnn in thr Auv ui'i.rr .Viijb.'u r. i and will run twelve nio.uhn. '1 iiis JIarte'i - . tirst i xiendeil 'I'.i-.s- v. :es ;,ii.l c'o.; r orcst. of Eastern Iowa, jinotoa t which the anther !i;is coseu . n.s i;.v .iii.- - by his brother-in-la- w. Gihnour. Vlui;:;: mado a short rail up-- the ,$v?ft',-".;- "url? sorrv we not to rect-iv- o w n'. i e 'iii i ' .i.u.i-.ai-- "Philip .xiLAX'.-- i i ;:ri;xDs, COW LOST! ur. S':-- " - v.,,;.-,,',.- undersisncHl lost a dark red cow. ! " vv l.R. bix horns .lark strim-- s on hot, pn-t- - j iv.enr1;";,;.-;- ,":!;; lu,V. ' .? tr woll alonfi in vears, in j ' i ii-- ai t.-.- Va-.- to owner and K-- t ttW:VZJ a reasonable return reward. j Sj. :: :.! recent f their adven- - ' ivn' e a siory ol intense mi't uu- - j tlas-ii:i'- i i. st ;iiiv.;sl:tiit. Ladies wishing dress elnks, A "Enn.r's Vacation," voi. vi jr. '"'. s 'l nv ;" lai-op- r. V ir. a iis. t ,0y-h...- it nd-- of t.v . hundred tifty mihis, f the iu,r latvr tinur of the New bv be elsewhere, SPECIAL NOTICES 'f j Joseph v j a !l triorto a eighty, lnrlied W. CHE A MIX A - LEGAL NOTICES. Bankruptcy. Kstate. Sheriff's Suih.es. I'l.VM. Notice. Proposals Forage. Mortgage Stories, Harfe.. r:. .hi .ii;; viiiicys oi 11m iseoiii cf ji.i-er- s to More iiiterosl in Ji.1. f til that vi';; AhiOil our re.olers ur aliemlv - j familiar. nreehiot CEITTUNNIAh LETTERS, l,y Jttn "a rare of KcvolvtJonarv Teiten. 7YJ nrnrT?:r nmioly .ro.n Mmes iu the har. the deseen- - ol Cot. i'lu full in- - who hav taV.en only eighty acres, tei:.-- . and v:il ie read rare relish in June 22d. and har not r''""''',;:l cc-le-l ration right tn SHKLDOM. US' TIOXS. The examinations said said sold said I.I sTUAIKP AKTICLKS OS AMEIIICAX COLLEGES. Wii't-- n will The revived infere-i- i eoilepe Lie nniKes tiim-l- y, and will secure for nnnsnul OLD arti.-ie- on r'".':- - r.M will jn.!,":; o:;e,. ty. will held at the tiia.-- s for his and r'il. a!;,-,- Hie cilv or eo.,nlH who ruara irli interest move vciooer ii r.s. i;i.j!i; I. e me! roiio'ls. ni Oftolx-- r Cist. 175. ijiiamt n sen-- ; house Oct. 2Si li.'TS. 'i'rv" nn.n'M-- r is fins "ith, ifT-S- . us to vc- and nar- - will pleae he in niton-tanv- vxi,vt arti.-le?- . n ami ixVit:i!i:it Jlattsnioi.th, Sept. 1; I'lSii'iei &"-0- 0 lii.utei Hvman Jlallo, notice, a Xehrasha. Hallo District, ed a petition, debts, to forbidden a debts choose Court of 3 o'clock p. oflice of Webster, execution Nebraska, Noveinher. dVI-K-l- i v. following : 12) innisli-- d Harvesters a yellow U office recovered I i Augustus in n ii . to (1 w , be a I be to reinainlni; reijuired a in P. i m ii ii. 1. n D. Celirery of ltiid.siiien it t' contracted o quite r Montnly f AMKIilCAX of o'aplete is ahix, piMiiiises he I l!itd Cfienwy-- . I I Centennial mili.UAMI.V 1 1. friends, liieye:n-- i.i til em NEW r..eR:n'.;y i:; ii t jiUc:;tion ol i.i v, n , ..l ii!eeiion;ite- - Weepln i .ei ii-- (Waters profusely VUU-.-.U- -l NoveinlMr ci:s.!di!r.' u.- - desrioi' luic:is"ter. v. plaihti.T. e m Iiis;itt"v.. YOrtlC. leei- - utt'liiltwl ill a ;:i rt ! i Uuer ius ueens'oined ir itif I Wi.l In Its u '1 4 . 1 . f i. ..: . i . .. v " . )i-)i- , tlilO Ill t j auditorial iepartinnf . I feeupy of f i :oid i niaiii - as well as of wovss ia Ai t, an.l T E KM S : in v onri oi tae i kt - in of n - anee : ent-- i a the District of Nebraska; Anmnci. This is to that SOth day of A .' ' 1 " l i.aiiKiiiptcy the the of against the the has be:i projx'ilv use, and the property s:tid tJ held liankruptcy Omaha, tho 5th the J. U in llankruptcy said 30t2 Sale. By an t'jis diiei wit! l. of s.'.ld tiie of riattsrr.outh. Auction, harvesters!, part lot bar i ent 1'laintitf. tlie I t the petition but ?.-- id and addilio'l. and le- - j the for anil t!i. ! the s real ! t ion ClI t- 1 '.) ly l t .i ! c. quan-titi- c pounds parties, .( i I. I A aiteiilion. r v fierovlirn!. Z'lie ... ill. li -- 7tr. "VV. ii?e .:. ices aivc the w;ti IIKW '.:!.:! tltft Viu l;f Liii not t for fu:i svl! ana now Mr. M. by hu o?i .ii!. the oid- - ive I. IMulll over ;H; in,.; r Dr. II.ill.ii.il s t- 1 nnru the I the miy the the oil. live m jn.r.) na.f Xov'iuhf-- r and Anvofthe failier voliuilL'S (.1 t.) wi.i lii.ol:eil ly to parties who "c.n:;.. le at thu i. ; morocco Hookseliers and will Iki ed at ra!ethat wbi enable to li.l ny ih . Subscribers please in P. O. Criers. r in h IwS o Drafts, or bv i if d suit iu lctteis e.e l, at SCIIIIJXER cf Krooouu.". ' SEWING MACHINES 1 am now pren aed to f. i y of SEWING MACHINES, that rr k.: :V- - i I j -t it .1 a New Lathe. C lairs, one ( 1 1 oli.ee stool, one incioc-K- , ' KMikiiw one l lamp, and one i; . :lI1,i ,..; nrr nr. n;v mid r.t price tint of patterns ; 'I he bcin' upon wm iu.; ; t ie or .,ni;.ii Mild as property or , io 1 "- - of 1 at i oils of Ilushai.dry.of Cie;...,. ie, , ,";.'. '" si :.te of ! f -- rdati t lo a "n f (Tccr!l-tloi- l all B J'lattsinouth, ei.t h, 1 M. Learal Whet-laud- , and t.ike noiii-- e that day Septemoer. i.tilf. Hied ins ion lie 'is- - and t'ass com:! I deed on ( mid iiiieiid- - blocX Uti'eV addition city. I'm Ne- - braskH. lot in b'oek when in b!eck ii that hi UM block 1 .sii'.es creed satisfy puyiie'tit of j promissory notes, "date wiih dollars (io") nee. dollars (573 June wiiu the of aii:ium tuaiie need made edited delivered bvsahi Catherine and irVKTr1 creed null. void, cloud iihi:i the title estate nioriirahC Geo. "said title 'er!an-- iu iicitinients answer petit thethd:iy Nov.. or be! against of with tiie pr.ivcr said MA.SO.v. VTMAX ar-iiiis- t U'Sth tcmlnr im.-i.iw- : in.irl;;.. fi:iv cf :i:i'l iiiili, m.. in 1U:, tlier at t'.iu at irrf ;). i':-- . eo:ifr;u for on ;i'.' for Sale. '';th. i'.uok .'iip's, Sub., ilitro litin seven? otifii rnai. invite soiim- - for AVniuU. By Herald. wero it. the nn'-.'.- !. IjtlHXnS. sale, f.i.. ii"-j- ;! series tire tiHectiou t'.ielr du.-ii- these espetiiiiiy !!. the Gree.iv.ood. naiismontU vjihiu i.ihm manaeiue iii;:i. the iniu.ehe devoUd I.c-- r llii:i,.eie I'royress. Tlio t'ven'y 'e!i tuielv icvies the latrratnru, Sut-n.-e- . Yer, bomiii munKiii do. hound innrin-c- . :w.C Vols. bp;hi M;:y. Villi be lo sets rate, clotu, j.oo I'ostmasiers suil if a!Kvc o3eis- - remit l'auX CIi letters. Money not sender's CO.. 743 V'.rk. reed lace. Lae ivt-- oiiciti Rla. i.r.ickct ivor!;. box sain levied una taken the the ;r;tn,j- - O'the order e.r:sk-- . saMsfv 1 P,T which rate )L1 KU li'r f 'ii:e t: my NOW 13 and A it- - i l AX .... .i.i i .. . . . . ... t 1IO i 1.1 - t and I and ; them ' ; ( ' Opi Co., and ; (3d) Cftfififv lil Ti'h li.iii ;i- j.it;i sulil i. ? qua: fuw-a- l ; less that Ceru Kii"i tin..- - Cai day will pers :n-Ii- y .lo'm I hSJ Ule-.- i Jfciv. cIi.m ri wisii t half ll.e.n will re,;i risk. kind ::i il kin-i- fchop. ... ihi; :':' work can i e done at ii J ;. W. Itiimrr. vnTTT i ui chance: GREAT BARGAINS WATCHES. CTSJKS, TOY AXD FANCY CHI- NA WARE AT OOST I For the Next 1)0 Itoys, AT i Schlater's Jewelry Store, esjfe thcPla't Vs'iey Ifonsf. rw I.T-'f- i vel i-- r -- f.1 i I- - . X ri A r ; f K. ? rprv. CHARLES VIALL. . . , r !.. X bis ; u;ik i ' : i 3ft i : . : i . - . t i " ... il). l'l.ii LMiiuiti No! Ben Hempel. UK'S THK MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOV. Kll MAIN STKKET, PLA2TSJI OCTH, - - - - NEB. Meaia tt all lionr. Ice CrMni, e 1 1 Water, & Lei:(i!:ii!c t Col you. Ciood Mjnare Me,i,q, nice Lunches, &: to I war:n you. A !.," Wines and goo.! Lhpiors to he used roa-nona- lex your henctit if j on desire. W-- li K. HEM PEL, Prop. WlLLIAftl HSROLD Keeps cue of tha Largest Stocks am 4.S a. V ? Ib4 bail 1a OJ li. c, EBIESI IN TOWN 40vl rROI'KI KTOB OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (.Main St., iiii ler First N'at. Plank.) j'f.cr:vrs3:orTC?, - - - .12s5. i'.v js siri'Mi:i with tiik BEST VINE8, LIQUORS, -- s3 DEC n , KTC, ETC iivl STOItH AND 31 ILL AT Rock Bluffs. We have purcaasi-- the I;OCK BiTJFFS bltlMa DA VV "LOURING, - N !" MILL, .".!. I V,1 heretiftrr ran the satn la Connection Vitii Our Store. CUSTOM WORK wil! bo giiara.'.tcci! to he sati- - Lietory. We em- ployed the BEST 112L1I1 we eou'd filii", whose re;iu::i'i. mi ii v.ell known, and it I.i pro-pos- ed :h;i: the f;iimeis ;Ui otheisi havM if they bring Good Wheat ! ! The highest market nrlce pld for the Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE - I- S- Chcck Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to them Having bcn ewaHiort fi iuri:liao a large stock Uncommonly Lov, They ri:i be sold la a!. hUALLY LOW. NOW IS YOUR TIME IV.t TO 23"CTv .ssiii.Saera CEDAR C RE ETC AlJS. J. IN H ELDER & SON, UKAI.KHS IN tutors, shntt, Ar .;:( i;i:n:s. Of rety kltui.at tl. loacsl jr.ssiMe rates. Also DrALCe.3 1.4 GiiAH. For whie'.i fie l i 'lest 'A:I prices are paid, lli ies uiid produce of a i kiud.- - bought at '.eajjji.uhie r;:ri-s- . I! II Ef.t'Clll HTATifiS - Cedar Creek.) eyt r.iV-- ; CO.. XFitftASKA. Y EEE fXG WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEYGOODS, GROCERIES, HA TS. CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES, AND KOTIOXS. Ai.: t 'a mer fs' Hu pp 11 e e iwal I y. Our & coils are all New, and we sell them CrTKAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE T Oy 1 WEE PI G WA TER. NEB. i jl'KOFKSSIOXAL CAIIDS HA If. M. V II. VI?! AX. ATTnl;:V AT LAW and Solicitor I" Cha- - )r.ie l'it:'entld's Llix-k- . Plaltsinouth. IIKM.KK A BKXSinTT, V.KM. I.S I ATE Mid Tsx Paying Airents. I'idtlie. fire and Lite Insurance Aleuts, i'iail.-iiKi- al h. Nt li asKa. and :.: u.i. nciMi and i !... on M.iin s:iv-t- . twoUotus west of SixtU I i.i!lsnit)UUl. ?.cln:!.sH. ir.o. .". in MITM. R. n. WINDHAM YTIXIMIAM. ATTOHNKYS AT LAW and Etate Rro-- kers. Speci-t- uitention uiven to Collections and al! mailers affectuii; the title to real estate MMce on I'd t'.oor, over Post IMUee, Platt-iniout- h ei-- i a-.;-a. wyi JinTICK. OF THK PKACK. Office on Main street, riattsinotirh, 5eb.. two dooist e:i.st of llEttAi.i otl'.ce. iinsiness hour fiom k a. in. lo S i. in. All county Imsiness usu- - a!lv trarsae'ed hefore a Justice of the Peac will he attended to. aI.ho general collector of lieu:. J. iiaisks, DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & IIomcL'opatliic riiysician. tT""fRce and Tie.siden,e corner Sixth and Vine m recta. 'Iatts!nouth. Jieb. Calls attended at all Iioiim. 4iyl Iit. J. 51. WATF.RnAX, I Physio Medical Practitioner. lyDiiitriUe, "Alvav5 at on- - on Saturdays. A W. WHITE, tl ! V - i tr. r1 pa CD O o r j CD rj2 Cix. 0., the 4TtI Dealer Main st., Iwst. 5th and 6th., PLATTSMOl'Tlf, Highest Price Paid for Cou- ntry Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. & A". fa n t S zL2. s" C f 3 - A in - " t , - - 'r S rD . i - " 2" ? ' li! 1 1 n bd u 2sT W JJD. NEB O Iioduced Rates for Lumber Clear the Track for our Spring Trade. li. A. WATEK3IAX & SOX Will sell Kmme l.tirejer. of all kinds at t'20 perm. Firwt ;t3a!!iy or Fencing, MO. Nee aiiJ ' 17. u Vimt ISoardft, 0. " Heron a 17. IStilr -- A" HI, Ingles. 83.30 per M. Xo. 1 Khisislers. S'J.SO. " Ot Iior trftdosof I.uniiirr equally Cheap w ith Iooris, Pas!i Itlindw, Ar. See other ad. on outside. STREioIlT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of hnrncsH stock, constantly on hand, F r u i 1 Con feet ion cry , AND Grocery Store Nl'TS, CANDIKS, TEAS. TOBACCOns, COFFKES, AC. lhe place, oppo He E. G. Dovey 's on Lower Main Street. A STREIGHT d- - MILLER. NE Y LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE! T OLD STAND, BUT A MAN. The or O. M. and W. D. .ioi.es, he'ng tliis day dissolved Dr. FLOUK. Bemember NEW Streight W. D. JONES, ' willoiien a new Liverv. Feed, and Sale Stable, I at tin- Old 11 1 ATT KAUN.ell Main Street, ! just e;sst ul .Io!i:i well known J Stable. I'laltsmoulh. Neb. norscs, Millie & 'arrls:e, to h-- at all times, at leasonahle rates. ! iiuitsizs v.oA .; nr tit k day, week, j I Hi MuSS II. Particular attention paid to driving ami train- ing Horses. II;i iim all the ajipiiaiiecs I Miall in Tike n p:r-:ieuia- feature of mv business tlie rtrivini; and hanulins td TKOTTlNtJ STOCK. ; Iein well known ?i!l over the county, no further chin tniiiie is necessary. J cordially in- vite i.' my friends to ci'il and si-- e me, and they will receive a hearty welcome. Kespcctfuily, W. D. JONES. CM Z. L M 1 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and Sale Stables. Coiner Cth nnd l'earl Sts. JJOJlSt.S I.Y THE sj.kv, v on moxtii. HOnSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL HOURS. l'articu!;;r attention paid, to Driving and Training TSOTTJXU .STOCK. "V:!1 also have for service during the eoaMoii the ei.kbr.vtk: noiisKs t N01OIAN & TALARAN, Kuow n as the w i. joxks i;oi;skm. V For 7aiTi"i;lars. see bills r iKters. .tvl pjf , Op. AT 13ni3 HEXKY HOW LAX D. Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, ATTfuovTif 5bb., Platte Valley IIoum. hand LUMBER, DOORS, BASH, itLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. LOWEST MARKED BATES. Examine. GEO. SHAFER'S AN!) BLACKSMITH II 1', FOB IIORSE-- S HOEING, Mending and Repairing: ! ALL KISDS IMPLEMENTS Mended Fixed. TNew Wagons for S90, rtnxsr!e nnd Light "Wngonm hand, nalr time. crirMf o x cms . Xew Waon made to ordor. Hates reasonable guaranteed. Washliicton Ave.. I PLATTS MOUTH 4oyl nearitn y,ra y. U4 ' II ATT, THE BUTCIIEK, OI.DKST FSTABLInKD Heal Market the City. ehanjrinR constantly, Reliable where your nteaKS. Koaata. Came, Fowl In Season. South Side of Main St., PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. toy l On all Call and S 0 OF FA TIM and on and for all the ji and work On tst., y AND BKST In Not but the old you can km Fish and JOHNSON ORGAN, Manufactured by JOHNSON-LORGA- N CO., AT PLATTSMOUTIT, NEB.. Drew First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason A Ilamlin, 1 1 Standard. 3"" These organs are all pat up in elegant IJlack Walnut and Each Instrument Warranted and to give gatis- - factien. r-n- -ca the Estel, Cases, For Ten Years! guaranteed perfect THE TONE Is the most jierfect that has ever been produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv- ing, and universal praise they are receiving are justly merited. They are First Class in Every Respect Ivory Front m for Kfj Kbony HbarpM, lira l'inw, 31orliee Clothed. that there In no Fletlom or Mqaeaklnir. Actior" feet . done by ra Tone and touch is ix , that has ye udiced in f. If they see ;s ably give tli for any i First CI and those wl. en tlie 1 l reliable or Church will a est trying?:.. kinds of Address, tiie joid; WIIOLESALr. Strings, Sheet Musical Merchat 1, MUSICAL IXS'I Repaired. Sa teed. i 'KB, spot and the and by lis and ck and Per- - est Piano. d Voicing Is all he superiority of response to the by every judge i, whether prej- - $ organs or not. n they invan- - heir favor. ,T is as low as rument vx;ure a good ir Parlor or jr own inter- - x CO, th, Xek. Dealer in I kinds of :3 Tuned ! guaran- - 50 1. General filacksmlthlrg. Itepalrea ou Miort;."tic AlJsO t And all other Iron work promptly Attend- ed to. cheaper tha.i thn cheapest, lor OhU Hy the undersigned. . . II. HOW LAND. Shop northwest Cor if Vino A ttUtu ntiv PLATTSVlOUril, .KI. KB A D - E.G.D0VEY'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I Having made up my mind scrotal years ao RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1S75, and helnK "till of the nin "mind. I take thl metiioa ol liiiorniliiK the puhllo teat I am nclllnt; out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS b AT C O 3T. and Khali continue dolnp no through thl fear or until the la din nosed of. ..4 liming that time I Infid tnr Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other houoe ran do and sunlAln themnelvea. iiy tock couhJnU of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS A CAP.H BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, d--C d-- dC The wholo stock Le 0oM m Bottom Prices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object In not to but to GET out of BUStNTESst Give mo a call and see fur yourelf. B,yl E. d. DOVEY. Obstacles !lo Marriage- - llappy Itellef Tor Voting Men frTni the efleet! of Krrom and Abiisen In early life. Mau-lxai- d restored. Impediment to Marriage re- moved. New method of treatment. New aud remarkable remedies. Hook and flrenUrs nrnt free. In nenled envelopes. Adilrew HOWAKI ASSOCIATION. 4VJ ,N, Ninth Hi.. 1 a. an Institution hnvlnif hiRh rt ptitallou for iiuuvniim t iMMllK l sua Ulll. iumvi aua.1 ijji.ii fr vy W. L. Tucker, ha remoyed lo the bnlldlne npro1te Math-e- w Hardware Htore, (On 4th Htreet. Bet. Mala and Vine,) Where In addition tu taer woik, he will giveflpecial atleittion to REPAIRING FURNITURE, liAKIXO PICTURE F11AMES.4C. Also Agent for the COMMON SENSK IKOS- - t V ' T A 1. T 1 . . . ai, a sxfi.t.B. ui nuiru a unrv m Dumber on hand ; and nee them. call 61 1 i.iw Careful Work and Prompt AIU nit' aive to Calls. 43-l- y Vi M. L.TTJCK ER. TflORROV BROS.' BLACKSMITH AND Machine Shop. At D. L. Morrow's old stand. Seventh St, & Chicago Aye.- - We aie'prcpared to do a general business lo HORSE-SHOEIN- G, And Repairing: all kind rtC !HaehlB' crj. Mueb am Keaperw. Mwwera, Tbrenhlna: JIaehlaeA, 1'lowii, f. DUESSHTG MILL PICKS, AND ALL i Iron &;steel Work a Special ty. Xexv IVapronn &. IIur?glra Matde To Order. vWAll Work Warranted to Gir Sot-infact- um or Money Uefundnd. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEINC, - WAflON KF.PAIBIXO. All kinds of FAItM IMPLEMK5TI mended Ntatly d- - Promptly :0: Horse, 3Iule& OxShocins, In short, we'll shoe anything that ha four feet, front a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTETW" SHOP, on Fifth St.. belween Main and Vine Street. Just aero theeomer from the yr.w HKK I T nrrtT..

University of Nebraska–Lincoln€¦ · 1 L. TIT rn n m it n n a r i 1 II 1L II I!i II A L U. LOCAL NEW i. c. i. a ov i:k uskm kn is. Transient, 2' cent a line. Kftii.ir advertis-ers

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Page 1: University of Nebraska–Lincoln€¦ · 1 L. TIT rn n m it n n a r i 1 II 1L II I!i II A L U. LOCAL NEW i. c. i. a ov i:k uskm kn is. Transient, 2' cent a line. Kftii.ir advertis-ers




rn n m it n n a r i1 II 1L II I!i II A L U.

LOCAL NEWi. c. i. a ov i:k us km kn is.

Transient, 2' cent a line. Kftii.ir advertis-ers. 10 ten Its ier li.ie. No adveitisemeut Inser-ted for IrtM than i. rent.

Notice at Statute rates.Attorney a.id will re rs of the law will be bold

rpui.Mbia for all notice they hand in,ana nil partie deniHii iintr a proof of uhlic;i-t- l

in of auv notice will be held for the publica-tion fee of such notice.

co m m ifsiv a r i ox.A our spae? ! Itmitcil. all communicationitv.t bo brief and l the point. with no wailc

words.NEWSPAPER decisions.

I. Any person who takes the jiniier regul.-rl-y

Trcrro the prmoaire. whether directed io I nmmo, or wiietlier he Is a subscriber or not 1

teopoDSible for the pay.s. if anv person oniers his paier discontin-

ued, lie imist iav all arreir ise-.- r the publish-er insy continue' to send it until payment isKiart-.'a- nd collect the whole amount, whetherturf pa:er fc. taken from I lie of.'ice i t not.

S. i ii; court have derided that relnsin totaa netrspapem and periodicals from lhe iKst-ofc'ic- e.

or remains and leaving them uncalledf or. it jirirti facte evidence of intkntioxilr a .it:i.

B. & H. R. It. Time Table.

Corrected Mm lay, June 21.vf, 187-j- .

KOK OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTII.I.eaTes. 5 :M a. in. Arrives 7 :15 a. iu

" 2 .40 p. in. ATives, 4 i. m.

FP.0M OlIAU FOIJ PL ATTS MOUTH.Leave. a. tl. Arrives, 10 a. m.

" 6 j. in. Arriv R j. in.

FO.'t THE WKST.Laar TMattvumith, ! a. m. Arrive in

Mtieulii. li na. Kearney. :l.r p. in.

FUOM THE WEST.UtfM Kearney, :X, a. in. Leaves Lincoln,

li p. ci. Arrives riatf smout li, S -. p. m.

coins kast :

I'arj:r. train (:ih day), 4 :r,0 P.M.

('.ill at Mrs. Crocket's & Co, and seethe P'.t.-s- t f.tvjes uf Millinetv goods.

30 if.

FA II if i:US A TTEXTWX!Julius lVpperberg. Cigar Manufac-

turer, on Main St J'lattsinouth. Neb.Ci.tr Clippings of Sjianish and Ameri-ca- u

Tobit'-coe- s for smoking ur poses.I'or .Sa!r. V,?Ai ina!ities of pliig-smok-- ir

tebacco always on hand. 0-t- f.

Captain Wilt-- s of I'hittsmouth, iscul-tivatia- g

about one Imndretl varietiesof apples, for the purpose of ascertain-ing which are best for Nebraska soiland cliruatf. Specimens of his a)ilesir" op exhibition at Mr. West's fruitI Oolll.

COKN rUOBLEM.question ; or Idquor must settle

Herald last week regarding cornraised in the U. S. this year, I wouldi eport the following: The number ofwagons. It would require ioo84G,15:J11-1- 2. which would extend over Jin,.'j:Smiles 147 0-- rods and about 40 timesaound the world.


FISU1M ic.A lot of jolly Plattsmouthians have

been out fishing lately, to drown thel id riTects of election excitement.

II. .1. Streight andj wife; Fred Dor-- i

.i gtoa ail wife; Win. .Tones and wife;Ceo. Smith and wife; K. B. Cunning-ham an I wife.

KINULE cusses.Jaion Streight, Thad Streight, Wm.

Iurr;:h, Clarence Streight, A. Cunning-ba- m.

And they caught and they caughtu heavy cold.

Human hair goods ordered by Mrs.('iiH.rr Co. from the east, tosuit pur-iiasjr- s.

Prices very low. bOtf.

NOTICE.Clapp Creeiislate at Kim wood Neb.

wencral dealers in dry goods, groceries,and all articles generally kept in acountry store, desire to call attention

tlik ir stock just laid in ihi season,and a.--k the farmers to eill and exami-ne- our g.o ! before going away fromhome to l)iiv.

2 4 1 f C l a p p C ;:::nsl ate.feigs !;ight oat Mr. Plummer's

entire k of boots and sIhvs. tomake room and give Mr. Pluinmer a!ancv to pay more especial attention

to dry goods and gnu cries to please!iis large increasing trade in that line.Merges had to procure his brother's oe

to attend his numerous custom-ers. this proves that closer atten-tion to special: i s and small profits bring.uick sales. 2Jtf.


riiraiest Hats iu Town.

Solomon & Nathan are constantlyreceiving additions to their line of millinery, and are bound tosuit everybody.

up. !

cxamine their goods. Completement of feathers. Mowers, plumes. Ac.


The finest assortment of hats, fiow-r- s,

plumes and wind's, in town. Re-

ceived by L. 15. (.'rocker & Co.


At the called meeting of Platts-moutli Sportsman's club on Mondayevening, to elect otlicers and make ar-

rangements for the annual fall huntfollowing business was

The following gentlemen were electedothVers for the ensuing year.

P resilient R. K. Livingston.1 ice rresident Geo. W. Holdrege.Secretary 1. D. Bennett.Trcasiirtr II. J. Streight.After election of officers the club

proceeded to make arrangements forthe annual fall hunt, and after some

it was decided to have thehunt on Thursday, October 2nh, and

the game be counted on Fridayetening Oct 20th, at 7 p. m. Messrs.Geo. W. Holdrege and W. 1). Joneswen; chosen as captains, and they pro-

ceeded to choose, sides which resultedas follows:Geo. W. Holdrege.A. W. Osburne.I. . D. Bennett.W. Agnew.Geo. Leving.I I. Sage..1. MartO. M. Streight.W. K. Donelan.I). Miller.W. LwHobba.K. Kuffner.Bon Ilemple.C. 11. Farmele.I). H. Wheeler.P. Pedersen... W. Rai nes.A. B. Sprague.T no. Shannon.J. A. Connor.


W. D. Jones.S. Chapman.H. J. Streight. .R. R. Livingston.Geo. Smith.A. Cunningham.Wm. Neville.R. Vivian.E. E. Cunningham.F. Dorrington.

O'Rourke.M. B. Cutler.U. V. Mathews.J. Streight.Wm. B. Shryock.

SchiJdknecht.R. O. Fellows.Wm. Stadelmann.Wiley Biack.Joe. Connor.

The decisions of Messrs. Moore andRulTner on the County Seatva3 predicated on the following clause

in the new law on County Seats, viz:"Electors shall designate on their

ballots what city, town or place theydesire said County located at or in."

DRAMATIC EN r ERTA i NM EXT.The Woman's Christian Temperance

Association resolved at last meet-ing to give an Entertainment nextweek, consisting of music, tableaux,readings, and a drama, entitled, "TheBridal Wine Cup." Full particularsgiven in our next


. The other night our front bellrang and the old gentleman went tothe door, but back very gravelyshaking his head nobody there.

The ladies began to speculate .aboutwhat "little rascal" could have rungthe door-Je- lI and then scooted.

By and by another visitor came tothe house, and as the madam openedthe door, he says: "what on earth haveyou got on your door handle. A lightwas and there behold were afine mess of Quail and snipe. Manythanks to the to the gentleman whorang the door bell our unknowngiver.

Od Monday last the install?.tion ofBev. J. T. Baird as the regular pastorof the Presbyterian (O. S.) church ofPlattsmoutli took place, in the presenceof a large congregation. Rev. J. 1).Kerr, pastor of Presbyterian churchat Neb. City, and the 11$ v. X. C. Robin-son of the same place ollieiating. Thesermon was delivered by ltev. J. 1).Kerr in the evening-- . Charge to thePastor by liev. Robinson ; charge to thepeople by Rev. Kerr. At the close ofthese ceremonies the congregation sur-rounded their pastor extending theright hand of fellowship. For the Rev.Baird we predict a useful career amonghis flock in Plattsmoutli, who are just-ly proud of their new preacher.

NEW MILLINERY.Fall and winter stock of hats and

bonnets, just received at Mrs. Ij. B.Crocker's & Co. SOtf

COLLECTION NOTICE.All persons indebted to M. McGuire

In answer to the in the n ouiit forthe













iertheir accounts. We have changed ourpartnership and the business must besetthtl up. Please take notice, all ac-

counts must be settled within the-- nextthirty days or they will be collected bylaw." M. McGuip.e,

MCCUJKE & CuitTfs.

modi ESS.

We are glad to notice that some ofour merchants are making improve-ments in the mercantile business, bychanging into more exclusive trades,which is a great benefit to the wholecommunity. Mr. Plummer sold outhis entire stock of boots and shoes toMerges, in order to pay his especial at-tention to dry goods and groceiies tokeep pace with his largo increasingtrade in that line. Merges procuredthe assistance of his brother to helphim along with his large trade, Allthis proves that exclusive dealers winin the end. Attend to one dothat well. 29tf.


Wm. Stadclmann has just receivedo:ie of the finest stocks of clothing,boots, shoes, hats andt-ap- s ever broughtto the city of Plattsmoutli. Come onecome all and see for you rself.no charg-es for showing goods. Also a r.icc h tof

lady's runs, lady's furs.Call and Bee the lady's fuis,

31 tf. at Wm. Stadelmann's.


M. M. Butlkk Drar Sir: I amtold that you were at onelection day, telling the voters that thefarmers have to pay their taxes, but inPlattsmoutli they did nut. and youstated that K. (J. Dovey did not pay hiscounty taxes, and that the county off-

icers levied on his bacon and sold it un-

der the hammer to pay the same. Nowsir I think that very unkind in you,and think it would be much better ifyou would try and find out the truthbefore you commence to instruct oth-ers. You either knew nothing of thematter or you told an unmitigated false-hood. I never refused to paymycoun- -

hating hats from 51.-j- Call and ty taxes or anything else that I knowassort











to be just. I know no reasons why youshould abuse me. unless it was becauseI was opposed to uniting the CountySeat to Weeping Water, for the reasonI could not see or hear any advantagesyou have at Weeping Water exceptingstones, Rr.d 1 never heard them brag-ged about until you located there.

E.;(i. DOVKY.

It was the City taxes that Mr. Doveyrefused to pay, and had nothing to dowith the county lew at all. And theresistance to paying grew out of localcity matters, in which the county hadno interest.

NO EXCUSE FOR BEING SICK.No person can use Rosehee's German

Syrup without getting immediate re-lief and cure. We have the first caseof Coughs, Colds or Consumption, orany disease of the throat and lungs, yetto hear from that has not been cured.

We have distributed every year forthref years, over 2jo,000 sample bot-tles by Druggists in all parts of theUnited States. No other manufactur-er of medicines ever gave their prepa-rations such a test its this. (Jo to yourDruggist G. B. Chapman, and get a bot-tle for Toe and try it Two doses willrelieve you. Sample bottles 10 centseach.

The Higlunt Price Paulor Good


of all kinds, at my

FRUIT ROOM,on Main Street, to be kept on exhibition for the inspection of those w howish to plant the best kind of fruit.Also specimens of vegetables and grainwanted.

I aiu soliciting orders for all kindsof fruit tree3 and plants, from appletrees to strawberry plants, ornamentaltrees, shrubbery, flowers, seeds. A:c.

I have a room full of pictures, andwish to show all the kinds of fruitthat grow and bea? well in this vi- -

Tho supper will be given on Satur-- einity. W. S. West.d.iv evniii" at s ..Vhw-k- .

' PUttsmouth, Neb., isept. lTo.




Met at the Presbyterian Church at halfpast three o'clock, Friday, October 8th,187.1. President, Mrs. Wise, in thechair. After the nsuftl devotional ex-

ercises the minutes of the last previ-ous meeting were read and approved.

Motion was then made to request !

tlie ministers tllO City lO IreaL-!-l a r) Fly ai;-- l t:y. t" J .:"'. :;d-i!-- - '.iirit'lul.iiu'. well to ! 'essj.-n.-i- fitieus county.temperance sermon on the fust Sundayin November; motion carried.

On motion, committees of five ladiesfrom each church were then appointed,as follows:

PitKsn YTEitiAN Church Mrs. Chap-lain Wright. Mrs. N. Wise, Mrs.Yates, Miss S. Baker, Mrs. Donnelly.

EpTscopal Mrs. Simpson, Mrs.II. Wheeler, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. La-tham and Miss Butterfield.

Ciihistian Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Geo.Smith, Mrs. Mullis, Miss Kate llobbs.

Methodist Mrs. Wightmin. MissShelton, Mrs. Spurlock, Mi.s Ruby andMrs. Newell.

The duty of these committees is tourge the ladies to attend tlio after-noon meetings, invite strangers, and

every way to advance the cause oftemperance.

It was then resolved that we havean entertainment in Fitzgerald Hall,consisting of music, tableau, readings,and a drama.

Full particulars next week.Mrs. U. W. Wise, Pre.

Mns. Nellie Fkench. Sec.


i;i-i- i




Mr. Pamsey, newly com- -.!,'iti,v iit.aitll,ciit fullmissioner comes to frequent- -

J(:1V or Wl I,.S,.1V(,(,.Iv acquainted made

knuwn applicatkii towith our ai.l.v.lOlill jiniiHiM'b cy iiau ins j

foundry running this fall yet. Thebrick are already being placed on the !

ground, flood fur John. i

Our honest efficient and good lookingPostmaster. Capt. Marshal and wife arcenst on a visit to pa and ma in Iowa.Things seem lonesome 'round the P. O.

without them and the "cuckoo" singsno more.

Mrs. Hays, daughter of PutnLVterMarshal, left for lioston last week, tocomplete a musical education. Mayshe most fully and successfully suc-

ceed.Henry Xewnham, of "Wiseonse," an

old acquaintance of the IIkkald's hasvisiting us lately and takes a IIeu-a- li

home.We acknowledge thanks the re-

ceipt of some very tine butterMrs. lien Droste. We know she1 .'aimed to make that at old Browni ll.


Very in m hiiruLnr.j

LonisUm oiIMiirn ;

mm this

'Vcf'"''suits,or anv kind of jroo.ls, can Ji;tve





jr.i-rit-- l


townnow. get bids







Mr. Joe


Theand 'fl- -

star lov"- - Aar.mliead.

2yt3 p(M


less onethem ordered from York 1

Croeker for at least per centthan can imrchased

TnTWF iriaias w.;id.

Soldicrs Ai;li1374. taken

additional t.i eorresior.dwitli me. JIoines;al and cheap IrvmNfor Clay, l'olk, York, and Hamiltonconnf.es, by

iitl3. Lincoln, Meb.

TEA EX'fall for Cass conn- -

f.i;w1iij2 uause--

a:id places



li. Ail

;ir" :iri'





are olof




reen treutWater j '' irit;es of

toAii'-h-ai:- t iuierriti

nronr.it!:.- - at 10 o'clock. I". W. WIS- -

Xeb., !0ih.ititendent

Inl.ie ji In

lUnkrupt.c:ve on fa- - V1

Oetoiier. ls7:. warrant of was is-

sued oat of District Court ot Cait'fdStates, District

livmaii of Lincoln, in county ofIn who

I'.ankruit on his own and tinpayment of any aiu th-- delivery vl any

beloninir to stiid Kankrnpt. him.to liis transfer ot byhim ire bv law.

That meeting of the creditors ofBankrupt, to prove their andone or more .Vsdnees of will be

at a to be hohlen atin said district on day of175. at m.. at

tn-- , Keeister olCourt. llll.LlAI l'All.1,

U. S. Marshal.

virtue of issued by H. V.. Klli-so- n.

Iroba'e Judge, within for boun-ty. and to me Uit. I on the1st day of A. ls;.--. at a.m. ilav. at I'.onn- -r incity in said Conn' -- il at i

lie the described go;wi.s andchattels to-w- it 1 welve ( li T;i.rner

tinehidin' lot of rubber l';itiiir.castings, ana other lixte.res for said twelve i l'i

also on (I) part can of lubricatingone i i ) Ken of ochre.

O and strap iron, one ue--- k. (,.')


oid-- n of said Court, 'V li.nirsLienbv and Kdward ittery,

vn.-t-. ltd A. 1).b.

3t)t2 SiKiiiT.

Catherine and YVhoe-Isii- d,

ileo. V. Sroat. non-ivsine- at defen-dun- ts

will on ofls7-'- . Oliver 1. Mason. ia

petit I ne oii.ee u.- - .lerK I I j

ict ourl. in b.r Nebraska.object and prayer of said is K

reform a certain iiiort-':- jriven byand Atr'istus Wiieeland, to

Tin Ml ifriv tit IIim-- . lST..ed hK one (I ) in fine (I in j

tol'lattsmoutti county,by licscribed i

one ns lyin seven (7) In s td ::dditiou. il should he fine fin said also said onein one in said ad'lltiou

to to twocertain of eeti said !

niortgaixe deed, and calling jiiviiitiit of )

liumlreit Bin, ITl. sevcu-ty-fi- ve

187i, iiiteiest10 hit uti.l :;ir

umvinii that certain iiei cx- -

pill.l ,1 ...Ilii, l.F.11,1 i.rn. ... ieand of no eilcct.that ea.st ini

by reason of s ii l (iced toW. hroat. unsatisfied el record

be fore ver leinoved. k i

be perfect all respects Mni J .lie J

oa f jof it;;,. decree vviil

rendereil ec!i oneof iietitiori.

P.V &' SPHAliVF.;

Legal Notice.the District Curt f the svo.id Judicial

district, 'rltUln and for Cass Nobrk.8. ruisifer & Co. f

A. Kicharo.A..W. Rlehards. you nil; r.Vice !..- -

Si.liey Pulsifer Era.-,:..- s i. Hani in j,. ni the Arm of . PuJai'e. : ni r.v:.;inv

dil on the third f i.--iv a. 1. i

175. f!c their lietltlon ?h i t :t. i i ixii. I fiiM'M.ss I1. Si::!c it'" lfi:

A . V. j.d.iiit. wli!c :V. th F..!r:s Attlf:.;nr:iii. rs n. i. i.n i.iuiw.i.. f..i-- i ) v..ii v.- - i ..... t. i.i. ..- - . t.. il. hi'.::i - I !t:.i:tr& 'I !ISlCI 1 Sri:CVf) uril.

of I Co.'p;:; r -- r I", vviil o s. r to of Cass






l'nb- -


oi ot


or In re


' ii ul t li 'e ..:. 1. 1 i;ie s; .iu;'. rev i r. ie . a li j'iiiiMaei ion sotinieai corner ri; a no sis.hi !( iiM i.!'Im r m ;: m t' !!: ; ,';r'-':ir-ri:-

. J i.h li:jti M .i;Hir.! in t!tct j.i:::e itu i .;-- i i'l t.:" Mlii ioi'I: orders ly l:ll ;""-!''- '' :;I tlnl'ri.icij;il in ".n. of t ve

oc.rf i)ii'i ',( t ive lii.ii'lrtii D.M:trs i

,'$.ji .".v.i'i i'';. (liuiii iriiii:i.vry f

i .! 1 i tvthidt M.r: .;;r'.' ,,i : , ; i l' ; . I . Pu'mI.t A '"..

:illl I'M V : tf I!':; II !;):." Ji.C Slilll!up. Miiu ii:!i ic-- t iiii.n ii.i' i:y. A.

1). 1. or t ii s;.,ii ,.- Hiu tp.lV ;.,!.

Vim iv! y 1. i ft l :t rc.julroilapjic.ir iiiisM ir s.iid jlitio.i or le-tur- K

flit il.iv I A. ioT.'i. .

St.-- tfiiiix-r ivtfi.s. prr.se feu & co..

1 if ir Attorneys.

forllKAlMjL'Airi'KK 1 KIT. OK THK PlATTE.

Q. Omaha. Xkb.. Spt. 1H75

SKALKJi 1 KOI OALS. trl(illc:ii, will:.t this until II rVIx-- k a. in.

tdiiei.Xar, tM 20. i&To. hicli phwr a'ulitmt tPi-- i.l be oiii i in th? i reseo- - ofllld-iA- , tor tlie in yuuny hiiJ t ut--lr)iii?J. "e')r?vik;v, in

as reuirr-- 1t'ri:iu secendyear ernliiii; June , of t wo iiiill.ons (2,000.-- 0)

Jei;L-'!-s en: ;i :r'.-- i inii'ion (I.Omi.IhiO)of ii.. is. s:iis a quantity

ill N; rfivi-J- .

L:t' li iu Iv! o:r:iiiereI shouM tie tinrau-te- i!Iiy twii r'ionsililf luilders,t;i h i.i iK'i'oiiiv ni siwuni tf

t.The iniii b In triplicntp and lvo

sf(.ir:iU Iv tor and Oiits.fliiiletn!-- ' ntn fftai irhirh j'Tnntnfd fo lirrr.

Pivfrri ncV "will f iven to articles of iloiucs- -tic plotliicLii.Ii.

P.i should t? t adorned envelopeJ lc coi'tnc-t- ' will let with tliat

( th ii:iiil il n-- s ni iv titci-casui- l

' "ii'"i tintr-iiti- m itic v lu. 'ithe elected , at any! "f, to r,.jlt ai, ,, K

That's riht, i l;innk findsJied andJ.A, I on tliisfolks. J. Pi:::i:v.

ChattelP.y virtue of a Chattel Mos-t,-:i.- cNv!:t.'I to

rsc. Hinl dated January ly A. V,'.Chivv. and on p:- - U7 of fChi't'.cl iMori rpcuriK of ( ;:,s t'oinity.

on unicii is d;i iw lrcd i;i'lninety doli.-u- s aio! i nts. il!i .T ) fwili at pMb!': mu'ticri l":'i toiyvitlf. if i

futility. Ntbra.sk a, nt t o'clock p. i.i.loth cf Ncvpinl'i'f. one o!iil-- iiht year" oi'l. one red ci y !': , vcars o'.il. onelay uuile tint iue year oM. oae si-- ! oi ilouhieharness, aa.l one Orchard it v :i 'on.

AJHIO !. WKSTON.Octol.cr Tta, lfiTo. n. 'j

Scrilmer's Monthly a 1376.The M liljshers iittertion to the follow-in- e

lis; 01 of t!ie lilli nciiv f s.nic!s sfciir- -ed Sciihn.-r'.- s ir the cuminx year,

j In th li-l- of lictioii. liesid'M iiMinoroi..i novelettes snorter siones, mere be2 Remarkable Sorial

ItVThe Unit these, r in r.i:r hands,

"Gabriel Conroy,"Bret.

Urjlnn in thr Auv ui'i.rr .Viijb.'u r.i and will run twelve nio.uhn. '1 iiis JIarte'i

- . tirst i xiendeil 'I'.i-.s- v. :es ;,ii.l c'o.;r orcst. of Eastern Iowa, jinotoa t which the anther !i;is coseu . n.s i;.v .iii.- -

by his brother-in-la- w. Gihnour. Vlui;:;:mado a short rail up-- the ,$v?ft',-".;- "url?

sorrv we not to rect-iv-o w n'. i e 'iii i'


"Philip .xiLAX'.-- i i ;:ri;xDs,COW LOST! ur. S':-- " -


undersisncHl lost a dark red cow.! " vv l.R.

bix horns .lark strim-- s on hot, pn-t- - j iv.enr1;";,;.-;- ,":!;; lu,V. ' .?

tr woll alonfi in vears, in j'

i ii-- ai t.-.- Va-.-

to owner and K--t ttW:VZJa reasonable return reward. j Sj. :: :.! recent f their adven- -

' ivn' e a siory ol intense mi't uu- -j tlas-ii:i'- i i. st ;iiiv.;sl:tiit.

Ladies wishing dress elnks, A "Enn.r's Vacation,"voi. vi jr.'"'. s 'l nv ;" lai-op- r. V ir. aiis. t ,0y-h...- it nd-- of t.v . hundred tifty mihis,

f the iu,r latvr tinur of theNew bv

be elsewhere,


j a!ltriorto a

eighty, lnrlied











Proposals Forage.





.hi .ii;; viiiicys oi 11m iseoiiicf ji.i-er- s to More iiiterosl inJi.1. f til that vi';; AhiOil our re.olers ur aliemlv

- j familiar.



rare of KcvolvtJonarv Teiten.7YJ nrnrT?:r nmioly .ro.n Mmes iu the har. the deseen- -

ol Cot. i'lu full in- -who hav taV.en only eighty acres, tei:.-- . and v:il ie read rare relish in

June 22d. and har not r''""''',;:l cc-le-l ration



US' TIOXS.The examinations





Wii't-- n willThe revived infere-i- i

eoilepe Lie nniKes tiim-l- y,and will secure for nnnsnul

OLDarti.-ie- on

r'".':- - r.M will jn.!,":; o:;e,.ty. will held at the tiia.-- s



and r'il. a!;,-,- Hie cilv oreo.,nlH who ruara irli interestmove vciooer ii r.s. i;i.j!i; I. e me! roiio'ls. ni

Oftolx-- r Cist. 175. ijiiamt nsen-- ; house Oct. 2Si li.'TS. 'i'rv" nn.n'M-- r is fins"ith, ifT-S- . us to vc- and nar- -

will pleae he in niton-tanv- vxi,vt arti.-le?- . n ami ixVit:i!i:it

Jlattsnioi.th, Sept. 1;

I'lSii'iei &"-0- 0lii.uteiHvman Jlallo,



District, ed

a petition,debts,



debts choose

Court of

3 o'clock p. oflice ofWebster,


Nebraska,Noveinher. dVI-K-l- i


: 12) innisli-- dHarvesters a

yellowU office

recovered I




ii .


(1w ,






















Montnly f

AMKIilCAXof o'aplete



piMiiiises heI

l!itd Cfienwy-- .




mili.UAMI.V 1 1.

friends,liieye:n-- i.i

til emNEW

r..eR:n'.;y i:; ii

t jiUc:;tion ol i.iv,

n , ..l ii!eeiion;ite- -Weepln i .ei ii--

(Waters profusely VUU-.-.U- -l

NoveinlMr ci:s.!di!r.' u.-- desrioi'








leei-- utt'liiltwl ill a ;:i rt! i Uuer ius ueens'oined ir itifI Wi.l In Its u

'1 4 . 1 . f i. ..: .i . .. v " . )i-)i-

, tlilO Illt

j auditorial iepartinnf .I feeupy of f i :oidi niaiii -

as well as of wovss iaAi t, an.l

T E K M S :

in v onri oi tae i kt -in of n - anee : ent-- i athe District of Nebraska; Anmnci.

This is to that SOth day of A.' ' 1 " l


the of against thethehas be:i

projx'ilvuse, and the property


held liankruptcyOmaha, tho 5th

the J.U in llankruptcysaid


Sale.By an

t'jisdiiei wit!l.

of s.'.ld tiieof riattsrr.outh.


harvesters!,part lot

bar i



tthe petition

but ?.--id

andaddilio'l. and

le- - j




the sreal


t ion






t .i



quan-titi- c



.( i








Z'lie... ill. li





















hu o?i.ii!.the

oid- -


I. IMulll

over ;H; in,.; rDr. II.ill.ii.il s t- 1








m jn.r.)na.f

Xov'iuhf-- r and Anvofthefailier voliuilL'S (.1 t.) wi.i lii.ol:eil ly

to parties who "c.n:;.. leat thu i. ; morocco

Hookseliers and will Iki edat ra!ethat wbi enable to li.l ny ih.

Subscribers please in P. O. Criers.r in h IwS o Drafts, or bv i if d

suit iu lctteis e.e l,at


Krooouu.". '


1 am now pren aed to f. i y of

SEWING MACHINES,that rr k.: :V- - i I

j -t it .1 a

New Lathe.C lairs, one ( 1 1 oli.ee stool, one incioc-K- , 'KMikiiw one l lamp, and one i; . :lI1,i ,..; nrr nr. n;v mid r.t price tintof patterns ; 'I he bcin' upon wm iu.; ; t ie or .,ni;.iiMild as property or , io 1 "- -

of 1 at i oils of Ilushai.dry.of Cie;...,. ie, , ,";.'.'"si :.te of ! f -- rdati t lo a "n f (Tccr!l-tloi- l all

BJ'lattsinouth, ei.t h, 1


LearalWhet-laud- ,

andt.ike noiii-- e that day

Septemoer. i.tilf. Hiedins ion lie 'is- -

and t'ass com:! I

deedon (

mid iiiieiid- -blocX Uti'eV

addition city. I'm Ne- -braskH.lot in b'oek

when in b!eck iithat hi UM

block 1 .sii'.escreed satisfy puyiie'tit of j

promissory notes, "date wiih

dollars (io") nee.dollars (573 June wiiu

the of aii:iumtuaiie need made

edited delivered bvsahi Catherine and irVKTr1creed null. void,

cloud iihi:i the titleestate nioriirahC

Geo."said title 'er!an--

iu iicitinientsanswer petit

thethd:iy Nov.. or be!against of

with tiie pr.ivcr saidMA.SO.v.


ar-iiiis- t U'Sthtcmlnr

im.-i.iw- :


fi:iv cf




1U:,tlier at


at irrf;).i':-- .







.'iip's,Sub., ilitro litin



invitesoiim- -




Herald.wero it.

thenn'-.'.- !.



f.i..ii"-j- ;!




these espetiiiiiy




i.ihm manaeiue iii;:i.the iniu.ehe devoUd I.c-- r


Tliot'ven'y 'e!i

tuielvicvies the

latrratnru, Sut-n.-e- .

Yer,bomiii munKiii

do. hound innrin-c- . :w.CVols. bp;hi M;:y.

Villi belosets rate, clotu, j.oo

I'ostmasiers suilifa!Kvc o3eis- -

remitl'auX CIi

letters. Money notsender's

CO..743 V'.rk.

reed lace. Laeivt--

oiicitiRla. i.r.ickct ivor!;.

box sain levied unataken the the ;r;tn,j- -O'the order

e.r:sk-- . saMsfv 1 P,T



)L1 KU


f 'ii:e t:my

NOW 13

and A it- - i l AX.... .i.i i .. . . . . ... t1IO i 1.1 -

t andI


them '









lil Ti'h

li.iii ;i-


i. ?

qua: fuw-a- l

; less




tin..- -




:n-Ii- y



Ule-.- i

Jfciv. cIi.mri

wisii thalf










ihi; :':' work can i e done atii J ;. W. Itiimrr.

vnTTTi ui chance:




For the Next 1)0 Itoys,AT


Schlater's Jewelry Store,esjfe thcPla't Vs'iey Ifonsf.

rw I.T-'f- i veli-- r --f.1 i I-- . X ri A r ; f K. ? rprv.


. ,r !.. X bis

; u;ik











. -






il).l'l.ii LMiiuiti No!

Ben Hempel.UK'S THK MAN,


PLA2TSJI OCTH, - - - - NEB.Meaia tt all lionr.

Ice CrMni,e 1 1 Water, &

Lei:(i!:ii!c tCol you.

Ciood Mjnare Me,i,q, nice Lunches, &: to I

war:n you.A !.," Wines and goo.! Lhpiors to he used roa-nona-

lex your henctit if j on desire.W-- li K. HEMPEL, Prop.

WlLLIAftl HSROLDKeeps cue of tha

Largest Stocks

am4.S a.

V ?

Ib4 bail







PALACE BILLIARD HALL.(.Main St., iiii ler First N'at. Plank.)

j'f.cr:vrs3:orTC?, - - - .12s5.i'.v js siri'Mi:i with tiik


DEC n , KTC, ETCiivl


Rock Bluffs.

We have purcaasi-- the





MILL,.".!. I V,1 heretiftrr ran the satn la

Connection Vitii Our Store.

CUSTOM WORKwil! bo giiara.'.tcci! to he sati- - Lietory. We em-

ployed the


we eou'd filii",

whose re;iu::i'i. mi ii v.ell known, and it I.i pro-pos- ed

:h;i: the f;iimeis ;Ui otheisi havM

if they bring

Good Wheat ! !

The highest market nrlce pld for the

Best Wheat and Corn.


Chcck Full of GoodsTHIS FALL,

and we mean to them

Having bcn ewaHiort fi iuri:liao a largestock

Uncommonly Lov,They ri:i be sold la a!. hUALLY LOW.



TO 23"CTv




tutors, shntt, Ar .;:( i;i:n:s.Of rety kltui.at tl. loacsl jr.ssiMe rates. Also

DrALCe.3 1.4 GiiAH.For whie'.i fie l i 'lest 'A:I prices are paid,

lli ies uiid produce of a i kiud.- - bought at'.eajjji.uhie r;:ri-s- .

I! II Ef.t'Clll HTATifiS - Cedar Creek.)eyt r.iV-- ; CO.. XFitftASKA.


Fleming & Race,




AND KOTIOXS.Ai.: t 'amer fs' Hu pp 1 1 e e iwal I y.

Our & coils are all New,and we sell them CrTKAP.





ATTnl;:V AT LAW and Solicitor I" Cha- -)r.ie l'it:'entld's Llix-k- . Plaltsinouth.

IIKM.KK A BKXSinTT,V.KM. I.S I ATE Mid Tsx Paying Airents.

I'idtlie. fire and Lite Insurance Aleuts,i'iail.-iiKi- al h. Nt li asKa.





i !... on M.iin s:iv-t- . twoUotus west of SixtUI i.i!lsnit)UUl. ?.cln:!.sH.

ir.o. .".



ATTOHNKYS AT LAW and Etate Rro--kers. Speci-t- uitention uiven to Collectionsand al! mailers affectuii; the title to real estateMMce on I'd t'.oor, over Post IMUee, Platt-iniout-h

ei-- i a-.;-a. wyi

JinTICK. OF THK PKACK.Office on Main street, riattsinotirh, 5eb.. two

dooist e:i.st of llEttAi.i otl'.ce. iinsiness hourfiom k a. in. lo S i. in. All county Imsiness usu--a!lv trarsae'ed hefore a Justice of the Peacwill he attended to. aI.ho general collector oflieu:. J. iiaisks,


Eclectic & IIomcL'opatliicriiysician.

tT""fRce and Tie.siden,e corner Sixth and Vinem recta. 'Iatts!nouth. Jieb. Calls attended atall Iioiim. 4iyl

Iit. J. 51. WATF.RnAX,I Physio Medical Practitioner.


"Alvav5 at on- - on Saturdays.

A W. WHITE,tl !








r j



Cix. 0.,the 4TtI


Main st., Iwst. 5th and 6th.,PLATTSMOl'Tlf,

Highest Price Paid for Cou-ntry Produce.




fa n t SzL2. s"

C f 3 -




" t ,- -

'r SrD .

i- " 2" ?'

li! 1 1




2sT W JJD.



Iioduced Rates for Lumber

Clear the Track for ourSpring Trade.

li. A. WATEK3IAX & SOXWill sell

Kmme l.tirejer. of all kinds at t'20 perm.Firwt ;t3a!!iy or Fencing, MO.Nee aiiJ ' 17. uVimt ISoardft, 0. "Heron a 17.IStilr --A" HI, Ingles. 83.30 per M.Xo. 1 Khisislers. S'J.SO. "Ot Iior trftdosof I.uniiirr equally Cheapw ith Iooris, Pas!i Itlindw, Ar.

See other ad. on outside.

STREioIlT & MILLER,Harness Manufacturers,


and all kinds of hnrncsH stock, constantly onhand,

F ru i 1 Con feet ion cry ,AND

Grocery StoreNl'TS,




AC.lhe place, oppo He E. G. Dovey 's

on Lower Main Street.





The or O. M. and W. D..ioi.es, he'ng tliis day dissolved






W. D. JONES,' willoiien a new Liverv. Feed, and Sale Stable,I at tin- Old 11 1 ATT KAUN.ell Main Street,! just e;sst ul .Io!i:i well knownJ Stable. I'laltsmoulh. Neb.

norscs, Millie & 'arrls:e,to h-- at all times, at leasonahle rates.

! iiuitsizs v.oA .; nr titk day, week,j I Hi MuSS II.

Particular attention paid to driving ami train-ing Horses. II;i iim all the ajipiiaiiecs I Miallin Tike n p:r-:ieuia- feature of mv business tliertrivini; and hanulins td TKOTTlNtJ STOCK.

; Iein well known ?i!l over the county, nofurther chin tniiiie is necessary. J cordially in-

vite i.' my friends to ci'il and si-- e me, and theywill receive a hearty welcome. Kespcctfuily,



Feed and Sale Stables.Coiner Cth nnd l'earl Sts.


sj.kv, v on moxtii.HOnSES BOUGHT,

SOLD OR TRADED,For a Fair Commission.

TEAMS AT ALL HOURS.l'articu!;;r attention paid, to

Driving and TrainingTSOTTJXU .STOCK.

"V:!1 also have for service during the eoaMoii theei.kbr.vtk: noiisKs t

N01OIAN & TALARAN,Kuow n as the

w i. joxks i;oi;skm.V For 7aiTi"i;lars. see bills r iKters. .tvl

pjf , Op.



Wm. Gramberg'sLUMBER YARD,

ATTfuovTif 5bb., Platte Valley IIoum.





Plaster Paris, etc.LOWEST MARKED BATES.






Mending and Repairing: !


TNew Wagons for S90,rtnxsr!e nnd Light "Wngonm hand,

nalr time.

crirMf o x cms .

Xew Waon made to ordor. Hates reasonableguaranteed.

Washliicton Ave.. I PLATTS MOUTH4oyl nearitn

y,ra y.U4 '


Heal Market the City.ehanjrinR constantly, Reliable

where your nteaKS. Koaata.Came, Fowl In Season.

South Side of Main St.,PLATTSMOUTII, NEB.

toy l

On all

Call and

S 0



onand for all the

jiand work




InNot but the old

you can kmFish and


Manufactured by


Drew First PremiumAt the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass

County, Neb., over all competitors.The following Organs were in

Competition: 3 Mason AIlamlin, 1

1 Standard.

3"" These organs are all pat up inelegant IJlack Walnut and

Each Instrument Warranted

and to give gatis- -






For Ten Years!guaranteed perfect

THE TONEIs the most jierfect that has ever been

produced on any reed instrument.The satisfaction they are giv-

ing, and universal praisethey are receiving are

justly merited.They are

First Class in Every RespectIvory Front m for Kfj Kbony HbarpM,

lira l'inw, 31orliee Clothed.that there In no Fletlom

or Mqaeaklnir.

Actior"feet .

done by raTone andtouch is ix ,

that has yeudiced in f.If they see ;s

ably give tli

for any i

First CIand those wl.



1 l

reliable orChurch will aest trying?:..

kinds of

Address,tiie joid;

WIIOLESALr.Strings, SheetMusical Merchat 1,


teed. i









ck and Per--est Piano.

d Voicing Is allhe superiority ofresponse to theby every judge

i, whether prej--

$ organs or not.n they invan- -

heir favor.

,T is as low as

rumentvx;ure a goodir Parlor or

jr own inter--

x CO,th, Xek.

Dealer inI kinds of

:3 Tuned! guaran- -

50 1.

General filacksmlthlrg.

Itepalrea ou Miort;."ticAlJsO t

And all other Iron work promptly Attend-ed to. cheaper tha.i thn cheapest, lor OhU

Hy the undersigned.. . II. HOW LAND.

Shop northwest Cor if Vino A ttUtu ntivPLATTSVlOUril, .KI.

KB A D -



Having made up my mind scrotal years ao

RETIRE FROM BUSINESSabout the end of

THE YEAR 1S75,and helnK "till of the nin "mind. I take thl

metiioa ol liiiorniliiK the puhllo teat Iam nclllnt; out my


and Khali continue dolnp no through thl fearor until the

la din nosed of.

..4liming that time I Infid tnr

Sell Goods for Cash,Lower than any other houoe ran do and sunlAln

themnelvea. iiy tock couhJnU ofGROCERIES,



CARPETS,d--C d-- dC

The wholo stock Le 0oM m

Bottom Pricesuntil it is

ALL SOLD OUT.My object In not to

but to

GET out of BUStNTESstGive mo a call and see fur yourelf.B,yl E. d. DOVEY.

Obstacles !lo Marriage- -

llappy Itellef Tor Voting Men frTni theefleet! of Krrom and Abiisen In early life. Mau-lxai- drestored. Impediment to Marriage re-

moved. New method of treatment. New audremarkable remedies. Hook and flrenUrs nrntfree. In nenled envelopes. Adilrew HOWAKIASSOCIATION. 4VJ ,N, Ninth Hi..1 a. an Institution hnvlnif hiRh rt ptitallou foriiuuvniim t iMMllK l sua Ulll.

iumvi aua.1 ijji.ii f r vy

W. L. Tucker,ha remoyed lo the bnlldlne npro1te Math-e- w

Hardware Htore, (On 4th Htreet. Bet. Malaand Vine,) Where In addition tu taer woik,he will giveflpecial atleittion to


Also Agent for the COMMON SENSK IKOS- -t V ' T A 1. T 1 . . .ai, a sxfi.t.B. ui nuiru a unrv m

Dumber on hand ;and nee them.


61 1


Careful Work and Prompt AIU nit'aive to Calls.

43-l- y Vi M. L.TTJCK ER.



Machine Shop.At D. L. Morrow's old stand.

Seventh St, & Chicago Aye.- -

We aie'prcpared to do a general business lo


And Repairing: all kind rtC !HaehlB'crj. Mueb am Keaperw. Mwwera,

Tbrenhlna: JIaehlaeA,1'lowii, f.DUESSHTG


Iron &;steel Work a Special ty.Xexv IVapronn &. IIur?glra Matde

To Order.vWAll Work Warranted to Gir Sot-infact- um





All kinds ofFAItM IMPLEMK5TI


Ntatly d-- Promptly:0:

Horse, 3Iule& OxShocins,In short, we'll shoe anything that hafour feet, front a Zebra to a Giraffe.

Come and see us.

JSTETW" SHOP,on Fifth St.. belween Main and Vine Street.Just aero theeomer from the yr.w HKK I T
